Gould Inc.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsSep 28, 1978238 N.L.R.B. 618 (N.L.R.B. 1978) Copy Citation DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Gould Inc., Switchgear Division (formerly Terac Con- trols, Inc.) and International Brotherhood of Electri- cal Workers Local Union 584. Case 16-CA 7061 September 28. 1978 DECISION AND ORDER BY CHAIRMAN FANNING AND MEMBERS MURPtlY ANI) TRULESDAI E On May 31, 1978, Administrative Law Judge Her- zel H. E. Plaine issued the attached Decision in this proceeding. Thereafter. Respondent filed exceptions and a supporting brief, and the General Counsel and the Charging Party each filed answering briefs. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its au- thority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the record and the at- tached Decision in light of the exceptions and briefs' and has decided to affirm the rulings, findings, and conclusions2 of the Administrative lvaw Judge and to adopt his recommended Order. I Respondent has requested orual argument. Ihis request is hereby denied. as the record, exceptions. and briefs adequately present the issues and the positions of' the parties. 2 For the reasons fully set iorth by him, we agree with the Administrative L.aw Judge's finding that Respondent violated Sec. 8(a) 1) of the Act by discharging employees Virginia Beekman and Clifford Edgar because thes participated in a sympathy walkout which, in the circumstances, was a pro- tected concerted activity. Having oIund, in agreement with the Administra- tive Law Judge. that the employees' sympathy walkout was it protected con- certed activity. we do not reach the question (discussed by the Administrative Law Judge at fn. 8 of his i)ecision) of whether Respondent's willingness to accept the returning strikers without discipline constituted condonation of their asserted misconduct. Also, in viewl of lour finding that the discharges violated Sec. 8(al) 1I of the Act. we deem it unnecessary to pass on the Administrative Law Judge's further finding that the discharges also violated Sec. 8(a)(3) of the Act, inasmuch as such additional finding could not affect the remedy herein. Finally, in view of' our agreement with the Administrative Lasw Judge's finding that the strike was a protected con- certed activity, Prtcil.ion ('avings ('ornpani Divisiun of Aurora ( orporution, a whollhi, owned subhidiaun rf .41ihed Products ( Corporation, 233 NL.RB 183 (1977). is inapplicable, since that decision cotncerned only unprotected ac- tivity. Although the Administrative l.aw Judge correctly bound that the doctrine of Redwing Carriert. Inc., and RockAana (arriner, In'. 137 N RB 1545 (1972). afforded Respondent no defense to its discharge lof Beekman and Edgar and is inapplicable to the lacts herein. he failed to n ute the Board's recent decision in Torringiton ('oistriulion (Ctnlpani, In.. 235 NL.RB 1540 (1978), which holds that while a sympathy striker may be replaced when necessary to the continued operation of' the emploer's business, such striker may not lawfully be discharged. Finally, we agree with the Administrative Law Judge that defcrral to the arbitrator's award is not appropriate in these circumstances, but not with his characterization of' this proceeding as ixoking to' "'indication of individual rights under the Act." inasmuch as the Board's processes function only in vindication of the public interest, even though the slatutuory rights of individ- ual employees may be involved. Howeser, in findingg deterral inappropriate, we do not rely on General A.4 eril, n Iran. ptortltion ( trporiatioun. 228 NL RB 808 (1977). inasmuch as the a.rbitrator's award hls alreadls issued in this case. Instead. we find that the arbitration award does not mleet the standard olf Spielberg Manufacturing GCompman, 112 N.RB 108 (1 955), tir the re.asons set forth in Raytheon (ompnuani 140 NI.RB 883 (1963) enfoircement denied on other grounds 326 .2d 471 ((.A 1. 1964) ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Rela- tions Board adopts as its Order the recommended Or- der of the Administrative Law Judge and hereby or- ders that the Respondent, Gould Inc., Switchgear Division (formerly Terac Controls, Inc.), Tulsa, Okla- homa, its officers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall take the action set forth in the said recommend- ed Order. I)ECISION HIER/E. H. E. PI.AINI!, Administrative Law Judge: The question presented is whether the Respondent, Gould Inc., Switchgear Division (formerly Terac Controls. Inc.), vio- lated Section 8(a)(3) and (1) of the National Labor Rela- tions Act, as amended, (herein called the Act) by discharg- ing the two employees of' its bargaining unit of' manufacturing employees who were the two elected union representatives of the unit represented by the Charging Party, International Brotherhood of' Electrical Workers lo- cal Union 584 (hereinafter the Union). The two employees had participated with most of the other employees in a walkout and brief strike of several hours, allegedly in sym- pathy for the division of construction employees of the Union who were conducting informational picketing against a nonunion contractor doing electrical construction for Respondent in an expansion of the manufacturing plant in which the manufacturing employees worked.' The union contract governing the relationship between Respondent and its manufacturing employees contains a no-strike clause tied to the procedure for the orderly settle- ment of' grievances arising within the terms of' the contract. TIhe Union and General Counsel are of the view that such clause is a limited ban on strikes over matters subject to the grievance procedure and does not expressly or impliedly prohibit the employees from engaging in sympathy strikes, under the reading of Buqffalo Forge ('o .v. l'ited .Steelw4ork- ers of tAmerica, 428 U.S. 397. 407 408 (1976). Hence Gen- eral Counsel and the Union contend that the employees sympathy strike was protected activity under the Act and that the discharges for engaging in it were unlawful. Further. General Counsel and the Union contend that the sympathy strike was spontaneous. individual action of' the employees, not directed by the Union or its agents or the two elected representatives among the employees. and that the discharges of only the two elected union represen- tatives from among all of' the striking employees were dis- criminatory. Respondent contends that the strike action of' its manu- facturing employees was unlawful and unprotected because theN had no labor dispute with Respondent. and because the union purpose behind its informational picketing of the nonunion electrical construction contractor was to cause a work stoppage by the manufacturing employees, in viola- tion of Section 8(b)(7) of the Act, with the objective of' lorc- Complanln was tiled oin MaN 19, 1977. on a charge filed hs the itnion on March 3, 1977 238 NLRB No. 88 618 a.m. and the late shift commencing at 4 p.m. The early shift has about 90 employees, the late shift about 30 employees. In overall charge of plant is General Manager Donald- son. Shop superintendent is Adam Bellis, who answers to the general manager, and under Bellis are several foremen. including Shop Foreman Donald Purkey and Electrical Foreman Grover Whitten. The director of personnel is Louis Ellis. who is also in charge of labor relations. All of the foregoing are admitted statutory supervisors or agents with authority to speak for and on behalf of Respondent. Respondent's manufacturing employees comprise a bar- gaining unit that has been represented for a number of sears by the Union Local 584 under a collective-bar- gaining contract with Respondent. The union local's chief representative is its business man- ager, Clinton Sroufe. According to Sroute. the Union's ter- ritorial jurisdiction in Oklahoma is large, stretching from the Kansas line to below McAllister. Oklahoma, and from Stroud,. Oklahoma, to the Arkansas border. Sroufe testified that the Union comprises three autonomous divisions of workers, construction, manufacturing, and maintenance. and that no one division votes on the business of the others. Respondent's bargaining-unit employees belong to the manufacturing division of the Union. Apart from its professional union representation, the bar- gaining unit had two elected representatives. Shop Steward Virginia Beekman. a class A electrician, and Bargaining- U nit Chairman C(lifford (Toby) Edgar, a class A welder. At the time of the events in this case, the plant operations were all on one floor, with a mezzanine floor for offices and an employees' lunchroom. Respondent had embarked upon a plant expansion and remodeling and for this purpose was using construction contractors, including an electrical con- struction contractor. Prior to February 28. 1977. the electri- cal contractor for some of the work was Stewart Electric Co.. which had a collective-bargaining agreement with the Union. and whose employees were members of the Union's construction division. On about February 28. 1977. Re- spondent brought in a nonunion electrical contractor. Ilouchin Electric Co., for work on which Houchin had un- derbid Stewart. Houchin was a comparatively small electric construction contractor who used two to four men on the job at the plant. On March 1. 1977. the Union set up an informational picket at the plant on behalf of the members of its construc- tion division. The picket sign read: "Information: Houchin Electric does not have an agreement with Local Union 584. IBEW." B. 7he t Lnion ('oniracl The collective-hargaining agreement between the Union and Respondent (G.C. Exh. 2). effective November I . 1975,. through November 10, 1978. covered the plant em- ployees (other than office employees, clericals, guards, and professionals), largely made up of manufacturing electri- cians and some welders, sheet-metal workers, painters. in- spectors, stockroom employees, and janitors. Among other things, the agreement has a grievance pro- cedure. coupled with compulsory arbitration of grievances not satisfactorily settled, article XX. To be arbitrable, a grievance must allege misapplication or violation of a spe- ing Respondent to stop doing business with the nonunion electrical construction contractor, in violation of Section 8(b)(4) of the Act. Respondent also claims that since its employees engaged in strike activity forbidden by the collective-bargaining con- tract they were subject to discipline. including discharge. under the contract and that Respondent enjoyed discretion to choose for discharge those employees whom it regarded as having special culpability in the forbidden action. in this case the two elected representatives of the employees. The matter of the discharges had been referred to arbitra- tion before the hearing of the case at bar. Respondent ar- gues that the arbitrator found that the two discharged em- ployees violated the collective-bargaining contract and that the Board should defer to that finding. Actually. the arbitrator assumed that the two discharged employees had breached the collective-bargaining contract and concerned himself only with whether discharge was too severe a penalty. He found that the discharges were too severe a penalty for the breach and commuted the dis- charges to 60-day suspensions. Respondent claims that the arbitrator had no authority to modify the penalty which Respondent had invoked. and at the time of hearing of this case. Respondent had not complied with arbitrator's award. Therefore. Respondent has not asked that the Board defer to the arbitrator's award but has moved for deference only to the alleged finding therein that the collective-bargaining contract was breached by the two employees. General Counsel and the Union oppose such deference. The case was heard in Tulsa, Oklahoma. on July 21. 1977. Counsel for all three parties have filed briefs. Upon the entire record of the case, including m) observa- tion of the witnesses and consideration of the briefs, I make the following: Flsl)il(¢s (i)o F.XA( 1. It RISI)I 11()N Respondent is a corporation with an office and place of business in Tulsa, Oklahoma, where it is engaged in the manufacture of electrical switchgear and components. In the calendar year prior to filing the complaint, a repre- sentative period, Respondent sold and shipped finished products valued in excess of $50,000 directly to customers outside Oklahoma. As the parties admit. Respondent is an employer within the meaning of Section 2(2), (6), and (7) of the Act. As the parties also admit, the Union is a labor organiza- tion within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. II. IHI: INl AI AHOR B PRA('t I S A. Re.v7ondent' Buvine.s and L nion Relationship Respondent manufactures electrical switchgear in its Tulsa plant and for this purpose uses largely electricians and some welders. sheet-metal workers, and related person- nel. There are two shifts, the early shift commencing at 7:30 GOI!l.D INC. 619 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD cific provision of the agreement and is limited to subject matter expressly contained in the agreement, article XX, section 2. The agreement also provided: ARTI(LE XXII--SIRIKF.S ANI) IO()(KOUIS In view of' the procedure for the orderly settlement of grievances provided under the terms of this Agree- ment, the Union agrees that there will be no strike, work interference, or other stoppage or slowdown of' work, total or partial, during the term of this Agree- ment. An employee or employees who participate in any such action in violation of this Agreement may be dis- ciplined or discharged from the Company's service, subject to the employee's right to submit a grievance alleging improper discharge in accordance with the provisions of Article XX, Section 3, paragraph (c) of this Agreement. The Union agrees that it will take immediate, posi- tive action to forestall or suppress any action on the part of employees in violation of' this Agreement. The Company will not lock out any employee or employees while this Agreement is in force. C. The Walkout According to Respondent's Personnel Director Ellis, the informational picketing at the plant, directed at Houchin Electric Co., began on March 1, 1977, after 9 a.m. There were two pickets, one of them an assistant business man- ager of the Union and one carrying the picket sign (see heading A, above), which Ellis read. The manufacturing employees became aware of the pick- eting between 9 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. Employee Harold Web- ber told Shop Steward Virginia Beekman of it. She then saw it for herself and went to the telephone about 9:30 a.m. to ask Union Business Manager Sroufe what it was about and what to do about it. Union Business Manager Sroufe told Shop Steward Beekman that a nonunion electrical construction contractor (Houchin) with nonunion employees was working in the plant, that the picketing was informational picketing di- rected at Houchin and did not involve a violation by Re- spondent of its collective-bargaining contract covering the plant employees, that the Union was not going to tell or advise her or the other employees what to do, and that any actions by employees would have to be their individual ac- tions. Word of the picketing spread through the plant, and at 10 a.m. most of the morning-shift employees gathered in the lunchroom, as was not unusual, for the 15-minute morning coffee and refreshment break. The gathering was unusually noisy, according to employees Stack, Beekman (the shop steward), and Edgar (the unit chairman), since, in addition to getting and consuming refreshments, the employees were discussing the picket, what to do about it, whether to walk out or continue working behind the picket line, or whether they were obliged to do one or the other. Unit Chairman Edgar succeeded in getting the attention of the gathering long enough to have Shop Steward Beekman explain what she had learned about the picketing, and she concluded by saying any employee reaction would be up to each of them as individuals. Some of the employees talked of' walking out of the plant at once, according to Unit Chairman Edgar and Shop Stew- ard Beekman. Beekman testified that she did not get into the discussion of: or advise, a walkout. Edgar testified that he did not advise against a walkout but said that the em- ployees ought to wait until 4 p.m. (the end of the day shift) to give Respondent and the Union time to talk and avoid a walkout. Though there was no organized meeting in pro- gress, employee John Burgess made a motion to walk out at 4 p.m.. quitting time, unless the Union and Respondent had worked things out before then. There was a voice vote of approval, and some employees started leaving the lunch- room, presumably for their workplaces. However, others stayed on and, despite the vote, talked about an immediate walkout, because there were employees who would be going out and returning to the plant during the day on business errands or lunch. causing them to cross the picket line in returning for work. A second voice vote was taken, by the lesser number of employees still in the lunchroom, and this time the vote was to walk out of the plant immediately. It was now approximately between 10:10 a.m. and 10:15 a.m. The bell rang. signaling coffeebreak was about to end and time to return to work. The employees in the lunch- room, on the mezzanine floor, started moving to and down the stairway to the ground floor shop area. They apparently halted uncertainl\ at the foot of and on the stairway be- cause, said Unit Chairman Edgar. employees were there who were unaware of the second vote in the lunchroom. Further confused discussion ensued on the conflicting views and votes already taken, and, according to Edgar, employee Doug Dodwell broke through the discussion with a motion to walk out now, which was approved by voice vote. Nonetheless, said Unit Chairman Edgar, the employees hesitated and stood where they were. Employee Stack de- scribed it as an emotional situation in which the employees wanted to do something. but with no one among them tak- ing the initiative to start. At this point Foreman Whitten approached the assem- bled employees at the stairway. Whitten testified that at the direction of Personnel Director Ellis he announced that those employees who had punched out (or clocked out) were to leave and those who had not were to go back to work. None of' the employees had punched out or clocked out- and Whitten testified that he later verified this to be the fact -but when he made his announcement, said Whit- ten, the whole group of employees moved to the timeclock, clocked out. and left the plant. As employee Stack testified, corroborating Foreman Whitten's description. Whitten's statement to the employees had the effect of supplying the initiative for them to do something, and they walked out. Almost all of the 90 employees on the shift walked out, testified Shop Superintendent Bellis, and when he observed a half dozen employees who had not left, he told them they might as well go home too, and sent them home. In this connection, the evidence indicated that the plant management made scant, if any, effort to try to head off or avoid the walkout. Shop Superintendent Bellis testified that 620 ing-unit employees in January 1977. Sroute said he men- tioned that he had heard of the possibility of the nonunion contractor getting some of Respondent's electrical construc- tion work, but according to Sroufe and several employees who testified, he added no more other than that he could probably work out any problem with Respondent. Sroufe said he had no meeting or discussion with any of Stewart's management and learned that Houchin had obtained the work when Houchin's men started working at the plant at the end of F:ebruary. Sroufe further testified that for about 2 years prior to the hearing the Union had been engaged in organizing employ- ees of electrical construction employers and that it had a 2- year history of informational picketing of such employers whose employees were not unionized. Because the Union had been concentrating on the larger employers, said Sroufe, there had been no informational picketing of Hou- chin Electric, a small operator, prior to the picketing that began March 1, 1977, at Respondent's plant. The informational picketing of Houchin lasted 13 days, according to Sroufe, from March I through March 13. 1977. Beginning on the second day of the picketing, after the sympathy walkout and strike of Respondent's manufac- turing employees had ended, Respondent had the Houchin employees use a reserved gate of their own, which they erected the previous day, said Sroufe. Shop Steward Beek- man testified that she observed that the picket moved to the new location on March 2. D. The Enmplqoees Return To WH1ork In the afternoon of the walkout on March 1,. 1977. Re- spondent sent a telegram to Union Business Manager Sroufe and caused copies to be delivered to each of the bargaining-unit employees (C.P. Exh. 1.) In the message, Respondent stated that the strike was an unlawful secondary boycott and was a violation of article XXII of the collective-bargaining agreement. Each of the employees was told that if he or she did not report to his or her next regularly scheduled shift he or she would be sub- ject to discharge, as provided in article XXII., and the Union was called on to take immediate positive action to return the employees to work. Union Business Manager Sroufe testified that before he received his copy of the telegram in the afternoon of March I he had been called about 4 p.m. by employee Jeff Ott, the employee representative on the second or late shift, who had observed the absence of first-shift employees and was inquiring what to do. Sroule said he told employee Ott that there had been picketing earlier in the day, that he was told the first-shift employees left the plant, that the picketing had no relation to the employees collective-bargaining con- tract, and that Ott should proceed with the second-shift duties. Sroufe also testified that he talked to day- or first- shift employees and advised them to report to work at their next regularly assigned shift. The second shift went to work as scheduled on March 1, and the next morning. March 2, all of the first shift returned to work as scheduled, and the strike ended. The Union's informational picketing at the newly set up reserved gate for Houchin Electric continued from March 2 through March 13. he had been made aware of the gathering in the lunchroom and the talk of walkout, had personally observed the (third) vote to walk out taken at the stairway, but made no attempt to talk to the employees about going back to work or the possible consequence of not doing so, or of talking to Unit Chairman Edgar, whom he saw among the employees at the stairway. Bellis did walk over to the telephone, behind and away from the stairway, where Shop Steward Beekman had gone from the lunchroom (without participating in the stairway gathering) to report to Union Business Manager Sroufe on what had occurred at the lunchroom gathering. Bellis interrupted her phone conversation to ask what was going on. She replied that the employees had voted to hon- or the picketing outside the plant. Bellis answered that the picketing had nothing to do with the employees, or their union contract, and they were subjecting themselves to dis- charge. Beekman handed Bellis the telephone and he took over the conversation with Sroufe. Sroufe agreed with Bellis that the picket line had nothing to do with the union con- tract of Respondent's unit employees. and asked Bellis to have General Manager Donaldson or Personnel Director Ellis get in touch with him to resolve the problem before it came about. Ellis did not call Sroufe until about 4 p.m., approximately 6 hours later.2 Shop Steward Beekman and Unit Chairman Edgar were the last of the employees to walk out. Edgar had walked over to Beekman at the telephone to inform her of the third vote at the stairway. Neither of them had advised their fel- low employees against voting or against walking out but Beekman had not voted in any of the three employee votes, she said, and Edgar said he had voted in all three. Beekman testified she saw five or six employees still in the shop at the timeclock when she punched out (these were the few em- ployees whom Shop Superintendent Bellis then sent home). Bellis and some of his supervisors were also at the clock, and Bellis asked her if she knew that the employees who had walked out could be discharged. She replied that they made their decision, and left the plant. In connection with the March I walkout, Union Business Manager Sroufe testified that at no time did he or the Union give any instructions or directions to anyone for a walkout or strike action. He noted that in December 1976 he had heard, from a union member and employee of the union construction contractor Stewart Electric, that non- union construction contractor Houchin Electric might be getting some of Respondent's plant expansion work that Stewart thought it had, and that he, Sroufe. asked Person- nel Director Ellis about it. Ellis said he had nothing to do with contract awards but would find out. However, Ellis provided Sroufe with no advance information,' and Sroufe tried in vain to obtain information from General Manager Donaldson. At the monthly union meeting of Respondent's bargain- 2 Personnel Director Ellis had also been fully aware of the actions of the employees as they occurred in the morning of March 1. Like Shop Superin- tendent Bellis, he too made no effort to head off the walkout or advise employees of possible consequences but merels directed Foreman Whitten to make the statement he made, supra. Interestingly, the arbitrator in his award appeared to regard the Whitten statement as an invitation for a mass exodus of the employees. Ellis did tell Sroufe, a week after the March 1. 1977, walkout, that Hou- chin had underbid Stewart by a considerable amount for the particular job. GOULDINC. 621 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD In the late afternoon of March 1, Personnel Director Ellis finally responded to Union Business Manager Sroufe's morning request to call Sroufe. They discussed the morning walkout of the employees and whether the collective-bar- gaining contract had been violated. Sroufe contended that article XXII of the contract pertained to the orderly settle- ment of grievances under the contract, that there was no grievable offense under the contract that prompted the Union's picket or the employee activity that followed, and that therefore, since the contract does not bar sympathy strikes, the employees committed no violation of the con- tract. Ellis asked what the Union position would he if Houchin Electric were not there, and Sroufe answered that there would have been no need for a picket if Houchin were not there. As a result of the March 1 walkout and strike, Respon- dent filed unfair labor practices charges against the Union, charging violations of Section 8(b)(4)(i), Section 8(b)(4)(ii)(A) and (B), and Section 8(b)(7)(C) of the Act. Following investigations of the charges, the Regional Direc- tor found further proceedings unwarranted and refused to issue complaints against the Union (see C.P. Exh. 2 5). E. The Discharges of Emiplovees BeeAkman and Edgar When the day-shift employees reported to work on the morning of March 2, all were put back to work without discipline or talk of discipline for the walkout on March 1 except Shop Steward Beekman and Unit Chairman Edgar. Ihe two employees were interviewed separately by Person- nel Director Ellis, with several supervisors present. and in- terrogated about the walkout. Both were handed suspen- sion letters. already prepared, charging each with a substantial role in the strike of March I and removing them from the payroll. (G.('. Exhs. 3 and 5). Both were sent home. Following a further separate meeting for each of them with management representatives, employees Beekman and Edgar were discharged as of March I by letters dated March 10, 1977 (G.C. Exhs. 4 and 6). Both were charged with being the leaders of the work stoppage on March I. Added in was a charge of having violated company rules, i.e., refusing to return to work despite a foreman's direct order (which was identified at hearing as the Whitten state- ment made to all employees to leave if clocked out or return to work) and being absent from duty for the 6 hours on March 1. While none of Respondent's witnesses testified as to the discharges, it was made plain by Respondent that it had determined that these two employees "had a special respon- sibility and higher duty" than the other employees (by vir- tue of being the elected shop steward and unit chairman. respectively), and therefore should be disciplined rather than the 83 or 84 other employees "who may have been misled by their actions or inaction." The Union filed grievances on behalf of the two dis- charged employees, which went to arbitration. In his award the arbitrator. though he copied down the arguments of the Union and Respondent, assumed without explanation that the walkout was a violation of the collective-bargaining contract and dealt only with whether the discipline of dis- charge invoked by Respondent was too severe. [le found that the discipline was too severe and reduced the dis- charges to 60-day suspensions (G.C. Exh. 7). At the time of hearing, Respondent had not complied with the award and had not reinstated the two employees, contending that the arbitrator had no authority to modify' the discharge pen- alty. FI. Concluding Findings 1. Protected activity The employee walkout and 6-hour work stoppage of March 1, 1977, by Respondent's unionized manufacturing employees was in sympathy for the construction employee members of the Union, who had begun informational pick- eting that morning of a nonunion electrical construction contractor engaged in work for Respondent with nonunion employees at Respondent's plant. The walkout was the spontaneous action of about 85 of the 90 first-shift employees, who decided in unorganized assemblages in the plant that they would not work behind the picket line. The decision and action was not directed by the Union, whose business manager, Sroufe, advised the shop steward, and through her the employees, that what- ever action the employees took would be their individual choice and action. Such advice does not constitute union authorization or union inducement within the meaning of Section 8(b)(4)(i) of the Act. Building eand Construction 7rad,.es C(ouncil of! Tampa and l icinity, AFL CIO (Tampa Sand and M1aterial Co.). 132 NLRB 1564, 1565 66 (1961). Moreover, the Union was not required to actively discour- age the sympathy strike in order to disestablish any connec- tion to secondary activity. Building anid Construction Trades Council qo Los Angeles., and Laborers & Plaster Tenders l.o- cal 507 (Kon Lee Building Co ., 162 NLRB 605. 608 609 (1967). Before the picketing and sympathy walkout, the Union made no threats to force Respondent to stop doing business with the nonunion contractor Houchin Electric, and the union business manager's comment after the sympathy strike began that there would have been no need for an informational picket. in reply to Respondent's question on what the union position would be if there was no nonunion contractor, was hardly a threat of economic reprisal to force cessation of business with another within the meaning of Section 8(b)(4)(ii)(B) of the Act. Under the no-strike provision, article XXII, of the collec- tive-bargaining contract with Respondent, quoted under heading B, above, Respondent's manufacturing employees did not waive their right to engage in sympathy strikes. The right is not expressly prohibited by the language, and a prohibition may not be implied, because the contract re- striction on strikes is tied to the procedure for the orderly settlement of grievances arising under the contract. Since neither the cause of nor the issue underlying the sympathy strike are subject to the settlement procedures of the con- tract, a ban on the sympathy strike may not be implied. Buflalo Forge Co, v. United Steelworkers of America, A FL (1I0, 428 U.S. 397, 407 408 (1976): Xfontana-Dakota Utili- ties Co.. 189 NLRB 879, 882 883 (1971). reversed on an- 622 dence that the 6-hour sympathy work stoppage of Respon- dent's manufacturing employees had any effect on Houchin Electric, let alone the substantial disruptive effect the Board would require to be shown when the legitimacy of an infor- mational picketing is challenged under the "effect" clause of Section 8(b)}7)(C). Retail Clerks Union Local 324 and Retail C'lerks Union Local 77(, both qafiliated wtith Retail Clerks International A.ssociation, A FL C10 (Barker Bros. Corp. and Gold's In(-.), 138 NLRB 478, 490 491 (1962).' The 6-hour work stoppage by Respondent's employees was therefore protected concerted activity under Section 7 of the Act, and discharges founded upon participating therein were in violation of Section 8(a)(I ) of' the Act.' Respondent made no claim of justifying the discharges of employees Beekman and Edgar under a balancing of the employer's business needs against the employees' rights (to engage in protected activity) under the Redwing Carriers doctrine discussed above. On the contrary, as discussed be- low, the Respondent selected the two employees for dis- charge not for any economic reason but for allegedly violat- ing a claimed special duty owed by these two employees as elected union representatives of the unit of employees. 2. Discrimination against the employee union respresentatives Respondent requested each of the striking emplosees to return to work by the start of the next regular shift, or risk discharge. All of the employees complied with the request and were put back to work without penalty or talk of pen- alty. except the two elected employee union representatives, Shop Steward Beekman and Unit Chairman Edgar. These two employees were first suspended and later discharged. Out of the 85 strikers, Respondent selected these two em- ployees for discipline because, in Respondent's view, by vir- tue of their status as elected shop steward and unit chair- man they supposedly had a special responsibilits, and higher duty than the other employees to take steps to pre- vent rather than participate in the work stoppage. Discharge for this reason was discriminatory under Sec- tion 8(a)(3) of the Act. and has been held so even where the walkout was unprotected activity. In Precision Castings Companv. Division of Aurora Corporation, a wholli, owned Suhsidianr of Allied Products Corporation. 233 NLRB 183 (1977), where the employer disciplined only the union stew- ards following a walkout unauthorized under the governing collective-bargaining contract, the Board held that select- ing for discipline the employees who held the position of 7 Indeed, Respondent prosided no evidence in support of its claim of statutory violations by the Union beyond the assertions thereof that were apparently the same assertions before the Regional Director when he refused to, issue complaints against the Union on charges filed by Respondent (see heading D, above ) I Even it the walkoul tof the first day by Respondent's employees were not regarded as protected activity at its inception. Respondent condoned the concerted actis'its by its demonstrated willingness to forgive the unprotecied aspect oft it in offering to aiccept, and accepting. the return ofI the employees without discipline at the start of the shift on the second day. Super rIIu X\enl,4 DniisTin o/ Super I alu .Storesr. Inc. 228 NI RB 12 5 4. 1260 ( 1977): (on/tlclonenr & TIh lbasco Dri'ers and 4iltrehousemlenv U mon. lIt wal $0.5, IBT( IHH.4 v NI..R AB 312 F 2d 108. 113 114 (('A 2. 19631. enlg .U Eiskin & Son. 135 NL.RB 666 (1962); Rrinti/ H/lhcopter (Corp,-alril,m 135 Nl.RB 142. 1411. 1417 18 41962) other ground Montana-Dakota Utilities (Co. v. V. L. R. B., 455 F.2d 1088 (C.A. 8. 1972).' In both of the cited cases, the employees who engaged in the sympathy strikes were under no-strike provisions of col- lective-bargaining contracts similar to article XXII of the contract in this case. It was held, by the Court in the Bu[/alo Forge case' and by the Board in the Montana-Dakota case, that such provisions do not imply a waiver by employees of the right to engage in sympathy strikes. In Buffalo Forge the sympathy strike was by the produc- tion unit on behalf' of the striking office workers unit of the common employer. when the office workers failed to obtain a collective-bargaining agreement: the employees were rep- resented by two locals of the same union, not unlike the situation here, where the union local represents several au- tonomous divisions of workers. The facts in Montana-Dakota were even closer to those of the case at bar. A group of the utility's unionized employ- ees, who were assigned to work on a housing development project, refused to cross or work behind an informational picket set up by a union other than their own, directed at a nonunion construction contractor. As in the case at bar, the utility employees were advised by their union steward that the picketing did not involve any issue or dispute with their employer and that each of them had to make his own deci- sion as to whether he would cross the picket line. It is useful to note, as was noted in Montana-Dakota, supra at 882. that though employees (who have not waived their right) are engaged in protected concerted actisvity when they respect a picket line established by other em- ployees, the employer of those engaged in the svmpaths action is not without a balancing remedy. As set out in Redwing Carriers6 and related cases, the protected right of the employees must be balanced against the specific busi- ness interest of the employer to conduct his business. Where the employer's business need to replace the employees clearly outweighs the employees' right to engage in pro- tected activity, an invasion of the statutory right is justified and the employer may suspend or terminate such employ- ees so that he can immediatels or within a short period thereafter replace them with others willing to perform the scheduled work. Here, Respondent's employees engaged in a sympathv walkout and refusal to work behind or cross an informa- tional picket line. The informational picketing was legiti- mate under Section 8(b)(7)(C). The picketing was directed at nonunion electrical construction contractor Houchin Electric, informing the public, on behalf of the construction members of the Union, that Houchin had no collective- bargaining agreement with the Union. There was no evi- ' Th he r ground and resulting disagreement between the circuit court and the Board was the court's view (iontrary to the Boalrd) that under a special picketing clause, separate from and in addition to the no-strike clause. of their contract the utilits emploees had waived an! right ihes might othervise have had to cease sork when confronted ho a picket line. There is no such complication in the case at har. ' In Bulfalb Forge, the issue arose on application ifr . district court ijiunc- tion against ihe strike. which 'as, denied. I Reding Carier.s, 11n and Rockamna (' rreri. nl, 1137 NtlRB 1545 1962). moditsing 130 NL.RB 1208 11961 ).al'd. vh noal 7lcln'L'er., (Chaul leurs and Helperi LraJl Vi '79 Interntllional BRrtherhossd si Tcarnolteers si, [Redw ing (arrierv. Ins . and Rk'Anal (Carriers. Ins I v, RR. . B 325 2d 1011 ('A D.('.. 1963) cert denied 377 1 S 905 (1964). GOULD IN(C. 623 DC ('ISIONS OF NATIONA. LABOR RELATIONS BOARD shop steward, assertedly because they could be held to a greater degree of accountability for participating in the strike, was discrimination directed against an employee on the basis of his or her holding union office contrary to the meaning of Section 8(a)(3) of the Act. The discipline was held to violate Section 8(a)(3) and ( I ) of the Act. Respondent went a step further and accused employees Beekman and Edgar not merely of participation but of leadership in the walkout. However, the proof adduced at the hearing did not sustain the accusation. Rather it ap- peared that the employees assembled spontaneously in un- organized fashion on their morning break and discussed walkout to avoid working behind and crossing the picket line. Beekman made clear to the employees that they were acting individually, and Edgar asked them to delay any walkout until the end of the day to allow time for discussion between Respondent and the Union and avoidance of a walkout. His request was initially agreed to but was subse- quently overridden by successive votes of the employees, and Beekman and Edgar followed the rest of the employees in walking out of the plant. Assuming that proven leadership by the two elected em- ployee representatives in connection with the sympathy walkout might have been regarded as misconduct justifying employer discipline including discharge. the discharges of these two employees (who had participated in the protected concerted activity) based on unfounded accusations or mis- taken belief that they engaged in strike leadership or mis- conduct, constituted acts of interference, restraint, or coer- cion infringing rights under Section 7 of the Act in violation of Section 8(a)( ). N.L.R. B. v. Burnup and Simr, Inc., 379 U.S. 21, 23 (1964). The discharges of employees Beckman and Edgar were unlawful. in violation of Section 8(a)(l) of the Act.' 3. No deferral to arbitration Respondent has not asked for deference to the arbitra- tor's award. Actually, Respondent opposes the award, since the arbitrator commuted the discharges of Beekman and Edgar to 60-day suspensions and Respondent had not rein- stated either employee at the time of the hearing. Respon- dent nevertheless has moved for deference to an alleged finding in the award that the two employees breached the collective-bargaining contract by participating in the walk- out. General Counsel and the Union have opposed such deference. There is no sound basis for granting the motion. While I doubt that a party may pick and choose the part he likes from the part he doesn't like in asking Board deference to an arbitrator's award, there was no such finding in the award as Respondent alleges. The arbitrator, though he had the issues laid out for him, simply assumed that the sympa- thy walkout was illegal. He stated that all of the striking employees, including Beekman and Edgar. were equally at fault, and that while neither Beekman nor Edgar exerted TI he additional claim by Respondent that the two employees disobeyed a direct order to return to work as the walkout began was without substance. The "order" was the statement or request of Foreman Whitten addressed to all of the employees in general (and not to Beekman and Edgar in particu- lar). saying. in effect. leave the plant if you are going to strike, else go back to w ork affirmative leadership in causing the walkout, nevertheless Respondent had the right to discipline them, intimating that by reason of their union-related functions they owed some (undefined) special duty to prevent the walkout. The major concern of his conclusions was with the penalty of discharge invoked by Respondent. Fle held that the dis- charges were too severe a penalty and awarded instead a 60-day suspension without pay for both employees, with reinstatement to follow. It is also obvious, therefore, that the arbitrator's award did not deal with the issues that required decision, supra, in dealing with the unfair labor practices alleged in the com- plaint: and that, to the extent that the arbitrator assumed or intimated views in those areas. such views appeared to be repugnant to Board law. I or these reasons. and since the case at bar looks toward vindication of individual rights under the Act, deferral to the arbitration, or more exactly to a portion of' it, is not appropriate. General .4merican Transportation Corporation, 228 NLRB 808 (1977). CON( I USIONS O() IAWV 1. The 6-hour work stoppage on March 1, 1977, by Re- spondent's manufacturing employees, members of the Union's manufacturing division, in sympathy fbr informa- tional picketing by construction employees who were mem- bers of the Union's construction division, directed at a non- union electrical construction employer performing construction services tbr Respondent at the manufacturing plant. was a spontaneous sympathy strike by the manutfac- turing employees involved and was not directed by the Union. The sympathy strike was not forbidden by the no- strike provision of the collective-bargaining contract gov- erning the unit of manufacturing employees, which provi- sion was limited to a ban on strikes for grievances arising and arbitrable under the collective-bargaining contract. Re- spondent's employees who participated in the sympathy strike were engaged in protected concerted activity under Section 7 of the Act. 2. Respondent's discharges of the two elected employee union representatives of the manufacturing unit from among the 85 employee participants in the sympathy strike, on the basis of their holding union office, were discrimina- tory against the two employees and constituted unfair labor practices in violation of Section 8(a)(3) and (1) of the Act. The discharges, on the further basis of an unproven accusa- tion or mistaken belief that the two employees engaged in misconduct by providing the leadership for the walkout, infringed upon their right under Section 7 of the Act to engage in protected concerted activity and constituted fur- ther unfair labor practices in violation of Section 8(a)(l). 3. These unfair labor practices affect commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. TiiF REMFDY It will be recommended that Respondent: (I) Cease and desist from its unfair labor practices. (2) Offer to reinstate employees Beekman and Edgar, and give each backpay from the effective date of their dis- charges, March 1, 1977, said backpay to be computed on a 624 Board and its agents, for examination and copying, all pay- roll records. social security payment records. timecards, personnel records and reports, and all other records neces- sary to ascertain the backpay due under the terms of this Order. (d) Post at its plant in T'ulsa. Oklahoma. copies of the attached notice marked "Appendix."'2 Immediately upon receipt of said notice, on forms to be provided by the Re- gionil Director for Region 16. Respondent shall cause the copies to be signed by one of its authorized representatives and posted, the posted copies to be maintained for 60 con- secutive days thereafter, in conspicuous places, including all places where notices to employees are customarily posted. Reasonable steps shall be taken by Respondent to insure that said notices are not altered. defaced. or covered by ans other material. (e) Notify the Regional Director for Region 16. in writ- ing. within 20 clays from the date of this Order, what steps Respondent has taken to comply herewith. 12 In the event that this Order is enforced b> ajudgment of a United States C(ourt of Appeals. the ,ords in the notice reading "Posted by Order of the National l.abor Relations Board" shall read "Posted Pursuant to a Judgment of the IUnited States (ourt of Appeals Enforcing an Order of the National Isibor Relatlions Board." APPEN )IX NoTII( I To EMPI ON[L:S PoSIED BY ORDER ()F Tilt NAII()NAI. LABOR REI .AIIONS BOARD An Agency of the United States Government The National Labor Relations Board having found after a hearing that we violated the National Labor Relations Act: W V wI.t. NO t discharge or suspend employees or discriminate against them in regard to their hire, tenure, or any term or condition of employ- ment because of their protected concerted activi- ties or because they hold union office in the bar- gaining unit when engaging in protected concerted activities. w it.l. NOT, in anv other manner, interfere with, restrain, or coerce employees in the exer- cise of rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Na- tional Labor Relations Act. Because the Board found that we unlawfully discharged employees Virginia Beekman and Clifford Edgar, wE WIL L offer them their former jobs, and Wv- nIItL give each of them backpay with interest from the time of their discharges effective March, 1, 1977. GoUlD INC., S\W11( IlG(; AR DI vSION( (FORME Ri Yi TERA( CONIROI S, IN( .) quarterly basis as set forth in F: W. ' Woolworth Company, 90 NLRB 289 (1950). approved in N.L.R.B. v. Seven-CLp Boi- dins Company o' Miami, Inc. 344 U.S. 344 (1953), with in- terest as prescribed in Florida Steel Corporation, 231 NLRB 651 (1977).1" (3) Post the notices provided for herein: and because Re- spondent violated fundamental employee rights guaranteed by Section 7 of the Act, and because there appears from the manner of the commission of this conduct an attitude of opposition to the purposes of the Act and a proclivity to commit other unfair labor practices. It will be further rec- ommended that Respondent cease and desist from in ans manner infringing upon the rights guaranteed by Section 7 of the Act. N.I.R.RB. v. Entwistle Manulfctcuring Companre, 120 F.2d 532, 536 (C.A. 4, 1941): P. R. ,Mallors & Co., Inc. v. N.L.R.B.. 400 F.2d 956, 959 960 (C.A. 7. 1968), cert. denied 394 U.S. 918 (1969): ;%.L. RB. v. The Bamla Co.. 353 F.2d 320. 323 324 (C.A. 5, 1965). Upon the foregoing findings of fact, conclusions of law. and the entire record, and pursuant to Section 10(c) of the Act, there is hereby issued the following recommended: ORDER" The Respondent. Gould Inc., Switchgear Division (for- merly Terac Controls. Inc.). Tulsa. Oklahoma. its officers. agents. successors, and assigns shall: 1. ('ease and desist from: (a) Discharging or suspending employees or discriminat- ing against them in regard to their hire, tenure, or any term or condition of employment because of their protected con- certed activities or because they hold union office in the bargaining unit when engaging in protected concerted ac- tivities. lb) In any other manner interfering with, restraining, or coercing employees in the exercise of their rights guaran- teed in Section 7 of the Act. 2. Take the following affirmative action necessary to ef- fectuate the policies of the Act: (a) Make employees Virginia Beekman and Clifford Ed- gar whole, in the manner set forth in the section of this Decision entitled "The Remedy." for any loss of earnings incurred by each of them as a result of their discharges effective on March 1. 1977. (b) Offer to both of said employees immediate and full reinstatement to their former jobs or. it' the jobs no longer exist, to substantially equivalent positions, without preju- dice to the seniority or other rights and privileges of each. (c) Preserve and. upon request, make available to the 1See, generalls, Fvo Plumbing & Heating (o, 138 NL.RB 716 (1962). 11 In the event no exceptions are filed as provided b> Sec. 102.46 of the Rules and Regulations of the National Labor Relations Board, the findings. conclusions, and recommended Order herein shall. as prosided in Sec. 102.48 of the Rules and Regulations. be adopted bh the Board and become its findings. conclusions, and Order, and all objections thereto shall be deemed wasied foir all purposes GOUILD INC. 625 Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation