Goddard CollegeDownload PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsMar 2, 1978234 N.L.R.B. 1111 (N.L.R.B. 1978) Copy Citation GODDARD COLLEGE Goddard College and Goddard Graduate Faculty Federation, American Federation of Teachers, AFL-CIO,' Petitioner. Case I-RC-15177 March 2, 1978 DECISION AND DIRECTION OF ELECTION BY CHAIRMAN FANNING AND MEMBERS JENKINS AND PENELLO Upon a petition duly filed under Section 9(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, a hear- ing was held on June 3 and 14, 1977, before Hearing Officer Albert N. Stieglitz. Following the hearing, and pursuant to Section 102.67 of the National Labor Relations Board Rules and Regulations, Series 8, as amended, the Regional Director for Region 1 transferred this case to the Board for decision. Thereafter, the Employer and the Petitioner filed briefs. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board has delegated its authority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has reviewed the Hearing Officer's rulings made at the hearing and finds they are free from prejudicial error. They are hereby affirmed. Upon the entire record in this proceeding, the Board finds: 1. Goddard College is a Vermont corporation engaged in the operation of a private nonprofit educational institution with its principal office and primary campus at Plainfield, Vermont. Its gross annual revenue exceeds $1 million. The parties stipulated, and we find, that the Employer is engaged in commerce within the meaning of the Act, and it will effectuate the purposes of the Act to assert jurisdiction herein. 2. We find that Petitioner is a labor organization seeking to represent certain employees of the Em- ployer. 2 3. A question affecting commerce exists concern- ing the representation of certain employees of the I The name of Petitioner appears as amended at the hearing. 2 The Employer has raised the issue of whether the unit sought herein is comprised exclusively of supervisors and/or managerial employees and, therefore, has declined to stipulate as to Petitioner's status as a labor organization. We find, infra, that the individuals sought herein are nonsupervisory and nonmanagerial employees. Accordingly. and because it is clear from the record that Petitioner is an organization "in which employees participate" and which exists for the purpose of bargaining collectively with the Employer, we find that Petitioner meets the definition of "labor organization" set forth in Sec. 2(5) of the Act. 3 The petition, as amended at the hearing, requested a unit consisting of "Division I and 1 of the Goddard College Graduate Program, the Goddard-Cambridge graduate core faculty, and the Summer Program graduate core faculty, excluding the undergraduate faculty." During the 234 NLRB No. 169 Employer within the meaning of Sections 9(c)(I) and 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 4. Petitioner seeks to represent a unit of all graduate core faculty of the college. 3 The Employer takes no position concerning the scope and composi- tion of the unit. It requests the Board to decide, however, whether the graduate core faculty are supervisory and/or managerial employees and thus excluded from coverage of the Act and, if not, whether the individuals in the petitioned-for unit share a sufficient community of interest among themselves to constitute an appropriate unit. Peti- tioner contends that the graduate core faculty mem- bers are neither supervisors nor managerial employ- ees and that they share a sufficient community of interest to constitute an appropriate unit. There is no bargaining history involving the individuals in the petitioned-for unit. 4 The Goddard graduate program consists of four divisions. Division I is conducted at the main campus in Plainfield and at various locations throughout the country. Division II and the summer program in graduate studies are conducted in Plainfield. The Goddard-Cambridge program is conducted in Cam- bridge, Massachusetts. The dean of the graduate program has overall responsibility for all the divi- sions. Divisions I and II have the same general format. Each is composed of core faculty members who recruit students in a particular region and pass upon their applications for admission to the master's program.5 Once a student is accepted into the program, the core faculty member works directly with the student to develop a program of the student's choice, and to select a specialist in the appropriate field to serve as that student's field faculty member. Students often suggest a specialist with whom they wish to work. A field faculty member must be approved by the student before the core faculty member can recommend to the dean that he be hired. The dean, while having the sole authority to hire field faculty, has consistently followed the recommendations of the core faculty. He, however, has questioned some recommenda- tions. In the event a student becomes dissatisfied course of the hearing, the dean of the graduate program, field faculty, area faculty, area coordinators, project faculty, practicum supervisors, adjunct faculty, administrative assistants, administrative assistants/adjunct faculty, and all other employees were excluded by agreement of the parties from the petitioned-for unit. 4 In Goddard College, 216 NLRB 457 (1975). the Board found the undergraduate faculty to constitute an appropriate unmt. In that case, the Board specifically excluded the graduate core faculty from that unit, finding that they did not share a substantial community of interest with the undergraduate faculty. I Applications for the Goddard graduate program on the west coast are sent directly to faculty stationed there. Other applications are sent to Plainfield before they are forwarded to the appropriate core faculty member. !111 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD with his field faculty member during the course of his program, the core faculty member may replace the field faculty member without prior consultation with the administration in Plainfield. Field faculty work on a part-time basis and are compensated by a nonnegotiable honorarium of $600 per student. Contact among core faculty, field faculty, and students differs from case to case. A student's program must be of at least 1 year's duration. Completion of degree requirements is determined in the discretion of ad hoc committees comprised of three core faculty members. The dean reserves the right to review faculty committee recommendations on the granting of degrees, but has not yet done so. Each core faculty member is budgeted for 35 students per year, but additional funds are provided if more students are recruited. Two of the nine division I core faculty members are stationed in Plainfield. The remaining core faculty are stationed in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Amesbury, Massachusetts, or New York City. Those that are located outside of Plainfield have the authority to hire an administra- tive assistant and to rent and maintain offices within budgetary limitations set by the administration in Plainfield. The administrative assistants are primarily responsible for student and financial recordkeeping, and for responding to inquiries about the graduate program. They perform such functions largely with- out supervision. Core faculty may pledge the col- lege's credit without the approval of the administra- tion, but only up to a fixed amount of $100. The four core faculty members in division II are stationed in Plainfield and have responsibility for students in specific geographic areas such as the midwestern and southern portions of the United States, Europe, and Latin America. They select area faculty who live near the students and who help to recruit students. Area faculty selections must be confirmed at a division II core faculty meeting after which the core faculty requests the dean to prepare a letter of agreement for the college president to sign. Division II1 shares a clerical staff which is technical- ly hired through the personnel office at the Plainfield campus, but which is in fact recommended by a selection committee of core faculty members who submit hiring recommendations to the dean. Similar- ly, a committee may recommend dismissal of an administrative assistant to the dean, whose approval is required. Division II's clerical employees are paid out of the dean's budget. With respect to the hiring and retention of core faculty members in division I, the core faculty as a whole meets and interviews prospective candidates for appointment or contract renewal. The dean also interviews candidates for appointments. The core faculty submits a collective recommendation to the dean, who in turn submits a recommendation to the president of the college. The procedure in division II is nearly identical, except that it is conducted by subgroups of the whole faculty on a rotating basis. There are two or three core faculty members in the Goddard-Cambridge program, each of whom is responsible for a particular department. The God- dard-Cambridge program, unlike the programs in divisions I and II, consists of prearranged, rather than individualized, projects under the direction of project faculty, and the program is operated on a fixed academic year basis with a single admissions date. Once admission is approved by the project and core faculty, students enroll in one of the projects listed in the program catalog. They meet with the project faculty once a week until the project is completed. The Goddard-Cambridge core faculty member's role with respect to students, administrative assist- ants, and other faculty is similar to that of the core faculty in divisions I and II. The Goddard-Cam- bridge core faculty members, however, are required first to "consult" about most decisions in such matters with the "People's Council," which is com- posed of the students and core and project faculty of the program. The council makes recommendations concerning core faculty appointments, but the dean has final authority in such matters. Project faculty honorariums are fixed by the administration in Plainfield, and are identical to those of the field faculty. At the time of the hearing, the Goddard summer program in graduate studies was still in its formative stages. One core faculty member was conducting a master's program in art therapy, and two more were in the process of being hired for programs in learning disabilities and social ecology. The summer program consists of a summer residence in Plainfield and a 9- month practicum followed by another summer resi- dence. The day-to-day administration of the graduate summer program is overseen by the summer pro- gram's dean but, as with the other graduate pro- grams, the dean of the graduate program has overall responsibility. Like her counterparts in the other programs, the summer program core faculty member has control over the admission of students. Although she has no authority with respect to the hiring and firing of her administrative assistant, her relationship to her administrative assistant in all other respects is basically similar to that in division 1I. The summer program core faculty member recruits practicum supervisors and adjunct faculty for the summer sessions. She recommends the hiring of these individuals to the summer program dean and to the 1112 GODDARD COLLEGE dean of the graduate program, who apparently have never rejected any such recommendation. The core faculty member conducts weekly staff meetings with the adjunct and project faculty. The Employer, as noted above, has raised the issue of whether the graduate core faculty members are supervisors. We find that they are not. Thus, the authority of the core faculty to recommend the hiring and retention of other core faculty members is exercised on a group basis. Further, although such recommendations are afforded great weight, the final authority in such matters rests with the dean of the graduate program and the president of the college. We therefore find, in accordance with our previous decisions involving colleges and universities, that such authority is insufficient to warrant a finding of supervisory status.6 With respect to nonunit faculty and administrative assistants, it is evident that core faculty members exercise some supervisory authority. We have held, however, that if supervision by faculty members of nonunit personnel does not occupy more than 50 percent of their time, they are not so allied with management as to preclude them from representa- tion rights.7 The record here clearly establishes that core faculty members spend over 50 percent of their time on such academic matters as reviewing work submitted by students, conferring with individual students, and pursuing their own professional ad- vancement. Additionally, although core faculty members appear to have substantial authority in the hiring and firing of nonunit faculty in their respective programs, this authority is inextricably bound up with their primary academic function of monitoring the progress of their students. Furthermore, the dean of the graduate program reserves the authority to review faculty hiring recommendations, and the students themselves appear to have a substantial role in selecting, and approving and removing, nonunit faculty. Finally, we note that compensation for all nonunit faculty is established by the administration in Plainfield. Similarly, we find that the discretion exercised by core faculty members, both individually and collec- tively, regarding such matters as student recruitment and admissions, completion of degree requirements, and curriculum, clearly is indicative of professional, rather than managerial status, and is similar to the role of faculty members whom we have found to be nonmanagerial in other cases. See, e.g., Northeastern University, supra. Furthermore, although core faculty I Northeastern Lniversiti. 218 NL RB 247 (1975): Lnisver.i6 of Miami, 213 NLRB 634 (11974). Ne. YorAk Univervivt. 205 Nl RB 4 (1973). Adelphi Universilv, 195 NI RB 639 (1972). I Adelphi Universal s n rupra. " Unlike the previous case involving Goddard College, supra, the record members prepare their own budgets, it is clear that budgetary limitations are established by the adminis- tration in Plainfield and the dean of the graduate program testified without contradiction that his modification of budget requests submitted to him by core faculty members was more the rule than the exception. Finally, although the authority of core faculty members located outside of Plainfield to negotiate leases for offices and to maintain such offices appears to be unusual in the college setting, we do not find these additional responsibilities sufficient to warrant a finding of managerial status. We further conclude that the graduate core faculty members possess a sufficient community of interest among themselves to constitute a unit appropriate for collective bargaining. Thus, the duties and func- tions of all core faculty members are primarily educational in nature. The base salaries of core faculty members are identical, although a uniform increment is afforded to west coast faculty due to their added responsibilities with respect to recruiting students, and a uniform cost-of-living allowance is given to faculty outside of Plainfield. Further, all of the policies and directives affecting the core faculty are either derived collectively or imposed by the same centralized administrative authority in Plain- field. The record also discloses considerable contact among the core faculty. Thus, in the 9 months preceding the hearing, the entire graduate core faculty met in Plainfield three or four times to discuss problems and policies of the graduate programs. Additionally, there are frequent subgroup meetings of the core faculty to exercise peer review on hiring and contract renewal, to review proposed and ongo- ing innovations in the several programs, and to consider and make recommendations on the qualifi- cations for graduation of particular students. Also, the west coast faculty conducts seminars which other core faculty attend. Regional meetings have also been conducted at which core faculty members confer on various subjects including budgets and "program." The record indicates that there is a meeting involving core faculty members approxi- mately every 6 weeks. Moreover, core faculty mem- bers maintain frequent contact with each other through the college's WATS line.8 Although there is geographical separation of some of the graduate core faculty members from the Plainfield campus, this is only one factor considered in determining community of interest among em- here clearly discloses that Goddard-Cambndge core faculty members now participate in the penodic meetings in Plainfield of the entire graduate core faculty, sit on the committees reviewing completion of degree requirements in the several divisions of the graduate program, and receive the same base salary as the other graduate core facultN members 1113 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD ployees. Here, geographical separation is offset by the fact that the unit sought is comprised of the entire graduate core faculty. Furthermore, no labor organi- zation has requested a smaller unit. In the circum- stances here, we find that the Goddard graduate core faculty members share a sufficient community of interest to constitute an appropriate unit. Accordingly, we find that the following unit is appropriate for the purposes of collective-bargaining within the meaning of Section 9(b) of the Act: All core faculty members in Divisions I and II of the Goddard Graduate Program, the Goddard- Cambridge Graduate Program, and the Goddard Summer Program in Graduate Studies, excluding the undergraduate faculty, the Dean of the Graduate Program, field faculty, area faculty, area coordinators, project faculty, practicum su- pervisors, adjunct faculty, administrative assis- tants, administrative assistants/adjunct faculty, all other employees, guards and supervisors as defined in the Act. [Direction of Election and Excelsior footnote omit- ted from publication.] 1114 Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation