Glomac Plastics, Inc.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsJan 26, 1973201 N.L.R.B. 450 (N.L.R.B. 1973) Copy Citation 450 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Glomac Plastics, Inc. and Textile Workers Union of America , AFL-CIO-CLC. Case 3-CA-4881 January 26, 1973 DECISION AND ORDER BY MEMBERS FANNING, KENNEDY, AND PENELLO On September 14, 1972, Administrative Law Judge Phil Saunders issued the attached Decision in this proceeding. Thereafter, Respondent filed exceptions, and the General Counsel filed a brief in answer to Respondent's exceptions. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board has delegated its authority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the record and the attached Decision in light of the exceptions and brief and has decided to affirm the rulings, findings, and conclusions of the Administrative Law Judge only to the extent consistent herewith. The complaint alleges and the Administrative Law Judge found that the Respondent violated Section 8(a)(1). (3), and (4) of the Act by failing to grant a wage increase to Nina DePalma in April 1972. We do not agree. DePalma began working for the Respondent in 1969, was active in the Union's organizing campaign during the spring of 1970, was a member of the organizing committee, solicited a majority of the authorization cards, was out on strike from April to November 1970, was elected shop steward for her shift in the spring of 1970, and in March 1972 testified against the Respondent in a prior Board case in support of a complaint alleging in part that the Respondent prevented her from union soliciting during nonwork hours. In that case the Respondent was found not to have violated the Act as to DePalma, but was found to have illegally threatened to deny a wage increase to another union supporter, Mary Cullen, who also testified.' DePalma broke a production mold in April 1971. This, according to the Respondent's president, held up production because the mold had to be sent out for repair at a cost of between $300 and $400, and possibly was one of the reasons for the Respondent's loss of a major customer. Two other employees also damaged molds, but much less seriously than DePalma. During April 1972, the Respondent granted a wage increase to approximately 22 of its 80 employees, including 15 of the 16 former strikers who were still employed. Included among the employees who had testified, and the two other employees who had damaged molds. The Respondent told DePalma that she did not get her raise because of the broken mold. At the instant hearing, the Respondent also argued that DePalma was denied a raise because she had incorrectly filled out her production cards and had to be sent to a training session. In fact, she had been an instructor at these sessions. The Administrative Law Judge found that the Respondent's refusal to grant DePalma a wage increase was motivated by her prounion activities and her testimony against the Respondent at the earlier Board hearing and was violative of Section 8(a)(1), (3), and (4). We are not satisfied that it was in fact DePalma's union activity and her testimony at the earlier hearing that caused the denial of an increase to her. The damage that she caused was, it appears, substantially greater than that caused by others and the other union witness was not denied an increase, nor were the strikers who were still in the Respon- dent's employ. No one of these factors may in itself be determinative, but in combination they convince us that the General Counsel has not established a violation. Accordingly, we shall dismiss the com- plaint. ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board hereby orders that the complaint be, and it hereby is, dismissed in its entirety. Glomac Plastics, Inc, TXD-291-72, decided by the Trial Examiner May 1. 1972, no exceptions were filed , and the Trial Examiner's recommended Order became the Order of the Board on June 2, 1972 The title of "Trial Examiner" was changed to "Administrative Law Judge" effective August 19, 1972 DECISION STATEMENT OF THE CASE PHIL SAUNDERS , Administrative Law Judge: Upon a charge filed on April 18, 1972 , by Textile Workers Union of America , AFL-CIO-CLC, herein called the Union, a complaint , dated May 31, 1972 , was issued alleging that Glomac Plastics, Inc., herein the Company or Respondent, has engaged in conduct constituting unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8(a)(1),(3), and (4) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended . Respondent filed an answer to the complaint generally denying that it had engaged in the alleged unfair labor practices. A hearing in this proceeding was held in Syracuse, New York, on July 11 and 12, 1972.' Both the General Counsel and Respondent filed briefs. Upon the entire record in this case , and from my received raises were Cullen, the other employee who I All dates are 1972 unless specifically stated otherwise 201 NLRB No. 66 GLOMAC PLASTICS, INC. observation of the witnesses and their demeanor, I make the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. BUSINESS OF RESPONDENT Respondent, a New York corporation, manufactures and sells plastic products from its plant located in Syracuse, New York. During the past year the Company shipped manufactured products valued in excess of $50,000 through channels of interstate commerce from its plant in Syracuse, New York, to customers located in other States of the United States. Respondent admits, and I find, that it is engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. II. THE LABOR ORGANIZATION INVOLVED The Union is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. III. THE UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES The issue in this case is whether or not Nina DePalma was denied a wage increase in April due to her union activities and because she testified at a Board unfair labor practice hearing against the Respondent. DePalma started her employment in 1969, and still works for the Company as a machine operator in the molding department. It appears that the Union initially attempted to organize the plant in the sprang of 1970, and a strike of several months' duration resulted soon thereafter. DePalma was active on behalf of the Union from its inception and has continued in such activities right up to the present time. In early phases of the organizational campaign she successful- ly solicited a good many employees in signing authoriza- tion cards, she was a member of the organizing committee, participated in the strike, and in the spring of 1971 she was elected union steward for the employees on the first shift.2 There is no question that the Respondent had prior knowledge of DePalma's activities for the Union, and, in fact, the Respondent stipulated that since 1970 it knew she was involved in the Union, but argues that such activities in no way entered into their failure to include DePalma in the April wage increase here in question , and the Respondent maintains that DePalma was denied the increase due to work performances and because she had broken a "mold." DePalma admits breaking a "control block mold" back in February 1971 and receiving a written warning slip over this incident and testified that, when she inquired in April as to the reason why she was not included in the group receiving the pay increase, her foreman told her it was because of the broken mold. The General Counsel produced testimony through Rita LaRock, a machine operator on the second shift, to the effect that she had also accidently broken a mold in March 1971 and received a warning slip, but, nevertheless, was included in the April wage increase. LaRock said that 2 The Union's organizational efforts resulted in its victory in a Board election on June 15 and its certification by the Board 3 Resp . Exhs 1 through 6 451 because of this accident (breaking the legs on the mold) her machine "was down" for some period of time , but she was placed on another machine . LaRock also considered DePalma to be the leader of the union movement. Beatrice Howard is a machine operator on the third shift and received a 12-cent hourly wage increase in April, but she also admitted "scratching" a mold in October 1971 and receiving a written warning slip over this incident. The Respondent 's president , Daniel Mackessy , explained that in late 1971 he asked three or four of his supervisors to compile a list of employees, by clock numbers , who were entitled to a wage increase , and said that the selections were to be based on past performances , ability to follow instructions, absence of warnings and violations of rules, and their absenteeism and tardiness was also to be considered . He said that out of 80 employees working in the plant about 23 percent received wage increases. The Respondent then introduced various production cards showing the different pieces produced by employees during certain periods of time .3 Mackessy said that each card was considered in deciding whether DePalma would merit a raise . Mackessy classified some of the figures put on these cards by DePalma as "falsification"; in other instances he said that the total production of parts or pieces as revealed by DePalma 's calculations during certain time periods were a "physical impossibility" and stated that on other occasions her figures reflected incorrect counts. Mackessy contended that the above situation was a continuous problem and it was even necessary for Production Manager William Rodgers to set up a training period for DePalma in efforts to get her to fill out the production cards properly and for "upgrading" purposes. According to Mackessy the mold broken by DePalma cost anywhere from $300 to $400 to repair and for a time shut down a production line, and said that as a result the Company lost its number one customer-Carrier Corpora- tion .4 Mackessy stated this incident was taken into account in final determinations as to whether DePalma should be given a wage increase. Mackessy explained that when a mold is scratched, as was the case involving Beatrice Howard , it could be repaired in the shop by repolishing, and said that the mold damaged by LaRock could be quickly repaired by merely inserting a spare leg. Respondent Exhibit 10 is a warning slip which was given to DePalma in February 1971, and it states that she made an unauthorized entry into the plant after working hours. Mackessy testified this was her second warning slip, and usually a third warning slip results in discharge. DePalma admits entering the plant , but only for the purpose of informing a few employees of a postponement in a hearing that was pending at the time. To sustain the 8 (a)(4) allegation in the instant complaint, and for background purposes in efforts to shed light on events within the 10(b) period , the General Counsel notes a prior charge filed by the Union against the Company in December 1971, with a hearing held in this case (3-CA-14715) in March . One allegation in this prior 4 Mackessy explained that the above circumstances involving the broken mold could not be called or classified as the single instance that lost the Carrier account, but said it was "the straw that broke the camel 's back." 452 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD complaint was that Mackessy informed DePalma that she could not solicit cards on her breaktime, and DePalma testified at the hearing in March giving her version of what she was told. No violative conduct was found as to this allegation although an 8(a)(1) violation was found as to one other incident involving another employee. No exceptions were taken from the Decision (TXD-291-72), and the General Counsel argues that this finding is evidence of Respondent's union animus and also points to certain other incidents of union confrontations between Mackessy and DePalma as additional demonstrations of Respondent's animus. Final Conclusions I find there is adequate-and sufficient evidence in this record to sustain the allegation that DePalma was discriminatonly denied the wage increase . There is no question that DePalma has been extensively involved in the prolonged organizing campaign among Respondent's employees and, admittedly, the Company had knowledge of her active and continual involvement. Respondent Exhibit 9 list the names of the 24 employees who received the wage increase and, out of his number, 16 of them were employees who had been on strike, as aforementioned, and DePalma was the only one out of the 16 who did not receive the increase. In other words, of all the employees who went out on strike and who were still employed by Respondent in April, only DePalma was denied the wage increase. It appears to me that this pivotal fact quite clearly indicated that Respondent was singling out DePalma among the known union adherents. The Respondent points out that Mary Cullen, who was active in the Union and who also testified against Respondent at the prior unfair labor practice hearing in March, as aforestated, was granted the raise and that, therefore, Respondent's treatment of DePalma could not be violative. The Board and courts have rejected this type of argument in similar cases, and the fact that Respondent retained or gave benefits to some union employees does not exculpate him from the charge of discrimination as to others. The Company maintained that the main reason DePal- ma was denied a raise was because she broke a mold which cost the Company a considerable amount of money. However, Rita LaRock was guilty of a like offense and Beatrice Howard scratched a mold. Both of these incidents cost Respondent repairs-both occurred subsequent to DePalma's accident and both resulted in the issuance of warning slips-yet, LaRock and Howard were both included in the wage increases. As pointed out, the pretextual nature of Respondent's contention is further demonstrated by the fact that the breakage of the mold by DePalma occurred more than a year before the wage increase was instituted and, in the final analysis, it is apparent that such accidents are not unusual happenings in the molding department and that they do occur from time to time , and under normal circumstances the discipline measures are without any particular consequences other than a routine warning . There is no contention or testimony that DePalma had ever before or has since been careless in this respect. Mackessy maintained that the various production cards introduced into the record , as previously detailed herein, revealed that DePalma failed to follow instructions, and said that this "falsification" was a constant and continuing problem which resulted in a loss of money and loss of business and good will with its best customers , and that such factors also played a part in denying DePalma a raise. It is difficult for me to attach any significant importance to the above contention as the Respondent never issued a warning slip to DePalma for her conduct in filling out production reports or cards . As pointed out by the General Counsel , if DePalma had been falsifying the cards, and if this had cost the Company money and had resulted in serious difficulties with customers , Respondent surely would have issued her a warning slip, or at minimum would have cautioned her about it-yet , management did neither , and the Respondent 's reaction was to place DePalma in a training program . I agree that this too is highly unlikely . The cards in question concerned her production tabulations in 1971 , but the training program DePalma was supposedly placed in to correct her figures could not have been instituted until the spring of 1972 as Manager Rogers did not start his employment with the Company until then , and admittedly the training was under his direction . Moreover, there is reliable evidence by DePalma that the only training program she participated in was a program for new employees which commenced in June , and at times she had even been an instructor in this program. It is also noted that the failure to include DePalma in the April wage increase closely followed her testimony in March against the Company in the prior case (3-CA-4715). Based on a preponderance of evidence I have found that Respondent violated Section 8(axl), (3), and (4) of the Act by denying DePalma the wage increase it granted other employees in April 1972. IV. THE REMEDY Having found that Respondent has engaged in certain unfair labor practices , I shall recommend that it cease and desist therefrom and take certain affirmative action to effectuate the policies of the Act. It has been found that Respondent , since on or about April 3, 1972, had discriminatorily failed and refused to grant a wage increase to Nina DePalma , and it will therefore be recommended that she be included in this pay raise and that Respondent also make DePalma whole for any loss of earnings she may have suffered as a result of the discrimination against her by payment of a sum equal to that which she would have earned , absent the discrimi- nation , and with backpay and interest computed in accordance with the Board 's established standards .5 It will be further recommended that Respondent preserve and make available to the Board , upon request , all payroll records, social security payment records , timecards, per- 5 F W Woolworth Company, 90 NLRB 289; Isis Plumbing & Heating Co, 138 NLRB 716. GLOMAC PLASTICS, INC. sonnel records and reports , and all other records necessary and useful to determine the amount of backpay and the wage increase under the terms of this recommended Order. Upon the foregoing findings of fact, and upon the entire record in the case, I make the following: CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. Respondent is engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2 (6) and (7) of the Act. 453 2. The Union is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. 3. By failing and refusing to grant Nina DePalma a wage increase on or about April 3 , 1972, the Respondent has engaged in and is engaging in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8(a)(3), (4), and (1) of the Act. 4. The aforesaid unfair labor practices are unfair labor practices affecting commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. [Recommended Order omitted from publication.] Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation