General Motors Corp.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsAug 23, 1971192 N.L.R.B. 927 (N.L.R.B. 1971) Copy Citation NEW DEPARTURE-HYATT BEARINGS DIV. OF GMC 927 New Departure-Hyatt Bearings Division of General Motors Corporation and William Jandik. Case 22-CA-4251 August 23, 1971 DECISION AND ORDER BY MEMBERS FANNING, JENKINS, AND KENNEDY On May 26, 1971, Trial Examiner Samuel M. Singer issued his Decision in the above-entitled proceeding, finding that the Respondent had en- gaged in and was engaging in certain unfair labor practices and recommending that it cease and desist therefrom and take certain affirmative action, as set forth in the attached Trial Examiner's Decision. The Trial Examiner also found that the Respondent had not engaged in and was not engaging in certain other unfair labor practices as alleged in the complaint and recommended that the complaint be dismissed as to those allegations . Thereafter, the Respondent filed exceptions to the Trial Examiner's Decision and a supporting brief, and the General Counsel filed exceptions and a supporting brief. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board has delegated its powers in connection with this case to a three- member panel. The Board has reviewed the rulings of the Trial Examiner made at the hearing and finds that no prejudicial error was committed. The rulings are hereby affirmed. The Board has considered the Trial Examiner's Decision , the exceptions and briefs, and the entire record in the case, and hereby adopts the findings , conclusions , and recommendations of the Trial Examiner. ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended , the National Labor Relations Board adopts as its Order the recommend- ed Order of the Trial Examiner and hereby orders that the Respondent , New Departure-Hyatt Bearings Division of General Motors Corporation, Clark, New Jersey, its officers, agents, successors , and assigns, shall take the action set forth in the Trial Examiner's recommended Order. TRIAL EXAMINER'S DECISION SAMUEL M. SINGER , Trial Examiner: This proceeding was tried before me in Newark , New Jersey, on January 6-8, 1971, pursuant to a charge filed on October 27 and a complaint issued on December 11, 1970. The complaint alleges that Respondent violated Section 8(a)(1) and (3) of the Act by warning employees of reprisals because of their protected union and concerted activities; and by discrimi- natorily laying off and refusing to reinstate two employees because of their union activities. All parties were represent- ed by counsel and were afforded full opportunity to introduce relevant evidence and contentions. Briefs were received from all parties. Upon the entire record' and my observation of the testimonial demeanor of the witnesses, I make the following: FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS 1. RESPONDENT'S BUSINESS ; LABOR ORGANIZATION INVOLVED Respondent, a Delaware corporation, with its principal office and place of business at Detroit, Michigan, manu- factures and sells automotive bearings and related products at its plant here involved in Clark, New Jersey. Its annual purchases and shipments in interstate commerce from points outside New Jersey exceed $50,000. I find that at all material times Respondent has been and is engaged in commerce within the meaning of the Act. Local 736, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricul- tural Implement Workers of America (the labor organiza- tion here involved and called Local 736 or the Union) is a labor organization within the meaning of the Act. II. THE UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES A. Background 1. Contractual relations Local 736 has been the statutory representative of Respondent's employees at the Clark plant for many years. Respondent's latest collective agreements with the local and its International (United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America herein called UAW) expired simultaneously on September 14, 1970,2 at which time UAW began a nationwide strike against General Motors. The Clark plant, which produced parts and materials for automotive competitors (Ford and Chrysler) and farm implement manufacturers (Caterpillar and International Harvester), as well as for General Motors customers, was not struck but continued to operate on a curtailed basis. On November 11, UAW and General Motors reached tentative agreement and on November 20 a new National Agreement was ratified by the Union to become effective on November 23. The new Local agreement (covering job classifications and wages, seniori- ty and layoff procedure, shift rotation, etc.) was still being negotiated at the time of this hearing. 2. The "ACTION" movement In April or May, several Local 736 members, including I Transcript as corrected by my order on notice dated April 2, 1971. s Unless otherwise indicated, all dates are 1970. 192 NLRB No. 136 928 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD the two alleged discriminatees (Jandik and Zarrello), organized "ACTION," whose avowed objective was to "motivate the members of Local 1736 into greater participa- tion in union affairs." The group authored, published, and openly distributed leaflets among Respondent's employees. A few members also wore shirts containing the word ACTION on the back. Some (including recruits) wore ACTION buttons. Jandik and Zarrello were two of the three editors and publishers of the ACTION periodicals and, among others, contributed articles appearing therein. In general, AC- TION leaflets (issued about once each month) attacked as "unfair" existing shop rules; complained against the manner in which the Company and Union were handling grievances; criticized the union leadership for ignoring contract breached by management; and urged membership participation to create a "dynamic, honest, and effective [union] as it once was." One flyer, signed by a 3-man investigating committee, called upon the union member- ship to attend a scheduled (August 30) union meeting at which the Committee intended to report "whether there were good and sufficient reasons to terminate the honora- ble [i.e., honorary] withdrawal cards of two [foremen] .. . and to draw formal proceedings against them." 3 It is conceded that Respondent was aware of, the activities of ACTION. The gatehouse guard would, receive copies of material distributed and give them to Personnel Manager Martin. Martin testified that ACTION's activity had been mentioned at foremen's (training) meetings at which he would explain that ACTION was simply "an out- group that wants to be an in-group politically" to take over the union leadership-a not uncommon phenomenon which takes place every 2 years when an antiunion administration faction attempts to take over before a union election. B. Alleged Interference, Restraint, and Coercion The complaint alleges that Respondent through its foremen and agents Arnold, Lucas, and Lo Bianco warned employees of reprisals for engaging in union activities. 1. Albert Arnold Arnold, a Department 630 foreman, had at one time been an active union committeeman and, according to employee Zarrello, "was quite interested ... in the union itself and he knew quite a bit about it." Both Zarrello and Jandik testified that they were "very friendly" with Arnold, their foreman . In May, shortly after the first ACTION leaflet was issued , Zarrello approached Arnold and asked what he "thought of it." Zarrello credibly testified that 3 The two foremen involved were Lo Bianco and Carroll (infra, sec. B., 3) whose withdrawal cards were ultimately "terminated," thereby in effect expelling them from the Union . Under the Union's constitution, although a member promoted to a supervisory position could retain an "Honorary" card, his card could be canceled if "guilty of acts detrimental to the Union." 4 As indicated , the above findings are based almost entirely on the credited testimony of Zarrello and Jandik ; Arnold 's brief testimony on the incidents is at least partly consistent. I do not credit employee Miliziano's testimony that Arnold had at one time warned hum to watch himself because "[t]hey are out to get" him and other ACTION adherents. For reasons hereafter detailed (sec. B ., 4), Miliziano did not impress me as a reliable witness; he was a zealous anticompany partisan , prone to Arnold told him;, "you know, you guys are sticking your` necks out by writing'stuff like this." When asked what he meant, Arnold replied, "well, the company don't, like this. It rocks the boat and the union doesn't go for it because you are hitting them, , too." Zarrello further testified that they "talked about it ... for a while, what we were trying to do;" that he explained to Arnold that they "were trying to form a better union" and to increase membership participation; and that Arnold agreed;that "the ideas were legitimate ... there was nothing far out about it . . ." except that neither the Union or Company would like it. Jandik credibly testified that in July, when ACTION was investigating the possibility of withdrawing honorary union cards held by two foremen (supra, fn., 3), Arnold said, he "doesn't think it would go anywhere`and all you are doing is working, waves." Jandik "disagreed," stating that "this` was something that has never been done in the history of Local 736.114 2. Robert Lucas Lucas was a "per diem" or temporary foreman from, July 9 through September 21, when he reverted to his: regular rank-ande-file status 5 Zarrello_ credibly' tested' that in August, Lucas told him that the ACTION group _was "really rocking the boar'; that the Company was"not, going "to put up" with it; and' that it had "a list of all the ACTION guys," with several activists,(including Jandik and Zarrello) on top of the list slated for dismissal. Later that month, . Lucas told Zarrello that, he had' been at a management meeting concerning ACTION; that "the company doesn't like what's going on because they feel they are in the middle between the union and the ACTION group," and that they are going to, get rid of you, even if it is for throwing a match on the floor or for spitting'on the floor." The next ` day Lucas told, Zarrello that he' had "better keep especially straight" because a piece'of paper- came down from , the,''front' office signed by Labor` Relations Representative Belejack and Personnel Manager. Martin asking "what is being-done about Zarrello, and Jandik." Again, in August, during a grievance, meeting among Zarrello, a union representative, and Lucas, the latter said, "let's face it ... you guys are going to get nailed and the union is not going to help you because they want to get rid of you guys." ' ' In August and September, Foreman Lucas also had "quite a few conversations" with Jandik. In mid-August Lucas told, him that he had been at a foreman's training session at which he was told that ' management didn't like the idea of ... being in, the middle of the local union} and the ACTION group and they ' would have to destroy the' exaggerate ., ,I credit Arnold's testimony that in a conversation with, Mihziano, shortly before the instant hearing ,,' 1iliziano, "sitting, on his bicycle," commented that "Meehan (counsel for the General Counsel) dragged you guys over the coals", and gave "you guys a rough time." Miliziano also said , "I remember when von were a good union man. What happened?" 5 "Per diem" foremen are "hourly rated employees" temporarily assigned to perform supervisory functions. However, they possess "the "same basic authority as . other [regular] foremen" while acting in that capacity. Lucas was not called to rebut any of the °statements attributed to him. NEW DEPARTURE-HYATF BEARINGS DIV. OF GMC weakest link [ACTION ]. " At ; the end of August or early September, Lucas told Jandik that Lucas wasl given the choice of- staying on the third or the second shift, but he was-going to take the second because "the Company is out to get you and [he-didn't] want to be the one to give [him] a violation" since, they "have been friends too loaf g." About a week later, after a Local 736 meeting (at which cancellation of the honorary withdrawal cards held by two foremen was,being discussed); Lucas told Jandik "you and Zas [ Z a r r e l l o ], you, better s t a y straight .. • . because the union in not going to help you . you got them shook and the company is out to get you." , 3. Thomas Lo Bianco Employee Walters credibly., testified that at the beginning of August-shortly after publication of the ACTION leaflet regarding termination of honorary union withdraw- al cards held by two foremen, including Department 720 Foreman Lo Bianco (supra, fn. 3) -Lo Bianco approached him and said, "your buddy's in -trouble now ... I can't explain-it now but if I have anything to do with it, anything in my power, I will get [Department,630•employee] Jimmy Zarrello back here on the 720 department ... I will get on his back and I'll stay there." That evening Walters telephoned Zarrello and related the conversations Zarrello then filed 'a grievance alleging that Lo Bi co had threatened to get him transferred to Lo Bianco's depart- ment in order` to "get" Zarrello.6 4. Other supervisors At the hearing Miliziano, who was called by Charging Party, testified on . three, other incidents, which, however, were , not alleged . as violations in the complain(. (In, his brief, General Counsel relies on these incidents only to establish "Respondent's anti-ACTION animus' or mo- tive.") Thus, Miliziano testified that in September, Fore- man Sager "confidentially", told him he had received instructions "to nail" Miliziano because he was "mixed up with :..'those ACTION guys;" denying this statement, Sager 'testified that- while once checking M' ' iano's timecard (one of his "normal"' activities), Miliziano remarked, "I know you guysare out to get me." According to Miliziano, on another -occasion (mid-October-while riding his bicycle-Assistant - Superintendent Evans stopped to greet--him-and told him he had been "instructed' to make trouble" for people (hike Miliziano) who were wearing ACTION -buttons. Evans denied telling Miliziano , about such instructions, admitting only to greeting him as he would other employees he met in the plant. Finally, Miliziano quoted Foreman Levitt as telling him just 2 days before the instant-hearing that "it's going to'take no time at 6 Lo Bianco admitted a conversation with Walters around this time, but claimed ` it" was Walters who approached him with an ACTION leaflet, saying that Zarretlo "was going to get'[him ) fired. " Lo Bianco testified that he ':figured [Walters ] was kidding" and -told him "it is too bad that [Zarrellol=isn't in,[his ] department so he ,could tell [Lo Bianco ) himself." As between Lo Bianco and Walters, I credit the latter who impress ed me as a more reliable witness. However, -I credit Lo Bianco's denial that around the same t#me (early August) Lo Bianco told employee Miliziano that, "we are going to get you ACTION skunks any way that we can, one at a time." As previously noted 929 all ... to build up a record" against the two alleged discriminatees in this case (Jandik and-Zarrello); according to Miliziano, it was he who initiated the conversation. by telling Levitt that he must by this time have "found out that Zarrello and Jatidik are kind of sharp guys." Miliziano, as he testified, "was interested in determining what [Levitt's ] reaction might be to the current trial." I do not, credit Miliziano's versions of the described incidents, I have already indicated (fns. 4 and 6) my reservations about the credibility of Miliziano, who impressed me as a biased anticompany witness going to extreme lengths to make out a case against Respondent. Miliziano's anticompany grudge could be due to resent- ment at the fact that he had received a-2-week disciplinary layoff.? 5. Conclusions a. It goes without saying that "[a]ny determination of the exact nature and effect of [employer ] statements can be made only with due regard for the context of the statements" ()V.L.R.B. v. Morris Fishman & Sons, Inc., 278 F.2d 792, 796 (C.A. 3)), including the nature - of the remarks, the relationship between the, utterer of the words' and listener, and, above all, whether, the statement "tends to interfere with the free exercise of-employee rights under the Act." (N.L.R.B. v. Illinois Tool Works, 153 R2d 81-I, 814 (C.A. 7). See,also N.L R.B. v. Henderson Transit Lines, 429 F.2d 1223, 1227 (CA 3)). Tested by these criteria, I find that Foreman Lo Bianco's statement to employee Walters that he was going to attempt to "get" Zarrello back in his department and "get on his back" constituted an unlawful threat- of changes in working conditions and of imposing more stringent working conditions on him because, as the background of the utterance establishes, Zarrello was one of the signers of the-ACTION leaflet urging employees to attend the monthly, union meeting where the subject of terminating Lo Bianco's honorary withdrawal card was to, be discussed. Lo Bianco's threat constituted restraint, coercion, and interference with ,the exercise of protected union and concerted activity in violation of Section 8(axl) of the Act b. Also falling within the proscription of Section 8(axl) are Foreman Lucas' statements to Zarrello that he and others in the ACTION group were' on a company list, slated for dismissal; that the Company was going "to get rid of them" on pretexts; that management had inquired as to` what was being done about Zarrello and Jandik; and that Zarrello and other ACTION employees-were "going to -get -nailed." Similarly coercive were Lucas' remarks to Jandik that the Company would' have to destroy" the ACTION group, that Lucas had elected to transfer to-the second shift so as not to= have to charge Jandik (who (fn. 4), Miliziano, who attributed this remark to in Bianco, was not a wholly reliable witness. It is to be noted that according to Miliziano, the conversation started with Lo Bianco's alleged attempt to -butter" up Zarrello (a member of the union committee inve stigating the desirability of withdrawing Lo Bianco's honorary union -card). I. am not persuaded by Miliziano's testimony that, upon his remark to Lo Bianco that ACTION is ,doing pretty good, the latter became so "enraged" as to utter the alleged threat about ridding the plant of ACTION "skunks:, r Miliziano's appeal from the Regional Director 's dismissal of the unfair labor practice charges he filed were still pending at the time of this hearing. 930 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD worked on- the third shift) with pretextuous violations; and that Jandik and Zarrello "better stay straight" because the Company-was out to get them. To be sure, Lucas was only a minor supervisor-indeed, only a temporary or 'per diem foreman . Moreover , there is no evidence whatever , that his utterances were sanctioned by higher company authority or reflected company policy. However, since he was admittedly clothed with supervisory authority when he spoke to the employees , his minatory remarks are attribut-, able to Respondent: His predictions and threats concern- - ing the consequences - of, protected , concerted activity-' tended to engender , fear in employees and to inhibit them in the exercise of their right to engage in such activity, in violation of Section - 8(a)(l) of the Act. Cf. N.L.RB. v. J. W. Mays, Inc., 356 F.2d 693, 698 (C.A. 2). c. Foreman Arnold's statements to Zarrello and Jandik stand on a different footing . Arnold, was a former union committeeman and at one time represented those two employees in union matters. Both Zarrello and Jandik regarded him as a "friend ." It was not unnatural for Zarrello to approach Arnold- as he did-to solicit. his - opinion - as ,to what he "thought" of the first published ACTION, leaflet. In, my view, Arnold's response that "the ideas were legitimate," but that.neither'-the Company, or Union would like it, and that the men were "rocking the boat" - and ; "sticking their necks out" constituted no more than an, expression of personal views on a subject brought' up by an employee. In the context of the prevailing situation, the, described statements ' may not fairly be regarded as illegal restraint or, coercion . Cf. N.L.R.B. Y. M & W Marine Ways, Inc., 411 F.2d 1070, 1073 (C.A., 5). The same is-trueof Arnold's subsequent remark to,Jandik that _ ACTION's . attempt to investigate the withdrawal of honorary union cards held by,two foremen was unworth- , while and only , "making waves." It is ,accordingly found that while ' (as alleged in the complaint) Respondent violated-Section 8(a)(1) of the Act by,,- warning employees of reprisals for engaging in union activities through the conduct of, Foremen Lo Bianco and Lucas, , it did not similarly violate Section 8(aXI), through the conduct -of Foreman Arnold. C. 'Alleged, Discriminatory Layoffs 1. Introduction; company layoff policy As, already noted (sec. A, 1), the Clark plant, which was not,, struck on September 14,.,continued to operate on a curtailed basis. Plant Production Control Manager Ranndel, credibly testified,that at the beginning of the strike the Company, received instructions, from - General Motors "customer plants" not to ship; the parts they, had been buying because the strike had closed their plants clown. At a meeting between Clark Plant Manager Himmelein, Randel, and the divisional head for Ohio,8 it was decided on an "inventory build-up 11cy ," i.e., to produce parts sufficient only to build an inventory in ^ anticipation of, a heavy poststrike- demand. According ' to Randel, this 8 The Clark plant is within the jurisdiction of theiNew Departure-Hyatt Bearings Division, headquartered at San'dusky,' Ohio. ' , 9, The Clark plant produced many 200 or 300 , different kinds of parts=several hundred thousand pieces daily. - entailed the "difficult" job, of estimating- "as best -we could- when the strike would be-over," the customer "demand" for particular parts in ,the poststrike period, and proper production scheduling at Clark during the strike.9 Manage- ment decisions effectuating the "inventory build-up poli- cy" were made- by the plant manager (Himmelein) and-- production control manager (Randal), on a daily , basis, determining each day "when certain' departments and, shifts would be closed down in line with our-needs ." Clark Plant Personnel Manager Martin credibly testified that,_in accordance with a plan worked out by the three personnel managers of the division (supra,, fn. 8),, it was - decided that "the only practical way that we could handle the send- homes and run efficiently was to send the people home as the jobs ran out"-which meant that if "all of a sudden there [was] no more .work for, [a] line or machine [the,j job [of the employee on the line or ,machine ] has run out." According-,to Martin, the unionseniority agreement -was disregarded not because that agreement had expired,,but because the complex "bumping procedure" provided in that ,agreement =just "couldn't be applied" since-"jobs were running out .:. faster than we could put a man on them"; he emphasized that the plant was faced with a "chaotic situation" -as customers were canceling orders on -"short notice." Assistant Manufacturing Superintendent Wilhelm indicated that he -would convey the Plant Manager's decision- - to close a- - particular line or operation- to the foreman under his jurisdiction' who, in turn, would layoff the men on that operation. The-foreman would notify the affected employee that he was "being sent home due to a labor dispute" and "will-- be notified; of recall" later. The record shows that beginning with September 22 until around the strike settlement (November. 12), Respondent laid off 1,546 employees19 While-General Counsel and Charging Party do not dispute Respondent's legitimate need to effect layoffs, they do contend that the layoffs of Jandik and Zarrello were discriminatorily motivated. , 2. The layoffs , Jandik and Zarrello were, two of the eight setup operators working on the, third shift in the , cold-form, press area-of Department 630, at the time of their September 25 layoff. There are three lines of presses,(A, B, and C) in the area, each with four presses per line. Jandik and Zarrello worked on the B line, their normal ,stations, at the time of the layoffs. Jandik,--who had been -with Respondent II years, and Zarrello, who, had been with . Respondent for 9 years, were capable of running all,three lines of presses . Although the- products- made by the -three_ lines in Department 630 varied, the "different, lines of machines , . [involved] basically, ... the same operation." - As in other machine shutdowns,,,the "final" decision to discontinue the Department 630 third-shift B line, (Jandik's and Zarfello's) was made '' by Plant Manager Himmelem, after consulting with Production,- Control , Manager Randel.ll Himmelein then directed AssistantManufactur- ing Superintendent Whilhelm to shut down-the B line and 10 Approximately 3,200 were on the Clark plant payroll when the strike began (September 14), of whom 2,800 actually` worked at that time. 11 While Randel could not recall the specific, details leading to the decision to shut down, including the particular time it was-made, he NEW DEPARTURE-HYATT BEARINGS DIV. OF GMC 931 Wilhelm relayed the instruction, to Third-Shift Foreman Arnold.12 According to Randel, the decision to shut down the B line (rather than the A and C lines) was made "on the basis of , . . customer demands for the products produced in line B." as well as the extent of company inventory "of those particular products in line B.1113 He also indicated that the Company "would give very heavy weight to elimination of a third shift operation if it were possible to do so" because it was more costly to operate the third shift (fie., wage rates were higher) than the first and second shifts. After receiving his instruction from Assistant Manufac- turing Superintendent Wilhelm to lay off "whoever you have on the B line," Foreman Arnold handed Jandik and Zarrello their layoff notices at'the end of the third shift on September 25, explaining that "it isn't because of you, it's because we are shutting the B line down on third shift " Jandik remarked that it was "pretty obvious" that the two men were being sent home because of their ACTION activities, indicating that he "expected it." Zarrello said that 'he would see Arnold in' "discrimination court." 14 The record shows that on third-shift B line at the time of the layoffs, in addition to Jandik and Zarrello (setup men), were 'Readie (a press operator) and Hazzard (a trucker). Readie, who was on sick leave on September 25, was laid ,off several days latter before returning to work. Hazzard was retained until October „30 because he serviced the entire department on the third shift, including lines A and C which continued to operate. On October2, Respondent laid off eight other third-shift employees, seven more (including from the cold press; group) on October 23, and the last two (Hazzard and Barton) on October 27 and 30 when the entire third ' shift ,was eliminated. First- and second-shift employees were also laid off beginning with September 30, with, only one or two C line employees continuing after October 27 or November 3. The B line in the third shift actually continued in operation for some time after the September 25 layoff of Jandik and Zarrello. Employee Barton, a setup man on the third-shift C line, credibly testified that pursuant to Foreman Arnold's instructions he operated the third-shift B line regularly in the first week after the layoff (September 28-October 2) and thereafter on two or three nights a week until laid off on October 27. According to Barton, on one occasion two other setup men also worked on the B line. While admitting that Barton sometimes was moved froir the C to B line, Foreman Arnold testified that this wat done in accordance with normal practice;' explaining "when we have trouble with C line or 'A line, when the presses are down, they can't run or we can't get-them repaired, to utilize -a man's 8 hours, we move him to a 'machine that's open. And B line happened to have been opened." According to Arnold, he could not, -and normally did not, send a third-shift employee home at 2 or 3 o'clock in the morning in the event of a machine, breakdown,; but "move[d] him to a machine that is not running." Relying on production records for-the period Barton had worked on the third-shift B line, Assistant Manufacturing Superin- tendent Wilhelm indicated that various problems on the presses could have accounted for Barton's move from the C to B line, including lack of parts or needed repairs to the C machines.15 According to Respondent's production records, a total of some 48,000 parts were produced on the third-shift B line in the week after the layoff of Jandik and Zarrello (September 28-October 2) as compared to 76,000 parts in the previous week - (September 2125).16 3. The recall of Jandik and Zarrello Personnel Manager Martin credibly testified and without contradiction that on November -16 -(after the tentative strike settlement, supra; sec. A), the Company started to recall laid-off employees in accordance with strict seniority.17 Since the layoffs had been madewithout regard to seniority (supra sec. C, 1), Respondent made certain to recall its senior- employees even if this meant"send[ing] a junior man out." Based on the seniority -arrangements agreed to, Jandik was recalled on November 30- and Zarrello on December 8. 4. Conclusions a. Whether the approximately 2-month layoff of Jandik and Zarrello during the nationwide General Motors strike was grounded on -discriminatory, considerations (i.e. the two employees' active Union or protected. concerted activities) or on legitimate business grounds. presents only a -factual question, the key issue being,"what motivation truly dominated the Employer in laying off ..." the employee[s]." N.LR.B. v. Jones Sausage Co., 257 F.2d 878, 882 (C.A. 4)..In determining this issue, it mustbe borne, in mind that the Board may not substitute its judgment for that of the employer - in nondiscriminatory sections for layoff, "These are matters to be determined by the indicated ' that the decision was made in usual , routine manner. His failure to recall these details is understandable since, as Randel testified, he and the plant manager "had hundreds of'these kinds of decisions to make ' during the strike and they , had met "quite ,frequently" for, this purpose . Randel impressed me as an honest witness and I credit his testimony. Assistant Manufacturing Superintendent Wilhelm's testimony on this point is in essence consistent with that of Randef. - 12 Based on credited ' testimony of Arnold and Wilhelm , both of whom testified that Arnold had received his instructions at the end of the third shift, at 6:30 a.m. on September 25. The instruction was also recorded in a logbook, which Arnold described as "the way" the assistant, superintendent and any foreman communicates with a foreman on a subsequent shift as to unfinished work, "trouble with the machines," and other matters. Both Wilhelm and Arnold testified that they were not told of the specific reason for selecting the third-shift B line for shutdown. is As previously noted, line B produced products different than A and C. 14 The above findings are based on a composite of credited testimony of Arnold, Jandik , and Zarrello. 15 Jankik conceded that machine -breakdowns and stoppages occurred "quite frequently," citing as typical situations "breaking of tooling, punches, dies, left outs. '..." He indicated that while he could (and was expected to) correct some breakdowns, other would have to await correction by "an electrician machinist or millwright, whatever was needed." - 16 In the second week after the layoff (October 5-9), 68,620 parts were fabricated , but only 7,140 in the 3 ensuing days (October 12-14)--the last days for which production figures were produced. 17 Although the National Agreement, ratified on, November 20, contained a broad provision regarding seniority for layoff and recall, it was the more specific and detailed seniority provisions of the still "nonexistent Local Seniority Agreement" that Respondent agreed - to follow, ,in compliance with the Local's demand . According to Martin, the Company agreed that "it made sense to do it this way . So we brought back [the employees l by the Local Seniority Agreement." 932 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL ,LABOR RELATIONS BOARD management ..- ." (`N L.R.B. v. Montgomery Ward & Co., 157 F.2d 486, 490 (CA. 8)). Based on the, entire record, including the considerations stated below, I find that General Counsel failed to meet the burden, which is.his; of -establishing by a preponderance of the substantial credible evidence that the layoffs here were unlawfully motivated. b. To be sure, Jandik and Zarrello were two of the most active adherents of ACTION-a militant group within Local 736 that sought to wrest better working conditions from Respondent,' if' necessary by opposing the union leadership. Nor was there''any "secret," as Respondent concedes (br. p. 16)' . as' to the two employees' role in ACTION. However,;"As has been stated .:. violation of 8(a) (1) or 8(a)(3) cannot be based solely on proof that an employee -was active' in' the union and that the employer was opposed to `the organization of its employees." Nbe v. N.L R.B., 418 F.2d 1001, 1008 (C.A. 5). Indeed, even the "fact that an employer harbors an anti-union bias cannot be used to contaminate its every subsequent act." Barnwell Garment Co. v. N.L:RB., 398 F.2d 777, 779 (C.A. 6). There must be a link between the union activity and the claimed discriminatory `conduct. No such link has .been demon- strated here. While the credited evidence discloses that two .,low-placed supervisors- temporary and a regular fore- man (Lucas and Lo Bianco)--uttered- coercive anti-AC- TION -statements, neither had any'voice in the decision to lay off Jandik and Zarrello; in fact, neither supervised or worked with- the two employees. The record establishes that the September 25 decision to shut down the Depart- ment 630 third-shift B line and layoff "whoever . . . [was] on the B line" on that night was formulated by' Plant Manager Himmelein and Production Control Manager Randel, and that this-decision was passed on to Assistant Manufacturing Superintendent Wilhelm and then to Department 630 Foreman Arnold. There is not a scintilla of evidence impugning the motives of the first three; and the credited evidence shows that Arnold was not hostile to the ACTION movement in general nor to Jandik and Zarrello in particular, although in response to the employ- ees' request for his views regarding the movement, Arnold did tell them of possible risks. While Jandik at the time of the layoff thought it was "pretty, obvious"' ,(as he told Arnold) that -the, layoff was discriminatorily motivated because he and Zarrello were among the first-laid off in the department, it is clear that a findinguof discrimination must "rest upon the motive of the employer ... not upon what it appears to have been ... to the victim." N.L.R.B. v. Dalton Brick & Tile Corp., 301 F.2d 886, 897 (C.A. 5). Moreover,, "[t ]he mere fact that an employer may desire to terminate , an employee because he engaged in unwelcome concerted, -activities -does not, of itself, establish the unlawfulness of a [layoff ]." Klate Holt Company, 161 NLRB 1606, 1612. c. Respondent's legitimate need to curtail production and effect layoffs during the strike, unquestioned. In issue only is the procedure it employed in selecting Jandik and Zarrello_ In my view, Respondent offered an adequate explanation. As Respondent's officials indicated, the Company was confronted with "hundreds"' of production- reduction decisions. The use of seniority in effecting layoffs was unmanageable, and impractical since it would have entailed interminable "bumpings',It was decided that in order to "run efficiently" the Company would have "to send the people home as the jobs ran out," dispensing with the employees then operating the particular' jobs and machines. Jandik and Zarrello,happened to be- operating the third-shift, B line when it-was decided to discontinue producing the parts fabricated- on that line on the night shift. d._ There is, of course, in this case,, as in many layoffs for cause, countervailing evidence tending to indicate discriminatory motive. In cases of this type the evidence seldom is one-sided . The most damning ,circumstance is that despite the decision to close down the,,'third-shift B line and, lay off Jandik and Zarrella on September 25, that line was operated regularly ` in 'the ensuing week (September 2&-October 2) and thereafter sporadically, (two or three nights, a week)- until October ' 27. On the other hand,, the record shows that the line was operated not by a'B,line but by a C line employee (Barton); that it'was not unusual to move, a C line, setup man to another (B) line when a t machine could not function properly because of needed repairs or, shortage - of parts; ,that the C linelnvolveddid require parts and -repairs after September 25; and that although the amount of production on the ,B line was significant during the first week of the layoff 'it was far below its, previous- output. Additionally, it appears that Respondent had contemporaneously also laid off another B' shift employee on Jandik's and Zarrello's I shift (press operator Readie), who was not shown'^to'be, an' ACTION supporter. By October 2, eight additional third-shift employees and on October 23 seven more were let go. Finally, it is undisputed that after settlement of the strike Jandik andZarrello were ' called back ona strict nondiscri- minatory seniority basis. Accordingly,,efter giving due weight to these and other considerations `adverted to, I nevertheless concludejor reasons ` already indicated, that the preponderance of substantial credible evidence does not support the allega- tion of the complaint that the layoff and- recall of Jandik and 'Zarrello were discriminatorily- motivated, in violation 'of Section 8(a)(3) and(1) of the Act. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. By impliedly and directly threatening employees for engaging in protected, `concerted and union activities, Respondent interfered with, restrained, ,and' coerced its employees in the exercise of rights guaranteed in Section 7, in violation of. Section 8(a)(I) of the Act. - 2. The aforesaid violation is an unfair labor practice affecting commerce with the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 3. 'General Counsel has not established by a fair preponderance of the, substantial, credible evidence that Respondent discriminatorily laid off and failed to reinstate employees-, Jandik and Zarrello, in ' violation' of Section 8(a)(3) and (1) of the Act, as alleged in the- complaint. THE REMEDY Having, found that Respondent has engaged in certain NEW DEPARTURE-HYATT BEARINGS DIV. OF GMC 933 unfair labor practices, I shall recommend the customary cease-and-desist order in cases of this nature, designed to effectuate the policies of the Act. Upon the basis of the foregoing findings of fact, and conclusions of law and upon the entire record, and pursuant to Section 10(c) of the Act, I hereby make the following recommended: 18 , ORDER Respondent, New Departure-Hyatt Bearings Division of General Motors Corporation, its officers, agents, succes- sors, and assigns, shall: 1. Cease and desist from: (a) Directly or impliedly warning employees of reprisals for engaging in protected, concerted or union activities. (b) In any other like or related manner interfering with, restraining , or coercing employees in the exercise of any of their rights under Section 7 of th7e Act. 2. Take the following affirmative action, which its is found will effectuate the policies of the Act: (a) Post at its plant-in Clark, New Jersey, copies -of the attached notice marked "Appendix." 19 , Copies of said notice, on forms provided by the Regional Director for Region 22, shall beposted by Respondent, after being duly signed by its authorized representative, immediately upon receipt thereof, and be maintained by it for 60 consecutive days thereafter, in conspicuous places, including all places where notices to employees, are customarily posted. Reasonable steps shall be taken by Respondent to insure that said notices are not altered, defaced, orcovered by any other material. (b) Notify said Regional Director, in writing, within .20 days from receipt of this Decision, what steps have been taken to comply therewith. ' IT Is FURTHER ORDERED that the complaint be dismissed in all other respects. is In the event no exceptions are filed as provided by Sec. 102.46 of the Rule and Regulations of the National Labor Relations Board, the findings, conclusions, recommendations , and recommended Order herein shall, as provided in Sec. 102.48 of the Rules and Regulations , be adopted by the Board and become its findings, conclusions, and order, and all objections thereto shall be deemed waived for-all purposes. 19 In the event that the Board's Order is enforced by a Judgment of a United States Court of Appeals, the words in the notice reading "Posted by Order of the National Labor Relations Board" shall, be changed to read "Posted Pursuant to a Judgment of the United States Court of Appeals Enforcing an Order of the National Labor Relations Board." - 20 In the event that this recominendedOrder is,adopted by tho-Board, this provision shall be modified to read : "Notify the Regional Director for Region 22 , in writing, within 20 days from the date of this Order, what steps Respondent has taken to comply herewith."" APPENDIX NOTICE TO EMPLOYEES POSTED BY ORDER OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD An Agency of the ' United States Government After a trial at which all sides had the' chance to give evidence,' it has been ' decided that we have violated the National Labor Relations Act, and we have been ordered to post this notice. The National Labor Relations Act gives you, as employees, certain rights including the right - to self-organization; to form, join, or help unions ; and to bargain- collectively through a representative of your own choosing . According- ly, we give you these assurances: WE WILL NOT directly or indirectly warn you of reprisals for engaging in protected concerted or union activities. WE WILL NOT in any like or related manner interfere with, restrain , or coerce you in the exercise of- your rights under, the National Labor 'Relations Act. NEW DEPARTURE-HYATT BEARINGS DIVISION OF GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION (Employer} Dated By (Representative) (Title) This is an official notice and must not be defaced by anyone. This notice must remain posted for 60 consecutive days from the date of posting and must not be altered ; defaced, or covered by any,other material. Any questions concerning this notice or compliance , with its provisions may be directed to the Board's Office, Federal Building, 16th Floor , 970 Broad Street, Newark, New Jersey 07102, Telephone 201-645-2100. , Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation