F.P. Packaging, Inc.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsMay 19, 1978238 N.L.R.B. 239 (N.L.R.B. 1978) Copy Citation F. P. PACKAGING, INC. F. P. Packaging, Inc. and Printing Specialties and Pa- per Products Union Local No. 362, D. C. 1!, Peti- tioner. Case 20- RC--14505 May 19. 1978 DECISION AND DIRECTION BE CGIAIRMAN FANNING AND MEMBE RS JIINKINS AND PFNrLEl.O Pursuant to a Stipulation for Certification Upon Consent Election, an election by secret ballot was conducted under the direction and supervision of the Regional Director for Region 20 on December 15. 1977, among the employees in the appropriate unit. At the conclusion of the election, the parties were furnished with a tally of ballots which showed that of approximately five eligible voters. two cast ballots for, and two cast ballots against, the Petitioner. and one ballot was challenged. The challenged ballot wvas sufficient in number to affect the results of the elec- tion. No objections to the conduct of the election or to conduct affecting the results of the election were filed. In accordance with the National Labor Relations Board's Rules and Regulations, Series 8, as amended. the Regional Director for Region 20 conducted an investigation and, on January 10, 1978, issued and duly served on the parties her "Report on Challenges and Notice of Hearing." The Regional Director found that the challenge raised material and substan- tial issues which could best be resolved on the basis of record testimony at a hearing and directed that a hearing be held to resolve those issues. Thereafter, a hearing was conducted on JanuarN 20, 1978. before Hearing Officer Paul F. McCarthy. All parties were afforded the opportunity to be heard, to examine and cross-examine witnesses, and to introduce all relevant evidence bearing upon the issues in the case. On February 9, 1978, the Hearing Officer issued his report and recommendation on challenged ballot in which he recommended that the challenge to the ballot of John Sanna be sustained. Thereafter. the Petitioner filed timely exceptions to the Hlearing Officer's report and a brief in support thereof, and the Employer filed a reply brief. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its au- thority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. Upon the entire record in this case the Board finds: 1. The Employer is engaged in commerce within the meaning of the Act, and it will effectuate the purposes of the Act to assert jurisdiction herein. 2. The labor organization involved claims to rep- resent certain employees of the Employer. 3. A question affecting commerce exists concern- ing the representation of certain employees of the Employer within the meaning of Sections 9(c)(1) and 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 4. The parties stipulated, and we find, that the fol- lowing employees of the Employer constitute a unit appropriate for the purposes of collective bargaining within the meaning of Section 9(b) of the Act: All full-time and regular part-time production employees, maintenance employees, warehouse employees. and drivers employed by the Em- ployer at its 229 Ryan Way, South San Francis- co, California, facility: excluding all other em- plo!ees. office clerical employees, temporary employees, and guards, professional employees, and supervisors as defined in the Act. 5. The Board has considered the Hearing Officer's report, the exceptions and briefs, and the entire rec- ord in this proceeding, and, for the reasons set forth below, we find merit in the Petitioner's exceptions. The ballot of John Sanna was challenged by the Board agent conducting the aforementioned election because his name did not appear on the list of eligi- ble voters. The Hearing Officer sustained the chal- lenge. finding both that Sanna was a temporary em- ployee and that, because he did not receive the same wages and benefits as the full-time employees, Sanna "did not have a substantial and continuing interest in the wages. hours, and working conditions of the other unit employees." We do not agree with these findings. The record reveals that Executive Vice President Adrian Maarleveld exercises overall supervisory au- thority at the Employer's South San Francisco, Cali- fornia, facilits, where cork imported from Europe is cleaned, treated, packaged, and then sold to various California wineries. Four full-time employees, two of whom have been employed in excess of 5 years (Roy Decot and Brian Eagleson) and two of whom have been employed only since the summer of 1977 (Rob- ert Bowers and Louis Gomez),' operate the machin- ery utilized by the Employer and perform all other functions incident to the production process. When overseas cork shipments arrive, the Emplo)er's prac- tice has been to obtain laborers to unload the con- tainerized cargo from Manpower, an entity which supplies temporary help on an hourly basis. From July 5 through September 9, 1977.2 John Sanna, who l n increase in business prompted Ihe Finplover to hire Ihe.e lIater t 'o emplozecs Prol~! to the suniiller of i977' onls two emplloees 'ere em ploedi 236 NLRB No. 39 239 DECISIONS OF NATIONAI. LABOR RELATIONS BOARD was employed by Manpower and not the Employer. worked 37-1 2 hours per week at Employer's facilitr. Sanna's primary duty during this period was to un- load and warehouse a cork shipment. but he also as- sisted employee Decot on a coating machine in late July and August. Due to certain supply problems ex- perienced by the Employer during the summer, high school students were hired to sort, and thereby up- grade, the Employer's on-hand cork so that it would be able to fulfill its contract with Almaden, a Califor- nia wine producer, to supply 50 bales of cork. Prior to sorting that amount of cork, the students' summer vacations ended, and they returned to school. At the beginning of September. Sanna told Maar- leveld that, because his college classes were to re- sume on or about September 9. he would have to quit Manpower's employ,3 and he asked Maarleveld if the Employer would employ him while in school. On or about September 9, Maarleveld told Sanna that the Employer needed him to continue and complete the sorting job begun by the high school students and that Sanna could work as his class schedule permit- ted. According to Maarleveld, Sanna would be em- ployed so long as the sorting job lasted. Neither the duration of Sanna's employment nor his perfor- mance of other duties were discussed. Sanna became an employee of the Employer on September 13. and. from that date, he worked 24 hours per week until mid-October when he dropped a class and increased his hours to 31 per week. Throughout his emploN- ment. which ended on or about January 15, 1978, 1 month after the election, 4 Sanna worked pursuant to a fixed schedule devised by him and posted in the Employer's shipping office. With the help of the Employer's four full-time em- ploy ees. Sanna, who performed no other duties dur- ing this period, completed the sorting for the Alma- den shipment in 3 weeks.' The 50-bale lot was then shipped to Almaden, but it was rejected. The Em- ployer stored the rejected shipment in its warehouse until early December when the available supply of cork Uwas so low that Almaden accepted the previous- ly rejectled shipment without an,, further sorting h\: the FEmplover. 6 After the Almaden sorting job w as completed, and while the Employer had a full com- plement of employees. Sanna operated the Employ- er s machinery and performed other production-re- I nless ilhert ise ii dicated, all dales refer to thosc In 1 97 'l Malpilwer requiled its emploees to he avlillable for full-l nlt citll,- plIhe recordj dlcl nrt resetl the ret.lsln [Ir the es.ti.rn rf Srlil r plO\ itenli I he full tinme ncmplosees sorted crrk Ifor 2 J1 the 3 uceks bec.llue i ;,f slo'idotiwn ill plodultiion work According. Be rlejetl the Hlearing Officer's apparent fillinig that, it Decenmberhc Salnna agr;lin sortled cork lor this shipment lated tasks, and it was not until early December that Sanna again sorted cork. He continued, however, to operate the Employer's machinery whenever he was needed. Additionallv. from early October through l)ecember, Sanna filled in for Gomez on approxi- mately 10 occasions when the latter was ill. At no time from September 13 through December 15 did the Employer say anything to Sanna regarding the termination of his employment. All five employees, including Sanna, were hourly paid. While Sanna's rate was the lowest, it was sub- stantially higher than the rate which had been paid to the high school students and was comparable to, al- though somewhat less than, the rate paid to Bowers who, like Sanna, had come to the Emplover without prior industry experience. As would be expected in the case of a part-time employee, Sanna reported the hours he worked, which generally conformed to his posted schedule. and was paid accordingly. The full- time employees, on the other hand, were paid for a 40-hour week without having to report their hours. except for any overtime hours.' Sanna's paycheck was prepared at the South San I rancisco facility. and those for the full-time employees were prepared at the Employer's parent organization in Illinois. Sev- eral fringe benefits were available to the Employer's full-time employees. including group insurance and several paid holidays. Paid vacations were available after I year of emploNyment. and coverage by the Em- plover's medical plan began after a 3-month waiting period. With respect to the Employer's pension plan. the record does not reveal what type of plan. e.g.. participating or nonparticipating. was offered, but it does reveal that only employees with 2 or more years of service were eligible and that neither Decot nor Eagleson. the only eligible employees, had "applied for admission." None of these benefits was available to Sanna. As noted above, the Htearing Officer found that Sanna's employment was temporarst. 1'he asserted reason for this finding was that Sanna's emplox ment was "contingent on the one sorting jobh." referrinig to the sorting job for Almaden. It is clear from the rec- ord,. however, that such was not the case. I hus, at no time was Sanna told that his employment would end at a certain time. Moreover, e en assuming that Maarleveld's September 9 statement to Sanna that his employment would correspond to the sorting job could he construed as a date certain, it is clear that that job ended in earls October and that, rather than have his employment t terminated. Sanna worked for the Employer through D[eceimber. during which time he performed the same tasks as the full-time emplo!- I lhc i tnph ler ' lihbel ik icae pidl c I....k Tce .[ 11n, isthclcs hib ile fill lnll.c elllpioNec, 240 F. P. PACKAGING, INC. ees. Accordingly, we reject the Hearing Officer's finding that Sanna's employment was of a temporary nature. The Hearing Officer also found that because San- na did not receive the same wages and benefits as the full-time employees, he did not enjoy a community of interest with those employees. As hereinbefore dis- cussed, Sanna worked well in excess of 20 regularly scheduled hours per week from September 13 through December and, during all but I week at the beginning of that period, performed the same tasks under the same conditions and supervision as the full-time employees. His wage rate was comparable to that of Bowers, the only other inexperienced em- ployee. While it is true that the benefits offered to the full-time employees were not offered to Sanna, it is likewise true that, because of the various waiting pe- riods involved, only two of the four full-time employ- ees were eligible for vacation and pension benefits, and no employee had "applied" for the pension plan. Moreover, it appears to us that it is the rare case that part-time employees enjoy the same overall benefits as full-time employees. In light of the fact that Sanna worked a substantial number of regularly scheduled hours from Septem- ber 13 through December, during which period he performed the same work under the same conditions and supervision and received a rate of pay similar to the rate for full-time employees, we find, contrary to the Hearing Officer, that Sanna did have a commu- nity of interest with the full-time employees regard- ing wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment. See Gruber's Super Market, Inc., 201 NLRB 612. 613, footnote 5 (1973). 8 We conclude, therefore. that Sanna was, at the time of the Decem- ber 15 election, a regular part-time employee eligible to vote in the election, and we shall overrule the chal- lenge to his ballot. Accordingly, we shall direct the Regional Director to open and count the ballot of John Sanna. DIRECTION It is hereby directed that the Regional Director for Region 20 shall, pursuant to the Board's Rules and Regulations. within 10 days from the date of this direction, open and count the ballot cast by John Sanna and thereafter cause to be served on the par- ties a revised tally of ballots including therein the count of the above-mentioned ballot. Thereafter, the Regional Director shall issue the appropriate certifi- cation in accordance with the Boards Rules and Reg- ulat ions. In supporI iof his conncluion that Sanna did not share Ihe requmite c~n- nlitnlx of tllerest. the licarint Officer cited the Board' decisions In IA, ( i; Htm ti r tihe 4t,'d, Int i h I: Shaad OAk,r 229 Nl RB 4 ( 1977). and ('rest WHine and .Sprits. Lid., 168 NlRB 754 (1967) Since (r: It ri, in- .olkcd the quei¢,,rn of uhether a1 .tudent's poradic emplo*smcnt during Ihe hool scar u, stifflclent to stablish regular part-tinme status, that ,ae is inapproite to thir one A tth rcpert to Shlad Oaki, w.e are f' the opinion Ihat the case is distineruih.hle and not crontroiling hecause the student, Insl,.cd thcrrein cre paid less than the minimum wage and aere restirted in the nic[llrihcl of hoLlrs thes r culd iork pursunt to an airccrnt heeleecn their emriplirr and the t S I)epa;lrtent of I abor 241 Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation