Foreman & ClarkDownload PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsJun 12, 194774 N.L.R.B. 77 (N.L.R.B. 1947) Copy Citation In the Matter of FOREMAN & CLARK, EMPLOYER and RETAIL SHOE & TEXTILE UNION, LOCAL 410, AFL, PETITIONER Case No. 00-B-1940.-Decided June 12, 1947 Mr. C. Richard Lange, of San Francisco, Calif., for the Employer and the Retailer's Council. Mr. Roland C. Davis, of San Francisco, Calif., for the Petitioner. Miss Irene R. Shriber, of counsel to the Board. DECISION AND ORDER Upon a petition duly filed, hearing in this case was held at San Francisco, California, on February 7, 1947, before Robert E. Tillman, hearing officer. The hearing officer's rulings made at the hearing are free from prejudicial error and hereby affirmed. At the close of the hearing, the Employer and the San Francisco Retailer's Council, herein called the Council,' requested the Board to reopen the record for the purpose of admitting certain exhibits into evidence and allow- ing argument thereon. For the reasons hereinafter stated, this request is hereby denied. Upon the entire record in the case, the National Labor Relations Board makes the following : FINDINGS or FACT 1. THE BUSINESS OF THE LIMPLOYEAZ Foreman & Clark, a Delaware corporation whose principal office and place of business is in Los Angeles, California, operates 10 retail men's and boys' clothing stores in the States of Missouri, Washington, and California. This proceeding is concerned only with the Em- ployer's store in San Francisco, California. During the year 1946, the Employer purchased for resale in its San Francisco store, more than $200,000 worth of merchandise, of which more than 90 percent was obtained from points outside the State of California. During the 'At the hearing, the Council was permitted to intervene in the proceeding 74 N L R. B., No 19. 77 78 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD same period, sales in the San Francisco store exceeded $300,000, of which approximately 1 percent was to out-of-State customers. We find that the Employer is engaged in commerce within the meaning of the National Labor Relations Act. II. THE ORGANIZATION INVOLVED The Petitioner is a labor organization affiliated with the American Federation of Labor, claiming to represent employees of the Em- ployer. III. THE QUESTION CONCERNING REPRESENTATION The Employer refuses to recognize the Petitioner as the exclusive bargaining representative of certain employees of the Employer un- til the Petitioner has been certified by the Board in an appropriate unit. We find that a question affecting commerce has arisen concerning the representation of employees of the Employer, within the meaning of Section 9 (c) and Section 2 (6) and (7) of the Act. IV. THE ALLEGED APPROPRIATE UNIT The Petitioner seeks a unit composed of the sales clerks in the clothing departments of the Employer's store, excluding,, the sales clerks in the shoe department. The Employer and the Council op- pose the establishment of the requested unit and contend that the only appropriate unit is one embracing the clothing sales clerks of the employer-members of the Council of which the Employer is a member. The Council is an unincorporated association of 32 retail clothing and shoe stores located in San Francisco. It was organized in 1936 for the purpose of engaging in collective bargaining with labor or- ganizations on a Council-wide or multiple-employer basis. The Coun- cil has been authorized by its membership to enter into collective bar- gaining agreements on behalf of its members, and in the 11 years of its existence it has executed several such agreements with various labor organizations including the Petitioner. Bargaining relations between the Council and the Petitioner date back to July 1937 when they signed their first contract. This contract covered the shoe fit- ters of approximately 30 store-nnembers of the Council. New con- tracts were signed in 1938, 1940, 1945, and 1946,2 and in addition to the shoe fitters, they covered sales clerks of hosiery, bags, and other accessories as well as cashiers. and wrappers. The Employer did 2 The record shows that the Council and the Petitioner had no contractual relations from July 1941 through July 1945 The contract signed in 1945, however, was made retroactive to November 12, 1943. FOREMAN & CLARK 79 not employ any sales clerks covered by these contracts until after the 1945 contract was signed when it engaged a shoe salesman. It there- after became a party to the 1945 contract and to the contract executed in July 1946, the latter being currently in force. Both these con- tracts included not only the Employer's shoe salesman, but the stock clerk, the 3 cashiers, and the 2 wrappers. In addition to these 7 em- ployees, 12 other employees of the Employer are covered by Council contracts. One contract covers the 9 employees in the busheling de- partment,3 one, the janitor ,4 and one, the 2 employees in the,display department.5 The only employees of the Employer not covered by Council con- tracts are the 13 sales clerks whom the Petitioner now seeks to repre- sent on a single-employer basis. These salespeople work in men's clothing and furnishings departments. The Employer and the Coun- cil contend that the appropriate form of bargaining unit for these employees is one that includes the clothing sales clerks of the 8 store- members of the Council who deal in men's and boys' clothing. The record shows that the afore-mentioned employers, including the Employer herein, have authorized the Council to represent them in collective bargaining with the Petitioner concerning the sales clerks herein. For over 5 years prior to the filing of its petition herein, the Petitioner has attempted to represent the men's clothing sales clerks of the employer-inembers of the Council on a Council-wide basis. In 1941, it sought to include them in a contract covering shoe sales clerks and submitted a proposed agreement to the Council to that effect. However, no contract was executed that year. During the negotia- Lions in 1945 and 1946, the Petitioner again subnlittecl_ proposed agree- ments covering clothing sales clerks as Well as shoe clerks. After the 1946 contract was signed, the Petitioner attempted to negotiate a separate agreement with the Council for the clothing salespeople. The record shows that three bargaining conferences were held between November 1 and 14, 1946, during the course of Which the Petitioner acknowledged that a Council-wide unit was an appropriate unit for clothing sales clerks and bargained for them on this basis. Nego- tiations broke down because of a dispute over the terms of a proposed agreement and not because of any disagreement regarding the scope of the unit. ' This contract was executed with the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, CIO 4 This contract was executed with the Building Service Employees Union, Local 87, and the Janitor and Elevator Operators Union , Local 117 6 This contract was executed with the Sign, Scene and Pictorial Painters Union, Local 510. 755420-48-vol 74-7 80 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD On the basis of the foregoing facts and the entire record -in the case, we are of the opinion that a unit of sales clerks confined to the Em- ployer's store is inappropriate. The Council, on behalf of the Em- ployer herein and its other members, has had a successful history of collective bargaining. That history has included several years of contractual relations with the Petitioner with respect to employees whose functions are not substantially different from the employees whom the Petitioner would now represent on a single-employer basis. Moreover, the Petitioner as well as the Council and the Employer have recognized the Council-wide unit as an appropriate form of unit for the clothing sales clerks. The break-down of the November 1946 negotiations is not sufficient reason for holding that a unit for the Employer's sales clerks alone is appropriate.6 Under all these cir- cumstances, including the fact that the Council has been duly author- ized by the Employer and its other members to bargain in their behalf, we find that the single-employer unit requested by the Petitioner is inappropriate for the purposes of collective bargaining. We shall, therefore, dismiss the petition herein. ORDER IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the petition for investigation and certifi- cation of representatives of employees of Foreman & Clark, San Francisco, California, filed by Retail Shoe & Textile Union, Local 410, AFL, be, and it hereby is, dismissed. Matter of United For Manufacturers ' Association, Inc, 49 N L R B 1405, 1411 Matter of New Bedford Cotton Manufacturers ' Assoceation, 49 N. L R B 1315, 1354 Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation