Food Machinery Corp.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsJun 13, 194668 N.L.R.B. 600 (N.L.R.B. 1946) Copy Citation In the Matter of FooD MACHINERY CORPORATION and INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF BOILERMAKERS , IRON SHIP BUILDERS AND HELPERS OF AMERICA, A. F. OF L. Case No. 10-R-1693.-Decided June 13, 1946 Mr. Ray C. Brown, of Tampa, Fla., for the Company. Mr. W. A. Calvin, of Silver Springs, Md., for the Boilermakers. Mr. Kenneth W. Kerr, of Dunedin, Fla., for the Independent. Mr. Herbert J. Nester, of counsel to the Board. DECISION AND DIRECTION OF ELECTION STATEMENT OF THE CASE Upon an amended petition duly filed by International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron Ship Builders and Helpers of America, A. F. of L., herein called the Boilermakers, alleging that a question affecting com- merce had arisen concerning the representation of employees of Food Machinery Corporation, Lakeland, Florida, herein called the Company, the National Labor Relations Board provided for an appropriate hearing upon due notice before Samuel G. Zack, Trial Examiner. The hearing was held at Tampa, Florida, on February 14, 1946. The Company, the Boilermakers, and Citrus Machinery Workers, herein called the In- dependent, appeared and participated? All parties were afforded full opportunity to be heard, to examine and cross-examine witnesses, and to introduce evidence bearing on the issues. The Trial Examiner's rulings made at the hearing are free from prejudicial error and are hereby affirmed. All parties were afforded an opportunity to file briefs with the Board. Upon the entire record in the case, the Board makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT I. THE BUSINESS OF THE COMPANY Food Machinery Corporation , a Delaware corporation , is engaged in the manufacture, rental and sale of citrus fruit and vegetable proc- , Local 349, International Molders and Foundry Workers Union of North America, A. F. of L., was duly served with a copy of the Notice of Hearing. The union failed to enter an appearance at the hearing and has not participated in the proceedings. 68 N L R. B, No. 85. 600 FOOD MACHINERY CORPORATION 601 essing machinery throughout the United States. The Florida division, which alone is involved in this proceeding, operates factories at Dunedin and Lakeland, Florida. During the year 1945 , the Company purchased raw materials valued in excess of $500,000, 90 percent of which origi- nated at points outside the State of Florida. Sales and services transacted by the Company during the same period were valued in excess of $500,000. Less than 5 percent of the finished products sold or leased was transported to points outside of the State of Florida. The Company admits that it is engaged in commerce within the mean- ing of the National Labor Relations Act. II. THE ORGANIZATIONS INVOLVED International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron Ship Builders and Helpers of America is a labor organization affiliated with the American Federation of Labor, admitting to membership employees of the Com- pany. Citrus Machinery Workers Union is an unaffiliated labor organization admitting to membership employees of the Company. III. THE QUESTION CONCERNING REPRESENTATION The Company has refused to grant recognition to the Boilermakers as the exclusive bargaining representative of its employees at the Lake- land plant until the Boilermakers has been certified by the Board in an appropriate unit. Since the formation of the Florida division in 1928, the Company has carried on the manufacture of fruit processing machinery at its factory in Dunedin, Florida. In the early part of 1940 construction of a new factory was commenced at Lakeland, Florida. It was the in- tention of the Company to move its entire facilities to the Lakeland factory immediately upon its completion. In November of 1940, the Company entered into a contract with the Navy Department for the construction of amphibious tractors, and a separate division, identified as the Tractor division, was formed to carry on wartime production activities under the Navy contract. The Tractor division thereafter occupied the newly completed Lakeland factory and the contemplated transfer of the Dunedin facilities was not effectuated . The Dunedin plant, however, continued its normal operations in the manufacture of fruit processing machinery. On May 26, 1941, the Independent and the Company entered into a bargaining agreement covering all citrus fruit processing machinery em- ployees in both its Dunedin and Lakeland factories. Although the Lake- land factory was not then producing citrus fruit processing machinery. 602 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD these employees were lincluded in the agreement in anticipation of the Company's moving the Dunedin factory to Lakeland, and there carrying on all operations in the new factory . On February 1, 1944, the Inde- pendent and the Company executed a second bargaining agreement which, in effect, merely revised wage scales previously established, but which again specifically covered fruit processing machinery employees at both the Dunedin and Lakeland plants . This contract has been re- newed pursuant to its terms and is currently existing. On August 16, 1945, the Navy contract was cancelled by the Gov- ernment and all war production activities at the Lakeland plant ceased.2 The Company thereupon abolished the Tractor division. Production of citrus fruit processing machinery has recently been commenced at the Lakeland plant, but the transfer of the Dunedin employees, in ac- cordance with the Company's original plan, has been found impossible because of the Company 's inability to procure housing facilities in Lake- land. As indicated above, there were no fruit processing machinery em- ployees at the Lakeland plant when either of the above-mentioned bar- gaining agreements between the Independent and the Company were executed , and it is clear that the inclusion of the Lakeland employees in the agreements was merely an anticipatory measure. Under these circumstances, we are of the opinion that the current contract cannot operate as a bar to a present determination of representatives at.the Lakeland plant .3 A statement of a Board agent , introduced into evidence at the hearing, indicates that the Boilermakers represents a substantial number of em- ployees in the unit hereinafter found appropriate .4 We find that a question affecting commerce has arisen concerning the representation of employees of the Company, within the meaning of Section 9 (c) and Section 2 (6) and (7) of the Act. IV. THE APPROPRIATE UNIT The Boilermakers urges as appropriate a unit consisting of all pro- duction employees, and all maintenance employees engaged in repair and maintaining machinery and equipment, at the Company 's Lakeland ' The employees of the Tractor division at the Lakeland plant were covered in a collective bargaining agreement executed April 3, 1944, between the Company and the Boilermakers This contract was renewed in accordance with its terms and continued in effect until pro- duction ceased at the Lakeland plant on August 16, 1945 , when the Navy contract was cancelled. 3 See Matter of Chase Brass and Copper Co., Inc., 47 N. L. R. B. 298; Matter of The Prosperity Company, Inc., 55 N. L. R. B. 350. * The Field Examiner reported that the Boilermakers submitted 82 cards, bearing the names of 80 employees listed on the Company 's pay roll for the Lakeland plant. There are approximately 173 employees in the appropriate unit. FOOD MACHINERY CORPORATION 603 excluding employees in the engineering department, watchmen and guards, janitors , office clerical employees , superintendents , assistant superintendents , foremen , and all other supervisory employees. The Company contends that a two -plant unit is appropriate in view of the contemplated absorption of the Dunedin plant into the Lakeland plant. The Independent, for similar reasons, also urges a two-plant unit. The Dunedin and Lakeland plants are approximately 60 miles apart, and are under separate supervision . Although some Dunedin employees have been permanently transferred to Lakeland , there is no present interchange of employees between the plants. As indicated above, there has been no past bargaining history involving a two-plant unit . Further, the contemplated absorption of the Dunedin plant has been retarded by unforeseen circumstances and it i5 possible to for, -ee 'ts effectuation in the near future . The Company is presently operating both plants on a full production basis. In v_ew of the foregoing facts, we are of the opinion that the employees of the Lakeland plant presently constitute a separate unit appropriate for the purposes of collective bargaining.5 We find that all production employees , and all maintenance employees engaged in repairing and maintaining machinery and equipment, at the Company's Lakeland plant , excluding employees in the engineerig de- pa*tment, watchmen and guards, janitors, office clerical employees, super- intendents , assistant superintendents , foremen , and all other supervisory employees with authority to hire, promote, discharge, discirline, or other- wise effect changes in the status of employees , or effectively recommend such action , constitute a unit appropriate for the purposes of collective bargaining within the meaning of Section 9 (b) of the Act. V THE DETERMINATION OF REPRESENTATIVES We shall direct that the question concerning representation which has arisen be resolved by an election by secret ballot among the employees in the appropriate unit who were employed during the pay-roll period im- mediately preceding the date of the Direction of Election herein, subject to the limitations and additions set forth in the Direction. DIRECTION OF ELECTION By virtue of and pursuant to the power vested in the National Labor Relations Board by Section 9 (c) of the National Labor Relations Act, and pursuant to Article III, Section 9, of National Labor Relations Board Rules and Regulations - Series 3, as amended, it is hereby DIRECTED that, as part of the investigation to ascertain representa- tives for the purposes of collective bargaining with Food Machinery 5 See Matter of De Jur Amsco Corporation, 61 N L R. B. 1054 604 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Corporation of Lakeland , Florida, an election by secret ballot shall be conducted as early as possible, but not later than thirty (30) days from the date of this Direction, under the direction and supervision of the Regional Director for the Tenth Region, acting in this matter as agent for the National Labor Relations Board, and subject to Article III, Sections 10 and 11, of said Rules and Regulations, among the em- ployees in the unit found appropriate in Section IV, above, who were employed during the pay-roll period immediately preceding the date of this Direction , including employees who did not work during said pay-roll period because they were ill or on vacation or temporarily laid off, and including employees in the armed forces of the United States who present themselves in person at the polls, but excluding those employees who have since quit or been discharged for cause and have not been rehired or reinstated prior to the date of the election, to determine whether or not they desire to be represented by International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron Ship Builders and Helpers of America, A. F. L.,6 for the purposes of collective bargaining. At the hearing the Independent was unable definitely to state whether or not it desired to participate in an election involving the Lakeland employees only. However , in view of its interest among employees at the Lakeland plant who have transferred from the Dunedin plant, we shall accord the Independent a place on the ballot, provided it notifies the Regional Director of the Tenth Region within five (5 ) days from the date of this Decision and Direction of Election, of its desire to appear on the ballot. Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation