Flite Chief, Inc.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsSep 30, 1981258 N.L.R.B. 1124 (N.L.R.B. 1981) Copy Citation DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Flite Chief, Inc.; Richard Miller and Karen Miller; M & M Truckadero Coffee Shop, Inc.; James Miller and Paul A. Minder and Culinary Work- ers, Bartenders & Hotel Employees, Local 535. Cases 31-CA-5709 and 31-CA-5805 September 30, 1981 SUPPLEMENTAL DECISION AND ORDER BY MEMBERS FANNING, JENKINS, AND ZIMMERMAN On August 4, 1981, Administrative Law Judge David P. McDonald issued the attached Decision in this proceeding.' Thereafter, the Respondents filed exceptions and a supporting brief. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its au- thority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the record and the at- tached Decision in light of the exceptions and brief and has decided to affirm the rulings, findings, 2 and conclusions of the Administrative Law Judge and to adopt his recommended Order.3 ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Re- lations Board adopts as its Order the recommended Order of the Administrative Law Judge and hereby orders that the Respondents, Flite Chief, Inc.; Richard Miller and Karen Miller; M & M Truckadero Coffee Shop, Inc.; James Miller and Paul A. Minder, Fontana, California, their officers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall take the action set forth in the said recommended Order. ' The Board's original Decision in this proceeding appears at 229 NLRB 968 (1977). 2 The Respondents have excepted to certain credibility findings made by the Administrative Law Judge. It is the Board's established policy not to overrule an administrative law judge's resolutions with respect to credibility unless the clear preponderance of all of the relevant evidence convinces us that the resolutions are incorrect Standard Dry Wall Prod- ucts. Inc., 91 NLRB 544 (1950), enfd. 188 F.2d 362 (3d Cir. 1951). We have carefully examined the record and find no basis for reversing his findings. :' In accordance with his dissent in Olympic Medical Corporation, 250 NLRB 146 (1980)., Member Jenkins would award interest on the backpay due based on the formula set forth therein. DECISION DAVID P. MCDONALD, Administrative Law Judge: On May 24, 1977, the National Labor Relations Board issued a Decision and Order' in which it found that the Re- spondents, Flite Chief, Inc.; Richard Miller and Karen Miller; M & M Truckadero Coffee Shop, Inc.; James '229 NLRB 968 (1977). Miller and Paul A. Minder, violated Section 8(a)(l) and (3) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, by telling an employee not to associate with a union adher- ent, threatening to discharge employees who associate with a union adherent, and discharging Hilda Bitonti, Diane Petrus, and Violet Strain. The Board's Decision and Order was enforced on January 19, 1979, by the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in an unpublished memorandum The Board's Order directs Respondents to offer Bi- tonti, Petrus, and Strain immediate and full reinstatement to their former jobs and to make them whole for any pay losses which they may have suffered by reason of the discrimination practiced against them, with interest. Since a controversy arose between the parties over the correct amount of backpay due under the Board's Order to discriminatees Bitonti, Petrus, and Strain, the Regional Director for Region 31 issued a backpay specification on August 8, 1979, and subsequently amended the specifica- tion on April 2, 1980. The backpay specification was fur- ther amended at the hearing, which had the effect of re- ducing the amounts claimed as net backpay for Strain and Petrus. Respondents filed an application on September 27, 1979, to take the depositions of the discriminatees and of various custodians of records where the discriminatees may have been employed. On October 5, 1979, the Re- gional Director for Region 31 entered an Order denying the request to take depositions. Subsequently, Respond- ents renewed their motion, which was denied prior to the hearing by Administrative Law Judge Clifford H. Anderson on January 4, 1980. On or about August 28, 1980, counsel for the General Counsel filed a Motion for Partial Summary Judgment and to strike portions of Re- spondents' answer to the amended backpay specification. I denied this motion on Tuesday, October 7, 1980. On October 7 and 8, 1980, I conducted a hearing in this proceeding in San Bernardino, California, pursuant to the notice contained in the original backpay specifica- tion and notice of hearing. All parties appeared through counsel and were given full opportunity to introduce evi- dence, to examine witnesses, and to submit post-trial briefs. Timely briefs were filed with me by counsel for the General Counsel and counsel for Respondents. I. THE ISSUES The basic questions to be resolved relate to the overall issues of whether the individual discriminatees satisfied their duty to make adequate efforts to obtain interim em- ployment; the determination of the correct amount of backpay, if any; and whether Respondents made valid offers of reinstatement to the discriminatees. In addition, Respondents raise the question whether the Board's denial of their request to take depositions violated their constitutional rights. Upon the entire record, including my observation of the demeanor of the witnesses, and after due considera- tion of the post-trial briefs, I make the following: N L.R.B. B v litc C('h,. Inc. e al., No. 77-2842. 258 NLRB No. 148 1124 FLITE CHIEF, INC. II. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS A. Pretrial Discovery Prior to the hearing, Respondents moved that the hearing be postponed in order to give them the opportu- nity to pursue discovery, such as the taking of deposi- tions of the discriminatees and their interim employers. In general, it is Respondents' position that depositions were necessary in order to assist them to adequately ap- praise the issues and thus enable them to prepare the re- quired defense. Depositions would allow them to verify interim earnings, availability of work in the marketplace, the efforts or lack of efforts of the discriminatees in seek- ing other employment, and the names of possible wit- nesses who may be called by the discriminatees to testify regarding the proposition that they were offered rein- statement to their jobs by Respondents. The General Counsel, in his memorandum in opposition to Respond- ents' motion to take depositions, stated: It also should be noted that on November 2. 1979, the Compliance Officer for Region 31 provided Re- spondents counsel with copies of all compliance forms filled out by the discriminatees and all other related correspondence from interim employers to the Compliance Officer. The Compliance forms and correspondence so provided are regularly submitted statements by discriminatees concerning their whereabouts, interim employment, unavailability for work, and searches for interim employment. Both the Board's Regional Director and Administrative Law Judge Clifford H. Anderson denied Respondents' motion. Respondents did not renew their motion at the hearing. However, in their brief, they argued that the Board erred in refusing to allow them to take deposi- tions. 3 I also reject Respondents' contentions that they were denied due process or have been prejudiced by the appli- cation of the Board's rule concerning the taking of depo- sitions. The backpay specification and notice of hearing issued on August 8, 1979, and the subsequent amended backpay specifications disclosed the amounts of the dis- criminatees' interim earnings, the period when they were employed, and the names of the interim employers. In addition, Respondents did not deny that the Region's Compliance Officer had provided them with copies of all 3 At the outset of the hearing Respondents informed me that they may request a continuance at the conclusion of the testimony in order to obtain the testimony of a missing witness. Ike Schoenthal After all the testimony was completed. Respondents renewed their request for a con- tinuance since they had been unsuccessful in locating Schoenthal, who was somewhere in the Midwest. Schoenthal had been subpenaed for the hearing, which was previously set for June 10, 1980. At the request of the General Counsel the case was reset for October 7. 1980 Apparently. Schoenthal assured Respondents he would be aailable for the October hearing Respondents did not attempt to serve him until the latter part of July or first part of August Although unsuccessful in their attempt to serve Schoenthal Respondents did not request a continuance until a e'A days before the date of the hearing and t least 8 ceeks after the5 were unable to serst him. I denied Respondents' request o contillu the case for the purpose of taking Schoenthal's deposition or securing his presence for a future hearing date compliance forms filled out by the discriminatees and all other related correspondence from interim employers. Respondents correctly assert that the Board's rules permit the Regional Director to allow the taking of de- positions where there is a showing of "good cause." The purpose of the rule is not to provide discovery, but to permit parties to obtain and preserve testimony from wit- nesses who will be unavailable to testify at the hearing.' A review of Respondents' stated justifications for the ne- cessity to take depositions clearly indicates a desire to pursue traditional discovery and not to preserve the testi- mony of a witness who would be unavailable for the hearing. Therefore, their request to take depositions was insufficient on its face and properly denied. Based upon the foregoing, I find that Respondents have failed to establish that they have been denied due process or have been prejudiced by the application of the Board's rules in this proceeding. B. Offers of Reinstatement The General Counsel takes the position that Respond- ents have never tolled their backpay obligation toward the discriminatees: Strain, Petrus, and Bitonti. Although the following reinstatement letters were tendered to each discriminatee, the question is whether in practice Re- spondent did provide valid reinstatement offers in com- pliance with the Board's Order:; September 29, 1977 Dear Our office represents M & M Truckadero Coffee Shop. You are hereby offered full and immediate rein- statement to your former position with M & M Truckadero Coffee Shop ithout prejudice to your seniority or other rights and privileges. Please re- apply directly to the office of our client at 10238 Cherry Avenue, Fontana, California, telephone number 714/823-0311, in writing or in person be- tween the hours of noon and 4:00 p.m. by contact- ing Joanne or James Miller. In the event you do not re-apply within five (5) working days from the date of your actual receipt of this letter, M & M Truckadero Coffee Shop will presume that you do not desire reinstatement [to] your former position. Very truly yours. REDWINE and SHERRILL Ronald J. Kohut 'See .. B. . l allh Mold (Cornpun. Itc., 530 F 2d 6h9, t094. -65 (5th Cr. 1976h): ith (Gvuararte Co. . \ L.R.B. 534 F 2d 484, 47 (2d Cir 1976). : See ohte (ih: I. et a. 22 N RB 968 a; 978, Xshere tie Board ordered Respondenl to o]ffer Ililda itonl)l. iaie I'lru,,l and Violet Strain ilmediale ind full reinstatemenlt i their fornlcr jobs .r. if such positions no longe r cxist. to silhs, lailial l equi alcl posi tio s stlioul prejuidice to their seniorits or other rightl l md pi ', ileges 1125 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL. LABOR RELATIONS BOARD) Upon receipt of these letters each discriminatee promptly contacted the Respondents in an effort to regain their former positions. The question of whether the reinstatement offers were valid hinges to a great degree on the credibility of the various witnesses, and in particular Joanne Miller. With regard to the disputed events and facts concerning the offer of reinstatement, I do not credit the recollection or version provided by Joanne Miller where her testimony is in direct conflict with Strain, Bitonti, Diane Petrus, and Pam Petrus. The latter group of witnesses testified in a clear, concise, and convincing manner. Even Strain's occasional poor memory is understandable considering the passage of time between the discharge, the alleged offer of reinstatement, and the hearing. 6 In contrast, Joanne Miller's testimony was not as convincing and ap- peared to be molded in a self-serving manner. In reach- ing these conclusions, I have considered the demeanor of all the witnesses, reviewed their testimony, weighed the established facts, and considered the reasonable infer- ences drawn from the record. Consequently, I do not credit Joanne Miller's testimony. An initial reading of Kohut's letter would seem to sub- stantiate Respondents' argument that they made a valid offer of reinstatement to each of the discriminatees as orderd by the Board. Indeed, if they had complied with their attorney's letter, the offers of reinstatement would be valid. However, in practice, the actual offers were a sham, a mere subterfuge. None of the discriminatees were offered their former work schedule. In each case their new work scheduled provided shorter hours and/or graveyard shifts in lieu of day shifts. The offers were ob- viously a concerted effort on behalf of management to provide a work schedule which was so unacceptable that the discriminatees would be forced to refuse them. If such a plan succeeded, Respondents would not only toll their liability but would also avoid rehiring the very indi- viduals they unlawfully discharged on November 2, 1975. Violet Strain When Strain was discharged in 1975, she was working 5 days per week, Monday through Friday, from 6 a.m. to 2 p.m. Upon receipt of Kohut's letter, she immediately contacted Joanne Miller, Respondents' day manager, and explained that she wanted to return to her former job. Joanne informed Strain that James (Jimmy) Miller would contact her. Joanne and James Miller are brother and sister. At that time Strain asked Joanne to sign the above-mentioned letter. Joanne complied by writing, "Joanne Miller, 10/5/ 1977, at 2:35 p.m." Approximately a week later Jimmy called and told Strain she would re- ceive a telegram outlining her work schedule. The tele- gram was dated October 14, 1977, and read, "This is to confirm you start work Monday, the 17th, at 4:00 p.m. to 10 p.m., M & M Truckadero." When she reported for work, Joanne instructed her to read the posted company rules, which included a requirement for the night dish- washing shift to clean the "hot grease filter." Strain testi- fied that, after she arrived at work on October 17, she -See NIeely'v Car Clinic, 255 NLRB 1420 (1981). read the posted work schedule. which provided her with a 24-hour workweek. On 2 days she began at 4 p.m. and stopped at 10 p m. On the other 2 days she commenced work at 10 p.m. and stopped at 4 a.m. (the graveyard shift). Strain was very confused in her testimony as to how long she worked for Respondents during the last quarter of 1977. She thought she had worked several graveyard shifts when in reality she worked only I day, November 17, 1977. At the conclusion of that workday, Strain demanded that she be given the work schedule she had when she was discharged in 1975. Joanne re- sponded. "You can't until we get an opening for you." Strain did not return to work. Instead, she sent a regis- tered letter to Respondents which was returned un- claimed. Thereafter, she hand-delivered a similar letter to Joanne. The letter simply stated her desire to return to the same job and hours she had at the time of her dis- charge. Respondents offered into evidence a handwritten work schedule for the week of October 16, 1977. Joanne Miller verified its accuracy. The document indicated that Strain was scheduled to work on Mondays from 4-10 p.m. and on Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. for a total of 38 hours per week. The entries for Thursday and Friday were partially erased. The fact that Strain had previously worked as a dishwasher on the day shift Monday through Friday is not in dispute. There is a disagreement as to whether she was offered a 24- or 38-hour workweek. Even assuming Strain is mistaken and Respondents actually offered her a 38-hour workweek, I find, in light of all the evidence, that the reinstatement offer was invalid and not in com- pliance with the Board's Order. Strain was entitled to return to her 40-hour, Monday through Friday, day shift as a dishwasher instead of being relegated to the "grave- yard" shift.' It should also be noted that the record is void of any evidence to prove that those employees who were working Strain's former hours had greater seniority than she. Accordingly, I find that Respondents' offer of rein- statement to Strain was neither valid nor did it toll their liability. Dianne Petrus At the time of her unlawful discharge, November 2, 1975, Petrus was working a full 40 hours per week as a waitress for Respondents. On October 3, 1977, after she had received the reinstatement letter, she, along with her daughter Pam, went to Respondents' restaurant where they spoke briefly with Joanne Miller. After assuring Joanne that she wished to return to her former job, Joanne left the room and her brother James appeared with a work schedule. Petrus was scheduled to work on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, 9 a.m. to I p.m. Petrus exclaimed that this was only 12 hours and she could not afford to work part time, she needed more hours. James responded, "Well, then, you're turning down the job." Sce George Whebel dh/a Webl 'led Mill & Pik' Irani Company,. 236 NlRRB 1192 (197) 1126 FI.ITE CHIEF. INC. Pam Petrus' testimony substantiated her mother's recol- lection of these events. James Miller did not recall the meeting with Petrus. However, Joanne's recollection of this meeting was in marked contrast with the Petrus testimony. Joanne testi- fied that Petrus appeared to be very happy and had simply visited them, to inform Respondents she no longer wanted her former job, since she had moved to Norco, California, and had obtained full-time employ- ment. As previously stated I do not credit Joanne's testi- mony. Her recitation of the meeting with Petrus lacks plausibility. If Petrus did not want her former job why did she bother to visit the employer who had unlawfully fired her. In addition, there was credible evidence to prove that it is highly unlikely that Petrus would appear extremely happy at this point in her life. She was in the midst of an unwanted traumatic separation and divorce. Finally, her daughter, Pam. testified in a credible manner that her mother went to Respondents' restaurant for the sole purpose of returning to her former employment, but was only offered 12 hours per week. Clearly, by offering Petrus a 12-hour workweek in lieu of her former 40-hour workweek, Respondents failed to comply with the Board's Order, see Flite Chief; Inc., el. al., supra. The offer was invalid and did not toll their lia- bility. Hilda Bitonti In June or July 1974, prior to her first unlawful dis- charge, Hilda Bitonti worked 40 hours per week. When she returned to work, near the first of October 1974, James Miller offered her the former 40-hour-per-week day shift, which she accepted. She also agreed, as a favor, to work the following Sunday swing shift. On Monday the new schedule was posted and her hours were reduced to 24 hours. Eventually her hours were in- creased to 32 hours. Immediately prior to her dismissal on November 2, 1975. Bitonti worked Friday, Saturday, and Sunday from 6 a.m. to 2 p.m. All agreed she was entitled to a fourth 8-hour day which she had temporarily allowed Judy Gonzalez to work, due to discomfort she was experienc- ing with her legs. After she received the September 30, 1977, reinstate- ment letter, Bitonti, along with Petrus, went to Respond- ents' premises on October 4. Petrus had already told Bi- tonti of her experience with Joanne on the previous day. When they arrived, James Miller explained that his sister was in charge of hiring and she would contact Hilda in the near future. Both Petrus and Bitonti recalled that the former said to James Miller, "Jimmy, I don't think you really want us back." He replied, "You already turned it down." Petrus responded, "I turned down a part-time job for a full-time job. I can't work part-time." In his tes- timony James Miller denies that he saw Petrus with Bi- tonti. On October 14 Hilda received a telegram from Re- spondents directing her to report to work on October 17 from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. When she appeared on October 17 she discovered that she was scheduled to work only two 4-hour shifts. At that time she informed Joanne she was entitled to, and wanted, her former work schedule. Joanne left the room and upon her return announced that she had conferred with her attorney, who advised her she could give Hilda any hours she chose. Hilda completed the 4-hour shift and did not return. Although she did leave a message that she would return to work when Respondents were willing to follow the Board's Order and restore her to her original schedule. On Octo- ber 23, 1977, she received a second telegram stating, "You are scheduled to work Tuesday, October 25; Wednesday 26, 1 PM to 5 PM. M & M Truckadero." Joanne disagreed with Hilda's recollection of events. She recalled that Hilda had explained that she was work- ing part time for Coffee Dan and was only seeking part- time work from Respondents. Based on Hilda's request her schedule was set for 4 hours on Monday and 8 hours on Tuesday, which were her days off. This is in direct conflict with Respondents' work schedule; Monday 12:30-4:30; Tuesday 9-5; Wednesday 9-5; Thursday 12:30-4:30; and Friday 12:30-4:30. It should be noted that the schedule has several erasures and changes next to Hilda's name. Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday were crossed out. In her testimony Joanne said she crossed out Tuesday because Hilda did not show. Clearly Joanne's statement that she gave Hilda Monday and Tuesday in order to allow Hilda to continue her part-time work with Coffee Dan is in conflict with the written schedule. She crossed out Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday because Hilda did not come to work. If in fact the written sched- ule is accurate then Hilda was offered a total of 28 hours, which she denies. For reasons previously outlined I do not credit Joanne's testimony where it is in direct conflict with that of Hilda Bitonti. Accordingly, I find that Respondents' offer of reinstatement was limited to 8 hours per week and did not comply with the Board's Order to: "Offer Hilda Bitonti . . . immediate and full reinstatement to their former jobs, or if such positions no longer exist, to substantially equivalent positions without prejudice to their seniority or other rights and privi- leges." Since the offer of reinstatement was invalid Re- spondents liability to Bitonti has not tolled. The record is silent as to any possible reason to justify Respondents' failure to restore the discriminatees to their former jobs and work schedules. The positions still exist and there was no credible evidence introduced to show the positions are held by employees with greater senior- ity than the discriminatees. C. Willful Loss of Earnings The General Counsel, in the amended backpay specifi- cations, provided Respondents with the information con- cerning the amount of interim earnings and the name of the interim employer for each discriminatee. Although it is customary, the General Counsel is not required to pro- vide this information, since the burden is on Respondents to prove that the appropriate net backpay is less than the alleged gross backpay amounts, as set forth in the specifi- cations.' ' .I.R RB . Brown & R ,o Inc. rtc.. 311 F 2d 447. 454 (81h Cir. I963): futiro Platcs Corp. and rench -- Imerica Rds AianuJicturslng Co. In . 136 NI R 1342, 1346h I19h2).. Sdiu)th r Iblo hol d Products ('ormpan. I,, . 203 Nl.RB 881 (1 973): bihrehoard Paper Produtars (orporra- tion. Il NLRIt 142. 147 148 (1961), ellfd 431, F 2d 91)8 D)C Cir 197)1) 1127 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD The applicable legal principles, as cited in Highview, Incorporated, 250 NLRB 549 (1980), and stated by Ad- ministrative Law Judge Shapiro in Aircraft and Helicopter Leasing and Sales. Inc., 227 NLRB 644, 646 (1976), are as follows: An employer may mitigate his backpay liability by showing that a discriminatee "willfully incurred" loss by a "clearly unjustifiable refusal to take desir- able new employment" (Phelps Dodge Corporation v. N.L.R.B., 313 U.S. 177, 199-200 (1941)), but this is an affirmative defense and the burden is upon the employer to prove the necessary facts. N.L.R.B. v. Mooney Aircraft, Inc., 366 F.2d 809, 813 (5th Cir. 1966). The employer does not meet that burden by presenting evidence of lack of employee success in obtaining interim employment or of low interim earnings; rather the employer must affirmatively demonstrate that the employee "neglected to make reasonable efforts to find interim work." NV.L.R.B. v. Miami Coca-Cola Bottling Company, 360 F.2d 569, 575-576 (5th Cir. 1966). Moreover, although a discriminatee must make "reasonable efforts to miti- gate [his] loss of income . . . [he] is held . . . only to reasonable exertions in this regard, not the high- est standard of diligence." NL.R.B. v. Arduini Manufacturing Co., 394 F.2d 420, 422-423 (Ist Cir. 1968). Success is not the measure of the sufficiency of the discriminatee's search for interim employ- ment; the law "only requires an honest good faith effort" .L.R.B. v. Cashman Auto Company and Red Cab Company, 223 F.2d 832, 836 (Ist Cir.). And in determining the reasonableness of this effort, the employee's skill and qualifications, his age, and the labor conditions in the area are factors to be considered. Mastro Plastics Corp., 136 NLRB 1342, 1359. In determining whether an individual claimant has made a reasonable search for employment, the test is whether the record as a whole establishes that the employee had diligently sought other employment during the entire backpay period. Saginaw Aggregates, Inc., 198 NLRB 598 (1972); Nickey Chevrolet Sales, Inc., 195 NLRB 395, 398 (1972). Any uncertainty in the evidence is resolved against Respondents as the wrongdoer. N.L.R.B. v. Miami Coca-Cola Bottling Company, supra, Southern Household Products Company, Inc., 203 NLRB 881 (1973). Violet Strain The General Counsel claims the correct net backpay for Violet Strain, for the period from November 2, 1975, to December 31, 1979, after deducting interim earnings and adding moving expenses, is $12,966. Respondents argue that Strain willfully failed to seek suitable substitute employment following her discharge and therefore is not entitled to receive backpay, to the extent of that willful failure. Respondents' assertions that she had only 15 documented employment contacts in a 3-year period is apparently based on the information pro- vided in her compliance form and ignores her entire tes- timony.9 Admittedly, she had lost her records and her memory was poor. However, I find her testimony to be credible. It is difficult to determine from the record the exact number of attempts she made to obtain appropriate employment. In some instances she returned to the same employer several times. Since she was not always able to recall the exact date, it is difficult to determine when, if ever, she may have referred on direct and cross-examina- tion to the same potential job. However, after consider- ing the compliance forms and carefully analyzing her entire testimony, I have concluded that she sought ap- propriate employment on at least 45 occasions. In addi- tion, she perused the job openings in the local newspa- per, registered with the Culinary Workers, Bartenders & Hotel Employees, Local 535, and the San Bernardino State Unemployment Office in an effort to obtain work. She occasionally checked back with Local 535 and vis- ited the unemployment office every other week. Respondents correctly note that the basis for Strain's backpay recovery and the expense incurred in moving to Nevada are based solely on her oral testimony and not substantiated by any documents. Although her memory may have appeared vague and limited, it was convincing. I felt her efforts to recall this 3-year period were very sincere and accurate, and any vagueness should be attrib- uted to the passage of time. ' Respondents presented no probative evidence which disproved Strain's testimony, nor did they show that there were jobs available in the area for a dishwasher or waitress, nor that she rejected suitable employment. At most, Respondents' statistical analysis may create an element of doubt. Any doubts must be resolved in favor of the backpay claimant rather than Respondents." ' After asserting that Strain had limited her search for employment to "only 15 documented employment contacts with only nine prospective employers." Respondents argued that "[c]ourts have held that more con- tacts than this over shorter periods of time have still been insufficient to constitute justification of an award of backpay," citing N.L.R.B, v. Madi- son Courier, Inc., 505 F.2d 391 (D.C. Cir. 1974): N.L.R.B. v. Southern Silk Mill/, 242 F.2d 697 (6th Cir. 1957). Respondents' reliance on these two cases is misplaced. Neither of these cases dealt with the question of how often the employees must seek interim employment to meet their duty to mitigate losses. In Southern Silk Milttk, supra, the court found that the employees had met their burden to make "reasonable efforts to secure substantially equivalent positions." However, the court then found that the employee's failure to take other suitable. available employment. though at a lower rate of pay, over a period of 3 years. constituted to some extent at least loss of earnings "willfully incurred." In Madison Courier, upra, the court held that, for a reasonable period, the employees were entitled to confine their search to the printing industry in which they were primarily skilled and would have preferred to work, but when it became apparent that printing jobs were not available in the area, they should have broadened their search and sought suitable nonprinting em- ployment. "' In a recent case, ¥el'v% Car Clinic. upra. the Board held: "The hearing in this case was convened over 2 years after Jones' discharge. and Jones apparently kept no detailed notes of his job search Thus. his inability to recollect the specifics of each and every job contact is under- standable. Moreover, a close reading of his testimony shows it to he clear and without internal contradiction." " See United Aircraft Corporation (Prua & Whitney .ircraji and Ilatnil- ton Standard Divisions). 204 NLRB 1068 (1973); Southern IHoushold Prod- ucts Conpanyi. Inc.. upra.' .V.LR.RB v. Miaml Coca-Cola Bottling Comnpa- ny, supra. 1128 FLITE CHIEF, INC. Strain's testimony that she finally obtained employ- ment by moving to Henderson, Nevada, and in the proc- ess incurred $200 in moving expense was not disputed. I conclude that Respondents have failed to sustain their burden of proving that Strain willfully failed to seek suitable interim employment or that the alleged backpay as set out in the backpay specification, as amended, is less than alleged. 12 Accordingly, exclusive of interest, I find Respondents' net backpay liability in Strain's case totals $12,966, which includes $200 moving expense, as computed in the amended backpay specifica- tions. Hilda Bitonti The General Counsel claims the correct net backpay for Hilda Bitonti, for the period from November 2, 1975, to December 31, 1979, is $9,348.22, after deductions for interim earnings and adding estimated tips and expenses. Hilda Bitonti not only obtained employment during a substantial portion of the time in question, but she was also very candid and forthright in admitting there were periods when she did not seek employment, due to per- sonal problems. She is not seeking backpay for those pe- riods (approximately 4 quarters). During the approximate 16 quarters for which she is claiming backpay, she main- tained interim employment during 8 of those quarters. In addition she registered with the Culinary Union, and sought work through the State Unemployment Depart- ment, approximately every other week. She provided a lengthy list of potential employers where she sought em- ployment. In many cases she would return to a restau- rant on a weekly basis in a sincere effort to obtain ac- ceptable interim employment. After reviewing Bitonti's compliance forms and con- sidering the entire record, I must conclude that Respond- ents have failed to sustain their burden of proving that Bitonti willfully failed to seek suitable interim employ- ment or that the alleged backpay, as set out in the back- pay specification as amended, is less than alleged. Ac- cordingly, exclusive of interest, I find Respondents' net backpay liability in Bitonti's case totals $9,348.22, as computed in the amended backpay specifications. Diane Petrus The General Counsel claims the correct net backpay for Diane Petrus, for the period from November 2, 1975, to December 31, 1979, is $15,758.19, after deduction for interim earnings and adding estimated tips and expenses. Diane Petrus maintained some degree of interim employ- ment during 12 of the 16 quarters in question. She also sought employment through her union, and the State Un- employment Office, and maintained a systematic weekly search of numerous restaurants, such as Ace, Thrifty, Tiffany, Mr. Bakers, and Sambos. She was successful in obtaining work at Road Runner Cafe, Curly Jones, On- tario Auto Plaza, and Denny's. 12 In ee/y' Car Clinic supra. the Board stated: '"The General Counsel must show only the gross amount of hackpa due and os)ing ti the dls- criminatee. Thereafter it fills to Respondent to sho that gross, hackpay has been diminished by a illful loss( oi earnings.' Respondents not only argue that Petrus willfully failed to seek suitable substitute employment, but also that after she secured such employment, she voluntarily chose not to work a full 40-hour week. Approximately 6 months after she commenced working for Curly Jones Restau- rant, she increased her hours to a full 40-hour week, in- cluding Saturday and Sunday. Since she was a single parent, with young daughters, she felt it was imperative that she was off either Saturday or Sunday, to be with her family. She requested to keep a 40-hour workweek, but substitute one weekend day for a weekday. Ike Schoenfeld, her supervisor, granted her request to be off on Sunday, but refused to substitute a weekday. As a result her hours were reduced to 32-hours per week, around January 1978. At the time of her unlawful dis- charge, Petrus was working 40 hours for Respondents. including Saturday and Sunday. Although her desire to be with her family on the weekend is understandable and commendable, it does represent a voluntary reduction in interim employment, for which she should not be reim- bursed. However, after examining Curly Jones Coffee Shop payroll records and considering Petrus' testimony it becomes apparent that her workweek fluctuated from a low of 43 hours to a high of 80 hours over a 2-week period. Petrus testified that, even after her week was re- duced by 8 hours, there were occasions when she was called upon to work more than 32 hours. After analyzing Curly Jones' payroll records for the years 1978 and 1979, I find that Petrus willfully reduced her interim earnings by 289 hours in 1978 and by 140.50 hours in 1979. This conclusion is based on the number of hours she lost by not working Sunday, but offset by the number of hours she occasionally worked over 32 hours per week. The rate of pay in 1978 was $2.65 and therefore her willful loss of backpay for 1978 is $765.85. The rate of pay in 1979 was $2.90 per hour and there- fore her willful loss of backpay for 1979 is $407.50. In addition, I have credited Petrus' testimony that she re- ceived an average of $15 in tips for each 8-hour shift. Therefore, since she willfully reduced her interim work by approximately 36 days in 1978 and 17.5 days in 1979 her backpay tips should be reduced for 1978 by $540 and 1979 by $262.50. With the exception of the above-mentioned 8-hour weekly voluntary reduction in interim employment, I must conclude that Respondents have failed to sustain their burden of proving that Petrus willfully failed to seek suitable interim employment or that the alleged backpay as set out in the backpay specification, as amended, is less than alleged. I find the amount as shown in the amended backpay specifications shall be reduced by $1,975.85, to reflect Petrus' willful reduction in her interim employment while working for Curly Jones Res- taurant. Accordingly, exclusive of interest, I find Re- spondents' net backpay liability in Petrus' case totals $13,782.34, as computed in the amended backpay specifi- cations, less $1.975.85. D. Conclusions Based on the foregoing and the whole record. I con- elude that the total net backpay due the discriminatees 1129 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD for the period of November 2, 1975, through December 3, 1979, is as follows: Violet Strain Hilda Bitonti Diane Petrus $12,966.00 9,348.22 13,782.34 As of the date of this hearing, Respondents had not made a valid offer of reinstatement to these discrimina- tees, thus Respondents' backpay liability subsequent to December 31, 1979, may, if necessary, be the subject of further proceedings. Upon the foregoing findings of fact, conclusions of law, and the entire record, and pursuant to Section 10(c) of the Act, I hereby issue the following recommended: ORDER 13 The Respondents, Flite Chief, Inc.; Richard Miller and Karen Miller; M & M Truckadero Coffee Shop, Inc.: James Miller and Paul A. Minder, Fontana, California, their officers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall make whole each of the employees named below in the net backpay specification the amounts set forth opposite their names, plus interest, computed in the manner pre- scribed in F. W. Woolworth Company, 90 NLRB 289 (1950), and Florida Steel Corporation, 231 NLRB 651 (1977). Violet Strain $12,966.00 Hilda Bitonti 9,348.22 Diane Petrus 13,782.34 : In the eent noit exceptions are iled as provided by Sec 102.46 of the Rules and Regulations of the National Labor Relations Board, the findings, conclusions, and recommended Order herein shall. as provided in Sec. 102 48 of the Rule ad Regulations. be adopted by the Board and become its findings, cnclusions. and Order. and all objectionls hereto shall be deemed waised for all purposes 1130 Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation