Flite Chief, Inc.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsOct 6, 1975220 N.L.R.B. 1112 (N.L.R.B. 1975) Copy Citation 1112 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Flite Chief, Inc.; Richard Miller and Karen Miller; M & M Truckadero Coffee Shop, Inc.; James Miller and Paul A. Minder and Culinary Workers, Barten- ders & Hotel Employees, Local 535. Cases 31-CA-4593 and 31-CA-5176 October 6, 1975 DECISION AND ORDER BY CHAIRMAN MURPHY AND MEMBERS JENKINS AND PENELLO On June 16, 1975, Administrative Law Judge Rus- sell L. Stevens issued the attached Decision in this proceeding. Thereafter, Respondents filed exceptions and supporting briefs. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its au- thority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the record and the at- tached Decision in light of the exceptions and briefs and has decided to affirm the rulings, findings, and conclusions of the Administrative Law Judge and to adopt his recommended Order. ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Re- lations Board adopts as its Order the recommended Order of the Administrative Law Judge and hereby orders that the Respondents, Flite Chief, Inc.; Rich- ard Miller and Karen Miller; M & M Truckadero Coffee Shop, Inc.; James Miller and Paul A. Minder, Fontana, California, their officers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall take the action set forth in the said recommended Order. DECISION STATEMENT OF THE CASE RUSSELL L. STEVENS, Administrative Law Judge: This matter was opened in Riverside, California, On October 29, 1974,' before Richard D. Taplitz, Administrative Law Judge, as Case 31-CA-4593. The parties were unable to conclude a tentative settlement agreement and General Counsel filed Case 31-CA-5176 dated April 2, 1975. Upon motion by the General Counsel dated April 3, 1975, Cases 31-CA-4593 and 31-CA-5176 were ordered consolidated by me, and I heard the consolidated cases at San Bernardi- no, California, April 15 and 16, 1975. The complaint in i All dates hereinafter are within 1974, unless stated to be otherwise. Case 31-CA-4593, issued September 27 and amended Oc- tober 18, is based upon an original charge dated July 23, a first amended charge dated September 17, and a second amended charge dated September 26, filed by Culinary Workers, Bartenders & Hotel Employees, Local 535, here- inafter referred to as the Union. The complaint in Case 31-CA-5176, issued April 2, 1975, and amended April 7, 1975, is based upon a charge filed March 27, 1975, by the Union. The two consolidated complaints, as amended, al- lege that Flite Chief, Inc.; Richard Miller and Karen Mill- er; M & M Truckadero Coffee Shop, Inc.; James Miller and Paul A. Minder,2 hereinafter collectively referred to as Respondents, and sometimes referred to individually, vio- lated Section 8(a)(1), (3), and (5) of the National Labor Relations Act, hereinafter referred to as the Act. Issues The principal issues are whether Respondents dis- charged employees because of their union activities; whether Respondents engaged in illegal interrogations, threats, promises, and other activities; whether Respon- dents refused to recognize, and refused to bargain with, the Union by withholding information; and whether Respon- dents' actions herein were of a nature to warrant issuance of an order to recognize and bargain with the Union. All parties have been afforded full opportunity to ap- pear, to introduce evidence, to examine and cross-examine witnesses, to argue orally and to file briefs. Briefs, which have been carefully considered, were filed on behalf of the General Counsel and Respondents (except Paul A. Min- der, who was not present or represented at the hearing and who filed no brief). FINDINGS OF FACT 1. THE BUSINESS OF RESPONDENTS At all times material herein Respondent Flite Chief, a California corporation, Richard Miller and Karen Miller, have been engaged in the operation of a business complex at Fontana, California, known as Truck Town. The opera- tions of Respondent Flite Chief, Richard Miller, and Kar- en Miller described above annually produce gross revenue in excess of $500,000, and said three Respondents annually purchase and receive goods valued in excess of $50,000 directly from suppliers located outside the State of Califor- nia. Jurisdictional amounts are admitted by the answer of the aforesaid three Respondents in Case 31-CA-4593, and I find that all Respondents are employers engaged in com- merce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. II. THE LABOR ORGANIZATION INVOLVED Culinary Workers, Bartenders & Hotel Employees, Lo- cal 535 is a labor organization within the meaning of Sec- tion 2(5) of the Act. 2 Respondent's counsel withdrew their representation by letters dated No- vember 21, 1974 and April 3, 1975 (G.C. Exh. 1(s) and (t) ). Paul A Minder did not appear in person or by representative. 220 NLRB No. 176 FLITE CHIEF , INC. 1113 III. THE UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES A. Background and Factual Summary Respondent Flite Chief is a California corporation, oper- ating business enterprises in and near Fontana, California. Principal corporate officers , and owners of the corpora- tion , are Richard Miller , president, and Karen Miller, vice president . James Miller, son of Richard and Karen Miller, became treasurer of Flite Chief in 1972 and rem?ined in that position until July 12, 1974. Included among Flite Chief's several businesses is a truck stop at Fontana called Truck Town consisting of a truck terminal, a motel , and at least until July of 1974, a coffee shop . (The controversy herein is concerned with the coffeeshop.) The land upon which Truck Town is located is owned by Richard and Karen Miller, and is leased by them to Flite Chief, Inc. The coffeeshop was and has been a family affair, both before and after July, when the present controversy arose. Prior to July Richard Miller supervised the coffeeshop and employed managers for it , including Darrell Ford (herein- after Ford), hired February 1, 1974. James Miller at that time did some maintenance work and small jobs for the coffeeshop , and during Richard Miller 's absence James did some work in the coffeeshop , including the signing of pay- roll checks . James' sister Joann did some work as hostess on weekends. After July, the coffeeshop continued to be of considerable interest to the entire family , as discussed be- low. Prior to July the coffeeshop employed approximately 40 employees as manager , assistant manager , cashiers, host- esses, waitresses , cooks, and busboys. Richard Miller, who worked at the truck terminal about 100 or 200 feet from the coffeeshop, conducted all labor relations for the coffee- shop , and set wage scales based upon the minimum stan- dards law. Salary checks were paid from the Truck Town account. Ford had authority to give small raises to cooks, but talked the matter over with Richard Miller after raises were given . Employees had no health insurance , holiday pay, or vacation pay. All members of the Miller family sometimes ate at the coffeeshop without paying for meals. Richard Miller 's frequent meals were written off as "pro- motional" expenses . No credit was given to customers, nor were credit cards accepted . Ford , who had an assistant manager, supervised the daily operation of the coffeeshop under direction of Richard Miller. On July 10 and shortly thereafter James Tyler (hereinaf- ter Tyler), business agent and organizer for the Union, ob- tained union authorization cards from employees of the coffeeshop . On July 17 Tom Jones (hereinafter Jones), sec- retary-treasurer of the Union, advised Richard Miller by letter that the Union represented a substantial number of the employees at the coffeeshop and asked to meet with Miller. Although details are in dispute, it is established that Jones went to the coffeeshop in the early afternoon of July 18 to talk with Richard Miller , at which time most if not all the employees were standing outside . After Jones and Richard Miller briefly talked, the employees returned to their jobs. On July 22 all the rank-and-file employees ceased working at the coffeeshop, and a new work force later was employed. On that same day, July 22, Jones talked with Karen Miller at the restaurant, and the latter handed Jones a letter which stated, inter alia, that Richard Miller "has been forced to dispose of his interests in Truck- adero Cafe." No negotiations were conducted between the Union and Richard and Karen Miller relative to the cof- feeshop after July 22. For a short period of time (a few days at most) prior to July 22, James Miller and Paul A. Minder (hereinafter Minder) were associated in some sort of relationship rela- tive to the coffeeshop, not fully or satisfactorily explained at hearing. Allegedly, a lease of the coffeeshop was entered into on July 12, executed by Richard and Karen Miller as landlord and James Miller and Minder as tenants. No bill of sale was executed, but a promissory note allegedly dated July 22 was signed by James Miller as president of M & M Truckadero Coffee Shop, Inc., made payable to Flite Chief, Inc., in the sum of $35,785.40. Allegedly the promis- sory note is to secure payment of the inventory of the cof- feeshop. The purchasing organization is said to be M & M Truckadero Coffee Shop, Inc. (hereinafter M & M), a cor- poration allegedly organized July 22 by James Miller and Minder. On July 18 a series of incidents arose, involving Richard Miller, that were related to union activities. On July 22 James Miller, acting as the new owner of the coffeeshop, discharged most, if not all, the rank-and-file employees of the coffeeshop, and thereafter engaged in a series of ac- tions alleged to be in violation of the Act. Jones requested in writing on July 23 that James Miller meet and negotiate with him, and he repeated his request in writing on November 8. Jones and Tyler met with James Miller about November 13 or 14, at which time Jones handed to James Miller a copy of a proposed contract. James Miller asked for time to study the proposal, and the two again met with Tyler and Guy Peterson (hereinafter Peterson, then manager of the coffeeshop), on December 10 and again about December 20. Peterson asked for more time to review the proposed contract, and a meeting was scheduled for January 2, 1975. However, James Miller called Jones by telephone the morning of January 2, 1975, and cancelled the meeting until a controversy relative to Case 31-CA-4593 was settled. At that meeting James Mill- er also refused to furnish certain information Jones had requested, until that controversy was settled. Jones tried on several occasions after the telephone conversation of Janu- ary 2, 1975, to arrange another meeting with James Miller, and to obtain the information previously requested, but without result. No further meeting was held, and the re- quested information was not received by Jones. General Counsel contends that the alleged sale of the coffeeshop was a sham transaction, designed solely to per- mit Richard and Karen Miller to divest themselves of un- ionized employees. Respondents contend the sale was a bona fide one, en- tered into for reasons not related to union activity. General Counsel contends, alternatively, that even if the sale is considered, arguendo, a bona fide one, Respondent 1114 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD M & M Truackadero Coffee Shop, Inc., is liable under the Act as a successor of Flite Chief, Inc. B. Alleged Sale of the Coffee Shop Basic to resolution of the controversy herein is the ques- tion of whether or not sale of the coffee shop was a bona fide , or a sham , transaction. Respondents Richard and Karen and James Miller rely upon Richard Miller's allegedly poor health as the reason for sale of the coffeeshop . Richard Miller did not testify, although he was present throughout the first day of the hearing (April 15, 1975). There was no observable impedi- ment to his testifying , and he took an active part in the proceedings by commenting on the proposed introduction of evidence, by making vigorous comments upon the testi- mony of witnesses (attempts to testify without taking the stand), by cross-examination of witnesses , and by arguing with witnesses . Richard Miller was not present for the final day of hearing , and Karen Miller said the absence was upon instructions of his doctor . Respondents' offer of a doctor's affidavit was rejected because of the obvious hear- say involved ; the doctor would not be subject to cross- examination. Ford testified that the only time he heard Richard Miller's health mentioned was when James Templeton (hereinafter Templeton), a cook for the coffeeshop, men- tioned that he had to go on a diet , and Richard Miller replied that he too had to go on a diet and lose weight, and had to quit smoking because of his health . Ford also said he was aware that Richard Miller had high blood pressure. Templeton testified that he and Richard Miller joked in April or May about having to go on a diet , and that, at about the same time , Richard Miller said he was pleased with the business and talked about expanding. No other witnesses testified in any way about Richard Miller's health . James and Karen Miller said Richard Miller's health problems consisted of high blood pressure which first became noticeable in the spring of 1974. 1. Corporation organization Karen Miller testified as follows: She and Richard Mill- er went on vacation in June of 1974, and returned home the first part of July. They asked James if he had made up his mind about college , or whether he wanted to go into business . James said he would like to go into business, and a simple lease and business arrangement were drawn up by an attorney the first part of July, with appropriate minutes of Flite Chief, Inc., being drafted to reflect the trans- action .3 Richard Miller suggested that Minder , because of his business experience , should go into the business with James , and Richard made arrangements with Minder, whom Richard knew . From that point on, James and Min- der made their own arrangements. There is no evidence that the original lease from Richard and Karen Miller to Flite Chief, Inc., was modified or 3 It is quite clear , and acknowleged by Karen Miller, that all minutes in the Fhte Chief, Inc., minute book are of a uniform type, except those relat- ing to this alleged transaction , which are of a different size. amended to reflect the new lease to James Miller and Min- der. The lease to James Miller and Minder covers certain equipment and parking facilities referred to as being listed on exhibit A to the lease, but the exhibit was not produced by Respondents, although it was included in matters sub- penaed by General Counsel. The inventory, payment for which is secured by a promissory note signed by James, allegedly consisted of $27,434 for meat, $4,000 for dry goods, and $3,611 for produce. James Miller testified as follows : James' father and mother first saw an attorney about drafting purchase pa- pers on July 2, 3, or 4. James did not go with them. Only a lease and promissory note were drafted-no bill of sale was drawn up. James talked with Minder about joining him, because financial assistance was needed . James had known Minder for some time , but his mother was the first one to talk with Minder about going into the business. No M & M corporate charter or bylaws were produced by Respon- dents, although those records were subpenaed by the Gen- eral Counsel. James now is the only stockholder of M & M. As of July 22 Minder was working at the coffeeshop every night, and shortly thereafter, possibly in August, Minder quit the business and went to Europe . James bought Min- der out , for an amount James does not know, with cash he does not know the origin of. James is not sure he paid Minder anything. James thinks Minder put up $5,000 for his share of M & M , but he is not sure, nor is James sure he paid Minder all or part of that amount when he bought Minder out. "The attorney" took care of all the paper work, although relevant documents subpenaed by General Counsel were not produced. At the time Minder went to Europe in August, M & M had no books and very few records . The lease held by James and Minder (never as- signed to M & M) provides for rentals of $1,500 per month 4 to be paid to the landlord. The first rental pay- ment was made in October , in the sum of $3 ,000 to cover August and September . Several of the lease provisions and conditions have not been taken care of, and James is not sure of others . The lease was discussed but little between James and his parents before signatures were affixed, al- though James (who is 18 years of age) lives with his par- ents . So far as the promissory note is concerned, James said he did not know how the price was determined-that was decided by his parents, although he later said the amount was based upon inventory cost . James was con- fused and uncertain about an alleged downpayment of $5,000 to be made on the purchase, in equal shares by him and Minder . He changed his story several times, in a self- contradictory manner . It appears that none of that amount was paid , if in fact it was owed , and it also appears that no reimbursement was made to Minder on that account, if any was due . No documents relative to this matter were produced. Approximately half the promissory note was paid shortly after the alleged purchase of the coffee shop, the money being acquired from the business , and the bal- ance was due 6 months after purchase. ° In his pretrial affidavit given to General Counsel, James said the month- ly rental was $5,000. James also said in his affidavit that he made a $5,000 downpayment on the purchase, but testified he did not make such a pay- ment. FLITE CHIEF, INC. 2. Operation of the business Karen Miller testified that she agreed to help James in the restaurant a week or 10 days after he took over July 22. James said his mother did help him at first, doing the books and working on the floor, that he then was a cook for the coffee shop, and that his sister also worked for awhile after he took over, as a waitress-cashier . He said he opened credit accounts for M & M, does all the ordering of supplies, and manages the business . Payroll periods, hours of operation, shift times, work application forms, guest check forms, table and booth arrangements, employee uni- forms, parking lot facilities, job duties for cooks and wait- resses, refusal to accept credit cards , maintenance of cour- tesy telephones for truckdrivers,5 and maintenance of truckstop road signs all remain the same as they were prior to July 22. A few minor changes have been made in menus, James put up a "change of ownership" sign, and he applied for certain government licenses . There now are fewer em- ployees, and suppliers have changed in a few instances. James and his father offset certain charges, including meals for his father's Truck Town manager offset against costs of guest receipts and towels obtained from his father. Charlene Priest (hereinafter Priest), a waitress, testified that she frequently saw Richard Miller and Karen Miller in the coffeeshop after July 22, and that Karen Miller some- times let herself into the office , using her own key. Hilda Bitonti (hereinafter Bitonti), a waitress , testified that Richard Miller sometimes eats at the coffee shop on charge-free tickets (as does his manager for Truck Town), that Richard made a plumbing repair for the coffeeshop in October of 1974, and that as of October 1974, the coffeeshop's health permit was in the name of Richard Miller. Patricia Powers (hereinafter Powers ), a waitress , testified in the same manner as Bitonti, and said she has seen Mrs. Miller at the coffeeshop a couple of times. Powers also testified that she recently was told by the manager (Pe- terson) that Richard Miller had observed one of the wait- resses using too much ice cream in a milkshake, and to "please watch it." Frank Vymislicky (hereinafter Vymislicky), a busboy, testified that some of the supplies for the coffeeshop are kept at the truck terminal, and he must ask the Truck Town manager to open the room when he gets supplies. He said he has seen the Truck Town manager and Richard Miller eat at the restaurant, and has seen Richard Miller let himself into the coffeeshop office with his own key. Donna Dunn (hereinafter Dunn), a waitress, testified in much the same manner as Patricia Powers and Hilda Bi- tonti, and added that, in January of 1975, Peterson told her she could not wear pant suits to work because Richard Miller did not like them. Sandra Morris (hereinafter Morris), a cashier at the cof- feeshop, testified that Richard Miller and his Truck Town manager eat at the coffeeshop without paying, and that Richard Miller has his own key to the coffeeshop office, which he uses to let himself in. Morris also testified that s Maintained at no cost to Truck Town. 1115 Peterson told her she could not wear pant suits at work because Richard Miller does not like them, and that Pe- terson told the waitresses that Richard Miller complained about them using too much ice cream in milkshakes. 3. Alleged reason for the purported sale of the coffeeshop Karen Miller testified that the decision to sell was made before the Millers knew about any union organization ef- forts. She said Richard's doctor told her in the spring of 1974 that Richard should get out of the business, or risk a stroke from high blood pressure. She said they decided to keep all the businesses except the coffeeshop, because the coffeeshop was Richard's "biggest headache," primarily due to the alleged deficiencies of Ford as a manager. She said the other businesses were much easier to run. She testi- fied that Ford was not confronted by Richard about his alleged deficiencies.' James Miller generally corroborated his mother's testi- mony, and said his mother was the first to mention the possibility of James buying the coffeeshop. Ford testified that Karen Miller told him July 22 that the coffeeshop would have to be sold because of Richard Miller's health, upon advice of Richard's doctor. Ford said this was the first time a sale had been mentioned, and that James Miller told him July 14 that he wanted to learn how to cook so he would have a way to earn money while going to college, where he had already rented an apartment. Jones testified that Karen Miller told him July 22 that Richard Miller sold the coffee shop because of his illness. Templeton testified that he first heard on July 22 that the coffeeshop was going to be closed or sold. Donna Ellis (hereinafter Ellis), a waitress, and Powers testified that Karen Miller told her July 22 that the coffeeshop was being sold because Richard Miller was ill. 4. Testimony relative to reasons for a sham sale Tyler testified that Richard Miller told him on July 18 that he (Richard) could not afford the Union then or in the future, and that if the coffeeshop went Union he would have to close it down. Tyler said he heard Richard Miller tell Jones the same day that he could not afford the Union. James Miller acknowledged that the former employees were not retained when he took over the coffeeshop, be- cause he did not like them, or want them, or need them. He said he advertised for, and hired, replacements. James said he learned about the union activity the evening of July 18, when his father told him about it at home? He said he and his father, Richard, did not discuss union activities when it was decided that James would take over the coffeeshop July 22. Ford testified that Richard Miller talked with him July 18 about union activity at the coffeeshop. Richard asked Ford who was involved, and when Ford said he did not know, Richard said "let's find out." Thereafter, as fully discussed below, Richard terminated or suspended all the 6 Ford testified, without contradiction, that he received a $150 per month raise in May or June of 1974. 7 He also testified he learned about the union activity when he saw the employees standing outside the coffeeshop during the afternoon of July 18. 1116 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD employees for approximately 1 hour . Ford said he learned of union activity at the coffeeshop about June 8, but did not say anything about it to Richard Miller. David Walthall (hereinafter Walthall), a busboy, testi- fied that Richard Miller questioned him about the Union on July 18, and told him he could not afford-to go Union and would never be able to afford it. Jones testified that Richard Miller told him July 18 that he could not afford union wages, and that there would be no union contract in his place of business . Jones said that, when Karen Miller handed to him the letter mentioned above (G.C. Exh. 14), on July 22, he asked if she realized they were putting 40 families out of work and Karen re- plied, "Do you mean that trash out front?" Kathryn Paulson , a business representative for the Union, corroborated the above testimony of Jones relative to his conversation with Richard Miller. Employees Templeton, Deborah Ranck (hereinafter Ranck), a waitress , and Walthall testified that they were off work about an hour July 18 because of Richard Miller's statements about the Union, as more fully discussed below. Randall Divine (hereinafter Divine), a cook, testified that Richard Miller said aloud on July 18 to all employees within earshot that anyone who wanted the Union in was fired. Karen Miller testified that neither she nor Richard had any knowledge of union activity at the coffeeshop prior to July 18. Analysis The excuse given by Karen Miller for Richard Miller's failure to testify (high blood pressure) is not credited be- cause of his observable condition , 8 his active part in all proceedings the first day of hearing , and the fact that he continues to work on a regular, daily basis as supervisor of the Truck Town complex, service station, drive-in restau- rants, and laundromats. Failure of Respondent to call Richard Miller 's doctor as a witness under such circum- stances creates an inference that Richard Miller 's condi- tion did not preclude his testifying, and did not compel sale of the coffeeshop. The manner in which M & M was treated in its creation and administration as a corporation precludes confidence in the sincerity of the creators. James Miller and his moth- er were unconvincing as witnesses , and neither of them is credited. No corporate records of note were produced, al- though all records of both M & M and Flite Chief, Inc., were subpenaed. No evidence was introduced that Flite Chief, Inc., modified its basic lease, to account for the new lease to M & M. The inference is strong that Flite Chief, Inc., minutes were falsified to show sale of the coffeeshop on July 12. No evidence was introduced to show assign- ment of the coffeeshop lease from James Miller and Paul Minder to M & M. No bill of Sale was prepared for trans- fer of ownership of the coffeeshop. No capitalization of M & M was shown; apparently James (who said he is the sole stockholder) gave the corporation nothing for his 8 This is not conclusive evidence, but it is evidence and is weighed with other factors. stock-no preincorporation services, or cash, or anything else. James does not know, or is uncertain about, details of the sale and payments relative to the sale. James did not even go to the attorney's office when documents were being prepared for creation of M & M and sale of the coffeeshop; only his parents went. No list of equipment included in the lease was produced by Respondents, and the promissory note was for nothing other than supplies. The inventory appears incomplete and in error; it is sus- pect. Relationship of Minder to the corporation never was satisfactorily explained. No minutes, or other books and records of M & M, were produced. Credited testimony of Ford and the employees named above shows that operation of the business after July 22 is the same as operation prior thereto, with but a few minor differences. Hours, duties of employees, supplies and their storage, office forms, and courtesy privileges for truckers and Richard Miller and his manager all remain the same. Richard Miller continues to frequent the coffeeshop, do some jobs there, and issue some instructions. Richard and Karen Miller retain their keys to the coffeeshop office. The reason given by Karen Miller for sale of the cof- feeshop does not withstand scrutiny, for several reasons. First, as outlined above, it is apparent that Richard Miller's high blood pressure has not kept him from working, and no doctor (nor Richard Miller himself) testified relative to his alleged condition. Second, it is obvious that James simply was a tool in the transaction. He is only 18 years of age, a recent high school graduate with no experience worthy of mention, and, until the first part of July 1974, a college hopeful. His testimony was inconsistent and self contradic- tory, and showed an ignorance of and lack of concern with even the rudiments of business. Clearly, he is not capable of operating a business grossing almost half a million dol- lars per year. He lives at home, his mother engineered the so-called sale, and he is patently answerable to his parents. Third, it is not possible on the record to arrive at a satisfac- tory explanation of the role Paul Minder played in the transaction, if any. The most nearly plausible conclusion is that he was importuned by Karen Miller to come into the arrangement as a prop for James. James testified that Min- der was "more or less a silent partner but he was just like a manager." Minder soon left whatever he had got into, and went to Europe. Fourth, only the coffeeshop allegedly was sold, and of the several businesses of Flite Chief, Inc., only the coffeeshop was the scene of union activity during the time relevant herein. Finally, the union animus of Richard and Karen Miller is abundantly shown by the record. The real reason for the sham sale of the coffeeshop clear- ly was to avoid its unionization. As the testimony shows, Richard Miller was determined to keep the Union out of the coffeeshop, and when confronted by union activity July 18 he reacted by cursing Jones, by firing employees, by threatening to sell or close the coffeeshop, and by threatening to fire all other employees who supported the Union. The incident of July 18, wherein nearly all the employees left the coffeeshop and stood outside for an hour or so pending arrival of Jones, after Richard Miller announced to all employees within hearing distance that all union sup- porters were fired, was related in credible manner by sever- al witnesses. FLITE CHIEF, INC. The lease purported to be dated July 12, as do Flite Chief, Inc., minutes showing the alleged sale transaction, but as discussed above relative to the minutes , that date is patently spurious . It is clear that all documents relating to the alleged sale, such as they are , were hastily and inade- quately drawn to meet an emergency situation-unioniza- tion of the coffeeshop-and are not valid sale documents. It is found that the alleged sale was a sham transaction, that M & M is a family organization , and that the alleged sale was for the sole reason of avoiding unionization of the coffeeshop. It is found that Richard and Karen Miller at all times relevant herein have been , and are , officers and general agents of Flite Chief, Inc., and that James Miller has been the chief officer , and general agent , of M & M during its entire existence . Proof of Paul Minder's position is vague, but he is found to be an agent of M & M at all times relevant herein . General Counsel did not explain the rea- son for naming individuals as Respondents , and there was no showing that Flite Chief, Inc., and M & M are not corporations . Proof of M & M 's entity status is beclouded somewhat by failure of Respondents to produce subpenaed documents , but the existence of neither party named as a corporation was challenged. It is assumed that the individuals were named as Re- spondents because of their possible personal liability in the event M & M were found not to be a corporation . In view of the failure of Respondents to show that the lease signed by James Miller and Paul Minder was assigned to M & M, and in further view of the uncertain status of M & M and the possibility of individual liability, the rem- edy and order described hereinbelow are directed to all named Respondents. General Counsel contends that Flite Chief, Inc., and M & M are a single employer based upon several factors, including common ownership and control . James Miller testified that he is the sole stockholder of M & M, and there is little evidence that James is not an active manager of operations at M & M. Respondent's basic defense is that the two corporations are entirely separate legal enti- ties, neither of which is liable for actions of the other. All of these contentions are somewhat beside the point. The reason for establishment of a separate corporation (M & M) to operate the coffeeshop is of secondary con- cern . If Richard and Karen want to make a legitimate gift of the coffeeshop to their son James, and create a corpora- tion for him as the vehicle of transfer, that alone is of no concern to the National Labor Relations Board . However, far more is involved . M & M clearly was created to be a vendee and lessee of the coffeeshop and its premises for the purpose of avoiding unionization . The alleged sale of the coffeeshop is the core of the controversy, rather than the question of common ownership or common control of both corporations . Sale for such a purpose would be violative of the Act whether made between individuals , partnerships, corporations , or a mixture thereof , as would closure with- out sale . Lees Shopping Center, Inc., 198 NLRB 507 (1972) Industrial Fabricating, Inc., et al., 119 NLRB 162 (1957). General Counsel contends that Flite Chief, Inc., and M & M are a single employer, based upon tests enumerat- 1117 ed in Sakrete of Northern California, Inc. v. N.L.RB., 332 F.2d 902 (C.A. 9, 1964), cert. denied 379 U.S. 961 (1965), and N.L.R.B. v. Deena Artware, Inc., 361 U.S. 398 (1960), and that the law of those cases is controlling even if, ar- guendo, the two corporate entities are considered separate and valid. It can be argued that the record does not show that all the tests set forth in Sakrete and Deena are met in this case. James Miller, who is young and inexperienced and living with his parents, presumably is under their con- trol and direction, but that is a presumption, not a proved fact. The parents own and control Flite Chief, Inc. Evi- dence shows that Richard Miller does some work in the coffeeshop and has expressed some interest in how it is operated, but that evidence is not conclusive. It is a fact that two corporations exist .9 However, creation of M & M and sale of the coffeeshop to avoid unionization results in M & M being Flite Chief, Inc.'s alter ego for the purpose of this case. Rushton & Mercier Woodworking Co., Inc., and Rand & Co., Inc., 203 NLRB 123 (1973); N.L.R.B. v. Gi- bralter Industries, Inc., 307 F.2d 428 (C.A. 4, 1962), enfg. 133 NLRB 1527 (1961). Further, as pointed out by General Counsel, it can be argued that M & M is a successor of Flite Chief, but the distinction is blurred in law, and is immaterial to resolution of this controversy. Regal Knit- ware Company v. N.L.R.B., 324 U.S. 9, 15. There is no question but what M & M, as an alter ego of Flite Chief, Inc., is liable for unfair labor practices com- mitted by Flite Chief. Atlanta Paper Company and Mead Atlanta Paper Company, 121 NLRB 125 (1958). And cer- tainly M & M and Flite Chief are separately liable for their own unfair labor practices, as discussed below. The two corporations being family affairs, as found above, it follows that Flite Chief, Inc., can be held liable for the unfair labor practices of M & M, its alter ego. As stated by the Trial Examiner in Charles T. Reynolds, Sr., d/bla as Charles T. Reynolds Box Company, and Reynolds Pallet and Box Co., 139 NLRB 519 (1962): Whether the term successor or alter ego is applied to the relationship, it is clear that the corporation was not a bona fide successor insofar as the unfair labor prac- tices herein are involved. The take over of the business by the Corporation from Reynolds was not a trans- action between strangers dealing at arm's length, but rather a continuation of the business in a different legal form with substantially the same ownership and management. C. Alleged Refusal to Bargain Both complaints in the cases consolidated herein allege that, since on or about July 18, Respondents have refused to bargain with the Union. The complaint in Case 31-CA-5176 alleges that, since on or about November 8, Respondents have refused to furnish to the Union informa- tion relevant to the Union's performance of its obligations. It is further alleged that, since on or about January 2, 1975, 9 As discussed above, there is no basis upon which to conclude that M & M does not have corporate existence; General Counsel alleges its existence 1118 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Respondents have withdrawn recognition of the Union. In its answer to the complaint M & M admits, and it is found, that all employees employed by Respondents in their coffeeshop located 10238 Cherry Avenue, Fontana, California; excluding all office clerical employees, guards, watchmen, professional employees and supervisors as de- fined in the Act, constitute a unit appropriate for the pur- poses of collective bargaining within the meaning of Sec- tion 9(b) of the Act. Credited testimony shows that, as of July 12, there were approximately 39 employees in the aforesaid unit. Signed union authorization cards of 24 of said employees, all dat- ed on or before July 12, were admitted into evidence with- out objection by Respondents. It is found that, as of July 12 and at all times thereafter, the Union was and has been exclusive bargaining representative for all employees of the aforesaid unit. Jones testified as follows: On July 17, he sent a letter to Richard Miller requesting a negotiation meeting, and on July 18 he met with Richard Miller at the coffeeshop and tried to bargain, both generally about unionization and specifically about the employees who had been fired and were standing outside the coffeeshop, as discussed above. Richard Miller adamantly refused to bargain, and said that, at Jones' request, the employees could come back in but when the food was gone they would be gone also, since he was going to close the business. Miller told Jones he had not fired the employees-they just walked out. Miller also said it was a free country and he could fire anyone he wanted to.10 Jones met with Karen Miller July 22, at which time he was advised that Richard Miller had disposed of his interest in the coffeeshop and the employees all had been fired. Jones sent a telegram on July 22 to the manage- ment of the coffeeshop and requested a negotiation meet- ing, but received no response.I I Jones sent a letter to James Miller on November 8 requesting that a meeting be ar- ranged to negotiate a contract. A few days after the letter a meeting was arranged between Jones and Tyler of the Union, and James Miller and the coffeeshop manager. The meeting took place at the coffeeshop and lasted about an hour. Jones gave James Miller a copy of the standard con- tract that included wage scales and other terms, and James requested time to review the contract prior to any further negotiations. In a letter of November 27 Jones requested that the negotiations resume, and he requested that James Miller furnish information including a list of employees, current wage scales, and any benefits employees were re- ceiving. A meeting was held on December 10 attended by the same parties, except the former manager had been re- placed by Peterson as manager. Neither James Miller nor Peterson brought the requested information, and Jones made another request for the same material. A third meet- ing was held about 10 days later between the Union repre- sentatives and James Miller and Peterson of the coffee- shop. The standard contract again was discussed, with particular attention being given to union-security and the dues checkoff clauses. Jones agreed to delete the latter item. James Miller still did not furnish the requested infor- mation . A fourth meeting was scheduled for January 2, 1975. On the morning of that date Jones was called on the telephone by James Miller. James told Jones that he was calling off the meeting scheduled for that afternoon and that he would not meet again until the question of back wages for the employees involved in Case 31-CA-4593 had been settled. James Miller also refused to furnish the re- quested information. In a telephone conversation between Jones and James Miller the latter part of January 1975, James restated his intent not to negotiate further. On Feb- ruary 14, 1975, Jones sent a mailgram to James Miller re- questing that a meeting be arranged for negotiation. An- other letter was sent by Jones to the coffeeshop in the latter part of March 1975, but it was refused by the coffeeshop. Jones was an impressive witness. His testimony is cred- ited in its entirety. It is found that the allegations of the complaint relative to refusal of Respondents to bargain with the Union, with- drawal of union representation,' and refusal to furnish in- formation to the Union are proved. D. Alleged Instruction to Employees to Observe Other Employees Paragraph 13 of the complaint in Case 31-CA-5176 al- leges that, during the months of October and November, James Miller told employees to observe fellow employees with union sympathies, and to aid in finding pretextual reasons to fire union sympathizers. Linda Hillebrand (hereinafter Hillebrand), a waitress at the coffeeshop, testified that James Miller asked her in his office on a date after October 29 "if I would come and snitch to him every time the girls had done something wrong as to give a reason as why to fire them." "The girls" were three other waitresses. Morris testified that James Miller told her a week prior to October 29 that he was changing her shift in order that she could "watch the girls and give him any reason of which he could use to fire them." The girls were two other waitresses. The waitresses James referred to in the above two con- versations were active union supporters who, according to testimony, James said he was desirous of firing, because of their union activity. James Miller did not cross-examine the witnesses on this subject, and he did not deny the statements attributed to him. The two witnesses are credited. It is found that this alle- gation of the complaint is proved. E. Alleged Surveillance Paragraph 13(b) of the complaint in Case 31-CA-5176 alleges that, on or about April 4, 1975, and prior thereto, 2 It is not disputed that Respondents and the Union entered into a settle- 10 Jones' testimony was corroborated by Tyler and Paulson. ment agreement (later set aside) in October of 1974. James Miller later 11 In her letter of July 22 handed by Karen Miller to Jones, Karen stated, refused to meet further with the Union , clearly establishing withdrawal of inter aha, "You were advised of this change of ownership on July 18, 1974 " recognition that had been accorded several months, including agreement Jones denied that he was so advised on July 18. Jones is credited with the Union to settle the controversy FLITE CHIEF, INC. Respondents engaged in surveillance or gave the impres- sion of surveillance of employees ' union activities. Hillebrand testified she had a conversation with James Miller in October of 1974: A. Jim was talking about going to court and he said that he does not want the union girls to come back to work for him; he will do anything to get them fired . He said he was going to have a tape recorder sitting and it led to a wire and the wire led out into the girls dining area. Q. Where was the tape recorder? A. It was up on a little box next to the window-the back window-that led to the girls dining room. Q. Was there a microphone? A. Yes, there was. Q. Where was the microphone? A. The microphone he said was out in the dining area. Vymislicky testified that , on April 4, 1975, he was taking down a table the employees used to eat on , and a micro- phone was hanging down on the underneath side of the table , with a cord attached and running into the office used by James Miller and the manager of the coffee shop. He said the employees had known the microphone was there. Violet Strain , a dishwasher at the coffee shop, testified that she saw the microphone and cord as the tables were being moved. James Miller did not cross-examine the witnesses on this subject, and he did not deny the presence of the micro- phone and recorder the witnesses testified to. The three above -named witnesses are credited , and it is found that this allegation of the complaint is proved. F. Alleged Termination or Suspension of Four Employees Paragraph 11 of the complaint in Case 31-CA-4593 al- leges that, on or about July 18, Respondents terminated or suspended James Templeton , Deborah Ranck , Charlene Priest, and David Walthall for a period of approximately I hour. Templeton credibly testified that he was a cook at the coffeeshop from February 16 to July 22, 1974. He said that on July 18, Richard Miller asked him if he was in favor of the Union, and when Templeton said he was, Miller re- plied, "then get your damn stuff and get out of here; you are through." Templeton said he heard Richard Miller fire Ranck at the same time , for the same reason . Later that day Ford told Templeton to come back to work the follow- ing morning, which he did. Ranck credibly testified that on July 18, Richard Miller asked if she had signed a union card and Ranck said yes. Miller said "I might as well go home that day that I didn't have a job because I signed a union card ." Ranck said she stood outside with others until Jones and Tyler arrived, and she returned to work at 3:15. Ranck said she heard Richard Miller fire Templeton for the same reason she was fired. Priest testified that Richard Miller asked her July 18 if she had signed a union card. Priest said she had, and Miller replied that anyone who wanted the Union did not need to work for him . However, Priest went about her usual duties 1119 and finished her shift that day. Ford testified that he was with Richard Miller when Templeton and Ranck were fired, and Ford corroborated the latter's testimony. He also said that, after Richard Mill- er fired Templeton and Ranck, "he waved his hands and said anyone who wants the Union is through." Randall Devine also corroborated the testimony of Templeton and Ranck, and testified to the same statement attributed to Richard Miller, that anyone who wanted the union was through. Both Ford and Divine are credited. Walthall testified that he was supposed to go to work at 3 p.m. on July 18, and that he clocked in about 3:15. There is no evidence that he was terminated or suspended July 18 by Richard Miller. It is found that the allegations of the complaint are proved so far as Templeton and Ranck are concerned, and not proved so far as Priest and Walthall are concerned. G. Alleged Termination of All Unit Employees Paragraph 12(a) of the complaint in Case 31-CA-4593 alleges that, on or about July 22, Respondent terminated all employees in the unit described above. Ford testified that he talked with Karen Miller at or about 7:30 a.m. on July 22, at the coffeeshop. He said Karen "informed me of the necessity for Richard Miller to sell the business due to his health," and that the new own- ers had decided to fire everyone, including Ford. There was no mention of who the new owners were. Templeton testified that Ford told him on the telephone July 22 that all employees were being fired, and that Karen Miller gave him his termination check that day. Priest testi- fied that Karen Miller told her July 22 that she would have to leave because the coffeeshop had been sold due to Rich- ard Miller's poor health. Both Karen and Richard Miller told Priest the business had been sold sooner than planned, because of the Union. Priest received her termination check July 22, and turned in her application for employ- ment by the "new owner." Priest said she was rehired on July 24 by James Miller, who told her she was hired back because she was not "out front" with the other employ- ees.13 Ellis testified that she was terminated by Mrs. Miller July 22, and was instructed to reapply for a job with the new owners. She said James Miller told her that Tony Min- der was the new owner at that time. 14 Ellis said she was rehired 2 or 3 days after July 22, by James Miller. Ranck testified that she was terminated by Karen Miller July 22, and that Mrs. Miller said it would be a couple of days before Ranck would know whether she would be rehired. Bitonti testified that she was terminated July 22 by Karen Miller, and that she submitted an application for reem- ployment. Bitonti said she asked Minder July 22 if he was the new owner, and Minder just shrugged his shoulders. Powers testified she was terminated by Karen Miller July 22, and was told the new owners would be bringing in their 13 Who had been discharged July 18 by Richard Miller, as discussed above. 14 Ellis testified that she talked with Minder about a week after July 22, and that Minder said he would not buy the coffee shop, that "he wouldn't have it the way it was." 1120 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD own employees. Powers gave her application for reemploy- ment to Mrs. Miller . Dunn testified she was terminated July 22 by Karen Miller, and submitted her application for reemployment to James Miller. James told her reemploy- ment was up to Tony Minder, the new owner, and that Tony wanted "a new crew." Hillebrand testified that she talked with James Miller six or seven times about the Union, and that, in October, James told her "he will do anything" to get union support- ers fired . He said he did not want Bitonti and Dunn back at work , and after firing Bitonti he said "for sure he was going to keep her out." Morris testified that she talked with James Miller on ap- proximately 10 occasions about the Union, and that James told her after she was hired in October that the Union was trying to get in and that "there was no way they could get in." She said James also told her he wanted Hilda (Bitonti) and Donna (Dunn), and all the union girls , out of the cof- feeshop. On October 30, after the hearing on the 29th, Morris asked James "how it went ," and James said "not to worry, that he would have everybody out of there within a week." Morris testified that James made every effort to avoid reinstating employees who had been fired. Walthall testified that he was fired July 22 by Karen Miller. Analysis Although it appears that not all the employees who were fired July 22 testified, it is clear that there was a mass discharge on that date , and determination of those who were fired can be made at the compliance stage of these proceedings. Testimony summarized above is credited. It is found that all unit employees were terminated July 22. As analyzed and found above, Richard and Karen Mill- er arranged for creation of a corporation wholly owned by their son James, to which the coffeeshop allegedly was sold. The only reason for that transaction was to prevent unionization of the coffeeshop. As shown by credited testimony, immediately after the alleged sale James Miller embarked upon a course de- signed to rid the Miller family of the Union. All unit em- ployees were fired. Employees were told unionization would not be tolerated . Unlawful interrogations , threats, and pay raises were engaged in (discussed below). A hid- den microphone and recorder were installed in order to listen to employees ' conversations. Under such circumstances, there is no doubt but what the mass discharge of July 22 was motivated solely by the desire to interrupt and stop union activity at the coffee- shop. It is found that this allegation of the complaint is proved. H. Alleged Termination of Leona Lile Paragraph 13 of the complaint in Case 31-CA-4593 al- leges that, on or about August 2, Respondents terminated Leona Lile. On July 22 James, Joann, Karen, and Richard Miller handed out, upon request, job applications to employees who had just been terminated. Of those fired, however, only three were rehired by James Miller. One of the three, Leona Lile (hereinafter Lile), was hired only after interces- sion on her behalf by a friend. Lile and the other two em- ployees, Ellis and Charlene, were questioned about the Union by James Miller. Lile and Priest were told that they had been rehired because they had not joined the group of employees who had been in the parking lot after the mass discharge on July 18. Lile had to fill out at least two job applications, neither of which was produced at the hearing, although they were subpenaed by General Counsel. Five days after Lile returned to work she was terminated by James Miller, with the only reason given that James had applications from younger girls. In view of the discussions between James Miller and Lile, the fact that James was aware of her friendship with other discharged employees, and James' antagonism toward the Union, Lile's discharge on August 2, 1974, is found to have been because of her union activity. It is found that this allegation of the complaint is proved. I. Alleged Wage Increase Paragraph 14 of the complaint in Case 31-CA-4593 al- leges that, on July 22, Respondents hired new employees and granted them wage increases in order to discourage support of the Union. The fact that some employees were hired after July 22 at wages higher than prevailed prior to July 22 is not in dis- pute. James acknowledged that he increased the pay of waitresses and busboys from $2 per hour to $2.25 per hour after July 22. Lile, Ellis, Bitonti, Powers, Dunn, and Hille- brand all testified they worked after July 22 at $2.25 per hour, and Priest said she was raised to $2.50 per hour. Lile testified that James told her he was hiring everyone back at $2.25, and asked why the employees wanted the Union. Ellis testified that James told her $2.25 was more than the union wage. In view of the undisputed fact that waitresses and bus- boys had never earned more than $2 per hour at the cof- feeshop prior to July 22, the unchallenged statements of Lile and Ellis, the demonstrated union animus of James Miller, and the unexplained reason for the sudden raise, there is no doubt but what the increase was given for the sole reason of depressing union activity. It is found that this allegation of the complaint is proved. J. Alleged Interrogation and Threat by Richard Miller Paragraphs 15 and 16 of the complaint in Case 3l-CA-4593 allege that, on or about July 18, Richard Mill- er interrogated, and threatened with discharge, employees who supported the Union. Templeton, Ranck, Ford, and Divine all credibly testi- fied to the alleged acts , as discussed in section F above. It is found that these allegations are proved. K. Alleged Interrogation and Threat by James Miller Paragraph 17 of the complaint in Case 31-CA-4593 al- leges that, on or about July 24, James Miller interrogated, and threatened with discharge , an employee because of her FLITE CHIEF, INC. 1121 union activities. Priest testified that she talked with James Miller July 24, and that James asked her if she was going to "try to orga- nize a union," and also asked her if she would vote for or support the Union. Priest replied to James , after which he said , "Okay, as long as you are not going to make trouble you can work here." Priest is credited. James did not deny the statements. The statements clearly are coercive under the circum- stances. It is found that this allegation of the complaint is found. L. Alleged Interrogation and Promise of Benefits by James Miller employees about, and asked for a continuing report on, union activities of the employees. Ellis testified that, a few days after she was fired July 22 and called back to work July 24, she had a conversation with James Miller , who "wanted to know what the union was going to do ; if they were going to picket or what their plans were." Ellis said James also told her "he would ap- preciate it very much if I would keep him informed as far as what the union was going to do ." Ellis replied that she did not want to be a squealer . Ellis said James also asked her how she voted in the union election. Ellis is credited, and her statements quoted above were not challenged or denied. It is found that these allegations are proved. Paragraph 18 of the complaint in Case 31-CA-4593 al- leges that, on or about July 27, James Miller interrogated an employee about, and promised benefits to discontinue, union activities. Credited testimony shows that , on July 27, James Miller had a conversation with Lile , who had been terminated July 22 with the other employees . The conversation was initiated by a deputy sheriff . Lile was offered a job, but on a different shift . Prior to July 22 she had been receiving $2 per hour, but James Miller told her that he was "hiring everybody back at $2 .25 an hour . That was more than what they were going to get before so there shouldn 't be any problem." In that same conversation , James Miller in- quired about the motivations of the union sympathizers. Under the circumstances , those statements and inquiries clearly were coercive and in violation of the Act. It is found that this allegation of the complaint is proved. M. Alleged Condition of Granting Higher Wages Paragraph 19 of the complaint in Case 31-CA-4593 al- leges that on or about July 28, James Miller conditioned the granting of higher wages on abandonment of employee union activity. Priest was rehired on the condition that she did not "make trouble," which is an obvious reference to union activity in light of the conversations concerning organizing and the Union . Priest was asked whether she would orga- nize and answered that she would not , and she was asked what the Union had to offer . In her next paycheck, Priest received a wage increase of $.50 per hour, to $2.50 per hour . The wage increase was not explained to Priest, but Lile was told it was given so there would no longer be a "problem ." Ellis was told that her raise to $2.25 an hour was more than union scale. From the uncontradicted testi- mony of Lile , Priest, and Ellis it is clear that James Miller conditioned reemployment on the abandonment of union activities , and increased the wage scale in order to encour- age that abandonment. It is found that this allegation of the complaint is proved. N. Alleged Interrogation by James Miller, and Request for Union Activities Report Paragraph 20 of the complaint in Case 31 -CA-4593 al- leges that , on or about July 29 , James Miller interrogated 0. Requested Bargaining Order General Counsel requests a remedial bargaining order upon the basis that Respondents' violations of the Act are so serious and pervasive that such an order is necessary, under the principles enunciated in N.L.R.B. v. Gissel Pack- ing Co., Inc., 395 U.S. 575 (1969). Respondents' postmajority hostility to the Union refusal to furnish relevant information, mass discharge of employ- ees, commission of Section 8(a)(1) violations , and refusal to bargain with the Union, all found above, show beyond doubt that a bargaining order is warranted and necessary. An election under such circumstances could not be a fair method to determine the desire of employees. K Wm. Beach Mfg. Co., Inc., 192 NLRB 203 (1971). Respondents' earlier recognition of the Union through bargaining meetings and a settlement agreement, and their subsequent withdrawal of recognition, have been found above. Also found above was Respondents' refusal to fur- nish to the Union properly requested information. Those actions by Respondents support a separate 8(a)(5) viola- tion finding. United Packing Company of Iowa, Inc., 187 NLRB 878 (1971). Accordingly, it will be recommended that Respondents be ordered generally to bargain with the Union (Gissel, supra ), and specifically to recognize the Union and to fur- nish the information requested by the Union. P. The Question of Reinstatement General Counsel asks that any remedy herein include full and unconditional reinstatement of all coffeeshop em- ployees discharged on July 22, even though some employ- ees were called back to work. That request is well ground- ed, for several reasons. First, the record is not clear on how many employees were called back, and how many later were terminated again . Not all discharged employees were named, or called as witnesses. It is not possible to fashion separate remedies for each employee. Second, Respondents' demonstrated hostility to the Union and the obvious conditions to reinstatement of Lile, Priest, and Ellis, discussed above, cast doubt upon James Miller's sincerity concerning reinstatements. Third, James Miller's request that Ellis keep him in- formed of union activities demonstrated James' continuing 1122 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD surveillance of the employees and makes possible reinstate- ment, without an order, tenuous at best. Finally, the record shows James ' studious efforts to avoid seeing or talking with employees after sending them letters offering reinstatement . Clearly, reinstatement offers were made merely as a matter of form. Under such circumstances , it is necessary to order full reinstatement of all unit employees discharged July 22, and leave computation of backpay, including any interim earn- ings received from M & M , to the compliance stage. IV. THE EFFECT OF THE UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES UPON COMMERCE The Respondents ' activities set forth in section III, above , occurring in connection with the operations of Re- spondent described in section I, above , have a close, inti- mate , and substantial relation to trade, traffic , and com- merce among the several States , and tend to lead to labor disputes burdening and obstructing commerce and the free flow of commerce. V. THE REMEDY Having found that Respondents have engaged in unfair labor practices in violation of Section 8(a)(1), (3), and (5) of the Act, I shall recommend that they be ordered to cease and desist therefrom , and to take certain affirmative action designed to effectuate the policies of the Act. It has been found that Respondents unilaterally dis- charged all unit employees of the M & M coffee shop on July 22, 1974, and discharged Lile August 2, 1974. I will, therefore , recommend that Respondents offer said individ- uals their former jobs or, if those jobs no longer exist, sub- stantially equivalent jobs , without prejudice to their senior- ity and other rights and privileges , and make them whole for any loss of earnings suffered by reason of the discrimi- nation against them, by payment to them of sums of mon- ey equal to that which they normally would have earned, absent the discrimination , less net earnings during such pe- riod, with backpay computed on a quarterly basis in the manner established in F. W. Woolworth Company, 90 NLRB 289 (1950), plus interest at the rate of 6 percent per annum , as set forth in Isis Plumbing and Heating Co., 138 NLRB 716 (1962). It will be further recommended that Respondents preserve and make available to the Board, upon request , all payroll records , social security payment records , timecards, personnel records and reports , and all other records necessary and useful to determine the amounts of backpay due and the rights of reinstatement under the terms of these recommendations. It also will be recommended that Respondents be re- quired to recognize and bargain with the Union as the ex- clusive bargaining representative of the employees in the above-described collective -bargaining unit. Upon the basis of the foregoing findings of fact, and upon the entire record , I hereby make the following: M & M Truckadero Coffee Shop, Inc.; James Miller and Paul A . Minder , are employers engaged in commerce with- in the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 2. Culinary Workers, Bartenders & Hotel Employees, Local 535 , is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. 3. By the following words and acts , Respondents inter- fered with , restrained , and coerced their employees in the exercise of their rights guaranteed to them by Section 7 of the Act, in violation of Secion 8(a)(1) of the Act: termina- tion or suspension of employees ; granting of wage increas- es; interrogation of employees ; threat to discharge employ- ees; conditioning the granting of higher wages upon abandonment of union activity; solicitation of reports by employees on union activities ; refusal to furnish to the Union requested information ; telling employees to observe and report on other employees ; and engaging in surveil- lance or giving the impression of surveillance of employees' union activity. 4. By the following acts , Respondents discriminated against their employees in violation of Section 8(a)(3) of the Act: termination or suspension of employees and granting wage increases in order to discourage support of the Union. 5. All employees employed by Respondents in their cof- feeshop located 10238 Cherry Avenue, Fontana, Califor- nia, excluding all other employees , and supervisors as de- fined in the National Labor Relations Act, constitute a unit appropriate for the purpose of collective bargaining within the meaning of Section 9(b) of the Act. 6. The above-named labor organization is the exclusive representative of all employees in the aforesaid appropriate unit for the purpose of collective bargaining within the meaning of Section 9(a) of the Act, and has been such exclusive representative since July 12, 1974. 7. By refusing to bargain collectively with the Union through failure and refusal to furnish certain requested in- formation , and by withdrawing recognition of the Union, Respondents have engaged in and are engaging in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8(a)(5) of the Act. 8. Respondents did not, through alleged conduct, vio- late Section 8(a)(3) and (1) of the Act by terminating or suspending employees Priest and Walthall as alleged in paragraph III, E hereinabove. 9. The aforesaid unfair labor practices committed by Respondents are of such a serious and pervasive nature that they warrant entry of a remedial order directing and requiring Respondents to recognize and bargain with the Union as the representative of the employees in the above- described unit. 10. The aforesaid unfair labor practices are unfair labor practices affecting commerce within the meaning of Sec- tion 2(6) and 2(7) of the Act. Upon the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, and pursuant to Section 10(c) of the Act, I hereby issue the following recommended: CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. Flite Chief, Inc.; Richard Miller and Karen Miller; FLITE CHIEF, INC. 1123 ORDER 15 Flite Chief, Inc.; Richard Miller and Karen Miller; M & M Truckadero Coffee Shop , Inc.; James Miller and Paul A . Minder , their officers , agents , successors , and as- signs, shall: 1. Cease and desist from: (a) Interfering with , restraining, or coercing their em- ployees in the exercise of rights guaranteed to them by Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act, in violation of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act, by the following conduct: termination or suspension of employees ; granting of wage increases ; interrogation of employees ; threat to discharge employees; conditioning the granting of higher wages upon abandonment of union activity ; solicitation of reports by employees on union activities ; refusal to furnish the Union requested information ; telling employees to observe and report on other employees ; and engaging in surveillance or giving the impression of surveillance of employees' union activity. (b) Discriminating against their employees in violation of Section 8(a)(3) of the Act by termination or suspension of employment , and by granting wage increases in order to discourage support of the Union. (c) Refusing in violation of Section 8(a)(5) of the Act to bargain collectively concerning rates of pay, wages , hours, and other terms and conditions of employment with Culi- nary Workers , Bartenders & Hotel Employees , Local 535, as the exclusive bargaining representative of its employees in the following appropriate unit: all employees employed by Respondents in their coffeeshop located at 10238 Cher- ry Avenue, Fontana, California, excluding all other em- ployees and supervisors as defined in the National Labor Relations Act, by, but not limited to, withdrawal of recog- nition of the Union, and furnishing to the Union informa- tion required and requested by it in order to discharge its responsibilities to the employees of the aforesaid unit. (d) In any other manner interfering with, restraining, or coercing employees in exercise of the rights guaranteed them in Section 7 of the Act. 2. Take the following affirmative action, which I find will effectuate the policies of the Act: (a) Offer to all employees of the above-described unit who were discharged July 22, and to Leona Lile who was discharged August 2, 1974, full reinstatement to their for- mer jobs or , if those jobs no longer exist , to substantially equivalent positions , without prejudice to their seniority or other rights and privileges, and make them whole for their loss of earnings in the manner set forth in the section of this Decision entitled "The Remedy." (b) Recognize the Union as the exclusive bargaining representative of employees in the aforesaid unit , and fur- nish to the Union , upon its request , information relating to names of employees , wage rates and fringe benefits of em- ployees, and other information required by the Union to discharge its obligation to employees of the above-de- scribed unit. (c) Upon request, bargain with the above-named labor organization as the exclusive representative of all employ- ees in the aforesaid appropriate bargaining unit with re- spect to rates of pay, wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment. (d) Post at their place of business in Fontana, Califor- nia, copies of the attached notice marked "Appendix." 16 Copies of said notice, on forms provided by the Regional Director for Region 31, after being duly signed by Respon- dents' representative, shall be posted by them immediately upon receipt thereof, and be maintained by them for 60 consecutive days thereafter, in conspicuous places, includ- ing all places where notices to employees are customarily posted. Reasonable steps shall be taken by Respondents to insure that said notices are not altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. (e) Notify the Regional Director for Region 31 in writ- ing, within 20 days from the date of this Order, what steps Respondents have taken to comply herewith. IT IS FURTHER RECOMMENDED that the allegations in para- graph III, E above relating to employees Priest and Walt- hall be dismissed in their entirety. 15 In the event no exceptions are filed as provided by Sec. 102.46 of the Rules and Regulations of the National Labor Relations Board , the findings, conclusions , and recommended Order herein shall, as provided in Sec. 102.48 of the Rules and Regulations, be adopted by the Board and become its findings , conclusions , and Order , and all objections thereto shall be deemed waived for all purposes 16 In the event that the Board 's Order is enforced by a Judgment of a United States Court of Appeals, the words in the notice reading "Posted by Order of the National Labor Relations Board " shall read "Posted Pursuant to a Judgment of the United States Court of Appeals Enforcing an Order of the National Labor Relations Board." APPENDIX NOTICE To EMPLOYEES POSTED BY ORDER OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD An Agency of the United States Government After a hearing at which all sides had a chance to give evidence, the National Labor Relations Board has found that we violated the National Labor Relations Act and has ordered us to post this notice. We intend to carry out the Order of the Board, the judgment of any court, and to abide by the following: The Act gives all employees these rights: To organize themselves To form, join, or help unions To bargain collectively through representatives of their choosing To act together for collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection To refuse to do any or all of these things. WE WILL NOT interfere with, restrain , or coerce our employees in the exercise of their rights guaranteed to them by Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act, in violation of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act, by the following conduct: termination or suspension of em- 1124 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD ployees ; granting of wage increases ; interrogation of employees; threat to discharge employees ; condition- ing the granting of higher wages upon abandonment of union activity ; solicitation of reports by employees on union activities ; refusal to furnish the Union re- quested information ; telling employees to observe and report on other employees ; and engaging in surveil- lance or giving the impression of surveillance of em- ployees' union activity. WE WILL NOT discriminate against our employees in violation of Section 8(a)(3) of the Act by termination or suspension of employment, or by granting wage in- creases in order to discourage support of the Union. WE WILL NOT refuse to bargain collectively concern- ing rates of pay, wages , hours, and other terms and conditions of employment with Culinary Workers, Bartenders & Hotel Employees , Local 535, as the ex- clusive bargaining representative of our employees in the following appropriate unit : all employees in the coffeeshop located at 10238 Cherry Avenue , Fontana, California , excluding all other employees and supervi- sors as defined in the National Labor Relations Act, by, but not limited to , withdrawal of recognition of the Union and furnishing to the Union information re- quired and requested by it in order to discharge its responsibilities to the employees of the aforesaid unit. WE WILL NOT In any other manner interfere with, restrain , or coerce employees in exercise of the rights guaranteed them in Section 7 of the Act. WE WILL offer to all employees of the above-de- scribed unit who were discharged July 22 , and to Leo- na Lile who was discharged August 2 , 1974, full rein- statement to their former jobs or, if those jobs no longer exist, to substantially equivalent positions, without prejudice to their seniority or other rights and privileges , and make them whole for any loss of earn- ings they may have suffered. WE WILL , upon request , recognize and bargain with the above-named labor organization as the exclusive representative of all employees in the aforesaid appro- priate bargaining unit , with respect to rates of pay, wages , hours , and other terms and conditions of em- ployment, and furnish to it , upon request , information relating to names of employees , wage rates , and fringe benefits of employees , and other information required by the Union to discharge its obligations to employees of the above-described unit. FLITE CHIEF , INC.; RICHARD MILLER AND KAREN MILLER ; M & M TRUCKADERO COFFEE SHOP, INC.; JAMES MILLER AND PAUL A. MINDER Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation