Fire Alert Co.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsMar 19, 1976223 N.L.R.B. 129 (N.L.R.B. 1976) Copy Citation FIRE ALERT COMPANY 129 Fire Alert Company and International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Help- ers of America, Local Union 452 . Case 27-CA- 3606 March 19, 1976 SUPPLEMENTAL DECISION AND ORDER BY CHAIRMAN MURPHY AND MEMBERS FANNING AND JENKINS On December 13, 1973, the National Labor Rela- tions Board issued a Decision and Order I in the above-entitled case, finding and concluding that Re- spondent had violated Section 8(a)(3) and (1) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, by fail- ing and refusing to reinstate economic strikers Bar- bara Woolfolk and Paula M. Taylor when work for which they were qualified became available and after they had unconditionally requested reinstatement. Thereafter, Respondent offered reinstatement to both employees, but disputed the amount of backpay computed by the General Counsel. On December 31, 1974, the Regional Director for the National Labor Relations Board for Region 27 issued and duly served on the Respondent a backpay specification and notice of hearing alleging the amounts of backpay due the two discriminatees un- der the Board's Order. On January 16, 1975, Respondent filed directly with the Board in Washington, D.C., a Motion for Summary Judgment and/or Partial Judgment on the Pleadings, submitting that, as the Board found that the Respondent violated the Act by not offering job reinstatement to the discriminatees before hiring strangers off the street, the backpay hearing should be limited to backpay questions only from the dates when the first two strangers were hired, presumably on and after March 30, 1973, rather than on dates prior thereto as alleged in the backpay specification. On January 27, 1975, counsel for General Counsel filed a response to Respondent 's motions arguing that the two discriminatees were entitled to backpay beginning in mid-March 1972 when the Respondent began to offer reinstatement to other exstrikers and when Respondent first refused to consider Woolfolk and Taylor for reinstatement along with other ex- strikers. On March 13, 1975, the Board denied the Respondent's Motion for Summary Judgment and/ or Partial Judgment on the Pleadings. On April 8 and 9, 1975, a hearing was held before Administrative Law Judge William J. Pannier III for '207 NLRB 885. the purpose of determining the amounts of backpay due the claimants. On June 24, 1975, the Administrative Law Judge issued his Supplemental Decision, which is attached hereto, in which he found that Respondent does not owe any backpay to Paula M. Taylor, and that Re- spondent owes Barbara Woolfolk $5,167.58 plus in- terest. Thereafter, General Counsel filed exceptions to the Administrative Law Judge's Supplemental De- cision and a supporting brief, and Respondent filed its reply to General Counsel's exceptions. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its au- thority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the record and the Ad- ministrative Law Judge's Supplemental Decision in light of the exceptions and brief, and the Respondent's reply to the General Counsel's excep- tions, and has decided to affirm the rulings, findings, and conclusions of the Administrative Law Judge only to the extent consistent herewith. We agree with the conclusion of the Administra- tive Law Judge that the Respondent failed to satisfy its burden of showing that discriminatee Woolfolk did not make reasonable efforts to find substitute employment during the backpay period and that she was therefore entitled to be made whole for the entire period since the date the discrimination against her commenced. However, we find that the Administra- tive Law Judge erred by finding that the backpay period for discriminatees Taylor and Woolfolk did not commence until March 30, 1973. With respect to the latter finding, the Administra- tive Law Judge reasoned that nothing in the Board's underlying Decision and Order could be used to es- tablish discrimination by Respondent prior to March 30, 1973? He further interpreted the Board' s subse- quent order denying Respondent's motion for sum- 2 Later in his Decision the Administrative Law Judge actually interprets the Board's underlying decision as supportive of a finding that Respondent did not discriminate against Taylor and Woolfolk prior to March 30, 1973. He reasoned that the Board's decision reversing the previous Administrative Law Judge's finding of no discrimination in the underlying proceeding did not disturb other findings made by the Administrative Law Judge , including (1) that Respondent's criteria for determining reinstatement based on an employee 's ability to transfer back to his original job was not improper, and (2) that the record did not support a finding of subjective discriminatory intent by Respondent in its failure to reinstate Taylor and Woolfolk. We believe the Administrative Law Judge clearly erred. Contrary to the Administrative Law Judge's reasoning , the Board's fail- ure specifically to reverse certain findings in the underlying proceeding does not mean that it affirmed them . The Board specifically noted at the outset of its Decision and Order that it was affirming those findings "only to the extent consistent herewith ." With respect to (1) above , the Board itself not- ed in its order denying Respondent 's motion for summary judgment in the backpay proceeding that it had not decided that issue in its underlying decision . With respect to (2), the Board specifically found in its Decision and Order that Respondent discriminated against Taylor and Woolfolk, reversing the Administrative Law Judge 's contrary finding. 223 NLRB No. 28 130 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD mary judgment in the backpay proceeding as, in ef- fect , an invitation for General Counsel to present further evidence as to when the discrimination actu- ally occurred. Finding that General Counsel failed to present any new evidence as to discrimination during this backpay hearing, the Administrative Law Judge concluded that General Counsel failed to satisfy his burden . We disagree. The issue in this case turns on the respective bur- dens of proof in the backpay proceeding. Thus, it is clear that the Board did not make any specific find- ing in its underlying decision with respect to when the discrimination commenced . For, as the Board stated in its order denying Respondent's motion for summary judgment in the backpay proceeding, which raised this very issue: The Board's reliance upon the hiring of strang- ers to support a finding of discrimination by the Respondent and its utilization of the March 30, 1973, date in the reinstatement provision was not intended to establish or to foreclose estab- lishing an earlier date when the discrimination, in fact, occurred and when backpay should be- gin to accrue. In short, the Board was merely saying that Respondent 's asserted defense that it had an eco- nomic justification for not reinstating Taylor and Woolfolk at any time prior to March 30, 1973, was not specifically dealt with in its underlying decision and was one which was appropriately left to the com- pliance stage for determination . However , contrary to the Administrative Law Judge 's interpretation, that is not the same as inviting General Counsel to establish additional proof of discrimination. At the backpay hearing, the General Counsel ad- duced some of the same evidence that he had previ- ously submitted during the unfair labor practice proceeding with respect to relative seniority, qualifications , and experience of Taylor and Wool- folk vis-a-vis the other economic strikers . This was enough to establish a prima facie case that , had Tay- lor and Woolfolk been considered by Respondent on the same terms as other economic strikers, they would have been reinstated at the dates alleged in the specification which were predicated on their relative seniority among the economic strikers. It is, of course , well established that seniority is a proper ba- sis for determining reinstatement rights for backpay purposes, absent a showing that Respondent used some other economically justified basis .3 It is equally well settled that in backpay proceedings the burden is on the Respondent to establish any economic de- fenses it may have to the backpay formula used by the General Counsel in the specification .4 By failing to adduce any evidence on the issue at the backpay hearing in this case, we find that Respondent failed to satisfy its burden.' For the above reasons, we compute the backpay for Woolfolk from March 15, 1972, and for Taylor from April 17, 1972, which are the dates the General Counsel alleged in the backpay specification, as the dates that these employees by their seniority and qualification for available jobs would have otherwise been considered by Respondent for those positions but for Respondent's discriminatory refusal to con- sider them. We shall therefore order Respondent to make these employees whole for the amounts set forth in the backpay specification. We find that Barbara Woolfolk is due backpay in the amount of $11,336.67, and Paula M. Taylor is due backpay in the amount of $1,816.63. Such back- pay shall include interest at the rate of 6 percent a year computed in the manner set forth in Isis Plumb- ing & Heating Co., 138 NLRB 716 (1962), until the date of payment. ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Re- lations Board hereby orders that the Respondent, Fire Alert Company, Denver, Colorado, its officers, agents, successors , and assigns, shall pay to the em- ployees involved in this proceeding as net backpay the amounts set forth above, together with interest at the rate of 6 percent per annum until the indebted- ness has been discharged 6 7 See , e.g., Jack C. Robinson, d/b/a Robinson Freight Lines, 129 NLRB 1040, 1042 ( 1960). Mastro Plastics Corporation and French-American Reeds Manufacturing Co., Inc., 136 NLRB 1342, 1346 ( 1962), enfd . 354 F.2d 170 (C.A. 2, 1965), cert . denied 384 U.S. 972 (1966). 3In reaching his contrary conclusion, the Administrative Law Judge re- lied on testimony adduced at the underlying unfair labor practice proceed- ing that Respondent selected employees for reinstatement based on their ability to return to their original jobs. However, this evidence was not prop- erly before the Administrative Law Judge ; Respondent did not raise this as a defense at the backpay hearing; and General Counsel was not put on notice that it would have to rebut evidence relevant to that defense and had no opportunity to examine or cross-examine witnesses at the point where such evidence becomes relevant-i.e., the backpay hearing to determine when each individual would have returned to work absent the discrimina- tion against her. b Local 138, International Union of Operating Engineers, AFL-CIO (Nas- sau and Suffolk Contractors Association), 151 NLRB 972, 974 (1965). SUPPLEMENTAL DECISION STATEMENT OF THE CASE WILLIAM J. PANNIER III, Administrative Law Judge: This matter was heard by me at Denver, Colorado, on April 8 FIRE ALERT COMPANY and 9, 1975, based on a Backpay Specification and Notice of Hearing issued on December 31, 1974, by the Regional Director for Region 27 of the National Labor Relations Board. On December 13, 1973, the National Labor Rela- tions Board , herein called the Board , issued a Decision and Order I finding and concluding that Respondent had vio- lated Section 8(a)(3) and (1) of the National Labor Rela- tions Act, as amended, 29 U.S.C. Sec. 151, et seq., herein called the Act, by failing and refusing to reinstate econom- ic strikers Barbara Woolfolk and Paula M. Taylor when work for which they were qualified became available and after they had unconditionally requested reinstatement. Thereafter, Respondent offered reinstatement to both em- ployees, but disputed the amount of the backpay computed by the General Counsel. Accordingly, the backpay spec- ification underlying this proceeding was issued. All parties have been afforded full opportunity to ap- pear, to introduce evidence , to examine and cross-examine witnesses , and to file briefs . Based on the entire record, upon the brief submitted on behalf of Respondent and upon my observation of the demeanor of the witnesses, I make the following findings of fact and conclusions of law. 1. ISSUES A. When should the period for computing the backpay commence? B. Should any backpay owing be reduced because of unavailability for employment or because of failure to ex- ercise diligence in seeking similar and substantially equiva- lent employment? 11. WHEN SHOULD THE PERIOD FOR COMPUTING BACKPAY COMMENCE? A. Facts In its Decision and Order, the Board directed Fire Alert Company, herein called Respondent, to offer Woolfolk and Taylor reinstatement , "dismissing anyone hired on or after March 30, 1973, if necessary, to make room for them." Additionally, Respondent was ordered "to make Woolfolk and Taylor whole for any loss of earnings they suffered. . . ." However, unlike the reinstatement remedy, no date was provided for commencement of the backpay remedy and, based on that omission, the General Counsel asserts that the backpay period for Woolfolk should com- mence on March 15, 1972, and that of Taylor should com- mence on April 17, 1972. Respondent contends that the backpay periods for both employees should commence no earlier than March 30, 1973, the date on which the five nonstrikers were hired. On January 14, 1972, the economic strike commenced by Respondent's employees in October of the previous year ended with unconditional offers to return to work being made on behalf of employees, including Taylor and Wool- folk. Respondent commenced reinstating strikers in March 1972, ultimately reinstating all but Taylor and Woolfolk. ' 207 NLRB 885. 131 Thus, on January 8, 1973, a complaint issued alleging, inter alia, that Respondent had violated the Act by failing and refusing to reinstate Taylor and Woolfolk since January 14, 1972. The Administrative Law Judge who heard the matter found that the work which Woolfolk and Taylor had performed prior to the strike had been contracted out during the course of the strike with the result that the jobs of these two employees "in a sense were eliminated"; that Respondent had not left jobs unfilled or filled by tempo- rary replacements to avoid reinstating any of the alleged discriminatees; that, due to the presence of permanent re- placements, not all strikers were recalled to their former jobs and, as testified by Manufacturing Manager Desour- dy, strikers were recalled to substantially equivalent posi- tions in the manner that they were "because it assured a qualified fill-in for the old job at such time as the replace- ment might leave"; and, that the issue posed by the hiring of five nonstrikers shortly before the hearing had com- menced had not been sufficiently litigated to permit find- ing a violation. Based on these findings, the Administrative Law Judge concluded that "the general right to reinstatement does not obtain where the employer has no work for the ex-striker to do"; that "Respondent simply did not have enough work for both permanent replacements and all of those seeking reinstatement during the time of the alleged discrimina- tion"; that there was "nothing improper in Respondent's giving them [Woolfolk and Taylor] a reduced recall priori- ty, vis-a-vis other strikers, because it no longer makes the items they previously worked on"; and, that the evidence did not support "a finding of subjective discriminatory in- tent" by Respondent against these two employees. Accord- ingly, he recommended that the complaint be dismissed, adding in a footnote: Respondent's counsel argues in his brief that Taylor and Woolfolk had no right to reinstatement because their jobs were eliminated. Although I have indicated my likely disagreement with that view, I do not think it necessary to the disposition of this case finally to resolve that issue. The evidence, as opposed to counsel's argument, does not indicate that Respon- dent recalled other strikers ahead of Taylor and Wool- folk because they no longer had recall rights, but rath- er for the valid-seeming reason testified to by Manufacturing Manager Desourdy. . . . Were the is- sue being litigated of Respondent's hire of nonstrikers ahead of Taylor and Woolfolk-not to be confused with that of the legitimacy of its criteria for recalling some strikers ahead of others-the job-elimination question perhaps would require explicit resolution. [Footnotes -omitted.] The Board issued its Decision and Order affirming the Administrative Law Judge's "rulings, findings, and conclu- sions," but "only to the extent consistent herewith." After reviewing the strike history and the experience of the two alleged discriminatees, the Board stated: The Respondent contends that it has not reinstated Taylor and Woolfolk because their prestrike jobs, un- like those of the employees reinstated, were eliminated 132 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD .... The Administrative Law Judge found that both Taylor and Woolfolk could have competently per- formed many of the jobs to which other employees were reinstated. There is evidence in the record that the Respondent hired five nonstrikers within days of the trial of this case . General Counsel contends that Taylor and Woolfolk should have been reinstated ahead of these five employees . The Administrative Law Judge found that this issue was not sufficiently litigated to support a finding of a violation . We disagree. To support its disagreement , the Board then recites a por- tion of Desourdy's testimony concerning the qualifications sought of applicants for the five positions , concludes that Taylor and Woolfolk possessed those qualifications and then, after renewing its conclusion that the matter was suf- ficiently litigated, states , "The discrimination against Tay- lor and Woolfolk is proven by this conduct for Respondent bypassed its own qualified employees who remained un- reinstated in favor of new hires off the street . Likewise, the hiring of new employees is further evidence of Respondent's refusal to even consider Woolfolk and Tay- lor for reinstatement." Then the Board meets the issue which the Administra- tive Law Judge had found unnecessary to resolve in the above-quoted footnote by first setting forth precedent sup- porting the conclusion that economic strikers who have ap- plied for reinstatement are entitled to be reinstated in sub- stantially equivalent positions , notwithstanding the fact that their former positions have been eliminated, and by then making the following statements: Thus, it is obvious that the Respondent 's reinstate- ment obligation here is not limited to the strikers' old positions, but rather includes reinstatement to sub- stantially equivalent positions which the strikers are qualified to fill . The Respondent 's argument that the particular jobs of Woolfolk and Taylor were terminat- ed, and that it thus had a legitimate business reason for not reinstating these employees, will not withstand scrutiny . The Respondent did not reinstate the striking employees to their particular former positions but re- instated them to whatever job happened to be avail- able at the time. The Respondent stated that it re- called employees based upon its need . A senior employee , Woolfolk , testified that the only jobs she did not do while working in the Respondent 's plant were bum box and etching . She had worked both as a leadgirl and as a supervisor and had taught other em- ployees various jobs in the Respondent 's plant. She was well qualified for virtually any job which the Em- ployer might have had available . While it might be true that a less senior employee might be equally qua- lified for a particular job, Woolfolk is plainly qualified for almost any job in which the Respondent had an opening. It is true that employee Taylor did not have the seniority and experience of Woolfolk , but she had worked for the Respondent for a period of about 2 years . Taylor had a right to be considered for rein- statement to a position substantially equivalent to the position which she previously held in the plant. The failure of the Respondent so to consider her along with the other employees , and especially its failure to consider her in preference to new employees with no experience in the plant, as shown by the recent hiring of new employees other than strikers, is contrary to the principle established in Great Dane, Laidlaw and Brooks, supra. Accordingly, we conclude that the Re- spondent violated Section 8(a)(3) and (1) of the Act by refusing to offer to Woolfolk and Taylor reinstate- ment to positions substantially equivalent to those which they held prior to the strike. In the belief that this language demonstrated the Board's finding that the discrimination had occurred since Respon- dent initially commenced recalling strikers, the specifica- tion issued alleging the above-recited dates as the appropri- ate ones for commencing the backpay periods of Taylor and Woolfolk . In footnotes, the specification states that Woolfolk should have been recalled on March 15, 1972, rather than Teresa DePriest , based on experience and se- niority and that Taylor should have been recalled, based on her experience and seniority, on April 17, 1972, rather than Margaret Carbone. Respondent immediately chal- lenged the use of these dates prior to March 30, 1973, by filing a Motion for Summary Judgment and/or Partial Judgment on the Pleadings with the Board and, in re- sponse , counsel for the General Counsel filed a response seeking to have the Board deny Respondent 's motion and affirmatively find that Woolfolk and Taylor were entitled to backpay beginning in mid-March 1972 when "Respon- dent first refused to consider Woolfolk and Taylor for rein- statement along with the other ex-strikers to positions sub- stantially equivalent to those which they had held prior to the strike ." Although, in its Order Denying Motion for Summary Judgment and/or Partial Summary Judgment on the Pleadings of March 13, 1975, the Board did agree to the General Counsel's motion to deny Respondent's motion, it did not grant the affirmative motion of the General Coun- sel, stating instead: The Board having duly considered the matter, is of the opinion that the Respondent 's Motion should be denied because the Order required the Respondent to make the discriminatees whole for any loss of earnings resulting from the Respondent 's discrimination against them whenever it occurred. The Board' s reli- ance upon the hiring of strangers to support a finding of discrimination by the Respondent and its utiliza- tion of the March 30, 1973, date in the reinstatement provision was not intended to establish or to foreclose establishing an earlier date when the discrimination, in fact, occurred and when backpay should begin to ac- crue. However , no new evidence was presented at the hearing in the instant matter that would establish that discrimination had occurred on an earlier date. B. Analysis The General Counsel contends that the Board 's Decision and Order of December 13, 1973, establishes that the dis- FIRE ALERT COMPANY crimination occurred in mid-March 1972 and that the backpay should commence running as of that time. I do not agree that the Board so held. First, and most apparent, this contention was advanced to the Board by means of an affirmative motion to establish that the backpay periods should commence in March 1972 made as part of the re- sponse to Respondent's Motion for Summary Judgment and/or Judgment on the Pleadings. The Board, however, did not grant this motion by the General Counsel, although it clearly took it into consideration as illustrated by the above-quoted section of its Order of March 13, 1975. In- stead, the Board, in effect, invited the General Counsel to present further evidence on the question of "when the dis- crimination, in fact occurred and when backpay should begin to accrue." Clearly, had the Board felt that its Deci- sion and Order resolved the matter by establishing that the discrimination had occurred earlier than March 30, 1973, it would simply have said so and granted the General Counsel's affirmative motion. That it did not take the latter course indicates that it was not satisfied that its Decision and Order did establish that the discrimination had oc- curred on an earlier date. The reason for the Board's lack of satisfaction is shown by an analysis of the Decision and Order-which forms my second and third reasons for con- cluding that the Board did not hold that there had been a violation prior to March 30, 1973. Close inspection of the Decision and Order reversing the Administrative Law Judge discloses that the Board, in ef- fect, devoted its attention to but two points-the question of whether the hiring of five nonstrikers rather than Taylor or Woolfolk had been litigated and the question of the right of the two discriminatees to reinstatement in view of the elimination of their jobs. With regard to the former, the Administrative Law Judge had found that the issue of hir- ing nonstrikers on March 30, 1973, had not been sufficient- ly litigated and the initial portions of the Board's Decision are addressed to that point by reviewing the history of the strike, the work experience of the two discriminatees, and the testimony of Desourdy concerning the qualifications sought when the nonstrikers were hired. Based on these findings, the Board concluded both that the issue had been litigated and that Taylor and Woolfolk possessed the quali- fications to perform these jobs. Thus, "The discrimination against Taylor and Woolfolk is proven by this conduct for Respondent bypassed its own qualified employees who re- mained unreinstated in favor of new hires off the street." An overview of the Decision to this point clearly supports only a conclusion that discrimination had occurred on March 30, 1973-not at any earlier date. This, however, did not end the matter for Respondent had contended, both before the Administrative Law Judge and the Board, that it had no obligation to either woman inasmuch as their jobs were no longer in existence. As shown by the above-quoted footnote, the Administrative Law Judge had not resolved this issue, but it was necessary for the Board to do so , since absent the existence of an obligation to reinstate the discriminatees, notwithstanding the elimination of their jobs, there could have been no vio- lation at all. That the obligation did, in fact, exist was ex- plained by the Board when it first reviewed precedent con- cerning economic strikers applying for reinstatement when 133 their former positions were not available and when it then addressed the contention that the elimination of the jobs of the two discriminatees provided "a legitimate business rea- son for not reinstating these employees." In the latter re- gard, the Board pointed out that other strikers had been reinstated to positions other than those which they had occupied prior to the strike and that both Taylor and Woolfolk, particularly the latter, possessed experience of sufficient breadth to qualify them for positions other than the ones which they had occupied prior to the strike. In making these observations, however, the Board was not holding, as the General Counsel contends, that Taylor and Woolfolk were entitled to positions to which other strikers had been reinstated-it was merely meeting the argument that the elimination of their jobs afforded "a legitimate business reason for not reinstating these employees" by showing that the reinstatement of other strikers to positions not occupied by them prior to the strike disclosed that rein- statement to other positions did not affect Respondent's operations adversely and by showing that Taylor and Woolfolk were qualified to occupy positions other than those which they had occupied immediately prior to the strike. What the General Counsel has done is to transpose this reasoning-directed exclusively to a defense-to the earlier portion of the Decision and Order dealing with the existence of a violation. In so doing, the General Counsel then argues that the violation is broader in scope than found by the Board. Quite clearly, this may not be done. The third factor showing that the Decision and Order does not establish a finding of a violation prior to March 30, 1973, is comparison of the Administrative Law Judge's Decision with that of the Board. Most of the former was affirmed by the latter. Thus, the Board did not disturb the Administrative Law Judge's conclusions that there is no right to reinstatement where there is no work for an ex- striker to perform, that Respondent did not have enough work for both its permanent replacements and those seek- ing reinstatement, that there was no impropriety in Respondent's criterion for reinstating employees on the ba- sis of their ability to transfer back to their former positions should their replacement depart (which, of course, would not be possible with Taylor and Woolfolk, whose former positions no longer existed), and, most significantly, that the evidence did not support "a finding of subjective dis- criminatory intent" against the two discriminatees on the part of Respondent. Certainly, the Board would not have been reluctant to take issue with these conclusions if it disagreed with them. That is clearly shown by its disposi- tion of the issue of whether the hiring of the nonstrikers had been litigated. Thus, it can only be assumed that, as stated in the beginning of its Decision and Order, the Board affirmed these conclusions. Thus, to argue, as the General Counsel appears to do, that Taylor and Woolfolk were entitled to reinstatement in lieu of Carbone and De- Priest, respectively, is to argue at odds with conclusions affirmed by the Board. There is no authority to support a proposition that seniority must govern in selecting former strikers for reinstatement to substantially equivalent posi- tions. Respondent's criterion for selection was the ability of the strikers to return to their former positions should their replacements leave-a criterion obviously precluding 134 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Woolfolk and Taylor from consideration without regard to Respondent's mistaken position that it had no further obli- gation to them at all. Finally , notwithstanding the some- what vague comment to Woolfolk 5 months before Re- spondent began reinstating strikers , there was no evidence of "subjective discriminatory intent. " With the matter in this posture, it can hardly be maintained with any degree of persuasion that Taylor and Woolfolk were the victims of discrimination for which they are entitled to backpay prior to March 30, 1973. Finally , the remedies for an act of discrimination result- ing in loss of employment are reinstatement and backpay. Like twins , these two remedies become viable at the same time . If, as the General Counsel contends , the Board's De- cision and Order supported a finding that backpay should have commenced at a point earlier in time than March 30, 1973, because Respondent 's discrimination occurred prior to that date , then surely the Board would have preserved Taylor's and Woolfolk's right to replace employees hired in their stead earlier than that date , such as Carbone and De- Priest, by specifying an earlier date with regard to the rein- statement portion of the remedy. The Board did not do so and, while it subsequently permitted the opportunity to correct any error which might have occurred by permitting litigation of whether there had been earlier discrimination warranting imposition of additional backpay, no such evi- dence was produced. Therefore, I find that the backpay period does not com- mence until March 30, 1973, and I shall grant Respondent's motion to dismiss those portions of the back- pay specification providing for backpay on earlier dates. III. SHOULD ANY BACKPAY OWING BE REDUCED BECAUSE OF UNAVAILABILITY FOR EMPLOYMENT OR BECAUSE OF FAILURE TO EXERCISE DILIGENCE IN SEEKING SIMILAR AND SUBSTANTIALLY EQUIVALENT EMPLOYMENT? A. Facts Respondent does not take issue with the formula for computing the backpay as set forth in the specification. Moreover, the specification lists Paula M. Taylor's back- pay period as being April 17 to July 30, 1972. As I have found above that the backpay period in this matter does not commence prior to March 30, 1973, I find that Taylor is not entitled to any backpay. With regard to Woolfolk , consistent with my finding in section II , above , I find that her backpay period commenc- es on March 30, 1973,2 and, as set forth in the backpay specification, ends on December 30, 1973. Thus, at most she is entitled to backpay for the 6 working days remaining in the first quarter of 1973 and for backpay for the second, 2 In its answer to Backpay Specification, Respondent asserted, "Woolfolk's backpay computation should commence on April 3, 1973, when employee Lisa Effinger was hired by Fire Alert Company." However, Respondent presented no evidence to support this contention and, more- over, in its Decision and Order , the Board utilizes the March 30 , 1973, date for reinstatement . In these circumstances , and particularly noting the ab- sence of evidence to support the assertion in the answer , I find that March 30, 1973, is the appropriate date for commencement of Woolfolk's backpay period. third, and fourth quarters of 1973. Using the formula in the specification, Woolfolk would be entitled to a total of $5,000.77 for the final three quarters of 1973, plus $167.09 for the final 6 working days during the first quarter of 1973 3 Respondent, however, asserts that it "believes Wool- folk obtained permanent and substantially similar employ- ment at some time during the asserted backpay period," "removed herself from the employment market and was unavailable for employment during certain of the periods alleged," and "did not, with reasonable deligence [sic], seek similar and substantially equivalent employment during the periods alleged." To properly evaluate Respondent's contentions in this regard , it is necessary to review Woolfolk's conduct from the time that she went on strike. At the time of the events at issue in this matter, Woolfolk needed a source of income to assist in supporting her men- tally retarded daughter who was in a state hospital stricken with cerebral palsy. Thus, when the strike first commenced, she began seeking employment. Three of the other strikers had gone to work for Western Electric and one of them advised Woolfolk of this fact, cautioning her, however, that she should not mention that she had worked for Respon- dent, since it appeared that Western Electric had hired all strikers from Respondent that it intended to hire. This led Woolfolk to omit mention of her employment with Re- spondent from her application form which she filed with Western Electric. While she was hired by that firm, ulti- mately her prior employment with Respondent came to light and, accordingly, on December 30, 1971, after having been employed for 30 days, she was discharged for having falsified her application. On January 14, 1972, the Union notified Respondent that it was terminating the strike and made an offer on behalf of the employees to return to work. Three days later, Woolfolk was among a group of 23 employees who journeyed to Respondent's plant and filled out forms, provided by Respondent, offering to return to work. As noted above, Respondent did not commence hir- ing until mid-March. Consequently, on February 15, 1972, Woolfolk began employment on a 30- to 90-day temporary job with Storage Tech. However, as she needed an opera- tion, she left Storage Tech on March 15, 1972, and did not again return to the labor market until April 20, 1972.4 She first sought reemployment with Storage Tech, but was told that at the time there were no openings , although openings for temporary positions were anticipated in the near future. J This figure was computed , using the formula in the specification, by taking the average hours per bi-weekly period for the period ending April 8, 1973, and dividing that figure by 10-the number of workdays which the bi-weekly period covered . Since Woolfolk would have worked March 30 and April 2 through 6 had she been reinstated properly, she would have worked a total of 49.68 hours . However, while she would have received $26.33 for 8 .28 hours on March 30 when her hourly rate of pay was $3.18, it is conceded that her hourly rate would have increased to $3.40 effective March 31 , 1973. Accordingly, for the following week, Woolfolk would have worked 41 .4 hours at the rate of $3.40 per hour for a total of $140.76. 4 At the hearing, no medical release was produced which bore a date even close to April 20 , 1972. However, two releases, one dated September 1, 1972, and the other dated September 27, 1974, were produced , both of which were signed by Stanley N. Goodman, M.D. The first one, testified Woolfolk, was obtained because there was a possibility of her obtaining work again with Storage Tech . It reads that Woolfolk "may return to her normal occupation- al duties as of 9-1-72." The second one was obtained by Woolfolk for the compliance investigation in this matter and states that Woolfolk was "re- leased for full activities as of 4 -18-72." FIRE ALERT COMPANY 135 This then led Woolfolk on a prolonged, mostly fruitless, search for work. In the spring of 1972, Woolfolk began to make weekly trips to the Colorado Department of Labor and Employ- ment, Secure Job Division, which dispatched her to jobs at Honeywell on May 15, 1972, and at Metron on the follow- ing day. While both firms were involved in essentially the same industry as Respondent, when Woolfolk reported to the Honeywell officials that she was involved in a "labor dispute" with Respondent, she was told that there was no position for her, although she was free to return once the matter was resolved. Through apparent miscommunication between Metron and the Secure Job Division, Woolfolk did not receive a position with Metron when she went there on the following day. Woolfolk did not confine her activities solely to waiting for state dispatch to jobs with electronic assembly firms, for in May 1972 she applied for employment with Martin Marietta, for whom she had worked from 1960 to 1966, and in October 1973 she applied for employment with Power Regulators. However, as had been the fact with Honeywell, when she reported to these firms that she was involved in a "labor dispute" with Respondent, she was told that she would not be considered until the dispute was resolved, although Martin Marietta's officials did say that they would be "more than glad" to consider her at such time. Two other electronics assembly firms with whom Woolfolk filed applications were Hathaway's and, in Sep- tember or October 1973, Kieuriff Company. She did not obtain employment with either firm, however, and, in the case of Kieuriff, when she returned to the office after filing her application, she discovered that the application had been discarded in the waste basket. Nor did Woolfolk confine her search for employment to the industry in which she had been employed, for in the fall of 1972 and a year later in 1973, she filed applications for employment with Safeway Stores during the course of strikes by the latter's employees. Although she checked back with Safeway at 2-month intervals following the filing of the first application, no positions were offered to her. After filing the second application in 1973 and being ac- cepted for employment, the strike settled on the night be- fore Woolfolk was to report for training with the result that she was placed below the returning strikers on Safeway's employment list and never was employed by Safeway. At the same time that she first filed for employment with Safe- way, Woolfolk also sought employment with Del Farms and with King Soopers markets, but though she checked back periodically with each of them (at 2-month intervals in the case of the former and at 3-month intervals in the case of King Soopers), no offers of employment were forth- coming. During the first 3 months of 1973, Woolfolk canvassed department stores seeking employment, although she had no experience in this industry. Three of the firms with which she filed applications-Woolworth's, Woolco, and K-Mart-never contacted her with an offer despite the fact that she continued checking back with them at approxi- mately 3-month intervals. She testified that when she in- quired of a K-Mart official regarding the absence of an offer, she was told that K-Mart needed experienced per- sonnel . Montgomery Ward did offer Woolfolk employ- ment, but the offer was only for part-time employment for 2 or 3 hours a day and then only at the rate of $ 1.85 an hour. As she had previously been an LPN, Woolfolk began seeking work with hospitals in the late spring and early summer of 1973. Since her license had expired, she sought employment as a nurses aide in central supply at Saint Luke's and Denver General Hospitals and for positions at General Rose and East Side Health Center, as well. How- ever, her efforts generated no employment offers and, in the case of Saint Luke's, she was told that only experienced help was sought. She did take the city examination for a position at East Side Health Center, but was reinstated by Respondent before the process of obtaining employment there could be completed. Moreover, she inquired regard- ing reinstating her LPN license, but was told that she would have to complete the entire course of instruction and undergo the state examination again before she could once more be licensed as an LPN. Similarly, in the summer of 1973, when Woolfolk applied for a position in parks and recreation with the Denver Public School System, hoping that she could ultimately obtain employment as a teacher's aide or monitor during the upcoming school year, she was not offered employment and was told that the school sys- tem preferred to hire college students who could be paid at a lesser rate. In October or November 1973, Woolfolk was offered employment by Valley Hi Nursing Home, but the offer was of part-time employment for 3 days a week on the 3 to 11:30 p.m. shift at an hourly rate of $1.90. This would have necessitated retaining a babysitter for her 5- and 7-year old youngsters and Woolfolk testified that she could not have afforded to pay the sitter if she were making but $1.90 an hour. In the fall or winter of 1972, before commencement of the backpay period, Woolfolk was twice dispatched by Manpower-once to a construction company where she worked for half a day picking up debris in newly construct- ed apartments and removing it by wheelbarrow and then to High Chapparrel where she built mobiles. However, both jobs paid her only $1.60 an hour and she ceased seeking dispatches by Manpower because "You carried hod and you laid bricks and I am a woman and I don't do either." For approximately 3 weeks commencing in May 1973, Woolfolk worked for Vari-L performing work similar to that which she had performed for Respondent. When hired, she was told that this was to be temporary employ- ment and would last for but 30 to 90 days .5 However, she quit this job; testifying on direct examination that she had begun to experience headaches due to the fact that there were no microscopes and the parts were small , thus making the work hard on her eyes. During cross-examination, Woolfolk was shown an application for employment which S Apparently in the labor market in which Woolfolk was seeking employ- ment employers can avoid paying certain benefits to temporary employees which must normally be paid to permanent workers. 6 That there had been some deterioration in Woolfolk 's eyesight since she was last employed by Respondent was both testified to by Woolfolk and was also observed by Respondent's counsel when he compared her appear- ance at the initial hearing with that at the hearing in the instant matter. 136 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD she had completed for Samsonite on October 9, 1973, and while she had listed her employment with Vari-L on the form, she had also listed as her "Reason for Leaving" only "Wages." Woolfolk testified that she was paid $2.20 an hour by Vari-L, but denied that this was the reason that she had quit : "No, it's because it was a temporary job in the first place ." Subsequently, she testified that her reason for leaving had been "Better job" and when it was pointed out that this was not what she had printed on the Samson- ite form, she replied : "Wages means better job to me." Her testimony on cross-examination concerning the matter concluded with Woolfolk testifying that she had left Vari-L "because the parts were very small, they were too hard on my vision and I had headaches," and "Both migraine head- aches and then Samsonite paid about eighty cents an hour more than Vari-L." While Storage Tech did offer Woolfolk employment in August 1973 , the job offered was on the p.m. shift at Louis- ville and , in view of the need to care for her children, she rejected the offer : "Well, I couldn't work p.m., not in Louisville so I didn 't take it." This problem was not posed if she were to accept employment at Samsonite on the sec- ond shift, for her daughter worked there on the day shift and, thus, each could baby-sit the other's children when not on shift and the children could be exchanged by them when the day shift and night shift exchanged jobs . Howev- er, when Woolfolk applied at Samsonite in 1972, apparent- ly shortly after the strike commenced, although she placed it in September, she listed "labor dispute" as her reason for ceasing work for Respondent . Asked if she intended to re- turn when the dispute was over , Woolfolk said that she did. She was then told to apply at Samsonite only when the dispute was over . Thus, when she filed the October 1973 application, she listed "Moving to Broomfield" as her "Reason for Leaving" Respondent . However, her 1972 ap- plication was still in Samsonite's files and she was again not offered employment. Aside from the foregoing employers , Woolfolk also ap- plied for work at firms in various other industries . Thus, in the fall of 1972 or the spring of 1973, she applied at Red Seal Potato Chip and at Keebler Company, but was reject- ed by both firms for inability to satisfy the height require- ments . In September or October 1973, she was turned down by Texas Instruments when it was discovered that she was involved in a "labor dispute ." In April 1973, she was rejected by Redfield Gun because she did not have 20- 20 vision without her glasses . In September 1973 she was hired by a poodle-grooming shop, but was forced to quit because the animals frightened her. Immediately after Thanksgiving 1973, she applied at Colorado Carnation Company, but as she was being shown the facilities, she began to sneeze ; thereby demonstrating an allergy to the flowers. B. Analysis Respondent contends that Woolfolk's conduct during the backpay period was such that it precludes her from receiving any backpay . To support this contention, Re- spondent advances several arguments : that Woolfolk should not be credited , that Woolfolk quit adequate inter- im employment under suspicious circumstances, that Woolfolk did not advance sufficient effort in seeking em- ployment , that Woolfolk's own statements to interim em- ployers concerning the existence of a "labor dispute" mis- led them and had the effect of barring her from interim employment, that her termination by Westinghouse for fal- sifying her application should bar her from further consid- eration for backpay , and Woolfolk improperly rejected of- fers of adequate interim employment. It is quite clear that a discriminatee , such as Woolfolk, bears the obligation of seeking employment following the act of discrimination for the object of "not so much the minimization of damages as the healthy policy of promot- ing production and employment ." Phelps Dodge Corp. v. N.LR.B., 313 U.S. 177, 200 (1941). Thus, "a discriminatee is not entitled to back pay to the extent that he fails to remain in the labor market, refuses to accept substantially equivalent employment, fails diligently to search for alter- native work , or voluntarily quits altenative employment without good reason ." N.L.R.B. v. Mastro Plastics Corpora- tion and French American Reeds Manufacturing Company, 354 F.2d 170, 174, fn. 3 (C.A. 2, 1965), cert . denied 384 U.S. 972 ( 1966). However, "no discriminatee is required to ever accept anything but `suitable ' interim employment. Therefore , it is obvious that there is no requirement that such a person seek employment which is not consonant with his particular skills , background, and experience." N.L.R.B. v. Louisville Typographical Union No. 10, Interna- tional Typographical Union, AFL-CIO [Madison Courier, Inc.], 472 F.2d 1307, 1320-21 (C.A.D.C., 1972). In apprais- ing the discriminatee 's conduct in this regard, any doubt "is to be resolved to the discriminatee 's, not the wrongdoer's, benefit." NHE/Freeway, Inc., et al., 218 NLRB 259 (1975). Contrary to Respondent's contention , I feel that Barbara Woolfolk was a credible witness . She appeared to be at- tempting to testify honestly and to the best of her abilities. True, she was not an overly educated person and, seeming- ly, her inability to fully articulate concepts appeared to me to be the reason for her apparent confusion regarding such matters as the reasons for leaving Vari-L. Yet, it was clear, as observed by Respondent's counsel and as verified by her experience at Redfield Gun, that her eyesight was not the best. Moreover, it is not patently incredible that employers in her labor market extend temporary employment for but 30 to 90 days ; particularly if it is true that this avoids hav- ing to extend benefits which must be accorded to perma- nent employees . Finally , the wages which she was receiving at Vari-L were substantially less than those which she would have been receiving had she been properly reinstat- ed by Respondent . In fact , the $2 .20 hourly rate at Vari-L is but 30 cents an hour more than the hourly rate of $1.90 which she was offered by Valley Hi Nursing Center and which she was forced to reject because it would not have enabled her to afford to pay a sitter for her two youngsters. Consequently, it hardly seems unreasonable for her to have left such temporary employment which was causing her physical problems in an effort to seek a better job. After all, a discriminatee is not required to accept interim em- ployment involving conditions "substantially more onerous than his previous position ." N.L.R.B. v. Madison Courier, FIRE ALERT COMPANY 137 Inc., supra, 1321. The fact that Woolfolk did not list every reason for leaving Vari-L on the Samsonite application hardly impugns her credibility. Respondent further assails Woolfolk's credibility on the basis that it is unbelievable that large employers such as Martin Marietta, Power Regulators, Samsonite , and Texas Instruments would reject an applicant who was a striker, thereby, contends Respondent, violating the Act. The short answer to this, of course, is that violations of the Act by large employers are not uncommon. Beyond this, however, it does not appear that this was the point that was being made by these employers. Rather, as best illustrated by what took place when Woolfolk applied for employment at Samsonite in 1972, it appears that the concern of these employers was that they would be hiring someone who would promptly leave them when the labor dispute with her own employer culminated. In other words, they did not want to retain a short-term employee. That this was, in fact, their objection is illustrated by the number of these employers who invited Woolfolk to apply for employment with them when her dispute with Respondent ended-ob- viously, if she applied for employment at that point in time, it would be clear that she was seeking permanent employ- ment and not merely a job to fill in the interval created by the dispute. Yet another ground advanced by Respondent to support its argument that Woolfolk should not be credited is that she rejected work on the p.m. shift at Storage Tech because of the problem of acquiring a babysitter for her children and then approximately 1 month later sought such employ- ment with Samsonite . But, this was not the point. As shown by the emphasis in her testimony, Woolfolk rejected the employment with Storage Tech on the p.m. shift because the offer was also for a job in Louisville. Conversely, the job on the second shift at Samsonite would not present a simi- lar problem because her daughter was working at the same facility but on the day shift. Thus, they were able to ex- change children, with each sitting the other's children while the other was working her shift at the same plant where both would have been employed. In this regard, it is wor- thy of note that the Board does not require an employee to seek work on a shift different from that on which she or he was employed by the employer who violated the Act. The Richard W. Kaase Company, 162 NLRB 1320, 1332 (1967); See also John S. Barnes Corporation, 205 NLRB 585, 588 (1973). Yet, here is an example of Woolfolk making pre- cisely such an effort, albeit unsuccessfully. This hardly aids Respondent's overall position that Woolfolk was deliber- ately witholding her services and attempting to avoid ob- taining employment with the object of increasing Respondent's backpay liability. Nor is Respondent's attack on Woolfolk's credibility aided by her misrepresentations on the Westinghouse and second Samsonite applications. It is clear that she took the action which she did at Westinghouse because she believed that to do otherwise would impair her from obtaining em- ployment. Similarly, the Samsonite application was com- pleted as it was only after Woolfolk had been told 1 year earlier that she would not be accepted so long as she was involved in a labor dispute-an admonition followed by a number of other employers, as demonstrated by Woolfolk's own experience. Thus, while a misrepresenta- tion, Woolfolk's conduct was designed to garner-not avoid-employment and as such can hardly be held against her. Therefore, I find that Barbara Woolfolk was a credible witness and I credit her testimony concerning her search for interim employment. Beyond the matter of credibility, there are several addi- tional matters raised by Respondent. First, it is asserted that Woolfolk's conduct in making false representations on the Westinghouse application constituted misconduct and, without regard to her motives, should bar her from further backpay since it caused her to lose a job. Initially, however, it is worthy of note that Woolfolk obtained this employ- ment during the strike-in other words, at a time when Respondent had no backpay obligation to her and when she had no obligation to obtain employment in the interest of minimizing her unemployment. Thus, what Respondent is seeking to do is to preclude Woolfolk from further back- pay because of conduct occurring before she was even obliged to seek such employment. Beyond this, the incident happened more - than a year before the backpay period commenced and, as I am finding that Woolfolk did make an adequate search for interim employment during the backpay period, the Westinghouse incident is too remote to influence the events occurring after March 30, 1973. Final- ly, Woolfolk did obtain subsequent employment with Stor- age Tech and, under any theory, was employed following the Westinghouse discharge. Thus, any infirmity created by the latter was clearly cured by the former. It was not the Westinghouse discharge that became the proximate cause of Woolfolk's problems-it was the surgery that required her to leave Storage Tech and after recovery from which she began to experience difficulty locating employment. Consequently, I find that the Westinghouse termination has no effect on Woolfolk's right to backpay. Similarly, I find no merit to Respondent's argument that Woolfolk could have advanced greater efforts to locate em- ployment during the backpay period. It is true, as Respon- dent points out, that Taylor went to more firms in the in- dustry than did Woolfolk. However, it is equally true that Taylor's search was unsuccessful. There is no evidence that Woolfolk would have been any more successful and, ac- cordingly, it is a somewhat moot point to argue that Wool- folk should have gone to the same firms as did Taylor. In fact, it is abundantly clear that Woolfolk would not have been employed by many of these firms, as demonstrated, for example, by her experience at Honeywell. The fact is that Woolfolk did make efforts to obtain employment and, further, these efforts extended beyond what could reason- ably have been expected of her under Board principles, given her skill and experience. Thus, she could hardly have been obliged to seek employment grooming poodles. Yet, she did so. Similarly, she could hardly have been expected to accept employment cleaning up trash and carrying it out in a wheelbarrow at the hourly pay rate of but $1.60. Yet, she did this also. In fact, the record is quite clear that she exhausted all resources available to her in an effort to ob- tain interim employment and her need to do so was amply demonstrated by her explanation of her duty to support a child not only mentally retarded, but also confined to a 138 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD state hospital with cerebral palsy. Surely in these circum- stances it is most unlikely that she would have attempted to avoid employment from which she could have derived in- come to satisfy her obligations. In asserting that Woolfolk precluded herself from ob- taining interim employment by telling potential employers that she was involved in a "labor dispute," Respondent comes full circle from another argument which it advances. When she avoids telling this to Westinghouse and Samson- ite, Respondent would have her backpay tolled for misrep- resentations . But when she does tell employers about her status and when this leads them to refuse to employ her, then Respondent would also toll her backpay. Obviously, there was nothing Woolfolk could have done to satisfy the standard that Respondent would impose . Yet, clearly Woolfolk was involved in a labor dispute . While true that it was not a strike, as most employers would probably infer from her comment, it was nonetheless a dispute with her employer over a matter affecting her terms and conditions of employment . More important, it had one most striking similarity to a strike-Woolfolk clearly intended to return to Respondent 's employment following termination of the dispute . It was this factor, not the nature of the dispute, that led other employers to withhold offers of employment from her . In these circumstances , I see no significance to be attached to the fact that Woolfolk failed to explain in detail to potential employers the nature of the dispute in which she was involved. Finally, there are the rejections of offers which were made to her , such as the offer to work 2 or 3 hours a day at $1.85 an hour for Montgomery Ward and to work part- time on the 3 to 11:30 p.m. shift at the rate of $1.90 an hour for Valley Hi Nursing Home, as well as the offer of p.m: shift work for Storage Tech. I have already set forth above the precedent for the proposition that an employee is not required to seek work on a shift different from that on which she or he worked for the employer who committed the discrimination. Beyond these cases , Woolfolk had two children to care for and the rates offered her were not suffi- cient for her to afford a babysitter. Surely the "policy of promoting production and employment" would not be ad- vanced by forcing her to abandon these two children at nights without adequate care . Moreover , a full-time em- ployee possessing Woolfolk's skill and making , at the time of the strike, $3.18 an hour can hardly be obliged to accept only part-time work in a department store, for which she has had no experience, at a rate well below that which Respondent had been paying her. Consequently, I find that Woolfolk's backpay did not toll by virtue of these rejec- tions of employment by her. IV. CONCLUSIONS For the reasons set forth above, I find that the backpay period does not commence until March 30, 1973, that Re- spondent does not owe any backpay to Paula M. Taylor, and that Respondent has failed to meet its burden of show- ing that the conduct or events it has asserted as grounds for mitigation of its backpay liability warrant any diminution of the amount of backpay owing to Barbara Woolfolk, which I find to be $5,167.86, plus interest at the rate of 6 percent per annum to accrue commencing with the last day of each calendar quarter of the backpay period on the amount due and owing for each quarterly period as set forth in "Appendix A" of the backpay specification to the extent consistent with this Supplemental Decision, and continuing until the date this Decision is complied with, minus any tax withholding required by Federal and State laws. See F. W. Woolworth Company, 90 NLRB 289 (1950); Isis Plumbing & Heating Co., 138 NLRB 716 (1962), enforcement denied on other grounds 322 F.2d 913 (C.A. 9, 1963). [Recommended Order omitted from publication.] Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation