Fikse Bros., Inc.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsOct 15, 1975220 N.L.R.B. 1301 (N.L.R.B. 1975) Copy Citation FIKSE BROS, INC Fikse Bros, Inc and Arthur N Stephenson Case 21-CA-12694 October 15, 1975 DECISION AND ORDER BY CHAIRMAN MURPHY AND MEMBERS FANNING AND PENELLO On December 4, 1974, Administrative Law Judge Martin S Bennett issued the attached Decision in this proceeding Thereafter, the General Counsel filed exceptions and a supporting brief Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its au- thority in this proceeding to a three-member panel The Board has considered the record and the at- tached Decision in light of the exceptions and brief and has decided to affirm the rulings, findings, and conclusions of the Administrative Law Judge and to adopt his recommended Order However, in deferring to the arbitral forum and in dismissing the complaint herein, we find it unneces- sary to rely on Electronic Reproduction Service Corpo- ration,' as did the Administrative Law Judge 2 The General Counsel's case, indeed the complaint itself, is very narrowly drawn The sole basis on which the General Counsel alleges that the Spielberg standard I has not been met is the claimed inadequa- cy of the lump-sum payment awarded by the griev- ance panel to employee Stephenson in lieu of back- pay, not with the panel's failure to consider fairly any statutory question which may have arisen because the Respondent sought to discharge Stephenson We do not believe that it would effectuate the policies of the Act for the Board to enter such a controversy solely for the object of reassessing and, perhaps, ad- justing the amount of a monetary award In these limited circumstances, we shall dismiss the complaint herein ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Re- lations Board adopts as its Order the recommended Order of the Administrative Law Judge and hereby orders that the complaint herein be, and it hereby is, dismissed in its entirety i 213 NLRB 758 (1974) 2 Member Penello while adhering to the principles set forth in Electronic Reproduction Service supra finds it unnecessary to rely on that case in de ciding the issues herein presented 3 Spielberg Manufacturing Company 112 NLRB 1080 (1955) 1301 MEMBER FANNING, dissenting The Administrative Law Judge, who is affirmed by the majority, dismisses the complaint in this case on the authority of Electronic Reproduction Service Cor- poration, 213 NLRB 758 (1974) There a Board ma- jority, over the dissenting opinion of Member Jen- kins and me, insisted on deferring to an arbitrator's award despite the fact that the award did not purport to resolve the question of unlawful discrimination Since then the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia has specifically rejected that extraordinary application of the Spielberg and Collyer line of cases In Banyard [McLean Trucking Co ] v N L R B , 505 F 2d 342 at 348 (1974), the court held that its "ap- proval of the Board's deferral under Spielberg of stat- utory issues to arbitral resolution along with contrac- tual issues is conditioned upon the resolution by the arbitral tribunal of congruent statutory and contrac- tual issues " Where the Board insists on deferring to arbitration even though a question of unlawful dis- crimination has not been resolved the "Board's ab- stention goes beyond deferral and approaches abdi- cation " Ibid Although the majority insists that it does not rely on Electronic Reproductions, its deferral to arbitration in this case applies that discredited doctrine As indi- cated above, the court in McLean specifically with- held its approval of the Board's deferral policy and labeled it a virtual abdication of the Board's statuto- ry responsibility where, as here, the arbitral tribunal had not resolved the congruent statutory and con- tractual issues Contrary to the majority, the critical issue is not the simplistic one of "adjusting the amount of a monetary award " The Respondent had been charged with committing a serious unfair labor practice The arbitral tribunal and now the Board majority refuse to resolve that issue, contrary to the explicit direction of the McLean court Moreover, apart from the majority's continued adherence to the Electronic Reproductions rule, to hold, as they do, that this Act is effectuated where a discriminatee is awarded about one-sixth the back- pay due him is, in my opinion, a further abdication of the Board's responsibility under Section 10(c) of the Act The right of an employee discharged unlaw- fully under Section 8(a)(3) and (1) to be made whole for his economic losses and be offered reinstatement is not a matter to be treated cavalierly Contrary to the majority, it is a matter of the utmost importance in the effectuation of this statute and has always been so regarded by the Board and the courts If employee Stephenson was unlawfully discharged by Respondent, as I find he was, he must now be of- fered unconditional reinstatement and all the wages 220 NLRB No 199 1302 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD he has lost as a consequence of Respondent's unfair labor practice. This is required so that he will know and Respondent will know and all of Respondent's employees will know that an employer cannot violate this Act and escape with a slap on the wrist. Any other decision is, as the General Counsel asserts, re- pugnant to the policies of the Act. With respect to the merits of the complaint, the record is clear that a contract between Respondent and Teamsters Local 692 at all times covered all me- chanics, including Stephenson, employed by Respon- dent. That contract contained a union-security clause , provided for notification to the Union of new hires, bargaining with respect to new jobs or classifi- cations, and specific wage rates for mechanics. Un- der the contract Stephenson, when hired in July 1973, would have been entitled to $5.07 per hour. Instead, he was hired by Respondent at $3.50 per hour and paid only that amount until the day of his final discharge on February 15, 1974. Respondent simply ignored the existence of the contract so far as its mechanics were concerned. However, Stephenson himself contacted the Union the following October and requested a transfer into Local 692. Apparently, for the first time, the Local's business agent learned that Stephenson had been employed by Respondent for some months. On December 12, 1973, the busi- ness agent agreed to sign him and a fellow mechanic into the Union the next day. Up to that point Re- spondent had found no serious complaint with Stephenson's work. He had never been warned that he was on the verge of discharge, nor had he been told that he was an incompetent mechanic. On the morning of December 13, however, he was met by Supervisor Bahre who discharged him because of in- ferior workmanship. Although Bahre denied that the Union had anything to do with Stephenson's dis- charge on that day, the latter's testimony, which stands uncontradicted on the record, is that Bahre told him: "No, I told you when I hired you that there was no union in this shop, never had been, and there never would be." Stephenson's discharge was rescinded by Bahre at the insistence of the Local's business agent who signed up Stephenson and a fellow mechanic as planned. Thereafter, Stephenson was not permitted to drink coffee while working, free coveralls were no longer supplied to him, and Respondent's president, Fikse, directed Bahre to keep daily records on Stephenson's work performance. On February 7, 1974, Stephenson was given a warning notice because of his failure to report an industrial accident immediately. On February 12 he was given another warning notice to the effect that he had not provided details or information of the industrial accident. This notice was also marked "DISCHARGE." On February 13 a third notice car- ries the remark "Refused to sign warning report or discharge." Contrary to the Administrative Law Judge, none of the warning notices mentions that Stephenson was being suspended because he insisted on keeping an appointment during working hours with the Local's new business agent. No warning or discharge notice exists recording that Stephenson was discharged on February 15 because he was smoking near a flammable solvent. There is unresolved testimony in the record that Fikse told Stephenson on February 14 that Fikse in- tended to discharge Stephenson for incompetence. Nevertheless, Stephenson reported for work the morning of February 15. Stephenson's testimony, de- nied by Fikse, is to the effect that at that time Fikse told Stephenson that Fikse had no use for Ste- phenson because the latter had gone behind Fikse's back and contacted the Union. However, Stephenson further testified, and this testimony was not contra- dicted by Bahre, that Bahre joined the conversation and told Stephenson that if Bahre had known that Stephenson wanted to join the Union, Bahre would never have hired Stephenson. Respondent defends on the ground that on Febru- ary 15 when Stephenson reported for work he lit and smoked a cigarette near a flammable solvent, which Stephenson admitted. Respondent asserts that Ste- phenson was discharged for this reason. In my opinion, the evidence set forth above and the reasonable inferences to be drawn therefrom pre- ponderate in favor of a finding that Stephenson was discharged on December 13 and again on February 15 because he contacted and attempted to join the Union and secure the benefits of the existing con- tract, which Respondent had denied him. According- ly, I would find Respondent in violation of Section 8(a)(3) and (1) of the Act, and I would provide an appropriate remedy. DECISION STATEMENT OF THE CASE MARTIN S. BENNETT, Administrative Law Judge: This matter was heard at Los Angeles, California, on October 17, 1974. The complaint, issued September 12 and based upon a charged filed May 20, 1974, by Arthur N. Ste- phenson, an individual, alleges that Respondent, Fikse Bros., Inc., has engaged in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8(a)(3) and (1) of the Act. Briefs have been submitted by the parties. Upon the entire record in the case, and from my obser- vation of the witnesses, I make the following: FIKSE BROS., INC. FINDINGS OF FACT I. JURISDICTIONAL FINDINGS Fikse Bros., Inc., a California corporation, maintains its principal office and place of business at Cerritos, Califor- nia, where it is engaged in the business of hauling and delivering bulk cement by truck. It enjoys annual revenues in excess of $50,000 from the transportation of same across state lines. I find that the operations of Respondent affect commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 11. THE LABOR ORGANIZATION INVOLVED General Truck Drivers, Chauffeurs and Helpers, Local 692, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America, herein the Union, is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. 111. THE ALLEGED UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES A. Introduction; The Issue Respondent discharged the Charging Party, Stephenson, who was hired in July 1973, on February 15, 1974, alleged- ly for union activities , according to the General Counsel, and for ample cause, according to Respondent. On or about April 15, 1974, after an arbitration hearing, Respon- dent agreed to reinstate him, provided that he accept $250 as full settlement of any backpay liability. This offer was rejected on the basis that this was less than Stephenson would have earned during these 2 months, although he did accept the payment. The General Counsel specifically does not make any claim that he was entitled to a higher rate of pay prior to his discharge on February 15. He similarly does not claim any backpay after April 15, except to the extent that it may accrue should Respondent refuse to rein- state him. Stephenson, after the arbitration hearing, which awarded him reinstatement and $250, did not apply for reinstatement. B. Sequence of Events Arthur Stephenson entered the employ of Respondent on July 5, 1973, as a diesel repair mechanic at $3.50 per hour. The truckdrivers and mechanics of Respondent at all times material herein were covered by a contract with the Union. Although the contract sets forth wage rates for drivers and mechanics, it appears that no mechanics were subjected to it or required to become members of the Union, as provided therein. In October of 1973, desirous of joining the Union, Ste- phenson contacted Business Agent Frank Crowley and ad- vised him that he had been a member of a sister local; Stephenson duly filled out some forms given him by Crow- ley. On or about November 15, Crowley wrote Stephenson that he did not have a valid withdrawal card from the sister labor organization and that he would have to pay an initia- tion fee, a transfer fee, and dues in arrears. 1303 In December, some days prior to December 13, Crowley advised Stephenson that he and the other mechanic in the shop, known herein only as "C. B.," could join the Union if they paid a fee of $25. Crowley also told Stephenson that he would appear at the shop on December 13 to sign up the two mechanics. Stephenson duly reported for work on December 13 and was approached by Lead Mechanic Marvin Bahre . There is evidence that Bahre qualifies as a supervisor within the meaning of Section 2(11) of the Act. Stephenson claimed that Bahre stated that he was discharging him because his work was slow and that too much of his work had to be redone. Stephenson asked if his termination was related to the impending visit to the shop by Crowley that day to sign up the two mechanics.' Bahre allegedly responded that it did not and that he had told Stephenson when hired that "there would never be" a union "in this shop." Stephenson picked up his tools and left.' Stephenson ascertained from the Union that Crowley would be at the shop at 2 p.m. that day, returned at that hour, and met with Crowley and Bah- re in the office of the latter. According to Stephenson, Crowley informed Bahre that the discharge of Stephenson for slowness and inefficiency would violate the contract due to Stephenson's tenure and that Respondent would have to return him to work. Bahre reluctantly agreed to do so. Stephenson and C. B. were thereafter signed up that day by Crowley into union membership. Crowley also in- formed Bahre on this occasion that Stephenson was to be paid at a rate of $5.07 an hour as a Class 2 mechanic and that C. B. could be paid at a rate of $4.87 an hour as a tire and grease man. According to Stephenson, he noticed a cooling in Respondent's attitude to him thereafter, includ- ing his right to drink coffee at work from his thermos and the discontinuance of company provided coveralls. At lunch on February 11, Stephenson telephoned the Union and requested an appointment with one Payne, who had replaced Crowley. He was advised that Payne wished to see him at 2 p.m. Stephenson next told Bahre that he had to visit the Union at 2 p.m. After a brief interval, Bahre responded that President Fikse had stated he could not leave. Fikse came upon the scene and allegedly asked Stephenson, according to the latter, why he had to leave and why Stephenson could not discuss union matters with him. Fikse allegedly stated that he had no regard for a person who went to the Union behind his back and cost him money. Bahre joined in and said that he would not have hired Stephenson if he knew that Stephenson wished to join the Union. Fikse next forbade Stephenson to leave. Stephenson opined, as he testified, "union matters come ahead of shop matters." Fikse warned him that if he left he would run the risk of suspension. Stephenson then declared that he would assume that risk and departed for his 2 p.m. meeting, after 1 Neither Crowley nor C . B. testified herein. 2 According to Bahre , he discharged Stephenson on this occasion for the assigned reasons, after conferring with President Henry Fikse of Respon- dent. Bahre, a member of the Union, testified that he had no knowledge of Stephenson 's involvement with the Union and that Stephenson 's reference thereto was his first knowledge thereof. 1304 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Fikse gave him a warning notice that he was suspended. The warning notice, in essence , reflects what had taken place. Stephenson proceeded to the office of the Union and met with Payne, who told him that he should not have left work under such circumstances. Payne telephoned Fikse and discussed Stephenson's suspension with him. Payne next advised Stephenson that he had been given a 3-day suspension for leaving the plant without permission, but told him to report for work the next day. Stephenson did so report the next day, February 12, and was suspended for 3 days for leaving the job without adequate notice. According to the General Counsel, on this occasion, Fik- se also raised the problem with Stephenson of his smoking in the shop, contrary to fire department regulations. Ste- phenson also claimed that he should be paid at the rate of $5.07 rather than $3.50 per hour, his going rate of pay. Stephenson next opined that Respondent owed him ap- proximately $1,800, this representing the difference in wag- es paid and what he claimed was owed since his hire. As noted, the General Counsel does not claim this sum herein as owing to Stephenson. After leaving the plant on February 12, Stephenson went to a local medical center to obtain a release for an injury at work, this treated after leaving work on February 6. Ste- phenson appeared at the plant on February 12 and pro- cured a form to submit to the insurance company of Re- spondent. He was then proffered some forms by Fikse relating to warning letters and discharge notices and re- fused to sign same. Stephenson did not report for work on February 13. On February 14, as he testified, he telephoned Fikse, who told him that he intended to discharge him because he was an incompetent mechanic. Nevertheless, Stephenson reported for work on the morning of February 15. Fikse then in- formed him that he considered him as an incompetent me- chanic and further, according to Stephenson, that he had little regard for him because Stephenson had gone behind his back and contacted the Union. During this very conversation, Stephenson smoked a cig- arette near a bucket of solvent, despite the fact that no- smoking signs were prominently posted. Fikse reminded Stephenson that he had promised not to smoke in the shop and Stephenson apologized, extinguishing his cigarette. There is evidence that the solvent was highly flammable. Business Representative Payne sent Fikse a letter pro- testing the warning notices to Stephenson. On April 15, the grievance of Stephenson was submitted to an arbitration panel. As heretofore stated, the General Counsel does not contend that anything is due to Stephenson prior to the 60-day period litigated before the arbitration panel. It is urged only that Stephenson should have been paid the dif- ference between the paid rate of $3.50 an hour for the 60- day period and the contract rate of $5.07 an hour , less the $250 awarded him by the panel and accepted. From his testimony, it would seem that Stephenson never applied for his job again because he felt that he was entitled to $1,800 for the period prior to the 60-day period litigated herein. C. The Decision of the Grievance Panel Pursuant to the grievance provisions of the contract, the discharge of Stephenson was heard before a grievance pan- el on April 15, 1974, which announced its decision forth- with. There were three employer and three union represen- tatives on the panel and Stephenson was represented by Payne. As noted, Crowley was previously vigilant in per- sonally representing Stephenson, and there is nothing to indicate that Payne, Crowley's successor, was in any way remiss. The panel unanimously decided that Stephenson would return to work on April 16; that he would thereafter be paid at the rate of $5.07 an hour; that he would be awarded $250 for the period between February 15 and April 15, exclusive of unemployment compensation; and that Re- spondent would make the appropriate health and welfare contributions for the months of February, March, and April of 1974. Stephenson was tendered the sum of $250, accepted same, but never returned to work. In part, at least , he believed that he was entitled to the sum of $1,800, representing the difference he should have earned for the period preceding his discharge. As noted, the General Counsel expressly did not litigate that issue. D. Analysis and Conclusions It may well be true that Respondent welcomed the op- portunity to rid itself of Stephenson. See Silver Eagle Com- pany, 214 NLRB No. 26 (1974 ). Be that as it may, I deem a recent decision of the Board to be dispositive of this case. In Electronic Reproduction Service Corporation, 213 NLRB 758 (1974), a divided board held that it would honor an arbitration award in a case such as this even though the award gave no indication that the arbitrator had been pre- sented with or had considered the unfair labor practice issue. Although, in the instant case, it would perforce seem that the issue was duly raised, the Board, in the cited case, held that it was sufficient that the issue could have been raised before the arbitrator. In essence, as is apparent, the Board has expanded its doctrine set forth in Spielberg Man- ufacturing Company, 112 NLRB 1080 (1955) in an effort to discourage dual litigation. There is nothing in the record relating to the grievance proceedings to indicate in any way that the union was less than zealous in representing Stephenson. Indeed, the rec- ord warrants the finding that it represented him strongly and fairly. I therefore find and conclude that the complaint should be dismissed in its entirety.3 CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. Fikse Bros., Inc., is an employer whose operations af- fect commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 2. General Truck Drivers, Chauffeurs and Helpers, Lo- cal 692, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauf- 3 Although, were I to treat with the issue of the discharge , I would con- clude that Respondent was justified in discharging Stephenson for smoking on February 15 over a bucket of flammable solvent. FIKSE BROS, INC feurs , Warehousemen and Helpers of America , is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2 (5) of the Act 3 Respondent has not engaged in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8(a)(1) and (3) of the Act Upon the foregoing findings of fact , conclusions of law, and the entire record , and pursuant to Section 10(c) of the Act, I hereby issue the following recommended ORDER4 The complaint is dismissed in its entirety 1305 4 In the event no exceptions are filed as provided by Sec 102 46 of the Rules and Regulations of the National Labor Relations Board the findings conclusions and recommended Order herein shall as provided in Sec 102 48 of the Rules and Regulations be adopted by the Board and become its findings conclusions and Order and all objections thereto shall be deemed waived for all purposes Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation