Fashion Fair, Inc.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsFeb 23, 1967163 N.L.R.B. 97 (N.L.R.B. 1967) Copy Citation APPENDIX A TEXAS GULF SULPHUR COMPANY (INCORPORATED) FASHION FAIR, INC. 97 FRASCH SULPHUR DIVISION NEWGULF, WHARTON COUNTY, TEXAS 77462 MARCH 17, 1966 As you know, paid union organizers have started a campaign to try and get you Texas Gulf Sulphur employees at Spindletop to turn your affairs over to their Oil Workers Union. Union organizing tactics are new to us and probably to many of you; but, we are told that we can look for the following five regular propaganda techniques: 1. "Good Guy" approach-The union will wrap itself in the flag and cite religious leaders and politicians for support. 2. "Fear" approach-The union will try to scare you through insinuations about lack of security, loss of jobs, favoritism, and threats about what can happen if you don't join or support the union. 3. "Band Wagon" approach-Union supporters will claim that a lot of employees have already signed up, why don't you. 4. " ./or Nothing" approach-Since everyone likes a bargain, the union will hold out it will get you more-more wages, more benefits, etc.-and, it won't cost you anything or at least not much. 5. "Half-truth" approach-Union propaganda will give only part of the story, obviously the part that puts it in the most favorable light. The Oil Workers has already caused dissension between some of our employees, has circulated rumors trying to make our men fearful of their jobs at Texas Gulf, and has caused the discharge of one supervisor. Bickering and trouble, the playing of one man against another, and the separation of men from their company is the food on which unions feed. Is this what you want as a steady diet? We don't think so. Any employee of "Texas Gulf Sulphur Company has a right to believe as he sees fit, including being for or against a union. It is against the law and against the policy of Texas Gulf Sulphur Company to discharge or discriminate against any non-supervisory employee because he is either for or against a union. Whether you have signed a union card, have attended union meetings, or have actively supported the Oil Workers Union cannot, and will not, have any effect on your job at Texas Gulf Sulphur Company. But, the Company should and does expect its supervisors not to actively support and organize for a union. APPENDIX B NOTICE TO ALL EMPLOYEES Pursuant to the Recommended Order of a Trial Examiner of the National Labor Relations Board, and in order to effectuate the policies of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, we hereby notify our employees that: WE WILL NOT , by granting or announcing a wage increase or other benefit for our employees , or by any like or related act, attempt to induce our employees to refrain from becoming or remaining members of Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers International Union, AFL-CIO, or any other labor organization , or from giving any assistance or support to such a labor organization. WE WILL NOT in any like or similar manner interfere with, restrain , or coerce our employees in the exercise of their right to self-organization, to form labor organizations , to join any labor organization, to bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing , and to engage in any other concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection , or to refrain from any or all such activity. All our employees are free to become or remain, or refrain from becoming or remaining , members of the Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers International Union, AFL-CIO, or any other labor organization. TEXAS GULF SULPHUR COMPANY (Employer) Dated By (Representative) (Title) This notice must remain posted for 60 consecutive days from the date of posting, and must not be altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. If employees have any question concerning this notice or compliance with its provisions, they may communicate directly with the Board's Regional Office, 6617 Federal Office Building, 515 Rusk Avenue, Houston, Texas 77002, Fashion Fair , Inc., Cinbo, Inc., and Lois Price of Ohio, Inc. and Retail Clerks Union Local No. 445, Retail Clerks International Association , AFL-CIO. Case 25-CA-2329. February 23, 1967 DECISION AND ORDER BY CHAIRMAN MCCULLOCH AND MEMBERS FANNING AND BROWN On October 6, 1966, Trial Examiner Herbert Silberman issued his Decision in the above-entitled proceeding, finding that the Respondent had engaged in and was engaging in certain unfair labor practices and recommending that it cease and desist therefrom and take certain affirmative action, as set forth in the attached Trial Examiner's Decision. He further found that the Respondent had not engaged in certain other unfair labor practices alleged in the complaint and recommended dismissal as to them. 163 NLRB No. 22 98 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Thereafter, the General Counsel filed exceptions to the Decision and a supporting brief. Respondent filed a brief in support of the Trial Examiner's Decision. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board has delegated its powers in connection with this case to a three- member panel. The Board has reviewed the rulings of the Trial Examiner made at the hearing and finds that no prejudicial error was committed. The rulings are hereby affirmed. The Board has considered the Trial Examiner's Decision, the exceptions and briefs, and the entire record in the case, and hereby adopts the findings, conclusions, and recommendations of the Trial Examiner.' ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board hereby adopts as its Order the Recommended Order of the Trial Examiner, and orders that the Respondent, Fashion Fair, Inc., Cinbo, Inc., and Lois Price of Ohio, Inc., Owensboro, Kentucky, its officers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall take the action set forth in the Trial Examiner's Recommended Order. ' Respondent ' s motion to dismiss on the ground that the General Counsel's exceptions do not conform to the requirement for page citations contained in Section 102.46(b) of the Board Rules and Regulations is denied The General Counsel's supporting bnef does contain such citations in accord with rule 102.46(c) and these references are applicable to the exceptions and are sufficient to meet the requirements of 102.46(b) Upon the entire record in this case and from my observation of the witnesses, I make the following: FINDINGS OF FACT I. THE BUSINESS OF THE RESPONDENTS Fashion Fair, Inc., an Ohio corporation, is engaged in the operation of discount department stores in Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana, including the store involved in this proceeding which is located at 2621 Frederica Street, Owensboro, Kentucky, herein referred to as the Owensboro Store. Cinbo, Inc., an Ohio corporation, is engaged in the business of operating shoe, houseware, and toy departments in discount department stores, including the Owensboro Store. Lois Price of Ohio, Inc., an Ohio corporation, is engaged in the business of operating women's, children's, and infants' departments in discount department stores, including the Owensboro Store. It is admitted, and I find, that by virtue of their common control of the incidents of employment, Respondents Cinbo and Price, together with Respondent Fashion Fair, are joint employers of the employees in the leased departments at the Owensboro Store; that Respondent Fashion Fair is the exclusive employer of the remaining employees at the Owensboro Store; and that these Respondents constitute a single employer under the Act. During the past year, each Respondent sold at retail goods valued in excess of $500,000, and purchased and caused to be delivered to their various locations from other States goods and materials valued in excess of $50,000., Respondents admit, and I find, that they are engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. II. THE LABOR ORGANIZATION INVOLVED The Union is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. TRIAL EXAMINER'S DECISION STATEMENT OF THE CASE HERBERT SILBERMAN , Trial Examiner: Upon charges filed by Retail'Clerks Union Local No. 445, Retail Clerks International Association, AFL-CIO, herein called the Union, on September 21, November 16, and November 18, 1965,' a complaint, dated December 8, was issued against Fashion Fair, Inc., Cinbo, Inc., and Lois Price of Ohio, Inc., herein collectively referred to as the Company, alleging that the Respondents had engaged in and were engaging in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8(a)(1), (3), and (4) of the Act. The Respondents filed an answer which generally denies that they had engaged in the alleged unfair labor practices. A hearing in this proceeding was held before me in Owensboro, Kentucky, on April 12, 13, and 14, 1966. Thereafter, briefs were filed on behalf of the General Counsel and the Respondents. ' All dates, unless otherwise specifically stated, refer to the year 1965. III. THE ALLEGED UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES A. Background Respondent Fashion Fair operates a chain of 15 retail discount department stores. Only its Owensboro Store is involved in this proceeding. The complaint, as amended at the hearing, alleges that between August 16 and September 21 Respondents discriminated against five employees and, in addition, that Respondents engaged in further violations of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act by conduct of successive store managers; namely, Jack Hardin, who assumed the position on May 11, and his immediate predecessor, Mr. Switzer. The allegation involving Switzer has been abandoned by General Counsel because the evidence does not establish that the conduct of which he is accused occurred within 6 months preceding the filing and service of the initial charge herein. As to the remaining 8(a)(1) violations, Hardin is alleged to have unlawfully interrogated employees, to have threatened employees with discharge or other reprisals if they join or assist the Union, and to have promulgated an unlawful no- solicitation rule. I find no evidentiary support in the record for the allegations of unlawful interrogations or threats and I shall recommend dismissal of those portions of the FASHION FAIR, INC. complaint.2 However, for reasons discussed below, I find that the allegation concerning the promulgation of an unlawful no-solicitation rule has been proved. In regard to the alleged discriminations, General Counsel requests that notice be taken of the Board's decision in a prior proceeding, also involving the Owensboro Store, which is reported at 157 NLRB 1645. In that case the Board found that the Respondents had violated Section 8(a)(1), (3), and (5) of the Act by discriminatorily discharging James Black, the initiator of organizational activities and the most active union supporter among the employees, threatening employees with discharge for engaging in organizational activities, unlawfully interrogating employees, promising and granting employees benefits to induce them to withhold support from the Union in order to gain time in which to undermine the Union's majority. The incidents litigated in that case occurred between early fall 1964, when the Union commenced an organizational campaign among the store's employees, and December 28, 1964, when a representation election was held. Although the persons who were acting as manager and assistant manager of the store in 1964 were no longer working there when the events with which this proceeding is concerned took place and played no part (at least so far as the evidence shows) in the alleged discriminations, nevertheless, as the unfair labor practices found in the prior case have not been remedied, I will assume that Respondents' hostility to the Union and discriminatory disposition continued during the times material hereto. Also of significance in this case, particularly in relation to the alleged discriminations , is the temperament of Jack Hardin, who was principally responsible for the conduct of which Respondents are accused in this case. Hardin in his relations with the employees at the store tended to be impatient, excitable, easily angered, prone to reprimand, and inconsiderate of their sensitivities. Thus, Kenneth Grissom, the assistant manager of the store, who also had worked for Hardin at another store, described Hardin as "a demanding man." Ima Jean Brown testified that when she was promoted to the position of head cashier Hardin instructed her to keep the other cashiers "in line and give them a hard way to go." She was of the opinion that Hardin was not happy unless he was bawling out somebody. Similarly, Jean Tipton testified that Hardin was bawling out somebody most of the time and on some occasions even bawled her out in the presence of customers.3 Beulah Young also testified regarding Hardin's propensity for berating employees. Several employees testified about incidents where they were upbraided by Hardin in such a manner that they began to cry. On one occasion, about August 14, 1965, Hardin reproved Lucy Hatfield so severely in the presence of other employees that not only Hatfield but also some of the other employees began to cry. Martha Mosley testified that she cried "[b]ecause 2 In his brief , without any further elaboration , General Counsel states that he "takes the position that Respondents violated Section 8(a)(1) by . unlawful interrogation of Ima Jean Brown by Jack Hardin, and threats to Jean Tipton by Jack Hardin (TR 73, L 22-TR 74, L 8 and elsewhere ) " Upon review of the testimony of, and concerning , Ima Jean Brown , I perceive no evidence of unlawful interrogation . Regarding the alleged threat directed to Jean Tipton , the evidence to which General Counsel refers is testimony by Tipton that in the summer of 1965 Hardin asked her whether she thought Hardin was going to discharge her, to which she replied , "No." This testimony , even if construed as a threat of discharge , does not prove that the threat had any relationship to union membership , support, or activity Furthermore , Tipton was 99 Mr. Hardin talked to Lucy in such a way. She was a good friend of mine. He had talked very hateful to her." However, the evidence shows that Hardin's scoldings of and unpleasant manner with employees were general and were not directed only to union adherents. The complaint in paragraph numbered 7 alleges that on or about September 8 employees Martha L. Mosley and Sharon A. Clark ceased working concertedly and went out on strike and have been continuously on strike since said date and that such strike was caused by Respondents' unfair labor practices. Mosley and Clark, according to their testimony, decided to leave their jobs because another employee had been discharged in circumstances which they believed were unfair and they were of the opinion that "it could possibly happen to us next." In addition, both were of the opinion that Clark, who was a part-time employee, was not being fairly treated in regard to the number of hours of work which the Company had been assigning to her. However, both Mosley and Clark testified that they had quit their jobs and had had no intention of returning to work for Respondents. As both employees voluntarily quit their jobs and intended permanently to sever their employment relationships with the Respondents, they cannot be deemed to have been strikers, despite the fact that they both quit at the same time for the same reasons . Accordingly, I hereby grant Respondents' motion to strike paragraph numbered 7 from the complaint, as to which motion I reserved decision at the hearing. B. The No-solicitation Rule About September 1, Store Manager Hardin held a meeting of the employees. According to his testimony, which I credit, among other things he said was the following: I didn't think it was fair for the people in the store to talk about the union on company time; that I didn't think it was fair to an Employer to take their money, while they were supposed to be working on the job, and to try to promote the union on company time. I also said that I thought it was their privilege, if they wanted to belong to a union, this was their privilege ... but not to do it on company time. If they are going to do it I told them to do it outside the store I made mention that they could rent a tent and hold a big meeting if they wanted to as long as it was out of the store but I didn't feel it was fair to do it in the store on company time. Various employees testified that they understood from Hardin's statements they they were not permitted to discuss the Union within the confines of the store. In their brief Respondents assert that Hardin's statement of policy was inartfully worded but "it was merely a statement of the existing Board policy in regard a supervisor and it would not have been a violation of the Act for Respondents to have threatened her with discharge for engaging in union activities If General Counsel intends to suggest that the threat was related to the fact that Tipton , on July 15, gave testimony adverse to the Respondents in a prior Board proceeding , he has failed to prove that the incident occurred on or after said date Some of these incidents occurred before July 15, so that such incidents cannot be related to any wish on the part of Respondents or Hardin to retaliate against Tipton for having given testimony adverse to the Respondents in the prior unfair labor practice proceeding. 295 -269 0-69-8 100 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD to solicitation in retail establishments , to-wit: that solicitation and organization activities by employees are not permitted during store hours on the retail sales floor of the employer." The difficulty with argument is that it does not comport with the facts . The rule enunciated by Hardin is subject to the interpretation that employees are forbidden to discuss the Union within the store premises. If there is any ambiguity as to the meaning of the rule "the risk of ambiguity must be held against the promulgator . .."' Accordingly , I find that the no- solicitation rule promulgated by Hardin about September 1 was unlawfully restrictive and that Respondents thereby have violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. C. The Termination of Jean Tipton Jean Tipton, a supervisor as defined in the Act, was in charge of several departments of the store, including the men's, boys', and domestics departments, from sometime in 1961 until she left Respondents' employ on September 24. On July 15, at the hearing in the prior unfair labor practice proceeding, she gave testimony adverse to the Company's case. Two witnesses for General Counsel testified that while Tipton was still on the witness stand they overheard an attorney for Respondents whisper to an officer of the Company to get Tipton "out of the store." Tipton quit her job on Friday, September 24. According to Tipton, when she reported for work, about 1 p.m. on that day, the only person who was then working in her department, a recently hired employee, was having difficulty finding merchandise for the customers shopping in the department and Tipton observed that the department was "in a real bad mess" because there was stock still on the floor which should have been removed from cartons and put away in their proper places between the time she had left work the previous day and the time she returned on the day in question. Soon after reporting to work Tipton clocked out and then told Store Manager Hardin that she was quitting, to which Hardin responded that it was her privilege. In his brief "General Counsel takes the position that Hardin deliberately carried out a plan to get rid of Tipton after she testified by making the conditions of her employment more and more intolerable; by adding to her work; by getting rid of her experienced Union help; by taking Tipton's experienced help out of her department; by giving Tipton new help to do the big jobs; then finally Tipton's hours were cut from 44 hours per week to 40 hours per week in July 1965 (Tr. 98, LL 3-7). And all of this was pursuant to Counsel Katz's order to Respondents' Vice President Lass-'get rid of her,' given July 15, 1965, the day Tipton testified for the General Counsel." Two periods of time are significant as dates of reference in connection with General Counsel's argument that Tipton was constructively discharged. First, June 12, when Tipton returned to work following a sick leave absence of 1 week because of an operation and, second, July 15, when she testified at the previous hearing. Tipton gave the following explanation for quitting her position: Because I had fell behind in my work and I couldn't keep my department up like I had in the past and I didn't have anybody in the department to work and this bothered me a lot. ' N L R B. v Miller Charles & Co , 341 F 2d 870 (C A 2) Her testimony as to how the situation developed so that she could not keep up the department as in the past is vague and confused . Her principal complaint appears to be that she didn't have sufficient assistants . She testified that at least once or twice a week beginning upon her return to work on June 12 she asked Hardin for more help for her department. According to Tipton, Hardin's customary response was "that he would give more help. He realized that we needed more help in that department and I had asked almost every week from the time, or prior to the time that I came off of sick leave and on up until I left Fashion Fair." However, these promises were not fulfilled. Thus, Tipton's testimony regarding insufficient personnel shows that the problem developed more than a month before July 15. Another complaint by Tipton was a reduction in her hours of work. Her testimony in this regard is uncertain. Upon examination by General Counsel, she testified that her hours of work had been reduced to 40 hours per week and that "prior to the last of July or the first of June, somewhere in along in there ... I was working 44, perhaps 48 hours a week." Upon further examination by General Counsel, Tipton testified that she discussed her reduction of hours with Hardin who told her, "he thought that 40 hours was enough for you to work." On cross-examination, Tipton testified as follows: Q. Now, you said that you were working so hard that you just had to quit, is that right? A. That is right. Q. Isn't it a fact that your hours were reduced to 40 hours ? A. But I still was doing as much in 40 hours as I was doing in 48 hours or more. Q. And Mr. Hardin did reduce your hours so you wouldn't have so much work to do, isn't that right? A. I had more work to do. Q. In what respects did you have more work? A. Because I couldn't get it out in those hours that I had to get it out in and no one could help me get it out. As Tipton's testimony, given both on direct and cross- examination, was obscure regarding when her hours of work were reduced and in what way she was called on to work harder, the Trial Examiner sought to clarify her testimony in those respects. Upon questions put to her by the Trial Examiner she affirmed that the reduction in her hours of work to 40 hours per week occurred upon her return to work following her sick leave period in early June. She also repeated that after the reduction in her hours she was working harder than before. However, she was completely unable to explain this assertion. Another complaint by Tipton is that she was receiving less assistance in lifting heavy articles . Here, too, her testimony shows that this change occurred in May or after her return to work following her sick leave in June, but in any case prior to July 15. While Tipton testified that she left the store on September 24 because the "department was in a real bad mess," when pressed to explain whether she found the condition of the department different than it was during the 4 years she had been in charge, she testified, "It may not have been any different but it was just in as bad a condition, if not worse." Although she testified that in September 1965 she considered her work too hard and "didn't feel I could do it anymore ... I wasn't in any condition to do it," this was a situation which, according to FASHION FAIR, INC. her testimony , had persisted continuously at least since May 1965. Returning again to Tipton 's asserted reasons for quitting her employ, she also testified as follows: Q. In other words you were working harder physically but you were falling behind and that was troubling you, is that what you are telling me? A. It troubled me, yes, because I had been able to keep it up before. Q. You didn't like the idea of falling behind? A. I didn't like the idea of falling behind. Q. Did Mr. Hardin reprimand you because you were falling behind? A. Not tome. Tipton further testified that in September 1965 she was criticized less by Hardin than in prior months and the condition of her departments was no worse in September than in prior months. General Counsel had not proved that there was any change in Tipton's conditions of employment after July 15. There is no evidence that Tipton was called upon personally to do any more work or to perform any more onerous tasks after July 15 than prior to said date; nor is there any evidence that she was subjected to personal harassment or abuse between the date when she testified at the earlier hearing and the date when she quit her job. Upon consideration of all the evidence, including such evidence as suggests that the Company may have desired Tipton's removal from its employ,5 I find that General Counsel has not established by a preponderance of the evidence that Jean Tipton was discriminatorily treated in regard to any.term or condition of her employment or was constructively discharged. D. The Termination of Ima Jean Brown Ima Jean Brown began working as a cashier for Respondents in December 1963. On May 24, 1965, shortly after Jack Hardin became manager of the store, he discharged Joyce Roberts, who then was the head cashier, and promoted Brown to the position , at the same time increasing her wages by more than 20 percent from $1.15 per hour to $1.40 per hour. Brown had supported the Union in its 1964 organizational campaign and at the prior hearing, on May 6, 1965, testified for General Counsel and identified her union card. According to Brown, about a week after she had been promoted to the supervisory position of head cashier, S While, on the one hand, the Company's union hostility, demonstrated by the Board's findings in the earlier case, the alleged remark by Respondents ' counsel during the trial of said case, plus Tipton 's testimony that subsequent to July 15 Hardin "told me that he realized that I was for the union and that my husband was a union official, and some way or another that he would have to win me over to the Company's side" suggest a possible discriminatory disposition on the part of Respondents towards Tipton; on the other hand, there is evidence that the Company may have considered Tipton an unsatisfactory supervisor Ima Jean Brown , a witness for the General Counsel in this proceeding , testified that while Jean Tipton was absent on sick leave Hardin said to Brown that Tipton "didn't finish her work before she took her sick leave and he was going to fire her." This latter incident occurred more than a month before Tipton testified at the previous hearing. s Brown testified that during this conversation she asked Hardin "if he thought I was stupid and he said no, I don't think you are stupid and I said, well you don't think I would be dumb enough to let Mr. Rosner know if I was for or against the union, do you9" However, at the time of the conversation between Brown 101 Hardin told her that a former store manager , Mr. Rosner, had advised him that Brown was "one of the main girls for the union and [on] the date the election was held and the union lost that [Brown ] threw a fit at the service desk." Hardin also said to Brown that "if I find out later that I have been wrong in choosing you as head cashier, I am going to look like a fool." e Brown quit her job as head cashier on September 21 immediately following an incident where she was severely upbraided by Hardin. Referring to that incident and several prior incidents where Brown also had been reproved by Hardin, General Counsel, in his brief, "takes the position that store manager Hardin imposed the above repeated and continued intolerable treatment on Brown after she testified for the General Counsel (May 6, 1965-TR 503, LL 17-20) and after he knew shei was `one of the main girls for the Union' (TR 317, LL 5-8). Such intolerable conduct , unexplained on any other basis except discriminatory motivation, constituted a constructive discharge of employee Brown and a violation of Section 8(a)(4), 8(a)(3), and 8(a)(1) of the Act." Thus, according to General Counsel's argument, Hardin first promoted Brown to the position of head cashier, increased her wages substantially, and then proceeded to make her situation in the store intolerable so that she was compelled to quit.7 This is hardly plausible in the circumstances of the case.8 Furthermore , inconsistent with General Counsel's theory is the fact that Hardin promoted Sharon Hardman Jones to the position of head cashier after Brown quit, although the former had also testified at the earlier hearing, on May 6,• that she had signed a union card . In any case , I find that General Counsel has not proved that Hardin created intolerable conditions of employment for Brown. General Counsel refers to the following incidents to support his argument that Hardin made Brown's employment situation intolerable: 1. According to Brown, in July 1965, when Hardin overheard her placing a telephone call to a customer about a bad check, Hardin in a loud and angry voice told her she wasn't using the correct procedure and "that I was trying to go over his head and do things my way and that I had better not try to go over his head and try to do anything my' way. 2. About July 24 Hardin asked Brown to do some typing for him. When she replied that she could not type Hardin said, "I'll just get someone in the office who does know how to type ..."9 The conversation turned to the work that and Hardin , Brown had already testified at the earlier hearing that she had signed a union card so that her union sympathies had already become a matter of public record . Brown also testified that Hardin told her that "when Mr. Rosner found out that [Hardin] had chosen [Brown ] as cashier , he told [Hardin] that he couldn't trust me, that I might turn on him at any time " I There is no evidence that Brown continued to support the Union after her promotion to the position of head cashier. Furthermore , it would not have been improper for Respondents to have forbidden Brown, after her promotion to the supervisory position of head cashier, to engage in union activities " General Counsel does not argue, and there is no basis in the record to support such argument, that Respondents, to rid themselves of a union adherent with minimum risk of being charged with unfair labor practices , had first promoted Brown to a supervisory position, thus seeking to remove her from the protection of the Act. " According to Brown she had advised Hardin that she could not type before she accepted the position of head cashier, and Hardin on that occasion had said that typing was not one of the requirements for the)ob 102 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Brown was doing and Hardin in a loud voice said, "[You] might stand here and argue with Foskey, Rosner and Switzer (former managers of the store), but you are not going to stand here and argue with me. . ." 3. About this same period of time Hardin upbraided Brown and Shirley Hancock for the procedure they were following regarding notices to customers concerning layaway purchases. According to Brown, he accused them of being "lazy and irresponsible." 4. Following a general meeting of the store's employees, which was held early in September, Hardin scolded Brown for having asked a question about whether employees would be permitted to accept personal telephone calls of a business nature or long distance telephone calls. According to Brown, Hardin said to her, "Jean, I think that was a ridiculous question that you asked me this morning at the meeting, don't you? ... I know what you are trying to do to me and I (Brown) said , I just wanted to clear it up about personal calls for the employees and he (Hardin) said it is not your place to clear anything up-you don't have the authority to clear anything up-you are just the head cashier and don't you try to go over my head about anything and that's all that was said."10 The final incident occurred on September 21. Hardin, who was in the automotive department in the back of the store, telephoned the office using the store's intercommunication system. Brown answered the telephone. Hardin asked, "[I] s Mr. Grissom ( the assistant manager) there." She said, "Yes, he is." Hardin waited for Grissom to answer the telephone. After waiting for awhile Hardin hung up the telephone and called again. Brown answered. Hardin said, " Jean is Mr. Grissom there." She replied, "[Y]es he is, do you want to talk to him?" Hardin said, "[Y] es I guess I do, what do you think I called there for him if I didn't want to talk to him." When Grissom came to the telephone, Hardin asked him whether Brown was laughing. According to Hardin, "I heard her laughing on the phone before she left the phone and he said, yes she is." Hardin went immediately to the office. He testified, "I was angry. I was mad. I went into the office and I walked around Ken's (Grissom's) desk over to Jean and I told her that that was a stupid thing to do, for a person in her position as the head cashier of the store, as a person in the store who was supposed to set an example for the other people, for her to leave me hanging on this phone and not call Ken to the phone; to stand there and laugh. I heard her laugh. It was ridiculous and she said something and I just told her I didn't want to hear anymore about it, and I told her don't you ever let that happen to me again, and I turned around and walked out of the office."11 Brown left the store shortly after the above incident. As she was leaving she informed Hardin that she would return Friday morning to pick up her pay. Contrary to General Counsel, I do not find that the evidence establishes that Hardin or the Company made intolerable Brown's conditions of employment. Furthermore, taking into account Hardin' s temperament and personality, it does not appear from the record that Brown was treated more severely than other employees. Moreover, in regard to the September 21 incident, Brown was far from innocent. The manner in which she handled the telephone calls from Hardin and her laughter when she called Grissom to the telephone was calculated to provoke Hardin to anger. In these circumstances she had little cause for feeling outraged when she was scolded by Hardin for her behavior. I find that the General Counsel has not proved that Ima Jean Brown was constructively discharged in violation of the Act. E. The Discharge of Ruth Hawkins Ruth Hawkins was employed as a salesperson in the children's and ladies' ready-to-wear departments from September 1961 until she was discharged on September 8, 1965. Her supervisor was Beulah Randolph. Hawkins appeared as a witness for the General Counsel in the earlier case and at the hearing, held on May 6, testified that she had signed a union card. At the hearing in the instant case she testified that in July 1965 she solicited Sharon Clark to sign a union card and, in addition, during 1965 spoke about the Union with Ray Bickett, the janitor, and Jean Edwards, another saleslady, and during breaks discussed the Union with other employees. She also testified that several times during the summer of 1965 she waited on Mrs. Von Bokern George, an international representative of the Union who was active in organizing the store's employees, and was observed doing so by a supervisor. In July 1965, Hawkins asked Hardin for a transfer from Beulah Randolph's departments to departments supervised by Jean Tipton, but the request was denied. Hawkins testified that she was dissatisfied because of the denial of her transfer request. She further testified that in early August her supervisor, Beulah Randolph, informed her that "Mr. Hardin wasn't satisfied with my work." Later the same day Hawkins approached Hardin to speak to him about the subject. In the course of their discussion Hardin told her that she "should have a better attitude." About August 14 there was an incident where Hardin went into a tirade in the presence of various employees, including Ruth Hawkins. The incident was precipitated by a request Lucy Hatfield had made to another employee to ask Hardin whether Hatfield would be paid for an absence occasioned by a family bereavement. During the meeting, according to Martha Mosley, "Lucy said that she had asked Ruth Hawkins about being paid when she was off for her grandmother's funeral and Lucy said that she had been paid and Mr. Hardin said he would like to know why Ruth Hawkins was always mixed up in everything or something to that effect and he said it hurt him to think that the employees would talk to each other and discuss things that they should be coming to him and talking to him about." Sharon Clark testified that about 2 days before the foregoing incident she had a discussion with Hardin about her performance. According to Clark, Hardin said "that my attitude was not right where I was working and that none of the ladies in the department except Mrs. Randolph were doing their best job and that people had been talking to us in the department and influencing us and that the 10 Not referred to by General Counsel in his brief was an incident, which occurred soon after Brown was promoted to head cashier and followed a meeting with representatives of a finance 'company, where Hardin reprimanded Brown for having asked a question which Hardin said made him look ridiculous, and another incident where Hardin reproved Brown for having improperly used the store 's loudspeaker i i Brown's version of the incident is not substantially different from Hardin 's. However, because Hardin impressed me as being a forthright and reliable witness, I credit his version of the incident. FASHION FAIR, INC. work was not being done the way it should be ... [H]e said there was a trouble maker in our department and that I didn't have to say who it was because he already knew it was Ruth Hawkins." On September 8, Hawkins had a conversation with Randolph about obtaining a reference for another position. Randolph reported the conversation to Hardin who called Hawkins to the office. According to Hardin, when Hawkins arrived he said to her, "Mrs. Randolph tells me that you are going to be interviewed for a different job this afternoon and that you asked her for a reference for the job." Hesitatingly, Hawkins replied in the affirmative. Thereupon Hardin advised Hawkins she was being discharged.12 Sharon Hardman Jones, another witness called by General Counsel, testified that she had a conversation with Hardin about Hawkins. Hardin asked her if she had heard that Hawkins had been discharged. Jones said, "No." Hardin then said he would tell her in detail what had happened. Hardin said that Hawkins had asked for a letter of recommendation for another job while she was still working in the store. At this point in their conversation Jean Brown came out of the office and asked Hardin a question. Hardin answered the question and then turned to Jones and said that Brown had asked him "a sort of stupid question and she should have known the answer before she asked him." Then Hardin said, "[T] here were a lot of stupid things going on in the store and that Ruth Hawkins had been the first fired and a few, he didn't mention who would be the next, and before he was through there would be five." Hardin indicated by looking towards the office door that Jean Brown would be included in the number who would be discharged. General Counsel argues that "Respondents' discharge of employee Hawkins purportedly for the above frivolous reason really was because Hawkins testified for the General Counsel in 1965 ... Hardin is picking off the Union people and on most tenuous grounds." While the record in this cases raises some possible suspicion that Respondents might have wanted to rid union adherents from their employ, nevertheless, General Counsel has not adduced evidence sufficient to enable me to find that Respondents in fact were pursuing such plan. Contrary to General Counsel, I find that he has not established by a preponderance of the evidence that Hawkins' union sympathies, union activities, or the fact that she testified for the General Counsel in the earlier case contributed to Respondents' decision to discharge her. The evidence shows that Hardin did not consider Hawkins a good employee and it is quite consistent for a man with his personality to discharge an employee for seeking another job. Accordingly, I find no violation of the Act by reason of Hawkins' discharge. F. The Discharge of Shirley Hancock Shirley Hancock worked as a cashier for Respondents from November 1963 until her discharge on August 16, it I credit Hardin's version of his conversation with Hawkins rather than the version given by Hawkins whom I consider to have been a much less reliable witness. According to Hawkins, she did not have any appointment for a job interview and did not make any such statement either to Randolph or to Hardin Her version is that she asked Randolph whether she could use Randolph's name as a reference merely as a point of information However, in 103 1965.13 On May 6, as a witness at the prior hearing, she testified that she had signed a union card. Hancock was not considered a good employee. She testified that although Hardin had not at any time specifically told her that her work was unsatisfactory "[h]e was always finding mistakes and things that he didn't like the way they were done." Ima Jean Brown testified that as head cashier she "told Mr. Hardin that Shirley Hancock was slow, was a slow worker, which she was," and that Hancock's mistakes at the service desk were making Brown's work more difficult. Brown also testified that Hardin had complained to her about Hancock being a poor worker and making mistakes. Hancock was discharged following an incident involving a personal telephone call which she received while at the service desk. According to Hardin, about 2 weeks after he became store manager , he informed the employees at a meeting that "they could have personal phone calls but not to abuse the privilege." However, according to Hardin, there were many occasions when he told Hancock "to quit having so many phone calls." According to Hardin, the circumstances leading to Hancock's dismissal were the following: I was in the domestics department which is about half way back in the store and I saw Shirley on the phone and I walked towards the front of the store ... to see how long she was going to be on the phone .... I walked up to her and I said, Shirley, is that a business call? and she said, yes it is and I said, well here I'll take it and she hung the phone up. Hardin testified that he observed Hancock talking on the phone on this occasion about 4 or 5 minutes and while she was talking there was a boy waiting at the service desk. Hardin went to the office and then sent for Hancock. When she arrived, according to Hardin, "I told her I had asked her dozens of times please not to use the phone so much, please not to have personal calls .... I told her that if she could not stop having personal phone calls and wait on her customers that she would just have to resign and she told me, well I am not going to resign , you can fire me if you want to, and I said , okay, if that's the way you want it, you're fired and I fired her." 14 General Counsel argues that Hardin "abruptly fired Mrs. Hancock, without warning, for doing something he had permitted her to do all along-after he discovered that she, too, was a member of ... the Union." I do not agree with this analysis. Hancock had been advised that she was abusing the telephone privilege. Furthermore, her discharge was not abrupt in the sense that without warning Hancock was discharged for a trivial offense. What happened was that she was reprimanded by Hardin for an offending act, she in effect challenged Hardin to discharge her. It is not unreasonable that an individual as excitable as Hardin would accept such challenge-particularly from Hancock who was considered a marginal employee at best. I find that General Counsel did not prove by a preponderance of the evidence that Hancock' s union activities were a contributing factor to Respondents' decision to discharge her. a pretrial affidavit, Hawkins averred that the reason she did so was merely to aggravate Randolph and at the hearing herein she said she knew that it would aggravate Randolph " She worked in the ladies' department for 3 months between January and April 1964. i4 To the extent that Hancock's version of the foregoing incident differs from Hardin's, I credit Hardin 104 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD G. The Alleged Discrimination Against Sharon Clark Sharon Clark was hired as a part-time salesclerk in March 1965 and quit her employ on September 8. The complaint alleges that Respondents discriminated against Clark by providing her with less employment than she normally would have received during the period from July 24, 1965, to and including September 8, 1965. After reviewing the evidence in the record concerning Sharon Clark and carefully reading the brief of General Counsel in regard to the alleged discrimination against Sharon Clark, I find that General Counsel has failed to prove by a preponderance of the evidence either that Respondents had learned that Clark joined or was sympathetic with the Union or that there was any abnormal reduction in her hours of work during the periods referred to in the complaint. Accordingly, I shall recommend dismissal of the allegations of the complaint relating to the discrimination against Sharon Clark. IV. THE EFFECT OF THE UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES UPON COMMERCE The activities of the Respondents found to constitute unfair labor practices as set forth in section III, above, occurring in connection with Respondents' operations, described in section I, above, have a close, intimate, and substantial relation to trade, traffic, and commerce among the several States, and tend to lead to labor disputes burdening and obstructing commerce and the free flow of commerce. V. THE REMEDY Although in this case I have found that Respondents committed only a single violation of the Act, nevertheless, I deem it necessary that an appropriate remedial order be issued. "Whether a single violation of the Act is so insignificant as will not justify the exercise by the Board of its remedial processes depends not upon the fact that it happened only once but upon whether (1) infringement of employees' statutory rights have been trivial and unimportant and (2) whether, under the circumstances demonstrated in the case, the Respondent is unlikely to epeat such conduct in the future." 15 A rule which prohibits employees from discussing self-organizational matters at any time on company property is not a trivial or unimportant infringement of employees' statutory rights because it substantially impairs the employees' opportunity to communicate with one another about such subjects and contravenes a stated purpose of the Act of "protecting the exercise by workers of full freedom of association [and] self-organization." Furthermore, in view of the unremedied unfair labor practices found in the prior case, reported at 157 NLRB 1645, it may be anticipated that the Respondents might in the future engage in misconduct similar to the statutorily offensive action found in this case. Accordingly, having found that the Respondents have engaged in unfair labor practices, I shall recommend that they cease and desist therefrom and 15 United Papermakers and Paperworkers , Local No 321, AFL-CIO (Philip Carey Mfg Company), 159 NLRB 193 11 In the event that this Recommended Order is adopted by toe Board, the words "a Decision and Order" shall be substituted for the words "the Recommended Order of a Trial Examiner" in the notice In the further event that the Board 's Order is enforced by a decree of a United States Court of Appeals , the words "a Decree that they take certain affirmative action in order to effectuate the policies of the Act. Upon the basis of the foregoing findings of fact, and upon the entire record in the case, I make the following: CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. By promulgating a rule prohibiting employees during nonworking time from engaging in union solicitation or discussions about unions anywhere in the Owensboro Store, Respondents have interfered with, restrained, and coerced employees in the exercise of their rights guaranteed by Section 7 of the Act, and thereby have engaged in unfair labor practices affecting commerce within the meaning of Section 8(a)(1) and Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 2. Respondents have not engaged in any violations of the Act by reason of conduct alleged in the complaint to have constituted unfair labor practices except insofar as such conduct hereinabove has been found to have violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. RECOMMENDED ORDER Upon the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, and the entire record in the case, and pursuant to Section 10(c) of the Act, I hereby recommend that Respondents, Fashion Fair, Inc., Cinbo, Inc., and Lois Price of Ohio, Inc., their officers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall: 1. Cease and desist from: (a) Promulgating, maintaining , or enforcing any policy or rule prohibiting employees during nonworking time from engaging in union solicitation or union discussions in nonpublic areas of Respondents' Owensboro Store. (b) In any like or related manner interfering with, restraining, or coercing employees in the exercise of their rights guaranteed by Section 7 of the Act. 2. Take the following affirmative action, which is deemed necessary to effectuate the policies of the Act: (a) Post at their Owensboro Store copies of the attached notice marked "Appendix."16 Copies of such notice to be furnished by the Regional Director for Region 25, after being duly signed by an authorized representative of the Respondents, shall be posted by the Respondents, immediately upon receipt thereof, and maintained by them for a period of 60 consecutive days thereafter, in conspicuous places, including all places where notices to their employees are customarily posted. Reasonable steps shall be taken by the Respondents to insure that said notices are not altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. (b) Notify said Regional Director, in writing, within 20 days from the date of receipt of this Decision, what steps Respondents have taken to comply herewith. 17 I FURTHER RECOMMEND that the complaint be dismissed as to violations of the Act alleged but not found herein. of the United States Court of Appeals Enforcing an Order" shall be substituted for the words "a Decision and Order " 7 In the event that this Recommended Order is adopted by the Board, this provision shall be modified to read "Notify said Regional Director , in writing , within 10 days from the date of this Order, what steps Respondent has taken to comply herewith." APPENDIX HENRY COLDER COMPANY 105 NOTICE TO ALL EMPLOYEES Pursuant to the Recommended Order of a Trial Examiner of the National Labor Relations Board, and in order to effectuate the policies of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, we hereby notify our employees that: WE WILL NOT promulgate, maintain, or enforce any rule prohibiting employees during nonworking time from engaging in union solicitation or union discussions in the nonpublic areas of our store. WE WILL NOT in any like or related manner interfere with, restrain, or coerce employees in the exercise of their rights guaranteed by Section 7 of the Act. FASHION FAIR, INC., CINBO, INC., AND Lois PRICE OF OHIO, INC. (Employer) Dated By (Representative ) (Title) This notice must remain posted for 60 consecutive days from the date of posting, and must not be altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. If employees have any question concerning this notice or compliance with its provisions, they may communicate directly with the Board's Regional Office, 614 ISTA Center, 150 West Market Street, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204, Telephone 633-8921. Henry Colder Company and Retail Store Employees Local No. 444, affiliated with Retail Clerks International Association, AFL-CIO. Colder Company Employees Association and Retail Store Employees Local No. 444, affiliated with Retail Clerks International Association , AFL-CIO. Cases 30-CA-124, 30-CA-167, and 30-CB-29. February 24, 1967 DECISION AND ORDER On November 19, 1965, Trial Examiner Maurice S. Bush issued his Decision in the above-entitled consolidated proceeding, finding that Henry Colder Company and Colder Company Employees Association, herein respectively called the Respondent Employer and the Respondent Union, had engaged in and were engaging in certain unfair ' We find no merit in the Respondent Employer's contentions that the Trial Examiner' s initial Decision on its face shows bias and prejudice and that the hearing was not fairly conducted Accordingly, we deny the Respondent Employer's request to disregard the Trial Examiner' s Decision and to decide the case on labor practices and recommending that they cease and desist therefrom and take certain affirmative action, as set forth in the attached Trial Examiner's Decision. He also found that the Respondent Employer had not engaged in other unfair labor practices alleged in the consolidated amended complaint. The Respondent Union, the Charging Party (Local No. 444), and the General Counsel filed no exceptions, but exceptions to the Decision and a supporting brief were filed by the Respondent Employer. On June 20, 1966, the Board, having duly considered the Respondent Employer's exceptions, ordered that the record in this proceeding be reopened, and that a further hearing be held before the Trial Examiner for the purpose of adducing further evidence bearing on the question of authenticity of purported employees' signatures on certain union authorization cards, which the Trial Examiner had found were properly authenticated and therefore countable toward establishing Local No. 444's majority status. The Board also ordered that, upon conclusion of such further hearing, the Trial Examiner issue a Supplemental Decision containing findings of fact, conclusions of law, and recommendations upon the evidence received. Following a supplemental hearing, conducted pursuant to the above Order, the Trial Examiner issued, on September 28, 1966, his Supplemental Decision, reaffirming his finding in his initial Decision that a majority of Respondent Employer's employees in an appropriate unit had signed cards authorizing Local No. 444 to represent them for purposes of collective bargaining, and his recommendation that the Respondent be ordered to bargain with Local No. 444, as set forth in the attached Trial Examiner's Supplemental Dcision. Thereafter, the Respondent Employer filed exceptions to the Trial Examiner's Supplemental Decision. The Board has reviewed the rulings made by the Trial Examiner at the initial and supplemental hearings and finds that no prejudicial error was committed.' The rulings are hereby affirmed. The Board has considered the Trial Examiner's Decision and Supplemental Decision, the exceptions and brief, and the entire record in this case, and hereby adopts the Trial Examiner's findings,2 conclusions, and recommendations, except as modified hereinafter in our Order. 1. We agree with the Trial Examiner, for the reasons stated in his Decision and Supplemental Decision, that the Respondent Employer violated Section 8(a)(1), (3), and (5). 2. The Trial Examiner found, and we agree, that the Respondent Employer dominated and interfered the basis of the pleadings and transcript alone . Brewton Fashions, Inc, 145 NLRB 99, 100, fn 3 2 In the absence of exceptions thereto, we shall adopt, pro ,forma, the Trial Examiner 's finding that the Respondent Union violated Section 8(b)(1)(A) 163 NLRB No. 13 Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation