Fant Milling Co.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsApr 19, 1957117 N.L.R.B. 1277 (N.L.R.B. 1957) Copy Citation FANT MILLING COMPANY 1277 Fant Milling Company and American Federation of Grain MiI1- ers, AFL-CIO. Case No. 16-CA-752. April 19,1957 DECISION AND ORDER On March 15, 1956, Trial Examiner Arthur E. Reyman issued his Intermediate Report in the above-entitled proceeding, finding that the Respondent had engaged in and was engaging in unfair labor prac- tices within the meaning of Section 8 (a) (5) and (1) of the Act, and recommending that it cease and desist therefrom and take certain af- firmative action, as set forth in the copy of the Intermediate Report attached hereto. Thereafter the Respondent filed exceptions to the In- termediate Report. The respondent also filed a brief in support of its exceptions, and the Union filed a brief in support of the Interme- diate Report.' The Board has reviewed the rulings of the Trial Examiner made at the hearing and finds that no prejudicial error was committed. The rulings are hereby affirmed. The Board has considered the Inter- mediate Report, the exceptions and briefs, and the entire record in, the case, and hereby adopts the findings, conclusions, and recommenda- tions of the Trial Examiner insofar as consistent herewith. We agree with the Trial Examiner's conclusion, based on all the- relevant facts as shown by the record in this case, that the Respondent refused to bargain collectively with the Union within the meaning of the Act. On June 26, 1953, the Union had been certified as the exclu- sive bargaining representative of an appropriate production and main- tenance unit of the Respondent's employees at the Sherman plant. By November 21, 1953, the date 6 months prior to the filing and service of the charge, the Respondent had held 4 separate negotiating meetings with the Union without reaching an agreement. Thereafter, up until October 15, 1954, the Respondent held about 14 more such meetings,. still without reaching an agreement. Finally, at a meeting on Novem- ber 19, 1954, it advised the Union that it was withdrawing recognition and refusing to meet any further. The issue before us is whether the- Respondent, in this long course of dealing with the Union, fulfilled its. duty to negotiate in good faith so as to justify its refusal in November 1954 to prolong the discussion of collective-bargaining issues, or whether, on the other hand, it evaded its legal duty and was thus with- out warrant in November 1954 and thereafter for refusing to meet with the Union. The course of the negotiations is disclosed in large measure by volu- minous transcripts of most of the meetings, made for the Respondent 1 The Respondent also requested oral argument . In our opinion , the record and the ex- ceptions and briefs fully present the issues and the positions of the parties Accordingly,, the request for oral argument is hereby denied 117 NLRB No. 168. 1278 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD by a court reporter and put in evidence by the Respondent. We have no difficulty in determining the Respondent's bad faith throughout these protracted negotiations, particularly in view of the Respondent's unilateral effectuation- of a general wage increase early in October 1954, while the negotiations were still in progress but without con- sultation with or even notice to the Union. The record shows that the Union had been pressing for a general wage increase for some time, and at the meeting of September 17, 1954, had repeated its demand for a general wage increase and stated that it would be happy to discuss the matter further. The Respondent's negotiators replied that they would agree only to the current wages, with minor adjustments to eliminate individual inequities as between classifications.' Partly in view of the Union's statement at the meeting that it no longer insisted on its own proposal, which had called for a 15-cent increase, the Respondent's negotiators closed the September 17 meeting with a statement that they would try to work out a compromise on pay and would schedule an- other meeting for October 10. The circumstances in connection with the intervening wage increase appear sufficiently from the admissions of Vice-President and Assist- ant General Manager Martin at the hearing. According to Martin, President and General Manager Fant, without consultation of any kind with the Union, in the latter part of September 1954 decided to grant a general wage increase of 7 cents per hour, and told the super- visors of his decision. On or about October 4 or 5, Chief Union Rep- resentative Wellborn sought Martin out and told him, "I hear that you have given a 7-cent raise to the employees." Martin replied, "That is correct." Wellborn then asked, "Aren't you aware that you should have contacted or told me or discussed it with me about giving the employees a raise? " Martin's reply was that 7 or 8 years before, when he was with another employer (Universal Mills), he had given raises without contacting Wellborn, and Wellborn had made no objection .3 At the next negotiating meeting, postponed from October 10 to Oc- tober 15, Wellborn again protested the Respondent's unilateral action in granting the wage increase without notice to the Union. The reply of the Respondent's negotiators this time was that the Union had said at the previous negotiating meeting, on September 17, that it was not yet ready to discuss wages except on the basis of the 15-cent increase originally proposed by the Union. Wellborn did not agree with this distortion of the facts, but said that he felt the Respondent had given the wage increase to the employees so that they would not "show up" 2 To this latter suggestion the Union 's answer was that it would like to defer a discus- sion of individual inequities pending negotiations on other , more important issues 3In view of Martin's admissions , we are unable to credit his later denial on redirect examination that he or anyone else in management knew of the wage increase before October 6 , when it was officially announced to the employees. FANT MILLING COMPANY 1279 at any further negotiating meetings, and that if the Respondent really intended to negotiate in good faith it would have discussed the wage increase with the Union or made some definite offer to the Union in- stead of granting the increase unilaterally. The Respondent's negoti- ators did not deny Wellborn's assertion that no general wage increase of any size had been offered to the Union by the Respondent. There- after, despite the disagreement that had arisen concerning the uni- lateral wage increase, the Respondent agreed to hold a further negoti- ating meeting. On November 19, 1954, the date which had been set for the next scheduled meeting, the Respondent posted a notice to the employees, announcing the resumption of direct dealing with the employees and the withdrawal of recognition from the Union, on the ground that it was impossible to reach an agreement with the Union, and on the fur- ther ground that "management has lately learned through statements made by various employees" that the Union had lost its majority. At the meeting with the Union on that day, the Respondent for the first time advised the Union that it was withdrawing recognition and refusing to meet any more. The Respondent argues that the unilateral wage increase does not show that it was negotiating with the Union in bad faith, because the increase was granted only after an alleged impasse had been reached which warranted such unilateral action. The record, as set forth above, does not support this contention. It shows the opposite. In- deed, the Respondent in effect admitted that no deadlock had yet been reached, for, after having given the unilateral wage increase, it par- ticipated in one bargaining meeting and scheduled still another with the Union in an apparent attempt to continue to reach an agreement. Moreover, even assuming that an impasse had been reached, the Re- spondent's change of position as to a general wage increase, after hav- ing refused it to the Union at the September 17 meeting, would effec- tively have broken any impasse that might theretofore have existed.4 The Respondent also defends its unilateral action in granting the wage increase on the ground that the Union allegedly (1) had refused to bargain on wages, and (2) had consented to the increase. As set forth above, however, the record shows that when, at the previous meet- ing, the Union requested bargaining on a general wage increase, the Re- spondent refused.5 Thereafter, as the record shows, the Respondent put into effect the general increase without consulting with or even advising the Union, thus depriving the Union of any opportunity to agree to the increase; and the Union immediately and repeatedly , See , for example , N. L. R. B. v. Undted States Cold Storage Corp ., 203 F. 2d 924 (C A 5) See also Crompton-Highland Mills, Inc., 70 NLRB 206, set aside 167 F. 2d 662 4C. A 5), reversed 337 U S. 217. s The Union 's request to defer discussion for more important issues was clearly limited to the Respondent 's offer to make minor adjustments to eliminate individual wage inequities. 1280 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD protested the unilateral manner in which the Respondent had decided on and granted it. Finally, the Respondent argues that the wage increase does not show bad faith because it then had a bona fide doubt of the Union's majority. This doubt was based on certain reports made to various management officials by line supervisors, beginning about a week be- fore Fant's decision to give the increase, and continuing for almost 2 months thereafter. These reports were to the effect that the super- visors had observed a marked decrease in the number of employees regularly wearing union buttons in the plant, and had been informed by various employees that the majority had "forgotten the union ac- tivity." However, the Respondent continued to recognize the Union's majority and to schedule negotiating meetings until it posted the notice to its employees on November 19, 1954, announcing that "management has lately learned through statements made by various employees" [emphasis added] that a majority no longer desired representation by the Union. And the basis it now urges for having ignored the Union's representative status for purposes of the wage increase (although not for purposes of bargaining in other respects) is no more substantial than the hearsay information given its supervisors by some of its em- ployees. It would strain credulity to believe that these statements, amounting apparently to no more than mere opinion voiced by an un- disclosed number of employees, could constitute a basis sufficient to persuade the Respondent to bypass the Union in September, when it decided to give the wage increase. Indeed, the record indicates that the Respondent itself did not rely on the reports, for at the time it announced the increase above discussed it did not advance any alleged loss of majority as its reason for failure to consult with the Union. And 11/2 months afterwards, in its November 19 notice, it admitted that it had learned only "lately" of the alleged loss of majority. In view of these facts, and upon the record as a whole, we agree with the Trial Examiner's refusal to credit Martin's testimony that the above-men- tioned reports had caused the Respondent to doubt the Union's ma- jority by the time the general wage increase was unilaterally decided upon and given. On a procedural level, the Respondent argues that evidence of any occurrence not made the subject of a timely charge, such as the uni- lateral wage increase of 1954, which the Respondent granted after the filing of the charge in this case, is inadmissible under the provisions of Section 10 (b). However, the charge previously filed in this case alleged in part that the Respondent refused to bargain collectively with the Union, and thereby and by other acts and conduct interfered with, restrained, and coerced its employees in the exercise oftheir statutory rights. Moreover, this charge was still pending, by reason of the Union's timely request to the General Counsel to review the FANT MILLING COMPANY 1281 Regional Director's then refusal, since reconsidered, to issue a com- plaint on behalf of the General Counsel. In these circumstances we hold that the unilateral wage increase, although occurring subsequent to the original charge and not the subject of any amended charge, is admissible as tending to prove the allegations of the charge, as elabo- rated in the complaint after an investigation occasioned by the charge, to wit, that the Respondent on or about November 21, 1953, and at all times thereafter, and particularly by putting into effect a general wage increase for all employees in the unit on or about October 7, 1954, without notice to the Union, was refusing to bargain collectively within the meaning of the Act. We find support for our view in N. L. R. B. v. Anchor Rome Mills, 228 F. 2d 775, where the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit only last year approved the holding of N. L. R. B. v. Kohler Co., 220 F. 2d 3 (C. A. 7), that the 6-month limitation of Section 10 (b) does not prohibit the inclusion [in the complaint] of similar or related acts happening after the charge. Where, as here, the charge refers to part of a continuing pattern of conduct, there is no reason why the Board cannot allege specific acts which are part of that pattern although they occurred after the charge was filed. We find that the earlier cases cited by the Respondent and our dis- senting colleague, when carefully examined, are distinguishable : These cases concede that the complaint is not to be limited to the specific allegations in the charge so as to exclude other matters which are similar or related to the violation charged, and they support our view rather than the contrary one. Nor can we agree with the dissenting view that the later Anchor Rome Mills case is not apposite.' We are constrained to disagree with our dissenting colleague's further view that the Board is without jurisdiction to entertain the complaint because of the alleged prejudicial action of the Regional Director in issuing it on behalf of the General Counsel. On August 12, 1955, before the complaint was issued, the General Counsel in effect ruled on the Charging Party's appeal from the Regional Director's 6 See N. L. R B . v. Local 1423 , United Brotherhood of Carpenters , 238 F 2d 832 (C. A 5), enforcing findings of discrimination as to 2 employees although they had not filed a charge within 6 months , where the discrimination was "closely enough related " to dis- crimination against another employee whose charge was timely filed ; N. L. R. B. v. Dallas General Drivers , 228 F. 2d 702 (C. A. 5), where the court stated that the Newton case "simply held that the Board could not include in its complaint an allegedly discriminatory discharge of an employee which occurred more than six months prior to the service of the charge" ; N. L. R. B. v. Morris Harris, d/b/a Union Mfg . Co., 200 F. 2d 656 (C. A. 5), where the court held that the Board had jurisdiction over violations occurring after the filing of the last amended charge , and that the complaint properly included such matters. See also Douds V. International Longshoremen 's Association, Ind, 241 F 2d 278 (C. A. 2), where the court approved the Board' s request for an injunction based entirely on a refusal to bargain occurring subsequent to the charges 423784-57-vol 117-82 1282 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD original refusal to issue a complaint : he ratified and approved the Regional Director's decision to withdraw the refusal and to continue the investigation on the basis of additional supporting evidence. The complaint subsequently issued by the General Counsel, acting through the agency of his Regional Director, was therefore duly issued. Moreover, our dissenting colleague appears to agree with us that, aside from the procedural barrier he detects, the unilateral wage in- crease establishes the violation alleged against the Respondent. We cannot agree with his further view that, despite the willingness of the Regional Director and the General Counsel to issue a complaint without more, the Union should have insisted on filing an amended charge in order to avoid fatally prejudicing the Respondent. We therefore find, contrary to the Respondent's contentions, that the unilateral wage increase of October 1954 was not given during a bargaining impasse, nor was it granted pursuant to a good-faith doubt of the Union's majority status. We find, rather, that the giving of this general increase while negotiations were still continuing, and in complete disregard of the Union's representative status, provides the final insight into the Respondent's conduct of negotiations with the Union. It clearly shows that after November 21, 1953, the cutoff date determined by the General Counsel pursuant to the provisions of Section 10 (b) of the Act, the Respondent was merely going through the motions of collective bargaining without a genuine intention of trying to negotiate an agreement with the Union as required by the provisions of the Act.' Upon the entire record, we find that the Respondent has failed and refused to bargain in good faith with the Union and that it has thereby violated Section 8 (a) (5) and (1) of the Act. We further find that it will effectuate the policies of the Act to order the Respondent to bargain with the Union on request 8 ORDER Upon the entire record in the case, and pursuant to Section 10 (c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board hereby orders that the Respondent, Fant Milling Company, Sherman, Texas, and its officers, agents, successors, and assigns shall : 7 See N L R B v Reed & Prince Iffg Co., 205 F. 2d 131, 134-135 (C. A. 1), cert. denied 346 U S 887, where, as here, the employer "engaged in a lengthy series of bar- gaining conferences, which got nowhere " The Court, approving the finding of a refusal to bargain, held that the Board need not be blinded by mere talk and surface motions, and that the finding involved an area of mixed fact and law requiring the Board' s specialized knowledge and expertness, as referred to in Universal Camera Corp v N. L. R. B., 340 U S 474, 488 Accord - N. L R B v Tower Hosiery Mills, Inc, 180 F 2d 701, 705 (C. A 4) , American National Insurance Co v N. L. R B., 187 F 2d 307 (C. A. 5), af- firmed N L R. B. v American National Insurance Company, 343 U. S 395 8 See the American National Insurance case cited above, 187 F. 2d at 309, 343 U. S. at 401 See also N. L R B. v. Truitt Mfg Co, 351 U. S. 149, reversing the contrary action of the Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit in denying enforcement of a similar affirm- ative order. FANT MILLING COMPANY 1283 1. Cease and desist from : (a) Refusing to bargain collectively with American Federation of Grain Millers, AFL-CIO, as the exclusive representative of all its production and maintenance employees at the Sherman, Texas, plant, excluding chemists, chemist helpers, office clerical employees, buyers, salesmen, watchmen, guards, and supervisors as defined in the Act. (b) Interfering in any other manner with the efforts of the afore- said Union to bargain collectively on behalf of the employees in the appropriate unit. 2. Take the following affirmative action, which the Board finds will effectuate the policies of the Act : (a) Upon request, bargain collectively with American Federation of Grain Millers, AFL-CIO, as the exclusive representative of all the employees in the above-described unit with respect to rates of pay, wages, hours of employment, and other terms and conditions of employment, and embody any agreement reached in a signed contract. (b) Post at its Sherman, Texas, plant, copies of the notice attached hereto marked "Appendix." 9 Copies of said notice, to be furnished by the Regional Director for the Sixteenth Region, shall be duly signed by the Respondent and posted by it immediately upon receipt thereof and maintained for sixty (60) consecutive days thereafter in con- spicuous places, including all places where notices to employees are customarily posted. Reasonable steps shall be taken by the Respond- ent to insure that said notices are not altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. (c) Notify the Regional Director for the Sixteenth Region in writ- ing, within ten (10) days from the date of this Order, what steps the Respondent has taken to comply herewith. MEMBER RODGERS, dissenting : On May 20, 1954, the Union filed a charge with the Board, alleging that on or about November 20, 1953, the Respondent, in violation of the Act, had refused to bargain with the Union. On July 13,1954, the Regional Director formally notified the parties that he would not issue a complaint because "there was insufficient evidence of violations to warrant further proceedings." The Union thereupon appealed the Regional Director's ruling to the Board's General Counsel.10 In Oc- 9In the event that this Order is enforced by a decree of a United States Court of Ap- peals, there shall be substituted for the words "Pursuant to a Decision and Order" the words "Pursuant to a Decree of the United States Court of Appeals , Enforcing an Order." '° The Union 's request for review was filed , more than 10 days after the Regional Director served his notice of refusal to issue a complaint , and the Respondent , relying on Section 102 19 of the Board 's Rules and Regulations , contends that such request was not timely filed The only record evidence touching on the point is the statement on the face of the Union's request for review that the request was filed pursuant to "an extension . . . granted July 22, 1954 " As the latter statement is not controverted in the record, and as the General Counsel considered portions of the request for review on the merits (Gen- eral Counsel's letter of August 12, 1955, disposing of the Union's appeal), I treat the Union's appeal as timely filed. 1284 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD tober 1954 the Respondent put into effect a general wage increase for its employees. Thereafter, on January 24,1955, the Regional Director an- nounced that "upon reconsideration of the facts and circumstances," he was withdrawing his previous refusal to issue a complaint and would proceed with the investigation of the charge against the.Respondent. On August 12, 1955, the General Counsel, noting the Regional Di- rector's action of January 24, wrote the parties that "All further in- quiries with respect to the 8 (a) (5) allegation should be addressed to the Regional Director." On August 17,1955, the Regional Director issued the complaint here- in. This complaint alleged in general terms that the Respondent had refused to bargain with the Union on or about November 21, 1953. It is significant that no amended charges were ever filed in this case, and that the only act specified with particularity in the complaint was the October 1954 wage increase. My colleagues have concluded that the Respondent did not bargain with the Union in good faith on and after November 21, 1953. A reading of their opinion shows that the crucial element in their evalu- ation of the course of the Respondent's conduct is the wage increase which the Respondent gave its employees in October 1954. Thus their opinion is almost entirely devoted to a consideration of that wage in- crease, and they have candidly admitted that the Respondent's grant- ing of the wage increase has given them a "final insight" into the Re- spondent's conduct of negotiations with the Union. My colleagues' decision appears therefore to affirm the Regional Director's decision not to issue a complaint on the basis of his evaluation of the Respondent's conduct preceding the October 1954 wage increase. And I, too, agree that but for the wage increase there would be no case whatever against the Respondent. But as this case turns on the wage increase, the criti- cal issue is whether the wage increase-which occurred after the Union filed its charge, and which was not made the subject of a second, or amended, charge-may lawfully be made the basis of a finding that the Respondent violated the Act. In my opinion, it may not. In the first place, I observe that the Regional Director's action in this case was contrary to the Board's established procedure, as set forth in the Board's Rules and Regulations and Statements of Procedure, which have been published in the Federal Register. By Section 102.19 of the Board's Rules and Regulations, the Board has formally estab- lished a procedure which affords an opportunity to an aggrieved com- plainant to have the General Counsel review the Regional Director's action." Section 101.6 of the Board's Statements of Procedure pro- 13 Section 102 19 states : Review by the general counsel of refusal to issue .-If, after the charge has been filed, the regional director declines to issue a complaint , he shall so advise the parties in writing, accompanied by a simple statement of the procedural or other grounds The person making the charge may obtain a review of such action by filing a request FANT MILLING COMPANY 1285 vides that after an appeal is taken the file in the matter appealed is to be forwarded to Washington, D. C., for review by the General Counsel. Upon such review, the General Counsel may either sustain the Regional Director or may direct him to take further action.12 The effect of these sections, in my opinion, is to divest a Regional Director of jurisdiction over the subject matter of an appeal pending the General Counsel's .action. Under this view, after the Union herein had appealed the Regional Director's refusal to issue a complaint, the Regional Director was divested of jurisdiction over the subject matter of the Union's May 20, 1954, charges, and lacked the power to reconsider and withdraw his earlier action.13 In the circumstances of this case, this irregularity and departure from orderly administrative procedure has more than technical significance. For, had not the Regional Director reversed his earlier refusal to issue a complaint, the General Counsel would have reviewed the Regional Director's decision on the basis of the facts as they existed in July 1954, and without any reference to the October 1955 wage increase. It is idle, of course, to speculate what the result of such a review would have been. From the Respondent's view, however, the real point is that the Regional Director's action precluded the General Counsel from passing upon the Respondent's conduct as the rules and Statements of Procedure required. It is -equally idle to say that had the General Counsel, upon review, sus- tained the Regional Director, the Union could then have filed a new charge based upon the October 1954 wage increase. For, again, from the Respondent's view, the real point is that the wage increase was never made the subject of a charge against it. therefor with the general counsel in Washington, D. C., and filing a copy of the re- quest with the regional director, within 10 days from the service of the notice of such refusal by the regional director. The request shall contain a complete state- ment setting forth the facts and reasons upon which the request is based. " Section 101.6 of the Board's Statements of Procedure provides Dismissal of charges and appeals to general counsel.-If the complainant refuses to withdraw the charge as recommended, the regional director dismisses the charge. The regional director thereupon informs the parties of his action, together with a sim- ple statement of the grounds therefor, and the complainant of his right of appeal to the general counsel in Washington, D C, within 10 days If the complainant appeals to the general counsel, the entire file in the case is sent to Washington, D C , where the case is fully reviewed by the general counsel with the assistance of his staff Following such review, the general counsel may sustain the regional di- rector's dismissal, stating the grounds of his affirmance, or may direct the regional director to take further action 33 In reversing his earlier action, the Regional Director reconsidered "facts and circum- stances" concerning which there then does not appear to have been a "file" for him to review, said "file" presumably having been previously sent to the General Counsel in Washington, D. C., pursuant to Section 101 0, supra. Moreover, the Regional Director presumably was not acting at the direction of the General Counsel when he reversed him- self, for at that time the office of the General Counsel was vacant. (The term of Gen- eral Counsel Bott terminated on December 20, 1954. His successor, General Counsel Kammholz, began his term on March 29, 1955 1286 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Accordingly, I am convinced that the irregular action taken in this case before the filing of the complaint was prejudicial to the Respond- ent's case.14 Notwithstanding the foregoing, however, I rest my dissent in this case on a second ground-the dictate of Section 10 (b) of the The Courts of Appeals for the Seventh and Fifth Circuits have held respectively, in the Indiana Metal and Newton cases, that Section 10 (b) precludes the finding of an unfair labor practice predicated on acts that occurred subsequent to the filing and serving of a first charge and more than 6 months prior to the filing and serving of an amended charge, even though the acts in question were similar to those alleged in the charges.16 In language which was quoted with approval in the Newton case, the court said explicitly in the Indiana Metal case : The Board is barred under Sec. 10 (b) of the Act from enlarging or adding to the language of the charge so as to include unfair labor practices committed more than 6 months prior to the filing and serving of the charge. In the instant case, the Respondent's October 1954 wage increase occurred about 51/2 months after the charge was filed, and almost 10 months before the complaint issued. The October wage increase- which according to the majority is the nub of the case against the Respondent-was never made the subject of a second or amended charge. Accordingly, even if the complaint herein be regarded as a substitute for such a second or amended charge, the Board is, by virtue of Section 10 (b) and under the holdings of the Indiana Metal and Newton cases, precluded from predicating a violation of the Act on the basis of that October wage increase." This conclusion is impelled 14 Section 3 (a) of the Administrative Procedure Act, 5 U S C A. 1001, et seq, re- quires an administrative agency to publish in the Federal Register its rules and "state- ments of the general course ind method by which its functions are channeled and de- termined It also states specifically • "No person shall in any manner be required.11 to resort to organization or procedure not so published " The procedure followed in this case before the filing of the complaint clearly, I believe , violated the latter prohibition of Section 3 (a). Administrative rules and regulations have the force of law and are binding on the Government Their nonobservance by the administrative authority , which is bound by such rules and regulations , invalidates an entire proceeding . Scbrary v . United States, 282 1. 795 , 797 (C A 3 ) ; United States v. Denton, 288 F 959 ( S D, N. Y ) , Ohm v. Perkins, 79 F. 2d 533 ( C A. 2) ; Bilokumsky v. Tod, 263 U S 149 , 155. Moreover, a de- parture from the rules and regulations may not be justified simply by saying the de- parture is unimportant McKay v Wahlenmeier, 226 F 2d 35 , 43 (C. A., D C.) See also Accardu v. Shaughnessy, 347 U S 260 ; Bridges v Wixon, 326 U S. 135. 15 Section 10 (b) provides in pertinent part: ". . Provided, That no complaint shall issue based upon any unfair labor practice occurring more than six months prior to the filing of the charge with the Board. . . . 11 Indiana Metal Products Corp v N. L R B , 202 F 2d 613 , 619 (C A 7 ) ; N L R. B. V. D W. Newton, 214 F. 2d 472 , 475 (C. A 5). 14 My position in this case follows the Board 's ruling in the recent Knickerbocker Man- v/actursng Company case, 109 NLRB 1195 , 1197, where the Board specifically rejected the view that the filing of a charge tolls the running of the 10 ( b) limitation so as to per- mit adjudication of any and all subsequent labor practices Accord : Mid -States Steel and Wire Company, 112 NLRB 800 N L R. B v . Anchor Rome Mills, 228 F . 2d 775 ( C. A 5), here relied on by my col- leagues, is distinguishable from the instant case. In the Anchor Rome Mills case, the FANT MILLING COMPANY 1287 by the language of Section 10 (b) for, as the court said in the Newton case, "Without the limitation which we have here placed on section 10 (b) of the Act, its provisions would be rendered meaningless to a great extent." In view of the foregoing, I would not find here that the Respondent has violated the Act. MEMBER JENKINS took no part in the consideration of the above Decision and Order. conduct in issue was "a series of discriminatory acts" named in the charge to have oc- curred "on , before , and after" dates specified in the'charge , as well as other acts and conduct that occurred within the 6 months preceding the date of the charge . The Anchor Rome Hills case does not appear therefore to be apposite Moreover, the Kohler case, 220 P. 2d 3, as well as the other cases cited by my colleagues , are also distinguishable : each of them involved , as any careful leading of them will show , a factual situation clearly different from that which exists in this case. APPENDIX NOTICE TO ALL EMPLOYEES Pursuant to a Decision and Order of the National Labor Relations Board, and in order to effectuate the policies of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, we hereby notify our employees that : WE WILL NOT refuse to bargain collectively with American Fed- eration of Grain Millers, AFL-CIO, as the exclusive represent- ative of all our employees in the appropriate unit described below. WE WILL NOT in any other manner interfere with the efforts of the aforesaid Union to bargain collectively on behalf of the employees in the unit described below. WE WILL upon request bargain collectively with the aforesaid Union as the exclusive representative of all our employees in the unit described below with respect to rates of pay, wages, hours of employment, and other terms and conditions of employment, and embody any agreement reached in a signed contract. The bargaining unit is : All production and maintenance employees at our Sherman,, Texas, plant, excluding chemists, chemist helpers, office cleri- cal employees, buyers, salesmen, watchmen, guards, and supervisors as defined in the Act. FANT MILLING COMPANY, Employer. Dated---------------- By------------------------------------- (Representative) (Title) This notice must remain posted for 60 days from the date hereof, and must not be altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. 1288 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS, BOARD INTERMEDIATE REPORT AND RECOMMENDED ORDER STATEMENT OF THE CASE On May 20, 1954, the American Federation of Grain Millers, affiliated with the American Federation of Labor i (hereinafter sometimes called the Union), filed a charge against the Respondent, Fant Milling Company (hereinafter sometimes called the Company), asserting that the Company has engaged in and is now engaging in certain unfair labor practices in violation of Section 8 (a) (1), (3), and (5) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, 61 Stat. 136-162,2 hereinafter called the Act. On the basis of the charge so filed, the General Counsel of the National Labor Relations Board instituted this proceeding under Section 10 (b) of the Act by causing a complaint to be signed and issued by the Regional Director for the Sixteenth Region on August 17, 1955, against the Company, alleging contraventions of Section 8 (a) (1) and (5) of the Act. In substance, the complaint herein alleges that on or about November 21, 1953, the Union, after being duly certified by the Board as the representative of employees in an appropriate bargaining unit,3 requested the Company to bargain collectively in respect to rates of pay, wages, hours of employment, or other conditions of employ- ment; that on or after that day the Company refused and continues to refuse to so bargain; and that the Company, without notice to the Union as the representative of the employees in the collective-bargaining unit, on or about October 7, 1954, put into effect a general increase in wages for all employees in the bargaining unit.4 The Company filed timely answer, denying the contraventions of the Act as set forth in the complaint, and setting up certain affirmative defenses: mainly, that on different occasions, and particularly on September 17, 1954, the Union refused to bargain or engage in any discussion concerning wages; that theretofore the Union had consistently refused to seriously discuss or to negotiate an agreement on wages; and that "throughout the period of its bargaining with the complaining union and for many months prior to October 7, 1954, Respondent stated in substance that its desire and position with reference to wages was that the employees at its plant should receive wages equal to or above wages received by persons similarly employed in the area of Sherman, Texas, and that on October 6th, 1954, it had been informed and upon information believed that a general increase of 70 per hour was necessary in order to sustain such position and on such date announced such general wage in- crease to be effective as of October 4th, 1954"; and that the Union approved the wage increase. At the hearing session held on November 30, 1955, the Trial Examiner allowed the Respondent to amend its answer by adding the following affirmative defense: Paragraph 5. Respondent alleges that on or about November 19, 1954, and prior thereto, a genuine impasse was reached by the union and the employer in contract bargaining negotiations, neither being willing to give up its position on each and all of these bargaining subjects: (a) A no-strike and no-lockout clause providing for penalty for violation in favor of the non-offending party against the offending party. (b) Providing for arbitration in the contract. (c) A provision in the contract that continuous service should control promotions, demotions, lay-offs and recall of employees instead of ability to do the work on the job involved. That by reason of such impasse and deadlock, further bargaining negotiations between the parties were futile and no obligation existed on the part of the em- ployer to continue bargaining negotiations with the Union. 'After this case was begun, the American Federation of Labor and the Congress of Industrial Organizations merged into one ; the Trial Examiner on his own motion now amends the name of the Charging Party and the style of the case, by changing "AFL" to "AFL-CIO " 7 The Regional Director, exercising the discretion conferred upon him, decided after in- vestigation that that part of the charge alleging contravention of Section 8 (a) (5) of the Act was not well founded. Upon petition by the Union for review of the decision of the Regional Director, the General Counsel reversed the decision of the Regional Director in this respect There has been no issue presented under the complaint in this case under Section 8 (a) (3), with respect to any unlawful discharge in violation thereof. 8 Case No 16-RC-1289 (not reported in printed volumes of Decisions and Orders). 4 The bargaining unit is described as "all production and maintenance employees of Respondent employed at its Sherman plant, exclusive of chemists and chemists' helpers, office clerical employees, buyers, salesmen, watchmen, guards and supervisory employees." FANT MILLING COMPANY , 1283 This matter came on to be heard before the duly designated Trial Examiner at Sherman , Texas, on September 20, 1955, and thereafter on September 27, 1955, was adjourned sine die. The hearing was reopened pursuant to appropriate order on November 15, 1955, and was closed on December 1, 1955. At the hearing, all parties were represented by counsel, were afforded full opportunity to be heard, to examine and cross-examine witnesses, to introduce evidence relevant to the issues, to argue orally upon the record, and to file briefs and proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law. At the opening of the hearing, counsel for the Respondent objected to the proceed- ing on the grounds that the Board had not, insofar as the Respondent was concerned, designated the Trial Examiner as the Trial Examiner to conduct the hearing; that is, that the Respondent had had no notice whatsoever of any designation of any Trial Examiner for the hearing. In support of the objection, it was contended on behalf of the Respondent "that the parties are entitled to be apprised of the designation of the Trial Examiner to conduct the hearing under the provisions of the Act and therefore we make the objection at this time." The Trial Examiner had been duly designated by the Chief Trial Examiner to hear the case and therefore overruled the objection .5 Prior to the opening of the hearing, the Company, by counsel, filed a motion to dismiss the complaint and a motion to strike. Each of these motions, made in writing, was denied by Trial Examiner Alba Martin, with leave to renew at opening of the hearing. These written motions were renewed at the hearing, and counsel for the Respondent also moved for a bill of particulars in respect to the allegations of the complaint that the Union requested the Respondent to bargain collectively and that on or about November 21, 1953, and at all times thereafter, the Respondent did refuse and continues to refuse to bargain collectively with the Union. The Trial Examiner deferred ruling on any one of these motions at the time made. The motion to strike, subject to the motion to dismiss, is based principally upon the assertion that the charge filed by the Union before the issuance of the complaint herein does not support the allegations of the paragraphs of the complaint objected to because it is "not pursuant to any charge served upon Respondent within the meaning and contemplation of . . . [Section 10 (b)] of the Act." In support of its motion to dismiss, the Respondent takes the position that the charge alleges that "on or about November 20, 1953," the Respondent refused to bargain collectively with the Union, whereas the complaint alleges that the acts complained of, that is, the Respondent's refusal to bargain with the Union after the request on or about November 21, 1953, cannot be supported by the content of the original charge. The position of the Respondent in this connection is not well taken, and its motion to strike the particular paragraphs of the complaint referred to is hereby denied. The charge is within the requirements of Section 10 (b) of the Act, and the complaint follows the allegations of the charge. Cf. Cathey Lumber Company, 86 NLRB 157, 159, et seq., and Knickerbocker Manufacturing Company, Inc., 109 NLRB 1195, 1197. The motion to dismiss the complaint is stated on several grounds. First it is said that the complaint is not based upon any charge verified or sworn to as required by Section 102.11 of the Rules and Regulations of the Board, series 6, as amended. An examination of the original charge filed herein on May 20, 1954, discloses that this assertion is not well founded. As further grounds in support of the motion, it is alleged that there is no affirmative allegatioti in the complaint that it is issued pursuant to a charge made by a labor organization with an affidavit on file with the Board executed contemporaneously or within the preceding 12-month period by each officer of such labor organization as required by the Act; that there is no affirmative allegation that the Charging Union prior to the filing of the charge and issuance of the complaint filed with the Secretary of Labor copies of the constitution and bylaws. in a report as required by the Act; and that there is no affirmative allegation in the 5It is provided in the Rules and Regulations of the Board , series 6 as amended , 12 F. R. 5656 , 13 F. R. 4872 , compiled and published in the Federal Register and effective June 3, 1952 HEARINGS Sec. 102 34 Who shall conduct , to be public unless otherwise ordered.-The hearing for the purpose of taking evidence upon a complaint shall be conducted by a trial examiner designated by the chief trial examinee , Washington , D C , or the associate chief trial examiner , San Francisco , California , as the case may be, unless the Board or any member thereof presides At any time a trial examiner may be designated to take the place of the trial examiner previously designated to conduct the hearing . Such hearings shall be public unless otherwise ordered by the Board or the trial examiner 1290 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD complaint that the Charging Union has complied with Section 9 (h) of the Act. Section 9 (h) provides that: No investigation shall be made by the Board of any question affecting com- merce concerning the representation of employees, raised by a labor organiza- tion under subsection (c) of this section, and no complaint shall be issued pursuant to a charge made by a labor organization under subsection (b) of section 10, unless there is on file with the Board an affidavit executed contem- poraneously or within the preceding twelve-month period by each officer of such labor organization and the officers of any national or international labor or- ganization of which it is an affiliate or constituent unit that he is not a member of the Communist Party or affiliated with such party, and that he does not be- lieve in, and is not a member of or supports any organization that believes in or teaches, the overthrow of the United States Government by force or by any illegal or unconstitutional methods. The provisions of section 35A of the Criminal Code shall be applicable in respect to such affidavits. The position of the Respondent in these respects is not well taken. The question of fact attempted to be raised as a question of law is a matter for the Board's own administrative determination and is not a matter which the Respondent is entitled to raise and litigate in an unfair labor practice proceeding. N. L. R. B. v. Vulcan Furniture Manufacturing Corporation, 214 F. 2d 369 (C. A. 5), cert. denied 348 U. S. 873; American Rubber Products Corp. v. N. L. R. B., 214 F. 2d 47, 55 (C. A. 7); Nineteenth Annual Report of the National Labor Relations Board, pp. 10-12; Pasco Packing Company, 115 NLRB 437. Had the Respondent offered to prove non- compliance at the hearing, a different question would have been presented. N. L. R. B. v. Coca-Cola Bottling Co. of Louisville, 350 U. S. 264. Further in support of its written motion to dismiss, the Respondent asserts that the complaint and exhibit (the charge) made a part thereof show that such complaint is purportedly based upon a charge filed May 20, 1954, by an international representative of the Union, wherein the sole charges and affirmative allegations claiming unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8 (a) (1), (3), and (5) of the Act only are ( in substance) these: That the Respondent on or about November 20, 1953, refused to bargain collectively with agents of the Union and that Respondent discharged certain named employees on April 23 and 24, 1954, because of their membership and activities in behalf of the Union; that by said acts and other acts the Respondent restrained, interfered with, and coerced its employees in the exercise of rights guaranteed by Section 7 of the Act; that there is no allegation in the charge that the Respondent at any time subsequent,to on or about November 20, 1953, refused to bargain collectively with the Union as the bargaining agent of its employees; that there is no allegation in the charge with reference to the Respondent having put into effect a wage in- crease for employees within the bargaining unit; that the complaint in its entirety is based upon the alleged refusal of the Respondent .to bargain with the Union on or about November 21, 1953, and at all times thereafter, not on or about November 20, 1953; that the allegation that the Respondent on or about October 7, 1954, without notice to the Union put into effect a general wage increase for all employees in the unit and that these allegations do not constitute an enlargement of allegations in the charge but are new and different charges against the Respondent neither embodied in nor contemplated by the one charge filed May 20, 1954. Respondent further as- serts that the complaint is insufficient to authorize the making of any order by the Board against the Respondent, and that the complaint is an independent action of the Board not authorized by the Act. The complaint is sufficient on its fact, and the several grounds in support of this motion to dismiss set forth above are not well taken. N. L. R. B. v. Dinion Coil Co., 201 F. 2d 484 (C. A. 2), enfg. 96 NLRB 1435; N. L. R. B. v. Morris Harris, d/b/a Union Manufacturing Company, 200 F. 2d 656 (C. A. 5), enfg. 95 NLRB 792; N L. R. B. v. Globe Wireless, Ltd., 193 F. 2d 748 (C. A. 9); Cathey Lumber Com- pany, supra. This motion to dismiss, on the grounds stated, is denied in its entirety. During the course of the hearing, the Respondent made various other motions to dismiss, which are disposed of in accordance with the determinations below. The motions of the Respondent for bills of particulars made during the course of the hearing need not be resolved herein because of stipulations entered into by and between counsel for the several parties during the course of the hearing. Upon the entire record in the case, from his observation of the witnesses, and after examination of all the exhibits and careful consideration of arguments and briefs, the Trial Examiner makes the following: FANT MILLING COMPANY FINDINGS OF FACT 1. THE BUSINESS OF THE RESPONDENT 1291 The Respondent, Fant Milling Company, is and has been at all times material' hereto, a corporation duly organized under and existing by virtue of the laws of the State of Texas, having its principal office and place of business at 408 East King Street in the city of Sherman, Texas, and is now and has been at all times herein mentioned, continuously engaged at said place of business in the milling of flour and similar products from grain and in the manufacture and sale of baking powder, mixed feeds, cake mixes, and related products. The Respondent also maintains a plant at Gainesville, Texas, and distributing warehouses at various other cities in the State of Texas. The Respondent, in the course and conduct of its business operations at Sherman, Texas, during the 12-month period ending December 31, 1954, which period is representative of all times material hereto, purchased in excess of $10,000,000 worth of raw materials, consisting principally of grain, of which more than $2,000,000 worth was shipped in interstate commerce to the Sherman, Texas, plant of the Re- spondent from points outside the State of Texas. During the same period, the Respondent sold products consisting principally of flour, mixed feeds, baking powder, cake mixes, and related products valued in excess of $10,000,000, of which more than $2,000,000 worth was shipped in interstate commerce from its Sherman, Texas, plant to points outside the State of Texas. The Respondent is engaged in commerce within the meaning of the Act. II. THE LABOR ORGANIZATION INVOLVED American Federation of Grain Millers, AFL-CIO, is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2 (5)- of the Act. III. THE ALLEGED UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES A. Preliminary findings Pursuant to an order of the Board, an election among the employees in the desig- nated bargaining unit was held on June 19, 1952, to determine whether or not the employees desired to be represented by the Union for the purposes of collective bar- gaining. The results of the election showed that 94 eligible employees out of 179 voted for the Union; on June 26, 1953, the Union was certified as the exclusive bar- gaining agent of the employees in the unit specified in the Board order. Immediately after the election, on the day it was held, Roy O. Wellborn, international vice presi- dent of the Union, on behalf of the Union, requested that the Company begin negoti- ations looking forward to a collective-bargaining agreement. Wellborn was then in- formed by representatives of the Company that they would not be available, due to prior commitments, during the month of July. On August 2, 1953, Wellborn directed a letter to Fred Honea, executive vice president of the Company, requesting a meeting for August 13, 1953. On August 13, 1953, Wellborn, with 5 or 6 employees constituting a committee of the Union, met with Honea and V. I. Martin, executive vice president and vice presi- dent, respectively, of the Company, at the Company's offices at Sherman. At that meeting Wellborn presented the company representatives with a proposed collective- bargaining agreement consisting of some 52 numbered paragraphs. The meeting lasted for perhaps lih hours during which time Wellborn went through each para- graph of the proposed agreement. Near the end of the meeting Wellborn requested from the Company a list of its employees, their seniority dates, a list of departments in the plant, and a list of the classifications and wage rates of the employees in the several departments. He was informed that the Company had no records showing seniority dates of many employees; he was supplied with a partial list of departments within the Sherman plant. After some general discussion, principally concerning procedures to be followed in trying to determine the seniority of employees, it was agreed that the parties would meet again on August 27. The meeting scheduled for August 27 was postponed to September 3 at the request of the Company and, again at the Company's request, to September 5, 1953. At the September 5 meeting, C. H. Gillespie, Jr., an attorney for the Company, entered negotiations for the first time. This meeting was held at his offices in Sherman, as were all subsequent meetings, mentioned below; Martin was with him, also representing the Company. Wellborn was spokesman for the Union, he being accompanied by the union committee, employees of the Company. Because Gillespie had just entered the scene, it was necessary to review the union proposals for his benefit, and as a consequence the net result of that meeting was about the same as the, 1292 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD one of August 13. The Union mildly objected to the presence of a court reporter, who was there to take stenographic notes of what was said at the meeting . Gillespie objected to the preamble of the Union's proposal which mentioned "Local 64" as being a party to the contract because he did not want employees of other employers, mem- bers of Local 64, sitting in on contract negotiations, and, Wellborn agreed that none other than employees of the Company would serve on any union committee during bargaining .6 A number of other of the paragraphs of the Unioii's*proposal were dis- cussed and generally objected to and criticized by Gillespie, speaking for the Com- pany. Among the matters discussed at the meeting were these: The Company would neither then accept nor reject the request of the Union for a payroll deduction of union dues (checkoff), and suggested that if it did agree, the checkoff should be revocable at any time; the Company expressed opposition to the request of the Union for payment of wages at overtime rates (time and one-half) for hours worked in excess of 8 in any 1 day; and there was general discussion concerning staggered workweeks, Sunday work, the granting of a 6th paid holiday, and holiday pay at premium rates. This meeting was adjourned with a definite date set for ,another meeting. After an exchange of correspondence, the next meeting finally was set for and held on September 26, 1953. After demand for a bill of particulars by counsel for the Respondent made at the hearing, it was stipulated between the parties (in lieu of a bill of particulars) that on and after September 26, 1953, a number of meetings were held in the offices of Gillespie & Gillespie, attorneys for the Company, in Sherman, Texas, during which meetings representatives of the respective parties discussed certain provisions to be incorporated into a collective-bargaining agreement. The dates, together with the representatives of the Respondent who were present at each of these meetings, it was stipulated, were as follows: Sept. 26, 1953 Gillespie, Honea, Martin, and O. B. Fisher (an attorney repre- senting the Company). Nov. 12, 1953 Company representatives, Gillespie, Fisher, and Martin. Dec. 9, 1953 Company representatives, Gillespie, Fisher, Honea, and Martin. Jan. 8, 1954 Company representatives, Gillespie, Fisher, Honea, and Martin. Apr. 2, 1954 Company representatives, Gillespie, Fisher, Honea, and Martin. Apr. 8, 1954 Company representatives, Gillespie, Honea, Martin, and Fisher. Apr. 22, 1954 Company representatives, Gillespie, Honea, Fisher, and Martin. May 6, 1954 Company representatives, Gillespie, Fisher, Honea, and Martin. May 20, 1954 Company representatives, Gillespie, Fisher, and Martin. June 11, 1954 Company representatives, Gillespie, Fisher, and Martin. July 2, 1954 Company representatives, Fisher, Gillespie, and Martin. July 16, 1954 Company representatives, Gillespie, Fisher, and Martin. July 30, 1954 Company representatives, Gillespie, Fisher, Honea, and Martin. Aug. 27, 1954 Company representatives, Gillespie, Fisher, and Martin. Sept. 17, 1954 Company representatives, Gillespie, Fisher, and Martin. Oct. 15, 1954 Company representatives, Gillespie, Fisher, and Martin. Nov. 19, 1954 Company representatives, Gillespie and Fisher. At each of these meetings either Wellborn or Ralph Cox, an international repre- sentative of the Union, or both of them, led the negotiations on behalf of the Union; a committee, usually 4 or 5 men, employees of the Company, also were present at each meeting except the one held on October 15, 1954, when only Wellborn was there. On April 2, 1954, at the request of the Union, Commissioner T. F. Morrow, of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, was present; he appeared there- after at the meetings held on April 8, May 6, May 21, July 2, and July 16, 1954, in an effort to assist the parties in reaching agreement. A court reporter was present and made a stenographic record of each meeting, later transcribed. The transcript of each meeting was received in evidence at the hearing, pursuant to the following stipulation between counsel for the parties: Mr. THOMPSON (for the General Counsel) : In connection with the exhibits identified on the record previously, General Counsel would like to propose the following stipulation: It is hereby stipulated and agreed by and between counsel for the respondent, counsel for the charging union and counsel for the General Counsel that Re- spondent's Exhibits 3 through 20 for identification, such exhibits being transcripts of negotiation meetings between the respondent and the union, were obtained 9 Local 64 is comprised of employees of other grain milling plants in the area ; employees of the Company would become members of Local 64 after appropriate action by the parent body FANT MILLING COMPANY 1293 by the respondent and submitted to the union and to counsel for the General Counsel. Further, that if the reporters who were present and recorded said meetings were called as witnesses in this proceeding, said reporters would testify that these transcripts were made by them from their recordings and constitute a complete transcription to the best of their ability and skill. Further, that said transcripts are substantially correct. Mr. WELLS (for the Union): As we indicated off the record, we are agreeable to the stipulation except for the last sentence, namely "Further, that said tran- scripts are substantially correct." We do not agree to that. Mr. FISHER (for the Respondent): Respondent accepts the stipulation in its entirety and only in its entirety. TRIAL EXAMINER: The stipulation, then, as between counsel for the General Counsel and counsel for the Respondent as offered by counsel for the General Counsel, is received as a stipulation between all the parties, with the modification suggested by Mr. Wells on behalf of the union? The Trial Examiner has examined the some 1,500 pages of transcripts covering the negotiations between the parties in an effort to determine whether (1) the Company, on its side, entered into the negotiations with a preconceived plan or a later-conceived plan only to go through the motions of apparent bargaining with no intent to reach final agreement with the Union; or (2) whether the Union was unreasonable in its demands and its refusal to yield on its main requests presented to the Company; or (3) the parties reached a point whether further bona fide discussions on disputed matters would necessarily lead to a dead end. The Trial Examiner, in reaching the findings and conclusions set forth below, had considered the testimony given by Wellborn, Cox, and Martin (each a credible witness), in connection with the posi- tions of the parties over the bargaining table, as reflected by the written record. It certainly is neither the duty,nor the province of the Trial Examiner to determine the merits of proposals and counterproposals advanced during the give-and-take of col- lective bargaining betweenw.union and employer; 8 however, it here is his responsibility to make a finding as to whether or not the Company did refuse and continues to refuse to bargain collectively with the Union, and to decide in the first instance whether the wage increase put into effect by the Company amounted to an unfair labor practice. It seems necessary, therefore, to review the history of bargaining between the parties as reflected by the written record of the negotiations between the parties, the testimony taken at the hearing, and the pleadings herein. B. Rdsumd of bargaining meetings September 26, 1953: It was again agreed, as at the prior meeting, that the parties understood that any agreement made on particular paragraphs or clauses of a pro- posed agreement would be tentative, and subject to a full agreement being made. There was a general discussion covering the first 30 paragraphs of the Union's pro- posed agreement. November 12, 1953: Representatives of the Company presented proposals in the form of a draft agreement, which the Union promised to study; the parties then re- verted to a discussion of clauses in the Union's proposed contract, including clauses covering the duration and termination of a contract. The position of the, Company regarding the handling of grievances, and its opposition to a provision for arbitration, was debated. Job classifications were discussed. December.9, 1953: The«paities discussed the proposals of the Company, particularly the right of the Company to make wage increases according to its sole discretion, and the clauses defining seniority in the making of promotions; an apparent agreement was reached covering the use of a bulletin board by the Union. The union request for arbitration of grievances as a final step in the grievance procedure ended in disagree- ment, the Company insisting that determination of a grievance should, if necessary, be finally made by the president of the Company. January 8, 1954: A general discussion on seniority pointed up the union request that in the event of promotions,,recalls after layoffs, and so on, the employee having the longest service should have first right to the job, and that his qualifications to do ° The transcript reporting the meeting of May 6, 1954, previously had been offered and received in evidence. The Act does not mean that the Board is empowered to regulate hours, wages, or work- ing conditions of employees ; these conditions may be as bad as the employees may tolerate or as good as they can obtain through collective bargaining. The Act does not fix nor does it authorize anyone to fix generally applicable standards for working conditions. See Terminal Railroad Assn. V rtirotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, 318 U. S. 116. 1294 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD the work should be a secondary consideration; on the other hand, the Company main- tained that qualification for the job should come first in determining whether a senior man was entitled to the job. It was agreed that proposed provisions covering vacations, management rights, regular workweek, "no-strike, no lock-out," and the work of truckdrivers would be rewritten pending a next meeting. January 29, 1954: Revised proposals covering regular workweek, staggered work- week, shift differentials in hourly pay rates, "no-strike, no lock-out" clauses, penalty clauses for contract breach, and the preparation of a seniority list were gone over, without agreement on any, except an apparent agreement on the definitions of workweek, Cox and Fisher to rewrite the clausg, and a qualified acceptance by the Company of an 8-cent 'and 6-cent instead of an 8-cent and 5-cent per hour shift differential. April 2, 1954• Commissioner Morrow appeared, and there was a review of what previously had been agreed to and what was not; also discussion on a rewrite of the workweek, clause, seniority and promotion and callbacks, probationary employees, vacations, and grievance procedure. April 8, 1954: This meeting was mainly devoted to a review of certain contract clauses as rewritten by Fisher, and to provisions concerning wage rates and job, classifications. ' April 22, 1954: At this meeting, the Company stated again its position on a no-strike provision and on arbitration; it demanded a penalty clause in the event of an illegal strike, and refused to agree to arbitration by a third party of differences arising under a contract. Pay rates for new female employees, seniority, vacations, management rights, pay after reporting in and no work, daily overtime as against overtime for hours worked over 40 in a workweek; the possibility of and the Union's opposition to a staggered workweek, and holiday pay, were debated. May 6, 1954: Gillespie summarized the April 22 meeting; there followed some discussion concerning call-in and reporting time as applicable to truckdrivers and others. Most of the emphasis of this meeting was placed on the grievance procedure as proposed by each party, Wellborn contending that to make the president of the Company the final arbiter would not give the Union any right of appeal, and Gillespie asserting that in such case the grievance if justified could be taken into court. May 21, 1954: The Company presented a wage clause, and the Union objected to the proposed unilateral right of the Company to raise and lower wages, at which the Company pointed out a provision in the proposal which would give the Union the right to terminate the contract should the Company reduce wages. The Union requested a 15-cent-per-hour general increase in wages, which the Company impliedly refused to consider as a serious demand. Cox for the Union, without making a direct offer, suggested that the Company consider restricted arbitration, limited to discharge cases. Seniority,-job classifications and differentials in pay, and the Company's request for a penalty clause in a "no-strike" provision were touched upon. June 11, 1954: The Union again voiced its request for provision for arbitration of all grievances, and refused to concede the right to the Company to grant unilateral wage increases. Seniority and promotions and classifications were discussed. On the points at issue, the Union stood firm, and the Company refused to yield without some suggestion of compromise from the Union. July 2, 1954: After a summary of the meeting of June 11, a discussion ensued concerning the right of the Company to make individual merit increases without consulting the Union. Prior agreements and disagreements were reviewed; Wellborn was charged with the drafting of a new management clause; and the Company was reminded that it had not supplied a seniority list. Cox read a clause covering the hours of work of truckdrivers, not agreed to; argument was resumed over the form of the management rights clause; and the Company refused to write into a contract any provision establishing vacation rights for employees, asserting that it intended to continue its vacation policy if possible. July 16, 1954: The Union presented a rewrite of provisions intended to cover seniority, which was refused by the Company. Consistent with its prior position, the Company maintained that it will recognize seniority, that with respect to layoffs, promotions, demotions , and recalls, seniority should mean continuous service com- bined with ability to do the work; just as consistently, the Union says that seniority should mean length of continuous service, and that the senior man is entitled to the joh until it is shown that he is unable to perform the work properly. In this connection the parties at this meeting debated what ought to happen if a senior man failed to report to work on notice, and other situations where he might lose his seniority. FANT MILLING COMPANY 1295 July 30, 1954: The debate over seniority provisions as proposed by each party was continued, without result. In connection with the proposals to govern the handling of grievances, gone into at some length, the Company again firmly rejected arbitration as a final step, and insisted that the president of the Company or any designee of his from top management would settle any grievance impartially and objectively. August 27, 1954: The Company again stated its position on seniority, and a long discussion followed: the Company wanted "discharge for cause," "demotions," and "promotions" tied in with seniority rights, while the Union wanted these subjects separately handled; with respect to discharges for "just cause," the Union wanted, in the seniority provision, a clause affirmatively showing that an employee would know that he would not lose seniority when fired without just cause, while the Company wanted to retain the right to fire for what in its discretion would be just cause. It was agreed by Wellborn that he would rewrite an arbitration clause. September 17, 1954: Lack of agreement on the arbitration of grievances, a general wage increase of 15 cents per hour or negotiation for a lesser general increase after agreement on other contract provisions, provisions for a penalty clause in the event of illegal strike or lockout, pay during jury duty by an employee, and pay for overtime in a day is apparent from the record of the meeting of this day. The Company indicated that it was willing to write into a contract a provision to the effect that it would do its best to continue its policy of granting a vacation of 1 week per year, but would not agree to more. October 15, 1954. The general wage increase of October 7, made by the Company, and Wellborn's request for an explanation of why the increase was put into effect without notification to the Union, or advice to him; talk with respect to the "no- strike" and arbitration clauses as proposed by each party; and Wellborn's request for a seniority list constituted the important matters discussed at this meeting. November 19, 1954. At this meeting, Gillespie and Fisher represented the Company, and Wellborn and one committeeman were present for the Union. The Company in effect said that in view of failure of the Union to make any effort to agree to the main points at issue, it felt that further negotiations would be fruitless, and that it therefore would not continue bargaining negotiations; the Union in turn in effect said that the Company had refused anything other than its own terms before it would make an agreement. The Company in substance said it was informed, and believed, that the Union no longer represented a majority of the employees in the bargaining unit, and therefore it was no longer under obligation to deal with the Union. The Union replied that it believed it still represented the employees in the bargaining unit. The Testimony Wellborn and Cox, as the first witnesses at the hearing, undertook under examina- tion by counsel for the General Counsel and counsel for the Union, and under cross-examination and on voir dire, to relate the history of collective bargaining between the Union and the Company as representative of the employees of the Company in the described unit. Each of them had fair memory, considering the lapse of time between the first negotiation meeting in 1953 and the time they were called to testify at this hearing; each had made his notes during or almost after the meetings with company representatives; and it appears from the transcript of the negotiation meetings that each testified honestly and according to his best recollec- tion. The Trial Examiner is satisfied that the written record of those meetings is substantially accurate, and is not in conflict with the testimony of either Wellborn or Cox, so that it appears unnecessary to comment upon the facts related by them at the hearing. Their participation in negotiations and their efforts on behalf of the Union, as shown by written record, substantiate generally what was testified to by them at the hearing. Vice-President Martin testified on behalf of the Company substantially as follows: Before assuming a position with the Company in March 1930 , he served as executive vice president and assistant general manager, and as president of Universal Mills at Fort Worth, Texas; he has known Wellborn and Cox since the year 1945, through having engaged with them in union contract negotiations and having entered into a collective-bargaining agreement in the fall season of that year (he on behalf of Universal Mills and they on behalf of the Union); on or about January 26, 1953, he was employed by the president of Fant Milling Company; and prior to this em- ployment he saw Wellborn once or twice or possibly more during a contract year. He said further that as vice president and assistant general manager of the Company he acts as assistant to the president, having the corporate duties of a vice president; 1296 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD that after the election of the Union as bargaining representative 9 he and Honea met with Wellborn and a union committee in August 1953, at which time the proposed union agreement was discussed; that James A. Fant, the president of the Company, at no time was present at this or subsequent meetings with the Union; and that after the first meeting in August between him with Honea and Wellborn and the union committee, a meeting was held in Fant's office at which time Fant designated Gillespie and Fisher, as attorneys for the Company, with Martin and Honea, to negotiate a workable contract fair to both the Union and the Company; and then Fant expressly told them that he would not sign a contract that contained (1) an arbitration clause, (2) a no-strike and no-lockout clause where no penalty was attached (for breach by either party); and (3) that he would not accept seniority as the sole governing factor in making promotions, demotions, recalls, or layoffs. It further appears from Martin that Fant's instructions were not plainly stated to the union representatives as being the instructions of Fant, but Wellborn was informed that, on these issues, the representatives of the Company had taken an irrevocable stand. This witness testified, too, that just before the meeting between the Company and the Union in the month of September 1954,10 he had received information from the elevator superintendent, Claude Atnip, that the employees no longer desired to be represented by a union; that after the meeting with the Union on September 17, representatives of the Company determined, from close questioning by them of supervisory per- sonnel, that the information given to Martin by Atnip was true, and that the em- ployees were no longer interested in union activity. The supervisors, other than Atnip, who were questioned on the point, according to Martin, were Ben Blackburn, general superintendent, and Johnny Koon and Ralph Robertson, cosuperintendents of the feed mill. Martin confirmed the company view that Wellborn for the Union was adamant in his position regarding arbitration, seniority, and other points at main issue. He said that on or about October 4 or 5, 1954, in a conversation with Well- born, the latter expressed a willingness that a 7-cent per hour wage increase would be accepted as authorized by Fant, except that he (Wellborn) should first be con- sulted, and that, when Martin had told him, "Roy, I have increased wages at plants before without consulting you and had no objection," Wellborn made no objection to the contemplated wage increase, later announced on October 7.11 Adjustments in pay in job classifications, put into effect in April 1954, were, Martin said, made effective after discussion with union representatives. In substance, it appears from the testimony of Wellborn, Cox, and Martin that after discussions with the Union, but without prior notice to the Union, the Company did in April 1954 make certain revisions in its pay scale; and that in October 1954, without formal consultation with or communication to the Union, did make a general wage increase of 7 cents per hour to those employees within the bargaining unit . On October 6, 1954, the Company posted a notice-" Pay Bulletin"-announc- ing the general wage increase . The Union had not been consulted concerning the form of the notice or its posting. The following notice was posted by the Company under date of November 19, 1954, signed by Jas. A. Fant, president: To Our Employees: For more than a year your Management attempted to negotiate a contract with the Grain Millers' Union in line with the election held in this plant in 1953. It is impossible to reach an agreement with the Union which Management felt was fair to the Company and to its employees, and which would permit con- tinued efficient operation of the Company for its stockholders and for its employees. Management has lately learned through statements made by various em- ployees, that the majority of its employees no longer desire to be represented by the Union in all matters concerned with working conditions at this plant. Therefore, we have today notified the Union that henceforth Management will resume dealing directly with its own employees concerning wages and working conditions, and no longer recognizes the Union as the bargaining agent for its employees. e Case No. 16-RC-1289 "Evidence offered through the testimony of Martin, as to the numbers of union but- tons worn by employees at various times, as showing loss of membership, was rejected u The transcript covering the negotiation proceedings for October 15, 1954, shows that Wellborn demanded from the Company an explanation as to why the wage increase was put into effect without notification to the Union FANT MILLING COMPANY 1297 A copy of this notice was transmitted to Wellborn by Gillespie at the request of Wellborn, under date of November 23, 1954, in a letter in which Attorney Gillespie said (in part) that "the information which the Company had, with reference to the desire of its employees, came through verbal statements of the employees." C. The Pleadings The issues presented here by the complaint and the amended answer have been set forth above. A continued refusal to bargain in good faith is asserted on the one side; a denial of violation of the Act is made on the other. Upon the pleadings, it is possible for the Trial Examiner to make a finding that, justifiably or not, the Company did grant a general wage increase without the prior knowledge or consent of the Union, as alleged in the complaint. The validity of the justification as pre- sented by the Company is decided below. Concluding Findings The pertinent provisions of the Act to be considered herein are these: SEC. 7. Employees shall have the right to self-organization, to form, join, or assist labor organizations, to bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing, and to engage in other concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection, and shall also have the right to refrain from any or all of such activities except to the extent that such right may be affected by an agreement requiring membership in a labor organization as a condition of employment as authorized in section 8 (a) (3). SEC. 8. (a) It shall be an unfair labor practice for an employer- (1) to interfere with, restrain, or coerce employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed in section 7; (5) to refuse to bargain collectively with the representatives of his em- ployees, subject to the provisions of section 9 (a). In his effort to determine the right findings here, with respect to good-faith bargain- ing, the Trial Examiner has looked for guidance to N. L. R. B. v. American National Insurance Company, 343 U. S. 395, pp. 402 and 404: . The Act does not compel any agreement whatsoever between employees and employers. Nor does the Act regulate the substantive terms governing wages, hours and working conditions which are incorporated in an agreement. The theory of the Act is that the making of voluntary labor agreements is en- couraged by protecting employees' rights to organize for collective bargaining and by imposing on labor and management the mutual obligation to bargain collectively. In 1947, the fear was expressed in Congress that the Board "has gone very far, in the guise of determining whether or not employers had bargained in good faith, in setting itself up as the judge of what concessions an employer must make and of the proposals and counterproposals that he may or may not make." Accordingly, the Hartley Bill, passed by the House, eliminated the good faith test and expressly provided that the duty to bargain collectively did not require the submission of counterproposals. As amended in the Senate and passed as the Taft-Hartley Act, the good faith test of bargaining was retained and written into Section 8 (d) of the National Labor Relations Act. That Section contains the express provision that the obligation .to bargain collectively does not compel either party to agree to a proposal or require the making of a concession. From this, then, it appears that the standards to be applied in an attempted resolution of whether a party to collective-bargaining negotiations has acted in good faith must be applied to the facts in each particular case, which leaves here the question of whether the Company engaged in mere surface bargaining without any intent of making a final contract with the Union except on its own terms, or whether it stood fast against unreasonable demands by the Umon.12 'a Cf N. L R B. v. WWhattser Mills Co, 111 F. 2d 474 (C A 5) ; N L R. B. v. Athens Mfg Co, 161 F. 2d 8 (C. A. 5) ; N. L. R. B. v. Tower Hosiery Mills, Inc, 180 F 2d 701 (C. A. 4) ; Texas Foundries, Inc. v N. L. It. B., 211 F. 2d 791 (C. A. 5) ; N. L. R B. v. Mayer, d/b/a Cherokee Hosiery Mills, 196 F 2d 286 (C. A. 5) ; see also N. L It. B. v. Reed & P7ance Manufacturing Company, 205 F. 2d 131 (C A. 1), cert. de- 423784-57-vol 117-83 1298 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD It would seem that after some 20 bargaining sessions , covering a period of some 15 months , the Union and the Company could or should have come to some agreement which they might have been able to put in writing.13 It seems almost inconceivable that company representatives could sit down over the long period of time with union representatives as they did here and not be considered to have been bargaining in good faith . Likewise it is hard to understand how the union representatives could bargain as long as they did and come to a complete impasse with the Company . As pointed out by the Respondent , a good many minor matters were settled through this long period of negotiation ; on the other hand , as pointed out by the Union and the General Counsel , the Company from the first moment of meeting refused to accede or to bargain in any respect (except to engage in general discussion ) on important matters such as seniority , the writing of a holiday clause, and other conditions requested by the Union . The Company earnestly contends that the Union refused in any way to bargain in good faith on the question of wages but remained adamant in its position that it should have a general increase of 15 cents an hour for each employee in the bargaining unit; the Union just as consistently maintains that it was always ready to bargain on the question of wages as soon as the company representatives would yield in any respect to promotions , layoffs, and recalls; seniority would have some bearing on the way in which these and other condi- tions of employment were to be regulated under a collective -bargaining agreement. The Union certainly made more concessions during this long period of bargaining than the Company did. In Hinde & Dauch Paper Company, 104 NLRB 847, the Board laid down the following rule, as asserted by it in earlier cases: a certified union 's majority status , in the absence of unusual circumstances, is conclusively presumed to continue for 1 year following certification. In American Steel Foundries, 112 NLRB 531 , the Board considered its use of the meaning of "unusual circumstances ," which apparently include, for example, those unusual circumstances which would forgive an employer from continuing ( or starting) to bargain with a certified union , and include those where, during the certification year, an effective schism occurred in the ranks of the union or it had become defunct. (See cases cited therein , footnotes 2 and 3.) An important question here is whether or not the record reflects a refusal on the part of the Respondent to bargain at a time when it was honestly at an impasse with the Union and was fully convinced that the Union no longer represented a majority of the employees in the bargaining unit , or whether the Respondent 's refusal to bar- gain was not motivated by a good-faith doubt of the Union 's majority status. The critical question is whether under the circumstances of this case the Employer was entitled to withdraw recognition of the Union on the basis of a good-faith doubt as to the Union 's majority . See N. L. R. B. v. Kobritz, 193 F . 2d 8 (C. A. 1), and cases there cited ; Joy Silk Mills v. N. L. R. B ., 185 F. 2d 732 (C. A., D. C.), cert denied 341 U. S. 914 ; Brooks v. N . L. R. B., 348 U. S. 96, 101. Cf. N. L. R. B. v. Everett Van Kleeck and Company , 189 F. 2d 516 (C. A. 2). The Board has heretofore held that ordinarily a good-faith bargaining impasse connotes the futility of further negotiations and in the case of the employer -party to the collective relations , leaves that employer free to take certain economic steps not dependent upon the mutual consent of the union . Central Metallic Casket Co., 91 NLRB 572. This doctrine of permissible unilateral conduct by the employer is limited to matters which , before the good-faith impasse, had been presented by the employer to the union as a subject for bargaining or had been discussed at a bar- gaining conference . I. B. S. Manufacturing Co., 96 NLRB 1263. Here did such unilateral action go beyond the limitation of the rule ? The Trial Examiner thinks it did. The employer bypassed the certified representatives of its employees in granting the wage increase , and such conduct reasonably must have been interpreted by the need 346 U. S 887, wherein the court said, "In such a case the question is whether it is to be inferred from the totality of the employer's conduct that he went through the mo- tions of negotiation as an elaborate pretense with no sincere desire to reach an agree- ment if possible, or that it bargained in good faith but was unable to arrive at an accept- able agreement with the union " " There was, at the outset of hearing, a claim at least impliedly asserted that the com- pany representatives deliberately engaged in procrastination as to the time of the opening and the following days of meetings. The Trial Examiner did not permit much testimony to this effect. Gillespie, Martin, and Honea, of the main negotiators, had offices in Sher- man, Texas ; Fisher is located in Paris, Texas ; Wellborn lives in and travels from Okla- homa City, Oklahoma, and Cox lives in Enid , Oklahoma. So far as appears from the record, each meeting date was set for the convenience and availability of each of these men. FANT MILLING COMPANY 1299 respondent's employees as a withdrawal of recognition of the union 's representative status and was, in effect, an impairment of the collective-bargaining process. In the circumstances of this case, the action of the respondent constituted, per se, a violation of Section 8 (a) (5) and (1) of the Act (N. L. R. B. v. J. H. Allison & Co., 165 F. 2d 766 (C. A. 6) ), if the employer was inspired to grant a wage increase in order to discourage, and therefore interfere with, employee activity, or union repre- sentation of its employees. Cf. N. L. R. B. v. Crompton-Highland Mills, 337 U. S. 217, 221-223. The Respondent, in support of its position, relies on the decision of the Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit in Mid-Continent Petroleum Corp., 204 F. 2d 613. There, in a consent election, the truckdrivers operating from a plant of the employer, having been found to constitute an appropriate bargaining unit, selected the Teamsters union as their exclusive representative for collective-bargaining purposes. Six em- ployees were in the unit , of which 4 voted for the union representation and 2 against it. After the union's certification as bargaining representative for the employees in the unit, the employer entered into collective-bargaining negotiations with the union. Thereafter, without any unfair labor practice by the employer, 1 of the 6 truckdrivers included in the bargaining unit quit his job for personal reasons, and another em- ployee was hired in his stead. Thereafter, within the next 10 days, the new em- ployee and 2 others in the bargaining unit, without the intervention of any unfair labor practices by the employer, delivered to it separate letters stating, in substance, that they did not want the union or any other labor organization as their bargaining representative. Subsequently, the company withdrew recognition from the union on the ground that it no longer represented a majority of the six employees in the unit The court, in its decision, held that the small unit of six truckdrivers had the right to revoke the power of the bargaining agent and that the employer was not guilty of an unfair labor practice for having failed to bargain with the agent in question after its power had been revoked; that whenever the will of the employees to revoke the power of their bargaining agent is clear and unquestioned, effect must be given under the Act to such revocation, and the employees are thenceforth free to bargain collectively through an agent of their choice, if they so desire; and further, that Section 9 (c) (3) of the Act, which prohibits the Board from holding more than one representation election each year in any given bargaining unit, does not imply that employees may not repudiate a bargaining agent within such a yearly period. The court reviewed judicial authority at length, noting those decisions in support of its expressed view, including N. L. R. B. v. Vulcan Forging Co., 188 F. 2d 927 (C. A. 6) and also the cases in conflict with its view in other circuits. The court also said: There is no doubt, of course, that where the employer's obstructive tactics, de- lays, and other unfair labor practices may have contributed to a loss of majority status, the employer is guilty of an unfair labor practice in not recognizing the bargaining agent selected before such unfair labor practices took place. [Citing Franks Brothers Co. v. N. L. R. B., 321 U. S. 702.1 In the instant case, the reliance of the Respondent on Mid-Continent Petroleum is misplaced. The factual circumstances in that case and this are different. General Counsel argues that as indicia of lack of good faith on the part of Re- spondent during the course of the bargaining negotiations herein, the question of arbitration and grievances, the question of the application of seniority, the refusal of the Company to yield in any respect concerning the writing of a no-strike no-lockout clause, its refusal to put into writing its general practice with respect to pay for holi- days not worked, its refusal to write into a contract provisions covering vacations, its refusal to agree in writing not to stagger work hours during a workweek, and its insistence on its right to grant wage increases in its own discretion, shows conclusively that the Company was engaged in "surface bargaining" only. On the other side it is contended on behalf of the Respondent that the Union was equally adamant in con- nection with its wage demands and in connection with the writing of certain clauses, on which the Company refused to yield, and that after many months of bargaining a real impasse was reached, and it became altogether too apparent that no meeting of the minds with respect to a contract could take place.14 Whether the unilateral wage increase put into effect by the Company as of October 4, 1954, can be considered to be a violation of the rights guaranteed to the employees under Section 7 and Section 8 (a) (1) of the Act must be decided in accordance with the facts as reflected by the record herein. In ordinary cases, unilateral action of this kind by an employer during the time of bargaining with a union would be, without 14 There is no requirement under the Act that parties must continue fruitless contract negotiations "in the face of a genuine impasse." N L. R B. v. United States Cold Storage Corp, 203 F 2d 924, 928 (C A. 5). 1300 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD doubt, violative of these provisions of the Act. The difference here is this: that after many months, without substantial agreement between the Union and the Com- pany on many important conditions of employment , and no agreement between them regarding wages, the parties were still far apart. Through all the time of contract negotiations , the question of wage adjustments or wage increases was given little consideration, except that the Union did demand a 15-cent-per-hour general wage increase , and did request certain adjustments of pay for certain categories of jobs. The Union was, at all times material herein , the exclusive representative of the employees in the certified unit within the meaning of Section 9 (a) of the Act. In determining whether the Respondent has refused to bargain within the meaning of the Act, in spite of the fact that the Union was the exclusive representative of the employees at all times , and the Respondent 's ultimate refusal to bargain with the Union after a claimed impasse and after the Respondent became convinced that the union majority was dissipated, consideration must be given as to whether the Re- spondent's actions in these two important respects were based on a good-faith doubt of majority and on a true conviction that further bargaining would be useless. The determination of the question of whether an employer was acting in good or bad faith at the time of the refusal to continue bargaining negotiations and at the time of the wage increase in October means a determination which of necessity must be made in the light of all the relevant facts in the case, including any unlawful conduct of the employer and the sequence of events. As related above, the Company did make certain wage adjustments insofar as wage rates for certain jobs were concerned in the feed mill after the Union had claimed inequities to be existing at that time, such adjustments having been made by the Company without consultation with the Union. As further pointed out above, the company representatives entered into negotiations with strict instructions from the president of the Company not to yield in any respect on many important conditions of employment. These facts, together with the disavowal of the Union, the general wage increase, and the posting of the notice to the employees on November 19, 1954, comprise a totality of conduct which indicates strongly that the Employer did not bargain in good faith. Further than this, before the Company undertook to decide for itself that the rumors of the deterioration in union membership were true, the Company very well could have invoked the provisions of Section 9 (c) (2) (ii) and have had the Board determine the question as to whether or not the Union could still claim the right to represent the employees in the bargaining unit. This totality of conduct impels the Trial Examiner to find, as he does, that the Respondent Company engaged in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8 (5) and (1) of the Act, as alleged in the complaint. The Trial Examiner finds that on or about November 21, 1953, and thereafter, on October 6, 1954, and on and after November 19, 1954, the Respondent refused and since the latter date at all times has refused to bargain collectively with the Union as the exclusive representative of the Respondent's employees in an appropriate unit. IV. THE EFFECT OF THE UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES UPON COMMERCE The refusal of the Respondent to bargain collectively with the Union, American Federation of Grain Millers, AFL-CIO, as the representative of the employees of the Respondent in a properly certified bargaining unit, as set forth in section III of this Intermediate Report, in connection with the business activities described in section I hereof, have a close, intimate, and substantial relation to trade, traffic, and commerce among the several States of the United States, and tend to lead to labor disputes burdening and obstructing commerce and the free flow of commerce. V. THE REMEDY Having found that the Respondent, since on or about November 21, 1953, and there- after and on October 4 and November 19, 1954, and thereafter, refused and continues to refuse to bargain collectively with the aforesaid Union as the exclusive representa- tive of its employees in an appropriate unit, and having found further that the Re- spondent has failed and refused to bargain collectively with the aforesaid Union with respect to wages, hours of employment, and conditions of employment, and other matters as required by the Act, and has granted a certain unilateral wage increase with- out consulting with the Union as the representative of the employees of the Respond- ent in an appropriate bargaining unit, and by so doing has interfered with, restrained, and coerced its employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed by Section 7 of the Act, it will be recommended that the Respondent cease and desist therefrom. LOCAL 450 1301 On the basis of the foregoing findings of fact, and upon the entire record in the case, the Trial Examiner makes the following: CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. The Respondent , Fant Milling Company, is engaged in commerce and activities affecting commerce within the meaning of Section 2 (6) and (7) of the Act. 2. American Federation of Grain Millers , AFL-CIO, is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2 (5) of the Act. 3. By refusing and continuing to refuse to bargain collectively with the said Ameri- can Federation of Grain Millers , AFL-CIO, as the exclusive representative of em- ployees in an appropriate bargaining unit as certified by the Board , the Respondent has engaged in and is engaging in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8 (a) (5) of the Act. 4. By refusing and continuing to refuse to bargain with the aforesaid Union as set forth above, the Respondent has interfered with and continues to interfere with the rights guaranteed to its employees under Section 7 of the Act, and thereby has engaged in and is engaging in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8 (a) (1) of the Act. 5. By reason of the acts set forth in paragraphs numbered 3 and 4 , above, and by granting a unilateral wage increase without consultation with the aforesaid Union on or about October 6, 1954, the Respondent has interfered with and continues to interfere with the rights guaranteed to its employees under Section 7 of the Act, and thereby has engaged in and is engaging in an unfair labor practice within the meaning of Section 8 ( a) (1) of the Act. 6. The above-described labor practices are unfair labor practices affecting commerce within the meaning of Section 2 ( 6) and (7) of the Act. [Recommendations omitted from publication.] Local 450, International Union of Operating Engineers, AFL- CIO and W. J. Hedrick and H . W. Marschall , Jr., d/b/a Indus- trial Painters and Sandblasters . Cases Nos. 39-CD-14 and 39-CD-s1. April 19,1957 DECISION AND ORDER On August 1, 1956, Trial Examiner George Bokat issued his Inter- mediate Report in the above-entitled proceeding, finding, in Case No. 39-CD-14, that the Respondent had engaged in and was engaging in certain unfair labor practices, and recommending that it cease and desist therefrom and take certain affirmative action, as set forth in the copy of the Intermediate Report attached hereto, and further finding, in Case No. 39-CD-21, that the Respondent had not engaged in and was not engaging in any unfair labor practices and recom- mending that the complaint in that case be dismissed, insofar as it alleges that the Respondent violated Section 8 (b) (4) (D) of the Act at the Reynolds Metals Company plant at Gregory, Texas.' 1 In a separate proceeding involving the same parties , Case No. 39-CC-27, the Board is- sued a Decision and Order, of even date herewith , finding the Respondent not in violation of Section 8 (b) (4) (A) of the Act on the basis of the same facts with respect to induce- ment and encouragement as herein constitute the basis for the charge in Case No. 39-CD-21, alleging a violation of Section 8 (b) (4) (D). Local 450, International Union of Operating Engineers , AFL-CIO ( W. J. Hedrick and H W. Marschall , Jr., d/b /a Indus- trial Painters and Sandblasters ), 117 NLRB 1310 117 NLRB No. 165. Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation