Fall River House, Inc.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsApr 4, 1972196 N.L.R.B. 74 (N.L.R.B. 1972) Copy Citation 74 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Fall River House, Inc.' and Hotel, Motel, Restaurant , 1971, the Board ordered a hearing on the identity of Cafeteria and Bartenders Union Local No. 99, AFL- the Employer. CIO, Petitioner. Case I-RC-10918 On November 5, 1971, after due hearing, the Hear- April 4, 1972 DECISION AND CERTIFICATION OF REPRESENTATIVE BY MEMBERS FANNING, JENKINS , AND KENNEDY Pursuant to a Stipulation for Certification Upon Consent Election approved on January 5, 1970, an election by secret ballot was conducted on February 4, 1970, under the direction and supervision of the Regional Director for Region 1 among the employees in the stipulated unit. On January 29, 1970 the Em- ployer filed unfair labor practice charges 2 and at the conclusion of the election the ballots were held im- pounded pending disposition of the charges. Follow- ing an investigation of the Employer's charge, the Regional Director refused to issue a complaint. The Employer appealed and was sustained by the General Counsel and a complaint issued July 7, 1970. On No- vember 16, 1970, the Union entered into a settlement of the complaint, and the Regional Director thereafter ordered that the impounded ballots be opened and counted. On December 9, 1970, the Board denied the Employer's request for special permission to appeal this order. On December 16, 1970, the parties were furnished with a tally of ballots which showed that of approximately 35 eligible voters, 21 cast ballots, of which 11 were for, and 9 against, the Petitioner, with I challenged ballot. The challenged ballot was not sufficient to affect the results of the election. On December 22, 1970, the Employer filed timely Objections to Conduct of Election and to Conduct Affecting Results of the Election. The Regional Di- rector conducted an investigation of the objections and on January 5, 1971, issued and served on the parties his Report on Objections. In his report, the Regional Director recommended that the Employer's objections be overruled in their entirety and that the Petitioner be certified as the collective-bargaining representative of the employees in the unit described below. On January 22, 1971, the Employer filed time- ly exceptions to the Report on Objections. On June 3, 1971, the Board ordered a hearing on certain objec- tions to determine the impact the conduct of a super- visor, Wilbur Heffner, had on the election and the Employer's knowledge of that conduct; and it over- ruled the Employer's other exceptions. On July 22, 1 The Employer's name is hereby amended as reflected in the record ing Officer issued a report recommending that the Employer's referred objections be overruled and that Fall River House, Inc., be found the successor-em- ployer. On November 30, 1971, the Employer filed timely exceptions to the Hearing Officer's Report on Objections. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b). of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its au- thority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has reviewed the Hearing Officer's rul- ings made at the hearing and finds that they are free from prejudicial error. They are hereby affirmed. Upon the entire record in this case, the Board finds: 1. The Employer is engaged in commerce within the meaning of the Act, and it will effectuate the policies of the Act to assert jurisdiction herein. 2. The Petitioner is a labor organization claiming to represent certain employees of the Employer. 3. A question affecting commerce exists concerning the representation of the employees of the Employer within the meaning of Sections 9(c)(1) and 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 4. The parties stipulated, and we find, that the fol- lowing employees constitute a unit appropriate for the purposes of collective bargaining within the meaning of Section 9(b) of the Act. All employees employed by the Employer in its restaurant and bar operations at its motel in Fall River, Massachusetts, but excluding all other em- ployees, office clerical employees, guards, profes- sional employees, and supervisors as defined in the Act. 5. The Board has considered the Hearing Officer's report, the Employer's exceptions and the entire rec- ord in this case and hereby adopts the findings,3 con- clusions, and recommendations of the Hearing Officer, as amplified below. During the hearing two witnesses were called. The Employer called John Hughes, the Innkeeper (manag- er), who testified on the substantial employee turn- over. No attempt was made to show that this was in any way related to Heffner's prounion activities. The Petitioner called Mrs. Roussin, an employee and un- ion organizer, who testified that Heffner was a union trustee, who, to her knowledge, never engaged in so- 8(bxl)(A) of the Act by utilizing as its agent a supervisor of the Employer to solicit employees to sign union cards and to urge them to join the Union 7 We note the following mmor error in that section of the Hearing Officer's Report on Objections entitled "Findings of Fact and Conclusions" which in no way affects the result in this case . The Hearing Officer correctly refused to admit into evidence the documents relating to Case 1-CB-1576, but in his reasoning inadvertently stated that the election was conducted after the Petitioner had complied with its obligations to post the notices which were 2 In Case l -CB-1576 the charges alleged that the Union violated Section part of the settlement in Case I -CB-1576. 196 NLRB No. 17 FALL RIVER HOUSE, INC. liciting cards or in any prounion activity, but did at- tend all the union meetings. The Hearing Officer admitted into evidence the af- fidavits of four unavailable witnesses: Heffner, David Vilela and John Madeiros, both employees, and Ro- land Martineau, the union business agent. These affi- davits, which were basically mutually corroborative, describe Heffner's prounion activities 4 The Hearing Officer found that Heffner did engage in prounion activities, but that the impact of these activities was insufficient to set aside the election; that there was no evidence proving the Employer had knowledge of those activities; and that Fall River House, Inc., is a successor-employer to Fall River Hotel Operating Corp. We agree with these findings. The record indicates that Heffner was hired as a dishwasher at $2 per hour during April 1969; promot- ed to steward, which involved buying food, supervis- ing, and bartending at $125 per 60-hour week, in September 1969; and promoted to assistant manager January 1, 1970. Heffner's union activities consisted of joining the Union on October 6, 1969, soliciting two other em- ployees to sign authorization cards during October 1969, becoming a union trustee in November 1969, and soliciting a third employee to sign an authoriza- tion card November 21, 1969. The Union relieved Heffner of his trustee position January 1, 1970, after learning that he had been promoted to assistant man- ager; Heffner also signed a withdrawal card on the same date. During the election campaign Roussin, the main union organizer, solicited about 15 authoriza- tion cards from employees. The majority signed in October 1969; the few who signed the cards during late November and December 1969 were told by Roussin that Heffner was a union trustee. Heffner's total union activities consisted of solic- iting three authorization cards and being a union trus- tee for less than 2 months from November 1969 to January 1, 1970. Heffner solicited the three cards be- fore the election petition was filed on December 9, ° The Hearing Officer correctly found that Heffner's statements did not support a finding that the impact of his prounion activities was great enough to set aside the election , but incorrectly found that there was a contradiction between Heffner's and Vilela's affidavits which made Heffner's affidavit unreliable and as such could not be used to weigh the impact of Heffner's activities. 75 1969. Subsequent to the filing of the election petition, Heffner's union activities were limited to being a un- ion trustee without any campaigning, electioneering, or soliciting of cards. Heffner was a trustee for 3 weeks after the election petition was filed and was relieved of his trustee position 5 weeks before the February 4, 1970, election. Heffner was a minor supervisor with few opportu- nities for affecting the employees in the unit; his un- ion activities were limited, he did not use his supervisory position to coerce the employees, his so- liciting stopped before the election petition was filed, and he was relieved of his trustee position after the petition was filed, but 5 weeks before the election. The Employer distributed antiunion pamphlets. The previous assistant manager, Heffner's predeces- sor, was also known to have been antiunion. The em- ployees were aware of the Employer's union hostility and could have easily reported to him any prounion pressure from Heffner; this would further mitigate the impact of Heffner's union activities and also eliminate the possiblity that the employees would believe that the Employer favored the union. Accordingly, for the foregoing reasons, we find that the prounion activities of a supervisor, Heffner, did not impair the employees' freedom of choice in the election or constitute interference which would war- rant setting aside the election; we also find that Fall River House, Inc., is the successor-employer to Fall River Hotel Operating Corp. Therefore, as we have overruled the objections and as the tally of ballots shows that the Petitioner has received a majority of the valid votes cast, we shall certify the Petitioner as the employees' representative. CERTIFICATION OF REPRESENTATIVE It is hereby certified that a majority of the valid ballots have been cast for the Hotel , Motel, Restau- rant , Cafeteria and Bartenders Union Local No. 99, AFL-CIO, and that, pursuant to Section 9(a) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the said labor organization is the exclusive representative of all the employees in the unit found appropriate herein for the purposes of collective bargaining in respect to rates of pay, wages, hours of employment, and other conditions of employment. Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation