F & F Construction Co.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsMay 5, 1978235 N.L.R.B. 1440 (N.L.R.B. 1978) Copy Citation DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD F & F Construction Co., Inc. and Laborers State of Indiana District Council and Local Union No. 120, Laborers International Union of North America. Cases 25-CA-8627, 25-CA-7132, and 25-CA- 8156 May 5, 1978 DECISION AND ORDER BY CHAIRMAN FANNING AND MEMBERS JENKINS AND PENELLO On August 8, 1977, Administrative Law Judge James L. Rose issued the attached Decision in this proceeding. Thereafter, Respondent filed exceptions and a supporting brief, and the General Counsel and Charging Parties separately filed briefs in support of, and limited exceptions to, the Administrative Law Judge's Decision. In addition, the General Counsel filed a brief in support of limited exceptions and Charging Parties filed an answering brief to Respon- dents' exceptions. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board has delegated its authority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the record and the attached Decision in light of the exceptions and briefs and has decided to affirm the rulings, findings, and conclusions of the Administrative Law Judge and to adopt his recommended Order which has been modified in certain respects. 1. We find merit in the Respondent's exception to the Administrative Law Judge's remedy for the discriminatory discharge of Roger L. Fields. At the hearing counsel for the General Counsel stipulated that Fields abandoned his employment on April 1, 1976, because he was not provided with overtime. Accordingly we shall not order reinstatement for Fields and shall stop his backpay as of April 1, 1976. 2. We find merit in the General Counsel's excep- tion to the Administrative Law Judge's failure to find that Respondent violated Section 8(a)(4) with regard to Stephen Hood. The record clearly shows that it was not until after Respondent received the August 10, 1976, unfair labor practice charge relating to Respondent's reduction of Hood's hours of employ- ment because he had joined Local 120 that Respon- dent sharply curtailed assigning work to Hood, though at the same time continuing to assign labor- er's work to new employees. We conclude that Respondent's animus toward Hood, as exemplified by sporadic work assignments immediately after his Payroll records from June 8 through August 10 show weeks varying from 18 to 40 hours, with overtime in most weeks. As of August 17, Hood had worked only 8 hours and on August 20 was apparently given his last 235 NLRB No. 196 joining the Union, was accentuated by the filing of the unfair labor practice charge. Accordingly, we find that, with respect to Hood, Respondent violated Section 8(a)(4) of the Act as well as Section 8(a)(3). Respondent contends, in effect, that Hood aban- doned his job by failing to respond to a letter, not in evidence, saying that he had his job back if he wanted it.1 This was not a bona fide unconditional offer of reinstatement such as required to remedy Respondent's discriminatory discharge of Hood when it ceased assigning him work. See Leo Rosen- blum, d/b/a Crown Handbag of California, and d/b/a Soft Touch Shoe Co., 137 NLRB 1162, 1164 (1962). 3. The Administrative Law Judge found a collec- tive-bargaining relationship between Respondent and Charging Parties as far back as 1971. An automatic extension of the April 1, 1973-March 31, 1976, contract executed by the parties brought the formal term to March 31, 1977, the last day of the 3- day hearing. In response to the Union's November 16, 1976, request, Respondent had on November 30 expressed a willingness to meet for negotiations in "mid-December" 1976 but no meeting was held until the one meeting of February 17, 1977. The Adminis- trative Law Judge, although finding a violation of Section 8(a)(5) with respect to the failure to pay contract wages and fringe benefits to all employees doing bargaining unit work, and a "total disregard for its obligations" under the contract and the statute, found no bad faith in delaying "from November until the time of hearing" inasmuch as "the parties did agree to meet and did so." The December-February delay is urged by the General Counsel as constituting "a clear pattern of stalling and evasive tactics by Respondent" based upon its attorneys' being engaged in a jury trial. The Board has, of course, recognized that a respondent is not privileged to rely on a selected representative being otherwise occupied for long periods (see "M" System, Inc., Mobile Home Division, Mid-States Corporation, 129 NLRB 527, 549 (1960), in that case from April 9 to July 30). Here, however, a fair assessment of the pertinent correspondence between the parties on the subject of bargaining shows no more delay by Respondent following the Union's January 10 "re- newed" request than by the Union following Re- spondent's suggestion for a "mid-December" meet- ing, a suggestion ignored until January 10. We find, therefore, that neither the delay in negotiating until the February 17 meeting nor the failure to hold another meeting before the March hearing estab- lishes an attempt to evade bargaining by delay.2 check, which was for 8 hours of work. A month later he received the so- called reinstatement letter. 2 Member Jenkins would find that Respondent's actions during the 1440 F & F CONSTRUCTION CO. 4. The Administrative Law Judge (at fns. 7 and 10) found an additional unilateral change of contrac- tual term in violation of Sections 8(d) and 8(a)(5) based upon Respondent's contract with the Operat- ing Engineers (in evidence) and ordered backpay "on the same basis" as backpay for each laborer employ- ee for hours worked within the coverage of the contract of the Laborers (Charging Parties). The General Counsel, noting the complaint's 8(a)(3) allegations at paragraphs 6(e) and 6(f) con- cerning the failure to pay wage rates established by the two collective-bargaining contracts, excepts to the failure of the Administrative Law Judge to find 8(a)(3) discrimination on the part of Respondent by determining the wage rates paid employees on the basis of membership or nonmembership in the Union. We find merit in this exception. See New Bedford Stevedoring Corporation, 159 NLRB 740, 743 (1966), citing Gaynor News Company, Inc. v. N.L.R.B., 347 U.S. 17 (1954). The Administrative Law Judge's remedy for the 8(a)(5) violation extends to all unit employees and will encompass the 8(a)(3) violation which we base upon the same conduct. Respondent excepts on the ground that it should not be subject to a compliance hearing on this score for "unnamed discriminatees." We find no merit in this contention. See Mackee's Roofing and Sheet Metal Co., Inc., 221 NLRB 277 (1975), where the Board remedied an 8(a)(5) viola- tion by making whole "all its unit employees for any losses they may have sustained by reason of Respon- dent's failure to honor and apply the terms of the labor agreements," including contributions for fringe benefits required by the labor contracts. See also Johnson Electric Company, Inc., 196 NLRB 637, fn. 1 (1972). The compliance proceeding will determine which employees were unlawfully underpaid and the amounts due. 5. Also, with respect to fringe benefit payments for each hour an employee worked as a laborer without having such contributions paid, the Admin- istrative Law Judge in his remedy ordered payment with interest to date of expiration of the last contract with the Laborers. Thus the order directs cessation of such payments on April 1, 1977. We do not agree on this cutoff date for these payments. During the hearing Respondent admitted its continuing duty to bargain with the Laborers and there is no evidence of an impasse in bargaining having been reached. Respondent's attempted posthearing withdrawal of recognition, referred to by the Administrative Law Judge at footnote 8, which included declining to aforesaid period constituted delaying tactics in violation of Sec. 8(a)(5). In view of the finding that Respondent violated Sec. 8(aXS), (4), (3), and (I) by. inter alia, in effect repudiating the collective-bargaining agreement, or at least demonstrating total disregard for its obligation thereunder, as well as a resume negotiations until an election established an "uncoerced majority of the employees in the applica- ble unit," was a meaningless gesture in the light of the serious unremedied unfair labor practices such as we find this Respondent has committed. According- ly, we direct that Respondent continue to make the appropriate fringe payments beyond April 1, 1977, until a good-faith impasse in bargaining has oc- curred. ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board hereby orders that the Respondent, F & F Construction Co., Inc., Speedway, Indiana, its officers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall: 1. Cease and desist from: (a) Refusing to bargain with Laborers Local Union No. 120, Laborers International Union of North America, the representative of its employees in the unit found above to be appropriate for purposes of collective bargaining within the meaning of Section 9(b). (b) Unilaterally altering the terms and conditions of collective-bargaining agreements during their terms. (c) Failing and refusing to pay laborers and operating engineers the appropriate wage rate under the respective collective-bargaining agreements for all employees doing bargaining unit work. (d) Refusing to pay fringe benefits as required under the collective-bargaining agreements for all employees doing bargaining unit work. (e) Discharging employees or threatening employ- ees with discharge should they join the Laborers or any other labor organization. (f) Discriminating against employees because they filed charges under the Act. (g) In any other manner interfering with, restrain- ing, or coercing employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed them by Section 7 of the Act. 2. Take the following affirmative action designed to effectuate the policies of the Act: (a) Make whole all employees in the appropriate bargaining units who did not receive wages set forth therein from December 9, 1974, to the date of compliance, as computed in the manner prescribed by the Board in F. W. Woolworth Company, 90 NLRB 289 (1950), with interest as set forth in Florida Steel Corp., 231 NLRB 651 (1977). See, generally, Isis Plumbing & Heating Co., 138 NLRB 716 (1962). disregard for its obligations under the Act, it seems anomalous to conclude, as do his colleagues, that Respondent was bargaining in good faith. 1441 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD (b) Pay to the appropriate fringe benefits funds such payments as are required under the 1973-76 collective-bargaining agreement with the Laborers for all employees doing bargaining unit work, be- yond April 1, 1977, plus interest, and until a good- faith impasse in bargaining is reached. (c) Offer Stephen Hood full and complete reinstate- ment to his former job or, if that job no longer exists, to a substantially equivalent position, without preju- dice to his seniority or other rights or privileges, and make him whole for any loss of earnings resulting from the discrimination against him, plus interest, as set forth in paragraph 2(a), above. (d) Make Roger Fields whole up to April 1, 1976. (e) Preserve and, upon request, make available to the Board or its agents, for examination and copying, all payroll records, social security payment records, timecards, personnel records and reports, and all other records necessary to analyze the amount of backpay due under the terms of this Order. (f) Post at its Speedway, Indiana, facility copies of the attached notice marked "Appendix." 3 Copies of said notice, on forms provided by the Regional Director for Region 25, after being duly signed by the Respondent's authorized representative, shall be posted by the Respondent immediately upon receipt thereof, and be maintained by it for 60 consecutive days thereafter, in conspicuous places, including all places where notices to employees are customarily posted. Reasonable steps shall be taken by the Respondent to insure that said notices are not altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. (g) Notify the Regional Director for Region 25, in writing, within 20 days from the date of this Order, what steps the Respondent has taken to comply herewith. 3 In the event that this Order is enforced by a Judgment of a United States Court of Appeals, the words in the notice reading "Posted by Order of the National Labor Relations Board" shall read "Posted Pursuant to a Judgment of the United States Court of Appeals Enforcing an Order of the National Labor Relations Board." APPENDIX NOTICE To EMPLOYEES POSTED BY ORDER OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD An Agency of the United States Government After a hearing in which all parties participated, the National Labor Relations Board has found that we have violated the National Labor Relations Act. We have been ordered to post this notice and to abide by its terms and conditions. WE WILL NOT unilaterally alter or change any collective-bargaining agreement that we have with Local Union No. 120, Laborers Internation- al Union of North America, or with any other labor organization. WE WILL NOT threaten or discharge employees because they join the above-named Union or any other labor organization. WE WILL NOT discriminate against employees for filing charges with the Board. WE WILL NOT in any other manner interfere with, restrain, or coerce our employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed them by Section 7 of the Act. WE WILL bargain upon request with the above- named Union and WE WILL execute any agree- ment so reached. WE WILL make whole all of our employees in the appropriate bargaining units, including that of the Operating Engineers, who were not paid the appropriate wages from and after December 9, 1974, plus interest. WE WILL pay laborers and operating engineers the appropriate wage rate under the respective collective-bargaining agreements for all employ- ees doing bargaining unit work. WE WILL pay to the appropriate fringe benefit fund of the Laborers all fringe benefit payments for employees on whose behalf such benefit payments were not made, plus interest. WE WILL offer Stephen Hood reinstatement to his former job or, if that job no longer exists, to a substantially equivalent position, and make him whole for any loss suffered as a result of the discrimination against him, plus interest. WE WILL make Roger Fields whole up to April 1, 1976. Our employees have the right to join Local No. 120, Laborers International Union of America, or any other labor organization, refrain from doing so. Union North or to F & F CONSTRUCTION Co., INC. DECISION STATEMENT OF THE CASE JAMES L. ROSE, Administrative Law Judge: The above- captioned complaints were consolidated and heard before me on March 29, 30, and 31, 1977, at Indianapolis, Indiana. In general, it is alleged that the Respondent has refused to bargain in violation of Section 8(a)(5) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, 29 U.S.C. Sec. 151, et seq., in that during the effective period of its collective- bargaining agreement with the Charging Parties it unilater- ally changed terms and conditions of employment. It is 1442 F & F CONSTRUCTION CO. further alleged that the Respondent bargained in bad faith with the Charging Parties for a renewal contract, and that the Respondent unlawfully withdrew recognition of the Charging Parties and has since refused further to negotiate. It is also alleged that the Respondent discharged two employees because of their interest in and activity on behalf of the Charging Parties and to discourage union activity in violation of Section 8(aX3) and (4) of the Act. Finally, it is alleged that the Respondent made certain threats in violation of Section 8(a)( ) of the Act. Upon the record as a whole, including my observation of the witnesses, and the briefs and arguments of counsel, I hereby make the following: FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW I. JURISDICTION The Respondent maintains its principal office and place of business at Speedway, Indiana, and at all times material hereto has been engaged principally in the construction and installation of underground cable conduit for the Indiana Bell Telephone Company. The Respondent does this work at various construction sites throughout the State of Indiana. During the year preceding the filing of the complaint herein, a representative period, the Respondent in connec- tion with its business operations purchased goods, prod- ucts, and materials valued in excess of $50,000 which were delivered directly to it from points outside the State of Indiana. The Respondent admits, and I find, that it is, and has been, an employer engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(2), (6), and (7) of the Act. II. THE LABOR ORGANIZATIONS INVOLVED The Respondent stipulated that the Charging Parties, Local Union No. 120, Laborers International Union of North America; Laborers International Union of North America, State of Indiana District Council; and Local Union 103, International Union of Operating Engineers, are labor organizations within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. II. THE ALLEGED UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES A. Factual Outline F & F Construction Co., Inc., has been in existence since 1968 or 1969. As indicated above, the bulk of its business is with Indiana Bell Telephone Company, principally digging ditches and laying conduit. To do this work, the Respon- dent has employees who dig ditches, build manholes, pour concrete, spread asphalt, and drive trucks and the like. According to Roland Barker, the president, the Respon- dent also has a number of operating individual trucks which are not associated with telephone company work. It is unclear from the record how many, if any, of the "25 big trucks" he spoke of are used in the connection with the telephone work. In any event, Barker testified that some dump trucks are used for hauling away dirt from the construction sites and, in addition to the truckdrivers, the Respondent's onsite employees are classified as laborers and operating engi- neers. The Respondent also employs mechanics and men who work in the yard and the shop. In addition to these classifications the Respondent regularly has from three to six employees working as the "rodding crew." The rodding crew, according to Barker, are not "labor- ers." They work on finished conduit. It cannot be deter- mined from the Respondent's records how much time a given individual might work on the rodding crew as opposed to doing other work for the Respondent. According to Barker, the basic work of the laborers' classification is digging, operating jackhammers, pouring concrete, tearing out old forms, and building new ones. He stated that the truckdrivers are assigned to drive trucks and are not required to do any work other than driving a truck "unless I have a laborer driving the truck. . . .What I mean by a laborer is someone that I am paying the union wages." Testimony of several former employees, undenied by Barker, is to the effect that they were required to come to the shop each morning and were dispatched to the particular jobsite from there, but their pay did not start until they reached the jobsite and it stopped when they left. Sometime in or before 1971 a majority of the Respon- dent's employees doing laborers' work selected Local 120 as their collective-bargaining representative and since that time the Respondent has had a series of collective-bargain- ing agreements negotiated by the District Council on behalf of its affiliates, including Local 120. Specifically, the Respondent was a party to the agree- ment between the Indiana Utility Contractors Association and Sewer Contractors of Indianapolis, Indiana, and the Laborers International Union of North America State of Indiana District Council, effective April 1, 1973, through March 31, 1976. In connection with negotiations for a new contract with the Association, notice to the Association, as well as to the appropriate mediation and conciliation services, was timely given by the District Council. All parties agree, however, that, at the time of the expiration of the contract, the Respondent was not a member of the Association nor did the District Council give the Respondent notice of its desire to terminate or modify the contract. Although certain jobsites of the Respondent were picket- ed in June and July as part of the statewide picketing of the Association in connection with negotiations for a new contract, all parties agree that from and after April i, 1976, Local 120 and the Respondent continued to be bound by the 1973-76 contract. All parties agree that the contract had automatically been extended to March 31, 1977, due to failure of either party to give the appropriate notice required as a termination clause. On November 16, 1976, Charles R. Morris, secretary- treasurer of the District Council, wrote the Respondent officially notifiying it that the Union desired to reopen the agreement. Simultaneously a notice was sent to the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service as well as to the appropriate state agency. Barker responded to this letter by letter dated November 30, 1976, in which he indicated that the Company wished 1443 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD to terminate the collective-bargaining agreement effective March 31, 1977; however, he said the Respondent would be willing to meet for negotiations in mid-December. Thereafter, there were some telephonic communications between the Union's attorney and the Company's attorney culminating in a single bargaining session on February 17, 1977. The parties have not met subsequently. By letter dated April 6, 1977, the Respondent, through its attorney, withdrew recognition of the Union on grounds that the Respondent had "information and belief that the Union no longer has a continued majority status and has lost majority support from the employees of F & F Construction Company." As demonstrated by the Respondent's records, employ- ees receive different rates of pay. While Barker testified that the rate of pay an individual receives is dependent on his classification (laborer, operating engineer, rodding crew, or truckdriver), it is alleged that individuals perform- ing laborers' work were paid the contract rate only if they were members of the Union, and were paid a lesser rate if they were not. In addition, it is alleged, and Eugene Barker, the Respondent's secretary-treasurer admitted, that fringe ben- efit contributions required pursuant to the collective-bar- gaining agreement were paid only on behalf of those employees who were members of the Union. Laborers who were not members of the Union did not have contributions paid on their behalf. Roger L. Fields worked from July 1974 until January 1975, was rehired in March 1975, and was discharged then on April 22. According to Fields' testimony he was hired to be a truckdriver and a laborer, i.e., to carry boards, to use a shovel and jackhammer, and to pour concrete and the like. He did state, however, that about 70 percent of his time was spent driving a truck. In March 1975 Fields joined Local 120 by signing an application for membership one day when a union business agent came to the job. Thereafter Fields told Roland Barker that he had joined the Union and wanted to be paid laborers' scale. Barker stated that he would not do so and Fields went to the Union. The business agent called the Respondent and then directed Fields to go to the Respon- dent's office, which he did. On arriving, Eugene Barker asked Fields, "Are you the one who came from the union hall?" Fields acknowledged he was. Barker stated, "I will get your pay for you, but I don't need you anymore." Fields was then given a check for $184. Roland Barker testified that he discharged Fields be- cause he had hired Fields to be a truckdriver and not a At the hearing, checkmarks on this document indicating who were laborers were rejected on grounds that such were made in connection with the compromise and settlement of other litigation; namely, the arbitration proceeding. Upon the review of the record, I conclude that I was misinformed concerning this and that Barker made these notations on the document not in compromise of the arbitration proceeding, but under direction of the board of arbitration. Such therefore amounts to admissions by Barker concerning who were and who were not "laborers" and should be received. Accordingly, I reverse the ruling made at the hearing and will receive into evidence G.C. Exh. 15 along with the indications by Barker concerning who on that list were laborers. 2 The bargaining unit is: All employees of the Respondent performing work defined as laborers' laborer. Thus, according to Barker, when Fields joined the Union, he ceased to be a truckdriver and was no longer needed. This discharge resulted in an arbitration proceeding following which Fields was returned to his job with backpay. In connection with computing the backpay awarded to Fields, Barker indicated on an employee roster which employees were laborers so that an average number of laborers hours could be calculated.' Stephen Thomas Hood went to work for the Respondent in June 1976 after hearing that the Respondent had some openings. He simply went to the Respondent's office and sat on the bench. Subsequently Eugene Barker pointed a finger at him and told him to go with another individual. He stated that he was assigned to standard laboring work-helping dig out a swimming pool, laying pipes, putting in manholes, and working with a jackhammer. On July 16, 1976, while at work Hood was approached by the union business agent and he signed an application for membership in the Union at that time. During the next 2 weeks Hood's work for the Respondent was sporadic, because the Respondent did not have work for him to do, and finally on July 21 Hood reported to the Respondent's office and was advised by Roland Barker that no work was available for him. On Friday of that week, when Hood picked up his paycheck, he asked Foreman Lige Napier why he was not working. "He told me it was because I was messing around with the Union." Approximately I month after this, Hood received a letter from Respondent advising him that he could return to work if he wanted, but he did not. B. Analysis and Concluding Findings 1. The refusal-to-bargain allegations Initially, it should be noted that there is no question concerning the appropriateness of the bargaining unit.2 Nor is there any question but what a majority of the Respondent's employees in the appropriate unit, sometime in 1971, designated the Union to be their collective- bargaining agent.3 Finally, there is no question but what the Union and the Respondent did in fact execute the collective-bargaining agreement effective April 1, 1973, through March 31, 1976, and, as indicated, all parties agree that contract automati- cally was extended for a period of 1 year. work in the collective bargaining agreement between the Respondent and the Union, known as the "Contractors-Laborers Working Agree- ment," incorporated by reference in that document captioned "ACCEPTrANCE OF WORKINO AGREEMENT" bearing the execution date of August 21, 1973, and signed on behalf of the Respondent by its officer and agent Roland Barker, within the territorial area set forth in said agreement, exclusive of all office clerical employees, professional employees, guards, and all supervisors as defined in the Act, constitute a unit appropriate for the purpose of collective bargaining within the meaning of Section 9(b) of the Act. 3 Par. 5(b) of the order consolidating cases, complaint, and notice of hearing alleges this, and such was admitted by the Respondent in its answer. 1444 F & F CONSTRUCTION CO. Thus, the record amply demonstrates the Respondent's duty to bargain with the Union as the representative of its laborer employees.4 Indeed, the Respondent admits this duty until at least March 29, 1977, the day the hearing in this matter commenced. a. Altering the contract While it appears that the Respondent assigned employ- ees to duties sometimes outside the scope of the work contemplated in the collective-bargaining agreement, it is also clear from the record that employees were hired to do laborer's work and were not in all cases paid the appropri- ate contract rate. Although Barker testified that he did in fact pay employees according to the work that they performed, 5 the evidence to the contrary is overwhelming. Specifically, a number of employees who were not paid at any time the wage rate set forth in the contract described the work they did, which was "labor work." Secondly, at Fields' arbitration hearing, Barker stated that he paid union members wages under the collective- bargaining agreement but he did not pay nonunion members those wages. While Barker denied that he made such a statement, I credit the several witnesses who testified he did. Specifically, it is noted that Robert C. Voris, vice president and general superintendent of another construction company, participated in the arbitration proceeding as an employer member. He testified that, during that proceeding: "Mr. Barker said that he paid wages to union employees that were union members and if they weren't he paid them other wages." I therefore find that a preponderance of the credible evidence supports the conclusion that in fact the Respon- dent altered the wage rate of employees doing bargaining unit work from that set forth in the collective-bargaining agreement. Such an alteration of the terms and conditions of the collective-bargaining agreement is contrary to Section 8(d) and is therefore a refusal to bargain in violation of Section 8(a)(5). Marquis Elevator Company, Inc., 217 NLRB 461 (1975). Similarly, as Eugene Barker admitted, the Respondent did not make payments to the various fringe benefit funds required under the collective-bargaining agreement on behalf of those employees who were not members of the Union, irrespective of the fact that some of these employ- ees were doing bargaining unit work. This also violates the obligations under Section 8(d) and is a refusal to bargain within the meaning of Section 8(a)(5). 4 The General Counsel suggests that, because the Respondent is engaged in the building and construction industry, under the authority of R. J. Smith Construction Co., Inc., 191 NLRB 693 (1971), reversed sub nomn. Local No. 150, International Union of Operating Engineers, AFL-CIO v. N. LR.B., 480 F.2d 1186 (C.A.D.C., 1973), decision on remand 208 NLRB 615 (1974), the collective-bargaining agreement here might not support a finding that the Respondent refused to bargain with the Union. I find R. J. Smith and similar cases inapposite. In those cases, the Board stated that the mere existence of a lawful prehire contract would not support a refusal-to-bargain allegation. The Board noted in these cases that there had been no demonstration of majority status or indeed any showing other than the simple execution of a contract permissible under Sec. 8(f). In this case, the Union clearly represented a majority of the Respondent's employees, as the Respondent admitted, as far back as 1971. The Union and the Respordent entered into collective-bargaining agreements, the most Accordingly, I shall recommend an appropriate remedy for the Respondent's failure to make the appropriate wage and fringe benefit payments to and for employees doing bargaining unit work during the term of their employment with Respondent. 6 b. Bad-faith bargaining It is alleged that the Respondent violated Section 8(aX5) during the course of negotiations for a new contract, specifically by delaying the commencement of negotiations and then during the session of February 17, by negotiating in bad faith. A review of the record leads me to conclude that the Respondent and its agents could have been more circum- spect in their dealings with the Union. However, their course of conduct does not necessarily imply a determina- tion to delay bargaining or not to reach an agreement. Indeed, the Union here was something less than rigorous in its press for negotiations. From the totality of the record it appears that the Union initially thought that the Respondent was a member of the Association and would be bound by any new agreement reached. Thus, the Union did picket the Respondent along with all other employers in June in support of its bargaining position. It is unclear from the record when the Union determined or at least assumed that the Respondent would not be bound by the new agreement. In any event, it was not until November that the Union wrote the Respondent suggesting that the old contract had automatically been renewed and request- ing negotiation of a new one. The Respondent answered in November suggesting it could meet in mid-December. The Union did not answer this inquiry. While it is the case that the Respondent's attorneys were unable to meet during the month of January, in view of the total situation I cannot find that such was of itself enough to imply bad faith, particularly in view of the fact that the parties did agree to meet and did so. Finally, it appears that the Union and not the Respondent broke off negotiations at the February 17 meeting. From the totality of the record it cannot be said that from November until the time of the hearing the Respon- dent was acting in bad faith in its dealings with the Union. Accordingly, I will recommend that the Respondent not be found to have violated Section 8(a)(X5) in this respect. In summary, from the record as a whole it is my conclusion that, during the course of its dealings with the Union, the Respondent in effect repudiated the collective- bargaining agreement or at least showed total disregard for recent of which is the one under consideration here. In addition, there was a union-security clause in the contract and no indication that the clause was not enforced. In short, here we have a situation where there has been a reasonably longstanding collective-bargaining relationship between the Respondent and the Union and a showing that the Union did in fact represent a majority of the Respondent's employees in an appropriate unit. 5 In his affidavit to a Board agent, Barker stated, "We did not apply the contract to nonunion members, there being a split among our nonsupervisor employees of about 10 and 10 members and nonmembers." In making this statement it appears that he was referring to the period after August 3, 1976, when the Union advised him he was still bound by the 1973-76 contract. This is a party admission notwithstanding that "on advise of counsel" Barker did not swear to or affirm that paragraph. 6 This includes the Respondent's failure to pay employees for all of their time, e.g.. going to the jobsite and returning to the shop. 1445 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD its obligations thereunder as well as a disregard for its obligations under Sections 8(d) and 8(a)(5). 7 This I find even though the events around the one bargaining session do not support substantive bad faith in negotiations.8 2. The Roger Fields discharge There is little question in this matter but what Roger Fields was hired principally as a truckdriver and was paid initially $4 an hour and then $4.50, both of which rates were substantially less than the rate for a laborer under the collective-bargaining agreement. Fields credibly testified that he spent about 70 percent of his time driving a truck and about 30 percent of his time as a laborer. I simply do not believe Barker when he stated that if Fields did any laboring work "he did it on his own," and that truckdrivers in Fields' category were not required to do additional work during idle periods. I believe that Fields, as well as others whose principal job it was to drive a truck, were required to pitch in and do whatever their foreman asked of them during times the truck would not be required. Beyond this, however, the essence of Fields' discharge is that he did join the Union; he went to Respondent asking for a raise and backpay; and he was discharged for this reason, even though he was given the backpay. Such is clearly violative of Section 8(a)(3). The fact that Fields joined the Union did not mean that the Respondent could not use him as a truckdriver and pay him the truckdrivers wages. Or to say it another way, Fields did not promote himself to be a full-time laborer simply by the act of joining the Union. Neither the Union nor Fields could in fact increase his wages for doing nonunit work merely by making him a union member nor force the Respondent to assign him to unit work. The defense, therefore, that the Respondent did not need him as a laborer, just a truckdriver, does not justify his discharge. Herb Arthur, Inc. d/b/a Custom Carpet Installations, 225 NLRB 1036 (1976). As the Board found in that case it is well settled that the Respondent need not have had a specific antiunion purpose where a natural consequence of its act is to encourage or discourage union membership. Clearly, dis- charging Fields simply because he joined the Union had the immediate effect of discouraging membership in that labor organization and was necessarily violative of Section 8(a)(3). 3. The Stephen Hood discharge While Hood was not specifically discharged when he joined the Union, within a few days after joining the Union, a fact which Roland Barker knew because he was present at the time, Hood's hours began to be reduced and 7 The only evidence that the Respondent breached its bargaining obligation with the operating engineers in a way similar to that outlined above with regard to the laborers is the fact, demonstrated by the Respondent's payroll records, that one operating engineer was paid less than the contractual rate. I find that this, particularly in the context of Respondent's other unfair labor practices, amounted to an additional unilateral change of a contractual term in violation of Secs. 8(d) and 8(a)(5) of the Act. I The Respondent attempted to withdraw recognition by letter of April 6, 1977, which asserts that facts learned at the hearing gave the Respondent a good-faith doubt that the Union continued to represent a majority of ultimately he was told by Barker that they had no more work for him. On that particular day, however, as Hood testified without contradiction, two new employees were sent out to do laboring work. Also without contradiction, Hood testified that Supervi- sor Lige Napier told him that he was not getting work because he was "messing around with the Union." Given that Hood's testimony in this regard stands undenied, along with Respondent's antiunion activity including the discharge of Fields, and the Respondent's determination to pay union wages to as few employees as possible, I conclude that the Respondent in fact violated Section 8(aX3) by terminating Hood's employment because he joined the Union. The Respondent defends its action on grounds that Hood ceased showing up for work and on a couple of occasions he went to a project other than the one to which he had been assigned. I do not find Barker's testimony in this regard particular- ly persuasive, particularly in view of Hood's uncontradict- ed testimony. Hood did testify that on one occasion he was unable to go to the Respondent's shop, but he called the foreman, of whom he asked and received permission to go directly to the project. Hood's discharge is alleged also to be violative of Section 8(a)(4). The record is devoid of any evidence demonstrat- ing that the Respondent was motivated in its discharge of Hood because he had filed a charge or had given testimony in a Board proceeding. Accordingly, I will recommend that the 8(aX4) allegation be dismissed. 4. The alleged threats Dovetailing generally with Respondent's overall conduct were statements by Supervisor Virgil McCloud to employee Charles Kernedele, who also wanted to join the Union and get his backpay, that he would be discharged. Both Roland and Eugene Barker on two different occasions told em- ployees that if they joined the Union they would be discharged. All of these statements by the Respondent's agents were threats in violation of Section 8(a)(1). REMEDY Having found that the Respondent has engaged in certain unfair labor practices, I shall recommend that it be ordered to cease and desist therefrom and take certain affirmative action designed to effectuate the policies of the Act. Having found that the Respondent refused to bargain with the Union in violation of Section 8(aX5) of the Act from and after December 9, 1974 (6 months preceding the filing of the initial charge herein), I shall recommend that it employees. While I find nothing in the record to support this assertion, I do not believe that it would be appropriate at this time to find the Respondent's withdrawal of recognition to be independently violative of Sec. 8(aX5). Such was not alleged in any complaint and was therefore not fully litigated. It is noted that, because I have concluded that the Respondent has in other respects violated Sec. 8(aX5), it could not withdraw recognition, even if objective considerations existed, while there were unremedied unfair labor practices affecting the bargaining relationship. Guerdon Industries, Inc., Armor Mobile Homes Division, 218 NLRB 658 (1975). Finally, whether the Respondent is found to have violated the Act by its withdrawal of recognition would not change the remedy I shall recommend. 1446 F & F CONSTRUCTION CO. cease and desist therefrom and, upon request, bargain collectively with Local 120 and/or the District Council, as agent for Local 120, as the exclusive representative of all employees in the appropriate bargaining unit concerning wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employ- ment, and, if an understanding is reached, embody such understanding in a signed agreement. I shall also recommend that the Respondent pay to all laborer employees from and after December 9, 1974, who were paid wages less than those set forth in the contract the difference between the wages that they were paid and the contract rate. Because the Respondent altered the hours of work for which pay was to be received by not paying employees for the time to and from the Respondent's office to the particular project, the Respondent will also be ordered to pay for each laborer employee an additional hour of wages for each day, to be determined by dividing the total number of hours worked as a laborer by eight. Although payroll records show names, wages, rates, and hours worked, it cannot be determined precisely which employees did bargaining unit work. Since some of these employees may not have done any work as laborers, and others may have worked only part time as laborers, the precise amounts due each will be left to the compliance stage of this proceeding. Backpay for those hours found to have been worked within coverage of the contract 9 will be 9 The "Coverage" article of the contract seems to contemplate work on new construction only. Thus, rodding crew work would be excluded. This corroborates Barker's testimony that Steve Tuttle., a union agent, told him the Union did not claim rodding work. Tuttle did not deny Barker's the difference between the appropriate contract rate and that rate each employee was actually paid. The Respon- dent will also be ordered to pay interest on these amounts. Isis Plumbing & Heating Co., 138 NLRB 716 (1962).1 0 The Respondent shall also be ordered to make appropri- ate payments under the collective-bargaining agreement to the fringe benefit funds set forth in the collective bargain- ing agreement for each hour an employee worked as a laborer, and on whose behalf such contributions were not made, with interest. Vin James Plastering Company, 226 NLRB 125 (1976). Such payments should cease on April 1, 1977, because from that date on there has been no contract, hence such payments would not be permitted pursuant to the provisions of Section 302(c)(5) of the Act. It having been found that Roger Fields and Stephen Hood were discharged in violation of Section 8(aX3), the Respondent will be ordered to reinstate them to their same jobs or, if those jobs no longer exist, to equivalent positions without prejudice to their seniority or other rights or privileges and to make them whole for any loss of earnings resulting from the discrimination against them in accor- dance with the formula set forth in F. W. Woolworth Company, 90 NLRB 289 (1950), and Isis Plumbing & Heating Co., supra. [Recommended Order omitted from publication.] testimony. I therefore conclude that rodding crew work is not covered under the contract. lo Backpay for the operating engineers will be on the same basis. 1447 Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation