Ex Parte Guillen-Hernandez et alDownload PDFPatent Trials and Appeals BoardMar 22, 201914531243 - (D) (P.T.A.B. Mar. 22, 2019) Copy Citation UNITED STA TES p A TENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE APPLICATION NO. FILING DATE 14/531,243 11/03/2014 23494 7590 03/26/2019 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS IN CORPORA TED PO BOX 655474, MIS 3999 DALLAS, TX 75265 FIRST NAMED INVENTOR Oscar Miguel Guillen-Hernandez UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE United States Patent and Trademark Office Address: COMMISSIONER FOR PATENTS P.O. Box 1450 Alexandria, Virginia 22313-1450 www .uspto.gov ATTORNEY DOCKET NO. CONFIRMATION NO. TI-75051 5415 EXAMINER CAREY, FORREST L ART UNIT PAPER NUMBER 2491 NOTIFICATION DATE DELIVERY MODE 03/26/2019 ELECTRONIC Please find below and/or attached an Office communication concerning this application or proceeding. The time period for reply, if any, is set in the attached communication. Notice of the Office communication was sent electronically on above-indicated "Notification Date" to the following e-mail address(es): uspto@ti.com PTOL-90A (Rev. 04/07) UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE BEFORE THE PATENT TRIAL AND APPEAL BOARD Ex parte OSCAR MIGUEL GUILLEN-HERNANDEZ and RALF BREDERLOW Appeal2018-005937 Application 14/531,243 Technology Center 2400 Before DENISE M. POTHIER, JASON J. CHUNG, and LINZY T. McCARTNEY, Administrative Patent Judges. POTHIER, Administrative Patent Judge. DECISION ON APPEAL STATEMENT OF THE CASE Appellants 1,2 appeal under 35 U.S.C. § 134(a) from the Examiner's rejection of claims 1--4, 6, 7, 9, 10, and 18-29. See generally Appeal Br. Claims 5, 8, and 11-17 have been canceled. Final Act. 2. We have jurisdiction under 35 U.S.C. § 6(b). We affirm. 1 Throughout this opinion, we refer to the Final Action (Final Act.) mailed May 26, 2017, the Appeal Brief (Appeal Br.) filed October 11, 2017, and the Examiner's Answer (Ans.) mailed February 22, 2018. No Reply Brief has been filed. 2 Appellants identify the real party in interest as Texas Instruments Incorporated. Appeal Br. 1. Appeal2018-005937 Application 14/531,243 Invention Appellants' "embodiments relate generally to plaintext analysis in secure systems using encryption to detect, react to and/ or interdict side channel attacks." Spec. ,r 2. In side channel attacks, attackers use physical characteristics ( e.g., power consumption or changes) to determine secret encryption code values, which can include a secret key. Id. ,r,r 3--4. An attacker attempts to infer a secret value key by observing physical characteristics, and if the key value is obtained, can access encrypted data using the same secret key. Id. ,r 3. For example, an attacker can send plaintext data for encryption and can detect information leakage from the encryption system to detect the secret key. Id. ,r 4. Appellants' invention attempts to improve on known countermeasure strategies ( e.g., shielding, masking, and hiding) against side channel attacks. Id. ,r,r 5-8. Independent claim 1 exemplifies the claims at issue and reads as follows: 1. A system including countermeasures for side channel attacks, compnsmg: an encryption module coupled to receive plaintext data for encryption and outputting corresponding ciphertext, the encryption module performing an encryption algorithm using a secure key stored in non-volatile memory; and a plaintext analysis module coupled to receive the plaintext data received by the encryption module[,] the plaintext analysis module performing an analysis on the plaintext data and determining whether the plaintext data correlates to expected plaintext data, the plaintext analysis module further having an output for outputting a signal indicating a side channel attack, responsive to the determining. Appeal Br. 10 (Claims App'x). 2 Appeal2018-005937 Application 14/531,243 The Examiner relies on the following as evidence of unpatentability: Buhr Motoyama Robertson Gold US 2008/0235796 Al US 2011/0296198 Al US 2012/0011346 Al US 2014/0052983 Al The Rejections Sept. 25, 2008 Dec. 1, 2011 Jan. 12,2012 Feb.20,2014 Claims 1, 3, 18, 20, 21, 26, and 29 are rejected under 35 U.S.C. § I02(a)(l) as anticipated by Motoyama. Final Act. 2-8. Claims 2, 6, 7, 10, 19, 22, 24, 25, and 28 are rejected under 35 U.S.C. § I03(a) as unpatentable over Motoyama and Gold. Id. at 9-15. Claims 4 and 23 are rejected under 35 U.S.C. § I03(a) as unpatentable over Motoyama, Gold, and Buhr. Id. at 16-18. Claims 9 and 27 are rejected under 35 U.S.C. § I03(a) as unpatentable over Motoyama and Robertson. Id. at 18-19. THE ANTICIPATION REJECTION Appellants argue the claims as group (Appeal Br. 5-7), and we select claim 1 as representative. See 37 C.F.R. § 4I.37(c)(l)(iv). The Examiner finds Motoyama discloses claim 1 's limitations, including a plaintext analysis module ( e.g., comparator) determining whether plaintext correlates to expected plaintext data. Final Act. 3 ( citing Motoyama ,r,r 39--40, 82-90, 96, 101, Fig. 10); Ans. 5-7 (citing Motoyama ,r,r 76-105, Figs. 9-11). Appellants argue Motoyama fails "correlate plaintext data with expected plaintext data" as claim 1 requires. Appeal Br. 7. Appellants contend Motoyama compares encrypted data in register 26 with encrypted data in register 41. Id. at 5-7 (citing Motoyama ,r,r 93-95, Figs. 10-11). 3 Appeal2018-005937 Application 14/531,243 ISSUE Under § 102, has the Examiner erred in rejecting claim 1 by finding Motoyama discloses "a plaintext analysis module ... determining whether the plaintext data correlates to expected plaintext data"? ANALYSIS We begin by construing a key disputed limitation of claim 1, "plaintext data" and "expected plaintext data." During examination of a patent application, a claim is given its broadest reasonable construction "in light of the specification as it would be interpreted by one of ordinary skill in the art." In re Am. Acad. of Sci. Tech Ctr., 367 F.3d 1359, 1364 (Fed. Cir. 2004) (citation omitted). We presume that claim terms have their ordinary and customary meaning. See In re Translogic Tech., Inc., 504 F.3d 1249, 1257 (Fed. Cir. 2007). The Specification defines "plaintext data" as "unencrypted information" (Spec. ,r 25) but does not define separately "expected plaintext data" (see Ans. 5). The Specification shows data analysis module 55 analyzing plaintext ( e.g., plaintext data 'm') at both the encryption stage (Figure 4) and the decryption stage (Figure 5). Id. ,r,r 40-41, Figs. 4--5. Similarly, Microsoft Computer Dictionary defines "plaintext" as "[ n ]onencrypted or decrypted text. " 3 In light of the Specification and the ordinary meaning of "plaintext," we construe "plaintext data" and "expected plaintext data" to mean respectively unencrypted, non-encrypted, or decrypted information and expected unencrypted, non-encrypted, or decrypted information. Based on this understanding, we agree that 3 MICROSOFT® COMPUTER DICTIONARY 407 ( 5th ed. 2002) ( def. 1 ). 4 Appeal2018-005937 Application 14/531,243 Motoyama discloses the recited "plaintext analysis module ... determining whether the plaintext data correlates to expected plaintext data" in claim 1. As background, Motoyama discloses a cryptographic processing technique to resist power analysis and fault attacks. Motoyama ,r 7 6, Figs. 9--11. In this embodiment, the cryptographic circuit (e.g., 15B) includes encryption circuit 21, decryption circuit 22, selectors 24 and 25, registers 26 and 41, and comparator 42. Id. ,r,r 37-38, 84, Figs. 9--10. Motoyama teaches comparator 42 compares data held in the registers 26 and 41 and, when inconsistent, outputs an alarm signal. Id. ,r 88. The crux of the appeal turns on whether the data compared in comparator 42 is "plaintext data" and "expected plaintext data" as recited. Concerning register 26, Motoyama discloses "the same components as those of FIG. 1 are given the same reference characters" in Figure 9 "thereby omitting the description thereof." Id. ,r 80. Motoyama discloses in Figure 1 cryptographic circuit module 15 shown in more detail in Figure 2. Id. ,r,r 5---6, Figs. 1-2. Similarly, Motoyama's Figure 9 has cryptographic circuit module 15B shown in more detail in Figure 10. Id. ,r,r 13-14, Figs. 9-10. We thus presume the components in Figure 10 having the same reference characters as Figure 2 operate similarly. See id. ,r,r 5---6, 80. Motoyama teaches in Figure 2, like Figure 10, an initial value INd is plain text to be encrypted and selector 25 selects this INd value, which is stored in register 26, only when processing for initial value INd. Id. ,r,r 39--40, cited in Final Act. 3. Motoyama therefore stores plaintext in register 26 in at least one instance. But, a value is not stored in register 41 and compared at comparator 42 until CS1 signal is sent. Id. ,r 86, Fig. 10. According to Motoyama, this signal "is generated based on the timing of 5 Appeal2018-005937 Application 14/531,243 insertion of reverse operation processing" (id.) or a decryption operation (id. ,r 36). Comparator 42 therefore does not compare values in register 26 and 41 until a decryption operation occurs. See id. ,r,r 36, 96. In Figure 11, such an operation does not occur until t4. Id., Fig. 11. Motoyama additionally discloses, once the encryption operation or decryption starts, selector 25 then selects the output of selector 24 (e.g., an output from the encryption operation) and outputs the result data. Id. ,r 41. Such result data, described as "intermediate data of the encryption operation" is held in register 26. Id. The Examiner finds this intermediate data is the recited "plaintext data" in claim 1 and is compared with other intermediate data at comparator 42. See Ans. 7 (stating "the input to any encryption module is considered a plaintext"); see id. at 5-7 ( citing Motoyama ,r,r 86, 88, 89, 96, 99-101). Specifically, the Examiner determines "regardless of whether the input data was previously encrypted" (id. at 6 (emphases omitted)), the input data into an encryption module (e.g., sent back to encryption circuit 21) "is considered the plaintext" (id.). We find this construction unreasonably broad. As stated above, our construction of "plaintext data" means unencrypted, non-encrypted, or decrypted data. Motoyama's partially or intermediate encrypted data is still encrypted data rather than unencrypted or non-encrypted data. However, the Examiner further explains Motoyama retains data in a register, including "the original plaintext," during decryption. See Ans. 8-9; see also Final Act. 3. As previously discussed, Motoyama describes a decryption operation "corresponds to a reverse operation of the encryption operation by the 6 Appeal2018-005937 Application 14/531,243 encryption circuit 21." Motoyama ,r 36. Referring to Motoyama's annotated Figure 11 (Appeal Br. 6) below, 1tt t{ f i.§ i. ' ., ' ,. ··,;, -'" .,,, ···-·:····--.-., t,. (· ......... . :• ~ t·· ? ~ \ 'l i I(, ( : . . '"i . , . "" . , : . ; i : . ' '.:'(t . ~-, tJ' . ;; . i~, -1~~ ,t t.: ·l>~ t~ t;t tH ,, Motoyama's Annotated Figure 11 Showing Comparator 42's Timing a decryption or reverse operation occurs at various times, including at t2 (labeled B). Motoyama ,r 15, Fig. 11 (annotated); Appeal Br. 5 (indicating point A is labeled at t 1 and points B and C are added at t2 and t3 respectively). Thus, in the above scenario, after reverse operation at t2 (point B), the decrypted data (e.g., plaintext) is held in register 41. Id. ,r 86. Moreover, comparator 42 compares this data at t2 held in register 41 to data held in register 26 related to the same step ( e.g., those at step 0) because the values of round registers 31 and 33 will be consistent (e.g., both at the same step). See id. ,r,r 40, 88-89, 92, Figs. 10-11 (annotated). In the above example, the data held in registers would be plaintext. Other reverse operation scenarios can occur, such as at t4 in annotated Figure 11, after encryption at t3 (labeled C) and comparator 42 compares unencrypted data at t2 (labeled B) stored in register 41 to unencrypted data at t4 (not shown) stored in register 26. See id. ,r,r 40, 88-89, 92, 101, Figs. 10-11. Moreover, Motoyama discloses result data held in register 26 can be 7 Appeal2018-005937 Application 14/531,243 "data that is finally ... decrypted" (Motoyama ,r 41 ), such that at some later time the finally decrypted data in register 26 (e.g., "plaintext data" in claim 1) is compared at comparator 42 to a previously stored data for a step/round (e.g., decrypted data stored in register 41 at t2 (labeled B) in annotated Figure 11). Appellants have not filed a Reply Brief, and the Examiner's findings in this regard (see Ans. 8-9) are not rebutted. Motoyama thus discloses a plaintext analysis module "determining whether the plaintext data correlates to expected plaintext data" as claim 1 recites. For the above reasons, Appellants have not persuaded us of error in the rejection of independent claim 1 and claims 3, 18, 20, 21, 26, and 29, which are not separately argued. THE OBVIOUSNESS REJECTIONS Appellants do not argue separately these rejections, contending the claims under these rejections are allowable because claims 1, 18, and 21 are allowable. See Appeal Br. 8-9. For reasons similar to those above, we sustain the rejections of claims 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 19, 22-25, 27, and 28. DECISION We affirm the Examiner's rejection of claims 1, 3, 18, 20, 21, 26, and 29 under§ 102 and claims 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 19, 22-25, 27, and 28 under § 103. 8 Appeal2018-005937 Application 14/531,243 No time period for taking any subsequent action in connection with this appeal may be extended under 37 C.F.R. § 1.136(a)(l )(iv). AFFIRMED 9 * * Notice of References Cited Document Number Countiy Cotie-Number-Kind Code A US- B US- c US- C\ US-!J E US- F US- c; US- H US- US- j US- K US- L US- M US- Document Number Country Code-Number-Kind Cotie N 0 p Q R s T Date MM-YYYY Date MM-YYYY Application/Control Applicant(s)/Patent Under Patent Appeal No. 2018-005937 14/531,243 Examiner Art Unit 2491 Page 1 of ·1 U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS Name CPC Classification US Classification FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS Country Name CPC Classification NON-PATENT DOCUMENTS * Include as applicable: Author, Tille Date, Publ;sher, Edition or Volume, Pertinent Pages) u Microsoft Computer Dictionary 407 (5th ed. 2002) V w X ',<\ copy of tt11s reference 1s not being furr11shed w1m mis Office act1orL (See MPEP § 707.05(a).) Dates in MM-YYYY tormat are publication dates. Classifications may be US or foreign. U.S. Patent and Trademark Office PT0-892 (Rev. 01-2001) Notice of References Cited Part of Paper r~o. 20170303 Microsoft· i I . Microsoft® om uter . ' . 1c 1onar Fifth Edition I I j I PUBLISHED BY Microsoft Press A Division of Microsoft Corporation One Microsoft Way Redmond, Washington 98052-6399 Copyright © 2002 by Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved. No part of the contents of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher. Library of Congress Control Number: 2002019714 Microsoft Press books are available through booksellers and distributors worldwide. For further informa- tion about international editions, contact your local Microsoft Corporation office or contact Microsoft Press International directly at fax (425) 936-7329. Visit our Web site at www.microsoft.com/mspress. Send comments to mspinput@microsoft.com. Active Desktop, Active Directory, ActiveMovle, ActiveStore, ActiveSync, ActiveX, Authenticode, BackOffice, BizTalk, ClcarType, Direct3D, DirectAnimation, DirectDraw, Directlnput, DirectMusic, DirectPlay, DirectShow, DirectSound, DirectX, Entourage, FoxPro, FrontPage, Hotmail, IntelliEye, IntelliMouse, IntelliSensc, JScript, MapPoint, Microsoft, Microsoft Press, Mobile Explorer, MS-DOS, MSN, Music Central, NetMeeting, Outlook, PhotoDraw, PowerPoint, SharePoint, UltimateTV, Visio, Visual Basic, Visual C++, Visual FoxPro, Visual InterDev, Visual J++, Visual SourceSafe, Visual Studio, Win32, Wln32s, Windows, Windows Media, Windows NT, Xbox are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Other product and company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners. The example companies, organizations, products, domain names, e-mail addresses, logos, people, places, and events depicted herein are fictitious. No association with any real company, organization, product, domain name, e-mail address, logo, person,. place, or event is intended or should be inferred. Acquisitions Editor: Alex Blanton Project Editor: Sandra Haynes Body Part No. XOS-41929 ixel image ;oft Excel or or a data- 1 manipulate 1· summorize of nnalysis. ~nti ng a Piv- rnrt form. in 8 100- 1 COJTCC[ that can ear of l 970 q,reted as ··ough 69 as ·ing. pot in a rcc- individu- c screen by iito smallest wctre can 1hics. Sec ixel ufpixelr in :,phic in a ,I bit :la pixel cl depth, i:~ned to . pixel map pixel map 11. A clala strncture that describes the pixel image of a graphic, including such fe3tures as color, image, resolution, dimensions, slornge .fonmll, and num- ber of bits usccl to describe each pixel. See also pixel, pixel illlage. pJL 11. Sa Printer Job Language. pJ/NF n. Acronym for,projeqion-join normal form. See 11 ormal form (definition I). PIWNZIP 11. A shareware utility program that uncom- presses files compressed by the PKZIP shareware utility program. PKUNZJP is generally made available with PKZlP; clisLribulion of PK UNZIP for commercial pur- poses is nol pennltlcd without obtaining permission from lts publisher, PK ware, Inc. See a/so PKZTP. PKZIP n. A widely used shareware utility program for· compressing l1lcs. Developed by PK ware, Inc., in 1989 and available from a wide variety of sources, PKZ!P can combine one: or 1nore tiles into a compressed output file having the exlension .zip. A companion ulil ity program, PKUNZII', is required lo uncompress the compressed files. See also PKUNZ!P, slrnreware, utility program. · PLA 11. Acronym for programmable logic array. See field- programmable logic array. placeholder 11. 1. A clrnrnctcr that masks or hicles another charncler for security reasons. For example, when a user types a password, an asterisk is displayed on Lhc screen to take the place of each character typed. 2. Text or some other element used in an application as an indicator that the user should enter in his or her own text. Plain Old Telephone SeJ'vice 11. See POTS, plaintext n. 1. Noncncryptecl or decrypted text. See also decryplion, encryption. 2. A file that is stored as plain ASCrr dala. Compare ciphertcxt. plain vanilla adj. Ordinary; Lhe standard version of hard- ware or sol'Lware without any enlrnnccments. For example, a plain vanilla modem mighl have data transfer capability but no fax or voice features. .plan n. A file in a UNIX user's borne directory that is dis- played when olhcr users finger that account. Users can enter information in Lo .plan files al their discretion to pro- viclc infornrnlio11 in addition to lliat normally displayed by lhc finger command. See also finger. platform planar adj. L In computer graphics, lying within a plane. 2. ln the fabrication of scrniconcluctor materials, maintain~ ing the original flat surface of the silicon wafer throughout processing, while the chemicals that make up lhc elements thal control the flow of current are diffused lnlo (and beneath) the surface. planar transistor n. A special form of transistor that is fabricated with all tl1ree elements (collector, emitter, and base) on a single layer of semiconductor material. Tl1e structure of a planar transistor perrnils it lo dissipate rela- lively large amounts of heat, making Lhis design suitable for power transistors. See the illustration. Insulating layer i---------~---· L Collector Planar transistor. plasma display n.. See gas-discharge display. plastic lec1dless c;hip carrier n. See PLCC. plastic transistor 11. A transistor produced entirely from plastic rather than the trndilionaJ silicon. A plastic transis- tor is llexiblc enough to be embedded in curved surfaces or folded. Production of plastic transistors begins with a thin piece ol clear plastic, onto which layers of plastic are printed or sprayed through a mesh. The result is a light- weight, tJexible and transparent transistor thal can be nrnn~ ufactured in high volumes for a fraction of the cost of silicon transistors. The flexibilily and low-cost of plaslic transistors make tl1em useful in applications from trans- parenL folclahlc displays lo one-use producl containers. See also eleclron i c paper. platen n. The cylinder in most impact printers and type- writers, around which the paper wraps m1d against which the print mechanism strikes the paper. The paper bail,' a spring-loaded bar with small roll em, holds the paper smoothly against the platen just above the print mechanism. platform n. l. The foundation teclrnology of a computer system. Because computers are layered devices composed Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation