Estee Bedding Co.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsMay 5, 194773 N.L.R.B. 825 (N.L.R.B. 1947) Copy Citation In the Matter of ESTEE BEDDING COMPANY, EMPLOYER and TEXTILE WORKERS UNION OF AMERICA , C. I. 0., PETITIONER Case No. 1S-R-395..-Decided May 5, 1947 Mr. Harry H. Ruslein, of Chicago, Ill., for the Employer. Mr. Earl T. McGrew, of Chicago, Ill., for the Petitioner. Mr. Leonard J. Mandl, of counsel to the Board. DECISION AND DIRECTION Upon a petition duly filed, the National Labor Relations Board, on November 5, 1946, conducted a prehearing election among em- ployees of the Employer in the appropriate unit to determine whether or not they desired to be represented by the Petitioner for the pur- poses of collective bargaining. At the close of the election a Tally of Ballots was furnished the parties. The Tally shows that, of approximately 112 eligible voters, 104 cast ballots, of which 43 were for, and 36 against, the Petitioner, and 25 were challenged. Thereafter a hearing was held at Chicago, Illinois, on December 6, 12, 13, 14 and 17, 1946, and January 10, 1947, before Robert T. Drake, hearing officer. The hearing officer's rulings made at the hearing are free from prejudicial error and are hereby affirmed.' Upon the entire record in the case, the National Labor Relations Board makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. THE BUSINESS OF THE EMPLOYER Estee Bedding Company, an Illinois corporation, is engaged in the business of manufacturing mattresses, day beds and bed springs, at its plant in Chicago, Illinois. During 1945, it purchased for use at its plant raw materials valued at approximately $550,000, of which ' Before the hearing the Employer moved to dismiss the petition. The Regional Director for the Thirteenth Region treated the motion as a request to discontinue the investigation and denied the motion . We concur in the Regional Director' s ruling. 73 N. L. R. B., No. 156. 825 826 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD about 90 percent represents shipments to its plant from outside the State of Illinois. During the same period, the Employer sold products valued in excess of $1,000,000, of which about 65 percent represents shipments to points outside the State. The Employer admits and we find that it is engaged in commerce within the meaning of the National Labor Relations Act. II. THE ORGANIZATION INVOLVED The Petitioner is a labor organization affiliated with the Congress of Industrial Organizations, claiming to represent employees of the Employer. III. THE QUESTION CONCERNING REPRESENTATION The Employer refuses to recognize the Petitioner as the exclusive bargaining representative of employees of the Employer until the Petitioner has been certified by the Board in an appropriate unit. We find that a question affecting commerce has arisen concerning the representation of employees of the Employer, within the mean- ing of Section 9 (c) and Section 2 (6) and (7) of the Act. IV. THE APPROPRIATE UNIT We find, in accordance with a stipulation of the parties, that all pro- duction and maintenance employees, including watchmen, but ex- cluding office and clerical employees, truck drivers, and all super- visory employees with authority to hire, promote, discharge, disci- pline, or otherwise effect changes in the status of employees, or ef- fectively recommend such action, constitute a unit appropriate for the purposes of collective bargaining within the meaning of Section 9 (b) of the Act. V. THE CHALLENGED BALLOTS The Petitioner challenged 10 ballots, the Employer 7, and the Board's agent 8. A. The Petitioner 's challenges The Petitioner challenged the 10 voters discussed under this sec- tion on the ground that they are supervisors . The Employer has ap- proximately 80 employees . Supervising this working force are the 4 officers of the Employer , all of whom take an active part in the business , and 3 foremen , Walter Pietraszek , George Adams and Fred Zimmerman , who are conceded to be supervisors . The foremen are salaried , receive no compensation for overtime work and do not ESTEE BEDDING COMPANY 827 punch time clocks . All other production and maintenance employees, including the 10 employees challenged by the Petitioner, are hourly paid, receive pay for overtime and punch time clocks. The status of each of these 10 challenged voters is discussed separately hereinafter. Walter J. Pietraszek does manual work which is too difficult for the women in his department . He completes and stretches board wire, recurves springs, and puts bend tucks on the finished products. He also keeps the other, employees in the section supplied with frames, coils and rings, and instructs new employees. There are four other, employees, all female, in his department. There is a conflict of testi- mony as to Pietraszek's authority with respect to the other employees in his department. We are satisfied that Pietraszek does not have the power to change or effectively recommend a change in the status of the other employees in his department. Accordingly, we find that he is not a supervisor within the Board's customary definition. George Netzel is a cutter in the sewing department. He cuts mate- rials by machine and by hand. There is one other cutter in the depart- ment. Netzel does not have the power to change or effectively recommend a change in the status of this other cutter. Accordingly, we find that he is not a supervisor within the Board's customary definition. Vincent Greski works with a helper in the paint shop, The Peti- tioner contended that he is a supervisor because lie has a key to the paint shop. We are of the opinion and we find that this fact does not establish that he is a supervisor within the Board's customary definition. Charles Raeder is a set-up man in the garnet room. He leas four or five other employees working with him. He oversees the work of these other employees and distributes their weekly pay checks. He does not have the power to change or effectively recommend a change in the status of any of these employees. We find that he is not a, supervisor within the Board's customary definition. Guste Ratke is the oldest employee in the machine shop. He and three or four other machine operators are under the supervision of Fred Zimmerman , the machine shop supervisor . Although Ratke informs the employees in the machine shop of the time to report to work, and hands out the pay checks in his department, he does not have the power to change or effectively recommend a change in the status of any of these machine shop employees. We find that he is not a supervisor within the Board's customary definition. Martin Babinec sets up punch presses for himself and two other operators . He does not have the power to change or effectively rec- 828 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD ommend a change in the status of these punch press operators. Accord- ingly, we find that he is not a supervisor within the Board's customary definition. Willard Mercier is a maintenance man in the bedding department. There is only one other employee working in this department. Mercier does not have the power to change or effectively recommend a change in the status of this employee. Accordingly, we find that he is not a supervisor within the Board's customary definition. Marinus Van Beverin works with three or four other employees under Harold Trossman, chief shipping clerk, in the shipping room. Van Beverin is an experienced car loader and instructs the other employees as to proper loading procedure. He does not, however, have the power to change or effectively recommend a change in the status of other employees. Accordingly, we find that he is not a supervisor within the Board's customary definition. John Konovals/tulc is a set-up man in the spring department. He directs the work of about five other employees. His status appears to be that of a leadman. We find that he is not a supervisor within the Board's customary definition. Bernard De Sio directs the work of about 14 or 15 employees in the assembly department. Several employees testified that he hires, transfers, and discharges employees within his department. De Sio attempted to explain away the incidents of supervisory authority attributed to him. His explanation is not convincing. We are satis- fied that De Sio is a supervisor within the Board's customary definition. Inasmuch as Walter J. Pietraszek, George Netzel, Vincent Greski, Charles Raeder, Guste Ratke, Martin Babinec, Willard Mercier, Marinus Van Beverin, and John Konovalshuk are not supervisors within the Board's customary definition, they are included in the unit previously found appropriate. Accordingly, we hereby overrule the challenges to their ballots. De Sio is a supervisor, as we have found. Accordingly, he is excluded from the unit and the challenge to his ballot is hereby sustained. B. The Employer's challenges The Employer challenged the ballots of the following employees : Alonzo Gore was discharged on October 26, 1946. The Petitioner conceded that this challenge was well taken. We find that Gore was not an eligible voter. ESTEE BEDDING COMPANY 829 LeRoy Brown , German Curtis , Charles Anderson, and Sam Bylon: 2 There is an unfair labor practice charge now pending before the Board 3 with respect to the discharge of these four employees . Accordingly, we shall not rule upon the challenges to their ballots at this time. Lorraine Stokes operated a power machine in the sewing room. The last day she worked was on November 1,1946,1946,4 days before the election. She has not been reemployed since November 1. The Petitioner con- tends that she was temporarily laid off . The Employer 's witnesses testified that she was discharged for lateness and for loafing on the job. We are convinced and find that she was discharged and not laid off. We find, therefore , that Stokes was not an eligible voter on the day of the election. David Brown worked in the crib department until the Employer closed that department. He was then transferred to the shipping room. He said that he did not like that kind of work and voluntarily left the Employer 's employ on September 27, 1946. We find that Brown was not an eligible voter on the day of the election. Rose Lee Kirkaid worked in the box springs department from about July 1, 1945 , until October 26, 1946. She received a letter of discharge at the end of a 2-week absence due to illness and has not been rehired. We find that Knikaid was not an eligible voter on the day of the election. Accordingly, we sustain the challenges to the ballots of Alonzo Gore, Lorraine Stokes, David Brown , and Rose Lee Kinkaid. C. The Board challenges The Board challenged the ballots of the following employees because their names did not appear on the eligibility list : Thomas L. lhilkes was employed by the Employer's predecessor be- fore November 1942, when he was inducted into the United States Army. On December 23, 1945, he was discharged from the Army. In February 1946, lie applied for a position with the Employer and was told that there was none available at the time, but that he would be called when he was wanted. He then went to school until July 1946. Late in August he was hired by the Employer. About September 18, he went to Memphis, Tennessee , to see his sick father on what he con- sidered to be a leave of absence . Apparently, however, he did not tell the Employer when he would return. The Employer hired a new em- ployee to replace Wilkes . On October 5, Wilkes returned and requested 2 The ballot of Sam Bylon was challenged by the Board 8 18 C-3026. 830 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD employment . He was told that there was no work but that he would be called when needed. Wilkes had not returned to work for the Em- ployer up to the date of the hearing. The Employer contends that Wilkes quit on September 18, because he said nothing at that time about returning, and reapplied for work on October 5. Under all the circumstances we are of the opinion that Wilkes' employment relation- ship to the Employer was severed before the day of the election. Ac- cordingly, we find that he was not an eligible voter. Odessa Younger last worked for the Employer on October 17, 1946, at which time she received a letter of discharge. The reason given for her discharge was excessive absences. She has not been rehired. The Petitioner contends that she was laid off. On the basis of the record, we are convinced and find that Younger was discharged and not laid off. We find, therefore, that Odessa Younger was not an eligible voter on the day of the election. Bessie Mae Yomtger, Lessie B. 'Williams, Gussie Lee Bowie, Mary Lee Stevens and Catherine Miggins: The Petitioner asserts that these challenged voters were temporarily laid-off employees on the day of the election ; on the other hand, the Employer contends that they were discharged 6 weeks before the day of the election. These individuals worked in the crib department until September 20, 1946, when for lack of materials, the Employer shut down this department. It has i of been reopened. At the time of the shut-down, these challenged voters had worked only a few months for the Employer and had not yet completed their training period. Only 1 of the 12 employees affected by the shut-down has since been rehired. We are of the opinion that these individuals were discharged and not laid off on September 20. They were not, therefore, eligible voters. Accordingly, we sustain the challenges to the ballots of Thomas L. Wilkes, Odessa Younger, Bessie Mae Younger, Lessie B. Williams, Gussie Lee Bowie, Mary Lee Stevens, and Catherine Miggins. VI. THE OBJECTIONS The Employer objects to the counting of a ballot containing an alleged identifying mark. The ballot in question is marked with what appears to be a crude capital letter "D" in addition to the "X" in the "Yes" box. We have examined this ballot and find that the mark is insufficient to identify the voter. Accordingly, we overrule the objec- tion to the counting of this ballot. The Employer objects to the election on the ground that several ineligible voters were present at the polling place during the balloting. ESTEE BEDDING COMPANY 831 Some of the employees who had been discharged by the Employer prior to the election appeared at the polls and requested ballots. No objec- tion to their presence was made at that time, and the observers for the Employer and the Petitioner signed the Certification on Conduct of Election, which stated that the election was fairly conducted. There was no evidence that any of these people engaged in electioneering activities. We are of the opinion and find, therefore, that their pres- ence did not prevent the employees from exercising a free choice and did not influence the result of the election. Accordingly, we overrule this objection to the election., The Employer further contends that by opening several of the challenged ballots, the secrecy of these ballots will be violated. We find no merit in this contention.5 The Employer finally contends that it prehearing election should not have been held because there are substantial issues presented in this case. Its objection is based upon footnote 3 to Section 203.49 of the Board "Rules and Regulations" which provides, inter alia, for the conduct by the Regional Director of an election prior to hearing and transfer of the case to the Board, "in cases which present no sub- stantial issues." Even conceding that it substantial issue was pre- sented, it does not follow that the Regional Director exceeded his au- thority. In the practical administration of the rule providing for prehearing elections, the determination of any question as to the sub- stantiality of the issues must, in the first instance, lie within the sole discretion of the Regional Director. Furthermore, the rule is to be construed not as it limitation upon the Regional Director, but as a guide to the exercise of his discretion. The conduct of it prehearing election in cases where substantial issues are presented in nowise prej- udices any party inasmuch as full opportunity is afforded in the sub- sequent hearing for a complete exploration of the disputed issues.,' Accordingly, we find no merit in this contention. VII. THE DETERMINATION OF REPRESENTATIVES In view of the foregoing, we shall direct that the ballots of Walter J. Pietraszek, George Netzel, Vincent Greski, Charles Raeder, Guste Ratke, Martin Babinec, Willard Mercier, Marinus Van Beverin, and John Konovalshuk, be opened and counted. 4 Matter of Moulton Ladder Manufacturing Co., 27 N L R B 40 ; Matter of Interlake Iron Corporation, 6 N L R B 780, 787 5Matter of Rival Foods, Inc, 72 N L R B 492; Matter of Quick Industries, Incorpo- rated, 71 N L R B 949; Matter of The Abbott Labo,atoises, Inc, 69 N. L. R B 1290 Matter of The Borden Conzpany, 69 N L R B 947 739926-47-vol 73-54 832 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD DIRECTION As part of the investigation to ascertain representatives for the purposes of collective bargaining with Estee Bedding Company, Chi- cago, Illinois, the Regional Director for the Thirteenth Region shall, pursuant to the Rules and Regulations of the Board, within ten (10) days from the date of this Direction, open and count the challenged ballots of Walter J. Pietraszek, George Netzel, Vincent Greski, Charles Raeder, Guste Ratke, Martin Babinec, Willard Mercier, Marinus Van Beverin and John Konovalshuk, and shall, thereafter, prepare and cause to be served upon the parties a Supplemental Tally of Ballots. Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation