Emco Steel Inc.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsJan 13, 1977227 N.L.R.B. 989 (N.L.R.B. 1977) Copy Citation EMCO STEEL INC. 989 Emco Steel Inc. andLocal Union No. 455, Internation- al Association of Bridge, Structural and Ornamen- tal Iron Workers, AFL-CIO and Local 810, International Brotherhood of Teamsters , Chauf- feurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America, Party in Interest. Case,29-CA-4645 NLRB 544 (1950), enfd. 188 F.2d 362 (C.A. 3, 1951). We have carefully examined the record and find no basis for reversingbis findings. 2 Because the unfair labor practices here strike at the very heart of the Act we shall modify the recommended order by requiring Respondent to cease and desist from "in any other manner" interfering with, restraining, or coercing employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed in .Sec. 7 of the Act. Springfield Dodge, Inc., 218 NLRB 1429, fn. 2 (1975), and N.LR.B. v. Entwistle Manufacturing Company, 120 F.2d 532 (C.A 4,1941). January 13, 1977. DECISION AND ORDER BY CHAIRMAN MURPHY AND MEMBERS FANNING AND PENELLO On September 2, 1976, Administrative Law Judge Robert M. Schwarzbart issued the attached Decision in this proceeding. Thereafter, General Counsel and Respondent filed exceptions and supporting briefs. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board has delegated its authority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the record and the attached Decision in light of the exceptions and briefs and has decided to affirm the rulings, fmdings,1 and conclusions of the Administrative Law Judge and to adopt his recommended Order as modified herein.2 ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board adopts as its Order the recommend- ed Order of the Administrative Law Judge as modified below and hereby orders that the Respon- dent, Emco Steel Inc., Brooklyn, New York, its officers, agents,- successors, and assigns, shall take the action set forth in the said recommended Order as modified: Substitute the following for paragraph 1(d): "(d) In any other manner interfering with, restrain- ing, or coercing employees in the exercise of their rights to self-organization, to form labor organiza- tions, to join or assist Local Union No. 455 (Iron- workers) or any other labor organization; to bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing; to engage in concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection; or to refrain from any and all such activities except to the extent that such right may be affected by an agreement requiring membership in a labor organization as a condition of employment, as authorized by Section 8(a)(3) of the Act." i The Respondent has excepted to certain credibility findings made by the Administrative Law Judge. It is the Board's established policy not to overrule an Administrative Law Judge's resolutions with respect to credibili- ty unless the clear preponderance of all of the relevant evidence convinces us that the resolutions are incorrect . Standard Dry Wall Products, Inc., 91 227 NLRB No. 148 DECISION STATEMENT OF THE CASE ROBERT M. SCHWARzBART, Administrative Law Judge: This case was heard in Brooklyn, New York, on March 10, 11, 12, and 29, 1976, on a complaint issued on December 5, 1975,1 based on charges filed on October 21 and November 5, respectively. The complaint alleges that Emco Steel Inc., herein Respondent, violated Section 8(a)(1) and (2) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, herein the Act, by executing a collective -bargaining agreement with the Teamsters 2 after having voluntarily recognized and bar- gained collectively with the Charging Party herein, Local Union No. 455, International Association of Bridge, Structural and Ornamental Iron Workers, AFL-CIO, herein the Iron Workers, violated Section 8(a)(3) and(1) by virtue of the fact that the said contract contained a union- security clause, and contravened Section 8(a)(5) and (1) by refusing to continue to recognize and bargain collectively with the Iron Workers. Respondent, in its answer, denied that any unfair labor practices have been committed. Counsel for the General Counsel and for Respondent have filed briefs which have been carefully considered. Upon the entire record, including my observation -of the witnesses, I make the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. THE BUSINESS OF RESPONDENT Respondent, a New York corporation, is engaged in the manufacture, sale, and distribution of iron and steel products. During the past year, which period is representa- tive of its annual operations generally, Respondent in the course and conduct of its business purchased and caused to be transported and delivered to its place of business in Brooklyn, New York, steel supplies and other goods and materials valued in excess of $50,000, of which goods and materials valued in excess of $50,000 were transported and delivered to it and received from various enterprises located in the State of New York, each of which other enterprises had received said goods and materials in interstate com- merce directly from States of the United States other than the State in which it is located. During the past year, which period is representative of its annual operations generally, Respondent in the course and conduct of its business operations performed services or caused to be manufactured, sold, and distributed at its i All dates hereinafter are within 1975 unless stated to be otherwise. 2 At, the hearing the motion of Local 810, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America, herein the Teamsters, to intervene as a necessary party to this proceeding on the basis of its contract with the Respondent Employer was granted. 990 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD place of business in Brooklyn, New York, products or services valued in excess of $50,000, of which products or services valued in excess of $50,000 were furnished to various business enterprises located in the State of New York, each of which enterprises annually produced goods or performed services valued in excess of $50,000, which products are shipped directly or which services are per- formed out of the State where said enterprises are located, or which business enterprises annually purchase supplies valued in excess of $50,000, which are delivered at their places of business directly from other enterprises located outside the State of New York. In accordance with the foregoing, which was stipulated late in the hearing,3 I fmd that Respondent is engaged in commerce or in an enterprise affecting commerce within the meaning of Section 2(2), (6), and (7) of the Act. II. THE LABOR ORGANIZATIONS INVOLVED Local Union No. 455, International Association of Bridge, Structural and Ornamental Iron Workers, AFL- CIO, the Charging Party herein noted, as the Iron Workers, Local 810, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America, the Party in Interest, herein the Teamsters, are labor organiza- tions within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. III. THE UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES A. Background Respondent, in operation since September 1974, is engaged in the business of structural steel fabrication. This entails cutting holes into steel beams, girders, and columns, cutting the steel to size in accordance with blueprints, and generally doing whatever is required to enable the steel to be erected in building construction. Respondent's employ- ees are principally classified as mechanics, who cut the steel, and laborers. Contracts for the actual erection of steel when obtained by Respondent are most frequently subcon- tracted and performed by employees of other employers. Accordingly, Respondent's employees customarily work within the shop on Respondent' s premises. Respondent's principals are Seymour Erney, president, and Gerald Meisner, secretary-treasurer. B. The Appropriate Unit and the Iron Workers Majority Status Paragraph 8 of the complaint alleges that the following unit is appropriate for purposes of collective bargaining within the meaning of Section 9(b) of the Act: All production and maintenance employees employed by the Respondent at its Brooklyn, New York, place of business, excluding all office clerical employees, profes- 3 See G.C Exhs. 12(a) and (b). 4 Coh had known Erney for approximately 18 years before beginning his employment with Respondent 5 It was stipulated at the hearing that the strike by Local 455, Iron Workers, which affected approximately 160 shops, began on or about July 1, and continued on or about January 9, 1976, when the greater number of employees returned to work At the time of the hearing certain businesses sional employees, guards, watchmen and supervisors, as defined in Section 2(11) of the Act. Although denying paragraph 8 in its answer, Respondent concedes that, on October 14, it-signed a collective-bargain- ing agreement with the Teamsters whereby it recognized that union as the "sole and exclusive' collective-bargaining agent" for a unit including "all employees, exclusive of office clericals, non-working supervisors, watchmen, guards and supervisors as defined in the National Labor Relations Act, as amended," which contract was thereafter applied to Respondent's production and maintenance or shop em- ployees. Accordingly, except for the unit placement of three individuals employed at the time' that the Iron Workers claimed majority status - Tom McGovern, Dano Coli, and John Frick - there is no substantive dispute between the parties as to the composition of the relevant unit. I, therefore, find that the unit alleged in the complaint and described above is appropriate for purposes of collective bargaining within the meaning of Section 9(b) of the Act. The Iron Workers predicate their majority status on the support allegedly afforded them by Coli, McGovern, and Frick who, on September 15, were the only employees. Respondent argues that such support was invalid since Coli was a temporary employee and McGovern asp working foreman was a supervisor within the meaning of Section 2(11) of the Act and, in any event, had declined to sign an authorization card for the Iron Workers. Respondent further contends that, although Frick had signed an authorization card for the Iron Workers, he at the time did not know what he was signing and thereafter had sought to retrieve his card from the Iron Workers. Dano Coli The record reveals that Coli,4 a member in good standing of the' Iron Workers since 1949, began to work for Respondent in mid-July. Before this, Coli had been employed by the Brightman Iron Works in Springfield Gardens, New York. However, Brightman had been affected by an industrywide strike called by the Iron Workers,5 temporarily shutting down that company's operations. Although Coli had left his tools at Brightman when the strike began,6 he reiterated during his testimony that at no time during his employment by Respondent from mid-July to about October 3, when he was laid off for economic reasons, did he ever converse with Erney or Meisner, Respondent's management, with regard to how long he would continue to work for Respondent. The record is clear that, although Coli performed-the same welder-mechanic services for Respondent as he had for .Brightman, Respondent -paid him approximately $40 a week less than he had earned at Brightman's, based on a 40- hour week, with no fringe benefits. On the morning of September 15, Anthony Schifano, Iron Workers vice president and employee of, the Union's were still affected by the strike . It was against the background of this strike that the events herein occurred. 6 Although more than 5 months had elapsed from the time Coh was laid off by Respondent until the time of the hearing , Coli had not been recalled to work by Brightman and had not collected his tools from Bnghtman's premises. EMCO STEEL INC. apprenticeship fund, approached Coil and John Frick, apprentice, in the yard of Respondent's premises. Schifano greeted Coli, whom he had known through Cola's long membership in the Iron Workers, and asked who else was employed by Respondent. Coil told him of Meisner and Thomas McGovern, both of whom were then Iron Workers members . Schifano also was informed that Erney, Meisner, and McGovern were away and that only Coli and Frick were on the premises . Coli introduced Schifano to Frick who, in answer to Schifano's inquiry, stated that he was not a member of the Iron Workers Union. Schifano spoke about the benefits of membership and gave blank authori- zation cards to the two men. Coli signed his card immedi- ately, but did not date his card or fill in any of the other blanks.7 Respondent's president, Erney, testified that at the suggestion of his foreman, McGovern, he interviewed Coli for a position with Respondent. Erney related that during that interview, in July, Coli had asked Erney if he knew that Coli was then on strike. Erney replied that he did. Coli had specified that he was working for Brightman Iron Works and that they could call him back at any time once the strike was over. Erney told him that that was okay as Respondent only had a small amount of work for him and could put him to work on a temporary basis. According to Erney, Coh then agreed to work for Respondent on a temporary basis, agreeing to a pay rate substantially below what he had received at Brightman's. No fringe benefits were included. At Coli's request, Erney also agreed to lend Coli the tools he used during his employment with Respondent, since as noted, Coli's tools had remained on Bnghtman 's premises . Cola's subsequent departure from Respondent at the time of his layoff on or about October 3 was amicable. Erney's testimony that Coli had not intended to remain permanently with Respondent was corroborated by McGovern and Frick, both of whom related that Coli had told them of his intention to return to Brightman Iron Works at the conclusion of the stnke.8 The General Counsel, who, contrary to the Respondent, contests McGovern's supervisory status, contends that any communication between Coli and McGovern would not under the law of agency be notice to Respondent. However, the General Counsel's more basic position is that Coil was not a temporary employee of Respondent on September 15 when he signed the card as his tenure with Respondent was not of definite duration. In his brief, the General Counsel cited M. J. Pirolli & Sons, Inc.,9 and E. H. Sargent and Co., a Corporation,10 wherein are set forth the relevant tests as to whether an employee should be considered "temporary" and therefore 7 Schifano , too, denied having dated Colas card, which was received in evidence with the date , September 15, written on it in the appropriate blank. However, Schifano did fill in other miscellaneous blanks on the card, including the name of the employer , and Coli's job classification in the appropriate blanks on Coli 's card. He also wrote Cob 's address on the back of the card after Cob had signed it. Schifano then placed it in his pocket together with the signed card received from Frick. 8 McGovern testified that Cob had told him of his intent to return to Brightman 's when Coli first applied for employment with Respondent. Frick stated that Coli had told him of his intent during Cob's first day of employment with Respondent. 8 194 NLRB 24I, 250 (1972). 991 excluded from the unit. In Sargent, a student was hired in August and quit his employment during the following February. In his employment interview, the student had advised the company that "he wanted a job in order to earn enough money to return to school, and that he had every hope of starting school again at the second semester around February 1...." The Board concluded that, "although it is true that [the student] did not intend to remain permanently with the Respondent, it does not appear that his arrangement with [the Respondent] imposed any definite terminal date upon his employment. Neither in August nor in October, when he authorized the Union as his bargaining agent, could his expressed `hope' to return to school in February be equated to any certainty that he would accumulate sufficient funds to accomplish his desire."" In M. J. Pirolli & Sons, supra, which followed the rationale of Sargent, the Board included within the unit an employee who had advised the employer when he was hired that he was trying to become a member of the state police force and that he only expected to work for that employer until he got a job with the state police, and also included another employee who, at the time he began to work for that employer, told the hiring official that he would "probably just work until spring and he agreed to that." This was done although the employer in M. J. Pirolli had contended that both individuals should be excluded from the unit as temporary employees. It was found that, in each instance, the included employees had imposed no definite terminal dates upon their employment. Accordingly, Coli, at the time he signed an authorization card for the Iron Workers, was not a temporary employee as his employ- ment , for the duration of the strike, was of uncertain duration. Coh had not been hired for a set term or to perform a specific project or series of tasks for Respondent. There were also inherent uncertainties with regard to Coli's chances for future employment with the Brightman Iron Works, including the date when the strike would end and, of course, the time, if ever, when he might be recalled to work there.12 Coli's decision to leave his tools at Bright- man's under the circumstances herein reflected no more than an intent to eventually return to that company's employ at some unspecified future time. Inasmuch as the absence of these tools under his arrangement with Erney did not prevent Coli from performing such services as Respondent may have required, that situation in no way made more definite his terminal employment date with Respondent. Accordingly, I find that on September 15, when Coli signed the authorization card 13 for the Iron Workers, to the 10 99 NLRB 1318,1320 (1952). ii Id at 1320. 12 As matters subsequently developed, the Iron Workers strike against the industry did not wind down until approximately 4 months after Cob, at Schifano's request , had signed his card. In addition, at the time of the hearing , approximately 2 months after the strike at Bnghtman 's had ended, Cob had still not been recalled. 13 1 do not find significance in any question that may exist as to whether Cob, in fact, had dated his authorization card when signing it, as the Board customarily requires. Cob, long a member of the Iron Workers, had merely reaffirmed his support for that Union. See Harris-Woodson Co, Inc, 77 NLRB 819 , 835, fn. 15 (1948); Ben Ginsburg, Inc d/b/a Brunswick Meat (Continued) 992 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD time of his layoff in early October, he was a, member of the unit found appropriate herein. John Frick . John Frick was employed as an apprentice by Respon- dent from mid-summer 1975 until around the beginning of February 1976, when he was laid off for economic reasons. On September 15, under circumstances described above, when Coli signed an authorization card on behalf of the Iron Workers, so did Frick."However, Frick explained that at that time he had told Schifano that he was not interested in that Union, he had not read the authorization card before signing it, and had merely expected to receive union literature.14 , Frick testified that thereafter on or about October 7 he encountered Schifano on Respondent's premises and had told Schifano that he would like to get his card back from the Iron Workers because he did not want to be a member. Frick explained that his brother-in-law was going into business for himself and Frick did not know whether he would stay with Respondent. Schifano agreed to return,the card, but never did. About 1 Week later, on October 14, Frick went to Erney's office and asked to whom he would have to write in order to get his card back from the Iron Workers. Frick related that later, while in the shop, he wrote the following letter to the Iron Workers, dated October 14: This is to confirm our conversation of last week telling you I have no desire to be a member of Local 455 and I would like to have the card I signed returned to me. Thank You Mr. John Frick Frick did not receive a response to his letter.15 Schifano, contrary to Frick, stated that, before Frick had signed the card, he had told him its purpose. Frick had further cooperated that day by writing his" name and address on the back of the card. Schifano did not testify with respect to Frick's subsequent efforts of October 7 and 14 to recover his authorization card. From the record as a whole, I credit Schifano's account that on September 15, at the time of signing, Frick knew that he was signing an authorization card for the Iron Workers:16 Frick had testified that, during their employ- Packers, Brunswick Tallow Co, 164 NLRB 887, fn. 1(1967), where the Board, in determining majority status , considered existing membership in the union to lieu of signed authorization cards. 14 Frick, however, stated that, at Schifano 's request, he also had written his name and address on the back of the card. 15 Frick could not explain how a photocopy of his October 14 letter to the Iron Workers could be produced by Respondent as evidence in this proceeding. 16 The Iron Workers authorization cards signed by Coh and Frick provided, inter alia, that the subscribing employees: Hereby authorize and designate Shopmen 's Local Union No. 455 of the International Association of Bridge, Structural and Ornamental Iron Workers (affiliated with the AFL) to act as my sole and exclusive agent and representative for all purposes of collective bargaining, whether under the operation of the National Labor Relations Act, or otherwise. 17 As will be discussed below in connection with the Teamsters orgamza- ment with the Respondent, he and Coli had been good friends, that he was present and had participated in the September 15 conversation between Coli and Schifano. It therefore is not reasonable to infer that Frick did not know what Coli was doing when he signed the authorization card in Frick's presence. Moreover, it apparently is not Frick's practice to sign documents he has not yet read as he, himself, testified that soon thereafter he had read the entire proposed collective-bargaining agreement between Re- spondent and the Teamsters before signing that contract in ratification. It is further noted that, by the time of the hearing, Frick had become obviously hostile toward the Iron Workers. From the foregoing, it would appear to be most improbable that Frick, at the time he signed the Iron Workers authorization card, did not know what he was doing, or that he would have provided his address on the back of that card to a total stranger without first reading the document. While it is clear that, from October 7, Frick actually did begin to seek the return of his Iron Workers card by unwritten and written request, I find that on September 15 and thereafter Frick had indeed designated the Iron Workers to act as his collective-bargaining representative,'? Thomas McGovern Thomas McGovern was hired by Respondent as working foreman in April. Serving also as a mechanic and finisher, with 30 years' experience in the industry, he was the most highly skilled of Respondent's shop employees. For many years prior to the hearing and at all times material herein, McGovern was a member in good standing of the Iron Workers and was personally acquainted with Schifano. Accordingly, although he was not on Respondent's premises when Schifano obtained signed authorization cards from Coli and Frick, McGovern did accept Schifa- no's invitation on September 15 to join him that evening at a bar for a couple of drinks. While they were together McGovern refused Schifano's request that he sign an Iron Workers' authorization card, explaining that he was more than satisfied with the salary he was making, was happy working, for Respondent, and did, not want to spoil it. McGovern noted that he-was still a member of the Iron Workers Union and did not see any reason to sign a card."' tional drive, in agreement with the General Counsel, I find that Frick's efforts to retrieve his card from the Iron Workers coincided with his Respondent-assisted support for the Teamsters and accordingly, will be discounted. See Quality Markets, Inc., 160 NLRB 44, 45-46 (1966). As the card signed by Frick for the Teamsters will be found, infra, to be tainted, the dual card rule recently reiterated in Crest Containers Corporation, 223 NLRB 739 (1976), does not appear to be applicable. Under this rule, where an employee signs an authorization card for each of two unions, the card of neither union will be regarded as a valid designation that may be counted toward majority as it is not possible to tell from the cards which of the unions the employee has selected as an exclusive bargaining agent . However, a tainted card signed by Frick on behalf of the Teamsters at a time when no question concerning representation existed will not suffice to revoke the efficiency of Frick's earlier card on behalf of the Iron Workers. 15 McGovern and Schufano gave substantially the same accounts of the September 15 meeting. EMCO STEEL INC. The General Counsel, relying upon Harris- Woodson Co., Inc.,19 and Brunswick Meat Packers, 20 argues that, inas- much as McGovern had been a member in good standing with the Iron Workers on September 15, his membership constituted stronger evidence of his support for that Union than a mere signature on an authorization card and therefore McGovern could be included as a part of the Iron Workers majority although he had not signed a card. Respondent argues, however, that McGovern, at all times material herein, was outside of the unit as a supervisor within the meaning of Section 2(11) of the Act, and that, in any event, under the circumstances described above, he could not be found to have been a supporter of the Iron Workers, while in Respondent's employ. In seeking to establish McGovern's status as a supervisor, Erney testified that McGovern, from the time of his hire in April, had served as working foreman, in charge of work in the shop. At the time McGovern was hired, he was given the keys to open and close the plant each day, and told he would have the right to hire, fire, and discipline employees, and to assign work. In this connection, it is contended that McGovern successfully recommended the hire of Coli. However, prior to his retention, Coli was also independent- ly interviewed by Erney. Erney also testified that McGovern was responsible for field erection work on which occasions he would direct Respondent's employees in the placement of steel on various jobsites. McGovern was compensated at the highest hourly rate. Cross-examination revealed, however, that in September the only persons employed in the shop besides McGovern were Coli and Frick. Coli was an experienced welder and Frick was but an apprentice. In this sense the practical discretion available to McGovern in making work assign- ments was very limited. Obviously, the jobs requiring skill would necessarily go to Coli and the easier tasks and those which required strength to the younger Frick. In addition, Meisner, who possesses skills comparable to McGovern's was almost always on the premises during working hours. Were McGovern to be found to be a supervisor, the ratio of supervisory personnel to employees would be inordinately high. In addition, the record is clear that McGovern did not independently decide to hire or lay off Frick, Coli, or any other shop employee and has never exercised any like authority, such decisions having been made wholly without him. Virtually all field construction work for which Re- spondent had contracted was, in turn, subcontracted to other concerns which used their own employees to do the work. Therefore, any responsibility afforded McGovern with respect to field construction work, too, was decidedly limited . Finally, it is noted as to McGovern's status that Respondent, contrary to its own contentions, already had agreed to include him in the unit covered by the Teamsters contract by the time of the hearing. Accordingly, McGov- em's dues are regularly checked off in accordance with the checkoff provision of the Teamsters agreement and his 19 77 NLRB 819, 835, fn 15 20 164NLRB887,fn 1 21 It is noted that , on the last day of the hearing , McGovern was the only remaining employee within the above-described unit 993 terms and conditions of employment and benefits conform to those set forth in that contract. For the foregoing reasons, noting that McGovern's authority to assign work is at most routine in nature; that his one recommendation that an employee be hired was followed only after Respondent's president had indepen- dently interviewed that applicant; that a high ratio of supervisory personnel to employees would exist were McGovern found to be a supervisor; and the fact that McGovern has already been included within the unit covered by the collective-bargaining agreement between Respondent and the Teamsters, I found that McGovern is not a supervisor within the meaning of Section 2(11) of the Act and is properly a member of the unit found appropriate herein.21 Although it has been found that McGovern is not a supervisor within the meaning of the Act, there is merit to Respondent's position that McGovern's longstanding membership in the Iron Workers should not, under the circumstances herein, be considered in determining wheth- er the Iron Workers enjoyed majority support. Although in Harris-Woodson Co., Inc., supra and Brunswick Meat Packers, supra cited by the General Counsel, the Board, in the absence of signed authorization cards, accepted the existing union membership of certain employees in the unit as evidence that they had designated the union to be their bargaining agent ,22 in those cases, unlike the instant matter, there had been no subsequent expression of sentiment voiced by the relevant employees with respect to represen- tation by their unions at their current places of employ- ment. In Harris-Woodson, Co., Inc., supra, Brunswick Meat Packers, supra, and other cases that have herein been considered, reliance was placed on a presumption that employees who have retained their membership in a given union would wish that union to continue to represent them. However, in those cases, the question of whether the employees were willing to sign new authorization cards never arose and the presumption was never rebutted. Here, however, although McGovern had retained his union membership, he had refused Schifano's specific request that he sign an authorization card for the Iron Workers. Although McGovern did not abandon his Iron Workers membership, he did not seek to extend its representative status to himself or to others in Respondent's employ. This refusal, in my view, is sufficient to rebut any presumption which might have arisen from McGovern's membership in the Iron Workers. An individual may have reason to remain in a given union without desiring it as an immediate bargaining representative. As the record reveals, the Iron Workers represent employees in many of the shops engaged in the industry in which McGovern is employed and it may be that in the future McGovern might seek to again work in an Iron Workers shop. In addition, the record also reflects certain other benefits derivable from continu- ing membership in the Iron Workers. The Iron Workers collective-bargaining agreement with various employees in the industry, which served as a basis for the alleged 22 Also see William A Magellan, Joseph S. Martinac, Frederick T. Borovich, G. E. Skewis, Eugene Dahout, and J. M. Martmac Shipbuilding Corporation, d/b/a M. V Eastern Pacific, 163 NLRB 798, 803-804 (1967), United States Gypsum Company, 90 NLRB 964 (1950). 994 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD collective-bargaining negotiations between the Iron Work- ers and Respondent, provides for a series. of group insurance and benefit plans covering members, their wives and young children. Although the record does not disclose to what extent, if any, McGovern has continuing rights under ' such plans, the point, is - that a desire to. retain membership_ in a given; union need not necessarily be synonymous with a desire for immediate continued -repre- sentation by that- Union in a new place of employment. Accordingly, in .view of McGovern's refusal to sign an Iron Workers authorization card on September 15, when re- quested to do by Schifano; for the reasons given, I find _ that McGovern, at that time, did not wish to designate the Iron Workers to serve as his collective-bargaining representative and, therefore, do not include McGovern as part of the Iron Workers majority. in the above-described unit. However, as I have found that Coli and Frick did elect to support the Iron Workers on September 15, and that, Coil, during his employment, was properly a member of the unit,, it is concluded that, as of September 15, , the Iron Workers enjoyed the majority support of two of the three employees in the unit found herein. C. The Alleged Refusal To Bargain 1. The, recognition of and negotiating sessions with the Iron Workers Schifano testified that after he- had obtained the signed authorization ' cards from Coli- and Frick, as described above; his- Union sent a_ telegram, dated September P, advising Respondent that the Iron Workers represented an overwhelming majority Tofits production and maintenance employees and requesting a meeting for the purpose of discussing the terms and conditions of employment. Later that same week , after the telegram had been sent, Schifano , accompanied by Frank Hernandez, Iron Workers executive board member, visited Respondent's premises where they met with Erney and Meisner .23 At the outset, Meisner, a member of the Iron Workers since 1952, had asked Schifano how he could withdraw from the Union. In response , Schifano telephoned his office and relayed the inquiry to John Zito , Iron Workers secretary -treasurer, who in turn outlined the relevant procedures to Meisner.24 During that meeting, Erney admitted having received the Iron Workers September 17 telegram to Respondent but declined Schifano's request that he sign a recognition agreement on behalf of the Iron Workers, explaining that, although he was aware that authorization cards had been signed by his employees, he required time to consult with his attorney . When Schifano requested another meeting, Erney again asked for an opportunity to speak to his lawyer after which he would communicate with Schifano. Erney 23 Schifano,had known Erney.and Meisner since at least 1971, when Schifano had briefly worked for GLG Iron Works where Erney and Meisner were also employed. 24 This conversation was confirmed by Zito who testified that Meisner, after following the procedures conveyed by Zito during their conversation, had received a withdrawal card from the Iron Workers, dated October 31. 25 Although Meisner was present throughout, Erney conducted the principal review and discussion on behalf of the Employer 26 Schifano testified that, during their first bargaining session, Respon- dent agreed to an additional holiday besides those set forth in the recently expressed concern that increased labor costs involved in working with unionized labor had not been taken into account when Respondent had-bid on a firehouse job- on which it was then working. An immediate requirement by the Iron Workers that Respondent pay those increased costs, including contributions to the Iron Workers several funds, would so increase the Respondent's overhead-on the job as to cause it to lose money. Schhifano replied that payments, into the Union's funds and the possibility- of deferring them were matters for negotiation. Erney wanted to know- what the contract would cost the Company. As Schifano departed, after receiving a tour of the premises, he requested an early meeting, observing that both Erney and Meisner had been involved with the Iron Workers at GLG Iron Works and the Union, was not new to them. Schifano testified that on September 23, at or about 10:30 a.m.,-he and Hernandez returned to Respondent's premises for a second meeting, bringing with him, at Erney's request, duplicate copies of three documents, which served as the basis for negotiations. These documents included the standard independent contract between the Iron Workers and the, industry, which, had expired on June 30, a set of union proposals for a new contract sent to the industry in May, anda stipulation between the Iron Workers and some companies that had become effective after July 1. This stipulation extended the standard independent contract from July 1;=1975, to June 30, 1976, with certain specific modifications. Schifano testified that, on receiving his copy of the foregoing documents, Erney again stated that his concerns were economic in nature. In, accordance with Schifano's suggestion that the . documents provided be reviewed section by section to determine areas of agreement and disagreement, Erney, who had not previously, seen the documents, reviewed themwith Schifano and Hernandez, discussing each proposal asreached.25 During that meeting, the parties reached agreement with respect to provisions relating to the appropriate bargaining unit, a provision requiring approval of the contract by the International Union, union recognition, union security and checkoff of dues, overtime pay, the number ofpaid holidays per year,26 one of the four subprovisions relating to reporting pay and/or allowed pay, a no-strike and no- lockout clause, the terms of plant visitation by union representatives, leaves of absence, nondiscrimination claus- es, union use of a' bulletin board on Respondent's premises, provisions relating to safety and health, a prohibition on the payment by Respondent of piece, bonus, or contract work done in the shop,27 a provision prohibiting Respondent from utilizing its shop employees in erection, field fabrica- tion, or construction work, paydays,28 a saving clause whereby the parties agreed to renegotiate any provision of expired collective-bargaining agreement . However, the parties could not agree as to the specific dates on which the extra holiday should be observed. 27 The Union desired this provision to insure that all work done in the shop shall be paid at not less than the hourly wage rate specified in the contract. 28 This provision included a requirement that Respondent, for the first time, maintain a timeclock. Erney agreed to this proposal after Schifano had assured him that it was beneficial for Respondent to have such proper records. The Union required this provision as contributions to its, various EMCO STEEL INC. the contract subsequently found to be unlawful, job classifications, and rest periods. During the September 23 meeting, the parties did not agree to the preamble,29 hours of work, the date on which the extra holiday agreed to, as noted above, would be observed, certain other aspects of reporting and/or allowed pay, grievance and arbitration,30 semonty,31 Respondent's participation in the industrywide vacation fund,32 subcon- tracting of work, and wage rates. As the meeting ended, at or about 3:30 p.m., Schifano expressed his satisfaction that the progress had exceeded his expectations. He requested that another meeting take place as soon as possible. Erney announced that, in the interim, he would consult with his attorney with respect to clauses that he did not understand and which had been left open and asked Schifano to call him again to establish a new meeting day. The next meeting, scheduled originally for September 29, was reset at Respondent's request to the morning of October 6. The October 6 meeting, too, was attended by Erney and Meisner for Respondent and by Schifano and Hernandez for the Iron Workers. At the outset, Erney again asked what the economic package was going to cost. Schifano suggest- ed that noneconomic matters be disposed of before approaching the economic provisions. Schifano then re- quested and received information as to Respondent's current wage scales and its position as to the various employee classifications. The parties continued their review of the previously considered documents.33 At the October 6 bargaining session Respondent, for the first time, also agreed to the Iron Workers proposals concerning the preamble, an hourly wage rate for McGov- ern but not for other employees, and that Meisner, as a supervisor, would no longer perform unit-type work. The Iron Workers representatives indicated a willingness to enter into a 3-year contract but there was no agreement on this. Items that were not resolved during this meeting included hours of work, grievance and arbitration,34 certain report- ing and allowance pay provisions, participation in the industry vacation fund, the subcontracting of work, the wage rate to be paid the mechanic, and the apprentice and employer contributions to the various funds set forth in the Iron Workers contract.35 The October 6 meeting ended with an understanding that Schifano would put together a series of prorated figures pursuant to which Respondent could gradually, over a funds were based upon the hours of work done in the shop and records were needed for such computations 29 Erney did not understand the preamble at the time and wanted to read it again 3° Although Erney, according to Schifano, had agreed to all of the proposed language of the grievance and arbitration provisions , he refused to include such a provision in any contract until he knew who the shop steward was going to be, citing past expenences with irresponsible stewards. Schtfano declined to allow Respondent to have a voice in this matter Accordingly, there was no agreement with respect to that provision 31 Although Respondent agreed to seven subparagraphs of the seniority proposal , including a clause relating to promotion , Respondent requested and received time to further read three additional subparagraphs before agreeing to the entire provision 32 Respondent agreed to grant paid vacation time on a sliding scale on a schedule based upon years ofservice as proposed by the Union, but declined 995 period of 3 years, defer its contributions to the various funds. Although no new date was set for the next meeting, Schifano was to call Respondent as soon as he had computed the schedule and figures for the prorated deferred payments. Schifano testified that on or about October 8, 2 days after the above meeting , while visiting the plant to deliver the computed figures he learned from McGovern that Respon- dent had laid off Coli. Schifano thereafter mentioned Coli to Meisner on two occasions. However, all that Meisner would tell him was that Erney was not there.36 On October 14, Schifano telephoned Erney and informed him that he was ready with the package, asking that a meeting date be set. Erney replied that he no longer believed that Schifano represented the men. Schifano asked how he could say that after they had been through so much. Emey answered that he had retained counsel and that that was all he was going to say, repeating his disbelief that Schifano still represented the men. There was no further conversation. At the hearing, Erney was called as a witness by both the General Counsel and Respondent during their respective cases-in-chief. When called by the General Counsel, Emey testified that, in mid-September, he had received a telegram from the Iron Workers demanding recognition. He also averred that a few days later, when Schifano visited his office, Erney had told Schifano that he had received his telegram but had no time to talk to him. Schifano had agreed to return at another time. Erney related that Schifano had returned twice thereafter but that essentially the same conversations had ensued, Erney having told Schifano on each occasion that he had had no time to talk with him and requesting that he come back. Each time Schifano agreed. Later in the proceeding, as Respondent's witness, Emey expanded his testimony as to the extent of his dealing with Schifano, testifying that on or about September 23 Schifano had visited Emey's office and asked whether he had received a telegram, to which Erney had replied in the affirmative. However, when Schifano asked Erney to sign up with the Iron Workers, Erney had replied that Schifano did not have the majority support of the employees in his shop. Erney told Schifano that he knew this because the day after Schifano had been to the plant (September 15), McGovern had told Erney that he had declined Schifano's request to sign an authorization card for the Iron Workers. Emey related that he also had told Schifano that John Frick also had come to him on September 16 with the to contribute to the Local 455 industry vacation fund, from which employees in the industry generally received their vacation money, as Respondent preferred to directly pay its own employees their vacation pay Accordingly, the provisions of the vacation proposal that related to the industry vacation fund were left open 33 Dunng the bargaining sessions of September 23 and October 6, both Schifano and Erney took notes However , Respondent's representatives never initialed their approval of any adopted clauses on any of the documents before them 34 Erney, opposed by Schifano, continued to withhold his consent to the inclusion of grievance and arbitration provisions in the contract until he knew who the shop steward would be 35 These funds covered pension, welfare , vacation, apprenticeship and training, annuities, and sick leave 38 The complaint does not allege that Coli's layoff in early October was violative of the Act. 996 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD information that Schifano had been in the-plant and that he (Frick) had given his name and address to Schifano so that the Iron Workers might send him information concerning that Union, but that he did not sign an authorization card. Erney did not know whether Coli had signed a card on September 15, as they had not discussed the matter. As McGovern, Frick, and Coli were the only three persons employed in the shop at that time, it was Erney's position that the Iron Workers had never obtained majority status. The visit from Schifano consumed approximately 10 minutes, as Erney and Meisner were so busy they did not have time to talk to him. , - - On, or about September. 30, Schifano returned to the shop with a' manila envelope from which he drew-a document identified as the recognition agreement. Inside the envelope was a copy of the Iron Workers proposed collective-' bargaining agreement, which he threw on Erney's desk, telling him to read and sign it., Erney responded by again telling, Schifano that he did not represent the men in the shop. The two men then engaged in general conversation and even had a cup of coffee together. During this visit, Meisner ran in and out of the office as the Company was busy at the time. After about a half hour, the conversation ended because of the press of business, with Schifano telling Erney that he would get in touch with him at some other time. Erney flatly denies that Respondent had ever recognized or negotiated for a new collective-bargaining agreement with the Iron Workers, or made notes of discussions with Schifano, or that he had engaged in other activities attributed to him by Schifano during alleged bargaining sesslonS.37 2. Credibility resolutions After reviewing the foregoing, I credit the testimony of Schifano, that Respondent had recognized the Iron Work- ers as the bargaining representative of its employees in the unit found appropriate herein, and that on September 23 and October 6 Respondent had engaged in negotiations with the Iron Workers for the purpose of arriving at the terms of first collective-bargaining agreement. In so con- cluding, it is noted that the testimony of Schifano was generally consistent and convincingly detailed. Schifano clearly related in itemized form the areas of contractual agreement and discord, the surrounding discussions, and stated concerns. Various collateral aspects of his testimony were supported by other witnesses. As an example, the Iron Workers financial secretary, Zito, corroborated that Meis- ner had asked about a procedure through which he could 37 It is undisputed that Respondent did not sign the recognition agreement or complete a collective -bargaining agreement with the Iron Workers. 39 Erney did not refer to Stemberg 's presence at any of the meetings. As it is not likely that Schifano could otherwise have known Steinberg 's identity, the reference to Steinberg by Schifano lends additional credibility to Schifano's testimony. 39 In Erney's initial account, he testified that he had been too busy to speak to Schifano at all. However, in subsequent testimony, he related that they had had a substantial conversation lasting over a half hour and that Schlfano had brought in documents. 90 Specifically, on March 25, 1975, Erney pleaded guilty in the Criminal Court of the City of New York, County of Kings, to having violated sec. 155.25 of the New York State Penal Code. Sec. 155.25 reads as follows: withdraw from the Union. So too, McGovern had agreed with Schifano as to the substance of their September 15 meeting, and Schifano had known the name of Steinberg, Respondent's landlord, who was present for a portion of the October 6 meeting.38 Erney, on the other hand, has not been credited. The description of his meeting with Schifano, to which he testified when called by the General Counsel, differed materially from that given when called as a witness by Respondent,39 although in each case he contended that the Iron Workers had been denied recognition. Erney's credi- bility was also -adversely affected by the fact that he had recently pleaded guilty to a crime involving moral turpi- tude.40 Accordingly, from the credited evidence it is found that Respondent recognized the Iron Workers on or about September 19 and negotiated with that Union on Septem- ber 23 and October, 6 with respect to the terms of a collective-bargaining agreement. It is further found that such recognition was withdrawn by Respondent on or before, October 14 when, as will -be discussed below, Respondent executed a collective-bargaining agreement with the Teamsters, effective from October 14, 1975, to October 5, 1978, covering employees in the unit found appropriate herein. This contract contains a union-security clause conditioning the continued employment of Respon- dent's unit employees upon their Teamsters membership after a 30-day grace period, and a provision for the checkoff of union dues. -The parties agree and I find that the contract between Respondent and the Teamsters has been enforced in all of its terms including the foregoing union-security and checkoff provisions from October 14, when executed, to date.41 3. Analysis and findings From the credited evidence it has been found above that, on about September 19, Respondent voluntarily recognized and agreed to bargain with the Iron Workers .42 It was also found that, on September 23 and October 6, Respondent and the Iron Workers met and entered into extensive negotiations concerning a collective -bargaining agreement, at which times virtually all of the proposals were considered and many were accepted in agreement . Before a contract could be finalized, Respondent unilaterally withdrew recognition from the Iron Workers and executed a, collec- tive-bargaining agreement with the Teamsters under cir- cumstances which will be more fully discussed , infra. On these facts , I find that Respondent's conduct in withdrawing recognition from the Iron Workers , at a time Petty Larceny A person is guilty of petty larceny when he steals property. Petty larceny is a Class A misdemeanor. 41 The record reveals that , since the execution of the collective-bargaining agreement with the Teamsters , Respondent has employed other employees in addition to McGovern and Frick in the relevant unit . Presumably, such employees during their tenure with Respondent were made subject to the union-security and checkoff provisions of that agreement . As noted, however, Cob had been laid off before Respondent signed the collective- bargaining agreement with the Teamsters. 42 As found above, the Iron Workers as of September 15 had the actual support of two of the three members of the relevant unit. EMCO STEEL INC. 997 when that Union was the lawfully recognized representative and before the bargaining relationship, to which it had agreed, had a reasonable time to function, violated Section 8(a)(5) and (1) of the Act 43 - In addition to the unlawful withdrawal of recognition from the Iron Workers, found above to be meritorious, the complaint also alleges that Respondent had further violated Section 8(a)(5) of the Act by executing, maintaining, and enforcing the collective-bargaining agreement with the Teamsters.44 However, as the principal refusal to bargain alleged in this matter was Respondent's conduct withdraw- ing recognition from the Iron Workers, and as the remedies herein will be the same, no useful purpose would be served by a determination as to whether the execution of the Teamsters collective-bargaining agreement constituted a separate violation of Section 8(a)(5) of the Act 45 D. The Alleged Unlawful Assistance to the Teamsters 1. The Teamsters organizational campaign Respondent's president, Erney, testified that he had signed the collective-bargaining agreement with the Team- sters on October 14 only after that Union's delegate, Steve Silverman, had shown him authorization cards signed by a majority of Respondent's shop employees.46 However, apprentice John Frick, who had signed a Teamsters authorization card at the same time as McGov- ern, testified that, while the authorization cards were being signed, Respondent's employees, including Frick and McGovern, were being called in to Erney's office by the Teamsters representatives. He related, that, at the time he and McGovern signed their Teamsters authorization cards, Erney and Meisner were in the same room of the office at a distance of about 10 feet 47 Frick could not recall the date on which' he had signed his Teamsters authorization card, but related that it took place 1 or 2 weeks after he had personally asked Schifano for the return of his Iron Workers authorization card and may have occurred, also, after he wrote the October 14 letter with the same request. McGovern testified that he had signed his Teamsters authorization card approximately 1 month after his Sep- tember 15 refusal to sign an Iron Workers card. McGov- ern's card for the Teamsters had been signed after two organizers, including Steve Silverman, approached him in Respondent's shop and told him that they had a majority of the men signed up. He recalled that he and Frick had accompanied the two Teamsters representatives to Respon- dent's office where they showed Frick and McGovern authorization cards that reportedly had been signed by four of Respondent's employees. The Teamsters officials told the two employees that these cards constituted a majority and gave them the right to be the employees' bargaining representative. McGovern then signed the card.48 Although 43 Clark-Sprague Inc., 181 NLRB 622 (1976); Jem Mfg., Inc., 156 NLRB 643 (1966); T. C. Worthy Wholesale, Inc., 159 NLRB 1700 (1966). 44 See G. C. Exh. I(e), pars. 12 and 20. 45 The execution , maintenance, and enforcement of the collective-bar- gaining agreement between the Teamsters and Re sp^ndent, alleged in the complaint as violations of Sec. 8(axl), (2), and (3) of the Act, will be considered below in the context. 46 At that time, in mid-October, as noted, Respondent employed other shop employees in addition to Frick and McGovern. McGovern cannot accurately recall whether he actually signed the card while he was still in the office or back in the shop area, he did remember that, while he was in the office on that occasion with Frick and the Teamsters organizers, Meisner, too, was present, although he was at the other end of a large room. He could not recall if Erney was also present at the time. 2. The execution of the collective-bargaining agreement by Respondent and Teamsters Erney, who denied having seen Teamsters cards being signed, testified that on or about October 8 Silverman had come to his office, introduced himself as a representative of Local $10, Teamsters, and informed Erney that he repre- sented a majority of Respondent's shop employees. In response to Erney's request for proof, Silverman listed the men who were working for Respondent at the time and produced five authorization cards, announcing that these were the men who had signed cards for the Teamsters. Erney then compared the signatures on the, authorization cards with those in Respondent's payroll records. After this card check, Silverman asked whether the Teamsters would be granted recognition and whether he could speak to the employees. Erney replied that Meisner would be back the next day, asserting a need to speak with his partner. On the following day, Silverman delivered a copy of the proposed contract to Meisner and Erney. After Erney and Meisner had studied the proposed contract for 2 or 3 days, consulting with Silverman and others on questioned items, they indicated their willingness to sign the Teamsters agreement. Accordingly, on October 14, pursuant to appointment, Erney and Meisner visited the Teamsters offices where final questions were asked and answered, changes initialed, and the agreement was executed. About 1-1/2 or 2 hours later, Silverman visited the shop and spoke to Respondent's employees in the absence of Erney. Silverman thereafter gave Erney a list of the names of employees who, as a committee, had signed ' the con- tract 49 3. Analysis and concluding findings The credited evidence reveals that on or about October 14, after granting voluntary recognition to the Iron Workers and conducting two negotiating sessions with that Union, but before the terms of a collective-bargaining agreement could be fully settled, Respondent signed a contract with the Teamsters. In advance of executing this agreement, Respondent had permitted the Teamsters to solicit support among its employees during working hours, even in Respondent's office in the presence of members of manage- ment. 47 At that time, Frick and McGovern were the only two employees in the office. 48 At all times material herein , including the time of the hearing, McGovern also continued to be a member in good standing of the Iron Workers. 49 Neither Messner nor any representative of the Teamsters testified during this proceeding. 998 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD - In Newport Division of Wintex Knitting Mill, Inc.,50 it was noted that: Under Board law established in 1945 in Midwest Piping and Supply Co., Inc., _63 NLRB 1060, and followed for three decades, Novak Logging Company, 119 NLRB 1573 (1958); Swtftand Company, 128 NLRB 732 (1960); Sweater Bee by Banff, Ltd, 197 NLRB 805 (1972); Inter-Island Resorts, LtcL, d/b/a Kona Surf Hotel, 201 NLRB 139 (1973), it is an unfair labor practice for an employer to recognize one of two or more competing unions while a question of representa- tion is pending before the Board by virtue of the filing of 4 representation petition with the Board. Respondent, recognizing that the Board has thus far adhered to its Midwest Piping doctrine, nevertheless argues in its brief for a favorable decision, contending that the Midwest Piping doctrine "should be strictly construed and sparingly applied, ' citing cases where the Midwest Piping doctrine has been rejected by certain courts 51 As noted, this is not a straight Midwest Piping case,- for the violation herein is more strongly grounded than had there been merely an outstanding question concerning `representation involving two or more rival unions. In the instant case, the question concerning representation had already been resolved in favor of the Iron-Workers when Respondent first recognized the Teamsters.52 Although, as noted by Respondent in its brief, the Board's Midwest Piping doctrine has in fact been rejected by certain courts, it is clear that the Board has continued to adhere to this doctrine.53 I see nothing in this record that would warrant a fording for Respondent. Under the Board's decisions, Respondent clearly had no right to recognize the Teamsters under the circumstances herein and, by so doing, it unlawfully encouraged membership in that Union, thereby rendering it unlawful assistance. Inasmuch as Respondent could not validly afford recog- nition to` the Teamsters, it necessarily follows that the negotiation of a contract with the Teamsters `was also unlawful and that this contract, void ab initio, should be set aside. It is also concluded for the foregoing reasons that Respondent, on October 14, violated Section 8(a)(3) and (1) of the Act by recognizing and signing a contract containing a union-security provision with the Teamsters.54 In addition, noting that Frick had signed a tainted card on behalf of the Teamsters during working hours, in Respondent's office, in the presence of Respondent's 50 223 NLRB 1293, 1295 (1976). - 51 See Suburban Transit Corp., 203 NLRB 465 (1973), enforcement denied 499 F.2d 78 (CA. 3,19')4), cert. denied 419 U.S.1089 on remand 218 NLRB 1228 (1975), enforcement denied 536 F.2d 1018 (C.A. 3,1970; N.LRB. v. Swift and Comps y, 294 F 2d 285 (C.A. 3,1961); Playskod Inc, a Division of Milton Bradley C 195 NLRB 560 (1972), enforcement denied 477 F 2d 66 (C.A. 7,197 3), were among cases cited by the Respondent where the Midwest Piping doctrine was not enforced . However, in citing cases such as N.LR.B. v. Hudson Berlind Corp., 494 F.2d 1200, cert. denied 419 U.S. 897 (1974); N.LRB. v. Midtown Service Co., Inc., 425 F.2d 665 (C.A. 2, 1970); Welch Scientific Co. Inc., v. N.LRB ., 340 F.2d 199 (C.A. 2, 1965) and NLRB. v. National Container Corp., 211 F.2d 525 (C.A. 2, 1954), the Respondent also has recognized that, among other courts, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit in whose geographiclurisdiction the instant case arose, has approved the application of the Midwest Piping doctrine. 52 See Florida Automatic Sprinkler Contractors Association, etc., 199 NLRB 1151 , 1158 (1972). principal officials, I must presume further that -Frick's attempted revocation of his Iron Workers- card did not proceed on his own initiative, but was a result of Respon- dent's unlawful concurrent assistance to the Teamsters. For this reason, no effect has been given to Frick's effort to} revoke his Iron-Workers authorization card.55 . IV. THE EFFECT OF THE UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES UPON COMMERCE The activities of Respondent set forth in section III, above, occurring in connection of the operations of Respondent described in section I, above, have a close, intimate, and substantial relationship to trade, traffic, and commerce among the several States and tend to lead to labor disputes `burdening and obstructing commerce and the free flow of commerce. V. THE REMEDY Having found that Respondent has engaged in certain unfair labor practices, I will recommend that it cease and desist therefrom and take certain affirmative actions designed to effectuate the policies of the Act. Having- found that Respondent unlawfully assisted and supported the Teamsters by recognizing it as a collective- bargaining representative of its shop employees, and by extending to the said employees the terms of a collective- bargaining agreement containing a union-security provi- sion requiring membership in the Teamsters as a condition of employment, notwithstanding the fact that Respondent had but recently granted voluntary lawful recognition to the Iron Workers, I will recommend that Respondent be ordered to cease recognizing the Teamsters as the collec- tive-bargaining representative of its shop employees, to cease giving effect to the October 14 collective-bargaining agreement, and to reimburse the said shop employees for all fees, dues, and other moneys that they-had been required to pay to the Teamsters, by reason of the enforcement of its agreement with the Teamsters, dated October 14, together with interest thereon at the rate of 6 percent per annum, to be computed in the manner set forth in Seafarers Interna- tional Union of North America, Great Lakes District, AFL- CIO. 56 Although, as found above, Respondent has unlawfully refused to -bargain with the Iron Workers, the appropriate- ness of the bargaining order requested by the General Counsel must be considered in the light of the fact that, on the last day of the hearing, McGovern was the only 53 See, for example, Traub's Market, Inc, 205 NLRB 787, 788, fn. 3 (1973), where the Board ruled as follows: - - We find inappropriate the Administrative Law Judge's citation of N.L.RB. v. Swift and Company, 294 F.2d 285 (C.A. 3), because we have previously noted our respectful disagreement with the general position on this issue of that and other courts of appeals. Moreover, in Suburban Transit Corp., 203 NLRB 465, we adopted without change the Decision of another Administrative Law Judge which set forth in full reasons for declining in particular to follow the Swift decision. 54 Florida Automatic Sprinkler Contractors Association, supra Suburban Transit Corp., supra. 55 Quality Markets, Inc., 160 NLRB 44,45-46 (1966). 56 138 NLRB 1142 (1962); Airmatics Systems Division of the Mosler Safe Company, 209 NLRB 71, 81(1974). EMCO STEEL INC. 999 remaining employee still employed within the relevant unit.57 The General Counsel does not allege that any employee had been terminated or laid off in violation of the Act. However, in view of the decision in N.LR.B. v. Crispo Cake Cone Company, Inc., 58 I find that a bargaining order is warranted as Respondent has not met its burden of proving that this was not a temporary reduction but was one of a permanent nature. The respondent in that case employed but two employees in the relevant unit at the time of the hearing, and it had been stipulated that one of these employees was about to leave the respondent's employ. However, there, as in the instant case, at the time recogni- tion was requested three employees had been employed in the unit, the Employer customarily had operated with more than one unit employee, and there was no contention that the unit size had been reduced by unlawful conduct. The Board, as quoted with approval by the U.S. court of appeals, held as follows: Plainly, the burden of proving that this was not a temporary reduction but was one of a permanent nature was on the Respondent. If such a reduction was other than temporary, the Respondent could have, and should have, presented evidence that the reduction was permanent. Although Shubert testified at length, he neither contended nor suggested that the Respondent's office clerical complement would not immediately or in the immediate future be restored to its normal three- employee complement. Under these circumstances, the possibility that only one office clerical employee might be at work temporarily, pending new hires, would not destroy the appropriateness of the unit, because a temporary decrease in employee complement, even if it occurs, does not reduce the unit to a single-employee unit. For these reasons, we find, in agreement with the General Counsel, that the Respondent violated Section 8(a)(5) and (1) of the Act by failing and refusing to bargain with the Union as the duly designated collec- tive-bargaining representative of the office clerical employees. We also find that the issuance of a bargain- ing order herein is appropriate as to the office clerical employee unit employees. Upon the basis of the foregoing findings of fact and upon the entire record in the case, I make the following: CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. The Respondent, Emco Steel Inc., is an employer engaged in commerce and in operations affecting com- merce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 2. Local Union No. 455, International Association of Bridge, Structural and Ornamental Iron Workers, AFLr- s7 See Luckenbach Steamship Company Inc, 2 NLRB 181, 193-194 (1936), where the Board first held that a unit of one employee is inappropriate for purposes of collective bargaining and refused to issue a certification for such unit See also Parklane Hosiery Co, Inc., 207 NLRB 991 (1973), supplement- ing 203 NLRB 597, where the Board , upon the motion of the General Counsel, reconsidered and revoked a bargaining order originally issued as it was discovered during the compliance stage that , for legitimate economic reasons, Respondent had reduced the size of the unit to but a single employee The Board noted that, in the circumstances of that case , it would not effectuate the policies of the Act to require bargaining CIO, and Local 810, International Brotherhood of Team- sters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America, are labor organizations within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. 3. All production and maintenance employees em- ployed by Respondent at its Brooklyn, New York, place of business , excluding all office clerical employees, profession- al employees, guards, watchmen and supervisors as defined in Section 2(11) of the Act, constitute a unit appropriate for the purposes of collective bargaining within the meaning of Section 9(b) of the Act. 4. On September 15, a majority of the employees in the above-described unit designated the Iron Workers as bargaining representative to represent them in collective bargaining with Respondent regarding wages , hours, and other terms and conditions of employment and, on or before September 23, the Iron Workers requested and received recognition from Respondent as the exclusive collective-bargaining representative of the employees in the above-described unit. 5. By refusing to bargain with the Iron Workers on October 14 and thereafter, Respondent violated Section 8(a)(5)and (1) of the Act. 6. By entering into a collective-bargaining contract with the Teamsters, containing a union-security provision, on October 14, Respondent has engaged in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8 (a)(1), (2), and (3) of the Act. 7. The aforesaid unfair labor practices affect commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. Upon the basis of the foregoing findings of fact, conclu- sions of law, and the entire record in this proceeding and, pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, I hereby recommend the following: ORDER 59 The Respondent, Emco Steel Inc., Brooklyn, New York, its officers, agents, successors , and assigns, shall: 1. Cease and desist from: (a) Recognizing Local 810, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America, as the representative of its production and maintenance employees in the appropriate unit described below, for the purpose of dealing with it concerning wages, hours of employment, or other terms and conditions of employment, unless and until such labor organization shall have been certified by the Board as the exclusive represen- tative of such employees. The appropriate unit is: All production and maintenance employees employed by the Respondent at its Brooklyn, New York, place of business, excluding all office clerical employees, profes- 58 464 F.2d 233 (C.A. 8, 1972), enfg 190 NLRB 352 (1971) 59 In the event no exceptions are filed as provided by Sec. 102.46 of the Rules and Regulations of the National Labor Relations Board , the findings, conclusions , and recommended Order herein shall, as provided in Sec 102 48 of the Rules and Regulations , be adopted by the Board and become its findings, conclusions , and Order, and all objections thereto shall be deemed waived for all purposes. 1000 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD sional employees , guards , watchmen and supervisors, as defined in the Act. (b) Giving effect to the collective-bargaining agreement with Local 810, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America, dated October 14, 1975, or to any modification, extension, renewal, or supplement thereto, provided, however, that nothing contained in this Decision and Order shall require Respondent to vary or abandon any wages, hours, seniori- ty, or other substantive feature of its relationship with its production and maintenance employees established in the performance of such agreement, or prejudice the assertion by its employees of any rights they may have thereunder. (c) Giving effect to any checkoff authorization executed by its employees in the afore-described unit in favor of Local 810. (d) In like or related manner interfering with, restraining, or coercing employees in the exercise of their rights under Section 7 of the Act. 2. Take the following affirmative action designed to effectuate the policies of the Act: (a) Upon request, bargain collectively in good faith with the above-named labor organization as the exclusive representative of its employees in the above-described unit with respect to rates of pay, hours of employment, and other terms and conditions of employment and, if an understanding is reached, embody such understanding in a signed agreement. (b) Withdraw and withhold all recognition from Local 810, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America, or any successor thereto, as the collective-bargaining representative of any of its production and maintenance (shop) employees for the purpose of dealing with it concerning grievances, labor disputes, rates of pay, hours of employment, or other terms and conditions of employment, unless and until the Board shall have certified Local 810, Teamsters, as such represen- tative. (c) Reimburse its present and former production and maintenance employees in the unit described above for all fees, dues, and other moneys they have been required to pay to Local 810, Teamsters, as a condition of employment by reason of Respondent's enforcement of its collective- bargaining agreement , dated October 14, 1975, whether or not pursuant to checkoff authorizations executed by the said employees in favor of that union, together with interest at 6 percent per annum computed in the manner set forth in the section of this Decision entitled "The Remedy." (d) Preserve and, upon request, make available to the Board or its agents, for examination and copying, all payroll and other records necessary to analyze and com- pute the amount of the reimbursement due under the terms of this recommended Order. (e) Post at its plant, located at Brooklyn, New York, copies of the notice marked "Appendix."80 Copies of said notice , on forms provided by the Regional Director for Region 29, after being duly signed by the Respondent, shall be posted by it for 60 consecutive days thereafter, in conspicuous places, including all places where notices to employees are customarily posted. Reasonable steps shall be taken by the Respondent to insure that said notices are not altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. (f) Notify the Regional Director for Region 29, in writing, within 20 days from the date of this Order, what steps have been taken to comply herewith. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that any allegations of the complaint which have not been sustained be dismissed. 60 In the event the Board 's Order is enforced by a Judgment of a United States Courts of Appeals, the words in the notice reading "Posted by Order of the National Labor Relations Board" shall read "Posted Pursuant to a Judgment of the United States Court of Appeals Enforcing an Order of the National Labor Relations Board." APPENDIX NOTICE To EMPLOYEES POSTED BY ORDER OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD An Agency of the United States Government After a hearing in which all sides have presented evidence, it has been found that we have violated the National Labor Relations Act in certain respects . To correct and remedy these violations , we have been directed to take certain actions and to post this notice. WE WILL NOT recognize Local 810, International Brotherhood of Teamsters , Chauffeurs , Warehousemen and Helpers of America, as the collective-bargaining representative of our production and maintenance (shop) employees unless and until the Board shall certify it as such representative. WE WII,L NOT require as a condition of employment that our production and maintenance (shop) employees become or remain members of Local 810, International Brotherhood of Teamsters , Chauffeurs , Warehousemen and Helpers of America. WE WILL NOT give effect to the collective-bargaining agreement signed with the above-named labor organi- zation, dated October 14, 1975, or to any modification, extension, renewal , or supplement thereto , or to any checkoff authorizations in favor of the above-named union . However , nothing herein requires this Company to vary or abandon any wage, hour, seniority, or other employee benefits established in the performance of that agreement, or prejudices the assertion by our employees of any rights they may have thereunder. WE WILL, upon request , bargain in good faith with Local Union No. 455 International Association of Bridge, Structural and Ornamental Iron Workers, AFL-CIO, as the exclusive representative of all our employees in the bargaining unit described below with respect to rates of pay, hours of employment, and other terms and conditions of employment and, if an under- standing is reached , embody such understanding in a signed agreement . The bargaining unit is: All production and maintenance employees em- ployed by Emco Steel , Inc., at our Brooklyn, New York, place of business, excluding all office clerical employees, professional employees, guards, watchmen and supervisors , as defined in the Act. EMCO STEEL INC. 1001 WE WILL reimburse each of our present and former WE WILL NOT in any other manner interfere with, production and maintenance (shop) employees in the restrain , or coerce our employees in the exercise of above-described unit for all fees, dues , and other rights guaranteed them by the National Labor Rela- moneys unlawfully extracted from them pursuant to the tions Act. aforementioned agreement with Local 810, Internation- al Brotherhood of Teamsters , Chauffeurs , Warehouse- EMCO STEEL INC. men and Helpers of America. Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation