E. L. Bruce Co.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsAug 21, 194774 N.L.R.B. 1354 (N.L.R.B. 1947) Copy Citation In the Matter of E. L. BRUCE COMPANY, EiIPLOY1m 1 and INTERNA- TIONAL WOODWORKERS or AMERICA, CIO, PETITIONER Case No. 15M-R-77.-Decided August 21, 1947 Mr. Hamilton E. Little , of Memphis , Tenn ., for the Employer. Messrs . Jerome A. Cooper , of Birmingham , Ala., and John L. Hawkins , of Atlanta , Ga., for the Petitioner. Messrs. Fred G. Koenig, Sr., and J . C. Barrett, both of Birmingham, Ala., and Messrs . Weaver P. Freeman, of Louisville , Ky., and W. 7'. Yount , of Memphis , Tenn., for the Carpenters. Mr. L. M. Fagan , of Memphis , Tenn., for the Machinists. Mr. Irving D. Rosenman, of counsel to the Board. DECISION AND DIRECTION OF ELECTIONS Upon a petition duly filed, hearing in this case was held at Memphis, Tennessee, on June 30, 1947, before Roy O . Hoffman, hearing officer. United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, and its Local Unions Nos. 2723, 2598, 2639, 2840, 2940, 2943, 2964, and 3124, herein called the Carpenters, and the International Association of Machinists, herein called the Machinists, by separate motions moved to intervene in the proceeding. Both motions were granted, the for- mer without objection, and the latter, over the objections of the Em- ployer, the Petitioner and the Carpenters. At the hearing, the Em- ployer moved either to dismiss the petition, or to postpone the hearing, until the labor organizations, involved herein, comply with all the requirements of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended. The hearing officer denied the motion for postponement on the ground that the changes in the Act with respect to representation proceedings do not become effective until the latter part of August 1947.2 The Em- ployer's alternative motion to dismiss the petition is hereby denied for the same reason. The hearing officer's rulings made at the hearing are free from prejudicial error and are hereby affirmed. The naive of the Eniployei appears herein as amended at the hearing 2 A fur ther motion to postpone the healing was made by the Carpenters and the Employer on the ground that they did not have sufficient time to study the Act, as amended This motion was also denied by the heaping officer on the same ground as stated above. 74 N. L R. B., No 227. 1354 E. L. BRUCE COMPANY 1355 Upon the entire record in the case, the National Labor Relations Board makes the following : FINDINGS OF FACT 1. THE BUSINESS OF THE EMPLOYER E. L. Bruce Company, a Delaware corporation, with its principal office and place of business in Memphis, Tennessee, is engaged in the manufacture of hardwood flooring, furniture dimension, finished fur- niture, floor maintenance and cleansing products, and terminix. It operates nine plants, with one plant in each of the following cities: Memphis and Nashville, Tennessee; Little Rock, Arkansas; Cairo, Illinois; Reed City, Michigan; Bruce, Laurel, and Columbus, Misssis- sippi; and Bohgee, Alabama. During a 12-month period, the Em- ployer purchases raw materials for use at its plants valued at over 1 million dollars, of which 90 percent represents shipments to these nine plants from points outside their respective States. During a similar period, the Employer manufactures products valued at over 1 million dollars, of which 90 percent represents shipments by these plants to points outside their respective States. The Employer admits, and we find, that it is engaged in commerce within the meaning of the National Labor Relations Act. II. THE ORGANIZATIONS INVOLVED The Petitioner is a labor organization affiliated with the Congress of Industrial Organizations, claiming to represent employees of the Employer.? The United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, and its Local Unions Nos. 2523, 2598, 2639, 2846, 2940, 2943, 2964, and 3124, herein called the Carpenters, is a labor organization affiliated with the American Federation of Labor, claiming to represent em- ployees of the Employer. The International Association of Machinists, herein called the Machinists, is a labor organization, claiming to represent employees of the Employer. III. THE QUESTION CONCERNING REPRESENTATION The Employer and the Carpenters have been in collective bargain- ing relationship since 1939. In that year, the Carpenters was recog- nized as the bargaining representative of the production and main- tenance employees in the Little Rock plant on the basis of an informal 5 The Petitioner has waived its rights to object to any election held in the instant pro- ceeding on the basis of any of the acts alleged by it as unfair labor practices at the Little Rock plant of the Employer in Case No 15-C-]045. 1356 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD cross-check,4 and a contract covering these employees was entered into on May 1, 1939. Thereafter, over a period of 2 years the Car- penters was recognized for similar employees on a plant by plant basis at the following six plants of the Employer: Memphis, Nashville, Cairo, Reed City, Bruce, and Laurel. Similarly, contracts were entered into for each plant. A master union-shop agreement, cover- ing the above seven 5 plants of the Employer, was entered into on July 18, 1942, and was either automatically renewed or renewed with amendments each year thereafter, up to and including 1946. The 1946 contract, which renewed the then existing relationship between the parties, was entered into on June 8 of that year, and provided for an initial period ending May 31, 1947, and for its automatic renewal thereafter unless notice to "change, amend or terminate shall be given by either party thirty days prior to May 31, 1947, or any year following." In December 1946, the Carpenters and the Employer entered into two additional contracts covering, respectively, the employees in the newly acquired Columbus and Boligee plants. The terminal date of both these contracts was May 31, 1947, the same as the 1946 master contract covering the original seven plants. On April 3, 1947, after considerable negotiations between the Em- ployer and the Carpenters, a master collective bargaining agreement, covering the production and maintenance employees at all nine plants of the Employer, was reduced to writing and signed by the Employer, and mailed to the Carpenters, at its request, to enable the Carpenters to "go over it and if it was 0. K., we would sign it." On the same date, the Employer received a telegram from the Petitioner requesting recognition as the exclusive bargaining representative of the employees in seven of its nine plants.6 On April 5, the Carpenters signed the agreement which was made retroactive to April 2. The contract pro- vided for an initial period ending April 13, 1949, and for its automatic renewal thereafter unless notice to "change, amend or terminate shall be given by either party thirty days prior to April 13, 1949, or any year following." On April 7 the instant petition was filed. The Employer and the Carpenters urge the 1947 contract as a bar to this proceeding, and stress in this connection that the contract was entered into in good faith. The Employer further contends that the 1946 contract is also a bar. We find no merit in either contention. 4 The unit consisted of all hourly employees, including watchmen, but excluding office and clerical employees, plant guards, department heads, foremen, and all other super- visory employees 5 These seven plants comprised all the plants of the Employer at that time The Colum- bus and Boligee plants were not acquired by the Employ ei until 1946 Representation of the employees in the Columbus and Boligee plants was not requested. The request melated to the employees covered by the 1946 master agreement. E. L. BRUCE COMPANY 1357 Thus, as to the 1946 contract, it is clear that, by negotiating for a new contract, the parties effected a termination of that contract, thereby rendering it ineffective as a bar to a current election .7 And as to the 1947 contract, inasmuch as it was not fully executed as of the time of the Petitioner's claim, which was followed within 4 clays by the instant petition,s it cannot, under well established principles, operate as a bar to an election.1 Accordingly, we find that no obstacle exists to a present determination of representatives io We find that a question affecting commerce has arisen concerning the representation of employees of the Employer, within the meaning of Section 9 (c) and Section 2 (6) and (7) of the Act. lv. THE APPROPRIATE UNIT; THE DETERMINATION OF REPRESENTATIVES The Employer, the Petitioner, and the Carpenters generally agree that the appropriate unit should consist of all production and main- tenance employees in the nine plants of the Employer, including watchmen, but excluding plant guards, office and clerical employees, and all supervisory employees. The Machinists, over the objection of the other parties, contends that all machinists, machinists' helpers, and machinists' apprentices of the ii i ne plants should be excluded from the multiple nine-plant unit and should constitute a separate appro- priate bargaining unit.h1 Operation at the Employer's 9 plants are closely interrelated. Thus, its sawmills at its facilities in Boligee, Alabama; Bruce, Laurel, and T Matter of American Norit Company, Inc, 66 N L R. B 1308; Matter of Monomac Spurning Company, 66 N L. R B 1180 " At the heal ing the Petitioner amended the petition to include the employees of the Columbus and Boligee plants Inasmuch as this amendment involves only approximately 100 employees, and the unit petitioned for is in excess of 2300 employees, the amendment is not a substantial one, and does not constitute the tiling of a new petition, or affect the timeliness of the original petition on the contiact bar issue Matter of Ifohlnran Bros & Sugarman Company, 74 N L R B. 381, Mattci of General Electric X-Ray Corporation, 72 N L R B 124. 5, Matter of Allis-Chatmeis Maiwifactuming Company, 73 N L R B 784 1 Matte of Continental Gin Company, 72 N L R B 1208, Matter of John Moirell it Co , 69 N L R B 1446 , Matter of Union Manufacturing Company, 69 N L R B 640, Hatter of Mac's Equipment Company, 72 N. L. R B 583, Matter of General Electric X-Ray Co? poration, 67 N L R B 997 10 The Employer further contends that an agreement executed in 1942 between the Employer and the Carpenters is still in effect, and is also a bar to this proceeding The agreement, however, which was read into the record is one page in length, and is very indefinite in nature It apparently provides only for the exclusive employment of mem- bers of the Carpenters in construction work, and includes a no-strike provision Moreover, the instrument is undated, lacks the substantive terms of a collective bargaining agree- ment, is indeterminate in duiation, and has admittedly been in effect for over 5 years. It is clear, and we find, that the instrument cannot bar this proceeding. Matter of Soap Powder Works, Inc, 69 N L. R B 1367, Matter of The Rainbow Lithographing Company, 69 N L R B 1383, Matter of LaFollette Shirt Company, 65 N. L R B. 952, Matter of C P ]till & Company, Inc, 64 N L R B 1109 11 The Machinists, in its brief, takes the alternative position that three separate units of machinists would also be appropriate , viz, one at Little Rock, Arkansas, one at Memphis, Tennessee, and one of machinists at all the remaining plants of the Employe r. 1358 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Columbus, Mississippi ; and Little Rock, Arkansas, furnish lumber for their own needs and for the remaining plants. Further, those plants making furniture dimension ship their products to the Memphis plant for assembly and finishing. In addition, the main office of the Em- ployer is at Memphis, Tennessee, from which point an executive presi- dent and his staff exercise considerable supervision over all operations at the 9 plants. In this connection it appears that each plant manager administers his plant pursuant to policies laid clown by the general office, that all accounting and labor relations problems are handled at the Memphis office, and that all the approximately 2,300 production and maintenance employees, involved herein, are hourly paid, have uni- form wage rates and overtime rates, and enjoy the same employee privileges and benefits. It would thus appear, front all the foregoing, that a unit of all production and maintenance employees at all 9 plants would be feasible for collective bargaining. However, as noted above, the Machinists would establish a separate unit of the Employer's machinists. The Employer has 11 employees in this classification, 12 4 are employed at the Memphis plant, 4 in the Little Rock plant, and 1 each at 3 of the other plants. The Memphis and Little Rock plants each has a machine shop, physically segregated from other plant departments. Each of the machine shops is under the supervision of a machinist foreman, and the machinists therein perform the functions typical of the machinists craft. They are en- gaged in designing and building machines and their parts. The lathes, planes, milling machines and other equipment with which they work are solely the tools of a machinist. In addition the record shows that there is no interchange of machinist employees. and production and maintenance employees at any of the plants. The bargaining history affecting these operations reveals, as already noted, that the Machinists have, since 1939, been embraced within the existing units, whether plant-wide or multi-plant-wide. However, most of the machinists have maintained their membership throughout the entire period in the Machinists, and although they also became members of the Carpenters in 1943, such membership was required un- der the terms of the union shop agreements between the Employer and the Carpenters dating back to 194213 We note also that, despite the existing contractual relationship between the Employer and the Car- penters, the Employer has, at times, looked to the Machinists when hiring additional employees for its machine shops. ' 12 There v,ere no machinists' helpers or machinists' apprentices in any of the Employer's nine plants at the time of the hearing 13 Despite the provision of the union shop clause in the 1942 agreement, the machinists resisted joining the Carpenters until'1943 E. L. BRUCE COMPANY 1359 It is apparent from all the foregoing that the employees requested by the Machinists comprise a true craft group of the type which we have frequently established.14 In the absence of any collective bar- gaining history, the unit requested by the Machinists would therefore be found appropriate as a matter of course 15 Although we are here confronted with a bargaining history on a more comprehensive basis, we are pursuaded, in view of the facts outlined above, that it is not sufficient, in-and of itself, to deny the employees in the craft group the opportunity of deciding at the present time whether they desire either to be represented as a part of the nine plant Employer-wide production and maintenance unit, or to bargain as a separate craft unit on an Employer-wide basis. And this is particularly true in view of the added fact that these employees have never previously had an op- portunity to vote on this issue. Under all these circumstances , we shall direct a self-determination election among the employees sought by the Machinists, and another election in the residual unit of production and maintenance employees. And in accordance with the foregoing, we shall make no final determi- nation at this time with respect to the appropriate unit or units. Our determination will depend, in part, upon the results in these separate elections. - There remains for consideration the disposition to be made of guards and watchmen. The Employer has 7 guards, all at its Memphis plant. They are uniformed, and the parties all agree, and we find, that their duties are of such a nature that they should be excluded from the production and maintenance group. As to the 17 watchmen at the remaining plants, whom the parties would include in the unit, the record shows that they guard the plant against fire, theft and tres- passing, and perform plant protection duties. We shall also exclude them from the production and' maintenance voting group. Accordingly, we shall direct elections among the employees at the nine plants of the Employer in the following voting groups: 11 1. All machinists, machinists' helpers, and machinists' apprentices, excluding all supervisory employees. 2. All remaining production and maintenance employees excluding watchmen, plant guards, office and clerical employees, and all super- visory employees17 14 Matter of Weber Showcase d Fixture Co , Inc , 67 N L R B 456 Matter of Sanvpsel Time Control, Inc, 74 N L R B. 611, and Matter of The Beach Company, 72 N. L R. B 510, and Matter of The Basttan-Blessrng Company, 65 N L R B 1023 10 The Cat penters opposed the holding of a current election on the ground that to do so might interfere with production. We find this contention to be lacking in merit 17 The parties agree , and we find , that this includes the following professional employees, the Head Chemist , the Assistant Chemist, and the Forester 75 5420-4S-vol 74 87 1360 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD DIRECTION OF ELECTIONS 18 As part of the investigation to ascertain representatives for the pur- poses of collective bargaining with E. L. Bruce Company, Memphis, Tennessee, elections by secret ballot shall be conducted as early as possible, but not later than thirty (30) days from the date of this Direction, under the direction and supervision of the Regional Direc- tor for the Fifteenth Region, acting in this matter as agent for the National Labor Relations Board, and subject to Sections 203.55 and 203.56, of National Labor Relations Board Rules and Regulations- Series 4, among the employees in the voting groups listed in Section IV, above, who were employed during the pay-roll period immediately preceding the date of this Direction, including employees who did not work during said pay-roll period because they were ill or on vacation or temporarily laid off, and including employees in the armed forces of the United States who present themselves in person at the polls, but excluding those employees who have since quit or been discharged for cause and have not been rehired or reinstated prior to the date of the election, to determine : (a) Whether the Employees in voting group (1) desire to be repre- sented by International Association of Machinists, or by International Woodworkers of America, C. I. 0., or by United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, and its Local Unions Nos. 2523, 2598, 2639, 2846, 2940, 2943, 2964, and 3124, for the purposes of collec- tive bargaining, or by none, and (b) Whether the employees in voting group (2) desire to be rep- resented by International Woodworkers of America, C. I. 0., or by United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, and its Local Unions, Nos. 2523, 2598, 2639, 2846, 2940, 2943, 2964, and 3124, for the purposes of collective bargaining, or by neither. CHAIRMAN HERZOC took no part in the consideration of the above Decision and Direction of Elections. 18 Any participant in the election herein may, upon its prompt request to, and approval thereof 6y, the Regional Director, have its name removed from the ballot. Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation