Dold Foods, Inc.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsJul 28, 1988289 N.L.R.B. 1323 (N.L.R.B. 1988) Copy Citation DOLD FOODS 1323 Dold Foods, Inc. and United Food and Commercial Workers International Union, AFL-CIO & CLC, District Local 340. Cases 17-CA-11309 and 17-CA-11309-2 July 28, 1988 DECISION AND ORDER BY CHAIRMAN STEPHENS AND MEMBERS JOHANSEN AND BABSON On November 9, 1983, Administrative Law Judge Stephen J. Gross issued the attached deci- sion. The General Counsel and the Respondent filed exceptions and supporting briefs, and the Charging Party filed exceptions adopting the Gen- eral Counsel's exceptions. The National Labor Relations Board has delegat- ed its authority in this proceeding to a three- member panel. The Board has considered the decision and the record in light of the exceptions and briefs and has decided to affirm the judge's rulings, findings, and conclusions only to the extent consistent with this Decision and Order. The judge found that on November 2, 1982, when the Respondent withdrew recognition of the Union, it possessed the requisite objective consider- ations for a good-faith doubt of the Union's majori- ty status. In so doing, the judge found that in cal- culating union support , the Respondent was justi- fied in including the strike replacements among those employees who opposed representation by the Union. We disagree.' As a preliminary matter we note that in Station KKHI, 284 NLRB 1339 (1987), we overruled the presumption set forth in Pennco, Inc.' that "perma- nent strike replacements hired during a strike sup- port the union."3 In overruling Pennco, however, we declined to adopt the contrary presumption that permanent strike replacements who cross a picket line repudiate the union as a collective-bargaining representative.4 We noted that "adoption of this presumption would disrupt the balance of compet- ing economic weapons long established in strike sit- uations and substantially impair the employees' right to strike by adding to the risk of replacement i The judge also found that the Respondent, in concluding that the an- tiunion employees outnumbered the prounion employees , properly relied on a statement by the union representative that of the striking employees "approximately 30 percent" would not seek reinstatement We find it un- necessary to rely on this fording of the judge since even assuming that "approximately 30 percent" of the strikers did not support union repre- sentation, as set forth below, the Respondent has not established a good- faith doubt that a majority of all the employees were of that view. ' 250 NLRB 716 (1980), enfd 684 F 2d 340 (6th Cir 1982), cert denied 459 U S 994 (1982) Station KKHI, supra at 1340 Id at 1344 the risk of loss of the bargaining representative as soon as replacements equal in number to the strik- ers are willing to cross the picket line."5 Thus, we declined "to maintain or create any presumptions" concerning the union sentiments of strike replace- ments, stating that we would "review the facts of each case , but [would] require `some further evi- dence of union non-support' before concluding that an employer's claim of good-faith doubt of the union's majority is sufficient to rebut the overall presumption of continuing majority status."6 The judge found the Pennco presumption rebut- ted here by evidence that: (1) the replacements were aware that the Union was "not bargaining for them" and that the Union was seeking their dis- charge; (2) some employees had approached the Respondent's president about how to get rid of the Union; and (3) there were some flat tires and inci- dents of verbal abuse of replacements crossing the picket lines. Even in the absence of the now reject- ed Pennco presumption, however, those factors are insufficient to support the Respondent's asserted good-faith doubt. Admittedly, in Station KKHI one of the factors that the Board relied on in overruling Pennco was that . . . replacements' attitude towards union rep- resentation may be influenced by [the aware- ness of the union's primary concern for the strikers' welfare rather than that of the re- placements], which in turn undermines the basis for an evidentiary presumption of support for the union.? Nevertheless, as noted, we declined to adopt a pre- sumption that these replacements oppose union rep- resentation. In this regard, unions often demand, at least in the first instance, that the replacements be discharged and the strikers rehired. Frequently, as in the instant case, the union's position may be modified in the course of the negotiations on the issues underlying the strike.8 Indeed, in the instant case, as the strike wore on, the Union took a pro- gressively weaker position until, at the bargaining session of October 23, it requested only that the Respondent discharge those replacements (about 32 out of 201 total replacements) who had not yet completed the probationary period. Moreover, here the replacements' knowledge of the Union's posi- tion was based on statements made by the Re- spondent's representatives at meetings held be- tween the Respondent and nonstriking employees 6 Id at 1344 6 Id at 1344-1345. T Id. at 1344 8 See Johns-Manville Sales Corp, 289 NLRB 358, 362 (1988) 289 NLRB No. 156 1324 DECISIONS OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD and on occasional letters to the employees from the Respondent 's president. In a letter following the October 23 bargaining session , the Respondent stated that the session had been taken up primarily with a dispute over the right to the 217 jobs in the bargaining unit . The letter thus did not accurately reflect the position of the Union, which by that time had conceded most of the unit jobs to the re- placements . Particularly inasmuch as the Respond- ent's letter misstated the Union's position in a manner likely to influence replacements against the Union, we do not rely on the replacement employ- ees' purported awareness of the Union's position on reinstatement in assessing the Respondent's asserted good-faith doubt. Concerning the expression of replacement em- ployee opposition to the Union, the judge noted that this consideration is supported only by the Re- spondent 's president's testimony that some employ- ees had voiced antiunion sentiments . The judge himself properly concluded (JD at fn. 26) that such "[u]nqualified, nonspecific testimony . . . has been rejected as valueless." In any event, the testimony did little to further the argument that the Respond- ent had an objective basis for counting all of the replacements in the antiunion camp.9 Finally, the judge properly noted that the picket line misconduct and harassment here was "much less extreme" than that in I T Services10 and that no one had shown that the Union was "in any way responsible." The misconduct alleged here consist- ed of 12 nails found in the Respondent's driveway, 425 dollars' worth of damage to the tires of non- striking employees and some undefined picket line incidents that the Respondent's president testified had been reported to supervisors by nonstriking employees. No employee testified in this regard. These incidents of picket line misconduct cannot be equated to the "pervasive" violence present in I T Services and are insufficient to justify the conclu- sion that the 201 replacements opposed the Union. In view of the foregoing, we find that the Re- spondent did not possess objective considerations when it concededly withdrew recognition of the Union and, accordingly, that the Respondent vio- lated Section 8(a)(1) and (5) of the Act. Further- more, because the Respondent's subsequent refusal 9 See, e g., Cail 's Generators & Armature Co, 237 NLRB 1198, 1199 fn 7, and 1201 ( 1978) With respect to the union 's request for the discharge of replacements and asserted antiunion sentiments voiced by unidentified employees , we find, as did the judge, that the facts here are less compel- ling than those in I T Services, 263 NLRB 1183 (1982) In any event, as noted in Johns-Manville Sales Corp, supra at fn. 10, we would weigh these factors differently than did the judge in I T Services 10 The Judge in I T Services set forth in detail the violence which oc- curred there, noting the apparently racial character of some of the invec- tive, and found that some of the violence occurred in the presence of the union president or was committed by union picket captains. to execute the collective-bargaining agreement it had negotiated with the Union was premised on its withdrawal of recognition, we find that the Re- spondent violated Section 8(a)(1) and (5) of the Act in refusing to execute that agreement. AMENDED CONCLUSIONS OF LAW Substitute the following for the judge's Conclu- sion of Law 2 and add Conclusion of Law 3. "2. Dold violated Section 8(a)(1) and (5) of the Act when it withdrew recognition of Local 340 on November 2, 1982. "3. Dold violated Section 8(a)(1) and (5) of the Act when, on or after November 4, 1982, it refused to execute the collective-bargaining agreement it had negotiated with Local 340." AMENDED REMEDY Having found that the Respondent violated Sec- tion 8(a)(1) and (5) by withdrawing recognition from the Union and refusing to execute the agreed- on collective-bargaining agreement , we shall order the Respondent, in addition to adopting those rem- edies provided in the remedy section of the judge's decision, to cease and desist from the unfair labor practices found, and to take the following affirma- tive action designed to effectuate the policies of the Act. The Respondent shall be ordered to recognize and, on request, bargain with Local 340 as the ex- clusive collective-bargaining representative of its employees. The Respondent shall also be ordered to execute the collective-bargaining agreement ne- gotiated with Local 340. We shall also order the Respondent to make all affected unit employees whole for losses they may have incurred by virtue of the Respondent's unlawful conduct in the manner set forth in F. W. Woolworth Co., 90 NLRB 289 (1950), plus interest on any amount due paid in the manner prescribed in New Horizons for the Retarded. 1I Further, the Respondent shall make whole employees for any losses they may have suf- fered by its failure to execute the collective-bar- gaining agreement with backpay, if any, computed in accordance with Ogle Protection Service, 183 NLRB 682 (1970), with interest computed in ac- cordance with New Horizons for the Retarded, supra. i i In accordance with our decision in New Horizons for the Retarded, 283 NLRB 1173 (1987), interest on and after January 1, 1987, shall be computed at the "short-term Federal rate" for the underpayment of taxes as set out in the 1986 amendment to 26 U S C § 6621 Interest on amounts accrued prior to January 1, 1987 (the effective date of the 1986 amendment to 26 US C. § 6621), shall be computed in accordance with Florida Steel Corp, 231 NLRB 651 (1977). DOLD FOODS 1325 ORDER The National Labor Relations Board orders that the Respondent, Dold Foods, Inc., Wichita, Kansas, its officers, agents, successors , and assigns, shall 1. Cease and desist from (a) Discouraging membership in or lawful strike activity on behalf of United Food and Commercial Workers International Union, AFL-CIO & CLC, District Local 340, or any other labor organization, by unlawfully failing to recall striking employees to existing vacancies on the labor organization's un- conditional offer, on behalf of such employees, to return to work. (b) Failing and refusing to recognize and bargain with Local 340, on its request, as the exclusive rep- resentative of the employees in the appropriate unit. (c) Refusing to execute the collective-bargaining agreement negotiated with Local 340 as the exclu- sive representative of the employees in the appro- priate unit. (d) In any like or related manner interfering with, restraining , or coercing employees in the ex- ercise of the rights guaranteed them by Section 7 of the Act. 2. Take the following affirmative action neces- sary to effectuate the policies of the Act. (a) Make whole, with interest, any employee whose recall was delayed by reason of Dold's un- lawful acts. (b) Recognize and, on request, bargain with Local 340 as the exclusive representative of the employees in the appropriate unit. (c) Execute the collective-bargaining agreement negotiated with Local 340 as the exclusive repre- sentative of the employees in the appropriate unit and give it retroactive effect. (d) Make whole employees for any loss of wages or other employment benefits they may have suf- fered by reason of its refusal to execute the collec- tive-bargaining agreement in the manner and with interest as described in the remedy section of the decision. (e) Preserve and, on request, make available to the Board or its agents for examination and copy- ing, all payroll records, social security payment records, timecards, personnel records and reports, and all other records necessary to analyze the amount of backpay due under the terms of this Order. (f) Post at its facility in Wichita, Kansas, copies of the attached notice marked "Appendix."" 12 If this Order is enforced by a judgment of a United States court of appeals, the words in the notice reading "Posted by Order of the Nation- Copies of the notice, on forms provided by the Re- gional Director for Region 17, after being signed by Dold's authorized representative, shall be posted by Dold immediately upon receipt and maintained for 60 consecutive days in conspicuous places in- cluding all places where notices to employees are customarily posted. Reasonable steps shall be taken by Dold to ensure that the notices are not altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. (g) Notify the Regional Director in writing within 20 days from the date of this Order what steps the Respondent has taken to comply. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the complaint is dismissed insofar as it alleges violations of the Act not specifically found. al Labor Relations Board" shall read "Posted Pursuant to a Judgment of the United States Court of Appeals Enforcing an Order of the National Labor Relations Board " APPENDIX NOTICE To EMPLOYEES POSTED BY ORDER OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD An Agency of the United States Government The National Labor Relations Board has found that we violated the National Labor Relations Act and has ordered us to post and abide by this notice. Section 7 of the Act gives employees these rights. To organize To form, join, or assist any union To bargain collectively through representa- tives of their own choice To act together for other mutual aid or pro- tection To choose not to engage in any of these protected concerted activities. WE WILL NOT discourage you from membership in, or participating in lawful strike activity on behalf of, United Food and Commercial Workers International Union, AFL-CIO & CLC, District Local 340, or any other labor organization, by un- lawfully refusing to recall striking employees to ex- isting vacancies in accordance with their Union's unconditional offer, made on their behalf, to return to work. WE WILL NOT refuse to recognize and bargain with Local 340 as the exclusive representative of the employees in the appropriate unit. WE WILL NOT refuse to execute the collective- bargaining agreement negotiated with Local 340 as the exclusive representative of the employees in the appropriate unit. 1326 DECISIONS OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD WE WILL NOT in any like or related manner interfere with, restrain, or coerce you in the exer- cise of the rights guaranteed you by Section 7 of the Act. WE WILL make whole those employees who en- gaged in the March 1 through November 8, 1982 strike against us and whose recalls were delayed by reason of our unlawful acts by reimbursing them for any loss of earnings and other benefits resulting from the delay in recall, less any net interim earn- ings, plus interest. WE WILL, on request, bargain with Local 340 as the exclusive representative of our employees in the bargaining unit. WE WILL execute the collective-bargaining agreement negotiated with Local 340 as the exclu- sive representative of our employees in the appro- priate unit and give it retroactive effect. WE WILL make whole, with interest, employees for any loss of wages or other employment benefits they may have suffered by reason or our refusal to execute the collective-bargaining agreement. DOLD FOODS, INC. Stephen E. Wamser, Esq., for the General Counsel. Joseph P. Carey, Esq., of White Plains, New York, for the Respondent. DECISION STATEMENT OF THE CASE STEPHEN J. GROSS , Administrative Law Judge. Re- spondent Dold Foods , Inc. operates a food processing plant in Wichita, Kansas . Dold and United Food and Commercial Workers International Union , AFL-CIO & CLC, District Local 340, as representative of Dold's pro- duction, distribution , and maintenance employees, were parties to a collective -bargaining agreement that expired in November 1981. Bargaining toward a new contract began in October 1981. But the employees became dissat- isfied with the results of the bargaining , and in March 1982 most of Dold's employees went out on strike. Bar- gaining between Dold and Local 340 continued. Mean- while Dold replaced the striking workers with new em- ployees. About 8 months after the strike began Local 340 con- cluded that the strike was lost . It thereupon offered to accept the Company's remaining contract terms and, on behalf of the strikers , offered to have the striking em- ployees return to work. At issue here are the nature and timing of those offers by the Union and of Dold's re- sponses to the offers.' Specifically: 1 This proceeding began on November 8, 1982 , with the filing of a charge by Local 340 in Case 17-CA-11309 The Union filed a second charge, Case 17-CA-11309-2, on December 1 and then amended it on December 7. A complaint and order consolidating cases were issued on December 23. (1) According to the General Counsel, on October 23 and then again in early November , the Union agreed to all terms of the Company 's proposed collective -bargain- ing agreement . (Unless otherwise specified , all events re- ferred to in this decision occurred in 1982 .) Given that agreement, claims the General Counsel , Dold was obli- gated to execute a written contract with the Union em- bodying its terms . Dold has refused to do so. (2) If the Union unconditionally offered to return the strikers to work, Dold came under an obligation to fill job openings with the employees who had been striking, and to do so in order of seniority . The General Counsel contends that Local 340 did make that kind of uncondi- tional offer and that Dold failed to respond appropriate- ly. My conclusions about these contentions are that Local 340 did not in fact accept Dold's contract proposals on October 23 ; and that while the Union subsequently did purport to accept Dold's proposals , Dold was not re- quired to respond to the Union 's acceptance because by then Dold had come to believe , based on appropriate considerations , that Local 340 did not represent a majori- ty of Dold's employees . On the other hand, in early No- vember Dold did wrongfully fail to honor the Union's bona fide offer to return the striking employees to work.2 A. Did the Union Accept Dold 's Contract Offer on October 23 Attorney Frank Hylton represents Local 340 in its dealings with Dold. Joseph Carey, also an attorney, rep- resents Dold on labor matters. Hylton and Carey met privately on October 23 at a hotel in Wichita. Five Dold officials-all members of Dold's negotiating committee- were also present in the hotel . From time to time Carey would report back to that committee about his conversa- tions with Hylton and would receive instructions from the committee. After the completion of Hylton and Carey's private discussions, Hylton and Union Business Agent Phillip Immesote met with Carey and Dold's ne- gotiating committee. A couple of things about the events of October 23 are clear. One has to do with a Dold contract proposal re- garding an employee pension plan. Dold had earlier pro- posed that its employee pension plan be changed in vari- ous ways. Hylton had expressed concern that such changes might be unlawful and might therefore open both Dold and Local 340 to legal action by employees. Hylton had said he would look into the matter. At the October 23 meeting Hylton told Dold's representatives that he had not yet satisfied his concerns about the pen- sion problems, but that he would do so soon and advise Carey of his conclusion. It is also clear that in the course of the meeting Hylton asked that the parties meet again as soon as possible. In response to that request the parties agreed to hold a meeting on November 3. What is less clear is whether at any time during the course of the October 23 meeting, or during the tele- 2 Certain errors in the transcript have been noted and corrected. DOLD FOODS 1327 phone calls setting up the meeting , any representative of the Union agreed to accept the Company's terms for the collective-bargaining agreement . Hylton testified that he said that the Union was accepting the last proposal by the Company, first in the premeeting telephone conversa- tions and then privately to Carey during the October 23 meeting . Carey flatly denied Hylton's contention. All the members of Dold's committee testified. In no case does their description of the October 23 negotiations refer to any acceptance by the Union of Dold's contract propos- als. Immesote (the union official) did not testify. As will be discussed more fully below, my conclusion is that no representative of Local 340 stated to Dold that the Union accepted Dold's contract proposals. Assuming that a union representative had made such a statement, it is evident that no contract existed when the October 23 meeting closed . The point is that Hylton had previously, specifically voiced concern about Dold's pension plan proposal and then, on October 23, said that he had not yet looked into the matter, that his concerns remained, that he would undertake to resolve the matter soon, and that he would call Carey as soon as it was resolved. There is simply no way to square that kind of behavior with a purported acceptance of all of Dold's terms. That is particularly obvious since on October 23 there were only two Dold proposals left to discuss: One involving medical insurance, and the pension plan proposal that Hylton said he wanted to consider further. All other contract provisions had either already been agreed to or had been unilaterally implemented by Dold on the ground that impasse had been reached. B. Did a Union-Dold Contract Come into Being on October 26 Hylton telephoned Carey on October 26 to say that he had determined that Dold's adoption of its pension plan proposal would be unobjectionable. That raises the ques- tion of whether Hylton had ever said that Local 340 ac- cepted Dold's most recent contract proposals. If Hylton had said that, arguably a contract between Dold and Local 340 would have come into being when Hylton told Dold that he no longer objected to the pension plan change. As I add up the evidence, as late as October 26 Hylton had never told Dold that Local 340 accepted Dold's contract proposals. (In November Local 340 did communicate just such a message to Dold, which will be covered later in this decision.) First, nothing in the record suggests that Hylton should be credited over Carey in the case of conflicts in their testimony. Rather, Carey was more credible than Hylton. Hylton had significant memory lapses; Carey did not. Carey's version of events was often supported by other witnesses; Hylton's was not. Second, if Hylton, on behalf of Local 340, had told Carey that the Union accepted Dold's contract propos- als, one would expect Hylton to have asked for confir- mation that a contract had been agreed on-first from Carey during the premeeting telephone calls; then from Carey at the meeting on October 23; then from Dold's committee on October 23; and finally from Carey during the telephone conversation of October 26-but Hylton never did so. Third, the Union at no point provided Dold with a written contract to execute. Fourth , during the course of the October 23 meeting the parties agreed , at the Union's request, to hold an- other meeting on November 3. The Union did not indi- cate why it wanted that meeting; however, the request for the meeting suggests that the union representatives thought that there was more to be accomplished before a contract could be signed. C. Was Dold Justified in Doubting That Local 340 Represented a Majority of the Bargaining Unit Employees On November 2 Dold called the Union to cancel the November 3 meeting . Dold has continued to refuse to meet with Local 340 and has refused to enter into a col- lective-bargaining agreement with the Union even though the Union sent a telegram to Dold on November 4 specifically accepting all of Dold's contract proposals. The General Counsel argues that Dold has thereby failed to satisfy its obligation to bargain with the Union and has accordingly violated Section 8(a)(5) of the Act. Dold, however, contends that since at least as far back as November 2 it has had good reason to believe that Local 340 does not represent a majority of Dold's bargaining unit employees. If Dold did believe, in good faith, that Local 340 had lost its majority status and, further, if that belief was based on "sufficient objective considerations," Dold was under no obligation to enter into a collective- bargaining agreement with the Union or to bargain with the Union at all.3 The burden is on Dold to prove such "objective considerations," and "the burden is a heavy one."4 Employee categories-strikers, union members who did not strike, returned strikers, and replacements: As of early November, 229 Dold employees were working in bar- gaining unit jobs, as follows: Members of the bargaining unit at the time the strike began but who continued to work-12 em- ployees Members of the bargaining unit who went out on strike but who subsequently abandoned the strike and returned to work-16 employees Employees hired by Dold after the strike began as permanent replacements for the strikers-201 em- ployees In March 1982, 221 employees had gone out on strike.5 As indicated in the table above, however, 16 of the strik- 8 Windham Community Memorial Hospital, 230 NLRB 1070, 1073 (1977), enfd. 577 F.2d 805 (2d Cir. 1978). Other cases refer to "a suffi- cient objective basis for a reasonable doubt of the union's majority status" (Pennco, Inc, 250 NLRB 716 (1980), enfd. 684 F 2d 340 (6th Cir ), cert denied 459 U S 994 (1982)), the need for the "employer's good faith belief' to "be supported by objective considerations which are clear, cogent, and convincing" (Pennco, supra, 684 F.2d at 342), and the need for the employer to "present clear and convincing evidence of loss of union support capable of raising a reasonable doubt of the union's con- tinuing majority" (Windham, supra, 577 F 2d at 811) 4 Pennco, supra , 250 NLRB at 717 5 As of March 1, 1982, Dold employed 233 bargaining unit employees. As noted above, 12 of those employees never participated in the strike Continued 1328 DECISIONS OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD ing employees later abandoned the strike. That meant that as of early November there were a maximum of 205 strikers; however, according to Dold's president, Steven Ritter, far fewer then 205 employees then remained on strike. Ritter based that view on an assertion made by Union Business Agent Immesote . As of September, Im- mesote reported, 30 percent of the Dold employees then out on strike had abandoned any interest in their jobs at Dold. Ritter testified that not long after Immesote made that remark, he began to focus on whether the Union repre- sented a majority of the Company's employees. Ritter proceeded on the following assumptions. 1. The striking employees remained members of Dold's bargaining unit , but only if they intended to return to work at Dold.6 2. Given Immesote's statement , only 144 strikers (70 percent of 205) ought to be deemed to be part of the bar- gaining unit. 3. All of those 144 strikers could be assumed to be in favor of representation by Local 340.7 4. The 12 employees who, though members of the bar- gaining unit on March 1, never went out on strike, should also be deemed to support Local 340.8 5. Similarly, the 16 strikers who subsequently aban- doned the strike had to be deemed supporters of Local 340.9 6. As for the 201 employees hired since the beginning of the strike as permanent replacements, on the other hand, Ritter took the position that all could be assumed to oppose representation by Local 340. Under those assumptions, while 172 members of the bargaining unit still favored representation by Local 340, 201 employees-a clear majority-opposed representa- tion by Local 340. Thus, if the assumptions that Ritter made on the way to arriving at his totals were appropri- ate ones, Dold did not violate Section 8(a)(5). Two of those assumptions merit scrutiny: First, the assumption that 30 percent of the strikers could be deemed not part of the bargaining unit on the basis of Immesote's remark; and second, the assumption that all 201 replacement em- ployees opposed representation by Local 340. Immesote's 30-percent figure: A striker loses his mem- bership in the bargaining unit if he abandons his interest (The above numbers are taken from the testimony of a Dold witness Other evidence provides somewhat different numbers See, e g , Jt. Exh 15. But the differences are immaterial.) a Striking employees remain members of the bargaining unit, whether they have been replaced , as do replaced exstrikers who are awaiting job openings in order to return to their former employment . See, e.g., Bio- Science Laboratories v. NLRB, 542 F 2d 505 (9th Cir 1976), enfg 213 NLRB 171 (1974) As will be discussed in more detail below, however, strikers who abandon interest in returning to their former jobs thereby lose their membership in the bargaining unit 9 "There is a presumption that strikers . being union members, continued to support the Union." Surface Industries, 224 NLRB 155, 163 (1976). 8 The "mere failure of employees to support a strike does not give rise to the presumption that these employees have repudiated the Union as their bargaining representative " Seeburg Corp, 192 NLRB 290, 305 (1971) Accord- Mobile Home Estates, 259 NLRB 1384, 1404 (1982), enfd in pertinent part 707 F 2d 264 (6th Cir 1983). 9 See Cutten Supermarkets , 220 NLRB 507 (1975), Seeburg, supra, Mobile Home Estates, supra in returning to his former job. 10 Strikers are presumed to retain an interest in returning to their jobs unless there is evidence to the contrary." The question is whether Dold had sufficient grounds to reasonably conclude that, as of early November, 30 percent of the strikers no longer wanted to return to work at Dold. As noted earlier, Ritter concluded that over 60 strikers had abandoned any intention to return to Dold. That conclusion was based on a remark that Union Business Agent Immesote made to Ritter in September during the course of a telephone conversation. Immesote did not testify; however, according to Ritter's undisputed testi- mony, Immesote- reported 30 percent of the people will not return to work for one reason or another. I think he men- tioned that some had retired and some had moved out of the state, some had taken other jobs, and some had no intention of returning to Dold Foods.12 It is not altogether clear that Dold had the right to rely on Immesote's statement in determining whether Local 340 represented a majority of the bargaining unit employees. For one thing, Immesote made it clear to Ritter that the 30-percent figure was an approximate one.13 For another, given the context of the conversa- tion, it is possible that Immesote deliberately used an in- flated figure. (Immesote wanted Ritter to agree to recall the striking employees, even if that meant displacing the replacement employees. Immesote's purpose in reporting that many strikers would not be returning to Dold was to indicate to Ritter that even if Dold did recall all the striking employees, not all the replacement employees would have to be laid off.) Nonetheless I think Ritter made appropriate use of Im- mesote's remark. Immesote represented the striking em- ployees and could be expected to be in a better position than anyone else to know about the individual strikers' circumstances and future plans. Moreover at the time Immesote made the remark the strike had lasted 7 months, it had been unsuccessful at shutting Dold down, and all or nearly all the strikers had been replaced. Given that situation one would expect that some of the strikers would have chosen to leave Dold permanently. 1O E.g , Belt Supermarket, 260 NLRB 118 (1982), P.B.R. Co, 216 NLRB 602 (1975) ii Bio-Science Laboratories, supra, P.B.R. Co, supra 12 The question of whether an employee has abandoned his job (for purposes of determining bargaining unit status) hinges on the employee's intent Evidence of actions such as moving beyond commuting distance, retirement, and accepting a permanent position elsewhere is commonly found to show the requisite intent. See, e g., Belt Supermarket, supra. is In Randle-Eastern Ambulance Service, 230 NLRB 542 (1977 ), enfd. in part 584 F 2d 720 (5th Cir 1978), a union official had told the employ- er that "50 to 25 or 20 percent" of the strikers would not be returning to work The Board refused to take that statement into account in determin- mg whether the employer had a reasonable basis for doubting the union's majority status That ruling was based at least in part on factors not present here (such as the fact that some of the strikers who purportedly abandoned their employment at the employer might have done so be- cause of the employer's unfair labor practices). See 230 NLRB at 552, reversed on this point 584 F 2d at 728-729 DOLD FOODS Immesote's figure merely provided a specific-and not surprising-figure for Ritter to work with.14 The union views of the replacement employees: To reca- pitulate , Dold President Ritter assumed that , as of the end of October 1982 , all persons who had been em- ployed by the Company just as the strike began and who remained members of the bargaining umt-172 in all-re- mained in favor of representation by Local 340. All 201 replacement employees , said Ritter , could be assumed to oppose representation by that Union . Dold's defense, therefore , hinges on Ritter 's assumption about the re- placement employees ' views concerning representation by Local 340. D. Current Board Law The most clear-cut striker replacement situation is where the employer claims that employees hired to re- place strikers , and who had to cross a picket line to get to work, should be assumed , without any further informa- tion , to be opposed to representation by the incumbent union . Given those bare facts , the Board will reject the employer 's claim and instead presume that the replace- ment employees "support the [incumbent union] in the same ratio as those whom they have replaced ." 15 More- over , the Board has adopted the same position even where additional facts increase the possibility that the re- placement employees do not favor representation by the incumbent union . In Pennco , for example , the replace- ments not only had to cross a picket line, on occasion they were met by violence from the strikers . According to the Board , however, "the occurrence of some vio- lence on the picket line is, at best, one factor weakening the presumption of majority status but not alone rebut- ting it." 16 In Randle-Eastern some of the striker replacements en- countered violence at the picket line and , in addition, at the bargaining table the union demanded that the re- placements be laid off to make room for the strikers. Yet there too the Board concluded that the replacements 14 Ritter testified that, once the Company did begin recalling strikers, 34 percent failed to return to work as they were recalled. That , suggested Ritter , confirmed Immesote's 30-percent estimate . But that 34-percent figure was developed considerably after Dold stopped bargaining with Local 340 It accordingly sheds no light on whether Dold based its refus- al to bargain on appropriate grounds See I T Services, 263 NLRB 1183 ( 1982), Pennco, Inc., supra, 250 NLRB at 718 fn 16. 15 Windham Community Memorial Hospital , supra. Accord National Car Rental System , 237 NLRB 172 ( 1978), enf denied 594 F 2d 1203, 1206 (8th Cir 1979) The Board did not always hold this view. See S & M Mfg Co, 172 NLRB 1008 (1968) ("As the only employees then working were . newly hired employees who had crossed the picket line to go to work and who are not shown to have manifested their sup- port for the Union, it cannot be found that there were any union adher- ents among the employees working (on the date in issue ]"); Titan Metal Mfg. Co, 135 NLRB 196 , 215 (1962) (replacements presumed not to favor representation by the incumbent union "[absent] evidence that any of the replacements had authorized the Union to represent them"), and Jackson Mfg Co, 129 NLRB 460, 478 (1960) ("most improbable" that striker replacements favored representation by the incumbent union) For a discussion of the views of various circuit courts on the matter see the opinion of Justice White ()oined in by Justices Blackmun and Rehnquist) dissenting from the Supreme Court 's denial of the certiorari petition in Pennco, supra, 459 U S 994 (1982) 16 250 NLRB at 718 fn 16 1329 "are presumed to support the union in the same ratio as those whom they have replaced." 117 In I T Services, however, the Board ruled in the em- ployer 's favor . The issue again was whether the employ- er could presume that replacement employees opposed representation by the incumbent union . In I T Services, apart from the fact that the replacement employees had to cross a picket line to get to work : (1) the union de- manded that the replacements be discharged , the replace- ment employees knew of that demand , and the union made the demand even though "[T]here was room for the strikers even if no replacements were let go"; 18 (2) a company dispatcher testified that with minor exception ,.each of the strike [r] replacements . . . told him that they did not want the union to represent them";19 and (3) "almost on a daily basis" the replacement employees were subjected to threats, racially oriented taunts, and violence by strikers , sometimes under circumstances indi- cating that the union supported those acts. The Board concluded that, given all these circum- stances , the employer "had an adequate objective basis to support a good -faith doubt of the Union 's majority." E. The Facts at Hand Dold does not take issue with cases such as Windham and Pennco . Rather , the Company argues that Ritter's conclusions about the anti-Local 340 views of the re- placement employees was warranted given the facts at hand and the Board's view as expressed in I T Services Local 340's demand that replacement employees be fired. About 10 weeks into the strike (in May 1982) the Union demanded that "all permanent replacement employees be fired to make room for striking employees if a contract is ever signed ."20 Dold advised all of its employees-strik- ers and nonstrikers-of that position. As touched on earlier, by September the Union had changed its position . It then asked only that sufficient re- placement employees be displaced to make room for the 144 or so strikers still interested in returning to Dold. Fi- nally, during the last bargaining session (on October 23), the Union again asked that sufficient replacement em- ployees be let go to make room for the strikers .21 That, however, was merely a pro forma request . Local 340's main argument at that bargaining session was that Dold should displace the 32 replacement employees who were still in a probationary status to make room for a like number of strikers. Dold's subsequent letter to employees stated: At the October 23 Session most of the time was spent . . . on the subject of who has the legal right to hold the 217 jobs in the bargaining unit . Manage- 17 230 NLRB at 552. is I T Services, supra, 263 NLRB 1183 , 1185. (In Randle-Eastern, in contrast, there is no indication that the replacement employees knew of the union's demand that they be laid off to make room for the strikers ) 19 Id. at 1186 20 The quote is from a letter from Dold's chairman of the board to all Dold employees, dated May 13, 1982 (Jt Exh 19). No one disputes the accuracy of that letter 21 Union negotiator Hylton denied making that request I credit Dold Attorney Carey in that regard 1330 DECISIONS OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD ment, once again, repeated that no permanent replace- ment employees will lose their jobs to returning strik- ers.22 Statements by employees: According to Ritter, nonstrik- ing employees repeatedly asked "how do we get rid of the union and how do we have a vote."23 Ritter did not specify how many employees made such comments nor, with one exception, did he identify the employees in- volved. No employees testified on this (or any other) subject.24 Violence. On 12 separate occasions Dold officials found nails on the company driveways near the picket line. Dold reimbursed various nonstriking employees a total of $425 for damage to tires resulting from picket line ac- tions . Dold received 47 or 48 reports of strikers doing minor damage to nonstriking employees ' automobiles, and of threats and verbal abuse by strikers. Statements by the Union about whom it represented: At a bargaining session on October 13, a union official said that "they [the union negotiators] do not care about the permanent replacement employees and that they are not bargaining for them."25 Dold told all of its employees about that statement. F. Conclusion-Dold's Belief About the Views of the Replacement Employees How the facts here compare to I T Services: In I T Serv- ices, the strikers' attempt to intimidate the replacement employees and the violence the strikers directed against them was pervasive. And the Union itself supported at least some of that activity. At Dold the manifestations of striker hostility were much less extreme, and no one has shown that Local 340 was in any way responsible for any acts of striker violence. In I T Services the union never relented in its demand that all replacement employees be terminated. Local 340 at first demanded the same of Dold. Then, as the strike drew to an end, the Union virtually suggested that 30 percent of the replacement employees be kept on. The Union ultimately retreated to the position that the Com- pany need discharge only those 32 replacement employ- ees who were so new at Dold as to still be in a proba- tionary status. 22 Letter dated October 25, 1982 , Jt Exh 19 (emphasis in original) The letter is wrong in statmg that the Union contended that the strikers had "the legal right" to all 217 bargaining unit jobs That contention was made only in respect to the 32 positions held by the probationary em- ployees Given the Union 's request that sufficient replacement employees be displaced to make room for all strikers who wanted to return, the error is insubstantial 23 Tr 185, see also Tr 200 24 Dold employees filed a decertification petition on November 19, 1982 That occurred after Dold refused to bargain with Local 340 and accordingly is irrelevant to whether Dold had sufficient basis to doubt Local 340's majority status See I T Services, supra Moreover a decertifi- cation petition does not, in itself, provide a basis for doubting a union's majority status . Walker Die Casting v NLRB, 682 F 2d 592 (6th Cir 1982), Taurus Waste Disposal, 263 NLRB 309 (1982) 25 The quote is from Dold 's October 25 letter to employees, supra Ritter testified that union officials repeatedly made such statements No party denies the accuracy of the statement in the letter or of Ritter's testi- mony on the subject Finally, in I T Services an employee credibly testified that almost all the replacement employees had said that they opposed representation by the Union . Here we have only Ritter 's testimony that some unspecified number of Dold employees had asked how they might get rid of the Union.26 In sum , I T Services in no way compels the conclusion that Dold had sufficient basis to warrant the conclusion that Local 340 lacked a majority support . Nonetheless, I think that the facts add up to so high a probability that Dold's replacement employees opposed representation by Local 340 that Dold's position on the matter should be upheld. The Factual Issue: Dold's contentions raise two broad questions . First , purely as a factual matter is it likely that the replacement employees opposed Local 340. Second, even assuming that the replacement employees did oppose representation by the Union, should the Board nonetheless reject Dold's contention on the ground that accepting them would conflict with the purposes of the Act. Turning to the factual issue, because only a scattering of employees expressed their views on the subject to Dold officials , Dold had no direct evidence of how the replacement employees as a whole felt about representa- tion by Local 340. But given the facts of the strike, it clearly is more likely that the replacement employees op- posed representation by Local 340 more than they fa- vored it. The Policies Underlying the Act: As touched on above, however, that is not the end of the matter . In cases such as Pennco, the Board's rejection of employer contentions about the views of replacement employees did not rest exclusively , or even primarily, on a determination that the replacement employees in fact probably preferred representation by the incumbent union . Rather, the Board 's decisions focus on what kind of rule would best further the policies of the Act. Specifically, in Pennco the Board pointed out that permitting an employer to ques- tion union majority support on the ground that replace- ments for strikers can be assumed to oppose union repre- sentation "would effectively impair" the right to strike and would "disturb the delicate balance of competing weapons which the Board and the courts have recog- nized in the labor relations arena ."27 Similarly , in Mobile Home Estates the Board concluded that it would "not presume the replacements do not support a strike" be- cause "to do so would be to overburden the right to strike because , if that were the guide, ... an employer could refuse to recognize the union any time there was a strike and replacements."28 Given the policies expressed in Pennco, it may be that employers should be permitted to act on the belief that all of their replacement employees oppose the incumbent 26 Unquantified , nonspecific testimony about employees' statements op- posing union representation has been rejected as valueless Seeburg Corp, supra. (Seeburg involved union members who refused to participate in a strike, or who abandoned it. It did not involve replacement employees For purposes of evaluating Ritter's testimony about employee comments, the difference is inconsequential ) 27 250 NLRB at 717 28 259 NLRB at 1404 DOLD FOODS 1331 union only if each of the replacements has said so. If that is the law then, of course, Dold did not have an ade- quate basis on which to found its position about the mi- nority status of Local 340. I read cases such as Pennco and I T Services as holding only that: (1) as noted earlier, the burden on an employer to prove its claims about the antiunion views of replace- ment employees "is a heavy one,"29 so that such claims should be considered with caution and perhaps, skepti- cism; and (2) for the employer to prevail, the facts of the case must virtually compel the conclusion that the re- placement employees oppose the incumbent union. My conclusion is that Dold meets this test-but only barely. The closeness of the question hinges on the fact that there were only 201 replacement employees, during the time in question, versus 172 employees who, under the requisite presumptions , must be considered to have sup- ported Local 340. That means that if only 15 replace- ment employees favored representation by Local 340, the Union had the support of a majority of the employees. Here we have a statement by the incumbent union that it does "not care about the permanent replacement em- ployees" and that it is "not bargaining for them." Given the emotions generated by strikes, that viewpoint on the part of Local 340's officials is understandable and, per- haps, inevitable. That, however, does not make the state- ment less offensive to replacement employees who had to have reacted bitterly to it. In sum, here we have an announced union position calculated to make an enemy of each of the replacement employees, together with union demands that the replacements be displaced to make way for the strikers plus property damage and other unpleasantness suffered by the replacements as they crossed the picket line. Even taking into account the policies expressed in Pennco, that, as I see it, adds up to a showing by Dold that its doubt about Local 340's status was based on convincing objective considerations. G. Other Matters Pertaining to Dold's Refusal to Bargain Dold's Good Faith: Dold first announced its doubt about Local 340's majority status in early November. Yet nothing had occurred at or near that time that was rele- vant to the issue of the extent of employee support for the Union. I accordingly have considered whether Dold in fact had a good-faith doubt about Local 340's status. Having considered the matter, I ford that Dold did. Dold was not required to announce its doubt at its earliest op- portunity. I credit Ritter's testimony that at the time Dold announced its doubt , and at all relevant times thereafter, Ritter believed that Local 340 was not sup- ported by a majority of the bargaining unit. Did Dold's representation petition temporarily relieve Dold of the duty to bargain?: On November 3 Dold peti- tioned the Board for an election on the ground that it doubted the majority status of Local 340. (The Board's decision in that matter will be discussed below.) On No- vember 4 Dold wrote Local 340 to say that "it is the em- ployer's position that from the filing of any petition with the NLRB under Section 9 of the Act, further acts of collective bargaining are inappropriate pending resolu- tion of the question concerning representation raised by such petition." Dold's pleadings present a similar claim- that the pendency of its representation petition freed it from any obligation it otherwise would have had to bar- gain with Local 340. The short answer to Dold's contention is that the pendency of an employer's representation petition is ir- relevant to the employer's duty to bargain. N. T Enloe Memorial Hospital, 682 F.2d 790 (9th Cir. 1982), enfg. 250 NLRB 583, 587-588 (1980); Cornell of California, 222 NLRB 303, 307 (1976). Until July 1982 the filing of a representation petition by an outside union required the employer to cease bargaining with the incumbent. Shea Chemical Corp., 121 NLRB 1027 (1958); however, that changed in July 1982. Since then the filing of such a pe- tition has not relieved an employer of its duty to bargain. RCA Del Caribe, 262 NLRB 963 (1982). Similarly, before September 30, 1982, the filing by employees of a decerti- fication petition stayed an employer's duty to bargain. Telautograph Corp., 199 NLRB 892 (1972). Since that date employers have been required to bargain with the incumbent union notwithstanding the pendency of a de- certification petition. Dresser Industries, 264 NLRB 1088 (1982). Thus, even if an employer's representation peti- tion were to be considered similar, for present purposes, to a representation petition filed by employees or by a rival union, Dold's petition itself would not have re- lieved Dold of its bargaining duties. Res judicata questions : An employer has two ways in which to test the validity of its belief that the incumbent union has lost majority support. One is to refuse to bar- gain and await the unfair labor practice proceeding that is likely to follow. Dold did that and that is what this case is about. The second is to file a representation peti- tion. As just noted, Dold also did that. The standards in the two kinds of proceedings are the same.30 That is: (1) if an employer has an adequate basis for believing that the Union has lost its majority status, then the employer also has an adequate basis for obtain- ing a Board order requiring an election (and vice versa); and (2) if an employer's claimed basis for refusing to bar- gain is insufficient to avoid a fording that the employer has violated the Act then, similarly, there are insufficient grounds to grant the employer's election petition (and vice versa). Dold supported its election petition with many of the documents and factual allegations it presented here-in- eluding the fact that Dold had hired numerous replace- ment employees and that 30 percent of the employees who had gone out on strike no longer were interested in returning to Dold. The Board's Regional Director for Region 17 dis- missed Dold's petition on November 16. According to the Regional Director: ... it does not appear that further processing of this petition is warranted . The evidence relied upon by the Employer as objective considerations is in- 33 See text at fn . 4, supra. 30 United Aircraft Corp., 168 NLRB 480, 486-487 (1967). 1332 DECISIONS OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD sufficient to establish that a question concerning representation exists. Thus, barring evidence to the contrary, new employees , including striker replace- ments, are presumed to support the Union in the same ratio as those whom they have replaced. See, e.g., Windham Community Memorial Hospital, 230 NLRB 1070. After unsuccessfully seeking reconsideration of that Order by the Regional Director , Dold appealed to the Board . But the Board affirmed the dismissal: Having duly considered the matter, the Board concluded that the allegations in Employer-Petition- er's request for review of the Regional Director's administrative dismissal of the instant petition are insufficient to warrant reversal of the Regional Di- rector's action. Accordingly, dismissal of the peti- tion is hereby affirmed. Given these circumstances, I have focused on whether I should refuse to consider any of the evidence in this proceeding and, instead, rely on the outcome of the rep- resentation proceeding to conclude that Dold's refusal to bargain was unlawful. On the face of it, after all, Dold had its opportunity in the representation proceeding to present its case about Local 340's status and accordingly should be precluded from litigating here anything it claimed, or could have claimed, in that proceeding. At least one Board decision arguably supports that ap- proach. General Marine Transport Corp., 238 NLRB 1372 (1978), enf. denied on other grounds 619 F.2d 180 (2d Cir. 1980). The difficulty with finding against Dold on res judica- ta grounds is that that issue has not been litigated: None of the parties opted to argue the question (or even men- tion it) either in their prehearing pleadings, or at the hearing, or on brief. And beyond that, it is not entirely clear that the Board should preclude an employer from fully litigating an unfair labor practice claim of the kind here under consideration solely because of an earlier rep- resentation proceeding. Clothing Workers v. NLRB, 365 F.2d 898 (D.C. Cir. 1966). For these reasons-the issue was not litigated and the outcome of cases such as Clothing Workers-I have re- frained from passing on the impact here of the Board's ruling on Dold's representation petition. H. Dold's Refusal to Honor the Union 's Offer to Return the Strikers to Work An economic striker is entitled to full reinstatement to his former job or to a substantially equivalent job on his, or his representative 's, unconditional offer to return to work. If an employer has hired permanent replacements for the strikers , the employer need not discharge the re- placements to make room for the returning strikers. But the employer must , when and if a job becomes available for which the striker is qualified , offer him that job.31 A 91 Laidlaw Corp., 171 NLRB 1366 ( 1968), enfd 414 F 2d 99 (7th Cir 1969), cert denied 397 U S. 920 (1970). union is a representative of striking employees for such purposes, and accordingly an employer must honor an unconditional offer to return to work made on behalf of strikers by their union. According to the General Counsel, on three separate occasions Local 340 made an unconditional offer, on behalf of the strikers, for their return to work. The dates: October 23, and November 4 and 11. The General Coun- sel claims that Dold failed to respond appropriately to those offers and that Dold thereby violated Section 8(aXl) and (3) of the Act. Dold agrees that it did not re- instate any employee in response to any offer by Local 340. But according to Dold, the Union at no time made an unconditional offer for the return of the striking em- ployees. The period October 23 to November 4: The General Counsel argues that at the October 23 meeting represent- atives of Local 340 made an unconditional offer to return to work on behalf of the striking employees. Dold denies that the Union made any such offer during that meeting. The evidence supports Dold. To begin with, even if the testimony of the General Counsel's witness-Hylton-is taken at face value, the Union made no unconditional offer at that October 23 meeting . Hylton repeatedly testified that he was the only one to speak for the Union on the subject at the meeting, and the only words he used that could be construed to be such an offer were, "We are going to put the people back to work."32 As of October 23 the strike was still in progress, with pickets maintaining an around-the-clock vigil outside Dold's plant; the Union had not agreed to Dold's con- tract terms ; and another bargaining session had been set (for November 3). In those circumstances, Hylton's com- ment, couched in the future tense, and with the word "unconditional" conspicuously absent, would not have amounted to an unconditional offer to return to work, even if Hylton's testimony on the subject was accu- rate.3 3 In any case, I do not think that any union representa- tive said anything about returning the employees to work either at the October 23 meeting itself or during the tele- phone conversations setting up the meeting . Carey flatly denied hearing any such statement. None of the members of Dold's negotiating team testified that Hylton (or Union Business Agent Immesote) said anything about re- turning the employees to work. Hylton's memory was spotty. Nothing about the circumstances of the meeting and its aftermath, taken as a whole, suggest that Local 340 made an unconditional offer during the course of the October 23 meeting to return the strikers to work. The period subsequent to November 4: On November 4 Local 340 sent the following telegram to Dold: 12 Tr. 88-89. See also Tr. 49, "We were going to . put the people back to work," and Tr 37, "We were going to return the people back to work " 88 At one place in his testimony Hylton did say that he had told Carey, during the course of an October 20 telephone conversation, that "we're going to return the employees unconditionally to work " Tr 28. But that claim about the use of the word "unconditionally" is particularly hard to credit, if only because it is so badly outnumbered by Hylton's other statements about what he said DOLD FOODS [Local 340] accepts the employer 's most recent proposals. The strikers hereby officially offer to return to work unconditionally. Your immediate re- sponse is expected and requested. Dold responded, by telegram , that same day, indicat- ing that it would recall strikers as vacancies arose. De- spite that telegram, Dold did not treat the Union's No- vember 4 telegram as an unconditional offer to return the strikers to work. The reason for that refusal , says Dold, is that the employees remained on strike until the room- ing of November 8. Dold claims that that rendered the Union's offer invalid. A "strike" is the concerted voluntary withholding of services.34 Accordingly an unconditional offer to return to work and a strike's continuation after the offer are in- consistent with one another. Dold nonetheless violated the Act when it failed to honor the Union's November 4 offer to return the strik- ers to work. There is no doubt that picketing continued until November 8; however, picketing does not necessar- ily mean that the employees refuse to work.35 Apart from the picketing, Dold had no reason to believe that the Union's unconditional offer to return the strikers to work was less than bona fide. Under the circumstances if, because of the picketing , Dold was unsure of the meaning of Local 340's offer to return the strikers to work, Dold was obligated to clarify the situation by promptly communicating with the Union. Home Insula- tion Service , 255 NLRB 311 (1981); Soule Glass & Glazing Co. v. NLRB, 652 F.2d 1055 (1st Cir . 1981 ). Dold, how- ever, did not advise the Union of its concerns until No- vember 11-a week after the Union's offer and 3 days after the picketing stopped . That is too long a delay. In any case, in response to Dold's November 11 message the Union immediately confirmed it's unconditional offer. Yet Dold continued to disregard the Union's offer. (During this proceeding a representative of the Union (Hylton) and the General Counsel (on brief) referred to the "strike" as continuing until November 8. Even treat- ing that as an admission that the work stoppage contin- ued after November 4, I think Dold was still under obli- gation at least to check with the Union before assuming that the Union's offer was not unconditional. W. C McQuaide, supra; Harris-Teeter, supra. Moreover, al- though a Dold representative also referred to the "strike" continuing until November 8, he indicated that he meant only that the picketing continued until then: Tr. 202-203.) Dold puts forth a second reason why, it claims, it properly treated as conditional Local 340's offer to return the strikers to work: The unfair labor practice charge filed against Dold by Local 340 on November 8. The charge in question states, in part, that Dold violat- ed the Act because Dold "refuses to return to work 84 Shelly & Anderson Furniture Mfg. Co., 199 NLRB 250, 263 (1972), enfd . 497 F.2d 1200 (9th Cu. 1974). See also American Ship Building Ca Y. NLRB, 380 U.S. 300, 310 (1965); Jones & Laughlin Steel Corp. v. Mine Workers, 519 F.2d 1155 , 1158 (3d Cir. 1975). 's W. C. McQuaide, Inc., 220 NLRB 593 (1975), enfd . in part 552 F.2d 519 (3d Cir. 1977); Harris-Teeter Super Markets , 242 NLRB 132 (1979), enfd . mem. 644 F.2d 39 (D.C. Cir. 1981). 1333 former economic strikers who have offered to return un- conditionally." Dold claims that were it allowed access to the General Counsel 's investigative files in the matter, it would be able to show that by the quoted phrase the Union intended to claim that once the Union made an unconditional offer to return the strikers to work, Dold came under a duty to fire any replacement employees who were still in their probationary period in order to make way for the strikers. (Dold did seek access to the relevant General Counsel files but the General Counsel denied the Company's requests .) Dold goes on from there to argue that a claim of that nature is inconsistent with an unconditional offer to return to work. I will assume , for present purposes , that Dold's read- ing of Local 340's unfair labor practice charge is accu- rate . That is, the charge was the embodiment of a union contention that the Act required Dold to lay off the pro- bationary employees to make room for returning strikers. That assumption , however, is of no assistance to Dold. It is true, as Dold points out, that Dold could have lawful- ly ignored Local 340's offer if the Union had conditioned its cessation of the strike on the displacement by Dold of any group of replacement employees ; however, that has no relationship to the filing of a charge with the Board. Local 340 attached no conditions whatever to its cessa- tion of the strike . As for the charge , a union has the right to test the lawfulness of an employer 's recall proce- dures, and to do so by filing a charge with the Board, without thereby entitling the employer to refrain from recalling the ex-strikers . Indeed had the matter been liti- gated I would be obligated to fmd that, by failing to recall striking employees because of the Union's charge, Dold violated Section 8(aXl) and (4). See , e.g., NLRB v. Scrivener, 405 U.S. 117 (1972); NLRB v. Globe Mfg. Co., 580 F.2d 18 (1st Cir. 1978); Vulcan-Hart Corp., 248 NLRB 1197 (1980), enfd . in part 642 F.2d 255 (8th Cir. 1981). CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. Dold violated Section 8(axl) and (3) of the Act when it failed to reinstate employees who had engaged in the strike pursuant to the unconditional offer to return to work made on November 4, 1982, by the striking em- ployees through their representative, Local 340. 2. Dold has not otherwise been shown to have violat- ed the Act. THE REMEDY As just stated, Dold wrongfully failed to treat as valid Local 340's unconditional offer of November 4 to have the strikers return to work. If Dold had treated the Union's November 4 offer as valid , some of the striking employees would have been recalled sooner than they in fact were. (Issues such as the number of such employees, their identity, and the extent of the delay of their recall shall be left for resolution in the compliance stage.) Dold will be required to make the affected employees whole for any loss of earnings and other benefits they may have suffered by reason of the Company's discrimination against them . Backpay will be computed as prescribed in F. W. Woolworth Co., 90 NLRB 289 (1950), plus interest 1334 DECISIONS OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD as computed in Florida Steel Corp., 231 NLRB 651 the Board's Order, and to take various other actions re- ( 1977). The Company will also be required to cease and lated to the above requirements. desist from its unlawful acts, to notify its employees of [Recommended Order omitted from publication.] Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation