Dickey John Corp.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsJul 25, 1978237 N.L.R.B. 143 (N.L.R.B. 1978) Copy Citation Dickey John Corporation and American Federation of Grain Millers, AFLCIO-CLC. Case 38 CA 3151 July 25, 1978 DECISION AND ORDER By CHAIRMAN FANNING ANI) MEMBERS JENKINS AND PENELLO On March 3, 1978, Administrative Law Judge Mel- vin J. Welles issued the attached Decision in this pro- ceeding. Thereafter, the General Counsel filed limit- ed exceptions and a statement in support thereof. Respondent filed an answering brief to the General Counsel's limited exceptions. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its au- thority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the record and the at- tached Decision in light of the exceptions and briefs and has decided to affirm the rulings, findings.' and conclusions of the Administrative Laws Judge and to adopt his recommended Order. ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Re- lations Board adopts as its Order the recommended Order of the Administrative Law Judge and hereby orders that the complaint be, and it hereby is, dis- missed in its entirety. The Administrative l.aw Judge found, inter al/a. that Respondent did not violate Sec. 8(al I) b) Issuing an oral and written warning to empil, ee Patricia Miller on Januars 25. 1977. In reaching his concluslion. the Admin- istrative Law Judge commented that ain addmiinal basis for not fIlding a violation here was " had the Company been moti ated h? a desire to chill any further efforts hs its emploees to seek union representation It would surely have at least given the emplosees s,ome food for thought bh disciplining Patricia Miller in a more public aas. r hb somen frinl of dlsci- pline more severe than a warning." The Adminlstratl, e ILaw Judge also stated that, had Miller been discharged instead of mTerels gilen .i aslrning. he probablsy ould hare found a vwolation of the Act Although we agree with the Administrative l ass Judge's dlsmissal of the complainL we beheve that he engaged in unnecessars speculation concerning Respondent'., ac- tions Accordingli. we dlsasow such comments DECISION STATE MENT OF THE CASE MELVIN J. WELLES. Administrative Law Judge: This case was heard at Springfield, Illinois. on July 14. 1977. based on charges filed April 7, 1977, and a complaint issued May 31, 1977, alleging that Respondent violated Section 8(a)( ) DICKEY JOHN CORPORATION of the Act. T he General Counsel and the Respondent have filed briefs. Upon the entire record in the case,' including my obser- vation of the witnesses. I make the following: FINDINiGS OF FACT I IHF BUSINESS OF IHE EMPLOYER AND THE LABOR t)RGANIZATION INVOLVED Respondent, a Delaware corporation, with an office and place of business located at Auburn, Illinois, is engaged in the business of manufacturing electronic agricultural equipment. During the 12 months preceding issuance of the complaint herein, Respondent sold and shipped fin- ished products from its Illinois facility valued in excess of $50,000 to points outside the State of Illinois. During the same period, it received goods and material valued in ex- cess of $50,000 directly from points outside the State of Illinois. I find that it is an employer engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. American Federation of Grain Millers, AFL-CIO-CLC, herein called the Union, is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. 11 IHE ALLEGEL) UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES A. Issues and Facts This case, involving allegations that Respondent violated Section 8(a)( ) as to a single employee, Patricia Miller, by interrogating and forbidding her from engaging in union activities, on January 8, 1977, and by issuing both oral and written warnings to her on January 25, 1977, was vigor- ously tried by the General Counsel, and similarly defended by Respondent. There is a sharp conflict in testimony between Company Supervisor Marx Jaggers and employee Patricia Miller with respect to the January 8 incident. Otherwise, the dif- ferences in testimony between the General Counsel's and the Company's witnesses are relatively slight, and more subtle than sharp. By way of background, in a Board-conducted election in August 1975, the petitioning union, the UAW, lost by a vote of 241 to 71. In November 1976, the Grain Millers Union, the charging party in the instant case, lost a Board- conducted election bh a vote of 417 to 114. During the 1976 election campaign, Patricia Miller was a very strong union proponent, openly expressing her views and con- ducting her organizational activities. Her views and her ac- tivities in this respect, as Respondent not only concedes, but as will be shown, relies upon in "defense," w'ere well known to management officials, many of whom had specif- ic discussions with her concerning the Union. There were no objections or charges filed, nor is there any suggestion of objectionable conduct or unfair labor practices having occurred during the Grain Millers' organizational cam- I he (ienera ( ounse 's lino ppo 'ed Ilotion to correct Iranscript is herebs granted 237 NLRB No. 22 143 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD paign, or in connection with the UAW's campaign a year or so earlier. According to Miller, Company President Lamphier held a meeting of employees on January 7. Company General Foreman Joe Semanik testified that the meeting took place on January 14, and Divisional Superintendent Lenzi, refer- ring to this meeting, also placed it on January 14. 1 here is no question but that a meeting was held. Nor is the sub- stance of a portion of that meeting, as testified to by Miller, at issue, for her testimony was uncontroverted. However, despite the fact that presumably most of the wit- nesses in the case would have been at the meeting, in addi- tion to some 50 or so others, there is nothing but the hare statements of the date by Miller as being January 7. and by Semanik and Lenzi as being January 14 in the record.' According to Miller's uncontradicted testimony, Lam- phier said that he hoped the Union would not try to beat him again, that it cost the Company a lot of money during the campaign that could have been used for other things. At the time he said this, a slide was projected on a screen depicting a man holding a bat with the word "union" on it. and a little Dickey-John man under the bat. Then a slide of a Grain Millers' card was flashed on the screen, and Lam- phier said he hoped none of them would be passed around the plant, if anyone saw them being passed out to turn them into the office, and to make sure that no one signed anything unless they knew what they were signing. While the screen was showing the Grain Millers' card, Patricia Miller took some out of her purse, stood up, held out some cards, and asked the employees nearby if anyone wanted one. On January 8, Miller was called into the cafeteria by her supervisor, Mary Jaggers. According to Miller, Jaggers told her she was bringing her in for talking. She asked Miller if she had been campaigning for the Teamsters the day be- fore. When Miller replied that she was not, Jaggers told her she was too outspoken about unions, and she did not want Miller talking about them when she (Jaggers) was around, and mentioned the union signs that Miller had worn during the Union's fall campaign. According to Jaggers, she told Miller she had to stop the "loud abusive talking," which "could be heard way across the room," and that "I don't mind you talking but keep your voice low and cut the loudness." Jaggers denied ask- ing Miller anything about the Teamsters, or saying any- thing about the union signs Miller had worn during the election. Miller, concerned that she had been receiving a number of warnings, saw a union representative, Ferris, and, appar- ently pursuant to his advise, "started writing down things that had happened to me and getting people to sign them that said I had been harassed and I called on some of the girls at their homes; I called on some on the phone, to get the statements signed, and I did some at work." This was "around the 20th and 21st and 22nd." On January 20. em- ployee Edna Spears, who had accompanied Miller on her visit to Ferris, called Mary Jaggers and told her about Miller's activities.3 Jaggers also received similar reports 2 the significance of the date lies in determining what occulrred J.Inuars 8, as will be discussed later. 1 aggers and Spears agree that this conversationll occurred Jaggetrs how- from a number of employees, the next day, to the effect that Miller was getting written statements from employees "who felt that they had been picked on at Dickey-John." Jaggers testified that she mentioned this to a fellow fore- man, Mario L.ymer. but did not inform Semanik or any other higher authority of the Company of this until Janu- ary 26. According to Jaggers. four employees, Stouffe. Bell, Lee, and Koenig, complained to her the afternoon of January 24 that Miller was "being too loud and everything being disrupted. no one could concentrate on their work." Jag- gers reported this to Semanik that same afternoon. And Semanik told Jaggers that afternoon that he was going to talk to Miller and give her a warning. Jaggers testified that the warning was given because of Miller's "running, being extremely loud, everyone was being disrupted, they could not work; they were sitting and talking instead of working, production was going downhill because of the lack of ev- eryone sitting around and listening to what Patty was say- ing." She added that the matter "had been building for approximately a week," with various foremen complaining to Jaggers about Miller. Semanik testified that he decided to give Miller a warn- ing about a week earlier, but wanted to wait until Bill Lenzi returned from an out-of-town trip. The complaints relayed to him by Jaggers on the 24th in effect triggered the timing of the warning that had already been discussed concerning Miller. The morning of January 25, Miller was called into the office to meet with Semanik and Jaggers. Semanik told Miller that there had been complaints about her. that she had dropped morale at the Company, and was disre- spectful, that people could not concentrate on their work because of her loud outbursts. He also told her that her attendance was poor, with Jaggers then commenting that her attendance had been better the past 2 weeks. When Semanik told Miller that she never did what she was told, Miller asked Jaggers if she had ever refused to do any work, and Jaggers said she did not, but that she had re- fused to stop running and talking and going to the time- clock. Miller asked Semanik if she was being picked on because of the Union, with Semanik replying that it had nothing at all to do with that.4 About a half hour later, Semanik gave Miller a written document, purportedly a summation of the earlier meeting, which Miller read, but refused to sign. The document reads: I have today advised Patricia J. Miller that she is to change her actions concerning her job, the people, and her conduct in the Department. She is to change her actions towards supervision, and complete disregard for Company rules, running eser. Iestified Ihal Spears also said sonlething It, the effect that Miller was gong to, start callilg her at homne it scare her Spears denied that she said this. i ian, othei staiements abohul Mliller threatening Jaggers. during their coinsers;titin. Acco.rding to her. she mereli told Jaggers that Miller "was going to take it upoon herself Io go to the National Labor Relations Board about Mars if they didn't quit hassling her." t he foregoing is based on the testimon) of all three participants. There is ni reeal conflict. or ans signiificant discrepancy, involved. 144 DICKEY JOHN CORPORATION etc., also her absenteeism. (She has been warned be- fore). I reminded her of the morale of the Department, which has gone down in recent weeks. Also the quality and quantity which has gone down. I informed her of mans complaints coming fronm people in the department. about being unable to con- centrate on their job due to loud outbursts of talking and laughing. I told her that her foreman had warned her of this. I told her that the rest was up to her if she was to improve, she was to begin now. The final summation was she is to improve her ab- senteeism, her deportment to her job and members of the management team as it will not be tolerated. Out- bursts will be dealt with if thes occur again. L)iscipli- nary action will be dealt with if they occur again. Dis- ciplinary action will be given if no improvement is noted-the severity of which will be determined be the type of rule infraction. The document. which was entitled "Performance Re- port." was signed by Semanik as supervisor. Jaggers as foreman, and Lenzi as division superintendent. and con- tains the notation on the bottom "Patty refused to sign this document." That same morning, whether before or after Miller was called in not being clear in the record. Jaggers orally warned Edna Spears and Karen Malone about their loud talking. Also on the morning of January 25. Lenzi spoke with employees Doris Bell and Lois Koenig. Both employ- ees repeated earlier complaints about Miller. and both. at Lenzi's request, signed statements. Bell's statement stated in essence, that Miller was "constantly causing distraction and lowering of quality due to her need for attention con- stantly," and asked that action he taken to change that. or "remove Patty from the area." Koenig's statement said that Miller "attempts to force her feelings and opinions on others in the area. I will back up my foreman. Marx Jag- gers. Patty Miller does show disregard for Dicke)-John." Discussion B. The Alleged 'iolations on January 8 The complaint alleges that on January 8. 1977. Respon- dent violated Section 8(a)( I) by Jaggers' interrogating an employee (Miller), about her union activities, and by Jag- gers' criticizing an employee (also Miller) for engaging in union activities, and forbidding her from engaging in such activities. The General Counsel's case rests on Miller's ver- sion of what occurred. Supporting her version. argues the General Counsel, is the fact that the day before Miller had engaged in the small demonstration at the meeting ad- dressed by the Company president, this giving a context to Jaggers' asserted remarks. As noted above, only Miller placed this meeting as having occurred January 7. Seman- ik, who was specifically asked when the meeting occurred. placed it as a week later, on January 14. And Lenzi. while testifying about that meeting, mentioned the date as being January 14. Neither Semanik nor Lenzi was cross-exam- ined about the date. I found both to he credible witnesses, and believe that Miller must have been mistaken as to the date of that meeting. That being so, there would have been no reason at all for Jaggers to ask Miller, out of the blue, so to speak. if she was campaigning for the Teamsters (or any union) the da, before. Even had the meeting occurred on January 7, it does not make sense that Jaggers. who knew full well that Miller was an ardent Grain Millers supporter, would ask her if she wias campaigning for the T eamsters. Jaggers may not have seen the cards that Miller was offering people at the meet- ing (assuming it swas on January 7), but the context of Miller's actions with a Grain Millers card being shown on the screen at the time- --combined with Miller's known advocac, of that union. would have made it evident to Jaggers that Miller had not suddenly switched allegiance. and to a union that had never been and was not in the picture. In denxing that she asked Miller about organizing for the I eamsters, Jaggers tetified, "I did not have to ask her, she made it obvious that she was for the last Union. It was irrelevant to me as to what she was for or what Union now." This, as I have indicated, is obviously true. I con- clude. accordingly. that Jaggers did not interrogate Miller on January 8 (or at an, other time). As to the rest of the conversation between Miller and Jaggers on January 8. 1 am again constrained to credit Jaggers over Miller. Jaggers testified that Semanik told her he had observed Miller engaged in loud and abusive talk- ing. while Jaggers was out of the area, and that was what occasioned her talking to Miller. Even if the word "union" was mentioned. there would be nothing wrong in admon- ishing an emploxee to keep her voice down. I also do not believe that Jaggers would have been talking to Miller on January 8 about her wearing union signs during the union campaign and indicating her displeasure at that, when there is no suggestion that Miller was ever criticized for her activities. including the wearing of union signs, during the election campaign. and there is nothing in the record to suggest that Miller had worn any such signs since Novem- ber 1976h. or contemplated doing so. In short, I find that nothing occurred on January 8 to give rise to any violations of Section 8(a)( I) by Respondent. C. The Alleged lViolations on January 25 The principal issue in this case is whether the oral and written warnings given to Miller on January 25 were moti- vated by Miller's protected or union activities. The General Counsel's theory is that the warning was "a direct retalia- tion to Miller's efforts to obtain support from coworkers for her intended complaint with the NLRB against Jag- gers." and was also based in part on the complaints of Miller's coworkers, which complaints were themselves mo- tivated by Miller's protected activity. The General Counsel finds support for this theory in the fact that Miller's union activities were well known to Re- I Inl nlot unllnlld fll of sOllW. discrepancles in Jaggers' tlesinmons, and nither .argtilrumen aidsranced bh the General ( ounsel for discrediting Jaggers. I am satisfied that the, resulled from her tesilfsing 6 months after Ihe events in question rather than fronm ins deliber.lte attempt to dlsenlhle I ndeed. sone of her conlusion about diates s .s. ;is I I ohsrsed her testlfslng. nl lre i keeping ith the former than Ihe latter 145 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD spondent, both before and after the election, that Respon- dent manifested its animus toward unions by the speech of Lamphier,6 that the warnings came hard on the heels of Miller's protected activities: viz, (I) her demonstration at the Lamphier meeting, (2) her solicitation of other employ- ees' support for a contemplated NLRB charge against Jag- gers, and (3) her talking about unions and criticizing Re- spondent's working conditions and policies on January 24, triggering the complaints of her fellow workers. Had Miller, in precisely the circumstances described, been discharged instead of merely given a warning, I prob- ably would have found a violation of the Act for substan- tially those reasons advanced by the General Counsel for finding that the warnings violated the Act. Paradoxically, in a case such as this, it is more rather than less difficult to demonstrate an unlawful motive for a warning than for a discharge. The very severity of a discharge, when for a relatively innocuous offense, may well suggest that the of- fense is seized upon as a pretext for another, and invidious, motivation. Given the offense, however, even a relatively mild and innocuous one, the issuance of a mere warning, entailing no loss of pay or seniority or other employee ben- efit, suggests a punishment more fitting to the offense. When, as here, the alleged discriminatee (Miller) admited at least part of the "offense," 7 admitted also that she was warned by Jaggers a number of times about loud talking, and with the testimony of other witnesses clearly estab- lishing that she was "guilty" of loud talking, it is difficult to infer that the warning was not motivated by the asserted offense. It is true that the timing of the January 25 warning, rela- tive to Miller's activities in getting signatures to support her complaint, was suspicious. It is also true that some of the complaints about Miller's loud talking stemming from her fellow employees were probably based as much on the con- text of her talking as on its decibel count.9 But the question here is what motivated Respondent, not what caused the complaints. Loud talking does not become "protected" merely because its subject matter is unionism. Thus, the factors cogently marshaled by the General Counsel that would permit, if not compel, an inference of unlawful moti- vation had Miller been discharged, do not suffice, in my view, to establish a violation when viewed against the fact of a warning for offenses that did occur. My conclusion in this respect is also based upon the fact that two other employees, Spears and Karen Malone, were orally warned by Jaggers on the same day, Janaury 25, for loud talking. Although the General Counsel argues that 6 In this respect. whether the speech was January 7 or 14 would make no difference. ? She testified that she continued her "running" after Jaggers had warned her to stop on a number of occasions. 8 Whether or not Jaggers informed higher management of Spears' has rig so told her, for a supervisor's knowledge is imputed to a respondent. That the context of her conversations at the work table "as unionism and criticism of plant working conditions is clear. And. based on the de meanor or some of the witnesses as they were in effect repudiating affida its earliergiven tocounsel fortheGeneral Counselitis apparent that the prounion talk bothered these employees. these warnings were of "a different degree and type than that administered to Miller and was simply one more effort to 'cover' itself from any possible charge of discrimination against Miller." I cannot agree. First, Miller had, contrary to Spears or Malone. a history of having been warned for similar conduct. More importantly, I cannot believe that Semanik, I.enzi, or Jaggers herself, who gave the two oral warnings, could have been so versed in the nuances of un- fair labor practice proceedings, or so prescient as to per- ceive the need at the time, as to contrive a "cover" for a written warning to one employee by deliberately warning two other employees for a similar offense on the same day. I also regard as significant the lack of any unfair labor practices, or objections, or even a suggestion of any unlaw- ful conduct by Respondent, during the preelection cam- paign leading up to the election of November 1976 lost by the Grain Millers by a 417 to 114 vote. This is not to sug- gest that every company is entitled to one free violation of the Act. Its significance lies in the fact that Miller was one of the most, if not the most, active union proponent during that campaign. And if the "heat of battle" did not engen- der any' unfair labor practices directed at her or anyone else, it appears unlikely that the Company, with a rather decisive "victory" in the election, would regard Miller's continued support of the Union, or any other of her activi- ties, as suddenly calling for action designed to curb such activities. Respondent concludes its brief by arguing that even if a violation should be found, Miller "was the only employee affected by the Company's alleged malfeasance, and the most severe consequence to her is that one more warning notice is in her confidential personnel file. She suffered no loss of pay. She was not held up to ridicule by the Compa- ny to her fellow employees.... Thus, even if the Judge were to find, contrary to fact and law that Dickey-John committed the isolated unfair labor practices with which it is charged, remedial action would be unwarranted, and in- deed out of proportion to the de minimis violations." This argument, apart from its validity where I too have found the violations alleged, suggests still another basis for not finding them. That is, had the Company been motivated by a desire to chill any further efforts by its employees to seek union representation, it would surely have at least given the employees some food for thought by disciplining Patricia Miller in a more public way, or by some form of discipline more severe than a warning. For all the foregoing reasons, I conclude that Respon- dent has not violated the Act, and issue the following rec- ommended: ORDER I0 The complaint herein is dismissed in its entirety. ") In the event no exceptions are filed as provided by Sec. 102.46 of the Rules and Regulations of the National L abor Relations Board. the findings. conclusions. recommendations. and Order herein shall, as provided in Sec. 102.48 of the Rules and Regulations. be adopted by the Board and become its findings. conclusions. .and Order. and all objections thereto shall be deemed waived for all purposes 146 Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation