Detroit Stereotypers Union No. 9Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsApr 3, 1972196 N.L.R.B. 42 (N.L.R.B. 1972) Copy Citation 42 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Detroit Stereotypers & Electrotypers Union No. 9, In- ternational Stereotypers & Electrotypers Union of North America, AFL-CIO and Bell Printing Plate Company and Detroit Lithographers & Photoengrav- ers International Union Local No. 12-P, Lithogra- phers and Photoengravers International Union, AFL-CIO.' Case 7-CD-258 April 3, 1972 DECISION AND DETERMINATION OF DISPUTE BY MEMBERS FANNING, JENKINS , AND KENNEDY This is a proceeding pursuant to Section 10(k) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, fol- lowing a charge filed by the Employer, Bell Printing Plate Company, alleging that Detroit Stereotypers & Electrotypers Union No. 9, International Stereotypers & Electrotypers Union of North America, AFL-CIO, had violated Section 8(b)(4)(D) of the Act. A hearing was held August 26, 27, and 31, and September 1 and 2, 1971, before Hearing Officer Marc M. Pekay. All parties appeared at the hearing and all were afforded full opportunity to be heard, to examine and cross- examine witnesses, and to adduce evidence bearing on the issues. Thereafter, all parties filed briefs in support of their respective positions. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its au- thority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The rulings of the hearing officer made at the hear- ings are free from prejudicial error. They are hereby affirmed. Upon the entire record in this proceeding, the Board makes the following findings: I THE BUSINESS OF THE EMPLOYER Bell Printing Plate Company is a Michigan corpo- ration with a plant in Detroit which makes printing plates and some reproduction material from originals. During the calendar year ending December 31, 1970, it shipped printing plates, mats, proofs, and other goods valued in excess of $50,000 directly to custom- ers outside the State of Michigan from its plant in Detroit, Michigan. We find that the Employer is en- gaged in commerce within the meaning of the Act and that it will effectuate the purposes of the Act to assert jurisdiction herein. 1 The names of the labor organizations appear as amended at the hearing II. THE LABOR ORGANIZATIONS INVOLVED The labor organizations involved are labor organi- zations within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. III THE DISPUTE A. Background and Facts of the Dispute Before 1968 the majority of the Employer's work consisted of the production of electrotype printing plates, for use in flatbed presses, which were made by employees represented by the Electrotypers. Begin- ning in 1966, however, the Employer started to receive orders for reproduction proofs, faithful reproductions made from a photoengraving plate which may be used in turn for producing other photoengraving plates and have a distinct advantage over the plates themselves for shipping purposes. All proofs were made by the electrotypers from 1966 to 1968 on Vander Cook presses. In August 1968 the Employer purchased the photoengraving department of the Detroit Gravure Corporation and moved it to its own plant, retaining all employees and assuming Detroit Gravure's con- tract with the Photoengravers. Since 1968 and the purchase of Detroit Gravure, both the electrotypers and the photoengravers have made reproduction proofs. Around 1969 customers began requesting long runs of over 100 reproduction proofs which could not be printed economically on the Vander Cook presses; some of these runs in excess of the Employer's capaci- ty were subcontracted to Pollak Printing, which had an automatic Heidelberg press. In 1968, 1969, and 1971, the Employer met with representatives of the Printing Pressmen's Union and the Electrotypers Un- ion to discuss the possibility of the Pressmen sup- plying a printer to operate an automatic press it was considering purchasing. The Pressmen refused. In April 1971 the Employer discovered that one of its employees, a member of the Photoengravers, had pre- viously been a printing pressman with experience in operating a Heidelberg press. It purchased a Heidel- berg press and installed it in the photoengraving de- partment. Since then it has been used for most long runs under the jurisdiction of the Photoengravers. Thereafter the Electrotypers sought to have the op- eration of the Heidelberg press and all proofing work assigned to it. A series of letters from the Electrotyp- ers to the Graphic Arts Association of Michigan and to the Employer asserted that the work was covered by its collective-bargaining agreement and requested a meeting of the conciliation committee provided for in the contract as a means of resolving disputes. The general manager of the Association replied by letter that both contracts, those of the Photoengravers and the Electrotypers, provided for jurisdiction over 196 NLRB No. 9 DETROIT STEREOTYPERS UNION NO. 9 43 proofing and that arbitration of separate sections of separate contracts could result in conflicting awards and suggested resolution of the dispute by the Na- tional Labor Relations Board under Section 10(k) of the Act. The Electrotypers responded that it had not threatened to picket, that it was merely request- ing implementation of the collective-bargaining agreement's provision for a conciliation committee to resolve disputes and that, absent an agreement to ar- bitrate, it would picket to secure enforcement of the arbitration clause of the contract. Thomas Bonino, the Employer's president, testified that on May 24, 1971, he talked on the phone with the Electrotypers President Hein who threatened to strike and picket unless he signed an agreement to arbitrate the dispute and to revert to the work assignments as they existed before May 18 pending such arbitration. Bonino refused to sign the agreement and the next day, May 25, the electrotypers picketed the plant with signs that alleged that the Employer had refused to arbitrate. On the 25th Bonino signed an agreement to arbitrate, though without agreeing to revert to work assignments as they existed before May 18, and the picketing ceased. B. The Work in Dispute The work in dispute consists of all proofing from original photoengraving plates printed on the Heidel- berg press or otherwise. C. The Contentions of the Parties The Respondent contends that it did not violate Section 8(b)(4)(D) of the Act and that its actions al- legedly in violation thereof, including the picket line, were directed only toward persuading the Employer to comply with the arbitration clause of their collec- tive-bargaining agreement. The Respondent further contends that the proofing work in dispute tradition- ally has belonged to its members, that they are capa- ble of performing it, that the introduction of new equipment (the Heidelberg press) should not operate to oust them from their jobs, and that its members could be trained to operate the new equipment. The Photoengravers contends that its contract clearly covers the work in dispute, that it had been certified as collective-bargaining representative of the employees performing the work in question and that the work was covered by the certification, that an interunion agreement between the parent Internation- als is binding on the locals here and concedes the work to the Photoengravers' members, and that the Employer's assignment and the factors of skill, effi- ciency, area and industry practice, and traditional ju- risdictional claims all support an award of the work in dispute to employees it represents. The Employer urges much the same arguments as the Photoengravers and also contends that the work in dispute should be assigned to its employees who are represented by the Photoengravers. D. Applicability of the Statute The charge alleges violations of Section 8(b)(4)(D) of the Act. The Respondent, by its president, sent a series of letters to the Employer and to the Graphic Arts Association of Michigan, of which the Employer is a member, claiming that the work in dispute lay within its jurisdiction and requesting that its assign- ment be arbitrated pursuant to the terms of its collec- tive-bargaining agreement with the Employer. The Employer refused to arbitrate and the Graphic Arts Association replied that such arbitration might not be final, since the same work was covered in a separate collective-bargaining agreement between the Employ- er and the Photoengravers, which could give rise to conflicting arbitration awards in favor of both Un- ions. The Employer's president, Bonino, testified that, on May 24, 1971, he received a telephone call from Respondent's President Hein during which Hein threatened to strike and picket unless Bonino signed an agreement to arbitrate the dispute and to reassign certain work to Respondent's members pending arbi- tration. Bonino refused and the next day, May 25, Respondent's members struck and picketed the Em- ployer. The strike and picketing stopped when Bonino signed an agreement to arbitrate the dispute, though without agreeing to an interim assignment of the work to Respondent's members pending arbitration. Based on the entire record we conclude that there is reasonable cause to believe that there has been a violation of Section 8(b)(4)(D) of the Act and that the dispute is properly before the Board for determina- tion. E. Merits of the Dispute 1. Board certifications The Photoengravers contends that in October 1948 it was certified by the Board as collective-bargaining representative of photoengraving employees of the Employer's predecessor in Case 7-UA-1648.2 Contra- ry to the Photoengravers contention, however, that case did not involve a question concerning represent- ation but was a union-shop referendum under Section 9(e)(1) of the Act, since amended to eliminate such referenda. The purpose of union-shop referenda was to determine whether or not employees wanted their 2 Not published in NLRB bound volumes. 44 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD union to enter into a type of union-security agreement permitted by the proviso to Section 8(a)(3). It did not authorize a union to act as collective-bargaining rep- resentative, and Board certification of the results is not tantamount to certification of a collective-bar- gaining representative in an appropriate unit under Section 9(c) of the Act. See Baker Ice Machine Compa- ny, 86 NLRB 385. 2. Collective-bargaining agreements Both the Electrotypers and the Photoengravers have collective-bargaining agreements with the Em- ployer covering the proofing work in dispute. Addi- tionally, however, the Photoengravers contract, article 2, section 3, assigns jurisdiction of "operation of presses for production" to that Union, and to the extent that the Heidelberg press is used for production work this factor favors its assignment to the photoen- gravers. Otherwise, however, we find y ►'hat the collec- tive-bargaining agreements favor the claims of neither Union. 3. Interunion agreements Article III of the Electrotypers collective-bargatn- ing agreement with the Employer expressly incorpo- rates and binds the parties to the general laws of the International Stereotypers and Electrotypers Union. The Photoengravers contends that the Respondent and the Employer thereby bound themselves to a 1936 craft agreement between the Photoengravers and Respondent's parent Internationals which provides in pertinent part that "all work performed on Photo- engravings properly belongs to and is conceded to the members of the Photo-Engravers' Union ...... Exam- ination of the "Constitution, By-Laws and General Laws" of the International Stereotypers and Electro- typers Union. however, indicates that craft agree- ments are contained in a section separate and apart from the bylaws and general laws and we conclude that they are not considered general laws and were not expressly incorporated into the contract between the Employer and the Respondent. Nonetheless, it is un- contested, and we conclude, that the agreement was valid and is currently recognized. It is further uncon- tested that the work in dispute is performed on pho- toengravings. This factor favors assignment of the work in dispute to the employees represented by the Photoengravers. 4. Company and industry practice The evidence in the record as to both employer and industry practice is somewhat contradictory. Al- though, as Respondent asserts, the record indicates that the practice among members of the Graphic Arts Association having a contract with Respondent (at least with the exception of the Employer) is to have proofing performed by the Respondent's members, the record also indicates that the Employer is the only member of the Association to employ both electrotyp- ers and photoengravers; therefore, this fact is of little or no significance. The Employer's president, Bonino, testified that be- fore the introduction of the Heidelberg press in or around May 1971, proofing work was done by both the photoengravers and the electrotypers, with the electrotypers proofing 50 to 75 per cent of the "K Mart" account and about half of the "Yankee" ac- count. Cox, the electrotypers; foreman, testified that all proofing of the "K Mart" account was done by electrotypers to the best of his knowledge; he conced- ed, however, that the photoengravers could have per- formed proofing of which he was not aware. Respondent's president from approximately 1967 to 1969 testified that all reproduction proofing was per- formed by electrotypers from 1968 to 1970. This is contradicted by the testimony of Bonino and another of Respondent's own witnesses (Cox, who conceded on cross-examination that the photoengravers had done proofing of plates from the beginning), both of whom were in better positions to know. The record also establishes that some of the reproduction proof- ing now performed on the Heidelberg press was previ- ously subcontracted out to Pollak Printing as the occasion demanded. Neither photoengravers nor electrotypers customarily operate a Heidelberg press. As the record suggests that the Employer's past practice was to apportion proofing work based on what it considered to be the dictates of a given situ- ation and that portions of it were subcontracted out, we find that this factor supports neither Union's claim to all proofing work. Similarly, industry practice in the area is of little help because the record indicates no other employer with both photoengravers and elec- trotypers. Nor are these factors of any great assistance in relation to assigning the operation of the Heidel- berg press, as distinguished from the work performed on it. 5. Skills, efficiency, and availability of craftsmen Making reproduction proofs from photoengrav- ings is not a traditional electrotyper skill and the elec- trotyper apprenticeship program does not provide training in this area. There are individual electrotyp- ers who are highly skilled at making reproduction proofs, as the Employer concedes. The Employer as- serts, however, that there is no sizable pool of trained electrotyper-proofers from which it may draw, in con- trast to the situation with respect to photoengravers. DETROIT STEREOTYPERS UNION NO. 9 The Employer also contends that on the average the electrotypers' work is inferior to the photoengravers' both as to speed and quality, in large part because proofing is a recognized branch of photoengraving. Photoengraver apprentices receive extensive training in proofing and photoengraver proofers specialize in it. The Employer contends that photoengravers attain a higher level of performance than electrotypers who must learn proofing without benefit of a formal train- ing program. The Employer's president, Bonino, testified that the photoengravers' proofing was consistently of higher quality, that they performed the work more rapidly and hence more economically, that there were few or no complaints about their work in contrast with that performed by electrotypers, and that, although the Employer had lost accounts or been forced to subcon- tract out work performed by electrotypers because of quality deficiencies, there were no such problems in connection with the reproduction proofing performed by photoengravers. Electrotyper witnesses testified that there were a number of skilled electrotyper- proofers, that there had been no recent complaints by the Employer about the quality of electrotyper proof- ing, and that they were not aware of any accounts lost or subcontracted out because of the quality of the electrotypers' reproduction proofing. Bonino, the Employer's president, testified that op- eration of the Heidelberg press was assigned to the photoengravers because one of its members had pre- vious experience operating such a press and none of the electrotypers had such experience. Respondent contends that a second photoengraver is being trained to operate this press and that an electrotyper could have been selected for such training in his place. How- ever, Bonino testified that the photoengraver is being trained in his spare time and since the photoengravers work on the second floor, while the electrotypers work on the first floor, coordination of such a training pro- gram for an electrotyper would be impractical. The Respondent further contends that an electrotyper could have been trained by the Pressmen's Union, which has offered to do so, and thus there was no necessity to make the original assignment to the pho- toengravers. It clearly appears from the record, how- ever, that the training process would be lengthy, conceivably requiring as much as 4 years, the length of the Pressmen 's apprenticeship program. The presi- dent of the Pressmen's Union testified it would take much less time to train someone already working in the industry, but that this advantage would be offset to some extent by the fact that the electrotypers work- ing for the Employer are older men. Other testimony, though hearsay, put the training period at 6 months if the trainee were able to devote his full time to it. We conclude from the foregoing that the factors of 45 skill, efficiency, and availability of craftsmen favor an aware of the work in dispute to photoengravers. 6. Job losses It appears from the record that electrotyping is a declining industry and that therc has been a continual decrease over the years in the demand for electrotyp- ers to practice traditional skills. Respondent contends that award of the work in dispute to photoengravers will cost electrotypers jobs and that the work previ- ously had been performed by electrotypers. The rec- ord supports these contentions to varying degrees. Thus it is clear that at least part of the work now performed by photoengravers was performed by elec- trotypers and that there has been a net decrease in proofing work by electrotypers since the installation of the Heidelberg press and the assignment of most, if not all, longrun proofing to photoengravers. How- ever, although an electrotyper-proofer was laid off in February 1971, no electrotypers were laid off between the advent of the Heidelberg press and September 1971 when the hearing was held-this, of course, is no guarantee for the future. Additionally, the record in- dicates that some of the work now performed in the plant was previously subcontracted out and that even before the installation of the Heidelberg press proof- ing was performed by both electrotypers and pho- toengravers. Further, the Employer asserts that since the Electrotypers is unable to provide anyone capable of operating the Heidelberg press, an award of its operation to electrotypers will be futile as it will once again be required to subcontract work out, resulting in a net decrease in work for all employees. It is apparent from the foregoing that an assign- ment of the work in dispute to either craft may have a detrimental effect upon the jobs of the other. CONCLUSIONS Based on the entire record and after full considera- tion of all relevant factors, we shall assign the work in dispute to the photoengravers. We reach this conclu- sion particularly in view of the Employer's preference, the greater average skill of the photoengravers, the availability of trained craftsmen, and the fact that the only employee capable of operating the Heidelberg press, a photoengraver, was assigned to it. The record clearly establishes that none of the electrotypers pos- sesses this skill nor could an electrotyper be trained in the press' operation in a reasonable amount of time. In making this determination we are assigning the disputed work to employees who are represented by Detroit Lithographers & Photoengravers Internation- al Union Local No. 12-P, Lithographers and Pho- 46 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD toengravers International Union, AFL-CIO, but not to that Union or its members. . DFTERMINATION OF DISPUTE Pursuant to Section 10(k) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, and upon the basis of the foregoing findings and the entire record in this pro- ceeding, the National Labor Relations Board hereby makes the following determination of the dispute: 1. Employees employed by Bell Printing Plate Company, Detroit, Michigan, who are currently rep- resented by Detroit Lithographers & Photoengravers International Union Local No. 12-P, Lithographers and Photoengravers International Union, AFL-CIO, are entitled to all proofing from original photoengrav- ing plates printed on the Heidelberg press or other- wise. 2. Detroit Stereotypers & Electrotypers Union No. 9, International Stereotypers & Electrotypers Union of North America, AFL-CIO, is not, and has not been, entitled by means proscribed by Section 8(b)(4)(D) of the Act to force or require the Employer to award the above work to its members or to employ- ees it represents. 3. Within 10 days from the date of this Decision and Determination of Dispute, Detroit Stereotypers & Electrotypers Union No. 9, International Stereotypers & Electrotypers Union of North America, AFL-CIO, shall notify the Regional Director for Region 7, in writing, whether it will or will not refrain from forcing or requiring the Employer, by means proscribed by Section 8(b)(4)(D), to award the work in dispute to its members or to employees it represents rather than to employees represented by the Photoengravers. Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation