Decker Disposal, Inc.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsMay 29, 1968171 N.L.R.B. 879 (N.L.R.B. 1968) Copy Citation DECKER DISPOSAL, INC. 879 Decker Disposal , Inc., and Industrial Disposal, Inc. and International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of Amer- ica, Local Union No. 13 Decker Disposal , Inc., and Industrial Disposal, Inc. and International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of Amer- ica, Local No. 13, Petitioner . Cases 27-CA-2255 and 27-RC-3170 May 29, 1968 DECISION, ORDER, AND CERTIFICATION OF RESULTS OF ELECTION BY MEMBERS FANNING, JENKINS, AND ZAGORIA On January 23, 1968, Trial Examiner Maurice Alexandre issued his Decision in the above-entitled proceeding, finding that the Respondents had en- gaged in certain unfair labor practices and recom- mending that they cease and desist therefrom and take certain affirmative action, as set forth in the attached Trial Examiner's Decision. Thereafter, the Respondents filed exceptions to the Trial Ex- aminer 's Decision and a supporting brief. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its powers in connection with this case to a three- member panel. The Board has reviewed the rulings of the Trial Examiner made at the hearing and finds that no prejudicial error was committed. The rulings are hereby affirmed. The Board has considered the Trial Examiner's Decision, the exceptions and brief, and the entire record in the case, and hereby adopts the findings, conclusions, and recommenda- tions of the Trial Examiner only to the extent con- sistent with this Decision and Order. The Respondents except, among other things, to the Trial Examiner 's conclusion that they violated Section 8(a)(3) and (1) of the Act by discharging Duane Daugherty, and by failing, for discriminatory reasons, to make a bona fide effort to recall from layoff status employees Andy Sandoval and Richard Vigil. The record shows that on February 11, 1967, while Daugherty was operating one of the Respon- dents' vehicles in a residential neighborhood on a trash-collection route, he encountered, and almost collided with, a vehicle operated by one of the Respondents' customers . The customer lodged a formal complaint with the Respondents , charging that Daugherty's vehicle failed to slow down while entering an intersection , almost hitting her car, and that an accident was avoided only because she took evasive action at the last minute . Daugherty admits being questioned about the matter on February 13 by Clayton Decker , an owner and manager of both Companies , but denies any recollection of the in- cident. On February 17, 1967, while Daugherty was again operating a trash -collection vehicle on a res- idential route , one of the crewmen assigned to his vehicle failed to close a gate on a customer's premises allowing a dog to escape . The dog was later found dead by the side of a road. The customer complained to the Respondents about the loss of the dog, stated that he had repeatedly asked the driver of the Respondents ' truck to see to it that the gate was closed , and, moreover, that the Com- pany had assured him drivers would be instructed in this respect. The Respondents had, in fact , instructed the drivers with respect to this matter . Daugherty testified : " I recall on the card of this particular house where the dog was , it was written on the card, `Be sure to close gate ,' and at this time, I re- call that Butch said , ` remember to close the gate.' Johnny had a box in one hand and a carry-out in the other, and he couldn 't close the gate , but there was no dog in the yard at the time ." Daugherty also testified that, as the driver , he was responsible for the operation of the truck and its crew. The customer made a claim against the Respon- dents in the amount of $ 125 as damages sustained by the loss of the dog. Decker, in turn, told Daugherty that unless he made good this claim he faced discharged . Daugherty refused and ac- cordingly was discharged by the Respondents on February 18, 1967. The Trial Examiner held that the Respondents discharged Daugherty because of his union activi- ties and that the reasons assigned by the Respon- dents for his discharge , namely , his failure to pay for the loss of the dog, the near accident , and his "general attitude ," were pretextural in nature. How- ever , insofar as his union activity is concerned, the record shows only that in mid-January Daugherty asked a union representative for information on how to organize , and also compiled a list of em- ployees who wanted representation . The record does not show that the Respondents were made aware of these activities but only that at a meeting of employees on February 11 Daugherty told Decker that the employees were unhappy with one of their supervisors and that this fact had a great deal to do with the employees ' interest in the Union. On balance, we do not believe that the General 171 NLRB No. 124 880 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Counsel has sustained his burden of proving that Daugherty was discharged because of his union ac- tivity rather than for the reasons assigned by the Respondents. The Trial Examiner concluded that the Respon- dents did not make a bona fide effort to recall San- doval and Vigil from layoff status because of San- doval's union activities, notwithstanding the credited testimony of Decker that, in attempting to recall both employees, he tried on two occassions to reach them by telephone, visited a dump where they were purportedly at work, and, finally, telephoned a representative of their new employer who informed him that they had permanent em- ployment. The Trial Examiner reasoned that Decker's -failure to seek answers directly from the employees themselves after being advised by their new employer that their jobs were permanent "clearly indicates that he seized upon [that em- ployer's] statement as an excuse for discontinuing his recall efforts," especially as the Respondents had in their possession, along with their other res- idential customers, the home address of one of these individuals and could have communicated with him in writing. We do not agree. It is clear that a substantial effort was made by the Respondents to communicate with Sandoval and Vigil. We are not prepared, in looking back over the facts, to say at this time that the Respon- dents did not go far enough. In these circum- stances, we find that the evidenc fails to support the conclusion that the Respondents did not in good faith seek to recall the employees here involved. We hold, therefore, that the Respondents did not, by discharging Daugherty and by failing to re- call Sandoval and Vigil, violate Section 8(a)(3) and (1) of the Act. Accordingly, we shall dismiss the complaint herein.' Moreover, as we do not find suf- ficient basis for concluding that the Respondents' conduct interfered with the conduct of the election held herein, we shall overrule the objections thereto and certify the results of the election. ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board hereby orders that the complaint against the Respondents, Decker Disposal, Inc., and Industrial Disposal, Inc., Denver, Colorado, be, and it hereby is, dismissed. CERTIFICATION AND RESULTS OF ELECTION It is hereby certified that a majority of the valid votes cast in the election held between March 31, 1967, and June 20, 1967, has not been cast for In- ternational Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America, Local Union No. 13, and that said labor organization is not the exclusive bargaining representative in the unit found appropriate within the meaning of Sec- tion 9(a) of the Act as amended. ' The Trial Examiner found that the Respondents violated Section 8(a)( I) of the Act by changing the daily starting time of employees prior to the election held herein We agree However, in view of the isolated nature of this incident , we find that the issuance of a remedial order would not ef- fectuate the purposes of the Act Further, in these circumstances , we find that such conduct in and of itself would not warrant setting aside this elec- tion TRIAL EXAMINER'S DECISION MAURICE ALEXANDRE, Trial Examiner: These consolidated proceedings were heard at Denver, Colorado, on August 1, 2, and 3, 1967, pursuant to due notice. The complaint in Case 27-CA-2255, is- sued on June 23, 1967,' alleged that Decker Disposal, Inc., and Industrial Disposal, Inc., had violated Section 8(a)(1), (3), and (5) of the Na- tional Labor Relations Act, as amended. Con- solidated therewith for hearing and decision were certain objections, filed by the Union, to conduct affecting the results of an election held among Respondent's employees in Case 27-RC-3170.2 In their answer, Decker Disposal and Industrial Disposal denied the commission of any unfair labor practices and requested that the results of the election be confirmed. Upon the entire record, my observation of the witnesses, and the briefs filed by the General Coun- sel and the Respondents, I make the following: FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS 1. JURISDICTION A. The Evidence On February 1, 1967,' the Union filed a petition for certification as the majority collective-bargain- ing representative of the employees of Decker Disposal and Industrial Disposal, and on February 17 the Regional Director issued a notice of representation hearing. On February 24, the Union filed an amended petition and joined the two cor- porations in executing a Stipulation for Certifica- tion Upon Consent Election, which the Regional ' Based on a charge filed on April 14, 1967, by International Brother- hood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America, Local Union No. 13, hereafter called the Union. 2 The complaint and objections to the election were consolidated by an order issued by the Regional Director on June 23, 1967 1 All dates hereafter mentioned relate to 1967 unless otherwise stated DECKER DISPOSAL, INC. 881 Director approved." On March 1, the Acting Re- gional Director issued a notice of representation hearing which withdrew approval of the said stipu- lation and ordered a hearing. Following the hear- ing, the Regional Director on March 14 issued a Decision and Direction of Election in which, among other things, he found as follows: 1. The Employer is engaged in commerce within the meaning of the Act and it will effec- tuate the purposes of the Act to assert jurisdic- tion herein.' The Regional Director further found as follows: 4. The following employees of the Employer constitute a unit appropriate for the purposes of collective bargaining within the meaning of Section 9(b) of the Act:' ' The parties are in agreement as to the composition of the bargain- ing unit which includes employees of Decker Disposal, Inc , and Indus- trial Disposal , Inc , herein called the Employer Both companies are engaged in the Denver metropolitan area in the collection and disposal of trash and refuse, apparently operate from the same facilities, and have the same supervisors and together employ approximately four- teen employees in classifications of driver, helper, and mechanics The parties are in apparent agreement that the two companies con- stitute a single employer within the meaning of the Act, and I so find. All employees employed by Decker Disposal, Inc. and Industrial Disposal, Inc., in their Denver, Colorado, operation, BUT EXCLUDING all office clerical em- ployees, salesmen, guards, watchmen, professional employees and supervisors as defined in the Act. So far as this record shows, Board review of the Re- gional Director's Decision and Direction of Elec- tion was not sought. On March 31 ballots were mailed by the Re- gional Office to the employees and on April 10 the ballots were opened and counted. The tally of bal- lots shows that six votes were cast against the Union, four votes were cast for the Union, and three ballots were challenged. On April 13 the Union filed objections to conduct affecting the results of the election. In a supplemental decision on challenged ballots, issued on June 9, the Re- gional Director overruled the challenges to the bal- lots, , which were then counted, and the results showed seven votes against the Union and six votes for. On June 23 the Regional Director issued the complaint herein and a document entitled supple- mental decision on objections, order of consolida- tion of the objections and the complaint herein, and notice of hearing on the issues raised by the con- solidated proceeding herein. The complaint alleged and the answer of Decker Disposal and Industrial Disposal admitted that they are Colorado corporations with an office and place of business in Denver, Colorado; that they are en- gaged in the business of collecting and disposing trash and refuse; that they have some corporate of- ficers in common; that they have common owners and boards of directors; and that the said directors formulate and administer common labor policies af- fecting the employees of Decker Disposal and of In- dustrial Disposal. The answer, however, denied the allegations of the complaint that they are affiliated businesses , that they have common operators, that they constitute a single integrated business enter- prise, and that they jointly constitute a single em- ployer under the Act. Clayton O. Decker testified as follows. He and Robert P. Kinsley are the stockholders of the two corporations, with Kinsley holding a slightly larger proportion of the shares. He, Robert Kinsley, and Marlene Kinsley are the officers and directors of both corporations . He is the active day-to-day manager of both corporations. They have separate offices at different locations , but he works out of both. Decker Disposal's location also includes a garage which houses the trucks of both corpora- tions . Foreman Richard F. Ballou is paid by, and performs identical services for, both corporations. Paragraph 11(e) of the complaint alleged, and the answer admitted , that Public Service Company of Colorado, a Colorado corporation, is a public utili- ty engaged in the business of providing electrical power in Denver; that it receives gross revenues ex- ceeding $250,000 annually; and that it annually purchases goods and materials valued in excess of $10,000 which are shipped directly to its Denver place of business from outside of Colorado. Para- graph 11 (f) of the complaint prior to its amendment at the hearing alleged that Decker Disposal and In- dustrial Disposal annually perform services valued in excess of $50,000 for Public Service, and that the two corporations constitute a single employer engaged in commerce within the meaning of Sec- tion 2(2), (6), and (7) of the Act. The answer of the two corporations alleged that Industrial Disposal performs no services for Public Service, and denied that Decker annually performs services valued at or in excess of $50,000 for Public Ser- ' Paragraph 8 of the stipulation recited the following - " Decker Disposal, Inc and Industrial Disposal , Inc., are Colorado corporations doing business in Denver , Colorado, engaged in the collection of trash and refuse, they regularly perform such services , valued at more than $50,000 per annum, for customers who themselves meet the Board 's jurisdictional standards on a basis other than indirect inflow of indirect outflow " ' At the hearing in the instant proceeding , the General Counsel, by way of explanation and in support of a motion to amend the complaint, discussed below , read the following excerpt from the record in the representation proceeding. HEARING OFFICER . On the record . Decker Disposal , Inc., and Indus- trial Disposal , Inc , are Colorado corporations doing business in Denver , Colorado, engaged in the collection of trash and refuse They regularly perform such services valued at more than $50,000 per annum for companies who themselves meet the Board 's jurisdictional standards on a basis other than indirect inflow of indirect outflow Mr Wagner, is that a fair statement of the business and operation of the companies? MR WAGNER Yes, this is correct for the purposes of the Board's ju- risdiction HEARING OFFICER Will you stipulate that those facts do establish the Board's jurisdiction9 MR. WAGNER Yes, the employer so stipulates MR TOLLIVER- The petitioner so stipulates 882 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD vice, and denied that either Decker Disposal or In- dustrial Disposal is now or at any time material herein has been an employer engaged in commerce within the meaning of the said sections of the Act. Short) after the commencement of the hearing herein, N ranted the General Counsel's motion to amend paragraph II(f) of the complaint so as to al- lege that Decker Disposal and Industrial Disposal annually perform services valued in excess of $50,000 for Public Service and a number of other companies, all of which meet the Board's jurisdic- tional standards, including certain Denver stores owned by Safeway Stores, Inc., by F. W. Wool- worth Co., and by Miller's Super Markets. Later in the hearing, the parties stipulated that during the calendar year 1966, each of the three last-men- tioned companies had a gross volume of business in excess of $500,000, and that during that year Decker Disposal and Industrial Disposal did busi- ness with and received payments from the aforesaid companies in the following amounts: Decker Disposal Industrial Disposal Miller ' s $1,560.00 $1,560.00 Woolworth 390.00 540.00 Safeway 1 , 380.00 810.00 Totals $3,330.00 $2,910.00 Because of the refusal of Decker Disposal and In- dustrial Disposal , without further investigation, to enter into any stipulations relating to an y of the other companies named in paragraph 11(f) of the complaint , as amended , the General Counsel again moved to amend that paragraph so as, in effect, to eliminate reference to such other companies. I granted the motion , and the complaint as so amended then alleged that the two corporations an- nually perform services valued in excess of $ 50,000 for Public Service , Safeway, Miller's, and Wool- worth . Decker Disposal and Industrial Disposal ad- hered to the denial in their answer that they are en- gaged in commerce. The General Counsel then called as a witness Robert Bader, a supervisor in Public Service's ac- counting department . The parties stipulated that if asked Bader would testify that certain checks total- ing $59 ,298.82 were paid by Public Service to Decker Disposal between January 7 and December 14, 1966 , for services rendered . Bader testified, however , that he had no information as to when such services were rendered . Decker testified that on January 1, 1967, Decker Disposal and Public Service executed a new contract providing for removal of ash from two ponds owned by the latter; that the price established therein for each unit of work , i.e., presumably for emptying each pond, was 35 percent less than the price paid by Public Ser- vice for each such unit in 1965 and 1966 ; and that during 1967, up to the time of the hearing herein, the total number of units of work had been "about the same" as in 1966. B. Concluding Findings 1. General Counsel contends that Decker Disposal and Industrial Disposal constitute a singe employer for jurisdictional purposes. I agree. It is undisputed that Decker and Robert P. Kinsley own all the stock of the two corporations; that Decker, Robert Kinsley, and Marlene Kinsley are the directors and officers of both corporations; that the said directors formulate and administer common labor policies affecting the employees of both cor- porations; that Decker is the manager of both; and that the two corporations use some employees and facilities in common. I find that Decker Disposal and Industrial Disposal (both of which are hereafter referred to as the Respondent) are integrated enter- prises constituting a single employer for jurisdic- tional purposes. Drapery Manufacturing Co., Inc., 166 NLRB 865; M. P. Building Corporation, d/b/a Kent Constr. Co., 165 NLRB 829. The cases cited by the Respondent do not require a contrary conclusion. In Gifford-Hill & Co., 90 NLRB 428, the Board found that separate cor- porations constituted an integrated enterprise forju- risdictional purposes in view of their interlocking directorates, common executive officers, common stock ownership, and other indicia of coordinate activity. This decision refutes rather than supports Respondent's position. In American Furniture Com- pany, Inc., 116 NLRB 1496, and in Jefferson Co., Inc., 105 NLRB 202, the Board refused to treat separate corporations as a single employer for ju- risdictional purposes because, unlike the instant case, there was no centralized management and no common control over labor relations policies. In N.L.R.B. v. Shawnee Milling Co., 184 F.2d 57 (C.A. 10), and in Clark Thread Company, 79 NLRB 542 (which involved a unit question), the Board refused to find that separate corporations con- stituted a single employer because, unlike the in- stant case, there was no evidence of common con- trol of labor relations policies. 2. The General Counsel next points out that a finding was made in the representation proceeding that the Respondent is an employer engaged in commerce within the meaning of the Act, and con- tends that this issue may not be relitigated in the in- stant proceeding, an unfair labor practice proceed- ing, in the absence of newly discovered or previ- ously unavailable evidence. Although the General Counsel does not expressly so state, he implies that no such evidence has been presented. Section 102.67(f) of the Board's Rules and Regu- lations, relating to requests for Board review of preelection determinations by the Regional Director in representation proceedings, provides: Failure [of the parties to a representation proceeding] to request review shall preclude DECKER DISPOSAL, INC. 883 such parties from relitigating, in any related subsequent unfair labor practice proceeding, any issue which was, or could have been, raised in the representation proceeding. The General Counsel's contention raises a host of questions. Does the evidence in the representation proceeding' establish that the Board's jurisdictional standards have been met?7 Did Respondent fully litigate the jurisdictional facts in the representation proceeding and, if not, did it nevertheless have the opportunity to do so?' May I take official notice of evidence adduced in the representation proceeding in order to answer these questions? Does the term "any issue " in Section 102.67(f) of the Regulations include an issue relating to jurisdictional facts? To what extent is the instant proceeding, which in- volves alleged violations of Section 8(a)(1) and (3) as well as of Section 8(a)(5), a subsequent "re- lated" unfair labor practice proceeding? If a por- tion of this proceeding is not "related, ' are the ju- risdictional facts relitigable for purposes of related portions but not for the unrelated portions? Had the General Counsel opposed relitigation of the jurisdictional facts at the hearing herein, the above questions would have been squarely presented. However, he did not interpose such op- position. On the contrary, he adduced testimony in support of the jurisdictional allegations of the com- plaint, including those set forth in both the original and amended complaint. In such circumstances, I find that the General Counsel is now estopped from asserting the nonlitigability of the jurisdictional facts. I am mindful that the quoted regulation is couched in seemingly mandatory language; i.e., "shall preclude" relitigatlon. I am, however, per- suaded that application of the principle of estoppel does not do violence to the apparent purpose be- hind the regulation-to avoid unnecessary delay. For here, the issue which the General Counsel now says cannot be relitigated was in fact relitigated. Since the delay engendered thereby cannot be un- done, literal application of the regulation would constitute a sterile gesture and thus would not ef- fectuate its purpose. 3. The, General Counsel contends that in any event the record herein establishes that Respon- dent's operations satisfy the Board's jurisdictional standards and hence that jurisdiction should be as- serted. I agree. In Siemons Mailing Service, 122 NLRB 81, which is controlling here,' the Board stated that it would assert jurisdiction over "nonretail enterprises which have an outflow or inflow across State lines of at least $50,000, whether such outflow or inflow be re- garded as direct or indirect." The Board further stated that indirect outflow includes "services to users meeting any of the Board's jurisdictional stan- dards except the indirect outflow or indirect inflow standard." I find that during 1966 Respondent per- formed local services valued at $59,298.82 for Public Service; that it performed local services valued at $6,240 during the same year for Safeway, Miller's, and Woolworth; and that the said purchasers of Respondent's services are all subject to the Board's jurisdiction. Accordingly, Respon- dent satisfied the Board's jurisdictional standard for nonretail operations. Respondent contends, however, that 1967 con- stitutes a more appropriate year for determining whether or not its operations meet the jurisdictional standard; that, in view of the 35 percent price reduction provided in its 1967 contract with Public Service, its anticipated income from that source in 1967 will be only 65 percent of $59,298.82 or $41,874.23; and that this amount, even when added to the $6,240 received from other sources , is still below the $50,000 requirement. Respondent further contends that even if 1966 were the year used the jurisdictional standard would not be met because the record shows only that Respondent received over $50,000 in payments in that year, and does not establish that the services therefor were performed in that year. In its recent decision in District Court of the Tenth Judicial District of the State of Idaho (Cox's Food Center, Inc.), 164 NLRB 95, the Board reaf- firmed its earlier holding in Jos. McSweeney & Sons, Inc., 119 NLRB 1399, that where commerce data for a recent annual period is available reliance should be placed on such data, and speculation as to future operations should be avoided. Accord, Burton Beverage Company, 116 NLRB 634; Aroostook Federation of Farmers, Inc., 114 NLRB 538. Respondent's assertion that its services to Public Service will amount to only $41,874.23 in 1967 is mere speculation if for no other reason than that it is impossible to predict the number of units of work which Respondent will perform for that company in that year. In addition, Respondent's total volume of business for 1967 cannot be pre- dicted. It is thus proper to use 1966 as the year for determining whether jurisdiction should be as- serted. The cases cited by Respondent do not require a contrary conclusion. In Building and Con- " I note that Respondent 's admission regarding jurisdictional facts made in the representation proceeding appears in the transcript of the instant proceeding only for explanatory purposes , and not for evidentiary pur- poses. , Even if the facts underlying jurisdiction may not be relitigable, the issue as to whether such facts establish jurisdiction can be raised at any stage N L R.B. v Peyton Fritton Stores, Inc., 336 F 2d 769 (C A 10) " As noted more fully below, Respondent's position that the Board's ju- risdictinonal standards are not met is predicated upon the price change provided by the contract of January 1 with Public Service I note , however, that the hearing in the representation proceeding was held after that date This suggests that the issue presented by the contract change could have been raised in that proceeding Cf Greene County Farin Bureau Coopera- tiveAssociation ,Inc v NLRB,317F2d335(CADC ) ' For a discussion of this problem, see N L R B v Security Guard Ser- vice, Inc , 384 F 2d 143 (C A 5), and cases cited therein, Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America [Spruce Pine Mfg I v N L R B, 365 F 2d 898 (C A D C ), and the decisions of the Trial Examiners in Ross Porta-Plant, Inc., 166 NLRB 494 , in Wagner Industrial Products Company, Inc, 162 NLRB 1349, and in Thrifty Supply Company, 153 NLRB 370 i" N L R B v Carroll-Naslund Disposal, Inc, 359 F 2d 779 (C A 9), Jaycock Sanitary Service of Garden Grove, Inc, 161 NLRB 544 353-177 0 - 72 - 57 884 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD struction Trades Council of San Bernardino (Golding and Jones, Inc.), 139 NLRB 1370, where the Board used projected figures, it appears that, unlike the instant case, the record contained insufficient infor- mation to permit reliance on the employer's past operations. In Hamilton Photo Engraving Co., 93 NLRB 175, fn. 3, the employer contended that 1949 should not be treated as a representative year because after the close of the year there were fluc- tuations in the volume of business done by the em- ployer with some customers. The Board rejected this contention inasmuch as there was no claim that the character of the business had changed. There is nothing in the record to suggest, and indeed Respondent does not claim, that the character of its business has changed. Finally, I find no merit to the claim that jurisdic- tion should not be asserted even if 1966 is used. Respondent correctly asserts that jurisdiction turns on the volume of work performed and not on the volume of payments received in that year. Jos. Mc- Sweeney & Sons, Inc , supra. The Board also held in that case, however, that absent evidence to the con- trary it is assumed that goods paid for during a year were shipped during that year. Since there is no contrary evidence here, it is similarly assumed that the $59,298.82 paid by Public Service to Respon- dent in 1966 was for services rendered by the latter in 1966. For the foregoing reasons, I find that Respon- dent's operations satisfy the Board's jurisdictional standards. II. THE UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES A. Interference, Restraint , and Coercion 1. The evidence Sometime in mid-January, employees Daugherty, Sandoval, Downing, and John Ocana, Jr., discussed the possibility of unionizing Respondent's em- ployees. Daugherty and Sandoval then obtained the names of interested employees on a list which the latter gave to the Union. On January 30 the pre- sident of the Union, Salter, met with a number of Respondent's employees, at which time 14 em- ployees signed cards authorizing the Union to represent them for purposes of collective bargain- ing. On February I the Union sent Respondent a letter claiming to represent a majority of its em- ployees and requesting that Respondent meet at a specified time and place for purposes of negotiating a collective-bargaining agreement On the same day, the Union filed its representation petition, referred to above. On February 3 Respondent wrote to the Union that it was investigating the question whether Respondent's operations satisfied the Board's jurisdictional standards, hoped to have the facts in a few days, but would be glad to confer on request. Sometime in the afternoon of February 11 Respondent's part owner and manager, Decker, called a meeting of the employees. The record con- tains conflicting testimony as to what was said at the meeting. According to Sandoval, Decker stated that the Government was trying to take over the rubbish business, that "if the Union was taken into the business, he would go broke"; and that he could not pay the men any more money but would try to improve their hours of work by changing the start- ing time to 6 a.m. instead of 5 or 5:30 a.m. San- doval further testified that he and Daugherty com- plained about Foreman Ballou 's treatment of the employees and that Decker promised to correct the situation . Daugherty testified that Sandoval com- plained about the treatment received by the em- ployees, and that he, Daugherty, stated that the chief reason for the movement to unionize the em- ployees was their treatment by Ballou. Daugherty further testified that Decker stated that the Govern- ment was trying to take over the trash industry, that the employees did not need a union , that the Union would not pay their wages, that he could not afford to give them raises but could ease their hours by changing their starting time from 5 to 6 a.m., and that Decker in effect asked the employees to "hold down" the Union for a time. Employee Downing testified that at the meeting Daugherty identified himself as one of the instiga- tors of the Union; that he did not hear Decker use the word " union " but that the latter did say that "if it came in , it would hurt him"; that Decker further stated that if the employees waited a while he would try to get them a raise and a week's vacation; but that he recalled no mention of any change in working hours. Employee Hamilton testified that either Sandoval or Ocana said that the men would get things straightened out by the union they in- tended to bring in, that Decker said he had never seen a union that made up the payroll; but that neither Decker nor anyone else said anything about a wage increase or paid vacations. Employee Mills testified that he had some recollection that San- doval said something about the Union; that Decker stated that he understood that the Union was at- tempting to organize Respondent but did not know whether Respondent would be helped or hurt by unionization ; and that he had no recollection of any mention by Decker of a wage increase or of paid vacations. Employee Piefer testified that Decker said that "if this union did go in, he wouldn't say one way or the other what would happen financial- ly"; but that he did not remember Decker mention- ing anything about a wage increase or paid vaca- tions. Thereafter, the starting hour for work was admit- tedly changed. Daugherty testified without con- tradiction that the change was made on February 13 and that Decker never furnished any explana- tion for the change. Decker testified that he changed the starting hour from 5 to 6 a.m. because DECKER DISPOSAL, INC. of complaints from residential customers that trash was being picked up before 7 a.m.; that the men had theretofore had about an hour and a half of trash collection beginning at 5 a.m. at commercial establishments, where no one would be disturbed, and at which hour delivery trucks would not be present; that contrary to his instructions the em- ployees would begin their commercial pickups prior to 5 a.m. in order to complete their routes earlier, and would thus arrive at residences as early as 6:30 a.m.; and that he postponed their starting hour so that they could not reach the residences before 7:30 a.m. even if they began early. 2. Concluding findings The General Counsel contends that Respondent violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act through Decker's "threat" that Respondent would "go broke" if the Union was chosen to represent the employees, his promise to give them a wage in- crease and paid vacations if they rejected the Union, and his subsequent change in working hours. Respondent contends that the record fails to establish that the alleged "threat" was made, and that in any event it was not coercive and con- stituted protected free speech; that the record fails to establish the alleged promises; and that the change in hours had no relationship to union mem- bership or activity, and was dictated solely by busi- ness considerations. I am not persuaded that the General Counsel has established by a preponderance of the credible evidence that Decker made the "go broke" state- ment . Contrary to the contention in the General Counsel's brief, Downing did not testify that Decker made such statement. Moreover, Daugherty did not corroborate Sandoval's testimony. My evaluation of the evidence leads me to believe that Decker merely stated that he could not afford to in- crease wages and that Sandoval interpreted the statement as connoting that he would go out of business. But even if Decker had made the alleged statement, I do not agree that it would have con- stituted an unlawful threat. Where an employer directly or indirectly tells his employees that he will or may voluntarily go out of business and that they will lose their jobs if they should unionize, he is guilty of an unlawful threat. But where he advises them that unionization will financially force him to close down, this is nothing more than a prediction of financial consequences and does not imply that he will use his economic power to make his predic- tion come true. I therefore find that the alleged statement , even if it had been made, constituted privileged persuasion . Bilton Insulation , Inc., 129 NLRB 1296, enfd. 297 F.2d 141 (C.A. 4). I further find that the record is insufficient to establish the alleged promises of a wage increase 885 and paid vacations. Downing's testimony that such promises were made was contradicted by one of Respondent's witnesses and, what is more impor- tant, was not corroborated by any of the General Counsel's witnesses. Had such promises been made, it is hardly likely that the latter witnesses would have failed to testify thereto. Accordingly, although Downing appeared to be sincere, I conclude that he was under a misapprehension and reject his testimony regarding the said promises. However, I find that on February 13 Decker changed the employees' starting hour from 5 to 6 a.m. to induce them to reject the Union. Although Decker testified that he made the change in order to eliminate complaints from residential customers, the fact remains that he did not adopt the change until shortly after the Union appeared on the scene. Absent an explanation for such timing, it is reasonable to infer that the change was related to the union movement, which he admittedly opposed. This conclusion is fortified by the uncontradicted testimony, which I credit, that during discussion of the Union at the February 11 meeting Decker promised to change the starting time." Ac- cordingly, I find that by such promised change in starting time, Respondent interfered with, restrained, and coerced its employees in violation of Section 8(a)(I) of the Act. B. The Discharge of Daugherty 1. The evidence Duane M. Daugherty worked for Respondent as a driver of a trash truck from April 1966 until February 18, 1967, when Decker discharged him. Decker testified that Daugherty was discharged because his negligence caused both a near accident with a customer's car and the loss of another customer's dog for which Daugherty refused to pay. According to Decker, the facts relating to the near accident were as follows. In mid-February a customer, Mrs. Swihart, telephoned Decker to complain that one of his trucks failed to stop or slow down at a stop sign and almost hit her car. At Decker's request, she agreed to refrain from report- ing the incident to the police in return for his agree- ment to reprimand the driver. After ascertaining that the driver was Daugherty, Decker asked him about the incident on February 13. Daugherty ad- mitted it, and nothing more was said about it at the time. On February 17, at Decker's request, Mrs. Swihart signed a statement describing the incident and fixing its time as February 11 about 9:20 a.m. Decker requested the statement because he had agreed to do something about the matter if Mrs. Swihart refrained from reporting it to the police. Daugherty testified that he was at alleged inter- section on the day in question; that he had stopped " None of Respondent 's witnesses denied that such promise was made, and Downing merely could not recall any mention of a change in hours 886 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD on the left hand side of Leroy Drive while his help- ers made a trash pickup at a corner house on the right hand side of that street and Larson, where a stop sign was situated ; that he then drove to the right side of Leroy, turned right onto Larson and stopped to permit his two helpers to make other pickups; and that "then a car came around" him. According to Daugherty, on February 13, in the presence of employees Downing and John Ocana, Decker told him of the Swihard complaint and asked whether he recalled the incident; he an- swered that he did not remember it, and if it oc- curred he was not aware of it; and Decker merely replied "okay." Decker's testimony regarding the matter of the lost dog was as follows. On February 17 he received a telephone call from another customer, Mrs. Koretko, who complained that one of his trucks had left her house less than a half hour earlier; that her dog was missing; that a similar incident had oc- curred during the preceding week, and that she had requested the truckdriver to be sure that the house gate was closed after the trash was removed. On checking the customer's route card, Decker found that it contained instructions to close the gate. Later that day, he asked Daugherty whether the gate had been left open. Daugherty stammered and called one of his helpers; Decker asked about the dog, and the helper stated that when he opened the gate the dog ran out. Decker and others made a search but the dog could not be located, and Mr. Koretko then told Decker that he wanted either the return of the dog or $125. On the same day, Decker prepared a statement describing the events12 and asserting a claim of $125, and ob- tained Koretko's signature thereon because he could not spend "money of this kind" without con- sulting Respondent's board of directors. On February 18 Decker told Daugherty that if he could furnish Koretko with a dog valued at $125, everything would be fine; but that if he could not do so, Decker would be compelled to let Daugherty go. He then gave Daugherty the choice of produc- ing the dog or the money. When Daugherty refused and inquired if there was any other reason for letting him go, Decker replied that the near ac- cident was also a contributing factor. According to Daugherty, the facts were as fol- lows. He drove the truck on February 17, at which time Downing and Ocana were his helpers. The route card contained instructions that the Koretko gate should be closed. He did not check to see that the gate was closed at or immediately after the time the trash was removed. He was responsible for driv- ing the truck and for removing trash situated at the curb, his helpers were responsible for removing trash at the residence, but since the Koretko house was their last stop on that street he did not leave the truck to make a curb pickup there. Ocana had trash in both hands and could not close the Koretko gate. Later that day, Decker drove to another place where Daugherty and his helpers were picking up trash, and asked Ocana whether he remembered leaving the Koretko gate open and whether the dog ran between his legs. Ocana denied both leaving the gate open and knowledge about the dog's disap- pearance. On February 18 Decker asked Daugherty to pay for the dog. Upon the latter's refusal, Decker said that he would have to let him go, that he could not afford to pay "for all these accidents," and that the dog cost $125 or $200 " Daugherty accused Decker of firing him because of the Union rather than because of the dog incident, but Decker de- nied the accusation. He made no reference to the near accident. However, Daugherty admitted that he probably told a Board agent, as stated in his prehearing affidavit of February 20, that Decker had referred to the near accident, and that his memory of the events was better on the latter date than at the time of the hearing. After discharging Daugherty, Decker turned to Ocana and asked him whether he would pay for the dog. Ocana refused. Daugherty and Ocana then sought out Sandoval, and Daugherty informed the latter that he had been allegedly discharged because of the missing dog." They then joined other employees at a bar, San- doval agreed to communicate with the Union, and at his suggestion the men agreed to meet again on the following Monday, February 20. When they met at a cafe that day, Decker appeared, told them not to return if they did not begin driving the trucks within 10 minutes, and left. The men then went to Respondent's premises and Sandoval requested Decker to reconsider the discharge. When Decker refused, Sandoval accused Decker of firing Daugherty for union activities and not because of the dog incident. Decker's reply was: "I did not only that-I fired Duane [Daugherty] for his at- titude."" Daugherty and Sandoval then conferred briefly in another room. At Daugherty's suggestion that the men return to work rather than jeopardize their jobs, Sandoval returned to the other em- ployees and, in response to their inquiry as to what they should do, told them to return to work. Because Decker had told him that the Koretkos had "served papers on him," Daugherty then went to see them and was told that Decker had taken the papers to them for signature. Decker testified that about 3 weeks later Respon- dent's directors held a meeting at which they de- 'Z The statement referred to repeated prior requests that the gate be kept close " Daugherty could not recall which figure Decker used Sandoval testified that Daugherty told him he was fired because Ocana had left the gate open and the dog ran out11 According to Sandoval, Decker replied ' That's not all It's also his attitude " Sandoval admitted that in a preheating affidavit he had stated that Decker 's reply was "that he had not fired Daugherty only because of the dog incident, but also because of Daugherty's attitude " His explana- tion for the inconsistency was that the exact conversation had slipped his mind when he signed the affidavit DECKER DISPOSAL, INC. 887 cided to satisfy the Koretko claim. According to Decker, minutes are taken at each board meeting, and he was requested by the General Counsel to produce the minutes of the above-mentioned meet- ing. He later testified that minutes are not taken at every meeting, that the meeting in question was a "paper board meeting " which took place at a barn while Kinsley was feeding his horses, that Mrs. Kin- sley was not present but her husband sometimes acted on her behalf, that he did not take minutes, that he did not know whether Kinsley had taken minutes and could not ask him because he was out of town at the time of the hearing, but that Respon- dent's attorney had advised that such a meeting was proper. Finally, Decker testified that subsequent to the meeting, he purchased another dog for the Koretkos at a wholesale price of $115. 2. Concluding findings The General Counsel contends that Respondent discharged Daugherty because of his prounion ac- tivity. Respondent insists it did not know of his union activity until after the discharge, and that it fired Daugherty because of his carelessness in con- nection with the near accident and the Koretko dog, and his hostile and arrogant attitude. Daugherty's union activity is clearly established. He and Sandoval circulated a petition for signature of employees interested in unionization . He also at- tended the January 30 employee meeting with Union President Salter and signed an authorization card. The small size of the plant'" affords some basis for inferring that, after the Union requested recognition and filed its representation petition, Respondent was able to learn about Daugherty's activity. In addition, at the employee meeting called by Decker on February 11, Daugherty was one of the principal prounion spokesmen. And according to Downing's uncontradicted testimony, which I credit, Daugherty identified himself at the meeting as one of the instigators of unionization. I find that at the time Daugherty was discharged Respondent knew or had reason to believe that Daugherty was one of the leading proponents of the union move- ment among Respondent's employees. I further find that on February 11 Daugherty was involved in an incident which gave rise to Mrs. Swihart's complaint, that the Koretko dog was lost on February 17 because the house gate was left open- by employee Ocana, and that Decker was in- formed of these facts. Admittedly, Daugherty was present at the time and place of the Swihart in- cident, parked on the wrong side of the street, drove to the right side of the street, made a right turn, and recalled the presence of another car. Moreover, he did not deny that the incident oc- curred either to Decker or during his testimony. As for the Koretko dog, although there is no direct evidence that it was lost, the record supports the conclusion that it was. It thus appears that at the time it discharged Daugherty Respondent had both knowledge of his union activity and good cause for the discharge. The crucial problem is the motivation for the discharge. For if such activity was the reason or even a reason therefor, the discharging was unlaw- ful. In my opinion, Respondent's asserted reasons for the discharge are unconvincing. Decker does not appear to have been greatly concerned by the Swihart complaint or the incident which gave rise to the complaint. Employee Vigil testified without contradiction that in November 1966 he was in- volved in an accident while driving one of Respon- dent's dump trucks; and that although he was con- victed of a driving offense Respondent repaired the damage to the truck, paid his fine and attorney's fees, but did not fire him. Moreover, if Decker had been troubled by the fear of losing a customer, it is reasonable to expect that he would have sought to pacify Mrs. Swihart by the prompt preparation of a written statement. Instead, he delayed obtaining her signature thereon from February 11 to 17; i.e., for almost a week. Finally, and more significantly, despite the incident and complaint, he admittedly would have retained Daugherty if the latter had made payment for the dog, and he admittedly referred to the incident only after Daugherty refused to make such payment.' It is my further opinion that Respondent utilized Daugherty's refusal to pay for the dog as an excuse for ridding itself of Daugherty. For even assuming, arguendo, that it was reasonable for Decker to hold him responsible for Ocana's admitted negligence, he failed to explain why he held Daugherty solely responsible. Like the latter, Ocana refused to pay for the dog; but unlike the latter, he was not discharged. Absent an explanation for this disparate treatment, the dog incident becomes a very weak and implausible explanation for the discharge. Finally, Respondent's reference to Daugherty's arrogant and hostile attitude is equally unpersua- sive. It is not clear in what manner the arrogance and hostility manifested itself. In any event, it ap- pears that these traits did not become intolerable to Respondent until Daugherty became active in promoting unionization of the employees and the Union sought recognition. I find that the discharge of Daugherty was motivated by antiunion considerations and thus vio- lated Section 8(a)(3) and (1) of the Act.'g C. The Layoffs of Sandoval and Vigil Andy Sandoval and Richard Vigil were employed by Respondent in February and August 1966, '" The parties stipulated that Respondent had a total of 20 employees in the unit as of February I ", I do not credit Daugherty 's testimony that Decker made no reference to the near accident at the time of discharge " It is unnecessary to resolve the conflict as to what Decker said when asked by Sandoval to reconsider the discharge For even if the conflict were resolved favorably to Respondent, I would reach the same conclusion about the discharge 888 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD respectively. Their chief duties consisted of driving trucks which hauled ash from two ponds owned by Public Service, Respondent's principal customer. Sandoval was admittedly Respondent's best driver. Decker testified that Sandoval and Vigil were laid off on Friday, March 17, because the ash in the pond being emptied had become too wet to haul and it was necessary to permit the pond to dry over the weekend. Sandoval testified that on Thursday Foreman Ballou told them that Decker was laying them off March 17 and 18, and that leased trucks would take care of the hauling. According to San- doval, the ash was wet at the time of the layoff, but wet ash had been hauled before, and he observed trucks leased from Jim Chelf Company working at Public Service on Friday or Saturday. Vigil testified that Ballou told them they would be laid off until Monday Because the ponds were too wet for haul- ing. andoval and Vigil worked Monday through Friday, March 20 through 24, on which day Vigil asked and received permission to be absent on Saturday, March 25. Sandoval testified that he did not work on the 25th because on the 24th Don Hamilton, a relative of Decker, had informed him that Decker had said that there would be no work for Sandoval on the 25th " since Richard Vigil wasn 't going to be there anyhow." Decker testified that ash was not hauled on the 25th because of its sloppy condition. Sandoval and Vigil worked on March 27 and 28 but at the end of that day Decker again laid them off, stating that work on the next pond would not begin for about 2 weeks, that he could not afford to find work for them during the interim, and that he would communicate with them. Sandoval testified that ash is ordinarily available for hauling 5 or 6 days a week; that occasionally hauling was discon- tinued because of the occurrence of a holiday, a breakdown, or an undue wetness; but that Respon- dent had always "managed" to have other work for him on those occasions, such as driving a trash truck or work at the shop. Decker testified that ash was hauled 5 or 6 days a week; that hauling was in- termittent in the sense that if the ash became "slop- py wet" hauling was discontinued for a day or two to permit it to dry; and that in the past he had "made" other work for Sandoval when there was no work for him at the pond. He further testified that Respondent's new contract with Public Service, ef- fective January 1, 1967, provided for a 35-percent reduction in the price paid to Respondent for emp- tying each pond. Sandoval further testified that he and Vigil have never been called back to work; but that "since March 28th" he has observed individuals who were not employees of Respondent prior to the layoffs driving Respondent 's dump trucks on the road between Public Service and the dump to which the ash is hauled . Employee Downing testified that "after Mr . Decker laid Duane [Daugherty], Richard [Vigil ] and Andy Sandoval off," he "saw the dump trucks coming from the Public Service. They were hauling ash again." Decker testified that " after Sandoval and Vigil were laid off the last time on the 28th of March," he used trucks leased from Jim Chelf Company as well as his own to haul ash from the ponds. On cross-examination he testified that sometime after the layoffs he was ready to resume hauling of ash;1} that Sandoval had moved ; that although he had San- doval 's prior address and telephone number, he "had just a telephone number ' and "didn't know where [Sandoval ] lived" after the move ; that Vigil, who similarly had moved , had failed to give Decker his new address as promised but had given him the telephone number of a relative ; that he called each of the two numbers twice but could not reach the two men ; that he asked other employees how to reach them and was told that they were then at the dump ; and that he immediately drove there, just missed them , but was informed that the two were working for DeGeorge Transfer Co. On further cross-examination Decker testified that he did not have a current address for Sandoval "in [his] head" or "at the shop ," that he did not know whether such address was in his office files, that it might possibly have been there , but that he never checked . 20 The record contains a bill for trash haul- ing service by Respondent addressed to Sandoval at 2851 West 65th Avenue , Westminister , Colorado, bearing the date "2-17-67" and showing the months of February and March circled in ink. Sandoval testified that he has lived at that address since February 4 and that he received the bill in the mail. Decker further testified that he telephoned Ace Transfer Company , the new name of DeGeorge Transfer, asked to speak to Sandoval or Vigil, was told that they were out at the time by an individual who identified himself as Mr. DeGeorge, explained to the latter that he wanted to ascertain whether the two men were ready to return to work, and inquired whether they had permanent jobs . Accord- ing to Decker , DeGeorge replied: "To the best of my knowledge , they are on here permanently," and Decker accordingly made no further effort to recall the two men . Sandoval testified that one Jimmie DeGeorge2t told him that he would use him when- ever and wherever he could; that he in fact worked '" At one point , Decker testified that he was not certain whether the next pond was ready the "first part " of April or "about the middle" of that month , but that there was "between a two and three-week lapse " between the layoffs and the time the next pond was ready for ash removal At another point he testified that the lapse of time was "pretty close to three weeks." 10 Decker explained his earlier testimony by stating that the General Counsel had not expressly asked whether he had Sandoval 's new address "in the files." i1 The record does not disclose whether he was the same person with whom Decker had the telephone conversation DECKER DISPOSAL, INC. 889 only 2 or 3 days a week, whenever DeGeorge was able to use him, for a total of about 10 to 12 days in April; and that he left Ace Transfer because he felt that he would not be recalled by Respondent and had to do something to support his family. Vigil testified that Jimmie DeGeorge told him on April 3 that he would use his services that day, and sug- gested that he return the following day to see whether his services were needed; and that this was the procedure followed throughout his employment by Ace. 2. Concluding findings The General Counsel argues that the layoffs of Sandoval and Vigil on March 17 and 18, the layoff of Sandoval on March 25, the layoff of the two men at the end of the day on March 28, and the failure to recall them when work on the next pond was resumed were all discriminatorily motivated. Respondent contends that there is no evidence that Vigil engaged in any union activity or that it had knowledge of any union activity on the part of San- doval; that both were laid off on the above dates solely for economic reasons; and that efforts to re- call them when work became available were not pursued because it was learned that they had per- manent employment elsewhere. I find that a preponderance of the credible evidence fails to establish that either the layoff of the two men on March 17 and 18 or the layoff of Sandoval on March 25 was for a prohibited reason. Vigil did not corroborate Sandoval's testimony that they were told by Ballou on March 16 that leased trucks would do the hauling during the ensuing 2 days. On the contrary, he testified that they were told by Ballou that they were being laid off because the ash was too wet to haul, thereby corroborating Decker. As for Sandoval's testimony that he saw leased trucks working at Public Service on March 17 and 18, I find that testimony too vague to establish that Respondent in fact hauled ash from a Public Service pond on either of those days. I also find that Sandoval's hearsay testimony as to what Decker told Hamilton, who is not shown to have been a supervisor, has less probative weight than Decker's uncontradicted testimony that ash was not hauled on March 25. I further find that the record fails to establish that a discriminatory motive was the reason for the tem- porary layoff on March 28 and the failure to assign duties other than hauling ash to Sandoval and Vigil. The evidence is insufficient to establish that Respondent continued to haul ash and utilized new employees for that purpose during the ensuing 2 or 3 weeks. All that the record shows is that new em- ployees were observed hauling ash at some un- specified time subsequent to March 28. Similarly, there is insufficient evidence that an unlawful mo- tive lay behind Respondent's failure to assign other work to the two men when ash was not available for hauling, as had been done in the case of Sandoval in the past. In view of the reduction in the unit price provided in the contract signed by Public Ser- vice on January 1, it was not unreasonable for Respondent to attempt to minimize expenses by laying off the two men until the next pond was ready for ash hauling. The remaining question is whether or not Respondent failed to make a bona fide effort to re- call Sandoval and Vigil when work was again available some time between approximately April 1 1 and 18; and if so whether such failure was for a prohibited reason. I find that Respondent's efforts to recall the two men were not bona fide. In testify- ing regarding his efforts to locate them, Decker gave the impression of overeagerness to demon- strate how diligent he had been. Moreover, he was less than candid in his testimony as to whether San- doval's new address was available to him and, in- deed, the record shows that the address was availa- ble. Finally, Decker's cessation of any effort to re- call the men after his conversation with DeGeorge constitutes strong evidence that he did not desire their return. DeGeorge's admitted response, when Decker inquired whether the two men had per- manent jobs, was equivocal. Sandoval was Respon- dent's best driver and, if Decker had genuinely desired his return, it is very doubtful that that response would have satisfied him that Sandoval was unavailable. Even if the response had been unequivocal, Decker did not know whether DeGeorge was misrepresenting the facts in order to avoid losing newly acquired employees. He also did not know whether the two men's jobs at Ace Transfer were satisfactory to them. Decker could obtain the answers to these questions only from Sandoval and Vigil. His failure to seek such answers directly from them clearly indicates that he seized upon DeGeorge's statement as an excuse for discontinuing his recall efforts, and I so find. I further find that Respondent's failure to recall the two men was motivated by antiunion considera- tions. Like Daugherty, Sandoval helped circulate the petition for signatures of employees interested in unionization, signed an authorization card at the January 30 employee meeting with the Union, and complained to Decker at the February 11 meeting about Foreman Ballou's treatment of the em- ployees. In addition, it was to Sandoval that Daugherty reported his discharge, and it was, San- doval who took the lead in complaining of the Tat- ter's discharge to the Union and who acted on be- half of the employees in requesting Decker to reconsider the discharge and in accusing him of fir- ing Daugherty for union activity. It is thus clear, and I find, that Sandoval took a leading role in the union movement, that he was regarded by the em- ployees as their spokesman, and that Decker was aware of this. Absent a satisfactory explanation for Decker's failure to make a bona fide effort to recall Sandoval, I am constrained to find that he 890 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL deliberately sought to avoid the latter's return because of his union activity. As for Vigil, it is true that, unlike Sandoval, he engaged in no significant union activity. It does not follow, however, that Respondent's failure to recall him was lawful. Decker had work for both Sandoval and Vigil when he telephoned Ace Transfer. Had he recalled only Vigil, he would have been hard put to explain his failure to recall Sandoval. It is thus reasonable to conclude, and I find, that Respondent deliberately avoided recalling Vigil in order to avoid recalling Sandoval and thereby to frustrate the latter 's union activities. Such conduct was un- lawful. Lamar Creamery Company, 148 NLRB 323; Arnoldware, Inc., 129 NLRB 228 I find that the failure to recall Sandoval and Vigil, when work which they had formerly per- formed for Respondent became available after their March 28 layoffs, violated Section 8(a)(3) and (1 ) of the Act. D. The Refusal To Bargain 1. The composition of the unit The complaint, which referred to Decker Disposal and Industrial Disposal jointly as "the Respondent ," alleged that the following employees constitute an appropriate unit for purposes of col- lective bargaining within the meaning of Section 9(b) of the Act: All employees employed by Respondent at its Denver , Colorado, operation, but excluding all office clerical employees , salesmen , guards, watchmen , professional employees and super- visors as defined in the Act. In their answer , Decker Disposal and Industrial Disposal admitted "that all employees employed by each of them at their Denver, Colorado, opera- tions," except for the employees excluded in the above -quoted allegation of the complaint, con- stituted "an appropriate unit" under the Act. It is not clear whether the answer purports to admit the appropriateness of the single unit alleged in the complaint , or admits only that the employees of Decker Disposal and those of Industrial Disposal constitute appropriate but separate units. The use of the singular term "unit" in the answer points in one direction ; the denial in the answer that the two corporations constitute a single employer points in the other. I find that the employees of the two cor- porations , already found to constitute a single em- ployer , constitute a single appropriate unit. 2. The Union's majority The parties stipulated that as of February 1 Decker Disposal had 14 employees and Industrial Disposal had 6 employees. The record establishes that, on January 30, 9 of the 14 employees and 5 of the 6 employees signed cards authorizing the Union LABOR RELATIONS BOARD to represent them for purposes of collective bar- gaining. Thus, 14 of Respondent's 20 employees signed cards. The cards in question read as follows: Authorization for Representation Under the National Labor Relations Act I, the undersigned, employee of hereby authorize Teamsters Local Union No. 13 to represent me in negotiations for better wages and working conditions. My name My address My signature The evidence relating to signing of the cards is as follows. Salter , president of the Union , testified that the 14 cards were signed in his presence and given to him by the signers. He further testified that at the meeting at which the cards were signed he talked to a number of the signers , that he told them "that the cards were for the purpose of requesting recognition through the NLRB," that he told em- ployee Aragon "that the purpose of signing the card was to present it to the National Labor Rela- tions Board so that we could request an election of this company for representation ," that he made similar statements to employees Daugherty and Dole, that he told employee Ocana, Jr., that the Union was "going to request an election with the NLRB," and that he told employee Downing and Grosch the " primary purpose " of signing was to "request an NLRB election ." Downing testified that Salter did not speak to him personally at the time he signed a card but addressed the employees as a group and "said that the cards were for the authorization for the National Labor Relations Board or something like that." Respondent contends that the record fails to establish that the Union represented a majority of the employees because some of them signed the cards in order to obtain an election and because, in any event, the signing employees were not available for cross -examination and hence their cards con- stitute inadmissable hearsay. Considering the latter contention first, I find that it is without merit . Don the Beachcomber, 163 NLRB 275, fn. 2, in which an identical argument was rejected. As for Respondent's first contention, I find that it is similarly without merit. An em- ployee 's execution of a clear and unambiguous card , such as the one here involved, constitutes an effective designation of the union as his bargaining agent, unless the employer makes a clear showing (1) that a false representation concerning the pur- DECKER DISPOSAL, INC. 891 pose of the card was made to the employee, and (2) either that the employee would not have signed the card but for such representation , or that the representation operated coercively by putting him in fear of reprisal if he refused to sign . I.T.T. Semi- Conductors , Inc., 165 NLRB 716. No such showing has been made by Respondent . None of the state- ments made to the employees was coercive. The mere mention of an election to Ocana , Sr., was in- sufficient to vitiate his designation of the Union as the bargaining representative . Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America [Sagamore Shirt Co.] v. N.L.R . B., 365 F.2d 898 (C.A.D.C.); N.L.R.B. v. Cumberland Shoe Corp ., 351 F.2d 917 (C.A. 6). The statements to Aragon , Daugherty , and Dole and "the urpose " of the cards was to obtain an election did not constitute a representation that that was their "only" purpose , and thus did not constitute a misrepresentation sufficient to nullify the clear statement of the purpose and effect of the cards as shown on their face . American Cable Systems , Inc., 161 NLRB 332. A fortiori , the state- ment to Grosch-that an election was the "prima- ry" purpose of the card-did not taint his card. For the same reasons Downing's card is not invalidated irrespective of whether his or Salter 's testimony as to what was said is accepted . In any event , even if the statements made to each of the said employees were regarded as false representations , there is nothing to show that any of these employees would not have signed but for the fact that such state- ments were made to them.22 Accordingly , I find that as of February 1, of Respondent 's 20 employees in the above -stated ap- ppropriate unit , 14 had designated the Union as its bargaining representative and hence that the Union represented a majority of such employees. 3. The bargaining requests and refusals a. The evidence On February 1 the Union informed Respondent by letter that it represented a majority of Respon- dent's employees in the above-described unit and could prove such majority, and requested that Respondent meet for the purpose of negotiating a contract at a specified hour and place on February 6. By letter dated February 3, counsel for Respon- dent advised the Union that Respondent's opera- tions " may not meet the Board 's jurisdictional stan- dard," and that he hoped to complete his investiga- tion of the jurisdictional facts "within the next few days." The letter concluded with the following: While we are developing the jurisdictional information, we will be glad to confer with you on request. No meeting was ever held. Salter testified that after receiving Respondent's letter he made no further request for a meeting with Respondent, and testified in the affirmative when asked whether "he refrained from pressing the recognition matter because he was awaiting the results of the election which had been asked for" in the Union's petition filed February 1, the same day that the request for recognition was sent. b. Concluding findings The General Counsel contends that Respondent ,lid not satisfy its duty to bargain in good faith with ,he Union both by failing to comply with the Union's request for bargaining, and by unilaterally changing the starting hour of the employees. Respondent contends that it had no duty to bargain for two principal reasons: (1) since the Union failed to pursue its request for bargaining after Respon- dent offered to meet on request, and since the Union was admittedly awaiting the outcome of the election which it had requested, there was no adequate request for bargaining; and (2) Respon- dent entertained a good-faith doubt regarding the Union's majority. I agree with the General Counsel. (1) Where a union's bargaining request is not in- tended as a genuine request but is made only in order to perfect its representation petition,23 and that fact is communicated to the employer, the request does not impose on the employer a duty to bargain. Flomatic Corporation, 147 NLRB 1304. On the other hand, the Board has held that even where the primary purpose of the bargaining request is to perfect a representation petition, the demand is suf- ficient if such purpose has not been communicated to the employer. Rural Electric Co., 130 NLRB 799. In the instant case , the evidence does not establish that that was the Union's sole purpose. The most that could be said is that it was the primary pur- pose. And since that purpose was not commu- nicated to Respondent, I find no basis for conclud- ing that the request was insufficient. It is true that the Tenth Circuit refused to enforce the Board's finding of an unlawful refusal to bargain in the Rural Electric case (296 F.2d 523) because it was of the view that there had been neither a fairly clear request to bargain nor a fairly clear refusal. However, although there are some similarities between the facts in that case and those here presented, there are also enough dissimilarities to distinguish the situations. Here, unlike Rural Elec- tric, the Union's demand was in writing, it con- tained a specific time and place for a meeting, and 22 In the light of Bernard S. Happach v. N L.R.B , 353 F 2d 629 (C A 7), the decision in N.L.R B. v. Koehler 's Wholesale Restaurant Supply, 328 F.2d 770 (C.A. 7), cited by Respondent , must be interpreted as supporting Board precedent rather than Respondent 's position And to the extent that the decision of the Second Circuit in N.L.R B v S E Nichols Co, 380 F.2d 438, also cited by Respondent , is inconsistent with Board precedent, I must, with due deference to the court , follow such precedent 2' Paragraph 7(a) of the petition requires a petitioning union, among other things , to set forth the date on which it made its request for recogni- tion as bargaining representative See Section 102 61(a)(7) of the Board's Rules and Regulations 892 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD the response was not blurted out by an employer in- experienced in dealing with questions relating to union representation but was given in writing by able counsel. In any event, even if the cases were indistinguishable , I would be bound by the Board's view. I further find that the Union's demand was a con- tinuing one; that Respondent could not impose upon the Union the obligation to renew the demand by the simple expedient of advising that pending its investigation of the jurisdictional facts, it would confer with the Union, upon request; and, there- fore, that the Union was under no duty to repeat its demand. Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co. v. N.L.R.B., 312 F.2d 529 (C.A. 3). In fact, in view of my finding below that Respondent engaged in dilatory tactics to avoid or delay bargaining, it would have been fu- tile, and thus unnecessary, for the Union to renew its bargaining demand. Sewanee Coal Operators As- sociation, 167 NLRB 172. (2) If Respondent had a good-faith doubt as to the Union's majority, as asserted, it was under no obligation to recognize and bargain with the Union. If it had no such doubt, its failure to meet and negotiate with the Union, and the unilateral change in the employee starting hour made to induce rejec- tion of the Union were unlawful. N.L.R.B. v. Benne Katz, d/bla Williamsburg Steel Products, 369 U.S. 736; Joy Silk Mills v. N.L.R.B., 185 F.2d 632 (C.A.D.C.), cert. denied 341 U.S. 914. The burden of establishing the absence of such a doubt is upon the General Counsel. Aaron Brothers Company of California, 158 NLRB 1077. 1 find that the General Counsel has sustained his burden. Respondent's letter of February 3 expressed doubt only as to whether its operations satisfied the Board's jurisdictional standards.24 There is not a shred of evidence showing that Respondent, at any time prior to its brief, ever expressed doubt con- cerning the Union's majority. The asserted doubt thus appears to be an afterthought. In addition, although its letter of February 3 expressed the hope that its jurisdictional investigation would be completed within a few days, Respondent sub- sequently failed to communicate with the Union re- garding its jurisdictional conclusions. Indeed, coun- sel for Respondent stated at the hearing that only a cursory investigation concerning jurisdiction was made because Respondent was willing to proceed to an election without raising a jurisdictional issue. These circumstances strongly indicate that Respon- dent's response to the request for bargaining was nothing more than a dilatory tactic designed to avoid or delay bargaining. Finally, Respondent's subsequent unlawful conduct-the change in em- ployee starting hours to induce rejection of the Union and the discharge of Daugherty because of "An employer 's refusal to bargain because of a doubt, even though bona fide, that the Board would assert jurisdiction over his operations does not constitute a valid defense where, as here , his operations satisfy the Board's jurisdictional standards Sands Motor Hotel, 162 NLRB 863 his union activity-constitutes additional evidence that Respondent rejected the principle of collective bargaining and sought to gain time to dissipate the Union's majority. Such evidence reinforces the con- clusion that it did not have a bona fide doubt re- garding the Union's majority status. In sum, I find that Respondent violated Section 8(a)(5) and (1) by failing to meet and negotiate with the Union following its February 1 request for recognition and bargaining, and by unilaterally in- stituting a change in the employee starting hour on February 13. III. THE OBJECTIONS TO THE ELECTION The objections in Case 27-RC-3170 relate to Respondent's unlawful interrogation of, and threats and promises of loss or gain of benefit to, em- ployees, the discharge of Daugherty, and the layoffs of Sandoval and Vigil. I have already found that Daugherty was unlaw- fully discharged on February 18; that Respondent unlawfully failed to recall Sandoval and Vigil some- time between April 11 and 18; that Respondent made no threats and did not promise either wage increases or paid vacations; that it promised to change the employees' starting hours; and that it thereafter unlawfully instituted such change. I find no evidence of any other promise of gain or loss of benefits or of any interrogation. The failure to recall Sandoval and Vigil occurred after the ballots were mailed and counted on March 31 and April 10, respectively. I accordingly find that such failure to recall did not interfere with a free choice in the election. On the other hand, I find that Respondent's conduct in connection with the change in employee starting hour and the discharge of Daugherty did tend to interfere with such free choice. Accordingly, I find merit in the Union's objections relating to such conduct. IV. THE REMEDY I shall recommend that Respondent cease and desist from its unfair labor practices , and that it take certain affirmative action, specified below, which I find necessary to remedy and to remove the effects of the unfair labor practices. I shall recommend that Respondent offer Duane M. Daugherty , Andy Sandoval, and Richard Vigil immediate and full reinstatement to the positions which they held at the time of the discrimination against them or to a substantially equivalent posi- tion, without prejudice to their seniority and other rights and privileges 25 I shall further recommend that Respondent make each of them whole for any loss of earnings suffered because of its discrimina- 11 Employee Downing testified without contradiction that at the time Daugherty was hired Respondent knew that he had a criminal record and was on probation DECKER DISPOSAL, INC. 893 tion against him by paying to each a sum of money equal to that which he would have been paid by Respondent from the date of the discrimination against him as to the date on which Respondent of- fers reinstatement as aforesaid , less his net earnings, if any, during the said period. The loss of earnings under the order recommended shall be computed in the manner set forth in F. W. Wool- worth Company, 90 NLRB 289, and Isis Plumbing & Heating Co., 138 NLRB 716. Since I have found that certain objections to the election are meritorious, I shall recommend that the election be set aside. Having also found that the Union had a majority in an appropriate unit on the date of its request to bargain, and that Respondent unlawfully refused to bargain and engaged in con- duct designed to avoid or delay bargaining and to undermine and destroy the majority, I find it neces- sary, in order adequately to remedy the unfair labor practices found and to effectuate the policies of the Act, to recommend that, upon request, Respondent bargain collectively with the Union. For that reason, I shall further recommend that the petition in Case 27-RC-3170 be dismissed and that all proceedings held in connection therewith be vacated and set aside. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. Decker Disposal , Inc., and Industrial Disposal, Inc. (heretofore and hereafter referred to as the Respondent ), are employers , and constitute a single employer, within the meaning of Section 2(2) of the Act, and are engaged in operations affecting commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 2. By instituting a promised change in the start- ing hour of its employees on February 13, 1967, to induce them to reject unionization, Respondent en- gaged in an unfair labor practice within the mean- ing of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. 3. By discharging Duane M. Daugherty on February 18, 1967, and by failing and refusing to recall Andy Sandoval when work became available after March 28, 1967, because of their union activi- ty, Respondent engaged in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8(a)(3) and (1) of the Act. 4. By failing and refusing to recall Richard Vigil, when work became available after March 28, 1967, in order to avoid recalling Sandoval and thereby to frustrate the latter's union activities, Respondent engaged in an unfair labor practice within the meaning of Section 8(a)(3) and (1) of the Act. 5. All employees employed by Respondent at its Denver, Colorado, operation, excluding all office clerical employees, salesmen, guards, watchmen, professional employees, and supervisors as defined in the Act, constitute a single unit appropriate for the purpose of collective bargaining within the meaning of Sections 8(a)(5) and 9 of the Act. 6. On February 1, 1967, and at all material times thereafter, the Union represented a majority, and has been the exclusive bargaining representative, of all the employees in the aforesaid appropriate unit for purposes of collective bargaining within the meaning of Sections 8(a)(5) and 9 of the Act. 7. By refusing, on request, to recognize or bar- gain with the Union as such bargaining representa- tive on and after February 3, and by unilaterally changing the starting hour of its employees on February 13, 1967, Respondent engaged in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8(a)(5) and (1) of the Act. 8. The aforesaid unfair labor practices affect commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 9. The allegations of the complaint that Respon- dent engaged in unfair labor practices by Decker's alleged threat that Respondent would go broke if the Union were chosen as the employees' represen- tative, and by Decker's alleged promises of a wage increase and paid vacations have not been sustained. 10. By unlawfully instituting a promised change in the employees' starting hour on February 13, 1967, and by unlawfully discharging Daugherty on February 18, 1967, Respondent engaged in conduct which improperly affected the results of the elec- tion. [Recommended Order omitted from publica- tion. I '"In the case of Sandoval and Vigil, the date of the discrimination against each is the date on which he would have been recalled by Respondent ab- sent the discrimination against him Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation