Datagraphic, Inc.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsJan 28, 1982259 N.L.R.B. 1285 (N.L.R.B. 1982) Copy Citation DATAGRAPHIC, INC. 1285 Datagraphic, Inc. and Brian Maynard and Louis dent would bequeath the shares of Respondent to Walker, Jr. Cases 3-CA-9858 and 3-CA- the employees upon his death, Respondent has en- 10102 gaged in an unfair labor practice within the mean- January 28, 1982 ing of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act." ORDER DECISION AND ORDER ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor BY CHAIRMAN VAN DE WATER AND Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Re- MEMBERS FANNING AND HUNTER lations Board adopts as its Order the recommended On August 14, 1981, Administrative Law Judge Order of the Administrative Law Judge, as modi- D. Barry Morris issued the attached Decision in fled below, and hereby orders that the Respondent, this proceeding. Thereafter, Respondent filed ex- Datagraphic, Inc., Rochester, New York, its offi- ceptions and a supporting brief, and the General cers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall take the Counsel filed cross-exceptions and briefs in support action set forth in the said recommended Order, as thereof and in reply to Respondent's exceptions. so modified: Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the 1. Insert the following as new paragraphs l(b) National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the Na- and (c) and reletter the subsequent paragraph ac- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its au- cordingly: thority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. "(b) Impliedly promising employees that if they The Board has considered the record and the at- vote against Graphic Arts International Union, or tached Decision in light of the exceptions and any other labor organization, Respondent's presi- briefs and has decided to affirm the rulings, find- dent will bequeath the shares of Respondent to the ings,' and conclusions 2 of the Administrative Law employees upon his death. Judge and to adopt his recommended Order, as "(c) Discharging or otherwise disciplining any modified herein.3 supervisor because said supervisor failed or refused to interfere with, restrain, or coerce employees in AMENDED CONCLUSIONS OF LAW the exercise of the rights guaranteed in Section 7 of Insert the following as new Conclusion of Law the Act." 4, and renumber the subsequent paragraphs accord- 2. Insert the following as paragraph 2(b) and re- ingly: letter the subsequent paragraphs accordingly: "4. By impliedly promising employees that, if "(b) Preserve and, upon request, make available they voted against the Union, Respondent's presi- to the Board or its agents, for examination and copying, all payroll records, social security pay- Respondent and the General Counsel have excepted to certain credi- ment records, timecards, personnel records and re- bility findings made by the Administrative Law Judge. It is the Board's ports, and all other records necessary to analyze established policy not to overrule an administrative law judge's resolu- the amount of ackpay due under the terms of this tions with respect to credibility unless the clear preponderance of all of the relevant evidence convinces us that the resolutions are incorrect. Order." Standard Dry Wall Producs Inc., 91 NLRB 544 (1950), enfd. 188 F.2d 3 Substitute the attached notice for that of the 362 (3d Cir. 1951). We have carefully examined the record and find no basis for reversing his findings. Administrative Law Judge. 2 We adopt the Administrative Law Judge's conclusion that Respond- ent's asserted reasons for discharging Supervisor Maynard were pretex- APPENDIX tual. In so doing, we note that the reasons given Maynard at the time of his discharge, i.e., that he was an ineffective supervisor, did not carry out NOTICE To EMPLOYEES company policies, and improperly used supervisory discretion, were gen- eral and conclusory and may have been references to his refusal to POSTED BY ORDER OF THE commit unfair labor practices. Furthermore, although at the hearing Re- NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD spondent presented vague testimony that Maynard was discharged be- A A o t Ui a r cause of communication problems with employees and because of his An Agency of the Unted States Government poor handling of inventory, the record fails to establish that any such problems were other than isolated instances. Finally, there is no evidence After a hearing at which all sides had an pprtu- that Respondent at any time informed Maynard that he had shortcomings in these areas which could result in his discharge or otherwise adversely nity to present evidence and state their positions, affect his employment. the National Labor Relations Board found that we ' The Administrative Law Judge found, and we agree, that Respond- violated t National r Rlations Act a ent impliedly promised employees that, if they voted against the Union, have violaed the Nationa Labor Relations Act, as Respondent's president would bequeath the shares of the Company to the amended, and has ordered us to post this notice. employees upon his death. The Administrative Law Judge, however, failed to make a specific finding as to whether this conduct was unlawful. WE WILL NOT discharge employees for ac- We conclude that such reasonably tended to interfere with the employ- tivities protected by Section 7 of the Act. ees' rights and therefore was violate of Sec. 8(aXI) of the Act. We shall W W N im ie r i amend the Administrative Law Judge's Conclusions of Law and modifyWE WILL NOT impliedly promise employees his recommended Order and notice accordingly. that if they vote against Graphic Arts Interna- 259 NLRB No. 173 , in g o f Se c t io n 8( a) ( ) o f th e A c t . np it t i , so n s e t th e a n d c ) a n d ,' ) 3'supervisor th e A c t . In se r t t h e ( ) r - . l r t il l i t i to th e Bo ar d o r t s a en ts, fo r i ti ll r ll i l curit 'Respondent Ot O established policy not to overrule an administrative law judge's resolu- h mu o ak y e n r e rs tidibili le sthe amount of backpay due under the terms of this t anr ry ll rducts Inc., 9 1 NL RB 544 ( 1950), en id. 188 F .2d 3. ubstitute the attached notice for that of the 2 i ti r i r, i not carry out TI E TO E PLOYEES I * r »i tT . -a c?* /- _ it proble s ere other than isolated instances. Finally, there is no evidence fter a hearing at hich all sides had an opportu- O St f , e agree, that espond- L vinlated tri ational Tahnr Rplatirns Act a<. . v e olat i l i Or O , B )(l) .. . OT * r i * _ l^ ify W E W I L L N O T f d G?* 1286 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD tional Union, or any other labor organization, within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act, the company president will bequeath the and I so find. shares of the Company to the employees upon THE LABOR ORGANIZATION INVOLVEDII. THE LABOR ORGANIZATION INVOLVEDhis death. WE WILL NOT in any like or related manner Graphic Arts International Union (herein called the interfere with, restrain, or coerce employees in Union) is a labor organization within the meaning of Sec- the exercise of rights guaranteed them by Sec- tion 2(5) of the Act. See Roylype, Division of Litton Busi- tion 7 of the Act. ness Systems, Inc., 199 NLRB 354 (1972). WE WILL NOT discharge or otherwise disci- II. THE ALLEGED UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES pline any supervisor because said supervisor failed or refused to interfere with, restrain, or A. The Issues coerce employees in the exercise of the rights The complaints, as amended, allege that Respondent guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act. violated Section 8(a)(l) and (3) of the Act by discharging WE WILL offer full and immediate reinstate- Brian Maynard because he refused to engage in surveil- ment to Brian Maynard and Louis Walker, Jr., lance of Respondent's employees' union activities; by to their positions or, if such positions no threatening to change the shift of Louis Walker, Jr., be- longer exist, to substantially equivalent posi- cause of his union activities; by issuing Walker a negative tions, without prejudice to their seniority or evaluation, withholding a pay increase, and discharging other rights and privileges previously enjoyed. him because of his union activities; and by impliedly WE WILL make whole Brian Maynard and promising benefits to Respondent's employees if they Louis Walker, Jr., for any loss of earnings would vote against the Union. Respondent denied the al- legations. The issues, accordingly, are: they may have suffered by reason of their dis- 1. Was Brian Maynard's discharge a violation of the charges, with interest. Act? 2. Was Louis Walker threatened with a change of DATAGRAPHIC, INC. shift, issued a negative evaluation, and denied a pay in- crease because of his union activities? DECISION 3. Was Louis Walker discharged because of his union STATEMENT OF THE CASE activities? 4. Was there an implied promise of benefits to the em- D. BARRY MORRIS, Administrative Law Judge: This ployees if they would not vote for the Union? case was heard before me in Rochester, New York, on March 10-12, 1981. Charges were filed on June 20 and B. The Facts November 10, 1980, and complaints were issued on July 25 and December 18, 1980,' alleging that Datagraphic, . Background Inc. (herein called Respondent), violated Section 8(a)(l) During the spring of 1980, Respondent's employees and (3) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amend- began to discuss the unionization of Respondent's plant ed. Respondent filed answers denying the commission of in Rochester. The Union was approached by the employ- the alleged unfair labor practices. ees in April3 to assist them in organizing. Meetings were The parties were given full opportunity to participate, held with the Union's president and International repre- produce evidence, examine and cross-examine witnesses, sentative, and employees signed union authorization argue orally, and file briefs. Briefs were filed by the cards. A petition was filed by the Union on May 2 with General Counsel and Respondent. the National Labor Relations Board, seeking to represent Upon the entire record of the case,2 including my ob- all production and maintenance employees at the Roch- servation of the witnesses, I make the following: ester plant. An election was held on June 26, but the out- come was not immediately known because three chal- FINDINGS OF FACT lenged ballots had been cast and were sufficient in I. THE BUSINESS OF RESPONDENT number to affect the results. The challenged ballots were subsequently resolved, and on July 28 a revised tally was Respondent, a New York corporation, with its princi- issued which showed that of the 25 votes counted, 11 pal office and place of business in Rochester, New York, had been cast for, and 14 against, the Union. is engaged in the manufacture and sale of business forms and related products. During the 12 months preceding 2. Brian Maynard the issuance of the complaints, Respondent directly sold Maynard began his employment with Respondent in goods valued in excess of $50,000 from its plant in Roch- June 1972. In 1978 he was promoted to the position of ester to consumers located in States other than New press was proom foreman, the positi n which oe held at thepressroom foreman, the position which he held at theYork. Respondent admits that it is engaged in commerce time of his discharge. Maynard testified that a meetingtime of his discharge. Maynard testified that a meeting was held in April, present were: Allan Shackelford, at-The complaint in Case 3-CA-10102 was further amended on Febru- ary 6, 1981. and at the hearing. Certain errors in the transcript are hereby noted and corrected. All dates refer to 1980. unless otherwise specified. an d r r f t t t l .. ,,, * ' * * 11~~~~~~I. i t i t io n 5) o f th e A c t . ee ). i r t r i isci- 111. T E ALLEGED UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES T bec a use i li l Pro ising benefits to Respondent's employees if they i l r, r., f l r i w o ul d the t l they mayL have suffered by reason oftheir dis- l ti . i , r i l , r : f i i . s i r ' i r i l ti f t , t ct? I I . i l i i i 1. ' . ' , FINDINGS OF FACT t i i t l s t r l- the issuance f the l i t , t ir tl l i l t it t i l i f , fr it l t i 7 7 p room t iti i be l t t ork. espondent ad its that it is engaged in c erce t . a t t tir 6 6 ~~~~~~~~~time ~~ T .. , „. ,ni r i. -. ̂ f >. w a s h e ld in l r , I 'Certain t d t . 'All t s refer t 1980. unless other ise specified. h m i t t . DATAGRAPHIC, INC. 1287 torney for Respondent; George Baker, Respondent's Q. [D]id he ask you to use your family contacts president; Carl Cattau, the Rochester plant manager; and and personal relationships to find out anything? the supervisors. Maynard credibly testified that Shackel- A. Yes. He wanted me to find out information, ford and Baker said they were going to "combat" the whatever I could on who was voting which way Union and advised the supervisors, that "there were and report back to him. going to be plenty of meetings with the supervisors, be- Q. Did he say anything about what if the union cause they were going to be involved with a campaign lost? against the Union." At a subsequent meeting with super- A. Yes. He did. visors, Shackelford told them that they were not permit- What did he say? ted to "threaten, interrogate, promise or spy on employ- H s t y he wA. He said that some people might say he was ees." , ..,.,, , „ /, ,, , , cleaning house, but he was going to smile as they Maynard testified that on June 9, Cattau called him went out the door. into his office and told him, "Brian, you are the only Q i he w w g tQ. Did he say who was going to go out theperson who isn't coming forth with tidbits of union in- door? formation for me." He told Maynard that as of June 11 Maynard would be shifted from operating the Schrieber A. Yes. He stated that he was going to get the 800 press 4 and instead be working on the floor where hetroublemakers out. would "again be involved on a one-to-one basis with the Maynard testified that on June 13 he asked to have a employees." Maynard credibly testified as follows:e l ees." r r i l t ti i : meeting with Cattau. At the meeting, he told Cattau that Q. Did Carl say anything else during this meet- he had been advised that it was illegal for him to do ing? what Cattau had requested. Approximately 1-1/2 hours A. Yes, he did. He told me to use my family ties later Cattau asked to see Maynard. At this time Cattau and personal relationships with fellow employees at said, "[Y]ou are terminated because you are an ineffec- work or at home or at a bar or on and off company tive supervisor; did not carry out the company policies property, 24 hours a day, to break-up the union and improper use of supervisor discretion." drive. Michael Dill, who was production manager of Re- Q. Did he say what you were supposed to do? spondent during 1980, also credibly testified that at a A. Yes. He told me to tell people that he didn't meeting held prior to the election, Cattau mentioned that believe the reason because he had heard only a "George Baker would be working on a plan to turn the couple of weeks before the petition was filed. He company over to the employees in one form or another, figured that the union involvement stemmed back when he passed on." Dill testified that in late May or way before this. And he felt the people ought to early June, after it appeared that the Union would win give him a chance to show him that he could do a the election, Respondent's strategy changed. Dill was re- good job. And he knew that there were promises quested to talk to several of the employees concerning that were made to people in the past that weren't the Union. Dill corroborated Maynard's testimony that upheld. He told me there's a chance in the Roches- at the time of his discharge, Cattau told him he was ter Plant, if the union got in, that the company being discharged because he was inadequate as a supervi- would fold. This was two weeks before the elec- sor. In addition, Dill testified that Cattau listed the rea- tion. The election, as far as straw were taken, were sons he was firing Maynard as "improper use of supervi- still on the union side. He was worried about it. He sory discretion and I'm not sure if it was unwilling or asked me to use these points, when I talked to these unable to support company policies." people, because a lot of them I was close with, Cattau testified that at the meeting with Maynard on some of them I was related to; that he thought I June 9 he insisted that Maynard initiate conversations could persuade these people to vote for the compa- with all employees. He stated that he terminated May- ny. nard because of his failure to follow company policy and his failure to act as a supervisor.Maynard further credibly testified as follows: fure t t as a supeso Cattau further testified as follows: Q. Did you say that the company would fold-- what did you say about that again? Q. During the course of the campaign, what A. That there was a chance that the Rochester statement did you make to the employees regarding Plant would close down if a hunion got in. the possibility of their getting ownership of thePlant would close down if a union got in. Q. And what were you supposed to do with this company at some point in time? information? A. Prior to the election, during one of the A. Use it to persuade the employees that I was weekly meetings that I held; a few days prior to close with and with family ties, to vote for the com- that had come across a piece of literature in the pany instead of the union. company files pertaining to the fact that Mr. George Baker had requested a law firm in Atlanta, In addition, Maynard credibly testified: Georgia, in the latter part of 1979, to investigate the possibility that upon his death the employees of Da- The Schrieber press had been delivered in January or February and tagraphic would receive shares or holdings in the Maynard had worked on it steadily until June 11 Company. . , ti it r- . es. e did. t t t t ere t per it- Q. hat did he say? t r , l ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^,^ ^ ^ e e s 1 , , c house, bu ewsgono , lywe out t . . . ,. .„ , . . .'. .... *Q. i i -. Dd e sy w . 1, door? i ti i A . Y es . H e s t at ed t ha t h e w as g o ing to ge t t h e s l " i i l a -t - sis it t t t , k t . i l ti f llows:^^ ^^^ ^ g^ ^ ^emplyees" Mynar creibl tesifie asfollws:meeting ith attau. t the eetin , he told attau that I t l t t l t s rt c a licies." t I l t t ; t t I i i t i iti t . i il t ll li .. . ,. , ,.„ .,. . , „~~~~~his h a ue l -- t i t t t i . t h e e o f t he i , t . t t r t t t t r t t t i t t l r i t l if i t in. t h e possibility f t ir t i i . t t it t i y t i t i ti i f r ti A P r lo r to t" l ti , ri f t kl t l il t h at I h ad c o m e ac r o ss a i o f lit r t r i the y i t f t i ,.company l i i l ssi ilit t t 4 O t 1.Company. ' o s n 1288 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Q. Okay. What was the general subject of the buddy." DiNicola was very upset by the insinuation that conversation of which you mentioned this to the he was a "buddy" of the plant manager. He then re- employees? turned to his press, but soon came back to where Walker A. At that point in time, in our meeting we were was standing, and took a swing at a pile of boxes that discussing benefits. And this was not a benefit being was next to Walker. s At thar point DiNicola left the given to the people then, but we were discussing plant. Later in the afternoon DiNicola called Cattau. benefits in general; the benefits that they were re- After telling Cattau what had happened between himself ceiving then and possible benefits in the future. and Walker, Cattau told DiNicola that he was going to fire Walker. Walker testified that that afternoon Cattau With respect to the change in policy concerning elec- called him into his office, showed him the handbook rule tion tactics, Cattau was asked why he wanted the names against "provoking a fight or any kind of fighting or dis- of the employees, as opposed to just a tally. He an- ruption in the plant," and terminated him. swered: A number of witnesses testified that there had been [W]e were not really getting enough information; several fights in the plant both prior, and subsequent, to they were not bringing forward the information the incident between Walker and DiNicola. No one was needed to see how we stood in the campaign. I then fired at these times for fighting. Maynard testified that took it upon myself to direct them to give indivi- no one was ever fired for fighting or provoking a fight dual names and by writing the names and by during the 8 years that he was employed at Respondent. making a list out of them so that we could get a Walker and Graham similarly testified. Flynn testified better feel as to how we were doing in the cam- that he was involved in a fight with DiNicola several paign, and possibly have more of a knowledge as to months after Walker was fired. Ken Heath, a supervisor, either changing our strategy in the capsaw mpaign or to he altercation and approached Flynn and DiNicola, know how we were doing at that point in time. telling DiNicola to go back to his press. Neither of the two was terminated for the altercaticn. Similarly, Drew Maynard's testimony is to a large extent corroborated and Dill testified that no one had been fired for fighting by the testimony of both Dill and Cattau. On June 9, provoking a fight. when it appeared that the Union was winning the elec- It is not clear from the record whether Walker "pro- tion, Respondent decided to change its strategy. May- voked" the fight. While I credit DiNicola's testimony nard was asked to initiate conversations with employees that Walker called DiNicola a "buddy" of Cattau, I do concerning the Union. I conclude that he was asked to not decide whether that constitutes "provocation." With find out from the employees what their feelings were respect to who struck the first blow, I credit DiNicola's about the Union. In addition, I conclude that he was testimony that he did not attempt to strike Walker, but asked to pass on the information to the employees that if instead attempted to, and did, strike a stack of boxes. the Union were successful, there was the chance that the There is no question that both Walker and DiNicola Rochester plant would be closed. I find that Maynard were engaged in a "fight" or argument. However, the was discharged because he refused to involve himself in testimony is uncontroverted that no one had been termi- what he regarded to be illegal activity. I find that the nated for such behavior either before or after the inci- reason given by Cattau for the discharge, that Maynard dent. Indeed, DiNicola and Dill testified that there was was an ineffective supervisor, was a mere pretext. I find constant teasing going on in the plant. Inasmuch as there that the reason Maynard was discharged was because he was constant teasing going on and no one had previously refused to comply with Cattau's directive that he initiate been discharged for fighting, I do not believe that the conversations to ascertain what the feelings of the em- actual reason for Walker's termination was the fighting. I ployees were concerning the Union. believe that the reason for Walker's discharge was his 3. Louis Walker, Jr. prior union activities, and I find that the reason given for 3.' LoisWkrJWalker's termination, namely, that he was engaged in a. Discharge fighting or provoking a fight, was a mere pretext. Walker began his employment with Respondent in b. Threat to change shifts April 1977. He testified that the union organizing drive began in the spring of 1980, that he went to all of the Walker testified that in August Cattau asked him to union meetings which were held before the election, that work nights Walker stated that he could not because his he signed an authorization card for the Union to repre- wife was pregnant. Cattau then responded that he could sent him, and that he helped solicit others to sign cards. wait until after his wife gave birth but "then he wanted Walker testified that on October 28 he and another me on nights." Walker further testified that he was in employee, Terry Graham, were standing in front of their fact not required to work nights. presses talking. Vincent DiNicola, another employee, Maynard testified that Walker was never ordered to came up to them and overheard their conversation. go on the night shift. Dill testified that Cattau wanted to Walker and Graham complained to DiNicola that DiNi- cola was getting overtime, whereas Walker and Graham ' While Walker testified that DiNicola took a swing at him, I credit were not. I credit DiNicola's testimony as to what then instead DiNicola's version of the facts. On this point no one corroborated Walker's version. In addition, the record reflects, and I observed, that ensued. DiNicola testified that Walker said to him "l DiNicola is shorter and weighs less than Walker. It is unlikely that DiNi- know why you got all the overtime, because Carl is your cola would have attempted to strike Walker 5 i t i li r i l c- calle i into his office, sho ed hi the handbook rule i t ti , tt , ll l i : r f itne t tifi t t t r s e v e r a l r r e d a t o n e w a s e v e r f i e d f o t h e i , saw t o ' i t t t t i r it r f r r after t e inci- i , t t t. I , i i l a ill testifie t at there as . t t t t si i a no e had re i sl ' , ' . ion,.believe ' i i 3. ' Louis Walker, .prior Walker's a lk e r i t w o r k . t t t t l t is f e w a s P tt t t t l it m e " w en r » i 1Walker' I . 8 1 i rwalk h t DATAGRAPHIC, INC. 1289 transfer Walker to the night shift because there were 4. Implied promise of benefits more people on the day shift than on the night shift and Walker credibly testified that, at one of the meetings because Walker was able to run the 8-1/2- and 11-inch that was held between the employees and Cattau prior to printers. When it was pointed out to Cattau that, because the election, Cattau told he employees that "Georgethe election, Cattau told the employees that "George of Walker's seniority he had preference with respect to Baker had said that if anything happened to him or if he which shift he wished to work, Cattau changed his mind ever died, that the companies, all three plants would be and decided that Walker would not be transferred to the split up with the employees that were working there at night shift. that time." This conversation took place at one of a With respect to the reason for the intended transfer, series of weekly meetings held after the petition was Cattau testified as follows: filed. Walker testified that at such meetings Cattau would tell the emloyees the "bad points" about having a Q. Why did you want Louie Walker, Jr., to go union. Similarly, Graham testified that, after the petition on the second shift? was filed, weekly meetings were held between Cattau A. At that point in time, as a General Manager I and the employees, at which time Cattau said "we didn't found it very necessary to run as much equipment need a union." Graham further testified that at one of the back to back, meaning from one shift to another, as meetings Cattau said that "George Baker was having his I could. The flow of work going out of the building lawyers draw up papers so that when he died the compa- was very poor. Louie had the capability of running ny would be divided up between the employees." Flynn such pieces of equipment. I then proceeded to re- testified to like effect. Dill testified that the meetings of quest him to go on night work. At that point in employees were split, so that the procompany employees time the company was losing thousands of dollars attended one meeting and the prounion employees at- every month and I had to do whatever I could to tended a separate meeting. At one of the meetings at- change that. tended by the prounion employees, held prior to the election, Dill testified that "it was basically pointed out I find that the General Counsel has not sustained his that the company had big plans and couldn't make any burden of showing that a threat was made because of promises. But George Baker would be working on a plan Walker's union activities. I find that Cattau had a valid to turn the company over to the employees in one form reason for requesting the change in work hours. When it or another, when he passed on; but he couldn't go into it was pointed out to him that Walker had seniority rights any further at that time." with respect to shift preference, the request to change The statements concerning Baker's turning the Compa- shifts was canceled. Accordingly, the allegation is dis- ny over to the employees were made at meetings specifi- missed. cally called to discuss the benefits of not having a union. Indeed, Dill testified that it was specifically mentioned in c. Negative evaluation and denial of raise the meetings attended by the group consisting of the "pro-Union" employees. Accordingly, I find that Re-Walker testified that on July 16, after the election, he ponon employees. i f that Re-spondent implied to the employees that if they votedreceived a poor evaluation and, accordingly, was not agat the io t o pon th f the pres granted a raise. Dill testified that Walker was an average dent, George Baker, would see to it that at his death the employee but that he was "doing below his potential." shares of Respondent would be distributed to the em- Dill recommended "a small token raise, maybe ten or ployees. twenty cents; not outstanding but something to show we have a little faith in him." Dill testified that Cattau told C. Discussion and Analysis him, "[W]ell, Mike, you have got all of these 'needs im- provement' on here. It is obvious to me that he should 1. Discharge of Maynard .not get a raise." . It is well settled that a supervisor cannot be lawfully I conclude that the General Counsel has not sustained discharged for declining to commit an unfair labor prac- his burden of showing that Walker was issued a negative tice. Belcher Towing Co, 238 NLRB 446, 447 (1978), evaluation because of his union activities. Respondent enfd. in part 614 F.2d 88 (5th Cir. 1980). I have found claims that the negative evaluation was issued because that Maynard was instructed to do various things which Walker was performing poorly. Dill did not controvert would have constituted unfair labor practices. Thus, that contention. He conceded that Walker was "doing Maynard was told that there was a chance that the below his potential" and that he showed a number of Rochester plant would fold if the Union was elected. He "needs improvement" on the evaluation. Indeed, the was to use this information to persuade employees to evaluation shows six checks in the "average" category vote against the Union. Such a remark, if made to em- and seven checks in the category marked "needs im- ployees, would violate Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. See provement." Dill recommended a "token" raise merely Publishers Printing Co., Inc., 233 NLRB 1070, 1072 to show that "we still have a little faith in him." Essen- (1977), enfd. 625 F.2d 746 (6th Cir. 1980). In addition, I tially, therefore, it was Dill who gave Walker the poor have credited Maynard's testimony that Cattau wanted evaluation, and there is nothing in the record to indicate him to "find out information, whatever I could on who that this was done because of Walker's union activities. was voting which way and report back to him." Such Accordingly, the allegation is dismissed. conduct on the part of Maynard would have constituted r l t ift t t i t ift l tsie l l t - / - -i W al er .c redi l y ;[tfidtt a t o n e ^ o h e let n g s becase alke wa abl torun he -1/2 an 11-nch that was held between the employees and Cattau prior to ri t r . it i t t t tt t t, h l e t t e he em p l o y e es t'..,,., . * . . , . .~~the l ti e r 's t o i f i f i ift i t r , tt i i i ll i l t t i t t if t t ti . i ti t l t f i t i kl ti l ti ti l ti l l , i il rl , ti titi i il kl ti l t tt .„ ,, .. ,., .. , , ,, , ... " A in a . ., .. * . ,. .~~~~spondent s i t t p l t if t granted a raise. Dill testified that Walker was an average against the Union at some point in the future the presi- graned rase.Dilltesifid tat alke wa anaveage dent, George Baker, would see to it that at his death the l t t t i ll t raise, aybe ten or ployees. ll ' i - not..,..„ get a raise."It is well settled that a supervisor cannot be l f lly r l l t i li i i f i l r - i r f i t t l r i ti . l i ., ). l ti f i i ti iti . t f . i rt . t i . . I f l i t t t ti l ti i l rf i rl i i l ti i t t ti . t t l i t l t t t t t t l ti l t r f e s l ti . l t l ti i r i t if r ti )(l i l lishers inting . e till ), i i l f i ti l ti , i l ' ti . . i l , l ti t ti t s 1290 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD coercive interrogation of employees concerning their The motion was first made after the close of the hear- union activities in violation of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. ing in the General Counsel's brief. Respondent was not See Osco Drug, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Jewel given an opportunity to meet the allegation at the hear- Food Companies, Inc., 237 NLRB 231, 233 (1978). ing or in its brief. Inasmuch as Respondent was not Accordingly, I conclude that Maynard was requested aware that the conduct in question would be considered to engage in activities which would have constituted to be a separate violation, it did not adequately deal with unfair labor practices in violation of Section 8(a)(l). His the matter on cross-examination. I conclude that the discharge, because of his failure to violate Section matter has not been fully litigated. Accordingly, the 8(a)(1), is in itself an unfair labor practice in violation of General Counsel's motion to amend the complaint is Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. denied. See Chandler Motors, Inc., 236 NLRB 1565 2. Discharge of Walker (1978).8 With respect to the discharge of Walker on October CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 28, Respondent had been aware of Walker's prounion sympathies. Dill testified that Walker was identified to 1. Respondent is an employer engaged in commerce Cattau as being "a hard-core union supporter." Respond- wthin the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. ent's attitude towards the Union is also clear. I have 2. The Union is a labor organization within the mean- credited Maynard's testimony that Cattau told him to use ing of Section 2(5) of the Act. his personal relationship with employees to persuade 3. By discharging Brian Maynard for his refusal to them to vote for the Company and "break up the union commit unfair labor practices, Respondent has engaged drive." With respect to the timing of the discharge, it oc- in an unfair labor practice within the meaning of Section curred approximately 4 months after the election. I be- 8(a)(l) of the Act. lieve that in the interval Respondent was looking for a 4. By discharging Louis Walker, Jr., for his union-re- proper "excuse" so as to be able to terminate what it re- lated activities, Respondent has engaged in an unfair garded as the "hard-core" union supporters. See Butler- labor practice within the meaning of Section 8(a)(l) and Johnson Corporation, 237 NLRB 688, 690 (1978), enforce- (3) of the Act. ment denied on other grounds 608 F.2d 1303 (9th Cir. 5. The aforesaid unfair labor practices constitute unfair 1979). labor practices affecting commerce within the meaning I conclude that the General Counsel has made a prima of Secion 2(6) and (7) of the Act. facie showing to support the inference that the protected 6. Respondent did not violate the Act in any otheractivity was a motivating factor in Respondent's decision dd nt latt to discharge Walker. See Wright Line, A Division of manner alleged i the complaits. Wright Line, Inc., 251 NLRB 1083 (1980). As discussed THE REMEDY above, I regard Respondent's contention that Walker was discharged for fighting as mere pretext-this, in Having found that Respondent has engaged in certain view of the uncontroverted testimony that no employee unfair labor practices, I find it necessary to order Re- was discharged for fighting or provoking a fight, either spondent to cease and desist therefrom and to take cer- before or after Walker's termination. 6 Clearly, therefore, tain affirmative action designed to effectuate the policies Respondent has not shown that the "same action would of the Act. have taken place even in the absence of the protected Respondent having discharged Brian Maynard and conduct." See Limestone Apparel Corp., 255 NLRB 722 Louis Walker, Jr., in violation of the Act, I find it neces- (1981). Accordingly, I conclude that Respondent, by its sary to order Respondent to offer them full reinstatement discharge of Walker, violated Section 8(a)(l) and (3) of to their former positions or, if such positions no longer the Act. exist, to substantially equivalent positions, without preju- 3. Motion to amend complaint dice to their seniority or other rights and privileges, and to make them whole for any loss of earnings they may The General Counsel has moved to amend the com- have suffered from the time of their termination to the plaint to include, as a separate violation of Section date of Respondent's offers of reinstatement, 8(a)(l), Respondent's instructions to its supervisors to Backpay shall be computed in accordance with the provide it with the names of the union adherents and in- formula approved in F W. Woolworth Company, 90 stigators. This motion was first made in the General NLRB 289 (1950), with interest computed in the manner Counsel's brief (p. 25, fn. 61). Respondent has objectedbed in Floida Steel Corporation 231 NLRB 651 to the motion on the ground that Respondent "did not (1977) 9 have the opportunity to truly litigate the matter or con- sider it in its brief." 7 Upon the foregoing findings of fact, conclusions of law, and the entire record, and pursuant to Section 10(c) The Board has held that an employer's exaggeration of a minor inci- of the Act, I hereby issue the following recommended: dent out of proportion to its importance and a severe penalty for that of- fense indicates a pretextual reason for that action. See Electri-Flex Cornm- The General Counsel concedes that "no evidence was presented as to puny, 238 NLRB 713, 725 (1978). whether employees explicitly knew" of the directive. It would appear 7 Copies of a letter dated May 4. 1981, from counsel for Respondent that the General Counsel thus recognizes that the matter was indeed not and a letter dated May 6, 1981, from the General Counsel are admitted "fully litigated." into the record as ALJ Exhs. I and 2. respectively. See, generally, Isis Plumbing Hleating Co., 138 NLRB 716 (1962). (l . )(1 l ). 8 l ' r i . i l r i r it h in t h e i ti ( ) (7) f t t. . T h e o n s . , ), (3) f t e ct. 1979). la r r ti ti t 6 R d not vi t Ac i a oh ti it ti ti f t r i t' i i manne ae d i o mplats. f m a n n e r a l le e d n t h e plaint (1980). s discussed THE REMEDY is i , I it ( ). r i l , I l t t t, it t i , ) the c t. i t, t t ti ll i l t siti s, it t r j - . d ic e to t h e i r l l f i ti ti t 1 t' r i ll i it it t t i i i . , r l , l' i f ( . , f . . t j t d p bed lor da oration, t i t ( ).9 tt - it i . p o « r has l t t an l y r's r ti f a i r i i- o f t h e A c t , I is s t h e f ll i : l m- l , , ( ). t ' . % , i t t r r as J s. 1 2. r s ti l . . r ll , Isis l i <{ e ti ., ( ). r d the c olats. ^ e ( ri , e e e e a erati ci t t, t i i ti i i i in lat * e DATAGRAPHIC. INC. 1291 ORDER' any loss of earnings in the manner set forth in the section of this Decision entitled "'The Remedy."The Respondent, Datagraphic, Inc., Rochester, New of this Decision entitled The Remedy.(b) Post at its facility in Rochester, New York, copies York, its officers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall: of the attached notice marked "Appendix."" Copies of 1. Cease and desist from: said notice, on forms provided by the Regional Director (a) Discharging employees for activities protected by for Region 3, after being duly signed by Respondent's Section 7 of the Act. authorized representative, shall be posted by Respondent (b) In any like or related manner interfering with, re- immediately upon receipt thereof, and be maintained by straining, or coercing employees in the exercise of their it for 60 consecutive days thereafter, in conspicuous rights under Section 7 of the Act. places, including all places where notices to employees 2. Take the following affirmative action necessary to are customarily posted. Reasonable steps shall be taken effectuate the policies of the Act: by Respondent to insure that said notices are not altered, (a) Offer Brian Maynard and Louis Walker, Jr., imme- defaced, or covered by any other material. diate and full reinstatement to their former positions or, (c) Notify the Regional Director or Region 3 in writ- if such positions no longer exist, to substantially equiva- ing, within 20 days of the date of this Order what steps lent positions, without prejudice to their seniority or Respondent has taken to comply herewith. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that those allegations of theother rights and privileges, and make them whole for IT S FURTHER ORDERED that those alleations of thecomplaints as to which no violations have been found are hereby dismissed. " In the event no ecepoions are fied as provided by Sec. 102.46 of the Rules and Regulations of the Nationl Labor Reltions Board. the In Ihe event that this Order is enforced by a Judgment of a United findings, conclusions, and recommended Order herein shall, as provided States Court of Appeals. the words in the notice reading -Poted by in Sec. 102.48 of the Rules and Regulations, be adopted by Ihe Board and Order of the National Labor Relations Board" shall read -Posted Pursu- becone its findings, conclusions and Order. and all objections thereto an to a Judgment of the United States Court of Appeals Enforcing an shall be deemed waived for all purpose. Order of the National Labor Relations Board. 10 i Th _ Respondent, Datagraphic, Inc. Roch.ster, Newr f t i i i titl 'The . e Respondent. Datagraphic, Inc., Rochester. New ( ) t i ili t r i i , , , i , ll: tt c e e ix."" i i i l i s i es tive, f i g i s s ing i t , t t ri l. tif t h e i l f i , i it- mg, w ithin 2 0 f t h e d at e f t is r er, at steps , t t l r it . T t os ons t In xcepti rie in l ti tiona elatio "In t . , ie - ste i l c mc a . . t n ses.Order l " Th i , chst , t , S i t t a h d endi . , r i l i r i i f t t i (he Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation