Dade Tire Co.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsAug 16, 1979244 N.L.R.B. 244 (N.L.R.B. 1979) Copy Citation )IDE('ISIONS O NATIONAL LABOR RAIAIIONS BOARI) Dade Tire Company and Freight Drivers, Warehouse- men & Helpers, Local Union No. 390, affiliated with the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauf- feurs, Warehousemen & Helpers of America. Case 12-CA 8041 August 16, 1979 DECISION AND ORDER BY CHAIRMAN FANNING AND MEMBLRS PENI I.I() ANI) TRU.SDALL On May 9. 1979. Administrative Law Judge Elbert D. Gadsden issued the attached Decision in this pro- ceeding. Thereafter, Respondent filed exceptions and a supporting brief. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its au- thority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the record and the at- tached Decision in light of the exceptions and brief and has decided to affirm the rulings, findings,' and conclusions of the Administrative Law Judge only to the extent consistent herewith. We agree with the Administrative Law Judge that Respondent violated Section 8(a)( 1 ) of the Act by co- ercively interrogating employees about their union activities and by creating the impression that Respon- dent was surveilling their union activities. The Ad- ministrative Law Judge also found that Respondent violated Section 8(a)(3) and (1) of the Act by dis- charging Clinton Shingles for engaging in union ac- tivity. We disagree. We find that Shingles was dis- charged for insubordination. The relevant facts, more fully set forth in the Ad- ministrative Law Judge's Decision, are summarized below. The evidence reveals that Shingles signed a union authorization card on November 29, 1977, and there- after attended three union meetings within the next month. In late November McLendon, Respondent's president, asked him how the Union was going. One week later McLendon told Shingles that employees David Woodbury was going to be the new shop stew- ard. In addition, employee Willie Batten testified to some statements made by Respondent in late Decem- ber 1977. On one occasion Respondent's secretary- I Respondent has excepted to certain credibility findings made by the Ad- ministrative Law Judge. It is the Board's established policy not to overrule an administrative law judge's resolutions with respect to credibilily unless the clear preponderance of all of the relevant evidence convinces us that the resolutions are incorrect. Standard DO Wall Producto. Inc., 91 NLRB 544 (1950). enid. 188 F.2d 362 (3d ('ir. 1951). We have careiull? examined the record and find no basis for reversing his findings. treasurer, Thompson, asked Batten if he knew any- thing about the people trying to organize the Union. Another time Batten heard McLendon say that Da- vid Woodbury was head of the employees organizing the Union, and that several of the employees wanted to be shop steward and were assisting and assigned to organize the Union. McLendon also said that he thought the organizers were Woodbury and Clinton Shingles. and that "we [management] are going to try to get to the bottom of this." Like the Administrative Law Judge, we find that by this conduct Respondent violated Section 8(a)( 1). Clinton Shingles had been employed by Respon- dent without incident for about 3 years prior to his discharge. At approximately 12 o'clock on Friday, January 6, 1978. McLendon heard loud voices in the tire bin and went to find out what was happening. He found Shingles and another employee. Renaldo Gar- cia, engaged in an altercation around a tire changer. When McLendon approached them and asked what the problem was Shingles replied, "I am tired of you m f--s f-g with me." This abusive comment, di- rected at McLendon and Garcia, was made in the presence of customers and other employees. Shingles admitted that at the time of the incident he had con- sumed a can of beer, and that he was holding a tire iron about 14 inches long, weighing approximately 12 pounds. Mclendon. testifying that he feared for his physical safety, backed away and soon after left the shop for the day. Shingles next came to work on Monday, January 9, at 6:00 a.m. although he had been scheduled to work on Saturday. January 7. He noticed that his timecard was missing, and when he asked McLendon where it was McLendon replied. "No. you don't want to work no way." Shingles then left the shop, and a replace- ment was hired that afternoon. When Shingles re- turned on Wednesday he was told that he had been replaced. Based on the foregoing, the Administrative Law Judge found that Shingles' dismissal was motivated by his union activity. The fact that he was fired with- out warning, despite an unblemished 3-year record of employment, considered along with Respondent's an- tiunion attitude as manifested in the 8(a)(l) viola- tions, led the Administrative Law Judge to decide that the discharge was unlawful. We conclude, however, that Shingles was fired for his grossly insubordinate conduct of cursing McLen- don in the presence of other employees and customers and not for engaging in union activities. The Admin- istrative Law Judge found as a fact that McLendon's decision to fire Shingles was made contemporane- ously with the act of insubordination, which strongly indicates that it was the sole motivating cause of Shingles' dismissal. Further, Shingles did not report 244 NLRB No. 35 244 )AI)DE IIRE (OMPANY4 for work on Saturday as scheduled, and prior to his return Monday Respondent pulled Shingles' timecard and promptly replaced him that afternoon. Clearly. the nature of the act, the timing of the decision to discharge, and the evidence that McLendon immedi- ately followed through on that decision by removing Shingles' timecard and replacing him point to a dis- missal based on insubordination. In view oft the ex- treme nature of Shingles' conduct, we do not find the lack of a warning to Shingles or his previous good record persuasive evidence that he was illegally termi- nated. We shall therefore dismiss the complaint inso- far as it alleges that Respondent discharged Clinton Shingles in violation of Section 8(a)(3) and ( I ) of the Act. AMENDFD C()N(CI.SI()NS O()F l.A\ 1. Dade Tire Company is an employer engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 2. Freight Drivers. Warehousemen & Helpers. Lo- cal Union No. 390, affiliated with the International Brotherhood of Teamsters. Chauffeurs. Warehouse- men & Helpers of America. is, and has been at all times material herein, a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of' the Act. 3. By coercively interrogating employees Clinton Shingles, Willie Batten, and other employees about their union activities, and by creating the impression that Respondent was surveilling their union activities. Respondent violated Section 8(a)( 1 ) of the Act. 4. The aforesaid unfair labor practices affect com- merce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 5. Respondent did not violate Section 8(a)(3) and (I) of the Act by discharging Clinton Shingles. ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Rela- tions Board hereby orders that the Respondent, Dade Tire Company. Miami, Florida, its officers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall: 1. Cease and desist from: (a) Coercively interrogating its employees about their union activities. (b) Creating the impression that it is surveilling the union activities of its employees. (c) In any like or related manner interfering with, restraining, or coercing employees in the exercise of rights guaranteed them by Section 7 of the Act. 2. Take the following affirmative action which is necessary to effectuate the policies of the Act: (a) Post at its office and place of' business located in Miami. Florida. copies of the attached notice marked "Appendix." 2 Copies of said notice, on forms provided by the Regional Director for Region 12. af- ter being dubl signed by Respondent's authorized rep- resentative. shall be posted by it immediately upon receipt thereof, and be maintained by ift' fr 60 con- secutive days thereafter. in conspicuous places. in- cluding all places where notices to employees are cus- tomarily posted. Reasonable steps shall be taken by Respondent to insure that said notices are not altered. delced. or covered b any other material. (b) Notitf' the Regional Director for Region 12. in writing. within 20 days from the date of this Order. what steps Respondent has taken to comply herewith. I IS ; RII lFR O)RDRI:RFI) that the allegations of the complaint that Respondent discharged employee Clinton Shingles in violration of Section 8(a)(3) and (1) of the Act be. anal they hereb 3 are. dismissed. In he eent that this Order i, enlorced h\ a Judgment oa i 1 tiled Stlles (Court . ppcls, the ,rds in the lnoice reading "Posted bh\ Order oit the Nationall I ahr Relations Board" shill reid "Polted Pursuant io .I Judgment ot the nied States ('..url i \ppeils I torcing in Order .- te N ional Iahor Rellons Board APPEN D)IX No li( t To Etvl N)Yl.S Poslt I) BY ORI)IR 01 lIl NAI()ONAI. LABOR RI.AI lIONS BOARI) An Agency oft' the United States Government WVl I. VIL NOI coercively interrogate our em- ployees about their union activities. Wl II.l. Nso create the impression that we are surveilling the union activities of our employ- ees. Wi wni o()l in any like or related manner interfere with. restrain, or coerce our employees in the exercise of rights guaranteed them by Sec- tion 7 of the National abor Relations Act. DA)I lIRI COMPANY' DECISION S~t l [M:NI Il (vSI El IHERI ). CGAI)SI)IN. Administrative l.w Judge: Upon a charge of unfair labor practices filed on Januar 26. 1978. hb Freight Drivers. Warehousemen & Helpers l.ocal [!nion No. 390. affiliated ith the International Brotherhood o' Teamsters. C'hauffeurs. Warehousemen & Helpers of Amer- ica. herein called the Union or the Charging Part. against Dade ire ('ompanv. herein called Respondent. a com- plaint was issued h the Regional [)irector for Region 12 on behalf of the General Counsel on MNarch 9. 1978. 245 D)I('ISIONS ()1: NATIONAL LAB()R REIAT()IONS BOARI) In substance. the complaint alleges that Respondent singled out several employees and accused them of being members of the Union and wanting to he union stewards; interrogated employees about their union interests, activi- ties and desires: created the impression of' surveilling its employees' union activities by telling them it had heard that some employees were organizing the Union. all in violation of Section 8(a)(l) of the Act: and discriminatorily dis- charged an employee and thereafter failed and refused to reinstate him to his employment because he joined or as- sisted the Union or engaged in other union activities, in violation of Section 8(a)(3) of the Act. Respondent filed an answer on March 16. 1978. denying that it had engaged in any unfair labor practice as alleged in the complaint. The hearing in the above matter was held before me in Coral Gables, Florida. on October 30. 1978. Counsel for Respondent made a summary argument on the record, and a brief' has been received from counsel for the General Counsel. Both counsel tor Respondent's summary argu- ment and counsel for the General Counsel's brief have been carefully considered. Upon the entire record in this case and from mn observa- tion of the witnesses, I hereby make the following: tFIl)iN(iS iF x* IA( 1. JURISD)ICXION Respondent is now and has been a all times material herein a Florida corporation with an office and place of business located in Miami, Florida. where it is engaged in the retail and nonretail sale of automobile and truck tires. In the course and conduct of its business operations dur- ing the past 12 months, which is a representative period, Respondent has received gross income in excess of $500.000 and, during the same period of time, has purchased and received at its Miami. Florida, facility goods and materials valued in excess of $50,000 which were shipped directly to it from points located outside the State of Florida. The complaint alleges, Respondent admits, and I find that Respondent is engaged in commerce within the mean- ing of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. II. TIlE ABOR ORGANIZAIION INVOL.VED The complaint alleges, Respondent admits, and I find that Freight Drivers, Warehousemen & Helpers Local Union No. 390. affiliated with the International Brother- hood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs. Warehousemen & Helpers of America, is and has been at all times material herein a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. III. ItlE AI.LEGHlI) UNFAIR I.ABOR PRA(''I( S The record shows that Respondent is not only engaged in the retail and nonretail sale of automobile and truck tires but also in the recapping and mounting of automobile and truck tires. At all times material herein Raymond Mack) McLendon was president of and employed by corporate Respondent. He was in charge of the recapping tire depart- ment, and he hired employees and supervisors. At all times material herein the following named persons occupied the positions set opposite their respective names. have been and are now agents ot Respondent acting on its behalf, and are supervisors within the meaning of Section 2(1 ) of the Act: Rav mond (Mack) McLendon. president: Everett Thompson, vice president: Al Cannon, service manager: Mr. Kidd. in charge of the office. Mr. Everett Thompson was a partner. associate, and sec- retary -treasurer of corporate Respondent. He had authority to hire and tire personnel. In January 1977. Respondent had and now has approximately 25 to 30 employees.' A. The Organizing 4-l iities' o/ RetJo1d1tl Is ,tnplo'e, Clinton Shingles. the dischargee herein, testified that he first learned about the organizing efforts of the employees when fellow employee David Woodbur, brought him a union authorization card in November 1977. which he signed on November 29. 1977 (G.C(. Exh. 2). Shingles said that during the same period of time he was riding home with I)avid Woodbury nearlN every day. Af'ter he signed the union card (November 29. 1977). he attended a union meeting at the union hall about 2 weeks later, a second meeting about I week thereafter, and a third meeting about I week later. He said that fellow' employees Jonah Down- ing. Willie Batten. and George Pane were present at those meetings. Employee lt'ilie Jame. Batten testified that he was em- ployed by Respondent on and off for about 2-1/2 ears and last worked for Respondent on December 26. 1977. He said that he drove a truck repairing tires and worked under the supervision of Mcl.endon and Everett Thompson. Batten further testified that he signed a union authorization card (G.C. Exh. 5). on November 30. 1977. in the presence of' David Woodbury. He attended two union meetings at the union hall where other fellow employees were present. He said that the first meeting was held about December 15, 1977. and the second meeting on or about December 30, 1977. Batten further stated that about every afternoon he and fellow employees would congregate at the other end of' the tire mounting court., which was at the opposite end of the court from the office, and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the Union. Raymond McLendon. president of Respondent. admitted that he had heard rumors sometime in December or Janu- ary that the employees were organizing a union. He can- didly admitted that he was aware of the employees' orga- nizing efforts prior to an altercation involving Clinton Shingles on Friday. January 6. 1978. Clinton Shingles testified that in late November 1977 President Raymond McLendon asked him how was the Union going. and about I week later McLendon came out- side and told the employees that David Woodbury was going to be the new shop steward, and Shingles responded that he did not know anything about it. Shingles said that he thinks Jonah Downing and Willie Batten were present. The facts set forth above are undisputed and are not In conflict in the record. 246 D)AI): I IRF (OMN'\NY In this regard. l illitc Ballen testitied that about I month after he signed a union authorization card (Noember 3). 1977). the secretarD-treasurer. Exerett l'homipson. asked him if he knew anything about the guys tring to start a union. Batten said that he responded in the negative. but said that it he heard anything about it he would let him know. Batten said that he also heard 1Mclendon make the statement that D)avid Woodbhur was the head of the em- plof)ees organizing the Union. and that he had heard se,- eral of the guys wanted to be shop stew ard and were assist- ing and assigned to organize the tinion. Batten said that MNcLendon aliso said he lnlonglt tlh orgalnizers werc Datid I'oodilril andl ('linton Shingle%,. titt that "ie /Iltllltl'ge'lIe/ were going o Ir to get hi o the otom f/ this." At the tinme Mcl.endon made these statements Batten said that fellowr employees Clinton Shingles and Jonah Downing were pre- sent. Employee Jonah Downing testified that he was aware that the employees were organizing a union because he learned such fact from fellow employee David Woodbur. who is no longer in Respondent's employ. Downing said that he was asked to sign a union card, but he does not recall 'Mc- Lendon or Thompson saying anxthing to the employees about a union.: B. Respondent'v l orking Time Policr atnd the Consmltilon of/-41eohoic Spirits hi its Emploees During 14"oring Hours The record shows without dispute that emploece Clinton Shingles was employed by Respondent as a tire changer for about 3 ears until January 1977. He worked under the supervision of Raymond McLendon. and he worked along with about 14 other employees. The testimony as well as the documentary evidence with respect to the working hours of' the employees is somewhat confusing and conflicting. In this regard. Clinton Shingles testified that he reports to work at 6 a.m. practically every morning although his timecards entered into evidence re- flect that he punched in at inconsistent times, usually close to 7 o'clock but on one occasion as late as 9:36 a.m. Ac- cording to the testimony of President McLendon. Shingles' record of reporting to work and punching in is rather er- ratic. He said that Shingles would punch in any time from 6 o'clock to 10 o'clock in the morning, if he came in at all. I credit the testimonial account of employees Clinton Shingles. Willie Batten, Jonah Downing. and Supervisor Raymond McLendon with respect to the organizing activities of Respondent's employees and Respondent's knowledge thereof. I credit the above-described testimony because it is es- sentially undisputed and is. in part. corroborated by Supervisor McLendon I also credit the testimonial versions ot employees Clinton Shingles and Wil- lie Batten to the effect that President McLendon made the heretofore de- scribed statements about the Union to its employees. I likewise credit Bat- ten's testimony with respect to Secretary-Treasurer Everett Thompson asking him whether he knew anything about the Union. I credit the testi- mony of Shingles and Batten not only because I was persuaded by their demeanor that they were testifying truthfully. but also because their testi- mony on the subject of President McLendon's statements are corroborative of each other and because the statement uttered by Thompson is consistent with the statements and inquiry uttered by his associate President McLen- don. Moreover. I was persuaded by the demeanor of President McLendon and his associate, Everett Thompson, that they were not testifying truthfully in reference to the herein discussed testimony Mcl.cndon said that he did not allow cmplo )ccsC to punlch the timecards olf other enplo\ ce. tlis testimoins,. along w i(h the testimonies of other witnesses in this pr)ceedillg. clearl indicates that the employees were required to \,ork 8 hurs i da -. and that the time oft their reportinog Mid depalture was mole or less on a lexitime basis. Mcl.endon said that he reported to work carls in the nIlrninIg belh een 5 and ()'clock and tha tih lie al as lea'\ es between 2:31) and 3 o'clock. ile said that he dtes not hold enlplo)ees to an! certain ork hours. but he tries to get each man to work 8 hours. McLendoin urther teslitied that on about tour or five occasions he had told (linton Shingles he ought to report to work more promptl. should \ork on Saturda s. and take care of his job. lie said that Shingles usuall ca;lne to w ork between 7 and 8:30(1 .n.' Based upon the 6Iregoing credited testimonial and dcu- mentar' evidence. I conclude and ind that Respondent did not enforce punctualit ofl its employees i reporting to work but tolerated a mre r less tlexiltime f ctnplolces reporting and departing roim work. s long as each m- ploeee worked an 8-hour da) I do not credit FPresident McLendon's testimony: that he had spoken t (linton Shin- gles about reporting to work promptl and oin Saturdays because such testimony is not supported bh an written warnings to Shingles. and I received the distinct impression fronl his demeanor while testifying that his testimony in this regard was sel'-serving and untruthful. his is particularl? true when it is observed that even Respondent ( Mcl.endon) has admitted that he does not entorce strict time tfor its employees to report to work bhut rather is primarily con- cerned that each employee works an 8-hour day. Employee (linton Shingle.v further testilied that he con- sumed a can of beer before 1( or I I o'clock on the morning of January 6, 1978. and that employees always drink beer on the job.Shingles denied that he was ever warned by Mc- Lendon or Thompson about not coming to work, and he said that Supervisor Thompson. on several occasions. bought beer for the emplo,ees. He said that frequently a tractor-trailor would come in for them to unload barrels or tires and Supervisor Thompson would say. "Get you a cou- ple of six packs." and he or Jonah Downing would go and get it. Shingles said that Supervisor hompson had seen him drinking beer on the job, and that hompson would buy the beer for the employees around 3:30 p.m. and give him $1 to purchase the beer. Jonah Dosning, who has been employed by Respondent for 10 ears as a tire changer. admitted that he drank beer on the job although he had not seen anyone else drink on the job. However. he did not have any knowledge that Respondent allowed employees to drink on the job. Employee Renaldo Garcia has been employed by Re- spondent for I year as a tire changer. He testified that he had never seen McLendon or Thompson buy beer for the employees. He also acknowledged that he has never heard management reprimand any employee for drinking on the job. Both McLendon and Thompson denied purchasing 3I credit the lestlimony ot Supervisor Mcl.endin over that of employee Clinton Shingles to the effect thalt Shingles does not report to work at 6 o'coc:k eery morning as he testified, but rather, that he generally reports to work iat 7 a m anti tin some tocc.lsons a late as 8 or '9 o'clock 247 D)I(ISI()NS ()1 NAIONAL LABOR REI.AIlI()NS BOARI) emplosees alcoholic beverages or periitting or having anN knowledge that employees drank alcoholic beverages on the job. MXcLendon said that he was not aware that Thompson ever purchased or knew that emplosees drank alcoholic beverages on the job. Employee Renaldo Garcia acknowledged that he had seen other emploqees drinking alcoholic beverages on the job during hreaks.4 Based on the foregoing credited testimony I conclude and find that Respondent's employees frequently drank beer and/or other alcoholic beverages while they unloaded trucks and during breaks on the job: and that Supervisor Thompson not only knew that the employees engaged in such drinking, but on occasion did give them mone? to purchase such beverages, probably as an incentive for them to do a good job of unloading the trucks. Certainly the knowledge of Supervisor Thompson of' such drinking prac- tices of the employees was also knowledge of Respondent. C. The Altercation lnvolt/rin Emp/t'7ces (li1nioi Shingles and Renaldo Garcia on Janlarvr 6, 1978 President Ralymond McLendon testified that sometime be- tween I I and 12 o'clock on Friday, January 6. 1978, he had a store full of customers, and that the service court area where the tires are changed is about 100 feet long. While in the store he heard loud talking and arguing in a high tone of voice so he proceeded to investigate. When he got down to the second tire changer he saw Renaldo (Ray) trying to use the last tire changer in the row because the other two were busy. He observed Clinton Shingles leaning over a tire, and he said to Clint. "How about letting Ray use the tire changer because he has a customer here and the man is in a hurry." At that time Clint Shingles stood up straight with a dog (an iron tool about 14 inches long), in his hand and said, "I am tired of you white mother-fuckers jumping on me and telling me what to do." President McLendon said that he observed that Shingles was drinking and was ready to fight. Being apprehensive of getting into a fight with a younger man (Shingles). he told Ray to come along for there was no use in carrying the matter any further. They walked away. ' With respect to employees drinking alcoholic beverages on the job, I credit the testimonial accounts of Clinton Shingles and Renaldo Garcia over the accounts of Supervisors McLendon and Thompson and Respondent's bookkeeper, Thelma K. Miller, because I was persuaded by the admission of employees Clinton Shingles and Jonah Downing that they have engaged in drinking alcoholic beverages on the job. I was further persuaded that their accounts were truthful because they were, in part, corroborated by employee Renaldo Garcia, who said that he had seen other employees drinking beer during breaks on the job. I do not credit the testimony of Supervisor McLen- don with respect to the employees drinking because all the alleged drinking occurred in the afternoon, and McLendon was generally not present. More- over, I do not credit Supervisor Thompson's denial that he purchased beer for the employees or that he knew the employees drank alcoholic beverages on the job because I was not persuaded by his demeanor that he was testif.- ing truthfully in this regard, and I do not believe that Supervisor Thompson would not have known of the employees' drinking, especially when they admitted that they have engaged in such drinking on the job. I do not credit Miller's testimony because her knowledge of Respondent's policy prohibiting drinking is irrelevant to the question as to whether the employees in fact drank, and Respondent knew about their drinking and failed to enlbrce such a policy if indeed such policy existed at all. (b 1/on Shingr,/c testified that on the morning of January 6, 1978X a customer was having some tires mounted, and he described the situation as follows. He went to McLendon and told him that the lady wanted four tiger paw tires. thereafter. he went to the hack. got the tires, and brought them up by the tire changer. At that time fellow employee Renaldo Garcia approached him as he was breaking the tires on the tire changer with the iron dog and said. "Give me these tires." Shingles said. "No. man. These belong to that lady right there." The tires were size 15, and Renaldo Garcia needed size 14 tires. lie said that Garcia then pro- ceeded to take the tires, and Shingles continued to testify as flllows: And then he shoved me and I said, "iHe, man, don't shove me." Just like that. And so at that time Mack was coming down from the office. And so he said. "Well I'm gonna take them anL v a." And I said. "You ain't gonna take those tires from me." I said, "You better go ahead on, you half-breed." I didn't say no half-white, or nothing like that. I called him a half-breed. .t l)(;} (GAI)SI)IN: WVho were Nou referring to? Tint Wi i: ss: That guy right there (indicating). Jl )(il: GAI)SI)DN: Mr. Garcia? Tilt WIliNiss: Right. And so when I looked around Mack was standing behind me. hut I wasn't talking to him. I was talking to that guy over there. And I did not go back down there. I mean Mr. Mack's statement, he said I come hack. Shingles contends that he called Garcia a hall-breed and told him "to get the tuck out of here." He further stated that the iron he had in his hand may weigh 10 or 12 pounds, is about 12 inches long, and that he was using it to insert in the tire to dismount it from the rim. He acknowl- edged that he had it in his hand as he was talking to Garcia. He denied that he had any conversation with McLendon, who stood about 5 or 6 feet awav from them and finally walked away. He believed that Jonah Downing was stand- ing about 4 or 5 feet away. He said that Garcia did not respond, and that was the end of the altercation. Shingles also denied that he told Mcl.endon to leave him alone. cannot you see I am busy, "I am tired of you white mother-fuckers fucking with me." He said that he left the job about 6 p.m. that day, and that he is paid by the hour. tie denied that he punched in at 7:05 a.m. and punched out at 3:20 p.m. on January 6, 1978, as his timecard indicates. Instead, he contended that he punched in at 6 a.m. and punched out at 6 p.m. Shingles also admitted that he did not report to work on Saturday. January 7, as he was sched- uled to report, but said that he came in on Monday morn- ing about 6 o'clock to get his timecard and discovered that it was not there. He said that McLendon saw him and said, "No. you don't want to work no way." Shingles said that he then left and got a cup of coffee. and McLendon said, "Clint, bring your uniforms in." Shingles said that he brought in his uniforms the next day. but McLendon said that he did not know when Shingles returned his uniforms. 248 DADE TIRE COMPANY Shingles further stated that he has not had any other altercations or fights with employees during his working tenure. He denied that he returned to the job on Friday, January 6, in the afternoon well dressed, as employee Re- naldo Garcia testified. Shingles said that he usually works on Saturdays, and that he has missed a few Saturdays as have all employees such as Willie Batten and David Wood- bury. With respect to the termination of Clinton Shingles' em- ployment with Respondent, President Raymond McLendon gave essentially the same testimonial account of the alterca- tion as Clinton Shingles and Renaldo Garcia except with respect to Clinton Shingles' profane response to his request. Consequently. I credit the testimonial accounts of the alter- cation except that I discredit Clinton Shingles' denial that he told President McLendon, "I am tired of you mother- fuckers fucking with me," and that he was in an angry and provoked state of mind at the time. I do not credi Clinton Shingles' testimony to the effect that he reports to work and punches in at 6 o'clock a.m. every morning, nor President McLendon's testimony that Shingles reports to work any- time between 7 a.m. and 11 a.m. because it is well estab- lished by the collective credited testimony of record that Respondent did not enforce punctuality of its employees reporting and departing from work but rather tolerated a flexible policy of its employees reporting to and departing from work, so long as the employee worked an 8-hour day. I credit Clinton Shingles' testimony that he reported to work on Monday, January 9, at 6 a.m. and upon not finding his timecard and having been seen by McLendon inquired about it. President McLendon told him that he did not want to work anyway. I credit the latter's testimony not only because I was persuaded by his demeanor that he sas testifying truthfully, but also because I was not persuaded by the uncertain, selective, and cautious manner in which President McLendon testified with respect to the presence or absence of Clinton Shingles on Monday, January 9, 1978. This conclusion is further supported by the fact that Clinton Shingles was replaced by tire changer Hightower. According to the testimony of President McLendon him- self, Shingles was not advised that his employment was ter- minated until he reported to work on Wednesday, January I. At that time President McLendon told Shingles that he had been replaced. It is for the above-described reasons that I do not credit President McLendon's testimony that he did not see employee Clinton Shingles on Monday, January 9, and because he was frustrated in trying to carry out the work of Respondent without adequate help, he re- placed Shingles on that afternoon. At another time during cross-examination President McLendon said that he actu- ally decided to replace Shingles on Friday, January 6, and that decision was not based upon Shingles' not having re- ported for work on Saturday, which had not yet occurred. Thereafter, President McLendon testified that had Shingles reported to work on Saturday he would have reconsidered permitting Shingles to go to work. However, he further con- tends that when Shingles did not report for work on Mon- day morning, which fact Shingles disputes. he decided that Shingles had quit. Vice President Everett Thompson, who was not present at the jobsite on Friday, January 6, and did not observe the altercation involving Shingles. testified that he did hear ru- mors about the altercation. He testified that Shingles came in the following Wednesday at 12:30 p.m. or I p.m., stated that he did not see his timecard, and he (Thompson) ad- vised Shingles that he would have to see McLendon. Vice President Thompson further stated that he hired tire changer Luther Hightower. who walked in off the street looking for a job on Monday aternoon, January 9, to re- place tire changer Shingles. He further stated that he made the decision to hire Hightower and started him to work on Tuesday. January 10. Thompson further stated that he had no discussion with McLendon regarding the hiring of Lu- ther Hightower. However, I do not credit Vice President Thompson's testimony in this regard because I was not only persuaded by the manner in which he testified that he was not testifying truthfully, but also because I find it inconceiv- able that the vice president of a small business operation such as Respondent's would not have discussed the replace- ment of an employee of 3 years duration with President McLendon. Moreover, while it is possible and may have been purely coincidental that a tire changer (Luther High- tower) conveniently walked into Respondent's store on Monday, January 9, seeking employment as a tire changer, I find it highly improbable that such was the case. In fact. common experience discredits it. Based upon the foregoing credited testimony I conclude and find that Clinton Shingles did report for work on Mon- day morning. January 9, and was not permitted to work by President McLendon: that President McLendon and Vice President Thompson decided to replace him on Friday. January 6, as McLendon testified; and that President Mc- Lendon and Vice President Thompson effectuated their de- cision by hiring Hightower on Monday. January 9. When Clinton Shingles made a second effort to report to work on Wednesday, January I1, he was candidly advised for the first time that he had been replaced, which in effect was a termination of his employment. I further conclude and find that while Clinton Shingles might have returned to the job at 5 p.m. on Friday. January 6. well dressed, as the testi- mony of Garcia indicates, such fact is immaterial to a deter- mination of the necessary and indispensable issues pre- sented for determination herein. Anal1sis and Conclusions It is clearly established by the undisputed and acknowl- edged testimony of record that Respondent's employees carried on an organizing campaign for the Union during November and December 1977 and in January 1978: and that Respondent (President McLendon), acknowledged that it learned about the employees' organizing activities in De- cember and January. prior to the altercation which oc- curred between employees Clinton Shingles and Renaldo Garcia. The credited evidence of record further establishes that in about late November 1977 Respondent, through President McLendon, asked Clinton Shingles, "How was the Union going"; that about I week later he told employees Shingles. Jonah Downing, and Willie Batten that employee David Woodbury. a chief organizer of the Union, was going to be the new shop steward: that in late December Respondent. 249 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD through Secretary-Treasurer Everett Thompson, asked em- ployee Batten if he knew anything about the employees trying to organize a union; that Batten heard President Mc- Lendon make the statement in the presence of fellow em- ployees Shingles and Downing to the effect that he thought David Woodbury and Clinton Shingles were the chief lead- ers ot the employees' organizing effort, that Respondent was going to get to the bottom of this; and that he. McLen- don, had heard that several guys wanted to be steward. Although employee Jonah Downing testified that he did not recall any of the four described questions and state- ments made by Respondent through McLendon and Thompson. it is particularly noted that he did not deny that such questions were asked or that such statements were made. Moreover, I was persuaded by Downing's demeanor. as I observed him on the witness stand, that he was notice- ably cautious and selective in answering questions. On questions which could have resulted in an answer adverse to Respondent's interest, I noted that Downing would re- spond that he could not recall. Since it is therefore clear from credited evidence that Respondent through President McLendon and Secretary-Treasurer Thompson, asked the aforedescribed questions and made the statements hereto- fore attributed to them, I thereupon conclude and find that such questions by McLendon and Thompson, as well as their statements made to the employees regarding the Union and prospective stewards therein, created the im- pression that the employees' union activities were under surveillance by Respondent and had an interfering, re- straining, and coercive effect upon the exercise of employ- ees' protected rights in violation of Section 8(a)( ) of the Act. This conclusion is especially true since both McLen- don and Thompson were high ranking managerial officials of the Respondent. With the above-described background of Respondent's unlawful conduct in mind, the principal and crucial ques- tion remaining for determination is whether Respondent terminated Clinton Shingles on Friday. January 6. or Mon- day, January 9, 1978, because Shingles had a profane alter- cation with fellow employee Renaldo Garcia on January 6 and while, in the heat of anger, uttered in the presence of Garcia and President McLendon that he was "tired of you motherfuckers fucking with me": or whether Shingles was terminated by Respondent because of his union activities. In answering this question it is first observed that em- ployee Clinton Shingles has been in the employ of Respon- dent for a period of 3 years prior to the altercation incident on January 6, 1978; that Respondent knew that its employ- ees, including Clinton Shingles and David Woodbury, were the chief organizers during the Union's organizing activities in November and December 1977 and January 1978: that employee Clinton Shingles had consumed at least one can of beer on the morning of January 6, 1978: that it was not uncommon for employees to drink beer on the job, and Respondent had knowledge of such fact; that the January 6 altercation incident was the first such altercation in which employee Shingles was involved while in the employ of Re- spondent; that Respondent had never issued an oral or written warning to Clinton Shingles regarding his time and attendance or his work performance: that Respondent's de- cision to terminate Clinton Shingles on Friday, JanuaO' 6. is evidenced by a partial admission to such fact by President McLendon. as well as by Respondent's removal of Shingles' timecard from the rack on Monday, January 9, 1978: that Respondent did not notify Clinton Shingles that he was terminated at any time between Friday, January 6. 1978. and noon or thereafter on Wednesday. January 11, 1978, even though Respondent had replaced Shingles on Mon- day, January 9, with tire changer Luther Hightower, who commenced work with Respondent on Tuesday, January 10, 1978: that Respondent's termination and replacement of Clinton Shingles was therefore precipitously executed without any prior warning to Shingles: and that when all of these circumstances are considered in conjunction with Re- spondent's conduct in violation of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act, I am persuaded by all of the evidence of record that the primary motivating cause for Respondent's termination of Clinton Shingles' employment was his union activity, rather than his involvement in a single altercation or act of insubordination. It must be borne in mind that it is not essential that the union activity of Clinton Shingles be the only ground for his discharge to support a finding of unlawful termination. N. L. R. B. v. Challenge-Cook Brothers of Ohio. Inc., 374 F.2d 147 (6th Cir. 1967). Consequently, the alleged replacement of Shingles for insubordination, which I find was discrimi- natory notwithstanding that a valid ground for his dis- charge may have existed since his union activity was the substantial motivating cause for his termination. See VN.L.R.B. v. West Side Carper Cleaning Co., 329 F.2d 758, 760 (6th Cir. 1964). Since the evidence of record is clear that employees worked 8 hours a day on a more or less flexitime basis: that it is not uncommon for the employees to consume alcoholic beverages on the job: that employees other than Shingles have failed to work on a Saturday, and it was not shown that Shingles was requested or directed to work on Satur- day. January 7, 1978: and that President McLendon's charge that Shingles said you "white motherfuckers" is not corroborated, and therefore it is not clear that the reference was directed to McLendon alone or to both McLendon and Garcia. Consequently. I find that Respondent advanced these reasons as a pretext to conceal its real and unlawful reason for discharging Shingles. namely, Shingles' union ac- tivities. IV. HE EFFE(T OF THE UNFAIR LABOR PRA(C('CES UPON ('OMMER('F The activities of Respondent set forth in section 111, above, occurring in connection with the operations of Re- spondent described in section I. above, have a close, inti- mate, and substantial relationship to trade, traffic, and com- merce among the several States and tend to lead to labor disputes burdening and obstructing commerce and the free flow thereof. V. THE REMFDY Having found that Respondent has engaged in unfair la- bor practices warranting a remedial order. I shall recom- 250 DADE TIRE COMPANY mend that it cease and desist therefrom and take certain affirmative action to effectuate the policies of the Act. It having been found that Respondent interfered with. restrained, and coerced its employees in the exercise of their Section 7 protected rights by coercively interrogating them about their union interests, activities, and desires; by creat- ing the impression of surveilling the employees' union ac- tivities in violation of Section 8(a)(l) of the Act: and by discriminatorily discharging employee Clinton Shingles and thereafter failing and refusing to reinstate him to his em- ployment because he was engaged in union activities in vio- lation of Section 8(a)(3) of the Act. the recommended order will provide that Respondent offer Clinton Shingles imme- diate reinstatement to his job and make him whole for any' loss of earnings within the meaning and in accord with the Board's decision in F. W. Woolworth Company, 90 NLRB 289 (1950), and Florida Steel Corporation, 231 NLRB 651 (1977),2 except as specifically modified by the wording of such recommended Order. Because of the character of the unfair labor practices herein found, the recommend order will provided that Re- spondent cease and desist from or in any other manner interfering with, restraining, or coercing employees in the exercise of their rights guaranteed by Section 7 of the Act. See N.L.R.B. v. Entwistle Manufacturing Company, 120 F.2d 532. 536 (4th Cir. 1941). See, generally, Isis Plumbing & Heating Co, 138 NLRB 716 (1962) Upon the basis of the above findings of fact and upon the entire record in this case. I make the following: CON( IUSIONS O)F LAVw 1. Dade Tire Company, Respondent. is an employer en- gaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 2. Freight Drivers, Warehousemen & Helpers Local Union No. 390, affiliated with the International Brother- hoo(d of Teamsters, Chauffeurs. Warehousemen & Helpers of America, is and has been at all times material herein a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. 3. By coercively interrogating employees Clinton Shin- gles. Willie Batten, and other employees about their union activities and by creating the impression that Respondent was surveilling their union activities Respondent violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. except to the extent that such rights may be affected by lawful agreements in accord with Section 8(a)(3) of the Act. 4. By discriminating in regard to the tenure of employ- ment of Clinton Shingles in an effort to discourage member- ship in the Union, a labor organization. Respondent has engaged in unfair labor practices condemned by Section 8(a)(3) and (1) of the Act. 5. The aforesaid unfair labor practices affect commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. [Recommended Order omitted from publication.s 251 Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation