Culinary Workers Union, Local 226Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsAug 29, 1986281 N.L.R.B. 284 (N.L.R.B. 1986) Copy Citation 284 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Culinary Workers Union, Local 226, affiliated with the Hotel Employees and Restaurant Employees and Bartenders International Association, AFL- CIO (Desert Palace, Inc. d/b/a Caesars Palace, et al.) and Nevada Resort Association. Case 31- CB-5993 29 August 1986 DECISION AND ORDER BY CHAIRMAN DOTSON AND MEMBERS JOHANSEN AND BABSON On 6 February 1986 Administrative Law Judge Burton Litvack issued the attached decision. The Respondent filed exceptions and a supporting brief. The National Labor Relations Board has delegat- ed its authority in this proceeding to a three- member panel. The Board has considered the decision and the record in light of the exceptions and brief and has decided to affirm the judge's rulings, findings, and conclusions and to adopt the recommended Order. ORDER The National Labor Relations Board adopts the recommended Order of the administrative law judge and orders that the Respondent , Culinary Workers Union, Local 226, affiliated with the Hotel Employees and Restaurant Employees and Bartenders International Association, AFL-CIO, Las Vegas , Nevada, its officers , agents, and repre- sentatives , shall take the action set forth in the Order. Donald P. Cole, Esq., for the General Counsel. Philip P. Bowe, Esq. (Davis, Cowell & Bowe), of San Fran- cisco, California, for the Respondent. Gregory J. Kamer, of Las Vegas, Nevada, for the Charg- ing Party. DECISION STATEMENT OF THE CASE BURTON LITVACK, Administrative Law Judge. On De- cember 13, 1984, and June 18, 1985, respectively, the Nevada Resort Association (the NRA) filed an original and a first amended unfair labor practice charge in the above-captioned matter. Based on the charge, the Re- gional Director for Region 31 of the National Labor Re- lations Board (the Board) issued a complaint on June 28, 1985, alleging that Culinary Workers Union, Local 226, affiliated with the Hotel Employees and Restaurant Em- ployees and Bartenders International Association, AFL- CIO (the Respondent) engaged in conduct violative of Section 8(b)(3) of the National Labor Relations Act (the Act). The Respondent timely filed an answer, denying the commission of any unfair labor practices. Pursuant to a notice of hearing, the above-captioned matter was tried before me on October 3, 1985, in Las Vegas, Nevada. During the trial, all parties were afforded the opportuni- ty to examine and cross-examine witnesses, to offer into the record all relevant evidence, to argue their legal po- sitions orally, and to file posthearing briefs. All parties filed such briefs, and these were carefully considered by me. Accordingly, based on the entire record, including the posthearing briefs and my observation of the de- meanor of the witnesses,' I make the following FINDINGS OF FACT I. JURISDICTION The NRA is an employer association which admits to its membership firms engaged in the operation of resort hotels in Las Vegas, Nevada, and which exists, in part, for the purpose of negotiating and administering collec- tive-bargaining agreements on behalf of its member-em- ployers with the collective-bargaining representatives, in- cluding the Respondent, of their various employees. Among the NRA's member-employers are the following resort hotels: Desert Palace, Inc., d/b/a Caesars Palace; Hilton Nevada Corporation, d/b/a Flamingo Hilton; Riverboat Casino, Inc., d/b/a Holiday Casino; MGM Grand Hotel; Hughes Properties, Inc., d/b/a Sands Hotel & Casino Division; Hotel Ramada of Nevada, d/b/a Tropicana Hotel and Casino; Summa Corporation, d/b/a Desert Inn Country Club & Spa Division; Summa Corporation, d/b/a Frontier Hotel & Casino Division; Summa Corporation, d/b/a Castaways Hotel & Casino Division; Summa Corporation, d/b/a Silver Slipper Casino Division; and Hilton Hotels Corporation d/b/a Las Vegas Hilton. At all times material, the above- named hotel/casinos, and each of them, have been cor- porations existing by virtue of the laws of the State of Nevada, with offices and places of business for each lo- cated in Las Vegas, Nevada, where each is engaged in the business of operating a hotel and casino. In connec- tion with their above-described business activities, the above-named member-employers of the NRA each annu- ally derives gross revenues in excess of $500,000 and pur- chases and receives goods or services valued in excess of $5000 directly from suppliers located outside the State of Nevada. The Respondent admits that each of the above- named member-employers of the NRA is now, and has been at all times material, an employer engaged in com- merce and in a business affecting commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. II. LABOR ORGANIZATION The Respondent is now, and has been at all times ma- terial, a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. i There were just two witnesses who testified during the hearing- Vincent Helm, the executive director of the NRA, and Dents Michaels, the assistant secretary-treasurer for the Respondent and the official re- sponsible for supervising its other business agents and for processing grievances through arbitration. Their testimonies were not conflicting and, indeed , there does not appear to be any dispute regarding the record evidence Accordingly, my factual findings are based on what I believe to be the uncontroverted record evidence 281 NLRB No. 43 HOTEL & RESTAURANT EMPLOYEES LOCAL 226 (CAESARS PALACE) 285 III. THE ISSUE The complaint alleges that the Respondent engaged in conduct violative of Section 8(b)(3) of the Act by failing and refusing to furnish to the NRA , acting as the repre- sentative for purposes of collective bargaining of each of its above-named member-employers and others, "copies of all arbitration decisions and awards to which Re- spondent has been a party , involving facilities located in Clark County , Nevada." Contrary to the Respondent, the complaint alleges that the arbitration decisions are relevant and necessary to enable the NRA to administer collective-bargaining agreements between its member- employers and the Respondent. IV. THE ALLEGED UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES A. The Facts 1. The appropriate units The Nevada Resort Association is the representative for purposes of collective bargaining of resort hotel/casinos in Clark County, Nevada , the county es- sentially encompassing the city of Las Vegas . On behalf of its member-employers,2 the NRA engages in bargain- ing with nine separate labor organizations , including the Respondent, which represent various bargaining units" of the hotel/casinos' employees . The record establishes that historically the NRA negotiates two separate, but sub- stantially identical,4 collective-bargaining agreements with these labor organizations. One, which the NRA ne- gotiates on behalf of its member hotel/casinos located in the downtown Las Vegas area, is termed the "downtown contract," and the other , which the NRA negotiates on behalf of those member -employers located on or in the vicinity of the so-called Las Vegas strip, is termed the "strip agreement ."s The record further establishes that, at least for the time period 1973 through 1984 , all the NRA labor contracts were multiemployer type agree- ments, with the bargaining units in all of the various labor organizations ' contracts during this period compris- ing various employees of all the downtown or strip NRA member hotel/casinos. The 1980 through 1984 strip agreement between the NRA, on behalf of 14 member hotel/casinos, and the Re- spondent expired , by its terms, on April 1, 1984. The record reveals that, prior to January 16, 1984, 11 of the signatory strip hotels (Caesars Palace, Castaways Hotel/Casino, Desert Inn & Country Club, Flamingo Hotel & Tower, Las Vegas Hilton , Holiday Casino, MGM Grand Hotel, Sands Hotel & Casino , Silver Slip- per, Tropicana, and Frontier Hotel) had delivered sepa- rate but identically worded letters to the Respondent. The letters informed the Respondent of the signatory hotel/casino 's intent to reopen the above agreement for the purpose of negotiating modifications and changes, of the signatory hotel/casino's "intent to negotiate on an in- dividual basis and not to be party to multi-employer or association bargaining in any sense of the word," that the signatory hotel/casino "has authorized the [NRA] .. . to negotiate on its behalf on an individual employer .. . basis," and that the signatory hotel/casino was willing to engage in negotiations jointly with other strip hotel/casinos . As a result of the foregoing written with- drawals from multiemployer bargaining " and of authori- zations from the above 11 hotel/casinos to the NRA to act as their representative for purposes of collective bar- gaining "on a single employer basis," commencing on January 16, 1984, the NRA and the Respondent engaged in bargaining on a successor strip agreement . The results of the negotiations were separate but substantially identi- cal agreements between Respondent and the 11 strip hotel/casinos, with each agreement essentially effective from either May or June 1984 through June 1, 1989. The record further reveals that the downtown NRA member hotel/casinos, which had previously bargained on a mul- tiemployer basis, negotiated in 1984 with the Respondent in the same manner as did the strip hotel/casino NRA members, that separate collective-bargaining agreements were reached with each, that these agreements were sub- stantially identical to those agreements between the Re- spondent and the strip hotel/casinos, and that whatever agreements were reached between the Respondent and the so-called independents in 1984 were , as in the past, substantially identical to the contracts between the Re- spondent and the NRA member downtown and strip hotel/casinos. 2 There are currently 28 Las Vegas area hotel/casinos which are mem- bers of the NRA. a The unit of employees represented by the Respondent includes em- ployees in kitchen , dining room , casino, bell desk, and housekeeping clas- sifications. 4 The differences exist in the wage provisions and in some minor lan- guage provisions. s Besides the NRA member hotel/casinos, there are other Las Vegas area hotel/casinos which have collective-bargaining relationships with some, if not all, of the nine hotel/casino employee labor organizations, including the Respondent . These facilities are known as "independents." According to the NRA executive director , Vincent Helm, during ongo- ing contract negotiations between the NRA and the labor organizations, the independents usually execute "me-too" contracts, binding themselves to whatever agreement is reached by the NRA. As a result, the inde- pendents ' collective-bargaining agreements are "virtually word for word" identical to those between the NRA and the various hotel/casino labor organizations . Helm estimated that approximately 40 percent of the Las Vegas area hotel/casinos are independents, and the parties stipulated that, between 1973 and 1984 , the Respondent had a series of contracts with 10 such independents , with the agreements substantially identical to either the existing downtown or strip NRA contracts. 2. The contractual arbitration procedure and the request for copies of all the Respondent's Clark County arbitration decisions Analysis of the multiemployer strip agreements be- tween the NRA and the Respondent for the time period 1973 through 1984 and of the 11 strip NRA member hotel/casinos-Respondent contracts, effective from 1984 through 1989, discloses that the mechanics of the griev- ance-arbitration procedure (art. 22) have remained sub- stantially unchanged. Essentially, grievances may be sub- mitted by either contracting party to the other ; if unre- s The parties stipulated that the Respondent received each letter prior to January 16. Also, on January 13, Vincent Helm, the executive director of the NRA , wrote to the Respondent , stating that the 11 hotel/casmos had withdrawn from multiemployer bargaining and would bargain on in- dividual bases. 286 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD solved, the grievances are heard by a board of adjust- ment; and, if not settled at that forum , grievances may be referred to arbitration. The particular arbitrator, who will hear the grievance is chosen by lot from a panel of named arbitrators . Over the time period 1973 to the present, the size of the panel of arbitrators has varied from 7 to 15 and has included no less than 23 different individuals . The record discloses that the various con- tracts between the Respondent and the so -called inde- pendents also have had-and currently have-arbitration provisions . Also, while "on occasion" arbitrators who are not members of the NRA-Respondent arbitration panel are utilized to hear and decide unresolved griev- ances, "in the vast majority of cases" panel arbitrators were-and are-chosen. The record further discloses that, although arbitrators' decisions are regularly published by two competing re- porting services, "the overwhelming majority" of such involving either NRA member hotel/casinos or the inde- pendents and the Respondent are not published and that of the total only "one out of ten" involves an arbitration between Respondent and an independent . Notwithstand- ing what appears to be a paucity of the latter type deci- sions, the Respondent , since 1977, "has routinely at- tached unreported awards of non-Association Las Vegas hotels to briefs submitted in [arbitration cases ] where the hotel was represented by the NRA." The Respondent has done so aware that such will be accorded significant weight in like cases .' Indeed , a panel arbitrator, John Phillip Linn , wrote in a 1980 decision: All parties bound to the contract language should make themselves knowledgeable concerning prior arbitral awards because they may expect to be bound thereby under the doctrine of stare decisis. Lack of knowledge of the earlier decisions will not constitute a basis for relieving a hotel of its contrac- tual obligations, and the fact that the particular hotel was not a party to the earlier decision is not likely to diminish the significance of that decision as precedent. Although the record reveals that the NRA had in its files many of the unreported arbitration decisions involv- ing the Respondent and either NRA member -employers or independents, Vincent Helm, the executive director, believed that the Respondent possessed others about which the NRA was unaware . 8 In this regard , while ad- 4 The parties stipulated to the accuracy of the Respondent 's counsel's assertion to a panel arbitrator in 1983 that "panel arbitrators have always relied upon [prior similar] awards." a Apparently , these would have involved arbitrations between the Re- spondent and the independents However, Helm would not rule out the existence of NRA member -employer arbitration decisions about which he was unaware "there conceivably could be decisions involving properties who at one time were a member of the NRA and who during that period of time of membership . . utilized outside counsel." Asked which of the 10 non-NRA hotel/casinos with which the Re- spondent has bargaining relationships are involved in most of the arbitra- tions , the Respondent 's witness, Denis Michaels, speculated that the Rivera and the Aladdin hotel/casinos were involved in 90 percent of them. mitting that he literally could not for certain know, Helm testified that , in the "overwhelming majority" of arbitration cases in which he has represented the NRA, counsel for the Respondent has produced or cited to a similar Clark County arbitration case involving the Re- spondent about which the NRA had no record and was unaware9 and that such "was a recurring situation." Ac- cordingly, on September 20, 1984 , the NRA , through Helm, acting as the bargaining agent for its member hotel/casinos, mailed the following letter to the secre- tary-treasurer of the Respondent: The NRA has for some time been concerned about arbitration briefs filed on behalf of various unions which contain references to unpublished ar- bitration decisions and awards in arbitration cases involving the local union and a facility which is not in the NRA, or which was not in the NRA at the time the award was rendered . In most instances, the NRA first became aware of the existence of such cases upon receipt of the Union's brief. Enclosed with this letter is a listing of all the arbitration deci- sions involving your Union that the NRA has in its possession . In order to properly provide contract in- terpretation services to member establishments; evaluate the merits of pending grievances; and to adequately participate in the arbitration process; we are hereby requesting copies of all arbitration deci- sions and awards to which your Union was a party, involving facilities located in Clark County, Nevada, which do not appear on the enclosed list- ing of cases. This information request is to be construed as a continuing request for the information sought. Thus, after the submission of the prior decisions you are requested to continue to submit arbitration decisions and awards involving your Union and facilities which are not members of the NRA as such deci- sions and awards are issued . Furthermore, in the event your arbitration representative regularly ref- erences unpublished decisions involving other local unions of your International , outside of Clark County, we are hereby requesting copies of all such decisions and awards , and request that this too be understood to be a continuing inquiry. We are cognizant of your right under the NLRA, as amended , to be reimbursed for all reasonable costs associated with compliance with this request; therefore , you should advise us of the costs before complying with the request should you anticipate the need to charge such costs to the Association. Should you anticipate any problems in complying with this inquiry , contact the undersigned immedi- ately . Otherwise, compliance is anticipated within twenty days of your receipt of this letter. Thank you in advance for your full cooperation in this matter. 9 Helm stated that the NRA processes 12 to 15 arbitration cases each year and that he has been involved in representing the association since 1981 HOTEL & RESTAURANT EMPLOYEES LOCAL 226 (CAESARS PALACE) Through subsequent correspondence with the secretary- treasurer and the Respondent 's attorney, there is no question that the Respondent not only received the above-described request for information but also has chosen not to honor it. Helm specified four reasons why the requested arbitra- tion decisions were-and remain-relevant and necessary to the NRA for it to act on behalf of the NRA member- employers : contract administration , the arbitration proc- ess, contract negotiations, and evaluating and selecting arbitrators . Initially, as to contract administration, the NRA executive director explained that his office is con- stantly advising the member hotel/casinos regarding in- terpretation of the collective-bargaining agreements with the Respondent, particularly in the matter of discipline, and that "one of the tools that we utilize is reference to past arbitration awards ." According to Helm, contract interpretation questions arise both prior to and subse- quent to the filing of grievances , and contract language is often not precise . With regard to arbitration, he ex- plained that past arbitration decisions are useful in decid- ing, in the first instance , whether a matter should , at all, be taken to arbitration . Once into the arbitral process, prior decisions act as precedent, with arbitrators giving "most weight" to prior awards involving this contract and the Respondent . Concerning contract negotiations, Helm explained that prior arbitration decisions and awards may "show an interpretation that is contrary to what we thought we had intended in the negotiating process, we'll make a specific contract proposal relative to that ." He added that being unaware of all possible in- terpretations of contractual language will lead to future problems. Finally, possessing prior decisions is an aid in the selection of arbitrators from the specified panel. Such give the parties "a feel for [an arbitrator 's] philosophical views." In addition to explaining the need for all arbitration awards involving the Respondent 's collective-bargaining agreements , Helm testified at length regarding the un- availability of other sources for the information . Initially, with regard to soliciting past decisions from the arbitra- tors themselves , he stated that " [W]ithout the consent of both parties they will not publish an award or issue it to [a] third party." Further , if any panel arbitrators were deceased or retired , the NRA would have no access to their past decisions . 10 With regard to obtaining past de- cisions from NRA member hotel/casinos, Helm stated that, inasmuch as several have had changes of ownership over the years with concomitant changes in top level management , "the new management has very little when they walk in to look at . . . past records in the labor re- lations area."" Finally, as to obtaining the information from the independents, Helm testified to a degree of co- operation with some, but "we have certain non-member hotels that have [a] definitely antagonistic relationship with the NRA and there's no cooperation." Further, in the former circumstance , there exists no "in blanket" 10 During cross-examination , Helm could not specify an arbitrator who had died or had retired. 11 Regarding arbitration decisions involving NRA member-employers, Helm apparently limited those to which the NRA had difficulty of access to cases for which the member -employers utilized outside counsel. 287 transfer of information . What cooperation does exist may be found in particular circumstances. The only record evidence regarding the Respondent's reasons for not assenting to the NRA's request for past arbitration decisions came from Denis Michaels, the as- sistant secretary-treasurer and the official responsible for processing cases through arbitration . His testimony mainly concerned a burden that would be imposed on the Respondent were it required to produce the request- ed arbitration decisions and the asserted unavailability of the documents. Initially, as to the existence of or location of arbitration decisions prior to 1977, Michaels had "no personal knowledge ." With regard to the location of such documents for the time period 1977 to 1981, Mi- chaels stated that all documents for that era "are in boxes" and "are basically not in any order." He further characterized the recordkeeping for that period as "a mess." Concerning arbitration decisions and awards sub- sequent to 1981, Michaels testified that, rather than by hotel, these are kept in the Respondent's files "individ- ually by alphabetical order" 12 and that one is able to locate an award only if he knows the name of the indi- vidual involved. While offering the foregoing justifica- tion for refusing to honor the NRA's request for arbitra- tion decisions, Michaels admitted never so advising the NRA nor did he deny or refute Helm 's assertion that the Respondent did, indeed, possess unreported arbitration decisions involving it and Las Vegas area hotel/casinos, both NRA member-employers and independents. B. Analysis Initially, the complaint alleges that since at least April 1, 1984, the Respondent has been the representative for purposes of collective bargaining of a separate appropri- ate unit of employees of each of the following named member-employers of the NRA: Caesars Palace, Cast- aways Hotel/Casino, Desert Inn & Country Club, Fla- mingo Hotel & Tower, Las Vegas Hilton, Holiday Casino, MGM Grand Hotel, Sands Hotel & Casino, Silver Slipper, Tropicana, and Frontier Hotel. The record establishes that, prior to 1984, these so-called strip hotel/casinos, represented by the NRA, negotiated with the Respondent on a multiemployer basis, with the Re- spondent acting as the bargaining representative of an overall unit of employees (including individuals in cer- tain kitchen, dining room, casino , bell desk, and house- keeping classifications) employed by the foregoing NRA member-employers. It is well settled that in order to ef- fectively withdraw from multiemployer bargaining, an employer must give the employer association and the labor organization written notice prior to the commence- ment of the multiemployer bargaining expressing its sin- cere intent to withdraw from the multiemployer unit and to pursue negotiations on an individual basis . Groton Piping Corp., 246 NLRB 99, 101 (1979); Acme Wire 12 During my questioning , Michaels added that arbitration decisions and awards are found in the Respondent 's grievance files, which are ar- ranged in alphabetical order . Further, to locate an arbitration decision, one would have to go through each and every grievance file unless the name of a particular grievant whose matter was processed through arbi- tration is known . Michaels termed the files "quite extensive." 288 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Works, 229 NLRB 333, 335 (1977); Retail Associates, 120 NLRB 388, 395 (1958). Here , there can be no question that the above-named strip hotel/casinos effectively withdrew from multiemployer bargaining and that, as a result of the subsequent bargaining , separate agreements, establishing individual employer bargaining units, be- tween the Respondent and each of the named NRA member-employers were reached . Thus , prior to the onset of negotiations between the NRA, acting as the bargaining representative of each of the hotel /casinos, and the Respondent on January 16, 1984, each of the 11 named facilities wrote to the Respondent , expressing an unequivocal intent "to negotiate on an individual basis and not to be party to multiemployer or association bar- gaining." Also, on being authorized to do so , prior to the start of bargaining, Vincent Helm wrote to the Respond- ent, informing the latter that the NRA would be repre- senting the above member -employers on an individual basis and that they would not engage in multi-employer bargaining . In these circumstances and as counsel for the Respondent , in his posthearing brief, conceded that "they bargain on an individual employer basis," I find that each of the named strip hotel/casinos bargained sep- arately with the Respondent in 1984 and that the result- ant collective -bargaining agreements , effective until June 1, 1989 , set forth separate appropriate units of employees for each facility . Groton Piping Corp ., supra ; Acme Wire Works , supra ; Retail Associates, supra. The crux of the matter here is, of course, the NRA's September 20, 1984 request for "copies of all arbitration decisions and awards to which [the Respondent] was a party, involving facilities located in Clark County, Nevada," and the complaint allegation that the Respond- ent engaged in conduct violative of Section 8(b)(3) of the Act by failing and refusing to provide the information to the NRA . At the outset , I note that the applicable legal principles are well established and not in dispute. Thus, an employer is obligated to provide such information to a labor organization as may be relevant and necessary for the latter to fulfill its obligations as the representative of that employer 's employees for purposes of collective bargaining . NLRB v. Acme Industrial Co., 385 U.S. 432 (1967); Southern Nevada Builders Assn ., 274 NLRB 350 (1985); Bohemia, Inc., 272 NLRB 1128 (1984); Westing- house Electric Corp., 239 NLRB 106 (1978 ). And, "a [labor organization 's] duty to furnish information rele- vant to the bargaining process is parallel to that of an employer ." Printing & Graphic Communications Local 13 (Oakland Press), 233 NLRB 994, 996 ( 1977). In analyzing whether requested information is relevant , a "liberal, dis- covery-type standard" is utilized by the Board, one which requires only the "probability that the desired in- formation [is] relevant, and that it would be of use to the [requesting party] in carrying out its statutory duties and responsibilities." Acme Industrial Co., supra at 437; Bohe- mia, Inc., supra at 1129 . The standard of relevancy ap- plies to all requests for information ; however, "where the requested information concerns wage rates, job de- scriptions, and other information pertaining to employees within the bargaining unit , this information is presump- tively relevant ." Pfizer, Inc., 268 NLRB 916, 918 ( 1984); Ohio Power Co., 216 NLRB 987 (1975). On the other hand, when the request is for information outside the bargaining unit, the requesting party must "demonstrate the reasonable and probable relevance of the requested information ." Southern Nevada Builders Assn ., supra at 351; Pfizer, Inc., supra. In the latter circumstance, citing and quoting from San Diego Newspaper Guild v. NLRB, 548 F.2d 863, 867-368 (9th Cir. 1977), the Board requires that " [t]o satisfy its burden , a [requesting party] `must offer more than mere "suspicion or surmise " for it to be entitled to the information .' The 'showing . . . must be more than a mere concoction of some general theory which explains how the information would be useful. . . .' Otherwise, the [requesting party] would have 'unlimited access to any and all data which the [other party] had."' Southern Nevada Builders Assn., supra. Clearly, the NRA, acting on behalf of its member-em- ployers, in seeking copies of all past and future Clark County arbitration decisions to which it was a party from the Respondent, was seeking information outside the scope of the post-1984 individual strip employer bar- gaining units and the pre-1984 multiemployer strip bar- gaining unit. The NRA sought to establish the relevancy of its request by relying on the testimony of Executive Director Vincent Helm, who expressed four reasons un- derlying or justifying the NLRA's request. Without de- ciding the sufficiency of the three remaining relevancy claims,' 3 I found most compelling Helm's contention that the arbitration decisions are relevant and necessary for the processing of arbitration cases on behalf of each of the 11 named strip hotel/casinos . Initially , it is noted that both the Supreme Court and the Board have held that information which aids the arbitral process is rele- vant and should be provided. Acme Industrial Co., supra; Pfizer, Inc., supra; Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Co., 259 NLRB 225, 227 (1981). Indeed, there can be no ques- tion of the relevancy of the materials sought here, given the pattern of collective bargaining in the Las Vegas, Nevada area, the Respondent's conduct since 1977, and the attitude of the arbitrators who regularly decide Las Vegas area arbitration cases. With regard to the pattern of bargaining in the Las Vegas area, the record estab- lishes that the Respondent's collective-bargaining agree- ments with both downtown and strip NRA member hotel/casinos and with downtown and strip independents are substantially identical in content and that, in effect, the Respondent's member-employers, no matter where employed in the Las Vegas area, are subject to virtually identical terms and conditions of employment. Further- more , since 1977, in apparent recognition of this fact, the Respondent has routinely attached arbitration decisions, involving itself and independent facilities, to briefs which are submitted in arbitration cases where the hotel/casino is represented by the NRA and which involve similar 13 Regarding Helm's assertion that the arbitration decisions are rele- vant and necessary for the evaluation of contract proposals during collec- tive bargaining , I note that the NRA 's request came subsequent to the conclusion of bargaining over the 1984 to 1989 contracts between the NRA-represented hotel /casinos and the Respondent . If Helm's assertion has merit, why was not such a request made prior to the commencement of bargaining on January 16, 19849 Bohemia, Inc., supra at 1129 HOTEL & RESTAURANT EMPLOYEES LOCAL 226 (CAESARS PALACE) fact situations or the same contract language . The Re- spondent has acted in this manner aware that the at- tached prior decisions have been accorded precedential weight by the arbitrators . Finally , in accord with this ap- parent propensity of all panel arbitrators are the words of one panel arbitrator who ruled that "All parties bound to the contract language should make themselves knowl- edgeable concerning prior arbitral awards because they may expect to be bound . . . under the doctrine of stare decisis." Viewed in this context, the Respondent's areawide ar- bitration decisions do appear to be relevant to the proc- essing of NRA member-employer arbitrations involving the Respondent, and Helm 's testimony is, therefore, sig- nificantly more than a mere concoction of general theory . Thus, the Respondent 's arbitration decisions clearly act as precedent in cases involving similar factual or contractual issues . Analysis of them will enable NRA member-employers to decide , in the first instance, the merits of their positions and whether to proceed to arbi- tration at all. The following words of the Supreme Court are particularly pertinent on this point: Arbitration can function properly only if the griev- ance procedures leading to it can sift out unmeritor- ious claims . For if all claims originally initiated as grievances had to be processed through to arbitra- tion, the system would be woefully overburdened. Yet, that is precisely what the respondent 's restric- tive view would require . It would force [the taking of] a grievance . . . to arbitration without providing the opportunity to evaluate the merits of the claim. The expense of arbitration might be placed upon the [NRA member-employer] only for it to learn that [its position] had been relegated to the junk heap. Nothing in Federal labor law requires such a result. Acme Industrial Co., supra at 438-439 . In addition, as Helm testified , once into the arbitral process, prior Clark County arbitration decisions which involve the Respond- ent and similar fact situations or contractual language are relied on by both the parties and the arbitrators as case precedent . Accordingly , it is my conclusion that, at least in the circumstances of this case, the relevancy of the Respondent 's arbitration decisions involving Las Vegas area hotel/casinos vis-a-vis the processing of arbitration cases on behalf of the named NRA member -employers by the Association has been established by the NRA and by the General Counsel. The Respondent 's counsel, in his posthearing brief, raised several defenses to such a fording . Initially, he argues that, in reality , there may be just a small number of its Clark County arbitration decisions about which the NRA is unaware and that, citing American Standard, 203 NLRB 1132 (1973), the Board has held that a bad-faith bargaining charge for refusal to provide information cannot rest on "de minimis violations." While it may be that there are few such arbitration decisions about which the NRA is unaware, Denis Michaels did not deny the existence of such documents, and I have found their rel- evance to the arbitral process involving the Respondent and the NRA member-employers . Contrary to counsel, 289 American Standard, supra, does not stand for the cited proposition but rather the Board there found requested documents to be relevant but of "such picayune signifi- cance that there is no basis . . . for concluding that fail- ure to supply it would impede the union in its proper functioning." Id. at 1133 . Here, of course, the requested information is of consequential value to the processing of arbitration cases by the NRA member-employers. Next, counsel argues that any decisions not provided have not been shown to be any more accessible to the Respondent than to the NRA . This assertion strikes me as odd inas- much as Michaels' testimony conceded the fact that the requested information, although difficult to locate, was in the possession of the Respondent . Thus, the cited deci- sions (Plasterers Local 346 (Brawner Plastering), 273 NLRB 1143 (1984) and Food & Commercial Workers Local 1439 (Layman's Market), 268 NLRB 780 (1984)) are distinguishable as each involves requested documents in the possession of a trust fund . It is also noted that, in Brawner Plastering, supra, the respondent labor organiza- tion was required to submit the information which it ad- mittedly possessed . Id. at 1144. Further, the NRA's Helm testified, without contradiction , regarding the diffi- culty in obtaining arbitration decisions from the inde- pendent hotel/casinos and even from NRA member-em- ployers, given their frequency of turnover and conse- quent gaps in the retention of records. Moreover, Sec- tion 8(b)(3) of the Act imposes on a labor organization a duty, parallel to that of an employer, to furnish informa- tion relevant to an employer's intelligent performance of its bargaining obligation, and the fact that the employer may have been able to obtain the information elsewhere does not, absent special circumstances, diminish the obli- gation to furnish such information . Brawner Plastering, supra at 1145 fn. 8; Autoprod, Inc., 223 NLRB 773 at fn. 2 (1976). Another defense raised by the Respondent's counsel is the assertion that, given its request for infor- mation concerning matters outside the NRA member-em- ployers' bargaining units, the NRA failed to meet its burden of establishing the relevancy of the request. Con- trary to counsel, the relevancy of the requested Clark County arbitration decisions involving the Respondent to the processing of arbitration cases by the NRA on behalf of the named NRA-member strip hotel/casinos has been established by the NRA. Nevertheless, citing particularly to Southern Nevada Builders Assn ., supra, and to Bohe- mia, Inc., supra, counsel asserts that the relevancy of the requested arbitration decisions was not conclusively dem- onstrated . Contrary to counsel , in both cited decisions the Board concluded that the relevancy of the requested information either was based on nothing more than suspi- cion or surmise (Southern Nevada Builders Assn.), or was lacking any objective basis in fact and, instead, was based on a suspicion of unfair labor practice conduct (Bohemia, Inc.). As previously stated, the relevancy of the requested information here is found in the Respond- ent's practice of affixing past arbitration decisions to other arbitration briefs, in the fact that the attached deci- sions have been accorded significant weight , and in, at least, one arbitrator's declaration that prior decisions are 290 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD to be accorded a binding, stare decisis effect in similar cases.14 Counsel next turns to the matter of arbitration and argues that "a party is not entitled to everything in the other's files that may be helpful." Indeed, the Board, in Machinists Local 78 (Square D Ca), 224 NLRB 111, 112 (1976), ruled that there exists no "statutory obligation on an employer or a union to examine, upon request, all evi- dence in its possession relating to a particular grievance and to turn over for the inspection of the other party the evidence deemed 'relevant' to the grievance." Here, however, we are not concerned with evidence; rather, given the collective-bargaining pattern in the Las Vegas area and the weight attached to prior arbitration deci- sions in similar matters by both the Respondent and the contract panel arbitrators, what is involved is more fun- damental and concerns the arbitral process itself. Arbitra- tion decisions in the Las Vegas area become, in effect, the "law of the shop," governing at all Respondent-rep- resented facilities. North American Soccer League, 245 NLRB 1301 (1979). And, if, as it appears, all NRA-Re- spondent panel arbitrators apply the doctrine of stare de- cisis, binding the arbitral parties to similar arbitration re- sults, the required transfer of arbitration decisions is clearly desirable. Acme Industrial Co., supra. Other cases cited by the Respondent's counsel are distinguishable. Thus, Anheuser-Busch, Inc., 237 NLRB 982 (1978), con- cerned a request for the written statements of witnesses during an arbitration proceeding. Although relevant, the Board refused to order the documents furnished to the opposing party based on the Supreme Court's decision in NLRB v. Robbins Tire & Rubber Co., 437 U.S. 214 (1978). No such countervailing consideration exists here. Also, while in Columbus Products Co., 259 NLRB 220 (1981), the union had not established the necessity for obtaining the names of witnesses when the employer agreed not to utilize the individuals as witnesses at arbi- tration and had been given the substance of their state- ments, the NRA has proven the need for obtaining the 14 In connection with this defense , counsel argues that the NRA's re- quest was not specific as to time and that there has been considerable change in the language from contract to contract over the years . Accord- ingly , he asserts that some older arbitration decisions will be wholly irrel- evant to the terms and conditions of employment established in the 1984 to 1989 contracts and that , therefore, the entire request cannot be given effect as it "was plainly vague and overbroad ." As support, counsel cites the two Board decisions-Minnesota Mining & Mfg. Co., 261 NLRB 27 (1982), and Bauer Welding, 256 NLRB 39 (1981 ). According to him, the Board in the latter decision held that there was no duty to comply with a vague request for "other 'relevant' information ." I have closely scruti- nized that decision and can find no such holding . The request was for information "'relative' and 'vitalto the matter of wages and rates of pay, and the Board ordered that such be furnished by the respondent. Bauer Welding, supra at 40, fn . 4, and 41. With regard to Minnesota Mining & Mfg., supra, the Board refused to enforce a request for an em- ployer's entire affirmative action plan when "certain portions" did not appear to be "reasonably necessary" for the union to administer its bar- gaining agreement . Id. at 28 . Here, as the Respondent has not even indi- cated the types of arbitration decision it possesses , the relevancy of any particular one cannot , as yet, be determined. It is sufficient that the NRA has demonstrated the overall relevancy of the arbitration decisions, given the Respondent's propensity for attaching unpublished decisions to arbi- tration briefs and the admitted weight given them by arbitrators. The Re- spondent's bare claim, without more , that some may pertain to long-since discarded contract language is insufficient to cause me not to give effect to the NRA's request. requested information in this case . Counsel next proph- esies two threats to the integrity of the arbitral process by requiring the Respondent to give the NRA all its ar- bitration decisions . First, he argues , such a result will reward the less diligent party's failure to do the required research and punish the better -prepared party. However, such presupposes equal access to prior arbitration deci- sions, and nothing in the record controverts Executive Director Helm's contention that the NRA does not have access to many of Respondent 's Las Vegas area arbitra- tion decisions . The second asserted threat concerns the fact that the arbitrators themselves should be allowed to regulate the extent of prehearing discovery . However, I believe that the Respondent has too narrowly framed the issue . Thus, the instant matter does not concern merely whether arbitrators should consider past decisions which are unknown to the other party ; rather, the crux of the matter involves access. Would it better serve the arbitral process, especially in the circumstances here involved when prior arbitration decisions are accorded a stare de- cisis effect, to have equal access to prior arbitration deci- sions? As recognized by the Supreme Court, "far from intruding upon the preserve of the arbitrator , [such a result is] in aid of the arbitral process ." Acme Industrial Co., supra at 438. As a final defense , the Respondent 's counsel asserts the confidentiality of the prior arbitration decisions , particu- larly "the privacy interests of the grievants involved." In this regard , he contends that only the employee , his em- ployer , and the Respondent are privy to the "sensitive" facts of each grievance and that providing these to the NRA could only serve the purpose of alerting NRA member-employers to potentially damaging information of the type which could cause embarrassment or possibly prevent hiring . At the outset , it might be facetiously pointed out that whatever confidentially attaches to an arbitration decision is regularly breached by the Re- spondent whenever citation to one is necessary to enable it to prevail in another arbitration . Moreover, while a confidentiality defense is raised in the posthearing brief, there is no record evidence that such a concern played any role in the Respondent 's refusal to turn over the re- quested arbitration decisions to the NRA; indeed, Assist- ant Secretary-Treasurer Michaels testified at length re- garding the unavailability of the documents and never mentioned their asserted confidentiality . Further, counsel relies on the Supreme Court's decision in NLRB v. De- troit Edison Co., 440 U. S. 301 (1979), as the basis for this defense . However, as pointed out by the Board, "this case is fundamentally different from Detroit Edison Co., supra, for [there] the employer had administered .. . tests 'with the express commitment that each applicant's test score would remain confidential .' 440 U.S. at 306." Pfizer, Inc., supra at 919 . Here, not only is there no evi- dence that such commitments were ever made to griev- ants but also there is no evidence that confidentiality was ever a concern . This defense must be found to be with- out merit. Based on the foregoing, I conclude that the Respond- ent is obligated to furnish to the NRA , as the collective- bargaining representative of its member -employers, Las HOTEL & RESTAURANT EMPLOYEES LOCAL 226 (CAESARS PALACE) Vegas area arbitration decisions to which it was-and is-a party and that the Respondent 's failure to do so is violative of Section 8(b)(3) of the Act. t a REMEDY Having found that the Respondent has engaged in, and is engaging in, unfair labor practices violative of Section 8(b)(3) of the Act, I shall recommend that it cease and desist therefrom and take certain affirmative action de- signed to effectuate the purposes and policies of the Act. At the outset, the Respondent shall be required to fur- nish certain information to the NRA as the collective- bargaining representative of its member-employers, in- cluding the named Las Vegas strip hotel/casinos; howev- er, the record mandates that what the Respondent must turn over should be less extensive than requested by the NRA. What the latter sought in its September 20, 1984 letter to the Respondent, as repeated in the complaint, were "copies of all arbitration decisions and awards to which your Union was a party, involving facilities locat- ed in Clark County, Nevada." First, analysis of the entire text of the September 20, 1984 letter makes it clear that the NRA was primarily concerned with the Respond- ent's practice of making reference to "unpublished" arbi- tration decisions involving the so-called independents and itself in arbitration case briefs involving NRA member-employers. That counsel for the General Coun- sel recognized this limitation on the NRA's request is manifest from his statements, both during the hearing and in his posthearing brief, regarding the extent of the unfair labor practice allegations . Next, I find merit to counsel for the Respondent's contention that the com- plaint allegation is overly broad to the extent that it in- volves the Respondent's refusal to comply with the NRA's request for copies of arbitration decisions and awards involving the Respondent and Clark County fa- cilities which are neither hotels or casinos. In this regard, Vincent Helm testified that the Respondent has collec- tive-bargaining agreements with "certain" Las Vegas area restaurants and other employers, such as "rentals" at the Nevada Test Site, and that parts of these agreements differ from the hotel/casino agreements. Thus, in agree- ment with counsel, it is likely that some of the arbitration decisions which are sought by the NRA are based on 15 It is recognized that no direct Board case authority exists for such a conclusion . However , clearly supporting it is the analogous Board deci- sion in Hotel & Restaurant Employees Local 355 (Dora! Beach Hotel), 245 NLRB 774 (1979). There, the respondent and an employer association had a collective-bargaining agreement which contained a so-called most- favored-nations provision . The contract clause was designed to ensure that the signatory association member -employers would be relieved of any disadvantages they might suffer if the respondent negotiated more fa- vorable wages and benefits with other employers. The association de- manded copies of the respondent's agreements with other employers. The Board found such information to be relevant and necessary for the asso- ciation to function as the bargaining representative of its member-employ- ers, found the respondent's failure to give the contracts to the association violative of Sec. 8(b)(3) of the Act, and ordered that such be furnished. While a most-favored-nations clause is not at issue here , the stare decisis effect of the Respondent 's prior Las Vegas area arbitration awards acts as a sort of "law of the shop"; therefore, the relevancy of these documents to the arbitration procedure is as pronounced as was the union 's other collective -bargaining agreements to the working of the most-favored-na- tions clause in Dora! Beach Hotel, supra 291 contract language "wholly dissimilar" to that found in the hotel/casino collective-bargaining agreements. t s Fi- nally, while it was uncontroverted and not unreasonable that serious obstacles sometimes confront the NRA when it attempts to obtain past arbitration decisions from its member hotel/casinos, the testimony of Helm establishes that member-employer arbitration decisions and awards not within its possession are those for which the member-employer utilized outside counsel. Based on the foregoing, it is recommended that the Respondent shall be required to furnish the NRA with copies of all unpub- lished Clark County arbitration decisions and awards in- volving (1) the Respondent and the non-NRA member hotel/casinos and (2) the Respondent and NRA member hotel/casinos where the latter were not represented by the NRA. t 7 It shall also be recommended that the Re- spondent be ordered to post the requisite notices. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. The Respondent is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. 2. Desert Palace, Inc., d/b/a Caesars Palace; Hilton Nevada Corporation, d/b/a Flamingo Hilton; Riverboat Casino, Inc., d/b/a Holiday Casino; MGM Grand Hotel; Hughes Properties , Inc., d/b/a Sands Hotel & Casino Hotel Division; Hotel Ramada of Nevada, d/b/a Tropi- cana Hotel and Casino ; Summa Corporation, d/b/a Silver Slipper Casino Division; Summa Corporation, d/b/a Desert Inn Country Club & Spa Division; Summa Corporation, d/b/a Frontier Hotel & Casino Division; Summa Corporation, d/b/a Castaways Hotel & Casino Division; and Hilton Hotels Corporation, d/b/a Las Vegas Hilton , are employers engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 3. The NRA is an employer association which admits to its membership firms engaged in the operation of resort hotels in Las Vegas, Nevada, and which exists, in part, for the purpose of negotiating and administering collective-bargaining agreements on behalf of its member-employers, including the above-named employ- ers. At all times material herein, the NRA has been the duly authorized collective-bargaining representative of its member-employers including those named above. 4. The Respondent has separate collective-bargaining agreements covering the time period 1984 to 1989 with 16 It is not unusual for the Board to deny portions of an information request and to find a violation of the Act in a refusal to furnish other portions. Thus, in Brawner Plastering, supra, the Board found that a labor organization violated Sec. 8 (bx3) by refusing to furnish certain informa- tion which was in its possession but not by refusing to furnish informs- don over which it has no control. Likewise , in Southern Nevada Builders Assn., supra, the administrative law judge concluded that an association was obligated to furnish a union a roster of all its builder-members, in- cluding those who are or have been bound to a collective-bargaining agreement with the union . The Board , however, found no violation of Sec. 8(axl) and (5) of the Act as to the association 's refusal to furnish information as to those builder-members who never were bound to union contracts and limited its finding of a violation to the association 's refusal to give to the union a roster of those builder-members who are or have been bound to a contract. 17 It shall be recommended that the NRA, on behalf of its member- employers, reimburse the Respondent for any and all time and expenses incurred by its representatives in locating , copying, and collating the in- formation which is to be given to the NRA. 292 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD each of the above-named member-employers of the NRA. 5. The following separate units are appropriate for col- lective bargaining within the meaning of Section 9(b) of the Act: All employees, including employees in kitchen, dining room, casino, bell desk, and housekeeping classifi- cations, employed by each of the above-named member- employers of the NRA. 6. At all times material , the Respondent was, and con- tinues to be, the exclusive representative for purposes of collective bargaining of the employees in the above ap- propriate units. 7. The Respondent has engaged in conduct violative of Section 8(b)(3) of the Act by failing and refusing to fur- nish to the NRA, as the representative for purposes of collective bargaining of the above-named member-em- ployers, pursuant to the latter's request, information rele- vant and necessary to the processing of grievances through arbitration. 8. The aforesaid unfair labor practices affect commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. On these findings of fact and conclusions of law and on the entire record, I issue the following recommend- ed18 ORDER and (2) the Respondent and NRA member hotel/casinos when the latter were not represented by the NRA.1 s (b) Post at the Respondent's business offices and meet- ing halls copies of the attached notice marked "Appen- dix."20 Copies of the notice, on forms provided by the Regional Director for Region 31, after being signed by the Respondent's authorized representative, shall be posted by the Respondent immediately upon receipt and maintained for 60 consecutive days in conspicuous places including all places where notices to members are cus- tomarily posted. Reasonable steps shall be taken by the Respondent to ensure that the notices are not altered, de- faced, or covered by any other material. (c) Sign and return to the Regional Director sufficient copies of the attached notice marked "Appendix" for posting by the 11 named hotel/casinos, if willing, in con- spicuous places including all places where notices to em- ployees are customarily posted. (d) Notify the Regional Director in writing within 20 days from the date of this Order what steps the Re- spondent has taken to comply. IT IS FURTHER RECOMMENDED that the NRA, on behalf of its member-employers, reimburse the Respond- ent for any and all time and expenses incurred by its rep- resentatives in locating, copying, and collating the infor- mation which is to be given to the NRA. The Respondent, Culinary Workers Union, Local 226, affiliated with the Hotel Employees and Restaurant Em- ployees and Bartenders International Union, AFL-CIO, Las Vegas, Nevada, its officers, agents, and representa- tives, shall 1. Cease and desist from (a) Refusing to bargain collectively with Nevada Resort Association, as the representative of its member- employers, by refusing to furnish to the NRA informa- tion relevant and necessary to the processing of griev- ances to arbitration. (b) Engaging in any like or related conduct in deroga- tion of its duty to bargain. (c) In any like or related manner restraining or coerc- ing employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed them by Section 7 of the Act. 2. Take the following affirmative action necessary to effectuate the policies of the Act. (a) Furnish to the NRA, as the collective-bargaining representative of its member-employers, including those named above, copies of all unpublished Clark County, Nevada arbitration decisions and awards involving (1) the Respondent and the non-NRA member hotel/casinos 18 If no exceptions are filed as provided by Sec 102 46 of the Board's Rules and Regulations, the findings, conclusions, and recommended Order shall, as provided in Sec 102.48 of the Rules, be adopted by the Board and all objections to them shall be deemed waived for all pur- poses 19 Of course, the Respondent shall not be required to turn over to the NRA any of the Respondent's arbitration decisions and awards already in the possession of the NRA 80 If this Order is enforced by a judgment of a United States court of appeals, the words in the notice reading "Posted by Order of the Nation- al Labor Relations Board" shall read "Posted Pursuant to a Judgment of the United States Court of Appeals Enforcing an Order of the National Labor Relations Board " APPENDIX NOTICE To EMPLOYEES POSTED BY ORDER OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD An Agency of the United States Government The National Labor Relations Board has found that we violated the National Labor Relations Act and has or- dered us to post and abide by this notice. WE WILL NOT refuse to bargain collectively with Nevada Resort Association, as the representative of its member-employers, by refusing to furnish to the NRA information relevant and necessary to the processing of grievances to arbitration. WE WILL NOT engage in any like or related conduct in derogation of our duty to bargain. WE WILL NOT in any like or related manner restrain or coerce you in the exercise of the rights guaranteed you by Section 7 of the Act. HOTEL & RESTAURANT EMPLOYEES LOCAL 226 (CAESARS PALACE) 293 WE WILL furnish to the NRA, as the collective-bar- (2) us and NRA member hotel /casinos when the latter gaining representative of its member-employers , includ- were not represented by the NRA. ing those named above, copies of all unpublished Clark County, Nevada arbitration decisions and awards involv - CULINARY WORKERS UNION , LOCAL 226, ing (1) us and the non-NRA member hotel/casinos and AFFILIATED WITH THE HOTEL EMPLOYEES AND RESTAURANT EMPLOYEES AND BAR- TENDERS INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AFL-CIO Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation