Coors Container Co.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsSep 29, 1978238 N.L.R.B. 1312 (N.L.R.B. 1978) Copy Citation DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Coors Container Company and Aluminum Workers International Union, AFL-CIO. Case 27-CA 5327 September 29, 1978 DECISION AND ORDER BY CHAIRMAN FANNIN(; AND MEMBFIRS PNELI.() ANI) TRU SI) AII1 On February 21, 1978, Administrative Law Judge Earldean V. S. Robbins issued the attached Decision in this proceeding. Thereafter, the Respondent filed exceptions and a supporting brief; the General Coun- sel filed cross-exceptions and an answering brief' and a brief in support of cross-exceptions, and the Re- spondent subsequently filed an answering brief to the General Counsel's cross-exceptions. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its au- thority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the record and the at- tached Decision in light of the exceptions and briefs and has decided to affirm the rulings, findings,' and conclusions of the Administrative Law, Judge and to adopt her recommended Order. ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Rela- tions Board adopts as its Order the recommended Or- der of the Administrative Law Judge and hereby or- ders that the Respondent. Coors Container Company, Golden, Colorado, its officers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall take the action set forth in the said rec- ommended Order. I The Respondent has excepted to certain credibility findings made by the Administrative L aw Judge. It is the Board's established policy not to over- rule an Administrative Law Judge's resolutions with respect to credibility unless the clear preponderance of all of the relevant evidence convinces us that the resolutions are incorrect. Standard Dri Wall Products. Inc., 91 NL RB 544 (1950), enfd 188 F.2d 362 (C.A 3. 1951). We have carefully examined the record and find no basis for reversing her findings. In making credibility resolutions with regard to the content of the conver- sation between the guard Estala and employees Mugge and Clements, the Administrative Law Judge incorrectly attributed toe counsel for the Respon- dent a question she had asked of Estala. Estala testified that he had asked Mugge to remove the boycott sign from the window of the truck in which he was riding, but denied having requested of Mugge that the sign be surren- dered to him. Estala stated that when Mugge refused to remove the sign he "asked him again for it." Contrary to what is related in the Decision, it was Administrative Law Judge Robbins. not counsel for the Respondent., who responded to Estala's testimony with the query "You again asked him to give it to you?" While we correct the Decision on this point, we do not find that it in ans was affects the Administrative La.lw Judge's credibility resolutions DECISION SIAIEMEN1 OFI tIF CASI EARI.I) IAN V.S. RoBHINs, Administrative Law Judge: This case was heard before me in Denver. Colorado, on October 20 and 21. 1977. The charge was filed by Alumi- num Workers International Union, AFL CIO, herein called the Aluminum Workers, and served on Respondent on April 18, 1977. The complaint, which issued on July 22. 1977, alleges that Respondent violated Section 8(a)(I) and (3) of the National Labor Relations Act. The principal issue herein is whether Respondent dis- charged employee Mark Mugge and disciplined employee Andrew Clements for displaying a sign supporting a union boycott. Also at issue is whether Respondent violated the Act by promulgating and enforcing a rule prohibiting the display on company property of signs supporting a union boycott and by interrogating employees as to their union sympathies. U pon the entire record, including my observation of' the demeanor of the witnesses, and after due consideration of brief' filed by the parties. I make the following: FINDING(S OF FA(CI 1. JtU RISI)i( TION Respondent, a Colorado corporation with its principal office and place of business located in Golden. Colorado, is engaged in the manufacture and sale of aluminum cans. Respondent, in the course and conduct of its business op- erations, annually purchases and receives goods and materi- als valued in excess of $50,000 directly from points and places outside the State of Colorado. The complaint alleges. Respondent admits, and I find that Respondent is, and at all times material herein has been, an employer engaged in commerce and in operations affecting commerce within the meaning of Section 2(2), (6), and (7) of the Act. II. I.ABO)R OR(GANIZArlON The complaint alleges. Respondent admits, and I find that the Aluminum Workers and the Brewery, Bottling, Can and Allied Industrial Union, Local 366, AFL-CIO, herein called Brewery Local 366, both are now, and both have been at all times material herein, labor organizations within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. ll. THE ALI.E(EIF) IUNFAIR LABOR PRA( II(TiS A. Facts Respondent is a wholly owned subsidiary of Adolph Coors Brewery Company. Respondent's facility is located in an industrial park shared with its parent company and other subsidiaries. Beginning on or about April 4, 1977.' All dates herein will be in 1977 unless otherwise indicated. 238 NLRB No. 185 1312 COORS CONTAINER COMPANY and continuing throughout the time pertinent herein, cer- tain employees of the Brewery were engaged in a strike and picketed at the various gates to the industrial park where Respondent's facility is located. Therefore, Respondent's employees have to cross the picket line in order to report to work. Respondent's employees are not on strike. The striking brewery employees have initiated a boycott against Coors beer and in connection therewith have dis- tributed boycott signs suitable for display on automobiles. Donald C. Long, who was in charge of the daytime secu- rity operation, testified that the president of the parent company2 instructed him to stop, detain, and secure identi- fication of any employee displaying a boycott sign. In com- pliance therewith he instructed' the guards under his super- vision that if they observed any vehicle displaying any fbrm of a boycott sign the vehicle was to he detained and identi- fied, and Long was to be notified. He further testified: Q. Did you give them any further instructions? A. As far as the stickers themselves, I did, yes. I said the stickers were to be removed from the vehicles; you are to ask the individual to remove the stickers. Q. Did you tell your guards what they were to ad- vise people who would not remove the stickers from the vehicle? A. Well, in a matter of sense, yes, and in a matter of sense, no. I said that I was to be notified of any circum- stances that would happen. I told my guards and su- pervisors this would not be allowed. Q. And you told them to contact you if that hap- pened? A. Immediately. S Q. Did you give any further instructions? A. This is exactly what I said: "We have had too many strike breakers--people busting through the gate." What I mean by that, they drive the vehicle through our guard station with the stickers on, and it's quite possible more than possible-whoever displays one of these boycott-scab-beer signs is a striker and that we have got to maintain the security of the plant. If they got on the plant, they could be setting bombs, anything. I wanted everybody on the plant site stopped that displayed any type of these signs. Guard Paul Estala testified that at the security meeting a day or two before April 13, Long instructed them to stop cars displaying boycott signs. He further testified without contradiction: Q. Do you recall any more specifically what Mr. Long said, what your duties or responsibilities were regarding the stickers, or posters? A. Yes: that we were supposed to tell the employees that they were not permissible [sic] inside the plant, especially displaying them and that all this was doing Apparently security protection In the complex is provided by the parent compan) This was done at scheduled, daily meetings of day-shift guards held im- mediately prior to the beginning of their shift was just riling the pickets and making them more ex- cited and- Q. And that was the reason for the rule? A. Yes, and also that there were some stickers [sic] that were going inside the plant. Q. Have you had strikers going in the plant before this? A. Yes, one. Q. When did that occur? A. Oh, within the first week of the strike. Q. You said and let [sic] us to believe that your pur- pose--that the way Mr. Mugge and Mr. Clements were displaying the sign was defeating your purpose. If they had driven through with the "Boycott Coors" sign, it would have riled up the picketers? A. That's right, sir. TtiE WITNESS: The people that are displaying the signs are just saying okay, that they're with the strikers and they become more aggressive toward the non- strikers. JU DGE ROBBINS: Is that your opinion or was this something that was discussed in the meeting? TIuE WITNESS: This is what was told to me in the meeting. On the morning of April 13, Mugge and Clements were stopped by Estala as they were leaving Respondent's prem- ises at the end of the graveyard shift in Clements' truck. Clements and Mugge creditably testified that as they ap- proached the guard checkpoint on the North Service Road approximately 200 to 300 feet from the McIntyre exit from Respondent's project,' they displayed a sign reading "Boy- cott Coors . . . Scab Beer." As they approached the guard checkpoint, Estala noticed the sign and motioned for them to stop, which they did. Thereafter a conversation ensued, the details of which are in dispute. Mugge testified that Estala told them to remove the sign and give it to him. Both Mugge and Clements re- plied no. Estala then said, are you sympathetic with the strike. Mugge said they were using the sign to get through the picket line safely, that the truck was private property and he did not feel that they should have to remove the sign. Estala again inquired if they were sympathetic to the strike. Mugge said there was a memo out that they had to cross the picket line or be subject to termination.' Estala replied "that's right, so?" and said if they were union sym- pathizers, he did not think they should be in the plant work- ing. Estala said they could not display the sign on company property. Mugge said he did not believe that the truck was company property, that it was private property. Estala re- quested their company identifications and directed them to pull off the roadway and wait for a guard officer. Clements testified that when Estala got to the truck he They were about I- to 2 miles from any production facility. 'Mugge testified that he saw such a memo posted on bulletin boards both in the work area and in the lunchroom. 1313 1 L DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD demanded that they remove the sign and give it to him. Clements replied no and started to explain why not, but Estala interrupted and said something to the effect that if they were sympathizing with the Union they should not be working there. Mugge then said something to the effect that the truck and the sign were private property. He is unsure as to Estala's reply but thinks he recalls Estala again saying that union sympathizers should not be working for Coors. Estala also said it was his job to confiscate that sign. Estala then directed them off the roadway and called for a guard officer. Both Clements and Mugge admit that the conversa- tion was heated. Clements testified that both Mugge and Estala were practically yelling. Estala testified that as he was directing traffic he noticed an oncoming vehicle with a "Boycott Coors" sign displayed in the windshield. Because of the sign he motioned the vehi- cle to stop. Clements was driving and Mugge was in the passenger seat. According to Estala, he asked "could you please take off the sign." When Mugge and Clements re- plied no, he asked if they were Adolph Coors strikers. They said no. Estala asked them to produce their company iden- tification, at which point Mugge became belligerent. Mugge said "you mother-fucker Mexican can't tell me what to dis- play in my property." Estala said they were on Coors' prop- erty. Mugge said no, this is my property. He said he was not going to remove the sign because he could display anything he wanted on his private property. Estala said the truck was Mugge's property but it was on company premises so he had to remove the sign. Estala further testified "I asked him again for it. He wouldn't do this." However, when counsel for Respondent responded "you asked him again to give it to you?", Estala testified "I didn't ask him to give it to me." He claims that he merely asked them to remove the sign. Estala then called for assistance. When asked if he, at any time, asked Mugge or Clements if they were union sympathizers, Estala testi- fied, "if I did, I don't recall, but I'm almost sure I didn't." He denies saying if they were union sympathizers, they should not come to work. After a few minutes, Douglas McClure, lieutenant in charge of the day shift of the security department at Adolph Coors, arrived in response to Estala's call for assist- ance.6 According to Mugge, McClure asked them to remove the sign because it would aggravate the strikers. Mugge said the truck was private property and he felt they could dis- play the sign. Either Mugge or Clements said they were using the sign to prevent or forestall any damage by the strikers as they crossed the picket line. At some point they had much the same conversation as to private property as they had earlier with Estala. McClure then instructed Esta- la to get a tape recorder. When Estala returned, McClure asked questions and attempted to tape the discussion but Mugge and Clements would not talk.7 Clements testified, as to this conversation, in essential agreement with Mugge. Estala testified that McClure asked why they were displaying the sign. Mugge said he could do anything he wanted in his property. Estala asked Clements 6 Estala had called for Donald Long, the day shift commander, who was unavailable. 7 McClure and Estala testified that the tape was garbled and no voice could be heard. who owned the vehicle and requested the registration. Mugge kept insisting it was his property. He then got out of the vehicle and said "you mother-fucker don't know your job, I'm going to turn you in to Art Larsons and Bob Bales9 and they will deal with you." Mugge then wrote their names on the back of the boycott sign. McClure testified that when he arrived on the scene, Estala came over to him and explained that he was having a problem with Mugge, that he had requested the removal of the boycott sign but that Mugge had refused. Estala fur- ther said that Mugge was belligerent and used foul lan- guage to him. McClure then walked over to Clements' truck and asked why they refused to remove the sign. Mugge said it was his vehicle, his home away from home, and no one could force him to remove the sign. McClure asked why he was displaying the sign. Mugge said it was his vehicle, his home, and he could display what he wished. McClure said the displaying of the sign was defeating their purpose, that it agitated the strikers because it was a morale booster for the strikers to see such signs inside the premises. He again requested that the sign be removed. Mugge said no. According to McClure, Estala asked for the registration. Mugge then stated it was Clements' truck. McClure went to the front of the vehicle to talk to Estala. Mugge got out of the truck with the sign, banged his fist on the hood and said, "you mother-fuckers don't even know your job. I want your mother-fuckers names, I'm going to turn you in to Art Larsen, he'll deal with you." McClure asked Estala to get the tape recorder.' 0 Shortly thereafter he called for Long's assistance. Long arrived shortly thereafter. McClure told him Mugge and Clements were displaying a boycott sign and would not remove it and Long was given the vehicle regis- tration and the identification cards. Clements testified that Long said they should not display the boycott sign because it would lower the morale of the employees at work. Clem- ents said they were leaving the premises. Long's only re- sponse was "oh." Mugge testified that when Long arrived they discussed the sign and why it was displayed, engaging in almost the same conversation as that with McClure. Long returned their identifications, told them they could leave but that he was going to recommend disciplinary action to Bob Bales. Long testified he asked Clements if it was his truck. Clements said it was. He asked Clements to remove the sign. Mugge said "you better make that beaner" back off, that Mexican mother-fucker has no right to tell me what to do with my property." Long said it was Clements' truck, that he was addressing himself to Clements and would ap- preciate it if Mugge would stay out of the conversation until spoken to. Long further said he considered Mugge's lan- guage offensive and uncalled for and he would not accept such language in his presence. Long then told Clements he could keep the sign but he should leave the premises. He further said he would have a report made and would rec- Larson is group vice president of manufactunng operations. 9 Bales is director of employee services. 'i According to McClure, the purpose of the tape recorder was to stop Mugge from using foul and abusive language. " A derogatory remark refemng to persons of Spanish-Amencan descent. 1314 COORS CONTAINER COMPANY ommend that some action be taken as a result of the inci- dent. Mugge and Clements then left the premises. Long testified that immediately thereafter he reported the incident to Bales. When he told Bales that an employee had refused to remove a boycott sign, Bales' response was, "so what if he didn't want to remove it, what's really wrong here." Long said that was not the issue, that, to him, the issue was that Mugge was very offensive to Estala, that he took it as a racial slur and felt that his men should not be subjected to that type of language. Bales agreed and said he would have to investigate. Bales testified in substantial agreement. According to him, the specific language that Long reported as offensive was "Mexican mother-fucker." "taco vender," and "bean- er." Later that morning. Bales reported the incident to Lar- son.' 2 The two of them interviewed Estala and McClure. Bales testified that Estala stated that when he requested removal of the sign, he was hit with a barrage of somewhat hostile language but did not relate in detail the language used. He did state that he had been called a mother-fucker and that at one point Mugge got out of the truck, banged his fist on the hood and said you motherfuckers don't know what you're doing. Bales inquired if any racial slurs had been used and Estala said no." Both Estala and McClure submitted written reports which were in substantial agree- ment with their testimony herein. Richard Heller, superintendent in Respondent's manu- facturing operation, testified that on April 13 he was noti- fied of the incident by his immediate supervisor, Peter Mar- tin, vice president of manufacturing. Thereafter he met with Bales and reviewed the written reports from the guards. Larson, Bales, and Heller discussed the situation. None of them testified in much detail as to this discussion. They all agreed, however, that they reached a consensus that if the facts, as reported by the guards, proved to be accurate and no additional substantial evidence was discovered, it would be necessary to terminate Mugge for insubordination and gross misconduct. According to Heller, they discussed how serious they considered the offense to be, whether it was something that could be overlooked. They considered the fact that these were "very trying times," a fairly new strike, the Company's effort to retain employees, and "a security force that is try- ing to keep with it for the good of the company and the employees." They considered whether they could permit employees to get away with treating guards in this manner and still maintain control of security, and agreed that they could not. Larson testified that they discussed whether they should be more lenient or stricter than they' would be in normal circumstances and decided they should not. Ac- cording to Heller, there was no discussion as to whether the conduct was gross misconduct, but it was apparent during the discussion that they all considered such conduct to be serious. Shortly before the II p.m. start of Clements' and Mugge's shift, Heller and Mugge's immediate supervisor, Glenn Kline,' 4 stopped Mugge and Clements as they were x1 Bales testified that it was established practice to notify the group vice president of an) incident involving employees in his division. 1i Estala said he responded in this manner because he did not want to give the appearance of being on a personal vendetta. 14 Kline. whose title is supervisor, end division, is an admitted supervisor. about to enter the plant. They had Mugge wait in Bales' office and escorted Clements to an adjacent conference room. I arson and Bales were already there. According to Clements he was asked to read the reports from Estala and McClure and to comment on their accuracy. He read the reports. said they were basically correct but added that he thought Estala's attitude and general behavior were rather gruff. lte was questioned regarding Mugge's language dur- ing the conversations with the guards. whether he used any expletives. Clements said he wasn't positive, he could nei- ther affirm or deny, that such words were just harmless slang words that he hears all the time. He was asked why he had the boycott sign. He replied, to facilitate passing through the picket line. He was asked if there was any pos- sible ulterior motive for the sign. He replied, no. Again he was asked if there was another motive for the sign, like harassing the guards. Clements replied that he had noticed that the sign lifted the morale of the picketers. The testimony of Heller, Bales. and Kline is in basic agreement with that of Clements as to this interview, except that they testified that Larson read the reports to Clements. Kline testified that after Larson read the reports, Clements said it was accurate. Bales and Kline testified that Clements was specifically asked if the expletives set forth in the report were used. Kline, Heller, Larson, and Bales all testified that Clements said it was. According to Bales and Larson, Clem- ents first said he did not recall. After the question was asked several times, Clements said "yes, I believe that was said." Kline testified that the conversation was "just more or less trying to ask why, to find out why they had the sign and why they wouldn't take it down. And Clements said. 'The strikers at the gate-the picketers-are damaging vehicles and I did not want my vehicle damaged." Larson replied that Respondent would pay for any damage. Clements said he did not know that. Clements was questioned as to when the sign was displayed. He replied, 200 or 300 yards before the guard station. One of them then told Clements "what you do with the sticker after you get outside of the gate, we have no control over, but as long as you're inside the gate and on company property, you should not-and we're ask- ing you not to show the signs." Clements said, "Well, we could put it on after we passed the guards. We had plenty of distance." Larson's replied "That's fine if you think it would prevent your vehicle from damage, fine." Clements was instructed to wait outside while Mugge was interviewed. Mugge testified that Larson read the guard reports. Mugge produced his written account of the incident. Mugge was asked if he had used any profanity, specifically the vulgarity reported by the guard. Mugge re- plied that he did not make any direct statements to the officers but that he did use expletives'6 when he was in the truck discussing the situation with Clements but that he did not recall the exact words he had used. Mugge further testi- fied "it got down to the point where I asked Art [Larson] you know, it's up to you, you're the boss here. You're the one that is going to have to make the decision whether I get 15 Kline testified that he thinks Larson made this statement, that Larson was the management spokesman. '1 This is Mugge's terminology. Mugge admits that his remarks to Clem- ents were probably made in a loud tone of voice. 1315 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD fired or reprimanded and I see all the testimony there in front of you to make your own decision and he told me he would have to terminate me and I told him I believed he was making an incorrect decision." Mugge further testified that he was told that he was being terminated because of the foul language used by him. Mugge also described the guard's attitude as hostile. Heller, Bales, and Kline testified in essential agreement with Mugge's account. Heller testified that both Mugge and Clements were questioned as to their characterization of the guard's attitude as hostile or aggressive and the only expla- nation they received was that the guard's tone of voice was not belligerent or nice, that he had not been friendly. Kline testified that he asked Mugge why he refused to remove the sign. Mugge replied that it was for the protection of the truck. Someone asked why he did not remove the sign and then display it again after passing the guard station if that was his main concern. Larson then said, "you know, Mark, that you have had encounters with guards before." Mugge shrugged as if in agreement. After Mugge left, Clements returned. According to Clem- ents, Larson talked about loyalty to Respondent, that it was not a proper demonstration of loyalty to display the sign. Larson said it was a point in Clements' favor that he had not argued with the guard. He then explained to Clements that Mugge had been discharged, that this was not the first time that Mugge had a confrontation with a guard." and that the language used by Mugge would not be tolerated. He further said they did not want to see Mugge go because he was a good employee, that they liked people who spoke outs Clements testified that he was told that he would re- ceive a verbal warning for refusing to remove the boycott sign and that it was made very clear to him that such signs would not be tolerated. On April 14, a record of verbal warning was placed in Clements' file. It was noted therein that this did not consti- tute a written reprimand but that the warning was firm and any repetition would probably result in a written reprimand and/or disciplinary action. As to reason, the record of ver- bal warning merely states that it was issued "in conse- quence of involvement in disturbance at Northeast Service Road Gate." Mugge's Termination Report Form, signed by Kline and initialed by Heller, Martin and Bales, evaluates him as above average in job interest and safety, below average in attitude and attendance and average in all other respects. In the section completed by Personnel, the reason is listed as "Discharge-Insubordination." The section completed by supervisor states, inter alia: Reason: See Attached Endorsement. Insubordination Gross Misconduct.["9] Employee's strong points: Mark was always lookingfor better methods of operation. ' This incident involved Mugge's refusal to permit a guard to search his vehicle without a search warrant which, according to Bales, precipitated a somewhat emotional argument. The situation was resolved when a supervi- sor intervened. There was no use of profanity during the interchange. It was concluded that Respondent's position was weak since employees had not been informed that their vehicles were subject to search and an apology was issued to Mugge. 1s Clements testified that this portion of the conversation is not clear in his mind. 19 "Insubordination Gross Misconduct" was added in the personnel office. Employee's weak points: Mark was anti-establish- ment and caused unrest among his co-workers. Comments: Mark was terminated because of reasons stated on attached endorsement. The attached endorsement referred to therein is a memo, dated April 13, from Heller to Martin regarding the meet- ing resulting in Mugge's termination. The account is consis- tent with the testimony herein. Additionally, it states that Mugge stated that this was the first time the sticker had been displayed and also that on entering the premises prior to their shift that day, he and Clements had stopped to talk to the picketers for several minutes. Heller characterized these statements as directly contradictory to Mugge's pro- fessed concern regarding the possibility of the picketers damaging the vehicles. Kline testified that in using the term "anti-establishment" he was referring to Mugge's negative attitude toward those in authority. In support thereof he related an incident that occurred after he became a supervisor. According to him, he and Mugge had a good working relationship, but Mugge's attitude changed as soon as Kline became a super- visor. During his first "contact" meeting with Mugge in his office, Kline said "I see we have got a problem here. I'm new at this and I haven't been a supervisor for very long, and if I'm doing something wrong that is antagonizing you, I would appreciate you letting me know." Mugge said, "no, that's not it; you're management." Kline responded, "Hey, wait a minute, I'm the same guy I was befbre. I'm only about a month and a half older than I was before." Mugge said, "you're wearing that god-damned white shirt and that means you're management. That's all there is to it."20 Ac- cording to Kline, he interpreted this as being anti-establish- ment. As to the comment, "caused unrest among his co-work- ers," Kline testified that he was referring to several inci- dents where Mugge objected to or refused to perform tasks which he considered not properly the job of an operator. Several times one of the machines stopped when the setup man was on break. When the leadman told him to get the machine back in operation, Mugge's reply was, it's not my responsibility, I'm only an operator, I don't have to do it. Kline had to specifically instruct him that this was the re- sponsibility of an operator. Two leadmen reported to Kline that Mugge's refusals caused other operators to question why Mugge was permitted to not do things that they were required to do. Another incident mentioned by Kline was when Mugge was told to pick up lids from the floor-a job which everyone performs because it is a hazard, Mugge replied, "I don't have time. I can't do it and I don't want to do it."" Heller testified that he agreed with Kline's notation as to Mugge's weak points. According to him, he interpreted this remark to mean that Mugge always looked at the negative 20 Mugge did not deny this conversation. 21 These incidents occurred around October 1975. At around this same time, Kline recommended a final warning to Mugge for job performance, precipitated by his causing the scrapping of a number of tubes totaling about 120 pounds of scrap for I hour of operation without Mugge doing his quality checks. Mugge requested and Kline agreed, in accordance with Respon- dent's practice, to remove the warning if there was no repetition within a year 1316 COORS CONTAINER COMPANY side of any type of change, that the Division has been in- volved in a lot of changes and innovation of practices and that Mugge always seized on the minuses, and was never constructive in viewing changes. According to Hellei. this caused problems. Mugge was always a factor to be over- come because he always promoted the negative side. He considered everything management did was wrong and he always tried to point out to everyone the negative side of things. Mugge had 6-1/2 years' seniority and was admit- tedly a satisfactory operator. On April 13 or 14, a memo from Heller was distributed to end division supervisors, the body of which states: Mark [Mugge] was terminated at 11:00 p.m. tonight. Doubtlessly this will be widely spoken about. You will need to know these details in order to keep the grape- vine from distorting these events. Where possible, I'd even recommend feeding this information to your crews either formally or informally. Wednesday morning at 6:30 Mark and Andy Clem- ents were leaving the plant via the N. Valley Service Road eastbound in Andy's truck. There was a "Boy- cott Coors" sign in the window. A. Coors Security stopped them and told them the sign was not permitted on Company property. Mark became abusive and in- subordinate to the Security personnel. He has been ter- minated for this. Andy was silent and did not abuse the Security per- sonnel. It was his truck and the sign was never re- moved. Thus a verbal warning was issued and it has been made clear to Andy that we will not tolerate such signs on employees or vehicles belonging to employees while they are on Company property. Thereafter, the following two memos, dated April 14 and signed by Larson, were placed on all bulletin boards: TO: Al.I EMPLOYEES FROM: ART LARSON A very unfortunate incident occurred on Wednesday morning as two Coors Container Company employees were leaving at the end of Graveyard shift. Because the vehicle in which they were riding prominently dis- played a Boycott Coors sign in the windshield, the ve- hicle was stopped by Brewery security personnel and the individuals were asked to remove the sign while they were on Company premises. One of the persons in the vehicle used veryt abusive language toward the se- curity officer and continued to use abusive language when other security personnel appeared at the scene. Like everyone else here, our security officers have a specific assignment and a job to do. We do not expect that any employee of Coors Industries need be sub- jected to foul, obscene, obnoxious or abusive language. After a very thorough and extensive investigation, the employee mentioned above was terminated for gross misconduct. This memo is intended to dispel any ru- mors concerning the above incident. Please understand that we cannot and will not tolerate such language un- der any circumstances. We sincerely believe there will not be any further incidents like this. TO: ALL EMPLOYEES FROM: ART LARSON SUBJECT: BOYCOTT STICKERS Unfortunately, it has been reported that some Coors Container Company employees have Boycott Coors stickers affixed to their automobiles. We cannot, under any circumstances, rationalize this activity for any em- ployee and we want to take this opportunity to point out that no automobile bearing any sort of boycott stickers or posters will be allowed on Company prem- ises. Any cars bearing such stickers will be denied ac- cess at the gate. Additionally, we cannot and will not tolerate the display of these signs anywhere on Com- pany premises. B. Credibility Resolutions Most of the facts herein are undisputed. A major excep- tion involves Mugge's use of the term mother-fucker. Estala and McClure testified that the term was directed toward them. Mugge testified that he did use vulgar or profane language. that he does not recall what terms he used but that they were not spoken directly to the guards, rather they were used in discussing the incident with Clements. I do not credit Mugge that the remarks were not directed to the guards. During the disciplinary interviews. Clements agreed with the written report of Estala and McClure that Mugge had called them mother-fuckers. In any event, even assum- ing, arguendo, that he did not make the remarks directly to the guards, Mugge admits that he used expletives which he cannot recall specifically and that he was speaking in a loud tone of voice. I perceive little difference between making a derogatory statement directly to the guards and making such statements about the guards to Clements in the pres- ence of the guards. The other principal areas of dispute concern the conver- sation between Estala, Clements, and Mugge: specifically, whether Estala asked them to give him the boycott sign, whether he asked if they were union sympathizers. whether he told them that if they were union sympathizers they should not be working, and whether Mugge and Clements told him they were displaying the sign to facilitate passage through the picket line. I have carefully considered the con- flicting evidence, and based on the mutually corroborative testimony of Mugge and Clements, certain inherent incon- sistencies in Estala's testimony, and my observation of the demeanor of the witnesses, I credit the testimony of Clem- ents and Mugge, both as to the content of the conversation, except as noted above, and as to Estala's hostile attitude. Clements particularly impressed me as a reliable witness who was trying to be honest in his answers. Estala, on the other hand, impressed me as being overly concerned with projecting an image of himself as remaining cool under at- tack and that at times he was tailoring his testimony to this end. I am particularly skeptical of his testimony that al- though he was heated and angry inside, he never permitted his feelings to surface. Clements credibly testified that Mugge and Estala were practically yelling at each other. Also, Estala testified that he called for help because he felt insulted by Mugge's remarks. Yet Long creditably testified 1317 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD that he gave specific instructions that he was to be called if anyone was detained for displaying a boycott sign. Further, Estala's testimony, "I asked him again for it" tends to sup- port Mugge's and Clements' testimony that he asked them to give him the sign. It was only after counsel for Respon- dent responded to this testimony by asking "You asked him again to give it to you?" that Estala denied asking for the sign. Also suspect is Estala's testimony that he never noticed Respondent's identification sticker displayed on the front windshield and that he inquired if they were Adolph Coors strikers. It is undisputed that the various companies in the complex issued their employees distinctive stickers required to be displayed on the front windshield of their vehicle, which by color and shape quickly identified the Employer. Looking for such stickers is clearly a responsibility of guards whose duty is to permit the passage of nonstriking employees only.22 Considering that this and other testimony by Estala tends to buttress the probability that the testi- mony of Mugge and Clements in this regard is the more reliable and that it points up certain inconsistencies in Esta- la's testimony, and for the other reasons noted above, I discredit Estala where his version of the conversation differs from that of Clements and Mugge. With the exceptions noted above, there is no substantial disagreement in the testimony as to the incident with Mc- Clure. Also, there is no substantial disagreement in the tes- timony as to the incident with Long and as to the disciplin- ary interviews. Some witnesses were more detailed in their account of certain aspects of the conversations, and I find that a composite of the testimony in these respects more accurately reflects what occurred. C. Conclusions Respondent argues that the displaying of the boycott sign is not protected concerted activity because (I) the sign "promote[s] a boycott of the only product sold by the em- ployer's related companies, Coors beer, on Company prem- ises" and neither Mugge nor Clements was employed by the Company on stike or was a member of the striking bargain- ing unit; and (2) the display of the sign was motivated by fear, citing N.L.R.B. v. Union Carbide, 440 F.2d 54 (C.A. 4, 1971), cert, denied 404 U.S. 826: G. & P. Trucking Com- pany, Inc. v. N.L.R.B., 539 F.2d 705 (C.A. 4, 1976), both cases involving refusals to cross picket lines. The cases cited in support of the latter contention are not determinative. I am bound by Board precedent which has not been reversed by the Supreme Court or the Board itself. Insurance Agents International Union, AFL-CIO (The Pru- dential Insurance Company of America), 119 NLRB 768, 772, 773 (1957). It is well-established Board law that an employee's motive for honoring a picket line is irrelevant. Rather, it is the nature of the activity itself which is deter- minative of its protected status. The Cooper Thermometer Company, 154 NLRB 502, 504 (1965); Nuodex Division of Tenneco Chemicals, Inc., 176 NLRB 611 (1969); Congoleum Industries, Inc., 197 NLRB 534 (1972); G. & P. Trucking Company, Inc., 216 NLRB 620, 624 (1975). For reasons set 22 Estala testified that their pnncipal job was to keep strikers beyond the picket line. forth below, I find that the same rationale applies to the situation herein. Moreover, during the disciplinary inter- view, Clements said one of the reasons for displaying the sign was that it boosted the morale of the picketers. Fur- ther, it was apparent during the disciplinary interview that Respondent did not believe they were motivated by fear. Accordingly, I reject Respondent's contention in this re- gard. The first contention, however, raises a more troublesome issue. Section 7 of the Act guarantees employees "the right to self-organization . . . and to engage in other concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection .... " Yet all such concerted ac- tivity is not protected. The Board and the courts have found concerted activity for the objectives set forth in Sec- tion 7 to be unprotected if they are unlawful, violent, in breach of contract, or indefensible because they show a dis- loyalty to the employer deemed unnecessary to carry on the workers' legitimate concerted activities. N.L.R.B. v. Wash- ington Aluminum Company, Inc., 370 U.S. 9, 17 (1962). It is this last category which is involved herein. In such cases, an accommodation must be sought between the "undisputed right of self-organization assured to employees . . . and the equally undisputed right of employers to maintain disci- pline .... Opportunity to organize and proper discipline are both essential elements in a balanced society." Republic Aviation Corporation v. N.L.R.B., 324 U.S. 793, 797 798 (1945). Respondent argues that the displaying of the boycott sign constitutes the type of disloyalty to it which would remove the activity from the protection of the Act. Specifically Re- spondent contends that for an employee, currently on its payroll, to promote, on its premises, a boycott of the only product sold by the Employer's related companies-Coors beer is "indefensible," constituting unprotected disloyalty to the Employer within the meaning of N.L.R.B. v. Local Union No. 1229, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers [Jefferson Standard Broadcasting Company], 346 U.S. 464 (1953). In that case, certain employees were discharged solely because they sponsored or distributed to the public "hand- bills making a sharp, public, disparaging attack upon the quality of the Company's product and its business policies, in a manner reasonably calculated to harm the Company's reputation and reduce its income." Even though there coex- isted a labor dispute arising out of current contract negotia- tions, the handbill made no reference thereto. The Court's rationale in Jefferson Standard Broadcasting, supra at 476-477, was as follows: Their attack related itself to no labor practice of the Company. It made no reference to wages, hours or working conditions .... The attack asked for no public sympathy or support.... [Though remaining on the employer's active payroll, they engaged in a] continu- ing attack, initiated while off duty, upon the very inter- ests which the attackers were being paid to conserve and develop. Nothing could be further from the pur- pose of the Act than to require an employer to finance such activities.... [They] attacked public policies of the Company which had no discernible relation to [the labor] controversy. The only connection between the 1318 COORS CONTAINER COMPANY handbill and the labor controversy was an ultimate and undisclosed purpose or motive . . . that, by the hoped-for financial pressure, the attack might extract from the company some future concession.... It was a concerted separable attack purporting to be made in the interest of the public rather than in that of the employees..... Even if the attack were to be treated, as the Board has not treated it, as a concerted activity wholly or partly within the scope of those mentioned in §7, the means used . . . in conducting the attack have deprived the attackers of the protection of that section, when read in the light and context of the purpose of the Act. Respondent, relying on certain decisions by circuit courts, interprets Jefferson Standard Broadcasting to apply to all boycotts of an employer's product by employees on its active payroll. N.L.R.B. v. Knuth Brothers, Inc., 537 F.2d 950 (C.A. 7, 1976); N.L.R.B. v. National Furniture Manu- facturing Co., 315 F.2d 280 (C.A. 7, 1963): Hoover Co. v. N.L.R.B., 191 F.2d 380, 389 (C.A. 6, 1951). I do not read Jefferson Standard Broadcasting so broadly: nor does the Board. The Patterson-Sargent Conipany, 115 NLRB 1627, 1629 30 (1956): Edir., Inc., d/b/a/ Wolfie's, 159 NLRB 686 (1966); Frontier Guard Patrol. Inc., et al., 161 NLRB 155 (1966); Sears, Roebuck & Co., 168 NLRB 955 (1967): Tex- aco, Inc., 189 NLRB 343 (1971); Knuth Bros., Inc.. 218 NLRB 869 (1975); Community htospital of Roanoke Valley. Inc., 220 NLRB 217 (1975); cf. Coca-Cola Bottling Works, Inc., 186 NLRB 1050, 1054, 1063 64 (1970). Under the Jefferson Standard Broadcasting rationale, an essential element is that the attack upon the employer's product be separable from a coexisting labor dispute or that it constitute public disparagement of the quality of the em- ployer's product. Neither element is present here. The sign was distributed by Adolph Coors Brewery strikers in sup- port of their current strike. The wording "BOYCOTT COORS-SCAB BEER" clearly refers to a labor contro- versy. The word "scab" has a well-known connotation in our society. It has been defined as "a term used quite broadly by union men to refer to an individual who contin- ues to work for a company while a strike is in progress or who accepts employment during a strike. It is also applied to individuals who are not on strike or independent non- union workers who go through a picket line." "Roberts' Dictionary of Industrial Relations," BNA (1966). The sign contains no language in disparagement of Coors Beer.2 A display of the sign constitutes an enlistment of support for the cause of the Brewery strikers." It is immate- rial that the strikers are employees of Adolph Coors Brew- ery. The companies are affiliated, their products are interre- lated, they occupy the same premises and share certain of 23 Respondent's parent company produces the beer. Respondent makes the cans in which the beer is packaged. I agree with Respondent that in the circumstances an attack on Cooxrs Beer would be essentially an attack on Respondent's product. 14 As noted above, I consider an employee's motivation in engaging in protected concerted activity to be irrelevant. But even assuming, arguendo, that such a consideration might have some relevance in some circumstances, I think that in the circumstances herein it is immaterial. Regardless of the reason, the displaying of the sign directly enlisted support for the strikers and, as such, was making common cause with them. the same services. Respondent admits, and I agree, that an attack on one is an attack on the other. This situation is analogous to non-bargaining-unit em- ployees of the same employer making common cause with the employees engaged in a labor controversy. Respon- dent's employees have a substantial ana legitimate interest in the strike against the Brewery because of the possible reciprocal effect improved conditions there might have on their own future conditions of employment. The same would he true even if the Brewery and Respondent were unrelated, for employees can reasonably expect that im- provement in working conditions in the area or in the gen- eral industry might inure to their future benefit. It is well established that such support is for mutual aid and protec- tion whether it involves another unit of the same employer or a unit of a different employer. Signal Oil and Gas Conm- pany, 160 NLRB 644 (1966). Accordingly, I find that the display of the boycott signs was protected concerted activity under the Act. However, an employer may, in some circumstances, proscribe such activity where it is necessary to maintain production and discipline. Republic Aviation Co. v. N.L.R.B.. supra,. Flori- dan Hotel of Tampa, Inc., 137 NLRB 1484 (1962). Here there is no showing of such special circumstances. Certainly none existed in the circumstances surrounding the display of the sign by Mugge and Clements. The sign was displayed inside Clements' truck. They were some distance away from any work location. There had been no incidents among Respondent's employees arising out of the strike, and, in any event, the wording of the sign was not unduly provocative. The Board has long recognized that the term "scab" is not so opprobrious as to justify barring its use in the workplace. Caterpillar Tractor Company, a Corporation, 113 NLRB 553 (1955), enforcement denied 230 F.2d 357 (C.A. 7, 1965). As to the general prohibition against the display of boy- cott signs, no special circumstances were shown to exist anywhere on Respondent's premises which would justify, in the interest of the maintenance of production and disci- pline, restricting the employees' right to engage is such ac- tivity. In fact the testimony of Long makes apparent that Respondent's main concern was that the signs would boost the morale of the strikers. I therefore find that the rule pro- mulgated by Respondent prohibiting the display by em- ployees of boycott signs was violative of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. Similarly, Respondent violated the Act by the ac- tion of Estala and McClure in asking Mugge and Clements to remove the sign. In doing so, Estala and McClure were following Respondent's specific instructions. Respondent contends that Clements was given a verbal warning and Mugge was discharged because they' engaged in misconduct during the confrontation with the guards. As to Clements, the misconduct alleged was the refusal to obey a "reasonable request" of the guard to remove the boycott sign. As to Mugge, the misconduct alleged was the "foul" language he used in his conversation with the guards. Respondent argues that guards are special employees with respect to the authority they have over other employ- ees, that when they act in their guard capacity, they are acting on behalf of Respondent as representatives of man- agement. Respondent further argues that in stopping Clem- ents' truck and asking that the boycott sign be removed, the 1319 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD guards were acting fully within the scope of express author- ity given them by Respondent and, as such, the guards were "agents of Respondent management representatives." I agree with Respondent that in stopping Clements' truck and seeking the removal of the boycott sign Estala and Mc- Clure were acting within the scope of express authority given them by Respondent. As such, they were agents of Respondent within the meaning of Section 2(13) of the Act. Respondent argues that orders from the guards should be obeyed unless doing so would be a safety hazard. Respon- dent seems to be trying to make some distinction between disciplining Clements because he refused to remove the sign and disciplining him because he refused to obey a "reason- able order" of "authority figures" to remove the boycott sign." I find this a distinction without substance. As noted above, the displaying of the boycott sign was protected con- certed activity, and Clements and Mugge were acting within the protection of the guarantees under Section 7 of the Act when they refused to remove the sign. Floridan Hotel, supra, Newport Division of Winrex Knitting Mills, Inc., 216 NLRB 1058 (1975). Accordingly, I find that by issuing a verbal warning to Clements for refusing to remove the boycott sign, Respon- dent has violated Section 8(a)(l) and (3) of the Act. I fur- ther find that Respondent violated Section 8(a)( ) of the Act when Estala asked Mugge and Clements if they were union sympathizers and told them that if they were they should not be coming to work, and during the disciplinary interview when they were interrogated as to why they dis- played the sign.", The sole remaining issue is Mugge's discharge. Respon- dent contends that Mugge was discharged solely because he called Estala and McClure "mother-fuckers." As set forth above, I find that Mugge did address them as such. How- ever, it is well settled that not every impropriety committed in the course of Section 7 activity deprives the offending employee of the protective mantle of the Act. A line must be drawn between situations where employees exceed the bounds of lawful conduct in a "moment of animal exuber- ance"2" or in a manner not activated by improper motives, and those flagrant cases in which the misconduct is so vio- lent or of such serious character as to render the employee unfit for further service. The employee's right to engage in concerted activity permits some leeway for impulsive be- havior, which must be balanced against the employer's right to maintain order and respect. Where the conduct oc- curs in the course of protected activity, the protection is not lost unless the impropriety is egregious. N.L.R.B. v. Thor Power Tool Company, 351 F.2d 584, 587 (C.A. 7, 1965): Webster Clothes, Inc., d/bla Webster Men's Wear, a Subsid- iary of Beck Industries, Inc., 222 NLRB 1262 (1976); Hous- ton Shell & Concrete Co., A Division of McDonough Co., 193 NLRB 1123 (1971); Red Top, Inc., 185 NLRB 989 (1970). I do not consider Mugge's conduct egregious. Although vulgar and not to be condoned, the use of vulgarities and 2I I note no effort was made to communicate this "distinction" to Clements when he received the verbal warning. 26 Although not specifically alleged in the complaint, this was fully liti- gated at the hearing. 27 Milk Wagon Drivers Union of Chicago, Local 753, etc. v. Meadowmoor Dairies, Inc., 312 U.S. 287, 293 (1941). obscenities is a reality of industrial life. [he guards admit the term is not alien to them, and McClure testified it did not particularly disturb him. It is undisputed that it is em- ployed in Respondent's plant, generally with impunity, and although the record establishes that some employees have been discharged for reasons which include the use of ob- scenities, there is no evidence that any employee has been discharged solely for using obscenities. 2i Rather, there is evidence that such conduct has resulted in lesser disciplin- ary action. Even assuming, arguendo, that it was Respondent's prac- tice to discharge employees for such conduct arising outside the context of protected concerted activity, here the lan- guage was employed in direct response to Estala's insistence that Clements and Mugge cease engaging in the protected activity of displaying a boycott sign. They were stopped and detained while they were off duty. Estala's attitude was hostile and he made coercive remarks as to their support of the strike. In these circumstances, I consider Estala's ac- tions to be provocative, resulting in an emotional confron- tation, and I find that Mugge's use of such vulgarity in the context herein was not of such a serious nature as to de- prive him of the protection of the Act. Associated Grocers of New England, Inc., 227 NLRB 1200 (1977); Webster's Clothes, Inc., supra, Finesilver Manufacturing Com2pany, 220 NLRB 648 (1975): The May Department Stores Company, d/bla The May Company, 220 NLRB 1096 (1975): The Contract Knitter, Inc., 220 NLRB 558 (1975); Red Top, Inc., supra. I further find that Mugge was discharged, at least in part, because he displayed and refused to remove the boycott sign. " Accordingly, I find that Mugge was discharged in violation of Section 8(a)( 1) and (3) of the Act. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. Respondent is an employer engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(2), (6), and (7) of the Act. 2. Brewery, Bottling, Can and Allied Industrial Union, Local 366, AFL-CIO and Aluminum Workers Interna- tional Union, AFL CIO, are both labor organizations within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. 3. By interrogating employees as to their sympathies with regard to the Brewery Local 366 strike at Adolph Coors Brewery and their reasons for displaying boycott signs; and by telling employees that if' they sympathized with the strike, they should not be coming to work, Respon- dent has engaged in unfair labor practices within the mean- ing of Section 8(a)(l) of the Act. 4. By promulgating and enforcing a rule prohibiting em- ployees from displaying "Boycott Coors" signs in support of the Brewery Local 366 strike at Adolph Coors Brewery, Respondent has engaged in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. 5. By discharging Mark Mugge and reprimanding An- drew Clements for displaying and refusing to remove a "s The documentary evidence introduced by Respondent shows that the discharges involve conduct additional to the use of profanity or vulgarity 291 find the evidence insufficient to establish that a motivation for Mugge's discharge was his prior activity on behalf of the Aluminum Workers. 1320 COORS CONTAINER COMPANY "Boycott Coors" sign, Respondent has engaged in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8(a)( 1) and (3) of the Act. 6. The aforesaid unfair labor practices affect commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. Titl Rl inEDY Having found that Respondent has engaged in certain unfair labor practices, I shall recommend that Respondent be ordered to cease and desist therefrom and to take certain affirmative action designed to effectuate the purposes of the Act. Having found that Respondent discharged Mark Mugge in violation of Section 8(a)( ) and (3) of the Act, it is recom- mended that Respondent offer Mugge immediate and full reinstatement to his former job or, if that job no longer exists, to a substantially equivalent position without preju- dice to his seniority or other rights and privileges and make him whole for any loss of pay he may have suffered as a result of the discrimination against him by payment to him of a sum of money equal to that which would have been earned as wages during the period from the date of his discharge to the date on which Respondent offers reinstate- ment less his net earnings, if any, during the said period. with interest thereon to be computed in the manner set forth in F. .Woolworth (Compall', 90 NLRB 289 (1950). and Florida Steel Corporation, 231 NLRB 651 (1977). 3 Upon the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, upon the entire record. and pursuant to Section 10(c) of the Act. I hereby issue the following recommended: ORDER" The Respondent. Coors Container Company. Golden. Colorado, its officers, agents, successors, and assigns. shall: 1. Cease and desist from: (a) Discharging, reprimanding, or otherwise discriminat- ing against employees becuase they display' "Boycott Coors" signs in support of the Brewery Local 366 strike at Adolph Coors Brewery. (b) Promulgating and enforcing a rule prohibiting em- ployees from displaying "Boycott Coors" signs in support of the Brewery Local 366 strike at Adolph Coors Brewery. (c) Coercively interrogating employees as to their sympa- thies with regard to the Brewery Local 366 strike at Adolph Coors Brewery or their reasons fbr displaying "Boycott Coors" signs. (d) Telling employees that if they sympathize with the Brewery' Local 366 strike at Adolph Coors Brewery they should not be coming to work. (e) In any other manner interfering with, restraining, or coercing its employees in the exercise of their rights under Section 7 of the Act. "See, generally, Isis Plumbing & Heating Co. 138 NLRB 716 (1962) )1 In the event no exceptions are filed as provided by Sec 102 .46 of the Rules and Regulations of the National Labor Relations Board. the findings. conclusions, and recommended Order herein shall, as provided in Sec 102.48 of the Rules and Regulations. be adopted by the Board and become its findings, conclusions. and Order, and all objections thereto shall he deemed waived for all purposes 2. Take the following affirmative action necessary to ef- fectuate the purposes of the Act: (a) Expunge from its records all memoranda of, or refer- ence to, the verbal warning given Andrew Clements on April 14. 1977. because he displayed and refused to remove a "Boycott Coors" sign in support of the Brewery Local 366 strike at Adolph Coors Brewery. (b) Offer Mark Mugge immediate and full reinstatement to his former or substantially equivalent job and make him whole for any loss of earnings he may have suffered by reason of Respondent's discrimination against him in the manner and to the extent set forth in the section here enti- tled "The Remedy." (c) Preserve and, upon request. make available to the Board or its agents, for examination and copying, all pay- roll records and reports, social security payment records. timecards, personnel records and reports. and all other rec- ords necessary to analyze the amount of backpay due and the right of reinstatement under the terms of this recom- mended Order. (d) Post at its facility in Golden, Colorado, copies of the attached notice marked "Appendix."" Copies of said no- tice. on forms provided bh the Regional Director for Re- gion 27. after being duly signed by Respondent's represent- ative. shall be posted by Respondent immediately upon receipt thereof, and be maintained by it for 60 consecutive days thereafter, in conspicuous places, including all places where notices to employees are customarily posted. Reason- able steps shall be taken by Respondent to insure that said notices are not altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. (e) Notify the Regional Director for Region 27 in writ- ing, within 20 days from the date of this Order, what steps it has taken to comply herewith. 12 In the event that this Order is enforced b, a Judgment ofa United States Court of Appeals. the words in the notice reading "Posted by Order of the National l.abor Relations Board" shall read "Posted Pursuant to a Judgment of the Uniled States Court of Appeals Enforcing an Order of the National Labor Relations Board." APPEN DIX NornEi To EMPI.()YEES POSTED BY ORDER OF THE NATIONAL LABOR REI ATIONS BOARD An Agency of the United States Government After a hearing at which all parties were represented and afforded the opportunity to present evidence in support of their respective positions, it has been found that we have violated the National Labor Relations Act in certain re- spects, and we have been ordered to post this notice and to carry out its terms. The National Labor Relations Act gives you, as em- ployees, certain rights, including the rights: To engage in self-organization To form, join, or help a union To bargain collectively through a representative of your own choosing 1321 DECISIONS OF NATIONAI. LABOR RELATIONS BOARD To act together for collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection To refrain from any or all of these things. Accordingly, we give you these assurances: WE WILL. NOT discharge, reprimand, or otherwise discriminate against employees because they display "Boycott Coors" signs in support of the Brewery Local 366 strike at Adolph Coors Brewery. WE WILL NOT promulgate or enforce a rule prohibit- ing employees from displaying "Boycott Coors" signs in support of the Brewery Local 366 strike at Adolph Coors Brewery. WE WILL NOT coercively interrogate employees as to their sympathies with regard to the Brewery Local 366 strike at Adolph Coors Brewery or their reasons for displaying the above-described "Boycott Coors" signs. WE WI.l1. NOT tell employees that if they sympathize with the Brewery Local 366 strike at Adolph Coors Brewery they should not be coming to work. WI WILL N)t in any other manner interfere with, restrain, or coerce employees in the exercise of their rights set forth above, which are guaranteed by the National Labor Relations Act. Wt wil.i expunge from our records all memoranda of, or reference to, the verbal warning given to Andrew Clements because he displayed and refused to remove a "Boycott Coors" sign in support of the Brewery Lo- cal 366 strike at Adolph Coors Brewery. WE will. offer Mark Mugge immediate and full re- instatement to his former job or. if that job is no longer available, to a substantially equivalent job, without prejudice to any seniority or other rights and privileges previously enjoyed by him. WEi wil. make Mark Mugge whole for any loss of earnings which he may have suffered by reason of the discrimination against him. COORS CONTAINER COMPANY 1322 Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation