Commerical Honing of DetroitDownload PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsMay 25, 1984270 N.L.R.B. 909 (N.L.R.B. 1984) Copy Citation COMMERCIAL HONING OF DETROIT Commercial Honing of Detroit, Ltd. and Interna- tional Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of Amer- ica (UAW) and William Williams, et al. Cases 7-CA-20037, 7-CA-20381, and 7-RC-16566 25 May 1984 DECISION AND ORDER BY CHAIRMAN DOTSON AND MEMBERS ZIMMERMAN AND DENNIS On 6 May 1983 Administrative Law Judge Rich- ard H. Beddow Jr. issued the attached decision. The Respondent filed exceptions and a supporting brief. The National Labor Relations Board has delegat- ed its authority in this proceeding to a three- member panel. The Board has considered the decision and the record in light of the exceptions and brief and has decided to affirm the judge's rulings, findings,' and ' The Respondent has excepted to some of the judge's credibility find- ings, contending, inter alia, that in crediting employee Mario DiCiesare's testimony the judge disregarded critical evidence concerning DiCiesare's character. The judge extensively discussed the issue of DiCiesare's credi- bility. There is no basis for concluding that in finding DiCiesare's testi- mony credible the judge failed to consider all the evidence relevant to this issue. The Board's established policy is not to overrule an administra- tive law judge's credibility resolutions unless the clear preponderance of all the relevant evidence convinces us that they are incorrect. Standard Dry Wall Products, 91 NLRB 544 (1950), enfd. 188 F.2d 362 (3d Cir. 1951). We have carefully examined the record and find no basis for re- versing any of his findings. In sec. IV,C of his decision, the judge found that the Respondent vio- lated Sec. 8(aXl) by promising benefits to employees during the Union's organizing campaign to discourage them from supporting the Union. In so finding, however, the judge not only discussed the subject of promis- ing benefits, he discussed the granting of benefits as well. As the latter part of his discussion concerning the granting of benefits is inapposite in this context, we do not rely on it in adopting the judge's finding that the Respondent promised benefits in violation of Sec. 8(a)(1). In sec. IV,C of his decision, the judge also found that the Respondent's owner and president William Yates and employee James Beck unlawfully threatened employees with plant closure. Although James Beck is an em- ployee, the judge found the confidential relationship between Beck and Yates a sufficient basis for holding the Respondent responsible for Beck's statements. We agree with the judge that the Respondent, through Yates, threatened employees with plant closure in violation of Sec. 8(a)(l). We find it unnecessary, however, to reach the issue whether Beck's similar threat to close the plant also violated Sec. 8 (aXl). Such a finding would only be cumulative, with no effect on the Order, 2 In sec. IV, par. 7, of his decision, the judge found that the General Counsel met his initial burden of demonstrating that the union activities of employees Jackie Burton and Zef Camaj were a motivating factor in the Respondent's decision to discharge them. In sec. IV,B, he stated that the Respondent may have partly relied on certain lawful considerations for its actions, but ultimately concluded that the preponderance of the record evidence established that the Respondent's real reason was dis- criminatory. Although we agree with the judge's conclusion that the Re- spondent discriminatorily discharged Jackie Burton and Zef Camaj, we find that his analysis, while essentially correct, does not comport in all respects with the requirements of Wright Line, 251 NLRB 1083 (1980). Thus, in adopting his conclusion, we find that the General Counsel made a sufficient prima facie showing that the discharges were unlawful and, further, that the Respondent failed to demonstrate that it would have taken the same action even if it had not suspected Burton and Camaj of engaging in union organizing activities. See Wright Line, supra. 270 NLRB No. 124 conclusions2 and to adopt the recommended Order as modified.3 AMENDED REMEDY We adopt the judge's remedy except the require- ment that the Respondent discharge, if necessary to facilitate the reinstatement or recall of the discri- minatees, production employees who were not hired in chronological order based on their seniori- ty. The record does not establish that the Respond- ent utilizes a seniority system in making employ- ment-related decisions. Therefore, we shall require instead that the Respondent offer Jackie Burton, Michael Burton, Leroy Burton, Harry Brown, Zef Camaj, Mario DiCiesare, and William Williams im- mediate and full reinstatement or recall, as appro- priate, to the positions in which they would have been working at the Warren, Michigan facility, absent the discrimination against them or, if those jobs no longer exist, to substantially equivalent po- sitions, without prejudice to any rights or privi- leges previously enjoyed, discharging, if necessary, any persons hired to replace these employees as a result of the discrimination. ORDER The National Labor Relations Board adopts the recommended Order of the administrative law judge as modified below and orders that the Re- spondent, Commercial Honing of Detroit, Ltd., Warren, Michigan, its officers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall take the action set forth in the Order as modified. 1. Substitute the following for paragraph 2(a). "(a) Offer Jackie Burton, Michael Burton, Leroy Burton, Harry Brown, Zef Camaj, Mario DiCie- sare, and William Williams immediate and full rein- statement or recall, as appropriate, and make them whole for losses they incurred as a result of the discrimination against them in the manner set forth in the remedy section of this Decision." 2. Insert the following as paragraph 2(c) and re- letter the subsequent paragraphs accordingly. "(c) Remove from its files any reference to the delayed recall of Leroy Burton and Harry Brown and the failure to recall Mario DiCiesare and Wil- liam Williams, and notify them in writing that this has been done and that evidence of these unlawful actions will not be used as a basis for future per- sonnel actions against them." 3. Substitute the attached notice for that of the administrative law judge. s We will modify the judge's recommended Order to conform to our amended remedy and to include the appropriate expunction provisions. 909 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Regional Di- rector for Region 7 shall, pursuant to the Board's Rules and Regulations, within 10 days from the date of this Order, open and count the ballots of Jackie Burton and Zef Camaj and prepare and cause to be served on the parties a revised tally of ballots on the basis of which he shall issue an ap- propriate certification. APPENDIX NOTICE To EMPLOYEES POSTED BY ORDER OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD An Agency of the United States Government The National Labor Relations Board has found that we violated the National Labor Relations Act and has ordered us to post and abide by this notice. WE WILL NOT discharge, refuse to recall, or oth- erwise discriminate against employees in retaliation for engaging in suspected union activities or other protected concerted activities. WE WILL NOT interfere with, restrain, or coerce employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed them in Section 7 of the Act by interrogating em- ployees concerning their union activities and those of other employees; creating the impression that employees' union activities are under surveillance; promising benefits; threatening plant closure, dis- charge, and loss of benefits to discourage member- ship in a labor organization or other protected con- certed activities; and failing to offer recall to em- ployees in retaliation for engaging in suspected union activities or other protected concerted activi- ties. WE WILL NOT in any other manner interfere with, restrain, or coerce you in the exercise of the rights guaranteed you by Section 7 of the Act. WE WILL offer Jackie Burton, Michael Burton, Leroy Burton, Harry Brown, Zef Camaj, Mario DiCiesare, and William Williams immediate and full reinstatement or recall, as appropriate, to the positions in which they would have been working absent our discrimination against them or, if those jobs no longer exist, to substantially equivalent po- sitions, without prejudice to any rights or privi- leges they previously enjoyed, discharging, if nec- essary, any persons hired to replace these employ- ees as a result of such discrimination. WE WILL also make them whole, with interest, for any loss of pay suffered by them as a result of the discrimi- nation practiced against them. WE WILL remove from our files any reference to the discharge of Jackie Burton and Zef Camaj on 29 October 1981, the discharge of Michael Burton on 5 November 1981, the delay in recalling Leroy Burton and Harry Brown, and the failure to recall Mario DiCiesare and William Williams, and WE WILL notify them in writing that this has been done and that evidence of these unlawful actions will not be used as a basis for future personnel actions against them. COMMERCIAL HONING OF DETROIT, LTD. DECISION STATEMENT OF THE CASE RICHARD H. BEDDOW JR., Administrative Law Judge. These consolidated cases were heard in Detroit, Michi- gan, on October 13, 14, and 15, 1982. The proceedings are based on charges filed November 18, 1981, and March 3, 1982, and the reopening on October 12, 1982, of the related representation case, Case 7-RC-16566. The General Counsel's complaints, as amended, allege that Respondent Commercial Honing of Detroit, Ltd. violated Section 8(a)(1) and (3) of the National Labor Relations Act by discharging certain employees because of their suspected union activities and by interrogating employees; threatening them with loss of benefits, jobs, and plant closure; promising them benefits; creating an impression of surveillance; and otherwise interfering with, restraining, and coercing employees in the exercise of their rights under Section 7 of the Act. Briefs were filed by the General Counsel and the Re- spondent. On a review of the entire record in this case and from my observation of the witnesses and their de- meanor, I make the following FINDINGS OF FACT 1. JURISDICTION The Respondent is engaged in the honing of metal tubing and related services. It maintained a facility at Roseville, Michigan, until January 1982 when it was re- located at Warren, Michigan, and at all times material herein it derived gross revenues in excess of $500,000 and performed services at these facilities valued in excess of $50,000 for customers outside Michigan. It admits that it is and has been an employer engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(2), (6), and (7) of the Act. II. LABOR ORGANIZATION International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), the Union, is a labor organiation within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. II1. THE ALLEGED UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES On May 1, 1981, William Yates became the owner and president of Commercial Honing of Detroit, Ltd. and Commercial Honing of Jackson. At the same time, he also acquired 95 percent interest in Commercial Honing of Texas. All three plants are primarily engaged in the 910 COMMERCIAL HONING OF DETROIT "honing" or precision grinding of the inside diameters of pipe. Yates also is the owner of Yates Industries, a business which requires honing services. Prior to May 1981, Commercial Honing of Detroit had performed all of its work. At the time of purchase, the Jackson plant had ap- proximately 60 employees, Texas 17, and Detroit 12. Employees of the Jackson plant are represented by a union other than the Charging Party herein. Prior to the purchase, Yates was aware that the Jackson and Texas plants were doing well and that the Detroit operation had lost money for 3 or 4 years. After the purchase Yates and Henry Yoe, who is a vice president of the Re- spondent and Yates Industries, began observing the oper- ations of the several plants, with Yoe spending most of his time in Texas. During July and August he became aware of specific problems at the Roseville plant which centered around poor employee work habits, including irregular work hours and inattention to machines. Yoe subsequently wrote up a company policy that basically requires the employees to stay by their machines. In ad- dition to several honing machine operators, who require special skills, the Roseville plant employed Mark Cook as materials manager for the handling of paperwork and phone calls and the scheduling of orders. Cook was an hourly paid employee who generally wore casual cloth- ing at work. Although he was not assigned to any super- visory duties, he would give work orders to Leroy Burton, the senior machine operator, and he assigned the jobs to specific machines or workers. He also was asked by Yoe about the work habits of other employees and for his advice about which employees should be disci- plined or discharged. James Beck was employed as a sal- aried truckdriver and sales representative. He had no specific supervisory duties in connection with the pro- duction workers, although he also sometimes assigned jobs to production employees. When Yates purchased the Respondent Company, he discharged the former manager, and, in substance, the Roseville facility operat- ed without any foreman or supervisor after it was pur- chased on May 1, 1981, except for occasional observa- tions by Yoe, when he was not in Texas, or Yates, when he was in the Roseville production area. Although Yoe became aware of productivity problems by being "told about them" or stopping in on "occa- sion," he did not post his policies about staying by ma- chines until at least October 25, 1981. No other attempts were made to take any specific disciplinary or corrective action. During the summer of 1981, Yates became in- volved in negotiating the purchase of the Roseville building (its lease was due to expire at the end of the year). In anticipation of the purchase, he painted, in- stalled new lights, and built a glass walled office that would allow observation of the production area. Yates, who had no prior knowledge of the honing process, tes- tified that he "really couldn't figure it out," referring to apparent problems with productivity and quality of workmanship at Roseville. Yates had visited the Texas plant and he visited the Jackson plant at least once a week. Otherwise, he testified that he was at the Roseville plant everyday (sometimes on Saturdays), and that he su- pervised the production workers until November 5, 1981, when Foreman Ed Moore was brought there from the Jackson facility. Sometime during July 1981, some employees became concerned about the way things were going and Leroy Burton contacted the Union. He was sent union cards which he and employee Zef Camaj handed out to other employees during late July. The employees then decided to wait and see what would happen as they received the impression that Yates was going to be fair and perhaps give some added bene- fits; however, shortly before October 29, 1981, Burton again contacted the Union and a representation petition was filed on that date. Yates testified that on October 27 or 28, 1981, he had pretty much made up his mind to lay off employees Leroy Burton, Jackie Burton (Leroy's son), and Zef Camaj because he had gone through records and found that they were frequently tardy or absent and also had produced excessive scrap. He then told his brother, John Yates, to inform them of this on Thursday, October 29. On Thursday morning, Bill Yates spoke to Jackie Burton about staying by his machine and he then asked Jackie's father, Leroy, to warn Jackie that he would be fired if he did not do so. Between 1 and 2 p.m., on October 29, 1981, Yates called employee Mario DiCiesare away from his ma- chine. DiCiesare testified that as they walked outside the plant Yates started the conversation by telling him that he knew who had started the union drive and that he was letting Leroy and Jack Burton and Camaj go be- cause they "weren't working properly" and "weren't making money for the Company." Yates asked DiCiesare if he would agree to open the plant each morning (ap- parently in place of Leroy Burton) and when he said yes he was instructed to return that evening to pick up the key and not to tell anyone about the conversation. Yates' brother terminated the three employees about 2:30 p.m. on the same day; however, Leroy Burton re- turned a few hours later. He asked Yates why he was being let go after 29 years and Yates agreed to give him another chance. Although Yates agreed that he had a general conversa- tion with DiCiesare on the afternoon of October 29, he denied that any mention was made of the Union then or later that evening when DiCiesare picked up the key. DiCiesare testified, however, that when he returned to the shop, at approximately 6 p.m., he met with Yates and Jim Beck in the back office along with employees Art Oswald and Pero Grozdrovski. DiCiesare further testi- fied that Yates told them that "he did not need the people who started the Union in the shop and that he would retain the employees who had no connection to the Union." Yates also said he would give them a raise at the end of the month if "things went smooth." Yates, however, testified that he did not learn of the employees' union activities until November 3 when he returned a call received in the Respondent's office on November 2 by his secretary from the Regional Office of the Board. He also testified that on November 3 he saw an envelope from the Board and an election notice but that he otherwise never read the material in the envelope 911 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD or any other material that came from the Board. The General Counsel presented an exhibit that indicated cer- tified receipt of notification from the Board of the filing of the representation petition, signed by Donna Burnes, Yates' secretary, on October 30, 1981. Harry Brown was employed by the Respondent as a machine operator. He was on sick leave during October 1981 but visited the plant on October 29 in order to bring in papers related to his hospitalization and he was present when Yates' brother laid off the three employees. The next day, October 30, 1981, he received a call at his home from Yates. He testified that Yates asked, "What the hell do you want a union for?" Brown responded that the employees wanted a union for "protection." Yates asked "protection from what." Brown explained "from the shit you pulled last night," referring to the ter- mination of Burton and Camaj. Yates informed Brown that Jack Burton and Camaj would never work for him again, complaining about their work habits. Yates then said that he "would close the shop before he would let the Union in." Leroy Burton testified that during the first week of November 1981 Yates informed him that some employ- ees were trying to start a union at the shop. Burton re- sponded, "Oh yeah," and Yates said, "Yeah." On either November 1 or 2, 1981, Jim Beck spoke to Burton out- side the shop door and said that if they found out who was trying to start a union "his ass would be out the door." A few days later Yates again approached Leroy Burton and asked if Burton had heard anything about the Union. Burton responded negatively and Yates said that if the employees called off the union drive, he would give them the same benefits as employees at Commercial Honing of Jackson. Michael Burton, another son of Leroy Burton, testified that he was approached by Yates on November 3, 1981, and was asked where he had been on October 29, a day Mike Burton had been absent. When Burton told Yates he had been taking care fo his car, Yates said he was lying and accused Burton of going to the NLRB on that date with his father, brother, Camaj, and Brown. Mike Burton denied the accusation and the conversation ended. Two days later Vice President Yoe terminated Burton, saying it was because of attendance problems. This termination followed certain previous conversations with Yates about Burton's performance but it was preci- pitated when Yoe observed Burton walking around the shop rather than staying by his machine. Yoe admitted he was then aware of the union drive but testified he was unaware of any union activity by Burton at that time. Burton noted that shortly after the union cards had been passed out he had indicated to Art Oswald that he was for the Union. Leroy Burton testified that later in November he was again approached by Yates and asked if he had learned who had started the union drive. Burton said he had not heard and Yates asked Burton to talk to other employ- ees. On some other occasion, also during November, Yates then told Burton several times that he knew that "damn" Camaj was behind the union drive. Also in mid-November, DiCiesare was called to the office phone by Cook. Yates was on the line and he asked DiCiesare if he would like to work overtime. Di- Ciesare said "sure" and Yates said that he did not need people who started the Union and did not want them working overtime. Yates then asked DiCiesare to meet with him later that evening. After DiCiesare hung up, Cook told him that if he did not attend the meeting he would not be Yates' friend anymore. Yates appeared at the shop later in the day and again advised DiCiesare to "stick with him and Art." DiCiesare went to Yates Industries that same evening. When he arrived, he first spoke with Yoe, who asked DiCiesare what he thought about the Union. Both Bill and John Yates came in with the Respondent's attorney John Youngblood. DiCiesare testified that Youngblood asked DiCiesare what he thought about the Union and why other employees wanted union representation. Di- Ciesare said he was against it and Youngblood said that was nice. Youngblood then informed DicCiesare that he was the deciding vote but did not have to tell him how he was going to vote because they would be able to tell how he voted if the Union came in. Youngblood con- firmed that he met with employee DiCiesare at Yates In- dustries. Youngblood further testified that on being intro- duced he advised DiCiesare that he was there on his own volition and did not have to speak to them, and that he had suggested the meeting because the Respondent had advised Youngblood that DiCiesare had received threats from his coworkers and Youngblood wished to advise DiCiesare that he did not have to endure such threats. DiCiesare testified he was never threatened and the only time this was discussed was when Yates, Youngblood, and Beck asked him about it. DiCiesare fur- ther testified that Youngblood had said to let him know and they would call the Union off. Bill Yates also spoke to DiCiesare at this meeting and offered him a raise but Youngblood warned Yates against such action. DiCiesare testified that Yates went on to say that he would "close the shop if the Union came in." Yates offered to employ DiCiesare's brothers if things "went smooth[ly]." He said he did not need the people who supported the Union, and mentioned Leroy Burton, Harry Brown, and Bill Williams and advised DiCiesare that he intended to get rid of those employees after the union drive was finished. Around the same time, Yates also spoke with employee Williams in a conversation outside the shop. Williams testified that Yates asked him if he knew anything about the Union. Williams told Yates that he had heard some rumors. Yates mentioned that Williams had been tardy on several occasions, but then assured Williams that it did not matter. Yates then mentioned some scrap that lost money for the Company and continued his discussion of the union drive, inform- ing Williams that it was costing the Respondent money to fight the Union, and implied that he figured that Larry Matthews, the former manager of the plant, was the one who had started the Union. He reminded Wil- liams that he gave turkeys to employees at Thanksgiving and hams at Christmas. Yates then elaborated, telling Williams he could be spending money on Christmas gifts for employees rather than spending money on fighting the Union. 912 COMMERCIAL HONING OF DETROIT During this period of time Yates also informed Leroy Burton of his problem with the lease on the building, and had Burton go with him on one occasion to look at an- other building. On December 10, 1981, a week before the union election, Yates called Burton to his office and re- quested that Burton attempt to get the employees to abandon their organizing efforts. Yates pulled out finan- cial records and showed Burton that he was making more money that other employees and said he would make less if the Union came in. Yates then said he would close the shop if the organizing drive was successful. The election was held by the National Labor Relations Board on December 17, 1981. The Union made no objec- tion to the Excelsior list and no ballots were challenged by the union observer, Leroy Burton. Jackie Burton and Zef Camaj voted; however, their votes were challenged by the Board agent because their names did not appear on the Excelsior list. The employees voted five to four to reject representation by the UAW. The Regional Director subsequently reviewed the fail- ure to count the ballots of Jackie Burton and Camaj noting the allegation that they had been unlawfully ter- minated; however, the allegations pertaining to such dis- charges were dismissed on December 29, 1981, and on February 9, 1982, the Regional Director recommended certifying the results and this was adopted by the Board on March 2, 1982. On December 18, 1981, the day the following the elec- tion, the employees reported to work as usual but at the end of their shift they were called to the timeclock. Leroy Burton testified that Yates said they were "not to return to work anymore . . . as of 11 tonight the plant is closed." Burton asked if they were fired or laid off and was told "laid off." Brown recalled that Yates said, "I'm not making any money, I'm closing the shop," and in re- sponse to a question said they would get unemployment. Yates testified that he told the employees there was a lack of work and the Respondent was going to be moving, but the Respondent had to lay off everyone be- cause it did not have a new building and they all could collect unemployment. DiCiesare had left work early on December 18 and did not see any other employees on the weekend or oth- erwise learn of the closing. He came to work on Monday, December 21, and was told by Cook that the plant was closed and to go down for unemployment. He later returned to the office to see about his paycheck. He saw Yates who told him "it was a shame that everybody wanted a union and everybody now is out of a job." Yates said that "Mark Cook, Pero is out of a job . . . and was at home crying" and that all were "starting to do good. Brown was improving in his work and Bill Williams was improving and Leroy," and "now you guys are all out of a job." DiCiesare testified that Yates then told him that if he had voted against the Union he and everyone would still have a job. The Respondent had found a new facility in Warren, Michigan, and prior to reopening in January 1982 Yates selected Cook, Moore, and Art Oswald to help with the moving of equipment. Yates testified that he did not select Burton and Brown to help move because he did not think they were physically capable. DiCiesare was not picked because Yates did not feel he was capable as he would not take orders specifically. ' Cook and Moore moved to the Warren facility; how- ever, Moore (who acted as foreman) and Oswald were the only production workers employed until Groz- drovski was recalled. In July 1982, Leroy Burton was re- called and shortly thereafter he took a medical leave of absence. When he later brought in a doctor's slip saying he could work, the Respondent said it was short of work and he remained out. He testified that Cook, Beck, and Moore were there as well as Oswald, Grozdrovski, and two other workers he had never seen before. Subse- quently, Brown also left work as a result of a medical problem. Brown subsequently indicated his availability to the Respondent but as of the time of the hearing the Re- spondent indicated it did not have the work. IV. DISCUSSION The issues in this case arise from the events surround- ing the purchase of the Respondent by William Yates, his subsequent discharge of the former manager, his at- tempts to run the facility without an experienced super- visor, and his attempts beginning October 29, 1981, through discharge of employees to cure work and pro- duction problems. At the same time, several employees became concerned with their working conditions under the new ownership and contacted the Union and, subse- quently, initiated the filing of a union representation peti- tion on October 29, 1981. The apparent union proponents made no overt show of their union interest and activities and the Respondent claims it had no knowledge of any union activities until November 3, 1981, when Copmany President Yates re- turned a call to the Board's Regional Office and first saw an envelope from the Board, together with an election notice. The Respondent terminated employees Zef Camaj, Jackie Burton, and Leroy Burton (Leroy's termi- nation was later dropped) on October 29, 1981, allegedly without knowledge of any union activities and allegedly because of dissatisfaction with their attendance and pro- duction. The testimony of witness DiCiesare, however, shows that, in a conversation shortly before the three employ- ees were terminated on October 29, Yates told him that he was aware of who had started the union drive. Later that same evening Yates told DiCiesare and employees Beck, Oswald, and Grozdrovski that he "did not need Moore testified that he and a Jackson employee agreed to help straighten out the Roseville facility. At that time Moore did not supervise the Roseville workers but made suggestions and observations and report- ed his observations to Yates. He noted that Leroy Burton was a fair honer and that he could not say a whole lot against his work habits. He felt production by Williams was way down from what it should be and, although it improved, it was not enough to be considered satisfactory. He felt Brown did a fairly good day's work but had a habit of constantly complaining. He worked with DiCiesare quite a bit as he was a fairly new employee and found that "he caught ahold real good" and "started doing a lot better job." In December DiCiesare was doing "a fairly de- scent job" and Moore could not say anything bad about his work habits. Michael Burton was criticized for not staying by his machine and keep- ing it cutting. Moore considered Oswald a "good worker . . one of the better workers . . . at Commercial Honing," although he had been one of the least experienced until Moore began working with him. 913 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD the people who started the Union," and would keep em- ployees "who had no connection with the Union," and would give them raises if things went smoothly. DiCiesare was subjected to extensive and repetitive cross-examination, apparently designed to confuse him and to discredit his memory, character, and credibility. DiCiesare, however, whose personal mannerisms are casual, friendly, unsophisticated, and touched by distinc- tive speech, showed an attempt to answer questions to the best of his ability and to be agreeable with whoever was questioning him, and he consistently held to his basic description of the events that he had participated in. Although the Respondent's witness Youngblood later attempted to disparage DiCiesare's character and testi- mony by implying that DiCiesare's mannerisms during their meeting suggested he had been drinking or using drugs, I find that witness Youngblood's demeanor was supercilious in nature, sometimes presumptive, and some- times evasive where as DiCiesare's demeanor was straightforward, dispassionate, and honest. I therefore find DiCiesare's testimony should be credited over that of both Youngblood and Yates. The Respondent's records show that on October 30, 1981, Yates' secretary signed a certified receipt of the Board's notification of the filing of the representation pe- tition, and Yates' disclaimer that he otherwise never bothered to read material from the Board and that he did not know of the Union until November 3 strains credibil- ity. Moreover, the disclaimer is refuted by the credible testimony of employee Brown, who was called by Yates on October 30 and asked why the employees wanted a union, and it therefore supports the inference that Yates' testimony is an attempt to cover up his actual awareness on October 29, 1981, that some employees were pursuing union activities. This conclusion is reinforced by the unchallenged evi- dence that employees Oswald and Grozdrovski (as well as Cook) were also present at the evening meeting on October 29 when, as DiCiesare testified, Yates indicated his awareness of union activities, that these other em- ployees were among those given apparent preferential re- hiring by the Respondent when and after it relocated, and that they were not called as witnesses by the Re- spondent. Also Michael Burton testified specifically that he had talked to Oswald at the time union cards were first passed out and indicated that he was for the Union. Accordingly, I infer that one or more of these employees had promanagement sympathies and a probable aware- ness of the talk and activities of other employees and in- formed the Respondent of the other employees' develop- ing prounion plans. As noted above, I credit the overall testimony of wit- ness DiCiesare and I therefore find that the Respondent, by its words and actions beginning on Octoner 29, 1981, had knowledge of employees' union activities and wanted to get rid of prounion workers. I therefore con- clude that the General Counsel has met his initial burden in a case of this nature by presenting a prima facie show- ing sufficient to support an inference that the employees' union activities were the motivating factor in the Re- spondent's decision to discharge the involved employees. Accordingly, the testimony will be discussed and the record evaluated in keeping with the criteria set forth in Wright Line, 251 NLRB 1083 (1980), and Castle Instant Maintenance, 256 NLRB 130 (1981), to consider the Re- spondent's defense and, in the light thereof, whether the General Counsel has carried his overall burden. A. The Discharges of Employees Jackie Burton and Zef Camaj On October 29, 1981, the Respondent laid of (with the intention that they not be recalled) employees Jackie Burton and Zef Camaj for the asserted reason that their records showed they were frequently tardy or absent and had production problems, especially producing too much scrap. Prior to that time, however, none of the em- ployees had been warned or disciplined for problems except for the morning of that same day when President Yates warned Jackie and his father that Jackie would be fired if he did not stay by his machine. As argued by the General Counsel, however, there was an absence of any prior discipline and the only new factor arising on Octo- ber 29 was the activation of a dormant union organiza- tion plan. Yates revealed his knowledge of the union ac- tivity, as well as his union animosity, when he told Di- Ciesare during the early afternoon that he knew who had started the Union and later said that he did not need the union people in his shop. Although Yates sought to justify his sudden termination of Burton and Camaj on the basis of their alleged poor work habits and perform- ance, his loss of tolerance occurred only after the em- ployees initiated the filing of the union representation pe- tition. Although the Respondent may have partly relied on unacceptable work attitude or performance for its ac- tions, union animus cannot lawfully be the moving cause of their dismissal. See Marathon LeTourneau Co. v. NLRB, 699 F.2d 248 (5th Cir. 1983), enfg. 256 NLRB 350 (1981). Accordingly, and in view of the Respond- ent's contemporaneous illegal practices and corrobora- tive factors discussed below, I conclude that the prepon- derance of the evidence shows that the Respondent's real motivation for its discharge of Jackie Burton and Zef Camaj on October 29, 1981, was in retaliation for their suspected union organizing efforts and therefore I find they were discharged in violation of Section 8(a)(3) of the Act as alleged. As noted, the ballots cast by Jackie Burton and Camaj during the election on December 17, 1981, were not counted. Inasmuch as they were discharged unlawfully, they should have been considered as eligible voters and their ballots counted. Inasmuch as the challenged ballots are determinative of the election outcome it is necessary that they be counted and a new certification of results of election be issued in the embraced representation case. B. The Discharge of Employee Michael Burton Michael Burton was discharged on November 5, 1981. The Respondent contends that this was because of his continued attendance problems and that, otherwise, it was precipitated on November 5 by his failure to follow the new company policy that employees should stay by their machines. Other reasons for his discharge were 914 COMMERCIAL HONING OF DETROIT proffered in an attempt to provide justification for the Respondent's action. Although Michael had probably the worst attendance record, he was not selected for the initial "layoffs" on October 29. Moreover, he was not fired when he re- turned to work after again being absent on October 29. Instead, he was met with questions and accusations about having gone to the National Labor Relations Board on that date with his father, brother, and Camaj. Oswald, a management sympathizer, knew Burton has expressed prounion feelings. The Respondent had backed off on its plan to terminate Burton's father; I infer that the Re- spondent then substituted Michael Burton in his place, along with his brother and Camaj, as the suspected union organizers. Also, by the date Michael was discharged the Respondent had engaged in threats, interrogation, and other practices, as discussed below, and its demonstrated continuation of these practices shows the Respondent's union animosity. I find that this animosity controlled the Respondent's motivation at the time Burton was dis- charged. I conclude that the preponderance of the evi- dence shows that Michael Burton was discharged on No- vember 5 because of his suspected union activities and those of his brother and the Respondent's union animosi- ty which surfaced and developed as President Yates learned of the representation petition about October 29 and as he began to receive communications from the Board over the next few days. Accordingly, I find that Michael Burton was discharged in violation of Section 8(a)(3) of the Act as alleged. See Marathon LeTourneau, supra. C. Interrogation, Threats, and Other Alleged Unfair Labor Practices In contrast to the Respondent's vague and general de- nials, the several employee witnesses have given credible testimony which support the General Counsel's charges regarding numerous alleged instances of illegal practices. See generally Fibracan Corp., 259 NLRB 161 (1981), and cases cited therein. The Respondent's president Yates questioned Brown, Williams, and Leroy Burton on several occasions, asking who had started the Union and why employees had initi- ated the union campaign. The Respondent's attorney Youngblood questioned DiCiesare regarding the same. I find such interrogation during the time prior to a repre- sentational election to be coercive in nature, especially when viewed in the context of the Respondent's other practices, and I find that the General Counsel has estab- lished that the Respondent unlawfully interrogated em- ployees as alleged in the complaint. On October 29, 1981, Yates told DiCiesare that he knew who had started the union drive at the shop. Also, the Respondent's attorney told DiCiesare at the meeting in mid-November that he was the deciding vote in the union election and that they would be able to tell how he voted. These statements created and furthered the im- pression of surveillance and violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. Employees Leroy Burton, Williams, and DiCiesare gave credible testimony that Yates offered them various benefits such as benefits similar to those of the Respond- ent's Jackson employees-promises of increased Christ- mas bonuses, giving a relative a job, increased overtime, and higher wages. The promise of benefits during a union campaign vio- lates the Act, unless an employer shows that the granting of benefits occurred as the result of an established com- pany policy; however, the Respondent presented no such defense. Accordingly, I find the promises of benefits herein were attempts by the Respondent to dissuade em- ployees from their union support and therefore in viola- tion of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act as alleged. Employees Leroy Burton, DiCiesare, and Brown all testified regarding numerous threats made by Yates and James Beck to close the shop. Although Beck held no formal supervisory position, he had worked for Yates In- dustries prior to the purchase of the honing business, he continued with the Respondent when the facility closed and moved, he sometimes assigned work and gave verbal warnings, and he had significantly different working con- ditions than other employees. His confidential relation- ship with Yates is sufficient to show that the Respondent is chargeable with responsibility for his statements. Yates also told DiCiesare that he would not assign overtime to employees who supported the Union, and Yates told Leroy Burton that he would earn less money if the union drive succeeded. As otherwise noted above, Yates told some employees that he did not need those who started the Union and implied that those who start- ed the Union would not work for him again and would be "out the door." He also implied a threat of loss of job by telling DiCiesare that he would still have a job if he voted against the Union. I find that these threats were made by the Respondent and, accordingly, I find that they infringed on employees' Section 7 rights and reflect further violations of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act as alleged. D. Failure to Recall Union Supporters After closing its Roseville facility the day after the election, the Respondent moved and in January began recalling certain employees at its new facility. However, known or suspected union supporters were not offered reemployment until mid-1982, when Leroy Burton and Brown were recalled for a short period of time. On the other hand, both Oswald and Grodrovski, known man- agement supporters, were early recalls dispite their ap- parent lesser amounts of experience. The Respondent at- tempts to assert a valid business reason for its failure to offer recall to DiCiesare and Williams by suggesting that they were not capable employees; however, DiCiesare was described by Foreman Moore as a worker who was learning "real good" and doing a "fairly decent job," while Williams was one of those initially mentioned by Yates (along with Leroy Burton and Brown) as one he wanted to get rid of because of suspected union support. It appears that Yates somehow believed (apparently mis- takenly) that DiCiesare had supported the Union (or he thought it desirable to separate himself from someone he had used but who had knowledge of potentially damag- ing practices) and I infer that he was motivated by the latter reasons to discriminatorily fail to offer him recall. 915 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Based on the overall record, including the animus pre- viously discussed, I conclude that the General Counsel has shown that the Respondent's selective recall of pro- duction workers to its relocated facility was discrimina- torily motivated by a desire to reward employees who were not for the Union and to otherwise retaliate against union supporters and to discourage employees from sup- porting the Union. Accordingly, I find that the Respond- ent is shown to have violated Section 8(aX3) of the Act in this regard as alleged. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. The Respondent is an employer engaged in com- merce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 2. The Union is a labor organization within the mean- ing of Section 2(5) of the Act. 3. By interrogating employees concerning their union activities and those of other employees; creating the im- pression that the employees' union activities were under surveillance; promising benefits during a union campaign; and threatening plant closure, discharge, and loss of ben- efits, the Respondent violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. 4. By discharging Jackie Burton, Michael Burton, and Zef Camaj, the Respondent engaged in unfair labor prac- tices in violation of Section 8(a)(1) and (3) of the Act. 5. By failing to offer recall to employees Mario DiCie- sare and William Williams, and by its belated recall of Leroy Burton and Harry Brown, the Respondent dis- criminated against them thereby discouraging employees from supporting the Union and engaged in unfair labor practices in violation of Section 8(a)(3) of the Act. 6. On December 17, 1981, Jackie Burton and Zef Camaj were eligible voters as a result of their unlawful termination, and their ballots should be counted, result- ing in a new certification in Case 7-RC-16566. REMEDY Having found that the Respondent has engaged in cer- tain unfair labor practices, I find it necessary to order the Respondent to cease and desist therefrom and to take certain affirmative action designed to effectuate the poli- cies of the Act, The Respondent having discriminatorily discharged three employees, belatedly recalled two employees, and failed to offer recall to two others, I find it necessary to order it to offer them reinstatement or recall, discharging if necessary any production employees not hired in chronological order based on their seniority when the Respondent's Roseville facility was closed, and to other- wise place their names on a preferential hiring list and offer them the first such positions that become available with compensation for loss of pay and other benefits, in accordance with F. W Woolworth Co., 90 NLRB 289 (1950), plus interest as computed in Florida Steel Corp., 138 NLRB 716 (1962). Inasmuch as the Respondent en- gaged in misconduct resulting in the challenge of two ballots, which challenge is not sustained herein, it is nec- essary that these ballots be counted and that there be a new certification in Case 7-RC-16566. Moreover, the repetitious nature of the Respondent's misconduct dem- onstrates a general disregard for the fundamental rights of employees and therefore issuance of a broad order is necessary. On these findings of fact and conclusions of law and on the entire record, I issue the following recommend- ed2 ORDER The Respondent, Commercial Honing of Detroit, Ltd., Warren, Michigan, its officers, agents, successors, and as- signs, shall 1. Cease and desist from (a) Discharging or refusing to recall any employees or otherwise discriminating against them in retaliation for engaging in suspected union activities or other protected concerted activities. (b) Interfering with, restraining, or coercing its em- ployees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed them in Section 7 of the Act by interrogating employees con- cerning their union activities and those of other employ- ees; creating the impression that employees' union activi- ties are under surveillance; promising benefits; and threatening plant closure, discharge, and loss of benefits to discourage membership in a labor organization or other protected concerted activities. (c) Failing to offer recall to employees in retaliation for engaging in suspected union activities or other pro- tected concerted activities. (d) In any other manner interfering with, restraining, or coercing employees in the exercise of the rights guar- anteed them by Section 7 of the Act. 2. Take the following affirmative action in order to ef- fectuate the policies of the Act. (a) Offer Jackie Burton, Michael Burton, Leroy Burton, Harry Brown, Zef Camaj, Mario DiCiesare, and William Williams immediate and full recall or reinstate- ment and make them whole for the losses they incurred as a result of the discrimination against them in the manner and subject to the conditions specificed in the section above entitled "Remedy." (b) Expunge from its files any reference to the dis- charges of Jackie Burton and Zef Camaj on October 29, 1981, and Michael Burton on November 5, 1981, and notify them in writing that this has been done and that evidence of the unlawful discharges will not be used as a basis for future personnel actions against them. (c) Preserve and, on request, make available to the Board or its agents for examination and copying, all pay- roll records, social security payment records, timecards, personnel records and reports, and all other records nec- essary to analyze the amount of backpay due under the terms of this Order. (d) Post at its Warren, Michigan facility, copies of the attached notice marked "Appendix."3 Copies of the notice, on forms provided by the Regional Director for Region 7, after being signed by the Respondent's author- 2 If no exceptions are filed as provided by Sec. 102.46 of the Board's Rules and Regulations, the findings, conclusions, and recommended Order shall, as provided in Sec. 102.48 of the Rules, be adopted by the Board and all objections to them shall be deemed waived for all pur- poses. 916 COMMERCIAL HONING OF DETROIT ized representative, shall be posted by the Respondent immediately upon receipt and maintained for 60 consecu- tive days in conspicuous places including all places where notices to employees are customarily posted. Rea- l If this Order is enforced by a Judgment of a United States Court of Appeals, the words in the notice reading "Posted by Order of the Na- tional Labor Relations Board" shall read "Posted Pursuant to a Judgment of the United States Court of Appeals Enforcing an Order of the Nation- al Labor Relations Board." sonable steps shall be taken by the Respondent to ensure that the notices are not altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. (e) Notify the Regional Director in writing within 20 days from the date of this Order what steps the Re- spondent has taken to comply. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that in view of the conclu- sions herein a new certification of results of election be issued in Case 7-RC-16566. 917 Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation