Combustion Engineering, Inc.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsJun 9, 1976224 N.L.R.B. 542 (N.L.R.B. 1976) Copy Citation 542 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Combustion Engineering , Inc., Power Systems Divi- APPENDIX sion and James L. Hudson . Case 5-CA-7223 June 9, 1976 DECISION AND ORDER By CHAIRMAN MURPHY AND MEMBERS FANNING AND PENELLO On February 20, 1976, Administrative Law Judge Herzel H E Plaine issued the attached Decision in this proceeding Thereafter, the Respondent filed ex- ceptions and a supporting brief, and the General Counsel filed a memorandum in support of the Ad- ministrative Law Judge's Decision Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its au- thority in this proceeding to a three-member panel The Board has considered the record and the at- tached Decision in light of the exceptions and brief and has decided to affirm the rulings, findings,' and conclusions of the Administrative Law Judge and to adopt his recommended Order, as modified herein 2 ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Re- lations Board adopts as its Order the recommended Order of the Administrative Law Judge, as modified below, and hereby orders that the Respondent, Com- bustion Engineering, Inc, Power Systems Division, Windsor, Connecticut, its officers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall take the action set forth in the said recommended Order, as so modified 1 In paragraph 1(b) substitute the words "In any other manner" for "In any like manner " 2 Substitute the attached notice for the notice ap- pended to the Administrative Law Judge's Decision ' The Respondent has excepted to certain credibility findings made by the Administrative Law Judge It is the Board's established policy not to over rule an Administrative Law Judge's resolutions with respect to credibility unless the clear preponderance of all of the relevant evidence convinces us that the resolutions are incorrect Standard Dry Wall Products Inc 91 NLRB 544 ( 1950), enfd 188 F 2d 362 (CA 3, 1951) We have carefully examined the record and find no basis for reversing his findings 2 In his recommended Order, the Administrative Law Judge uses the nar- row cease-and-desist language, in any like manner," rather than the broad injunctive language, `in any other manner, which we deem appropriate in situations such as this where the Respondents unfair labor practices strike at the very heart of the Act Accordingly, we shall order the Respondent to cease and desist from in any manner infringing upon those rights NOTICE To EMPLOYEES POSTED BY ORDER OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD An Agency of the United States Government The National Labor Relations Board having found, after a hearing, that we violated the National Labor Relations Act, we have been ordered to post this no- tice and abide by the following WE WILL NOT discharge or otherwise discipline employees because they protest in concert with fellow employees, or similarly seek protection or other relief from our failure to keep the place of employment free from abnormally dangerous working conditions, or because they engage in any other protected concerted activity under Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act WE WILL NOT in any other manner interfere with the right of employees to engage in protect- ed concerted activities, or refrain therefrom Because the Board found that we unlawfully discharged employees James Hudson, Larry Bailey, James Fisher, Paul Urwin, Jack Wil- liams , and Kenneth Williams because they had engaged in protected concerted activities under Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act, WE WILL give each of them backpay with interest from the time of his discharge on January 6, 1975, until an appropriately determined time thereafter related to the completion of the proj- ect on which each was working COMBUSTION ENGINEERING, INC DECISION HERZEL H E PLAINE, Administrative Law Judge The question in this case is whether Respondent unlawfully dis- charged six of its boilermaker employees on a renovating job in West Point, Virginia, because they engaged in pro- tected concerted activities by leaving their work to protest and seek relief from abnormally unsafe working condi- tions, or whether Respondent lawfully discharged them for engaging in an unauthorized work stoppage contrary to the no-strike clause of the governing collective-bargaining con- tracts The complaint, filed on June 19, 1975 ,' alleges that Respondent's discharge of the six employees on January 6, 1975, violated Section 8 (a)(1) of the National Labor Rela- tions Act (the Act) General Counsel's contention is that the normally dangerous job of demolishing and removing ' On a charge filed on March 24 1975 by one of the discharged boiler makers James L Hudson on behalf of himself and the other five dis- charged employees-Larry R Bailey James S Fisher Paul E Urwin, Jack L Williams and Kenneth E Williams 224 NLRB No 76 COMBUSTION ENGINEERING, INC 543 the large metal screens and other parts constituting the in- terior of a large precipitator that, in operation, was part of a coal-fired boiler system for producing steam for genera- tion of electric power, became abnormally dangerous, within the meaning of Section 502 of the Act, on the night of January 3 and early morning January 4 (a Saturday) when two former fellow employees who quit and left the job earlier on January 3 came back to the precipitator and, with knowledge of Respondent, assaulted one of the six boilermakers working on the night shift and threatened all with further violence unless they also quit the job 2 The six employees met with the night-shift superintendent and left the jobsite a few hours before the normal quitting time on their understanding that the superintendent acquiesced in and agreed to their leaving in order to get the trouble and danger off the job, and with the further understanding that the six men would report back to work Monday, the next working day When the six men reported back for work on Monday, January 6, Respondent barred their admission to the project and handed them dismissal notices, with pay- checks for the previous week's work, on the ground that they had voluntarily quit Respondent does not contend that there was no danger or abnormal danger in working conditions for the night- shift workers at the precipitator when the belligerent in- truders were present and brought the work to a halt, but does contend that the danger ceased before the six employ- ees left the jobsite when the intruders moved out of sight Respondent, who claims that it replaced the six employees by the next working day, also argues, contrary to the Gen- eral Counsel, that it neither gave permission for nor con- doned the early leaving, and that there was no under- standing that the jobs would be there for the six men on the next working day The case was heard on July 24 and 25 and September 25, 1975, at Charleston, West Virginia The delay of 2 months in completing the hearing was caused by the absence from the United States of Respondent's key witness, the night- shift superintendent, Davenport General Counsel and Respondent have filed briefs Upon the entire record in the case,3 including my obser- vation of the witnesses and consideration of the briefs, I make the following FINDINGS OF FACT I JURISDICTION Respondent is a Delaware corporation engaged at vari- ous locations throughout the United States in the construc- tion and renovation of boilers and other devices used in the generation of electric power by electric utilities and other companies In this case, the site involved was the property of the 2 Sec 502 provides, in pertinent part `nor shall the quitting of labor by an employee or employees in good faith because of abnormally dangerous conditions for work at the place of employment of such employee or em- ployees be deemed a strike under this Act " s Largely in the third volume of the transcript of the testimony there were some repetitive errors in transcription which are hereby corrected Chesapeake Paper Company located in West Point, Virgin- ia In the calendar year preceding issuance of the com- plaint, a representative period, Respondent purchased and received in the State of Virginia goods valued in excess of $50,000 from points outside the State of Virginia As the parties admit, Respondent was and is an employer within the meaning of Section 2(2) of the Act, engaged in com- merce and in operations affecting commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act The International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron Ship Builders, Forgers, and Helpers, and its Locals 45 (Richmond, Virginia) and 667 (Charleston, West Virginia), are labor organizations within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act II THE UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES A The Business Operation Beginning in December 1974, through January and Feb- ruary 1975, Respondent was engaged in the repair of the coal-fired boiler and renovation of the connected precipi- tator on the property of the Chesapeake Paper Company (Chesapeake) at West Point, Virginia Also involved in the work (though not directly involved in the case) was a com- pany called Research-Cottrell According to Respondent's construction manager of the project, William (Sam) Stewart, Respondent began work on December 2, 1974, and completed the work on Febru- ary 24, 1975 This was the period of time used by the day shift working on repair of the boiler The day shift working on renovation of the precipitator ran from December 23, 1974, to February 11, 1975 On the boiler repair, there was also a night shift, which ran from December 15, 1974, to January 29, 1975, and on the precipitator renovation, there was a night shift that ran from December 30, 1974, to January 24, 1975 (There was no verification of any of these dates by books or records ) This case is concerned with the work of the night shift on the precipitator renovation According to Manager Stewart, there was a total of 140 employees on the whole project, of whom 28 employees worked on the precipitator, 14 on the day shift and 14 on the night shift Respondent obtained its employees through local union hiring halls, said Stewart, and in the case of boilermakers obtained almost all from Local 45 of Rich- mond, Va In connection with the work on the precipitator, Local 45 apparently did not have enough boilermakers in its immediate jurisdiction to send, and called for men from its sister Local 667 in Charleston, West Virginia, located 400 miles from the Chesapeake jobsite As a result, the night shift on the precipitator renovation began on the night of December 30, 1974, with 10 of the 14 men from the Charleston, West Virginia, area In this con- nection, the Charleston boilermakers drove the 400 miles in several cars to the Chesapeake job, and stayed during the week at a local motel The night shift on the precipitator began at 5 30 p in and ran to 3 30 am, or 10 hours per night, 5 days per week, Monday through Friday, totaling 50 hours per week 544 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD A boilermaker, said boilermaker employee Hudson, is a man of many parts including welder, rigger, and mechanic The initial work for the boilermakers in the renovation of the precipitator was in the nature of demolition, i e clear- ing out all of the interior parts, mostly metal, of this large wholly enclosed building, preparatory to installing a new interior for doing the work of the precipitator B Description of the Working Premises The precipitator is a windowless building 90 feet wide, 60 feet long, and 60 feet high, the bottom of which sits 10 feet off the ground The precipitator is an environmental protection device, connected to the boiler Its function is to remove the fly ash and other impurities from the gases emitted by the boiler before the gases are discharged to the atmosphere through the stack The interior of the precipita- tor is sectioned into three working bays, in which were hung huge metal screens or curtains, made of 1/4-inch steel rods going through 2-inch pipe, and strung with elec- tric wires, the screens spaced at close intervals and hanging from the top of the bay to within 2 or 3 feet of the floor The electric wires were held in place by cast-iron weights weighing 15 to 20 pounds each, shaped like and called milk bottles, attached to and hanging from the lower ends of the wiresjust above the floor In operation, the steel screens or curtains were charged by the electric wires, causing the fly ash and other impurities in the gases moving from the boil- er through the precipitator to cling to the screens At timed intervals, heavy metal rapper bars would hit or agitate the screens and knock the clinging impurities down from the screens to the "wet bottom" floor of the precipitator where a flow of water carried off and discharged the impurities, while relatively clean gases were emitted to the atmosphere through the stack The renovation contemplated removal of all of the inte- rior equipment of the precipitator-the screens or curtains of steel rods and pipes, the electric wire suspensions, the milk bottle weights, and the rapper bars-originally in- stalled about 1965-66, to be replaced by new equipment The removal was essentially a removal of the materials as scrap, and this was accomplished by cutting three 3-feet- by-10-feet oblong openings in the floor of the three bays and lowering the removed material to the ground through the openings in the floor The smaller materials, such as the weights and bars, were removed first, then the large steel screens were cut into smaller sections, which were lowered through the floor openings to the ground The cutting of the screens was done with acetylene torches for which the hoses bringing in the fuel were introduced into the precipi- tator through the oblong floor openings, and ran in various directions on the floor and about the bays Access from the ground to the floor of the precipitator was by ladder placed in the corner of each of the floor openings There were no protective railings around the floor openings and ladders because, said Manager Stewart, railings would block the lowering of the large pieces of material that w ere being cut for removal The men worked in all parts of the precipitator from up high to the floor and thence to and from the ground There were many tools spread about in the interior of the precipi- tator, including 12-pound wrecking bars, 18-inch spud wrenches with sharp lower ends, and acetylene torches and hoses, some of the scrap material rested temporarily on the floor of the precipitator before being taken out and, until fully cut and removed, there were whole screens and parts of screens suspended in the precipitator with lots of sharp jagged edges, according to employee Hudson and others On the ground beneath the floor openings were heaps of scrap from the cut-up rods and other materials that had been lowered from the precipitator, and of course, as the testimony indicated, these materials presented many sharp jagged edges The area was roped off and posted with "danger" signs The floor of the precipitator was wet and slippery Lighting was required day and night, and was supplied by long stringers of lights in each of the bays All of the workers were supplied with and required to wear safety clothing and equipment C Supervision, Control of Jobsite In overall charge of Respondent's repair and renovation work for Chesapeake was the construction manager, Wil- liam (Sam) Stewart Stewart worked in the daytime and said that he usually stayed on for a brief period after the night shift came on In charge of the night shift, both for the boiler and preci- pitator, was Erection or Construction Superintendent Perry (Dave) Davenport According to Manager Stewart, Super- intendent Davenport was completely in charge and had full authority, without consulting Stewart, to hire and to fire Assisting Superintendent Davenport in his supervision of the night shift was erector Lou Purin All three men were admitted supervisors within the meaning of the Act In addition, immediately in charge of the night shift crew on the precipitator was Foreman Battle The jobsite was Chesapeake's property, an enclosed site, with access through two controlled gates, a main gate and a construction gate Control of the gates and patrolling the property was handled by Chesapeake's security guards, and access of employees and workers to the site was sup- posedly by badge identification at the gates The patrolling of the property was by cars using radio communication, according to Superintendent Davenport However, as Su- perintendent Davenport's testimony and the events of Jan- uary 3 and 4, 1975, indicated, control at the gates and the patrolling was lax and at times nonexistent D Union Representation and Contracts Respondent's hiring of, and dealings with, the boiler- makers was through the Richmond Local 45 The stewards on the job were Local 45 representatives, and the Charles- ton Local 667 men had no separate representation4 The governing labor contracts for the boilermakers were 4 At the commencement of hearing, the parties stipulated that Local 45 and Respondent had refused to arbitrate Respondents denial of employ- ment to employee Hudson and the five other Charleston men (identified in fn 1, supra) on January 6 1975 COMBUSTION ENGINEERING, INC 545 the agreement with Local 45 (Exh R-la), in which article 20 made provision for safety measures, and article 1(c)(H) provided that there shall be no illegal strikes, work stop- pages, or lockouts, and the agreement with the Interna- tional Brotherhood (Exh R-lb), in which article 22 provid- ed for safety measures, and article 24 provided that there shall be no lockouts and that the Union shall not approve or condone illegal work stoppages of employees covered by the agreement and will make every effort to enforce com- pliance by local unions and individual employees E Events on the Night Shift of January 3-4, 1975 The 10 Charleston employees on the night shift crew for the precipitator in the week beginning Monday, December 30, 1974, were James Hudson, Larry Bailey, James Fisher, Paul Urwin , Danny Riffee , Kenneth (Gene) Williams, Jack Williams, Romey Kelly, Curtis Sampson, and Dan Malik 5 According to Manager Stewart's testimony , as reported to him on Saturday , January 4 , by Superintendent Daven- port, employees Kelly and Sampson had dropped their brass 6 about 8 30 p in on Friday , January 3 , and left the premises , apparently quitting their jobs, though there was no testimony on the circumstances of their leaving About 15 minutes after the so-called lunch or dinner break (it ran from 10 30 to 11 p m) on Friday night, Janu- ary 3, Superintendent Davenport fired employee Dan Ma- lik for having gone out to his break 10 minutes early and returned 15 minutes late, according to Davenport Malik was given his paycheck and apparently left the premises About 45 minutes later , at approximately 12 midnight, notwithstanding the supposed security at the jobsite gates, Kelly and Sampson came on to the premises and into the precipitator area They climbed the ladder into the first bay of the precipitator where employees Hudson and Fisher were working Hudson was working at the floor level near the unprotected floor opening and Fisher was working at the top of the bay about 50 feet above the floor level, look- ing straight down , he said According to Hudson (and the other witnesses , including Superintendent Davenport, who saw them either simultaneously with, or immediately after, Hudson's first encounter), Kelly and Sampson obviously had been drinking, were belligerent and menacing as a re- sult, but were quite able to articulate their demands and to move about with celerity They demanded that employee Hudson leave the job, saying that all of the Charleston men were going to leave the job because Respondent had fired a brother (Malik) Hudson said no, let Perry Day (Local 45's business agent) handle it Whereupon Kelly took off his coat, handed it to Sampson, said to Hudson, "I 'm going to whip your goddam ass if you don't leave," and took a swing at Hudson Kelly was a husky muscular man (6 feet 5 The first five employees named above were the General Counsel's wit- nesses in the case However employee Riffee was not involved in the dis- charge of January 6 because during the week he had sought and obtained from Respondent a reduction in force' layoff, in effect voluntarily termi- nating his employment at the week s end on the night of January 3-4 6 The equivalent of clocked out In lieu of a timeclock for recording check-in and checkout times the boilermakers used brass identification plates which they picked up from and dropped with the timekeeper as they checked in and checked out each day 3 inches tall, weighed 240 pounds, largest man on the job), "a horse" of a man, with a reputation as a fighter Hudson grabbed Kelly, defensively holding on and asking him not to do this, saying "we've been friends " They separated, and Kelly asked, where is Fisher Hudson pointed to the ceiling of the bay and said, up there Kelly shouted to Fish- er, who said he had seen Kelly take a swing at Hudson, to get his "goddam ass down here" they fired our brother Malik Fisher made his way to the ground by moving over from his perch to a stairway outside the precipitator that led to the ground Meantime Kelly and Sampson abruptly left the first bay, descending the ladder leading to the ground, moved quick- ly to the second bay and up its ladder through the large floor opening to the floor level Employee Hudson fol- lowed them hoping, he said, to keep trouble from arising He observed from the ground that in the second bay, four of the Charleston men were working-Paul Urwin, Larry Bailey, Jack Williams, and Kenneth (Gene) Williams According to employees Hudson, Urwin, and Bailey, Kelly and Sampson came into the second bay shouting with great profanity that the Charleston men had to leave the job because Malik had been fired, or they'd be whip- ped The four Charleston men in the bay were working at or about the floor level, with Jack Williams on a ladder 8 feet above the other three When Jack Williams asked what was "coming off," Kelly ordered him off the ladder or he'd whip his ass Jack Williams complied Kenneth (Gene) Williams, standing a few feet from the floor hole, made a comment indicating he might not leave, whereupon Kelly handed his coat to Sampson and started after Williams, who quickly scooted down the ladder to the ground and out of sight Employees Urwm, Bailey, and Jack Williams descended to the ground and joined employees Hudson and Fisher, as Kelly and Sampson hollered that they want- ed them off the job Meanwhile Superintendent Davenport and his assistant, Erector Purin, had been present at the precipitator while most if not all of this tumult took place Employee Hudson testified that he saw Davenport close by the floor opening of the first bay when Hudson came down the ladder and that Davenport was in a position to see and hear what went on Employee Bailey testified that he saw Davenport and Purin close to the foot of the second bay when he (Bailey) came down the ladder Manager Stewart testified that Dav- enport reported later in the day (Saturday, January 4) that he and Lou Purin had gone to the precipitator and had heard Kelly and Sampson threaten bodily harm to the men if they did not leave the project immediately, and specifi- cally heard Kelly say belligerently they were going to leave the project or he would personally whip their ass Finally, Superintendent Davenport, in his testimony, acknowl- edged, but with less directness than apparently told to his superior, his awareness of the eruption of violence and threat of more violence as it was happening Superintendent Davenport claimed that Research- Cottrell's erector, Mike Severias, came running for him as he and Erector Purm were in the boiler area, telling them there was trouble and fighting, hollering and cussing, at the precipitator According to Davenport, Severias, in response to a question, told him this was not play but a real fight, he 546 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD had observed it from the start Davenport and Purin hur- ried over to the precipitator Davenport said they saw some of the men who, when asked what was the problem, said this was something he had to handle He looked into one of the bays and said he saw Hudson and Kelly, the latter with coat in hand, looking like he had been drinking, his hair mussed Davenport said that without saying anything he then started to look into the next bay and was stopped by Sampson who told him to get the men their money, they were not going to work on a job where their brother em- ployee had been fired for discipline Again, according to Davenport, he said nothing but went back to his office At his office, said Superintendent Davenport, he talked to Chesapeake's manager-coordinator, Hanes, and both tried to find security guards but there was no response They then went to the main gate looking for security guards and there were none there After a 5- to 10-minute wait someone from security was located by radio but, as Davenport stated, no one from security ever did come Davenport returned to his office, located in a trailer that served as office and toolshed, and found Kelly outside, who was joined shortly by Sampson Davenport went in and asked Hanes to call the local police or sheriff Erector Purin was there and Night-Shift Precipitator Foreman Bat- tle was also there Davenport testified that Foreman Battle was the first man to leave the precipitator when the trouble started and made no attempt to get security help As he emerged from the office portion of the trailer into the toolshed, Davenport was confronted by Kelly and Samp- son Kelly demanded that the Charleston men be given their money, stating that they were leaving, that he would see to that, and that if any one of them went back he'd have to whip Kelly Meantime five of the Charleston men had caucused out- side the precipitator, discussed the possibility that Kelly and Sampson would hurt someone on the job, decided they had to talk about the situation with Superintendent Daven- port, and proceeded to his trailer office Several of them, including employee Hudson, walked into the trailer when Kelly and Sampson were confronting Davenport with the demand for paychecks and with the threat that Kelly would physically prevent any Charleston man from going back on the job Kelly demanded to know of employees Hudson and Fisher if they were going to leave the job, or did he have to whip them, and they replied they did not know Davenport, according to Hudson, told Kelly and Samp- son that they had dropped their brass (punched out) and quit earlier and could not be paid now, that none of the others were quitting or asking for their money, and that no checks would be issued He also told the two of them that he had called the police and they had better leave They left the immediate area, said Davenport, but it was clear from his testimony that he didn't know then or thereafter if and when they left the jobsite in the early morning of Janu- ary 4, and, though the police arrived later and talked with Davenport, it was also clear that Kelly and Sampson were not apprehended and that Davenport and the Charleston employees were aware that that was the case Employee Hudson and his colleagues, Fisher, Bailey, Urwin, and Jack Williams, talked with Superintendent Da- venport just outside the trailer It should be noted that at this point Davenport was quite aware that the Charleston employees were scared of Kelly and what he and his com- panion Sampson might do, and Davenport so reported to Manager Stewart later that day (see also Stewart's testimo- ny to this effect) Davenport was also aware that his super- visory colleagues, Erector Punn and Foreman Battle, were shaken and scared, and Davenport also had reported that circumstance later in the day to Stewart As Davenport testified, Manager Stewart was amused, but Davenport stated indignantly (in his testimony, and apparently also to Stewart) that he didn't share Stewart's amusement, that he was concerned for the men because they were scared, he was concerned that Kelly and Sampson had been able to come on and be on the job illegally, and he was concerned about what could possibly happen On their part, the Charleston employees were not only fearful of the violence of Kelly and Sampson, but were also concerned and embarrassed, said Superintendent Daven- port, by the conduct of the two, as a bad reflection on all of the Charleston employees, according to Davenport, they made clear to him both their fear and concern that the violence could recur that night, and that it would be better to move the "trouble off the fob " They testified that they had avoided, and preferred to assure avoiding, fighting with Kelly and Sampson not only because of the danger but also because fighting on the job, whether engaged in rightly or wrongly, in their experience meant discharge for all participants Manager Stewart confirmed that such a rule applied and would have applied to them According to employee Hudson and his fellow employ- ees, Fisher, Bailey, and Urwin, Superintendent Davenport told them it was all right for them to leave, not to worry about a thing, that he appreciated their taking the trouble off the job, and to be back Monday Davenport assured us, said Hudson, that our jobs would be there when we got back Monday Hudson replied that they would drop their brass and go to the change shanty Davenport replied, said Hudson, drop your brass, it's o k, don't worry about a thing According to Hudson, he and his fellow employees, ex- cept Fisher, went over to the change shanty where they picked up their dinner buckets-they came to and from the job in work clothes, they said Employee Fisher stayed be- hind because he had no lunch bucket and, while waiting, Davenport said to him, according to Fisher, that he didn't blame the men for leaving On the way back from the change shanty, as the men passed the trailer office again before leaving the jobsite, Superintendent Davenport, Erector Purin, Foreman Battle, and Chesapeake's Manag- er-Coordinator Hanes walked over to them, said Hudson and his fellow employees, Bailey and Urwin (Jack Williams was with them, his brother Kenneth (Gene) Williams had left separately), and Davenport said to the five of them, not to worry about a thing, he would have done the same as they were doing, he appreciated the good work they were doing, and he was looking for them back on the Monday night shift Bailey and Urwin testified that Erector Purin joined Davenport in the compliments and assurances, and Bailey said that handshakes were exchanged Employee Riffee, whose last night of work this was be- COMBUSTION ENGINEERING, INC 547 cause of his requested layoff (see In 5, supra), and who had come to the trailer office to get his paycheck from Superin- tendent Davenport, testified that he was present while these conversations between Davenport and the Charles- ton men took place, both inside and outside the trailer He confirmed that Hudson expressed the view that the trouble could be kept down better if the Charleston men left, that Davenport agreed and said that in their place he would do the same thing, that he complimented them on their work, asked if they were coming back Monday and, when they said yes, shook hands with them None of them asked for checks or pay, said Riffee (employee Hudson testified simi- larly) Riftee testified that he then walked back into the trailer and Davenport gave him his paycheck Superintendent Davenport, in his testimony, differed with the Charleston men on two main points Prefacing the differences with the statement that he tried to get them back on the job to finish the shift that night and then go home to Charleston to get things squared away and come back to the job Monday, Davenport contended, first, that he did not give them permission to leave early Saturday morning before the shift ended, and, second, that he did not inquire if, or obtain their assurances that, they were coming back Monday (He also said that he didn't obtain any indication that they were not coming back on Mon- day ) I do not accept as true Superintendent Davenport's two contentions, because of intrinsic contradictions in his testi- mony and because the after-occurrmg circumstances bear out the Charleston men rather than Davenport Among other things, Davenport said that he didn't ask the Charles- ton men if they were coming back on Monday because he was trying to get them back on the job the night of Friday- Saturday, if they had gone back to work, then, he said, he would have approached every man to make sure all were going to return Monday' Moreover, as Davenport testi- fied, he told Manager Stewart, possibly later on Saturday and definitely on Monday, that he expected some of the Charleston men to return to the job, as they did on Mon- day Further, Davenport conceded that he did not warn the Charleston men, in the discussion of their alleged refus- al to finish the Friday-Saturday shift, that if they left early their jobs would not be there on Monday 8 While the Charleston men denied that Superintendent Davenport insisted that they resume working the night of January 3-4, former employee Danny Riffee, the only 7 A step which would appear to have been quite unnecessary since he admitted knowing they had not lost interest in the job in contrast to the need to ascertain whether they were coming back Monday if they were refusing to finish the prior shift s Perhaps of considerable significance, in what appears to have been Davenport's molding the testimony, was his need as a loyal employee to preserve an appearance of harmony with Manager Stewart though there was an apparent clash Davenport had the benefit of reading all of the testimony in the case (except witness Riffee s rebuttal testimony) before he testified and, as appears infra, his superior, Manager Stewart although he sought at the hearing to give the appearance of approval had in fact been critical of Davenport's handling the case took it away from him over the weekend, and reversed the assurance that the Charleston men thought they had that they would retain their Jobs when they reported Monday night see infra, sec F Though other supervisors and persons were present when Dav- enport talked to the Charleston men on January 3-4, Respondent called none of them other than Davenport to testify close-to-neutral person privy to the conversations, testified that in the discussion Davenport asked if they would stay to the end of the shift, that the Charleston men, in particu- lar Hudson, said it would be better to keep the trouble down if they left, that Davenport agreed, saying in your place I'd do the same thing, and asked if they were coming back Monday, and the men said yes In my view this represents the bare bones of the essen- tials of that discussion 9 F The Events of January 4-6, 1975 The Charleston men left the jobsite about 1 a in on Sat- urday morning, January 4, and drove the 400 miles home to Charleston that day After leaving, there was no commu- nication between them and Respondent or the Union on that day or Sunday or Monday, and on Monday, January 6, the six of them-Hudson, Bailey, Fisher, Urwin, and the two Williams brothers-drove the 400 miles back from Charleston to West Point They came to the Chesapeake jobsite shortly before 5 30 p in in their work clothes, they testified , for the start of the night shift However, at the gate they were barred from entering by the security guards and told to wait Though Manager Stewart and Superinten- dent Davenport were fully aware of the Charleston men at the gate, neither went out Instead, Stewart sent the two union stewards for the day shift and the night shift (the latter identified as Bill Fern), and Erector Joe Osler of Re- search-Cottrell, who handed the six men their paychecks for the previous week with discharge slips indicating that they had quit The Charleston men were told that they had no jobs, according to employee Hudson, and when he pro- tested that Superintendent Davenport had told them to be back for work on Monday at the regular time, Osler claimed that he had talked for them to Manager Stewart to no avail Turning back to Saturday morning, January 4, Manager Stewart testified that early in the morning between 3 and 4 a in Superintendent Davenport had wakened him by a phone call to his motel and given him a detailed report on the early evening quitting of the job by Kelly and Samp- son, the firing of Malik, the return of Kelly and Sampson threatening bodily harm if the other Charleston men did not leave the project, the men's leaving in a manner indi- cating their fear of the bodily harm threatened and (ac- cording to Stewart) not intending to come back, and a re- quest by Davenport (said Stewart) for nine replacements for the start of the Monday night shift Superintendent Davenport, who, when testifying had read and was familiar with Stewart's testimony, contra- dicted Stewart, said that he did not call Stewart at night or early morning but left a written report in the log book for 91-ending verity to it is Superintendent Davenports testimony that though he said he sought to encourage the men to stay he also knew they were concerned that Kelly and Sampson would create violent trouble Dav enport was in no position to offer them assurance that Kelly and Sampson would not return to the precipitator again that night and he gave none because there was no information on their whereabouts and Davenport was fully aware of the absence of security at the gates and on the premises In addition to the situation on January 3-4 to which he testified he testified generally that the two gates were not always manned by guards and at the main gate people could walk through without badges 548 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Stewart to read when he arrived for the morning shift Sat- urday, and called Stewart between 8 and 9 a in (Saturday, January 4) to give a further report 10 Moreover, Davenport testified, it was in this late morning call that he said he discussed with Stewart the need for additional men for the Monday night shift, that he asked Stewart to get hold of Union Business Agent Perry Day at Richmond to ask for seven (not nine) men and to get in touch with the Charles- ton local to ascertain the situation with the Charleston men Davenport advised Stewart he expected some of the Charleston men back Stewart did not ask Union Agent Day to inquire and Day did not inquire about the Charles- ton men, said Davenport, and Stewart confirmed this fact in his testimony According to Davenport, on the Saturday night (January 4) shift, Stewart told Davenport that Union Agent Day had indicated the names of three or four new men who would be available for the Monday night shift (contradicting Stewart's testimony that by then he had al- ready been assured by Day of nine men) In my view Davenport's testimony on these events and conversations, as between him and Stewart, was more accurate Indeed the indication is that Stewart was shading the truth in order to justify his repudiation of Davenport's handling of the situation on the night of January 3-4 What Superintendent Davenport did not know on the morning of Saturday, January 4, after the end of the Janu- ary 3-4 night shift, was that Respondent Manager Stewart had been called upon by, and met with, Chesapeake's plan- ner in charge of the renovation project, Howard Bull Ac- cording to Stewart, Bull told him that the Chesapeake peo- ple were very disturbed with the Friday night incident, and that they could brook no delay in meeting the deadline for putting the units in operation Stewart claimed that, while Bull did not demand that he fire anyone, he assured Bull that the situation would not continue, that he had ordered replacements for all of the Charleston men on the precipi- tator night shift, and that the new men would be in Mon- day night (January 6) Whether or not Chesapeake's planner Bull had asked for removal of all of the Charleston men from the night shift, it is clear that Manager Stewart reached the conclusion in the course of the discussion with Bull that this was what he had to do 11 Although Superintendent Davenport was suppos- edly completely in charge of the night shift and of its hir- ings and firings, Stewart relieved him of command in the matter of discharging and replacing the Charleston men (as Davenport testified), and did not even give him the oppor- tunity to talk with them when they reported for work and were halted at the Chesapeake gate in the late afternoon of January 6 Davenport testified that he would have liked to talk to them, and if he had had the chance would have put 10 When the logbook report was called for at the hearing Superintendent Davenport testified that it had been destroyed at the end of the job but that Manager Stewart had directed him several days after the incident , following discussion with Stewart and others , to write another report for the home office, which Davenport said he did without benefit of the log report or other notes ii Which accounts for Stewart s moving forward the alleged timetable of communications from Davenport on Saturday, January 4 to make it appear that nine replacements had been ordered by Stewart and promised by Union Agent Day before Stewart talked to Bull early Saturday them back to work after calling Union Business Agent Day to "reinstate" them But, said Davenport, Stewart vetoed this suggestion, saying, no, they walked off the job and caused a work stoppage, they quit Stewart then told him, said Davenport, that the Chesapeake people were upset with the West Virginia men According to Manager Stewart when employees leave the job, with or without permission, they are not entitled to, and do not receive, their paychecks for any moneys owing them at the time but must wait until the next pay- day, when they can collect in person or have the checks mailed In this case, payday for the Charleston men would have been Friday, January 10, he said Stewart claimed that from what he had been told by Superintendent Daven- port he had no reason to expect that any of the Charleston men would report for work Monday night, January 6 He sought to explain having the paychecks ready for the six Charleston men when they appeared Monday night, by an alleged telephone call from Night-Shift Union Steward Bill Fern to Stewart's bookkeeper, Sellers, about 3 p in on Monday, January 6, in which Fern supposedly asked Sell- ers if the Charleston men could pick up their paychecks if they came to the jobsite gate at 5 30 p in Stewart testified he said yes, and had the checks prepared, and sent to the gate when the men appeared there Notwithstanding his several discussions with Davenport beforehand, Stewart claimed not to have known that if the men were coming to the plant only for their paychecks they were making an 800-mile round trip drive from West Virginia for that pur- pose I do not credit this testimony of Manager Stewart His story about the alleged phone call from Union Steward Fern for the paychecks has not an iota of corroboration from anyone else who testified, or from any event Respon- dent did not call as witnesses Sellers or Fern or Union Business Agent Day who were available to it through em- ployment or business relationships The Charleston men denied there were any communications by them or to them with the Union or its agents, including Fern, between the time the men left the jobsite on January 4 and returned on January 6 There was no evidence of any such communica- tions The evidence was that they had made no requests for money Stewart was not a reliable witness, and not above invention, as some of his conflicts in testimony with his associate, Davenport (supra), have indicated I am persuad- ed that the alleged phone call from Fern was an invention by Stewart in an attempt to conceal the fact that he knew beforehand (from Davenport) that the Charleston men were coming back from West Virginia on Monday for work, and that, well before they returned on Monday, he had reversed Davenport's assurance that their jobs would be there Other actions and conversations of Manager Stewart confirm that he took deliberate advance steps to reverse the assurance by Superintendent Davenport of continued employment for the Charleston men on their return on January 6 Employee Hudson and his colleagues testified that, on January 6, the six of them came to the Jobsite Just before 5 30 p in in their usual work clothes and work boots and with their identification badges, which they had retained when they left the previous Saturday morning COMBUSTION ENGINEERING, INC 549 The Chesapeake guards were at the gate and prevented their entry, stating that they would have to wait at the gate for the combustion engineering people Obviously, Stewart, as had Davenport, expected their return, and had ordered this measure to prevent their entry to the premises When the Charleston men were told by Osler and the two union stewards that they no longer had jobs and were handed their discharge slips and paychecks, the Charleston men left the gate but returned shortly thereafter asking if they could see Manager Stewart In response, Stewart came out to the guard gate 12 A conversation between at least three of the men and Stewart ensued Employees Urwin and Fisher testified that Urwin asked Stewart what had happened, and Stewart replied, said Urwin and Fisher, that he had had a meeting with the paper company (Chesa- peake) and that, because the paper company said the Charleston men had created a work stoppage and did not want them on the job anymore, he had gone along with the paper company and dropped them Stewart did not affirm or deny this part of the conversation, but said that the conversation comprised mainly the request of the men, in view that they had not quit, that he change the "quit" in their discharge notices to "reduction in force" so that they could collect unemployment compensation Stewart replied he could not do it, that replacements had already been hired, and if he changed the notices he would jeopardize his own position Urwin and Hudson asked why had he replaced them when they had been assured by Superinten- dent Davenport and Erector Purin that they were doing a good job and were wanted back on Monday Stewart re- plied, according to Urwin and Hudson, that the matter was out of Davenport's and Purin's hands, that he was in charge, and that was the way it was going to be In the course of the discussion, the talk turned to Romey Kelly and to some of the events of the night of January 3-4 As Urwin and Fisher testified, Stewart was critical of Davenport's handling of the outbreak of the violence and of his way of dealing with Kelly and Sampson, and de- scribed how he would have dealt with them Stewart con- ceded that he talked of this to the Charleston men and that he would have handled the matter differently from the way Davenport had done G The 8(a)(1) Finding In my view, on the night of January 3-4, 1975, when the six Charleston employees temporarily stopped working and addressed themselves to Respondent's superintendent in charge, they were protesting to Respondent, and seeking its protection against, the violence inflicted and the danger of further violence by the two former employees and trespass- ers on the job Respondent had not provided the employ- ees adequate protection against the violence and danger and was not in a position, certainly that night, to assure them protection against a recurrence, and did not offer them any such assurance 13 12 Stewart claimed that the Charleston men were not in work clothes, but also admitted that it was dark and raining and he did not particularly notice their clothes I do not credit his claim 13 Respondent cannot escape its responsibility for such protection be cause the jobsite owner (Chesapeake) had undertaken the protective func- In seeking the relief, the Charleston employees were en- gaged in protected concerted activities under the Act, and discharges by Respondent because they engaged in such protected activities would normally violate Section 8(a)(1) of the Act N L R B v Washington Aluminum Company, Inc, 370 U S 9 (1962) However, under the collective-bargaining contracts gov- erning the relationships between these employees and Re- spondent, the employees had renounced work stoppage or strike as a means of protesting, or obtaining relief for, a grievance Nonetheless, if the employees temporarily quit their labor "in good faith because of abnormally dangerous conditions for work at the place of employment," their conduct was not a strike or work stoppage, as provided in Section 502 of the Act, and they were not engaged in an illegal work stoppage under their contracts that would just- ify discharge without violating Section 8(a)(1) 14 There is thus an initial question whether, by an objective standard,15 there existed abnormally dangerous conditions for work at the precipitator on the night of January 3-4 From the description of the interior of the precipitator and of the work and method used to demolish it (supra, sec B), there was no question that the working conditions were normally dangerous The demolition had run only 5 days and was nowhere near completion Moreover, as Respondent recognized in its brief and does not now contest, adding to the scene the presence of two belligerent, partly inebriated intruders (Kelly and Sampson), bent on forcing the Charleston men by violence to leave the job, made what was dangerous abnormally dangerous The wet slippery floors of the bays, the large unprotected openings in the floors, the hanging metal screens and materials , some cut and jagged and in stages of removal, piles of the sharp-edged and pointed metal debris on the ground near the floor openings and some of it scat- tered about the floors, and throughout the bays acetylene torches and their hoses criss-crossing the floors, tools in- cluding wrecking bars and pointed wrenches, all about,16 and the workers in various precarious locations some on high perches in the precipitator, others on ladders, and still others at or near the unprotected floor openings-could have become a scene of carnage if either or both intruders persisted in or recommenced the violence initially begun by assaulting and menacing several of the employees, as described in section E, supra tion and failed As Superintendent Davenport testified , Respondent was well aware before January 3 and painfully aware on the night of January 3 that Chesapeake was not doing an adequate job to secure the premises against trespassers 14 As pointed out in Clark Engineering and Construction Company v Unit ed Brotherhood of Carpenters etc, 510 F 2d 1075, 1079-80 (C A 6 1975) notwithstanding a no-strike clause in the labor contract , Sec 502 protects employees individually from employer retaliation including discharge when they quit work in good faith because of exposure to abnormally dan- gerous working conditions 15 Meaning whether the actual working conditions shown to exist by competent evidence, might in the circumstances reasonably be considered abnormally dangerous Redwing Carriers, Inc, 130 NLRB 1208, 1209 (1961) See also Gateway Coal Co v United Mine Workers, 414 U S 368, 386 (1974) 16 Manager Stewart testified that the tools or the 15- to 20-pound "milk bottles lying about could have been picked up by Kelly or Sampson to beat up the others 550 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Superintendent Davenport recognized the wisdom of, and approved, the hasty retreat of the Charleston workers from the precipitator as a means of initially blunting an outbreak of full scale violence He recognized that the Charleston workers were frightened and that his supervi- sors were equally if not more frightened 17 Davenport, too, was scared of the consequences if violence on the premises was not averted There was no question on the part of the night-shift supervision and employees alike that the preci- pitator had become an abnormally dangerous place to work so long as the intruders were on or able to return to the jobsite 1 While Superintendent Davenport would have liked to have the Charleston men resume and finish the few re- maining hours of the night shift in the early morning of January 4 after the two intruders moved out of sight when told police would be coming, he could not and did not offer assurance against the return of the intruders, and he recognized the wisdom of employee Hudson's suggestion that it was safer to move the "trouble" off the job by the Charleston workers leaving then, going back to Charleston for the weekend, and returning on the next workday, Mon- day Davenport expressed himself accordingly, and the ac- tion of the employees in seeking relief was amicably settled in that manner Thus, Respondent's discharge of the six Charleston em- ployees not only repudiated the consummated settlement but was in disregard of Section 502 of the Act, and violated Section 8(a)(l) of the Act N L R B v Knight Morley Corp, 251 F 2d 753, 759 (C A 6, 1957), cert denied 357 U S 927 (1958) In this connection neither Section 502, nor the leg- islative history, limits the kind of danger that may be con- sidered abnormal, and danger at the place of employment from violence and threat of violence are well within the reach of Section 502, see Redwing Carriers, supra, 130 NLRB 1208, 1209 19 And see N L R B v Leslie Metal Arts Co, 509 F 2d 811 (C A 6, 1975), holding that employees are entitled to protection against threats of physical vio- lence and other acts of harassment (in that case of a fellow employee), and that when an employer's failure to main- tain order rose to the point of threatening employee safety, concerted activity by employees in protest of the employer's failure was protected activity which was insured against interference under Section 8(a)(1) of the Act 17 Manager Stewart in his own investigation learned directly from others such as Night Steward Bill Fern that Fern had been threatened with vio- lence by Kelly and was frightened by him 18 While some of the evidence contained expressions in subjective terms the awareness of and concern with the abnormal danger was manifest in overt actions by both supervisors and employees such as Foreman Battle and employee Williams running from the precipitator employee Hudson s actions to divert the intruders and Superintendent Davenport s frantic and unavailing efforts to obtain security guard protection and later police asses tance 19 While the Board, contrary to the trial examiner, in Redwing found that there was inadequate proof of the violence, it recognized that Sec 502 could be applicable with adequate proof The case was later reconsidered and disposed of by the Board on still another ground Redwing Carriers 137 NLRB 1545 (1962) In affirming the Board in Teamsters Local 79 v NLRB 325 F 2d 1011 (C A D C 1973) cert denied 377 U S 905 (1964) the court noted that in its second order the Board had not found in haec verba that no abnormally dangerous conditions existed Moreover, on the Charleston employees' return to work January 6, Respondent's repudiation of Superintendent Davenport's express permission to the Charleston employ- ees to leave the job just before the shift ended in the early morning of January 4, and treatment of the leaving as an illegal walkout, was a pretext for their discharge (apparent- ly to placate Respondent's client Chesapeake), and thereby violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act Morrison Railway Sup- ply Corporation, 191 NLRB 487, 490 (1971) 20 CONCLUSIONS OF LAW By discriminatorily discharging employees James Hud- son, Larry Bailey, James Fisher, Paul Urwin, Jack Wil- liams, and Kenneth Williams on January 6, 1975, because they engaged in protected concerted activities, Respondent has committed an unfair labor practice within the meaning of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act The unfair labor practice af- fects commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act THE REMEDY It will be recommended that the Respondent shall (1) Cease and desist from its unfair labor practice, and from in any like manner infringing upon the rights guaran- teed by Section 7 of the Act Because the project on which the six discriminatees were working has been completed and a reinstatement order would be meaningless , it shall (2) Give to the discriminatees , former employees James Hudson, Larry Bailey , James Fisher , Paul Urwin, Jack Williams, and Kenneth Williams, backpay from the time of their discharge to an appropriately determined time there- after related to the completion of the project on which they worked , the backpay to be computed on a quarterly basis as set forth in F W Woolworth Co, 90 NLRB 289 (1950), approved in N L R B v Seven - Up Bottling Co, 344 US 344 (1953 ), with interest at 6 percent per annum as provid- ed in Isis Plumbing & Heating Co , 138 NLRB 716 (1962), approved in Philip Carey Mfg Co v NLRB , 331 F 2d 720 (C A 6, 1964), cert denied 379 U S 888 Because there is no current place of employment, Re- spondent shall (3) Mail a copy of the notice provided for herein to each of the six discriminatees and to Local 45 and Local 667 of the Union Upon the foregoing findings of fact, conclusions of law, and the entire record, and pursuant to Section 10(c) of the Act, there is hereby issued the following recommended 20I would also agree with General Counsel that even if there were some question that Superintendent Davenport gave express permission to the Charleston employees to leave early on January 4, his total conduct that night resulting in the mutual understanding between him and the men that they would return for work January 6 (witness their driving 400 miles to comply with the understanding ) was a condonation or waiver of any impro- priety in their having left early and for that reason the discharges for the early leaving after they had returned to the job would have violated Sec 8(a)(I) of the Act Brandy Helicopter Corp 135 NLRB 1412 1413 1418 (1962) Bentex Mills 213 NLRB 296 (1974) COMBUSTION ENGINEERING, INC 551 ORDER21 Respondent, Combustion Engineering, Inc, Power Sys- tems Division, its officers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall 1 Cease and desist from (a) Discharging or other discipline of employees who in concert with fellow employees protest, or seek protection or other relief from, Respondent's failure to keep its place of employment free from abnormally dangerous working conditions, or who engage in other protected concerted ac- tivity under Section 7 of the Act (b) In any like manner interfering with, restraining, or coercing employees in the exercise of their rights guaran- teed under Section 7 of the Act 2 Take the following affirmative action which is neces- sary to effectuate the policies of the Act (a) Make whole each of the six former employees, James Hudson, Larry Bailey, James Fisher, Paul Urwin, Jack 21 In the event no exceptions are filed as provided by Sec 102 46 of the Rules and Regulations of the National Labor Relations Board, the findings conclusions, and recommended Order herein shall, as provided in Sec 102 48 of the Rules and Regulations, be adopted by the Board and become its findings, conclusions, and Order, and all objections thereto shall be deemed waived for all purposes Williams, and Kenneth Williams, in the manner set forth in the section of this Decision entitled "The Remedy," for any loss of earnings incurred by them as a result of their discharge on January 6, 1975 (b) Preserve and, upon request, make available to the Board and its agents, for examination and copying, all pay- roll records, social security payment records, timecards, personnel records and reports, and all other records neces- sary to ascertain the backpay due under the terms of this Order (c) Mail to each of said six former employees and to Local 45 and Local 667 of the Union a copy of the at- tached notice marked "Appendix" 22 Immediately upon receipt of said notice, on forms to be provided by the Re- gional Director for Region 5, the Respondent shall cause the copies to be signed by one of its authorized representa- tives and mailed as provided herein (d) Notify the Regional Director for Region 5, in writ- ing, within 20 days from the date of this Order, what steps the Respondent has taken to comply herewith 22 In the event that the Board's Order is enforced by a Judgment of a United States Court of Appeals, the words in the notice reading "Posted b) Order of the National Labor Relations Board' shall read `Posted Pursuant to a Judgment of the United States Court of Appeals Enforcing an Order of the National Labor Relations Board" Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation