Chase House, Inc.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsApr 7, 1978235 N.L.R.B. 792 (N.L.R.B. 1978) Copy Citation Inc.1 372.* En~ployees -RC- i.e., 9(c) the Cities- test IS 1 Carholic Corporurion Drpurrmenl Fcdcral Program, Y o u n ~ C h r ~ s ~ ~ u n Associarron a/'Mrrropol~ran Chica,go, along Hourc Associurion, issues Curholic i,/Cl~rrtr,go, Depurrment Fcdcral Prqyam.<, - . program alia, O'Neal, whlch O'Neal sources.Wn e.g., does lim~ts 792 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD The Chase House, and Local Child Care Division, Service International Union, AFGCIO, Petitioner. Case 13 13784 April 7, 1978 DECISION AND DIRECTION OF ELECTIONS Upon a petition duly filed under Section of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, a hear- ing was held before Hearing Officer Edward D. Klaeren. Following the hearing, and pursuant to Section 102.67 of the National Labor Relations Board Rules and Regulations and Statements of Procedure, Series 8, as amended, the case was transferred to the Board for decision. A brief entitled "Closing Argument of Employer" was filed by The Chase House. Inc. Subsequently, the Board, sua sponte, remanded this case to the Region to reopen the record."further hearing was held on December 16, 1976, and the parties thereafter filed additional briefs. The Board has considered the entire record herein, including the briefs of the parties, and makes the following findings. 1. The Employer, a nonprofit corporation affili- ated with Episcopal Archdiocese of Chicago, operates three Head Start centers and a day care center, The Chase House. The Head Start centers are run pursuant to contracts with Model CCUO, hereinafter Model Cities, an agency of the city of Chicago. The day care center is operated with funds raised from private sources. The Petitioner seeks to represent the Employer's day care center and Head Start employees. The Employer contends that jurisdiction should be de- clined because its operations do not affect commerce within the meaning of the Act. Alternatively, the Employer argues that the Head Start Centers share the City's exemption from the Act under either the "control of labor relations" or the "intimate connection" test, and that the day care center alone does not meet the jurisdictional standard for such enterprises. The Employer argues that, if jurisdiction asserted, certain employees should be excluded as supervisors and that others are professionals and therefore entitled to a separate vote. The name of the Employer appears as amended at the hearing. The name of Petitioner appears as amended at the hearing. This case was remanded along with Bishop of Chicago, A Sole. of 235 NLRB 776, and Women's 235 NLRB 788. These two cases, decided this day, with Hull 235 NLRB 797, also decided this day, involved the identical jurisdictional as presented herein. The Board's remand order is essentially the same as that quoted in Bishop A Corporation Sole. of 235 NLRB 776. The initial issue that we address is whether the Head Start centers are exempt from the Act under the "control of labor relations" test, can the Employer bargain effectively with a union despite Model Cities' guidelines? To receive funding for the Head Start centers, the Employer must submit a so-called work program and budget to Model Cities for approval. The work outlines the centers7 objectives, and the budget lists the centers' anticipated expenses. Both must satisfy Model Cities' guidelines which cover, inter the terms and conditions of employment of Head Start personnel. Lillian Tauber, the director of Children's Services for Model Cities, and Margaret the Employ- er's executive director, testified about Model Cities' guidelines as follows: The budgets must comply with Model Cities' guidelines set forth the types of expenses Model Cities considers reimbursable. The guidelines include a staff-to-child ratio that determines the number of staff that Model Cities will reimburse the Employer for at each center. testified, how- ever, that the Employer is free to use its own money to hire additional staff if it wants. The guidelines also establish educational qualifications for several of the job categories at the centers, and Model Cities checks each hire's background to see that these qualifica- tions are met. The Employer, however, hires its own employees.' The Employer has the power to dis- charge Head Start personnel without Model Cities' approval, and Model Cities checks only to see that employees are discharged according to a fair proce- dure and receive a hearing if desired. Model Cities has established a salary range for each category of Head Start employees and provides additional money to cover the costs of annual salary increments. The Employer, however, is free to increase salaries above what Model Cities provides by using funds from other addition, although Model Cities will not reimburse for salaries paid at overtime rates, the Employer can use its own funds to do so. Model Cities will cover the costs of certain fringe benefits, life and health insurance and pension contributions, for Head Start employees, but others, Model Cities not provide the Employer with a list of applicants. Nor are applicants required to take a civil service exam. For the less skilled jobs. Model Cities requires that hiring priority be given to the parents of children enrolled at the centers and to residents of the neighborhood where the centers are located. 5 Tauber indicated that there would be to the size of salary increments a delegate agency could provide using its own funds. She did not specify, however, what these limits would be. 235 NLRB NO. 107 House Program,s there.9 2(2) Act.1° $283,000 centers" 6 Citi- for Start receive, t h w wnsiders determined 8 drafl fmt wllective- This Thin Adam, H a u e A~sociation, 9(c)(l) 2(6) 2(7) O'Neal, unit." ar.d staff.13 Act.14 syra, chat lo appeam to argued wntmlled Community controls 11 & N w e ~ S c W & Na Fann iq tmated forjurirrdictional 12 Employds alternative contention 13 WNeal, Andrew teacherdiuector, 14 Federal Progranu, THE CHASE HOUSE, INC. 793 such as dental insurance and end-of-year bonuses, are not reimbursable.6 However, the Employer is not prohibited from providing Head Start employees with fringe benefits that Model Cities will not reimburse. In addition, while Model Cities will reimburse the costs of a day's sick leave per month only, the Employer can provide for additional sick leave days using funds from sources other than Model Cities. Evidence was also received regarding the collective bargaining that had taken place between the Hull House Association, another delegate agency, and the Hull House Employees Organization, hereinafter the Organization. That evidence was essentially the same as that introduced in Hull Association7 and Catholic Bishop of Chicago, A Corporation Sole, Department of Federal and we see no need to repeat the summaries found Based upon the facts above, we find that for the reasons explained in Hull House Association, supra, and Catholic Bishop of Chicago, supra, the City, acting through Model Cities, does not control labor rela- tions at the Head Start agencies or that the Head Start centers are "intimately connected with the City. The Head Start centers therefore do not share the City's exempt status under Section of the The record shows that during fiscal 1975, the Employer had revenues of approximately and a combined direct and indirect inflow of approximately $2 1,500. Based upon these figures, we find that the Employer is engaged in commerce within the meaning of the Act and satisfies the jurisdictional standard for day care and that it will effectuate the purposes of the Act to assert jurisdiction over the Employer herein. 2. We find, as stipulated by the parties, that Petitioner is a labor organization within the meaning of the Act. Tauber testified that Model will reimburse a delegate agency the wst of providing Head employees with the same fringe benefits the delegate agency's non-Head Start employees provided they are among fringe benefits Model Cities reimbursable. At the same time, Model Cities' policy of adopting the delegate agency's fringe benefit structure for its non-Head Start employees does not guarantee the Head Start employees will receive the full range of fringe benefits that are reimbursable under Model Cities' guidelines. For example, the exhibits show that no contributions were made for a retirement fund for the Head Start employees involved herein, apparently because no retirement fund existed for the Employer's non-Head Start employees. Thus. to a certain extent, the type of fringe benefit Model Cities reimburses is by the delegate agency's existing fringe benefit policy. 7 235 NLRB 797 (1978). 235 NLRB 776 (1978). Tauber testified that she saw a copy of the bargaining agreement negotiated with Hull House, but did not comment on it to Hull House officials in any way. testimony indicates that she did not approve the agreement before it went into effect. conclusion is corroborated by Robert Hull House's executive director. See Hull 235 NLRB 797, fn. 8 (1978). According to her testimony 3. A question affecting commerce exists concern- ing the representation of employees of the Employer within the meaning of Section and Section and of the Act. 4. As indicated, the Employer also contends that the unit sought by Petitioner includes supervisors and professionals. First, the Employer contends that the four teacher- directors are supervisors within the meaning of the Act. We agree. The record shows that a teacher- director is assigned to each of the Employer's four locations. Besides teaching, each is responsible for the implementation of the Employer's child develop- ment program at the center to which he or she is assigned. As such, they direct the work of each center's employees and interview and recommend applicants for hire to who testified that she usually follows their recommendations. Although O'Neal is responsible for disciplining all employees, the teacher-directors have authority to grant time off. We find that the teacher-directors are supervisors within the meaning of the Act and will therefore exclude them from the The Employer also contends that the centers' teachers and assistant teachers are professionals within the meaning of the Act. The teachers teach basic science, math, and language skills to the children, evaluate the children's progress, research new cumculum methods, train and instruct subordinate The job requires a bachelor's degree in early childhood or primary education or an equivalent degree. Accordingly, we find the teachers are professionals within the meaning of the We do not believe, however, that the assistant teachers satisfy the statutory definition for profes- sional employees. The assistant teacher's position requires only an associate of arts degree in early childhood education or early childhood development or 2 years of college with 30 credit hours of either early childhood education or practice teaching. With in Catholic Bishop of Chicago, Tauber only reviewed the first agreement to check it did not violate Model Cities' guidelines. See 235 NLRB 776. The Employer also have initially the Community Fund labor relations at the Chase House day care center and, as a result, that that day care center was also exempt from the Act. The record, however, does not establish that the Fund is exempt from the Act or that it Labor relations at this center. Salt Pepper Kindergarten 2, 222 NLRB 1295 (1976) (Member dissenting). Here, we have the Head Start centers as day care enterprises purposes. AS we have excluded the teacher-directors as supervisors, we need not reach the that they are professional employees. The teacher-directors also are each assigned a class and perform the same functions as a teacher. According to St. Center has a but no teacher, because there is only a single classroom there. See Catholic Bishop of Chicago, A Corporation Sole, Department of 235 NLRB 776. 9(b) Ashland 11 1 9(b)(l) 1 Ashland 1 1 (6): unit. tiey represented publica- tion.]I5 MEMBER PENELLO, sufficient worhng employees he $250,000 & & Kinderrarten 2.l6 jurisdiztion ~rovide un&rprivilegei Employer.17 budget excelsior footnote rrom publicat~on.] "delegale '6 ' 1 794 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD these minimal academic requirements, we cannot find that the work of the assistant teacher requires knowledge of an advanced type acquired by a prolonged course of specialized intellectual study in an institution of higher learning. Based upon the above findings and the record as a whole, we find the following unit appropriate for the purposes of collective bargaining within the meaning of Section of the Act: All teachers, assistant teachers, teacher aides, social service, food service and clerical employees employed at the Employer's child care centers located at 211 South Avenue, 4550 North Heritage Avenue, 48 North Hoyne Ave- nue, and 1201 West th Place, Chicago, Illinois, excluding all managerial employees, supervisors and guards as defined in the Act. The unit set forth above includes professional and nonprofessional employees. However. the Board is prohibited by Section of the Act from including professional employees in a unit with employees who are not professionals unless a majori- ty of the professional employees vote for inclusion in such a unit. Accordingly, to ascertain the desires of the professional employees as to inclusion in a unit with nonprofessional employees, we shall direct separate elections in the following voting groups: Voting group (a): All teachers, assistant teachers, teacher aides, social service, food service and clerical employees employed at the Employer's child care centers located at 21 South Avenue, 4550 North Heritage Avenue, 48 North Hoyne Avenue, and 1201 West lth Place, Chicago, Illinois, excluding all managerial em- ployees, supervisors and guards as defined in the Act. Voting group All teachers employed at the Employer's child care centers, but excluding all other employees, managerial employees, supervi- sors and guards as defined in the Act. The employees in the nonprofessional voting group (a) will be polled to determine whether or not they desire to be represented for collective-bargaining purposes by Local 372, Child Care Division, Service Employees International Union, AFL-CIO. The employees in voting group (b) will be asked two questions on their ballot: omitted 222 NLRB 1295 (1976). Model Cities adminrsters the Head Start programs, but subcontracts (1) Do you wish to be included with nonprofes- sional employees in a single unit for purposes of collective bargaining? (2) Do you wish to be represented for purposes of collective bargaining by Local 372, Child Care Division, Service Employees International Union, AFL-CIO? If a majority of the professional employees in voting group (b) vote "yes" to the firs, question, indicating their wish to be included in a unit with nonprofes- sional employees, they will be so included. Their votes on the second question will then be counted together with the vote of the nonprofessional em- ployees to decide whether or not the Union has been selected to represent the combined bargaining If, on the other hand, a majority of the professional employees do not vote for inclusion, they will not be included with the nonprofessional employees. Their votes on the second auestion will be counted to decide whether or not wish to be by the Union in a separate professional unit. If a majority in either the professional unit alone, the nonprofessional unit alone, or the combined unit, vote for the Union, the Regional Director will issue an appropriate Certification of Representative for such unit or units. [Direction of Elections omitted from dissenting: The Petitioner seeks to represent employees who work at three Head Start centers and one dav care center operated by the Employer. I am persuaded that Model Cities-Chicago Committee on Urban Opportunity (Model Cities), an agency of the city of Chicago, exercises control over the Head Start centers' labor relations policies as to disable the Employer from bargaining with a union over the wages, hours, and other conditions of the at those centers. day care center, although privately funded and not subject to Model Cities' dictates regarding its labor relations, does not meet the jurisdictional standard for such centers established in Salt Pepper Nursery School No. I would therefore not assert over either the Head Start centers or the day care center run by the Employer. The Head Start centers. which dav care and educational services f o r chil- dren, are funded on an annual basis through con- tracts between Model Cities and the By these contracts, each of which contains a and the actual operation of the centers to designated agencies." generally pnvate employers engaged in providing social services. Head Start position,ls sufficient e.g., centen cost form '8 Atkinr & Federal undertaking accomplishment Th-us, deterhine - working Act."lg established precludes jurisdic- tion.20 Znc., A R 4 10 pan funded antipoverly services essential the arc jurisdiction. Inc.. (1968). THE CHASE HOUSE, INC. 795 a "work program" outlining in detail the expenses and operations of each center for the year, Model Cities governs virtually all facets of the centers' labor relations. Thus, Model Cities has established salary ranges for every employee job classification, and each contract specifies the exact amount to be paid each employee out of Model Cities' funds, the educational and other qualifications required for each the hours to be worked by the employees, and the vacations, holidays, and fringe benefits to which the employees are entitled. Further, Model Cities conducts regular and detailed audits to insure compliance with its standards, and may terminate a contract with the Employer for noncom- pliance. Model Cities exercises the same degree of control over the labor relations policies of each of the employers which operate its Head Start centers. In my dissent in Catholic Bishop of Chicago, A Corpora- tion Sole, Department of Federal Programs, 235 NLRB 776, which involved another Model Cities' delegate agency, I explained in detail my reasons for concluding that such employers are not granted freedom to engage in genuine collective bargaining. I would therefore dismiss the petition in this case, as regards the Head Start centers, for the same reasons I refused to assert jurisdiction over the employer in Catholic Bishop. MEMBER MURPHY, dissenting: Contrary to my colleagues, I would not assert jurisdiction over the Employer's three Head Start centers. I find that the city of Chicago, acting in furtherance of fundamental governmental objectives, exercises substantial and pervasive control over the labor relations policies of the centers herein which precludes the Employer from effectively bargaining concerning those centers' working conditions. Employer's Head Start centers are funded through the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964. The primary purpose of the Head Start programs is to provide social and educational services for children of pover- ty. The centers are operated pursuant to service contracts let annually by Model Cities-Chicago Committee on Urban Opportunity (hereinafter Mod- el Cities) an agency of the city of Chicago. The contracts with the city include a budget and a wage program covering, the type of cumculum, dietary plan, and social and medical services, which are supported to the extent of 80 percent of the of the program by the Federal Government, leaving 20 percent which is supplied in the of in-kind services by the delegate agencies. Although the Employer does the initial screening and selection of hires, candidates for promotions, etc., such actions must be reported to Model Cities within 5 days for its approval. N.L.R.B.v. E. C. Company, 331 U.S. 298,406 (1947). must be approved by the city before the city will agree to allocate funds for the centers' operation. In addition, Model Cities sets all operational standards for the Employer's programs. Thus, the "Standards for Project Design" specify all employee classifications for the centers' personnel, educational and experience qualifications for each classification, detailed uniform job descriptions for each staff position, and corresponding salary levels. Model Cities further specifies hours of operation, vacations, holidays, fringe benefits, ratio of staff to children, and total employee complement. To en- force its standards, Model Cities closely monitors all aspects of the Employer's programs and may termi- nate a contract for noncompliance. The facts of the instant case do not differ material- ly from those presented in Catholic Bishop of Chicago, A Corporation Sole, Department of Programs, 235 NLRB 776. For the reasons more fully set forth in my dissenting opinion in that case, I find that the Employer's Head Start programs are funded as part of a Federal comprehensive antipoverty program designed to meet the specialized social and educa- tional needs occasioned by the poverty environment and to open economic opportunities for a deprived class of citizens by freeing them from child care to enter the work force. In implementing the Federal policy, the city of Chicago (in lieu of to provide such services directly) has chosen to contract with a private nonprofit agency to provide these fundamental services subject to substantial and pervasive controls which enable the city to insure the of its objectives. as shown supra, the city regulates every aspect of the centers' labor relations policies, frequently monitors each center's operations to -compliance with Model Cities' guidelines, and retains authority to terminate a contract for failure to comply with Model Cities' guidelines. In sum, I find that Model Cities' labor relations policies applicable to the Employer's Head Start centers have significantly limited any discretion on the part of the Employer to determine those conditions "that would form the basis for collective bargaining as contemplated by the Under these circumstances, I can see no choice under the Board's policies but to find that such extensive control our assertion of Herbert Harvey, 171 NLRB 238 (1968); Services, Znc., 221 NLRB 64 (1975); Teledyne In the alternative, since the Employer's Head Start centers are operated as of a governmentally program and offer which are and basic to furtherance of that interest. I wnclude that the services provided by the Employer intimately related to fundamental governmental objectives. Accordingly. I find that in any event it would not effectuate the policies of the Act to assert Cf. Herbert Harvey, 171 NLRB 238,240 con- clude 796 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Economic Development Company, 223 NLRB 1040 policies impel me-however reluctantly-to (1976). that the Board should not assert jurisdiction I reach this conclusion even though I am mindful over these centers. Accordingly, I would not direct of the fact that certain employees at these Head Start an election in any unit which includes the Employer's centers may desire union representation. But the Head Start employees. facts, the law, the Federal policies, and this Board's Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation