CF&I Steel Corp.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsApr 20, 1972196 N.L.R.B. 470 (N.L.R.B. 1972) Copy Citation 470 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD CF&I Steel Corporation and United Steelworkers of America, Local Union , No. 3267 . Case 27-UC-24 April 20, 1972 DECISION AND ORDER BY MEMBERS FANNING, JENKINS, AND KENNEDY Upon a petition duly filed under Section 9(b) and (c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, a hearing was held before Hearing Officer Merrill M. McLaughlin. Following the hearing and pursuant to Section 102.67 of the National Labor Relations Board Rules and Regulations, Series 8, as amended, and by direction of the Regional Director for Region 27, this proceeding was transferred to the Board for decision. Thereafter, the Employer filed a brief in support of its position. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its au- thority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has reviewed the Hearing Officer's rul- ings made at the hearing and finds that they are free from prejudicial error. They are hereby affirmed. Upon the entire record in this proceeding, the Board finds: 1. The Employer is engaged in commerce within the meaning of the Act, and it will effectuate the purposes of the Act to assert jurisdiction herein. 2. The labor organization involved claims to repre- sent certain employees of the Employer. 3. The Employer is a Colorado corporation engaged in the manufacture of steel products with its principal offices and place of business located in Pueblo, Colo- rado. Petitioner was originally certified by the Board in 1944 (Case 17-RC-0864) following a consent elec- tion. The unit included the following employees: "all office workers, plant clerical workers, inspection de- partment employees and technicians employed by Colorado Fuel & Iron Corp. [CF&I's original name] at its Pueblo, Colorado, Minnequa Works and general office ... but excluding design engineers ... and fuel sales departments." Since 1944 the parties have had at least seven col- lective-bargaining agreements, the latest of which is the 1968 contract in which the unit is described as follows: "all salary rated clerical or technical jobs at Pueblo, Colorado ... it does not include supervisors, administrators, professionals, confidential or other nonmanagement jobs directly associated with man- agement." The Petitioner seeks clarification of its bargaining unit by the inclusion of approximately 91 employ- ees,' claiming that they constitute accretions into its clerical and technical unit. The Petitioner contends that there are 60 employees in the General Sales Department, 2 in the Credit De- partment, 3 in the Computer Programming Depart- ment, 10 in the Traffic Department, 8 in the Employee Benefits Department, 3 in the Production Planning and Shipping Department, and 3 Tax Accountants that have been accreted into the bargaining unit be- cause they do substantial amounts of clerical or tech- nical work, similar if not identical to that performed by employees in the unit? Sales Department The Petitioner claims the accretion of the Custom- er Service Representatives, Customer Service Repre- sentatives Junior, Sales Engineers, Inside Salesmen, secretaries, and stenographers. The Employer con- tends that the Sales Department employees have not been accreted because of their bargaining history, lack of community of interest, no employee inter- change, and no common supervision with unit mem- bers, independent control of labor relations, and physical separation from unit members. The Employ- er also contends that Customer Service Representa- tives, Customer Service Representatives Junior, and Sales Engineers have not been accreted because they are managerial and supervisory employees, and In- side Salesmen have not been accreted because they are managerial employees. The Employer consolidated its regional sales of- fices into a new building in Pueblo in January 1971, moving people from its regional offices and transfer- ring employees from its other facilities in Pueblo. Prior to 1971, only Fuel Sales and Price Control were located in Pueblo; Fuel Sales was excluded from the unit by agreement in 1950 and Petitioner stipulated that Price Control has not been accreted. The job descriptions of Customer Service Repre- sentative and Customer Service Representative Junior were created in 1970. The Customer Service Repre- sentative and Customer Service Representative Junior usually head a sales team consisting of themselves and Inside Salesmen , and also supervise secretaries and stenographers. These Sales Personnel speak to clients by phone for 2-4 hours daily, quote prices, help de- termine the competitive situation and the prices nec- essary to meet it, commit inventory to clients, recommend alterations of production to meet the 1 During the hearing the Petitioner amended its petition to exclude em- ployees in the following departments : Consolidation Accounting , Financial Planning, Project Control , Procedural and Forms Control, Price Approval, and Paymaster. 2 The parties have agreed that the terms of the contract should be binding in the clarification of the bargaining unit; however , we are relying on the usual criteria used in unit clarification proceedings 196 NLRB No. 69 CF&I STEEL CORPORATION clients' needs, initiate phone calls to try to sell to clients, and speak to clients after hours at home when emergencies develop. Sales Engineers also sell the Company's products, determine the competitive situ- ation, help determine prices, direct the work of others, and have the authority to recommend the hiring and firing of personnel; however, Sales Engineers concen- trate on individual product lines in which they devel- op an expertise. We find that Customer Service Representatives, Customer Service Representatives Junior, and Sales Engineers are supervisory employees. The Inside Salesman position was established in 1970. Inside Salesmen help determine the competitive situation and the prices necessary to meet it, quote prices to clients, determine the prices for products by computing shipping costs, initiate sales by telephon- ing customers, handle clients' emergency calls at night and generally speak to clients about 2-4 hours daily, and also help determine production schedules. Price information is very important to the Employer, who considers this information confidential. We find that Inside Salesmen are managerial employees. Sales Department secretaries and stenographers had been located in Pueblo from 1944 until 1966 and have never been included in the unit, during which time collective-bargaining agreements have been ne- gotiated without including them. The Sales Depart- ment is physically separate from the rest of the work force, independently supervised, does all of its own hiring and firing, and there is no temporary inter- change of employees with other departments. In view of the foregoing we find that these employees have not been accreted to the bargaining unit. Credit Department The Petitioner claims the accretion of the Senior Credit Correspondent and Secretary Clerk of the Credit Department. The Employer contends that they have not been accreted because of the bargaining his- tory, independent supervision, lack of common man- agement and employee interchange, and separate physical location of the Credit Department. The Em- ployer also contends that the Senior Credit Corre- spondent is both a managerial and supervisory employee. The Senior Credit Correspondent exercises discre- tion in granting credit to customers and in working with delinquent accounts, assigns work to and directs the Secretary Clerk, and has the authority to hire a replacement for her if necessary. The Secretary Clerk does all the clerical work relating to the customer's credit and financial statements. The Credit Department is a corporationwide de- partment which moved from Denver to Pueblo in 471 1970;3 it is independently supervised and physically separate from the rest of the work force; the authority to hire and fire is within the department, and there is a lack of employee interchange with unit members. Accordingly, we find that the Secretary Clerk has not been accreted to the unit; we also find that the Senior Credit Correspondent is a supervisor, and has not, therefore, been accreted to the unit. Programming Department The Petitioner claims the accretion of the Secretary to the Director of Management Information, the Pro- grammer-Tester, and the Documentation Control Clerk in the unit on the basis that they are clerical or technical employees. The Employer contends they have not been accreted because they are confidential employees, their job function was previously per- formed by nonbargaining unit employees, and they are physically separate from unit employees. The three employees share an area physically sep- arate from bargaining unit personnel. The Program- mer-Tester tests computer programs for new systems under consideration by management; the new sys- tems would affect the employees if implemented and are kept confidential by management so as not to disturb personnel unnecessarily. The Documentation Control Clerk is the librarian for the computer tapes for the new systems being tested and temporarily re- places the Programmer-Tester. The Secretary is in daily contact with the confidential reports and pro- grams and reports to the Director of Management Information who heads the department. The three positions were created after 1968, but the job function of handling nonoperational programs still under consideration by management has been performed by nonbargaining unit employees since 1967, during which a collective-bargaining agreement had been negotiated without including them in the unit. We also find that the Secretary, Programmer- Tester, and Documentation Control Clerk are confi- dential employees. Accordingly, we find that they have not been accreted to the unit. Tax Department The Petitioner claims the accretion of the three accountants as clerical or technical employees. The Employer contends that they have not been accreted because they are professional and managerial em- ployees. The accountants each have a specific area of con- 3 In Remington Rand Division of Sperry Rand Corporation, 190 NLRB No. 92, a divisionwide department was relocated at one of the corporation's plants; the Board denied accretion because the plant's collective-bargaining unit was limited to that plant's employees only. 472 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD centration: sales and use taxes, ad valorem, and pay- roll. They have 4-year college degrees except the pay- roll accountant who has a junior college degree. They do all the Employer's accounting work, with very in- frequent outside assistance from an accounting firm. They make regular references to Federal and state statutes, regulations, do extensive research into case law, and prepare all Federal and state tax returns. If the 9overnment audits the returns the accountants negiate and recommend settlements. The accoun- tants have access to all financial plans and cash flow reports. We find that the accountants are professional em- ployees within the meaning of the Act. Accordingly, we find that they have not been accreted to the unit. Traffic Department The Petitioner claims the accretion of 10 positions in the Traffic Department as clerical or technical em- ployees. The Employer contends that they have not been accreted because of bargaining history, separate physical location, independent control over labor re- lations, and lack of common supervision and that the Senior Rate and Tariff Clerk is a managerial employ- ee. The Traffic Department was created in Pueblo in 1962; it deals with the special rates developed between CF&I and common carriers, their competitors' special rates with carriers, and the rate book used by the Sales Department in quoting and setting competitive prices. This information is extremely important in a competi- tive situation and the Employer considers it confiden- tial. The Senior Rate and Tariff Clerk conducts tele- phone negotiations with carriers to establish lower rates, prepares rate applications, quotes rates to the Sales Department, analyzes the competitor's price position, and helps select carriers. The Traffic Department handles its own personnel functions of hiring and firing, has control over its own labor relations, and is physically separated from bar- gaining unit employees; we also find that the Senior Rate and Tariff Clerk is a managerial employee. In view of the foregoing and the fact that these jobs have existed since 1962, during which three collective-bar- gaining agreements have been negotiated without in- cluding them in the unit, we find that these employees have not been accreted to the unit. Employee Benefits Department The Petitioner claims the accretion of employees of the Employee Benefits Department as clerical or tech- nical employees; the Employer contends they have not been accreted because of the bargaining history and because they are confidential employees. The Employer also contends that Floyd Wyatt is a super- visor. Employee Benefits works with the labor relations director, administers insurance, pensions, savings, va- cations, unemployment, and workmen's compensa- tion. The employees, except for one clerk, are involved with supplying management with informa- tion in its grievance procedures with the Union. The department is located in the Industrial Relations Building and is supervised independently of bargain- ing unit employees. The department's work was orig- inally performed on a smaller scale by the Insurance Department which was excluded by agreement in 1950. Since 1950 the work has been performed by nonunit employees in Pueblo. Floyd L. Wyatt, a supervisor in Employee Benefits, assigns and checks work, has selected new employees, effectively recommended pay increases, and has the authority to fire employees. In view of the separate location and independent supervision of these employees, and the fact that these functions have been performed on a smaller scale since 1950, during which time collective-bargaining agreements have been negotiated without including them in the unit, we find that these employees have not been accreted to the unit. Production Planning and Shipping Department The Petitioner claims the accretion of the Produc- tion Planning and Shipping Department's planning staff as clerical or technical employees; the Employer contends they have not been accreted because they are managerial employees; the Employer also con- tends that bargaining history, lack of employee inter- change, separate community of interest, and separate physical location from unit employees also preclude the accretion of the planning staff. The staff consists of two Production Coordinators and one Planner. The jobs have been performed in Pueblo since 1962 and 1965, respectively. The staff is located on a floor with- out any bargaining unit employees and have different salary and fringe benefits from unit employees. The Planner does long range planning for 1- and 10-year periods, recommends inventory, forecasts shipments, and decides on utilization of plants with top manage- ment approval, all of which involve the destruction or creation of new jobs. The Production Coordinators do short term plan- ning involving the production for each mill and check the daily fluctuations in the Planner's overall fore- casts. In view of the separate location and lack of commu- nity of interest and employee interchange with unit members, and the fact that they are managerial em- CF&I STEEL CORPORATION 473 ployees and that these jobs have been in existence tions sought in the UC petition are not accretions to since 1962 and 1965, during which time collective- the bargaining unit and we shall dismiss the petition. bargaining agreements have been negotiated without including them in the unit , we find that they have not ORDER been accreted to the unit. In view of the foregoing and the entire record in this It is hereby ordered that the petition be, and it proceeding , we find that the employees and classifica- hereby is, dismissed. Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation