Carter Lumber, Inc.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsJan 6, 1977227 N.L.R.B. 730 (N.L.R.B. 1977) Copy Citation 730 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Carter Lumber, Inc. and Teamsters Local Union 654, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauff- eurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America. Case 9-CA-7908 January 6, -1977 SUPPLEMENTAL DECISION AND ORDER - BY CHAIRMAN MURPHY AND MEMBERS FANNING AND PENELLO On June 15, 1976, Administrative Law Judge William F. Jacobs issued the attached Supplemental Decision in this proceeding. Thereafter, the General Counsel filed exceptions and a supporting brief. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor, Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board has delegated its authority in this proceeding to a ,three-member panel. The Board has considered the record and the attached Decision in light of the exceptions and brief and has decided to affirm the rulings, findings, and conclusions of the Administrative Law Judge and to adopt his recommended Order, as modified herein. The General Counsel excepts to the Administrative Law Judge's finding that discriminatee Michael Driscoll did not work all the hours available to him when working for interim employers and that Dris- coll's interim earnings should therefore be increased to reflect a willful loss of earnings.' The record establishes that Driscoll and the other yardmen employed by Respondent were always scheduled to work 53 hours per week, and that all hours over 40 per week paid at time and one-half. Driscoll often worked more, and sometimes less, than 53 hours, but never worked less than 40 hours per week while he was employed by Respondent. The record further establishes that approximately 40 hours of work per week were available to Driscoll while working for interim employers. However, Driscoll's unexcused and unexplained absences from work during his interim employment resulted in his failure to work even 40 hours per week. The General Counsel contends that because Driscoll sometimes worked less than 53 hours per week for Respondent and this was considered in computing his average weekly earnings as set forth in the backpay specifica- tion, the Administrative Law Judge, by increasing Driscoll's interim earnings to reflect the 40 hours per week available to him, "provide[d] a double deduc- tion for absenteeism." We disagree. I Member Fanning does not believe that an issue as to interim earnings was properly raised in Respondent 's answer and would adhere to the figures in the backpay specification 2 F. W. Woolworth Company, 90 NLRB 289 (1950). 227 NLRB No. 117 It is well settled that gross backpay is computed on the basis of what the employee would have earned during the period of the discrimination against-him absent such discrimination, and net backpay is that amount less the employee's net earnings from interim employment during the same period, all computed on a- quarterly basis .2 It is equally well settled that "deductions should be made not only -for actual earnings by the worker but also-for losses which he willfully incurred." 3 Thus, the formulas for comput- ing gross backpay and for computing interim earn- ings- are not based on the same factors, and in any event are computed independently- of each other as separate matters. Here the gross backpay is based on what Driscoll would have earned had he continued working for Respondent, while his interim earnings must include not only his actual ' earnings , but the amounts- he would have earned but for his unexcused- and unexplained absences from his interim employment. To hold otherwise would require Respondent now to indemnify Driscoll for his lack of diligence during his interim employment, a result we find inequitable. Consequently, we agree with the Administrative Law Judge that an amount reflecting Driscoll's willfully incurred loss of wages should be added to his actual interim earnings. We further agree with the Administrative Law Judge's finding that the wage increases given to Respondent's yardmen during the period between the date Driscoll went out on strike and his reinstatement were general and not merit increases and that the amount of backpay due Driscoll should be increased accordingly. However, the Administrative Law Judge failed to find, as shown by uncontroverted evidence, that Driscoll was not reinstated at the higher wage rate which the Administrative Law Judge found was due him. We conclude that Respondent's refusal to pay Driscoll the higher rate upon his return to work constitutes a failure to make a valid offer of reinstate- ment in accord with our prior decision.4 Accordingly, we shall modify the recommended Supplemental Order by additionally requiring Respondent to pay Driscoll the differential between what he has been paid since his return to work for Respondent and what he would have been paid if he had been compensated at the same rate as other yardmen with similar experience, for the period from March 10, 1975, until the date that Respondent makes him a valid offer of reinstatement .5 3 Phelps Dodge Corp. v. N.L.R B, 313 U.S. 177, 198 (1941). 4 209 NLRB 929 (1974), enfd. 507 F.2d 1262 (C.A. 6, 1975). 5 Golden State Bottling Company, Inc d/b/a Pepsi Cola Bottling Company of Sacramento, 187 NLRB 1017 (1971). CARTER LUMBER, INC. 731 ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended , the National Labor Relations Board adopts as its Order the recommend- ed Supplemental Order of the Administrative Law Judge as modified below and hereby orders that the Respondent, Carter Lumber , Inc., Springfield, Ohio, its officers, agents -, successors, and assigns, shall take the action set forth in the said recommended Supple- mental Order, as so modified: - Add the following after placing a comma at the end of the first sentence: "plus an amount which represents the difference between what Driscoll has been paid in wages since his return to Respondent 's employ and what he would have been paid had he been compensated at the same rate as other yardmen with similar experi- ence, to the date of a valid offer of reinstatement." SUPPLEMENTAL DECISION WILLIAM F . JACOBS, Administrative Law Judge: This supplemental proceeding was instituted for the sole purpose of determining the amount of backpaydue discriminatee Michael Driscoll under the Board 's Order in 209 NLRB 929, dated March 29 , 1974, and enforced by the Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit on January 31, 1975. No agreement having been reached as to the amount of backpay due, the Regional Director for Region 9 issued a backpay specification and notice of hearing on July 8, 1975. Respondent filed an answer thereto, admitting in part, and denying in part , the allegations of the specification. On September 8, 1975 , the General Counsel filed with the Board a motion for summary judgment submitting, in effect, that the denials in Respondent 's answer to the specification lacked the specificity required by Section 102.54(b) of the Boards Rules and Regulations , Series 8, as amended. On September 12,1975, Respondent filed a brief in opposition to the motion for summaryjudgment assert- ing, in substance, that its denials of the allegations of the specification had raised material issues of fact, particularly with regard to the alleged interim earnings and expenses of the discriminatee . On October 24, 1975, the Board issued its order denying General Counsel's motion for summary judgment and finding that: Respondent 's denials of the allegations of paragraphs 2(c), 4 and 7 concerning whether a general and/or individual wage increase was granted to Respondent's employees , the alleged interim earnings and expenses with respect to Driscoll and Driscoll's alleged refusal to work on jobs as the cut-off date for backpay raise issues which could best be resolved by a hearing . Inasmuch as the Board finds no, issues raised by Respondent's denials other , than set forth herein, said hearing, if any, shall be limited to the issues raised by the denials of interim earnings and expenses as set forth above. On November 10, 1975 , General Counsel filed a "Motion for a More Definite Statement of Facts " with regard to the issues ordered by the Board as subject to hearing . Specifi- cally, General Counsel requested the following informa- tion: 1. The names of those employees at its Springfield facility in the yardmen classification who did not receive wage increases on the dates specified. 2. When and in what manner the discrimmatee refused employment at the Springfield Cabinet Works. 3. The amounts [of expenses ] which Respondent contends are correct ... and properly deductible from interim earnings. On December 1, 1975 , Respondent filed its "Answer to Motion for a More Definite Statement of Facts," in which it (1) provided the names requested in paragraph 1 of General Counsel's motion for a more definite statement ; (2) advised of its intention , at an appropriate hearing on the matter, to subpena necessary witnesses from the Springfield Cabinet Works who would testify that Driscoll refused employment and in what manner such refusal was given; and (3) demanded strict proof as to the figures in the backpay specification entitled "expenses." On December 31, 1975, Administrative Law Judge Arthur Leff issued his Order on the motion for a more definite statement of facts granting the motion to the extent that, within 5 days of the receipt of the Order, Respondent was to serve on General Counsel a statement in writing stating: The date when and the manner in which it is claimed the discriminatee refused employment at the Springfield Cabinet Works. The motion of General Counsel was in all other respects denied. On January 9, 1975, Respondent sent the following mailgram to General Counsel , presumably in an effort to comply with Administrative Law Judge Left's Order: In re Carter Lumber , Inc. Case No . 9-CA-7908 Michael Driscoll refused to go back to work at Springfield Cabinet Works on February 25, 1974. On January 14, 1976, a hearing was held before me in Springfield , Ohio. The General Counsel, and Respondent, Carter Lumber, Inc., were represented by counsel at the hearing. The Charging Party Union was not separately represented although notified of the hearing . All parties present were afforded full opportunity to participate in the proceeding . Briefs have been filed by the General Counsel and Respondent and have been considered. The issues presented through the pleadings as narrowed by the Board's Order of October 24 , 1975, are as follows:1 I Counsel for Respondent argues in his brief that gross backpay should be computed on the basis of $119 per week rather than the $121 .60 utilized in pars 2(b) and 7(b) of the backpay specification . In his answer to the backpay specification, however, counsel for Respondent only generally denied the (Continued) 732 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD (1) Whether Driscoll incurred a willful loss of earnings during the backpay period by: (a) failing to work all of the hours made available to him by his interim employers. (b) quitting his employment at Springfield Cabinet Works and refusing an offer of reemployment at that company. (2) Whether Driscoll is entitled to be reimbursed for the union dues charged off as expenses in the backpay specification. (3) Whether Respondent granted a general wage increase or individual merit increases to its employees on or about September 1, 1974, and March 3, 1974, and whether Driscoll would likewise have been entitled to the increases had he not previously been discriminatorily terminated. Upon the entire record in this-case including my observation of witnesses, and after due consideration of the briefs filed by the parties, I hereby make the following: FINDINGS OF FACT A. Driscoll's Alleged Failure To Work All of the Hours Made Available by His Interim Employers Michael Driscoll was terminated by Respondent on July 12, 1973, and signed up at the unemployment office about 1 week later. He also unsuccessfully sought employment at Rose Paper Box Company, Cargard and Muffler King before obtaining employment at Buckeye Metal Company. There is no evidence, nor does Respondent contend, that Driscoll was remiss in diligently seeking employment following his discharge by Respondent. 1. Buckeye Metal Company Driscoll worked at Buckeye Metal Company from August 17, 1973, until November 8, 1973, at which time he was laid off for lack of work. It is not contended by Respondent that Driscoll was not diligent in seeking employment following his discharge by Respondent. Rath- er it is claimed that, during his employment at Buckeye, 41- 1 /4 hours was the normal workweek, that Driscoll had these hours available to him but he failed and refused to work the available work hours and thereby was guilty of a willful loss of employment. During the hearing, documents were introduced and testimony offered to show that 41-1/4 hours were available and that Driscoll worked fewer hours than he could have in all but 2 workweeks. In total during his employment at Buckeye, Driscoll lost a total of 69-3/4 hours of work. When Driscoll was examined as to the reasons he did not work full workweeks he replied, for the most part, that he could not remember. He recalled being sick during his third week of employment during which he lost 8-3/4 hours, and being injured by a machine while at work during his sixth week of work during which he lost 4- 1/4 hours. Under probing cross-examination concerning his inability to recall why he was absent so frequently Driscoll stated: "Everybody else takes some time off too, other guys take off and get drunk." Implicit in this answer is the admission by Driscoll that he, like the other employees, simply, took time off when he wished. Moreover, when undergoing examination, Driscoll was evasive and vague and, when advised from the bench to be as candid as possible inasmuch as the hearing was of extreme impor- tance to him, Driscoll made no apparent attempt to be more precise or productive of information in his testimony. Taking into account Driscoll's lack of forthrightness and candor, his refusal to be specific as to reasons for his absences, and his record of perfect attendance during his previous years of employment with Respondent, I must conclude that, except for the 13 hours accounted for-as time off for illness2 or injury,3 Driscoll's absences at Buckeye constituted a willful loss of earntngs.4 I am therefore adding to interim earnings, to be deducted from gross backpay, the wages which Driscoll could have earned had he been appropriately more diligent in his attendance. Specifically, during the third quarter of 1973, Driscoll could have earned more than he did, but willfully chose to earn less to the following extent: Week 127 Driscoll 's Wages Available Wages Differ. 9-7 $60.50 $83.75 $23.25 9-14 65.50 83.75 18.25 $126.00 $167.50 $41.50 The sum of $41.50 will therefore be added to the $453.70 entered in the backpay specification as interim earnings.5 The new figure for interim earnings and net interim earnings for the third quarter of 1973 will therefore be $495.20. During the fourth quarter, Driscoll continued to work fewer hours at Buckeye than were available to him and thereby willfully chose to earn less in wages than he could have earned to the following extent: Week 1973 Driscoll's Wages Available WaQes_ Diff. 10-5 $49.00 $83.75 $34.75 10-12 66.00 83.75 17.75 10-19 77.50 83.75 6.25 10-26 74.00 83.75 9.75 11-2 71.50 83.75 12.25 $338 00 $418.5 $80.75 accuracy of the figure used and offered no affirmative basis for finding the $121.60 figure inaccurate. Counsel for Respondent thereby failed to meet the requirements of specificity demanded by Sec . 102.54(b) of the Rules and Regulations . Consequently, the Board's Order of October 24, 1975, preclud- ed consideration of this matter at the hearing and, as I am bound by the Board's Order, I find that the figure utilized in the backpay specification, namely, $121.60 per week, is the proper one and will be the basis for the computations utilized herein. 2 Ordinarily there should be no deduction for employees' sporadic short illnesses during the interim period . American Manufacturing Company of Texas, 167 NLRB 520 (1967). 3 Absences due to industrial accidents at the interim employer are not deductible. American Manufacturing Company ofTexas, supra 4 Cornwell Company, Inc., 171 NLRB 342 (1968) 5 Although Respondent suggested in his brief the possible use of other formulae for computing backpay, I find that the formula utilized in the backpay specification is reasonable and sufficient to approximate the losses of the discrinunatee of pay he would have earned had he not been unlawfully discharged . Moreover, the formula used in the backpay specification is conveniently adaptable to the changes required by the findings herein. CARTER LUMBER, INC. The sum of $80.75 will therefore be added to the $675.50 entered in the backpay specification as interim earnings to reflect the willful loss of earnings at Buckeye Metal Company during the fourth quarter of 1973. After being laid off at Buckeye Metal Company, Driscoll obtained a few days employment at Manpower, Inc. This work appears to be of an unsteady, oncall variety where the pay vaned in accordance with the difficulty of thejob. The remuneration received by Driscoll from Manpower does not appear to be in question and is found to be in accordance with the backpay specification -$19.80. 2. Springfield Cabinet Works On November 14, 1973, Driscoll applied for and obtained employment at Springfield Cabinet Works where he was paid an initial wage rate of $2 per hour . Driscoll worked 18- 3/4 hours during the first week of employment at Spring- field Cabinet Works . The testimony and records do not provide sufficient information to indicate whether or not Driscoll worked all of the available time during that partial week of his employment. According to the bookkeeper from Springfield Cabinet Works , 40 hours of work per week were regularly made available to Driscoll. Driscoll , however, testified that at times he was sent home early for lack of work . On this point , I credit the neutral witness and find , as she testified, that Driscoll could have worked 40 hours each week had he cared to do so. Driscoll, however , only worked the following number of hours each week during the fourth quarter of 1973 at Springfield Cabinet Works: Week Ending 11-24-73 8 hrs. 12-1-73 36 hrs. 12-7-73 32 hrs. 12-14-73 36 1/2 hrs. 12-21-73 24 hrs. 12-28-73 16 hrs. Driscoll was extensively examined as to why he did not work the 40 hours per week which were available to him. Once again Driscoll was evasive in his testimony, repeated- ly stating that he did not know or could not remember why he lost so much time . On one occasion he stated that he did not work a full 40-hour week during the first week of his employment, the week ending 11-17-73, because, "I got hurt on that day, I am not sure." Clearly, since Driscoll was hired on 11-14-73, he would not have worked 40 hours in any event. But Driscoll made no real attempt to help his own case . I have assumed for purposes of backpay computation that Driscoll during his first week of employ- ment worked all the time available. With regard to the weeks following, in each instance of an incomplete week, Driscoll testified that either he could not remember or he did not know why he did not work those weeks. At one point during the examination by Respondent's counsel the following exchange took place: 6 Testimony that the electricity may have failed I day during this week, causing a shutdown , was not evaluated since neither Driscoll nor the witness 733 Q. Any time you did not go to work was because you didn't want to go to work, isn't that correct? A. Well, sometime I was sick, yes. The weakness of Driscoll's reply to this question, together with the vagueness of his testimony in general, convinces me that the pattern of working only when he felt like it, which Driscoll established while employed at Buckeye Metal Company, was continued throughout his employ- ment at Springfield Cabinet Works. Thus, during the fourth quarter of 1973, Driscoll sustained a willful loss of earnings to the following extent: Wk. Ending 1,9733 Driscoll ' s Wads Available Wages .Diff 11-24 $76 $80 $64 12-1 72 80 8 12-7 6/ 64 80 16 12-14 73 80 7 12-21 48 80 32 12-28 32 80 48 $305 $8 $175 Having found that Driscoll willfully chose not to earn $175 in wages which were available to him during the fourth quarter of 1973 while he was employed at Springfield Cabinet Works, that sum will be added to interim earnings and net interim earnings in the backpay specification for the fourth quarter. The new figure for interim earnings and net interim earnings for the fourth quarter of 1973 will be the original figure of $675.50 plus $80.75 willfully lost at Buckeye, plus $175.00 willfully lost at Springfield Cabinet Works, or $931.25. During the first quarter of 1974 Driscoll continued to work at Springfield Cabinet Works and worked the following hours: Week ending 1-4-74 20 hrs. 1-11-74 25 1/4 hrs. 1-18-74 32 hrs. During the first quarter 1974, Driscoll sustained the following willful loss of earnings: Wk. Ending Driscoll ' s Wages Available Wages ip ff. 1-4-74 $40.00 $80.00 $40.00 1-11-74 51.76 82.00 30.24 1-18-74 65. 60 82 .00 16.40 $157.36 $244.00 $86.64 from Springfield Cabinet Works knew whether or not employees were paid for that day r Dnscoll's wages were increased during this pay period to $2 05 per hour 734 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Having found that Driscoll willfully chose not to earn $86.64 in wages which were available to him during the first quarter of 1974 while he was employed at Springfield Cabinet Works, that sum will be added to interim earnings and net interim earnings in the backpay specification for that period. While still employed at Springfield Cabinet Works Driscoll read a newspaper article which led him to believe that he would be reinstated by Respondent. Based on his belief that reinstatement was imminent, Driscoll on or about January 18, 1974, quit his job at Springfield Cabinet Works. Thereafter, he was informed that his reinstatement would not occur right away so he returned to Springfield to seek reemployment with Springfield Cabinet Works. He was, however, informed that that employer had already hired a replacement for him and his job at Springfield Cabinet was no longer available. General Counsel argues in his brief that Driscoll should be compensated by Respondent for the period during which he was out of work following his voluntary quit at Springfield Cabinet Works which was occasioned by his belief that he was shortly to be reinstated at Respondent's place of business. General Counsel, in proffering this argument, relies on the fact that Driscoll is an unsophisti- cated 22-year-old, unschooled in the legalities of labor law, and that his good faith in the matter is reflected by the fact that he immediately sought to return to Springfield Cabinet Works when he learned that his reinstatement was not as imminent as he had supposed. General Counsel points out that, having failed in his attempt to obtain reemployment at Springfield Cabinet Works, Driscoll sought and obtained temporary employment at Manpower and thereafter sought and obtained employment at Ohio Pressed Steel. Respon- dent did not, in his brief or elsewhere, address himself to this specific problem. Inasmuch as Driscoll clearly, in good conscience, quit his employment at Springfield Cabinet Works in anticipation of an offer of reinstatement from the Respondent and, after being refused reinstatement, thereafter made a diligent search for other work, I fmd that he did not willfully incur a loss of earnings by his voluntary quit at Springfield Cabinet Works. Miami Coca-Cola Bottling Company, 151 NLRB 1701, 1702 (1965). Respondent avers in its brief that Driscoll refused on February 25, 1974, to return to work for Springfield Cabinet Works. At the hearing counsel for Respondent made a similar statement and referred to a telegram sent by him to General Counsel on January 9, 1976, which contained the bare assertion: "In re Carter Lumber, Inc. Case No. 9-CA-7908. Michael Driscoll refused to go back to work at Springfield Cabinet Works on February 25, 1974." No evidence was offered by Respondent to support the assertion that Driscoll refused reemployment at Spring- field Cabinet Works nor to sustain the apparent implication " At the hearing General Counsel moved for fuller compliance with Administrative Law Judge Leff s order of December 31, 1975, and requested that Respondent furnish the date and manner in which it is claimed the discnminatee refused employment at Springfield Cabinet Works; Respon- dent did not comply with General Counsel's request and I must assume that that he was offered reemployment at that time. In its brief Respondent's counsel points out that the bookkeeper for Springfield Cabinet Works was on the stand during the hearing and that General Counsel never asked her about the alleged refusal to return to work on February 25, 1974. He argues from this fact that it can be concluded that the refusal of employment actually occurred. I have trouble following Respondent's logic with respect to this matter but in any event fmd, in accordance with existing and consistent Board law as supported by the courts, that the burden of proving failure to mitigate damages rests on Respondent and with regard to Respon- dent's claim that Driscoll refused an offer of reemployment at Springfield Cabinet Works on February 25, 1974, or at any other time after he quit his job there, Respondent has failed to present evidence to carry the burden of proof as required. Shell Oil Company, 218 NLRB 87 (1975), affd. 461 F.2d 1264 (1972); N.L.R.B. v. Brown & Root, Inc., 311 F.2d 447, 454 (1967).8 There is, therefore, no basis for subtract- ing the $328 from the backpay award as Respondent argues in his brief. 3. Ohio Pressed Steel Driscoll obtained employment at Ohio Pressed Steel on March 20, 1974,9 at the initial wage rate of $2.10 per hour and continued his employment at that company until he was reinstated at Respondent. Driscoll worked a full 8 hours on the first day of his employment but only 1.2 hours on Thursday, March 21, and 2.8 hours on Friday, March 22. Although Driscoll was specifically urged by the bench to make a serious effort to answer all of the questions put to him by counsel and an attempt was made to impress upon him the importance to himself of his testimony with regard to the reasons for his absences, when asked by counsel why he did not work full time on the second and third day of his employment, Driscoll replied, "I can't say. You have got the proof, I haven't any." Thus Driscoll made no attempt through testimony or other means to show that these absences were caused by illness or other legitimate consid- erations. Elsewhere in the record, after Driscoll admitted that there were 40 hours of work available each week at Ohio Pressed Steel, he testified as follows: Q. You didn't work 40 hours a week, every week that you were at Ohio Pressed Steel? A. No, nobody else does either. Q. So it is common to take off, is,that correct? A. Not every week, no sir, I don't. I can't afford it. Q. Whenever you could, you would take off, is that correct? A. When I needed to, yes sir. the information was not furnished because there was no evidence to support the affirmative defense proffered on this point 9 Although Driscoll was led during cross-examination into agreeing that he started work on 3-24-74, the records furnished by Ohio Pressed Steel indicate that he was hired on Wednesday, March 20, 1974. CARTER LUMBER, INC. 735 The tenor of this testimony is that other employees took off from work at Ohio Pressed Steel and so, whenever Driscoll felt the need to, and could afford it, he also took the day off. At no time did Driscoll during this part of his testimony state that he took off only when ill or because of other emergencies. Elsewhere during the examination , however, he testified as follows: Q. You missed a lot of work, didn't you? A. Sometimes, yes. Most of the time I was sick. Still further on in his testimony Driscoll testified as follows: Q. What other reasons did you stay home some of the time and not report for work? A. Well, couple of times I was sick like I said. Q. A. You weren't sick all those times? No, sir, I wasn't. s s s s s Q. Now, [for] what other reasons did you stay home, at least not report for work? A. Well, that's the only reason, because I got sick, didn't feel like going to work. Sometimes, Ijust didn't want to go. Q. Didn't want to go, dust didn't "feel like going." A. Right. Q. without being sick? A. Sometimes, yes. In short, Driscoll testified that his absences were some- times due to illness and sometimes due to his not feeling like working. When specifically examined as to the reasons for absences during each week of work at Ohio Steel, Driscoll stated that he could not remember why he was absent. In no case did he state that he was ill during any particular absence. Dnscoll's attendance records show that his absences occurred most often on a Friday. Again, I am unaware of any disease, disorder, or malady which is peculiar to Fridays. Driscoll was also asked if he ever reported late or went home early. He replied that he never reported late nor went home early unless injured. Although he worked partial days at Ohio Pressed Steel on 11 days, he offered no explanation to indicate why this occurred. If one granted credibility to his entire testimony one would have to conclude that Driscoll was injured II times. In the absence of more detailed testimony I find this conclusion patently absurd. Similarly, I find Driscoll's overall testimo- ny concerning his absences due to illness while employed at Ohio Pressed Steel evasive, vague, and wholly incredible. In the absence of his willingness or ability to testify truthfully to the contrary, I have no alternative but to conclude that Driscoll's absences amounted to a willful loss of earnings. Thus, during the first quarter of 1974, Driscoll willfully chose not to work 12 hours which were made available to him (Thursday, 3-21-74, and Friday, 3-22-74). At $2.10 10 Driscoll received a 2-day disciplinary layoff during the week ending 2- 16-74 because ofunexcused absences the previous week 11 Driscoll sustained no willful loss of wages during the third quarter of 1974 per hour, Driscoll thereby willfully incurred a loss of wages at Ohio Pressed Steel valued at $25.20. Totaling the willfully incurred losses of wages during the first quarter of 1974 at Springfield Cabinet Works - $86.64 and at Ohio Pressed Steel - $25.20, I find that the total of $111.84 should be added to the first quarter interim earnings and net interim earnings in the backpay specifica- tion thus bringing those figures up to $517. During the second, third, and fourth quarters of 1974 and the first quarter of 1975 Driscoll continued to work at Ohio Pressed Steel and worked the following hours during incomplete (less than 40 hours) weeks: Week ending 4-21-74 28 hrs. 5-19-74 32 hrs. 6-2-74 32.6 hrs. (holiday) 6-9-74 32 hrs. 6-30-74 32 hrs. 10-6-74 32 hrs. 10-20-74 36 hrs. 11-10-74 32 hrs. 11-24-74 32 hrs. 12-1-74 32 hrs. 12-8-74 32 hrs. 1-12-75 32 hrs. 2-2-75 32 his. 2-9-75 25.4 hrs. 2-16-75 24 3-2-75 36.5 hrs. 3-9-75 24 hrs. During the second, third,)) and fourth quarters of 1974 and the first quarter of 1975 Driscoll sustained willful losses of earnings at Ohio Pressed Steel to the following extent: Wk. Ending Driscoll's Wages Available Wages Diff. 4-21-74 $ 61.60 12/ $ 88.00 $26.40 5-19-74 76.80 13/ 96.00 19.20 6-2-74 83.13 14/ 102.00 18.87 6-9-74 81.60 102.00 20.40 6-30-74 81.60 102.00 20.40 Total 2d qtr. $384.73 $490.00 $105.27 10-6-74 81.60 102.00 20.40 10-20-74 95.40 15/ 106.00 10.60 11-10-74 84.80 106.00 21.20 11-24-74 84.80 106.00 21.20 12-1-74 84.80 106.00 21.20 12-8-74 84.80 106.00 21.20 Total 4th qtr. $516.20 $632.00 $115.80 12 Driscoll received a wage increase to $2 20 per hour on 4-1-74 13 Driscoll received a wage increase to $2.40 per hour on 4-28-74. 14 Driscoll received a wage increase to $2 55 per hour on 5-28-74 15 Driscoll received a wage increase to $2 65 per hour on 10-14-74 736 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD 1-12-75 84.80 106.00 21.20 2-2-75 84.80 106.00 21.20 2-9-75 69.85 16/ 110.00 40.15 2-16-75 66.00 17/ 110.00 44.00 3-2-75 100.37 110.00 9.63 3-9-75 18/ 66.00 88.00 22.00 Total 1st qtr. $471.82 $630.00 $158.18 Consequently, I , find that the interim earnings for the second and fourth quarters of 1974 and the first quarter of 1975 should be increased by the sums of $105.27, $115.80, and $158.18, respectively. B. Union Dues as Expenses Deductible From Interim Earnings The backpay specification lists $10 in expenses for the second quarter 1974 and $15 each for the third and fourth quarters of 1974 and the first quarter of 1975. These figures were intended to reflect the fact that union dues had been deducted from Driscoll's wages at Ohio Pressed Steel during these quarters. The record reveals that on May 28, 1974, UAW Local 682 was recognized at Ohio Pressed Steel. Thereafter a contract was signed requiring the payment of union dues as a condition of employment. The contract was not offered into evidence. Deductions amounted to 2 hours of pay per month, apparently beginning in June 1974.19 General Counsel argues that the dues deducted from Driscoll's wages at Ohio Pressed Steel are an expense properly deductible from interim earnings. Respondent counters that, although Carter Lumber does not have a union shop contract covering its employees, Driscoll had joined Team- sters Local Union 654 and therefore would have been obligated to pay union dues had he continued employment at Carter Lumber Company. Respondent therefore con- cludes that the proper approach to the consideration of union dues as a deduction from interim earnings is to ignore such dues as an expense or, in the alternative, deduct only the difference between the union dues paid by Driscoll at Ohio Pressed Steel and the union dues he would have paid had he remained in the employ of Carter Lumber Company. The case law on the subject appears to support the argument of General Counsel. Thus it has long been decided that union dues deducted from interim wages is an expense deductible from interim wages where the dues were paid pursuant to a union shop agreement. Firestone Synthetic Fibers and Textile Company, Division of the Firestone Tire and Rubber Company, 207 NLRB 810, 812 (1973). On the other hand, union dues are not considered an expense if the dues are not compulsory even in situations where, as a practical matter, the dischargee would ordinari- ly be expected to continue his union membership during employment. Continued membership in a union, absent a union shop provision, cannot be assumed . Miami Coca- Cola Bottling Company, 151 NLRB 1701, 1710 (1965). In the instant case Driscoll, in order to maintain his position with Ohio Pressed Steel, would of necessity have had to continue paying his dues. At Carter Lumber Company, he might well have chosen to withdraw from membership. Inasmuch as Respondent was responsible for taking away this freedom of choice by unlawfully terminating him, I find that the question of Driscoll's possible continued membership in the Union at Carter Lumber Company is irrelevant and the dues paid by him at Ohio Pressed Steel are fully deductible from interim earnings . Thus, I find that the following expenses are deductible from interim earnings for the indicated periods: 2d qtr. 197420 $ 5.10 3rd qtr. 197421 15.30 4th qtr. 197422 15.80 1st qtr . 197523 10.80 C. Wage Increases According to the backpay specification two general pay raises were given by Respondent to its yardmen, one on or about September 1, 1974, when the hourly pay rate was increased from $2 per hour to $2.25 per hour, and a second one on or about March 3, 1975, when the hourly rate was increased from $2.25 to $2.45. The backpay specification awarded Driscoll an increase of 12-1/2 percent as of September 1, 1974, and an increase of 9 percent as of March 3, 1975, on the theory that, had he not been discriminatorily discharged, he would have shared in the increase enjoyed by other employees of Respondent in the same classification. Respondent does not deny the correct- ness of the computation but asserts that the wage increases received on the dates in question were merit increases awarded to certain of its employees but not all and that, since Driscoll was not on the job when these merit increases were awarded solely to those employees who earned them, there is no way that it can be demonstrated that he would have earned the increases and he is therefore not entitled to those wage increases. The record reveals that all of the employees of the Respondent classified as yardmen, as was Driscoll, with approximately the same experience with the Employer, received a 25-cent-per-hour wage increase during the third quarter of 1974 and another 20-cent-per-hour wage increase during the first quarter of 1975. Other employees who were the subject of testimony at the hearing who did not receive 16 Driscoll received a wage increase to $2.75 per hour on 2-3-75. 17 Driscoll received a 2-day disciplinary layoff because of poor atten- dance I consider this layoff as willfully incurred inasmuch as I have found his previous absences also willfully incurred. 1S Dnscoll's last day of work was Thursday 3-6-75. 19 General Counsel moved to amend the backpay specification to reflect the proper amount of union dues deductions. The motion was granted. No evidence was offered to indicate the effective date of the contract and, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, I am unwilling to assume that a contract containing a union shop clause was executed within 3 days of recognition. Respondent made no issue of the effective date or date of execution of the contract. 20 Dues for I month only. Inasmuch as the Union was not recognized until May 28, 1974, it would appear highly unlikely that the contract with the union-shop provision was executed and made effective prior to June 1974. Dues are computed here at 2 (hrs.) x $2.55 per hour or $5.10 per month. 21 Computed at 3 x $5.10 per month. 22 Computed at one-half month at $2.55 per hour and 2-1/2 months at $2.65 per hour. 23 Computed at I month at $2.65 per hour and I month at $2.75 per hour. Driscoll was terminated March 5, 1975, and presumably did not pay dues for the month of March. CARTER LUMBER, INC. 737 comparable wage increases were either classified as coun- termen or were part time or newer employees. One exception was an employee named Macy who although employed both as counterman and yardman did not receive any wage increases. But Macy was already receiving $2.50 per hour, a higher wage than any other rank-and-file yardman even after the others were awarded their wage increases. From the record then, it is clear that all of Respondent's yardmen with experience similar to that of Driscoll received wage increases at the same time. I find therefore that those increases were general in nature rather than based on merit and had Driscoll been employed by Respondent at the time there is no reason to believe that he too would not have received a similar increase. Consequently, the backpay specification shall remain unchanged with respect to the inclusion of the wage increase . The Richard W. Kaase Company, 162 NLRB 1320 (1967). Upon the basis of the foregoing-findings of fact, conclu- sions of law and upon the entire record in this case, I hereby issue the following recommended: ORDER 24 Respondent, Carter Lumber, Inc., Springfield, Ohio, its officers, agents, successors, and assigns , shall pay to Michael Driscoll, in accordance with the computations contained in the revised backpay specification, attached marked "Appendix," the sum of $4,985.65. Interest is to be added at the rate of 6 percent per annum on the basis of the quarterly amounts of backpay due, in accordance with the formula set forth in Isis Plumbing & Heating Co., 138 NLRB 716 (1962). There should be deducted from the amount due any tax withholding required by Federal, and state law. 24 In the event no exceptions are filed as provided by Sec. 102.46 of the Rules and Regulations of the National Labor Relations Board, the findings, conclusions, and recommended Supplemental Order herein shall, as provid- ed in Sec. 102.48 of the Rules and Regulations , be adopted by the Board and become its findings, conclusions , and Supplemental Order, and all objections thereto shall be deemed waived for all purposes. Calendar liter. Wks. and Rate Gross Beckpay APPENDIX Interim Earnings Expense .. Net Interim Earnings Net Backpay 1973-3 11.5 Wks. 'f $1,398.40 $ 495.20 0 $ 495 . 20 $ 903.20 $121.60 a wk. 1973-4 13 wks . a 1,580.80 931.25 0 931.25 649.55 $121.60 a wk. 3/ 1974-1 13 wks . @ 1,580.80 517.00 0 517.00 1,063.80 $121.60 a wk. 4/ 1974-2 13 wks. @ 1,580.80 1,153 . 60 5.10 1,148 . 50 432.30 $121.60 a wk. 5/ 1974-3 9 wks @u 1,641.60 886.00 15.30 870 . 70 770.90 $121.60 a wk. $1,094.40; 4 wks. $136.80 a wk.--- $547.20 6/ 1974-4 13 wks . @a 1,778 .40 963 .80 - 15.80 948.00 830.40 $136.80 a wk. 7/ 1975-1 9 wks . a@ 1,380 . 31 1,055 . 61 10.80 1,044 . 81 335.50 $136.80 a wk.-- $1,231 . 2001 wk. 149.11 Totals: $10 ,941.11 $6 ,002.46 $47.00 S5 ,955.46 $4,985.65 Begins July 12, 1973 . Interim employer : Buckeye Metals, Springfield, Ohio. Interim employers: Buckeye Metals , Springfield , Ohio , $445.75; Springfield Cabinet Works, Springfield, Ohio, $485.50. Interim employers : Springfield Cabinet Works , $276.00 ; Ohio Pressed Steel , Springfield , Ohio , $ 221.20; Manpower , Inc. of Springfield , Ohio , $ 19.80. Interim employer : Ohio Pressed Steel , Springfield , Ohio . Expense: UAW Local 682,-starting June 1974. union dues of $5.10 per month, to Change in rate represents the wage increase due Driscoll during the third quarter 1974 . Interim employer ; Ohio Pressed Steel , Springfield, Ohio . Expense : Union dues of $5.10 per month. Interim employer : Ohio Pressed Steel, Springfield , Ohio . Expense: Union dues computed at one-half month at $2 .55 plus 2-1/2 mouths at $2.65. Computed through March 10, 1975 , the date on which Driscoll returned to work . The change in rate represents the wage increase due Driscoll during the first quarter , 1975. Interim employer: Ohio Pressed Steel, Springfield , Ohio . Expense: union dues computed at 1 month at $2.65 " and 1 month at $2.75. Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation