Canterbury GardensDownload PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsSep 29, 1978238 N.L.R.B. 864 (N.L.R.B. 1978) Copy Citation D [)(ISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RE.A'I()IONS BOARI) Canterbury Gardens and Manchester Gardens. Inc. and Local 32E, Service Employees International Union, AFL-CIO. Cases 3-CA 8092 and 3 -CA 8093 September 29, 1978 DECISION AND ORDER BY CHIAIRMAN FANNIN(; ANI) MIFMB1tRS JENKINS ANI) PI.FN o.( On July 10, 1978, Administrative Law Judge George F. Mclnerny issued the attached Decision in this proceeding. Thereafter, the General Counsel filed exceptions and a supporting brief. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of' the National Labor Relations Act, as amended,. the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its au- thority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the record and the at- tached Decision in light of the exceptions and brief and has decided to affirm the rulings. findings, and conclusions of the Administrative Judge only to the extent consistent herewith. As more fully set forth in the Administrative Law Judge's Decision, the facts reveal that on March 17, 1977.1 the Union demanded that bargaining com- mence for the appropriate certified unit and requested Respondent 2 to contact it to arrange a mutually satis- factory date to commence negotiations. As found by the Administrative law Judge, Respondent ignored the Union's demand and request, and also ignored a number of telephone messages from the Union's ne- gotiator. Jacques Buitenkant, to the same effect. Fi- nally. after Buitenkant enlisted the aid oft' Edward Schwartz. the attorney who represented Respondent in the underlying representation case, and also threat- ened the filing of unfair labor practice charges it' Re- spondent continued to refuse to meet, a negotiation session was scheduled for June 20 at Schwartz' New Jersey office. At the appointed time on June 20. Buitenkant and another union representative, Howard Hundgen. ar- rived at Schwartz' office, Buitenkant and Hundgen waited for over an hour in Schwartz' office. but Re- spondent's representative, Sol Lublin, failed to ap- pear. Accordingly. no substantive discussions took place, although Buitenkant raised the possibility that the parties could agree to include superintendents in the unit. According to the credited testimony of Schwartz, Buitenkant stated that the 1Union "would inless otherwise noted, all diltes herein are in 1977. In iew ot Ihe idnmission hby (Canterhur3 (Galrdenls and 1Manchester (iar dens, Inc.. that they constitute a single, inlegrated husiness enterprise, we shall refer to them collectivelx: as "Responden ." like to have superintendents to be included, similar to what we had in Hampton Oaks which is another unit and which the Union is the bargaining agent for." Later, Schwartz testified to a different version of the same conversation. asserting that the Union claimed it had represented the superintendents in the past and that it stated "we would like to see whether we can't continue to represent the superintendents again." Schwartz then referred to the unit certification which excluded the superintendents, to which Buitenkant al- legedly replied "So what? We can agree to it. That doesn't mean we can't have it in." In another version of the conversation, Schwartz claimed that the Union stated: "We can agree to anything. They were a member of the Union befotre and I don't see why the C('ompnay objects not including them now,. particu- larly since Louie the superintendent was a member of the Union before, and how can 'iou now take away his benefits." In yet another version, Buitenkant al- legedly stated: "So that's fine, but vou know we al- waIVS represented the superintendents and that there's no prohibition merely because the Board has ex- cluded them, that we couldn't agree to include them." At the conclusion of' the meeting, Buitenkant and Schwartz agreed they would be in touch with each other to arrange another meeting. Thereafter, on June 22, Buitenkant sent a letter to Schwartz indicating the Union's displeasure with the failure of Ilublin to appear at the June 20 meeting, and requesting that an "earls appointment" be ar- ranged "so that the matter at hand may be finalized." Despite some vague testimony concerning telephone calls back and forth, no meeting was arranged. On August 2, Buitenkant addressed a letter to Respon- dent, directed to the attention of' Iulblin. requesting a meeting and stating that if' Lublin fatiled to contact the Union within 2 weeks the Union would file an unfair labor practice charge against Respondent, al- leging that it refused to bargain collectively in good faitith with the Union. On August 23, after no reply had been received, the Union filed the instant charges. Schwartz then wrote Buitenkant on Septem- ber 9, indicating that Respondent was willing to meet. Finally, a meeting vwas arranged f'or October 28 at Schwartz' office, which commenced as scheduled. In analyzing the above facts, the Administrative Law Judge apparently applied an erroneous legal standard in concluding that the lnion's request for conducting negotiations in a broader unit than that certified relieved Respondent of its bargaining obliga- tion, even though the Union did not insist on its re- quest to the point of impasse. It is well settled that the parties to a bargaining relationship may voluntarily agree to modil'y the scope of a Board-certified bar- gaining unit. Natlional 'rc.'h Fruit & I'egetable ( 'oin- pany, 227 NL RB 2014 (1977): 1isfc/llalnieous Scrvic'e 238 NL.RB No. 116 864 CANTERBURY GARDENS Workers, Drivers and Helpers, Local 42 7, International Brotherhood of Teatnsters. Chaufle'urs. Warehoulsemen and Helpers of America (Edward D. Sultan Co.. Ltd.), 223 NLRB 1342 (1976).1 Thus, the scope of an estab- lished bargaining unit is a nonmandatory subject of bargaining, Delbi-Tavylor Refining Ditvision, Hess Oil and Chemical Corporation, 167 NLRB 115 (1967), which either part) may propose changing so long as it does not insist on its proposal to the point of impasse. National Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Company, supra; Shell Oil Company, 194 NLRB 988 (1972). Similarly. a party may not insist on such a proposal as a condi- tion precedent to entering negotiations. N.L.R.B. v. Retail Clerks-. International 4ssociation, A FL /Safi,'wa Storevj. 203 F.2d 165 (C.A. 9, 1953). In the instant case, we agree with the Administra- tive Law Judge's finding that the Union did not insist on its demand to include superintendents within the certified unit to the point of impasse or to the point where it became a condition precedent to entering negotiations. Although Schwartz testified to several versions of the Union's demand, we do not believe that the brief exchange of remarks in any of the ver- sions amount to an unlawful. persistent demand by the Union to the point of impasse or to the point of becoming a condition precedent to continuing nego- tiations. Rather, this brief exchange of remarks, oc- curring only once during the 7-month period between March 17 and October 28, shows nothing more than a lawful proposal of a nonmandatory subject of bar- gaining. Our conclusion is buttressed by the fact that Re- spondent did not offer any explanation to the Union for its failure to engage in substantive discussions prior to October 28. The complaint, as amended, al- leges that Respondent unlawfully refused to bargain with the Union between March 17 and October 28. Respondent, in its answer, denies the allegation, but raises no affirmative defense and does not explain the reasons for its denial. Thus, at no time prior to the hearing did Respondent attribute its refusal to bar- gain to the Union's demand for the inclusion of su- perintendents within the unit. Under these circum- stances, we conclude that the Union's request to modify the certified unit was not the real reason for Respondent's refusal to bargain but was merely a pre- text. In summary, Respondent's entire course of con- duct, including ignoring the Union's repeated letters and telephone calls prior to the June 20 meeting, the failure of Respondent's chief negotiator. Lublin, to appear for the June 20 meeting after agreeing to be present, Respondent's disregard of the Union's Au- 'Also see V L.R B *. 1 * r Dltiswon ./ Brg- ii arner (;orp, 356 L .S 342 1958) gust 2 correspondence, and Respondent's failure to inform the Union that the reason Respondent refused to meet with it was the Union's position concerning the inclusion of superintendents within the unit, con- vinces us that Respondent failed to meet and confer in good faith with the Union between March 17 and October 28, and thereby violated Section 8(a)(5) and ( I) of the Act. CONC(L.USIONS OF LAW 1. The Respondent, Canterbury Gardens and Manchester Gardens, Inc., is a single employer en- gaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 2. The Union, Local 32E, Service Employees In- ternational Union, AFL-CIO, is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. 3. By refusing to bargain in good faith with the Union between March 17, 1977, and October 28. 1977, Respondent has violated Section 8(a)(5) and (I) of the Act. 4. The aforesaid unfair labor practice affects com- merce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. THE RE1MEDY Hlaving found that Respondent engaged in an un- fair labor practice in violation of Section 8(a)(5) and (1) of the Act, we shall order that Respondent cease and desist therefrom and take certain affirmative ac- tions designed to effectuate the policies of the Act. Accordingly, we shall order Respondent to bargain in good faith with the Union and shall extend the Union's certification year by that period of time equivalent to the period it unlawfully refused to bar- gain with the Union. See Mar-Jac Poullr' Company, Inc.. 136 NLRB 785 (1962). ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Rela- tions Board hereby orders that the Respondent, Can- terbury Gardens and Manchester Gardens, Inc., Poughkeepsie, New York, its officers, agents, succes- sors, and assigns, shall: I. Cease and desist from: (a) Refusing to bargain collectively in good faith concerning wages, hours, and other terms and condi- tions of employment with Local 32E, Service Em- ployees International Union. AFL-CIO, as the exclu- sive representative of all porters and maintenance employees employed at Manchester Gardens, Inc., and Canterbury Gardens in the town of Poughkeep- 865 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD sie, New York; excluding all office clerical employees, seasonal employees and/or temporary employees, guards, and supervisors as defined in the Act. (b) In any like or related manner interfering with, restraining, or coercing its employees in the exercise of their rights guaranteed under Section 7 of the Act. 2. Take the following affirmative action which will effectuate the purposes of the Act: (a) Bargain collectively in good faith concerning wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of em- ployment with Local 32E, Service Employees Inter- national Union, AFL-CIO, as the exclusive represent- ative of all porters and maintenance employees employed at Manchester Gardens, Inc. and Canter- bury Gardens in the Town of Poughkeepsie, New York; excluding all office clerical employees, seasonal employees and/or temporary employees, guards, and supervisors as defined in the Act. (b) Post at its facilities in Poughkeepsie, New York, copies of the attached notice marked "Appen- dix."4 Copies of said notice, on forms provided by the Regional Director for Region 3, after being duly signed by Respondent's representative, shall be posted by Respondent immediately upon receipt thereof and be maintained by it for 60 consecutive days thereafter in conspicuous places, including all places where notices to employees are customarily posted. Reasonable steps shall be taken by Respon- dent to insure that said notices are not altered, de- faced, or covered by any other material. (c) Notify the Regional Director for Region 3, in writing, within 20 days from the date of this Order, what steps the Respondent has taken to comply here- with. IT IS FUR THER ORDERED that the complaint be dis- missed insofar as it alleges violations of the Act not specifically found herein. I In the event that this Order is enforced hy a judgment of a United States (ourt of Appeals, the words in the notice reading "Posted by Order of the National Labor Relations Board' shall read P'iosted Pursuant to a Judgment of the United States Court of Appeals Entorcing an Order of the National Labor Relations Board." APPENDIX NOTICE To EMPLOYEES POSTED BY ORDER OF [HE NAI'IONAI LABOR RELATIONS BOARD An Agency of the United States Government The National Labor Relations Act, as amended, gives employees the following rights: To engage in self-organization To form, join, or assist any union To bargain collectively through representa- tives of their own choosing To engage in activities together for the pur- pose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection To refrain from the exercise of any such ac- tivities. In recognition of these rights, we hereby notify our employees that: WE WILL NOT refuse to bargain collectively in good faith concerning wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment with Local 32E, Service Employees International Union, AFL-CIO, as the exclusive representative of all porters and maintenance employees employed at Manchester Gardens, Inc. and Canterbury Gar- dens in the Twon of Poughkeepsie, New York; excluding all office clerical employees, seasonal employees and/or temporary employees, guards, and supervisors as defined in the Act. WE. WilL NOT in any like or related manner interfere with, restrain, or coerce our employees in the exercise of their rights guaranteed under Section 7 of the Act. WE Wtl.l. bargain collectively in good faith concerning wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment with Local 32E, Ser- vice Employees International Union, AFL-CIO, as the exclusive representative of employees in the above-described unit. CANFTRBURY GARDENS AND MAN( HESTER GARD)ENS, IN(. DECISION SIAIAILMINI 01O TiE CASE GIOR(;i F. M( INERNY, Administrative Law Judge: Both of these cases were instituted by identical charges' filed by Local 32E. Service Employees International Union. AFL- CIO. hereinafter referred to as the Union, against Canter- bury Gardens, Inc.. in Case 3-CA-8092, and Manchester Gardens, Inc.. in Case 3-CA-8093. These employers will be referred to herein as Respondents or the Company. The issue is whether by failing to meet with the Union for a period of time between March 17, 1977. and October 28, 1977, the Respondents violated Section 8(a)(5) of the Act. As a result of these charges an order consolidating cases, complaint and notice of hearing was issued by the Regional Director for the Third Region on October 11, 1977. The hearing was held before me on May 8, 1978, at Poughkeep- sie, New York, at which time all parties were given full opportunity to participate, to introduce relevant evidence. to examine and cross-examine witnesses, and to argue oral- t Ihe charge in (Case 3 ('A 8092. while naming Canterbury Gardens. Inc. as the employer, inadvertently relers to Manchester Gardens. Inc.. in the body of the charge. Since the complaint alleges, and Respondents' answer admits, that the two corporations are a single, integrated business enterprise and in the light of' my disposition of the matter, I do not regard this error as significant 866 CANTERBURY GARDENS ly. Briefs were filed by counsel for the General Counsel and Respondents, which have been carefully considered. Upon the entire record, particularly upon my observa- tion of the witnesses and their demeanor. I make the follow- ing: FINDIN(iS OF FA( I I. JIURISDIC(rION The Respondents herein are New York corporations en- gaged in the business of operating two apartment com- plexes in Poughkeepsie, New York. Jurisdiction is not at issue. I therefore find and conclude that Respondents are employers within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. I further find that the Union is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. II. liIe AI.IEGED) tUNFAIR I.ABOR PRA( TI(tS A. Background There are references in the record to the fact that the Union had historically represented employees, including su- perintendents, at these same apartment complexes under a predecessor employer. However, in a representation case culminating in a certification dated December 3, 1976. the Union was certified as the representative of porters and maintenance employees but excluding superintendents em- ployed by Respondents. Despite this limitation of the unit, the Union apparently continued to insist on the inclusion of superintendents until at least March 17, 1977.2 On that date the Union's lawyer wrote to Respondents confirming a telephone conversation between himself and Sol Lublin.' an official of Respon- dents. In this letter the lawyer, Jacques Buitenkant, out- lined the proper unit and requested a meeting. There is no dispute that this letter along with a number of telephone messages from Buitenkant and Union Representative How- ard Hundgen were ignored by Respondents. On May 5. Buitenkant telephoned Edward Schwartz. an attorney who had represented the Company in the repre- sentation case and requested his assistance in getting nego- tiations moving. Schwartz then wrote to Lublin and, refer- ring to the telephone conversation, indicated to Lublin that Buitenkant had properly defined the unit and had men- tioned the filing of unfair labor practice charges. This letter concluded with a hopeful "If I can help, please advise," which apparently worked, because Schwartz, now repre- senting the Company, and Buitenkant, after some calling back and forth, set up a meeting for June 20, 1977, at Schwartz' office in East Orange, New Jersey. B. The June 20 MVeeting This meeting was described in the testimony of Edward Schwartz, the Company's attorney and its only witness: by Howard Hundgen, a representative of the Union: and in an 2 All dates are in 1977 unless otherwise indicated. I.ublin is also referred to as "Lubin" in the record. affidavit given on September 19. 1977, by Union Attorney Jacques Buitenkant, who died sometime after October 28, 1977. The affidavit was received into evidence upon identi- fication of Buitenkant's initials and signature by his secre- tary. Calandra Photo, Inc., 151 NLRB 660, 671, fn. 29. (1965). All of the participants agreed that the meeting was sched- uled to begin at 10 a.m., that Buitenkant and Hundgen waited in Schwartz' reception room for at least an hour awaiting the arrival of Sol Lublin. and that Lublin never arrived. At this point, the testimony of the two living participants diverged sharply. Hundgen stated that after he and Buiten- kant had been waiting for an hour in the outer office, Schwartz came out and offered them coffee. He spoke to Buitenkant about "old cases and general conversation." At I 1: 15, according to Hundgen, he and Buitenkant walked to the door of Schwartz' private office, where the lawyers agreed that Lublin was not going to show up and that they would contact each other about another meeting. Schwartz testified4 that Lublin could not be present be- cause of "an emergency that he had." The Respondents' lawyer further testified that while the parties were waiting for Lublin. Buitenkant stated that "the Union would like to have superintendents to be included, similar to what we had in Hampton Oaks, which is another unit and which the Union is bargaining agent for." Schwartz recalled that the union representatives were in his office that morning for about an hour or an hour and a half. Of that period, he stated that they actually spent 20 or 25 minutes with him. On cross-examination Schwartz mentioned the offer of cof- fee and enlarged on the conversation with Buitenkant. quoting him as saying, "Well, we might as well, in the meanwhile while we're waiting for Sol-here's the contract. We would want the same kind of terms and conditions that we had at Hampton Oaks, and at Hampton Oaks we repre- sent the superintendent and in the past we represented the superintendents here, and we would like to see whether we can't continue to represent the superintendents again." Schwartz then alluded to the unit certification, but Buiten- kant replied. "So what? We can agree to it. That doesn't mean we can't have it in." Later in his testimony, Schwartz gave additional versions of these statements, quoting Buitenkant at one point as say- ing "We can agree to anything. They were a member of the Union before and I don't see why the Company objects- not including them now, particularly since Louie the super- intendent was a member of the Union before, and how you can now take away his benefits"; and then, still later, "So that's fine, but you know we always represented the super- intendents and that there's no prohibition merely because the Board has excluded them, that we couldn't agree to include them." 4 General Counsel urges that any testimony by Schwartz concerning two exhibits offered by the latter be disregarded since he did not make copies for the exhibit file nor did he furnish copies to the other parties, all as directed by the Administrative Law Judge. I have noted that copies of these exhibits are attached to Respondents' brief' but not In the fashion which I ordered. Thus. I disregard these exhibits, but the testimon) in the record will be considered. even when referring to the exhibits. These were available at this hearing, were used in cross-examination, and referral to testimony concern- ing them is not prejudicial to the General Counsel. 867 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL. LABOR RELATIONS BOARD It is thus apparent that there is a clear-cut question of credibility here, and one which forms the central issue in the case. In order to aid in the resolution of this question, I must consider General Counsel's argument that the affidavit of Buitenkant "should be afforded great weight" in resolving credibility issues. In accordance with applicable precedents, I have carefully scrutinized Buitenkant's statement in order to determine the weight it should be given. Baker Manufac- turing Co., Inc., 218 NLRB 1295 (1975), affd. 564 F.2d 95, 97 (C.A. 5, 1977); Sunbeam Corporation, 184 NLRB 950, 956 (1970). 1 find in accordance with General Counsel's able and well-documented argument that the statements in the affidavit are positive, unequivocal, and, in certain re- spects, substantially corroborated. American Guild of Vari- ety Artists, AFL CIO, 163 NLRB 457, 464 (1967); West Texas Utilities Company, Inc., 94 NLRB 1638, 1639 (1951); The Linde Air Products Company, 86 NLRB 1333. 1336 37 (1949). The problem is that none of the instances of cor- roboration cited by the General Counsel deal with the sub- stance of the June 20 meeting. The following excerpt from the affidavit is Buitenkant's description of the substance of the meeting: On June 20. 1977, Howard Hundgen, Business Respre- sentative and I appeared at Schwartz's office at 10 a.m. We were seated in an area outside Schwartz's office. Schwartz said we'll wait until Lublin shows up. We waited about an hour with no word from Lublin before Schwartz began to try to reach Lublin by phone. Schwartz was unsuccessful in trying reach Lublin or find out where he was. We waited until 11:30 a.m. Before we left Schwartz said he'd contact me after he got ahold [sic] of Lublin. Now certain features of this statement are corroborated. All parties agreed that Hundgen and Buitenkant arrived at Schwartz's office at 10 a.m., that the union representatives waited in an outer office for an hour, and tat Lublin never arrived. On other portions there are minor differences. Schwartz and Buitenkant agreed that they were there for an hour and a half; or until 11:30 a.m. Hundgen recalled that they left at 11:15. Hundgen and Schwartz remembered the offer of coffee. Buitenkant did not mention it. Buitenkant stated that Schwartz made telephone calls trying to locate Lublin. Neither of the others mentioned the calls. On the most significant issue of all, the question of the contract. and particularly the unit problem, Schwartz said it was dis- cussed: Hundgen denied that it was discussed: and Buiten- kant said nothing. Indeed, he said nothing about Hundgen's comment that the two lawyers talked about "old cases and general conversation." The fact that Buitenkant said noth- ing in the affidavit either confirming or denying the alleged comments concerning the unit placement of the superinten- dents, coupled with the fact that both Schwartz and Hund- gen agreed that there was some conversation between Bui- tenkant and Schwartz, neither helps nor hinders either party and leaves me with the task of determining the issue based on the relative credibility of the two witnesses who did testify concerning the issue. The term relative credibility is used purposely since I had problems with the credibility of both Schwartz and Hund- gen. Both are interested witnesses with professional assets or liabilities dependent on the outcome of this litigation. To be sure, this case may not be critical in the professional careers of either. Presumabl\y Schwartz has other clients and Hundgen has other units to serve, but they are inter- ested nonetheless. Schwartz' testimony tended to be meandering and some- what disjointed, delivered in narrative form since he was. while testifying, both witness and attorney. His memory, particularly with respect to dates and telephone conversa- tions dealing with meetings, was wanting. But he did testify concerning the two meetings on June 20 and October 28 in a manner that impressed me as candid and forthright, hazy in details but consistent with respect to substance. For ex- ample, his recollection of Buitenkant's remarks at the June 20 meeting concerning the unit is slightly different in each recounting. but it is clear that Buitenkant. an experienced labor lawyer, was aware of the Board's certification and its limits, and also aware that the parties can modify the Board's decisions by their own agreement. I hese discrepan- cies do not persuade me that Schwartz is not truthfully re- porting the substance of what was said. Hundgen, on the other hand, did not impress me as a credible witness with respect to this critical area for the following reasons: (1) His demeanor was defensive and evasive, particularly on cross-examination. (2) His testimony on the reasons for his walkout from the October 28 meeting was shifting and unreliable as well as inherently incredible. He testified on direct examination that he became "annoyed" because Lublin denied his re- quest for foul weather gear for the employees. On cross- examination he denied having been angry and stated that the reason he left was that he "just felt bad." His testimony in this regard is shifting and evasive. Further, when asked on cross-examination whether he had discussed his actions with Buitenkant afterwards, he said "no." This last is pa- tently incredible. In addition, this whole incident regarding the foul-weather gear seems to me to be outside the range of probability. On October 28 the parties had finallys met after long delays and were going over the contract item by item. Buitenkant's notes on a printed contract form are in evi- dence, and Hundgen admits that the parties were going over the form item by item on that date. Hundgen further admitted that the contract says nothing about rain gear. Thus, Hundgen's statement that he walked out of this pre- liminary meeting. where the parties were dealing broadly with items in the printed form, in annoyance over an item which was not even on the form strains my credulity to the breaking point.' (3) His testimony concerning the conversations at the June 20 meeting were evasive and not in accord with the inherent probabilities of the situation. When questioned about what Buitenkant and Schwartz said to each other, Hundgen mentioned "old cases and general conversation" and, in response to General Counsel's question, further ' I decline to draw any adverse inferences against Respondents Irom the fact that Lublin did not testify. Schwartz testified that L.ublin was in his office at the Company's location in Poughkeepsie at the time of the meeting Iloweser he was just as available to the (General Counsel as he was to Re- spondents If the parties were willing to leave the record in this condition. I am willing to decide the case on the record before me. 868 CANTERBURY GARDENS stated that there was no discussion of substantive matters of contract negotiations. Later, however. Hundgen admitted that he did not recall whether Buitenkant handed Schwartz a copy of the contract. This version of what transpired, even apart from my find- ing as to Hundgen's credibility, exceeds the bounds of logic and probability. Here was a situation where after many delays the parties were finally meeting. The lawyers were experienced labor lawyers as well as long-time friends. Bui- tenkant had suffered from stomach trouble for a long time and "bad arthritis" during this period. He had undertaken a trip from his office in the Bronx, New York, to East Orange, New Jersey. to keep this appointment. He then waited for an hour or more for the Company's representative to show up. His affidavit shows that he and Hundgen waited for "about an hour," then Schwartz tried to contact Lublin. The union representatives left at 11:30 a.m. In all these circumstances it is improbable and illogical that Buitenkant did not give Schwartz a copy of the form contract at that time and, further, that they did not discuss the unit question which, by admission of the General Counsel, existed at least up to March 17, 1977. The recognition clause is the first clause of the printed contract. As printed, it does not specif- ically define any unit, and the unit question, not concerned with wages, hours, or working conditions, is one which Schwartz. as legal counsel, could discuss with the Union's lawyer even in the absence of the former's client. For these reasons, therefore, I have discredited Hund- gen's testimony concerning the June 20 meeting (as well as the October 28 meeting). and I credit the substance of Schwartz' testimony concerning the June 20 meeting. Ac- cordingly, I find that at the June 20 meeting Buitenkant gave Schwartz a copy of the printed contract and that he had a conversation with Schwartz wherein he reiterated that the Union wanted the superintendents in the unit de- spite the Board's determination to the contrary. C. The Events Between June 20 and October 28 At the conclusion of the June 20 meeting the lawyers agreed that they would be in touch with each other to ar- range another meeting. Buitenkant, however, documented his view of the situation by sending a letter to Schwartz citing the failure of Lublin to attend the June 20 meeting and requesting an early appointment. There was testimony that there were telephone calls and telephone messages back and forth, but no meeting was arranged up to August 2, 1977. On that date Buitenkant addressed a letter to the Company requesting a meeting and advising the Company that if a meeting was not arranged within two weeks, unfair labor practice charges would be filed against the Company.6 No reply to this letter was forthcoming, and on August 23, 1977. the charges in the instant case were filed. The matter apparently was turned over to Schwartz by the Company, and on September 9 he wrote to Buitenkant ex- pressing the willingness of the Company to meet and re- quested that Buitenkant contact him to set up a meeting. After another series of telephone calls and messages, a meeting was set up in Schwartz' office on October 28. 1977. 6 For some reason. Schwartz was not advised of this transmittal. D. The October 28 Meeting While the complaint in this matter alleges that Respon- dent unlawfully refused to bargain from March 17, 1977, to the present time, General Counsel at the hearing modified this allegation by admitting that from October 28, 1977, onward, the Company had been bargaining. and from that date forward Respondents [have] indicated a willingness to meet and negotiate with the Union." It would appear from this that the events of October 28, at which time the Com- pany was admittedly bargaining with the Union, are not really relevant to the allegations of the complaint. General Counsel maintains that evidence of what oc- curred at this meeting will serve to illuminate Buitenkant's state of mind, not only on October 28 but from March 17 forward, respecting the composition of the unit in this case. I do not agree with this contention if only because the testi- mony on the October 28 meeting reveals nothing concern- ing Buitenkant's attitude about anything or any time prior to the meeting itself. Therefore, since there is no real allegation that the Octo- ber 28 meeting was a part of a continuing violation of Sec- tion 8(a)(5), I do not regard the meeting as relevant to the allegations of the complaint, except insofar as I have con- sidered the events of that meeting in arriving at the credibil- ity resolutions in paragraph B, above.' E. Conclusions Since I have found that the Union at the June 20. 1977, meeting reiterated its prior demand for bargaining in a unit broader than that certified by the Board on December 3. 1976, 1 find that the Union was demanding the inclusion within a collective-bargaining agreement of an item which is a nonmandatory subject of bargaining. While there is no evidence in this case that the Union insisted on this demand to the point of impasse,' I conclude that because the Union I General (Counsel urges that Buitenkant's letters of March 17 and August 12, wherein he describes the bargaining unit in conformity with the Board's certification, show that he was "seeking bargaining for the proper unit." I disagree. What these letters show me is that Buitenkant. a careful and expe- nenced lawyer. is putting nothing in writing which would later redound to his client's disadvantage in the event litigation on the matter should be nec- essary. This same prudence is shown in his letter of June 22, 1977, document- ing Lublin's failure to appear at the June 20 meeting. Buitenkant's true attitude is demonstrated in Schwartz' credited testimony describing the June 20 meeting Further. General Counsel points to Buitenkant's annotations on his copy of the contract made at the October 28 meeting as indicating the Lnion's position at that meeting. On the contrary, it appears to me that the annota- tions made by Buitenkant at the October 28 meeting reflect the responses of Respondents to the proposals made on the printed form For example it would be illogical for Buitenkant to note an "OK" or "NG" next to propos- als made by himself if. in fact he were not noting the response of the Com- pany to those proposals. It would be absurd to siew as the Urnon's proposal an annotation which reads "right to reject employees we sent w/o going to arbitration" opposite paragraphs (e) and (f) of the contract. Thus the anno- tation "as per certification" opposite paragraph (a) of the contract would indicate that that position was being taken by Respondent. and, as such. would justify the inference, which I draw. that even on October 28 the U:nion was still insisting on inclusion of the superintendents in the bargaining unit. and the annotation refers to the Compan)'s answer to that demand N. L R. B v. W'ster Division of Borg- irner Corp, 356 .S. 342 ( 1958) Steere Brnadcasting Corporartion 158 NLt RB 487. 506 (1966h) 869 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD insisted on conducting negotiations on a basis broader than the certified bargaining unit, the employer had no statutory obligation to bargain in the face of such a demand.' The fact that the Union's attorney wrote two letters. on March 17 and August 2. 1977. describing the unit correctly does not dissuade me from this conclusion, nor does this circum- stance impel me to a different conclusion. The letters them- selves do not demand bargaining in the appropriate unit but merely include references to the Board's certification in order to introduce the subject matter of the letters to the addressees. Thus, the Employer did not violate the Act by its failure to meet with the Union in the periods from March 17 to June 20 and from June 20 to October 28. Nor did it violate the law by its failure to send a representative to the June 20 meeting. 9 Charles T Douds. Reg. Div. int Iernational Longshoremen's Avsociation INew York Shipping Assn.l, 241 F.2d 278 (C.A. 2, 1957): N L.R.B. v. Retail Clerks International Association, AFL C10, and Retail Clerks Union l.ocal CON(I USIONS oi. LAW I. At all times relevant hereto, the Companies were em- ployers engaged in commerce in a business effecting com- merce, and the Union was a labor organization, all within the meaning of Section 2(2), (5), (6), and (7) of the Act. 2. The actions of the Companies alleged in the complaint affected interstate commerce within the meaning of the Act. 3. The Companies did not violate Section 8(a)(l) and (5) of the Act by failing to meet with the Union in the period from March 17. 1977, to October 28, 1977. and by failing to have their authorized representative attend the meeting on June 20, 1977. [Recommended Order for dismissal ommitted from pub- lication.] 648, /Sajewayv Stores], 203 F.2d 165 (C .A. 9, 1953); 1. ('10 Joint Vegott- ating ('ommitteejor Phelps Dodge and its agents, etal (Phelps Dodge Corpora- tion), 184 NLRB 976 (1970)1. 870 Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation