C & C Plywood Corp.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsApr 13, 1967163 N.L.R.B. 1022 (N.L.R.B. 1967) Copy Citation 1022 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD vote "Yes" a waiver of something that can be rates of pay, wages, hours of employment , and other avoided simply by voting "No." The illogic of Lobue does not become any more logical when other consequences of a vote for representation are considered. Thus, employees know that if a majority vote for the union, it will be their exclusive representative, and, provided a valid union-security provision is negotiated, they will be obliged to pay dues as a condition of employment. Thus, viewed solely as a financial matter, a "no" vote will help to avoid any subsequent obligations, a "yes" may well help to incur such obligations. In these circumstances, an employee who did not want the union to represent him would hardly be likely to vote for the union just because there would be no initial cost involved in obtaining membership. Since an election resulting in the union's defeat would entail not only no initial cost, but also insure that no dues would have to be paid as a condition of employment, the financial inducement, if a factor at all, would be in the direction of a vote against the union, rather than for it. As noted above, many employers are careful to point this out in communications to their employees. In short, there is no valid basis for concluding that an employee who votes for the union in a secret- ballot election must be doing so in any substantial measure because of the previously extended or promised waiver of initiation fees.9 We conclude, accordingly, that waivers, or provisional waivers, of union initiation fees, whether contingent upon the results of an election or not, have no improper effect on the freedom of choice of the electorate, and do not constitute a basis for setting aside an election. We therefore adopt the hearing officer's recommendation that the objections be overruled. To the extent that they are inconsistent with this decision, Lobue Bros., 109 NLRB 1182, and cases relying thereon, are hereby overruled. As we have overruled the Employer's objections, and as it appears that the Petitioner has secured a majority of the valid votes cast in the election, we shall certify the Petitioner as the collective- bargaining representative of the employees in the appropriate unit. CERTIFICATION OF REPRESENTATIVE It is hereby certified that International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America, UAW-AFL-CIO, has been designated and selected by a majority of the employees in the unit found appropriate as their representative for the purposes of collective bargaining, and that pursuant to Section 9(a) of the Act, the said labor organization is the exclusive bargaining agent for all such employees for the purposes of collective bargaining with respect to conditions of employment. 9 That the amount of initiation fees is not crucial to an employee's decision to join a union is demonstrated by studies which show that the most important factors influencing an employee's choice are a desire for (1) higher wages, shorter hours, and an end to wage inequities , (2) protection from management favoritism , (3) retaining or gaining the fellowship and respect of those who are already union members See, Barbash, The Practice of Unionism, 9-14 (1956); Bakke, Why Workers Join Unions, in Shister, Readings in Labor Economics and Industrial Relations, 30 (1951); Seidman, London and Karsh, Why Workers Join Unions, in Annals, March 1951, p 75 C & C Plywood Corporation and Veneers, Inc. and Plywood , Lumber and Sawmill Workers Local Union No. 2405 , AFL-CIO. Case 19-CA-2986. April 13,1967 DECISION AND ORDER On September 7, 1965, Trial Examiner James R. Hemingway issued his Decision in the above-entitled proceeding, finding that the Respondents had engaged in certain unfair labor practices and recommending that they cease and desist therefrom and take certain affirmative action, as set forth in the attached Trial Examiner's Decision. Thereafter, the Respondents filed exceptions to the Trial Examiner's Decision and a supporting brief. The National Labor Relations Board has reviewed the rulings of the Trial Examiner made at the hearing and finds that no prejudicial error was committed. The rulings are hereby affirmed. The Board has considered the Trial Examiner's Decision, the exceptions and the brief, and the entire record in this case, and hereby adopts the findings, conclusions, and recommendations of the Trial Examiner only to the extent they are consistent with our decision herein. We agree with the Trial Examiner that Respondents' refusal to bargain was in violation of Section 8(a)(5) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, but for different reasons. On August 28, 1962, the Union was certified as the bargaining representative of Respondents' production and maintenance employees. A collective-bargaining agreement was executed on May 1, 1963, effective t, October 31, 1963, and from year to year thereafter unless either party notified the other of a desire to change, modify, or terminate the agreement 60 days before the October 31 anniversary date. On May 20, 1963, Respondent C & C Plywood Corporation, relying on a clause in the agreement' and without prior notice to, or ' The pertinent clause reads The employer reserves the right to pay a premium rate over and above contractual classified contract rate to reward any particular employee for some special fitness, skill, aptitude , or the like 163 NLRB No. 136 C & C PLYWOOD CORP. 1023 bargaining with, the Union, posted a notice announcing that, effective immediately and for the next couple of months, all members of the glue spreader crews would receive premium pay provided that they met certain production standards. The Union contended that this premium pay plan was improper under the contract, and after a meeting with Respondent C & C Plywood on two occasions in an unsuccessful effort to get that Company to rescind the plan, filed charges alleging that Respondent C & C Plywood had unlawfully refused to bargain by unilaterally establishing the premium pay plan.2 On October 24, 1964, the Board found that by unilaterally changing the wage rate for members of the glue spreader crews, Respondent had violated Section 8(a)(5) and (1) of the Act.3 The Ninth Circuit denied enforcement of the Board's Order,' but, on January 9, 1967, the Supreme Court reversed that decision and upheld the Board's Order.5 Meanwhile, on August 27, 1963, Respondents wrote to the Union giving 60 days' notice of a desire to terminate the contract as of October 31, 1963, and on that same day mailed a representation petition to the Regional Director. That petition was dismissed on September 26, 1963, because of the pendency of the unfair labor practice charge in the above- mentioned prior C & C Plywood case. Respondents filed another representation petition in late January 1964, after the Trial Examiner had issued his Decision in the prior case dimissing the complaint, but this too was dismissed on the ground that the unfair labor practice charges were pending. Charges were filed in the instant case on November 5, 1964, alleging that Respondents had refused to bargain collectively with the Union. Respondents contend that their refusal is based on a good-faith doubt of the Union's majority status. As proof of the Union's majority status, the General Counsel relied on the presumption of majority status which attaches to a union's certification as the collective-bargaining representative of an employer's employees. But where, a's here, the certification is more than a year old, an employer may withhold further bargaining without violating the Act and may insist that the union reestablish its statutory representative status if the employer has a good-faith doubt of the union's continuing majority." Two prerequisites for finding that an employer was acting in good faith in questioning a certified union's majority status, as set forth in the Celanese case,7 are that there must be "some reasonable grounds for believing that the union had lost its majority status" and "the majority issue must not have been raised by the employer in a context of illegal antiunion activities, or other conduct by the employer aimed at causing disaffection from the union or indicating that in raising the majority issue the employer was merely seeking to gain some time in which to undermine the union." The Trial Examiner found that the unremedied unfair labor practice in the antecedent C & C Plywood case8 did not preclude Respondents from raising the question of the Union's majority status in good faith, thus satisfying the latter of the above- mentioned two prerequisites, but that Respondents did not have reasonable grounds for believing that the Union had ceased to be the majority representative. We find that the prior unfair labor practice was of such character and effect as to preclude Respondents from thereafter questioning the Union's majority status in good faith.9 In our opinion, the Trial Examiner, in finding that Respondents were not precluded from raising a doubt of the Union's majority by reason of the unfair labor practice in the prior case, misconceived the nature of that unfair labor practice and of the injury to the Union's representative status flowing therefrom. The Trial Examiner stated that the violation in the prior case "depended upon an interpretation by the Employer of a contract clause of disputed meaning." However, the violation of the Act involved did not depend on a finding that Respondents had, as a matter of contract law, erroneously construed a disputed contract clause; they depended instead on the fact that the clause in question, whatever its ultimate interpretation as a matter of contract law, could not be construed as a waiver of the Union's statutory right to bargain over changes in the wage rates provided in the contract. As the Supreme Court noted, apropos of the Board's finding: The Board has not construed a labor agreement to determine the extent of the contractual rights which were given the union by the employer. ... The Board's interpretation [of the contract] went only so far as was necessary to determine that the union did not agree to give up these statutory safeguards. to In sum , the finding that Respondent C & C Plywood violated Section 8(a)(5) in the antecedent case did not rest on a finding that it had breached its collective- bargaining agreement with the Union; it t C & C Plywood was the sole Respondent in that proceeding (Case 19-CA-2686) 9 C & C Plywood Corporation, 148 NLRB 414 4 N L R B v C& C Plywood Corp , 351 F.2d 224 (C.A 9) 5 N L R.B v. C& C Plywood Corp , 385 U S 421. 6 The Richard Kaase Company, 141 NLRB 245, Mitchell Standard Corporation, 140 NLRB 496; The Randall Company, 133 NLRB 289; Celanese Corporation ofAmerica, 95 NLRB 664 ' Celanese Corporation ofAmerica, supra. 8 The Trial Examiner 's Decision in the instant case was written while the antecedent case was pending in the Ninth Circuit ' Since we find that the unfair labor practices in the prior case precludes Respondents from questioning the Union 's majority status in good faith , we find it unnecessary to pass on the Trial Examiner 's reasons for finding that Respondents did not have reasonable grounds for doubting the Union's continued majority status 10 N.L.R B v. C & C Plywood Corp , 385 U S 421. 1024 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL rested on the fact that C & C Plywood, in unilaterally changing the compensation of its glue spreader employees, had failed to accord the Union its statutory role as the collective-bargaining representative of its employees. Viewed in this light, as we believe it must be, it follows that the injury suffered by the Union in that matter was not that flowing from a breach of contract; "the real injury ... is to the union's status as bargaining representative."" The failure to accord the Union its rightful role in the establishment of new wage rates for the glue spreader crews necessarily tended to undermine the Union's authority among the employees whose interests it was obligated to represent in such matters. The unilateral grant of wage increases, having occurred only 3 weeks after execution of a new collective-bargaining agreement, graphically portrayed to employees that their Employer was in a position to confer economic benefits that their Union was unable to extract during recent contract negotiations. Furthermore, the Union, by virtue of the unlawful conduct, was compelled to take a position which could hardly prove popular with employees in the represented unit. Thus, Respondent C & C Plywood's action forced the Union to a choice between two evils: it could resist the Company's action, thereby risking disaffection from the group of employees whose wage increases it would appear to oppose in resisting the Company's unilateral actions, or it could acquiesce in the Company's action, thereby demonstrating its unwillingness, if not its inability, to protect and maintain the carefully worked out wage differentials established in the collective-bargaining agreement. Either choice would necessarily expose the Union to a charge of unsatisfactory representation of employee interests and weaken its prestige and authority as their representative, with erosion of majority status the probable result. On the basis of the foregoing considerations, we are satisfied that Respondents were not entitled to question the Union's continuing majority status on the strength of ei-dence of employee disaffection coming to their attention in the aftermath of Respondent C & C Plywood's unremedied unfair labor practices.12 Accordingly, we find that Respondents violated Section 8(a)(5) and (1) of the Act by their failure and refusal to bargain collectively with the Union on and after August 26, 1964.13 ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board adopts as its Order the Recommended Order of the Trial Examiner and hereby orders that Respondents, C & C Plywood Corporation and Veneers, Inc., Kalispell, Montana, LABOR RELATIONS BOARD their officers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall take the action set forth in the Trial Examiner's Recommended Order. " Ibid Midwestern Instruments , Inc., 133 NLRB 1132, relied upon by the Trial Examiner for a contrary result, is clearly distinguishable on its facts There, the unfair labor practice-refusing to bargain over merit increases -followed a 9- month period of good- faith bargaining on other issues during which the union acquiesced in respondent 's practice of granting merit increases without bargaining The unfair labor practice occurred after the union withdrew its consent to such practice but the respondent nevertheless continued unilaterally to grant merit increases There was no showing that employees were aware of the union 's withdrawal of consent and, hence , no basis for inferring that the union's authority and prestige as their collective - bargaining representative were undermined by such merit increases as were thereafter granted Here , however, the prior unfair labor practice was highly visible, involving , as it did, a change in the schedules of compensation set forth in the collective -bargaining agreement negotiated a short 3 weeks earlier In these circumstances, we cannot ignore the distinct probability that the employee disaffection with their bargaining representative relied upon by Respondents as grounds for their refusal to bargain with the Union was caused by the prior unfair labor practice To do so, would preclude the Union from obtaining that "vindication of [its] statutory rights" which it was the purpose of decisions of the Board and the Supreme Court in the antecedent case to provide 13 We accept the- reasons stated by the Trial Examiner for dating the violation from this date. We also adopt his findings that Respondents did not violate the Act by two unilateral wage increases on April 6 and August 24, 1964. TRIAL EXAMINER'S DECISION STATEMENT OF THE CASE JAMES R. HEMINGWAY, Trial Examiner: Under Section 10(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, 29 U.S.C. Section 151, et seq., herein called the Act, the Union, on November 5, 1964, filed a charge against C & C Plywood Corporation and Veneers, Inc., Respondents herein, alleging violation of Section 8(a)(1) and (5) of the Act. On this charge, a complaint was issued against C & C Plywood Corporation alone on December 31, 1964. Respondent filed an answer thereto on March 8, 1965. Pursuant to notice, a hearing was opened in Spokane, Washington, on April 6, 1965. At the opening of the hearing, Respondent C & C Plywood Corporation appeared and moved to dismiss for nonjoinder of parties. The General Counsel was given a choice of amending his complaint to allege that Respondents were a single- integrated employer and thereafter of offering proof thereof or of amending the complaint to add Veneers, Inc., as a Respondent, serving 10 days' notice on the latter. Upon General Counsel's request, a continuance was granted for amendment to the complaint and for service thereof on Veneers, Inc. An amended complaint, issued on April 14, 1965, was duly served on both Respondents, and an answer was filed to the amended complaint on April 26, 1965, admitting the facts of commerce establishing the Board's jurisdiction. Pursuant to notice, a hearing was held at Kalispell, Montana, on May 26, 1965. At this hearing the representatives of the parties reached a stipulation on the C & C PLYWOOD CORP. 1025 facts. At the close of the hearing the Respondents moved to dismiss the complaint for insufficiency of evidence. Ruling on this motion was reserved and is now denied for the reasons stated herein. At the request of the parties, a date was set for the filing of briefs and thereafter briefs were received from each party. 1. THE BUSINESS OF THE RESPONDENTS Respondent C & C is an Oregon corporation having its office and principal place of business near Kalispell, Montana, where it is engaged in the manufacture of plywood panels. During its last fiscal year, it made purchases of goods and services directly from points outside the State of Montana in excess of $50,000. Respondent Veneers, Inc., is a Montana corporation operating a plant which physically adjoins Respondent C & C's plant near Kalispell, Montana, where it is engaged in the production of green veneer, approximately 95 percent of which is sold to Respondent C & C. Respondents have common officers, share common top management, are subject to common control of their labor relations policies, and share the use of office and shop facilities. Respondents admit, for the purpose of this hearing only, that they have at all times material herein, constituted a single-integrated employer within the meaning of Section 2(2) of the Act. Respondents concede, and I find, that they are engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act, and I find that it will effectuate the policies of the Act to assert jurisdiction. II. THE LABOR ORGANIZATION INVOLVED Plywood, Lumber and Sawmill Workers Local Union No. 2405, AFL-CIO, herein called the Union, is a labor organization admitting to membership employees of Respondents. III. THE ISSUES 1. Whether or not Respondents may lawfully refuse to bargain with certified Union more than 1 year after certification where they assert a good-faith doubt of Union's majority status, one Respondent having been found by Board in prior case to have failed to bargain (by giving premium pay without prior consultation with union), under a contract clause interpreted by Respondents as permitting such pay. 2. Whether or not Respondents' good-faith doubt is based on reasonable grounds. IV. THE UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES The Refusal to Bargain 1. The appropriate unit The Respondents concede for the purpose of this hearing only, that the following unit , previously found appropriate in Case 19-RC-3041, is now, and at all times herein alleged has been, a unit of employees of Respondents appropriate for the purposes of collective bargaining within the meaning of Section 9(b) of the Act: All production and maintenance employees of the Employer' at its veneer and plywood plants near Kalispell, Montana, excluding office clerical employees, guards, professional employees , and supervisors as defined in the Act. 2. The Union's majority On August 28, 1962, following an election conducted in Case 19-RC-3041, the Union was certified as the representative of all the employees in the aforesaid appropriate unit for the purposes of collective bargaining. Thereafter, following negotiations, Respondents and the Union, as of May 1, 1963, executed a collective-bargaining agreement which was to continue until (but not including) November 1, 1963, and from year to year thereafter unless either party notified the other of a desire to change, modify, or terminate the agreement 60 days before November 1. On May 20, 1963, Respondent C & C Plywood Corporation, purporting to act under a clause in the contract in which it had reserved the right to pay a premium rate over and above the contractual classified contract rate to reward any particular employee for some special fitness, skill, or aptitude, announced an incentive or premium pay plan entitled "Glue Spreader Crew Premium Pay" providing for premium pay for a group of employees based on production. The Union contended that this premium pay plan was improper under the contract and, after meeting with C & C Plywood on two occasions in an effort to get that Company to withdraw the plan, the Union filed an unfair labor practice charge against the latter Company (Case 19-CA-2686) on July 31, 1963. In the hearing which followed in that case on October 16, 1963, C & C Plywood contended that it was within its authority to give the aforesaid increase under the contract and that its interpretation of the contract as permitting such incentive pay was a reasonable one. Meanwhile on August 27, 1963, Respondents wrote to the Union giving 60-day notice of desire to terminate the contract as of October 31, 1963, and on August 27, 1963, Respondents also mailed to the Board's Regional Director a petition for an election (Case 19-RM-484). The date of filing is not in evidence but presumably was soon after August 27. Because of the pendency of the unfair labor practice charge in Case 19-CA-2686, this petition was dismissed, on September 26, 1963, by the Regional Director. This is the routine procedure in such a case, without regard to the merits of the case. Upon review by the Board, the dismissal of the RM petition was affirmed on December 3, 1963. On August 29, 1963, the Union served on Respondents a 60-day notice of desire to make changes in the existing contract and suggested meetings for collective bargaining. The evidence discloses no answer thereto, but in view of the prior filing of the RM petition by the Respondents, it may be assumed that Respondents did not give a favorable reply to the Union. Thereafter, on January 3, 1964, the Trial Examiner in Case 19-CA-2686 issued his decision, finding that the dispute rested on the interpretation of the collective-bargaining agreement between the Union and C & C Plywood and, relying upon United Telephone Company of the West, 112 NLRB 779, decided that it was not the function of the Board to police collective- bargaining contracts, and recommended dismissal of the ' The Respondents jointly were found in Case 19-RC-3041 to constitute a single employer and I so find here 1026 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD complaint . Following the issuance of the Trial Examiner's Decision in Case 19-CA-2686 , the Respondents , late in January 1964 , filed another RM petition (Case 19-RM-500). The Regional Director , on February 18,1964, dismissed this petition , likewise, on the ground that unfair labor practice charges were pending.2 Respondents filed a request for review of the Regional Director ' s dismissal with the Board , and on April 2, 1964 , the Board notified the Respondents that the petition in Case 19-RM-500 had been untimely filed , because unfair labor practices were in fact pending at that time. The General Counsel and the Charging Party excepted to the Trial Examiner 's Decision in Case 19-CA-2686, and the Board , on August 24, 1964 , issued a Decision and Order reversing the Trial Examiner ( 148 NLRB 414). In its decision , the Board , first having interpreted the contract against C & C Plywood, found that the Respondent C & C Plywood had unilaterally changed the wage rates for members of the Glue Spreader Crews and ordered Respondent C & C Plywood to bargain with the Union upon request. C & C Plywood Corporation declined to comply with the decision of the Board , and the Board filed a petition for enforcement with the United States Circuit of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit . This case is now pending before the circuit court as Case 19769. In the instant case, the General Counsel has offered no proof of the Union 's majority status other than proof that the Union was certified , following a Board - conducted election , on August 28, 1962 . He relies upon the presumption of majority status that follows certification even after the expiration of 1 year from the date of certification. Certification of a union following a Board -conducted election gives rise to a conclusive presumption of majority (absent unusual circumstances ), for a reasonable time, usually for a year , following the date of certification .3 After the end of the certification year , the presumption of majority continues, but it is then a rebuttable presumption,4 and an employer may , if acting in good faith, rebut the presumption.5 The good faith of the employer in questioning the union 's majority status is to be tested on the basis of all the circumstances of the case. As a minimum , however, the Board has stated , two prerequisites are essential to a finding of good faith in such a case: ( 1) There must be some reasonable grounds for believing that the union had lost its majority status since its certification; and (2) the 2 Presumably because exceptions were then filed to the Trial Examiner's decision in Case 19-CA-2686 3 Ray Brooks v N L R B, 348 U S 96, Terteling & Sons, Inc, d/b/a Western Equipment Co, 149 NLRB 248, Paris Manufacturing Co, Inc, 149 NLRB 15, Ken's Building Supplies, 142 NLRB 235 4 Bethlehem Steel Company, 73 NLRB 277, Dorsey Trailers, Inc, 80 NLRB 478, Toolcraft Corporation, 92 NLRB 655, Oneita Knitting Mills, 150 NLRB 689, Rohlik, Inc, 145 NLRB 1236; F.W. Woolworth Co Store No 2367, 146 NLRB 848 5 Perhaps the use of the word "rebuttable" in connection with the word "presumption" may contribute to difficulties in cases where a union's majority status is questioned after the end of the first year following certification. The word "rebuttable" suggests that an employer who questions a union 's majority at this time must come forward with positive proof that the union is no longer the representative designated by a majority of his employees This is not true; for, if an employer has acted in good faith, he need only present facts which show that he has a reasonable ground for doubt of the majority status of the once certified union Dixie Gas, majority issue must not have been raised by the employer in a context of illegal antiunion activities or other conduct by the employer aimed at causing disaffection from the union or indicating that, in raising the majority issue, the employer was merely seeking to gain time in which to undermine the union.6 Both of these prerequisites must be satisfied; so regardless of the fact that an employer may have reasonable grounds to believe that the union has lost its majority, he will not be heard to advance such doubt where, during the certification year, he has committed unremedied unfair labor practices which have a tendency to induce a loss of the union's majority status.7 In the instant case, at the time of the alleged refusal to bargain in August 1964, there was, as the Board in the antecedent case held, an unremedied unfair labor practice committed during the certification year-a refusal to bargain with the Union by unilaterally instituting a group- incentive-pay plan during the term of an existing collective-bargaining contract. As previously stated, Respondent C & C Plywood refused to comply and the Board has taken the case to the Ninth Circuit Court for enforcement. As of the writing hereof, the court has not rendered its decision. The mere existence of proceedings in the circuit court of appeals does not act as a supersedeas. Hence, even if the court ultimately should deny enforcement of the Board's Order, I am bound by the still outstanding Decision and Order of the Board. If, then, the unfair labor practice found by the Board in the antecedent case would fall into the class of cases where the employer will not be heard to say that the union has lost its majority status because his unfair labor practice has contributed to that loss, this case must be decided against the Respondent on that ground alone. An examination of cases in this class discloses in most cases a considerable difference from the unfair labor practice involved here. In most of them, the union has been thwarted in its efforts to reach a collective-bargaining agreement by outright refusal to negotiate such a contract, by bad-faith bargaining, by employer imposed delays, by coercion of employees, or other conduct impugning the employer's good faith and tending to undermine the union's status as majority representative of the employees in the collective-bargaining units In some of the cases, however, unfair labor practices committed during the certification year appeared to have no causal connection with the loss by the Union of its majority support. In such cases, the reason for foreclosing the employer from questioning the union's majority status Inc, 151 NLRB 1257, Frito-Lay, Inc, 151 NLRB 2b, . W Woolworth Co Store No 2367, 146 NLRB 848, Midwestern Instruments, Inc, 133 NLRB 1132, The Randall Company, Division of Textron, Inc, 133 NLRB 289, McCulloch Corporation, 132 NLRB 201, Stoner Rubber Company, Inc, 123 NLRB 1440, Celenese Corporation ofAmerica, 95 NLRB 664 Celenese Corporation ofAmerica, 95 NLRB 664. 'NLRB v Henry Heide, Inc, 219F2d46(C A 2),NLRB v American Steel Buck Corporation, 227 F 2d 927 (C A 2), NLRB v John S Swift Company, Inc, 302 F 2d 342 (C A 7), KellyA Scott, 93 NLRB 654, Mar-Jac Poultry Company, Inc, 136 NLRB 785, Laystrom Manufacturing Co, 151 NLRB 1482 1 E g, Great Southern Trucking Co. v N L R B, 139 F 2d 984 (C A 4); N L R B v Burke Machine Tool Co , 133 F 2d 618 (C A 6), N.L R B v American Steel Buck Corporation, 227 F 2d 927 (C A 2), Mar-Jac Poultry Company, Inc, 136 NLRB 785, Kit Manufacturing Company, 138 NLRB 1290, enfd 319 F 2d 857 (C A 9), Henry Heide, Inc., 107 NLRB 1160, enfd. 219 F 2d 46 (C A 2) C & C PLYWOOD CORP. after the certification anniversary, no longer applies.9 As previously stated, the unfair labor practice found in the C & C Plywood case, the antecedent of this case, consisted of a unilateral announcement and institution of a group- incentive-wage plan by Respondent C & C Plywood. The announcement there stated that the premium rate would be in effect for a "couple of months." C & C Plywood instituted the plan under its interpretation of a certain contract clause. At the Union's request, conferences were held about the plan, but the Union took the position that, although it would discuss rate increases or premium hourly rates, the subject of production bonuses was a closed subject not properly open for negotiation and that the group incentive plan would have to be rescinded. The Board's decision in that case (148 NLRB 414) gives no indication of how long the plan was, in fact, in effect, but in view of the language of the announcement, it could be inferred that the change was one of short duration. In any event, no finding of bad faith was made by the Board. The violation of Section 8(a)(5) which was found was an unfair labor practice which did not depend upon bona fides or malafides. In Mission Manufacturing Company, 128 NLRB 275, during a strike within the certification year, the employer excluded the union from participating in grievance procedure, and this was found to be a violation of Section 8(a)(5), but the Board held that this did not preclude the employer in good faith from questioning the Union's majority status after the end of the certification year. In Midwestern Instruments, Inc., 133 NLRB 1132, the employer had refused, during negotiations, to bargain about merit increases. This, also, was found to be a violation of Section 8(a)(5) of the Act. Yet the Board there held that the employer was not precluded, after the end of a year from the date of the certification, from questioning in good faith the union's majority status In my opinion, the refusal to bargain found to have taken place during the certification year in the Midwestern Instruments case was more clearly an 8(a)(5) violation than the one in the antecedent case involving C & C Plywood, for in the latter case the violation depended upon an interpretation by the employer of a contract clause of disputed meaning. I conclude, therefore, that the unfair labor practice found by the Board in the antecedent case (148 NLRB 414), should not, per se, bar the Respondents from questioning the Union's majority status after 1 year from the date of certification provided that they did so in good faith and with reasonable cause for doubting the Union's majority status. 1' Since I have found that the Respondents did not question the Union's majority status "in a context of illegal antiunion activities or other conduct ... aimed at causing disaffection from the union, or indicating that, in raising the majority issue, the employer was merely seeking to gain time in which to undermine the union," one of the two prerequisites laid down in the Celenese case has been met. 9 Midwestern Instruments, Inc, 133 NLRB 1132, Mission Manufacturing Company, 128 NLRB 275 10 The Respondents argue that because only one of the Respondents involved in this case (C & C Plywood) was involved in the antecedent case, the unfair labor practice of that one should not, in any event, bar the Respondents jointly, thus barring an employer (Veneers, Inc ), who was not found to have committed any unfair labor practice, from questioning the Union's majority Whatever merit this argument might have where a unit covers employees of two or more independent employers, I find that it has none as applied to two employers of separate corporate 1027 The other prerequisite to the finding of good-faith doubt is the existence of "reasonable grounds for believing that the union has lost its majority status since its certification." The test of the reasonableness of the employer's doubt is objective rather than subjective." His doubt must not be based on facts which are consistent with the presumption of a continuing majority12 and must not be based on tenuous evidence." What do the Respondents here show as reasonable rounds for their belief that the Union had lost its majority status? At the hearing herein, the parties stipulated that Respondents would produce witnesses who would testify that: It became known to Respondents and to employees around the operation of Respondent employers that many employees no longer wished to be represented by the Union; that many employees, including many hired after the date of the certification of the Union, were and are openly opposed to Local Union No. 2405 continuing as collective bargaining agent of the employees of Respondent employers in the unit found appropriate for collective bargaining by the Regional Director of the Board in Case No. 19-RC-3041; that such witnesses, members of the bargaining unit, would testify that in their opinion a majority of the employees in the unit found appropriate no longer wished to be represented by the Union (Local 2405) and so informed management officials of these Respondent employers; that the factual circumstances giving rise to Respondent employers' claim of doubt arose in the period beginning on or about July 15, 1963, and have continued at all times pertinent to this matter thereafter until the time of this hearing. In addition to the foregoing evidence, Respondents, it was stipulated, would produce testimony which would show that there were 145 employees in the collective-bargaining unit (134 of whom were eligible to vote at the time of the election of July 26, 1962), that on September 3, 1963, there were 201 employees in the collective-bargaining unit of whom 78 were in the employ of the Respondents in July 1962, that on February 7, 1964, there were 184 employees in the said unit of whom 68 were in Respondents' employ in July 1962. The General Counsel objected to the inclusion of such evidence in the record on the grounds of lack of relevancy. The stipulation is in the form of an offer of proof by Respondents. If such offer should show a reasonable basis for doubt by Respondents of the Union's majority status, it should be accepted. Otherwise the evidence so offered would be immaterial. Although not included in the stipulation, there is also evidence that, as of March 12, 1964, a majority of the employees in the unit had not paid dues for February 1964. The reasonableness of each of these circumstances as a basis for doubt of the Union's majority status will be considered. identity who are, nevertheless (as Respondents are found to be), one employer Laystrom Mfg Co , supra Leisure Lads, Inc., 124 NLRB 431, The National Plastic Products Company, 78 NLRB 699, The Toledo Desk & Fix Co, 75 NLRB 744 13 Laystrom Mfg. Co., supra, United States Gypsum Company, 143 NLRB 1122, Small Tube Products, Inc, 134 NLRB 867, Carter Machine and Tool Co , 133 NLRB 247, Leisure Lads, Inc, 124 NLRB 431; United States Gypsum Company, 90 NLRB 964; Toolcraft Corporation, 92 NLRB 655 295-269 0-69-66 1028 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD a. Many employees no longer wished to be represented by the Union The offer to prove that witnesses would testify that "it became known to officials of Respondent employers and to employees ... that many employees no longer wished to be represented by Local Union No. 2405," and that "many employees, including many hired after the date of the certification of the Union, were and are openly opposed to Local Union No. 2405 continuing as the bargaining agent of the employees.. ." must be rejected. The proposed testimony is altogether too vague, and it offers no source of information, although presumably it would, in all events, be based on hearsay evidence Of 123 valid votes counted at the time of the election, 86 voted for the Union and 37 voted against the Union. The Respondent's offer to prove that "many employees" no longer wished the Union to represent them or were openly opposed to the Union as a bargaining agent could consist of proof that the same 37 employees who voted against the Union in the election still felt the same way. The description "many" does not necessarily have to embrace even the 37. Conceivably, 10 employees could be described as "many." In any event, the offer of proof does not go so far as to raise a doubt that a majority of the employees, as of any given date after the certification year, were opposed to the Union as a collective-bargaining representative One third of the employees in the unit could have filed a petition for decertification of the Union, but there is no evidence that they took any steps to do so. I find that Respondents' offer of proof, even if accepted, would furnish Respondents with no reasonable basis for doubting the Union's majority at any time material hereto. 14 b. Witnesses, members of the bargaining unit, would testify that in their opinion a majority of the employees in the unit no longer wished to be represented by the Union and so informed management This offer of proof is an offer of opinion evidence, and the opinion would necessarily be grounded on heresay. In addition, the opinion might well be affected by the bias of the witness This offer is rejected as based on evidence incompetent and of no probative value. 15 c. Turnover in employment This, standing alone,"' has long been held to be of no significance as a basis for a bona fide belief that a certified union has lost its majority." On the contrary, in the absence of good reasons to deduce a loss of majority status by the certified union, the presumption is that, throughout the changes in personnel in the unit, the certified union will have maintained the same proportion of adherents, with replacements of terminated employees supporting the union in the same ratio.'' Even taken with the other evidence offered, this evidence of turnover results in no mathematical approximation of a loss of majority status " See EA Laboratories, 80 NLRB 625, 683-684, Toolcraft Corporation, 92 NLRB 655, Vanette Hosiery Mills, 114 NLRB 1107 In cases where figures such as were offered by Respondents were considered as evidence, the doubt was raised by visual evidence and arithmetical calculation Neuman Transit Co , 138 NLRB 659, and Mission Manufacturing Company, supra, both involving replacements for strikers or employees who cross picket line during strike Cf Small Tube Products, Inc , 134 NLRB 867. 15 See Stoner Rubber Company, Inc, 123 NLRB 1440, fn 4, E.A Laboratories, Inc , supra, Small Tube Products, Inc , supra which would justify a good-faith doubt. Accordingly, I reject this offer of proof. d. Nonpayment of dues On March 11, 1964, Respondents wrote the Union a letter proposing to recognize the Union for 12 months if the Union produced proof that a majority of the employees in the collective-bargaining unit had paid dues to the Union for the month of February 1964. The Respondents' proposal was that, if the Union failed in such proof, it should withdraw its claim to represent such employees for 12 months and thereafter until the Union was able to establish that it represented a majority of such employees. This proposal further stated that it was contingent upon the Union's refraining, between the time of the receipt of the Respondents' letter and the appearance at Respondents' office at 9:30 a.m. on the day following receipt thereof, by the Union's representative to present such proof. The Union replied by letter on March 12, 1964, stating that, as of that date, a majority of the employees in the collecti' bargaining unit had not paid dues to the Union for February 1964, but rather that this bore no relation to whether or not the Union represented a majority of those employees. The Union further stated that no proposition would be acceptable that was contingent upon "absolutely no contact" with Respondents' employees, as Respondents had stated in their letter to the Union. Nonpayment of dues or even suspension from membership is not reasonable ground for a good-faith doubt of a certified union's majority.'" This is based on the reasonable inference that membership does not depend upon payment of dues. Although membership is evidence of preference for union representation, bad standing or even nonmembership is not necessarily evidence of preference for no union representation . Employees other than members of a union may prefer union representation whether or not they join. The Union's contract in 1963 contained a maintenance-of-membership provision, but this expired with the termination of the contract. That employees join or pay dues during the existence of a contract but not after the termination thereof does not necessarily signify a change in desire for union representation. Such employees may still desire union representation but may wish to pay for it in the form of dues only as long as they have a contract. On the whole, it appears to me that the Respondents' asserted reasons for their doubt of the Union's majority are based more on wishful thinking than on fact. Under the circumstances, I find that the presumption of the Union's majority status resulting from its certification continued to exist after the certification anniversary as the Respondents' doubt is not based on reasonable grounds. The refusal to bargain alleged in the complaint is a refusal to bargain on April 6 and August 24 and 26, 1964, and thereafter, months after the expiration of the contract and after the filing and dismissal of the first RM petition. Properly speaking the Union's 16 I e , without other circumstantial evidence of defection, such as return of strikers during a strike , a large number of strike replacements, crossing of picket lines during strike, and the like, suggesting a defection Mission Mfg. Co , supra '7 Laystrom Mfg Co., supra, Small Tube Products, Inc, supra, The National Plastic Products Company, 78 NLRB 699, enfd 175 F 2d 755 (C A 4) " /bid United States Gypsum Company, 90 NLRB 964, 143 NLRB 1122,1126 C & C PLYWOOD CORP. majority status would be called into question (if at all) at the time or times of the alleged refusal to bargain. Of course, aside from the force of the rebuttable presumption of continued majority status attributable to the original certification, there is no evidence concerning the Union's majority in April or August 1964. But since the General Counsel's case rests upon the continuing presumption of majority following the certification year, since such presumption can be dispelled only by evidence that Respondents questioned the Union's majority status in good faith, and since the Respondents' reason for declining to recognize or bargain with the Union in 1964 was based on no different circumstances in April or August 1964 from those that existed in October 1963, I find that the Union, at all times material hereto, has been, and now is the exclusive representative of the employees in the unit heretofore found appropriate for the purposes of collective bargaining within the meaning of Section 9(a) of the Act. 3. Refusal to bargain Throughout the period of the foregoing proceedings and continuing to date, Respondents have not bargained with the Union. On April 6, 1964, Respondents unilaterally granted a 10-cent-per-hour wage increase to their employees.20 On August 24, 1964, Respondents unilaterally granted an additional 5-cent-per-hour increase to their employees. The complaint alleges that these two unilateral increases and Respondents' refusal on and after August 26, 1964, to bargain collectively with the Union constitute a violation of Section 8(a)(5) of the Act. The complaint does not allege that the refusal to bargain between the date of termination of its 1963 contract (November 1, 1963), and the date of these wage increases in 1964 was a violation of the Act, presumably because the charge in this case was not filed until November 5, 1964, and the statutory limitation of 6 months before that date would preclude a proceeding concerning unfair labor practices committed more than 6 months prior to the filing of the charge. Of course, this same limitation would apply to the April 6, 1964, increase (7 months before the date of the filing of the charge), except to the extent that such increase was continued in effect after May 6, 1964. There is, in fact, no, newly evidenced refusal to bargain on August 26, 1964, a date presumably selected because it follows by 2 days the issuance on August 24, 1964, of the Board's decision in Case 19-CA-2686, allowing 2 days for receipt thereof, and the General Counsel, in part, was relying on that decision as precluding the Respondents from questioning the Union's majority status. In view of my finding that the unfair labor practice found in that case is not dispositive of the issue here, I find that the date of August 26, 1964, is of no special importance. Of course, the Respondents have clearly refused to bargain with the Union at all times since November 1, 1963, but such fact may not be found to be an unfair labor practice because of the proscribed 10(b) limitation. However, the attitude of the Respondents remained the same throughout (even 20 Respondents allege, and the Union disputes, that this increase was made to conform to the wage pattern predominating (as a result of collective bargaining ), in the State of Montana. In the notice , Respondents blamed the Union 's prosecution of the unfair labor practice case (Case 19-CA-2686) for the delay in granting the increase. 1029 after May 6, 1964, 6 months before the filing of the charge), as it was before May 6, 1964, and it remained the same at all times thereafter. The Respondents were not in doubt that the Union was, throughout, claiming a majority status and requesting bargaining. That-,the Union did not more often request bargaining after October 28, 1963, may be attributed to the pendency of the unfair labor practice charge in the antecedent case. Since the Respondents' refusal to bargain was a continuing one, I find that on and after August 26, 1964,21 Respondents failed and refused to bargain with the Union in violation of Section 8(a)(5) of the Act. I do not find a refusal to bargain based on the two unilateral wage increases because the Union had, since October 25, 1963, waived any objection to a general increase, and on December 13, 1963, and April 2, 1964, it had by letters encouraged the giving of a wage increase. Upon the foregoing findings of fact and upon the entire record in the case, I make the following: CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. Respondents are engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 2. Respondents are one employer within the meaning of Section 2(2) of the Act. 3. The Union is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. 4. All production and maintenance employees of Respondents at their veneer and plywood plants near Kalispell, Montana, excluding office clerical employees and supervisors as defined in the Act, constitute a unit appropriate for the purpose of collective bargaining within the meaning of Section 9(b) of the Act. 5. The Union, at all times material hereto, has been, and now is, the exclusive representative of the employees in the unit described in paragraph 4, above, within the meaning of Section 9(a) of the Act. 6. By refusing on and after August 26, 1964, to bargain collectively with the Union, upon request, Respondents have engaged in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8(a)(5) and (1) of the Act. THE REMEDY I have found that Respondents have refused to bargain with the Union in violation of Section 8(a)(5) of the Act and, hence, I shall recommend an order that they cease and desist therefrom and take certain affirmative action designed to effectuate the policies of the Act. I find it somewhat difficult to reconcile the fact that an employer is deemed to be at liberty to file an RM petition without disclosing his reasons for doubting the majority status of a union which is requesting bargaining,22 but, even when not acting in bad faith, must, in a complaint case, show good grounds for doubting that majority status if he puts the union to proof by merely refusing to bargain until the union has proved its majority, as the Board held in Laystrom Manufacturing Co., 151 NLRB 1482. In the instant case the Respondents did not sit back and require the Union to petition for an election, as did the employer in the Laystrom case. They filed an RM petition, but 21 But for the form of the allegation of the complaint, it could be found that Respondents had failed and refused to bargain since May 5, 1964, 6 months prior to the filing of the charge. Aero Corporation, 149 NLRB 1283, fn 3 22 See The Randall Company, Division of Textron, Inc., 133 NLRB 289, 293 1030 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD proceedings thereon were blocked by the charge in the (c) Notify the said Regional Director , in writing , within antecedent case. They filed another RM petition when the 20 days from the date hereof, what steps Respondents Trial Examiner recommended dismissal of the complaint . have taken to comply herewith.24 Even though the Board found the unfair labor practice, I have found that it was not of the kind designed to affect the Union's majority. Under such circumstances, it might be just to reinstate the RM petition. But this does not appear to coincide with Board policy. In Mission Manufacturing Company, 128 NLRB 275, it is true, the Board held that, although the employer had violated Section 8(a)(1) and (5) of the Act, the remedy, in view of the employer's good reasons for doubting the union's majority status, should be -limited to an order that the employer cease and desist from the specific act found to constitute a violation of Section 8(a)(5) of the Act (excluding the union during the strike from participating in settlement of grievances) in the event that the employees should designate the union or any union as their representative for the purposes of collective bargaining within the meaning of Section 9(a) of the Act. In that case, the employer's doubt of the union's majority, it will be noticed, was not only in good faith but was based on reasonable grounds, a factor not present in the instant case, which, in this respect, resembles the situation in the Laystrom case. Inasmuch as the Laystrom case represents current Board policy, I shall recommend an order based on the one made in that case. RECOMMENDED ORDER It is recommended that Respondents, C & C Plywood Corporation and Veneers, Inc., Kalispell, Montana, their officers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall: 1. Cease and desist from: (a) Refusing to bargain collectively concerning wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment with Plywood, Lumber and Sawmill Workers Local Union No. 2405, AFL-CIO, as the exclusive representative of all their employees in the unit herein found appropriate. (b) In any like or related manner interfering with, restraining, or coercing their employees in the exercise of their right to self-organization, to form, loin, or assist labor organizations, including the above-named Union, to bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing, and to engage in other concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection, or to refrain from any or all such activities, except as provided in Section 8(a)(3) of the Act. 2. Take the following affirmative action which, I find, will effectuate the policies of the Act: (a) Upon request, bargain collectively with the above- named Union as the exclusive representative of all employees in the appropriate unit and, if an understanding is reached, embody such understanding in a signed agreement. (b) Post at their plants near Kalispell, Montana, copies of the notice attached hereto and marked "Appendix."23 Copies of said notice, to be furnished by the Regional Director for the Region 19 of the Board, shall, after having been duly signed by Respondents' authorized representative, be posted by Respondents immediately upon receipt thereof, and be maintained by them for 60 consecutive days thereafter, in conspicuous places, including all places where notices to their employees are customarily posted. Reasonable steps shall be taken by Respondents to ensure that said notices are not altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. 2S In the event that this Recommended Order is adopted by the Board, the words "a Decision and Order" shall be substituted for the words "the Recommended Order of a Trial Examiner" in the notice In the further event that the Board's Order is enforced by a decree of a United States Court of Appeals, the words "a Decree of the United States Court of Appeals Enforcing an Order" shall be substituted for the words "a Decision and Order " 24 In the event that this Recommended Order is adopted by the Board, this provision shall be modified to read "Notify the Regional Director for Region 19, in writing, within 10 days from the date of this Order, what steps Respondent has taken to comply herewith " APPENDIX NOTICE TO ALL EMPLOYEES Pursuant to the Recommended Order of a Trial Examiner of the National Labor Relations Board, and in order to effectuate the policies of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, we hereby notify our employees that: WE WILL NOT, by refusing to bargain collectively or in any like manner, interfere with, restrain, or coerce our employees in the exercise of their right to self- organization, to form labor organizations, to join or assist Plywood, Lumber and Sawmill Workers Local Union No. 2405, AFL-CIO, or any other labor organization, to bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing, and to engage in other concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection, or to refrain from any or all such activities, except as provided by Section 8(a)(3) of the Act. WE WILL bargain in good faith, upon request, with the above Union as the exclusive representative of all our employees in the bargaining unit described below with respect to rates of pay, wages, hours of employment, and other conditions of employment and, if an understanding is reached, embody such understanding in a signed agreement. The bargaining unit is: All production and maintenance employees at our veneer and plywood plants near Kalispell, Montana, excluding office clerical employees and supervisors as defined in the Act. C& C PLYWOOD CORPORATION AND VENEERS, INC. (Employer) Dated By (Representative) (Title) This notice must remain posted for 60 consecutive days from the date of posting, and must not be altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. If employees have any question concerning this notice or complaince with its provisions, they may communicate directly with the Board's Regional Office, 327 Logan Building, 500 Union Street, Seattle, Washington 98101, Telephone 583-7542. Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation