C-B Buick, Inc.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsSep 17, 1973206 N.L.R.B. 6 (N.L.R.B. 1973) Copy Citation 6 'DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD C-B Buick, Inc. and International Association of Ma- chinists and Aerospace Workers, District Lodge No. 63, AFL-CIO. Case 6,,-CA-6244 September 17, 1973 DECISION AND ORDER BY CHAIRMAN MILLER AND MEMBERS FANNING AND PENELLO On January 30, 1973, Administrative Law Judge John F. Funke issued the attached Decision in this proceeding. Thereafter, the General Counsel filed limited exceptions and a supporting brief. The Re- spondent filed no exceptions. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its au- thority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the record and the at- tached Decision in light of the limited exceptions and brief and has decided to affirm the rulings, findings, and conclusions of the Administrative Law Judge, as consistent herewith, and to adopt his recommended Order, as modified herein. The Administrative Law Judge found that the Re- spondent violated Section 8(a)(5) of the Act when, a few days prior to commencement, of negotiations for a new contract, its president, Solow, called a meeting of the unit employees and told them in effect that if the Union's demands were too high the Respondent would go out of business, and later, at another meet- ing with the employees occurring between the, two bargaining sessions that took place, its supervisor, Williams, told them they would be better off dealing directly with Respondent than through the Union. The Administrative Law Judge rightly concluded that by this conduct the Respondent was appealing direct- ly to the unit employees in an effort to circumvent its statutory responsibility to deal with the Union, their certified bargaining representative.' Notwithstanding these findings, the Administrative Law Judge failed to find that Respondent also violated Section 8(a)(5) when it declined to furnish economic data to substan- tiate its plea of inability to meet the Union's bargain- ing- demands. The Administrative Law Judge concluded that from "the totality of conduct" of the parties, the Respondent's refusal to furnish this infor- mation did not constitute bad faith, noting that the Respondent had retracted its claim of inability to pay and had given the Union a statement of its pretax profits. 1 Respondent did not file exceptions to any of these conclusions or the The General Counsel excepts to the Administrative Law Judge's failure to find that the Respondent vio- ' lated the Act by refusing to provide the Union with financial data as the latter requested. He contends that the Respondent pleaded financial inability throughout the course of negotiations, did not really retract that plea, and demonstrated bad faith when it refused to furnish the information requested, particu- larly in light of the bad faith manifested by Respon- dent in attempting to undermine the Union by dealing directly with the employees. In this last regard, the General Counsel contends that the Administrative Law Judge erred in failing to consider the Respondent's declination of financial information in the context of this other related unfair labor practice conduct in which the Respondent was found to have engaged. We find merit in these contentions. The parties' first contract expired on June 30, 1972. On June 20, 1972, the Union wrote the Respondent, requesting bargaining on 12 specific items and other- wise on such items as might arise during the course of negotiations for a new agreement. The first bargain- ing session was scheduled for July 19, 1972.2 Four days prior to that session, President Solow conducted the meeting with the employees described above, at which he held out the likelihood of the business fold- ing if the Union's demands were excessively high. At the beginning of the July 19 bargaining session, the Union's negotiators informed Respondent's rep- resentatives that they were aware of Solow's talk with the men on July 15. Thereafter, a discussion of the Union's proposals ensued. According to the testimo- ny of Theodore Bold, the Union's business represen- tative, the Respondent's position, as continually stated throughout the session, was that it could not afford to meet the Union's proposals. Bold therefore advised Respondent's representatives that if they were "pleading poverty" the Union should have an opportunity to examine the Respondent's profit and loss statement. D. Robert Williams, Respondent's vice president, allegedly replied that the Union would never see such statements. Nevertheless, the Respon- dent did offer to increase benefits beyond those con- tained in the old agreement; and the Union appears to have refused to discuss the Respondent's counter- offers because it viewed its proposals as a package deal, to be accepted in toto, suggesting that the men might be better off "negotiating from the street " The meeting ended without any progress toward a settle- ment. The second and last bargaining session was held 2 weeks later on August 2.1 Discussion centered on the findings of fact upon which they rest. 2 All events occurred in 1972. 3 In the meantime, Williams had met with the employees and suggested 206 NLRB No. 10 C-B BUICK, INC. 7 Union's original proposals. Again the Respondent's representatives rejected these proposals, asserting that they could not afford the increased benefits demand- ed. The Union's business agent again demanded to see the Company's books. As before, this request was denied. When the Union's business agent charged the company representatives with pleading poverty, Wil- liams, speaking for the Respondent, retracted the statement that the Company could not afford to pay all the Union demanded but stated that it was not going to pay. Notwithstanding, shortly before termi- nation of this bargaining session, the Respondent's president orally furnished Bold with a figure purport- edly representing the Respondent's pretax profits for the preceding year (Bold had no recollection of this). The meeting ended, however, after the Respondent refused the Union's final demand to see the Company's books before negotiating further. In agreement with the General Counsel, we deem relevant to a determination, as to whether the Re- spondent satisfied its statutory obligation to bargain by refusing to furnish the requested financial data, the unlawful tactics applied by it outside the bargaining room to undermine the position of the Union therein. The principal facts in this case show a refusal to bar- gain by Respondent's (1) refusing to furnish to the Union financial information to support its claim of inability to meet the contractual demands, while (2) at the same time dealing directly with its employees, impressing upon them that their continued employ- ment likely would be affected adversely by the Union's demands,4 and that they would do better for themselves as employees without the Union repre- senting them. In our view, the two aspects of this conduct are intertwined and constitute a violation of Section 8(a)(5) and (1) of the Act. In assessing the Respondent's refusal to provide the requested financial information, the Administrative Law Judge utterly failed to consider Respondent's concurrent conduct of trying to subvert the Union's position as its employees' bargaining agent. And while our dissenting colleague does not totally ignore such conduct, he accords little weight to it in considering the Respondent's statutory obligation to come forth with information to substantiate its claim of inability to pay more than it offered, which was far below the cost'of the Union's demands. We do not understand how Respondent's refusal to disclose its financial pic- ture in any meaningful way can be divorced from the whole pattern of Respondent's conduct during these negotiations. As the Administrative Law Judge him- self recognized, in measuring good faith, it is the total- ity of conduct that demonstrates an employer's accep- tance or rejection of the bargaining process. Surely, as basic to that process and as much a part of it as an employer's obligation to refrain from bypassing the collective-bargaining representative is the obligation by the same employer to produce upon request the financial data required to achieve fruitful bargaining once it makes its economic distress or difficulties part of its bargaining posture .5 Here, whether Respondent's claim of inability to pay was one of potential poverty if it acceded to the Union's de- mands or that it could not meet competition or achieve sufficient profit if it did so, its refusal to meet that latter obligation was, in the context of Respondent's whole approach, demonstrative of a failure to bargain in good faith .6 Viewed in this perspective, the Respondent's naked claim that it could not afford to meet the initial bar- gaining demands made by the Union rings hollow and hardly allows for meaningful discussion of the eco- nomic issues involved. Without disclosure of Respondent's financial status as represented in profit and-loss figures, the Union was not in any position to appraise the validity of Respondent's economic claims or modify its economic proposals., Absent the Respondent's supplying substantiating figures in sup- port of its claims, we would not expect or require the Union to revise its proposals downward as both the Administrative Law Judge and our dissenting col- league seem to imply it should have done. Unlike them, we find that the breakdown in negotiations was not so much due to intransigence on the part of the Union in refusing to budge from its demands as it was due to the Respondent's adamancy in refusing to fur- nish the requested financial data, thereby preventing the give-and-take one expects in the bargaining pro- cess. Neither are we satisfied that the Respondent's sub- sequent abandonment of its claimed inability to pay, long after bargaining negotiations had begun, was anything more than an exercise in semantics on its part in an effort to placate the Union and divert that party from further seeking the financial information it desired. The plain fact is that after changing its stance in this regard, the Respondent continued to resist providing the information requested, while per- sisting that it could not meet the Union's demands. Indeed, recognizing, themselves, that a belated retrac- tion of Respondent's claimed inability to pay may not have extinguished its responsibility to furnish infor- mation, the Respondent's negotiators orally gave their union counterparts a figure which purportedly repre- s N.LR.B. v. Truitt Manufacturing Co., 351 U.S. 149 (1956). they deal directly with the Respondent and forget the Union. 6 See Globe Gear Company, 189 NLRB 422; Stanley Building Specialties At the time of Slows statements to this effect to the employees , Respon- Co., a subsidiary of The Stanley Works, 166 NLRB 984 ; Peerless Distributing dent was fully aware of the Union's demands. Company, 144 NLRB 1510. 8 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD sented the Respondent's pretax profit for the preced- ing year. We fail to see how this limited information- which the Union could not even remember receiv- ing-could have encouraged meaningful negotiations on the economic terms of a new contract. How that figure could have helped the Union to comprehend the Respondent's financial plight is be- yond us. Yet our dissenting colleague, like the Admin- istrative Law Judge, seems to hold that this act shows the Respondent's good faith in that the figure went a long ,way towards establishing that the Respondent met its obligation to produce the requested informa- tion. We cannot agree. In the circumstances sur- rounding the ' negotiations, the Respondent's withdrawal of its claim of inability to pay and its bare assertion of a pretax profit figure amounted to noth- ing more than a clumsy effort to shed a statutory responsibility to substantiate a bargaining position it claims to have taken in good faith, namely, that finan- cially it could not meet the Union's contractual de- mands. Nor does the fact that the Respondent presented an economic counteroffer to the Union's demands re- lease the Respondent from its obligation to provide the requested information. As the record shows, Re- spondent had claimed an inability to pay more than it was offering and categorically stated it could not afford the Union's contractual demands. In effect, Respondent was taking the position that an economic package beyond that proffered by it was financially impossible for it to grant. The Board has long held that the principles underlying N.L.R.B. v. Truitt Man- ufacturing Co., supra, apply to the situation where an employer expresses the view that a wage increase could lead to impoverishment, as well as the situation where it claims that present impoverishment pre- cludes such an increase.? In both situations, the refus- al upon request to substantiate the employer's position is in derogation of its statutory obligation. In sum, therefore, we find that the resolution of major economic issues generated by the Union's de- mands and the Respondent's counteroffers was pre- cluded by the Respondent's refusal to furnish pertinent financial data requested by the Union. While such conduct standing alone would seem to provide ground for finding a violation of Section 8(a)(5),8 in the context of the other unfair labor prac- tices that were designed to dissipate support for the Union among the employees, there can, in our opin- i Cincinnati Cordage and Paper Company, 141 NLRB 72, 77. s Contrary to the opinion of our dissenting colleague , we do not find a violation in this regard merely because the Respondent committed other unfair labor practices at the same time. Like Chairman Miller, we have considered the Respondent 's refusal to furnish information to substantiate its plea of impoverishment on its own merits, but unlike him, for the reasons described above, we find Respondent's conduct wanting in that regard. ion, be no question that such a finding is required. Accordingly, we reverse the Administrative Law Judge's finding to the contrary. AMENDED CONCLUSION OF LAW Substitute the following for the Administrative Law Judge's Conclusion of Law 4: "4. By refusing to furnish the Union with the finan- cial data it requested on July 19 and August 2, 1972, the Respondent on and after July 19, 1972, refused to bargain with the Union and has thereby engaged in and is engaging in unlawful conduct within the mean- ing 'of Section 8(a)(5) of the Act." ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Rela- tions Board adopts as its Order the recommended Order of the Administrative Law Judge , as herein modified, and hereby orders that C-B Buick, Inc., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, its officers, agents, succes- sors , and assigns, shall take the action set forth in the said recommended Order, as modified below: 1. Insert the following as paragraph 2(b) of the Administrative Law Judge's recommended Order, and reletter the present paragraphs 2(b) and (c) as 2(c) and (d), respectively: "(b) Furnish the Union, on request and within a reasonable time, that information sought by the Union relating to the Respondent's claimed inability to pay the wage increases and other benefits requested by the Union." 2. Substitute the attached notice for that of the Administrative Law Judge. CHAIRMAN MILLER, dissenting in part: While I agree with my colleagues that the Respon- dent ran afoul of the Act by meeting with employees and thereby attempting to circumvent its obligation to deal directly with the Union, I do not agree that the Respondent engaged in unlawful conduct when it re- fused to open its books to the Union at the latter's request. Indeed, like the Administrative Law Judge, I am persuaded that the Union's own intransigence pre- cipitated the halt in negotiations and that the contro- versy over access to the Respondent's books merely served to screen the Union's determination to force an agreement based on its proposed contract demands. Unlike my colleagues in the majority, I am unwill- ing to accept the view that once a party has trans- gressed its bargaining obligation in one respect, it follows that it must be sinning whenever its conduct in the course of performing other bargaining obliga- C-B BUICK, INC. 9 tions is questioned. In my view, the fact that here the Respondent unlawfully tried to deal directly with its employees does not afortiori mean that it acted in bad faith when it refused certain financial data to the Union. The two aspects of Respondent's conduct, contrary to the view of my colleagues, are not neces- sarily connected. ' Although I have no real quarrel with their view that Respondent's refusal to furnish the requested infor- mation to the Union must be considered with the found transgressions in mind , I do not believe, as they seem to, that the mere existence of such transgressions suffices to dispose of the remaining issue before us unfavorably to Respondent. We still must determine here whether the refusal complained of that the'Ad- ministrative Law Judge found to be lawful is, by its own nature and in the context of its immediate cir- cumstances, i.e., the negotiating sessions, indicative of a failure to meet a statutory obligation. If the Respondent's refusal to produce the information was justified because of the conditions under which .its production was sought, then the lawfulness of that refusal cannot -be converted to an illegality simply by the existence of other conduct unfree of taint. In my opinion, this is the import of the decision of the major- ity. For the following reasons, I disassociate myself from that view and the erroneous result that it achieves in this case. No one disputes the fact that , well in advance of the first bargaining session , the Union presented the Re- spondent with a list of bargaining demands which, among other things , would have had the effect of increasing substantially employees ' wages and fringe benefits. For example, the Union's proposals included a $1-per-hour-per-year increase for utility men, who were receiving $2.05 an hour under the contract. At the first bargaining session, the Respondent met the Union 's proposal with respect to the wage increase for utility men by offering to increase their hourly rate by 25, 15 , and 15 cents, respectively , over the term of a 3-year contract . The Respondent met the Union's re- quest for one additional holiday by offering two addi- tional half days, in order to avoid, what it asserted, would require closing the shop for a 4-day period. The Respondent also offered concessions on other mone- tary items, but a lack of progress was apparent. It is undisputed that the Union refused to -discuss any of the Company's counteroffers , insisting that the Union's proposals must be accepted in toto and threatening to strike as an alternative . It was in this context that the Respondent's assertion that it could not "afford" to pay was met with the Union 's addi- tional demand that it be allowed to inspect the Respondent's books. At the second and last bargaining session , discus- sion again centered on the Respondent's proposals with the Respondent again insisting that it could not afford them .' Once more the Union's negotiators asked for the Respondent 's books and again that re- quest was denied . The union negotiators charged the Respondent with pleading poverty which provoked Williams to reply that he was retracting the statement that the Respondent could not afford to pay but rath- er that it was not going to pay the amounts demanded in the Union's initial proposal. My colleagues characterize the above retraction as a ploy to detour the Union in its quest for the informa- tion it sought and, further, as an unsuccessful attempt by Respondent to give the appearance of meeting its statutory duties . I see no justification for either con- clusion . Respondent 's switch to a position that it would not acquiesce in the Union's exorbitant de- mands from a claim of inability to pay represents both a significant departure in its bargaining posture, and quite a difference in meaning . The Administrative Law Judge correctly recognized this by treating the changed position as a withdrawal of Respondent's prior claim . Since that claim alone created the situa- tion where the Union could conceivably justify its request for the production of financial data , its re- moval from the negotiations terminated any obliga- tion the Respondent may have had to substantiate it. Nor is there evidence of subsequent conduct by the Respondent which could be deemed to be inconsis- tent with that withdrawal, thus demonstrating that the retraction was insincere and nothing more than a ruse. Indeed, what happened thereafter establishes the opposite conclusion . Concomitant with this change in approach, the Respondent provided the Union with some idea of its financial situation by proffering its pretax profits for the preceding year. That this was done orally does not lessen the fact that the informa- tion was provided; furthermore, it represented a con- cession towards the direction that the Union up to then had been unable to wring from the Respondent. Yet, what was the response of the union negotiators? They ignored it . Instead of directing inquiries towards the Respondent to ascertain the relationship of this figure in its total economic picture, such as, for exam- ple, what percentage of gross sales the figure repre- sented, the Union returned to the already worn re- frain of "let's see your books" and, when that demand was denied, summarily broke off further negotiations. Under these circumstances, the rigidity demon- strated by the Union, coupled with its apparent disin- terest in pursuing negotiations from the point at which the Company retreated from its original protestation that it could not afford to pay everything that the Union demanded, leads me to conclude that the de- sire to gain access to the Respondent's books overrode any desire on the part of the Union to reach agree- 10 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD meat during the course of these negotiations except on its initial terms. Consequently, it seems clear to me that the Respondent did not bargain in bad faith by denying the Union access to its books where, as here, no demonstrable obligation to' do so had arisen. APPENDIX NOTICE To EMPLOYEES POSTED BY ORDER OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD An Agency of the Unite. States Government WE WILL, upon request, bargain collectively and in good faith with International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, District Lodge No. 63, AFL-CIO, with respect to wages, rates of pay , hours, and other terms and condi- tions of employment for our employees in the following appropriate unit: All service department and parts department employees at our Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, dealership , excluding all office clerical em- ployees , salesmen and guards , professional employees and supervisors as defined in the Act. WE WILL furnish the Union, on request and within a reasonable time, that information sought by it relating to our claimed inability to pay the wage increases and other benefits re- quested by the Union. WE WILL, if agreement is reached, sign a collec- tive-bargaining contract with said Union cover- ing all the terms of said agreement. WE WILL NOT deal directly with our employees concerning any contract proposals submitted by the Union. WE WILL NOT threaten our employees that the Union's demands or a strike to enforce them will force us to go out of business. WE WILL NOT tell our employees that they would be better off dealing with us through their department supervisor rather than through the Union. Dated By C-B BUICK, INC. (Employer) (Representative) (Title) This is an official notice and must not be defaced by anyone. This notice must remain posted for 60 consecutive days from the date of posting and must not be altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. Any questions concerning this notice or compli- ance with its provisions may be directed to the Board's Office, 1536 Federal Building, 1000 Liberty Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222, Telephone 412-644-2977. DECISION STATEMENT OF THE CASE JOHN F. FuNKE, Administrative Law Judge: This proceed- ing was brought before the National Labor Relations Board upon: 1. A charge filed August 9,1972, by International Associ- ation of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, District Lodge No. 63,, AFL-CIO, herein the Machinists, against C-B Buick, Inc., herein Buick, alleging Buick violated Section 8(a)(l) and (5) of the Act. 2. A complaint issued by the General Counsel on Sep- tember 26, 1972, against Buick alleging Buick violated Sec- tion 8(a)(1) and (5) of the Act. 3. An answer filed by Buick on October 6, 1972, denying the commission of any unfair labor practices. 4. A hearing held before me on November 20, 1972, at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 5. A brief submitted by the General Counsel on Decem- ber 26. 1972. Upon' the entire record in this case and from my observa- tion of the witnesses while testifying, I make the following: FINDINGS 1. THE BUSINESS OF BUICK Buick is a Pennsylvania corporation maintaining an auto- mobile agency at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where it is en- gaged in retail sale and service of automobiles . During a representative year Buick has sales exceeding $500,000 in gross volume and purchases goods and materials from places outside the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania valued in excess of $50,000. Buick is engaged in commerce within the meaning of the Act. II. THE LABOR ORGANIZATION INVOLVED The Machinists is a labor organization within the mean- ing of the Act. III THE UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES A. The Issues The issues presented by the pleadings were: (a) Did Buick threaten to go out of business before it would agree to the Machinists' bargaining proposals? (b) Did Buick promise greater benefits to employees if they would abandon support for the Machinists? (c) Did Buick bypass the Machinists by negotiating di- rectly with its employees? C-B BUICK, INC. ' 11 (d) Did Buick fail to provide the Machinists with infor- mation regarding its financial ability to meet its bargaining demands after pleading inability, to pay? B. The Evidence 1. Background On February 10, 1971, the Machinists was certified as the collective-bargaining representative of the employees of Buick in a unit described in the complaint as follows: All service department and parts department employ- ees at Respondent's Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, dealer- ship, excluding all office clerical employees, salesmen and guards, professional employees and supervisors as defined in the Act. The appropriateness of the unit is not in dispute. Following the certification the parties reached agreement on a collective-bargaining contract effective from May 1, 1971, until June 30, 1972. (G.C. Exh. 2) On June 20, 1972,1 the Machinists wrote Buick requesting negotiations on 12 specific requests and a catch-all for other items which might arise during negotiations. These demands (G.C. Exh. 3) were: 1. Discuss employees' classifications: New & Used Car Reconditioner Assistant Parts Counterman. ' 2. General wage increase for non-incentive employ- ees-$ 1.00 per hour per year. 3. Incentive employees-Guarantee rate shall be 25¢ below one-half of the current customer labor rate. 4. Additional holiday: Day After Thanksgiving a. Holiday pay shall be computed as follows: Av- erage earnings or current guarantee rate, whichever is greater. 5. Vacation improvements: Three (3) weeks after Five (5) years. Four (4) weeks after Ten (10) years. 6. Full payment of Blue Cross and Blue Shield- Improved hospitalization program. 7. Tool insurance-No minimum 8. Increased contribution to Pension Fund 9. Life Insurance-$10,000; A.D. & D.-$10,000; Sick & Accident-$90 per week Benefits 10. Seven (7) day's sick leave per year. 11. Body work to be assigned by Service Manager. 12. Discussion regarding Parts Department. 13. WHATEVER ELSE MAY ARISE DURING NEGOTIATIONS! 2. The talk of President Solow Following receipt of this letter and on or about July 15, Charles L. Solow, president of Buick, called an after-hours meeting of his service and parts department personnel at the dealership. John Baran, shop steward for the department, and Charles R. Mindser, substitute shop steward, testified to the meeting. According to Baran, Solow reviewed the Machinists pro- posals and stated that Buick could not afford some of them, referring in particular to a request that the utility men re- ceive a $1-an-hour increase for each year of a 3-year con- 1 Unless otherwise noted all dates hereafter refer to 1972. tract. Solow told them that General Motors was insisting the Buick move to a bigger location and that it would provide some of the expense but that Buick would need a 3-year bargaining contract to qualify for a continuation of the franchise. Solow referred to the termination of the franchise as the deadline for bargaining negotiations a deadline about 6 weeks away. The alternative, according to Solow, was loss of the franchise and the closing of the dealership. A strike would also result in a closing of the dealership. Mindser corroborated this testimony in substance. Solow testified that he,called the meeting of January 15 not to negotiate a contract with his employees nor to discuss the terms of the Machinists proposals as a basis for negotia- tions but to advise the employees that Buick was trying to work out a deal with General Motors and a mortgage com- pany for a new location and a new franchise if it was eco- nomically feasible.2 Solow told his employees, "I said, if we couldn't stay in business, if the cost factor was too high, on the new project, to the best of my knowledge, I didn't ask for any real discussion on anything that we were discuss- ing." Attaching meaning to this statement is not easy but as I construe it Solow was telling them that if the Machinists demands were too high the new project would not be feasi- ble and Buick would go out of business and also testifying that there was no real discussion of the Machinists propos- als at this meeting. 3. The talk of William Jackson John Baran testified that sometime after July 15 and prior to August 2 the service and parts department employees were addressed by William Jackson, their supervisor, at a meeting called by him after hours in the body shop. The substance of this talk was directed to problems in the de- partment, particularly with regard to getting parts and also to the union situation. According to Baran, Jackson told them he had worked previously with Solow and had always gotten whatever he wanted from him and that the men would be better off dealing with Solow through him rather than through a union. Charles R. Mindser, who was also present at this meeting, corroborated Baran's testimony. Jackson did not testify. 3. The first bargaining meeting The first bargaining meeting was held on July 19 ,at the office of Stanley C. Makoroff, counsel for Buick. Present were Makoroff, Solow, and D. Robert Williams, vice presi- dent of Buick, representing Buick and Theodore C. Bold, business representative of the Machinists, and John Baran, shop steward, for Machinists. Bold testified that on the 19th he was advised by Baran of Solow's talk with the men on the 15th, that he so told Makoroff and suggested charges should be filed. Makoroff told him it was a small business, that he saw no harm in the talk but told him to go ahead and file. According to Bold, discussion of the proposals then followed and Buick's conti- nual response was that it could not afford the proposals. Bold advised the Buick representatives that if they were pleading poverty the Machinists should look at the profit 2 Baran testified that the problem of getting a new location was a matter of general information among the employees. 12 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD and loss statement to which Williams replied they (the Ma- chinists) would never see the statement. As to the issues Bold stated they did discuss reclassification of two employ- ees improperly classified and the rest of his proposals; ad- mitting that Buick offered increased benefits beyond the old contract. He could not, however, recall that Solow ever advised him what Buick's pretax profits were. Baran testified that there was discussion of-an inequity in the rate of one (not two) employees who was performing two jobs with different classifications. The employee had been receiving the lower classification rate and Buick agreed to reclassify him at the higher rate and to make up his losses . The Machinists requested a $1 per hour per year increase for the utility men (also referred to as nonincentive employees) 3 who were receiving $2.05 per hour under the old contract 4 Buick offered to increase this rate by 25 cents, 15 and 15 cents over the term of a 3-year contract. As to the incentive employees who were paid on either a flat rate of 50 percent of charges with a guaranteed minimum, Baran admitted that they were being paid the area rate. The re- quest for one additional holiday was met by an offer of two additional half days.5 The demand that Buick pay full hosp- itilization costs for family plan (it was paying only one-half) was countered by an offer to pay an additional $5 of the cost. (The single membership plan was fully paid.) Buick also agreed to pay tool insurance after its cost was comput- ed. Baran thought that Bold asked for a 20-cent increase in the pension fund and that Buick offered either 2 or 3 cents. There was also an offer to increase sick and health benefits but Baran could not remember the amount. A request for 7-day sick leave and an increase in vacation pay was re- fused. Baran testified that after this meeting there was no formal meeting of the employees and any representative of the Machinists but that he explained what had taken place to the men individually. Williams testified that at this first meeting Bold refused to discuss Buick's counteroffers on the ground that his pro- posals were a package deal, to be accepted in toto, and that the men might be better off "negotiating from the street 6 As to the inability to pay issue, Williams' testimony is not free from amibiguity. His testimony reads: Q. (By Mr. Makoroff) All right, in the first meeting, was there any discussion about whether or not the com- pany could afford an increase? A. Yes, I think what we indicated, affording, not whether we were making or losing money, but whether we could in a thriving enterprise make concessions in total to the union, that would make it so that our invest- ment would not be-the return investment would not be that which we wanted.' 3 G.C. Exh. 3, Item 2. 4 G.C. Exh. 2, p. 11. 5 Machinists requested that the day after Thanksgiving be a paid holiday. Buick objected on the ground that this meant closing the shop for a 4-day period. It countered with an offer for a full day on Good Friday and a half-day on Christmas Eve. 6 This testimony stands uncontradicted. 7 Williams later testified: A. At one time I said we can 't afford it from the standpoint that we didn't want to do it, but then as I said , when it became the bone of contention with Mr. Bold, I said, let us retract the statement about affording, if this bothers you, let's make it, we will not grant your original demands. No allegation was made, according to Williams, either that Buick was not making a profit or that the cost of the benefits was such that Buick would not be able to make a profit. The demand for a showing of the books was made and refused by Buick on the ground that the issue was not whether it was losing money but whether it could make a fair return on its investment. Solow's testimony as to the first meeting is equally ambig- uous on this issue. After stating that Buick attempted to negotiate on the specific demands 8 as it had done before he testified: ... So I think we offered certain concessions on the contract, we earnestly tried to make a contract, I think that we were doing it in good faith. I said, if it becomes again economically unfeasible then, we wouldn't be able to operate our corporation, if you don't make a profit, you can't stay in business. So I think what we said at that particular time, I said if there was or it was economically unfeasible, but I know that I tried to offer everything in good faith, at that particular time, tried to make the contract. The meeting ended without any progress toward a negotiat- ed agreement. 4. The second and last bargaining meeting This meeting took place on August 2 in Solow's office. Bold and Mindser represented the Machinists (Baran was on vacation) and Solow and Williams represented Buick. Bold testified that they started going over the (Machinists) proposals again and that they (Williams and Solow) again said they could not afford them. Bold then asked for the books and the request was again denied. Bold again charged them with pleading poverty and Williams then stated he was retracting the statement that they could not afford to pay but that Buick was not going to pay. The argument about the books continued fruitlessly until Solow suggested that Bold take Buick's counterproposals to the employees-that they were satisfied with them. The meeting terminated with Bold's final demand to see the books before negotiating further. Mindser corroborated this testimony to the extent that as soon as Solow stated Buick could not afford to pay the demands Bold demanded the books and was told he would never see them. It was on this point of impasse that negotia- tions ended. On cross-examination Mindser testified that there was some discussion of Buick's counterproposals which remained the same as those advanced at the first meeting and that at one point Williams retracted his state- ment about being unable to afford to pay the demands but reiterated that the books would not be shown. Mindser testified that he clearly understood that this was the position of Buick on the issue of ability to pay. Williams testified that at this second meeting he withdrew his statement that Buick could not afford to meet the Ma- chinists demands because "it seemed to stick in his (Bold's) 5 Solo* testified that to each of Buick's counterproposals Bold's response was to threaten strike, and to repeat that what he had on paper was what he wanted. C-B BUICK, INC. 13 , craw, the idea that we would say anything about affording.". Near the end of the meeting Solow excused himself and went "next door," presumably to another office and gave Bold a figure which represented Buick's profits for the past year. (Bold, as stated previously, did not remember receiv- ing this information.) Solow's testimony generally corroborated that of Nil- hams and in particular his testimony that he gave Bold the pretax profits of Buick for the past year. He could not recall, however, whether he ever stated that Buick could not afford the demands or that he suggested that Bold take the coun- terproposals back to the men. Conclusions The talks by Solow and Jackson I find that both of these talks violated Section 8(a)(1) and (5) of the Act. It might appear that Solow's talk was no more than a candid attempt to explain to his employees the diffi- culties facing Buick in securing a new location and a new franchise contract and the effect that unreasonable de- mands and a strike would have on Buick's ability to contin- ue in business. At this time however the Machinists was the collective-bargaining agent and negotiations had been initi- ated by the Machinists letter of June 20. I think it beyond argument that under these circumstances an employer must deal directly and exclusively with the bargaining representa- tive and is not permitted to discuss the consequences which might flow from a union's demand with his men. Advising the men of possible unhappy consequences if their demands are, in the employer's eyes, unreasonable inevitably intrudes on their right to full and free negotiations. It equally inevita- bly undermines the position of a union at the bargaining table by weakening the support which the union might ex- pect from its members. The arguments which an employer might address to his employees should properly be reserved for the'bargaining table where more experienced and know- ledgable representatives selected for that purpose can make reply-' That, I believe, is the law.10 As to Jackson's talk, it was a frank effort to persuade the employees to deal with Buick through him rather- than through the Machinists accompanied by the statement that by so doing they would be better off. This is an historic as well as a primitive violation of Section 8(a)(5).11 The "We Can't Afford" Defense The General Counsel contends that as soon as the Buick representatives suggested that it could not afford to meet all the Machinists demands without modification or negotia- tion it was obliged to open its books to Bold. (It has already - been found that Bold told Buick that what he would accept was what he had on paper and there is no testimony that at either meeting he offered to negotiate on any item.) Thus baldly stated the proposition would seem, as a matter of 9 I do, however, reject the argument of the General Counsel that Solow's remarks constituted a clear threat of reprisals which Buick would take against the employees unless the Machinists' demands were modified. 1°American Vitrified Products Company, 127 NLRB 701, 715. u Medo Photo Supply v. N.L.RB., 321 U.S. 678. law, ridiculous, but it finds support in Board decisions.12 Under recent decisions an employer must expose his books to any union, however exorbitant its demands, if he relies on the fact that a granting of the demands would reduce his profits to an unfeasible level or would place him in a non- competitive position in the industry.13 It is not required, under these decisions, that he allege a present loss in doing business or that a meeting of the demands would result in a loss in doing business; it becomes an obligation if he alleges that a meeting of the demands would unreasonably reduce his profits. An employer is thus placed in the unenvi- able position of either admitting that he can afford to pay the demands in full but is unwilling to do so, which is hardly a tenable bargaining position, or opening his books to a presumably hostile stranger.14 The authority for this per se rule is N.L.R.B. v. Truitt Mfg. Co., Inc., 351 U.S. 159 (1956), although an examination of Truitt does not, in my opinion, justify the Board's sweeping conclusion. The impasse in Truitt arose when the union representative asked for an increase of 10 cents per hour. The company responded that it could not afford such an increase, that it was undercapitized, had never paid a dividend, and that an increase of more than 2-1/2 cents per hour would put it out of business. The union then asked to examine the company's "books, accounting sheets, cost expenditures, what not, anything to back up the Company's position that they were unable to give more money." The company re- fused on the ground that such information was not pertinent to the discussion. In reversing the court of appeals and affirming the Board's finding that the refusal constituted a violation the Court added the following caveat. We do not hold, however, that in every case in which economic inability is raised as an argument against increased wages it automatically follows that the em- ployees are,entitled to,substantiating evidence. Each case must rest upon its particular facts. The inquiry must always be whether or not under the circumstances of the particular case the statutory obligation to bar- gain has been met. Since we conclude that there is support the record for the conclusion of the Board here that the Respondent did not bargain in good faith, it was error for the Court of Appeals to set aside the Board's order and deny enforcement. The majority decision, it might be noted, was accompanied by a vigorous dissent by Mr. Justice Frankentraler, with Justices Clark and Harlan concurring. If there are any cir- cumstances which would justify a refusal to apply the per se rule which the Board has found sanctioned by Truitt this case seems to present them. Here the Machinists and Buick had, following certification, entered into a 1-year contract. Prior to its expiration the Machinists submitted its demands for a new contract and requested negotiations. Buick met with the Machinists with reasonable promptness and was confronted with a take-it-or-leave-it series of demands 12 Wheeling Pacific Company, 151 NLRB 1192, 1214, 1215; Stanley Build- ing Specialties, Co., 166 NLRB 984; Globe Gear Company (Chairman Miller dissenting), 189 NLRB 422. Is Stanley Building Specialties, supra. 14 Federal agencies are not noted for the homage they pay to a citizen !s right to privacy. 14 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD which included a raise for one classification of employees amounting to over 48 percent or, over a 3-year period; of over 145 percent. It might appear that any employer might consider such a demand exorbitant and plead an inability to pay. He may, but as I understand current Board law, he is guilty, if he does and without more, of infraction of Sec- tion 8(a)(5). Buick did attempt to negotiate on the Machin- ists proposals and did offer concessions on many issues all of which were rejected, if they were in fact even considered, as soon as the entrapping words "we can't afford" were used. Thereafter, as I read the record, the Machinists efforts were exclusively devoted to obtaining the books and after only two bargaining sessions the Machinists terminated the meeting although at this point Buick has withdrawn its claim of inability and had given the Machinists a statement of its pretax profits. If the measure of good faith bargaining is still the totality of conduct it would appear that the Ma- chinists rather than Buick was the intransigent party. In- deed, it appears that the desire to examine Buick's books overrode any desire to reach a reasonable agreement with the result that the employees have been plunged into lengthy and perhaps fruitless litigation without any of the benefits negotiation might have obtained. Recognizing that an Administrative Law Judge is com- pelled to follow Board rather than court decisions an excep- tion is the decisions of the Supreme Court. If the caveat of the Court in Truitt has any application at, all it would appear that the circumstances of this case provide the exception indicated therein. I shall not, therefore direct Buick to pro- vide the Machinists with such of its financial data as is relevant to Buick's claim (later retracted) of financial inabil- ity to meet the Machinists contractual demands. Upon the foregoing findings I make the following: CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. Machinists, at all times material herein, has been certi- fied as the exclusive representative for the purposes of col- lective bargaining of all employees in the following appropriate unit: All service department and parts department employ- ees at Buick's Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, dealership, ex- cluding all office clerical employees, salesmen and guards, professional employees and supervisors as de- fined in the Act. 2. By bypassing the Machinists and dealing directly with employees in the appropriate unit concerning the Machin- ists' demands for a new contract and threatening that such demands or a strike to enforce them might cause Buick to go out of business, Buick violated Section 8(a)(1) and (5) of the Act. 3. By telling its employees in the appropriate unit that they could do better by dealing with Buick through a super- visor than through their exclusive bargaining agent, Buick violated Section 8(ax l) and- (5) of the Act. 4. Buick did not violate the Act by refusing to provide the Machinists with financial data requested during the bar- gaining meetings of July 19 and August 2. 5. The aforesaid unfair labor practices are unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. IV. THE REMEDY Having found Buick engaged in and is engaging in certain unfair labor practices it is recommended that it cease and desist therefrom and take certain affirmative action neces- sary to effectuate'the policies of the Act. Upon the foregoing findings and conclusions and upon the entire record in this case and pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act I recommend issuance of-the following: ORDER15 Respondent, C-B Buick, Inc., its officers, agents succes- sors, and assigns, shall: 1. Cease and desist from: (a) Bypassing the Machinists and dealing directly with its employees concerning the Machinists' demands for a new contract and threatening them that such demands or a strike to enforce them might cause it to go out of business; telling its employees that they could do better dealing with it through a supervisor than through their exclusive bargain- ing agent. (b) In any like or related manner interfering with, re- straining, or coercing its employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed them by Section 7 of the Act. 2. Take the following affirmative action necessary to ef- fectuate the policies of the Act: (a) Upon request bargain collectively and exclusively with Machinists as the exclusive bargaining representatives of the unit found appropriate herein concerning rates of pay, wages, hours and terms and conditions of employment and, if agreement is reached, embody such understanding in a written agreement. (b) Post at its dealership at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, co- pies of the attached notices marked "Appendix." 16 Copies of the notice, on forms provided by the Regional Director for Region 6, after being duly signed by Respondent's au- thorized representative, shall be posted by the Respondent immediately upon receipt thereof, and be maintained for 60 consecutive days thereafter, in conspicuous places, includ- ing all places where notices to employees are customarily posted. Reasonable steps shall be taken by the Respondent to ensure that the notices are not altered, defaced, or cov- ered by any other material. (c) Notify the Regional Director for Region 6, in writing, within 20 days from the date of this Order, what steps it has taken to comply herewith. 15 In the event no exceptions are filed as provided by Section 102.46 of the Rules and Regulations of the National Labor Relations Board, the findings, conclusions, and recommended Order herein shall, as provided in Section 102.48 of the Rules and Regulations, be adopted by the Board and become its findings, conclusions, and Order, and all objections thereto shall be deemed waived for all purposes. 16 In the event the Board's Order is enforced by a Judgment of the United States Court of Appeals, the words in the notice reading "Posted by Order of the National Labor Relations Board" shall be changed to read "Posted Pursuant to a Judgment of the United States Court of Appeals Enforcing an Order of the National Labor Relations Board." Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation