Bricklayers, Local No 2Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsJun 17, 1976224 N.L.R.B. 1021 (N.L.R.B. 1976) Copy Citation BRICKLAYERS, LOCAL NO 2 1021 Bricklayers and Stone Masons Union , Local No 2, Bricklayers, Masons and Plasterers ' International Union of America, AFL-CIO (Gunnar I Johnson & Son, Inc ) and Associated General Contractors of Minnesota and Minnesota Concrete and Masonry Contractors Association , Duluth and Iron Range Contractors Association , Bricklayers and Stone Masons Union No 1 of St Paul, Bricklayers, Ma- sons and Plasterers ' International Union of Ameri- ca, AFL-CIO, Bricklayers , Masons and Plasterers' International Union of America , AFL-CIO, Locals Nos 7, 8, 10, 17, 21, 12, 13, 15, 6, 11, 14, 22, 4, 3, 16, Parties to the Contract Construction and General Laborers Local 563, Labor- ers' International Union of North America, AFL- CIO and Associated General Contractors of Minne- sota and Minnesota Concrete and Masonry Con- tractors Association , Laborers District Council of Minnesota and North Dakota (on behalf of Locals Nos 68, 132, 405, 492, 515, 563, 580, 1091, 1097, 1148, 1316), Parties to the Contract International Union of Operating Engineers, Twin City Local No 49, AFL-CIO and Associated Gen- eral Contractors of Minnesota Plumbers Union Local No 15, United Association of the Plumbing and Pipefitting Industry of the United States and Canada , AFL-CIO and Associated Gen- eral Contractors of Minnesota and Minneapolis Area Plumbing Contractors Association , Party to the Contract Cases 18-CE-25-1, -2, -3, -5 labor practices On January 8, 1975, the above- named cases went to a hearing before Administrative Law Judge Jerry B Stone At the hearing, no oral testimony was adduced, instead, the parties joined in preparing a written stipulation of the chronological history of these proceedings and also agreed to the introduction of other documents Thereafter, all the parties, including the General Counsel, joined in fil- ing a motion to the Board I to transfer these proceed- ings directly to the Board As part of the motion, the parties agreed to waive further hearings before the Administrative Law Judge, the making of findings of fact and conclusions of law, and the issuance of a Decision by him, and indicated their desire to submit the consolidated proceeding directly to the Board for findings of fact, conclusions of law, and Order The parties further agreed that the entire record of this case is composed of the proceedings before the Ad- ministrative Law Judge on January 8, 1975 On Feb- ruary 4, 1975, the Board issued its order granting the parties' motion and transferring the case to the Board Thereafter, the General Counsel, Charging Party, and Respondents filed briefs to the Board, and Charging Party and Respondents filed reply briefs Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its au- thority in this proceeding to a three-member panel Upon the entire record in this case, including the parties' briefs, the Board makes the following find- ings I THE BUSINESS OF THE ASSOCIATION June 17, 1976 DECISION AND ORDER BY CHAIRMAN MURPHY AND MEMBERS FANNING AND PENELLO This proceeding is brought under Section 10(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, pur- suant to charges filed by Associated General Con- tractors of Minnesota (hereinafter AGC) on June 19, 1974, against the Respondents named above in Cases 18-CE-25-1, -2 and -3, and on July 19, 1974, against the Respondent named in Case 18-CE-25-5 On November 15, 1974, the Regional Director for Region 18 issued an order consolidating cases, com- plaint, and notice of hearing The complaint alleges that Respondents have violated Section 8(e) of the Act On November 27, 1974, the Respondents filed a joint and several answer to the complaint wherein they generally denied having committed any unfair AGC is an association of employers in the con- struction industry who are engaged in the State of Minnesota and other States in various kinds of con- struction work One of the purposes of AGC is to represent its members in collective bargaining Each year individual employer-members of AGC located within the State of Minnesota perform construction work valued in excess of $50,000 outside the State of Minnesota Each year individual employer-members of AGC purchase goods, articles, and materials val- ued in excess of $50,000 which are shipped to and received by the employer-members of AGC within the State of Minnesota directly from business entities located outside the State It is not disputed, and we find, that AGC is an employer within the meaning of Section 2(2) of the Act and is engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act 1 This motion was received by the Board on January 23 1975 224 NLRB No 132 1022 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD II THE LABOR ORGANIZATIONS INVOLVED It is not disputed, and we find, that Respondents are labor organizations within the meaning of Sec- tion 2(5) of the Act III ALLEGED UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES A Facts 2 During the summer of 1973, the Elk River, Minne- sota, School District contracted with Gunnar I John- son & Son, Inc (hereinafter Johnson) as the general contractor to construct an elementary school The School District contracted with Gorham's Construc- tion Company, Inc (hereinafter Gorham's) to be the prime mechanical contractor on the project, and with Design Electric, Inc (hereinafter Design) to be the prime electrical contractor Johnson employs mem- bers of the Laborers, Bricklayers, and Operating En- gineers and Gorham employs members of the Plumbers, all of which labor organizations are affili- ates of the AFL-CIO Design employs members of the Christian Labor Association, Local No 84, an independent organization not affiliated with the AFL-CIO Work began at the construction site in August 1973 On October 24, about 7 30 in the morning, the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Lo- cal No 110, an affiliate of the AFL-CIO, caused a sign to be posted at the construction site which read as follows Notice to the Public-Electrical Work Being Performed on This Job is at Substandard Wages and Benefits by Design Electric-This Notice is for Information of the Public and is not Intend- ed to Cause any Person to Refuse to Pick Up or Deliver or to Perform any Service-IBEW L U #110 Employees of Johnson and Gorham, appearing for work at their usual starting time at 8 am, left the jobsite upon seeing this sign and refused to perform any work thereon Charging Party Associated General Contractors represents Minnesota contractors in the construction industry, including Johnson, in contract negotiations with construction trades unions After Local 110's sign was posted at the construction site, AGC recom- mended to Johnson that it establish reserved gates to isolate the dispute Pursuant to this advice, Johnson 2 The following statement of facts is based upon a document entitled Stipulation which was introduced at the hearing as Joint Exh I and upon other documents which were put into evidence by agreement of the parties including the arbitrators decision and award posted signs at the east and west ends of the con- struction site, designating the east side gate as re- served for Johnson and Gorham (neutral employers) employees and suppliers, and designating the west side gate, which was some 450-500 feet away, as a reserved gate for employees and suppliers of Design (the primary employer) Thereafter, Local 110 con- tinued its picketing at the west side gate only How- ever, except for a short time on October 3 the neu- tral employees continued to refuse to enter the east gate until March 29, 1974, the day after an injunction was issued against the continuing work stoppage On March 1, 1974,4 Associated General Contrac- tors, Johnson, and Gorham jointly filed a complaint in Federal district court against the four Respon- dents herein, seeking a temporary restraining order against the members of Respondents from continu- ing to honor the Local 110 area standards banner and refusing to work on the project, the complaint also sought an order to require the Respondents to arbitrate the dispute pursuant to the grievance-arbi- tration provisions of their respective collective-bar- gaining agreements On March 28, the court granted the temporary restraining order, directed the parties to arbitrate the proceedings, and required the Re- spondents to post notices at the work project indicat- ing that the Respondents did not condone the work stoppage and that the agreements require, and that the Respondents were requesting, that all their mem- bers return to work The Respondents complied with the district court's order by posting the approved no- tices, and work resumed on the project the next day, March 29 An appeal of that decision is pending be- fore the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals Meanwhile, in compliance with the district court's order, on April 16, 17, and 18 the aforementioned complaining parties and Respondents proceeded to arbitrate their dispute before neutral arbitrator Thomas Gallagher The arbitrator was asked to inter- pret certain clauses in the parties' collective-bargain- ing agreements, which in the case of Bricklayers, La- borers, and Operating Engineers essentially read as follows PICKETS, BANNERS AND STRIKES The Employer may not request or instruct any Employee ex- 3 A few days before October 31 1973 Johnson s superintendent asked the foreman of the bricklaying crew to request the employees to return to work on October 31 The foreman did so and in response to his request five employees came to work on that date They worked until lunch hour when several business representatives of AFL-CIO unions arrived at the jobsite and had discussions with the job superintendent the workers on the job and by telephone the president of Johnson The job superintendent then told the workers that the Job was being closed down Thereafter no work was performed on the construction project until March 29 1974 the day after a Federal district court issued an injunction against the continuing work stoppage as set forth hereinafter 4 Hereinafter all dates refer to 1974 unless otherwise indicated BRICKLAYERS LOCAL NO 2 cept Watchmen or Supervisory personnel to go through a picket line except to protect life or property The Unions agree that there shall be no cessation of work or any recognition of pick- et lines of any union without first giving prior notice to the Employer or his Association The Plumbers clause under attack reads as follows Refusal to pass through a lawfully permitted picket line will not constitute a violation of the agreement The positions taken by the parties before the arbi- trator were later summarized by the arbitrator as fol- lows I The employers asserted that the picket line clauses of the four collective-bargaining agree- ments were illegal "hot cargo" clauses within the meaning of Section 8(e) of the NLRA if those clauses were used to protect a refusal to work caused by the presence of a secondary picket line The response of the unions to this argument was that the picket line present at the Elk River School site was a primary and not a secondary picket line The unions also defended the use of the several picket line clauses against the pro- scription of Section 8(e) on the basis that the decision not to work was one made solely by the individual workers and that none of the unions took any action to encourage or instigate the re- fusal to work Counsel for the unions speaking on behalf of their respective locals represented by them stat- ed that the picket line clauses were not being interpreted by the unions to authorize, encour- age, or permit secondary activity They argued that the unions were not interpreting their re- spective picket line clauses in a manner violative of Section 8(e) 6 5 The excerpt which follows is taken from a letter dated June 28 by Arbi trator Gallagher to all the parties to the proceeding This letter was drafted at the request of Respondents counsel who asked the arbitrator to describe the positions taken by the parties with respect to the 8(e) issue during the arbitration proceeding Par 17 of the parties Stipulation specifically re fers to this letter as setting forth the positions of the parties before the arbitrator and indicates that the letter has been filed herewith Although the letter was not included in the joint exhibit folder with the stipulation it was contained in the Joint Respondents exhibit file However since the stipulation does refer to this letter and neither AGC nor General Counsel specifically contests anything set forth therein it is treated herein as part of the undisputed factual record which has been stipulated to and transferred to the Board 6 The arbitrator concluded this letter with the following sentence In arriving at my award I passed upon the issue and determined that none of the unions had taken the position or attempted to enforce or apply an illegal picket line clause within the meaning of the proscription of Section 8(e) of the Federal Act 1023 On June 5, Gallagher issued his decision and award finding in favor of Respondents, and against complaining parties, that the clauses were broad enough to protect employee refusals to work on the project' Gallagher rejected the argument of the Em- ployers that the picket line clauses are hot cargo pro- visions violative of Section 8(e) He reasoned that Section 8(e) protects only against secondary activity and, since he found that Local 110's picketing was primary, he concluded that "the picket line clauses may be used to protect the individual decision of neutral employees to honor it," citing N L R B v Lo cal 217, United Association of Journeymen and Appren- tices of the Plumbing and Pipefitting Industry of the United States and Canada, AFL-CIO [The Carvel Co ], 361 F 2d 160 (CA 1, 1966) On June 6, the day following issuance of the arbitrator's favorable award, all four Respondent Unions posted almost identical notices to members in the usual places notifying them of the arbitrator's favorable ruling with respect to the protection pro- vided by the contract clauses, and concluding with the following Accordingly, under our contract, you have the right to decide whether or not to work on this job in the presence of the Electricians Local 110 banner It is up to you to decide whether to hon- or or not the Electricians' banner On June 19, 1974, and July 19, 1974, Associate General Contractors filed the instant unfair labor practice charges against the Respondents, alleging vi- olations of Section 8(e) On August 30, the Employ- ers also filed a motion with the Federal district court to vacate the arbitrator's award on the ground that the underlying agreements violate Section 8(e) of the Act On December 23, the Federal district court is- sued an order denying the motion to vacate and de- ferring to the proceedings pending before the Board B Contentions of the Parties General Counsel and Charging Party contend that the contractual clauses of the Bricklayers , Laborers, and Operating Engineers are unlawful on their face inasmuch as each of these clauses " is broad enough to permit employee refusals to cross not only lawful picket lines but also secondary picket lines at the Employer 's place of business " They further contend that the Board has repeatedly found in the past that similar language which is broad enough to encom- pass secondary picket lines is violative of Section 8(e) They also contend that the arbitrator 's interpre- 7 The relevant portion of the decision and award is attached as Appendix B 1024 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD tation and construction with respect to all of the con- tractual clauses in issue herein (including that of the Plumbers, which is not alleged to be unlawful on its face) "brought them within the proscription of Sec- tion 8(e), thus constituting a further and separate vio- lation " As to this latter violation, they argue that the arbitrator's decision construing the picket line claus- es is too broad for the same reason that the three picket line clauses alleged to be unlawful on their face are too broad "Those three picket line clauses were not limited to primary picket lines and thus are too broad, the arbitrator's construction of those clauses is not limited to situations in which the pri- mary union could legally picket at a gate reserved for neutral employees and is therefore too broad " Respondents, on the other hand, contend that the contracts in issue were all entered into substantially before the 10(b) period and that General Counsel has failed to show any reaffirmation of the pertinent clauses within the 10(b) period With respect to the alleged per se unlawfulness of the clauses in the con- tracts of the Laborers, Bricklayers, and Operating Engineers, Respondents contend that the Board should evaluate the clauses in the context of the way they were litigated in the arbitration proceeding, dur- ing which the Respondents consistently maintained that the clauses protected only responses to primary activity and never attempted to have a broader inter- pretation placed on them As to the alleged unlawful- ness of the clauses in all of the Respondents' con- tracts, as interpreted and applied by the arbitrator, Respondents contend essentially that the arbitrator interpreted all the clauses as being limited to primary activity, that a "picket line clause properly may pro- tect refusals to cross any picket line established at the premises of another employer if that picket line is primary," that the arbitrator's interpretation of the clauses and application to the facts before him "pro- duces only permissible secondary effects of primary activity," and that the arbitrator's interpretation is consistent with Board decisions which have found employees to be engaged in protected concerted con- duct by honoring primary picket lines by other unions regardless of whether the refusal occurs at a separate or reserved gate, citing Congoleum Indus tries, Inc, 197 NLRB 534 (1972) C Analysis and Conclusions The record facts and parties' briefs raise the fol- lowing issues for us to decide in this consolidated proceeding 1 Whether the relevant portions of the contract clauses in issue have been "enter[ed] into," as provid- ed in Section 8(e), within the 10(b) period 2 Whether the picket line clauses in the contracts of the Laborers, Bricklayers, and Operating Engi- neers are per se violative of Section 8(e) 3 Whether the clauses in all four of Respondents' contracts (i e, including that of the Plumbers) as in- terpreted by an arbitrator are violative of Section 8(e) On the basis of the foregoing undisputed facts and our full consideration of the parties' contentions, we conclude, for the reasons set forth below, that all of the Respondents did reaffirm the contract clauses in issue during the 10(b) period, that the contract claus- es of the Laborers, Bricklayers, and Operating Engi- neers are violative of Section 8(e) on their face, and that the relevant clauses of all the Respondents' con- tracts are violative of Section 8(e) as interpreted and applied by the arbitrator 1 Reaffirmation within the 10(b) period The threshold issue in this case is whether some action or conduct has been taken by Respondents during the 6-month limitations period provided in Section 10(b) which constitutes an "enter[ing] into" within the meaning of Section 8(e) of the Act, since, as noted in the factual statement above, the contracts themselves were all negotiated more than a year prior to the filing of the charges in this case General Counsel contends that all four Respon- dents have "enter[ed] into" the contract clauses in dispute since December 1973 (which constitutes the outer limits of the 10(b) period in this case) by (1) the arbitrator's decision and award, which issued on June 5, 1974, interpreting those provisions, (2) the position taken by Respondents from April 16-18, 1974, during the arbitration proceedings, and (3) Re- spondents' posting of notices to members on June 6, 1974, notifying them of the arbitrator's decision and of their right to refuse to perform services under the contract On the other hand, Respondents' position is that they were compelled to go to arbitration as a result of Charging Party's litigation, and thus the arbitrator's decision is not the voluntary act of entering into an agreement envisioned by Section 8(e), citing Service and Maintenance Employees' Union, Local No 399, AFL-CIO (Kal Efron d/b/a Superior Souvenir Book Company), 148 NLRB 1033 (1964) Secondly, Re- spondents argue that throughout the long litigation of this case they have consistently maintained the position that the clauses only protect an employee's voluntarily made choice to respect a primary picket line, not employee refusals to cross any secondary picket line BRICKLAYERS, LOCAL NO 2 We find that Respondents did "enter into" the contract clauses in issue within the meaning of Sec- tion 8 (e) The Board has long held that for the pur- poses of Section 8(e) it is sufficient to show that the respondent has reaffirmed the clause in issue within the 10(b) period in order to bring it within the "to enter into" language of Section 8(e) 8 Further, the Board has repeatedly found reaffirmation of a dis- puted clause evidenced by arbitration proceedings wherein the parties are disputing the interpretation to be given that clause 9 Nor does it make any differ- ence that Respondents resisted arbitration until they were forced to proceed to arbitration by the Federal district court, contrary to Respondents' contention 10 For, what is important is that throughout this entire dispute Respondents have relied on the clauses in issue to protect the employees they represent from discipline for refusing to cross the neutral gate re- served for them In short, they have maintained throughout these proceedings the continued enforce- ability of these clauses Although Respondents claim that they have consistently limited their interpreta- tion of their respective clauses to primary activity which is outside the proscriptive parameters of Sec- tion 8(e), that position goes to the merits of the al- leged violation and not to the question of whether they have reaffirmed the clauses Indeed, that posi- tion contains its own admission that Respondents continue to reaffirm the effectiveness of the claus- es-albeit only against primary activity We accordingly find that Respondents have en- tered into the disputed clauses within the 10(b) peri- od by their continuing reaffirmance of the enforcea- bility of those clauses protecting the employees from discipline for refusing to cross the neutral gate as- signed them by their respective employers 8 Los Angeles Mailers Union No 9 IT U (Hillbro Newspaper Printing Company Division of Hearst Publishing Company Inc) 135 NLRB 1132 1136-37 (1962) enfd 311 F 2d 121 (CAD C 1962) 9International Brotherhood of Boilermakers Iron Ship Builders Black smiths Forgers & Helpers International Brotherhood of Boilermakers Iron Ship Builders Blacksmiths Forgers & Helpers Local 92 (Bigge Drayage Corn pony) 197 NLRB 281 (1972) Sheet Metal Workers Union Local 216 Sheet Metal Workers International Association AFL-CIO (Associated Pipe and Fitting Manufacturers) 172 NLRB 35 ( 1968) and Automotive Petroleum & Allied Industries Employees Union Local 618 affiliated with International Brotherhood of Teamsters Chauffeurs Warehousemen & Helpers of America (Greater St Louis Automotive Trimmers and Upholsterers Association Inc) 134 NLRB 1363 (1961) 10 Respondents reliance on the Trial Examiner s reasoning in Service & Maintenance Employees Union Local No 399 AFL-CIO (Kai Efron d/b/a Superior Souvenir Book Company) 148 NLRB 1033 (1964) as support for the contrary position is misplaced The Board adopted the Trial Examiners dismissal of the complaint in that case for other reasons entirely and specifi cally noted that it was not adopting all the reasoning and legal conclusions of the Trial Examiner 1025 2 Unlawfulness of certain of the clauses on their face As already noted, General Counsel contends that the clauses of the Laborers, Bricklayers, and Operat- ing Engineers are violative of Section 8(e) on their face Respondents counter that the clauses should be assessed in the context of the arbitration proceeding, when there was no attempt by Respondents to inter- pret and apply the clauses so as to protect secondary activity The Board has repeatedly held that to the extent that picket line clauses are "broad enough to apply to secondary picketing having no connection with dis- putes concerning jobsite subcontracting, [such claus- es are] prohibited by 8(e) " 11 It is clear here that the clauses of the Laborers, Bricklayers, and Op- erating Engineers are broad enough, on their face, to apply to such conduct Further, contrary to the Re- spondents' contention, even if we were to find, ar- guendo, that Respondents were attempting to have the clauses interpreted and applied in a lawful and restricted manner before the arbitrator, it would not change the fact that the clauses originally entered into are overly broad on their face It is clear from the legislative history of Section 8(e) that Congress intended to proscribe the entering into of a hot cargo clause as well as its subsequent enforcement," except to the extent that the construction industry proviso to that section exempts the entering into of agreements "relating to the contracting or subcontracting of work to be done at the site of the construction" Since the clauses of the Laborers, Bricklayers, and Operating Engineers clearly are not restricted to con- tracting or subcontracting of work to be done on the construction site, we find those clauses to be overly broad and Respondents' entering into those clauses by their reaffirmance of them was violative of Sec- tion 8(e) 13 li Hodcarriers and Construction Laborers Union Local 300 International Hodcarriers Building and Common Laborers Union of America AFL-CIO (Jones & Jones Inc) 154 NLRB 1744 1745 fn 7 (1965 ) see also Brother hood of Painters Decorators and Paperhangers of America Local Union No 823 AFL-CIO (Independent Painting Contractors of New Mexico) 161 NLRB 620 629 fn 15 (1966) and accompanying text 12 Drivers Salesmen Warehousemen Milk Processors Cannery Dairy Em ployees and Helpers Local Union No 695 International Brotherhood of Team sters Chauffeurs Warehousemen and Helpers of America et a! (John B Threlfall d/b/a Threlfall Construction Company) 152 NLRB 577 (1965) enfd 361 F 2d 547 (C A D C 1966) i3 See Local 294 International Brotherhood of Teamsters Chauffeurs Warehousemen & Helpers of America (Clemence D Stanton d/b/a Rexford Sand and Gravel Co) 195 NLRB 378 381 (1972) and Local 445 Interns tional Brotherhood of Teamsters Chauffeurs Warehousemen and Helpers of America (Edward L Nezelek Inc) 194 NLRB 579 585 (1971) where the Board found similar clauses to be overly broad and violative of Sec 8(e) 1026 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD 3 Unlawfulness of the clauses as interpreted and applied by arbitrator The final issue before us is the complaint' s allega- tion that the clauses of all four Respondent Unions were violative of Section 8(e) as interpreted by the arbitrator General Counsel's principal argument is that the arbitrator's decision has the effect of construing the intent of the contracting parties as embodied in the picket line clauses Consequently, by construing the clauses as permitting the employees to refuse to pass through a neutral reserved gate, the arbitrator has given those clauses the same effect as permitting the employees to respect a secondary picket line sta- tioned at that gate General Counsel maintains that by such an interpretation the clauses are clearly vio- lative of Section 8(e) Respondents, on the other hand, essentially argue that the Board and courts have long held that Section 8(e) is only directed at secondary conduct, that since the Local 110 banner here was admittedly primary the arbitrator's decision interpreting the clauses as protecting the rights of employees to respond individually and voluntarily to a primary picket line does not fall within the pros- criptive ambit of Section 8(e), and that any second- ary effects are only incidental to the primary activity There are really two sub-issues which must be con- fronted in determining whether Respondents' claus- es, as interpreted by the arbitrator, violate Section 8(e) of the Act (1) are the clauses, as interpreted, "hot cargo" clauses proscribed by Section 8(e), and (2) if so, are they nonetheless exempt under the con- struction industry proviso to that section With respect to the first question, we find the clauses of all four Respondent Unions, as interpreted and applied by the arbitrator, to be "hot cargo" clauses within the proscription of Section 8(e) In Muskegon Bricklayers Union #5,14 the Board found a similar clause to be a "hot cargo" clause covered by Section 8(e) The Board's reasoning in its decision in that case is equally applicable here 15 The precise limit of the disputed clause is not clear But it does manifestly extend beyond pro- tection of the work and work standards of em- ployees represented by Respondent By the terms of the agreement, the Employer is placed on notice that he will be faced with a strike by his own employees if he accepts a contract for the performance of work at a jobsite where any 14 Muskegon Bricklayers Union #5 Bricklayers Masons and Plasterers In ternational Union of America (AFL-CIO) (Greater Muskegon General Con tractors Association 152 NLRB 360 (1965) enfd 378 F 2d 859 (C A 6 1967) 15 Ibid at 363-364 other contractor not employing craftsmen cus- tomarily represented by Respondent, and not having any contractual relationship with the contracting employer, pays less than the union wages and benefits prescribed by other unions An employer' s agreement with a labor organiza- tion permitting employees to refuse to work in the event the employer does business with an- other employer considered objectionable by the labor organization is in practical effect the equivalent of an agreement by the employer not to do business with other employers within the meaning of Section 8(e) Nor do we find any merit in Respondents' some- what novel argument that the arbitrator's interpreta- tion and application of the clause was such as merely to cover individual employee responses to primary activity on the jobsite By interpreting the clause to protect individual employee refusals to cross the neu- tral gate, the arbitrator was giving the clauses the same unlawful breadth found objectionable by the Board in the above excerpt For, it is well established by now that properly established reserved gates for neutral employers, their employees, and their sup- pliers on a construction site functionally serve the purpose of isolating the dispute to the primary em- ployer Respondents therefore admit that, had a picket line been established in front of the neutral gate which the employees refused to cross, it would have been a secondary picket line and the picket line clauses in their contracts could not be used to protect refusals to cross such a secondary picket line How- ever, they would have us do by indirection what they can obtain directly-that is, achieve contractual pro- tection for the employees when refusing to enter the premises of a neutral employer because another em- ployer is involved in labor problems on the same job- site Contrary to what Respondents suggest, the em- ployees' response in this case does not comport with what has been traditionally deemed to be primary activity Thus, the Board and courts have held that the scope of Section 8(b)(4) and Section 8(e) does not go so far as to prohibit such traditional primary ac- tivity as employees' refusal to cross primary picket lines established at the premises of their own employ- er or primary picket lines established at the premises of another employer,16 but it has never been held to 16 See Truck Drivers & Helpers Local Union No 728 International Brother hood of Teamsters and Southern Conference of Teamsters affiliated with the International Brotherhood of Teamsters Chauffeurs Warehousemen & Helpers of America (Brown Transport Corp) 140 NLRB 1436 (1965) enfd in part 334 F 2d 539 (C A D C 1964) Truck Drivers Union Local No 413 Interna tional Brotherhood of Teamsters Chauffeurs Warehousemen and Helpers of America et al (The Patton Warehouse Inc) 140 NLRB 1474 (1963) enfd in part 334 F 2d 539 (C A D C 1964) Drivers Salesmen Warehousemen etc BRICKLAYERS LOCAL NO 2 1027 be primary activity when employees refuse to work for their employer who is a neutral in the dispute because picketing of another employer is taking place nearby on the common situs The only way that the employees' activity here could be deemed a legitimate response to primary activity would be to hold that the construction site is of such an integrat- ed nature that a primary dispute against one employ- er on the site makes the entire project a primary situs However, that is contrary to the long-established principles of Denver Building and Construction Trades Council 17 and Markwell and Hartz 18 which have been and continue to be the law of the land With respect to sub-issue (2), we find the Respon- dents' clauses, as interpreted by the arbitrator to pro- tect individual employee refusals to cross a neutral gate, are not exempt under the construction industry proviso to Section 8(e) Under that proviso, the Board and courts have held that although the parties can agree to enter into a hot cargo provision and a union can use economic pressure to obtain such a provision under Section 8(e), it cannot use economic means to enforce it 19 The Board found in Muskegon Bricklayers, supra, that a clause similar to those in issue here sanctioned "private economic action by the employees in the event the employer breached its no subcontracting area standards agreement" and that such a self-help provision has the same effect as a union's inducing employees to strike to enforce such a "hot cargo" clause Thus, the Board reasoned, at 152 NLRB at 365-366 The first proviso to Section 8(e) exempts from its coverage "an agreement between a labor or- ganization and an employer in the construction industry relating to the contracting or subcon- tracting of work to be done at the site of the construction " Although Congress thus made lawful certain onsite "hot cargo" construc- tion contracts, it also made clear an intention that such contracts could be enforced only by a lawsuit and not by strikes or other self-help eco- nomic action proscribed by Section 8(b)(4)(B) Here the proposed clause not only contains an implied agreement not to do business at con- struction sites where union wage rates are not being paid, but at the same time sanctions pri- vate, economic action by the employees in the event the employer breaches the agreement This Local 695 IBT (Threlfall Construction Co) 152 NLRB 577 (1965) enfd 361 F 2d 547 (C A D C 1966) 17 N L R B v Denver Building and Construction Trades Council [Gould & Preisner] 341 U S 675 (1951) 18 Markwell and Hartz Inc v N L R B 387 F 2d 79 (C A 5 1967) cert denied 391 U S 914 (1968) 19 Orange Belt District Council of Painters No 48 AFL-CIO [Calhoun Drywall Co ] v NLRB 328 F 2d 534 (C A D C 1964) proposal looks not to the courts for enforce- ment, but to strikes If the proffered clause were valid, and the employer were to breach the agreement, the employees then would be lawful- ly entitled under the agreement to walk off the job If the employer thereupon sought to disci- pline them, it would follow that the employees could sue to enjoin such disciplinary action on the basis of the contract, assuming always that the union takes no further action to induce the employees to strike Thus, by holding the instant clause valid, the courts could be used to protect the very self-help action in support of a con- struction site "hot cargo" clause that Congress clearly intended to prohibit We can see no dif- ference in practical effect in terms of prohibited self-help between a situation where a union in- duces employees to strike after employer viola- tions of a lawful "hot cargo" clause in order to remedy such breach, clearly unlawful action, and a situation where, in order to prevent such a breach, the union tells the employees that if the employer should violate the "hot cargo" clause in the future the employees may cease work with impunity The latter is the effect of Re- spondent's proposed "hot cargo" clause Ac- cordingly, we hold that where, as in this case, a limitation upon contracting at a construction site is intertwined with a provision permitting such self-help as striking or otherwise refusing to perform services, e g, by permitting employees to refrain from working without suffering disci- plinary action, in the event of a breach of the "hot cargo" clause, the clause exceeds the pre- scribed bounds of the first proviso to Section 8(e) and is therefore unlawful Since the Respondents' clauses in issue here are similarly intertwined with self-help provisions per- mitting employees to refuse to perform services for their employer and remain free from disciplinary sanctions,20 we conclude that they are outside the construction industry exemption and are violative of Section 8(e) 21 20 Our dissenting colleague argues that the picket line clauses in the bar gaining agreements of Respondents Laborers Bricklayers and Operating Engineers do not constitute self help provisions because they impose a re striction on the Employers rather than the employees and thus do not contemplate enforcement by strike action sanctioned by these Unions We find the suggested distinction to be meaningless Whether the clauses state that the employees may refuse to cross any picket line or as here the Employers may not request them to do so the import and result is the same employees cannot be disciplined for honoring secondary picket lines 2 Congoleum Industries Inc 197 NLRB 534 (1972) cited by Respon dents for the principle that employee refusals to cross a picket line in front of a reserved gate is protected concerted activity is readily distinguishable In that case the Board specifically noted that the employees refusal had not been alleged or litigated as violative of Sec 8(b)(4) or 8 (e) and that the only Continued 1028 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1 Associated General Contractors of Minnesota and its employer-members involved herein are en- gaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act 2 All four Respondent Unions named in the cap- tion of this Decision and Order are labor organiza- tions within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act 3 By maintaining, giving effect to, and enforcing the picket line clauses in their respective contracts, which on their face protect employees from disci- pline for refusing to cross secondary picket lines, Re- spondents Laborers, Bricklayers, and Operating En- gineers have entered into agreements in violation of Section 8(e) of the Act 4 By maintaining, giving effect to, and enforcing the picket line clauses in their respective contracts, which were interpreted by an arbitrator to protect employees from discipline for refusing to pass through a neutral reserved gate because a primary picket line was stationed elsewhere on the common work situs, Respondents Laborers, Bricklayers, Oper- ating Engineers, and Plumbers have entered into agreements in violation of Section 8(e) of the Act 5 The aforesaid unfair labor practices are unfair labor practices affecting commerce within the mean- ing of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act IV THE REMEDY Having found that the Respondents have engaged in certain unfair labor practices, we shall order that they cease and desist therefrom and take certain af- firmative action designed to effectuate the policies of the Act ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Re- lations Board hereby orders that the Respondents Bricklayers and Stone Masons Union, Local No 2, Bricklayers, Masons and Plasterers' International Union of America, AFL-CIO, Construction and General Laborers Local 563, Laborers' International Union of North America, AFL-CIO, International Union of Operating Engineers, Twin City Local No 49, AFL-CIO, and Plumbers Union Local No 15, United Association of the Plumbing and Pipefittmg Industry of the United States and Canada, AFL- issue before them was whether Section 8(a)(3) prohibits discharges of em ployees for withholding their services because of picketing by a union in which they were not members at their place of employment CIO, Minneapolis and St Paul, Minnesota, their of- ficers, agents, and representatives, shall 1 Cease and desist from entering into, enforcing, or giving effect to the picket line clauses of their re- spective contracts, which were interpreted by an ar- bitrator to permit employees to refuse to pass through a neutral gate under circumstances where there is a primary picket line stationed elsewhere on the jobsite, or any other contract or agreement, ex- press or implied, whereby employers represented by Associated General Contractors of Minnesota agree to cease and refrain from handling, using, selling, transporting, or otherwise dealing in any of the prod- ucts of any other employer, or from doing business with any other person in violation of Section 8(e) of the Act, or agree that employees will not be required to, or will not be disciplined for failing to, perform services for another person, in violation of Section 8(e) of the Act 2 Take the following affirmative action which the Board finds will effectuate the policies of the Act (a) Post at their business offices at Minneapolis and St Paul, Minnesota, copies of the attached no- tice marked "Appendix " 22 Copies of said notice, on forms provided by the Regional Director for Region 18, after being duly signed by representatives of the Respondent Unions, shall be posted by the Unions immediately upon receipt thereof, and be maintained by them for 60 consecutive days thereafter, in con- spicuous places, including all places where notices to members are customarily posted Reasonable steps shall be taken by the Unions to insure that said no- tices are not altered, defaced, or covered by any other material (b) Sign and mail sufficient copies of said notice to the Regional Director for Region 18 for forward- ing to Gunnar I Johnson & Son, Inc , Gorham's Construction Company, Inc , and Design Electric, Inc, for their information and, if they are willing, for posting by them at all locations where notices to their employees are customarily posted (c) Notify the Regional Director for Region 18, in writing, within 20 days from the date of this Order, what steps Respondents have taken to comply here- with MEMBER FANNING, dissenting Contrary to my colleagues, I would dismiss the complaint I do not believe that the picket line clauses in the operative collective-bargaining agreements of Re- 22 In the event that this Order is enforced by a Judgment of a United States Court of Appeals the words in the notice reading Posted by Order of the National Labor Relations Board shall read Posted Pursuant to a Judgment of the United States Court of Appeals Enforcing an Order of the National Labor Relations Board BRICKLAYERS, LOCAL NO 2 1029 spondents Laborers, Bricklayers, and Operating En- gineers are prohibited self-help provisions authoriz- ing unlawful secondary strike action by employees within the meaning of the Board's Greater Muskegon General Contractors decision as enforced by the Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit 23 As explained in the General Counsel's brief, the complaint in this case alleged the following language appearing in each of the picket line clauses to be unlawful The Employers may not request any employee except Watchmen or Supervisory personnel to go through a picket line except to protect life or property As noted by the General Counsel, "[a]bstracted to their essential elements the clauses read `The Em- ployers may not request any employee to go through a picket line ' " As so abstracted, the essential feature of the clauses is the imposition of a restriction upon the Employer, i e, the Employer may not request, instruct, or require employees to go through a picket line It is therefore not a self-help provision Assuming for the purposes of argument 24 that the restriction applies to requests to pass through an unlawful secondary picket line established by an- other union, it is nevertheless protected by the sec- ond proviso to Section 8(e) As the clauses restrict employer action, they are amenable to judicial en- forcement, and hence do not contemplate enforce- ment by strike action sanctioned in advance 25 They are, therefore, not unlawful on their face The foregoing also necessarily is dispositive of the complaint allegation that these clauses as construed by Arbitrator Gallagher are unlawful Even accept- ing my colleagues' apparent conclusion that Arbitra- tor Gallagher's construction of the clauses makes 23 N L R B v Muskegon Bricklayers Union #5 Bricklayers Masons and Plasterers International Union of America (AFL-CIO) [Greater Muskegon General Contractors Association] 378 F 2d 859 (C A 6 1967) enfg 152 NLRB 360 (1965) 24 These clauses were construed oy Arbitrator Thomas Gallagher as ap plying to primary picket lines He found that picketing at a reserved gate on the project was lawful primary picketing and that the employees represented by the Respondents who were required to enter the project through another gate could each decide for himself whether or not the picketing extended to his gate though the gate was not actually picketed My colleagues reject his reasoning and conclude that so construed the clauses applied to unlawful secondary picket lines as well as primary picket lines I need not reach that issue here but I have elsewhere noted my disagreement with my colleagues views that the principles of Local 761 International Union of Electrical Ra dio and Machine Workers AFL-CIO [General Electric Company] v N L R B 366 U S 667 (1961) and United Steelworkers of America AFL- CIO [Carrier Corporation] v N L R B 376 U S 492 (1964) do not apply to the construction industry See Building and Construction Trades Council of New Orleans AFL-CIO (Markwell and Hartz Inc) 155 NLRB 319 (1965) 25 N L R B v Muskegon Bricklayers Union #5 supra at 864 It is undis puted that the employees Unions and Employers involved herein are en gaged in the building and construction industry and that the collective bargaining agreements and clauses in question apply to onsite work them applicable to secondary picket lines, the fact remains that the proviso to Section 8(e) has been in- terpreted by the Supreme Court as a measure designed to allow agreements pertaining to certain secondary activities on the construction site because of the close commu- nity of interests there, but to ban secondary ob- jective agreements concerning nonjobsite work, in which respect the construction industry is no different from any other [National Woodwork Manufacturers Association v N L R B, 386 U S 612, 638-639 (1967) ] And, as the Court has observed more recently in Connell Construction Co, Inc v Plumbers & Steam fitters Local Union No 100, United Association of Journeymen & Apprentices of the Plumbing & Pipefit ting Industry of the United States and Canada, AFL- CIO, 421 U S 616, 630 (1975) Other courts have suggested that it serves an even narrower function [T]he purpose of the section 8(e) proviso was to alleviate the frictions that may arise when union men work continuously alongside non- union men on the same construction site Even under this narrower view, unions in the build- ing and construction industry have a legitimate inter- est in negotiating agreements with employers provid- ing that the employees they represent will not be required to work continuously with nonunion em- ployees at that project 26 Though they may not en- force such agreements by means proscribed by Sec- tion 8(b)(4)(B), they may, as the Respondents did here, have such agreements enforced in arbitration and court proceedings I would also dismiss the complaint against Re- spondent Plumbers The Plumbers clause provides that a "refusal to pass through a lawfully permitted picket line will not constitute a violation of the Agreement " The clause, rather than placing a restriction on the Employer's right to request or instruct employees to work or pass through a picket line, gives the employees the right to refuse to pass through the picket line without this action being deemed a violation of the agreement As construed by the arbitrator, the clause gives the em- ployees the right to decide that the picketing, though confined to the Design Electric gate, did in fact ex- tend to the other gate through which they had to pass to go to work As thus construed, the clause, in my colleagues' view, authorizes a refusal to pass through a secondary picket line, a refusal which is not pro- tected by the second proviso to Section 8(e) because 26 Drivers Salesmen Warehousemen etc Local 695 IBT [Threlfall Con struction Co ] v N L R B 361 F 2d 547 (C A D C 1966) 1030 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD the refusal to pass through is itself tantamount to a union-induced strike, albeit, a strike sanctioned in advance That is, of course, the reasoning of the Board and the court of appeals in the Greater Muskegon General Contractors decisions In my dissent in that case, I noted my disagreement with such reasoning With due respect for the views of my colleagues and the court of appeals, I remain of the opinion that there is a significant practical and legal difference between such independent self-help and union-induced self- help The clause recognizes the employee's right to refrain from going to work, it does not require him to refrain nor direct him to refrain It may be unlikely as to one employee that he will go to work unless instructed to do so by his union It may be unlikely as to another that he will refuse to go to work unless induced to such action by his union The fact re- mains that there is no allegation that Respondent Plumbers unlawfully induced its members to refrain from going to work Even if there were such allega- tion and evidence to support it, all that would be made out would be the violation of Section 8(b)(4)(B) relative to the enforcement of the clause, the clause itself would not become invalid The difficulty with my colleagues' argument is, as noted by Judge Aldrich for the First Circuit in N L R B v Local 217, United Association of Journey- men and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipefitting Industry of the US and Canada, AFL-CIO [Carvel Company], that section 8(b)(4)(B) does not prohibit all forms of economic self-help This section makes it an unfair labor practice only "for a labor orga- nization or its agents to engage in, or to induce or encourage any [employees] to engage in a strike or a refusal [to work] A requisite to its application is that "employees must be in- duced " Sand Door, supra 357 U S at 98 We think it implicit in the Court's opinion, see particularly pages 98-99 that a totally self- generated cessation of work by Carvel's employ- ees would not be proscribed [361 F 2d 161, 163 (1966), denying enforcement in pertinent part of 152 NLRB 1672 (1965) ] I have had occasion to note before,27 that the Union, once it has secured the employees' right to refuse to cross a picket line, will feel more free to induce its members to exercise their contractual right But such inducement is neither sanctioned by the contract nor, by virtue of the right secured to employees, exempted from the provisions of Section 8(b)(4)(B) Therefore, the clause cannot be said to sanction such prohibited conduct, nor does its existence constitute prima facie evidence of prohibited inducement of employees to exercise the right secured by the clause "If the [Plumbers] could not bargain for a clause permitting independent employee action not prohibited by sec- tion 8(b)(4), such action would be a violation of the collective bargaining agreement, leaving the employ- ees unprotected, and their right to take such actions largely illusory " N L R B v Local 217, Plumbers, 361 F 2d at 164, fn 7 27 Greater Muskegon General Contractors supra APPENDIX A NOTICE TO MEMBERS AND EMPLOYEES POSTED BY ORDER OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD An Agency of the United States Government WE WILL NOT enter into, give effect to, or en- force or threaten to enforce the picket line claus- es of our respective contracts, which were inter- preted by an arbitrator to permit employees to refuse to pass through a neutral gate under cir- cumstances where there is a primary picket line stationed elsewhere on the jobsite, or any other contract or agreement, express or implied, whereby employers represented by Associated General Contractors of Minnesota agree to cease and refrain from handling, using, selling, transporting, or otherwise dealing in any of the products of any other employer, or from doing business with any other person in violation of Section 8(e) of the Act, or agrees that employees will not be required to, or will not be disciplined for failing to, perform services for another per- son, in violation of Section 8(e) of the Act Inasmuch as the Plumbers clause does not grant a contractual right to Respondent Plumbers to induce its members not to cross a picket line, secondary or otherwise, but merely provides that their refusal to do so does not constitute a violation of the collective- bargaining agreement, it does not, contrary to my colleagues, recognize or give the Plumbers a right to engage in such actions Of course, it may well be, as BRICKLAYERS AND STONE MASONS UNION, LOCAL No 2, BRICKLAYERS, MASONS AND PLASTERERS' INTERNATIONAL UNION OF AMERICA, AFL-CIO CONSTRUCTION AND GENERAL LABORERS LOCAL 563, LABORERS' INTERNATIONAL UNION OF NORTH AMERICA, AFL-CIO BRICKLAYERS LOCAL NO 2 1031 INTERNATIONAL UNION OF OPERATING ENGINEERS , TWIN CITY LOCAL No 49, AFL- CIO PLUMBERS UNION LOCAL No 15, UNITED ASSOCIATION OF THE PLUMBING AND PIPEFITTING INDUSTRY OF THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA, AFL-CIO APPENDIX B [p 6] The chief issue to be decided in these arbitra- tion proceedings is whether the picket line provisions of the agreements permit these neutral employees to refuse to work because of an area standards banner on the job even when that banner is posted at a gate separated from the entrance reserved for the neutral employees [p 8] First, the employers argue that there is no picket line at the Johnson-Gorham gate because the picket- ing is restricted to the separate gate of Design, if no picket line exists at the Johnson-Gorham gate, the picket line clause does not protest this work stop- page This argument is based on the principles of Moore Dry Dock Co, 92 NLRB 547 (1950), and cases following that decision The Moore Dry Dock criteria were developed by the NLRB and the courts to determine whether picketing at common situs situ- ations is limited by the picketing union so as to re- strict its effect to the extent possible to the employer being picketed If the picketing union uses limita- tions as to the time and place of its picketing and directs its banner toward the picketed employer, the fact that such limitations have been adopted by the picketing union will evidence to the courts that the intent of the picketing union is primary and lawful and not secondary and in violation of Section 8(b) of the National Labor Relations Act In NLRB v Inter national Hod Carriers, 285 F 2d 397 (1960), the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals said "It must be remembered that these [Moore Dry Dock] tests were set up for the purpose of de- termining the character of the picketing, that they are evidentiary in nature, and they are to be employed in the absence of more direct evidence of the intent and purposes of the labor organiza- tion " When separate gates are established on a job site, the fact that the picketing union limits it picketing to the gate established for the primary employer is a fact from which an inference of no unlawful second- ary intent may be drawn This inference may be drawn even if, through no complicity by the picket- ing union, the neutral employees honor the picket line Congoleum Industries, Inc, 197 NLRB 534, (1972) Here Design sought to have Local 110 charged by the National Labor Relations Board with a second- ary boycott violation of the National Labor Rela- tions Act, i e, a violation of Section 8(b)(4)(i)( ii)(B) The Local Division of the NLRB refused so to charge An appeal to the General Counsel of the NLRB sustained the refusal to charge stating that insufficient basis existed to find that Local 110 was motivated by a secondary objective In addition, the testimony of the business representative of Local 110 before the arbitrators established that after separate gates had been established on the sites, Local 110 restricted its picketing to the Design gate and that its picketing did not have the secondary objective of forcing the neutral employers, Johnson and Gorham, to cease doing business with the primary employer, Design The employers here theorize that, because Local 110 has limited its picketing in such a way as to meet the criteria of Moore Dry Dock by picketing only at the Design gate, of necessity the Johnson- Gorham gate is free of picketing None of the cases following Moore Dry DocK hold that the neutral gate is free from picketing in deciding whether the Moore Dry Dock criteria have been met The issue before the courts in those cases is whether the picketing union has evidenced by the manner of its picketing an illegal secondary objective Moore Dry Dock cases, therefore, do not decide that no picketing ex- ists at the neutral gate, they decide only that a pick- eting union is tainted or free of the secondary objec- tive made illegal by the National Labor Relations Act Thus the case law cannot be used to support the proposition that no picket line exists at the Johnson- Gorham gate In the absence of a determination of the issue as a matter of law the question whether a picket line exists is one of fact The evidence present- ed at the hearing established that the individual em- ployees resolved that question of fact by deciding that the picket observed was a picket that they would honor Professor Clyde Sommers, a professor of Labor Law at the University of Yale Law School on tempo- rary assignment at the University of Minnesota Law School, testified as an expert witness that the pres- ence of an area standards sign accompanied by a man bearing that sign constitutes a picket or a picket line He also testified that depending upon local practice individual employees may or may not honor such a picket line even though it is limited, as the neutral arbitrator finds here, to a gate reserved for the primary employer The weight of evidence pro- 1032 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD duced at the hearing established that the decision to honor the Local 110 picket line was an individual decision and not one induced by any activity of Lo- cal 110 or of the unions which are parties to this proceeding The neutral arbitrator finds, therefore, that the decision to regard the Local 110 banner as a picket line affecting them was a decision made by the individual employees who refused to work and that the decision was one that they might reasonably make under these circumstances The employees themselves have decided that a picket line exists even at the neutral gate The neutral arbitrator holds that the picket line clause protects that decision as one reasonably made and not contrary to law The employers make the additional argument that the picket line clauses are "hot cargo" clauses, pro- hibited by Section 8(e) of the National Labor Rela- tions Act This question is dealt with in Truck Drivers v NLRB, 334 F 2d 539, cert denied 379 U S 916, 85 S Ct 264 In an extensive discussion of Section 8(e) of the LRMA and the legislative history leading to its adoption by the Landrum-Griffin Act in 1959, the Court determined that Section 8(e) proscribed picket line clauses which protect the honoring of illegal or secondary picket lines "Since `appealing to neutral employees whose tasks aid the employer's everyday operations' is a `traditional primary activity,' primary picketing retains its primary characteristics even though it induces deliverymen to refuse to cross the line Thus it seems clear that refusal to cross a lawful primary picket line, absent demonstrat- ed secondary intent, is itself primary, and as such falls outside the Act's proscriptions against secondary activity [citations omitted] Since Sec- tion 8(e) is limited to secondary activity, a provi- sion in the bargaining agreement immunizing the exercise of this protected right against em- ployer discipline does not violate it " As discussed previously the action of Local 110 is protected primary activity both as established in the evidence presented in this hearing and by the refusal of the National Labor Relations Board to charge a violation of Section 8(b)(4)(i)(u)(B) Because the Lo- cal 110 picket line is primary, the picket line clauses may be used to protect the individual decision of neutral employees to honor it In NLRB v Local 217, Plumbers, 361 F 2d 160 (C A 1, 1966), the Court dis- tinguished between the use of a picket line clause to protect economic action induced by a labor organi- zation and the use of a picket line clause to protect a work stoppage which occurs spontaneously by indi- vidual employees The former use would be a viola- tion of Section 8(e) and the latter would not Although the distinction made by the First Circuit in Local 217, Plumbers is dictum, it is the only pro- nouncement available in the courts as to the applica- tion of Section 8(e) in circumstances where, as here, the employees simply respond to the picket line by ceasing to work without inducement by a labor orga- nization The neutral arbitrator holds, therefore, that the picket line clauses contained in these agreements protect the voluntary decisions of individual employ- ees not to work in the presence of the Local 110 ban- ner and that when so used they are not violative of Section 8(e) of the Act AWARD The decision of the employees of Johnson and Gorham not to work in the presence of the Local 110 banner was protected under the picket line clauses of their respective labor agreements and therefore did not violate the no strike obligations created by those agreements The assents of the unions' arbitrators, Samuel I Sigal and Stephen D Gordon, and the dissent of the employers' arbitrator, A Patrick Leighton, are noted Thomas Gallagher Neutral Arbitrator Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation