Botany Industries, Inc.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsJun 20, 1968171 N.L.R.B. 1590 (N.L.R.B. 1968) Copy Citation 1590 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Botany Industries , Inc. (Baltimore Luggage Co. Division) and International Leather Goods, Plastic & Novelty Workers' Union, AFL-CIO. Case 5-CA-3598 June 20, 1968 DECISION AND ORDER On February 16, 1967, Trial Examiner A. Nor- man Somers issued his Decision in the above-enti- tled proceeding, finding that the Respondent had engaged in and was engaging in certain unfair labor practices and recommending that it cease and de- sist therefrom and take certain affirmative action, as set forth in the attached Trial Examiner's Deci- sion . Thereafter, the Respondent filed exceptions and a supporting brief. The Board has reviewed the rulings of the Trial Examiner made at the hearing and finds that no prejudicial error was committed. The rulings are hereby affirmed. The Board has considered the Trial Examiner's Decision, the exceptions and briefs, and the entire record in the case, and hereby adopts the findings, conclusions, and recommenda- tions of the Trial Examiner, as modified herein. We agree with the Trial Examiner for the reasons stated by him that the discharge of the lining de- partment employees violated Section 8(a)(1). We also agree that the reinstatement and backpay remedial measures recommended by the Trial Ex- aminer are appropriate in this case. At the time of the discharge the employees had not yet decided what action they would take. They had not struck when the Respondent had them punched out. For this reason, i.e., that the employees did not stand in the position of strikers, we do not think it signifi- cant that their request for reinstatement added the condition that they sought backpay. As employees wrongfully discharged they were in fact entitled to such backpay. But even were we to hold them strikers, the Respondent cannot rely on the alleged condition because it simply refused to answer their request, and gave no indication that it was basing the refusal to reinstate on the ground that the rein- statement demand was coupled with a request for backpay. See Colecraft Manufacturing Company, Inc. v. N.L.R.B., 385 F.2d 998 (C.A. 2), and N.L.R.B. v. Comfort, Inc., 365 F.2d 867, 877-878 (C.A. 8). The Respondent's failure to reply, com- bined with its earlier precipitate action in discharg- ing the employees, made it clear that it would be futile for the employees to reapply for reinstate- ment under any circumstances. ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board adopts as its Order the Recom- mended Order of the Trial Examiner as modified below and hereby orders that the Respondent, Botany Industries, Inc. (Baltimore Luggage Co. Division), Baltimore, Maryland, its officers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall take the action set forth in the Trial Examiner's Recommended Order, as so modified: 1. Add the following as paragraph 2(f), and re- letter the following paragraph accordingly: "(f) Notify the above-named employees if presently serving in the Armed Forces of the United States of their right to full reinstatement upon application in accordance with the Selective Service Act and the Universal Military Training and Service Act, as amended, after discharge from the Armed Forces. 2. Add the following immediately below the signature line of the Appendix attached to the Trial Examiner's Decision: Note: We will notify the above-named em- ployees if presently serving in the Armed Forces of the United States of their right to full reinstatement upon application in accordance with the Selective Service Act and the Univer- sal Military Training and Service Act, as amended, after discharge from the Armed Forces. TRIAL EXAMINER'S DECISION STATEMENT OF THE CASE A. NORMAN SOMERS, Trial Examiner: This case, with all parties represented, was heard before me in Baltimore , Maryland, on November 28 and 29, 1966, on complaint of the General Counsel ( issued October 17, 1966, on charges filed by the Union on September 8 and 15, 1966) alleging violations by Respondent of Section 8(a)(1), (3), and (5) of the Act. The parties waived oral argument and have filed well documented briefs, which have been carefully considered. Upon the entire record' and my observation of the witnesses, I make the follow- ing: FINDINGS OF FACT I. THE BUSINESS OF THE EMPLOYER Respondent, a Maryland corporation, is engaged at its plant in Baltimore in making and selling lug- ' As corrected by an Order and Supplemental Order issued on notice to the parties and added to the record as TX Exhs. 2A and 2B. 171 NLRB No. 191 BOTANY INDUSTRIES, INC. 1591 gage . It annually ships out of the State over $50,000 worth of its product, and receives at least $50,000 worth of materials from outside the State. Respondent does not dispute and I find that it is en- gaged in interstate commerce within the meaning of the Act. II. THE LABOR ORGANIZATION INVOLVED The Charging Party, International Leather Goods & Plastic Novelty Workers' Union, AFL-CIO (the Union), is a labor organization within the meaning of the Act. III. THE ALLEGED UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES A. The Issues Respondent is accused of having, in violation of Section 8(a)(5) and (1) of the Act, instituted a wage change unilaterally in disregard of its obliga- tion to notify and consult the Union as the em- ployees' exclusive bargaining representative under a certification issued to it after winning an election in a Section 9 representation proceeding. Respon- dent is further accused of having, in violation of Section 8(a)(3) and (1), discharged seven em- ployees who concertedly suspended work in the course of a protest and a demand for an explana- tion of the change in wage rate. B. Unilateral Change in Wage Rates in Disregard of Union's Exclusive Bar aining Status under its Certification The parties agree that in an election held in 1965 in a Section 9 representation proceeding (Case 5-RC-5265), the Union polled a majority of the votes in an appropriate unit consisting of Respon- dent's production and maintenance employees; and that on January 24, 1966, the Board issued to the Union a certification as exclusive collective-bar- gaining representative of these employees. It is also agreed that Respondent, on September 1 effective September 6, 1966, during the currency of the cer- tification, without first notifying or consulting with the certified Union, changed the wage rates of 121 employees in the unit, those of 101 being raised and those of 20 piecework employees, all in the Amelia Earhart division, being lowered. (The com- plaint alleged as the 8(a)(5) and (1) violation the reduction in the piecework rates of the Earhart division emloyees. The amplifying datum that this was part of a general revision of rates throughout the unit as above described came at the outset of the case from Samuel J. Holtzman, vice president of Respondent, whose testimony on that point (as the opening witness called by the General Counsel) is not in dispute. The sole basis of the General Counsel's attack on the reduction of the rates of the Earhart division employees was that it was made unilaterally. That infirmity would attach to the revisions throughout the unit, and the 8(a)(5) issue as thus refined in the record applies to all the changes. It is true that the protest over it which cu- liminated in the discharge of seven employees came from the ranks of those whose rates were lowered, but that bears on the other phase of this case.) In its answer and during the hearing, Respondent averred that its unilateral action was part of its general refusal to bargain with the Union to test the validity of the certification; and that there was pending before the Board on direct submission by the parties to it, another unfair labor practice proceeding (Case 5-CA-3411), which presented the issue of whether the admitted general refusal on the part of the Respondent to bargain with the Union on request since February 7, 1966, was a violation of Section 8(a)(5) and (1). As to this last, Respondent disputed that its refusal constituted such a violation because, as Respondent claimed, the Board in the certification proceeding had erred in overruling Respondent's exceptions to the Re- gional Director's Report on its objections to the conduct of the election. (The Respondent's objec- tion was to the effect that the Union's preelection campaign was tainted by improper appeals to Respondent's employees on racial grounds.) Respondent urged that since the matter before me raised the identical issue concerning the validity of the certification which was then pending in the other case on direct submission to the Board, it would be improvident for me to rule on the 8(a)(5) issue before the Board decided the case then pend- ing before it. Time has now taken care of this plea in abate- ment. The Board, on January 27, 1967, rendered its decision in the other case (Baltimore Luggage Co., 162 NLRB 1230) explicating the basis for its over- ruling the Respondent in the certification proceed- ing and reaffirming the certification issued to the Union. The Board there found the admitted refusal to bargain with the Union to be a violation of Sec- tion 8(a)(5) and (1) of the Act and rendered the usual bargaining order. The Board's decision controls this phase of the case. It follows that by changing the wage rates of the employees in the bargaining unit without notify- ing or consulting with the certified Union, Respon- dent breached its duty to bargain collectively with the Union, thereby violating Section 8(a)(5) and (1) of the Act. N.L.R.B. v. Benne Katz, 369 U.S. 736. C. The Announcement of the Change in Wage Rate and the Discharge of Seven Employees Arising Out of the Ensuing Protest 1. The "background " of prior litigation involving this Respondent and Charging Union The General Counsel asks that I take official notice of the decided cases in prior litigation in- 1592 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD volving the same Respondent and Charging Union.2 In Baltimore I, supra, fn. 2, Respondent was found to have used a variety of repressive measures short of actual discharge to thwart this Union 's efforts to organize Respondent 's employees . In Baltimore II, ibid., Respondent was again found to have resorted to illegal means to thwart the Union's revived effort in 1965 to organize its employees . (That campaign culminated in the very certification of the Union in Case 5-RC-5265, which Respondent has been seeking to upset here and in Case 5-CA-3411, de- cided January 27, 1967). In Baltimore II, Respon- dent 's dominant antagonist against the Union, as there found , was Vice President Holtzman , the ex- ecutive who terminated the employment of the seven employees in this case . Also noted ( though for reasons later amplified , it does not have quite the significance the General Counsel and the Union here claim for it) is that three of the discharged em- ployees (Sylvia Lee, Gertrude Wilson, and Fannie Stovall ) were among those mentioned by the Union in a letter to Holtzman at the outset of the 1965 campaign as comprising its organizing committee, and two of them (Lee and Wilson) testified at the hearing in the 1965 case implicating Holtzman in antiunion activities . (The decision in Baltimore II indicates that Holtzman specifically pointed out Lee and another employee ( not here involved) to their foreman as the "troublemakers " in his depart- ment.) 2. The sequence on the morning of September 2 from the employees' observation of the notice of the rate change to the discharge of the seven employees The first communication to the employees of the change in wage rate was a notice which was await- ing them near the timeclock when they reported for work on the morning of Friday, September 2, some time before 8. Over the signature of Samuel J. Holtzman, it read: The periodic review of job classification base rates and piecework rates throughout the plant have been completed. Most of the piecework rates have been ad- justed and the nonpiecework rates to become effective Tuesday, September 6th have been posted in each department. The base rates for all operations have been in- creased; the increases range from 6 cents to 15 cents per hour. In the Lady Baltimore Division, these increases have resulted in higher piecework rates in every case. In the Amelia Earhart Division, some piecework rates are lower due to the fact that increases in the standard number of cases per hour (because of operation changes and higher production) has more than offset the increase in base rate. Please see your foreman if you have any questions after reviewing the new piecework rates posted in your department. The Earhart division, whose piecework rates were reduced by the change, consists of a little over 20 employees. They are divided into several depart- ments. One of these is the lining department, in which all the seven employees discharged later that morning worked.' Sylvia Lee, as the glue machine operator, performed the first step in the lining de- partment's work, and her day began somewhat earlier than the others. After reading the notice, she went to her work place and set her machine up with glue. When the others in her lining department arrived, she called attention to the notice. At Lee's and Fannie Stovall's suggestion, the lining depart- ment employees went to where the newly instituted rates for the Earhart division were posted. The length of employment of these persons ranged from 2 to 4 years, and this was their first experience with a posted change that affected them. Some did not understand the new schedule and its multiple breakdowns. Others saw in it a sizeable cut in their pay. And all wondered why the cut was made and what it meant. They encountered Robert Wissman, their foreman, and he said the cut was because the Earhart employees "had been on the gravy train long enough" and he did not see why they should make more than the employees in the Lady Bal- timore division. He said he would give them a fuller explanation at the end of the day or before the next working day, when the new rate would go into ef- fect. At this stage, the 7:55 starting bell rang and the employees started back toward the working area. However, some 15 or 20 employees, consist- ing of the 7 in the lining department here involved and of employees in the adjoining hardware depart- ment , continued to discuss the cut in the piecework rates of the Earhart division. Sylvia Lee called to Foreman Wissman, who came by twice, and at 8:05 he responded after being called a third time. The questions came from the employees in the lining department. Fannie Stovall asked Wissman why the piecework rate of the Earhart employees had been cut. Wissman re- peated the "gravy train" response, stating that their rates would be made "standard" with the Lady Bal- timore division by bringing their rates down and those of Lady Baltimore up. Wissman added that the Earhart group would still earn as much overall ' Baltimore Luggage Co, 126 NLRB 1204 (Baltimore 1); 158 NLRB 33 (Baltimore /I). 3 The seven discharged employees are- Sylvia Lee, Gertrude Wilson, Fannie Stovall , lantha Graves , Dorothy Harper , Shirley Wright , and Mary Roberts. BOTANY INDUSTRIES , INC. 1593 as before because they would be given more work. But, as one of them testified , they did not see why they should do more work for no more pay. Wiss- man, stating that he had production to get out that day, asked the employees to resume work , and said he would explain the change to them after hours that day or before hours the next workday, Tuesday, when the rate would go into effect. The employees did not deem this practical because they do not all finish their day's work at the same time (the variance being usually from 15 to 20 minutes and sometimes longer ), and in fact there never had been a meeting between management and em- ployees after hours before . Also, as one of them put it, "Mr . Wissman is very hard to find ." Further, prior meetings had customarily been during work hours . These had been devoted to production problems, but in one instance Holtzman, before the election of 1965, held a meeting during working hours "telling us [as a reason for not having a union] that we were more like a family and ... we should be able to work out things among our- selves ." So they continued their efforts to receive a comprehensible explanation from Wissman . He said it was all done with IBM machines , and the decision had been made by management. At this point Vice President Holtzman made his appearance . He called Wissman aside and spoke to him privately . Holtzman and Wissman first proceeded to the hardware department . Holtzman asked one employee in that department , "Are you going to work or are you getting out?" She went back to work. Holtzman then spoke individually to two other employees in the hardware department. They too returned to work and the employees in the hardware department no longer figured in the day's events . " Holtzman and Wissman then went on to the lining department . Wissman spoke first to two of the four employees (i.e., the "liners") whose task was to pick up the materials glued by Sylvia Lee and to put them in the cases.' Wissman placed a case in front of liner Shirley Wright and asked if she was going to work . She did not reply. He asked liner Dorothy Harper the same and she did not reply . ( Harper testified that "we decided that we would wait until we got an explanation from Bob Wissman before we started to work .") Wissman asked the same of Sylvia Lee , and she replied she had gotten her work out ( i.e., glued and laid out the material for the liners to pick up , supra , fn. 5). Wissman then called out to liner Fannie Stovall and asked her if she would work . Holtzman thereupon shouted , "Never mind about her , Get her out of here , punch her out. As a matter of fact , get them all out of here, punch them all out ." All seven (supra , fn. 3) then rose and picked up their hand- bags. As they filed out , Holtzman told Wissman, "Punch their cards and get them out of here. If they 're not going to work , get them out of here. Get them all out of here ." The seven then changed out of their working clothes . By the time they reached the end of the hall, Wissman had already punched them out. This being payday, they were lined up to receive their pay for the preceding week . Holtzman approached lantha Graves , the inspector (supra, fn. 5), and asked if she would work . She indicated she could not work the line herself , to which Holtzman replied, "Never mind about the others . We can find something for you to do ." Graves made no reply. She testified her reason ( apart from the fact that there was nothing on the floor that yielded her an equivalent compensation ) was that the cut in the piecework rate had not been explained to them and that Holtzman's order to "get them all out of here" applied to all who insisted on an explanation.6 A week later , on September 9, the group called for their final week 's pay . Meanwhile one of them, Mary Roberts, had on September 6 applied in- dividually for reinstatement . She was told to report on the 13th , and has been on the job ever since. The Union , on September 7, wrote Respondent de- manding reinstatement of all seven with backpay. Respondent did not reply , nor did it mention the letter to the discharged employees when they called for their pay on the 9th. Wissman then handed each of them a slip with the words in red letters , " Volun- tarily quit ." When they demurred to this as untrue, Wissman said they were merely acknowledging pay- ment . They signed the pay slips and have not been reinstated since. 3. Respondent 's shift in position From the time Respondent used the expression "voluntarily quit" on the pay slips handed the discharged employees , it persisted in its assertion that such indeed was the fact . At contested hearings before the Maryland Department of Em- ployment Security, Respondent , as it admitted on the record in this case , resisted the claims of the ' The three in the hardware department included Anne Ford and Beatrice Kearney . They too had been on the Union 's 1965 organizing com- mittee , and Kearney had testified in the 1965 case , as had Sylvia Lee and Gertrude Wilson of the lining department. ' The operating sequence was as follows - Sylvia Lee would run the materials through the glue machine and lay them out to be picked up and put into the cases by the four liners ( Shirley Wright , Dorothy Harper, Fan- nie Stovall , and Mary Roberts) If not picked up within seconds, the glue on the material would run dry , and in addition, Sylvia Lee would have no place in which to lay out newly glued material . As to the remaining two, Gertrude Wilson drove power screws into the tie tapes which bound the lining, and lantha Graves inspected the work Thus if the four liners did not perform their jobs, neither could Lee, Wilson, and Graves perform theirs 6 The girls had not yet abandoned their quest for an explanation. One of them remarked that by enlisting the sympathies of the girls in the cafeteria (which was in the path from the dressing room to the end of the building), Holtzman could be induced to give them an explanation Another asked Foreman Wissman if they could ask Holtzman to come to the cafeteria and give them an explanation Wissman did not reply Some of the group went on to the shipping department where the illness of a male employee had at- tracted other employees Holtzman called for the employees to make room for an awaited ambulance On seeing the dischargees , he ordered them to get off the property or he would call the police. 1594 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD nonreinstated employees to unemployment com- pensation on the ground that they had "voluntarily quit."' In its answer to the complaint in the instant case (par. 6), Respondent expressly denied that it had discharged these employees and averred that "each and every one of such employees voluntarily quit." At the hearing in this case, Respondent's cross-examination of the General Counsel's wit- nesses (the six nonreinstated complainants) was ex- tensively devoted to seeking admissions which would support Respondent's defense that they had not been discharged but had "voluntarily quit." In- deed, the only exhibit introduced by Respondent during the hearing was a rough sketch of the lining department area and of the approximate locations of its employees, calculated to support the sug- gestion it was then making that Holtzman's "get them out of here" was not directed to all seven. After the General Counsel rested his case, Respondent, requested that the hearing go over to the following morning because his then contem- plated first witness would probably still be on direct by the regular adjournment time. This was granted without objection. On resumption the following morning, Respondent moved to amend its defense concerning the seven terminated employees (par. 6) as follows: The Respondent and or its Vice President, Plant Supervisor, did discharge the employees on September 2, 1966 because said employees engaged in unprotected activites. The motion to amend was granted over the ob- jections of the General Counsel and the Union. Respondent thereupon rested without introducing any testimony or evidence of its own. The evidence previously summarized thus came (after prelimina- ry testimony elicited at the outset from Vice Pre- sident Holtzman by the General Counsel) solely from the six nonreinstated complainants, i.e., those other than Mary Roberts. 4. Conclusions concerning the discharges a. The protected character of the activity from which the employees were discharged ' The Charging Union has attached to its brief a copy of a decision rendered on the unemployment compensation claims by the Appeals Referee of the Maryland Department of Employment Security on December 23, 1966 (after the hearing in this case ), showing how Respon- dent 's plea of" voluntarily quit" fared at the initial and appellate adjudica- tive levels there On January 17, 1967,1 wrote the parties asking why I may not take official notice of the decision , as requested in the Union's brief. Respondent 's counsel sent a letter in opposition dated January 23, and union counsel sent a letter in reply dated January 24 Since I neither rely on nor make any further reference to that decision , the matter is academic However , insofar as my opinion concerning the matter may have some per- tinence on review ( if this case reached such a stage ), I would state that Respondent 's letter in opposition does not dispute the authenticity of the decision of which the attachment to the Union's brief is purportedly a copy, and Respondent's grounds in opposition are not an adequate basis for denying competency to the decision as a subject of official notice 1 have in- cluded the three letters ( mine, Respondent 's and the Union's) as TX Exhs. 3A, 3B, and 3C, respectively-the record being hereby reopened for that limited purpose. "American Mfg Co , Inc v N L R B , 106 F 2d 61 (C A 2), modified Dispositive of this issue is that the reduction in the rates of the protesting employees was made in disregard of Respondent's obligation to notify and consult their statutory bargaining representative. Hence , the discharge of the seven employees for a temporary stoppage of work in protest against this illegal step was an invasion of their rights as pro- tected by Section 7 of the Act.8 The result would be the same even if this issue were considered on Respondent's premise-that the certification of the Union was invalid and hence that Respondent acted within its rights in making the change unilaterally. In that instance, the em- ployees correspondingly acted within their rights in concertedly protesting the change and temporarily suspending work while demanding a clarifying ex- planation. In so doing they were engaging in con- certed activities for their "mutual aid or protec- tion" within the guarantees of Section 7, and by discharging them for it Respondent infringed upon that right, thereby violating Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. This proposition is so well established that it would not ordinarily be necessary to cite the rather formidable array of judicial authority supporting it.9 The reason for citing supporting authority is that Respondent, relying upon N.L.R.B. v. Condenser Corp., 128 F.2d 67, 77 (C.A. 3), urges that the protected character of the employees' stoppage ended when Foreman Wissman promised that he would elaborate upon his "gravy train" explanation at a later time. The court that decided the Con- denser case later decided N.L.R.B. v. Kennametal, Inc., supra, fn. 9, which contains a leading and oft quoted exposition of the interveningly developed doctrine that a temporary work stoppage in protest over a grievance is no less protected than an all-out strike . Judge Goodrich, who wrote the opinion in both cases, was at pains to limit Condenser to its facts. There the employees involved stopped work in the morning to press a grievance to their foreman over failure to receive a raise, then resumed work in agreement with the foreman's proposal that they wait until the end of the day, when he would have an answer from his superior, on another ground 309 U.S 16; Carter Carburetor Corp, 140 F 2d 714 (C.A. 8) 9 See, e g , N L R.B v Kennametal, Inc, 182 F.2d 817 (C.A. 3), 19 ALR 2d 560; Time-O-Matic, Inc. v. N L.R.B., 264 F.2d 96 (C.A. 7); Gullett Gin Company v N.L.R.B , 179 F.2d 499 (C.A. 5) (reversed on another point to which cert. had been limited on the Board 's own petition , 340 U.S. 361), Kitty Clover, Inc. v. N.L.R.B., 208 F 2d 212 (C.A. 8); N.L.R.B. v. Southern Silk Mills, 209 F 2d 155 (C A. 6), cert. denied 347 U.S. 976, N.L.R B. v. J. I Case Company, 198 F.2d 919 (C A. 8), cert denied 345 U S 917; Mod- ern Motors, Inc v N.L.R B, 198 F.2d 925 (C.A. 8); N L R.B. v Solo Cup Company, 237, F 2d 521,525-526 (C.A. 8); N L R.B. v. Globe Wire- less Ltd., 193 F.2d 748 (C.A. 9); Olin Industries v N L.R B., 191 F 2d 613,615-616 (C.A. 5); N.L.R.B. v. Cowles Publication Company, 214 F.2d 708, 710 (C.A 9), cert. denied 348 U.S. 876; N.L.R.B. v. Greensboro Coca Cola Bottling Company, 180 F.2d 840, 843 (C.A 4), Summit Mining Cor- poration v. N.L.R B., 260 F.2d 984, 987 (C.A. 3); N.L.R.B. v. McCatron, 216 F.2d 212, 215 (C.A 9), cert. denied 348 U.S. 943; Cusano v. N.L.R.B., 190 F.2d 898, 902 (C.A 3); Staub Cleaners, Inc, 148 NLRB 278, enfd. as to this , but remanded on another point 357 F.2d 1 (C.A. 2). BOTANY INDUSTRIES , INC. 1595 and then in the middle of the day , changed their minds and stopped work again to press the same grievance . This (decided in the period of the development of that phase of the law which distin- guished between lawful all-out strikes and unpro- tected measures such as sit-down strikes and em- ployees continuing on the jobs on their own terms) was analogized to what was condemned in the case cited by the court in Condenser (C.G. Conn, Limited v. N.L.R.B., 108 F.2d 390, 391 (C.A. 7)) as "a strike on the installment plan" or , as the Supreme Court put it in U.A. W. v. Wisconsin E.R.B., 336 U.S. 245, 256 (citing Conn and Condenser on that point), as "repeated disruptions of production." In the opinion in Kennametal , Judge Goodrich stressed the distinction between "recurrent or inter- mittent unannounced stoppages ," and "a single spontaneous work stoppage ." As to the latter, he stated ( p. 819): The language of the Act does not require and its purposes would not be served by holding that dissatisfied workmen may receive its pro- tection only if they exert the maximum economic pressure and call a strike . Our con- clusion that a spontaneous work stoppage like this one is protected by the Act is in accord with Gullet Gin Co. v. N.L.R.B., 179 F.2d 499 (C.A. 5); Carter Carburetor Corp. v. N.L.R.B., 140 F.2d 714, 717-718 (C.A. 8). And the Seventh Circuit's decision in C. G. Conn, rendered 1939, is to be compared with its 1959 decision in Time-O-Matic, supra , fn. 9. There, in ex- press accord with the doctrine enunciated in such cases as Kennametal , Modern Motors , and J. I. Case, supra, fn. 9, the Court held that: ... the employees ' protest [in that case] over treatment accorded a fellow -employee might properly take the form of a strike. Such a protest may necessarily be asserted in lesser form , such as a work stoppage or, as here, the presentation of a grievance , if the conduct could not "be declared to be legally un- reasonable as a matter of particular plant situa- tion ." [ Emphasis asupplied. ] For the quoted portion of the above extract, the Court cited the Eighth Circuit's decision in J. I. Case, supra , fn. 9, which it summarized in a foot- note , as follows: In J. I. Case, three employees were discharged for leaving their work to protest the discharge of a fellow employee . The reasons given for their discharge were that one "walked off [the] job without the permission of foreman and at- tempted to incite a walkout ." The Court af- firmed the Board 's finding that the men were discharged in violation of § 8(a)(1). The stoppage here was both single , spontaneous, and not "unreasonable as a matter of particular plant situation." The employees' action was in keeping with the statement in the notice that they were to "see" their foreman if they had any questions . If that last was to be other than an empty phrase, then the employees' effort to achieve clarification of the suddenly announced change was not only reasonable ; it was inevitable. A reduction in pay rate is a traumatic experience which one would reasonably expect an employer to anticipate by fully explaining the reduction in advance, or fail- ing to do so, arranging to answer in full all questions concerning it when that change is an- nounced. A response, such as that given by Foreman Wissman, that the employees sustaining the cut have until now been on a "gravy train" car- ries a note opprobrium which by its very nature raises even more questions. So, since the employer had not taken the matter up with their statutory representative and was acting as if none existed, the complainants , in pressing for an explanation, were seeking , as best they knew how, to have Respon- dent take the matter up with them as a group. Respondent 's assertion that their protected right concertedly to press for an explanation ended when Foreman Wissman said he would give it to them later overlooks the emotional atmosphere created by Respondent's announcement. The fact that the new rates were to go into effect the next working day were hardly calculated to abate the desire for a fuller explanation then and there. Wissman's state- ment that he would give them an explanation at a later time could hardly turn off the sense of urgen- cy for one now in the manner of a handle applied to a spigot . And this is rather aside from the practical consideration that the employees do not always finish their day's work at the same time (supra, fn. 5) and their natural skepticism induced by the fact that "Mr. Wissman is very hard to find." Respon- dent's position , in essence , is that an employer's ac- tions , regardless of how it affects the employees and of the questions aroused by the manner in which the action is taken, can only be protested by employees consistently with Section 7, if done at a time that the employer deems convenient. That position is at odds with the spirit of established doc- trine as upheld by the courts (supra, fn. 9) and is specifically negated by the particular facts appear- ing in a number of the cases exemplifying it. See, e.g., Gullett Gin (C.A. 5), J. I. Case Company, Modern Motors, and Solo Cup (C.A. 8), and Time- O-Matic (C.A. 7). 10 b. Whether assuming the activity of the employees had any "unprotected" aspect, it was that rather than its concerted character which motivated the discharge 10 Respondent also stresses that when Holtzman appeared at the discus- sion between Foreman Wissman and the inquiring employees , they did not tell him they wanted a further explanation for the reduction . The record, in a manner hardly needing elaboration , supports the reply made by those complainants who were asked whether they told Holtzman the reason for the stoppage , that he " knew our reason ." The point is in any event a singu- lar one to urge at this stage of authority bearing upon it. See N L R B v. Washington Aluminum Company , Inc, 370 U.S 9, 14-16 1596 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD The discussion until now has credited Respon- dent's assertion that it discharged these employees for that aspect of their activity that it now claims to be "unprotected." As indicated, even if such had truly been Respondent's reason, since the conduct of the employees was in fact protected, their discharge for engaging in it was a violation of Sec- tion 8(a)(1). Supra, fn. 9; also N.L.R.B. v. Washington Aluminum Co., supra, fn. 10; N.L.R.B. v. Burnup & Sims, 379 U.S. 21. However, the facts as a whole, including Respon- dent's shift in position, pose a grave question of whether what motivated the discharge was the as- sumedly "unprotected" aspect of the employees' activity, rather than its concerted character. Such a distinction was recently made by the Seventh Cir- cuit in a somewhat different context in Golay & Company, Inc. v. N.L.R.B., 371 F.2d 259, where it quoted with approval of the First Circuit's state- ment in N.L.R.B. v. Thayer Company, 213 F.2d 748, 753 (cert. denied 348 U.S. 883), as follows: [A] determination that an employee is not en- gaged in a § 7 activity does not necessarily mean that, if he is discharged for his participa- tion in the unprotected action, the discharge is "for cause." That depends on the surrounding circumstances. What is cause in one situation may not be in another. The point is the rather familiar one that even a "good" cause is not necessarily the real cause. Had the "unprotected" aspect of the employees' con- duct here been the real cause of the employees' discharge, Respondent, knowing all along that it had in fact discharged these employees, would can- didly have acknowledged that fact from the start, instead of initiating the "voluntarily quit" gambit when it handed the discharged employees their pay slips and persisting in it before the State Depart- ment of Employment Security and before us until its dramatic shift at the end of the hearing. Such want of candor betrays a motive to hide the true reason for one's action and supports an inference that the true reason is the illegitimate one. See Local Union No. 2 United Association of Jour- neymen Plumbers (Astrove Plumbing Corp.), 152 NLRB 1093, 1104, and cases cited in fn. 13 thereof, enfd. as modified 360 F.2d 428 (C.A. 2). In this instance, the real reason sought to be hidden by the untruthful denial would be Respondent's resentment of the employees' acting together in pressing for an explanation. Confirming it is Holtz- man's individual overture to lantha Graves after discharging the group and offering to have her work at anything else even after she made clear that she could not perform the lining work without the rest of her group, and Respondent's action in taking back Mary Roberts on her individual appli- cation despite her having been in Respondent's view a guilty participant in what it terms the "un- protected" activity of the group," at the same time that it ignored the overture of the Union on behalf of the group as a whole. Assuming any aspect of the employees' conduct lends itself to Res'pondent's present characterization as "unprotected,' Respon- dent's action, considered as a whole, indicates "that its real concern is with the concerted nature of the activity, and not with its unprotected aspects" (Brantly Helicopter Corp., 135 NLRB 1412, 1418) and that the reliance upon its "unprotected" aspect is an afterthought. Further confirming the foregoing inference is Respondent's warfare with this Union since the Union's first efforts to organize the employees, as revealed in its prior litigation. Supra, fn. 2. It was found in Baltimore 11 (ibid.) that, at the outset of the Union's 1965 campaign (which culminated in the current certification), Holtzman posted a caveat against the employees making the "mistake" of thinking that he had mellowed in his view toward unions. The Union was but the symbol of the em- ployees' attaining a concerted voice in manage- ment's decisions concerning their working terms. Holtzman's aversion is shown to have extended to his employees acting concertedly in their mutual in- terest on any basis. This is manifest from the fact that he not only would not notify the employees' statutory representative concerning the contem- plated change in rates, but he took no other steps to condition the employees against the shock of such an announcement by at least calling them together in advance for a documented explanation of why the step was being taken. It is further in- dicated by his descent on his foreman's discussion with the group, and, without saying a word in clarification of management's action, short-shoot- ing the works in the manner already described. All of the above points to the conclusion that Respondent's discharge of these employees was in reprisal against the concerted character of the em- ployees' activity rather than because of any aspect of it which it now seeks to taint as "unprotected"; and that reliance upon this last, as previously stated, is an afterthought. c. The violation In sum, the discharge of the seven employees was a violation of Section 8(a)(1) on two independent and self-sustaining grounds. First, it was a stoppage in protest against a change in wage rate illegally in- stituted because of failure to notify and give the statutory bargaining agent reasonable opportunity to consult and negotiate concerning it. Secondly, without regard to the validity of the certification of the Union, and assuming Respondent had the right to make the change unilaterally, the concerted " Respondent in its brief lists her among the four liners, supra, fn 5, whose refusal to pick up the glued material held up the work of the remain- ing three. BOTANY INDUSTRIES, INC. 1597 protest of the employees adversely affected by the change and the spontaneous temporary stoppage in an effort to obtain a satisfactory explanation for the cut in their piecework rates was likewise protected by Section 7 of the Act, so that by discharging them for it, Respondent violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. Additionally, Respondent's conduct as a whole, including the persistence in its untruthful denial that it discharged them at all and its ultimate shift in position , exposes its action as retribution not for any aspect of their activity which it now as- serts was "unprotected" but for the concerted character of the activity. As to whether the discharge of the employees discouraged membership in the Union, in violation of Section 8(a)(3) of the Act, the General Counsel lays stress on the fact that the discharged group in- cludes Sylvia Lee, Gertrude Wilson, and Fannie Stovall, who, in a letter from the Union to Vice President Holtzman at the outset of its organizing venture in 1965, were mentioned as being among the members of the Union's organizing committee, and that of these Wilson and Lee testified in the hearing in Baltimore II (held in 1965) concerning Holtzman 's antiunion activities . However, as previ- ously indicated, Holtzman's choler, when he discharged the seven, was toward the concerted na- ture of their conduct . His "get them all out of here" directive included persons such as lantha Graves, who merely belonged to the Union without being active so far as appears , and also nonmembers Shir- ley Wright, Dorothy Harper, and (presumably) Mary Roberts . Also, as earlier mentioned (supra, fn. 4) of the three employees in the hardware de- partment who remained on the job when they resumed work on Holtzman 's individual approach to each , two had also been named in the Union's letter of 1965, which informed Respondent of the composition of the Union 's organizing committee, and one had likewise testified in the hearing in Bal- timore II. These three of the hardware department remained on the job when they abandoned the con- certed activity persisted in by the seven in the lining department who pressed for an explanation. Respondent 's action in discharging the seven protesters in the lining department was thus an as- sault upon the employees Section 7 protected ac- tivity of engaging in a single spontaneous stoppage in protest over the failure to give clarifying content to the "gravy train" explanation , rather than an ag- gression against the Union as such. However, the sequel to the discharge is that during the following week , Respondent , despite its resentment of the group action which prompted the discharge, acted favorably on Mary Roberts' individual overture to be taken back , at the same time it totally ignored a like effort on the part of the group when made through the Union. The Union asked for their rein- statement with backpay. In the circumstances, con- sidering the "unreasonable" nature of Holtzman's behavior (see, e.g., Gullett Gin, supra, fn. 9) they were entitled to it. But if that was what lay in the way of taking the other six back, Respondent could easily have said so when the discharged employees were finally paid off on September 9 and were asked to sign the pay slip with the "voluntarily quit" notation. The differentiating factor is that the still nonrein- stated six sought to be put back to work through the Union, while Mary Roberts did so individually. This disparateness of treatement based on the means used in seeking to be put back to work was discriminatory within the meaning of Section 8(a)(3) of the Act. IV. THE REMEDY Respondent has been found to have engaged in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8(a)(1), (3), and (5) of the Act. It will be recom- mended that it cease and desist from engaging in them. The negative order will include a broad man- date not to infringe on the rights of employees under Section 7 of the Act, first because a discharge for engaging in protected concerted ac- tivities goes to the heart of the Act, and secondly, because the facts here, taken in connection with Respondent's background of demonstrated hostility to its employees' availing themselves of those rights, warrant an order coextensive with the rights guaranteed in Section 7. It will also be recommended that Respondent bargain collectively with the Union on request, and refrain from changing the rates of pay or other con- ditions of work of the employees in the unit without first notifying the Union and giving it a reasonable opportunity to consult and negotiate with Respon- dent concerning it. It will also be recommended that Respondent rescind the cut in the piecework rate of the employees in the Amelia Earhart divi- sion and reimburse them for any losses in pay resulting from it. As to the discharged employees, it will be recommended that Respondent offer the six nonreinstated employees immediate and full rein- statement to their former or substantially equivalent positions (Chase National Bank, 63 NLRB 656) without prejudice to their seniority and other rights and nvileges, and make whole all seven (supra, fn. 3) for the losses they sustained by reason of the discharge, in accordance with the for- mula of F. W. Woolworth Company, 90 NLRB 289, with interest as set forth in Isis Plumbing & Heat- ing Co., 138 NLRB 716.12 On the basis of all the foregoing and the entire record, I hereby make the following: '= The notice will omit reference to the right of dischargees who join the armed forces . I would think the chances of these women being in such a situation are astronomically remote. Should it nevertheless happen, their rights will be fully vouchsafed by existing law 1598 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD CONCLUSIONS OF LAW tional Leather Goods, Plastic & Novelty Workers' Union, AFL-CIO, as the duly certified exclusive representative of its employees in the following ap- propriate unit: All production and maintenance employees, including warehousemen and truckdrivers, em- ployed at the Respondent 's operations located at 304 N. Smallwood Street , Newkirk and Le- land Streets , and 1919 Annapolis Road, Bal- timore, Maryland , and excluding IBM depart- ment employees , office clerical employees, professional employees , watchmen , guards, and supervisors as defined in the Act. (b) Changing the rates of pay or other condi- tions of employment of the employees in said unit without first notifying and giving the Union a reasonable opportunity to consult and negotiate with it concerning the same. (c) Discharging or otherwise discriminating against employees for exercising any of the rights as guaranteed by Section 7 of the Act , or discouraging membership in the Union by discrimination in respect to hire and tenure of employees. (d) In any other manner interfering with, restraining , or coercing its employees in the exer- cise of their right to self-organization , to join or assist the International Leather Goods , Plastic & Novelty Workers' Union , AFL-CIO, or any other labor organization , to bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing, to engage in other concerted activities for the purpose of collec- tive bargaining or other mutual aid or protection, or to refrain from any or all such activities. 2. Take the following affirmative action which it is found will effectuate the policy of the Act: (a) Upon request , bargain collectively with Inter- national Leather Goods, Plastic & Novelty Work- ers' Union , AFL-CIO , as the representative of its employees in the above -described appropriate unit, and, if an understanding is reached, embody such understanding in a signed agreement. (b) Rescind the reduction in the piecework rate of the employees in the Amelia Earhart division, and make whole all of said employees for any losses in pay sustained by reason thereof. (c) Offer to the following employees immediate and full reinstatement to their former or substan- tially equivalent positions , without prejudice to their seniority or other rights and privileges, and make them and Mary Roberts whole for any loss of earnings they have suffered as a result of their discharge in the manner provided in the Remedy section of this Decision: Sylvia Lee Shirley Wright lantha Graves Fannie Stovall Dorothy Harper Gertrude Wilson (d) Preserve and, upon request, make available to the Board and its agents , for examination and copying, all payroll records and social security pay- ment records, timecards , personnel cards, and re- ports and all other records needed to determine 1. The following unit of the Respondent's em- ployees is an appropriate unit for the purposes of collective bargaining within the meaning of Section 9(b) of the Act: All production and maintenance employees, including warehousemen and truckdrivers, em- ployed at the Respondent's operations located at 304 N. Smallwood Street , Newkirk and Le- land Streets, and 1919 Annapolis Road, Bal- timore , Maryland , and excluding IBM depart- ment employees, office clerical employees, professional employees , watchmen , guards, and supervisors as defined in the Act. 2. At all times since January 24, 1966, Interna- tional Leather Goods, Plastics & Novelty Workers' Union, AFL-CIO, has been, and continues to be, the exclusive bargaining representative of all the employees in the aforementioned unit for the pur- poses of collective bargaining within the meaning of Section 9 (a) of the Act. 3. The Respondent, by refusing to recognize and bargain with the International Leather Goods, Plastic & Novelty Workers' Union, AFL-CIO, as the exclusive representative of its employees in the aforesaid unit , has violated Section 8(a)(5) and (1) of the Act. 4. By changing the rate of compensation of the employees in said unit without notifying or afford- ing said certified Union an opportunity to consult or negotiate with Respondent concerning it, Respondent has violated Section 8 (a)(5) and (1) of • the Act. 5. By discharging the employees named in foot- note 3 of this Decision for engaging in concerted activities for their mutual aid or protection, Respondent has interfered with, restrained, and coerced its employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act, thereby violat- ing Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. 6. By discriminating in respect to reinstatement of said employees on the basis of whether they sought it individually or concertedly through the Union , Respondent discouraged membership in said Union, thereby violating Section 8(a)(3) and (1) of the Act. 7. The aforesaid unfair labor practices affect commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. Upon the basis of all of the foregoing and upon the entire record in this case and pursuant to Sec- tion 10(c) of the Act, I hereby issue the following: RECOMMENDED ORDER It is hereby ordered that Botany Industries, Inc. (Baltimore Luggage Co . Division ), its officers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall: 1. Cease and desist from: (a) Refusing to bargain collectively with Interna- BOTANY INDUSTRIES, INC. 1599 compliance with subparagraphs (b) and (c) above. (e) Post at its plant in Baltimore , Maryland, co- pies of the attached notice marked "Appendix. 1113 Copies of said notice, on forms provided by the Re- gional Director for Region 5, after being duly signed by Respondent's representative, shall be posted by Respondent immediately upon receipt thereof, and be maintained by it for 60 consecutive days thereafter, in conspicuous places, including all places where notices to employees are customarily posted. Reasonable steps shall be taken by Respon- dent to insure that said notices are not altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. (f) Notify the Regional Director for Region 5, in writing, within 20 days from the receipt of this Decision, what steps have been taken to comply herewith.14 " Should the Board adopt the Recommended Order above, the words "a Decision and Order" shall be substituted for the words "the Recommended Order of a Trial Examiner " in the notice . Should the Board's Order in turn be enforced by court decree, there shall be substituted the words "a Decree of the United States Court of Appeals Enforcing an Order " " Should this Recommended Order adopted by the Board, the period shall be 10 days from the order, should the order in turn go to the court en- forcement , the notification shall be within 10 days from decree. APPENDIX NOTICE TO ALL EMPLOYEES Pursuant to the Recommended Order of a Trial Examiner of the National Labor Relations Board and in order to effectuate the policies of the Na- tional Labor Relations Act, as amended , we hereby notify our employees that: After a trial in which both sides had the opportuni- ty to present their evidence , it was determined that we violated the law , and we have been directed to post this notice and to keep our word about what we say in this notice. WE WILL bargain collectively , upon request, with International Leather Goods , Plastic & Novelty Workers' Union , AFL-CIO, as the ex- clusive bargaining representative of all our em- ployees in the appropriate unit described below with respect to rates of pay, wages, hours of employment, and other terms and conditions of employment, and, if an agree- ment is reached, embody such agreement in a signed contract . The appropriate unit is: All production and maintenance em- ployees, including warehousemen and truckdrivers , employed at the Respon- dent 's operations located at 304 N. Small- wood Street , Newkirk and Leland Streets, and 1919 Annapolis Road , Baltimore, Maryland , and excluding IBM department employees , office clerical employees, professional employees , watchmen, guards , and supervisors as defined in the Act. WE WILL NOT change the rates of pay or other terms and conditions of employment of any of the employees in the above unit without first notifying the Union and giving it reason- able opportunity to discuss and negotiate with us concerning it. WE WILL NOT discharge or otherwise dis- criminate against any employees for concert- edly protesting or seeking an explanation for a change in rates or conditions made without prior notification to the Union , or for engaging in any other activity for their mutual aid or protection. WE WILL NOT discriminate against employees because of membership in said Union or because of applying for reinstatement through the Union or because of any effort to take up or remedy a grievance through the Union rather than individually. WE WILL offer the following persons im- mediate and full reinstatement to their former or substantially equivalent positions , without prejudice to their seniority or other rights and privileges: Sylvia Lee Shirley Wright lantha Graves Fannie Stovall Dorothy Harper Gertrude Wilson WE WILL make good to the above-named employees and to Mary Roberts all losses in pay they sustained by reason of their discharge on September 2, 1966. WE WILL rescind the reduction of the piecework rate of the employees of theAmelia Earhart division made September 1, effective September 6, 1966, and we will make good the losses in pay sustained by any employees by reason of such reduction. WE WILL respect the rights of our employees to self-organization , to join or assist Interna- tional Leather Goods, Plastic & Novelty Work- ers' Union , AFL-CIO, or any other labor or- ganization , or to bargain collectively with respect to terms or conditions of employment through the said Union or any representative of their own choosing , or to refrain from such activity , and we will not interfere with, restrain, or coerce our employees in the exer- cise of these rights, except insofar as these rights could be affected by any contract with a labor organization, if validly made in ac- cordance with the National Labor Relations Act, whereby membership therein is a condi- tion of employment after the thirtieth day fol- lowing the date of such contract or the beginning of such employment , whichever is later. BOTANY INDUSTRIES, INC. (BALTIMORE LUGGAGE CO. DIVISION) (Employer) 1600 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Dated By altered , defaced, or covered by any other material. If employees have any question concerning this (Representative ) ( Title ) notice or compliance with its provisions, they may communicate directly with the Board's Regional This notice must remain posted for 60 consecu- Office, Sixth Floor , 707 North Calvert Street, Bal- tive days from the date of posting and must not be timore, Maryland 21202, Telephone 752-2159. Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation