Bosco ServicesDownload PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsSep 30, 1977232 N.L.R.B. 787 (N.L.R.B. 1977) Copy Citation BOSCO SERVICES Bosco Services and Carpenters District Council of Houston and Vicinity a/w the United Brotherhood of Carpenters & Joiners of America, AFL-CIO. Case 23-CA-5970 September 30, 1977 DECISION AND ORDER BY CHAIRMAN FANNING AND MEMBERS JENKINS AND MURPHY On December 9, 1976, Administrative Law Judge Eugene George Goslee issued the attached Decision in this proceeding. Thereafter, both the Respondent and General Counsel filed exceptions and supporting briefs, and Respondent filed an answering brief to General Counsel's exceptions. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board has delegated its authority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the record and the attached Decision in light of the exceptions and briefs and has decided to affirm the rulings., findings, and conclusions of the Administrative Law Judge and to adopt his recommended Order.2 ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board adopts as its Order the recommend- ed Order of the Administrative Law Judge and hereby orders that the Respondent, Bosco Services, I The General Counsel has in effect excepted to certain credibility findings made by the Administrative Law Judge. It is the Board's established policy not to overrule an Administrative Law Judge's resolutions with respect to credibility unless the clear preponderance of all of the relevant evidence convinces us that the resolutions are incorrect. Standard Dri Wall Products. Inc., 91 NLRB 544 (1950). enfd. 188 F.2d 362 (C.A. 3. 1951). We have carefully examined the record and find no basis for reversing his findings. We agree with the Administrative Law Judge that there was no violation of Sec. 8(a)X3 and (I) of the Act in Respondent's discharge of Latural Norris, but we do so on the ground that the General Counsel failed to sustain his burden of proof that Respondent was unlawfully motivated and do not rely on the rationale advanced by the Administrative Law Judge. 2 In the absence of exceptions thereto, we adopt pro forma the Administrative Law Judge's dismissal of the 8(a)(3) allegations concerning the discharges of Douglas and Donald Cherry and all the 8(a I ) allegations except those pertaining to the interrogation of Norris with respect to his support for the Union. Member Murphy agrees that Respondent has violated the Act by unlawfully interrogating employee Norris. However. inasmuch as all other allegations have been dismissed, she deems the single violation as isolated. and therefore would not adopt the remedial order recommended by the Administrative Law Judge. (Carolina 4mneri-an T7evtils. Inc, 219 NLRB 457. fn. 1 1975) 232 NLRB No. 124 Houston, Texas, its officers, agents, successors. and assigns, shall take the action set forth in the said recommended Order. DECISION STATEMENT OF THE CASE EUGENE GEORGE GOSLEE, Administrative Law Judge: This case came on to be heard before me at Hlouston. Texas, on July 21, 1976, and was thereafter continued on August 17, 1976, upon a complaintI issued by the General Counsel of the National Labor Relations Board and an answer filed by Bosco Services, hereinafter sometimes called the Respondent. The issues raised by the pleadings relate to whether or not the Respondent violated Section 8(a)(l) and (3) of the National Labor Relations Act. as amended, by acts and conduct hereinafter specified. Briels received from the General Counsel and the Respondent have been duly considered. Upon the entire record in this proceeding, and having observed the testimony and demeanor of the witnesses. I hereby make the following: FINDINGS OF FACT I. PRELIMINARY MATI ERS (Commerce, Jurisdiction, and Labor Organization) The complaint alleges, the answer admits, and I find that (1) the Respondent is engaged at Houston, Texas. in the business of packing and exporting various types of oil field equipment; (2) during the past year the Respondent purchased and received in excess of $50,000 worth of goods and materials in interstate commerce; and (3) the Respon- dent is an employer within the meaning of Section 2(2) of the Act, and is engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. The complaint also alleges. the answer admits, and I find that Carpenters District Council of Houston and Vicinity, hereinafter called the Union, is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. IL. THE UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES A I.IE(iEI) The complaint alleges that the Respondent violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act by (I) interrogating its employees concerning their union activities; (2) promising its employ- ees a substantial pay raise to cause them to refrain from union activities; (3) creating the impression that the union activities of its employees were kept under surveillance; I The complaint in this case was issued on Jult 2. 1976. upon a chargi filed on March I 1976. as amended on March 5. 1976. and topic, ot h1e charge and the amendment were duly served on the Respondent. 787 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD and (4) threatening its employees with discharge if they joined or gave assistance or support to the Union. The complaint also alleges that on or about March 3, 1976,2 the Respondent violated Section 8(a)(3) and (1) of the Act by discharging its employees Donald Cherry, Douglas Cherry, and Latural Norris. By its answer, the Respondent generally denies that it has engaged in any unfair labor practices, but at the hearing contended that Donald and Douglas Cherry voluntarily quit their employment, and that Latural Norris was discharged for cause. A. The 8(a)(1) Allegations Douglas and Donald Cherry, who are twin brothers, were hired by the Respondent in October 1975. The Cherry brothers were initially hired as laborers, but were later promoted to leadmen in the Respondent's No. 2 ware- house. During most of the period relevant to this case Douglas and Donald Cherry were assigned to work on the Hunt account under the supervision of Robert Hackney, packing. crating, and preparing four aircraft control towers for shipment to Saudi Arabia. Hackney's entire crew for this account consisted of no more than three regular employees, supplemented from time to time by casual laborers. On the Hunt account Douglas Cherry worked outside the warehouse and his brother worked inside, both assisted, as necessary, by casual help. The record does not clearly establish a date when the Union first undertook to organize the Respondent's employees. Documentary evidence reflects that the Cherry brothers and employee Latural Norris signed authorization cards for the Union on January 27. David E. Davis, the Respondent's plant manager, acknowledged in his testimo- ny that he became aware of the Union's organization campaign on January 23, when the Union Agents Kettler and Cortez visited his office. Douglas Cherry testified that he first became aware of the Union's activities at a series of meetings at a grocery store located some distance from the Respondent's place of business. According to Douglas Cherry there were 25 to 30 such lunchtime meetings, plus others after work; he talked to other employees about the Union, drove them to meetings, and met with Kettler and other union officials. Except for the designation of the date on which he signed an authorization card, Douglas Cherry's testimony lacks all pertinent detail with respect to the dates of the union meetings or other activities, and there is no identification of any other employees with whom he engaged in contacts concerning the Union. Douglas Cherry did testify that, at a time he described as mid-February, he saw Supervisor Robert Hackney get out of his car in front of the grocery store. The General Counsel contends that Hackney's presence at the grocery store violated Section 8(a)(l) of the Act because it created the impression that the Respondent was keeping its employees' union activities under surveillance. - All dates recited hereinaller are in 1976, unless specified to the .onlrary. Hackney admitted in his testimony that he visited the grocery store at lunchtime on infrequent occasions, saw most of the employees on these occasions, and may have seen the Cherry brothers at the grocery store one or more times. In the light of this limited evidence I find a total lack of merit in the General Counsel's allegation of impression of surveillance. From the record as a whole it is apparent that the grocery store was a place customarily frequented at lunchtime by some or all of the Respondent's employees, and similarly frequented for lunch purposes by some of its supervisors. There is no evidence that the employees were engaged in any union activities while Hackney was present, that any union officials were present, or that Hackney would have recognized them if they had been present. The most the evidence supports is the conclusion that both the employees and Hackney were engaged in routine lunch- time activities, and I will recommend that this allegation of the complaint be dismissed. Douglas Cherry also testified that, during the first week in February, Hackney approached him about the Union. With more detail Cherry stated that Hackney came up and said, "Look, I hear you guys have been passing out union cards." Douglas Cherry denied the accusation; Hackney replied, "OK," but added as he walked away, "Look, if you keep passing them out, O.K., you are going to wind up getting fired. We don't want you to pass them out on company time .... We want you, you know, go ahead and do it after work hours." Donald Cherry partially confirmed the testimony of his brother by corroborating testimony that on February 14, near the close of the workday, Hackney took aside the Cherry brothers and another employee and said, "Hey, you guys, what's happening [is] everything cool." Then calling specifically to Donald Cherry, Hackney whispered in his ear, "Hey, I heard that you and your brother been passing out these cards." Donald Cherry responded, "What cards?" Hackney replied, "These union cards [and] if I catch you passing them out on the job you are going to be fired." Hackney acknowledged as a witness for the Respondent that in November 1975 he called aside all three of the employees working under his supervision and cautioned them that they would be fired for passing out cards on company time. I find that there are substantial variations in the testimony of Douglas and Donald Cherry concerning the allegations that Hackney threatened to fire them for passing out union cards, and I accept as more credible the version related by Hackney. Even if, on the contrary, however, I accepted the versions related by the Cherry brothers, it would not support the allegation of a threat of discharge for union activities. It is clear, even from the testimony of Douglas Cherry, that Hackney's admonition was limited to passing out union cards on company time. It is axiomatic that worktime is for work, the General 788 BOSCO SERVICES Counsel has not proved that the Respondent permitted other nonwork activities during working hours, and it is clear that the employees were told that they were free to pursue their union activities on their own time. According- ly, I find that Hackney's statement to the employees did not constitute an unlawful threat. Neither do I find, as the General Counsel argues, that Hackney's instructions to the employees to limit their union activities to nonworktime created the impression of surveillance in violation of Section 8(a)( ) of the Act. Accordingly, the incident will be considered herein as only some evidence of the Respon- dent's awareness, or suspicion, that the Cherry brothers were engaged in union activities. Douglas Cherry also testified that on January 23, in company with his brother and employee Clara Patterson, he was called into the office by Richard Tate, the Respondent's general manager. Tate talked about putting up posters concerning the Union, and then asked Douglas Cherry how he was going to vote. Cherry replied that he did not know. The complaint alleges that, on February 2, Richard Tate interrogated employees concerning their union activities and desires. There is no evidence of any interrogation by Tate on February 2, or any other date, and I find the record evidence insufficient to establish any unlawful interrogation by Tate. Douglas Cherry acknowledged that his brother Donald was present at the Tate interview, but Donald Cherry was never questioned about the incident. Employee Clara Patterson. testified, acknowledged that the three employees were called to Tate's office, and further testified that that meeting took place in March. According to Patterson, Tate's comments were directed to packing and crating; he did not interrogate either of the Cherry brothers but did urge all the employees to vote in the election. Tate corroborated the general substance of Patterson's testimony as to the purpose of the meeting and what was said. According to Tate he called the employees in because the Cherry brothers were not performing their work in a manner likely to eventuate in the completion of the Hunt account by the target date, and because he contemplated replacing the Cherry brothers as leadmen with Clara Patterson. According to Tate, near the end of the meeting one of the Cherry brothers attempted to ask some questions about the Union, and Tate informed him that his questions would be answered at a general meeting for the employees scheduled for the following day. Tate also acknowledged that the subject of the election did come up, that he told the employees that voting would be by secret ballot, and that he urged them to vote. I do not credit Douglas Cherry's testimony that he was unlawfully interrogated by Richard Tate on January 23, or at any other time. For reasons further explicated below, I find that Douglas Cherry was not a reliable and credible witness, and I have credited his testimony only to the extent it has been corroborated by other witnesses. Donald Cherry was not questioned about the alleged interrogation by Tate, and I find the versions of the meeting adduced through Clara Patterson and Richard Tate to be the more credible and reliable. Accordingly, I will recommend that this allegation of the complaint be dismissed. Donald Cherry related a further encounter with Plant Manager Davis on February 18. Cherry was engaged in unloading pipe for the Kellogg Company and was instructed by Davis to talk to the Kellogg driver and ask him what he thought about the Union. Cherry complied, talked to the Kellogg driver, and reported back to Davis that the driver said the Union was no good, "ain't worth a damn." Approximately 30 minutes later, at a general meeting of employees, Davis instructed Donald Cherry to relate to the other employees what he had been told by the Kellogg driver. Cherry relayed to the employees the opinion of unions expressed by the driver from Kellogg. The General Counsel has not alleged, and does not argue, that the February 18 incident involving Plant Manager Davis and Donald Cherry violated Section 8(a)(l) of the Act. The General Counsel does argue, nevertheless, that the incident is evidence of the Respon- dent's union animus. Accordingly, it has been so consid- ered, and it is additionally considered herein as evidence bearing on the Respondent's knowledge of the union activities, sympathies, and interests of the Cherry brothers. Robert Flores was employed by the Respondent from February 2 until he was laid off on March 11. Flores testified that, at a prehire interview on January 30, Plant Manager Davis asked him if he had ever been in a union. Flores replied that he had, and Davis asked him to express his opinion on unions. Flores told him that he had been in the Steelworkers Union when he worked for Chicago Bridge and Iron, and that it was a very good union. Davis then asked if Flores had ever heard of the Carpenters Union, and in response to Flores' negative reply Davis expressed a variety of reasons why the Carpenters Union was no good. In addition, according to Flores, Davis asked him to vote for Bosco, and promised Flores a substantial wage increase. Davis further told Flores that if he passed his polygraph test the Company would hire him. On cross-examination Flores stated that he took the polygraph test after his conversation with Davis on January 30. However, when confronted with his prehearing affidavit Flores admitted that the polygraph test had been administered before his conversation with Davis about the Union. Flores' prehearing statement also reflects other and substantial variations from the testimony he gave as a witness for the General Counsel. There is nothing in Flores' statement to reflect that Davis asked him if he had ever been in a union. Flores testified on cross-examination that it was his opinion that Davis asked the question, and on this opinion he volunteered that he had been in a union, although not in the Carpenters Union. Similarly, contrary to his testimony on direct examination, Flores' affidavit does not contain any statement that Davis asked him if he knew anything about the Carpenters Union. As a witness for the Respondent, Davis acknowledged that he interviewed Flores for employment, instructed him to take a polygraph test, and reinterviewed Flores after the test had been completed. Davis talked to Flores about what would be expected of him as a packer, and explained the Company's wage compensation program and other bene- fits. Davis told Flores that he would be reviewed for a wage increase in 30 days, and again after 90 days of employment. Davis asked Flores about his past employment, and Flores 789 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD replied that he had previously worked in a union shop and liked the benefits and wages. Davis responded, "That is fine," and told Flores that he had previously been affiliated with unions when he lived in Illinois. As Davis testified, the discussion on Flores' future wage progression was centered on the Company's policy, not on Flores' vote in the upcoming election, although Davis acknowledged that he did ask Flores to vote for the Company. Upon all of the relevant and material evidence, I am unable to find that Davis unlawfully promised Flores a wage increase for his vote against the Union. Flores was not a convincing witness, his testimony was evasive and unresponsive, and there are substantial and unexplained variations between his testimony as a witness for the General Counsel and the contents of his prehearing affidavit. Accordingly, I credit Davis' testimony that he did not interrogate Flores about the Carpenters or any other union, and did not promise Flores a wage increase as the quidpro quo for Flores' vote against the Union. Louis Broussard, Jr., was employed by the Respondent on February II and was separated by the Company on March I . On March 3 Broussard had been to the grocery store for lunch where a union meeting had been in progress. When Broussard returned to Warehouse No. I he met Davis at the door and asked, "What are they saying in the union meeting?" Broussard replied that he did not know what they were saying. Although he made no mention of it on direct examina- tion, the record reflects that Broussard was not finally separated from the Company on March I1. Initially on cross-examination Broussard denied that he was subse- quently recalled to his employment; he later admitted that he was recalled at some later time, worked a couple of days, and then voluntarily quit. Broussard admitted that he had talked to Davis on numerous other occasions, which Davis confirmed. Davis denied, however, that he talked to Broussard about the Carpenters Union or about what was said at any union meeting. Davis being the more credible witness, I credit his testimony and find that the General Counsel has not proved the allegation of unlawful interrogation. Latural N. Norris was employed by the Respondent as a laborer and forklift operator from October 6, 1975, until he was discharged on March 3. Norris testified that on a date he could not recall, but which was established as late February with some prompting from the General Counsel, representatives of the Union passed out key chains in front of the company premises. When Norris arrived at the plant to clock in Plant Manager Davis saw Norris putting his keys on the union key chain and asked if Norris was going to vote for that damn union. Norris made no reply, but continued on to his work station. Davis testified at length in this proceeding, but was not questioned and did not deny Norris' testimony concerning his confrontation with Davis over the key chain and the ensuing interrogation. Accordingly, I credit Norris' testimony. B. The Alleged Discriminatory Discharges Douglas Cherry testified that on February 26 he and his brother were called to the office by Plant Manager Davis, told that they were not getting the job done, and that they would be transferred to Warehouse No. 1. Donald Cherry testified that on February 26 Davis called them to the office and told them they had been transferred to the other warehouse and would no longer be leadmen. Donald Cherry made no mention in his testimony that Davis expressed dissatisfaction with the Cherry brothers' work, and I find this to be the fact. From the record as a whole, including the admission of Douglas Cherry, it is clear that the Cherry brothers had completed the work they were assigned on the Hunt account, and therefore were simply transferred to other work. It appears that the Cherry brothers began work at Warehouse No. I on Monday, March 1, under the supervision of David B. Frederick, who is sometimes referred to in the record as Bruce Frederick. They were assigned to wiping and crating pipe, assisted to some extent by casual laborers. Contrary to their testimony, and based on their timecards, I find that the Cherry brothers did not report to work on Tuesday, March 2, but did resume their jobs on the following day. On March 3, according to the testimony of Douglas Cherry, he, his brother, and some casual laborers were assigned by Frederick to wipe pipes. Later, at a time Douglas Cherry did not describe, a truckload of pipe arrived in the warehouse yard, and Frederick told the Cherry brothers to move some timbers on which the pipe was to be stacked. According to Douglas Cherry, the timbers were of oak in a dimension of 8 x 8 inches and 16 feet long. Douglas and Donald Cherry managed to move one timber, complained to Frederick that the timbers were too heavy, and asked for a forklift. Frederick replied that no forklift was available, and in response to Douglas Cherry's protest about the weight of the timbers stated, "You, damn it, you bend down like this and pick the damn things up." Frederick moved the timber slightly and told the Cherry brothers, "Or else if you don't like it go and get your damn checks." Douglas Cherry replied, "Well," and Frederick answered, "Go and get your damn checks." The Cherry brothers then went to the office where they met Plant Manager Davis, who called them into the office, gave them checks which were already prepared, and asked, "What's the matter, you can't take it?" Donald Cherry's version of the termination incident conforms in most substantive respects with the testimony of his brother. Like Douglas Cherry, Donald described the oak timbers as 8 by 8 inches by 16 feet. There is serious reason from the record to question the version of events of March 3 as related by them as witnesses for the General Counsel. On cross-examination Douglas Cherry adhered to his testimony that the timbers were 8 by 8 inches by 16 feet. However, confronted with a statement given to a Board agent on March 5, Douglas Cherry admitted that in the affidavit he had described the timbers in the dimension of 6 by 6 inches by 9 feet. In a later statement given to a Board agent on June 28, Douglas Cherry characterized the timbers as 8 by 8 inches by 8 feet. In spite of two prior statements given at a time when his recollection was likely to be fresh, Douglas Cherry persisted nevertheless throughout the whole course of his testimony in adhering to the description of the timbers which he initially recited on his direct examination. 790 BOSCO SERVICES Donald Cherry also gave statements to the Board's agents, one dated March 5 and a second dated June 28. In the first affidavit Donald Cherry described the timbers he was directed by Frederick to move as 6 by 6 inches by 9 feet. In the second statement Donald Cherry described the timbers as 4 by 6 inches by 7 feet. Donald Cherry's statement of June 28 also relates that he and his brother were directed by Frederick to move the logs on March 2, a date on which his timecard reflects he was absent from work. In addition, Donald Cherry's statement of June 28 contains the statement that Frederick handed the employ- ees their paychecks, while the testimony of both brothers is that they went to the office and were given their checks by Davis. Supervisor Frederick confirmed that the Cherry brothers worked for him on Monday, March 1, were absent on March 2, and last worked on March 3. According to Frederick a load of pipe arrived in the yard during the afternoon of March 3, and he asked the Cherry brothers to move some timbers on which the pipe would be stacked. Frederick described the timbers as 4 by 6 inches, and varying in length from 8 to 12 feet in length. Frederick testified that the Cherry brothers complied with his instructions, but complained that the timbers were too big to lift. The Cherry brothers asked for a forklift, but none was available, so Frederick directed a couple of other employees to assist in positioning the timbers. The timbers were moved, Frederick unloaded the pipe with a forklift and sent the Cherry brothers back to cleaning pipe. In mid-afternoon the Cherry brothers approached Frederick and told him that they had had it and wanted to quit. Frederick told them to go see Plant Manager Davis and that ended the conversation. Plant Manager Davis testified that on March 3 he left his office and met the Cherry brothers in the main part of Warehouse No. i. They explained to Davis that they had had it, were through, and had quit. Davis asked if their supervisor was aware they had quit, and the Cherry brothers responded that they had told Frederick the same thing. Davis did not recall that he gave Douglas and Donald Cherry any paychecks. The General Counsel urges that the evidence that Davis had prepared the paychecks and had them waiting when the Cherry brothers arrived in his office is evidence that their discharge had been predetermined, and was in no way connected with the timber moving incident. I have small reason to credit the testimony of Douglas and Donald Cherry that Davis gave them any paychecks on March 3. If he did, however, the paychecks were for a prior week, and not for work performed during the period from March 1 through March 3. In addition to the above evidence relating to the alleged discharge of the Cherry brothers, there is the testimony of employee Gwendolyn Holweger concerning a conversation in early March with Plant Manager Davis. Holweger was unable to recall when the Cherry brothers were discharged, but testified that during a conversation concerning another matter she asked Davis about the Cherry brothers. Holweger offered no specifics of the particular question posed to Davis, but testified that he replied that the Cherry brothers had quit, and that they were behind all the union business to begin with. Davis acknowledged as a witness for the Respondent that Holweger asked him why the Cherry brothers had been separated from their employment with the Company. Davis responded that the Cherry brothers left the Compa- ny because they quit, but he denied in his testimony that anything was said in the conversation about the Union or the Cherry brothers' involvement. I credit Davis' testimony as opposed to that proffered by Holweger. As a witness Holweger was extremely short on responsiveness, and quite the contrary in self-serving pronouncements. There is the additional factor that Holweger was discharged by the Respondent on July 15, for reasons which were not adduced. In summing up the case concerning the termination of the Cherry brothers, I find that the record contains sufficient evidence to warrant the conclusion that the Respondent was aware, or had reason to suspect, that Douglas and Donald Cherry were union supporters. Both were admonished by Hackney about passing out union cards on company time. In the February meeting with Tate one of the brothers sought information, or attempted to ask questions, about the Union. Proof of knowledge of union activities is not, however, sufficient to support a finding of discrimination within the meaning of Section 8(aX3) of the Act. While there is some evidence of the Respondent's union animus, it is minimal, and there is a substantial basis for finding that the Cherry brothers voluntarily quit their employment. There are substantial variances in many respects in the testimony of the Cherry brothers concerning the events of March 3. Some of the variance is inherent in the record testimony of the two employees, but a greater measure is evident when their testimony is compared with the two prehearing affidavits they gave to the Board. Two of these variances are essential to the merits of this case-what were the dimensions of the timbers Frederick demanded they move, and who gave them their paychecks, if anyone at all. The testimony of the Cherry brothers concerning the size of the timbers is so widely varying that it is worthy of no credit. Accordingly, I find that the testimony of Frederick as to the dimensions of the timbers is the more likely, and it is apparent that they were of a size and weight which two adult males could move 15 to 20 feet without strain or fear of injury. Similarly, the General Counsel places great reliance on evidence that the Cherry brothers were given final checks at time of their discharge. Their testimony is that Davis gave them preprepared checks, but Donald Cherry's prehearing affidavit reflects that they were given their checks by Frederick at the time he discharged them. Superimposed on the foregoing credibility resolutions, there is additional evidence in the record to require the finding that the Cherry brothers voluntarily quit their employment with Bosco Services. There is the testimony of three of the Respondent's agents, which I credit over the denials of the Cherry brothers, that they had threatened to quit their employment on at least two prior occasions because they considered the work too onerous or because they disliked the instructions given them by their supervi- sors. In addition there is the issue of the timing of the 791 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD alleged discharges. If, as the General Counsel contends, the Respondent had knowledge of the Cherry brothers' union activities and was motivated to discharge them for this reason, that knowledge and animus did not suddenly come to the surface on March 3. A few days before, between February 26 and 29, the Cherry brothers completed their assigned work on the Hunt contract. If the Respondent had been disposed to rid itself of the two union adherents, a layoff or discharge at that time would have been an ideal vehicle. Instead, however, the Respondent transferred Douglas and Donald Cherry to other employment. There remains for consideration the alleged discharge of employee Latural Norris. Norris signed an authorization card on January 27 and attended the daily union meetings held at the grocery store. As reviewed above, sometime in February Norris received a key chain from the Union and shortly thereafter he was questioned by Plant Manager Davis as to whether he was going to vote for the Union. Approximately a week before his discharge Norris was directed to take a polygraph test. According to Norris, the polygraph operator asked him certain routine questions and asked if he had ever stolen anything from Bosco Services, or knew of anyone who had stolen from the Company. Before the test was started Norris informed the operator that he had taken seven paper towels from the bathroom in Warehouse No. 2. According to Norris the operator ran the polygraph test three times and informed Norris that the tests indicated he was not responding honestly to the questions of whether he stole from the Company, or knew who was stealing from the Company. On the day of his discharge Norris was told that General Manager Tate wanted to see him in his office. Norris testified that Tate told him that he had to pass a polygraph test to work for the Company, that Norris did not pass the test, and the test showed that he had taken seven paper towels from the Company. Norris admitted he had taken the paper towels and Tate replied, "Well, somebody got to pay for those towels." Tate further discussed the results of Norris' polygraph test while Norris remained silent. However, as he testified, Tate told him that Norris "didn't seem too concerned because [his] job was barely holding on since all this union mess was coming on." Norris answered, "Do what you got to do." Tate gave Norris his check and, referring to the amount withheld said, "Damn, what did they do to you." On cross-examination Norris was asked if Tate told him he was terminated for taking seven paper towels. Norris answered that Tate told him he was discharged for stealing paper towels. However, on further examination Norris conceded that on March 4 he told the Board's agent that he was laid off for taking seven paper towels, and this information was incorporated in Norris' affidavit. More particularly Norris' statement reflects, "Mr. Tate told me that he was laying me off for taking seven paper towels on February 23." Norris also admitted on cross-examination that after he took the test, but before the discharge interview, he was told by Plant Manager Davis that he was not telling the whole truth, and would have to take the test over because he was either doing the stealing or knew who was. Plant Manager Davis testified that beginning in Decem- ber 1975 the Respondent instituted a policy of designating certain employees for polygraph tests each month. In the case of Latural Norris, however, Davis had been advised by employee Clara Patterson that she believed that Norris had taken something out of Warehouse No. 2. When the results of Norris' polygraph test were returned to Davis he informed Tate, but it was agreed that the matter would be postponed until Davis talked to the polygraph operator and exercised the opportunity to review the documenta- tion. When this had been accomplished Norris was called to the office and Tate asked him if he had stolen anything from the Company. Norris made no reply and Tate repeated the question. Norris replied affirmatively and Tate discharged him. On cross-examination Davis ac- knowledged that Norris admitted during the discharge interview that he had taken paper towels, or admitted he had taken something. General Manager Tate confirmed that Davis told him about the results of Norris' polygraph test to the effect that Norris had admitted stealing from the Company. Tate directed that nothing be done on the matter until the examination had been returned from the polygraph operator. When the results of the examination had been reviewed Norris was called to Tate's office and told by Tate that he had not passed the polygraph test and that the polygraph examiner had told the Company that Norris admitted stealing from the Company. Norris made no reply, Tate asked if he had stolen from the Company, and Norris replied "Yes." Tate expressed that he had no alternative, handed Norris his paycheck, and made some comment concerning the amount withheld from Norris' wages. Tate denied there was any mention of paper towels during the course of the interview. I have found above that Latural Norris was unlawfully interrogated when Plant Manager Davis asked him if he was going to vote for the Union. The interrogation took place while Norris was putting keys on a key chain with the legend "Your UBC Union." Norris' possession of the key chain coupled with his nonresponse to Davis' question warrants the inference that the Respondent at least suspected that Norris was favorably inclined toward the Union. Since Davis did not testify with respect to this episode there is no evidence to rebut the inference, and I find the evidence establishes company knowledge. Not- withstanding the evidence of knowledge, however, I do not find that the General Counsel had proved that Norris was discharged for reasons prohibited by the Act. It is the General Counsel's contention that the polygraph test administered to Norris was a subterfuge to create a reason to discharge him, and that except for seven paper towels Norris had not stolen any of the Company's property. In the first instance I do not credit the entirety of Norris' testimony, and because of the variances between his testimony and his prehearing affidavit I reject the evidence that Norris was told he was fired because he took seven paper towels. In addition, there is no substantial evidence in the record to support the contention that the Company required Norris to submit to a polygraph test as a device to mask an act of discrimination. The unrebutted testimony of Davis is that a certain number of employees 792 BOSCO SERVICES are periodically scheduled for polygraph tests, and his testimony is supported by the testimony of employee Robert Flores. The General Counsel has proven knowledge of Norris' union sympathies and has proved some animus, particular- ly as a result of Davis' interrogation of Norris prior to his discharge. The Respondent, however, contends that Norris was discharged for cause, and there is evidentiary support for the contention. If the results of Norris' polygraph test were contrary to the evidence adduced through the Respondent's witnesses, or if the facts surrounding the administration of the polygraph examination were contrary to those asserted, the burden of proof shifted back to the General Counsel to produce the test or the polygraph operator who administered it. In the absence of such evidence the General Counsel has not sustained the burden of proof. In summary I find and conclude that, except for the unlawful interrogation of Latural Norris by Plant Manager Davis, the General Counsel has not proved the allegations of the complaint. THE REMEDY Considered in the context of the scope of the complaint, the issues litigated and the timespan covered by the Union's organizing campaign, the single 8(a)(l) violation found herein might well be described as both minimal and isolated. Nevertheless, it is the Board's policy that acts of interrogation require a remedy, and I shall recommend that the Respondent be ordered to cease and desist therefrom and post the customary notice to employees. 3 CONCLUSIONS OF LAW I. The Respondent, Bosco Services, is an employer within the meaning of Section 2(2) of the Act, and is engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 2. The Union, Carpenters District Council of Houston and Vicinity a/w United Brotherhood of Carpenters & Joiners of America, AFL-CIO, is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. 3. By interrogating employee Latural Norris concern- ing his intent to vote for the Union, the Respondent violated Section 8(a)(l) of the Act. 4. The General Counsel has not proved by a prepon- derance of the evidence that the Respondent has violated the act in any other respect. Upon the foregoing findings of fact, conclusions of law, and upon the entire record in this proceeding, and pursuant to the provision of Section 10(c) of the Act, I hereby issue the following recommended: ORDER 4 The Respondent, Bosco Services, Houston, Texas, its officers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall: I. Cease and desist from interrogating employees concerning whether they intend to vote for Carpenters District Council of Houston and Vicinity. 2. Take the following affirmative action to effectuate the policies of the Act: (a) Post at its facility at Houston, Texas, copies of the attached notice marked "Appendix." 5 Copies of said notice, on forms provided by the Regional Director for Region 23, after being duly signed by the Respondent's authorized agent, shall be posted by it immediately upon receipt thereof, in conspicuous places, including all places where notices to employees are customarily posted, and shall be maintained by the Respondent for 60 consecutive days thereafter. Reasonable steps shall be taken to insure that said notices are not altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. (b) Notify the Regional Director for Region 23, in writing, within 20 days of the date of this Order, what steps have been taken to comply herewith. 3. All other unfair labor practice allegations of the complaint are hereby dismissed. 3 (Carolina American Texriles. Inc.. 219 NLRB 457 (1975). 4 In the event no exceptions are filed as provided by Sec. 102.46 of the Rules and Regulations of the National Labor Relations Board, the findings. conclusions, and recommended Order herein shall, as provided in Sec. 102.48 of the Rules and Regulations, be adopted by the Board and become its findings. conclusions, and Order, and all objections thereto shall be deemed waived for all purposes. 5 In the event that the Board's Order is enforced by a Judgment of a United States Court of Appeals. the words in the notice reading "Posted by Order of the National Labor Relations Board" shall read "Posted Pursuant to a Judgment of the United States Court of Appeals Enforcing an Order of the National Labor Relations Board." APPENDIX NOTICE To EMPLOYEES POSTED BY ORDER OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD An Agency of the United States Government WE WILL NOT interrogate our employees concerning whether they intend to vote for Carpenters District Council of Houston and Vicinity. BOSCO SERVICES 793 Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation