Bonded Draying ServiceDownload PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsOct 2, 1975220 N.L.R.B. 1015 (N.L.R.B. 1975) Copy Citation BONDED DRAYING SERVICE 1015 Bonded Draying Service ; Bonded Freight Systems, Inc.; Transportation Service Company and Aldo Scoffone and Mark - Fowler and Freight, Construc- tion, General Helpers and Warehousemen Local 287, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of Ameri- ca. Cases 20-CA-9865 and 20-CA-9984 October 2, 1975 DECISION AND ORDER BY MEMBERS FANNING, JENKINS , AND PENELLO On June 30, 1975, Administrative Law Judge Stan- ley Gilbert issued the attached Decision in this pro- ceeding. Thereafter, the General Counsel filed excep- tions and a supporting brief. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its au- thority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the record and the at- tached Decision in light of the exceptions and brief, and has decided to affirm the rulings, findings, and conclusions of the Administrative Law Judge only to the extent consistent herewith. We agree with the Administrative Law Judge's finding that the Respondents violated Section 8(a)(5) and (1) of the Act by discussing directly with driver employees of Bonded Freight a proposal that they change their status from employees to owner-opera- tors, and by failing to consult with the Union with respect to the effects upon driver employees of the loss of Bonded Freight's equipment and said employ- ees' resultant terminations. With regard to the latter violation, however, the Administrative Law Judge found that the Union, by demanding that the termi- nated driver employees be put back to work without making a specific request for bargaining, waived its right to bargain over the effects of that violation. We disagree with this conclusion and do not find such a waiver herein. Briefly stated, the pertinent facts indicate that Bonded Freight terminated all of its drivers on Janu- ary 10, 1975, without prior notification to, or consul- tation with, the Union. Shortly after the termina- tions, Oran Bond, a union representative, met with Morgado, Bonded Freight's president, to protest the terminations, and to insist that the drivers be put back to work. Morgado's response to Bond's demand was that he could not do so because there was no equipment available. It was noted by the Administra- tive Law Judge that, during the course of this conver- sation , no specific request was made by Bond upon Morgado for bargaining over the effects on these em- ployeees of the loss of equipment. The law is well settled that "a purported waiver will not be lightly inferred in the absence of `clear and unequivocal' language." 1 In the instant case, there is no evidence indicating that the Union con- sciously yielded its statutory right to bargaining. Un- der these circumstances, we, unlike the Administra- tive Law Judge, are unable to find a waiver herein on the part of the, Union. Accordingly, we shall order Respondents, upon request, to bargain with the Union with respect to the effects upon driver em- ployees of the loss of Bonded Freight's equipment and said employees' resultant terminations, and, if an understanding is reached, to embody it in a signed agreement. ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended , the National Labor Re- lations Board hereby orders that the Respondents, Bonded Draying Service , San Jose , California, Bond- ed Freight Systems , Inc., Hayward , California, and Aldo Scoffone, San Jose , California, their officers, agents, successors , and assigns , shall: 1. Cease and desist from: (a) Bargaining directly with employees who are represented by the Freight , Construction , General Helpers, and Warehousemen Local 287, Internation- al Brotherhood of Teamsters , Chauffeurs, Ware- housemen and Helpers of America, or any other la- bor organization. (b) Changing any terms or conditions of employ- ment of employees represented by said Union, or any other labor organization which represents them, without prior consultation with said representatives of said employees. (c) In any like or related manner interfering with, restraining , or coercing employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed them in Section 7 of the Act. 2. Take the following affirmative action necessary to effectuate the policies of the Act: (a) Place Robert Ward, Carl Shelton, Mark Fowl- er, Milton Harvey, Larry Bartholomew , Leroy Kem- per, and David McDonald upon a preferential hiring list and before hiring any new driver first offer em- ployment to the aforesaid individuals. (b) Upon request , bargain with Freight, Construc- tion, General Helpers, and Warehousemen Local 287, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauf- feurs , Warehousemen and Helpers of America, as the exclusive bargaining representative of all employees 1 See Perkins Machine Company, 141 NLRB 98, 102 (1963). 220 NLRB No. 136 1016 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD in the appropriate unit, with respect to the effects upon driver employees of the loss of Bonded Freight's equipment and said employees' resultant terminations , and, if an understanding is reached, embody it in a signed agreement . The appropriate unit is : All truckdrivers employed by Respondent Bonded Draying Service and/or Respondent Bonded Freight Systems, Inc., excluding all other employees, guards and supervisors as defined in the Act. (c) Post at their places of business, if any, copies of the attached notice marked "Appendix." 2 Copies of said notice, on forms provided by the Regional Director for Region 20, after being duly signed by Respondents' authorized representative , shall be posted by Respondents immediately upon receipt thereof, and be maintained by them for 60 consecu- tive days thereafter, in conspicuous places, including all places where notices to employees are customarily posted. Reasonable steps shall be taken by Respon- dents to insure that said notices are not altered, de- faced, or covered by any other material. In addition, copies of said notice shall be mailed to Robert Ward, Carl Shelton, Mark Fowler, Milton Harvey, Larry Bartholomew, Leroy Kemper, and David McDon- ald. (d) Notify the Regional Director for Region 20, in writing, within 20 days from the date of this Order, what steps the Respondents have taken to comply herewith. All allegations of unfair labor practices in the com- plaint other than those which have been found here- inabove to be proved should be, and hereby are, dis- missed including the allegations of violations of Section 8(a)(3) and (1) of the Act, and the allegations relating to Transportation Service Company's re- sponsibility for the unfair labor practices alleged. 2 In the event that this Order is enforced by a Judgment of a United States Court of Appeals, the words in the notice reading "Posted by Order of the National Labor Relations Board" shall read "Posted Pursuant to a Judgment of the United States Court of Appeals Enforcing an Order of the National Labor Relations Board " APPENDIX NOTICE TO EMPLOYEES POSTED BY ORDER OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD An Agency of the United States Government WE WILL NOT bargain directly with employees who are represented by the Freight, Construc- tion, General Helpers, and Warehousemen Lo- cal 287, International Brotherhood of Team- sters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America, or any other labor organization. WE WILL NOT change any terms or conditions of employment of employees represented by said Union, or any other labor organization which represents them, without prior consulta- tion with said representatives of said employees. WE WILL NOT in any like or related manner interfere with, restrain, or coerce our employees in the exercise of their rights under Section 7 of the Act. WE WILL place Robert Ward, Carl Shelton, Mark Fowler, Milton Harvey, Larry Bartholo- mew, Leroy Kemper, and David McDonald upon a preferential hiring list and before hiring any new driver shall first offer employment to the aforesaid individuals. WE WILL, upon request, bargain with Freight, Construction, General Helpers, and Warehouse- men Local 287, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America, as the exclusive bargaining representative of all employees in the appropri- ate unit, with respect to the effects upon driver employees of the loss of Bonded Freight's equip- ment and said employees' resultant termina- tions, and, if an understanding is reached, em- body it in a signed agreement. The appropriate unit is: All truckdrivers employed by Respon- dent Bonded Draying Service and/or Respon- dent Bonded Freight Systems, Inc., excluding all other employees, guards and supervisors as de- fined in the Act. BONDED DRAYING SERVICE, BONDED FREIGHT SYSTEMS , INC. AND ALDO SCOFFONE DECISION STATEMENT OF THE CASE STANLEY GILBERT, Administrative Law Judge : Based on a charge filed by Mark Fowler, an individual, in Case 20-CA-9865, on January 15, 1975, as amended on March 3, 1975, and a charge filed by Freight, Construction, Gen- eral Helpers , and Warehousemen Local 287 , International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America (hereinafter referred to as the Union) in Case 20-CA-9984 on February 21, 1975, as amended on March 12, 1975; the complaint herein was issued on March 26, 1975. The complaint alleges that Respondents violated Section 8(a)(1), (3), and (5) of the Act. Scoffone filed an answer on behalf of Bonded Draying Service, Transportation Service Company, and himself denying the unfair labor practices alleged in the complaint as well as many of the other alle- gations therein. No answer was filed on behalf of Respon- dent Bonded Freight Systems, Inc. Pursuant to notice, a hearing was held in San Francisco, BONDED DRAYING SERVICE California, on May 1 and 2, 1975. An appearance was en- tered on behalf of the General Counsel but no appearance was entered on behalf of Respondents . A brief was timely filed by the General Counsel. Based on the entire record in this proceeding and my observation of the witnesses as they testified , I make the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. THE BUSINESS OF RESPONDENTS Respondent Bonded Draying is a California corporation which at times material herein has engaged in the trucking business as a common carrier . In the last year of its opera- tions through February 1974, it received revenues in excess of $100 ,000 from the U. S. Government. Respondent Transportation Service Company is a Cali- fornia corporation which at times material herein has en- gaged in the trucking business as a common carrier. Dur- ing the last year of its operation , Respondent Transportation Service received revenues in excess of $50,000 for transporting freight in interstate commerce. Respondent Bonded Freight Systems is a California cor- poration which at all times material herein has engaged in the trucking business as a common carrier . During the cal- endar year preceding the issuance of this complaint, it had gross revenues in excess of $50,000 for transporting freight for agencies of the U.S. Department of Defense and/or for transporting freight in interstate commerce. At all times material herein , Respondent Scoffone has been the president and sole stockholder of Bonded bray- ing and Transportation Service . It is alleged that at all times material herein , the three Respondent corporations and Respondent Scoffone "have constituted individually and/or collectively an employer engaged in commerce and in operations affecting commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act" which allegation was de- nied by the aforesaid answer filed by Scoffone .l The inter- relationship between the Respondents and the conclusions with respect thereto are set forth hereinbelow. II. THE LABOR ORGANIZATION INVOLVED Although it is denied in the aforementioned answer filed herein, the record supports the allegation that the Union is now, and at all times material has been , a labor organiza- tion within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. III. THE UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES It is alleged that at all times material herein , all the truckdrivers employed by Bonded Draying "and/or" Bonded Freight excluding all other employees constitute a unit appropriate for collective bargaining, that the Union represented a majority of the employees in the unit above 1 This allegation was overlooked by me when I asserted and the General Counsel agreed that Scoffone , as an individual, was not alerted by the com- plaint to the possibility that he might be held personally liable to remedy any unfair labor practices found herein. 1017 described and by virtue of Section 9 of the Act, the Union has constituted the exclusive collective-bargaining repre- sentative of said employees . These allegations were denied. It is further alleged that since on or about March 8, 1974, Bonded Draying became a party to a collective-bargaining agreement with the Union covering the employees in the above-described unit effective on its face through March 31, 1976. This allegation was denied. However, the record clearly supports a finding that John Morgado, as terminal manager of Bonded Draying , did enter into a collective- bargaining contract with the Union on the aforesaid date. It further appears that the record supports a finding that the Union at the times material herein did represent a ma- jority of the employees in the aforesaid bargaining unit. The unfair labor practices alleged in the complaint are that Respondents on or about December 22, 23, and 24, 1974, and January 17, 1975, attempted to bargain directly with employees concerning wages, hours, and working con- ditions to the exclusion of the Union; that they attempted to modify the status of "its employees" under the terms of the collective-bargaining agreement in effect by changing the employees' status to that of independent contractors without complying with the procedural and substantive re- quirements of Section 8(d) of the Act, all in violation of Section 8(a)(5) and (1) of the Act; that on or about January 10, 1975, Respondents closed their terminal in San Jose without prior notice to or bargaining with the Union con- cerning the decision of closing said terminal and/or effects of said closure; and that on or about January 13, 1975, Respondents discriminatorily terminated its employees (naming seven of them) in violation of Section 8(a)(3) and (1) of the Act. Since no appearance was entered on behalf of Respon- dents, the only witnesses to testify were called by the Gen- eral Counsel. Among witnesses called were Aldo Scoffone, John Morgado, John Liclican, and John Bulazo to testify with respect to the operations of Respondents. Scoffone, as indicated above, during the time material herein, was presi- dent and sole stockholder of Respondent Bonded Draying and Respondent Transportation Service. Morgado, during the time material herein, was president of Respondent Bonded Freight. Liclican apparently was the bookkeeper for all the corporate Respondents as well as other corpora- tions, and secretary-treasurer of Bonded Freight. Bulazo was a "rate clerk and chief office clerk" for Bonded bray- ing and Bonded Freight. Their testimony presented an ex- tremely confused picture of loosely operated corporations which were apparently unmindful of rules and regulations prescribed for the operations of common carriers and whose affairs are muddled by seizures by the Internal Rev- enue Service. Following is an attempt to summarize from the confused and incomplete record the operations of Re- spondents, facts relevant to their interrelationship and the conduct which is alleged to have been unlawful. It is not clear when Bonded Draymg commenced its op- erations, but it is clear that it did operate in 1973 and into 1974. It appears that in February 1974, its rights to operate under authority from the ICC and PUC were seized by the 2 The witnesses exhibited a lack of knowledge of aspects of the operations of Respondents which did not appear to be because of lack of candor but because of either lack of information or confusion as to what the facts are. 1018 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Internal Revenue Service. However, it also appears that, nevertheless, said Company continued to operate after the seizure by the Internal Revenue Service, at least until April 1974. Morgado offered $75,000 at an auction by the IRS for the aforesaid rights to operate Bonded Draying and on April 18, 1974, was awarded the rights as the highest bid- der. He paid $15,000 as a down payment upon his bid. It appears that the sum of $15,000 was advanced by an Ath- ens Finance Company apparently through arrangements effected by Scoffone, who had other dealings with said fi- nance company . Sometime thereafter , Morgado executed a document which was described as a "release" to the fi- nance company of his interest in the $15,000 which had been paid to the IRS. Thus, the record clearly indicates that Morgado had no financial interest in the rights ac- quired. It further appears from the record that Scoffone arranged to have his attorney set up a corporation known as Bonded Freight Systems, Inc., which took over whatever rights were acquired by Morgado. However, the record is devoid of any clue as to who owned the corporation, since no stock was ever issued and the minute book is devoid of any entry.' There was apparently never any meeting of a board of directors or of stockholders. Morgado testified that Scoffone merely informed him that he (Morgado) was the president of the Company. It appears that immediately after Morgado was informed on April 18 that he was the successful bidder, he took over the drivers, the equipment, and the customers of Bonded Draying Services and its op- erations were continued by the Bonded Freight which ap- parently assumed whatever assets Morgado acquired from Bonded Draying. As noted above, Bonded Draying entered the aforemen- tioned collective-bargaining agreement with the Union af- ter its authority to operate had been seized by the IRS and it is inferred from the record that there was no cessation of operations by Bonded Draying until Morgado and then Bonded Freight assumed the operations of Bonded bray- ing, servicing the same customers and using the same equipment and drivers. It appears that Bonded Freight used Bonded Draying invoices during its operations. Be- sides taking over the drivers, equipment, and trucks of Bonded Draying, Morgado testified that he added two drivers (who were members of the Union). It is inferred that all of the drivers employed by Bonded Freight were members of the Union. Morgado testified Bonded Freight continued to pay the same wages and fringe benefits which were paid by Bonded Draying. It appears from the credited testimony of Carl Shelton, one of the employees who had been working for Bonded Draying and who subsequently worked for Morgado and then Bonded Freight, that in April 1974 Morgado had a meeting with the employees who were taken over and informed them that he would continue to pay union wages and pensions. Morgado testi- fied that after he took over the operations, he told the driv- ers that he would continue to pay union benefits and union wages, although he believed he was not obligated to honor Bonded Draying's labor agreement. Shortly after Morgado started operations, he had a visit from a representative of the Union who insisted that Bonded Freight was obligated to honor the aforesaid contract with the Union. There is no indication in the record of what Morgado's response was to this assertion. It is concluded from the circumstances that Bonded Freight should be considered an alter ego of Bond- ed Draying and therefore was bound by Bonded Draying's contract with the Union. It appears that shortly before Christmas 1974, Scoffone informed Morgado that Alsco Equipment Company, an- other corporation of which Scoffone was president and sole stockholder, was going to have to cancel its lease of the trucks used by Bonded Freight because said equipment was being repossessed. It also appears that Scoffone told Morgado to discuss with the drivers a proposal that they purchase the equipment they operate and continue to ser- vice the customers of Bonded Freight as owner-operators. It further appears that Morgado discussed said proposals at meetings with two of the drivers, Robert Ward and Shel- ton, on two occasions in the latter part of December. There is no dispute in the testimony that Morgado informed the two drivers that Bonded Freight was losing its equipment and asked them if they wanted to buy their trucks and work on a percentage basis as owner-operators. Further- more, he told them to talk to Scoffone about arrangements for the purchase of the trucks. Morgado testified that he did not consult the Union with respect to his proposal to the drivers or inform the Union of the pending loss of his equipment. It does not appear that any of the drivers was willing to become an owner- operator. Apparently in accordance with instructions from Scoffone, Morgado terminated all the drivers employed by Bonded Freight on January 10, 1975,° without prior notifi- cation to, or consultation with, the Union. On that date, he had a meeting with the drivers and he told them he was losing the equipment and had to stop operating. Bonded Freight did not stop servicing its customers, however, because arrangements were made by Scoffone to have Transportation Service Company furnish drivers and equipment to handle the hauling for Bonded Freight. Transportation Service was another company wholly owned by Scoffone. Scoffone purchased the Company in 1954 and at the time material herein it was apparently op- erated wholly or almost wholly with owner-operators as drivers. During the operation of Bonded Freight, its re- ceipts were turned over to John Liclican, who was a book- keeper for all of the entities involved in this proceeding, and apparently Transportation Service was supposed to re- ceive a percentage of the revenues for its furnishing Bond- ed Freight with the drivers and equipment and Transporta- tion Service was supposed to compensate them. Apparently this arrangement continued for approximately only 3 weeks. It is not clear why this arrangement was terminated. There are several possible reasons and one or all have been the cause of the termination of the arrangement. It appears that Transportation Service operated all through 1974 and into 1975, at which time it was notified by the ICC that its right to operate was terminated in 1973 because of failure to file a certificate of insurance and that it had no authority There is some testimony that the terminations were on January 13, 1975, Scoffone testified that he was trying to keep the rights "close" to him so but it appears from Morgado 's and other credited testimony that they oc- t h ld itha e cou reacqu re them in the future. curred on January 10, 1975. BONDED DRAYING SERVICE to operate. Also, there is testimony that in September or October 1974, whatever rights Transportation Service had were seized by IRS. As for Bonded Freight, it appears that the balance of $60,000 which Morgado owed on his bid for the rights of Bonded Draying was never paid to the IRS and Bonded Freight never received the certificates of au- thority. Furthermore, it appears that the IRS repossessed whatever rights Morgado and subsequently Bonded Freight acquired by Morgado's successful bid and down payment of $15,000, but the record does not disclose when this occurred. In any event, it appears that, as of approximately some- time in February 1975, and also as of the time of the hear- ing, all three corporate Respondents , although still in exis- tence as corporate entities , were not operating. It is inferred that Bonded Freight was a paper corpora- tion set up by Scoffone as a device to continue the opera- tions of Bonded Draying and keep control of its rights to operate, and that, as an individual, he controlled the two corporations for his personal benefit.5 Therefore, it is con- cluded that Scoffone , as an individual , Bonded Draying, and Bonded Freight should be considered as a single em- ployer within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. Consequently, it is concluded that said three Respon- dents violated Section 8(a)(5) and (1) of the Act by Morgado's discussing directly with employees of Bonded Freight changes in the operations of Bonded Freight be- cause of the loss of its equipment and proposing that they become owner-operators .6 Furthermore, it is concluded that said Respondents violated Section 8(a)(5) and (1) of the Act by Bonded Freight's failure to notify and bargain with the Union with respect to the effect upon its employ- ees of the loss of its equipment and their resultant termina- tion. It is noted, however, that shortly after the termina- tions, a representative of the Union , Oran Bond, met with Morgado and protested the termination of the employees. Bond insisted that Morgado put the drivers back to work and Morgado explained that he could not do so, since he had no equipment available for them to drive. Bond appar- ently made no request upon Morgado to bargain with the Union with respect to the effect on the employees of the loss of the equipment . Consequently , it appears that the Union waived the right to require said three Respondents to bargain with it as to that matter. It is alleged that Respondents violated Section 8(a)(3) and (1) of the Act by the termination of Bonded Freight's employees and the closing of its San Jose terminal . There is no probative evidence in the record to indicate that there was any antiunion motivation in the action taken by Bond- ed Freight with respect to the termination of its drivers or any other action it took as a result of the loss of its leased 5 It does not appear that Transportation Service entered into any relation- ship with Bonded Freight until after the unfair labor practices found herein were committed , and, therefore , it cannot be held responsible for them. The fact that it furnished owner-operators to Bonded Freight after the termina- tions is not sufficient to conclude that its operations were integrated with Bonded Freight at the time of the commission of the unfair labor practices found herein and to find that it is an appropriate respondent herein. 6It having been found hereinabove that the Union was the exclusive bargaining representative of Bonded Freight's drivers. 1019 equipment including the closing of a terminal. There is no showing of union animus or that Bonded Freight was at- tempting to rid itself of the Union. On the contrary, it is inferred that it was forced to terminate its employees for economic reasons; i.e., the loss of its equipment leased from Alsco. As aforementioned, Alsco Equipment Compa- ny apparently had to cancel the lease of equipment to Bonded Freight because said equipment was being repos- sessed. It appears that the loss of the leased equipment was not a pretext for the terminations, since there is credited testimony that, by the time of the hearing, Alsco had be- come an inactive corporation. This would tend to corrobo- rate the reason given for Alsco's cancellation of the lease of equipment to Bonded Freight. Thus, in the circumstances, it appears that the General Counsel has failed to prove by a preponderance of the evi- dence that the termination of Bonded Freight's employees was discriminatorily motivated. As to the allegation with respect to Respondents closing "their terminal in San Jose," it is not clear from the record that said terminal was closed, but, in any event, the closing of the terminal, if it did occur, and the discharge of the employees must have been so closely related that the finding with respect to the terminations would be applicable to the closing of the ter- minal. If it did close said terminal, it apparently was as a consequence of loss of its equipment and for the same rea- son as the terminations, and was therefore not violative of Section 8(a)(3) and (1) of the Act. If it did occur without consultation with the Union, as alleged, it might very well have been a violation of Section 8(a)(5) and (1) of the Act, but as indicated hereinabove, a union representative met with Morgado after the terminations and alleged closing of the terminal and made no request to bargain about the effect on the employees of the loss of equipment or the closing of the terminal and, therefore, it appears that the Union also waived any right to require Bonded Freight to bargain about the alleged closing of its San Jose terminal. It appears that Scoffone is presently operating a trucking company as an individual doing business as Al J. Scoffone Trucking Company. There is no showing in the record that his operations under that name were in any way integrated with the corporate Respondents herein. However, since he is operating that company under his individual ownership, any remedy which is recommended against Scoffone as an individual would necessarily affect his operations under the aforesaid business name. As to the allegation that Respondents violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act by Scoffone's dealing directly with an employee of Bonded Freight on January 17, 1975, this alle- gation appears to be without merit. The employee at the time was already terminated and Scoffone's proposal that he became a driver-operator was not in derogation of the Union's representative status, since he was no longer an employee of Bonded Freight. IV. THE EFFECT OF THE UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICE UPON COMMERCE The unfair labor practice of Respondents set forth in section III, above, occurring in connection with its opera- tions set forth in section I, above, have a close, intimate, 1020 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD and substantial relation to trade , traffic, and commerce among the several States , and tend to lead to labor disputes burdening and obstructing commerce and the free flow thereof. V. THE REMEDY Although it has been found that Respondents violated Section 8(a)(5) and (1) of the Act by failing to consult with the Union as to the effect upon its employees of the loss of the equipment necessary for their employment and their resultant terminations, it appears , as indicated herein- above, that the Union subsequently waived its right to bar- gain about said matters. Therefore, no remedy will be rec- ommended with respect to said violation except to require that the drivers who were discharged by Bonded Freight be put on a preferential hiring list and that should either of respondent corporations , Bonded Draying and Bonded Freight, or Scoffone, as an individual, hire any drivers, it will be recommended that they must hire the aforesaid drivers discharged by Bonded Freight before hiring any new employees . Since neither of the abovementioned two respondent corporations is presently operating , it does not appear that there is any place where they can post the no- tice which would be required, but it will be recommended that they mail copies of said notice to each of the drivers discharged by Bonded Freight and that Scoffone post said notice at his place of business where he is operating a trucking company under the name of Al J. Scoffone Truck- ing Service. Upon the basis of the foregoing findings of fact and upon the entire record in this proceeding , I make the fol- lowing: CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. Respondents Bonded Draying Service, Bonded Freight Systems, Inc., and Aldo Scoffone, an individual, are a single employer engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 2. Freight, Construction, General Helpers, and Ware- housemen Local 287, International Brotherhood of Team- sters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America, is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. 3. Said Union was the exclusive bargaining representa- tive of the drivers employed by Bonded Draying and sub- sequently by Bonded Freight. 4. Said Respondents, through the conduct of Morgado, violated Section 8(a)(5) and (1) of the Act by discussing directly with driver employees of Bonded Freight a propos- al that they change their status from employees to owner- operators. 5. Said Respondents, through the conduct of Morgado, violated Section 8(aX5) and (1) of the Act by failing to consult with the Union with respect to the effect upon driv- er employees of Bonded Freight , its loss of its equipment, and said employees ' resultant terminations. 6. General Counsel has failed to prove by a preponder- ance of the evidence the allegations of the complaint that Respondents violated Section 8(a)(3) and (1) of the Act by the closing of a San Jose terminal and discharge of Bonded Freight's driver employees because of their union activity or other concerted protected activity, as alleged in the com- plaint. 7. The General Counsel has failed to prove by a prepon- derance of the evidence the allegations in the complaint relating to the responsibility of Transportation Service for the unfair labor practices found to have been committed. 8. The allegation of a violation of Section 8(a)(1) by the conduct of Scoffone on January 17, 1975, is without merit. [Recommended Order omitted from publication.] Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation