Bingham-Willamette Co.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsApr 14, 1986279 N.L.R.B. 270 (N.L.R.B. 1986) Copy Citation 270 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Guy F. Atkinson d/b/a Bingham-Willamette Compa- ny and Willamette Lodge No . 63, International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Work- ers. Cases 36-CA-4802 and 36-CA-4812 14 April 1986 DECISION AND ORDER By CHAIRMAN DOTSON AND MEMBERS DENNIS AND JOHANSEN On 29 August 1985 Administrative Law Judge Harold A. Kennedy issued the attached decision. The General Counsel and the Charging Party filed exceptions and supporting briefs, and the Respond- ent filed an answering brief to their exceptions. The National Labor Relations Board has delegat- ed its authority in this proceeding to a three- member panel. The Board has considered the decision and the record in light of the exceptions and briefs and has decided to affirm the judge's rulings, findings,' and conclusions and to adopt the recommended Order. Contrary to our dissenting colleague, we agree with the judge that the Respondent did not engage in unlawful disparate treatment by its actions as to strikers Robert J. Pierce and Michael Jewett and nonstriker Daniel A. Gruver. The judge properly decided that the Respondent could view the mis- conduct of Gruver, for which he was given a 2- day suspension, as not rendering him unfit for future employment in light of his prompt apology for the assault on a striker and an offer of restitu- tion for any loss of personal property sustained by the latter. Nor do we question the judge's decision as to the propriety of the Respondent's determina- tion that Pierce and Jewett, who did nothing im- mediately or soon after the occurrence of their mis- conduct to alleviate its coercive impact, were un- suitable for further employment. As it is clear that the Respondent had a reasona- ble and sound basis for its dissimilar, but nondis- criminatory, treatment of the employees who en- gaged in misconduct, we adopt the judge's finding that the denial of reinstatement of Pierce and Jewett did not violate the Act. ORDER The recommended Order of the administrative law judge is adopted and the complaint is dis- missed. MEMBER JOHANSEN, dissenting. I cannot agree with my colleagues' adoption of the administrative law judge's finding that the Re- ' Member Dennis adheres to her concurring opinion in Clear Pine Mouldings, 268 NLRB 1044 (1984) spondent did not engage in disparate treatment in violation of Section 8(a)(3) and (1) of the Act by refusing to reinstate strikers Robert J. Pierce and Michael T. Jewett for engaging in picket line mis- conduct while merely suspending for 2 days non- striker Daniel A. Gruver who engaged in more se- rious misconduct. The record shows that on 18 April 1983 about 300 of the Respondent's 450 employees engaged in an economic strike which ended on 16 April 1984 when the Union made an unconditional offer on behalf of the strikers to return to work. While the strike was in progress the three em- ployees in question engaged in certain picket line misconduct. Thus, on 3 June 1983 Pierce threw eggs at some cars of nonstrikers and beat on a van' carrying nonstrikers or replacements as it proceed- ed through the Respondent's parking lot.2 On 12 August 1983 Jewett, who was serving as a picket line captain, slapped or struck nonstriker Gruver3 in the face as he drove his open convertible car to the parking lot. On Saturday evening, 3 September 1983, Gruver and a friend, both of whom had been drinking, drove to a parking lot across from the premises where they saw a parked car. Upon ascertaining from its occupant, Ralph Pease, that he was on picket duty, Gruver forced him down in the seat and, according to Gruver, intended to "scare" Pease by pretending he had a gun and telling Pease that Gruver "might as well blow [Pease] away" with it.4 In addition, Gruver's friend "took" Pease's glasses , car keys, and registration card which he threw away after they left. On the fol- lowing afternoon Gruver telephoned Pease, who, according to Gruver, was "still shaken up," and apologized, offering to pay for the articles in ques- tion. When Gruver called again, he was told by Pease's wife, who was "hysterical," not to call again and "leave her husband alone." On 6 September 1983, Gruver reported the fore- going episode to Randall who, as indicated above, issued a notice to Gruver suspending him for 2 days for "harassing" Pease in violation of the court's order of 15 July 1983.5 Thereafter, a circuit ' David L Randall, the Respondent's personnel manager, testified that he was not sure whether Pierce used a club or his fist 2 At the Respondent's request, the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon issued on 15 July 1983 an order enjoining conduct other than peaceful picketing 3 Gruver had participated in the strike for 14 weeks but returned to work in July 1983 4 Randall testified that Gruver was about 30 years old and somewhat heavier than Pease who was in his midfifties 5 The notice also warned Gruver that any further action by him against a picketer , which was "not taken in self defense may result in an additional suspension or termination " 279 NLRB No. 37 BINGHAM -WILLAMETTE CO. court proceeding was brought against Gruver by the State of Oregon at the behest of the Union. Gruver was ordered to appear in mid-September regarding his assault on Pease to show cause why "he should not be held in contempt for intentional- ly and wilfully disobeying" the court's order of 15 July 1983. Gruver, whose attorney was supplied by the Respondent which paid part of the latter 's fees, appeared and pleaded the Fifth Amendment. As already indicated, the Respondent' s lenient treatment of nonstriker Gruver was in sharp con- trast to the Respondent's resort to the extreme sanction of refusing to reinstate the two strikers. Thus, when Pierce applied to Randall for reinstate- ment on 15 August 1984, the latter admitted that he was a good employee but nevertheless barred him from returning to work because of his conduct more than a year earlier. Similarly, when Jewett applied for reinstatement in September 1984 and as- sured Randall that he could get along with every- body, Randall replied that he liked Jewett's "good attitude" but would not allow him to return to work even though he was a good employee be- cause he "walked too intensively on the picket line" and had engaged in misconduct on one occa- sion during the strike. It is established that an employer may refuse to reinstate those employees who coerce other em- ployees with respect to the exercise of their Sec- tion 7 rights by engaging in violence against them or instilling a fear of bodily harm in them.6 How- ever, it is also well established that employers may not engage in disparate treatment of strikers and nonstrikers who are equally culpable of miscon- duct.7 Although the judge acknowledged that non- striker Gruver engaged in serious misconduct, the judge concluded that it did not render him unfit for future employment because he had apologized and offered restitution to the employee whom he had assaulted . Yet the judge found in agreement with the Respondent that the misconduct of strikers Pierce and Jewett made them unsuitable for further employment despite Randall 's admission that they were both good employees and his approval of Jewett's "good attitude" in pledging not to cause any problems in the future. As indicated above, an employer may not abuse the right to discipline employees who engage in coercive picket line conduct by meting out harsher treatment to strikers than to nonstrikers when they are equally culpable. Here, it is manifest that Gruver's unprovoked and vicious attack on a de- fenseless middle-aged fellow employee who was 6 See Clear Pine Mouldings, 268 NLRB 1044 (1984) 1 See Garrett Railroad Car v NLRB, 683 F 2d 731 (3d Cir 1982) 271 peacefully and lawfully picketing was far more blameworthy than the conduct of Pierce and Jewett. Gruver's apology appears to have been prompted not so much by genuine contrition as by a fear of losing his job and a desire to avoid crimi- nal prosecution. In any event, his apology for his assault of Pease did nothing to lessen its coercive impact and therefore did not constitute a valid basis for treating him more leniently than the strik- ers. It is also evident from the Respondent's solici- tude in furnishing him with an attorney and paying part of the latter's fees that the Respondent singled out nonstriker Gruver for favored treatment. The sharp contrast between the Respondent's special consideration for and assistance to non- striker Gruver and its refusal to reinstate strikers Pierce and Jewett clearly demonstrate that the Re- spondent's motive for barring them from their jobs was not their misconduct. Rather, the Respondent was motivated by the fact that Pierce and Jewett, unlike Gruver who had ceased his participation in the strike, had "walked too intensively" on the picket line and had continued their participation for its full duration. In sum, I would find that the Respondent's dis- parate treatment of strikers Pierce and Jewett was discriminatorily motivated and that its refusal to re- instate them violated Section 8(a)(3) and (1) of the Act. I would therefore require the Respondent to offer them reinstatement and make them whole for any loss of earnings. Dale B. Cubbison, for the General Counsel. Lester V. Smith, and Marianna Kanwit, of Portland, Oregon, for the Respondent. Donald S. Richardson, of Portland, Oregon, for the Charging Party. DECISION HAROLD A. KENNEDY, Administrative Law Judge. Respondent is charged in this proceeding with violation of Section 8(a)(1) and (3) of the National Labor Rela- tions Act' by refusing to reinstate two of its employees, Robert Pierce and Michael Jewett, following a strike. According to the complaint, Respondent refused to re- instate Pierce and Jewett on 15 August 1984 and 17 Sep- tember 1984, respectively, because they joined, supported, or assisted the Union, and en- gaged in concerted activities for the purpose of col- lective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection, and in order to discourage employees from engag- ' Sec 8(a)(1) makes it an unfair labor practice for an employer "to interfere with, restrain , or coerce employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed in Section 7 " Sec 8(a)(3) makes it an unfair labor practice for an employer "by discrimination in regard to hire or tenure of employ- ment or any term or condition of employment to encourage or discour- age membership in any labor organization 272 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD ing in such activities or other concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection. The case came on for hearing in Portland, Oregon, on 14 May 1985. Pierce and Jewett appeared and testified for the General Counsel as did David Randall, Respond- ent's personnel manager, and another employee, Leon VanWoerkom. Randall was recalled to testify as a de- fense witness, along with two other employees of Re- spondent, Daniel Gruver and Neil Morgavi. Many of the allegations of the complaint are not in dis- pute. Respondent's answer admitted that it is an Oregon corporation , that it manufactures pumps and pump parts, and that it is an employer engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(2), (6), and (7) of the Act.2 Re- spondent also admitted that the Union is a "labor organi- zation" as that term is defined in the Act and that Dave Randall at all times material has been the firm 's person- nel manager and an agent and supervisor of Respondent. Finally, Respondent admitted that it refused to rein- state Pierce and Jewett as alleged, but it denied that such conduct constituted unfair labor practices as averred in the complaint. Dave Randall testified that during the past 11 years he has been personnel manager for Respondent, which em- ploys approximately 450 employees in its machine shop and welding fabrication shop. In 1983, following the ex- piration of a collective-bargaining agreement between the Union and Respondent, about 300 employees went on strike.3 About a year later, about 16 April 1984, the Union abandoned the strike and wrote Respondent that all striking employees were offering unconditionally to return to work. The positions of some strikers had been filled, but eventually a number of employees were rein- stated. Respondent refused to hire back Pierce and Jewett, both of whom had refused to cross the picket line that had been set up during the strike. Randall testified that he made the decision not to rein- state Pierce and Jewett, and that he did so because of their "misconduct." Randall was questioned at some length about incidents involving the two unreinstated employees and conversations he had with them concern- ing such incidents. Randall also testified concerning inci- dents involving another employee, Dan Gruver, who had been given a 2- or 3-day suspension but was other- wise retained on the Company's payroll.4 Randall said 2 Respondent 's answer also admitted that its business during the year preceding the issuance of the complaint involved the purchase and deliv- ery to its Oregon facilities "goods and materials valued at in excess of $50,000 directly from sources outside said state, or from suppliers within said state which in turn obtained such goods and materials directly from sources outside said state " 8 The collective -bargaining agreement was executed by Respondent and the Metal Trades Council, which included six different unions-the Machinists, Boilermakers , Electricians , Operating Engineers , Teamsters, and Painters The agreement expired on 31 March 1983, and the Council struck Respondent shortly thereafter 4 Randall stated that Gruver was suspended for 2 days and also denied an overtime day at time-and-a half Gruver testified he honored the picket line for about 14 weeks and then returned to work he knew Pierce to have been a shop steward at one time while employed by Respondent. Randall acknowledged talking with Pierce on more than one occasion after the strike had begun. Randall re- called a particular telephone conversation he had with Pierce in mid-August 1984 which ended with Pierce's termination . The conversation lasted a half an hour or so, and Pierce "persisted in wanting an answer as to whether or not he was going to be eligible to return." Randall said he discussed with Pierce the fact that he considered Pierce guilty of strike misconduct which Randall described as consisting of throwing of eggs at cars and beating upon a van as it proceeded through Re- spondent's parking lot. Randall said he told Pierce about these acts, and Pierce did not deny engaging in them. Quoting from Randall 's direct testimony: I was amazed. In the conversation, Pierce made no defense other than the fact there were other individ- uals who had done things worse than he'd done. That was the sum total of his defense. I said Bob, I said, normally I'd like to have the individual here with me when we sit down and talk about these things and you respond to the evidence that I have against you. I'd like to hear your side of the situa- tion. He says I need an answer right now. He says I've got to get on with the rest of my life. If I'm not coming back there, I need to have an answer, and he pressed and he pressed, pushed me into a po- sition where I gave him a response. I said if you have no other defense other than there are other in- dividuals who are in here who did worse things than you did, and without any examples-he would not give me any examples-I said I have no choice but to sustain termination.5 Randall stated that Pierce had something in his hand but he could not see what it was It was reported later to him, according to Randall, that the moving van, driven by an employee named Gary Peterson, had "brushed a picketer or bumped a picketer," but Randall did not see it occur. Randall recalled that there was a cloud of dust, numerous pickets in the area and some egg throwing. Asked if the egg-throwing incident and the "beating on the van" were "the only reason[s] for discharge Pierce," Randall agreed : "That's right." Randall was shown certain photographs taken on the day of the incident, which Randall thought was 3 June 1983. He indicated that the photos show Pierce "running after the van." Other photos show, he said, an employee named Brad Schilber beating on the van with a stick. Schilber was rehired by Respondent after the strike. Randall said he confronted Schilber with information about Schilber's misconduct Schilber told Randall that 5 Randall testified that he never indicated he would take Pierce back Randall said My standard position , because there were a lot of people, there were a couple hundred people, maybe not all of which wanted to come back, but about 200 people affected, some which wanted to come back, and my response to them was the same It was that I didn't have anything right now As we had something, we'd bring them in, sit down and discuss about merits or return BINGHAM-WILLAMETTE CO. he had been bumped or brushed by the van and that he chased after it because he was "mad." Randall said he was sure that he had seen Pierce chase after the van and hit it; also, that he saw Pierce, among others, throw eggs at Neil Morgavi's vehicle. Persons other than Pierce who had thrown eggs were not returned to work, Ran- dall said. In questioning Randall, the Union indicated that an employee named Ken Bartley had been allowed to return to work and promoted in spite of misconduct on his part. Randall indicated, however, he had investi- gated such claim and found "Bartley's vehicle implicat- ed" but not him. Randall conceded that he was aware at the time of the interview with Pierce that approximately a year earlier a fellow employee named Gruver had been involved in an incident (referred to as the "Gruver-Pease incident") in which Gruver had been engaged in misconduct. The in- cident occurred while the strike was on and after Gruver had decided to cross the picket line at Respondent's busi- ness to return to work. The incident took place on a weekend in September 1983 at a time when Gruver was not expected to be in the area of Respondent's business. Randall described the Gruver-Pease incident as follows: My investigation revealed that Mr. Gruver and a friend came down one Saturday evening to Bingham-Willamette Company and confronted an individual by the name of Ralph Pease, who was a picketer, in his automobile. I don't know what Mr. Pease was doing. I don't know if he was just sitting there, reading, sleeping or what he was doing. But, Mr Gruver came upon him, went inside the car, and talked to him about why was this thing going on as long as it was going, didn't he see that it wasn't going to go anywhere, that it was over; and he proceeded to-I think he indicated to me that he grabbed the man by the-he has afraid of being rec- ognized, so he grabbed the man by the collar, or the shirt or Jacket, or whatever her [sic] had on, here in front, and pushed him down into the seat and indicated to him that he had a gun, I believe, and that it was his intent to-well, what did he say? He said something about-actually, I don't think at this point-no, that didn't come out at that point. He indicated he said some things, made some ges- tures like he had something in his pocket, like he had a gun, and he indicated that he didn't under- stand this thing going, and that they didn't seem to be succeeding, and that why didn't it all just end. Then he proceeded to leave, and his- JUDGE KENNEDY: Gruver did? THE WITNESS: Yeah, he and his friend left. I don't know where his friend had been all this time, although I think he was there, because his friend was the guy, as I understood it, who picked up this man's keys so he couldn't follow, and I believe his eyeglasses, and they left. BY MR. CUBBISON Q And his wallet? A. I'm not sure, may have had his wallet. Q. Car registration? 273 Car registration? I don't know about car registra- tion. While contending that "there were lots of things that provoked Mr. Gruver to do what he did," Randall con- ceded that his investigation persuaded him that Pease had done nothing to provoke the attack and that Gruver was "culpable." On cross-examination by the Union, Randall stated that "Gruver came into my office on Monday morning right after the incident and volunteered that he had been involved in something that he was ashamed of the previ- ous weekend; "that he had told Mr. Pease he had a gun," although he did not; and that a "friend" of Gruver (who was never identified) took certain personal items of Pease, apparently including eyeglasses , car keys, and car registration . The articles were thrown out of the car as they drove away. Gruver later attempted to locate such items and return them to Pease but he was unable to do so. Under questioning by Respondent's attorney, Randall testified that Gruver had told him that Gruver and his friend had been drinking on the night of the Gruver- Pease incident . Gruver apologized to Mrs. Pease, appar- ently in vain, and explained that he would try to find the missing items and pay for any damage.6 With respect to Jewett , Randall said he met with Jewett on 14 September 1984 and discussed misconduct that had occurred during the strike. Jewett told Randall during the interview, Randall said, that he (Jewett) struck Gruver one day as Gruver drove an open car (a "Volkswagon convertible with the top down") through the Company's parking lot. Jewett told him , Randall as- serted, that "he had moved out of the way to avoid being struck by Gruver as he entered the parking lot, and as he wheeled and pivoted around, his hand struck Gruver." Randall said he did not know at the time of the inter- view with Jewett but learned later from an NLRB agent that Jewett was the picket line captain during the strike. Randall told Jewett at the time of the interview that there was no problem with Jewett's performance on the job. Randall testified that the interview with Jewett ended much the same way the interview did with Pierce "except in Pierce's situation he'd pressed for a decision right away." Jewett's response to Randall's questioning about the incident, according to Randall, " was, again, that there were individuals out there who had done worse things than he had done, and that all he'd done was avoid being struck by the vehicle, and he had 6 A hearing was held in a state court at which the Gruver-Pease inci- dent was pursued but, according to Randall, no decision was made "one way or the other as to whom done what to who to that situation " Affi- davits were filed with the court by Mr and Mrs Pease , and Respondent submitted two affidavits signed by Gruver Mr and Mrs Pease both tes- tified but "Gruver took the Fifth " Randall agreed on cross-examination by the Union that the name of Pease was not among those given to the court who had engaged in con- duct that showed a need for injunctive relief Randall agreed that Schilber, the employee shown in the photo hitting the van, was rehired by the Company "after his situation was reviewed " 274 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD wheeled and hit him." Randall said he asked Jewett if there were witnesses who would support Jewett's ver- sion , and Jewett replied, "No, I was walking picket by myself." Randall said he promised Jewett he would in- vestigate, and he did so. Randall talked with a security guard, a Pinkerton employee, and Gruver who, accord- ing to Randall, offered a similar version : there "was a car coming into the driveway , under control , at a slow rate of speed, and Jewett struck at him. Gruver pulled in about 10 to 15 feet and got out of his car." Randall said he talked to others , including Mike Richardson and Ken Classen, but they "didn't have anything to contribute." On cross -examination by the Union , Randall said his investigation of the Gruver-Jewett incident disclosed that after Gruver drove through the gate he stopped his vehi- cle and got out and held a "fishwhacker" club. Randall agreed that Pierce and Jewett were both good employees-as he considered Gruver to be. Added Ran- dall: "Being a good employee had the same bearing on Gruver's situation as it had on the other two."7 Leon VanWoerkom testified that he had worked for Respondent at one time and was employed by the Com- pany in 1983 when many of its employees went out on strike. He said he was present at the picket line, standing at the gate, on the day striking employees chased a blue van as it exited from Respondent's parking lot. Accord- ing to VanWoerkom, the van "kind of bolted at us kind of unexpected . . . and actually run over my foot." Van- Woerkom indicated he was not hurt as he was wearing steel-toed shoes at the time. He had a camera with him and took certain photos of the scene, including Respond- ent's Exhibits 3, 4, and 5. VanWoerkom identified Pierce in the photos; he said Pierce had run toward the van but "never quite made it to the van before he started pulling away." Robert Pierce said he went to work for Respondent in 1965. He joined the Union, became a shop steward, and joined other employees in striking Respondent in April 1983.8 He picketed Respondents plant, usually on Friday nights. As the following quotation from his direct testi- mony indicates, he testified that he was involved in two picket line incidents: Q. While you were serving picketing duty, were you involved in an incident involving eggs? A. Yes. Q. When? 7 Testifying later on defense, Randall identified a diagram showing the layout of the Company's plant and parking lot which are adjacent to the Port of Portland (R Exh 9) The diagram shows the location and width of the gates through which persons or vehicles may enter onto Respond- ent's property from Front Avenue, also the location of guard stations at two of the gates Randall said the stoke activities took place at gate I and that he was able to observe them from the area marked "Main Office " Randall indicated that it was a "very intense, very excited" situ- ation at the beginning of the strike before a court injunction issued "There had been paint-filled eggs, nails, firecrackers, rocks, threats," he said a Pierce said he dealt with Respondent's personnel director, Dave Ran- dall, several times in connection with grievances filed Randall said he "came out really well most every time " Randall said he resigned as steward about a year prior to the strike A. When we had a mass picket one time. When they had that mass picket deal, somebody handed a couple of eggs. I lobbed them over the fence. Q. Was that the first day that replacements start- ed coming through the picket line? A. Probably was, probably was. Q. Were you involved in any other picket line in- cidents involving a van being driven through the picket line? A. Yes, I was. Q. Do you remember when? A. Oh, that was probably about June, I think. Q. What time of day? A. Probably about 3:30 in the afternoon, approxi- mately. Q. Where? A. At Bingham-Willamette, at the last gate on the property. Q. Tell the Judge what happened at that time. A. Well, what happened was a van come flying out of that gate at a high speed, and there was sev- eral of us standing there. There was an opening, with some on this side and some that side, and he come flying out, and he almost hit two or three of us on this side. The guys jumped back on the other side. Then he went out in the street and went down the street, got caught in traffic, and a number of us starting running in that direction, you know. One guy caught the van, and he was beating on it with a club, and another one threw something. By the time I got down there, the van had shot across the street, hit the curb, and was going head-on to traffic down the street, but I never did reach the van myself. Q. Is that the only incident that you were in- volved in with the van? A. Yeah, I think so. I'm sure. After the strike Pierce called Respondent's personnel director, Dave Randall, a number of times in an effort to get reinstated. In response , Randall would report that there were no openings. Pierce said he recalled on one occasion, some time in 1984 after speaking to his fore- man, Dick Matheson, that Randall had indicated that there were certain incidents that affected Pierce's recall. Randall referred to a beating on a van with a club and some shots being fired at the van; also to the fact that there had been some nails in the street. Pierce denied to Randall hitting a van with a club or knowing about any gun shots . Pierce also indicated to Randall that he could have kicked some nails out of the way or picked them up but denied that he would have placed any nails in the street. According to Pierce, Matheson and another company official, Vern Coleman, indicated some support for Pierce's recall . Pierce related his conversations with Coleman on direct to be as follows: First, when I called Coleman he wasn't in his office, and then he called me back at home, and then I told him what was going on and that I would to come back to work again . He told me that he'd speak to Randall and see. I think it was the second conversa- BINGHAM-WILLAMETTE CO tion that I was talking to him to see what he had found out after he talked to Randall , and he said I mentioned it to him , but he says Hal Williams, I can't override Hal Williams , or something like that. He says why don 't you come in and see Hal Wil- liams? And I said well , I'm not going to kiss his rump to get my job back , even though I need the job as bad as I do. You know . So, that was the end of that conversation. Pierce was questioned further on cross -examination concerning his egg-throwing during the strike. He ac- knowledged that he threw a couple of eggs but said he did not know where they landed . He also acknowledged hitting a windshield with an egg one day when someone "cussed" him but that occurred , he thought , "on a differ- ent date " Michael Jewett started working for Respondent in 1976. He joined the Union and was a picket captain during the strike against Respondent . Jewett was named chief union steward and filed charges against five or so union members for crossing the picket lines.9 Jewett spoke with a company official about returning to work for Respondent around September 1984 and was referred to Personnel Manager Randall . Jewett and Ran- dall had a conversation a few days later which Jewett described as follows: Q Will you tell the Judge , in detail , what you said to Randall and Randall said to you? A Okay. When we first started off, I told him that I 'd like to see if I could have my job back. I told him that the strike was behind me, that I could live within all the new rules of the company and I could accept my wages that they would offer me. I told him that I could get along with everybody, that there wouldn 't be no problems of any sort. I told him the strike was over . He said that he liked my attitude , he thought I had a really good attitude about returning to work . He said that they were going to be hiring then to 15 pump mechanics in the near future . Then he said but you had some problems on the picket line, you had several infrac- tions on the picket line . I told him no, I only know of one, and I told him about the Dan Gruver inci- dent that I had . I told him that Dan was coming at me in his car , and I jumped back and I backhanded him. Then Mr . Randall said well , Dan has a differ- ent version Then I said, we went to court around September 9 of 1983 , and I told him that Dan Gruver took the Fifth Amendment and wouldn't testify I told him that the guard said that Gruver hit me . I told him that the guard said he broke up a fight, and there was no fight , and I said that was a little unfair , that I couldn ' t come back to work be- cause of that incident. Then he said well , there 's a lot more infractions, too. He said you have several infractions on the picket line I asked him well , what were they, and 9 Randall said he had not known Jewett was a union steward until NLRB agent had advised him of that fact 275 he said well-and he didn 't really say anything, and then he finally said well , we didn 't like the manner that you walked on the picket line, you walked too intensively on the picket line. I told him I just walked normally . I told him that it was my job to walk the picket line. So, then , we started talking about employment again , and he said well , I do need ten or 15 more people , and he said but you did break the law. The he said well , maybe you better quit because we don't have to terminate you or fire you. This time we'll give you an option to quit . I told him that I didn't really want to quit. Then I brought up about me taking over the duties of chief steward . Our steward found a job and he couldn't take over anymore , so I took over all his duties. This was about February of `84. I told him is this one of the reasons why I wan't going to get re-employed . He says no, the strike is over, that doesn 't matter . He says your picket line violence is the primary concern. Then I brought up the Dan Gruver incident, when Dan Gruver attacked Ralph Pease , and Mr. Randall says well, I'm not going to talk about an- other employee 's problem , but he just then said that Dan had a lot of problems and he wouldn't go into the Dan Gruver incident with Ralph Pease. Then he says, well, he kind of confused me at the time in our conversation , because there 's a couple times he told me to quit or to be terminated, and then there was a couple times saying well, I do need some good mechanics . He says well, we could use your services . He said I'll think about it over the weekend , so maybe you better not quit or be terminated . He said he would think about it over the weekend , and he told me to call him back on Monday. So, then, I called him back on Monday, and he told me that it was in the company 's best interests not to hire me back, that I'd broken the law, and he gave me one more chance to quit or to be terminat- ed again and I just told him to do what you have to do. I told him it wasn 't fair . I said what about Dan, and he said well, the company has taken position. That was the end of our conversation. On cross-examination , Jewett was questioned further about his confrontation with Gruver during the strike when the latter drove his open car through the gate of Respondent 's parking lot. Jewett said he thought Gruver was trying to run him down . Jewett said he jumped out of the way and "threw " a backhand which "landed in [Gruver 's) face." Gruver has estimated the speed of his car differently (20-30 mph and 30-40 mph). Gruver stated that he stopped his vehicle and started waving a 24-inch billy club at Jewett. Words were exchanged, but there was no physical contact. A guard appeared, and Jewett "took off." Dan Gruver testified that he had worked for the Com- pany for 6 years, first as an apprentice helper and later as a welder. 276 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Gruver said he honored the picket line at the begin- ning of the strike but later crossed it and returned to work. He stated that he worked the swing shift during the strike when "numerous things happened ." He said an egg was thrown into his car ; also rocks , smoke bombs, and fireworks were thrown at his car. Most of the inci- dents occurred at night when he got off work and he could not recognize the people involved. However, he said he saw Russ Jewett strike him on one occasion when he drove his car into the company parking lot. Gruver said he was driving 5 to 10 miles per hour and saw Jewett walking back and forth. Gruver said: He was standing there, just kind of walking back and forth, with his sign . I slowed down and I had my blinker going, and just as I went to turn over the sidewalk, he come up to my car, and said a few words and smacked me. Gruver stated that Jewett's blow broke Gruver's sun- glasses and left him in kind of a daze. Gruver stopped his car and, holding a fishwhacker club, "exhanged names" with Jewett. Jewett said he made reports to the company guard office nearby, Personnel Manager Dave Randall, and the local police. Gruver also testified concerning his part in the Gruver-Pease incident which he said occurred over a Labor Day weekend. Quoting from Gruver's direct testi- mony: Well, I'd been out helping this friend of mine move all day, and we'd had enough alcohol to drink, and later on that night we went out and we had a couple more drinks. Then I just-I don't know why, but I just got a crazy idea to come down to work and see what was going on. So, I came down to work, and there was one car sitting in the park- ing lot across from Bingham-Willamette, and we went up to the car and asked the guy why he was picketing, told him it was a waste of time, that he was just losing money, and he agreed. He said yeah, you know, that's true. And we asked him why he was out there, you know, so late at night picketing. He said well, this is my shift, so that was that. Then we exchanged a few more words, and then I made him get in the back seat of his car. I was talking to him in the back seat of the car, and I had him down in the back seat, but I had my hands kind of on his coat, holding him down. Just to scare him, I told him that I had a gun, and he believed me. I didn't have anything near a gun with me. Well, while I was talking to him in the back seat, this friend of mine took his keys and his glasses, and that I didn't know until we further got down the road, and then he opened the window and threw them out. I said, what'd you do? He goes, oh, I took his keys and glasses. I said oh, no, and this was, like 3:00 in the morning. Q. The next day, what did you do? A. I felt really bad. It really bothered me that-I mean , after I sobered up it bothered me, and I thought I have to contact this gentleman and apolo- gize. I went out that Sunday evening and looked- see, I didn't know exactly where this friend of mine threw this stuff out of the window, but, you know, I knew around the area, and I looked. So, I called up Mr. Pease Sunday, later in the afternoon, and said this is so and so, and I'm really sorry for what happened. He was still shaken up. I said if there's any way-I'll accept responsibility as far as, you know, paying for what was taken. He says, well, I just want my stuff back, and I said well, I'll try and find it again. I went out looking today, and I'll try to find it. So, what I did was I went and got ahold of this friend of mine and we both went out and looked, and where he threw them was over this like a viaduct-bridge type like thing where-it was, like, where hoboes live, and that kind of stuff. But, there was trail. I mean , we tore brush out of there and everything trying to find this guy's stuff. What evi- dently happened is these hoboes that were living under the bridge heard us stop or heard this stuff hit the ground. Q. But, you never found it? A. No, we never did. Q. Did you ever have occasion to talk to Mr. Pease again? A. Yes, I did. I called him the next-in fact, that night, after my friend and I went and looked, which was Monday, I called him again and said I can't find your stuff, and I will pay for everything that was taken. Well, at this time his wife got on the other phone and she was hysterical, and she told me not to call anymore, not to do anything, just to leave her husband alone. I said okay, I'm very very sorry, I know I did wrong. That was the end of that. Gruver said he reported to work on Tuesday following Labor Day and promptly reported the incident to Dave Randall. Gruver agreed on cross- examination that he had given statements to the Company but not to an agent of the NLRB. He had indicated he was willing to be a witness for the Company in court but pleaded the Fifth Amend- ment when he appeared in court. Gruver identified Charging Party's Exhibit 2 as a written suspension notice he received after the Gruver-Pease incident. 10 Neil Morgavi testified he went to work for Respond- ent in June 1983 during the strike. He indicated it was difficult getting through the picket line in the early days of the strike . Morgavi said: The first day I started, in the morning it wasn't bad. That afternoon was terrible. There was people 10 The suspension, termed a "Performance Deficiency," is dated 9 Sep- tember 1983 and states that Gruver was given a 2-day suspension without pay Gruver said he thought he had been suspended for 3 days Randall testified that he gave Gruver the suspension notice on 9 Sep- tember He explained that although the notice indicates that Gruver was suspended for Thursday and Friday, 8 and 9 September, he was also denied time-and-a-half work on Saturday, 10 September Randall said "Under our implemented proposal, if you didn't work the working day before a weekend, you didn't get to work the weekend " BINGHAM-WILLAMETTE CO surrounding and hindering us from leaving the com- pany, beating on our cars with picket signs and that hands and feet, just general harassment , verbal abuse , damage to vehicles. Some were flat tires. On another occasion-I'm trying to think of the specif- ic day, I think it was the following Monday. We started on a Friday. The following Monday, when I was trying to enter work, I had my antenna ripped off; my rear view mirror severely damaged, it was gust barely hanging on ; two flat tires up front; later that afternoon, paint damage , paint thrown on my car; eggs ; more dents in the car from people kicking and beating on it with signs-things of this nature. Morgavi identified the tan Plymouth appearing in Re- spondent's Exhibits 6, 7, and 8 as a vehicle belonging to him. He thought that the pictures were taken on the first day of the strike-a day when his car was "bombarded with eggs and spit." He did not identify any person who had his car, however. Careful review of the record persuades me that Re- spondent's personnel manager , Dave Randall , made the decision not to reinstate Robert Pierce and Michael Jewett because he genuinely believed that each of them had engaged in picket line misconduct . And each of them did. In the case of Pierce, the misconduct consisted of throwing of eggs and beating upon a van driven by Gary Peterson, an employee of Respondent. In Jewett's case the misconduct consisted of hitting Gruver, a non- striking employee at the time, in the face as he drove his vehicle onto the Company's parking lot. Although Pierce denied at the trial that he had hit the van, the only real defense he had advanced to Randall during the August 1984 meeting was that other strikers had done "things worse than he." Pierce admitted throwing eggs on two different occasions. On one such occasion he hit a windshield with an egg. I have difficul- ty accepting his testimony that on the other occasion he simply lobbed over the fence two eggs, which, according to him, "somebody just handed" to him, without any thought of hitting anything.' I I accept Randall's testimo- ny that he saw Pierce run after and strike at Peterson's vehicle. I reject the contrary testimony of Pierce and VanWoerkom that Pierce never caught up to the van. Randall , an impressive witness , had a good view of the incident as he witnessed the incident from his nearby second story office. Pierce did not deny hitting at the van when interviewed by Randall about being recalled, according to the credible testimony of Randall. It is ap- parent from VanWoerkom's own testimony that he would have had difficulty viewing all of the ongoing ac- tivities as he was busily engaged in taking pictures. And, of course, the fact that no pictures were taken showing Pierce hitting Peterson's van does not establish that it did occur. As for Jewett, his account of the incident involving him and Gruver impressed me a being implausible and not credible. If Gruver had been driving through the parking lot as fast and in the manner as Jewett 11 Photos in evidence show egg shells on Morgavi's car with Pierce nearby 277 claimed, 12 he would have surely jumped out of the way as fast as he could. 13 I cannot accept Jewett's assertion that he thought Gruver was trying to run him down with a fast moving car and that he simply "backhanded" him in the face-knocking Gruver's glasses off-"acci- dentally" and in "frustration." There is no credible evidence that Randall's action in refusing to take back either Pierce or Jewett was moti- vated by any antiunion purpose or concerted activities on the part of either Randall, Pierce, or Jewett. Randall was not aware that Jewett was a steward until an agent of the NLRB told Randall of the fact, and Pierce's serv- ice as a steward had ended a year or so before the strike. The Union asserts that by allowing Dan Gruver, Dan Bartley, and Brad Schilber to return to work while deny- ing employment to Pierce and Jewett Respondent en- gaged in "flagrant disparate" treatment and in violation of the Act. I reject such contention. The difference be- tween Pierce and Jewett and the other three employees was not simply that the first two were strikers and the others were not.14 The record indicates that Respondent 12 Jewett estimated Gruver's speed at 30-40 miles per hour at one time and at 20-30 miles per hour at another time 's As Respondent 's states in its brief (p 32) "First, any reasonable person who justifiably believed they were about to be run over by a ve- hicle would not swing around and hit the driver of the vehicle 'out of frustration' but would put his energies into trying to get out of the vehi- cle's path " 14 That was the point in NLRB Y Great Dane Trailers, 388 U.S 26 (1967), cited by the Charging Party Union, which is inapposite here Similarly, the Board's decision in New Galax Mirror Corp, 273 NLRB 1232 (1984), and the rule quoted from Garrett Railroad Car v NLRB, 683 F.2d 731 (3d Cir 1982), do not conflict in any way with the Respond- ent's decision not to recall Pierce and Jewett or my decision herein ap- proving such actions The General Counsel had not proved in New Galax Mirror Corp, as here, that the respondent employer had engaged in un- lawful disparate treatment in denying reinstatement of a stnker (Danny Anders) And it is to be noted that the court in Garrett Railroad Car unheld the cited employer's decision not to recall two strikers because their misconduct (involving rock throwing and interference with safe use of the highway) Counsel for the General Counsel, in arguing this case at the close of the trial, sought to dismiss the misconduct of Pierce and Jewett as "a little animal exuberance on the picket line " The record indicates tht the strike at the time relevant herein involved considerable violence Eggs and other objects had been thrown, prompting the Company to seek a court injunction During his argument the General Counsel's counsel cited the New Galax Mirror and Garrett Railroad Car cases, along with two other cases, Hedstrom Co, 235 NLRB 1198 (1978), enfd 629 F 2d 305 (3d Cir 1980), and Stroehmann Bros. Co, 271 NLRB 578 (1984) Nei- ther Hedstrom nor Capital Bakers aids the General Counsel's (or the Union's) cause Hedstrom involved the issue of whether a striker, Rena Ritchey, had received a valid offer of reinstatement In Capital Bakers, the Board held that blocking an exit at an employer's business was suffi- ciently serious to justify denying reinstatement of a sinker The Board said Applying the Clear Pine test to the present case, we find that Davis' acts exceeded the bounds of peaceful picketing and persuasion and were unprotected Davis' acts of intimidation and violence- blocking a truck's exit from the Respondent's plant, jumping on the truck and pounding on the truck's window-are each sufficient to warrant discharge, for each of these acts reasonably tended, under the circumstances, to coerce or intimidate Accordingly, we con- clude that the Respondent's discharge of Davis did not violate the Act 278 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD had no proof that Bartley had engaged in any picket line misconduct. Schilber's conduct in chasing after the van and hitting it was certainly more justified than Pierce's. Schilber was bumped by the van and was understandably "provoked" to take the "spontaneous" action he did. See Newport News Shipbuilding v. NLRB, 738 F.2d 1040 (4th Cit. 1984). It is true that Gruver's unprovoked assault on Pease was serious, and the Company's suspension of him was less severe discipline than the action taken against Pierce and Jewett. Even so, Gruver's situation was dif- ferent. After sobering up, Gruver realized his mistake and immediately apologized to the Company and to Pease, the striker he assaulted , and offered restitution. Gruver's misconduct, which was not condoned by the Company, did not, under the circumstances, render him unfit for future employment as the Company in fact de- termined. Randall could properly decide, as he did, the misconduct of Pierce and Jewett on the picket line, which unquestionably coerced nonstriking employees, made both employees unsuitable for further employment. See Newport News Shipbuiding, supra. Thus I find that Respondent's denial of reinstatement of Pierce and Jewett involved no violation of the Act. See Clear Pine Mouldings, 268 NLRB 1044 (1984). 15 15 Quoting from the Board's decision in that case We believe it is appropriate , at this point , to state our view that the existence of a "strike" in which some employees elect to volun- tarily withhold their services does not in any way privilege those employees to engage in other than peaceful picketing and persuasion. They have no right , for example, to threaten those employees who, Based on the foregoing, I make the following CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. Respondent Bingham-Willamette Company is an employer engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(2), (6), and (7) of the Act. 2. The Union, Williamette Lodge No. 63, International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. 3. Respondent has not been shown to have engaged in any unfair labor practice alleged in the complaint. On these findings of fact and conclusions of law and on the entire record, I issue the following recommend- ed" ORDER It is ordered that the complaint issued against Bingham-Willamette Company be dismissed. for whatever reason, have decided to work during the strike, to block access to the employer's premises, and certainly no right to carry or use weapons or other objects of intimidation As we view the statute, the only activity the statute privileges in this context, other than peaceful patrolling, is the nonthreatening expression of opinion, verbally or through signs and pamphleteering, similar to that found in Section 8(c) 16 If no exceptions are filed as provided by Sec 102 46 of the Board's Rules and Regulations, the findings, conclusions, and recommended Order shall, as provided in Sec 102 48 of the Rules, be adopted by the Board and all objections to them shall be deemed waived for all pur- poses Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation