Bill Scott OldsmobileDownload PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsFeb 9, 1987282 N.L.R.B. 1073 (N.L.R.B. 1987) Copy Citation i BILL SCOTT OLDSMOBILE Bill Scott Oldsmobile and Stephen Melcher and John H. Latocha and Daniel Cerul and Stephen B. Sackett. Cases 3-CA-11097-1, 3-CA- 11097-2, 3-CA-11097-3, and 3-CA-11097-4 9 February 1987 DECISION AND ORDER BY CHAIRMAN DOTSON AND MEMBERS JOHANSEN AND BABSON On 26 September 1983 Administrative Law Judge Stephen J. Gross issued the attached deci- sion. The General Counsel and the Respondent each filed exceptions and supporting briefs. The National Labor Relations-Board has delegat- ed its authority in this proceeding to a three- member panel. The Board has considered the decision and the record in light of the exceptions and briefs and has decided to affirm the judge's rulings, findings, 1 and conclusions as modified and to adopt the recom- mended Order as modified. 1. The judge found that the Respondent did not violate Section 8(a)(1) of the Act by discharging Stephen Melcher on 4 May 1982.2 He noted that there was an apparent inconsistency between that finding and his finding that the Respondent violat- ed Section 8(a)(1) of the Act by discharging John LaTocha at the same time and for the same alleged reasons, but concluded that in the case of LaTocha the reasons the Respondent gave for the discharge were pretextual, and in Melcher's case they were not. We disagree with this conclusion. 1 The General Counsel has excepted to some of the judge's credibility findings. The Board's established policy is not to overrule an administra- tive law judge's credibility resolutions unless the clear preponderance of all the relevant evidence convinces us that they are incorrect. Standard Dry Wall Products, 91 NLRB 544 (1950), enfd 188 F.2d 362 (3d Cir 1951). We have carefully examined the record and find no basis for re- versing the findings The Respondent has excepted to the judge's finding that Service Man- ager Laudig continued to hold his position with the Respondent at the time of the unfair labor practice hearing in this proceeding There is no evidence in the record that Laudig in fact remained in the Respondent's employ at the time of the hearing The judge's conclusion that the Re- spondent violated Sec. 8(a)(1) of the Act by discharging employee John LaTocha on 4 May 1982 is not, however, in any way dependent upon his erroneous conclusion that Laudig continued to hold his position with the Respondent at the time of the hearing. As the judge noted, the testimony of LaTocha's brother, William, that Laudig stated that LaTocha's dis- charge was related to the "tension" he caused remained unrebutted and unexplained 2 The judge also found that the Respondent violated Sec. 8(a)(1) by discharging employee John LaTocha, by threats made by Owner Bill Scott on 29 April 1982, and by its attorney's interrogating its employees in preparation for the instant hearing without meeting all the prerequi- sites of Johnnie's Poultry Co., 146 NLRB 770, 775 (1964), enf. denied 344 F.2d 617 (8th Cir. 1965) Members Johansen and Babson adopt these find- ings for the reasons set forth by the judge and, with respect to the latter finding, for reasons further set forth in sec 2 below Chairman Dotson agrees that the discharge of LaTocha violated Sec. 8(a)(1) but for reasons explained in his dissent below would dismiss these other violations found by the judge. 1073 The events leading up to Melcher's discharge are as follows. On 7 April 1982,3 just about the same time that William Scott's acquisition of the Re- spondent was completed, Scott gathered together and spoke with about 20 service department ' and body shop employees. At' some point during the meeting, the Respondent's service manager Joseph Grassel spoke with Melcher off to the side. Grassel told Melcher that Scott was a good man to work for and a fair man. Melcher replied that he "cer- tainly hoped so" because the employees had filed unfair labor practice charges against the Respond- ent's 'predecessor, and "it could happen to him [Scott] if he wasn't." Shortly thereafter, during, a conversation with a number of employees at a neighborhood establishment close to the Respond- ent's place of business, Grassel learned that Mel- cher, together with employees LaTocha and Ste- phen Sackett, had been instrumental in the success- ful union campaign to organize the employees of the Respondent's predecessor. On the afternoon of 29 April, after learning that the service department and body shop employees had earlier temporarily stopped work to protest the Respondent's discharge of Daniel Cerul, Scott ap- proached a group of six employees who were gath- ered in the vicinity of the service department's cof- feepot. When in.the course of the ensuing conver- sation two employees, LaTocha and Orzel, voiced concern over recently implemented changes in the employees' working conditions, Scott told them that if they did not like their jobs they should leave. At this point, Melcher approached the group and addressed Scott. Melcher suggested that Scott was a "liar" for, in Melcher's view, reneging on a promise not' to make any changes adverse to the employees. Melcher believed that a new representation elec- tion might be required in order for the employees to retain their certified bargaining representative. On 3 May he therefore openly handed out union authorization cards to service department employ- ees in their work areas during working hours. Mel- cher also gave three cards to body shop employee Stephen Sackett so that Sackett could sign up the body shop employees. Sackett had the three em- ployees, including himself, sign the cards, and return them to Melcher. The following day, 4 May, Melcher, together with LaTocha and Sackett, was placed on "indefi- nite lay-off' attributed to "economic conditions." The layoff was in fact a discharge in that the Re- spondent did not recall Melcher although job open- ings for which he was qualified have occurred and 8 All dates herein are 1982. 282 NLRB No. 140 1074 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD been filled by persons never previously in the Re- spondent's employ. The layoffs of LaTocha and Melcher were made in accordance with a decision, reached before 4 May, that the service department was overstaffed and that the most efficient way to staff the department was with broadly skilled me- chanics rather than with specialists. LaTocha was a specialist doing only front-end work. Melcher's work was limited to heavy engine work, mostly Omega engine overhauls, together with all the work on the few foreign cars that came, into the shop. The judge found that the asserted justification for the discharge of LaTocha was pretextual. How- ever, he concluded that the evidence failed to sup- port the claim that the Respondent discharged Melcher for impermissible reasons despite the simi- larities between the discharges of LaTocha and Melcher. (Those similarities are that Melcher, like LaTocha, was known to be one of the employees mainly responsible for organizing the predecessor's employees and had voiced employee complaints about working conditions to the Respondent, and that the Respondent, as in the case of LaTocha, had failed to explain why it selected Melcher for discharge rather than any of the other mechanic specialists.) Noting the apparent inconsistency in findings, the judge attempted to distinguish' LaTo- cha's discharge by stressing that the evidence dem- onstrated that a supervisor had suggested that the Respondent's stated reasons for discharging LaTo- cha were pretextual and that LaTocha was the pre- eminent employee spokesman while Melcher "gen- erally stayed on the sidelines." He also stated that the Respondent had exhibited no union animus and that the record as a whole shows that Scott would not hold a grudge against an employee because he was active in organizing a union some years ago under a different owner. We do not believe that the inconsistency in the judge's findings can be so easily dismissed. Initially, we do not agree with the judge's reli- ance on the absence of "union" animus. It may be true that the record as a whole does not show that Scott would hold a grudge against an employee be- cause of past union activities. The Respondent has, however, threatened employees who have exer- cised their protected rights since the Respondent's purchase of the dealership. When employees ex- pressed concern about changes in operation, Scott told the employees that if they did not like it, they could get out, leave their jobs. The judge properly found that Scott's statements were threats that fur; ther complaints could result in discharge and indi- cated to employees that it would be futile to engage in concerted activity to improve their working conditions. In addition, the Respondent unlawfully discharged employee John LaTocha for engaging in protected concerted activities. Al- though the Respondent's actions may not have been motivated by a grudge due to union activities undertaken in the somewhat distant past, they clearly express hostility toward present concerted activity by employees.4 Under these circumstances, we find that the absence of "union" animus is no more relevant to the determination of the lawful- ness of Melcher's discharge than it was to that of LaTocha's discharge. Further, it is apparent that the similarities be- tween the discharges of LaTocha and Melcher are greater that any apparent dissimilarities . In particu- lar, and most obvious, the Respondent sought to defend the two discharges on identical grounds and, as the judge noted, failed to show why it chose to discharge Melcher and LaTocha rather than other specialists. Melcher, like LaTocha, was also ' a vocal employee spokesman. In this regard, we deem it immaterial that he was less aggressive and outspoken in this role than was LaTocha. Thus, the record demonstrates that: (1) the Re- spondent knew Melcher was a principal force in organizing the predecessor's employees; (2) Mel- cher had indicated that he would file unfair labor practice charges against the Respondent if he deemed it necessary; (3) he suggested to Scott that Scott was a "liar" for, in his 'view, reneging on a promise not to make changes adverse to the em- ployees; and (4) on-the day prior to 'his discharge, Melcher openly solicited union authorization cards. Finally, Melcher, again like LaTocha, was dis- missed midafternoon and midweek, without any notice. The record, then, demonstrates that the Re- spondent exhibited hostility to protected concerted activity, that the Respondent knew that Melcher was a vocal employee spokesperson, and that Mel- cher was dismissed midafternoon and midweek, without any notice. On the basis of these facts, we find that the General_ Counsel has established a prima facie case that Melcher was discharged be- cause of his protected activities. We further find that the Respondent has failed to meet its burden of establishing by a preponderance of the evidence that Melcher would have been discharged for le- gitimate reasons even absent his protected agtivi- ties. In this connection, we particularly rely on the 4 Chairman Dotson, for reasons explained in his dissent , does not find that Scott 's statements to employees concerning their response to the Re- spondent 's changes in operations were unlawful . Therefore, in agreeing with his colleagues that Melcher's discharge was unlawful , he relies only on the Respondent's discharge of employee John LaTocha as demonstrat- ing the Respondent 's animus against protected concerted activity BILL SCOTT OLDSMOBILE 1075 Respondent's failure to explain its selection of Mel- cher for discharge, rather than any` of the other mechanic specialists. 5 Accordingly, we find that the Respondent violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act by discharging Stephen Melcher on 4 May. 2. We find the Respondent violated Section 8(a)(1) when its attorney questioned eight employ- ees in preparation for the unfair labor practice pro- ceeding. Since Johnnie's Poultry Co., 146 NLRB 770 (1964), enf. denied 344 F.2d 617 (8th Cir. 1965), the Board has consistently required an em- ployer to administer three warnings to each em- ployee it interviews in preparation for an unfair labor practice proceeding: instruct him of "the pur- pose of the questioning, assure him that no reprisal will take place, and obtain his permission on a vol- untary basis." In the 21 years since that decision's issuance, the Johnnie's Poultry requirements have proved effective as a prophylactic measure to temper the coerciveness of such interviews while permitting employers considerable latitude to ques- tion employees in preparation for trial. The safe- guards are not unduly onerous or hampering and provide employers with clear guidance on how to avoid unfair labor practice liability in pursuing the legitimate interest of preparing an unfair 'labor practice defense. The benefit of this clarity out- weighs any inconvenience to the employer, espe- cially in view of the significant Section' 7 rights the Board is seeking to protect. Thus, we agree with the judge that the Respond- ent's attorney Vaughn Lang violated Section 8(a)(1) by failing to administer all three Johnnie's Poultry warnings in each interview he conducted before trial. Specifically, the judge found that Lang did not instruct employees on the purpose of his questioning or inform them that their cooperation was voluntary. A similar situation arose in Stand- ard-Coosa-Thatcher, Inc., 257 NLRB 304 (1981), enfd. 691 F.2d 1133, 1140-1141 (4th' Cir. 1982), where the employer's counsel gave 'all but one of 70 employees all, three warnings. Regarding one employee, however, two of the Johnnie's Poultry warnings ` were omitted. The Board, and the court enforcing the Board's Order found that this partial warning fell short of the requirements of Johnnie's In contrast, the Respondent offered a valid reason for selecting Ste- phen Sackett for discharge from the body shop The credited testimony demostrates that Scott decided-to reduce the body shop work force by one, that Sackett was one of two body shop employees who performed bodywork but did not paint while the third employee painted but did no bodywork, and that Scott decided to dismiss Sackett because he had many years less seniority than the other employee who did bodywork ex- clusively. Poultry ' and that the respondent violated Section 8(a)(1).6 Finally, we fmd our dissenting colleague' s reli- ance on Rossmore House77 and Sunnyvale Medical Clinic8 misplaced. The longstanding exception in Johnnie's Poultry to the Board's usual treatment of interrogations reflects the difference between the nature and circumstances of an employer' s inter- viewing of employees in preparation for litigation and other interrogations generally. Thus, in John- nie's Poultry the Board recognized that an employ- er's interviewing of employees in preparation for litigation has a pronounced inhibitory effect on the exercise of Section 7 rights, which includes protec- tion in seeking vindication of those rights from em- ployer interference, restraint, or coercion. Despite the inherent danger of coercion in such interviews, the Board permitted an employer to exercise the privilege of interrogating employees in limited situ- ations without incurring 8(a)(1) liability, but estab- lished specific safeguards designed to minimize the coercive impact of such interrogations. According- ly, we fmd that the nature and circumstances of employer interviews in preparation for litigation justify a more formal standard for ensuring that employees' rights are protected, and that the ex- ception in Johnnie's Poultry from the Board's usual treatment of interrogations is fully warranted. In view of the foregoing, we adhere to the Board's application of Johnnie's Poultry and affirm the judge's 8(a)(1) finding.9 AMENDED CONCLUSIONS OF LAW Add the following as Conclusion of Law 4 and renumber the remaining Conclusions of Law. "4. The Respondent violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act by discharging Stephen Melcher on 4 May 1982 for having engaged in protected concerted ac- tivity." AMENDED REMEDY As the Respondent has been found to have en- gaged in unfair labor practices, we shall order that in addition to taking those actions recommended in that section of the "judge's decision entitled "The 6 See also Roadway Express, 239 NLRB 653 (1978) (failure to give one of the three warnings-assurances against reprisal-found to violate Sec. 8(a)(1))- 7 269 NLRB 1176 (1984), enfd. sub nom Hotel & Restaurant Employees Local 11 P. NLRB, 760 F 2d 1006 (9th Cir 1985) 8-277 NLRB 1217 (1985) 9 Our colleague points to some questioning by the certain courts of ap- peals of the Board's application of the Johnnie's Poultry rule We note that other courts of appeals have enforced the Board's application of these safeguards. See Standard-Coosa-Thatcher Inc Y. NLRB, 691 F 2d 1133 (4th Cir. 1982); NLRB v Tamper, Inc., 522 F 2d 781, 787 (4th Cir 1975), Auto Workers v. NLRB, 392 F 2d 801, 809 (D C. Cir 1967), NLRB v. Neuhoff Bros Packers, 375 F.2d 372, 376-378 (5th Cir 1967). 1076 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Remedy," it also takes the specific action set forth below, designed to effectuate the policies of the Act. Having found that the Respondent discriminator- ily discharged Stephen Melcher, we shall order that it offer him reinstatement and make him whole for any loss of earnings and other benefits, comput- ed on a quarterly basis from date of discharge to date of proper offer of reinstatement, less any net interim earnings, as prescribed in F. W. Woolworth Co., 90 NLRB 289 (1950), plus interest as comput- ed in Florida Steel Corp., 231 NLRB 651 (1977). ORDER The National Labor Relations Board adopts the recommended Order of the administrative law judge- as modified below and orders that the Re- spondent, Bill Scott Oldsmobile, Syracuse, New York, its officers , agents , successors, and assigns, shall take the action set forth in the Order as modi- fied. 1. Substitute the following for paragraphs, 2(a) and (b). "(a) Offer John LaTocha and Stephen Melcher immediate and full reinstatement to their former jobs or, if those jobs no longer exist, to substantial- ly equivalent positions, without prejudice to their seniority or any other rights or privileges previous- ly enjoyed, and make them ,whole for any loss of earnings and other benefits suffered as a result of the discrimination against them, in the manner set forth in the remedy section of the decision. "(b) Remove from its files any reference to the unlawful discharges of John LaTocha and Stephen Melcher, and notify these employees in writing that this has been done and that the discharges will not be used against them in any way." 2. Substitute the attached notice for that of the administrative law judge. CHAIRMAN DOTSON, dissenting in part. My colleagues have adopted the judge's finding that the Respondent violated Section 8(a)(1) by its attorney Vaughn ,Lang's interviews, in preparation for the instant hearing, of eight employees without providing all three warnings required by Johnnie's Poultry Co.' I disagree. The judge found that eight employees were indi- vidually interviewed on 13 January 1983 by the Respondent's attorney Lang in Owner Bill Scott's office, and that tang told each employee" there would be no reprisals for his answers. However, because he found that Lang did not in each in- stance provide the two other warnings required by Johnnie's Poultry, i.e., state the purpose of the inter- 1 146 NLRB 770 (1964), enE denied 344 F 2d 617 (8th Cir. 1965) view and that participation was voluntary, the Re- spondent thereby violated Section -8(a)(1), I cannot agree with such a per se approach to employer interviews in preparation for unfair labor practice hearings. Instead, in an approach similar to that of the Sixth Circuit on this issue,2 I would find a viola- tion in such a context only when the totality of the evidence indicates that the interview amounted to coercive conduct.3 Thus, in Anserphone, the em- ployer, as in the instant case, gave only one of the three Johnnie's Poultry warnings . Three employees were told they were being interviewed about an unfair labor practice proceeding but were not told that there would be no reprisals nor that their par- ticipation was voluntary. The Board found the interviews violated Section 8(a)(1). The Sixth Cir- cuit reversed, relying on the absence of evidence of coercion, as buttressed by one employee's refusal to be interviewed and another's apparent coopera- tion in providing the employer with a copy of her affidavit to the Board. More recently, in Dayton Typographical Service, the Sixth Circuit again re- versed the Board's 8(a)(1) finding. The court held that an attorney who questioned an employee and obtained from him a copy 'of the affidavit he had previously given to the Board did not engage in coercive conduct even though he did not state each of the Johnnie'S'Poultry warnings. As in Anser- phone, the court relied on the lack of evidence that the employee interviewed was coerced and the af- firmative evidence indicating that he was not. In this regard,,;the court noted the employee's testimo- ny that he , was not threatened and was willing to provide a copy of his Board affidavit to the em- ployer. The court further noted that there was no evidence of union activities, thereby reducing, the possibility that the affidavit the attorney requested 2 Anserphone, Inc. v. NLRB, 632 F 2d 4 (6th Cir. 1980), denying enf. 236 NLRB 931 (1978); Dayton Typographical Service Y. NLRB, 778 F 2d 1188 (6th Cir. 1985), denying enf. 273 NLRB 1205 (1984) 3 This approach is consistent with that of the Second Circuit, where this case arose. That circuit has a long history of employing a totality of circumstances test for interrogations . Burns Electronic Security Services v. NLRB, 624 F.2d 403, 410-411 (2d Cir. 1980), NLRB v. Donald E. Hernly, Inc., 613 F 2d 457, 464 (2d Cir. 1980); NLRB P. Monroe Tube Co., 545 F.2d 1320, 1328 (2d Cir 1976); Bourne v NLRB, 332 F 2d 47 (2d Or 1964). The Second 'Circuit has also employed this totality, of circum- stances test in considering interrogations by employers or their attorneys in preparation for litigation. See NLRB v. Martin A. Gleason, Inc., 534 F.2d 466, 479-481 (2d Cir. 1976) (requests for employees' statements to the Board not per se unlawful); Retired Persons Pharmacy v NLRB, 519 F.2d 486, 492-493 (2d Cir. 1975) (totality of circumstances test applied to interviews purported to determine union support and prepare for hear- ing). See also NLRB v Lorben Corp, 345- F 2d 346, 348 (2d Cir. 1965) (court rejected Board's application of Johnnie's Poultry rule to poll of union support in favor of well-established precedent using totality of cir- cumstances test). See also W W. Grainger, Inc. v NLRB, 677 F.2d 557, 560 (7th Cir. 1982); A & R Transport, Znc Y. NLRB, 601 F 2d 311,312- 313 (7th Cir. 1979), TRW Inc., v. NLRB, 654, F 2d 307, 314-315 (5th Cir 1981) (interrogation in preparation for representation proceeding) BILL SCOTT OLDSMOBILE 1077 would contain information outside-the complaint or revealing the employee's own union activities or at- titudes. The Sixth Circuit's treatment of this issue high- lights the ramifications of the Board's inflexible ap- proach to Johnnie's Poultry warnings. The Board has in other contexts recently declined to impose a per se rule in considering whether employer-em- ployee interrogations violate the Act.4 In those cases, the Board returned to, an examination of the totality of all' pertinent circumstances in determin- ing whether an interrogation reasonably tended to restrain, coerce, or interfere with rights guaranteed by the Act.5 As indicated in Sunnyvale Medical Clinic, an _ important purpose of the Board's deci- sion in Rossmore House "was to signal disapproval of a per se approach to allegedly unlawful interro- gations in general, and to, return to a case-by-case analysis which takes into account the circum- stances surrounding an alleged interrogation and does not ignore the reality of the workplace."6 It is difficult to discern a legitimate basis why the same rationale expressed in these two cases is not operative here. In fact, interviews in prepara- tion for trial are one of the rare kinds of interroga- tions in which the Board has long recognized that the employer has a legitimate interest.? In this light, interviews of this type seem readily appropri- ate for analysis similar to that set forth in Rossmore House and Sunnyvale Medical Clinic.8 Such an approach is particularly pertinent to the instant case because a review of the evidence indi- cates that, although Lang's interviews may not have in each instance strictly contained all three Johnnie's Poultry warnings, the, overall effect of 4 Sunnyvale Medical Clinic, 277 NLRB 1217 (1985); Rossmore House, 269 NLRB 1176 (1984), enfd. sub nom Hotel '& Restaurant Employees' Local 11 v. NLRB, 760 F.2d 1006 (9th Or. 1985). 5 Sunnyvale Medical Clinic, supra; Rossmore House, supra at 1177, 1178 fn. 20. 6 Sunnyvale Medical Clinic, supra. 7 Johnnie's Poultry Co , supra at 774-175 S I recognize , along with my colleagues, the guidance that Johnnie's Poultry provides to assist employers in avoiding violations of the Act while pursuing their legitimate task of preparation for hearing I disagree, however, with my colleagues' overly legalistic application of that rule in such a manner that conduct which does not reasonably tend to interfere with Sec. 7 rights is found unlawful. I also disagree with my colleagues that the traditional exception set forth in Johnnie's Poultry from the Board's usual treatment of mterroga- tions is based on or implies a necessary difference between the nature and circumstances of an employer 's interviewing of employees in preparation for litigation and other interrogations generally I find nothing in that de- cision that distinguishes what the Board described as the "inherent danger of coercion" (146 NLRB at 774) of interrogations in preparation for litigation from that of other interrogations Instead, I read the excep- tion to have been premised on the counterbalancing interest of the em- ployer in preparing for trial without regard to any inherent differences between interrogations in preparation for litigation and other interroga- tions In any event, by extending the totality of circumstances test of Rossmore House and Sunnyvale Medical Clinic to these interrogations, the Board will properly consider the particular circumstances of each alleged instance of unlawful interrogation each 'interview was not coercive. The pertinent facts are disclosed by the testimony of the eight employees interviewed.9 According to employee William LaTocha, the only witness called by the General Counsel on this issue, Lang began the interview, "I guess you know what is going on?" When LaTocha replied that he did, Lang asked about a 7 April 1982 meet- ing where the initial unfair labor practice allegedly occurred. LaTocha replied that he did not have to answer, and, if he did, he would like a lawyer present. Lang said, "That's fine," and LaTocha proceeded to leave the interview, first asking Lang whom he wanted to see next. According to employee Walter Bush, 'Lang stated he wanted to know about the 7 April meet- ing but that Bush would not be subject to dismissal for what he said. Bush could not recall whether Lang said anything else before asking about the meeting, although "[h]e 'may have," and also denied that Lang made any promise of benefits.. According to Edward Mattice, Lang told him there would be no special favors for his testimony. He did not recall Lang, telling 'him the purpose of the interview, although he testified the conversa- tion involved the instant proceeding. Lang asked him about "different occasions," including the 7 April meeting. According to Scott Samuel, Lang started the interview by stating "no matter which way I [Samuel] testified, there wouldn't be nothing; I would not be getting a raise; would not be getting fired or nothing like that, by the way I testified." He did not recall, if Lang told him the purpose of the interview but remembered that' Lang asked about a couple of, meetings, including the 7 April meeting. Frederick Prior testified that Lang began the interview, "[t]his won't affect your job. ,. . . [Lang just wanted to find out] what the story is and what actually happened." William Mack Jr. testified that Lang stated, "[I]t wasn't no harassment or nothing like that. . . . I [Mack] would be . . . just talking about what the case was.,, Lang also said that there would be no rewards or reprisals and his purpose was, "[tbo find out the truth on certain articles that [Lang] put to me." According to Robert Green, Lang told him his testimony was not "binding" and_ that there would be no benefits or reprisals. Lang asked "if I [Green] felt like, that if [Lang] asked me to testify, would I testify in good faith." Green replied that if he lost his job for telling the truth he would "`bring it to 9 Attorney Lang did not testify 1078 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD the court." Lang told him he was going to ask about the Union and proceeded to ask about the labor case. Finally, Gerald Millett testified that Lang did not mention the purpose of the interview but that Millett knew the interview was about the labor hearing , and Lang told him there would be no pay or bonuses nor would he be fired for his answers. Lang questioned Millett about various employee meetings. A review of this testimony amply demonstrates that although Lang 's interviews may not have in each instance strictly contained all of the three Johnnie 's Poultry safeguards , the overall effect of each interview was not coercive . As in the Sixth Circuit cases , there was no evidence that any of the employees were coerced by the interviews. Rather, the evidence reveals that the employees interviewed,,all of whom were told that their inter- view would lead to neither reprisals nor rewards, voluntarily cooperated with Lang, except for La- Tocha. As to LaTocha, he was clearly not coerced for, when he refused to participate in the inter- view,, Lang immediately acquiesced in LaTocha's decision and made no attempt to change LaTocha's mind . Further, all of the employees testified that they knew, either by Lang's specific statements or by deduction, that the purpose of the interview concerned the unfair labor practice hearing. Final- ly, the fact that the interview occurred months after the alleged , unfair labor practices, did not go beyond those allegations , and did not delve into the employees ' union sentiments or activities also evinces that the interrogations were not coercive. In sum , an examination of the totality of the cir- cumstances fails to demonstrate that the interroga- tions had a reasonable tendency to restrain, coerce, or interfere with the employees ' exercise of their Section' 7 rights. Accordingly, I decline to join with my colleagues in an overly legalistic applica- tion of Johnnie's Poultry and would dismiss this complaint allegation. My colleagues have also adopted the judge's findings that the Respondent violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act by certain comments its owner Bill Scott made to employees on 29 April 1982. I disagree with these findings as well. On that afternoon , Scott encountered a group of six employees, including John LaTocha and Chet Orzel, who were gathered in the vicinity of the service department's coffeepot. Scott asked how things were going. LaTocha replied that he did not care for the manner in which the Respondent had dealt with Daniel Cerul, an employee who had been discharged earlier that day, and that the em- ployees were finding it difficult to cooperate with Scott because he had implemented changes in the operation of the dealership . 10 Scott retorted that it was his business and that if LaTocha did not like working on Scott 's terms "he could get the f- out." During the course of the same conversation, Orzel also complained about the changes the Re- spondent had made . Scott replied, "[I]f you don't like your job, leave." The judge found that Scott's comments violated Section 8 (a)(1) in that they constituted threats to employees that further complaints would result in discharge and also indicated that it was futile for employees to communicate concertedly in an effort to improve their conditions of employment. In its exceptions , the Respondent asserts that it is clear from the record that Scott 's statements to La- Tocha and Orzel were not, nor were they intended to be, a statement of the Respondent 's policy, but rather merely angry responses in an exchange of heated words that occurred in an informal setting. I find merit to the Respondent 's exception. First, B.J.P. Painting & Decorating Co., 206 NLRB 800 (1973), enf. denied 512 F.2d 599 (6th Cir. 1975), on which the judge relied, is clearly dis- tinguishable . Employees in that case were also told that if they did not like the situation they could leave. However, they also were expressly told that the respondent would not tolerate interference with how the president operated the company and were directly admonished , including at two other inci- dents, for going to the union . Here, by contrast, Scott neither admonished any employee for pro- tected concerted activity nor indicated he would not tolerate any such expression . No reference was even made to any union or other concerted activity on the part of the employees. In this context, Scott's comments were no more than expressions of his opinion in support of how he was operating the Company and were not coercive.l l I would, therefore, also dismiss the complaint al- legation that by these comments the Respondent violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. 10 Scott had changed the manner of computation of the pay due to each mechanic II See Seaward International, 270 NLRB 1034, 1042 (1984) BILL SCOTT OLDSMOBILE 1079 APPENDIX - NOTICE To EMPLOYEES POSTED BY ORDER OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD An Agency of the United States Government The National Labor Relations Board has found that we violated the National Labor Relations Act and has ordered us to post and abide by this notice. WE WILL NOT discharge or otherwise discrimi- nate against any of you for engaging in protected concerted activity. WE WILL NOT respond coercively to any of you who voice complaints on behalf of your fellow em- ployees about management decisions which affect terms and conditions of employment. WE WILL NOT interview any of you in prepara- tion for defense of unfair labor practice proceed- ings without first informing you of the purpose of the interviews and without advising you that your participation is voluntary. WE WILL NOT in any like or related manner interfere with, restrain, or coerce you in the, exer- cise of the right guaranteed you by Section 7 of the Act. WE WILL offer John LaTocha and Stephen Mel- cher immediate and full reinstatement to their former jobs or, if those jobs no longer exist, to sub- stantially equivalent positions, without prejudice to their seniority or any other rights or privileges pre- viously enjoyed and WE WILL make them whole for any loss of earnings and,other benefits resulting from their discharge, less any net interim earnings, plus interest. WE WILL notify John LaTocha and Stephen Melcher that we have removed from ` our files any reference to their discharges and that the dis- charges will not be used against them in any way. BILL SCOTT OLDSMOBILE Thomas J. Sheridan, Esq., for the General Counsel. Vaughn D. Lang, Esq., of -Fayetteville, New York, for the Respondent. DECISION STEPHEN J. GROSS, Administrative Law Judge. In April 1982 William Scott purchased and began managing a Syracuse, New York Oldsmobile dealership. (Scott purchased the dealership from Anthony Romano, and this decision will accordingly refer to Respondent's pred- ecessor as Romano Olds or Romana.) The General Counsel claims that within a month of Scott's acquisition of the dealership, Scott and three other agents of Re- spondent had made coercive remarks in violation of Sec- tion 8(a)(1) of the National Labor Relations Act, and fired four employees because of their protected activities, in violation of Section 8(a)(1) and (3).1 For the reasons discussed in the decision, my conclusion is that the Gen- eral Counsel has proved some, but not all, of the com- plaint's allegations. I. SCOTT'S INTRODUCTORY SPEECH Scott planned to, and did, retain Romano's entire com- plement of employees. Romano Olds' service department and body shop employees were represented by United Auto Workers Local 1567(A) (the Union) at the time Scott acquired the dealership. And all parties agree that the Union continued to be the employees' bargaining representative after the takeover. Scott met with about 20 of the service department and body shop employees on,April 7, just about the time ac- quisition was completed. (All dates in this decision refer to 1982 unless otherwise specified.) During the course of the meeting, service department employee John Latocha asked Scott whether he had notified the Union about his speaking collectively with the employees. (Both John Latocha and his brother William worked for Respond- ent. Unless the context otherwise requires, reference in this decision' to Latocha will be to John Latocha.) Scott said he had not, and went on to say that he felt the em- ployees did not need a union and that he "preferred" or "would like to" deal with them "individually" on a "one-on-one basis" to solve their problems. But Scott also said that "if the employees wanted a union it was their, prerogative." He further advised the employees that he was familiar with the collective-bargaining agree- ment that they had negotiated with Romano and intend- ed to abide by it, observing that in his opinion it was more favorable to management than to the employees and that, as a result, "any idiot would sign it.'"2 The General Counsel contends that those ' statements amounted to an invitation to employees to engage in direct bargaining in circumvention of the Unlion's role, a portrayal of union representation as futile, and the solici- tation of grievance and the implied promise of benefits to employees who circumvent or forgo the Union, all in violation of Section 8(a)(1). But it is my conclusion that statements in question amount to nothing more than a lawful expression of Scott's personal opinion concerning the merits of union representation and the value of the collective-bargaining agreement between the Union and the Respondent's predecessor. Scott expressed himself in conditional terms, deferred to the judgment of the em- ployees about whether they should choose or reject union representation, and ultimately expressed an inten- tion to abide by the agreement between the Union and Romano. As such, I find that ' at no time during the I The consolidated complaint, dated August 5, 1992, was based, on charges filed by Stephen Melcher on June 28, 1982, John Latocha on July 1, 1982, and Danny Cerul and Stephen Sackett on July 23, 1982 Re- spondent admitted the jurisdictional allegations of the complaint, but denied any wrongdoing. The General Counsel has filed an unopposed motion to correct tran- script The motion is granted in its entirety. z This finding represents a composite of the testimony of Scott and of General Counsel's witnesses John and William Latocha, Melcher, Sack- ett, and Sauta. 1080 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD course of his meeting with the employees did Scott make statements violative of the Act.3 II. SMOKEY'S Shortly after Scott assumed operation of the dealer- ship, Joseph Grassel approached Latocha and asked where the employees ate lunch. At that time Grasse] was Respondent's service manager and was the immediate su- pervisor of the employees' department.4 Latocha in- formed him that they usually went to Smokey's, a neigh- borhood establishment close to the dealership. Grassel asked if he might accompany the employees to lunch one day. Latocha consented. At lunchtime on an unspecified date in mid-April 1982, Grassel arrived at Smokey's in the company of Respond- ent's "service writer," Christopher Bishop.5 Several em- ployees were already there-both Latochas, Eddie Mat- tice, and Fred Prior of the service department, and Steve Sackett and John Sauta of the body shop. Grassel and Bishop sat down with the employees, and general con- versation ensued. In the course of the conversation, Grassel asked how the employees felt about Scott. They responded that they had not had sufficient time to form an opinion. Grassel assured them that they would find that Scott was a "good guy to work for." At that point a colloquy began between Latocha and Sackett, on the one hand, and Grassel, on the other. During the course of this exchange, Grassel asked why the employees had unionized under Romana, and what the strength of the Union was. Latocha explained that unionization 'under Romano had been the result of what employees considered an unwarranted cut in pay. He de- tailed the circumstances surrounding the campaign and informed Grassel that the employees most active in the organizing effort were he, Sackett, and Stephen Melcher, and that the original vote was 22 to 4 in favor of the Union.6 Grassel's response to the narrative concerning the Union's history under Romano consisted of reassur- ing the employees that they need have no similar con- cerns about Scott, and that if they had any problems, "to go see him yourself." The luncheon lasted approximately 2 hours after which Grassel and the employees returned to work. 3 In its amendment to order consolidating cases, complaint , and notice of heanng, the General Counsel additionally alleged that at the April 7 meeting, Scott "interrogated . employees about their union activities in violation of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act " No evidence was offered at hearing in support of this allegation nor was it addressed in the General Counsel's brief. I will accordingly recommend that this portion of the amended complaint be dismissed. 4 The Company has admitted that Grassel is a supervisor. within the meaning of Sec 2(11) of the Act. 5 Bishop's duties consisted of taking customers' service request and routing automobiles to the appropriate mechanic, taking into account the mechanics ' specialties and work flow. Bishop was an employee , not a su- pervisor But given the nature of his duties, the other employees consid- ered him to be aligned with management s Sackett testified that Grassel specifically asked who were the strong- est members of the Union (Sackett further testified that his response was "John" Latocha.) All other witnesses who testified about this portion of the conversation said that Latocha mentioned the names of the principal union organizers in response to Grassel 's general question concerning the genesis of, the Union I credit this version, and find that Grassel at no time specifically requested the names of union acitivists. The General Counsel contends that Grassel's inquiries concerning the genesis of the Union under Romano and its strength amounted to improper interrogation of em- ployees about their union activities in violation of Sec- tion 8(a)(1) of the Act.-But my conclusion is that Grassel said nothing that could have reasonably tended to coerce, restrain, or interfere with employees in the exer- cise of their Section 7 rights. First, there was nothing threatening about the atmos- phere at Scott Oldsmobile in mid-April 1982. The em- ployees had had union representation for approximately 2 years. Scott had informed them that he planned to ne- gotiate in good faith with the Union and to abide by the collective-bargaining agreement that had been negotiated with Romano. And Scott's behavior was in line with his statements: He was negotiating with the Union and he was complying with the terms of the collective-bargain- ing agreement. Second, the occasion of the questioning was a regular employee luncheon break, taken at its customary loca- tion, to which asupervisor, albeit as a result of his own solicitation, had been invited. And the questions were posed in the presence of several employees. Third, the questions themselves did not elicit points of view of employees concerning the merits of self-organi- zation nor even the union sentiments of the group as a whole. They were instead focused on the beginning of the shop's unionization, under a previous employer, some 3 years in the past. As such, it appears that the questions were more the result of natural curiosity than an attempt to gain knowledge that might aid in thwarting union ac- tivities. Likewise, there is nothing in their substance that could reasonably be construed to represent antiunion views on the part of Respondent. I therefore conclude that the questioning at Smokey's was not violation of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act and will accordingly recommend that this portion of the com- plaint be dismissed.? M. CERUL'S DISCHARGE Danny Cerul had been employed in the service depart- ment of Romano Olds for some 10 years prior to Scott's purchase of the dealership. He was assigned almost ex- clusively to new-car preparation, which consisted of readying recently sold automobiles for delivery to cus- tomers. Cerul's hours of work were 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Romano had paid Cerul $13.50 for each new car pre- pared. Cerul objected, claiming that the appropriate rate was higher, and filed a grievance to that effect. Nonethe- less, Romano was still paying Cerul $13.50 per car when Scott acquired the dealership. As soon as operations under Scott began, Cerul somehow arranged to be paid $20-$25 per car. Scott was unaware of the change. T Grassel's statement, "go see him [i-.e., Scott] yourself' (referring to employees with "problems"), is similar to the one made by Scott at the introductory meeting. However, the complaint does not allege that that statement by Grassel violated the Act, and the remark is only mentioned in passing in the General Counsel 's brief In any event, given the circum- stances under which Grassel made the remark, it could not reasonably have coerced or restrained employees or interfered with the exercise of Section 7 rights BILL SCOTT OLDSMOBILE 1081 Sometime in late April, during a random review of bill- ing slips, Scott realized that Cerul's rate of compensation was higher than it had been under Romano. Scott ques- tioned the cashier about the increase. When she informed him that she was unaware of any reason for the increase, Scott instructed that Cerul's rate be returned to the origi- nal $13.50 per car. On April 28 William Burden, the assistant service man- ager, informed Cerul of the reduction. Cerul asked shop steward Bobby Green what the Union could do about what Cerul conceived to be an unwarranted and improp- er act on Scott's part., Green told him that the Union could do nothing. Cerul then sought Latocha and in- formed him of both his reduction in pay and Green's re- sponse to his request for union support. Latocha had al- ready arranged to meet with an attorney at 3 o'clock that afternoon to discuss the possibility of filing suit against Romano and Scott in other, unrelated, labor mat- ters. He was to be accompanied by Chet Orzel, another mechanic. Latocha suggested that Cerul go along so that Cerul might obtain an assessment of his problem. At approximately 2:30 that afternoon, John Latocha proceeded to Cerul's work area and asked if he was ready to leave. At that point, in Cerul's opinion, he had finished all the work that could have been completed that day. Although there were two new cars in his area that still needed work, the parts necessary for their com- pletion were not , in stock (a fact Cerul did not communi- cate to management). Prior to leaving, Cerul advised both shop steward Green and service writer Bishop that he was departing early with Latocha to meet with an at- torney about his wage reduction. Neither Green nor Bishop was a supervisor and Cerul did not seek permis- sion to leave early from either of the supervisors, Grassel or Burdeen, who were the persons Respondent expected employees to notify about early departure. And neither Green nor Bishop informed Grassel or Burden of Cerul's intention to leave early or Cerul 's reason , for leaving. (Both Latocha and Orzel, some 2 or 3 days before, had obtained Grassel's permission to leave early. And Lato- cha had advised Grassel of the reasons that he and Orzel needed to leave early.) Sometime after Cerul, Latocha, and Orzel left, Grassel told Scott that ' Cerul had left early without obtaining permission. Grassel' said that he was going to discharge Cerul for such action. Scott suggested that Grassel docu- ment the incident in writing. Grassel 'did so, and Re- spondent discharged Cerul as of that same day.8 When Cerul arrived for work the following day (April 29), Grassel informed him that he had been fired and asked where Cerul had been the previous day. Cerul said that he had seen a attorney about his reduction in pay. Gras- sel responded that it was Scott's position that Cerul should not have left without obtaining 'permission . (Cerul argued that he had told Bishop about his early departure. But when Grassel checked with Bishop, about , that, Bishop denied that Cerul had said anything about leaving early.) The service department and body shop employees learned of Cerul's 'discharge shortly thereafter and promptly, stopped work to protest the Company's action. Latocha, who was not scheduled to work that day, was advised by telephone of the situation. He hastened to the shop and, during the course of the work stoppage, acted as the employees' spokesman. That led to a conversalion between Grassel and Latocha about why Cerul had been fired and about where Cerul had been the previous clay, and why. Sometime thereafter, Cerul sought out Scott. Cerul asked why he had been fired. Scott stated that Cerul had departed work early without advising anyone and had left work unfinished. Scott told him that he knew that Cerul had gone to see an attorney about his pay, but the proper procedure was to notify the service manager before he left and not Bishop or Bobby Green. S cottwas impressed by Cerul's initiative in coming to see him. Fur- thermore, he felt that Cerul had in a sense been victim- ized by Latocha and Orzel, who had obtained permission from Grassel to leave, but had not made sure Cerul did likewise. As a result, during the course of their conversa- tion Scott reconsidered his decision to dismiss Cerul. Ex- actly what was said is unclear . But it appears that when the meeting ended Cerul was under the' impression that his dismissal had been converted into 2-week suspension without pay. Scott, on the other hand, insists that he merely told Cerul to return in 2 weeks so that the possi- bility of his reinstatement could be discussed. Whatever the case, Cerul returned to the body shop and informed his coworkers that his dismissal had been converted into a 2-week suspension. As a result, the' employees ended their protest and returned to work. The General Counsel asserts that Cerul's departure from work, even if it was without permission, was pro- tected, concerted activity and accordingly that Cerul's discharge, or suspension was therefore inproper under Section 8(a)(1) and (3) of the Act. In claiming that Cerul's conduct was protected, the General Counsel relies on two lines of cases. The first, as evidenced by Standard Aggregate Corp. 9 and New York Trap Rock Corp., ' ° characterizes as protected concerted, activity any good-faith protest involving provisions of a collective-bargaining agreement, even when action is taken by only a single employee. The second, as provid- ed in cases such as NLRB v. Washington Aluminum" and Go-Lightly Footwear, 251 NLRB 42 (1980), prohibits an employer from disciplining employees for, leaving their place of work even when such conduct amounts to a violation of express company regulations, if the em- ployees' departure was in protest of terms or conditions of employment. I, will assume, for present purposes, that Respondent would have violated the Act had Respondent disciplined Cerul because Cerul met with an attorney about the pay cut. I will also assume (again arguendo) that Respondent would have violated the Act by disciplining Cerul for leaving early if Cerul had left work early as a way of protesting the pay cut. , , But Respondent acted against 9 213 NLRB 154, 159 (1974). 10 148 NLRB 374, 375 (1964), see also V .S. Steel Corp., 252 NLRB 1273, 1277 (1980) 8 See G.C Exh. 10, Cerul's termination date is noted as April 28, 1982 11 370 U S. 9 (1962). 1082 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Cerul solely because he left work early, not because he consulted with an attorney. And Cerul neither intended' his leaving early to be a form of a protest nor gave Re- spondent any reason to believe that it `was a form of pro- test. Rather, Cerul's early departure was the result of mere happenstance and of Cerul's view that it would be more convenient to speak with an attorney at a meeting already arranged by Latocha than at some other time. What that adds up to is that Cerul's early departure did not constitute protected activity and that Respond- ent's action against Cerul did not violate the Act. IV. THE COFFEEPOT CONFRONTATION During the afternoon of April 29, Scott, who had been informed of the morning protest over Cerul's discharge, left his office and went to the service department. There, in the vicinity of the shop's coffeepot, he encountered employees Mattice, Melcher, Priorm, Orzel, and John and William Latocha. Scott asked how things were going. John Latocha responded that things were not going very well, specifically observing that he did not care for the manner in which the Respondent had dealt with Cerul. Scott stated that it was management's deci- sion. Latocha responded that the employees were fording it difficult to cooperate with Scott based on his imple- mentation of changes in the operation of the dealership. (The employees felt that Scott had reneged on what they considered to be a promise he made in his introductory meeting to make no changes in the terms under which they were employed. The employees were particularly concerned by not only the reduction of Cerul's pay and his discharge, but by an unfavorable change in the way Respondent computed the amount of pay due each me- chanic.12) Scott retorted that it was his operation, that the employees were going to work there in his terms, and that if "he [Latocha]" didn't like it he could get the fuck out." Someplace in the course of the same conver- sation Orzel also complained about ' the changes made by Respondent. Scott replied, "If you don't like your job, leave." In sum , Latocha and Orzel,,both speaking on behalf of the employees generally, stated their unhappiness about certain management action directly affecting terms and conditions of employment. Scott angrily replied that if the two employees did, not like the way he conducted his business they could leave. Respondent thereby violated the Act. First, that kind of remark, made without disclaimers to the contrary, will reasonably be heard by employees as a threat that further complaints will result in discharge: See B.J.P. Painting & Decorating Co., 206 NLRB 800 (1973), enf. denied 512 F.2d 599 (6th Cir. 1975). Second, Scott's responses amount to statements that it was futile for Respondent's employees to communicate concertedly in an effort to improve conditions of employment. V. THE INCIDENTS OF MAY 12 AND 13 As previously discussed, on April 29 Cerul was either discharged subject to reinstatement in 2 weeks, or sus- pended for 2 weeks. Cerul duly returned to Scott Olds on the morning of May 12. In accordance with Scott's instructions of April 29, Cerul proceeded to the front office to speak with Scott. While Cerul was away, Re- spondent had terminated the employment of employees Melcher, Sackett, and Latocha (a subject to be consid- ered later in this decision). Scott informed Cerul of the terminations and said that because he was attempting to move away from specilization by mechanics, he no longer needed an employee who did only new-car prepa- ration. Cerul asked what type of work Scott wanted him to do. Although there is some dispute about the exact description of the work Cerul was to be assigned, both Scott and Cerul agree that it was to involve front-end repair.13 The job offer troubled Cerul. He had not done front-end work for several years; and Latocha had been the previous front-end specialist. Cerul assumed that he was being 'offered Latocha's old job and asked why La- tocha had not been offered the position. According to Cerul, after he inquired about Latocha, Scott became offended and stated that in view of Cerul's attitude he no longer was sure that he desired to offer Cerul employment. Hence, Cerul was to return the fol- lowing day to determine if the offer was still open. Scott disputed Cerul's , account. According to Scott, when Cerul asked about Latocha, Scott responded that Lato- cha had been laid off for economic reasons and that Re- spondent was under no obligation to rehire Latocha. Scott testified that Cerul then asked for time to make a decision, and 'both agreed that Cerul was to return the following day to inform Scott if he was going to take the job. I credit Scott. Cerul returned the next morning. While passing through 'the parts department, Cerul encountered Assist- ant Shop Manager Burden. Burden asked Cerul if he was thereto pick up his tools. Cerul assumed that to mean that Scott had retracted his offer of reinstatement. Cerul then did or said something that led Burden to think that Cerul's employment by Respondent had 'ended. Burden accordingly told Cerul to return his dealer tags. Cerul gathered his tools and left. Scott, unaware of the ex- change between Burden and Cerul in the shop, assumed that Cerul's failure to keep his appointment meant he had decided not to accept Scott's offer. The General Counsel contends that Cerul, in question- ing Scott's failure to offer a position" to Latocha, engaged in_protected concerted activity; and that as a result Cerul was discharged when he arrived at work the following day, in violation of Section 8(a)(l) and (3) of the Act. And had Respondent refrained from returning Cerul to work because'of Cerul's expressed concern about Lato- cha, Respondent would have violated the 'Act. But that is not what happened. Respondent did offer Cerul a posi- tion as mechanic and did hold its offer open, at Cerul's 12 That action by Respondent and various other changes in terms of employment made by Respondent raise the possibility that Respondent violated Sec. 8(aX5) However, the General Counsel specifically opted not to allege violations of that section " Cerul testified that Scott stated that he needed a front-end mechan- ic. Scott testified that he needed a mechanic who could "do all things necessary in the shop ," including wheel alignments. BILL SCOTT OLDSMOBILE 1083 request, until' May 13. And the events of May 13 that-led to Cerul's departure were the result of a mix up in com- munications between Cerul and Burden, not the product of a decision by Respondent not to employ Cerul. That does not amount to a violation of the Act. VI. THE DEBOTTIS MEETING William DeBottis is the president and sole employee of Strategy Management Services. That company provides courses in personnel development, the objective of which is to improve performance efficiency among both employees and management. In April 1982 DeBottis sought to sell his company's service to Respondent. After a series of meetings, Scott agreed to allow DeBot- tis to make an introductory presentation of one of his courses to a group of Respondent's employees. DeBottis was not to be paid for that presentation. But if the em- ployees appeared receptive and DeBottis was of the opinion that the course would be beneficial, Scott agreed that he would retain DeBottis to give the entire course to that group. The introductory meeting was held in Respondent's customer lounge at 1:30 p.m. on May 4. Respondent re- quired all of its service department and body shop em- ployees to attend, and the employees were told that they would be compensated for their time at the meeting. De- Bottis began by introducing himself to the employees. He explained that he gave courses in motivation and atti- tude improvement; that he had reviewed this course with Scott; and that Scott wanted him to describe it to the employees. DeBottis then began to give a general over- view of the particular course he had proposed offering the employees. Either because of the subject matter of the presentation, or because of DeBottis' style of deliv- ery, or both, the employees reacted with hostility. Lato- cha and Sackett were among the most vocal. In a number of cases, employees complained about Respond- ent's insufficient pay and refusal to provide fringe bene- fits. DeBottis' responses to such complaints took the form of "if that is the way you feel about it, why don't you leave the company," or "if you don't like the place, why don't you leave. This is a free country." 14 I will assume that at least for some purpose DeBottis was an agent of Respondent. See Sterling Faucet Co., 203 NLRB 1031, 1032 (1973). And as discussed earlier (in connection with Scott's comments to Latocha and Orzel), in some circumstances an employer violates Sec- tion 8(a)(1) if its agent, in response to an employee's complaint about working conditions, tells the employee that if he does not like those conditions he can leave. But DeBottis had no authority to fire or otherwise discipline the employees, which, the employees, knew. He had not and was not going to supervise their work, which the employees knew. And he was there to talk about em- ployee motivation, as the employees also knew. Given that context, DeBottis' remarks about leaving Respond- ent's employ "if you feel that way about it" could not reasonably be taken as anything more than the expression 14 The quotes are from DeBottis' account of the meeting I do not credit the employees' testimony that DeBottis said anything else about employees leaving Respondent's employ, being fired, or the like. of -opinion by DeBottis about how the employees ought to deal with their dissatisfactions. The remarks could not reasonably coerce, restrain , or interfere with the employ- ees in the exercise of their rights. VII. LATOCHA' S DISMISSAL Latocha acted as an employee spokesman during Scott's introductory talk and during the Cerul incident. He did most of the talking to Service Manager Grassel at Smokey's and told Grassel that he, Melcher, and Sackett led the organizing drive that unionized the shop's em- ployees. He was very vocal during the May 4 DeBottis meeting . And both Scott and, DeBottis told 'Latocha that if he did not like things there, he should leave Respond- ent's employ. Midafternoon on May 4, not long after the DeBottis meeting ended, Latocha, Melcher, and Sackett were each handed identical letters signed by Scott. The letters read: Due to economic conditions it is necessary for you to be placed on indefinite lay-off. As of this date your services at Bill Scott Olds- mobile Inc . are no longer required. The "lay-offs" were in fact discharges in that Respond- ent has recalled neither Latocha nor Melcher nor Sackett even though job openings at the dealership have oc- curred for which each of the three was qualified and for which persons never previously in Respondent's employ were 'hired. Sometime after Latocha's dismissal, Latocha's brother, William, asked Service Manager Ferd Lauding about it. (Laudig, an admitted supervisor, had replaced Grassel. Laudig continued to hold that position at the time of the hearing in this proceeding.) According to William Lato- cha, in response to the question "Why was nay brother laid off?" Lauding answered: "Well, I heard your broth- er caused a lot of 'tension around here, and if I was here at the time . .. I 'don't think anybody would have been laid off." Lauding did not testify and none of, Respond- ent's witnesses discussed William Latocha's account. It thus remains unrebutted and unexplained. The General Counsel claims that Respondent fired La- tocha because he engaged in the various protected activi- ties listed above. A few of the General Counsel's contentions can be put aside. Scott made the decision to discharge Latocha, Melcher, and Sackett prior to May 4, so that Latocha's behavior at the DeBottis meeting (held on May 4) could not have been a factor in Latocha's discharge, Moreover the record is clear that Scott was wholly unconcerned about the success or failure of the DeBottis meeting and never spoke to DeBottis about individual employees. And as for Latocha's role in unionizing the shop, the evi- dence does not reflect any union animus on Scott's part. But there are, the facts that: (1) according to' Respond- ent's service manager, Latocha's discharge was related to the "tension" he caused; (2) Latocha was the main spokesman for Respondent's employees; (3) on April 29, a few days before his dismissal, Latocha' s statements in that role drew Scott's anger; and (4) Latocha was dis- 1084 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD missed midafternoon and midweek, without any notice. And those facts add up to a, prima facie case that Lato- cha was fired because of his unprotected activities. VIII . RESPONDENT'S DEFENSE Scott acquired the dealership in the midst of difficult times for the U.S. automobile industry. Romano had in- curred losses .due to below-par car sales, and sales con- tinued to sag after Scott took over. Moreover, Scott had had to borrow heavily in order to acquire the dealership, and the resulting financial commitments made it neces- sary for the Company to begin generating a profit almost immediately. The answer to that state of affairs, conclud- ed Scott, was to reduce expenses, and do so quickly. With that in mind, Grassel and Scott studied the service department. According to Scott they determined that the service department was overstaffed.15 They also deter- mined (again according to Scott) that the most efficient way to staff the service department would be to use ma- chanics who each could handle any kind of repair job that came in. Romano had not organized things that way. For example Cerul, did only new-car preparation and Latocha did only front-end work. Scott testified that it was these considerations that led to the layoffs of Latocha and Melcher, both of whom, said Scott, were specialists rather than the kind of broad- ly skilled employees he wanted.16 As for the timing of the dismissals, Scott had earlier concluded that he would make no changes for one month following his April 5 ac- quisition of the dealership. A new month began, in Scott's view, on the week beginning May 3. Latocha's dismissal (along with Melcher's and Sackett's) followed promptly. IX. LATOCHA'S DISMISSAL-CONCLUSION I am convinced that Scott did decide that as of early May Respondent should decrease its employee comple- ment; that Scott wanted the work force to be composed of broadly skilled employees; and that Latocha worked as a specialist, doing only front-end work. But none of that explains why Respondent chose to discharge Lato- cha. Respondent employed a number of specialists (apart from the three discharged employees). Yet Respondent provided no information on why Latocha, rather than any one of the other mechanics doing specialized work, was selected for discharge. Laudig indicated that Latocha's discharge was related to the "tension" that Latocha had caused. "Causing ten- sion" is not necessarily synonomous with "engaging in is Scott's testimony, together with employment records, shows that not counting the employee responsible for new-car preparation work the service department work force numbered as follows in 1982. Early April the complement was 10 when Scott acquired dealership; late Apnl-May 4-9 (Ormaman goes on voluntary layoff); post-May 4-7 (Latocha and Melcher discharges), mid-May-6 (William Latocha out on disability); late June-8 (Anderson hired; William Latocha returns); August-9 (Ormanian returns), September-9 (Ormanian leaves, replaced by McCarthy),, November and thereafter-10 (Schill replaces Mattice who is not out on disability, then Mattice returns) is Scott also testified about a "skill leveling" program, whereby me- chanics were divided into four categories, by degree of skill. Scott never made clear, however, whether the skill leveling program had anything to do with the layoffs and, if so, how. protected activities." But, clearly, it can have that mean- ing. And here: Latocha was the preeminent employee spokesman; and shortly before his discharge his protect- ed activities became the subject of Scott's anger. It could be that Respondent nonetheless discharged Latocha for entirely lawful reasons. But on this record it was incumbent on Respondent to show either that Laud- ing was wrong in indicating-that Latocha was discharged for causing tension, or that the tension that Latocha caused had nothing to do with his protected activities. Because Respondent did not do so, my conclusion is that Latocha would not have been discharged but for his pro- tected activities, and that Respondent accordingly violat- ed Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. X. MELCHER'S DISMISSAL As discussed earlier, Melcher was "placed on indefi- nite lay-off'-discharged, actually-on May 4. The Gen- eral Counsel claims that that action was caused by Mel- cher's participation in protected activities. Melcher helped bring the Union to Romano, which Respondent knew. During Scott's April 7 talk, Melcher told Service Manager Grassel, in response to Grassel's statement, that Scott was "a good, fair man," that he "certainly hoped so because we had filed charges . against Anthony Romano and it could happen to him [Scott] if he wasn't." During the Cerul incident, Melcher suggested to Scott that Scott was a "liar" for, in Melcher's view, reneging on a promise not to make any changes adverse to the employees. And on May 3 Melcher openly handed out union authorization cards in the shop. Respondent, in turn, makes the same claims about Mel- cher's discharge as it did about Latocha's: Melcher's work was limited to heavy engine work, mostly Omega engine overhauls, plus all the work on the few foreign cars that came into the shop. Melcher was picked for discharge because Respondent wanted to reduce the size of the work force and wanted generalists, not specialists. As in Latocha's case, Respondent failed to show why it chose to discharge Melcher, rather than one of the other specialists. Nonetheless, my conclusion is that the evidence fails to support the claim that Respondent dis- charged Melcher for impermissible reasons. As stated earlier, Respondent exhibited no union animus. Thus Melcher's actions in helping start the Union under Romano and his authorization card activity would not have led Melcher to be fired. As for Melcher's com- ments to Grassel and Scott, neither indicated any con- cern 'about them at the time Melcher made them. And they hardly constitute major activity on Melcher's part. In contrast, service department employee Chet Orzel drew fire from Scott for his comments during the Cerul incident. And, as Respondent knew, Orzel accompanied Latocha to an attorney regarding a claim against Re- spondent. Yet Respondent took no action against Orzel. (Orzel remained in Respondent's employ at the time of the hearing in his proceeding.) Two considerations remain . First, the only three em- ployees to be discharged by Respondent during Re- spondent's first months of operation were Latocha, Mel- cher, and Sackett. And Respondent knew that they were BILL SCOTT OLDSMOBILE 1085 the three who were mainly responsible for organizing Roman's employees. Second, Respondent gave the same reasons for discharging Latocha as it gave for discharg- ing Melcher. Yet I found that in Latocha's case Re- spondent's stated reasons were pretextual. A finding of violation in Latocha's case and no violation in Melcher's arguably is inconsistent. But as for the first consideration-that the only three employees fired (initially) were the three principal orga- nizers of the union-my conclusion is that that was coin- cidental. The record as a whole shows that Scott would not hold a grudge against a few employees because they were active organizing a union, especially as that activity occurred several years earlier under a different owner. The second consideration-inconsistency in my find- ings as between Latocha's discharge and Melcher's-is more serious. But in Latocha's case, a supervisor (Laudig) suggested that Respondent's stated reasons for the discharge were pretextual. There is no such evidence about Melcher's discharge. Moreover Latocha was the preeminent employee spokesman, and in that role he was aggressive and outspoken. Melcher, on the other hand, generally stayed on the sidelines. Under all the circum- stances, my conclusion is that although Respondent gave the same reasons for its discharge of Melcher as for that of Latocha, in Latocha's case those reasons were pretex- tual and in Melcher's case they `were not. 17' XL SACKETT'S DISMISSAL Sackett, along with Latocha and Melcher, was instru- mental in getting Romano's employees organized. During Scott's introductory talk,(on April 7)'Sackett asked Scott about his plans concerning the employees' seniority rights and sick leave. When Scott responded that he was a "fair man," Sackett stated: "We have been through this for a long time and . . . we'd rather have something in writing than just word of mouth.' Except for Latocha, Sackett was the only employee to question Scott at that meeting. Then, at Smokey's Sackett (again along with Latocha) was the principal spokesman in the employees' exchanges with Grassel. Sackett and fellow body shop employee John Santa spoke directly to Scott about em- ployee compensation matters. On May 3, Sackett handed out union authorization cards in the body shop. (He did so without objection from Body Shop Supervisor Tier- ney. In fact, at Sackett's request,' Tierney signed each card as a witness.) And on May 4 Sackett had an angry exchange with DeBottis. Shortly after the DeBottis meeting ended, Sackett was discharged (as described earlier). The General Counsel urges that Respondent be found to have fired Sackett for the activities just discussed. Respondent, on the other hand, contends that Sackett was layed off solely because Scott wanted to reduce' the number of employees in the body shop. The evidence supports Respondent. Body shop business was light in April and May. There were three employees in the body shop at the time (plus manager Tierney): Sackett and Sauta, who each did body repair work but did not paint; and Pete Amato, who painted but did no body work." Scott wanted to reduce the work force by one, and that one had to be one of the two body repair men. Scott testified that he chose Sackett to dismiss because Sauta was many years senior to Sackett. I credit Scott. My main concern is that Respondent did not recall Sackett, With minor exception, the body shop work force remained at, two employees from May into late September. But Santa left for medical reasons in July. Respondent hired Charles Jackson to replace Sauta. Then Respondent hired another body repair employee and fired Jackson.18 A new body shop manager, Lee Hood, was on the job at the time Sauta left, and he made the hiring decisions. Scott, however, did not suggest to Hood that he consider Sackett for either opening. One would ordinarily expect Scott to have mentioned Sackett to Hood unless Scott had some reason not to want to employ Sackett. And that reason could not be connected with the quality of Sackett's work because Respondent agreed that it was entirely satisfactory. The only reason Scott gave for not asking Hood to consider Scott ' was that Scott wanted to leave the body shop's personnel matters entirely in Hood's hands. The issue is a closed one, particularly in view of my conclu- sion that Respondent fired Latocha for unlawful reasons. But on balance I credit Scott. I simply do not, believe that Scott would have held any, grudge against Sackett for the kinds of protected activity in ,which Sackett en- gaged. XII. THE JOHNNIE'S POULTRY ALLEGATIONS The General Counsel has additionally alleged that the Company, by its attorney, Vaughan Lang, violated Sec- tion 8(a)(1) of the Act by interrogating several Scott em- ployees in preparation for the instant hearing,' without observing the safeguards mandated by Johnnie's Poultry Co.. 19 An employer may, in preparation for a hearing, ques- tion employees on matters involving "their Section 7 rights without incurring 8(a)(1) liability, provided that the employer communicates to each employee inter- viewed the purpose of the questioning, assures him that no reprisal will take place, and obtains his participation on a voluntary basis. Lang's interviews with the employees took place on January 13, 1983, in Scott's office. Each employee was questioned individually. Eight persons, all of whom are still employed at Scott Olds, testified concerning the interviews. William Latocha was the sole witness called by the General Counsel. The remaining seven, although called by Respondent, tended to corroborate Latocha in at least some respects. And Lang did not testify. As I add up the testimony on point, Lang did advise each employee that the employee would suffer no repris- als, whatever answers he might give to Lang's questions. ]v I have considered whether Respondent's failure to recall Melcher was discriminatory But I credit Scott's testimony about the hiring of new employees in that I think that Scott believed that the new employees had skills that Melcher did not have. ie Other body shop employees were hired in the autumn But the em- ployees hired then could all do both body work and paint. '9 146 NLRB 770, 775 (1964), enf. denied 344 F 2d 617 (8th Car. 1965). 1086 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD But in a number of instances Lang neither told the em- ployee that the purpose of his questions was to prepare Respondent's defense to unfair labor practice charges nor advised the employee that participation in the interview was voluntary. Respondent thereby violated the Act: See Standard-Coosa-Thatcher, Inc., 257 NLRB 304 (1981), enfd. 691 F.2d 1133 (4th Cir. 1982). CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. Respondent Bill Scott Oldsmobile is an employer engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(2) and (6) of the Act. 2. Respondent violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act when its agent William Scott coercively responded to employees John Latocha and Chet Orzel for having voiced complaints on behalf of the other employees, about management decisions that affected terms and con- ditions of employment. 3. Respondent violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act by discharging John Latocha on May 4, 1982, for having engaged in protected concerted activity. 4. Respondent violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act when its attorney, Vaughn D. Lang, interviewed em- ployees in preparation for the instant hearing without in- forming them of the purpose of the interviews and with- out advising them that their participation was voluntary. 5. The above unfair labor practices affected commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7)of the Act. 6. Respondent has not otherwise violated the Act. THE REMEDY The recommended Order will require Respondent to reinstate Latocha and to make him whole for any loss of earnings he may have suffered by reason of his unlawful discharge. Backpay shall be calculated in accordance with F. W. Woolworth Co., 90 NLRB 289 (1950), with in- terest as provided in Florida Steel Corp., 231 NLRB 651 (1977). In addition Respondent will be required to cease and desist from its unlawful acts, to notify its employees of the Board's Order, and to take various other actions re- lating to the above requirements. On these findings of fact and conclusions of law and on the entire record, I issue the following recommend- ed20 ORDER The Respondent, Bill Scott Oldsmobile, Syracuse, New York, and its officers, agents, successors, and as- signs, shall 1. Cease and desist from (a) Coercively responding to employees who voice complaints on behalf of their fellow employees about management decisions which affect terms and conditions of employment. (b) Interviewing employees in preparation for defense of unfair labor practice proceedings without first inform- ing them of the purpose of the interviews and with ad- vising them that their participation is voluntary. (c) Discharging employees for engaging in protected concerted activity. (d) In any like or related manner interfering with, re- straining , or coercing its employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed in Section 7, of the National Labor Re- lations Act. 2. Take the following affirmative action necessary to effectuate the policies of the Act. (a) Offer to reinstate John Latocha to his former posi- tion or, if that position no longer exists, to a substantially equivalent position, without prejudice to his seniority or other rights and privileges previously enjoyed. (b) Make John Latocha whole for any loss of earnings he may have suffered by reason of his unlawful dis- charge in the manner set forth in the remedy section of this decision. (c) Preserve and, on request, make available to the Board or its agents, for examination and copying, all payroll records, social security payments records, time- cards, personnel records and reports, all other records necessary to analyze the amount of backpay due under the terms of this Order. (d) Post in conspicuous places at Respondent's place of business, including all places where notices to employees are customarily posted, for a period of 60 days, copies of the attached notice marked "Appendix."21 Copies of the notice, on forms provided by the Regional Director for Region 3, after being signed by a representative of Re- spondent, shall be immediately posted and maintained for 60 consecutive days thereafter. Respondent shall take reasonable steps to ensure that the notices are not al- tered, defaced, or covered by other material. Vie) Notify the Regional Director in writing within 20 days for the date of this Order, what steps Respondent has taken to comply. 20 If no exceptions are filed as provided by Sec 102 46 of the Board's Rules and Regulations, the findings, conclusions, and recommended Order shall, as provided in Sec 102 48 of the Rules, be adopted by the Board and all objections to them shall be deemed waived for all pur- poses 21 If this Order is enforced by a judgment of a United States court of appeals, the words in the notice reading "Posted by Order of the Nation- al Labor Relations Board" shall read "Posted Pursuant to a Judgment of the United States Court of Appeals Enforcing an Order of the National Labor Relations Board " Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation