Bellwood General Hospital, Inc.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsJun 26, 1979243 N.L.R.B. 88 (N.L.R.B. 1979) Copy Citation I) I( lSI)NS ( \\I IN AI I \()R RI I AI IONS I()/,R) BeillNtmm(I (;eneral I ospital. Inc. ;adl HBelhol Rgis- lere(I Nurse, Assiwiation. IlitCd NurSC.s' Asoci- alion o[ (fCalifornia. (ase 21 ( A 16841 .line 26. 1979 I)I('ISI()N ANI) ()RI)ItR B'5 M MIRS PI1NlI I 0), MT1 RPIIY. \" I RKI ~I D I Oin :cbruar 9. 1979, Adiministraive a, Jludge Richard .1. Bo,,cc issued the attached I)cCision in this proceeding. I lhcra'tcr. Respondent iled c\ceptions, and a supporting riel Pursuant to the provisions of Scction 3(h) O' the National L.abor Relations Act, as amended the Na- tional I.abor Relations aord has legated its au- thority in this proceeding o a hrcc-nmemhecr panel. TIhc Board has considered the record and the at- tached Decision in light of the exceptions and hriel' and has decided to afiirmn the rulins, indings.' rand conclusio ns: of the Admninistrativce l .a Jdge ald to adopt his recommended Order. ()OR)ER Pursuant to Section IO(c) o the National labor Relations Act, as amnended, the National I.ahor Rela- tions Board adopts as its Order the recommended Or- der of the Administrative LIaw Judge and hereb or- ders that the Respondent. Bellwood General Hospital. Inc.. Bellfiower. Califiornia, its officers, agents, successors, and assigns shall take the action set forth in the said recommended Order. in his I)evision, the Adminilrstraive IL.a ludge ii.,tcrtcnlti Ictrt. It empIc)ee Johnston as "Johnson" I Respondent excepts int the Adtilllllille ; ..iidgt' itnclusiton lihi iI refused to bargain withl the I lin. in 8ilit il I See X(ilti) iid ( I) I)I Ie Act. by withdrhawing rel.itgnitli runn he I triii ,I l April I 1975 WC find mn meri1 In this cxscpli i in ddititti t. (ieruma ,tte r[,iiii11, t 1111 - ilrtive I i, Judge, which we .tiipt. we OtittIt R-spiimidet in i mitret admllnId IhiI i reluert It batgllt :is (11 April I I t ittel., LOlliteliCil Re- ,p rnldc~n' esidericc in its titatl , We fild i11 i( hi, iqI d'11, t islltjICd it- tiilen iheceeiie e videce io suipplir its aiseil(ed diiiht i he 1111 ~ ,s ra)l- its m;ius ;Is ii April 13. DJ(ISION SlAIFIMI:NI Of 1111 CASi RI( IIARI) J. BuOY( i. Administrative Judge: This matter was heard before me in L.os Angeles ('alitirnia. on December 18. 1978. The charge was filed onil JulN 6. 1978. by Bellwood Registered Nurses Association, I nited Nurses' Associations of ('CaliftOrnia (separately, BRNA and UNAC: jointly. BRNA-LINAC). The complaint issued oil August 18. alleging that Bellwood ;General Hospital. Inc. (Respondent). had violated Section 8(a)(5) and (I) ol' Ihe National Labor Relations Act Act). I. II R IlIt III)', Rcplonlent operates a hospltl in cllitosct. (iliornia. Ilis li, irllC ll ; pttrehliss 11111 spellerlt Cls Ollsidc ('all- 1o liLiK iilIdsl% deedUCIC ~sC().t1)011d sll).()O(). resp-ecCicil It is ltiiipi tld Ithai R sc po lltleIII I s Clt lli ii llII IIlCCIIIW L'OlI lClCie , xihill hc ncamml o Sctmo 2I~) and (7) o IkC \ci., and p lcr l , sII bLIeIUCl I the Btt110r.i'd It lidin.itn. II. ISS I lie cpnil;tl alleges thal Rptonenlciit h' icluseld io hariam lh It RNA-I NA' ,inc'c r\piil 13, 1978, hiiich\ iOat11lil Strtll 8 an)(5) 11d (1). Rcspot0icIt, ,hie h ;iInii11- ing tht; BRNA-1 NA( had hlicolic he Ill,.i'xui'l'2 IcpIc- sentatie f Respondent's registered nurses i Il 1976. ;atlT that Resolntnent iJIteed has rctlcd t hgain in 1978.' asseits that the Iclui;il hs been LstIlelC b\ a god- tinlh doubt )I Onlinl/ Cd illmtill Illjo/I./ t \ IHlIj1 \ ;oll ;ICtl;iJ Isos o1f union InaJt\11. ;ll iii d RNA.V hil\ I 11bs bNCitlll c "eI- Ifllet" aild o longer "a abs\ h lo llllbor IpIlI/ illt. I isnot Cioltendd tailllll a At tN /\(' sis ohel than i dtls CtlIstlLIted lull ncionin labor oruani ll plpllIls' o1 the \Ct at ill ievalit titles. 111. IIII :\ lilID I ,II \IR I \1)R PIt I( I A. tgn l~ I/it ' 'iliiiiiiujI of i' .lll'iiiL () 1 tl 30. 1976. Iowhin ;in NIRI clection in ('axe 21 R( 14722. I (ecitilication Represcntlati ce issued i1anlinig IIRNA- NA(' as the eclu- sive bargaining rclprscenl tatis o Rspondent's 411 or so reg- istreCL ilirseSe Ngotlltons estied ;ailtnd ;a bargailning con- tract linall, \kas enteied into il Noseniber 1977. to be ettecti\c ronlt ()coe I, 1977. to A\pril 31. 1978. rMii'iii HLlt NSIIs r a sIu lCeCSS.or ConFrlact UIr2e held oil April 13 tn 1 2. 1978 As iI tihec carlicr IICegot/IIOIs. I NA("s c1cultc idllillilisltitir. I honiais Robertson, is the itcipild iuniit spokcspersotn. \ 1ith Ra\lt0ld Bohllart, til OtUJIde Lihi k r I CJtl1tlS IilC StIIIitll. his illtlagetllllnI Comlttet;irt. I the t'arit oI the \pTiil 13 sessiIonl. tlohar presetteldul a dOcUit I to IehCrsio statIine: [tcll¥'ood (jenciral I lriplial. I lcorporated hals a 1good itlh dloubt that htile Hell ood Rcgistreld Nurses AscilalitlOll n ad or thle ilCed NuiseCs Associaions l ('ahirirtHi , ltt a \ tther orgili/Itioll. i te dcsie- niiteld b;rPtllntlg Cpr'CsCT ILitts e\ the I Hospital", ReC- istc[d Nurses 01 n alppiopia'lc balgiitii unit s ICe- fined in the Nationtal l.abot Relations Act IUntil thie issues raised herein are resoled Ito tilhe Hospital's satisicotin, the hospital reserves the right to withdraw rom ani lileotiatoionls, should it be estab- lished that te L'nion(s) are ill lIonger the aulhorized IBil BUl since M 18 2 he tiIit descrilpllont s ,itllillnced in the ( crliticai, lln I ReprcsenliIallie reads "ncluded: il egicstered nurses itl cordJinri rsi lld !it' leaders tIxcluded: ll other einploiecs. it her prolressiima emnphFce,. guards, salich- ImnI. and upersirs a; defined n the Act" I hat this i on appropriate ilIt Ior purposes in the Act I undIsputied 243 NLRB No. 23 hbargainlilnl rep'sentlaliie t)I leiStCreLl 'iulCTS ll tilh Iospital. Ilo(wseC\. tile (Hospital is alreceal'l1 Ilto meet il II lltll- ;ill! areleahbl Illme and places in order to conlpll llh ;n1! ra;I; 1111111i o l hliatlion l hi lch Ill;\ C\Isl. BRNA- NA( pesetled its con(;ract proposal lte i tilhe ,April 13 session. lso. Roberttson l skd that Bt(alrt 1rt', ide him Ith the nalelieS an;ld ilddilesses oI unit cnllplo. cc. .. hich Boharl salid he woulld do ;llI tl It niretling. In the April 24 session. HBolarl .orall\ iterated Respoin- duent's pro tssed doubts of RNA\ a;i .orr I NA\( sllid- iig. hbut nelserlthless presented countelr to the \pril 13 unti1on proposal. The counterlproposal. ill Robertson's' words. was "a rollback to cerl thing we had one hc irst time through' a reference to the cistline Contract ;i1nd tile negotiations preceding it. Borlt ldid nlo suppl? the re- quested list ais promised, euplaining atl Ihe lime that Re- spondenti's pa\roll deparitiment had been unable o get iI read'. Boliart conceded ill his tlstlnlonll\ hllt this \\;a utin- Irue. d Illilthat his real raslln for witlholding the list 'xas thatlil he "cntinuled to ha e a good-tliith doub tt hat t1i\ labor organization represcned an apprlopriate harugainllg unit" at the hospital. A third bargaiining session ;as to he held Ma 19 B' telegramni to TNA(' Ma'18 IX. howectrer. Hthart cincelled Ihe lelegram: P' I ASI I .N)N ISI 1) 111 1i[ 5, I)I It I. I (K ANI) (IN HI- IAtII I) I:t 1 1 \k)IIit (il NI:RAI II()SP'IIAI IN( (R ()R' II I IS AN I I It il N . ( Il I t l I 1) MI:. I I N(i I RI)A'. ' NIA 19. 1978. A I Il I (IS AN(il I I I RAI '1 lIlA lIN .'N, I ( (N( II lAt I()N S IRSX I 1 (I I . AS 5(0I ' \IRI ASI:I ()N I'R lII 13. 1978, ANt) APl'RI 24 1978 Ill II();'I AI IIAS X (il()l)IAIIl t)(\ 1I AS t0 \AIlI:III:R AN l()ONA 111)1 I A()R ()R(iANI/.AIII)N RRI- SI:NIS A MAJ()RII) (1I R(itSII RIDI) NIl RStS IN N XPIPJR(I- P'RIAII BAR(iAtNtN(i LNII. IN AiI lIN. II IS 1111 II(SPIIA'I.S POS.III(ON IIIAI 1111 BIH l.WO()D R(ISIIRI l ) NURSES ASSOt( IA ION, AS (lR I- I1ll) IN NAIIONAI l.ABOR RIll.AIONS BOARI) (ASF Nl M- 21-R(-14722 JUIY 30, 1976, ANt T SllNAIORY ASSO('IATION TO IE (OI.lITC([IVE BARGAINING A(iRI-- MIiNI WIII('11 WAS IMI Y IERMINA I I) APRII 30. 1978. BHI( AMI A )I -tI N( I (R(GNI/AI()N O)N (IR At I No- VEMtIIR II 1977. 1111 II( OSPIIAI IS l'RIIPRI I0 11 Il AN) Nl(,(Ollll \1ill Rl'RIS-N IAIIVIS O A )NN 111)1- I AIB(R I()R(iANI- /AII()IN RI:l'RI Sl:NIIN(i A MAJO)RII' I- IIS l:MPI'.(tIYI: IN AN A'PPRI(PRIA II BiARIiAININ(i NI I AS IJl-INtI) BY 1111l NAI ONAl I ABOR R A l(IONS A . There has been no further communication between the parties. Respondent s hse.s or doublting majori . nl Februa rN 23. 1978, Respondent petitioned for a new NLRB election. In support f the petition, later dismissed hb' the Regional i- rector as untimely, Bohart submitted a letter stating Re- spondent's psition to he that RNA-INA(' "has ceased to exist or represent a majorit o the unit employees. Elaborating, the letter cited the hire o 18 newv RN's since I(Case 21 R 1880 thie earlll elctlionl and aisserted t.hat 1BRNA\-l N \(' had Itailled ( ) )o pIr Ide1 I IIaIellll I t .itli the n1.i11s l i dues- p1- Ing inellbler-enplolI.ees s r. equired h Il Ce ilciIllct. (hi to) 11it lltlilt' l gtl len (eI11 fhe 1Ippolllttlllt ot gle' ;llceh-lhill- dlitng cpieseiltalitcs I'll tiill th e tillt ;is rqtilltCd tilhe contract. (c) io in\ ke in-holl spitlal bhllctin board pri IlT'gcs, .i ,l to itloke .the C ontt.cttlaIl griCXll.ce ,ihira Irillotll p1oce- Idurei' et 1t exercise Ils Xl'Isitatio rightlis ll lde tIhe C lllrct. ald (I ) to i allle inqliries genturaili concer ltllg Respotl- dIntl's compliancerl, il thlec oiltl'ct. Iohait testiel tlt after subilssion ott hi, lettel. ddi- t11onal ground'. or doubt s,i tllned I hC . lle thallt ia) I IlN to utillit llloCeNs s11s.ed up or in all-eli'x.e icell.tig v1alled th t NA(V" s president. Ka;hlrl lillunoll tL1 \LMaIch I I, l B'RN \'a treasutllrerl. spretlli Kroll. Iold Rcnspou- leIli's rrSliicl 1 lteCl c. Rulh l.,lndsnl. i. somC tiie ill March thai t sthe wisnlh to resign fIront RN, \-1 N A(' 11.d tilt there .as little eirploee interest ill BRNA.' andl (lC) BRNA's I nterim Secl-tar- ('her1 \lc(on n ,lla !d I tllc-nl [ reastiller oat Ioli oll inlorl-nld Responlldent oi \pil 13 and 2110, respectixel. IhiAl tilex did not Ni their , ork schedules chalnged to enable them ll attllend inclllliation on he.half o BR A-t 'NA('. /}it,, /[t'toItu14t111111 tI-' i /iiolnltlCs miXlt' [ N.\(' Is lie parlnl rganiZ;ti on ot 18 ,tlfiliated oirgaiisiloll' in ,soillh- em ('Clitorllta. each atliliate behing at 1 separate hteilt care taucilit'.. le h I NA t conlstitutoll p-rxi des tht 0 or more RN'N t a gi xlen flacilht ci appl 5r Ar iatliliation.' and ttl ''each altiliatel shall he sef-g, xernill ad resnponlsible Ior reprlescnting thle Initrests of its Inllelltel'. 11 RNA ls,, oll such a;liliate. I [NA( routinel. collaborates s.itli its alflialts nl seekillg N RB certiication. 1 eg oitltig co ltracts. prosecutini grieances. etc. As earlierl note. the present certliication runs to RNA-t NAC\( ad !NAC's Robertson was the prit; i spl ion okesperson it ll tnegotliatolls x.itll Re- spondeIctl. cs.otld tlhat. NA'\('s president. .ianlitn, x. ;Its the niionll sigilltor to the lone coiltralct. H RN ;A hahad nl o ditlu. elecled offlicers since Kroll'. Iah- dlication ias treasurer in March 1978. Its last presidenlt. [et\ Tineliens. lef't tile pa roll and thal positi ll i December 1977. neler to be replacedl A purpose of' the Mirch 15 Itleclilig ilh liani ino, e;l[ier mentioed. Ill addition lo preparing or egotialtions. wras t) line up ai slate of tilicers. It was then tht Jialnino designalted Mc(oi .;n a d John- stn lls intlerim secrelar' anItd interim treasurer. I le ;alidilt' of those designations, without ai popular election. seetiinglk is i doubt. ' Bohlarl lesIlied hat. lthough he hald nol spokcn .ilh .ns ot tIle ncls hired RN' .aboutl it he had a "ilt teel Ing" roitl his ersr, e peTItnlt il labor relatons that IheX did not unlion represen.ll.on Again citing his ears it experience in the tield. B harl ltesltied iat al ab.ence ot grievance aCt.Iit'S is most unusul' drintg I irsl ic tconlraict t he leier ails to nmention thal. shorils. ater the lr.ail sigtned. Robertson contacted Bohart anul Repoindent's atiure 1i.. t)ke rei roae.lAce wage pa'.lnenls. per the cinlract. t certain RN's who had lelft Ihe pr.oll and hat Boharl .accordingi s.aa, I i that he pllenlls s. ere mlde *landnsman testified that Kr. It old her .mnetlme in Ma.rch hat she Aanted to resign romn BRNA-t NA(' and that there v..a" se) ille interest bh the nurses in he union.' B letter dated April 23. Kroll Inlrled Re- spondenl's personnel tRice hl she had resigned ront meithership in I NA(' I ndsman testillied thal a.nollher unit eiplsec. M.arg.ircl Benton t,.ld her in April 1978 ihat. she ,as no Interested in the t nIon x Prisided there is no afliauion oulsltanding .1It the tacll IU I I %k00I) (it NI R NI 110SP I \1 IN( L.ABOR REIATIONS BH()ARI) Robertson was assisted in the negotiations leading to the one contract by an employee committee, members of which regularly attended the sessions. By contrast. no employees served in this capacity in the 1978 negotiations. Johnston and McGowan had indicated their willingness to do so, but. as previously noted, asked that their schedules not he changed to make it possible. Robertson scheduled a meeting of unit employees for May 8. 1978. Only McGowan showed up. Robertson con- ceded in his testimony that McGowan "probably did indi- cate" at that time that "there wasn't any support back at the hospital for the union." B. Analvsis Although Respondent withheld total withdrawal from the bargaining relationship until May 18. it is concluded that its withdrawal became a functional reality on April 13. coincident with its first notification to BRNA-UNAC that it had a good-faith doubt and it consequently reserved the right thereafter to withdraw from negotiations. That Re- spondent from then on was not committed to bargaining as a legal duty, but only as it might suit its convenience and advantage. was graphically shown by Bohart's failure to supply the promised list on April 24 hecause of' his pro- fessed doubts of BRNA-UJNAC's standing. It is concluded, moreover, that the withdrawal violated Section 8(a)(5) and (I I) as alleged. The general rule, as stated in Stanwood Thrifimart, 216 NLRB 852, 853 (1975). is this: A contract, lawful on its lace, raises a presumption that the contracting union was the majority represent- ative at the time the contract was executed. during the life of the contract, and thereafter. And, as stated in Terrell Machine Co(mpanr, 173 NLRB 1480. 1481 (1969): [O}nce the presumption is shown to be operative, a primau lcic case is established that an employer is obli- gated to bargain and that its refusal to do so would he unlawful. The primua fie case may be rebutted if' the employer affirmatively establishes either ( I ) that at the time of the refusal the union in fact no longer enjoyed majority representative status: or (2) that the employ- er's refusal was predicated on a good-faith and reason- ably grounded doubt of the union's continued majority status. In the present case, the majority presumption plainly was operative at relevant times. The question. then. is whether Respondent managed to rebut it. It is concluded, as indi- cated above. that it did not. Its citation to employee turn- over is to no avail. for "new employees are presumed to support the union in the same ratio as those whom they have replaced." Jmics 14. Whitfield dia (ten St/pe'r- market, 220 NI.RB 507. 509 (1975). Nor are the other grounds fr doubt advanced by Re- spondent and emerging belore its April 13 withdrawal pro- batise for that purpose. ('oncerning BRNA-ULNAC's activi- ties s-a-v the contract. Respondent's argument ignores the contract's newness and is ill founded in any event. ('it and (rl Icl, 227 NRB 1869 (1977): .1. I. 7'Tho1,nsl. in(.. 216 N.RB 710 (1975). Ihe small attendance at the March 15 union meetinig. ith;ut a fatr grceater detailing of' circumstances than appears in the present record, affords no basis for divining the number of employees in favor of' union representation: and the antiunion comments and opinions of one or two employees. Kroll and Benton. out of a unit of' about 40. likewise are inconsequential. (t and ('ur/, Inc(.. svpra. Similarly, McGowan's electing not to seek a schedule change to accommodate negotiations is proba- tive of nothing." Finally. Respondent's defunctness contention is reected. there being no showing that BRNA-UNA(' had ceased to exist and to he willing and able to represent the employees. 1Hershel ( hocolate (orpration, 121 N 1 R 13 901, 91 1 (1958). See also. Pioneer Inn. 228 Nl.RB 1263 (1977): Southrnc Oregon og Slrig nld Grading Bureatu. 223 NLRB 430 (1976); Road Materials, Inc.. 193 NLRB 990 (1971). T'hat BRNA may have suffered a temporary impai-rment of' func- tion, because of the lack of elected officers, did not equate with defunctness, particularly since UNA(' not only was a signatory to the contract and named in the ('ertification of' Representative. hut had demonstrated its willingness and ability to perform the representative duties. Ilhrshel (hoco- late ( orporation, spr,. at 121 N R13 91 9 12. (()N( I SIONS )l L.AXV I. Respondent is an employer engaged in and affecting commerce within Section 2(2). (6). and (7) of the Act. 2. BRNA and lINAC jointly aind seerally are labor oganizations within Section 2(5) of' the Act. 3. By withdrawing recognition from BRNA-tNA(' on April 13. 1978X. as found herein, Respondent violated Sec- tion 8(a)(5) and (I) of the ct. Upon the foregoing flindings of f;act. conclusions of law. and the entire record]."' andi pursuant to Section II)(c) of the Act. I herehb issue this recommended: OR()KI)R'' The Respondent, Bellwood General Hospital. Inc.. Bell- flower. (California. its officers,. agents. successors, and as- signs. shall: Although lso. conending hat BRNA-L NA( In fact had lost IllilJrit support. the nly edence proffered b Respo ndcilt ii that regard. other than that ust discussed in Ihe contexl o good-taith douhb. related Ilncl- dents postdating the untla ful April 13 lthdral al hlose incident cone- quentls cannot be considered. he Iherv heing tIh; the; m;l hasce been illuenced b, the earlier mlisconductl inA ,Br ( nipmi . 1. .B, 321 l:.S. 712. 705 7}6 (19441: JBirrngilt Phlit! cd rii:o,,. I , 185 Nt.RB 962, 964 (1970 Respondenl .rguue. In i brieft lhall It as erroir exclude ei ldence oi the extent Ito hich unil employees belonged to BRNA-t NS\(; at relellant Ilnle the la,i is clear. hwever. that there is "no necess; i c rrelation helween membership and he number i unlon suppllers " Or, i (irlrliwl. 210 NlRB 633 11974) the tr;nscript is hereh notlled and co rrecte to reficil ltt clialliges ill utst;llanding m . ns inclonlMtcllt itl thls ieo l.. nided Order herehb .irc dcniel In he event n(o exceptlons are lile is. prosldcd bh Sec 112.46 of the Rules and Regulations of the Natiol.nal abor Relations Board. tle indi lgs. concliusi on and recomllllellenld ()rder herein 5h;all.; i pro ilded in Sec 1024) the Rules and Reguillaions. be a.Iopt(le h the IBiai lrid beehlie ls inlding. conclusl.ilon. and ()rder. and . lll b llc ion herc[ *shall be deenidc w;llscd or a1l purposes 90 DEC(ISIONS O NATIONAI, BFII..lWOOI) GENFRAL ItOSPI'IAL IN(' 1. Cease and desist from: (a) Refusing to recognize and to bargain collectively in good faith concerning rates of pay, wages, hours of employ- ment., and other terms and conditions of employment swith Bellwood Registered Nurses Association, United Nurses' Associations of California, as the exclusive bargaining rep- resentative of its employees in the following appropriate unit: Included: All registered nurses, unit coordinators, and team leaders. Excluded: All other employees. other professional employees, guards. watchmen, and super- visors as defined in the Act. (b) In any like or related manner interfering wkith, re- straining, or coercing employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed them in Section 7 of the Act. 2. Take the following affirmative action: (a) Upon request, bargain with the above-named labor organizations as the exclusive representative of all emploS- ees in the aforesaid appropriate unit with respect to rates of pay, wages, hours. and other terms and conditions of em- ployment and, if an understanding is reached. embody such understanding in a signed agreement. (b) Post at its Bellflower, C('alifornia, hospital copies of the attached notice marked "Appendix."l' Copies of said notice, on fi)rms provided by the Regional Director for Re- gion 21, after being duly signed by Respondent's represent- ative, shall he posted by Respondent immediately upon re- ceipt thereof, and be maintained by it for 60 consecutive days thereafter, in conspicuous places, including all places 12 In the event this Order is enforced by a Judgment of the United States court of Appeals, the words in the notice reading "Posted by Order of the National Labor Relations Board" shall read "Posted Pursuant to a Judgment of the United States Court of Appeals Enforcing an Order of the National Labor Relations Board.? where notices to employees are customarily posted. Reason- able steps shall be taken by Respondent to insure that said notices are not altered, deftced. or covered by any other material. (c) Notity the Regional I)irector or Region 21. in wril- ing. within 20 days from the date of' this Order. swhat steps have been taken to comply herewith. A PPN [)I X NoIrli -t EMPI) I:IN S POSIII) Y ORDIR (i1 il NA IIONAI I.AB()R RIAII()N BARD An Agency of the United States Government WI Vii Not() refuse to bargain collectively concern- ing rates of pay, wages, hours. and other terms and conditions of employment with Bellwood Registered Nurses Association, United Nurses' Associations of' California, as the exclusive representative of the em- ployees in the bargaining unit described below. Wi \ Wl.l N()I in any like or related manner interfere with. restrain, or coerce our employees in the exercise oft the rights guaranteed them hby Section 7 olf the Act. Wl n ii, upon request, bargain with the above- named lnions, as the exclusi\,e representative of' all employees in the bargaining unit described below, with respect to rates of pay. wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment, and, if an understand- ing is reached, embody such understanding in a signed agreement. The bargaining unit is: Included: All registered nurses, unit coordinators. and team leaders, Excluded: All other employees. other professional employees. guards. watchmen, and supervisors as defined in the Act. BtI.IooOI (GItNIRAI HO()SPIAI. IN( . 91 Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation