Bell and Howell Co.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsOct 28, 1975221 N.L.R.B. 170 (N.L.R.B. 1975) Copy Citation 170 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Bell and Howell Company, Micro Photo Division and International Union, Allied Industrial Workers of America, AFL-CIO. Case 8-CA-8587 October 28, 1975 DECISION AND ORDER BY CHAIRMAN MURPHY AND MEMBERS JENKINS AND PENELLO On April 30, 1975, Administrative Law Judge Herzel H. E. Plaine issued the attached Decision in this proceeding. Thereafter, Respondent filed excep- tions and a supporting brief. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board has delegated its authority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the record' and the attached Decision in light of the exceptions 2 and briefs and has decided to affirm the rulings, findings, and conclusions of the Administrative Law Judge and to adopt his recommended Order. ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board adopts as its Order the recommend- ed Order of the Administrative Law Judge and hereby orders that the Respondent, Bell and Howell Company, Micro Photo Division, Wooster, Ohio, its officers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall take the action set forth in the said recommended Order. 1 The record, as corrected by the Administrative Law Judge, adequately reflects the crucial facts and testimony presented at the hearing. Therefore, we deny Respondent's motion to remand for purposes of compiling a revised transcription of the testimony. 2 The Respondent has excepted to certain credibility findings made by the Administrative Law Judge It is the Board's established policy not to overrule an Administrative Law Judge's resolutions with respect to credibility unless the clear preponderance of all of the relevant evidence convinces us that the resolutions are incorrect. Standard Dry Wall Products, Inc., 91 NLRB 544 (1950), enfd. 188 F.2d 362 (C.A. 3, 1951). We have carefully examined the record and find no basis for reversing his findings. DECISION HERzEL H. E. PLAINE, Administrative Law Judge: In July-August 1974, Bell and Howell Company, Micro Photo Division, herein Respondent, disciplined employee David Dressel with a 3-day layoff without pay; and for 1 week moved him from his regular shift to another shift. The complaint' alleges, and General Counsel contends, that the disciplinary layoff and the temporary change of 1 Issued October 18, 1974, and amended on December 24 and 31, 1974, based on a charge filed by the Charging Party (Union) September 5, 1974. 221 NLRB No. 40 shift were reprisals against employee Dressel, a mainte- nance technician, because he supported and aided Interna- tional Union, Allied Industrial Workers of America, AFL- CIO, herein the Union, that was campaigning to come into Respondent's Wooster, Ohio, plant, and that both actions were violations of Section 8(a)(1) and (3) of the National Labor Relations Act (the Act), as amended. Respondent contends that the disciplinary layoff of employee Dressel was for infraction of its plant rules against leaving his work station without notice or permis- sion, and deliberately restricting production; that the temporary change in shift was for training purposes; and that, in any event, neither action concerning Dressel was discriminatorily motivated. The complaint further charges, and General Counsel contends, that Respondent also violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act, in August 1974, by its production director, Pushkin, applying the company's "no-solicitation" rule coercively and discriminatorily to employee Hardnett, who supported , and assisted the Union in its organizing campaign. Respondent replies that the supervisor was not acting coercively in merely policing its no-solicitation rule and that the solicitations permitted on company time for recreational and social activities (fellowship committee program) and a charitable solicitation (United Fund) do not represent discriminatory applications, discriminatory against unions, of the prohibition against employee solicitations'on working time. The case was heard in Wooster, Ohio, on January 14 and 15, 1975. General Counsel and Respondent have filed briefs. Upon the entire record in the case,2 including my observation of the, witnesses and consideration of the briefs, I make the following: FINDINGS OF FACT I. JURISDICTION Respondent is an Illinois corporation with its principal office in Chicago, Illinois. Involved in this case is Respondent's processing plant located at Wooster, Ohio, where it is engaged in processing microfilm. Annually, Respondent ships goods valued in excess of $50,000 from its Wooster, Ohio, plant directly to points outside Ohio. Respondent is, as the parties admit, an employer engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. The Union is, as the parties also admit, a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. 2 Errors in the transcript have been noted and corrected. BELL AND HOWELL CO. 171 H. THE UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES A. Respondent's Pertinent Business Operations According, to Respondent's second-shift supervisor, Beverly Fiscus, of the Wooster, Ohio, plant (Wooster), Wooster produces the completed microfilm or microfiche, by putting printed material in much reduced size on card film. From, Wooster, the completed microfiche is then sent in bulk to Respondent's Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, office for distribution. Wooster operates round-the-clock on three shifts per day, currently with 300 employees, according to Personnel Director Max Morrison, but with 260 employees at the time of the events of this case in June-July-August 1974. The bulk of the employees work, and worked then, on the daytime shift. Second shift had about 20 employees, largely women. A few of the second-shift employees started at 3:30 p.m. working until 12 midnight, but the hours of most of the second shift, including the second-shift supervisor, Fiscus, and the one maintenance man, David Dressel, were 4:30 p.m. to I a.m. The immediate supervision of maintenance was separate from production. All told there were five maintenance technicians, supervised by Maintenance Supervisor Stanley Stombaugh. Four of the maintenance employees worked on the first or daytime, shift, as did Supervisor Stombaugh; the fifth man, David Dressel, worked on the second shift. Supervisor Stombaugh reported to, Wallace Bischof, who was manager of quality assurance and production engi- neering. (Currently, said Stombaugh, this reporting has changed and he now reports to the director of production, George Pushkin.) Except for the brief overlap in shifts (Supervisor Stambaugh stayed on usually to 5 p.m.; employee Dressel started at 4:30 p.m.) when Stombaugh gave Dressel his daily maintenance assignments, employee Dressel worked without the presence of any supervision most of his working time in the almost 6 years of his employment. The second-shift production supervisor (Beverly Fiscus since May 1974) could call on maintenance man Dressel if equipment needed repair, as Stombaugh and Fiscus testified; but Fiscus did not supervise the performance of his work and he did not report to her as a supervisor, she said. The method of obtaining Dressel's help was for the machine operator to fill out a card order for repair, get it approved by Production Supervisor Fiscus, and either have the card delivered to the maintenance rack or page Dressel on the public address system. In this connection, both Supervisors Stombaugh and Fiscus testified that employee Dressel had been good about making himself available to the second-shift supervisor and letting her know when he was going out of the building. Dressel testified he would do this routinely when he went outside to get parts or machinery or to work on the roof. However, said Dressel, he did not, and was not expected to, advise the second-shift supervisor that he was taking either or both of his two 15-minute breaks or his lunch period outside. For his lunch period, said Dressel, he 3 The testimony of all three-Supervisor Fiscus and employees Stull and Dressel-contradicted the claim of Supervisor Stombaugh that the clocked out on his timecard. Dressel and other employees pointed out that it was a common thing in summertime for the employees to take their breaks and lunches outside the, building at facilities provided by Respondent. Production Supervisor Fiscus agreed that (unlike the production workers who had regular breaktimes) the break policy for the maintenance technician on the second shift was that he took his breaks, including lunch, whenever he could, after the job he was working on was done, and that he was not obliged to tell her when he was taking the break and could go outside on breaks without informing her. She noted that employee Dressel -rarely was able to take his breaks and lunchbreak at the same time each night and that many times he would have to take his lunchbreak as late as 11 p.m. Employee Kenneth Stull, a maintenance technician on the first shift, corroborated the testimony on the break policy for the maintenance men, testifying that they took their breaks when they could catch them, and did not have to check with the supervisor`in doing so or in going outside into the parking lots or to the out-of-doors picnic tables that Respondent provided for the employees .3 Employee Dressel's duties as the sole maintenance technician on the second shift included not only the repair of production equipment, but also responsibility for the plant heating and for plant security, - which included the locking of all doors including the cafeteria. Regarding plant security, there had been some ambiguity in manage- ment's assigning the responsibility, because Supervisor Fiscus thought that she had at least part of it-security of the cafeteria-and employee Dressel conceded that for a time in 1974, after Fiscus became the shift supervisor, there had been a dual responsibility placed on her as well as himself. However, he testified, without contradiction, that the ambiguity had been cleared up so that, at the time of hearing, he had the sole responsibility for security and had the only key (possessed by anyone on the second shift) to lock the front entrance of the plant.. B. Union Activity and Employer Counteraction Employee Dressel testified that the Union began organizing at the Wooster plant in June 1974 and that he became active starting at the end of June, talking to other employees about the Union, passing out literature includ- ing union authorization cards of the prepaid mailing type, and seeking to arouse interest in three union meetings held in the June-August period. He engaged in this activity, he said, at the plant, primarily on the second shift, on breaktimes, lunchtimes, and other opportunities. Employee Sandy Noletti, a group leader on the second shift, testified that she was approached by employee Dressel with union literature and a union authorization card when taking lunch at an outdoors bench provided by Respondent for the employees. She said she observed Dressel approaching other employees in a similar manner at the same place, and specifically identified employee Burnett Hardnett as one of them. Apparently Dressel was successful in his approach with employee Hardnett and in maintenance man was expected to let the supervisor know he was taking his break outside even at the outside facilities provided for breaks and lunches. 172 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD enlisting her aid, because she was later told by Production Director Pushkin (in July) that there was no need for her to campaign for the Union, that the Union was not necessary to the getting of more money for the employees, and that the company and employees could work out their own problems without a third party; and still later (in August) she was warned by Pushkin not to "hassle" anyone about the Union on company time. Employee Dressel testified that, when he began his union activities around the end of June, he had a talk with Second-Shift Supervisor Fiscus about his interest in the Union. She told him, said Dressel, that the Umon would not be good here, and expressed the fear that she would lose her job if the Union came m4 On June 28, 1974, Respondent's president (of the Micro Photo Division), John Marken, conducted two meetings of the Wooster plant employees, one for the day shift and another for the second shift, which latter was held after the 4:30 p.m. start of the second shift. As the second shift meeting was described by employee Dressel (and not contradicted in any essentials), President Marken was accompanied by almost all of the plant management, including Vice President of Operations Larry Halberg, Director of Production George Pushkin, and Director of Personnel Max Morrison. President Marken presided and discussed the company benefits, past policies, insurance, and wage increases. He used a chart to show acceleration of the increases in past years, and pointed out that Respondent had good environmental conditions and was a good place to work. He then announced that the employees would get a cost-of-living wage increase effective July 17, 1974. President Marken called for questions, and several were asked. Employee Dressel spoke up and asked, according to Second-Shift Supervisor Fiscus who had attended the meeting, "how come every time the Union knocks on the door we get a cost of living raise?" According to Supervisor Fiscus and employee Noletti, President Marken replied it was just a coincidence, and that the company had been considering the raise for some time. Employee Dressel said it was quite a coincidence (according to Noletti), and looked suspicious (according to Dressel), now that the Union was organizing and in light of a previous increase that had been given in November 1973 when the Machinists Union had attempted to organize the plant. Manager of Production Engineering and Quality Assur- ance Wallace Bischof, who was in overall charge of the maintenance men, testified he heard at "coffee table" talk next day of the (Dressel) challenge at the Marken meeting, characterized as an outburst by an employee, but claimed that the employee's name was not mentioned and he didn't know the employee was Dressel. In view of 'Manager Bischof's evasiveness, and lack of recall on other details affecting Dressel in which Bischof participated directly, some of which are noted infra, I do not accept8ischof's claim that he did not know that Dressel was the employee 4 Supervisor Fiscus denied that she was aware of employee Dressel's support of the Union, but her own contradictory testimony, referred to infra, indicates the contrary. 5 One other employee, Nancy O'Neil, spoke, according to employee who suggested to President Marken the antiunion motiva- tion of the wage increase. Four weeks later, on July 25, 1974, Respondent called another meeting of the second-shift employees including Supervisor Fiscus. This meeting was conducted from about 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. by Donald Saballus, of Respon- dent's Chicago office. Saballus testified that he had been recently hired by President Marken, with the title of communications consultant, to help improve communica- tions between management and employees, and that the purpose of the meeting was to present management's views to the employees on how to improve operations. Consultant Saballus was introduced by Supervisor Fiscus and opened the meeting, he said, with an explana- tion that to improve operations required more involvement of employees at all levels. They would have to decide to become involved, and if they did so decide, he was there to explain how to go about becoming more involved. According to employee Dressel, Consultant Saballus said he recognized that there was a lack of communications between management and employees and he invited their views on what could be done. Dressel testified that checker Dave Williams said that the employees needed a formal grievance procedure and felt that the only way to achieve this was through a Union. Saballus answered he did not agree that a union was the way. Dressel said that he intervened and asked Saballus what guarantee did the employees have that the company would respond to their requests. Saballus' answer was, the good faith of the company. Dressel replied that he hadn't seen any good faith for the 5 years he'd been working and stated that the only way was to negotiate with management through a labor union. Saballus said, again, he did not feel that a union was the answer. Continuing, employee Dressel told Consultant Saballus that President Marken had said at the previous meeting there was no need for a third party to intervene between the company and,the employees, and that now Saballus was acting as a third party on behalf of the company, just as a union would act on'behalf of the employees. Saballus replied, he was not a third party but was an employee of the company trying to get better relations established. Dressel commented that he'didn't see how the employees would get cost-of-living wage increases without a union, and Saballus reiterated that the company would in good faith provide them.' At this point, said employee Dressel; employee Dave Williams (a black, who resigned shortly after the meeting) engaged Consultant Saballus in a discussion that became heated, over why there was not a greater percentage of blacks in management: Williams left the meeting, there- after, before it was over.5 Consultant Saballus and employees Noletti and Hard- nett largely confirmed employee Dressel's participation in the discussion, in particular on matters concerning the union and the third party point.6 Significantly, Saballus (corroborated by employees Noletti and Hardnett) testified Dressel and Consultant Saballus, complaining, said Saballus, about the way some matters were being handled in the plant. f Hence I do not behevel Supervisor Fiscus' claim that Dressel didn't speak at the Saballus meeting. BELL AND HOWELL CO. that at the point where what has been summarized so far was said (but before employee Dave Williams left), he, Saballus, inquired if the employees would be interested in a team operation to improve productivity and other matters, but if not, they were free to leave the meeting. Employee Dave Williams suggested to, the employees, said Saballus, not to go along with the idea-that it was not going to help them. The first positive response, Saballus continued, came from employee Dressel, who suggested that they stay and listen and give it a try. Employee Williams left the meeting but none of the employees followed him. Instead, they agreed to collect ideas and form committees on productivi- ty, quality, scrap, and attendance; and Dressel volunteered for one of the committees. Saballus testified that he had not met employees Dressel, Williams, or O'Neil before the meeting but learned their names in connection with their comments, after the fact, the next morning when he met with President Marken, Personnel Director, Morrison, and the rest of Marken's management staff. As Saballus said, he described the situations and comments by the employees who had spoken, and he was told by the members of management who these employees were: "Management knew who I was talking about," he said.? C. The Temporary Transfer of Employee Dressel Out of the Second Shift Maintenance Supervisor Stombaugh testified that Pro- duction Supervisor Fiscus talked to him about the second- shift meeting with Consultant Saballus on July 25, and, according to employee Dressel, Supervisor Stombaugh let him know next evening, Friday, July 26, that he had heard of Dressel's participation in- the meeting, Stombaugh saying that he had heard that Dressel had a hot meeting the night before. Dressel answered, feelings might have been hurt, but he didn't think any unfair questions were raised. Supervisor Stombaugh then told Dressel that he was transferring him starting Monday, July 29, to the first shift. Dressel asked why, and Stombaugh replied it was a training program . Dressel worked on the first shift for a week from July 29 and it turned out, as Dressel said, that there was no training ; indeed he worked by himself for the week doing the things he usually `did by himself on the second shift.8 D. The Disciplinary Layoff Employee Dressel returned to his regular post on the second shift on August 5, 1974. He had learned that maintenance man Stull , who had taken his place on the second shift, in the previous week while Dressel worked the first shift, had acquired a new motorcycle. Both were apparently motorcycle enthusiasts , and Dressel had asked 4 Employee , Dressel's general supervisor , Manager Bischof, claimed he only learned of the Saballus meeting of July 25 (as in the earlier case of the Marken meeting of June 28) at "coffee table" talk the following day, and that all he heard was that employee Williams had "tied into" Consultant Saballus on the race issue, but hadn't heard mention of anyone else. For reasons already given; supra, concerning his alleged lack of knowledge about Dressel 's participation in the Marken meeting, I- do not accept Bischofs claim that he was unaware of employee Dressel's active 173 Stull to bring the new motorcycle to the plant that night so that Dressel might see it on his break. At 8 p.m. that night employee Noletti handed employee Dressel a maintenance service card at his maintenance rack for repair of a cutter, with which she had been working, that was chopping instead of cutting. Supervisor Fiscus had already approved and signed the request for repair. Employee Noletti testified that, when she gave Dressel the card she told him there was no hurry, that she was loaded with other work. Nevertheless, testified Dressel, he went to see if the cutter could be put back in service with a quick adjustment, determined that it needed a replacement part, and came back to his shop for the part. When Stull arrived at the plant, he telephoned Dressel from the cafeteria saying he had his motorcycle outside. According to employee Stull, Dressel said he was working on something and would come down when finished. According to Dressel, he went back to the cutter, completed the repair with the replacement part, then went outside into the plant parking lot, joined Stull, and examined and rode the new motor bike in the parking lot, during Dressel's 15-minute break. This was his first time break that night, said Dressel. Dressel testified that, when he came back into the building Supervisor Fiscus asked if the cutter was fixed, and he answered yes. The maintenance service card (G. C. Exh. 2), shows in Dressel's handwriting that he got the card at 8 p.m. and completed the job at 8:20 p.m. And he testified he had completed the repairs before he took the motorcycle ride. The next afternoon, August 6, at the start of his shift, employee Dressel was shown two corrective action (disciplinary) notices by Maintenance Supervisor Stom- baugh. The first, dated July 31, 1974 (G.C. Exh. 3), signed by Supervisor Stombaugh and Manager Bischof, accused Dressel of having left his work without notice or permis- sion on July 23 to work outside on a private car on company time and failing to answer the paging calls for him meanwhile for approximately an hour. The corrective action or penalty assessed was a 1-day layoff without pay, the day to be August 7, 1974. The second corrective action or disciplinary notice (Resp. Exh. 3), also signed by Supervisor Stombaugh and Manager Bischof, dated August 7, 1974, though this was only August 6, accused him of violating company work rule 19-leaving his work station without notifying the supervisor or anyone's permission-and company work rule 11-deliberate restriction of production-on the ground that on July 5, 1974 (no doubt August 5 was meant), at 8:25 p.m., Dressel was in the company parking lot riding a motorcycle, while at 8 p.m. a repair card was put in his maintenance rack and at 8:35 p.m. it was still there. Additionally, it was said in the notice, that he had been guilty of like conduct twice before, citing July 23, 1974 (the incident in the first notice, G.C. Exh. 3 of July 31, participation in the Saballus meeting. 8 This testimony was not contradicted by anyone for the Respondent. Manager Bischof claimed he had approved the idea of a temporary change of shift for employee Dressel for training purposes, but employee Dressel and Supervisor Stombaugh were in accord that they hadn 't discussed the idea since ' 2 months prior when there was agreement between them on the desirability of an occasional switch for training if there was going to be training 174 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD 1974, simultaneously shown to Dressel) and May 1, 1973 (covered in an old notice of May 3, 1973, G.C. Exh. 5). The corrective action or penalty assessed was a 3-day layoff without pay, the days to be August 13, 14, and 15, 1974. In addition the notice was marked, "THIS IS THE FINAL WARNING." Employee Dressel became upset and asked to see someone higher up. Supervisor Stombaugh and he went to Manager Bischof. Dressel said he hadn't done any of the things charged in the two corrective action notices and asked why they had been issued. He was told there were witnesses and proof, including a memo by Supervisor Fiscus. He asked for the, opportunity to be confronted by the witnesses but was 'refused on the ground that the witnesses didn't want to be involved and it wasn't convenient. Though Bischof had approved both discipli- nary notices he conceded he had not talked to the alleged witnesses and said he would look into both matters. Next day,, August 7, Supervisor Stombaugh told employee Dressel (as both testified) that Respondent was dropping the car repair matter of July 23 (G.C. Exh. 3 of July 31) but that the notice on the motorcycle matter of August 5 (Resp. Exh. 3 of August 7) would stand and asked him to sign it. Dressel refused. It should be noted that though Bischof and Stombaugh claimed Respondent's Exhibit 3 was an alleged retyping of a handwritten notice it still referred ,to the withdrawn July 23 car repair charge as an existing prior violation of company rules. Manager Bischof conceded that there were no witnesses for the July 23 car repair matter, indeed that the alleged key witness wanted to know "who was Dave Dressel?" and that the basis for the charge against Dressel was a note from Supervisor Fiscus to Supervisor Stombaugh claiming that Dressel had not answered a paging call (of someone other, than herself) and that when she, Fiscus, got up ,to look, "Dave came around the corner so he must have just come from outside" (Resp. Exh. 5). Fiscus had obligingly provided the note because, as employee Noletti testified and Supervisor Stombaugh admitted, Stambaugh had asked Fiscus to keep an eye on Dressel, and Stombaugh claimed it was because of his suspicion that Dressel might be about to work on the car of a fellow employee in,the company parking lot. The phoniness of the transaction and supervisory testimony is heightened by the fact that though Supervisor,Stombaugh and Manager Bischof said they had the July 23 Fiscus note by July 24 and approved the disciplinary notice which rests on it (G.C. Exh. 3) on July 31 for immediate issuance to Dressel, it was not issued or shown to him until August 6 in connection with the second disciplinary notice (Resp. Exh. 3). Neither Bischof nor Stombaugh could explain why the July 31 notice was held until August 6, a week after it should have issued (if it had been a legitimate charge) .9 Neither supervisor could explain why their alleged investigation of the matter did not include any inquiry of or discussion with employee Dressel, who denied ever doing noncompany repair work on company time. Moreover, Supervisor Fiscus was adamant, in her testimony, that she had been told by 9 Stombaugh lamely claimed that although told by Manager Bischof to issue it, he was checking it with the personnel office, a check that was never made. Supervisor Stombaugh several days after writing the note of July 23, and definitely prior to August 5, that the alleged incident of Dressel working on a car was being dropped for lack of a witness. If her testimony is true, then Manager Bischof and Supervisor Stombaugh revived, on August 6, a charge against employee Dressel they already knew was baseless. Manager Bischof claimed,, in his testimony, that it was he who told employee Dressel, in the presence of Supervisor Stombaugh on August 7, that the company was dropping the disciplinary notice respecting the alleged car repair, but that the notice respecting the motorcycle -riding would issue. This claim was not true.10 Supervisor Stombaugh and employee Dressel established that Bischof talked only to Stombaugh, after the August 6 meeting, and that this session on August 7 was between Stombaugh and Dressel, where Stombaugh dramatically tore up the first notice, which Dressel later retrieved because he had not been given any copies of the disciplinary actions and he felt he was being framed for his union activities. Manager Bischof testified that in the case of the notice of discipline for the motorcycle incident he essentially relied, again, on a' note written by Supervisor Fiscus, allegedly on the night of the incident, August 5 (Resp. Exh. 4). Bischof claimed he saw the note the following morning, but when reminded that Fiscus said she kept it until the late afternoon of the following day, when she came to work and delivered it to Stombaugh, Bischof changed his testimony to say he saw it after that. The note' (Resp. Exh. 4), addressed to Supervisor Stombaugh in the handwriting of Supervisor Fiscus, opened with the statement that at 8:25 p.m. this evening (August 5) she went outside with Ernie Harvey, the receiving clerk, to examine an alcohol drum, and saw Dave Dressel riding Ken Stull's motorcycle around the parking lot. Further, the 'note said, she knew Dressel had a coffeebreak at 7 p.m. because she had been there (cafeteria) too. Also, she checked his timecard and he wasn't clocked out for lunch. Then concluding, the note said, "So once again this was on company time. Also I need 105 cut [sic] tonight and Sandy [Noletti] put a card in for it the machine at 8:00 its now 8:35 and he's still outside instead of fixing the cutter I need badly! Bev Fiscus." Concerning the events of that evening and the writing of the note, Supervisor Fiscus testified that at 8 p.m. employee Sandy Noletti came to her with the repair card (G.C. Exh. 2, which we have already noted in Noletti's and Dressel's testimony) indicating that the cutter was chop- ping. Fiscus said she signed the card, paged Dressel without getting a response, then was interrupted by the receiving room and immediately went outside to the shed with Ernie Harvey, to see where a particular drum was kept. She said it was then 8:05 p.m. and in passing to the, shed saw Dressel riding the motorcycle .in the parking lot. When she emerged from the shed 5 minutes later at 8:10 p.m., Dressel was still riding the motorcycle, she said. She then went inside to the timecards to see if Dressel had clocked out for lunch, taking employee Ernie Harvey, as a witness. 10 Bischof even invented a bit of alleged conversation, purporting to indicate that Dressel adopted a resigned attitude. BELL AND HOWELL CO. 175 She said Dressel wasn't clocked out. It was now 8:15 p.m. She then claimed she went to employee Sandy Noletti who was doing collating work, and asked if the cutter was fixed and Noletti said ^t was not fixed. This was at 8:20 p.m. and Fiscus said she observed the machine in the same position as when Sandy had left it. Fiscus then proceeded to the privacy of her office, she said, to write Supervisor Stombaugh the note (Resp. Exh. 4), at 8:20 or 8:25 p.m. While in the middle of writing the note, according to Fiscus, employee Dressel came to her office asking did she need him. She said yes there was a cutter down, and he went and fixed it. She completed writing her note at 8:35 p.m. and the cutter repair was completed at 8:45 p.m., according to Fiscus. The repair took 20 minutes, said Fiscus, and she clocked the time. The account of this event on the night of August 5 by Supervisor Fiscus was so full of holes, inconsistencies, and damaging admissions as to be not only unbelievable but also revealing of a purpose to set employee Dressel up for punitive action rather than deal with performance in the shop. Some of the glaring examples follow. 1. On direct examination, Supervisor Fiscus had read aloud, into the record, her note of August 5 (Resp. Exh. 4), which stated that at 8:25 p.m. she walked outside the building and saw employee Dressel riding the motorcycle. Nevertheless she detailed on direct, and reiterated ^ on cross-examination , a timetable running from 8 p.m. to 8:45 p.m. of her alleged movements and actions and Dressel's. She insisted she saw Dressel riding the motorcycle twice, first at 8 :05 and then at 8:10 p.m. On being pressed, in further cross-examination, to explain the -8:25 p.m. in her note, she changed her testimony to say that the note was right, she first saw Dressel riding the motorcycle after 8:25 p.m. It would then follow that all of the other detailed actions, which had taken 40 minutes by her timetable, were compressed into about 15 minutes, including the 20-minute repair time she said she clocked. 2. Supervisor Fiscus testified that there was a delay in production because of delay in. getting the machine repaired, indeed employee Dressel was charged in the disciplinary notice with deliberately restricting production. Though Fiscus knew that the machine needed repair and signed the repair card for employee Noletti at 8 p.m., she testified she didn't tell employee Noletti that the pro- duction was needed, and she didn't go over and tell Dressel at 8:05 p.m., when she saw him outside, that she needed the cutter fixed and needed the production badly. When asked why- she didn't go over to Dressel and tell him these things, she answered only: "I don't know, I should have." She said she was planning to go out and tell Dressel that the cutter needed fixing, after she finished the note in which she was writing him up for not fixing it, but he came around before she had finished the note.11 Oddly enough, the note, which stated it was completed at 8:35 p.m., said that Dressel wasn't working yet on the cutter, whereas Fiscus' testimony was that he started working on it before the note was finished. On this matter of production, employee Noletti testified, without contradiction and with some verification by Supervisor Fiscus, that she was not delayed in any way when she stopped using the cutter at 8 p.m., but turned to her collating work and, when she was ready to resume working with the cutter, she found it repaired. 3. Supervisor Fiscus testified that after observing employee Dressel riding the motorcycle she went directly to the timecards to see if Dressel was clocked out for lunch,12 and asked employee Ernie Harvey to come with her as a witness. Asked why she needed a witness, Fiscus said that she was told by Supervisor Stombaugh, a few days after the alleged July 23 car repair incident, and before August 5, that the proposed disciplinary action was being dropped because he couldn't get a witness concern- ing the alleged car repair. 4. Though, Supervisor Fiscus had signed the repair order card at her desk for employee Noletti at 8 p.m., without checking the machine herself, Fiscus professed not to know that Noletti had taken the signed repair card immediately to employee Dressel. Fiscus said she didn't know how Dressel got the repair card, but that she left her desk to go outdoors with employee Harvey to check on the drum in the shed. Fiscus said that when she returned inside, after checking Dressel's 'timecard, she went to employee Noletti and asked if the cutter was fixed and Noletti said no. Noletti's testimony did not confirm this, indicating rather the absence of any conversation about the repair. Then, at 8:20 p.m., according to Fiscus, she went to see the cutter and observed it, as she said, still in the same position as when Sandy Noletti left it. However, Fiscus had not gone to see the cutter previously, she had only signed the, repair card at her desk at 8 p.m. At 8:35 p.m. when she said she had finished writing her note (Resp. Exh. 4), Fiscus said she knew the cutter was not fixed by looking through her office window to where the cutting room and cutter are. She claimed that Dressel took 20 minutes to repair the machine, that she clocked him, but also said she didn't stay in her office or watch _ him, and didn't know where she was or what she did in that time. However, she said she knew he had finished the repair at 8:45 p.m. But, despite the alleged need for production on that machine, Fiscus conceded that she did not inform employee Noletti that the cutter was repaired and to go back to work on it. E. Section 8(a)(1) and (3) Findings Concerning Employee Dressel Employee Dressel has been an employee of Respondent for almost 6 years and is regarded as a good and cooperative employee, according to his supervisor, Stom- baugh, and the production supervisor of his shift, Fiscus. Indeed, notwithstanding allegations by Stombaugh of a few work problems in earlier years, Stombaugh was clear that since January 1974 he has had no fault to find with or complaints about Dressel's work, and that his work was quite satisfactory. Moreover, Dressel is a trusted employee, who has worked mostly without any immediate supervision 11 Employee Stull said he saw Supervisor Fiscus outside the building and 12 Fiscus also claimed that she had seen Dressel taking an earlier break, thought she called to employee Dressel, but, as she testified, she did not. at 7 p in. in the cafeteria, with employee Martin, which Dressel denied. Also Dressel gave no testimony that he either saw Fiscus, or that she talked Respondent made no attempt to call employee Martin, and I assume his to him, outside the building. testimony would not corroborate Fiscus. 176 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD for the whole period of his employment, as the sole maintenance technician on the second shift. That trust was reinforced even after the events of this case by putting Dressel in sole charge of plant security for the second shift, where formerly he shared the responsibility with the shift production supervisor. It is therefore surprising to ford what appears to have been petty chicanery, resorted to' by the plant supervision, in July-August 1974, to find a means of rebuffing employee Dressel for nonexistent shortcomings. It is explainable only by a desire on the part of plant management to cool him down in his ardor for bringing a union into the plant, when the union was at the door, organizing, against Respon- dent's opposition, made known in the plant by President Marken and others such as Director of Production Pushkin. I Dressel's advocacy of the Union was known to the plant management from President Marken down. In addition Dressel openly engaged in solicitation of union member- ships and, of attendance at union meetings, and distribu- tion of union literature, at and about the plant. Dressel spoke up about his concept of the need for and desirability of having the Union at the two plant meetings held by management on June 28, and July 25, 1974, respectively, for the second shift, in which he served. Those in management who didn't hear him directly, such as, Manager Bischof and Supervisor Stombaugh, heard about it'from those in management who had been present. At the second meeting, on July 25, Dressel spoke on the subject of the Union with seeming moderation in contrast to the hot advocacy of employee Williams, and in the course of and as a result of that meeting Dressel appeared to have emerged a leader among the employees of the second shift, capable of influencing them. The immediate reaction of management was to move Dressel off the second shift, temporarily, to the first-shift, presumably to lessen his opportunity for influencing the employees of the second shift to greater support for the Union. He was told the change was for training purposes, but this was a pretense, there was no training and Dressel worked by himself, as he normally did on the second shift. On the second evening of his return to the second shift, August 6, Dressel was notified he was being disciplined by layoffs without pay for two alleged offenses, one of them said to have occurred 2 weeks prior on July 23 even before his temporary transfer to the -first shift, the other on the previous night August 5. Both notices of offenses made charges of the same order, namely, allegedly leaving the premises without notifying the supervisor or anyone's permission, on July 23 to repair someone's car, and on August 5 to ride a motorcycle, hence being unavailable to perform pending work; and in the second case, it was added, deliberately restricting production. Neither matter had been discussed with or even called to employee Dressel's attention before he was notified he was being disciplined, yet the second notice informed him it was a final warning. Neither matter had been investigated by the supervisors responsible for approving and issuing the disciplinary notices-Manager Bischof and Supervisor Stombaugh- before they signed their -approval. Both simply acted on unverified notes composed by second-shift Production Supervisor Fiscus, who was obviously 'attempting to accommodate Supervisor Stombaugh's request to keep an eye on Dressel. Both notes, on their face, suggest, at best, surmise, in the light of the testimony, fabrication. 'Both charges against employee Dressel were false. There had been-no car repair or leaving the plantfor a car repair by him on July 23, and the motorcycle ride on August 5 was taken after he completed the repair of the cutter mentioned in Supervisor Fiscus' note and during his time break, for which he was not obliged to ask permission or notify' any supervisor. And, there was no curtailment of production on the night of August 5, by anyone's account, even if the fictional story of Supervisor Fiscus were accepted. Respondent's supervisors knew that the charges were not true. They quickly withdrew the first charge on August 7 after issuing it to employee Dressel on August 6, and there was evidence from Supervisor Fiscus that the involved supervisors knew it would not stand up shortly after they got her July 23 note which was the alleged basis for the disciplinary notice. None of them could explain why the notice, which was purportedly approved for issuance July 31, was held until August 6. The testimony of Supervisor Fiscus,' already detailed under heading D, was devastating evidence that the primary interest in the second charge (incident of August 5) was to contrive an excuse for disciplining employee Dressel. On getting the Fiscus note, on August 6, Supervisor Stombaugh's immediate response, without any inquiry, was: "This is it, I'm going to write him up"; and Manager Bischof forthwith approved. The only investiga- tion was Bischof's asking Fiscus afterward if she was sure of her times. Neither Manager Bischof nor Supervisor Stombaugh knew (as they admitted) whether any production was lost or curtailed on the night of August _5; yet they charged employee Dressel with deliberate restriction of production in the disciplinary notice (Resp. Exh. 3). The fact was there was no loss of production. Moreover, Dressel was informed on August 7, that they were withdrawing the disciplinary notice of July 31 (G.C. Exh. 3, concerning the alleged incident of July 23). Nevertheless, they continued it in the August 7 disciplinary notice as a previous' violation, maintaining the impression that Dressel was a "habitual" violator, as Bischof put it, and kept the;, penalty at 3 days without pay and the "final warning" notation, as originally drawn.13 Clearly, the disciplinary layoff of employee Dressel was an act of reprisal for Dressel's union advocacy and activity among the employees and had nothing to do with genuine plant discipline or actual violations of plant rules. As in the case of the temporary change of shift, the purpose of the disciplinary layoff was to discourage support of the Union among the employees. Both the temporary change in shift 13 In his career with Respondent, employee Dressel had only two prior one in May 1973 for going to a baseball game without permission. disciplinary notices, one in July 1971 for failure to wear safety goggles, and BELL AND HOWELL CO. and disciplinary layoff were violations of Section 8(a)(1) and (3) of the Act.14 F. Section 8(a)(1) Violation Concerning Union Solicitation Employee Burnett Hardnett was one of the employees on the second shift whom employee Dressel had recruited to aid in the organizing for the Union (B, supra ). She also had apparently worked on an employee petition for a cost-of- living raise. Employee Hardnett testified, without contradiction, that about a week after the employees received the cost-of- living raise (of July 1974), Respondent's director of production, George Pushkin, talked to her on the job. He pointed out that the employees had received the cost-of- living raise before the petition was submitted. He told her there was no need for her to campaign for the Union because the Union was just one way of getting more money, and that the Union was,,-not necessary, the Company and employees could work out their own problems without a third party. On August 16, 1974, the day employee Dressel returned to work following his suspension, Director Pushkin approached employee Hardnett again. Pushkin told her that someone had said she had been "hassling" him about the Union and he, Pushkin, didn't want her doing it any more on company time because she could get into trouble. He added that he didn't care what she did on lunchbreak or other breaks but he didn't want her talking about the Union during working hours on company time.,Hardnett testified that she had not been-talking to anyone about the Union on company time and when she asked Pushkin with whom she was supposed to have been "hassling," he would nit tell her. The same evening, Pushkin came back again and repeated what he had said. Employee Hardnett also testified that during the year she had solicited money from employees for the United Fund, in working hours on company time, and had solicited funds and discussed and arranged for parties and picnics for the Fellowship Committee, in working hours on company time. None of employee Hardnett's testimony was disputed. Personnel Director Max Morrison testified that Respon- dent's work rule 17 prohibits solicitation or distribution of literature for any cause on work time in work areas without permission . The rule was aimed at soliciting for personal causes on worktime, he said. However, said Morrison, there are two exceptions, though not so stated in the rule, namely, the United Fund, a nationwide charity, and the Fellowship Committee, made up largely but not entirely of nonsupervisory people, that runs and finances by obtaining employee contributions, social activities among the em- ployees. The social activities include picnics, basketball, bowling , softball; Christmas, Halloween,' and Valentine parties ; and flowers, cards, and other remembrances in 14 The fact that the change of shift was without monetary loss to employee Dressel did not alter its retaliatory and discriminatory purpose and effect. On discipline of a leading , union advocate as a classic and effective method of undermining a union organizational drive, see NLRB. v. Longhorn Transfer Service, inc., 346 F.2d 1003, 1006 (C.A. 5, 1965). On the 177 connection with-births, deaths, or hospitalization. Respon- dent supplements the employee contributions at $15 per employee to the Fellowship Committee. Work and solicitation for both the Fellowship Commit- tee and United Fund is permitted without special permis- sion on company time. The Respondent has refused permission for political, religious, or commercial solicita- tions, according to Director Morrison. He further testified that the prohibition of the no-solicitation rule applies to supervisory as well as nonsupervisory personnel. General Counsel has no complaint about the propriety of the no-solicitation rule itself. He contends, however, that the existence of the rule cannot be used by a supervisor of Respondent to interfere with the union activities • of employees, who have , not been violating the rule, by threatening them with trouble if they talk about the Union on company time. Respondent contends that its supervisor was, in effect, merely policing the no-solicitation rule. In the circumstances of this case I am inclined to agree with the General Counsel. Respondent's' director of production, Pushkin, had himself engaged in a direct violation of the no-solicitation rule, as the company interpreted it, by previously-engaging in antiunion solicita- tion of employee Hardnett. He apparently had not succeeded in his solicitation and knew her to be prounion. Now he was singling her out, in effect, to "read" her the no-solicitation rule and warn her there would be trouble for her, without identifying the time, place, or person she was supposed to have solicited for the Union. Both these events took place while the union organizing was ongoing; indeed, the warning of trouble came hard upon the discriminatory disciplining of employee Dressel. In these circumstances, Respondent's -conduct on August 16, 1974, through its high-ranking managerial representative, the director of production, was coercive and, it may be reasonably said, tended to interfere with the free exercise of employee rights in violation of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act, N.LR.B. v. Illinois, Tool Works, 153 F.2d 811, 814 (C.A. 7, 1946). And see Montgomery Ward & Co., Incorporated, 189 NLRB 80, 82 (1971); and Harold R. Bursten and Dr. Robert Bursten, _a Partnership, d/b/a Shorewood Manor Nursing Home & Rehabilitation Center, 217 NLRB No. 55, (1975). The latter case provides a useful parallel. There the nursing home had a valid no-solicitation rule and the administrator (Bursten) accused an employee (Vella) of "signing up people on the floors and do you realize that this is grounds for termination." He did not specify the time, or place, or persons solicited, but did suggest she reevaluate her position with the, Union. The Board held that, "the only reasonable interpretation to be placed on [these remarks] was that they were intended to encompass Vella's union activities as a whole rather than merely being directed towards the enforcement of the [no-solicitation] rule . . . Bursten's conduct in connection with this incident was' not directed toward policing the no-solicitation rule, absence of a satisfactory business explanation for the discipline, and its timing, providing support for the 'fndmg` that the motivation was to discourage union ,activity, see NLRB. v. Tennessee Packers Inc, Frosty Morn Division, 39Q F.2d 782, 784 (CA. 6, 1968); McGraw - Edison Co. v. N L KB., 419 F.2d 67,75 (C.A. 8, 1969). 178 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD but rather was designed to thwart Vella's union activities in violation of Sec. 8(a)(1) of the Act." Id., 217 NLRB No. 55, footnote 1. Additionally, in the light of, Respondent's permissiveness allowing open solicitation of employees by fellow employ, ees, during , working time for a large range of social activities, which were- not merely isolated instances 15. of, departure from the rule against all solicitation during working time,- the reprimand and warning of employee Hardnett by, Director of Production Pushkin for her supposed union activity on company time tended to inhibit the employees in the exercise of their Section 7 rights. Hence, such,, discriminatory conduct violated Section 8(axl), of the Act. Casey Manufacturing Company, 167 NLRB,89, 96 (1967); and see Montgomery Ward & Co., 198 NLRB 52, (1972).18' y CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. By disciplining employee Dressel with a layoff for 3 days without pay and a final warning, and by temporarily moving him for a week from his regular working shift, in July - August 1974, because of his support and activities on behalf of the Union, and in order to discourage such support and activities among Respondent's employees, Respondent has engaged in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8(a)(1) and (3) of the Act. 2. By reprimanding, and warning employee Hardnett of discipline for supposed union activity on company time, and, by discriminatorily maintaining or enforcing its no- solicitation rule, in a manner that restrained or impeded her and other employees in pursuing their lawful union activities, Respondent has engaged in unfair labor prac- tices within the meaning of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. 3. These unfair labor practices affect commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. THE REMEDY It will be recommended that the Respondent: 1. Cease and desist from its unfair labor practices. 2. Rescind the disciplinary notice of August 7, 1974, given employee Dressel, and expunge from his personnel record any notation of it. 3. Make employee Dressel whole for-loss of the 3 days' pay he suffered in connection'with the disciplinary action of August 7, 1974, with interest at 6 percent per annum as prescribed in Isis Plumbing & Heating Co., 138 NLRB 716 (1962). 4. Post the notices provided for herein. 15 See in contrast The Seng Company, 210 NLRB 936 (1974), holding that isolated instances of variance do not constitute disparate treatment. 16 Respondent 's'reference to Laborers' District Council of Georgia and South Carolina, etc: (Southern Frozen Foods, Inc), 202 NLRB 753 (1973), affd. 501 F.2d 868; 878-879 (C A.D.C., 11974), as exculpatory of Director Pushkin's statements to employee Hardnett, is distinguishable from the facts of this case . In that case, the Board relied on the fact that there was evidence that talking on the job by the employee who was reprimanded and warned interfered with the work of fellow employees, and also relied on the fact that there was no evidence of'discriminatory,application of the company rule against talking at work. 'In `the case at bar, there is no evidence of interference by employee Hardnett with the work of any fellow employee, ,nd there is clear evidence of discriminatory application of the no- Upon the foregoing findings of fact, conclusions of law, and the entire record, and pursuant to Section 10(c) of the Act, I hereby issue the following recommended: ORDER 17 Respondent, Bell and Howell Company, Micro Photo Division, Wooster, Ohio, its officers, agents, . successors, and assigns, shall: 1. Cease and desist from: (a) Discipline by layoff without pay, final warning, change in regular working shift, or' other reprisal against employees because of their union support and activities or to intimidate them from pursuing such support and activities. (b) Reprimanding or warning employees for supposed union activity on company time, and discriminatorily maintaining or 'enforcing its - no-solicitation rule, in a manner that restrains or impedes employees in pursuing their lawful union activities. (c) Discouraging employees from support of or member- ship in the Union or any other labor organization by disciplinary action or threat of disciplinary action, or other discrimination affecting tenure and conditions of employ- ment. (d) In any like manner interfering with, restraining, or coercing employees in the exercise of their rights guaran- teed under Section 7 of the Act. 2. Take the' following affirmative action which is necessary to effectuate the policies of the Act: ' (a) Rescind' the disciplinary notice of August 7, 1974, issued to employee David Dressel, and expunge from his personnel record any notation of the notice. (b) Make employee Dressel whole for the loss of 3 days' pay suffered by him in August 1974 as a result of the disciplinary action of August 7, 1974, with interest at. 6 percent per annum, and provide the Board with any records necessary to compute the backpay. (c) Post in its plant at Wooster, Ohio, copies of the attached notice marked "Appendix." 18 Copies of said notice, on forms provided by the Regional Director for Region 8, after being duly signed by Respondent's authorized representative, shall be,posted by Respondent immediately upon receipt thereof, and be maintained by it for 60 consecutive days thereafter, inconspicuous places,' including all places where notices to employees , are customarily posted. Reasonable steps shall be taken by Respondent to insure that said notices are not altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. solicitation rule by Respondent , as set out above 17 In the event no exceptions are filed as provided by Sec. 102.46 of the Rules and Regulations of the National Labor Relations Board , the findings, . conclusions, and recommended Order herein shall, as provided in Sec. 102.48 of the Rules and Regulations, be adopted by the Board and-become its findings, conclusions, and Order, and all objections thereto shall be deemed waived for all purposes. '18 In the event that the Board 's Order is enforced by a Judgment of a United States Court of Appeals, the words in the notice reading "Posted by Order of the National Labor Relations Board" shall read "Posted Pursuant to a Judgment of the United States Court of Appeals Enforcing an Order of the National Labor Relations Board."" BELL AND HOWELL CO. (d) Notify the Regional Director for Region 8, in writing, within 20 days from the date of this Order, what steps the Respondent has taken to comply herewith. APPENDIX NOTICE To EMPLOYEES POSTED BY ORDER OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD An Agency of the United States Government The National Labor Relations Board Having Found, After a hearing, that we violated the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, we hereby notify you that: WE WILL NOT discipline you by layoff without pay, final warning, change in regular working shift, or other reprisal because of your union support and activities or to intimidate you from pursuing such support and activities. WE WILL NOT reprimand or warn you for supposed union activity on company time, and WE WILL NOT discriminatorily maintain or enforce our no-solicitation rule, in a manner that restrains or impedes you in pursuing your lawful union activities. 179 WE WILL NOT discourage you from support or membership in the International Union, Allied Indus- trial Workers of America, AFL-CIO (the Union) or other labor organization by disciplinary action or threat of disciplinary action or other discrimination affecting your tenure or conditions of employment. WE WILL NOT in any like manner interfere with your rights to belong to or to be active fora labor union, or to refrain therefrom. Because the Board found that we unlawfully issued a disciplinary notice to employee David Dressel on August 7, 1974, and unlawfully laid him off in August 1974 for 3 days without pay, WE WILL rescind the disciplinarynotice of August 7, 1974, and expunge it from employee Dressel's person- nel record. WE WILL give him backpay for the 3 days' layoff with interest. BELL AND HOWELL COMPANY, MICRO PHOTO DMSION Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation