Bechtel Corp.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsApr 5, 1968170 N.L.R.B. 1128 (N.L.R.B. 1968) Copy Citation 1128 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Bechtel Corporation and Frederick E. Ojala.Case 30-CA-550 April 5, 1968 DECISION AND ORDER BY CHAIRMAN MCCULLOCH AND MEMBERS FANNING AND BROWN On October 12, 1967, Trial Examiner Lowell Goerlich issued his Decision in the above-entitled proceeding, finding-that Respondent had engaged in and 'was engaging in certain unfair labor prac- tices within the meaning of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, and recommending that it cease and desist therefrom and take certain affir- mative action, as set forth in the attached Trial Ex- aminer's Decision. Thereafter, Respondent and the General Counsel filed exceptions to the Trial Ex- aminer's Decision and supporting briefs. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its powers in connection with this case to a three- member panel. The Board has reviewed the rulings of the Trial Examiner made at the hearing and finds that no prejudicial error was committed. The rulings are hereby affirmed. The Board has considered the Trial Examiner's Decision, the exceptions and briefs, and the entire record in the case, and hereby adopts the Trial Examiner's findings, conclusions, and recommendations only to the extent consistent herewith. The facts, as more fully set forth in the Trial Ex- aminer's Decision, show that Respondent, at its White Pine project, was bound by the referral provisions of the existing area bargaining agree- ment of Local 19, I.B.E.W. (herein called the "Union") with local employers. Under the contract provisions, the Union is the sole source of referral of applicants for employment. The Union agrees to refer registered electricians according to four groupings based upon experience and residence, without regard to "membership or nonmembership in the union." The agreement also provided that, in the event the Union is unable to refer applicants within 48 hours of the Employer's request, the Em- ployer is free to hire electricians outside the refer- ral system but, these outside hires "shall have the status of `temporary employees' ... and such tem- porary employees shall be replaced by the provi- sions of this employment referral system as soon as registered applicants for employment become available." About October 1966 Bechtel began hiring, through nonunion sources, temporary or "white card" employees who were not members of the Union because of the lack of available union re- gistered applicants. In January 1967 referral system applicants became available for employment. Discussions concerning the replacement of tempo- rary employees under the contract were initiated by the Union, and Bechtel Superintendent Fusen ex- pressed doubt as to the "legality" of the replace- ment provision. After consulting with Respondent's labor relations advisor, he told Union Representa- tive Brey that Bechtel would not displace any "non- union" temporary employee until the Union gave written assurance that the nonunion employees could join the Union on equal terms with others. Brey refused, asserting that the replacement clause was legal as written and should be abided by. The Charging Party, Frederick Ojala, was referred to replace a temporary employee on January 30. Su- perintendent Fusen denied Ojala employment as- sertedly because "we had no calls in for people at the hall, and he came to replace a nonunion man or temporary employee .... I had been formerly in- structed to hire nobody under these circumstances. ... [that is] to replace a nonunion man with a union man." Contrary to the Trial Examiner, the Respondent's position on the operation of the replacement clause was not one which would, in the circumstances dis- closed by this record, inherently discourage mem- bership in the Union. The question of how the replacement provision would be applied had never arisen before. Its application to the situation presented would have inevitably resulted in hiring union members to replace the temporary em- ployees who were not members of the Union. There also is some indication from loose phraseology used in discussions of the problem that the Union was equating union referral with union membership and was requiring the displacement of a nonunion tem- porary with a "Local man." Faced with this situa- tion, we believe it was not unreasonable for Respondent to fear that unquestioning acquiescence in the Union's proposed contract application would result in unlawful discrimination against the non- union employees.' Although Respondent did raise questions in the January talks with Union Representative James Brey, phrased in terms of contract "legality," we think the dominant concern of Respondent was not the contract terms as writ- ten or construed but rather the application of the ' See, e.g , Superior Roofing Co., 158 NLRB 657, 662-663. 170 NLRB No. 125 BECHTEL CORPORATION 1129 replacement provision to the unique facts presented. Assurances were thus sought to prevent unlawful administration of the referral system. The issue , remained unresolved when Ojala was referred in accordance with the Union's proposed method of applying the replacement clause. The denial of em- ployment to Ojala as a union referral was merely a means of preserving the Respondent's position on the lawful application of this clause, and not dis- crimination against him because of his union mem- bership. Thus, "the whole course of Respondent's conduct was directed at 'avoiding discrimination against nonunion temporaries, and not at excluding "union labor" from the project. In these circum- stances,_we find no "inherent" or "inevitable" un- lawful discrimination against Ojala on January 30, and, therefore, do not adopt or pass upon the Trial Examiner's additional findings and conclusions flowing therefrom. On March 6, 1967, Ojala was again referred to the Respondent, this time to a job opening.2 Ojala was denied employment on the ground that he had "instigated" a "wildcat" walkout on January 30. The electricians had walked off the job in apparent protest of Bechtel's refusal to hire Ojala on January 30. Respondent produced evidence showing it had reason to believe that, before he left the jobsite, Ojala had told the employees to walk off. The Local Agreement contained a no-strike provision. Respondent had ,the right to refuse employment to Ojala if he had instigated a strike in violation of a no-strike clause; such conduct is not protected con- certed activity. As the Respondent's asserted reason for refusing to-hire Ojala was this unpro- tected concerted activity, it was the General Coun- sel's burden to establish either that the activity was protected or that Ojala did not in fact engage therein. The General Counsel came forward with no,evidence that Ojala in fact did not instigate the walkout,3 or that his conduct was-protected. Ac- cordingly, we find that the General Counsel has failed to establish ah'affirmative case for an 8(a)(3) or 8(a)(I) finding in the refusal to hire Ojala on March 6. Finally, General Counsel urges us to find that both refusals to hire were unlawful on the ground that they were motivated by hostility towards Ojala because of his activities for the Union during a prior term of employment. He contends that the reasons advanced by Respondent for the failure to hire Ojala were pretexts for retaliating against Ojala for his prior union activities.' In view of his disposi- tion of the foregoing issues , the Trial Examiner did not consider this theory. We are confronted with conflicting testimony in support of General Coun- sel's position. While not specifically discrediting the General Counsel's witnesses, the Trial Examiner implicitly did so by relying heavily, if not exclusive- ly, on the testimony of Respondent's representa- tives for his findings of fact: Projecting the Trial Ex- aminer's credibility resolutions and agreeing with his acceptance of the Respondent's stated reasons for refusing Ojala employment on each referral, we find that General Counsel has not sustained his bur- den of proving, by a preponderance of the evidence, that Respondent was motivated by prior union activity in denying employment to Ojala. Ac- cordingly, we shall dismiss the complaint. ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board hereby orders that the complaint be, and it hereby is, dismissed in its entirety. 2 Under an agreement reached on February 7, 1967, Respondent had been accepting union referrals to replace temporary employees This ap- parently had been completed ' Cf NL RB v. Burnup and Sims, Inc , 379-U S 21. ' The-alleged union activities consisted of "talking union" on the job and complaining about certain job conditions TRIAL EXAMINER'S DECISION STATEMENT OF THE CASE LOWELL GOERLICH , Trial Examiner: On charges filed . by, Frederick E. Ojala, herein called the Charging Party,' the General Counsel of the Na- tional Labor Relations Board , herein called the Board , on behalf of the Board by the Regional Director for Region 30, on May 17, 1967, issued a complaint and notice of hearing in which Bechtel Corporation was named the Respondent . It was al- leged that the Respondent had engaged in and was engaging in unfair labor practices affecting com- merce within the meaning-of Section 8(a)(1) -and (3) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended , herein called the Act. The Respondent filed timely ' answer denying that it had engaged in or was engaging in the unfair labor practices al- leged. Pursuant to due notice the case came on to be heard on July 6 and 7,,- 1967, at Ontonagon, Michigan . Each party was afforded full opportunity to be heard , to call , to examine and cross-examine witnesses , to argue orally on the record, -to submit proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law, and to file briefs . All briefs have been reviewed and considered by the Trial Examiner. The only issue before the Trial Examiner is whether the- Respondent violated Section 8(a)(3) of the Act when it refused employment to Charging Party Ojala. Upon the whole record and from his observation 1130 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD of the witnesses, the Trial Examiner make the fol- lowing: FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS 1. THE BUSINESS OF THE RESPONDENT Respondent, a Delaware corporation, maintains its principal office at San Francisco, California, and at all times material herein has been engaged at various locations throughout the United States, in- cluding its facilities at White Pine, Michigan, in the mining and construction industries. At the White Pine, Michigan, facilities to which the Charging Party was referred for work on Janua- ry 30, 1967, by Local No. 19, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, pursuant to the Local Agreement noted below, the Respondent was engaged in "designing and buying equipment and constructing an expansion of the milling process and building surface facilities at a new shaft." The contract for this work involved "about $16,000,000." At peak employment the Respon- dent employed about 300 manual and 25 non- manual employees. The manual employees were or- ganized into various crafts, one of which was the electricians' craft. Work falling in this craft's ju- risdiction was governed by a National Agreement dated October 27, 1958, between the Respondent and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers of Washington, D.C., and by a Local Agreement dated February 16, 1966, by and between the Houghton-Hancock Division, Michigan Chapter, National Electrical Contractors Association, Inc., and Local Union No. 19 of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. The Charging Party was a member of Local Union No. 19, a fact which was known to the Respondent. Under the National Agreement the Respondent agreed "to comply with all the terms and conditions of the applicable local collective bargaining agree- ment in the area where the work is being per- formed, including such legally valid referral procedures and union security provisions as may be provided in such agreement." During the past year, a representative period, Respondent in the course and conduct of its busi- ness operations performed services valued in excess of $50,000 at places located outside the State of California and during the same period Respondent purchased and received goods and materials, in in- terstate commerce, valued in excess of $50,000 from sources located outside the State of Califor- nia. Respondent admits and the Trial Examiner finds that the Respondent is and has been at all times material herein an employer engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. II. THE LABOR ORGANIZATION The Respondent admits and the Trial Examiner finds that Local Union No. 19, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, herein called the Union ,= is a labor organization within the mean- ing of Section 2(5) of the Act. III. THE UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES The facts herein which are germain to the resolu- tion of the issue above stated are as follows: The Local Agreement referred to above provided for, an employment referral procedure which required that the "union shall be the sole and ex- clusive source of referrals of applicants for employ- ment." The Agreement further provided that the "union shall select and refer applicants for-employ- ment without discrimination against such applicants by reason of membership or non-membership in the union and such selection and referral shall 'not be affected in any way by rules, regulations, bylaws, constitutional provisions or any other aspect or obligation of union membership policies or require- ments." Applicants were chosen from a register of applicants according to a priority grouping as fol- lows: The union shall maintain a register of appli- cants for employment established on the basis of the groups listed below. Each applicant for employment shall be registered in the highest priority group for which he qualifies. - - GROUP I-All applicants for employment who have four (4) or more, years' ex- perience in the trade, are residents of the geographical area constituting the normal construction labor market, have passed a journeyman's (inside wireman's) examina- tion given by a duly constituted local union of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers and who have been employed for a period of at least one (1) year in the last four (4) years under a col- lective bargaining agreement between the parties to this agreement. GROUP II-all applicants for employment who- have four (4) or more years' ex- perience in the trade and who have passed a journeyman's (inside wireman's) ex- amination given by a duly constituted local union of the International Brother- hood of Electrical Workers. GROUP III-All applicants for employ- ment who have two (2) or more years' ex- perience in the trade, are residents of the geographical area constituting the normal construction labor market and who have been employed for at least six (6) months in the past three (3) years in the trade BECHTEL CORPORATION 1131 under a collective bargaining agreement between the parties to this agreement. GROUP IV-All applicants for employ- ment who have worked at the trade for more than one (1) year. The Local Agreement further provided: The employer shall advise the business manager of the union of the number of appli- cants needed. The business manager shall refer applicants to the employer by first referring ap- plicants in Group I in the order of their places on the Out of Work List therein and then, while Group I list remains exhausted, refer ap- plicants from the Out of Work List in Group II and then, while Group I and Group II lists, respectively, remain exhausted, refer appli- cants successively in the same manner from the Out of Work Lists in Group III, and then Group IV. An exception to the above placement procedure was made when the employer called for a person of "special ',skills and ability." Under such circum- stance the "first applicant in the register possessing such skills and abilities" was referred. In the event the registration list was exhausted and the Union was unable to refer applicants for employment to the employer ,within 48 hours from the time of receiving the employer's request, Sun- days and designated holidays excluded, the Respon- dent was free to secure applicants without using the employment referral procedure. Such applicants, if hired, held the status of temporary employees. Under the Agreement the employer was required to notify the Union's business manager promptly of the names, and social security numbers of the tem- porary employees (who were also referred to as white card employees), who were to be "replaced by the provisions of this employment referral system as soon as registered applicants for employ- ment were available. "1 The registration list became exhausted and the Respondent hired temporary employees. On Janua- ry 30, 1967, the date upon which the Charging Party was referred for employment, 25 jobs covered by the Local Agreement were filled by temporary employees. On such date these 25 jobs were available to registered applicants pursuant to the referral system provided in the Local Agree- ment. Shortly prior to January 30, 1967, the Union opened discussions with the Respondent relative to replacing temporary employees with registered ap- plicants which were, at that time, becoming availa- ble. James W. Brey, vice president and business manager of the Union, telephoned Glenn L. Fuson, project superintendent at the White Pine job, and asked him whether he intended to comply with that part of the Agreement requiring the replacement of temporary employees by referrals from the register. Fuson replied that he was "skeptical" as to the clause's "legality" and that he would have to confer with his "labor relations people."2 During the discussions Brey observed that the clause was "not only for card members." After conferring with his "labor relations people" Fuson advised Brey that if the temporary employees were given "a chance to join the union under the same circumstances as the other members and they failed to pass the test" and a letter was signed to this effect, they could be replaced.' Brey responded that the clause was "legal according to his advice from his Interna- tional" and that the contract "would stand up under the law." He demanded that the Respondent abide by the clause. Fuson answered, ". . . I can't do it, I'd been advised by my people absolutely to hire nobody referred out to replace a non-union man, no hiring at all under these circumstances, I cannot do it because I'd been told not to." On January 30, 1967,4 Charging Party Ojala, a registered applicant, appeared at the Respondent's plant entrance about 8:15 a.m. with a job referral from the Union where he met William Andreini, job steward for Local No. 19, who was coming to work. Andreini and Ojala proceeded to the Respon- dent's office where Ojala sat in the vestibule while Andreini sought Gordon Powers, assistant superin- tendent in charge of the electrical program at White Pine project. When Andreini located Powers he told him he had "a man for a job." Powers replied that he had no call in for a man, whereupon Andreini reminded Powers that this was a "Local man and you don't have to have a call in for him." Andreini said that he was there to "replace one of the white card men." During the conversation An- dreini had informed Powers that the applicant was Ojala.•' Powers advised Andreini that he had no authority to replace white card men and that he would have to take the matter up with Fuson. Powers" and An- dreini then went into Fuson's office where Fuson informed Andreini that the Respondent had no call, in for employees and inquired "how come this man This provision is sometimes referred to herein as the " replacement clause " 2 Brey testified that Fuson said that the clause " didn 't look right the way it was written " and that it was "over and above him" and that he would "check with the proper people." Brey testified , " He told me that after he had contacted the labor rela- tions they had figured we have to take all these people , give them an exam, classify them and if need be then to take them into our union to make them, yeah, I think, to make them members." On November 21, 1966 , Ojala, who had been working at the Respon- dent 's Palmer , Michigan , construction site, began working on the White Pine Job He remained at White Pine until he voluntarily terminated to return to Palmer On January 23, 1967, Ojala was terminated in a reduc- tion of force at Palmer ' Brey informed Ojala on January 29, 1967, that the Respondent had no call in for men and that if he appeared as a replacement for a temporary employee the Respondent might refuse to hire him Olala was the first and only employee referred by Brey to replace a temporary employee until after February 7, 1967 ' Where there is a conflict in testimony I have credited Powers' testimony as the more reliable 1132 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD would be referred out on a job." Andreini replied, "[U]nder the terms of the contract you don't have to have a call, we can replace these temporary em- ployees whenever men are available...." Andreini pointed the clause out to Fuson and Fuson said that he agreed with him "heartily" but that he had been instructed by his "labor relations people to absolu- tely hire nobody under this condition " Andreini informed Ojala of the Respondent's position and suggested that Ojala wait for him in the change house.' Powers learned from Andreini that Ojala was in the change house and transmitted such information to Fuson. Fuson instructed Powers to tell Ocala to leave the jobsite or the Respondent would have "security" remove him. Powers found Ojala in the change house together with Bill Murphy and four or five other employees. Powers testified, So, I go down to the change house immediately on those instructions. When I arrived at the change house Ocala, Bill Murphy, Ray Sharette, Eldon Karhu and there was one more member there and I can't remember his name, at the time were all there at a table discussing the problems that had arisen. I assumed they were discussing the problems that had arisen. I walked in and said, Ojala, you're going to have to leave the White Pine Mining Company property or we're going to have security remove you. He related to me, he says, that's fine, then I get a ride out of here. So, I turned around and started out. Bill Murphy, I believe it was, says to me, wait a minute, and they got in the corner and they had a little huddle They talked a minute and said, he will leave. He walked out of the change house and started toward the gate and I asked Bill Murphy and them other boys at that time if they were going to go to work and they says, no, we're going home, whenever you will not replace a white card man with a union member we don't want to have anything to do with the job, and out the gate they went and they shut the job down. Powers informed Fuson that the electricians had walked off the job. Fuson immediately telephoned Louis J. Sabin," the Respondent's senior labor rela- tions representative located at Gaithersburg, Mary- land, and then Brey. Brey arrived at Fuson's office about 10 a.m. with Andreini. Upon Fuson's inquiry as to why the men left the job, Brey relied, "[I]t's apparent they left because of [the Respondent] not ,eplacing these white card people." Fuson com- mented, "My information is that's why they hit the street." Fuson told Brey he could not hire Ojala "because [he] couldn't under the circumstances of replacing a white card man with a union member."" The men returned to work thereafter under or- ders from the International. On February 7, 1967, at a meeting between the union representatives and Fuson and Sabin, the white card issue was capitu- lated and the Respondent commenced replacing temporary employees. With each referral the Union submitted a statement "This is to introduce ... who is a Group ... employee referred by the Local Union #19 IBEW and is to replace a temporary employee." No change was made in the contractual provision related above. At the February 7, 1967, meeting Brey requested that Ojala be given employment; the Respondent refused. Fuson gave as his reason that in his "esti- mation the man instigated the walkoff." On March 6, 1967, in response to a call for em- ployees from the Respondent the Union again referred Ocala for employment at the White Pine, Michigan, location. Powers, upon instructions from Fuson, refused to hire him. After the February 7, 1967, meeting, Fuson had instructed Powers, if Ocala appeared for work, that he should not hire him for in his estimation Ojala "had helped to in- stigate this wildcat strike." While the local Agreement contains a no-strike clause"' none of the electricians were disciplined for their participation in the walkout. Concluding Findings From a review of the record as a whole it would appear that the Respondent, at least in part," was motivated to refuse Ocala employment because it was uncertain as to the legality of the replacement clause in the Agreement, to wit: ". . . temporary employees shall be replaced by the provisions of this employment referral system as soon as reg- istered applicants for employment are available," or, as put by Fuson-"skeptical as to its legality." Fuson was instructed not to replace a "non-union man" or a "temporary employee" with a "union man." Ojala who fell in this category was thus refused employment. ' As described by Powers, "The change house facility is where the men who are on the job report to change their clothes, their lunches are there, it has toilet facilities in it 11 ' Fuson testified, "On the morning of January 30 1 told him [Sabin] this man had come upon the job with a referral and we had no calls in for peo- ple at the hall, and he came to replace a non -union man or a temporary em- ployee As per my instructions from our labor relations, 1 refused to hire him I had been formerly instructed to hire nobody [t]o replace a non- union man with a union man " 9 Fuson testified that the white card issue was the " main issue " and that "[o]ther things were mentioned but only incidental and not of any con- sequence to the main problem The Agreement provides There shall he no stoppage of work either by strike or lockout because of any disputes over matters relating to this agreement Other reasons were advanced for the Respondent's refusal to hire Ojala on January 30, 1967 In view of his conclusions drawn herein, the Trial Examiner has deemed it unnecessary to consider these reasons in reaching his decision BECHTEL CORPORATION 1133 The Respondent concedes that "the referral provisions of article IV of the Local 19 Agreement were legal on their face"'' (Respondent's brief, p. 5) which finds support in the teachings of Local 357, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauf- feurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America v. N.L.R.B.; 365 ' U.S. 667.1; Nevertheless, the Respondent asserts that "Fuson was uneasy about the interpretation .the union was giving them" (Brief of Respondent p. 5). But, there is no credible evidence that the Union was attempting to enforce these provisions in an unlawful manner. Moreover, the Respondent did not maintain nor does it now maintain that, had the replacement clause been ap- plied as written, Ojala would have been ineligible for a job or that a job was not available for him. 14 Indeed Fuson agreed with Andreini that the replacement clause required the replacement of temporary employees through the referral system whenever men were available. On the other hand the Union conceded that the Respondent had com- mitted no breach of the Agreement in refusing to hire Ojala.'•' - On January 30, 1967, a job which Ocala could have lawfully filled was available for him at the Respondent's White Pine, Michigan, facilities. The Respondent's "refusal to hire [Ojala] for an availa- ble job" was "clearly discriminating" Radio Of- ficers' Union of the Commercial Telegraphers Union, AFL v. N.L.R.B.; 347 U.S. 17, 39. Such discrimina- tion , manifesting itself in the refusal to hire a prospective employee because he was a "union man," was clearly proscribed by the Act. Phelps Dodge Corp. v. N.L.R.B., 313 U.S. 177. "Dis- crimination against union labor in the hiring of men is a dam to self-organization -at the source of supply.... such discrimination .. . inevitably operates against the whole idea of the legitimacy of organization.... it undermines the principle which ... is recognized as basic to the attainment of in- dustrial peace." (Emphasis supplied.) Id, at 185. Thus it seems plain that the embargo imposed by the Respondent on the hiring of union labor referred by the Union pursuant to a lawful union referral system had the inherent tendency to discourage union membership and was inherently destructive of important employee rights protected by Section 7 of the act. Indeed the Respondent's refusal to hire Ojala is the kind of conduct which carries with it "unavoidable consequences which the employer not only foresaw but which he must have intended" and thus bears its -own indicia of in- tent. Cf. Erie Resistor Corporation v. N.L.K.B., 373 U.S. 221, 228, 231. Lately the Supreme Court has said in N.L.R.B. v. Great Dane Trailers, 363 F.2d 130: From this review of our recent decisions, several principles of controlling importance here can be distilled. First, if it can be reasonably concluded that the employer's dis- criminatory conduct was "inherently destruc- tive" of important employee rights, no proof'of an antiunion motivation is needed and the Board can find an unfair labor practice even if the employer introduces evidence that the con- duct was motivated by business considerations: Second, if the adverse effect of the discrimina- tory conduct on employee rights is "compara- tively slight," an antiunion motivation must be proved to sustain the charge if the employer has come forward with- evidence of legitimate and substantial business justifications for the conduct. Thus, in either situation, once it has been proved that the employer engaged in dis- criminatory conduct which could have adver- sely affected employee rights to some extent, the burden is upon the employer to establish that it was motivated by legitimate objective since proof of motivation is most accessible to him. Since the discriminatory conduct of the Respon- dent was inherently destructive of important em- ployee rights, the Respondent stands convicted of a violation of Section 8(a)(3) and (1) of the Act un- less it produces proof that it was motivated by "legitimate objectives" although an unfair labor practice may nevertheless be found "even if the employer introduces evidence that the conduct was motivated by business considerations." The Respondent asserts, as is revealed by the record, that it was motivated to refuse Ojala. em- ployment because it was uncertain as to the legality "The Cieneial Counsel comments in his beef, pp 27 to 28, on this subject There is nothing on the face of the referral including the provision for replacement of "temporary employees ," to take it outside the per- missible limits of hiring halls as established by the Board and the Courts The contract gives the Employer the right to hire "temporary employees " when applicants are unavailable under the referral provi- sions It similarly gives the Union the right to replace these " temporary employees" with referral applicants when they become available The conditions for referral of the replacements for "temporary employees" are not dependent on membership in the Union or other invidious distinctions , but are based upon a graduated series of qualifying fac- tors which look to the applicant's experience, length of time in the trade , completion of qualifying tests and residence in the geographical area The Agreement provided The union shall select and refer applicants for employment with out discrimination against such applicants by reason of membership or non-membership in the union and such selection and referral shall not be affected in any way by rules , regulations , bylaws , constitutional provisions or any other aspect or obligation of union membership poli- cies or requirements All such selection and referral shall be in ac- cordance with the procedure set forth in this article. , °a "Had the events of January 30 ended simply with the company's refusal to take on Ojala, undoubtedly he would have been eligible for rehire under the agreement reached even if it meant replacing some less qualified employee " Respondent 's brief, p 20 i' Fuson testified that Brey conceded that the Respondent had "the right to reject any employee for any reason " Brey testified that he explained to Ojala that he could not file a grievance because "the company has the right to refuse" referrals under the Agreement The Agreement provided "The employer shall have the right to reject any applicants for employment " 1134 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD of the replacement clause in the agreement. To have sustained such uncertainty would mean that the clause is-illegal . No such claim is made or sup- ported; nor is there credible evidence that the Union demanded that the clause be unlawfully ad- ministered. Under these circumstances to have har- bored an uncertainty as to the clause's legality would have attached a construction to the clause which was not intended nor apparent from the words used. The fact that the Respondent placed a misinterpretation of uncertain legality on the clause did not justify its discrimination against Ojala. Cf. N.L.R.B. v. Swinerton d/bla Swinerton and Walberg Company, 202 F.2d 511, 515 (C.A. 9), cert. denied 346 U.S. 814. The Respondent has come forward with no legiti- mate motive for its discrimination. Since dis- criminatory conduct carrying a potential for ad- verse effect= on employee rights was proved and no evidence of a proper motivation appeared in the record, the Trial Examiner finds that by its refusal to hire Ojala on January 30, 1967, the Respondent has violated Section 8(a)(3) and (1) of the Act. See N.L.R.B. v. Great Dane Trailers, Inc., supra. Section 8(a)(3) of the Act is violated when an employer refuses to hire a prospective employee because he is a union man even though the em- ployer is uncertain as to the legality of the hire, if, in fact, the hire would not have been illegal. Cf. N.L.R.B. v. Burnup & Sims, 379 U.S. 21. IV. THE EFFECT OF THE UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES UPON COMMERCE The activities of the Respondent set forth in sec- tion III, above, occurring in connection with its operations set forth in section I, above, have a close, intimate, and substantial relation to trade, traffic, and commerce among the several States, and tend to lead to labor disputes, burdening and obstructing commerce and the free flow of com- merce. , V. THE RECOMMENDED REMEDY It having been found that the Respondent has en- gaged in certain unfair labor practices, it is recom- mended that it cease and desist therefrom and take certain affirmative action designed to effectuate the policies of the Act. It having been found that the Respondent unlaw- fully refused to employ Frederick E. Ojala on January 30, 1967, and thereby violated Section 8(a)(3) and (1) of the Act, it is recommended that the Respondent remedy such unlawful conduct in accordance with Board policy's by offering Frederick E. Ojala immediate employment" to the position he would have occupied- on January 30, 1967, had he been employed on that date by the Respondent or a substantially equivalent position, without prejudice to his seniority or other rights and privileges and by making him whole for any loss of earnings he may have suffered as a result of the discrimination against him by the payment to him of a sum of money equal to the amount he would have earned from January 30, 1967, to the date of an offer of employment, less net earning during said period, to be computed on a quarterly basis in the manner established by the Board in F. W. Woolworth Company, 90 NLRB 289, and shall include interest at the rate of 6 percent per annum to be computed in the manner set forth in Isis Plumbing & Heating Co., 138 NLRB 716. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. The Union is a labor organization within the meaning of the Act. 2. The Respondent is engaged -in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act and it will effectuate the purpose of the Act for jurisdiction to be exercised herein. 3. By unlawfully -refusing employment to Frederick E. Ocala on , January 30, 1967, the Respondent engaged in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section,8(a)(3) and (1) of the Act. 4. By interfering with, restraining, and coercing its employees in the exercise of their rights guaran- teed them by Section 7 of the Act, the Respondent has engaged in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. 5. The aforesaid unfair labor practices are-unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. [Recommended Order omitted from publica- tion. ] 16 See Rushton Company, 158 NLRB 1730, fn 2 it According to the Respondent, Ojala was denied employment after January 30, 1967, "because the available evidence indicated, and the Respondent in good faith believed, that Ojala instigated the wild cat strike which occurred on January 30" (Respondent's brief, p 8) Whether such conduct , if proved , would bar Ojala from employment with the Respondent after January 30, 1967, is immaterial in that the alleged " wild cat strike" was in protest against the unfair labor practices herein described See Mas- tro Plasttcr Corp v NLRB , 350 U S 270 Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation