Beatrice Foods Co.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsMay 18, 1973203 N.L.R.B. 753 (N.L.R.B. 1973) Copy Citation HI TEMP INC. 753 Hi Temp Inc ., a Division of Beatrice Foods Co. Tru Temp Inc . Steel Treating Inc. and United Steel Workers of America , AFL-CIO Production Workers Union , Local 10 , International Union of Dolls, Toys, Playthings, Novelties and Al- lied Products of the United States and Canada, AFL-CIO and United Steel Workers of America, AFL-CIO. Cases 13-CA-11222 and 13-CB-4198 signs , and Respondent Production Workers Union, Local 10, International Union of Dolls, Toys, Play- things , Novelties, and Allied Products of the United States and Canada, AFL-CIO, its officers, agents, and representatives, shall take the action set forth in the said recommended Order. DECISION May 18, 1973 DECISION AND ORDER BY CHAIRMAN MILLER AND MEMBERS FANNING AND JENKINS On October 30, 1972, Administrative Law Judge Alba B. Martin issued the attached Decision in this proceeding. Thereafter, the Respondent Union filed exceptions to the Decision and a brief in support thereof. The Respondent Employer filed exceptions to the Decision and a brief in support thereof. The General Counsel filed a brief in support of the Deci- sion, cross-exceptions to the Decision and a brief in support thereof. The Respondent Employer filed a reply brief to the General Counsel's brief in support of the Decision and the General Counsel filed a re- sponse to the Respondent Employer's latest brief. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its au- thority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the record and the at- tached Decision in light of the exceptions and briefs and has decided to affirm the rulings, findings,' and conclusions of the Administrative Law Judge and to adopt his recommended Order. ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Rela- tions Board adopts as its Order the recommended Order of the Administrative Law Judge and hereby orders that Respondent Employer Hi Temp Inc., a Division of Beatrice Foods Co., and Steel Treating Inc., Northlake, Illinois, and Tru Temp Inc., Melrose Park, Illinois , its officers, agents , successors and as- 1 The Respondents have excepted to certain credibility findings made by the Administrative Law Judge. It is the Board's established policy not to overrule an Administrative Law Judge's resolutions with respect to credibili- ty unless the clear preponderance of all of the relevant evidence convinces us that the resolutions are incorrect . Standard Dry Wall Products, Inc, 91 NLRB 544, enfd . 188 F.2d 362 (C.A. 3). We have carefully examined the record and find no basis for reversing his findings STATEMENT OF THE CASE ALBA B. MARTIN, Administrative Law Judge: This conso- lidated proceeding was tried at Chicago, Illinois, on June 6-13, 1972. Upon charges filed by the Steelworkers,' a con- solidated complaint was issued on April 18, 1972, and an amendment thereto on April 24, 1972. The principal issue is whether, when Respondent Company recognized Re- spondent Union on January 19, 1972, Respondent Union did or did not represent a majority of the employees in an appropriate unit. Upon the entire record,2 including my observation of the demeanor of the witnesses , and after due consideration of the briefs filed by the General Counsel, the Company and Respondent Union, I make the following: FINDINGS OF FACTS I JURISDICTION Hi Temp Inc., Tru Temp Inc., and Steel Treating Inc., Delaware corporations, are affiliated businesses with com- mon officers, ownership, directors, and operators, and con- stitute a single-integrated business enterprise. This enterprise is herein referred to as Respondent Company and the Company. Its directors and operators formulate and administer a common labor policy for the Company affect- ing its employees. The three corporations have their offices and places of business in three nearby plants in Northlake, Illinois, and Melrose Park, Illinois, where they are engaged in the heat treating of metals. During the calendar year of 1971, a representative period, Respondent Company and each of its corporate components did a gross volume of business in excess of $500,000 and processed and shipped finished products valued in excess of $50,000 directly to customers located in states of the United States other than Illinois. During the same period Respondent Company, and each of its corporate components, processed and shipped finished products valued in excess of $50,000 to firms and companies who themselves have annual gross volumes of business in excess of $500,000 and who themselves annually i The Steelworkers filed the charge in Case 13-CA-11222 on February 4, 1972, the first amended charge on April 12, 1972 The Steelworkers filed the charge in Case 13-CB-4198 on February 15, 1972, the first amended charge on March 1 , 1972, the second amended charge on April 6, 1972. 2 With its brief the General Counsel filed a motion to correct the transcript in 63 numbered items. No party thereafter objected to these corrections. All changes except items 35, 37, and 49, appear correct to me and are hereby made . Item 35 should refer to p. 366. Item 37 should refer to p 376. Item 49 should refer to p. 415. As corrected the changes in these three items are hereby made . The motion has been placed in the General Counsel' s exhibit file as Exh. 1. 203 NLRB No. 119 754 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD receive goods and material valued in excess of $50,000 di- rectly in interstate commerce. Respondent Company admitted , and I find , that each of its three corporate components is engaged , and has been engaged at all times material herein , in commerce within the meaning of Section 2 (6) and (7) of the Act.3 11 THE LABOR ORGANIZATIONS INVOLVED Production Workers Union, Local 10, International Union of Dolls, Toys, Playthings, Novelties and Allied Products of the United States and Canada, AFL-CIO, is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) and of the Act. Herein it is referred to as Respondent Union, the Production Workers, Local 10, and the Union. United Steel Workers of America, AFL-CIO, herein re- ferred to as the Steelworkers, is a labor organization within the meaning Section 2(5) of the Act. III THE UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES A. Background and Surrounding Events Involved herein is the struggle of two unions, the Steel- workers and the Production Workers, to gain a majority representation of and become the exclusive bargaining agent over a group of about 90 preponderantly Mexican- American employees .4 Many of them did not speak, read, or understand the English language. On October 1, 1971, the Board's Regional Director conducted a secret ballot elec- tion with only the Steelworkers on the ballot. This Union lost the election by three votes, with two unopened chal- lenged ballots. The Regional Director's certification of the result was dated November 30, 1971. On January 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18, 1972,5 the Production Workers conducted a whirlwind campaign to sign up the same group of employees. During these 5 days two organiz- ers, Daniel Cavazos, who spoke Spanish as well as English, and John Serpico, called at the homes of and signed up a seeming majority of the employees in an appropriate unit. All but six of those they signed up were Spanish-speaking employees. Through many witnesses the General Counsel strenuously contended that the Production Workers cards were signed as the result of massive and purposeful misre- presentations, and the Production Workers just as strenu- ously denied there were any misrepresentations. The General Counsel contended the signers of the Production Workers' cards did not know or understand what they were signing. The alleged misrepresentations included allegedly telling the employees that the Production Workers organiz- ers were Steelworkers representatives; that they were from a different local of the Steelworkers, from the union that lost the election; that they were different representatives of the Steelworkers; that they represented the same union that was in before (meaning Steelworkers); that they represented a 3 "The Act" refers to the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, 29 U S C Sec 151, et seq 4 These two unions have crossed swords over three other groups of employ- ees in the past several years 3 Unless otherwise noted , all events herein occurred in 1972. different local but the same union as before; that they repre- sented the union the employees previously wanted in the factory; that the union was out to win this time without going through an election; that a majority had already signed ; that they represented the union the employees previ- ously wanted in the factory; that their union received prior permission from the Steelworkers; that the union was okay with the Company. In addition, some five employees testi- fied that only after they signed the cards were they told that the cards were for Local 10, Production Workers. In their testimony Cavazos and Serpico repeatedly stated that they told every employee they visited that they were from Local 10 of the Production Workers union, and that when asked by employees if they represented the Steelworkers (which was frequent), they denied that they did and said they repre- sented the Production Workers. In addition, through many witnesses the General Counsel contended that the authori- zation cards used by Cavazos and Serpico did not show what union was involved in that ink-stamped words "Pro- duction Workers Union Local 10" were not on the address side of the card when the employees were presented the cards and signed them. Serpico testified that he stamped those words on all the cards used in the campaign just before they started calling at the employees' homes. Cava- zos corroborated this. As, below, I resolve these cases on the basis of the card count, I find it is not necessary to resolve these highly disputed questions of fact and credibility issues. In using the Production Workers cards for making the count, I assume , but do not hold, that they were valid cards not unlawfully obtained. On January 19 Respondent Union and Respondent Com- pany signed a cardcheck agreement providing that a bank official, Mr. Sheldon, would make a cardcheck and that if Sheldon certified that Respondent Union represented a ma- jority of the eligible employees, Respondent Company would recognize Respondent Union .6 Sheldon made the cardcheck that day and certified Respondent Union. There- upon, in writing on January 19, Respondent Company rec- ognized Respondent Union as the bargaining agent. While the card count was being made and prior to signing the recognition agreement , Respondent's executive vice presi- dent, Arthur F. Lukowicz, read a letter dated January 17 which the Steelworkers had sent him, warning him that if the Company recognizes any other union than the Steel- workers, it will not be acting in the best interest of its em- ployees and that the Steelworkers "will be forced to seek remedy." Beginning immediately after the recognition both the Company and the Production Workers learned that the Union did not have the support of the employees. On Janu- ary 20, Lukowicz sent a letter to employees stating that the Company had recognized the Production Workers as their 6 The Steelworkers was the only union which ever before had requested recognition or gone to an election . In July 1969 Respondent Union had passed out authorization cards in front of the plant for 3 days and in August 1970 the Teamsters had passed out authorization cards in front of the plant for 3 days At the hearing Respondent Company contended it decided to recognize the Production Workers in 1972 because it concluded that the history of organizational acitivity convinced it that the employees wanted a union and that it might as well recognize a union It had opposed the Steel- workers drive in 1971 at the cost of $5,000, and lost production time. At the hearing it was not asked why it opposed the Steelworkers in 1971. HI TEMP INC. 755 collective-bargaining representative . At meetings with em- ployees on January 25, 26, and 27, some of the employees told Lukowicz that they didn't know what union had visited them , some said that they had been visited by the Steelwork- ers, and some objected to the Company' s having recognized the Production Workers. Respondent Union held its first three meetings with em- ployees on January 27, February 10, and March 16. "Very, very few" employees attended the first meeting . At the hear- ing Respondent Union frankly admitted that as early as the second meeting it was having problems getting the support of the employees and that it felt that its bargaining position was "terribly impaired." Its organizers "were having diffi- culties because the people were not satisfied with our union and wanted the Steel Workers Union." Only seven or eight employees attended the second meeting . The Production Workers went to the extraordinary tactic of having its very effective general counsel call on one of the employees it considered a leader to try to persaude him to attend the second meeting and bring other employees with him. He did not attend . At this meeting the Union tried to learn the employees ' demands , and it appointed a negotiating com- mittee of the two or three who agreed to serve . However, its general counsel and organizers later decided that Because there was so much friction and hostility in the shop against our union , that it would be unfair to ask these people to serve as our representatives , so we took it upon ourselves to negotiate the contract on behalf of the membership. The contract was negotiated at two sessions , on February 16 and February 21. It was entered into on February 25, and it contained union-security and checkoff clauses. The union-security and checkoff provisions were not enforced at first, according to Respondent Union's general counsel because the Company was frankly concerned that if we enforced the union security provisions . . . and gave the employees 30 days in which to make up their minds, they might not have a shop. He explained that this meant that "a lot of employees would be fired for failure to pay dues under the union security clause ." The Company attorney told the Union that ... there was a lot of static . The people indicated they wanted the Steel Workers Union as against our Union. There was no secret about that. Respondent Union was finally able to get these provisions enforced , effective May 31 , just before the hearing in this proceeding opened , by threatening the filing of a lawsuit against the Company under Section 301 of the Act. The General Counsel contended that a question concern- ing representation existed at the time of the request, at the time of recognition , and at the execution of the contract. I hold that it is not necessary for me to decide these questions. B. An Appropriate Unit, the Eligibles, and Respondent Union's Authorization Cards The parties stipulated that an appropriate unit for the purposes of collective bargaining consists of all production and maintenance employees employed at the three plants, including inspectors and shipping employees, but excluding office clerical employees , plant clerical employees , outside truckdrivers , professional employees , technical employees, guards , and supervisors as defined in the Act. This was substantially the unit used in making the cardcheck. This being a unit consistent with many Board holdings , and there being no evidence that it is not an appropriate unit, I hold that the stipulated unit is an appropriate unit. At the time of the hearing the list of eligibles in this appropriate unit used by the person who conducted the cardcheck could not be found . For the purposes of the hearing, Respondent Company made up its closest approxi- mation of the original list. This approximate list was made up by the Company's secretary who keeps its personnel records, pursuant to instructions to duplicate the original eligibility list insofar as possible ; and was based upon the employee timecards , the payroll sheets , and the "single sheets on every person." The record showed that in some respects this approximate list was more reliable than lists submitted by Respondent Company to the General Counsel earlier in the hearing pursuant to a subpoena . Upon the entire record I hold that this approximate list is the best evidence of what names were on the original eligibility list. This approximate list (Employer' s Exh . 2) contained 87 names as being eligible employees . With the exception of Annaise Boyd, all of these employees were on the payroll on January 14 and on the day of the cardcheck, January 19. The cardcheck agreement between Respondent Union and Respondent Company provided for the cardcheck to be made on January 19 and provided that " all employees per- manently employed by the Company as of January 14, 1972, shall be on the eligibility list." The Board has long held that employees are eligible to vote in Board elections if they are employed during the eligibility payroll period and on the date of the election . Choc-Ola Bottlers, Inc., 192 NLRB 1247, and cases cited in fn. 1 thereof. Such a stan- dard is appropriately to be applied in this situation, where there was some turnover of employees between the eligibili- ty date and the cardcheck date. In his brief the General Counsel urges that the name of Edward Feiler should be added to the list of eligibles. I hold that it was properly omitted from the list . Feiler was a high school student whom the Company did not consider a per- manent employee . He does odd jobs in maintenance at one of the plants . The Company considers him a temporary part-time employee . Feiler is supposed to work for Respon- dent on Saturdays , and it gives him work to do on Fridays if he comes in on Fridays. Respondent had no agreement with Feiler as to the terms of his employment . He does not have the fringe benefits of the permanent employees, such as holidays , insurance, vacations . Nor does he receive pre- mium pay for overtime, as do the permanent employees, under the Company's overtime system . He is paid that same hourly rate regardless of the number of hours he works in a day or week . During January 1972 he worked the 1st week, 13-1/2 hours , the 2d week 17 hours, the 3d week 13-1/2 hours , and the 4th week 11-3/4 hours. It is Respondent Union's uniform policy to exclude employees whose work averages less than 20 hours per week. The name of Timothy McCarthy was correctly omitted from the approximate list because he also was a temporary part-time employee , who worked even fewer hours than 756 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Feiler per week. In his brief the General Counsel admitted that the name of Salvador Ramirez was correctly included on the approxi- mate list even though it had been omitted from the sub- poenaed lists. Ramirez was on authorized leave of absence from the Company for 1-1/2 to 2 months during the card- check period, and he returned with full seniority. Included on th approximate list that was omitted from the subpoenaed lists was the name of Crescencio Avila. As the approximate list was the best evidence, I hold this name was correctly included. Omitted from the approximate list through included on the subpoenaed lists was the name of Carlos Rodriguez, who worked in maintenance from January 7, 1972, until his discharge March 24, 1972. Possibly Respondent Company did not consider him a permanent employee. He worked less than 90 days. In any case I hold his name was correctly omitted because the approximate list was the best evidence. To be excluded from the eligibility list is the name of Annaise Boyd, who was discharged on January 14, 1972, 5 days before the date of the cardcheck, and was not therefore on the payroll on both the eligibility date and the cardcheck date . With this name subtracted there were 86 eligibles to be included in the appropriate unit on the cardcheck date, January 19. Of these 86 Respondent Union submitted to Mr. Sheldon, who made the cardcheck, some 46 cards (signed by employ- ees on January 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18), a seeming majority of three.' C. The Dual Cards Of these 46 employees in the appropriate unit who signed cards for Respondent Union between January 14 and 18, some 8 of the same employees signed authorization cards for the Steelworkers dated January 16, 17, and 18.9 The record established that these eight employees knew that these cards were for the Steelworkers. Respondents contend that these eight cards were predat- ed, and that in fact they were signed sometime after the recognition agreement of January 19. The General Counsel contends that they were signed on the dates they bear. It is not disputed that Lorenzeo Portillo signed his Produc- tion Workers card on Monday January 17, and it is dated January 17. By his demeanor as a witness Portillo impressed me as an honest and credible witness. He credibly testified that he signed his Steelworkers card "on the same Monday" that he signed his Production Workers card. Portillo's Steel- workers card is also dated January 17, and he credibly testified that he filled out the entire card, including the date, 7 In all Respondent Union submitted 50 cards , 4 of which could not properly be counted . At the hearing the parties stipulated that Salvador Ramirez was not eligible . Ignacio Baralas quit Respondent Company's em- ploy on January 4. Andres Rivera did not begin his employment with the Company until January 17, which was after the January 14 eligibility date The fourth card was that of Annaise Boyd who was discharged January 14, as appears above. s In addition three of them signed Steelworkers cards dated after the Com- pany recognized Respondent Union on January 19. Two of these three cards were dated January 22 and one was dated January 24. The accuracy of the dates was not questioned . These three cards cannot be counted as dual cards because they were executed after the recognition on that day. Portillo testified also that Luis Torres gave him the blank Steelworkers card that Monday at the plant and told him the yellow card he had earlier signed was not a Steelworkers card. On this testimony and the entire record I hold that Portillo signed his Steelworkers card on January 17. Felipe Samano, also a credible witness, testified that he signed his Production Workers card on a Friday and that he dated it himself. The card is dated January 14, 1972, which was Friday. The Production Workers organizer, Daniel Cavazos, testified that Samano signed his card on January 14. Samano testified that the following Monday, which was January 17, Luis Torres handed him a blank Steelworkers card at the plant, and that Samano filled it all out himself, including the date. It is dated January 17. On this testimony and the entire record I hold that Samano's Steelworkers card was signed on January 17. Juan Marquina's Production Workers card was signed by him but not dated on Saturday, January 15, and left at a friend's house for Cavazos. The latter picked it up on Mon- day, January 17, and dated it January 17. Marquina's Steel- workers card is dated January 17, 1972. Marquina, who impressed me as a credible witness, credibly testified that he signed his card and dated it on the date it bears, and that Luis Torres gave him the blank card at work on that day, January 17. On this testimony and the entire record I hold that Marquina signed his Steelworkers card on January 17. Abel Brito signed his Production Workers card on Fri- day, January 14. Another employee, Antonio Hernandez, handed him a blank Steelworkers card in the plant and Brito signed it and filled it all out including the date, on the date it bears, according to Brito's credible testimony. The Steel- workers card is dated January 17. Additionally Brito testi- fied that he signed his Steelworkers card "soon after" sign- ing his Production Workers card; "a day or 2 days"; "it was almost immediately"; "three days after.... "On this testi- mony and the entire record I hold that Brito signed his Steelworkers card on January 17. Another credible witness , Elias Silva Castrejon, signed his Production Workers card on January 14. His Steelworkers card is dated January 18. Castrejon credibly testified that Torres gave him the Steelworkers card in the plant about midnight (about the end of their shift) on January 17, and that he took it home and signed it the next day. On this testimony and the entire record I hold that Castrejon signed his Steelworkers card on January 18. Jose delAngel9 filled out and signed all of his Production Workers card except the number of the local and the date. He handed the filled-out card to the Production Workers organizers on Sunday, January 16, and one of them wrote that day's date on it. Another employee, Pedro Padillo, gave del Angel a blank Steelworkers card at work, and del Angel filled it out completely, including the date. The card is dated January 18. Upon this testimony and the entire record I hold that del Angel signed his Steelworkers card on January 18. Jose Marques signed his Production Workers card on Jan- uary 14 and it is dated January 14. His Steelworkers card is dated January 17. The Steelworker's organizer, Eliseo 9 This name is misspelled in the transcript of the heanng. HI TEMP INC. 757 Alicea, credibly testified that he visited Marquez on Janu- ary 17, and that Marquez filled out the card in full in his presence. Upon this testimony and the entire record I hold that Marquez signed his Steelworkers card on January 17. An eighth employee, Luis Torres, signed dual cards, that is a card for each union . There is conflicting evidence as to the dates of signing each card. Torres was uncertain about the dates. He testified that he signed the Production Work- ers card several days before the Steelworkers card, and also that he signed both cards the same day. His pretrial affidavit stated that he signed the Production Workers card about January 25 or 26. His Production Workers card is dated January 17, Monday. His Steelworkers card is dated Janu- ary 16, Sunday. Torres and the Steelworkers organizer, Alicea, testified that Tones signed his Steelworkers card in Torres' home on Sunday, early afternoon. Both testified that Torres reported to Alicea over the phone that someone else was signing people up into the Steelworkers. Alicea swung into imme- diate action. He went immediately to Torres' house, and after talking with him, had him sign a Steelworkers card and gave him several cards to pass out among the employees and get signed. Torres testified that he passed them out the next day at work. As had been seen above, several employees received cards from Torres on January 17 and executed them that day. Upon the preponderance of the evidence I believe and hold that Torres signed his cards for both unions on the same day, and that that day was Monday, January 17. Both Production Workers organizers, Cavazos and Serpico, testi- fied that they signed up Torres at his home about noon on Monday, January 17, and that as they were leaving, they saw children coming out of a nearby school for, they as- sumed, the noon recess. Torres testified that he called Alicea the same day he signed the card for Cavazos to check whether, as Torres understood from Cavazos, the Steel- workers were starting another campaign. (Torres and Alicea had known each other during the Steelworkers 1971 cam- paign.) It seems likely to me that Torres would have under- taken that inquiry immediately and not have waited several days as he testified elsewhere in his testimony. This squares with Alicea's actions on Monday, January 17. Immediately after hearing from Torres, Alicea went to Torres' house, signed him up, and gave him cards to distribute. (Torres, as I find and hold on the entire record, took the cards to the plant where he reported for work that afternoon about 3:30 p.m.) That day Alicea also phoned the Production Workers, told them the Steelworkers were still interested in these workers, and asked the Production Workers to stop their campaign. That day Alicea also wrote Respondent Compa- ny, warning it not to recognize any other union than the Steelworkers. That day Alicea also called on Jose Marquez at his home and had him sign his Steelworkers card, referred to above. This attempt of another union, as he thought, to steal the employees he had almost won an election with, obviously excited Alicea when he heard of it and galvanized him into action. If Alicea heard of this on Sunday it seems likely to me that he would have called Marquez on Sunday and not waited until Monday; and that he would have tried to contact the Production Workers on Sunday and not have waited until Monday. For the purposes of this Decision it is not necessary to decide whether the January 16 date on Torres' Steelworkers card, which was executed January 17, was put there by error or design. Of note in this connection is that Tones put the date on the Steelworkers card of Francisco Acosta and he dated it January 22. If he was predating cards for any reason, it does not appear why he did not date the Acosta card earlier that week and prior to the recognition of the Production Workers. Respondents contended that the dual cards were all signed after recognition was granted and received on Janu- ary 19. These contentions were based on the assumption that these eight Steelworkers cards were predated and were not signed on the dates they bear. As has been found above seven of these cards were signed on the dates they bear, and only one was predated. D. Conclusions Of the 46 employees in the appropriate unit who signed cards for the Production Workers, 8 also signed cards for the Steelworkers before the Production Workers were rec- ognized as the exclusive bargaining agent. Under estab- lished law these eight cannot be counted towards the Pro- duction Workers majority.10 This left the Production Work- ers with 38 cards. It follows that the Production Workers did not at the time they were recognized represent a majority of the 86 in the appropriate unit , and the Production Workers were not, therefore , entitled to be the exclusive bargaining agent. By granting and accepting recognition under these circumstances Respondent Company violated Section 8(a)(1) and (2) of the Act, and Respondent Union violated Section 8(b)(1)(A). By entering into the contract with the union-security clause under these circumstances , Respon- dent Company violated Section 8(a)(3) of the Act and Re- spondent Union violated Section 8(b)(2). International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, AFL-CIO (Bernard- Alt-mann Texas Corp.,), 366 U.S. 731, 48 LRRM 2251. Cf. Home Furniture Co., Inc., 174 NLRB 788. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. By granting recognition to Respondent Union as ex- clusive bargaining agent when the latter did not represent a majority of the employees in an approrpriate unit, Re- spondent Company violated Section 8(a)(2) and (1) of the Act. 2. By accepting such recognition Respondent Union vio- lated Section 8(b)(1)(A) of the Act. 3. By entering also into, maintaining, and enforcing a collective-bargaining agreement containing a union-securi- ty clause when Respondent Union did not represent a ma- jority of the employees in an appropriate unit, Respondent 10 Intalco Aluminum Corporation, 169 NLRB 1034, enfd. 417 F.2d 36 (C.A 9, 1969), Allied Supermarkets, Inc., 169 NLRB 927 758 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Company violated Section 8(aX3) and Respondent Union violated Section 8(b)(2) of the Act. REMEDY In order to effectuate the policies of the Act, Respondent Company will be ordered to cease recognizing or dealing with Respondent Union as the bargaining representative of its employees in the appropriate unit, and Respondent Union will be ordered to cease acting as the exclusive repre- sentative of such employees, unless and until Respondent Union has been certified by the Board as the exclusive representative of such employees; and both Respondents will be ordered to cease and desist from giving any force or effect to their collective-bargaining agreement dated Febru- ary 25, 1972, or any extension, renewal, or modification thereof; provided, however, that nothing herein shall be construed as requiring Respondent Company to vary any wage, hour, seniority, or other substantive feature of its relations with its employees which the Company has estab- lished in the performance of this agreement, or to prejudice the assertion by employees of any rights they may have thereunder. The record established that on May 31 Respondent Union posted on Respondent Company's bulletin boards a notice to the effect that under the union-security clause of the contract employees would be required to join, or begin paying dues to, the Union by July 1, 1972, and that failure would result in requests for discharge and discharge. In view of this unlawful requirement Respondent Company and Respondent Union will be required jointly and severally to reimburse all employees of Respondent Company who joined or began paying dues to Respondent Union as re- quired by the agreement of February 25 for all moneys paid by them or deducted from their earnings for initiation fees, dues , assessments, or other obligations of membership in Respondent Union, together with interest at the rate of 6 percent per annum. The record established that the union-security clause of the February 25 agreement was not enforced until July 1 because of the hostility of the employees towards Respon- dent Union and because Respondent Company feared many employees would not join or pay dues to Respndent Union and would have to be discharged for their failure; and that Respondent Union finally got this clause enforced by threatening a Section 301 lawsuit . Under these circum- stances some employees may have been unlawfully dis- charged under the union -security clause . Respondent Company will therefore be required to offer reinstatement to any employee discharged by application of the union- security clause, and both Respondents will be required jointly and severally to pay any such employee backpay computed on a quarterly basis plus interest at 6 percent per annum as prescribed in F. W. Woolworth Company. 90 NLRB 289 (1950), and Isis Plumbing and Heating Co., 138 NLRB 716 (1962), from date of discharge to date full rein- statement is offered. Upon the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, upon the entire record, and pursuant to Section 10(c) of the Act, I hereby issue the following recommended: t ORDER A. Respondent Company, Hi Temp Inc., a Division of Beatrice Foods Co., Tru Temp Inc., Steel Treating Inc., its officers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall. 1. Cease and desist from: (a) Recognizing or dealing with Respondent Union as the bargaining representative of its employees in the appropri- ate unit unless and until Respondent Union shall have been certified by the Board as the exclusive representative of such employees. The appropriate unit consists of: All production and maintenance employees employed at the three plants of Hi Temp Inc., Tru Temp Inc., and Steel Treating Inc., including inspectors and shipping employees, but excluding office clerical employees, plant clerical employees, outside truckdrivers, profes- sional employees, technical employees, guards and su- pervisors as defined in the Act. (b) Assisting Respondent Union in any other manner to become the collective-bargaining representative of its em- ployees in the aforesaid appropriate unit. (c) In any like or related manner interfering with, re- straining, or coercing its employees in the exercise of their rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act. 2. Take the following affirmative action, which I find will effectuate the policies of the Act: (a) Withdraw and withhold recognition of Respondent Union as the bargaining representative of its employees in the aforesaid approrpnate unit, and revoke its collective- bargaining agreement with said Union. (b) Jointly and severally with Respondent Union reim- burse employees in the aforesaid appropriate unit who be- came members of Respondent Union or paid it any money in accordance with the aforesaid agreement of February 25, 1972, for all moneys paid by them or deducted from their earnings for initiation fees, dues, assessments, or other obli- gations of membership in Respondent Union, together with interest at the rate of 6 percent per annum. (c) Offer immediate and full reinstatement to their former jobs (or, if their jobs no longer exist, to substantially equiva- lent jobs), to all employees discharged at the request of Respondent Union under the union-security clause of the collective-bargaining agreement of February 25, 1972, and pay them backpay in the manner set forth in the "Remedy" section of the Decision of the Administrative Law Judge. (d) Preserve and, upon request, make available to the Board or its agents, for examination and copying, all payroll records, social security payment records, timecards, person- nel records and reports, and all other records necessary to determine the moneys or benefits due under the terms of this Decision. 11 In the event no exceptions are filed as provided by Sec. 102.46 of the Rules and Regulations of the National Labor Relations Board , the findings, conclusions, and recommended Order herein shall, as provided in Sec 102.48 of the Rules and Regulations , be adopted by the Board and become its findings, conclusions , and order, and all objections thereto shall be deemed waived for all purposes HI TEMP INC. 759 (e) Post at its three plants copies of the attached notices marked "Appendix A" and "Appendix B." Copies of said notices, on forms provided by the Regional Director for Region 13, shall, after being signed by the respective repre- sentatives, be posted by Respondent Company immediately upon receipt thereof, and be maintained by it for 60 consec- utive days thereafter, in conspicuous places, including all places where notices to its employees are customarily post- ed. Reasonable steps shall be taken by Respondent Compa- ny to insure that said notices are not altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. (f) Mail to the Regional Director signed copies of "Ap- pendix A" for posting by Respondent Union as hereinafter directed. (g) Notify the Regional Director, in writing, within 10 days from the date of this Decision and Order, what steps Respondent Company has taken to comply herewith. B. Respondent Union, Production Workers Union, Local 10, International Union of Dolls, Toys, Playthings, Novel- ties and Allied Products of the United States and Canada, AFL-CIO, its officers, agents, and representatives shall: 1. Cease and desist from: (a) Acting as the exclusive bargaining representative of Respondent Company's employees in the aforesaid appro- priate unit for the purposes of collective-bargaining, unless and until it shall have been certified by the Board as the exclusive representative of such employees. (b) Giving any force or effect to its collective-bargining agreement with Respondent Company dated February 25, 1972, or to any amendment, supplement, or addition there- to. (c) Causing or attempting to cause Respondent Company to discriminate against employees in the aforesaid appropri- ate unit in violation of Section 8(a)(3) of the Act and in any other manner restraining or coercing these employees in the exercise of their rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act. 2. Take the following affirmative action, which I find will effectuate the policies of the Act: (a) Jointly and severally with Respondent Company reimburse employees in the aforesaid appropriate unit who became members of Respondent.Union or paid it any mon- ey in accordance with the aforesaid agreement of February 25, 1972, for all moneys paid by them or deducted from their earnings for initiation fees, dues, assessments, or other obligations of membership, together with interest at the rate of 6 percent per annum. (b) Post at its business office and meeting halls in the State of Illinois, copies of the attached notices marked "Ap- pendix A" and "Appendix B."12 Copies of said notices, on forms provided by the Regional Director for Region 13, shall, after being signed by the respective representatives, be posted by Respondent Union immediately upon receipt thereof, and be maintained by it for 60 consecutive days thereafter, in conspicuous places, including all places where 12 In the event that the Board's Order is enforced by a Judgment of a United States Court of Appeals, the words in the notice reading "Posted by Order of the National Labor Relations Board" shall read "Posted Pursuant to a Judgment of the United States Court of Appeals Enforcing an Order of the National Labor Relations Board notices to its members are customarily posted. Reasonable steps shall be taken by Respondent Union to insure that said notices are not altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. (c) Mail to the Regional Director signed copies of "Ap- pendix B" for posting by Respondent Company, as here- tofore directed. (d)Notify the Regional Director, in writing, within 10 days from the date of this Decision and Order, what steps Respondent Union has taken to comply herewith." 13 In the event that this recommended Order is adopted by the Board after exceptions have been filed, this provision shall be modified to read "Notify the Regional Director for Region 13, in writing, within 20 days from the date of this Order, what steps the Respondent has taken to comply herewith " APPENDIX A NOTICE To EMPLOYEES POSTED BY ORDER OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD An Agency of the United States Government The National Labor Relations Act gives all employees these right: To engage in self-organization To form, loin, or help unions To bargain collectively through a representative of their own choosing To act together for collective bargaining or other aid or protection To refrain from any or all of these things. WE WILL NOT recognize or deal with Production Workers Union, Local 10, as the representative of our employees unless and until it has been certified as the exclusive representative of our employees in the appro- priate unit by the National Labor Relations Board. The appropriate unit consists of: All production and maintenance employees at our three plants, including inspectors and shipping em- ployees, but excluding office clerical employees, plant clerical employees, outside truckdrivers, pro- fessional employees, technical employees, guards and supervisors as defined in the Act. WE WILL NOT give any force or effect to the agreement made with Production Workers Union, Local 10, dated February 25, 1972, or to any amendment, supplement, or addition thereto. WE WILL NOT assist Production Workers Union, Local 10, in any other manner to become the representative of our employees. WE WILL NOT in any like or related manner interfere with, restrain, or coerce our employees in the exercise of their rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act. WE WILL jointly and severally with Production Work- ers Union, Local 10, reimburse our employees who became members of that Union in accordance with the 760 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD aforesaid agreement of February 25, 1972, for moneys paid by them or deducted from their earnings for initia- tion fees, dues, assessments , or other obligations of membership in Production Workers Union, Local 10. WE WILL reinstate to their jobs with backpay any employees discharged because they refused to Join Lo- cal 10 or to pay money to it; and, jointly and severally with Local 10, WE WILL pay backpay to any such em- ployees, in accordance with the Decision of the Admin- istrative Law Judge. Hi TEMP INC., A DIVISION OF BEATRICE FOODS Co., TRU TEMP INC, STEEL TREATING INC (Employer) Dated By (Representative) (Title) This is an official notice and must not be defaced by anyone. This notice must remain posted for 60 consecutive days from the date of posting and must not be altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. Any questions concerning this notice or compliance with its provisions may be direct- ed to the Board's Office, Everett McKinley Dirksen Build- ing, Room 881, 219 South Dearborn Street, Chicago, Illinois 60604, Telephone 312-353-7572 APPENDIX B NOTICE To EMPLOYEES AND MEMBERS POSTED BY ORDER OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD An Agency of the United States Government To all members of Production Workers Union, Local 10, and all employees of Hi Temp Inc., Tru Temp Inc., and Steel Treating Inc. WE WILL NOT act as the collective-bargaining repre- sentative of the employees of Hi Temp, Tru Temp, or Steel Treating unless and until we have been certified by the Board as the authorized representative of such employees. WILL NOT give any force or effect to our collective- bargaining agreement with Hi Temp, Steel Treating, and Tru Temp, dated February 25, 1972, or to any amendment, supplement, or addition thereto. WE WILL NOT cause or attempt to cause Hi Temp, Tru Temp, or Steel Treating to discriminate against their employees in violation of Section 8(a)(3) of the Act or in any other manner restrain or coerce these employees in the exercise of their rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act. WE WILL jointly and severally with Hi Temp, Tru Temp, and Steel Treating, reimburse their employees who became members of our organization in accord- ance with the aforesaid agreement of February 25, 1972, for moneys paid by them or deducted from their earnings for initiation fees, dues, assessments, or any other obligations of membership in our organization. Dated By PRODUCTION WORKERS UNION, LOCAL 10, INTERNATIONAL UNION OF DOLLS, TOYS, PLAYTHINGS, NOVELTIES AND AL- LIED PRODUCTS OF THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA, AFL-CIO (Labor Organization) (Representative) (Title) This is an official notice and must not be defaced by anyone. This notice must remain posted for 60 consecutive days from the date of posting and must not be altered , defaced, or covered by any other material . Any questions concerning this notice or compliance with its provisions may be direct- ed to the Board 's Office , Everett McKinley Dirksen Build- ing, Room 881 ,219 South Dearborn Street, Chicago, Illinois 60604, Telephone 312-353-7572. Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation