Barr Saunders, Inc.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsDec 14, 1979246 N.L.R.B. 976 (N.L.R.B. 1979) Copy Citation E I)CISIONS OF NATIONAL L.ABOR RELATIONS BOARD Barr-Saunders, Inc. and Warehouse, Mail Order, Of- fice, Technical and Professional Employees Union, Local 743, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of Amer- ica. Case 13-CA- 17282 December 14, 1979 DECISION AND ORDER BY CHAIRMAN FANNING ANI) Mi MBI RS PNEIl I ANI) TRtIISDAI.F Upon a charge filed February 13, 1978, by Ware- house, Mail Order, Office, Technical and Professional Employees Union, Local 743, International Brother- hood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America, herein called the Charging Party, and duly served on Barr-Saunders, Inc., herein called Respondent, the General Counsel of the National La- bor Relations Board, by the Regional Director for Region 13, on April 28, 1978, issued a complaint and notice of hearing on May 22, 1979, a reissued com- plaint and notice of rescheduled hearing, and on Au- gust 24, 1979, an amendment to the reissued com- plaint, alleging that Respondent has engaged in and is engaging in certain unfair labor practices affecting commerce within the meaning of Section 8(a)(5) and (1) and Section 2(6) and (7) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended. Respondent filed answers admitting in part, and denying in part, the allegations of the complaint and reissued complaint. On August 27, 1979, Respondent withdrew its answers and waived its right to file an answer to the amendment to the reissued complaint and to a hearing before an administrative law judge. On September 4, 1979, counsel for the General Counsel filed with the Board a motion to transfer the case to the Board and Motion for Summary Judg- ment, with e.hibits attached. The General Counsel moved that, as Respondent had withdrawn its an- swers, all the allegations of the complaint, as amended by the amendment to the reissued com- plaint, be deemed to be admitted to be true and be so found by the Board and requests that the Board issue an order transferring the case directly to itself and granting the Motion for Summary Judgment. There- after, on September 11, 1979, the Board issued an order transferring the proceeding to the Board and Notice To Show Cause why the General Counsel's Motion for Summary Judgment should not be granted. Respondent failed to file a response to the Notice To Show Cause and, therefore, the allegations in the Motion for Summary Judgment stand uncon- troverted. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its au- thority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. Upon the entire record in this proceeding, the Board makes the following: Ruling on the Motion for Summary Judgment Section 102.20 of the Board's Rules and Regula- tions, Series 8, as amended, provides as follows: The respondent shall, within 10 days from the service of the complaint, file an answer thereto. The respondent shall specifically admit, deny, or e.plain each of the facts alleged in the com- plaint, unless the respondent is without knowl- edge, in which case the respondent shall so state, such statement operating as a denial. All allega- tions in the complaint, if no answer is filed, or any allegation in the complaint not specifically denied or explained in an answer filed, unless the respondent shall state in the answer that he is without knowledge, shall be deemed to be admit- ted to be true and shall be so found by the Board, unless good cause to the contrary is shown. The complaint and notice of hearing served on Re- spondent specifically stated that unless an answer was filed to the complaint within 10 days from the service thereof "all the allegations in the Complaint shall be deemed to be admitted true and may be so found by the Board." Although Respondent filed timely an- swers, it subsequently withdrew said answers and fur- ther waived the right to file an answer to the amend- ment to the reissued complaint. The withdrawal of an answer necessarily has the same effect as a respon- dent's failure to file an answer,' and thus the allega- tions of the complaint must be deemed admitted as true as if no answer had been filed. No good cause to the contrary having been shown, in accordance with the rule set forth above, the allegations of the com- plaint against Respondent are deemed admitted and are found to be true. Accordingly. we grant the Mo- tion for Summary Judgment.2 On the basis of the entire record, the Board makes the following: FINI)ING(S OF FA('I 1. I1: BUSINESS OF RI:SPONI)ENT Respondent is, and has been at all times material herein, a corporation duly organized under, and exist- NarA Ppline Companln. 202 NIRB 234 (1973): NWiAev (hevrolet Sales. I-. 199 NLRB 411 (1972). a tgle ruck and Trailer Re'nIll Dnision ,f E 7 A 7 I.e;ing, Inc, 211 NRB 804 (1974). 246 NLRB No. 151 976 BARR SAL ing bx virtue ofl the laws of the State of Illinois. ti'c- tive on or about October 28. 1977. Barr SupplI (.. an Illinois corporation. which was engaged in the pipe, valve, and ittings distribution husiness. piur- chased froml Saunders & Comrpan\. an Illi nois co(rpo- ration. its assets utilized in connection wi ith its ipe. valve, and ittings distribution business the located at 4201 Ramond I)rive. lillside. Illinois alnd its pipe shop business, then loca ted at 370() North San- dra Street. Franklin Park. Illinois. Said assets in- cluded, but were not limited to. all accounts receix- able, ll inventor\ . ;and certain leasehold iterests. As a result thereofi since October 28. 1977. Saunders & Conlpanv has ceased to operate the said business. Re- spondent's name \as cliangeI frIomi Barr Suppl ( o. to Barr-Slunders. Inc.. ;lnd t all tiles lmalerial herein. Respondent hts owned a1nd operatted tlie said business. an11d enaged in sbstantial!\ tle ,anic hiusi- ness operations tornierlx en aged ill b SalIndeli. Since on or ahbout October 28. 1977. and continilllilng thereafter, a majority and/ or ai substantial numberl oh Respondent's emplosees iat the Ibrmner location of Saunders, nioted above, were flrmerl clmploled bi Saunders and were thereafter eiplo\ed b\ Respon- dent in substantiall, the same or similar fulntions uin- til on or ahbout I[)ecember 7. I977. Respondent is,. and has been at all times material herein. a successor em- ployer to Saunders & Compan\ in the business opera- tions described herein. Respondent in the course and conduct of its busi- ness operations, and based on the shipment of goods of Saunders plus its o wn shipment of goods during the period from October 28, 1977. through October 28. 1978. shipped goods from its Illinois facilities di- rectly to States outside the State of Illinois in an amount valued in excess of $50,000. Respondent and its predecessor, during the same period, purchased and had shipped to its Illinois facilities directly from States outside the State of Illinois goods valued in excess of $50,000. We find. on the basis of the foregoing. that Respon- dent is, and has been at all times material herein. an employer engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act, and that it will effectuate the policies of the Act to assert jurisdiction herein. 11. itE I.ABI()R ()R(iANI/.AION [N\()It\1I) Warehouse, Mail Order. Office. Technical and Pro- fessional Employees Union, Local 743. International Brotherhood of Teamsters. Chauffeurs. Warehouse- men and Helpers of America. is a labor organiztion within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. Nt)[RS. IN( 977 111. 1111 l \1 \I I R \ lk 'R\( IS At all times material herein tile tollox\ ii niamed persons occuIpied tile lositions indicated ;1nd ha xe been, A;nd are now, supervisors a;Id algents of Respoll- dent xkithin tile meaning oft Section 2 I ) of the Act: Wa;rrcn N. 3ir. r., president: iand Richard Pr se. \ice resident of tinance andl adtniriistration. ()n or a:bout AuguLst I 1977. Saunders & ('onpLiti! entered into a collective-h;lgailninig agreenment x kith the lt lion. ;Ie agre ent.lel h its termsl is Clctixe until Mal;lrch 1. 1979. At all times niaterial herein the t loil n emplo\ es at Respondent's fcilities de- scribed abose have constituted a illit appropriile tor the ptrpose of collcctix hbargailning \ thill thile e;l i- ll o Section 1(th) otf tile \ct: All \ ailrehoiiS. Iproducil tiolanld lAIntClnaltne 1lll- piOeC\s: xcluding t olifce cleric.I eploNces pro- tesSiolln I cplox ees. gLuarlls andtl uperS i l rs .s definlled i te Acl. \t all tiimes mlaterial herein. the Lnion hIas been tile desiglna;ted .ind elected representatie ftor the pur- pose of' colletie ba;rgaining of the eiplo\ecs ie- scribed abovIe nid, hb virtute of' Sectionl 9 a ) of tile ,Act, has been tle excl usive representatle of 11 Cill- plees in said unit for te purpose of collecti\e bahr- gaining ith respect to w\ages, hours. and other ter1ms tindl conditions of ermplo)nient. On or about l)ecembcr 7. 1977. Respondent ctased operation of its lillside. Illinois. facilit, and termi- na;ted the eplo\ees at said fcilits \, ithout bargaill- ing Swithl te I liion o,er te etVcts of the termination of its operations on the eplloees in the above-de- scribed unit. Since on or abhout Deceniber I. 1977. and continuing to date. the lnilion has requested and Respondent has refused to bargain with the nion over the effects of the termination of its operation at its Hillside. Illinois. facility. on the employees in the above-described unit. At all times material herein since December 7. 1977, Respondent neglected and failed to inform or noitif the Union of its decision to cease permanently operations at its Hillside. Illinois. tfacilit, although the Union requested that Respondent meet and bar- gain with it concerning the effects of Respondent's decision upon the employees in the above-described unit. At no time material herein did Respondent meet and bargain with the Union concerning its decision to cease its operations or concerning the effects of that decision upon its employees. Accordingl. we find that. b the atforesaid con- duct. Respondent did refuse. and continues to date to refuse. to bargain collecti\el\ with tile lni(on as the exclusive representative of the emploees in the ap- I)l:( SIl()NS (1 NA' IONAI lABOR R.AII()NS B()ARI) propriate unit. By such conduct. Respondent has en- gaged in and is engaging in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8(a)(5) and 1I) of tihe Act. By the conduct described above. Respondent has interfered with. restrained, and coerced its emploccs in the exercise of the rights gularllceed theml h Sec- tionr 7 of' the Act and that. hb such conduct, ReKspon- dent rhas eilgalged in and is enI;ig111ig in Ullflir lhbo practices within the imeairinig ' Section X(a (I) ol tlhe Act. I\. II 1 1 II I ( ) I I I t I 1 I Z I () R P'R \ ( I1( IS t I()\ ( ()\1X11 R( I I ie' .tctliltle,, 1' Respondent set tirthl ill Sectionl 111. abose. occlTrring 1ll onliO iIlCt0 sx ilh its operatillons described in section 1. ahbox. has e a close. iltilllate. a;nd sulstaiti atl relalionship to ra. ttratfic, and co11n- illerce .lllolig tile seral Stites a1id telnd to leid to labor disputes burdening and ohst!ructiig comimiierce and the free flow of comnierce. V. THF RIMEDY lHaving found that Respondent has engaged in and is engaging in unfair labor practices within the mean- ing of' Section 8(a)( and (5) of the Act, we shall order that it cease and desist therefrom, and take cer- tain atfirmative action designed to efiectuate the poli- cies of the Act. Such affirmative action shall include that Respon- dent, upon request, bargain with the Union, as the exclusive representative of its employees in the appro- priate unit, with regard to the effect Respondent's closing of its hlillside, Illinois, facility has had, and may have, on its employees. As a result of Respondent's unlawful failure to bar- gain about the effects of its ceasing its operations of its Hillside, Illinois, facility, the laid-off. transferred, and discharged employees have been denied an op- portunity to bargain through their collective-bargain- ing representative at time when Respondent was still in need of their services, and a measure of balanced bargaining power existed. Meaningful bargaining cannot be assured until some measure of economic strength is restored to the Union. A bargaining order alone, therefore, cannot serve as an adequate remedy for the unfair labor practices committed. Accordingly. we deem it necessary. in order to ef- fectuate the purposes of the Act, to require Respon- dent to bargain with the Union concerning the effects of its decision to cease its operation of its 1Hillside, Illinois. facility, and we shall include in our order a limited hackpav requirement' designed both to make hole the employees for losses. it' any. suitered as a result of the violation and to recreate in some practi- cable manner a situationl in which the t'nion's bar- gaining position is not entirely devoid of' economic consequences lor Respondent. V:e shall do so in this case hb requiring Respondent o pa backpa\ to its cmploees i a manner imilar t) that required in Il'tlrolml ii i \vgtiUlI Iol ( rporliot n 11 and il/ Sull/).(id- t.ri Ienricoioo.l 'l icr.tni I.. 17(1 NIRB 3X9 (I 9 X). I hus. Respondenl shall pa\ cemplos ees hack- pa; aIt tile ate of' tliheir orillal .ages xhenl last In Respondenl's emplox froml 5 da s after the date of this l)ecisioni aind Ordler until t1he occrlrence ol'11 the c;arliest of te lollowing conditions: (I) the idate Re- spondeilt h;lrgains to agleellient v ith the I ['imi oln those suhljccts pertaining to the e1ffects o the closing of Reslpondlclls lillside. Illinois. t'acilit\ on unit em- ploeccs: (2)a bona tide iilpassC in hbargaining: (3) the I lion's F ilure to request bargainiing within 5 dals of' llis I)cSi1stol's issuance or to colllmence egotiations wkithiln S da s of' Respondent's notice of' its desire to ha rgailln ith tile UInion; or (4) the :nion's subse- quenit tfilure to bargain in good faith: but in no event shall such sums paid to any of these emplosees ex- ceed the amiount each would have earned as wages frolm on or about [)ecember 7 1977. the date on which Respondent terminated its Ilillside. Illinois. operations to the time they secured equivalent em- ployment elsewhere, or the date on which Respon- dent shall have offered to bargain, which ever occurs sooner: provided, however, that in no event shall this sum be less than these employees would have earned for a 2-week period at the rate of' their normal wages when last in Respondent's employ. Backpay shall be based on earnings which the terminated employees would normally have received during the applicable period, less any net interim earnings, and shall be computed on a quarterly basis in the manner set forth in F. W. Woolworth CompanV. 90 NLRB 289 (1950), with interest thereon computed in the manner pre- scribed in Florida Steel Corporation, 231 NRB 651 (1977). 4 The Board, upon the basis of the foregoing facts and the entire record, makes the following: CO()N(CISI()NS 01()F LAW I. Barr-Saunders, Inc.. is and has been, at all times material herein, a successor emplover to Saunders & Ve have indicated that hackpa5 orders are appropriate means ol reme- dying 81a){S) llaiiton, , the pe inolved hereitl even where such viola- lions are unaccompanied h a discriminator) shutdow n of operation (t Rr l Phiting and Plishing ( In, . 148 NlRB 545. 548 (964). and cases ciled herein See. generally I Phmlmintg Ileating (',. 138 N.RB 716 (1962). 978 F1tRR SAt NI)FRS. IN( Compan., in the business operations described in sec- tion i. above. 2. Barr-Saunders, Inc.. is an emcploier engaged in commerce itlun the meaning ot Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 3. Warehouse. Mail Order. ()flice. echnical anilt Professional tlmployees Union. I oca;l 743. Interna- tiona;l Brotherhood of Teanmsters. ('hlaulllurs. l`\i re- housemen and Helpers of America. i a l Ar r, llli tation within the meaning of Section 2(5 ) ot the \c1 4. All warehouse. production and maintenance employees. excluding office clerical emplo\ees. pro- fessional emploees. guards and supervisors as de- fined in the Act, of Respondent t at its lillside. Illinlis. operatioiis. constitute a unit appropriate for te pur- poses of' collecti\c bargaining ith the meaninig ot' Section 9(b) of' the \ct. 5. B fatiling and refusing, since on or habout I)e- cember I. 1977. and at all tinmes thereafter, to recog- nize and bargain svith the t nion ;as the exclusi\e col- lective-bargaining representative of' its eplo ees ill the appropriate unit, concerning the effects of' its deci- sion to permanently cease its operations at its Hill- side, Illinois. facility upon unit emplohees noted above. Respondent has engaged in and is engaging in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8(a)(5) of the Act. 6. B the acts described in section 111. above, Re- spondent has interfered with. restrained, and coerced its employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed them by Section 7 of the Act and. by such conduct. Respondent has engaged in and is engaging in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8(a)( I) of the Act. 7. The aforesaid unfair labor practices are unfair labor practices affecting commerce within the mean- ing of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. OR D R Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act. as amended. the National Labor Rela- tions Board hereb, orders that the Respondent. Barr- Saunders. Inc.. Franklin Park. Illinois. its officers agents. successors, and assigns. shall: I. Cease and desist from: (a) Failing and refusing to bargain with Ware- house. Mail Order. Office, Technical and Professional Employees Union. Local 743. International Brother- hood of Teamsters. Chauffeurs. Warehousemen and Helpers of America, as the exclusive collective-hbar- gaining representative of all employees in the appro- priate unit described below, concerning the effects of( its termination of its Hillside, Illinois. operations on I)ecember 7. 1977. on said employees. The appropri- late unit is: All arehouse, production and naintenalnce em- plo, ces, excluding office clerical emplo,!ccs. pro- tfesional employees. guards and] slperisors as defined in the Act. (b) In a like or related manner interfering v ith. restrainiLng. or coercing emploees in the exercise of' lie rigLhis guaranteed them bh Sectionl 7 of' the ct. 2. lake the lollowxing affirmative action which the Board finds will effectuate the policies of the \ct: (a) Recognize and. upon request. bargain collec- tivel\ and in good fiith with ;Warehouse, Mail ()rdr. O()tice. lechnical and Professional mplooees I nn. [.ocil 743 International Brotherhood of lealisters, ('haulteurs Warehousemen and I elpers it' A mlnrica. as the exclusive representati e c of the emploes in the alforesaid appropriate unit, with regard to the effects of its decision to permanentl\ cease operations at its llillside. Illinois. facilit. (b) Make whole emplo\ ees in the appropriate unit for an' loss of' pa} the\ ma' have suffered as a result of the termination of its Hillside. Illinois, facilit fior the period set forth in the section of this D[ecision entitled "The Remed." (c) Preserve and, upon request, make a ailable to the Bolard or its agents. for examination and copying. all payroll records, social security payment records. timecards. personnel records and reports. and all other records necessary to analyze the amount oft backpal due under the terms of this Order. (d) Post at its F:ranklin Park, Illinois, facility. or any other facility to which it has subsequently moved. copies of the attached notice marked "Appendix,"' and mail copies of said notices to all employees laid off, transferred or discharged on or about December 7. 1977. as a result of the termination of its Hillside, Illinois. facility. Copies of said notice, on forms pro- vided by the Regional Director for Region 13. after being duly signed by Respondent's representative, shall be posted by it immediately upon receipt thereof, and be maintained by it for 60 consecutive days thereafter, in conspicuous places. including all places where notices to employees are customarily posted. Reasonable steps shall be taken by Respon- dent to insure that said notices are not altered, de- faced. or covered by any other material. (e) Notify the Regional Director for Region 13, in writing, within 20 days from the date of this Order. what steps Respondent has taken to comply herewith. In the eent that the. Order 15 enlortcd h .a Judrgment iI I nited Sil's, (ourl ,i A.ppea . the ords in he ntice reding 'P ted h ()rder t he Nmtldilit [I ahr Relahins Board'" .hall read TP'-,rd Purslai/ll t, , ludgilent t lit I Fited Sille. Court of Appes rintrctilng .an Order (ie Nationaln I abor Relaitin, Board 9)79 I)l.(ISIONS ()1: NA II()NA. I.AH()OR R A I IONS BOH()ARI) API' ND[)I X NO) 11(: TO) E il .¢ )YI:: s PO()SI I) BY ORI)I:R ()I 11i NAII()NAI LAB()R RlIAlII()ANS B)\RI) An Agency of the United Staltes G(overnmenlt Wt Xii1 NOI( flil and refuse to bargain with Warehouse, Mail Order ()Ofice, Technical and Professional Employees Uinion. Local 743. Inter- national Brotherhood of ''eamsters. ('haull'elurs. Warehousemen and Helpers of America, as the exclusive collective-bargaining representative of1 our employees in the appropriate unit described below, concerning the ellfects, on our employees, of' our decision to permanently cealse opcration at our I lillside, Illinois. flacilit\. Ihe appropriate unit Is: All sa rehouse, production and minltenance emplo ees. excluding offlice clerical eiplo ees, prolfessional employees, guards and super\i- sors as defined in the Act. Wl VIii. N()I in an\ like or related manner interfre with, restrain, or coerce our employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed them by Section 7 of the Act. \Wi \\ ii recognize anld, upon request. bargain collectively and in good aith with Warehouse. Mail Order, Oflice, Technical and Profelssional lmploy ees Union, Local 743. International Brotherhood of Teamsters, ('haufleurs. Ware- housemen and I lelpers of America. as the exclu- si e representative of the employees in the above-described appropriate unit, with regard to the effects on our employees ol' our decision to permanently cease operation at our Hillside. Illi- nois, facility. 'W1 1 ii1 make whole the emploN ee s in the approprilte unit lo an! loss if pa' the\ mna' hlave suffcred as a result of the termination of our I illside. Illinois, facility for the period decided bh the National l.abor Relations Board. with in- terest. B2RR-SAt N)I RS. IN( . 980 Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation