Bardon of HollywoodDownload PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsApr 10, 194348 N.L.R.B. 1055 (N.L.R.B. 1943) Copy Citation In the Matter of S. S . SLATE, AN INDIVIDUAL , DOING BUSINESS AS BARDON: OF HOLLYWOOD , and AMALGAMATED CLOTHING WORKERS OF AMERICA,, C. I. O. Case No. C-2513.-Decided April 10, 1943 Jurisdiction : garment manufacturing industry. Unfair Labor Practices Interference, Restraint, and Coercion: anti-union statements, instigation by- forelady of circulation of petition offering not to join Union if raises were granted; speech by employer stating knowledge of union's solicitation , telling employees that if they signed union cards they would be working for union, and announcing wage increase. D isci vnnnation: lay-off of, one employee ; discharge of, and subsequent reinstate- ment to non-substantirlly equivalent employment of, one employee; charges of, dismissed as to discharge of two employees and as to allegation that one of these was discriminated against upon reinstatement. Remedial Orders : employer ordered to cease and desist unfair labor practices, reinstate one employee with back pay, and make whole another-for loss during d'scrimiantory hay-off DECISION AND ORDER On January 19, 1943, the Trial Examiner issued his Intermediate Report in the above-entitled proceeding, finding that the respondent had engaged in and was engaging in certain unfair labor practices, and recommending that he cease and,desist therefrom and take certain affirmative action as set forth in the copy of the Intermediate Report annexed hereto. Thereafter the respondent and the Union filed exceptions to the Intermediate Report and the respondent filed a brief in support of his exceptions. During the hearing, the Trial Examiner ruled upon various motions and upon objections to the admission of evidence. The Board has reviewed the rulings of the Trial Examiner and finds that no preju- dicial errors were committed. The rulings are hereby affirmed. Pursuant to notice, a hearing for the purpose of oral argument was held before the Board on March 9, 1943, at Washington, D. C. They Union was represented by counsel and presented argument. Thee respondent did not appear. The Board has considered the hitermedi- 48 N. L R B. No. 130 - 1055 1056 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD .ate Report, the exceptions and brief, and the entire record ni the case, and hereby adopts the findings, conclusions, and recommendations made by the Trial Examiner, with the exceptions and qualifications .noted below : - A. Interference, restraint, and coercion We agree with the conclusions of the Trial Examiner that the respondent interfered with, restrained, and coerced his employees-by his statements to Fernandez on February 15, 1942; by the action of Forelady Weingarten in instigating the circulation of petitions in the plant on February 20; by the respondent's speech on February 20 in which he told employees he knew the Union was soliciting their mem- bership, warned them that they would' be "working for the Union" if they signed application cards, and announced an increase in wages; and by granting a wage increase immediately following the receipt of a petition wherein employees represented, in effect, that they would not join the union if the respondent granted wage increases.' ` 'In addition, we credit the testimony of employee Amelia Alcala that, shortly before February 20, Weingarten asked her and Aurora Parra whether union organizers had been to see them, and told them not to join the Union. Although, on cross-examination, Alcala testified that Weingarten also told them that "it was entirely up,to the girls if they wanted to join or not to join," we consider that Weingarten's advice not to join the Union nevertheless constituted unlawful inter- ference with the employees' rights to self-organization. Weingarten's purpose to discourage membership in the Union is further illustrated by the testimony of Edith Jenkins that shortly after the respondent Slate had made the speech to the employees on February 20, 1942, Forelady Weingarten told Jenkins and several other employees in the cloak room that she "knew everybody that had joined the Union, and that we wouldn't be one big happy family any more." Weingarten denied( making this statement, but we do not credit her denial. We find in accordance with Jenkins' testimony. We find that by the above-recited acts of Weingarten the respondent has interfered with, restrained, and coerced his employees in the exer- cise of the rights guaranteed them in Section 7 of the Act. B. The discharges Mary Elias The Trial Examiner found that Mary Elias was discriminatorily dis- charged on February 10, 1942. We do- not agree with this finding. ' See Matter of Medo Photo Supply Corporation and American Federation of Photo Employees Union, Local 21314, A. F. of L, 43 N . L. R. B. 989. BARDON OF HOLLYWOOD 1057 The evidence shows that when Slate saw the garnishment on the desk of Mildred, the bookkeeper, he asked who Elias was, whether she was a 'good operator, and whether other garnishments had been received. Mildred told him that Elias was a good operator, that no other garnish- ments had been received on her salary, but that "we have received numerous telephone calls for. her, and I have taken messages back to her ... she stays out a lot. She goes and comes as she pleases." Although the respondent's action in discharging Elias, without inquir- ing into the circumstances or allowing her an opportunity to explain them, was clearly harsh and impulsive, there is no showing that he was acting otherwise than in good faith and for the reasons given by him.2 Furthermore, there is no evidence in the record to contradict the testimony of Weingarten that Elias was the first employee of the respondent whose wages had been garnisheed. We are not convinced that Elias' discharge on February 10, 1942, was because of her union membership and activity. Nor do we agree with the Trial Examiner's finding that the termina- tion of Elias' employment on May 28, 1942, was tantamount to a dis-, charge and that the respondent thereby discriminated in regard to her hire and tenure of employment. It appears from the record that 'al- though the machine to which Elias was assigned was somewhat slower than the one she had previously used and was not operating properly even after it had been partially repaired on May 20, Elias did not inform either Foreman Noon or Forelady Weingarten of this fact but complained only to the machinist, who continued his attempts to repair the machine. Under these circumstances, we do not believe that the respondent's failure to inquire into the cause of Elias' low production record before giving her the notice of May 27 was unreasonable. Elias did not protest the receipt of the notice nor attempt to justify her failure to meet the minimum wage requirement. Thus, although the respondent is presumed to have known that Elias would earn from 15 to 50 cents less per day on the Lewis machine, because it was a slower machine, it.does not appear that there was any reason for him to know why her earnings fell almo8t $4 below the minimum for 17_ hours of work. We find that the voluntary termination by Elias of her employment on May 28 was not discriminatory. Nellie Skinner The Trial Examiner found that Nellie Skinner was discharged on February 17, 1942, for reasons other than her, union membership and ewe note also the uncontradicted testimony of Noon'that on February 4, when the gar- nishment was first received, he prophesied to Elias the reaction of 'Slate if he learned of the writ. ' 1058 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELAT202,6 BOARD activity. We disagree with this finding. It is clear that whatever faults Skinner had as an employee were known to the respondent throughout the entire period of her employment. On February 17, she was summarily discharged, and the respondent points to `no inci- dent which is alleged to have precipitated such action. Skinner testi- fied that on the day of her discharge she, spoke to Weingarten in a loud voice about'something relating to her work, but it is not shown that Weingarten was annoyed by" this or attached any particular importance to the incident at the time of its occurrence. In addition, we are impressed by the- fact that Noon and Weingarten gave Skinner inconsistent reasons for her discharge. Skinner testified without con- tradiction that on the day after her discharge Foreman Noon told her that she had been dismissed for failure to earn the minimum wage. Although, according to Weingarten's version 'of what occurred, she told Skinner, "Well, you don't produce no work," it is clear that Weingarten gave as the principal reason for Skinner's discharge her "singing and . . . whistling and . . . hollering." We credit Skinner's testimony that she had never been told that she was not earning the minimum wage. We find that Skinner's discharge on February 17, 1942, was due to her union membership and activity and that the respondent has thereby interfered with, restrained, and coerced his employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act. We agree with the conclusion of the Trial Examiner that the re- spondent discriminated in regard to the hire and tenure of employment of Skinner after her reinstatement of May 20, 1942. As we have found above, Skinner's discharge on February 17 was discriminatory. The respondent was therefore under a duty to reinstate her to her former or substantially'equivalent employment on May 20. The respondent was aware of Skinner's inability to perform the collar operation arid, prior to her discharge, had not required her to do it. Upon her re- instatement she was given collars to work on, over her protest. Wein- garten's explanation of the reason for the change is unconvincing, especially in view of the fact that the employee Margaiet was per- mitted to work on collars only at the stfine time. We find that Nellie Skinner, was not reinstated to her former or substantially equivalent employment. Under these circumstances her reinstatement did not remedy the respondent's discrimination against her and cannot be considered as compliance with the respondent's duty under the Act.,- I See Matter of A. Sartorious C Co, Inc, and United Mine TV071 ers of America, Dish let #50, Local #15090, 40 N. L R B. 107 (141, 142) in which we said, "Moreover, an offer of reinstatement . . followed by the assignment of positions not substantially equivalent to their former positions . . . can hardly be considered to have been an offer presented in good faith. Reinstatement or an offer thereof under such circumstances constitutes no i einstatement or offer at all." BARDON OF HOLLYWOOD 1059 Moreover, we agree with.the Trial Examiner that the respondent's insistence that 'Skinner perform a type of work at which she was known not to be proficient constituted' further discrimination, against her, and that under the circumstances the termination of her employ- ment,on May 22, 1942, when she quit her job, was in legal effect a discharge. ORDER Upon the entire record in the case, and pursuant to Section 10 (c) of the National Labor Relations Act, the National Labor Relations Board hereby orders that the respondent, S. S. Slate, an individual, doing business as Bardon of Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, his agents, successors, and assigns shall: 1. Cease and desist from : (a) Discouraging membership in the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, C. I. 0., or any other labor organization, by discharging, laying off, or refusing to reinstate any of his employees, or in any other manner discriminating in regard to their hire and tenure of employment, or any term or condition of employment; (b) In any other manner interfering with, restraining, or coercing his employees in the exercise of the rights to self-organization, to form, join, or assist labor organizations, •to bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing; or to engage in con- certed activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection as guaranteed in Section 7 of, the Act. 2. Take the following affirmative action which the Board finds will effectuate the policies of the Act : (a) Make whole Fernnnda Fernandez for any, loss of pay she may have suffered by reason of the respondent's discrimination against her, by paying to her a sum of money equal to that which she nor- mnally would have earned as wages during the period of the respond- ent's discrimination against her, less her net earnings during said period ; (b) Offer to Nellie Skinner immediate and full reinstatement to her former or substantially equivalent position without prejudice to her seniority or other rights and privileges; (c) Make whole Nellie Skinner for any loss of earnings she may have suffered by reason of the respondent's discrimination against her, by paying to her a sum of money equal to that which she nor- mally would have earned as wages during the period from February 17, 1942, to the date of the respondent's offer of reinstatement, less her net earnings during that period; (d) Post immediately in conspicuous places throughout his Los Ai uples, California, plant and maintain for a period of at least 521247---43--o1 48-68 1060 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD sixty (60) consecutive days from the date of posting, notices stating: (1) that the respondent will not engage in the conduct from which -he has been ordered to cease and desist in paragraphs 1 (a) and (b) of this Order; (2) that the respondent will take the affirmative action set forth in paragraphs 2 (a), (b), and (c) of this Order; and (3) that the respondent's employees are free to become or remain mem- bers of Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, C. I. O. and that the respondent will not discriminate against any employee because of membership in or activity on behalf of that organization ; (e) Notify the Regional Director for the Twenty-first Region in writing within ten (10) days from the date of this Order what steps the respondent has taken to comply herewith. And it is further ordered, That the complaint be, and it hereby is; dismissed insofar as it alleges that the respondent discriminated in regard to the hire and tenure of employment of Fernanda Fernandez by discharging her on-June 1, 1942, and of Mary Elias by discharging her on February 10, 1942, and by discriminating against her following her reinstatement on May 20, 1942. INTERMEDIATE REPORT Mr. Daniel J. Harrington, for the Board. Mr. Leo Shapiro, of Los Angeles, Calif., for the respondent. STATEMENT OF THE CASE Upon an amended charge duly filed on October 8, 1942 , the Amalgamated Cloth- ing Workers of America, an affiliate of the Congress of Industrial Organizations, herein called the Union, the National Labor Relations Board, herein called the Board, by its Regional Director for the Twenty-first Region (Los Angeles, Cali- fornia), issued its complaint dated October 8, 1942, against S. S. Slate, an indi- vidual, doing business as BARDON OF HOLLYWOOD, herein called the respond= ent, alleging that the respondent has engaged in and was engaging in unfair labor practices affecting commerce within the meaning of Section 8 (1) and (3), and Section 2 (6) and (7) of the National Labor Relations Act, 49 Stat. 449, herein called the Act. , A copy of the complaint, accompanied by notice of hearing was duly served upon the respondent and the Union. With respect to the unfair labor practices, the complaint alleged: (1) that the respondent during November or December of 1941, and during the period from February 1942, up to and including the date of this complaint, engaged in sur- veillance of employees for the purpose of determining their union membership and activities, solicited employees to spy on fellow employees who were in favor of labor organizations, questioned employees about the Union and their member ship therein, threatened employees that he would terminate his business if em- ployees joined the Union or engaged in organizational activities, told employees that the Union had compelled other plants to terminate their operations, caused and permitted the circulation among his employees during working hours of petitions for increases in wages in order to defeat the Union's organizational BARDON OF. HOLLYWOOD 1061 campaign , promised employees increases in wages if they would'not join the Union, threatened employees with discharge if they joined the Union or engaged in organizational activities, told employees that he had knowledge of those em- ployees who were members of the Union, expressed to employees his opposition to the Union, advised employees to form their own unaffiliated labor organization, referred to union officials, as racketeers, and informed employees that they should pay no attention to union organizers, (2) that the respondent on or about' February 10, 1942, discharged Mary Elias, on or about February 19, 1942, dis- charged Nellie Skinner, and on or about April 8, 1942, discharged Frankie Deming, and at all times since said dates has refused- to reinstate said employees and each of them, except that on or-about May 20, 1942, respondent reemployed Mary Elias and Nellie Skinner, with prejudice, however, to the rights and privileges to which said employees were and are entitled, for the reason that said employees, and each of them, joined and assisted the Union and engaged in concerted activi- ties with other employees for their mutual aid and protection, and (3) that the respondent laid off Fernanda Fernandez from on or about April 30, 1942, to on or about May 11, 1942, furnished said employee with less employment than said employee would normally have received from on or about May 11, 1942, to on or about June 1, 1942, and on or about June 1, 1942, discharged and at all times since said date has refused to reinstate said employee, for the-reason that said employee joined and assisted the Union and engaged in concerted activities with other employees for their mutual aid and protection. On or about October 15, 1942, the respondent filed its answer admitting that it ` was engaged in interstate commerce within the meaning of the, Act, and that the, Union was a labor organization. The respondent, however, denied that he had committed any of the unfair labor practices alleged in the com- plaint. Pursuant to notice, a hearing was held in Los Angeles, California, from November 10 to November 17, 1942, before the undersigned, the Trial Exami- ner duly designated by the Chief Trial Examiner. The Board and the re- spondent were represented by counsel and participated in the hearing. Full opportunity to be heard, to examine and cross-examine witnesses, and to intro- duce evidence bearing on the issues was afforded all parties. ' At the close of the Board's case, counsel for the Board moved to dismiss the allegations of the complaint pertaining to\ Frankie Deming. The motion was granted. At this time the respondent's counsel also offered 13 motions (numbered 1 to 13) : The first 9 being motions to strike certain testimony; the remaining four motions, in the order presented, respectively prayed that the allegations of paragraphs, 4, 5 and 6 and all of the allegations of complaint be dismissed, the latter, on the ground that the amended charge filed by the Union was signed by a person not authorized to make a charge. ' The under- signed granted the 7th motion,and the 10th motion in part.'. The 13th motion, ' The 7th motion was to strike certain testimony of Board's witness Skinner , as follows : Skinner; in substance testified that on the morning of May 20, shortly after she had been reinstated to her job in the plant that "Pauline" a non -supervisory employee and sister of Forelady Weingarten had said to other employees , that she, Pauline , wondered why Skinner had returned to the plant , since she had worked in every plant in town and could not hold a job. The 10th motion prayed for the dismissal of all allegations in paragraph 4 of the complaint , namely the specific ,allegations of interference , restraint , and coercion. The motion was granted as to the following allegations therein : "Threatened employees that he would terminate his business if employees joined , the Union , told employees that the Union had compelled other plants to terminate their operations " I 1062 ' DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD to dismiss the, complaint , was denied All other motions were denied without prejudice to later renewal . At the close of the hearing , all motions previously denied without prejudice were renewed and are hereby denied, excepting the two motions asking for the dismissal of the allegations in paragraphs 4 and 5 of the complaint , pertaining to discrimination in regard to hire and tenure of employ- ment of the employees named in the said paragraphs , which have been treated, in the findings , conclusions and recommendations of- this report . Also at the close of the hearing the respondent ' further moved that the complaint be dis- missed for failnie of the -evidence to show that respondent was engaging In interstate conunelce , which motion was denied 2 . At the conclusion of the healing , the parties were informed that they, might present oral arguments before the undersigned Both parties presented oral arguments. Upon the entire record in the case and from his observation of the witnesses, the undersigned makes the following FINDINGS OF FACT I THE 13USINESS OF THE RESPONDENT' The respondent , S. S. Slate, an individual, doing business as BARDON OF HOLLYWOOD , is engaged in the manufacture of men 's and boys ' garments at its plant in Los Angeles , California. The principal raw materials used in con- nection with the business are cotton, rayon and wool piece goods. During the year of 1941 the respondent purchased raw materials , as mentioned above, having an approximate value of $250 ,000, of which approximately 80 percent was trans- ported in interstate commerce to the respondent 's plant from outside the State of California . Also in the year of 1941 the respondent 's sales of processed goods were approximately $400,000 of which approximately 25 percent were made to customers in States other-than California. II. TIE ORGANIZATION INVOLVED The Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, is a labor organization afhliated with the Congress of Industrial Organizations , and admits to member- ship employees of the respondent. 11I THE UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES A Interference,. restraint , and coercion Prior to February 1942 there has been no labor organizational activities among the employees of the respondent . In the early part of February . Griselda Kuhl- man, an organizer for the Union , started to call at the homes of the employees to solicit them to sign union application cards. The Union held seveial organiza- tional meetings , some of which were held on unspecified dates in February. The evidence shows that approximately 40 out of a total of about 140 production employees signed application cards from early February to the time of the hearing. On February 17, 1942, and at various times thereafter , union literature was passed out near the door of the plant by Union representatives. Mary Elias, a machine operator, signed a union apphcation, card on February 6, 1942 . On February 10, 1942 ,• she was discharged . On February 12, 1942, the I =In the Matter of Botany Worsted Mills and Textile Wor7,ers Union of Amertica, C I C_ 41 N. L. R B. 218. BARDON OF HOLLYWOOD- 1063 Regional Director in the Los Angeles office for the Board, notified Slate by letter that the Union had filed a charge claiming that Elias had been discharged for engaging in union activities, which letter was received in due course.' Fernanda Fernandez, a working group leader in the pressing department, testified that on or about February 15, 1942, she went into Slate's office and asked his advice concerning her joining the Union; that in substance, Slate then told her that the Union was not a good. union to join; that a factory union organized by the employees in the plant would be a better organization ; and that the Union then organizing was made up of racketeers Slate denied in his testimony that he had ever held a conversation with Fernandez concerning unions. Upon a consideration of all the evidence in the -record, especially as found below, the evidence concerning a petition circulated in the plant and Slate's speeches to the employees on February 20, 1942, and April 25, 1942,ithe undersigned accepts the above testimony of Fernandez as credible and true. Considerable testimony was offered concerning the initiation, drafting, and circulation of a petition for wage increases in the ' plant on the morning of February 20, 1942. Fernandez testified that on February 19, 1942, Forelady Weingarten asked if she had heard there was to be a strike in the plant on February 20; that Foreman Noon was taking steps concerning the strike ; that she, Weingarten, had to do something to stop this trouble ; that on the morning of February 20, 1942, she, Fernandez, saw Noon standing near the door of the plant with three, police officers, but that all employees reported to work and no strike occurred ; that shortly after the plant commenced operations on the 20th Weingarten came over to her iwhile Fernandez was working, asked her before joining the Union, to give Slate a chance and for her to prepare a paper request- ing Slate to grant a wage increase and to circulate it among the pressers and hand sewers; that Weingarten at this time also said that she had asked em- ployee "Pancho"' to circulate a similar paper in other departments of the plant; that after Weingarten had spoken to Fernandez, Fernandez asked Connie Santos, another presser, if she had heard Weingarten's request to circulate a paper and Santos admitted that she had ; that Fernandez then requested Santos to write out a petition, which thereafter was circulated among the pressers and handsewers ; and that "Pancho" also on the morning of February 20 told Fer- nandez that Weingarten had asked her to circulate a paper among the em- ployees asking for a wage increase. According to testimony by Board witnesses Jenkins and Montoya, "Pancho" circulated a petition in the plant, at the same time the so-called Fernandez petition was circulated. According to Jenkins, when "Pancho" asked her to sign the paper the latter told her that the purpose of securing the signatures was to indicate that the subscribers thereto desired a wage increase and wanted no union in the plant. Weingarten admitted as a witness that she had spoken with Fernandez on February 19, 1942, but denied that she had said 'anything concerning a strike on February 20 She testified that Fernandez told her that dissatisfaction con- cerning wages existed in the pressing department. She told Fernandez to select one or two others from'the pressing group, take them to Slate's office and request wage increases. Weingarten denied that she had talked with Fernandez on the morning of February 20 until about 10: 30 at which time Fernandez had shown her a petition signed by a group of employees; at which time she told Fer- nandez to select one or two other pressers and hand the petition to Slate. Wein- garten also denied that she had requested either Fernandez or "Pancho" to cir- 8 The discharge of Elias is more fully treated in Section III B below, wherein it is found that this discharge was based upon h_er union activities. ' Issura Navario. 1064 DEGLSIONS OF' NATIONAL LABOR. RELATIONS BOARD culate any papers in the plant and testified that she had no knowledge that such papers had been-circulated until Fernandez showed her the one'she cir- culated, and.that she had never seen the one circulated by "Pancho." Although he was a witness , Noo'u did not deny that he was standing near the entrance of the plant with .a group of police officers on the morning of February 20. "Pancho" was not called as a witness, so that the testimony of Jenkins and Montoya concerning the circulation of the petition by "Pancho" stands uncontra- ldicted.. Santos, a witness for the respondent testified that she did not see Wein- garten talking to Fernandez on the morning of February 20 until after the peti- tion had been drafted and circulated at which time she saw Fernandez show it to,Weingarten, but did not•hear their conversation. ' Santos denied that she told Fernandez that she heard Weingarten tell Fernandez to write out a paper before the petition was drafted and circulated Santos impressed the undersigned as a truthful witness and he accordingly finds that she did not hear any conversa- tion between Weingarten and Fernandez before the petition had been circulated on the morning of February 20. - Obviously there is a contradiction between the testimony of Weingarten and Fernandez concerning the responsibility for the initiation and circularization, of the petitions However, at the time of these activities it appears-tliat Fernan- dez's interests leaned toward the employer.' Weingarten by reason of these circumstances therefore would probably be inclined to discuss with Fernandez the apprehension of the management concerning the organization of the em- ployees by the Union. The activities of "Pancho", who 'still continues to be employed in the plant were not explained or contradicted A consideration of the above testimony together with all other evidence in the record has convinced the undersigned that Weingarten instigated the circulation of the petition by Fernandez and "Pancho" to discourage union activities among the employees. On the morning of February 20, 1942, after a brief discussion among the pressing group concerning the form of the petition, Fernandez requested Connie Santos, one of the pressers, to write it and told Santos what the caption of the petition should state. Santos wrote out the petition and read it to Fernandez who signed it. It was then passed from hand to hand among the other girls -in the pressing and hand sewing departments for their approval and signatures. At or about the same time the petition was being circulated in that department, "Pancho" was circulating a paper in one of the other departments stating to those to whom it was. presented that the purpose of soliciting the signatures thereon was to indicate that the subscribers desired a wage increase without -having to join a union. According to the evidence the "Pancho" document was destroyed about noon on February 20. Fernandez showed the signed petition to Weingarten about 10: 30 a. in. on February 20, 1942. After reading it Weingarten returned it to Fernandez and told her to pick out two or three of the girls who had signed it and present it to Slate. Shortly before noon on February 20, 1942, Fernandez presented the petition to Slate in his office. The petition was as follows' Mr. Slade: (sic) Speaking for all the pressers and hand sewers , I have this to say. None of us have signed with the Union , because we have appreciation ( sic)'; for what you have done for us. And naturally we want to give you first chance to tell us u-hats ( sic) on your mind and what you think about the 'Fernandez did not sign an application card for membership in the Union until March 30, 1942. , BAR.DON OF HOLLYWOOD 1065- situation. We will await your opinion. What we want is a raise, ;the Union promises the Pressers & Sewers the - minimum ( sic) of $20 to the newer girls. If -such suggestions are not convient (sic) for you then as head of the Pressing Dept. I won't be responsible, if the girls do sign with the Union. But first we want to give you the fair trail (sic) you deserve. - We will be waiting to hear from you. -_ FmtNANDEZ A. Alcala - Genevieve C. Delgado Nelle Pollom Gilorma Fratello Jeannette Watson Frances Salagar • Mary Gonzales Leandra Lopez Epefania Zuniga Connie Santos Stella Rodriguez Eva Smith Maxine Zuniga Moyne Arnold Anne Martinez Rita 0livas Benedicta Martinez Maria Orozco - Clara Ledesnia , Adelin Padilla Josephine Espionsa Antonia Banha Nellie De Leon / Manuela Lopez Lupe Montoya Sally Rocha After_ Slate. read - the petition, he asked who had` drawn it up. Fernandez replied that it had been written up by some of the girls in the pressing department. Slate then stated that he would consider the matter and would inform the em- ployees concerning it later in the day. A few hours thereafter Weingarten notified all the employees that Slate would speak to them at the end of the day The power was turned off about 15 minutes before closing time and Slate spoke to the entire employee group There was no substantial disagreement in the testimony given by witnesses for the Board and that -given by Slate concerning what he stated in his speech to, the employees. Montoya, Jenkins, and Fernandez, witnesses for the Board testified, in substance, that Slate told the group that he knew union organizers were calling at the homes of employees to solicit them to join the Union; that before joining the Union they should be sure that they understood what they were signing, because, should they sign union application cards, they would then be working for the Union rather than for him ; that if the employees had any complaints to bring them to Noon or to him and they would be straightened out ; and that he was going to give them a 10 percent pay increase, due to the increase in the cost of living Slate, in his testimony, said that it was his recollection that he had Spoken to them as follows : - Your have a right as an American to sign or not to sign No one can tell you what to do. You have got to use your own judgment. But just be sure you know what you're signing, because once you sign you're working under their [the Union's] supervision. They tell you, what to do and what not to do. I haven't got a thing to say about it -6 Slate in his testimony explained that the idea he desired to convey to his employees was as follows : When you sign with the Union you're working under their supervision ; they can pull you out of my plant, send you to another plant, or send you to picket some drug store, a restaurant, or whatever it might be ; . . . _ 4 He said that some pickets whom he had previously talked with told him that they were required by their Union to spend some of their time on picket lines at struck plants although not employees . This explanation is rather convincing that he was opposed to a union in his ' plant and intended that his employees should so construe his speech. 1066 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD When Slate made his speech he knew that some, of his employees were engaging in concerted organizational activities. Moreover, the petition which had been presented to him had been submitted by the employees of two departments only. It was signed by 27 of a total of approximately, 140 employees. Slate obviously took advantage of the situation to call all the employees together to convey, to theni 'his disapproval of nationally affiliated unions. Under the existing circum- stances his'statement that either he or Noon would entertain and straighten out any employee grievances submitted by an employee was tantamount to telling the employees that they did not need to organize to protect their rights. By induc- ing Fernandez and "Pancho" to circulate the petitions in the plant which, in effect, indicated that the employees would prefer pay increases to a union organ- ization, Weingarten sought to discourage self-organization among the employees. Since Weingarten was a major supervisor with power to hire and discharge em- ployees, the respondent is responsible for her activities Also, by granting a general pay increase when requested by the employees of two departments only at a time when Slate knew that the employees were engaging in organizational activities, it is obvious that the respondent's purpose was to discourage such activi- ties. When it is considered that employees are economically dependent upon the employer, the speech of Slate on February 20 would be construed by them as a threat of discharge should they join the Union, and it was so construed accord- ing to the evidence. Under the circumstances Slate's remarks transcended his right of free speech. The undersigned finds that by expressing opposition to the Union, by causing and permitting the circulation of a petition among his employees for wage in- creases,which were subsequently-granted, to, discourage self-organization among the employees, and by threatening employees with discharge if they joined the Union, the respondent has interfered with, restrained, and coerced his employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act. B. The discharges 1. Fernanda Fernandez a.' The lay off of Fernandez t The complaint alleged that the respondent laid off Fernandez from on or about April 30 to on or about May 11, 1942, and thereafter furnished'her with less employment than she ordinarily would have been entitled to receive and on or about June 1, 1942, discharged her, all because of her union activities. Fernandez commenced working for the respondent in the pressing department of the plant in 1935. In the early part of the year 1936 she became a group, leader of the employees in the pressing department. As group leader she did work similar to that of the other pressers, but only Fernandez or Eva Smith, another presser, folded and pressed special garments intended for use as samples. She had no power to hire or discharge employees. She was paid on an hourly rate, her average wages being $23.10 per week, and the other pressers received $18.70. Foreman Noon testified that she, was an efficient operator who turned out work faster and better than the others. The record shows that Fernandez had never been laid off during slack periods until April 30, 1942. On March 30, 1942, Fernandez signed an application card for the Union and on April 1, while working with the other pressers, she informed the group col- lectively that she had joined the Union the night before. On April 2, 1942, following the above announcement to the pressers, Weingarten requested Fer- nandez to teach Connie Santos, another presser, how to press and fold samples, I BARD O_N' OF HOLLYWOOD - ' 1067 telling her site, Weingarten, wanted Fernandez to press coat linings Later in the month of April. Fernandez invited Weingarten to attend a union meeting, but Weingarten refused to go with her stating that she ,had another engagement On the morning of April 25, 1942" Slate stopped, Fernandez as she was on her way to the wash room and accused her of having stated that he was paying lower wages than union plants. About 11: 30 on this same day Fernandez and Montoya went to Slate's office where both complained to Slate that Weingarten was treat- ing them unfairly. Slate told them he did not believe Weingarten was treating them differently than she did any other employee. Upon this occasion Slate told them that there was a lot of commotion in the pressing department and that production had fallen so low the pressing work was costing him a fortune At 4: 30 that afternoon he called a meeting of all employees stating the reason to be that the Union had been circulating literature accusing him of operating a sweat shop and paying his employees the lowest wages in the industry 8 At that time he read to them piece rate prices which he stated were being paid to the employees working for a competitor When he i ead the rates paid for pressing work by this competitor, he asked Fernandez to take note of these particular rates. On April 30, 1942, 5 days later, Fernandez was laid off This lay-off lasted from April 30 to May 8. The following week she worked from Monday to Thurs- day but was laid off on Friday, May 15. During a period of nearly 7 years' em- ployment Fernandez had never been laid off before during slack employment periods. Weingarten and Mildred, the pay roll clerk, testified that some of the other pressers who had been laid off earlier in April had protested that it was unfair to permit Fernandez to work full time while they were being laid offf Weingarten testified that because of these complaints she decided to share the work among the group and accordingly laid Fernandez off. The pay roll records in evidence disclose that work was slack during April, May, and June 1942: There were 13 pressers working in March, 12 in April, 11 in May, and 10 in June. However, these same records also disclose that Fernandez was laid off for a total of approximately 81/2 days. from the 30th of April to the 15th of May inclusive, while several of the other employees in the pressing department lost only 4 or 5 days employment during the period from April 1 to May 15, 1942. It appears from the above facts that Fernandez was forced to lose more time due to lay-offs in April and May 1942 than several of the other pressers. Fer- nandez was the most competent employee in the group. She had never been laid off previously during-periods of slack employment. It is significant to the, under- signed that 5 days before she was laid off an April 30, 1942, the respondent accused 'her of disseminating union statements among the employees concerning low wages paid in the respondent's plant. It is obvious that when the respondent spoke of the commotion among the pressing group that he believed it to be due to wage discussions initiated by Fernandez. The undersigned is convinced and finds that Fernandez was laid off from April 30 to May 8 inclusive and on May 15, 1942, because the respondent believed her to be engaging in union activities. b. The discharge of Fernandez on June 1, 1942 After'her lay-off on May 15, discussed above, Fernandez returned to work on the morning of May 18 and worked the entire day. As mentioned above, Fern- andez had been group leader of the pressing and folding operators and as such she had distributed the work to the employees for a number of years. Shortly ° This date was fixed by witness Montoya as April 25, 1942. 8 Slate testified that these accusations had incensed him and that he called the employees together to try to convince them that the union accusations were unjustified. 1068 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATION'S BOARD after work had commenced on the morning of May 18, Forelady • Weingarten came over to the, pressing group, told Santos o that the government shirts were coming through that day and instructed her to have the best operator fold them. According to Santos' testimony, Fernandez was the best folder and she told Fer- nandez to fold the government shirts. Fernandez testified that she had heard Weingarten tell Santos to give her government shirts to fold ; that shortly after work had commenced she had nothing to do ; that she told Santos she wanted work ; that Parra, the group leader in the finishing department, then remarked to Santos that the latter need not take orders from Fernandez, since Fernandez was no longer her boss. There- after a quarrel started between Fernandez and Parra. Santos testified that the pressers were slow; that the work was being delayed; that she observed Fernandez turn around apparently to see if more work was available; that - Parra was then facing Fernandez; that Santos then heard Fernandez ask Parra what she was looking at and that Parra then, in substance, said that she was looking at Fernandez' beautiful figure, whereupon the quarrel mentioned above started. The testimony of Parra and Salazar, witnesses called by the respondent, was in substantial agreement with the testimony of Santos concerning the incident that led to the quarrel. Based upon his observation of the witnesses, the undersigned accepts the testimony of Santos as being credible and true. Salazar testified, and the testimony was not contradicted, that Fernandez dur- ing the quarrel made some particularly obscene comments concerning Parra and the latter's husband. - Weingarten and Noon were attracted by the noise, came over and told both Fernandez and Parra to behave themselves and stop quarrel- ing. Parra told Weingarten that if Fernandez did not stop aggravating her she intended to quit her job. Weingarten told Fernandez that she would have to stop quarreling with Parra or Weingarten would discharge her. Noon at 'the time also told Fernandez that she would have to work and produce results or that he would discharge her. Fernandez was evidently apprehensive concerning the threat of Weingarten to discharge her because Fernandez asked Weingarten before leaving for the day if she should return to work on the following morning. Weingarten said that she had not been discharged and told her to return to work on May 19. Upon returning to her home on the evening of May 18 Fernandez found a letter requesting her to report to a medical clinic for a physical -examination on May 19, 1942.'0 On the morning of May 19 Fernandez requested a neighbor to call the respondent's office to report that she would be absent for the day. Mildred, the pay roll clerk who received the telephone call, testified that he understood the message to be that Fernandez was ill. Mildred informed Forelady Weingarten of the call and testified that she thereafter told the, person on the telephone to request Fernandez to return to work on May 20. Fernandez testified that she did not go to the plant on May 20 because her sister, Stella Rodriguez also an employee of the,respondent, telephoned her on the late afternoon of May 19 and said that Weingarten had requested Rodriguez to tell Fernandez not to return to work until Weingarten sent for her. Concerning these incidents Weingarten testified that she had not spoken to Rodriguez con- cerning Fernandez until May 20, 1942 when she asked Rodriguez what was wrong °Santos had attended a union meeting with Fernandez and other employees and signed an application card for membership in the Union. 10 Fernandez' husband was afflicted with tuberculosis. " Fernandez was given two medical examinations a yearras ' a' precautionary measure because of the above illness of her hus- band. These examinations did not' concern ' her employment by the respondent. BARDO,N OF HOLLYWOOD 1069 with Fernandez. Rodriguez replied that Fernandez was ill . ) Weigarten said that she then told" Rodriguez that since that was the case Fernandez should re- main home until Monday, May 25. Rodriguez testified concerning only one conversation with Weingarten during this week. She said that on or about Wednesday, May 20 Weingarten told her to tell Fernandez to remain away until Monday, May 25. When 'it is considered that the respondent's clerk had told the person who called respondent's office to inform Weingarten that Fernandez would be absent on the 19th and that this person had been told to ask Fernandez to return to work on Wednesday the 20th, Weingarten's version of the above inci- dents appear to the undersigned to be more credible than Fernandez' testimony and he accordingly finds that the respondent expected Fernandez to report for, work on May 20, 1942. Fernandez did not report for work on May 20. On May 21 she went to the office of the Social Security Board to ask for help and assistance in securing another job. The clerk in this office with whom she had talked telephoned to the respondent's office. The respondent told the clerk at the Social Security Board that Fernandez was still on the respondent's pay roll but was temporarily absent from employment because of illness. After leaving the office of the Social Security Board Fernandez went to the respondent's plant to see Slate. Fernandez, in substance, testified that Slate reprimanded' her for going to the Social Security Board and also said that Slate told her that she had caused him a lot of trouble by fighting with Parra and by organizing employees in the plant. She testified further that she denied she had attempted to organize the employees, but had joined the Union herself, that she asked him who was now teaching the other operators how to do the work, and if she was going to get her job back. She said that Slate told her he intended to give her job to some one,else who would make the girls work faster. Slate in his testimony denied that the conversation was in accordance with Fernandez' version, said he had not mentioned union activities, but said she had criticized him for. preventing her from getting assist- ance at the Social Security Board. Slate then told her that she could come in to work, on the following morning, Friday, May 22. Fernandez said that since production- in the plant was low it might be better if she waited for work to pile up and come in on Monday. Foreman Noon was passing by at the time and Slate asked him if it would be satisfactory for Fernandez to return on Monday, May 25 and Noon replied that it would be. In view of the offer of the respondent to give Fernandez work on Friday, May 22 the undersigned concludes that Slate's version, of the above conversation is credible and true. Fernandez testified that when she went to the plant on the morning of May 25, she walked into Noon's office and asked him if she could work, that Noon told her that he had no work for her, whereupon she left the plant Noon denied that Fernandez had appeared in his office on the morning of May 25 or that he had seen her during the entire day. Slate testified that as he was going through the plant on the morning of May 25 be noticed that Fernandez was not working and asked Noon where she was, that Noon told him that she had not appeared for work'whereupon Slate told Noon to give her job to someone else It is significant to the undersigned that Fernandez should have gone to Noon's office on Monday, May 25, rather than to proceed to her work table There is no other testimony in the record that Fernandez had been seen at or near the plant on the morning of May 25. In view of the above testimony the undersigned concludes that Fernandez did not appear at the plant on -this morning. , On June, 1, 1942, a week later, Fernandez returned to the plant to ask Noon for work. He replied that since -she had not returned, to work on May 25 according to their earlier understanding he was discharging her - 1070 ' DECISION S OF'NATLONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD From the above it is conceivable that Fernandez' reasons, for remaining away from work on May 20, for not coming to work' on May 22, when accorded an opportunity to work and for failing to report for work on May 25, 1942, after telling Slate that she was coming back may have been due to Fernandez resentment because of the treatment previously accorded her. However, ac- cording to the evidence, Fernandez failed at any time to indicate 'that site intended to terminate her employment. The evidence shows that'she definitely stated that the respondent afforded her no opportunity to work on May 20 or May 25, 1942, which testimony the undersigned found above to be incredible and not true Although the circumstances surrounding Fernandez discharge on, June 1, 1942, are not free of doubt, a consideration of all the evidence has failed to convince the undersigned that her discharge on June 1, 1942, was based upon her membership or activities on behalf of the Union. 2. The discharges of Elias and Skinner in February 1942 (a) Mary Elsas The complaint alleged that the respondent discrnuuaatorily discharged Elias on or about February 10, 1942, and later reemployed her on or about May 20, 1942, with prejudice, however, to her rights and privileges as an employee Elias commenced, her employment with the respondent in August 1940 and .was regularly employed as a blind-stitch-machine" operator until her discharge on February 10, 1942. She worked on a piece-rate basis. Her average earn- ings were approximately $25 to $26 per week at a time when the minimum rates were 40 cents per hour or $16 per week. It clearly appears, therefore, that Elias .was a competent employee and the respondent did not deny it. On February 4, 1942, Noon, as an agent of the respondent, accepted service of a, writ of execution which writ had been served for the purpose of attaching the wages.of Elias Shortly after receiving the writ, Noon held a conversation with Elias, as follows : Look, Mary,-We have a garnishment here against you, and if Mr Slate ever found out that there was any garnishment-he wouldn't stand for it 'He is going to raise the devil with me, or with somebody, you know, so please go and straighten this thing out before Mr. Slate finds out. ,According to Noon : She [Elias] said she'll straighten. or she'll try and straighten it out-and I suppose she did. Elias testified that Noon and Weingarten were sympathetic concerning the-matter and told her where to go and what to do to arrange some plan of settlement Elias left the plant for a few hours on the day the writ was served, and apparently entered,into some ,arrangement with her creditor concerning payment of the judgment. Obviously Elias must have, informed Noon or Weingarten of the arrangements made by her, because later that day she received her entire check for wages previously earned.' There is no evidence that the respondent was otherwise inconvenienced by the service of the writ other than as herein stated. On February 6, Elias signed an application card for membership in the Union, presumably at her home,'as other evidence discloses that this was the 'general method of organizing followed by the Union at this time ' On February 10. 1942, "A blind stitch machine is a sewing machine so designed that the stitches, are locked lu the,material sewed so that the stitching is not visible on the exposed face of the goods. 32 February 4; 1942 fell on Wednesday , the regular pay day in the plant. P BARDO, OF HO,l1LYWOO,D- - 1071 she went to lunch at a nearby restaurant with Skinner, Alcarez and another em- ployee known as "Pancho " While the group was eating lunch together,- Skinner asked Elias if the latter had requested the union organizer to call upon Skinner. Elias replied that she had done so and inquired if Skinner had joined the Union. Skinner replied that she had. Elias then stated that she had also joined. Elias said that after returning to the plant after lunch she saw "Pancho" who was very friendly with Forelady Weingarten and Foreman Noon talking to Weingarten and that when "Pancho" saw Elias looking at them, she said "I am not telling her anything . I am just discussing my home affairs with her." As found below, Foreladv Weingarten on March 1, 1942, admitted to Fernandez that Elias had been discharged on February 10 because she was trying to organize the employees. Slate testified that on the morning of February 10, 1,942, he saw the writ of execution above mentioned lying on Mildred's desk and inquired about it. Mildred told him what it was and told him that it concerned Elias. Thereafter Slate is took the writ to Noon and asked him : Why do youlallow anything like this to occur in our plant? You know what this means. You will be subpoenaed to go to court and -you will- have to -peed your time, or maybe I will have to go, or we will have to get an attorney I don't want anything like that in this plant You get rid of this girl. Slate, in his testimony, definitely stated that the service of the writ was the sole cause for the discharge of Elias, and that when he ordered her discharge he had no knowledge of her union membership or activities until the Board notified him that an unfair labor practice charge had been filed by the Union concerning her discharge ii Following Slate's instructions to Noon to discharge Elias, Noon told Weingarten to discharge her On February -10, 1942, at,about 4: 30 p. m. Weingarten walked over to Elias and told her that she was sorry but that she had to discharge Elias as Slate had seen the garnishment and knew about the telephone calls and had ordered that Elias be discharged. The record shows that the respondent employed approximately 140 operators in the 'plant. Weingarten testified that prior to the Elias' matter no other employee, had ever had his wages garnisheed or attached by a creditor. This testimony was not contradicted, but the undersigned finds it to be almost incred- ible iince the plant had been operated by the respondent for 15 years. The evi- dence disclosed that no rule had been established in the plant providing that surnmary discharge would follow the service of a writ of garnishment or attach- ment. Fernandez testified that on or about March 1, 1942, she had asked Weingarten what had happened to Elias and that Weingarten replied that Elias had been 11 Slate also stated in his testimony that at the time he inquired about the writ Mildred had also told him that Elias had been receiving a large number of telephone calls which took up much of her time in writing memorandums and taking them bark to Elias in the plant . Before Slate testified, the respondent's counsel had offered other evidence tending to show that Elias quarrelled with other employees which necessitated the moving of her machine on 2 or 3 occasions ; that she ,engaged in , iahd,encouraged other employees to,engage in, unnecessary conversation which slowed down production ; and that on several occasions, Elias had remained away from work and failed to report Ito her supervisors that she would be absent Elias admitted that , on one occasion , another employee had threatened to leave her employment unless Elias' machine was moved to another shaft, and that thereafter it was moved , but she denied the other alleged derelictions. The record fails to show that at the tunes the above-mentioned incidents occurred that they were tieatcd as seiious by the respondent Also in view of Slate's testimony that the sole ieason foi her dischaige was the service of the garnishment, the above testimony would be immaterial. 11 His 'testimony concerning his lack of knowledge , of Tier union activities is contradicted by the testimony of Weingarten below 1072 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD discharged for attempting to organize the employees, and passing out union cards. Weingarten admitted having a 5conversation concerning Elias with Fernandez at or about this time, but testified that she merely told Fernandez that Elias had been discharged because of a garnishment and denied that she had told Fernandez the discharge had been due to union organizational activities. There is no testimony by other witnesses tending to corroborate the version of either Fer- nandez or Weingarten concerning this conversation. However, when it is con- sidered, as found above, that Weingarten had, on or about February 20, induced Fernandez to aid Weingarten discourage union activities ; that Fernandez by reason thereof had circulated the petition on February 20, 1942, which afforded Slate an opportunity, to make his anti-union speech on the same day ; it would seem probable that Weingarten, believing Fernandez' sympathies to be with the respondent rather than with the Union, would be inclined to disclose to Fernandez the real reason for the discharge of Elias 15 A consideration of all of the evidence in the record has convinced the undersigned that Fernandez' version of the above conversation with Weingarten is credible and true. It likewise explains the harsh and unusual treatment accorded Elias concerning the garnishment. It must be determined whether the respondent discharged Elias, for the reason that her salary had been attached or because of her union membership and activities. As above shown, no rule had ever been established in the plant that service of a writ of garnishment or attachment would result in summary discharge of an employee involved in such proceedings. It would seem inconceivable that an employer would discharge the first employee unfortunate enough to become involved in such proceedings, especially where the employee concerned is shown by her record to be competent. The employer in, such a case would ordinarily investigate the circumstances. Had the respondent here done so, he would have learned that the employee had arranged to pay off her obligation. In the absence of a rule that service of a writ of garnishment would be cause for summary discharge, Slate afforded her no opportunity to explain the circum- stances or defend herself.16 Nor did he, according to the evidence, make inquiry of Noon concerning the status of the proceedings on February. 10, 1942 before ordering her discharge. Under the circumstances the manner in which Elias was discharged contributes to the conviction of the undersigned that Elias received special treatment which ordinarily would not be accorded a competent employee. A consideration of the above together with a consideration of all of the evidence in the, record has convinced the undersigned that Elias was discrimina- torily discharged on February 10, 1942 because of her union activities. D. Nellie Skinner The, complaint alleged that,the respondent discriminatorily discharged Nellie Skinner on or about February 19, 1942; and thereafter reemployed her on or about May 20, 1942, with prejudice; however, to her rights and privileges as an employee. Skinner was first employed by the respondent as a learner on April 7, 1941. During this period of her employment she received as wages 25 cents per hour or $10 per, week. After 8 or 9 weeks she, received earnings of approximately $14 per week as an, operator until a change in minimum rates was effected. Shortly thereafter the minimum rate was increased to a base rate of 40 cents is It appears below that Fernandez did not sign a union application card until March 30, 1942. 18 Cf. In the Matter of Polaon Logging Company and Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, 40 N. L. R. B. 736. BAR 'DON't OF , HODLYWOOD- " 1073 or. $16, for a 40-hour week.17 As an operator Skinner received, bundles con- taining pieces of material which she processed into pockets for shirts., Other bundles contained both collar and pocket parts. During the early term of her employment it developed that her piece rate earnings while working on bundles containing both collar and pocket materials were lower than when she worked on bundles containing pocket parts only. Thereafter, , Skinner was not re- quired to take any more collar work. For the last 7 or 8 months prior to her -discharge on February 10 her work was confined to the pocket operation. She generally was paid $16 per week, except for a short period during 'September and October 1941 when her weekly earnings ran from $19 to $23 per 'week. This was at a time when the respondent was manufacturing a special type of shirt which is no longer manufactured in the plant. Skinner joined the Union by February 10, 1942. On February 10 she was eating lunch in a restaurant with Elias and other employees on the occasion discussed above when Skinner and Elias stated in the presence of other employees that each of them had joined the Union. On February 17, 1942, Kuhlman, the union representative, and an organizer for the Union named Genovese were circulating union literature near the entrance to the respondent's plant. Skinner testified that on this occasion she stopped, asked Kuhlman how her organizational work was progressing, took one of the union circulars, then turned away from Kuhlman to enter the plant. At this time she noticed Foreman Noon standing in the door of the plant about 3 feet away. She went into the plant and proceeded to her place of work. Noon when testifying denied that he had any recollection concerning such an incident. He further testified that he frequently left the plant to attend to business matters and that the incident as testified to by Skinner might have happened but that he had no-recollection of having seen Kuhlman or Skinner under the circumstances as above related by Skinner. No other witness testified concerning this incident. In view of Skinner's testimony above the undersigned was not convinced that Noon had seen Skinner taking union literature I from Kuhlman or that he had overheard the conversation which Skinner testified had taken place between Kuhlman and Skinner, but since Weingarten as found above had learned of Elias' union affiliation it is a fair inference that she also knew that Skinner had signed an application card in the Union prior to her discharge. Skinner testified that shortly before the end of that same day the following, incident occurred : ... before quitting time, before she [Weingarten] went back and made out my check and all,-I went over to get some thread. Before that we girls could go and get any amount of thread we wanted, because we knew where it was. And I went over and I called her [Weingarten], she, was'standing up by a bundle of coats as though she was trimming the thread off them, and I called her and she didn't ,seem to hear, so I raised my voice a little louder; and she came over and she said, "Skinner, what is the matter with you?-Can't you wait?" ' ' Following the above conversation, Weingarten came up to Skinner and handed her a check for her'current wages and discharged her. According, to Skinner's testimony, a conversation between them occurred, as follows : Miss Skinner,-I just can't stand this confusion any more. I, [Skinner]. said, "Well, Lillian, what seems to be the trouble?" and she said, your,sing- ing and your whistling and your hollering at me the way you have has got me all upset, and I just can't stand it any more. ' 37 The minimum rates above mentioned are rates established by State law. It , appears in the evidence that changes' were made ' in 'these rates ' shortly after Skinner began her employment but the record fails to disclose the exact dates when the changes were effected. 1074 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL - LABOR , RELATIONS BOARD Weingarten's verson of the conversation at the time of the discharge was, as follows : A. I told her-I call her Skinner, you-I don't, call -her Nellie. I told her, "Skinner, I am going to fire you. I am firing you tonight." She says, "Why?" I said, "Well, you don't produce no work. You sit and sing all day long. I have told you many a time, I told you that the girls were going to Mr. Slate, but you didn't pay any attention to me, and it is getting onto my nerves already." And she says, "Well, it isn't that, Lillian. It is because of the Union." And I didn't even know if she belonged or not. A consideration of that conversation preceding Skinner's discharge and the version of both Weingarten and Skinner concerning the reasons stated by Wein- garten for the discharge is convincing to the undersigned that Skinner's boister- ous conduct was the basic reason for the discharge.'$ Skinner's union activities were not outstanding, but the undersigned is convinced that the respondent had knowledge that she had affiliated with the Union prior to her discharge. is The respondent offered other testimony most of which was contradicted for the pur- pose of supporting its contention that Skinner was incompetent Weingarten testified that Skinner spent much time talking with other employees which prevented both from performing as much work as otherwise they might have accomplished. She also said that Skinner's habit of singing and whistling loudly while working was disturbing to other employees some of whom had complained to Weingarten that if she did not make Skinner stop they would go to Slate direct with complaints Weingaiten said that since August 1941 she had reprimanded Skinner frequently concerning this habit and at one period lasting approximately 2 or 3 weeks she had reprimanded Skinner as often as five or six times per day. Weingarten further said that Skinner visited the washroom too frequently and spent too much time in it away from her work. She said that on or about the day of her discharge she had "timed" Skinner while the latter was in the wash room and mentioned that Skinner remained there some "10 to 15" minutes. When Skinner returned from the wash room Weingarten said she told her, "Skinner, if you take less time in there, maybe you could at least ' make your money," and that Skinner replied : "What do I give a damn? You have to pay me any ways." Weingarten, said that she reported this inci- dent to Slate and told him that she would like to discharge Skinner. According to Wein- garten's testimony, Slate then checked the production records and after checking them Slate asked Weingarten why she had'kept Skinner on the pay roll as long as she had. According to Weingarten, Slate then said, "All right, go ahead and fire her." It is sig- nificant that - although Slate was a witness he gave no testimony in support of Wein- garten's testimony concerning this last incident. Skinner denied in her testimony that she had had any such conversation with Weingarten. A consideration of the above has convinced the undersigned that the denial of Skinner is credible and true. Skinner in her testimony said that she had never been reprimanded or criticized because of low production and that nothing had ever been said to her concerning minimum rates. She admitted that her earnings had been low when,given bundles requiring performance of both the pocket and collar- operations and that her earnings during her employment seldom exceeded the minimum rate paid her. The evidence in the record tends to show that while most of the operators on either the pocket or collar operation ordinarily per- formed both operations, all of them did not. Skinner admitted that she may have visited the wash room more frequently than some of the other employees but said that she did not remain away from work unnecessarily. A consideration of evidence as a whole shows this contention of the respondent to be unjustified. Skinner also admitted that she sang and whistled frequently in the plant while working iind tliat she had been reprimanded for it on•several occasions by Weingarten . Skinner further testified that Weingarten had failed to impress upon Skinner that the latter's habit of singing, and whistling was annoying to Weingarten but Skinner admitted that on a few occasions Weingarten had said to her, "Skinnei,,-If you don't stop this singing and whistling, the way you do,-the girls are all going to be nutty." Skinner also testi- fied that on some of-these occasions, Weingarten after reprimanding her for annoying other employees had further stated "not that I care, for may part, but,-It is for the girls " Skinner testified that after being reprimanded by Weingaiten for singing and whistling she would stop for a few hours and then unconsciously begin to do it again. BARDON OF HOLLYWOOD 1075 In view of all the evidence and the contention of the respondent that Skinner- was an unsatisfactory employee, it is-difficult for the undersigned to understand why' she"was retained for over 10 months as an' employee While the circum- stances surronudiiab' Skinner's dischrgge on February 17,• 1942. are not free of doubt;" from thF evidence as a whole the undersigned is not convinced that Skri- ner was discharged on Febriuny 17, 1942, because of affil iation with or activities on behalf of the Union. _ 3. Discrimination as to Elia;` and Skinner :after their reinstatement (a) Notices . ' ' ' ' Prior to May 15, 1942, the Union had' filed charges at the Regional Office of the Board that Mary Elias, Nellie Skinner and Frankie-Deming" had been dis- charged by the respondent. because they had engaged in'tlnion activities. On or about May 15, 1942, counsel for the respondent conferred with the Re- gional Director of the Los Angeles office of the Boaid concerning steps the re- spondent night take to stop the running of a hack-pax award in the'event that the Board should later-decide to issue a complaint. hold a hearing and' thereafter find that the respondent had violated the Act. The Regional Director, advised the respondent to offer reemployment to the discharged employees and 'to post a notice on the bulletin board in its plant, as follows. NOitcE BAR isc or ITot Li wo,au, recognizing the right of .its employees to self- orgamz .itioaa. to fora. loci, or assist labor oig:naizations, to h: again collec- nvely through representatives of thcii,choosnig, and to engage ill concerted .1ctivitics, for the purpose of collective havgainiug or other mutual aid or, protection, as guaranteed in Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act, states that it and its officers and agents: 1. Will not in any manner interfere with, restrain or coerce its employees in the exercise of the above rights 2 Will not discourage membership in :lily labor organization of its em- ployees by discharging or threatening to discharge any of its employees for joining oa :assistnag :aiiv lnhor organization of its employees - 3 Will not an any other manner disciimimate against any of its employees in regard to hire or tenure of employment ur any term or condition of employment for Joining or 'assisting any labor organization of its em- ployees. o r; ° , „ . ; , B.AEDON OP HOLLYWOOD By S S. SL A rt,. MAY 15, 1942 ' - At this same conference the i espondent also stated to the Regional Director that the woik production ol'soine of the employees fell below the California minimiun wage rntes Be asked what piocedure to adopt in order to avoid the prosecution of changes that discharges bases upon a tailnae of employees to earn,the mininium rates were nni'nii' Inhor prae?ices within- the nic:niing of the Act ' The Regional Dn-eetor suggested the posting of the following: _At the close of the Beni (1 a en se the undersigned granfed i% ithotit obleetion the Board's nwtioii to disnust the atlo,:ihon^ in the corn plaint concerning Frankie,Deming - 521247-4 a-i of 48------6i, ' 1076 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD No i ICE Effective today all girls on,piece work that do not earn within $2 50 of the weekly minimum wages according to Federal and State Minimum is [sic] subject to dismissal without notice. BARDON OF HOLLYWOOD S. S SLATE Copies of both of the above'notices were posted on respondent's bulletin board iii the plant on or about May 18, 1942, and have remained posted until removed to exhibit at this hearing . On or about May 18, 1942 the respondent mailed letters to Elias, Skinner and Deming These letters read as follows : The undersigned, Baidon of Hollywood, does hereby offer to re-employ and reinstate-each of you You are requested to report to work immediately upon receipt of this notice. You are further advised that the,undersigned intends to and will immedi- ately post upon its bulletin hoard a notice on the.form provided by the National Labor ]Relations Board to the effect that it will not in any manner interfere with, restrain or coerce its employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed them by, the National Labor Relations Act; that it will not discourage membership in any labor organization of its employees by dis- charging or threatening to discharge any of its employees for joining or assisting any labor organization of its employees; and that it will not'in any other manner discriminate against any of its employees in regard to hire or tenure of employment of any term or condition of employment for joining or assisting any labor organization of its employees The undersigned specifically denies that it has engaged in or that it is now engaging in any unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8, Sub- sections 1 and 3 of the N L R A, or that it has interfered with, restrained or coerced any of its employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed in Section 7, of'said Act, in violation of Section 8, Sub-section 1 thereof, or that it has in any other manner violated any of the terms or provisions whatsoever of said Act The undersigned specifically denies that your employment was terminated because of membership and activities in behalf of any labor organization and specifically denies that you were in any manner disuiminated against by reason of union membership or union activities. The foregoing offer to re- employ and reinstate you and to post the notice hereiibefore referred to is made without 'in any manner admitting.or conceding, that the undersigned has been guilty of any unfair lal5or practices whatsoever, or of any violations of the National Labor Relations Act, and is without prejudice to any and all rights, ' claims and defenses that the undersigned may have, and is without admitting that any of the charges heretofore made by you or any of you. are true. Very truly yours, BARDON OF HOLLYWOOD By S. S SLATE In, response to' the above letters Elias and Skii ner returned to work at the i espondent's plant on,May 20, 1942. b Ma) y Elias On May '20 after Elias had been reinstated , she was assigned to the blind stitching operation , which was similar to the work she had been doing prior BARDOX OF HOLLYWOOD 1077 to her discharge on February 10, 1942. Elias prior to that discharge had per- formed substantially all of the blind stitching operations on coats other than blind stitching work on pockets This latter operation had been performed by another operator named Gleason and had represented only a small percentage3 of the blind stitching work. Gleason was a versatile operator skilled on many types of machines. Previous to Elias' discharge oil February 10, the major por- tion of Gleason's time, was spent on• other types of operations arid performed on machines other than blind stitching machines Before February 10, Gleason did her blind stitching work on a Lewis machine, which had been previously prepared so that it could be used by Gleason, while Elias performed her writ- on a• United States machine. When Elms was reinstated on May 20, 1942;, Gleason was working on the United States machine and Elias was assigned C' the Lewis. The United States machine was driven from a faster shaft than the Lewis and consequently an operator could earn more money on a piece rate basis than she could in the same tune on the Lewis machine. Forelady Wein- garten admitted that an`operator could earn from 15 to 50 cents, more per day oil the United States machine. The evidence shows that the period from March until June was a slack season in the coat, department Forelady Weingarten and Slate testified that because of a change in manufacturing methods, some of the operations which Gleason had previously performed had been curtailed or abolished so that it became necessary for the respondent to give Gleason more of theliblind stitching work than had been formerly assigned to her Weingarten afso testified thkt in order to continue to give employment to Gleason in May after Elias returned- she had been rbliged to divide the blind stitching work between Elias and Gleason After Elias returned both Elias and Gleason were employed on a part- time basis. • Elias found the Lewis machine to be in a very poor operating condition and reported it to Foreman Noon. Noon ordered Alti, respondent's machinist, to repair it. Alti spent considerable time in testing and adjusting the machine on, May 20 and succeeded in getting it to function somewhat better than it had before he worked on it Thereafter Elias continued to complain about the machine to Alti Alti testified, that on testing it on several occasions over al period of 3 or 4 days lie thought the machine was in a fair condition and that ut first he belies ed that Elias was unduly critical. However, he admitted that after working on it on numerous occasions over a period of 3 or.,4 days he discovered that a needle guide was missing After securing a replacement part, he installed it and thereafter the machine was operating. satisfactorily. Alti also testified that he had failed to discover the defect responsible for the poor operating condition until either the day before or the day after May 27, 1942. May 26 was the last day Elias worked in the plant Foreman Noon and Forelady Weingarten both testified that the machine h,la7 been satisfactorily repaired on May 20, 1942. Noon further testified that Elias had told him that it was working satisfactorily in the late afternoon of May- 20. In view of the testimony of Alti, who impressed the undersigned as being an exceptionally frank and truthful witness, lie finds that this machine had not ,been placed in a satisfactory operating condition until at or about the time Elias terminated her employment Elias worked on May 20 and Dlay 21. She was laid off for lack of work until May 25. She returned and worked on May 25 and 26 and was again laid off until May 29. On May 27 when Elias called at the respondent's office for her 1078 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD 1 ` pay check foi her work on May 20 and 21, 1942, she was given the following notice: MAY 27, 1942 ?Hiss \'I,xRY ECIAS' This is to inform you that according; to your,piece rate earnings for the 17 honrs,^ou worked last week; you made $3.55 The minimum to this factory is 440 an hour or $748 for the 17 hours you worked If you can _not come np to this amount by next week, we will be forced to let you go BARDON O HOLLYWOOD After'reading this notice Elias'decided to quit. She returned to the plant on or, about May 28, 1942, and told Noon that'she was leaving and wanted to get some personal belongings Noon asked her: "What's the matter :nary'>" She replied.-"I quit," whereupon lie said, "Ail right, go ahead and quit, then."' When it is considered that Elias had been ofteied reinstatement by the respond- ent after tit earlier discharge which was found above to be based on her union activities, it is clear that the respondentt upon her ietuin to work was under r .duty to assign her to her founei job or to offer, her substantially equivalent employment While the respondent reinstated her to her former work, she was assigned to apother machine winch the respondent knew to be a slower maclniii than that wluch's1ie had previously operated and that her earnings would be snbstantia]lh reduced Likewise, the machine was to poor operating condition Although Foreman Noon and Forelady Weingarten testified that the machine was repaired and placed in good condition as Coon as they were informed by Elias that it was out of order, tile'evidence iii, the record is to'the contrary Other evidence in the tecord shows that work assignments were made by either Noon ,or Weingarten. Since the respondent knew Elias to be a very competent operator it is significant that they did itot seek the cause of bet low production for that 17 hour pet hod. Nevertheless, without making an investigation concei Ding the circumstances, the respondent served upon Elias the notice mentioned aho^e. Under the above cir cumstances the tei inination of her employment by Elias was not unreasonable. The Board has held that whenever any substantial change III the status of an employee is made upon a discrtnnnitoty basis, the refusal of the employee to accept the changed status cannot be considered as a resigna- non front o ii iloyment" The, undersigned accotdingl^ thuds in new of the cir- cumstances ,urronndnig the reemployment of ]Etas in the plant in llay, that the terinin:iti in of her cinplo menr was tint:nnount to a discharge The undersigned finds that the respondent has discriminated *in Iegard to hire and tenure of employment of Jeu•y Elias, thereby discouraging i ieiiibership iii the Union. 'Vellie Skinner oil or about Mayv19, 1942, the respondent also sent Skinner a letter offering het rentstatentent, this letter being similar in form-to the one mentioned above us having been sent to Elias. - ()it h\Iay 220,,1942, Skinner repot tell to Work Fur several months prior to her •dtsc in rte in February I, Ii ppeai s' above. Skinner had been employed tit making _and setting pockets on shirts A• appears above, when Skinner fitst began to work foi the enipio>ei as :1 regular operator she had been given two or ,htee bnudle^ of nlatet utl to be processed into pockets and collars for shirts After 11 n']latira of II"aggoner lielirnnp Compainl, etc :tit([ Interiialtonal Association of Oil Field. Gas Well. and Re/inci p II orkei. of Amei hell, (i N L It B 7'll Cf Matter of Cloi,e; Fork Coal Compaq and Distitct 19, Darted Mine A"oikeis,of 4menca, 4 N L It B 202, ,Lnf'q 97 I' (_d) 331 S.ARDO\ OF NOLLIIVOOD 1079 she had worked on these coutbuled operations it developed ' that Skinnei 's produc- tion oil the Coll r ope : atioil from a p:ece-rate standpoint was lower than her' earnings were on Ilie pocket oher: ttio:::tnd"that Weingarten relieved her from undertak i ng any more collar work ' i'hereat i er for the last several 'months of her emplo}went prior to her d:seharge on February 17 Skinner had been per- forming the pocket'operation exclusively On her return on May 20 Wenigai tea gave Skinner mixed bundles contai n ing both the pocket and collar parts to w oik on At the time Skinner turned ill the lust two or three completed bundles, Wcing: rten handed her a number of linings for collies Skinner testified that she told Weingarten that she way not ,Ding to make aiiy more ciillais and further told her that Weingarten knew from Skinner 's enIIici experteuce that the latter ea rnings from the costar operation were unsatisfactory Skinner also complained to Noon Concerning , the collar work and he told her to tike it up with Weingarten . According to Skinners tes(nnon^, A \• etagaitell said , and it was not denied . "Well, you will,have to do it now Don't think you can come rep here and do things the "wa y, you want to- ) oii wilt have to do what i say " Skinner continued with the work and on 'May 21, the follow ing day , she again complained to Foreman Noon concerning the types of work Weinga rten was insisting that Skinner perform Accoi'$ ing to her testinionv Noon told hei to continue to work for the balance of the day and see what she could accaonpirsh Weingarten testified during this period the work was slow ui coining through from the cutting room and that it was necess a ry to give all the operators woiking on the pocket of collar oper :itroits both types of work to complete Weingarten , however. in her testnnoiiy admitted that another opeiator'named "\harganet " preferred to work excinsnel^ on the collar operation and'thal "\larg:u • et" was an exception a nd at thi s little was working,oniy on collars. `t`he respondent failed to inintsh iii salisl'actory explanation as to why slow produc- tion in the cutting room required all operators to perform both collar and pocket operations The respondent also tailed to satisfactorily - explain why the collar work could he segregated a n d made rep into bundles for one operator while the pieces uecess : u'y to process into pockets could not likewise be segregated and given to Skinner as had previously been done On the nxn Wing of May 22 Skinner was given another mixed bundle containing parts 1or both pot l:et :ual co'i.ii s and coninienced working on it Before she hall completed all the operations she took the bundle over to Weingar ten and the following cialloquy took place Lillian IAVeingaiitenj . 1 ISkinnerl cannot stand this any longer.-1 ant tliiongli She ]Wenig.riten] said. Why Skinner , what is, the matter? I .Skinner ] well, yon did not by to cooperate with ere . and I don't want uiv mole of it I, lett a beltei job than this one to return here, and I can return to it. ShoItly there.itter. according to Skinner's testimony, Noon. who hail overheard •sonne of the conversations between Weingarten and Skinner. walked over to them \V'enigarren told Noon what Skinner had just said to her. whereupon Noon, according to Skinner, -:Ill] that. "If you feel that way about it you mat. leave" Thereafter Weingarten gathered ill) 'Skinner's work tickets for the, work she had cornpleti'd'awl took Skinner into the office where she tinned ill the ftckets nn or der that the pay chef k'nught he drawn for Skinner's w-aga s Skinner sohsegneiit!v t'ei c inert 'a pan check drawn at the. rate of 40 cents per hour On February 20, 1042,'Sloto had green the employees a 10 percent rncre.tsC whuli had increased the' hourly rite on this operation to 44 cents' Sknnizi 'aotiual 1080 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD that she had not been paid at the increased rate and returned to the office to complain. At the time Slate was present in the office and overheard the dis- cussion between Skinner and Mildred, the pay roll clerk Slate inquired about the matter. -Mildred told him that Skinner 's wages had been computed at 40 cents pei%-h6tir. Slate,then told Mildred to tear up ,the check and issue one based alpon a 44-cent rate. A consideration of the above facts is convincing that Skinner was not reinstated to her former or substantially equivalent position . Weingarten from past experi ence knew that Skinner's earnings would be curtailed if she insisted that Skinner perform both the collar and the pocket operations. Skinner for months previous to her earlier discharge in February had been given the pocket operation exclu- sively to perform but upon her return Weingarten refused to assign her to this operation, despite the fact that she had granted the request of another operator to work exclusively on the collar operation. Under the circumstances the treat- ment accorded Skinner was discriminatory following her reinstatement to her position The fact that Skinner quit her employment under the above circumstances cannot be considered as a voluntary resignation from her employment. Under the circumstances the termination of her employment was tantamount to a discharg' Further since Skinner had been reinstated following the filing of an unfair labor practice charge by the Union it follows that the respondent unques- tionably had kooivledge of her union affiliation during the period of her reemploy- ment. The undersigned accoidiugly finds that the respondent discriminated in regard to lure and tenure of employment of Nellie Skinner, during her period of reemployment iii May 1942', for the reason that she was a member of the Union.' 1V. THE EFFECT OP' Til l', UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES UPON COMMEn:CE The activities of the respondent set forth in Section III above, occurring in connection with the operations of tile respondent described in Section I above, have a close, intimate, and substantial' relation to trade, traffic, and commerce among the several States and tend to lead to labor disputes burdening and obstruct- ing commerce and the flee flow of commerce. V THE REMEDY Having found that the respondent has,engaged in unfair labor practices, the undersigned will recommend that the respondent cease and desist therefrom and take certain affirmative action designed to effectuate the policies of the Act. The undersigned has found that the respondent discriminated in regard to the hire and tenure of employment of Fernauda Fernandez by laying her off as found above The undersigned will recommend that the respondent pay Fernandez the amount of wages she would have received while working for the respondent had it not been for the lay-off, less her net earnings'- during such period. zi See footnote 20, sepia "By "net earnings " is meant earnings less expenses , such as tom transportation, room, and board, incurred by an employee in connection tin.h obtaining work and «oiking else- where than for the respondent , which i.ould not hate been incurred but for the respond- ent's discrimination against him and the consequent necessity of his seeking employment elsewhere . See Matter of Crossett Lumber Company and United Brotherhood of Carpen- ters and Joiners of America , Lumber and Sawmill Workers Union, Local 2590, 8 N L R. B 440 Monies received foi work performed upon Federal , State, county , municipal, or other woik -relief projects shall he considered as earnings . See Republic Steel Corporation v N L R.B,311U S.7. BARDON OF HOLLYWOOD 1081 The undersigned has also found that the respondent discriminated in regard to the hire and tenure of employment of Mary Elias, by terminating her employ- ment because of membership and activity in the Union, and by further discrimi- nating against her following her reinstatement. The undersigned will therefore recommend that the respondent offer to her immediate and full reinstatement to lier-former or a substantially equivalent position, without prejudice to her sen- iority and other rights and privileges, and make her whole for any loss of pay she may have suffered by reason of the respondent's discrimination against her, by payment to her of a sum of money equal to the amount she normally would have earned as wages froni the date of the discrimination to the date of the offer of reinstatement, less her net earnings.' Nellie Skinner was discharged on February 17, 1942, under circumstances found above by the undersigned not to constitute a discriminatory discharge for union activity. As found above however, the termination by Skinner of her employment on May 22, 1942 was tantamount to a discharge for union activities. The undersigned will recommend that the respondent offer to Nellie Skinner immediate and full reinstatement to her former or substantially equivalent posi- tion, without prejudice to her seniority and other rights and privileges, and make, her whole for any loss of pay she may have suffered by reason of the respondent's discrimination against her, by payment to her of a sum of money equal to the amount she normally would have earned as wages from the date of the discrimi- nation to the date of the offer of reinstatement, less her net earnings."' Since the undersigned has found also that the respondent has engaged in other unfair labor practices, it is recommended that the respondent be required to cease and desist from interfering with, restraining, and coercing its employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act. Upon the basis of the foregoing findings of fact, and upon the entire record in the case, the undersigned makes the following: i CONCLUSIONS oF LAIN' 1 Amalgamated Clothing Workers of,America, C. I 0, is a labor organization, within the iiieaning of Section 2 (5) of the Act. 2. By discriminating in regard to the hire . and tenure of employment of Fernanda Fernandez , Mary Elias and Nellie Skinner , thereby discouraging mem- bership in the Anialgain , ated Clothing Workers of America , C I 0, the respond- ent has engaged in and is engaging in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8 (3) of the Act. 3 By interfering with, restraining , and coercing its employees in the exercise of the rights ' guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act, the respondent has engaged in and is engaging in unfair labor practices , within the meaning of Section 8 (1) of the Act. 4. The aforesaid unfair labor practices are unfair labor practices affecting commerce , within the meaning of Section 2 (6) and (7) of the Act., 5. The respondent , by discharging Fernanda Fernandez on June 1, 1942, has not engaged in nufair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8 (3) of the Act 6. The respondent , by discharging Nellie Skinner on or about February 17, 1942, has not engaged in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8 (3) of the Act. 23 See footnote 22, supra. 21 See footnote 22, supra 1082 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS Upon the-basis of theabove hndings of fact and conclusions of law, the under- signed ,recommends that the respondent,,S,S Slate, an individual, doing business as B:u'don,of• Hollywood, itsi,of iceis, agents, successors, and assigns shall. 1 ,Cease and desist from.: ,,, ' .. (a) Discouraging membership in the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of Anier- ica, C, I. O , or any, other, labor organization, by discharging. laying off, or refus- ing to-reinstate any of its employees, or in any_ other mannerldisciiminating in regard to their hire and -tenure of employment, or any tenon or Condit ion of employment;, , : , •, .11 r (b) In any other inamner inteifering_.with, restraining; or coercing its ein- ployees•in the exercise of.the lights to self-organization, to form, jour. or assist labor organizations, ; to, bargani collectively through representatives of their own choosing, or to• engage in concerted activities for the purpose'-of collective bar- gaining or,other mutual aid or-protection as guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act. 2. Toke the following of i'in:itive action which the •undeisigned finds will effectuate the policies' of the Act: :;(a)' Make whole Fernanda Fernandez fot any loss of earnings resulting from the respondent's discrimination against her, by payment to her of it suin of money equal to that which she would not orally have earned as wages from the date of such discrimination due to her being laid off from April 30 to'May 15, 1Q42, less her net earnings " during the said period ; , (b) Offer to Mary Elias and Nellie Skinner, and each' of them,, immediate and full, reinstatement to her former or substantially equiNaleat position, without prejudice to her seniority and other rights and privileges ; (c) Make whole the said Mary, Elms and Nellie Skinner, and each of them. for any loss of, earnings resulting from the.respondent's discrimination against her, by payment to each of them of the sum of, money equal to that which she would not orally have earned as wages from the date of such discrimination to the date of the respondent's offer of reinstatement, less her net earnings20 during the said period ; - (d) Iminediately post notices in conspicuous places in its plant in Los Angeles, California, and maintain for a period of at least sixty (60) consecutive (lays from the (late of posting, notices to its employees dating; (1) that the respondent Will, not engage in the conduct from which it is recommended that it cease and desist in paragraph 1 (a) and (b) of these recomniendatiois; (2) that the re- spondent will'take the afhrinative action set fo•tli in paragianh 2 (a), (b). and (c) of these recommendations: and (3) that its employees may become or remain members of the Anialgamated Clothing Workeis of America, C I 0., and that the respondent will not discriminate against any employee because of membership in or activities on behalf'of that organization.' (e) File with the Regional Director for the Twenty-first Region within tell (10) flays from the receipt of this Intermediate Report, a•report in writing setting forth in detail the manner and form inn, which the respondent has complied with the foregoing recommendations It is further recommended that unless oil or before ten, (10) days from the receipt of this Intermediate Report, the'respondent notifies sad Regional Direc- tor in writing that'it will comply with the foregoing recommendations, the National Labor Relations Board issue in order requiring the respondent to take the action aforesaid. • . . , 2" See footnote 22 supra 16 See footnote 22, supra. BARDO \N OF HOLLYWOOD 1083 It is further recommended that the complaint , to the extent that it alleges that the respondent , by discharging Fernanda Fernandez on June 1, 1942 , discriminated in regard to the hire and tenure of employment of Fernanda Fernandez , within the meaning of Section 8 (3) of the Act, be dismissed. It is -fn rther recommended that the ' complaint , to the- extent that ,it alleges that, by discharging Nellie Skinner on or about February 17, 1942, the respondent discriminated in regard to the hire and tenure of employment of Nellie Skinner, within the meaning of Section 8 ( 3) of the Act , be dismissed. As -provided in Section 33' of, Article II of the" Rules and Regulations of the National Labor Relations Boar d , Series 2-as amended, effective October 28, 1942- any party 'may within fifteen ( 15) days from the (late of the entry of the order transferring the case to the Board , pursuant to Section 32 of Art icle II of said Rules aifd Regulatioǹs, file, with the Board. Shoreham Building , Washington, D, C, an, original and four , copies of a statement in writing setting forth such exceptions to the.Intermediate Report or to any other part of the record or pio- ceednng ( including rul i ngs upon all motions or objections ) as-be relies upon, together with the original and four copies of a brief i n support thereof. As further, provided in said Section 33, should any party desire permission to argue orally before the Board ; request therefor must be made iii, writing to the Board within 'ten (10 ) days from the date of the order transferring the case to the Board Dated January'l9, 1943. r) ( Z .. HENRY J. KENT. Trial Exam iner. -' 1- Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation