B & B Insulation, IncDownload PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsNov 26, 1984272 N.L.R.B. 1215 (N.L.R.B. 1984) Copy Citation B & B INSULATION 1215 B & B Insulation of Texas, Inc , doing business as B & B Insulation, Inc and International Associa tion of Heat & Frost Insulators & Asbestos Workers Cases 14-CA-16853 and 14-CA- 17118 26 November 1984 DECISION AND ORDER BY CHAIRMAN DOTSON AND MEMBERS ZIMMERMAN AND DENNIS On 13 June 1984 Administrative Law Judge Marion C Ladwig issued the attached decision The General Counsel filed exceptions and a sup porting brief and the Respondent filed a reply brief The National Labor Relations Board has delegat ed its authority in this proceeding to a three member panel The Board has considered the decision and the record in light of the exceptions and briefs and has decided to affirm the judge s rulings findings 1 and conclusions and to adopt the recommended Order ORDER The recommended Order of the administrative law judge is adopted and the complaint is dis missed ' In affirming the judge s decision we note the following evidence fur ther supports his finding that Quality Control (QC) Inspector Karen Case was a statutory supervisor It is undisputed that Case was responsible for directing and training QC inspectors Randy Pahl Tommy Nichols and Jackie Kennedy and that she did in fact train and direct them and assign them work Furthermore the record shows Case had to use Independent judgment in performing these functions and could not rely solely on Nu clear Regulatory Commission guidelines or the Respondent s established QC procedures The General Counsel relies on Tucson Gas & Electric Co 241 NLRB 181 (1979) and Wilhams Litho Service 260 NLRB 773 (1982) to support the argument that Case s authority to assign and direct was that of a lead person rather than a supervisor Unlike the instant case however the as signments made by the individuals found to be leadmen were strictly rou tine In addition the leadmen s authority to assign and direct was limited by the day to day presence of and direction by at least one level of ad nutted supervisors Tucson Gas & Electric 241 NLRB at 182-183 Wil hams Litho Service 260 NLRB at 791-792 Karen Case s quality control work was not routinely supervised at the jobsite For most of the period when Case was responsible for training directing and assigning work to Pahl Nichols and Kennedy her immediate supervisor was located at the Respondent s headquarters some 850 miles from the jobsite Though she often consulted her supervisor by phone for directions there were pert ods of a week or more when she was out of communication with him See Dixon Industries 247 NLRB 1446 fn 3 (1980) DECISION MARION C LADWIG Administrative Law Judge These cases were tried at Jefferson City Missouri Janu ary 24-27 and 31 and February 1-2 1984 The charges were filed by the Union July 20 and November 17 1983 I and a complaint and consolidated complaint were issued September 2 and January 6 1984 In October 1982 5 months after the Company assigned a person to assist quality control (QC) Inspector Karen Case at the Callaway nuclear power plant the Company changed her title to QC supervisor without any change in pay or duties On July 15 after she and two new QC inspectors had met a union organizer at the jobsite the Company discharged her The primary issues are (a) whether Case was a supervisor (b) if not did the Corn pany the Respondent discriminatorily discharge her after interrogating and making coercive statements to her about the Union and (c) whether the Company discri minatonly discharged a QC inspector after coercively stating that the inspectors would never be represented by a union violating Section 8(a)(1) and (3) of the National Labor Relations Act On the entire record including my observation of the demeanor of the witnesses and after consideration of the briefs filed by the General Counsel and the Company 2 I make the following FINDINGS OF FACT I JURISDICTION The Company a Texas corporation installs insulation and other materials at a construction site near Fulton Missouri where it annually receives goods valued over $50 000 directly from outside the State The Company admits and I find that it is an employer engaged in com merce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act and that the Union is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act II ALLEGED UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES A The Supervisory Issue Under contract with Bechtel the Company installed penetration seals flexible gap seals vapor and dust seals and sleeve extenders at Union Electric s Callaway nude ar power plant near Fulton Missouri The Callaway job site Is about 850 miles from the Company s headquarters in Houston where Quality Assurance (QA) Manager Charles Spriggs has his office On January 4 1982 near the beginning of the Compa ny s work at the jobsite Spriggs hired Karen Case as a level II quality control (QC) inspector at $8 an hour with the same $252 a week per diem being given the insulators on the job She was highly qualified knowl edgeable and experienced in quality control work On her last job at a nuclear plant where she hired and su pervised 16 levels I and II QC inspectors her title was quality control manager (Tr 267-268) Spriggs informed her that that position did not exist at the Company but that as the Company expanded the position could- be created and she might be able to move to Houston at that time (Tr 280) ' All dates are in 1983 unless otherwise indicated 2 I grant the General Counsel s May 9 1984 motion to strike from the Company s brief the references to a purported newspaper article dated 2 days before the trial began but not offered in evidence 272 NLRB No 185 1216 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD In Case s employment letter Spriggs advised her that she was being employed in the B&B Insulation Fire Safety Division that her job training and orientation would be done at the jobsite and that she would be working for the B&B Quality Assurance Department under the direction of (his brother) Kenneth Spriggs the senior QC inspector at the Callaway jobsite You will report to Project Engineer Mr Ernest Kutzley on all administrative matters such as expenses work hours re porting time etc (G C Exh 2) The Company s work at the jobsite was slow at the time and Kenneth Spriggs was the only other QC inspector on the job In mid March 1982 the Company transferred Kenneth Spriggs to its fabrication shop in Fulton leaving QC in spector Case in charge of quality control at the jobsite working alone about 6 or 8 weeks QA Manager Charles Spriggs claimed that he told Case upon hiring her that when Kenneth Spriggs went to the Fab Shop she would take over the quality management (Tr 1103- 1104) and that at the time of his brother s transfer he informed her she would be the quality management on on the jobsite (Tr 1116) I find that this testimony was fabricated Spriggs wrote on her employment application the possible future position of QC Supervisor but not at Callaway (R Exh 3) and Case credibly denied that she was ever told that she was quality control manage ment on the jobsite (Tr 239 1478) I also discredit as a fabrication Spriggs claim that when she inquired about the $252 weekly per diem before being hired I in formed her that our per diem was paid for our su pervisory personnel and that per diem would only be going to people actually performing the QC management function (Tr 1103) Case credibly testified that Spriggs did not say that per diem was for management He never discussed it as to who got it I said that I would not work without it That I knew the insulators got it That I could get it as a QC inspector from other compa nies and that as part of my payment package I wanted the per diem (Tr 1478) Throughout her lengthy testimony Case impressed me by her demeanor on the stand as being a most sincere honest witness On the other hand Charles Spriggs as well as four other company witnesses Ralph Block John Gardner Earl Goodman and Susan Lampkin impressed me by their demeanor as being untrustworthy witnesses who were willing to give whatever testimony might help the Company s cause Although Case worked alone several weeks after Ken neth Spriggs transfer and although there was no men lion of any change of title or authority in her April 7 1982 90 day review (when she received a 50 cent raise (G C Exh 23 R Exh 4)) the Company contends in its brief that she began exercising supervisory authority from the time she relieved Kenneth Spriggs in March 1982 I find the contention to be unfounded In May 1982 without consulting Case the Company transferred untrained employee Randy Pahl from the fab rication shop to assist her in quality control at the job site Case trained him to be a level I inspector and later qualified him for promotion to a level II inspector Be tween May 1982 and late April 1983 when trainees Tommy Nichols and Jackie Kennedy were hired Nich ols was Case s only assistant (except for part of March and April when the newly appointed quality control manager Goodman who was a level III QC inspector worked as a level I inspector while auditing the job) In October 1982 QA Manager Spriggs changed Case s title from senior QC inspector to QC supervisor without any change in pay benefits or duties (Tr 235- 237) This new title was shown on her January 3 annual evaluation of performance (G C Exh 3) and also on the Company s jobsite organization chart which Project Manager Kutzley updated March 28 (G C Exh 16 Tr 462) On May 2 Spriggs gave Case a merit increase rais ing her hourly rate from $8 50 to $9 50 and showing her title to be QC supervisor assigned to Callaway (G C 4) The change in title was QA Manager Spriggs re sponse to a question raised by an auditor for the plant owner Union Electric about the training of QC inspec tors at the jobsite At the time Spriggs informed Case that he was in the process of upgrading several of the company procedures to fit the growing organization that he could not train and evaluate all the new people and that he was working on creating a position for others to do the training at the local jobsites (Tr 235-236) As a level II QC inspector Case was already doing this train ing function Spriggs did not mention any change in her duties or authority Case asked QA Manager Spriggs for a job description several times but she had not received one before she was discharged July 15 (Tr 506) 2 Her authority as QC supervisor a Falsely dated job description At the time of Karen Case s July 15 discharge the Company had not issued any description of her duties and authority The March 28 organization chart (R Exh 16) merely indicated QC Supervisor Callaway—Karen Case On August 4 (about 2 weeks after the Union filed the charge alleging Case s discriminatory discharge) QC Manager Goodman wrote QA Manager Spriggs a memo (G C Exh 30) concerning Case s employment and dis charge The memo asserted that in Goodman s April 12 meeting with her (about 3 weeks before her $1 merit in crease) Karen was informed that her duties involved supervising coordinating and directing the Quality Con trol functions at the Callaway jobsite Case credibly denied that Goodman said anything about her superviso ry duties in that meeting (Tr 1499) The memo was ob viously prepared as part of the Company s defense to the NLRB charge I find that in the absence of any written description of Case s duties or authority as a QC super visor Goodman fabricated the claim that he orally in formed her of her supervisory authority before her dis charge By the time of trial however the Company had re vised its Quality Assurance Program (R Exh 26) to de scribe the duties and authority of the QC supervisor and to add a new organization structure chart for the QA/QC department (The new chart contained spaces for four jobsites The Company s second penetration seal B & B INSULATION 1217 contract was obtained at the Waterford nuclear plant near New Orleans about March 1982 and its third at the Wolf Creek nuclear plant near Burlington Kansas in July 1983 the month after the June 30 date shown on the chart ) The seventh page of the Quality Assurance Program indicated that the page was revised June 30 and stated under paragraph 3 4 2 1 (R Exh 26) that The assigned Quality Control Site Supervisor shall have the authority and responsibility to organize and supervise the activities of assigned Quality Con trol Inspectors The assigned Supervisor shall be re sponsible for the control and implementation of ap propnate procedure and maintenance of necessary records The assigned Quality Control Supervisor will report directly to the B&B Quality Control Manager Similarly on the 13th page in a Supplement II entitled Authority and Responsibilities paragraph 2 8 stated that the QC site supervisors in the B&B Insulation Fire Safety Division shall be responsible for a) Supervision of Quality Control inspectors b) Control and Maintenance of site documents c) Forwarding of site generated documents to ap propnate offices 1 I discredit QA Manager Spriggs claim that this re vised program was promulgated throughout the organi zation on June 30 (Tr 1177) The practice was for revi sions of policies and procedures to be transmitted to the jobsite under cover of the Company s QC Form 13 and for a signed copy to be returned to the sender with a copy retained at the jobsite Case did not receive a copy at the Callaway jobsite before her July 15 discharge and no receipted copy was produced at the trial showing when it actually issued (Tr 1460-1465) I infer that the revised Quality Assurance Program was issued at a later date and predated June 30 (15 days before Case s discharge) to bolster the Company s de fense that she had been assigned supervisory authority before her discharge b Other evidence of supervisory authority (1) Hiring of QC inspectors The Company contends in its brief that Karen Case as QC supervisor did the hiring of QC inspectors Nichols and Kennedy April 25 and 27 QA Manager Spriggs tes tilled that Case had informed him that she and Project Manager Kutzley were talking about needing additional QC employees to perform the additional workload and she told me that she was going to hire additional QC personnel to accomplish this (emphasis added) and I said make sure that you have the approval from Daniel Construction Company (Tr 1160-1161) I find that this testimony was clearly fabricated Case had been seeking additional QC inspectors for months and she had no au thonty to hire employees I discredit this testimony and also the claim by document control clerk Lampkin that Case told her that it was Case s decision to hire Nichols and Kennedy (Tr 815) (As indicated above Spriggs and Lampkin along with Block Gardner and Goodman im pressed me as being willing to give whatever testimony might help the Company s cause ) The actual facts were quite different Nichols credibly testified that QC Manager Goodman met him at a gas station where Nichols worked promised to give him a job and gave him an application (Tr 676) Nichols wife filled out the application Nichols took it to Goodman s motel room and Goodman said for me to write down Q C Inspector on the application because That would help me get my job (Tr 677-678) Later Nichols had an interview with Kutzley and Case in Kutzley s office Both Kutzley and Case told him that they had to con tact Houston to get it approved (Tr 678-680) Project Manager Kutzley confirmed that the Nichols interview was in his office (Tr 1292) (I discredit Lamp kin s fabricated claim that Case interviewed Nichols alone at the other end of the trailer from Kutzley s office (Tr 812-813) ) Kutzley also recalled that when Case noticed the different handwriting on Nichols appli cation (where Nichols had added the words & Q C In specnon to his work experience at a former employer (G C Exh 24)) Kutzley suggested that Case contact the employer to find out what his work and job had been (Tr 1292) After Case checked the reference and determined that Nichols had falsified his application as she credibly testi fled she relayed the information to Project Manager Kutzley QC Manager Goodman (who was at the jobsite at the time) and QA Manager Spriggs (Tr 104 513- 514) Case opposed the hiring of Nichols explaining (Tr 104-105) that A It s enormously important that when they re filling out the forms that they pay attention to detail that they fill them out honestly and reliably Quality control inspection on a nuclear facility is very important and it s very important that the people be willing to maintain their integrity and not be falsifying different types of materials But Spriggs did not agree He told Case it wasn t fair to hold it against [Nichols] because Mr Goodman advised him to put it on there so it would look good on his appli cation (Tr 101) (Spriggs claimed that he did not recall having a conversation with anyone concerning the prob lem with Nichols job application (Tr 1164) ) Contrary to Case s recommendation that Nichols not be hired the Company proceeded to hire him The Corn pany also decided to hire Jackie Kennedy 2 days later As Case credibly testified I wasn t saying much of any thing about Kennedy being hired I was angry because my recommendations about not hiring Nichols were to tally ignored and I made no comment for or against Jackie because my nose was out of joint about being ig nored the first time And I wasn t going to venture an opinion a second time (Tr 469) I therefore reject the Company s contention that Karen Case hired QC inspectors Nichols and Kennedy She opposed the hiring of Nichols and did not recom mend for or against the hiring of Kennedy 1218 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD I also reject the Company s contention that Project Manager Kutzley had no authority over the Quality Control Inspectors because the production and QC de partrnents were entirely separate and had different lines of supervisory authority The evidence shows that Kutzley exercised a substantial role in the hiring corn pensation and other conditions of their employment The Company s QA Policy in section III paragraph 3 2 1 requires that the QA department shall function as a separate entity and paragraph 3 4 2 2 requires that in spection activities be made without intervention from other departments (R Exh 26) 10 CFR Part 50 App B provides under X Inspections that Such inspec lions shall be performed by individuals other than those who performed the activity being inspected (2) Management meetings The Company further contends in its brief that Karen Case as QC supervisor actively participated in man agement level meetings and made effective recommenda tions concerning hiring pay and promotions As Case credibly testified she never attended any meetings with QA Manager Spriggs QC Manager Good man or Project Manager Kutzley in which the wages and hours of the QC employees were discussed (Tr 249) She did oppose Kutzley s idea of offering trainee appli cants only $5 an hour when the competition and the Company itself at its other nuclear plant were paying more but she did not suggest what rate to pay (Tr 471- 472) She suggested to Kutzley that the Company place a newspaper ad for QC inspectors but Kutzley refused (Tr 183)' Over a period of several months before the Company hired Nichols and Kennedy to assist Case and Pahl in performing the increasing quality control work Case re peatedly urged Spriggs to promote level I inspector Pahl I told [Spriggs] I desperately needed him to be a level II inspector I had to have help in performing cer tam inspections a level I inspector was not permitted to do Her recommendations were never granted Finally in the first week of May Pahl was promoted upon QC Manager Goodman s recommendation (Tr 299) Both before and after October 1982 when her title was changed to QC supervisor Case went with Kutzley to progress meetings held by Daniel Construction Com pany (which administered the Company s contract with Bechtel) Case s role was to answer questions (Tr 437- 441 ) Also when authorized and approved by Kutzley or Spriggs Case prepared correspondence to Daniel sign ing the letters as the QC supervisor Contrary to the po sition taken by the Company in its brief I find that in performing these duties she was exercising neither mana genal authority nor supervisory authority (over QC in spector Pahl before late April or over him and two new QC inspectors after then) (3) Other duties and authority Although Karen Case used the title of QC supervisor since October 1982 the evidence is clear that she did not regard herself as the site supervisor over inspector Pahl or the new inspec ors Nichols and Kennedy It is undisputed that Case never disciplined any of the employees She did not have the authority to grant em ployees time off (Tr 193) and she was never told she had the authority to hire fire suspend discipline pro mote reward lay off or recall employees or adjust their grievances She did not have the authority to approve vacation requests (Tr 200-201) or to grant overtime without approval (Tr 193) and on various occasions her requests to work overtime were not approved (Tr 198- 199) Except when doing documentation work or other administrative duties in the office trailer she was per forming QC inspections daily Once in late March (when Case and Pahl were the only persons performing QC inspections) Kutzley and General Foreman Fred Greer arranged for a set of draw ings to be placed in a stand up toolbox in the power block for Case and Pahl to use instead of having to return to the trailer office to check on drawings delay ing the insulators work When Kutzley spoke to Case about it and said He didn t want people to come back to the office and grab a cup of coffee or anything else where they were looking things up she pointed out that it was his job to establish the rule I can t do anything here and suggested that he post a memo on the bulletin board about it He agreed and she prepared the memo for him signing her own name as QC supervisor He ap proved it and told her to go ahead and put it on the board (Tr 195-197 GC Exh 10) In late April when the Company hired QC inspectors Nichols and Kennedy neither QA Manager Spriggs nor QC Manager Goodman was at the jobsite to prepare the type employment letter Spriggs had written Case upon hiring her Spriggs told Case he was very busy and in structed her to send a similar letter to the new employ ees to pattern the letters on hers and send him copies Case did so spelling out the Company s terms for their employment stating that each would be assigned to the Callaway Site under the supervision of myself and sign ing her name as the QC supervisor at the jobsite (Tr 186-187 GC Exhs 6 & 7 ) Despite the repeated use of the new title Case still did not regard herself in a supervisory position over the three QC inspectors When asked on cross examination whether she was surprised to see inspector Pahl outside a restaurant in Fulton on June 28 even though he had called in sick Case credibly answered no It s none of my business what he does with his sick days (Tr 432) She was still being paid on an hourly basis (plus the pre mium of $252 a week per diem for her expertise) and the Company still had not given her a job description stat ing any supervisory authority over the other QC em ployees The substantial question is whether she possessed su pervisory authority in assigning the QC inspectors and responsibly directing their work Case was in charge of the exceedingly important qual ity control function for the Company at the nuclear job site Her work required the use of independent judgment and discretion for the safety of the billion dollar nuclear project She carried out this function without issuing orders and disciplining the other QC inspectors yet she B & B INSULATION 1219 established high standards for the QC work on the job site trained the other QC personnel (with Pahl s assist ance after early May) to comply with those standards assigning the work to the persons who in her judgment were qualified to perform it and made sure that her high standards were met QA Manager Spriggs relied primari ly on her judgment in evaluating the QC inspectors Case readily admitted in her direct testimony that she did at times use judgment and discretion in giving work direc lions and training directions (Tr 306) She also admitted that she based her judgments in assigning the work on her experience in the field and her knowledge of these individual people and what their strengths and weakness es were (Tr 528) 3 Contentions and concluding findings The General Counsel argues that Case was only a lead person lending her experience in the nuclear quality control inspection field to the less experienced new em ployees at the jobsite and was therefore not a supervi sor According to the General Counsel Case did have responsibilities for assigning work to inspectors training indoctrinating and preliminarily evaluating the less expe rienced inspectors attending with Kutzley meetings with clients regarding QC matters acting as a conduit between admitted supervisors and the inspectors but There is no evidence that Case used independent judg ment in these activities He contends that Kutzley and Goodman were on the jobsite making and participating in the making of crucial labor relations decisions affect ing the inspectors and that her possession of the title QC site superivsor is not dispositive of her status The Company contends in its brief that The only su pervisory functions which Karen Case apparently failed to exercise were firing disciplining or effectively recom mending such matters that she clearly possessed the powers of hiring of inspectors certification assigning work and overtime The fact that there is no evidence that Karen Case exercised her disciplinary powers does not indicate she did not have them and quoting the court in Maine Yankee Atomic Power Co v NLRB 624 F 2d 347 362 (1st Cir 1980) It is the existence of su pervisory authority which is critical And that authority which plainly exists here is not less so because it is couched in nondemanding terms The Company also argues that the General Counsel s position is incredible and that no employer providing quality control in the construction of a nuclear power plant would attempt to do so without providing real on the scene supervision of its Quality Control inspectors through a jobsite supervisor (as defined in the Act) who was fully qualified as at least a Level II Inspector Pointing out that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission the owner and Daniel Construction each audited the Company s jobsite QC Department operations and proce dures it argues (without record support) that they would not permit it It adds that It is incredible to think that Union Electric Daniel or B & B would jeop ardize the health and safety of an inestimable number of people or would jeopardize the certification of a billion dollar plant by permitting new and untrained employees to certify penetration seals without close daily and expert supervision That supervision was provided by Karen Case The Company further argues that the number of su pervisors at the jobsite was for itself and not the Board to decide Relying on discredited testimony that Case was a supervisor even when working alone in the jobsite QC department for 6 to 8 weeks it contends that Its de cision to have one supervisor in that department at all times was not unreasonable That business decision was B & B s alone to make The Company hired Karen Case as a level II QC in spector at a premium rate (including the $252 weekly per diem) because of her expertise As found she was not a supervisor when hired or when she was first placed in charge of quality control at the jobsite working alone several weeks The question is not whether the Company should have but whether it did assign her supervisory authority when she was training assigning and directing first one and later two other QC inspectors In October 1982 (5 months after she began training inspector Pahl) the Company did change her title from senior QC inspector to QC supervisor but it did not change her pay benefits or duties and never gave her a job description or inform her what supervisory authority she had over the QC in spectors After weighing all the evidence I find that Case did not have the authority to hire transfer suspend lay off recall promote discharge reward or discipline the QC inspectors to adjust their grievances or effectively to recommend these actions On the other hand she was placed in charge of the exceedingly important quality control function for the Company at the nuclear jobsite she did have the responsibility for the training assign ment and direction of the other inspectors to ensure the quality and safety of the work and the Company did be latedly assign her atsupervisory title Although Case acted as if she were merely a leader when she trained assigned and directed the QC inspec tors without issuing orders or disciplining them I find that the Company had delegated her the authority in its interest to use her independent judgment in assigning and responsibly directing them (I make this finding de spite obvious fabrications that detract from the persua siveness of the Company s supervisory defense ) Accordingly I find that Karen Case was a supervisor as defined in Section 2(11) of the Act B Interrogation and Discharge of Case At lunchtime on June 28 one of the Union s Interna tonal representatives held an organizational meeting with Karen Case and QC inspectors in the office trailer That afternoon Case returned QA Manager Spriggs call from Houston As she credibly testified Spriggs asked about the Union s coming to the jobsite to organize the QC inspectors asked who the union representative was and which of the inspectors spoke with him asked what was said and who signed up and He told me that we weren t going to have a union that it was illegal as hell and that he did not want his people answering to a business agent that he expected them to answer to 1220 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD him (Tr 219-220 1484) (I discredit Spriggs denials that this conversation occurred ) On July 15 the Compa ny discharged Case The General Counsel contends that this June 28 inter rogation some of Spriggs statements during that conver sation and Spriggs further interrogation of Case July 13 (2 days before her discharge) were coercive and violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act He also contends that the in terrogation and coercive statements the Company s union animus and the Company s shifting defense at the trial demonstrate that the Company discriminatorily dis charged her because of her union activity I agree with the Company that its motive for dis charging Karen Case and the merits of the discharge are irrelevant because she was a supervisor as defined in the Act Parker Robb Chevrolet 262 NLRB 402 404 (1982) I therefore find that the discharge did not violate Section 8(a)(3) and (1) of the Act and that the alleged coercion of a supervisor not an employee did not violate Section 8(a)(1) C Discharge of Kennedy 1 The circumstances QC Supervisor John Ringo who replaced the dis charged Karen Case told QC inspectors Jackie Kennedy and Randy Pahl October 25 (during the election cam paign) that there would not be a union there On No vember 22 he attempted to give Kennedy a written rep rimand and discharged her The General Counsel con tends that the discharge which was reduced to a suspen sion without pay when she was reinstated December 8 was discriminatorily motivated and violated Section 8(a)(3) and (1) The smooth efficient operation of the QC department at the jobsite ended with the discharge of Case Ringo was a young new supervisor who did not have the expe rience competence or leadership ability that Case had He complained that (1) the QC employees resented me very greatly (Tr 855) (2) Pahl did a minimum of work causing a very large backlog of inspections (Tr 857- 858) (3) Kennedy was inaccurate in he records did not pay attention to detail and her records were often incorrect I talked to her several times and then I called her in for an official verbal warning Sep tember 22 and gave her a copy of his report to the project manager on her documenting penetrations as being completed when they were still empty (Tr 859- 861 G C Exh 18) (4) Nichols work performance was satisfactory but His attitude was a little poor and (5) Nichols Pahl and Kennedy responded negatively to his efforts to develop a rapport with them They wouldn t speak to me unless they were spoken to They were very rude They were discourteous (Tr 863-864) Kennedy s attitude toward Ringo (who the parties agreed was a supervisor) eventually led to her discharge for insubordination She had not regarded Karen Case Ringo s very knowledgeable predecessor as a real super visor but merely a lead Q C (Tr 654) and she did not respect Ringo s supervisory status As she expressed it It was just his way of doing things to show his dU thorny I know he was you know over me but he tried to show authority you know he just didn t do it in a professional manner I guess being older than him I just was kind of shocked at some of the tactics that 1-e used (Tr 634-635) On at least two occasions before November 2 Ringo talked to Kennedy about staying on the job Once was when he rechecked some penetrations she had inspected and found that they were not properly sealed He cau boned her that she needed to stay with her machine and inspect each penetration as the insulators were completing the seals (Tr 951-952) On another occasion he saw her away from the machine talking with other employees at a water fountain He told her she needed to stay with that machine so that she could be available if and when they did start their machine back up (Tr 885) On November 2 Ringo observed Kennedy in the Rad waste Building about a 7 minute walk from the Control Room where he had assigned her She was talking to the more experienced level II inspector Randy Pahl about an X dimension (Tr 548-549) Ringo asked if her machine was pumping and she said yes Without first inquiring why she was away from her job he asked if she didn t think she ought to be with the machine She responded I don t have to have my nose stuck up their ass (Tr 891-892) (She did not deny making this statement but testified that she did not recall doing so and I usually don t use such language ) (Tr 550) Ringo ordered her to return to her work crew and left Kennedy testified that she was stunned and shocked at his attitude (Tr 550 642) She left and got part way back and then I turned around and I came back and talked to Pahl about why Ringo acted that way (Tr 643) After about 20 minutes Ringo returned Kennedy was still away from her job talking to Pahl When she saw Ringo drive up in the van she rushed from the side door and finally returned to work (Tr 895-897 965-966) By quitting time Ringo had prepared a letter of repri mand for being away from her work area (G C Exh 18) When Kennedy stopped by the office to get her purse Ringo asked to talk to her outside After going down the steps he tried to hand her the reprimand (Tr 905 907) Upon seeing his and her names on the letter (Tr 556) Kennedy shouted Did you write me up again you son of bitch and slapped the letter from his hand He told her she was fired and went back into the office (Tr 907-908) (Kennedy did not deny making the state ment or slapping the paper from his hand She merely denied that she recalled making the statement claiming I doubt very much that I did and testified that if the papers fell to the ground they fell on accident I didn t smack him—I didn t hit him (Tr 558) ) Kennedy followed Ringo back into the office and shouted I am not fired If I am fired you are fired (Tr 908) She recalled asking him what his problem was and what was wrong with his attitude (Tr 558- 559) She went next door and reported that John just fired me to the project manager who expressed surprise at her being discharged (Tr 557) B & B INSULATION 1221 On December 8 Ringo reinstated her without back pay after she agreed (as he testified) that she could work in a professional like manner and not exhibit un professional like behavior and work under my authority or under my supervision (Tr 9 16-917 G C Exh 27) On October .25 about a week before the discharge QC inspectors Kennedy and Pahl were discussing the ad vantages of union representation in Ringo s presence As Pahl credibly testified Ringo said not to worry about it there wouldn t be a union here (Tr 692-693) (Ken nedy recalled that Ringo said it would be all right but that we weren t going to go union' We weren t going to be organized—the QC department (Tr 544-545) Ringo denied making such a statement Although I rely on much of his testimony (beheiving that it is generally more reliable than that of Kennedy concerning her dis charge) I discredit his denials 2 Contentions and concluding findings The General Counsel contends that the Company violated the Act when supervisor Ringo told employees Kennedy and Pahl that the Respondent would never have a union He argues that the earlier discharge of Case to quell unionization and Ringo s October 25 ad monishment that the Company would not have a union were not enough the Company considered another dem onstration of its power to stop unionization was neces sary Thus the discharge of Jackie Kennedy the second employee to be discharged at the Callaway jobsite He contends that a prima facie case of discriminatory dis charge has been established and that the Company s pur ported reasons for the discharge and the suspension with out pay were mere pretexts The Company contends that the alleged October 25 statement which Ringo flatly denied was not a threat was nothing more than an expression of opinion on whether the QC department would be organized and did not indicate an antiunion attitude It argues that Ringo decided (a) to reprimand Kennedy for being out of her assigned area after she disobeyed his order to return to her crew (b) to terminate her for insubordination when she slapped the reprimand from his hand and called him a son of a bitch and (c) to reduce the discharge to sus pension when she assured him she understood the work rules would work in a professional manner and would follow his directions It contends that Ringo s actions were not motivated in any way by union animus I agree with the Company despite its union animus in dealing with QC Supervisor Karen Case 3 months earli er I find that the October 25 statement made by Ringo whom Kennedy did not respect as a real supervisor indi cated only his personal opinion about the outcome of the organizational drive in the QC department was not a threat and did not tend to coerce the employees in the exercise of their Section 7 rights I also find that the credible evidence shows that Ringo made the decisions to reprimand her November 2 for re fusing to obey his order to return to his crew and to dis charge her for slapping the reprimand from his hand and calling him an SOB Thus I find that he reprimanded and discharged her for challenging his supervisory au thority not because she supported the Union Accord ingly I conclude that the General Counsel has not made a prima facie case of discriminatory motivation and that the Company would have reprimanded and discharged her anyway I therefore find that the Company did not violate Sec tion 8(a)(1) and (3) and that the allegations must be dis missed CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1 Karen Case was a supervisor within the meaning of Section 2(11) of the Act 2 Because of her supervisory status Case s discharge her interrogation and the alleged coercive statements to her did not violate Section 8(a)(1) and (3) 3 Supervisor Ringo s personal prediction that the or ganizational drive would not succeed was not a threat and did not tend to coerce the employees in the exercise of their Section 7 rights 4 Ringo s reprimand discharge and suspension of Jackie Kennedy were not discriminatorily motivated and did not violate Section 8(a)(3) and (1) On these findings of fact and conclusions of law and on the entire record I issue the following recommend ed 3 ORDER The complaint is dismissed 3 If no exceptions are filed as provided by Sec 102 46 of the Board s Rules and Regulations the findings conclusions and recommended Order shall as provided in Sec 102 48 of the Rules be adopted by the Board and all objections to them shall be deemed waived for all pur poses Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation