Atlas Lumber Co.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsAug 24, 1978237 N.L.R.B. 823 (N.L.R.B. 1978) Copy Citation ATLAS I.UMBER COMPANY Atlas Lumber Company and General Teamsters Local 326, a/w International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of Amer- ica Local Union 522, International Brotherhood of Team- sters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen & Helpers of America and General Teamsters Local 326, a/" In- ternational Brotherhood of Teamsters. Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America. Cases 4 CA-8736 and 4- CB 3162 August 24, 1978 DECISION AND ORDER BY CHAIRMAN FANNING ANI) MMl BI RS JINKINS AND MItRPtIl On April 26, 1978, Administrative Law Judge Joel A. Harmatz issued the attached Decision in this pro- ceeding. Thereafter, Respondent Employer and Re- spondent Local 522 filed exceptions and supporting briefs, and the General Counsel filed a brief in an- swer to Respondents' exceptions and briefs. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended. the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its au- thority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the record and the at- tached Decision in light of the exceptions and briefs and, with the modifications below, has decided to affirm the rulings, findings, and conclusions of the Administrative Law Judge and to adopt his recom- mended Order, as modified herein. We agree with the Administrative Law Judge's finding that Respondent Employer violated Section 8(a)(1) and (2) of the Act when it recognized Respon- dent Local 522 and entered into a contract with that organization, and that Respondent Local 522 vio- lated Section 8(b)( I )(A) when it accepted the recog- nition and contract, because at the time of recogni- tion Respondent Local 522 did not represent a majority of the employees in the appropriate bar- gaining unit.' In view of this finding, we consider it unnecessary to pass upon the Midwest Piping theory of violation also relied on by the Administrative I aw Judge. ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Re- lations Board adopts as its Order the recommended Order of the Administrative Law Judge, as modified below, and hereby orders that the Respondent Em- plover, Atlas Lumber Company, Camden, New Jer- se\. its officers, agents. successors, and assigns, and the Respondent Union, Local Union 522, Interna- tional Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs. Ware- housemen and Helpers of America. Jamaica, New York. its officers, agents, and representatives, shall take the action set forth in the recommended Order. as so modified: 1. Insert the following as paragraph A. I. (b) and appropriately reletter subsequent paragraphs under A, I: "Giving effect to. performing, or in any manner enforcing the collective-bargaining agreement en- tered into with Respondent local 522 on May 16, 1977. or to anly amendment, supplement, or addition thereito. unless or until the labor organization has been certified by the Board as the exclusive bargain- ing representatise in the appropriate bargaining unit: provided, however. that nothing herein shall require Respondent Enmplo(er to vary or abandon any terms or conditions of employment which have been estab- lished in the performance of the agreement or to prejudice the assertion by employees of any rights then maI have acquired thereunder." 2. Substitute the attached "Appendix A" for that of the Administrative Law Judge. See aIrt rnalinli / adw,'C flmt, it -4re'rC U non. .4 FL CIO [0Bernhard- 4litmat I/ea ( o,rfportonti ,r 1 R B, 366 t :S 731 (1961). Although Re- spondcntI I 522 had ,auihorl.'ti.ho cards from all 10 unit emplosees the card, icnnilot he relied on i, estahlish its mn.ijoril status. as 9 of the emplos- ece had also stined authorlatilon cards in behalf of l.ocal 326. and. conse- quentl\, ambiguito exists as to which local they Intended to designate See ( ari (' , 1to,,lltl ( i raipt - ; tt 223 NI.RB '39 (1976) In agreement aith the Adminlstratle I : i Judge, we find the total evidence Insufficient to estah- hsh that bh signing the cards In behalf of the Respondent Local 522. the cinipli,!c, intended to repudiate their earlier authorzation of Local 326 Acc-rdigl. Iuc IIonider Ihe caseC fa.Ictuall diltinguishahle from R Biecrevr tl,m, -iA 4di, 217 NI RB 22 (l9751 ' ldue,/ Pli,. igl andSupjl/ i ('C . In, 63 NL RB 1060 ( 1945 APPENDIX A NOIl( E TJo EMPL. OY E S PoSI EI) Be ORDER OF THE N.\IION sI L\BO()R RELATIONS BOARD An Agenct of the United States Government After a hearing in which all parties were represented b) their attorneys and afforded the opportunity to present evidence in support of their respective posi- tions, it has been found that we have violated the National Labor Relations Act in certain respects and we have been ordered to post this notice and to carry out its terms. IThe National Labor Relations Act, gives you, as employees. certain rights including the right: 237 NLRB No. 87 823 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD To engage in self-organization To form, join, or help a union To bargain collectively through a represen- tative of your own choosing To act together for collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection To refrain from any or all of these things. Accordingly, we give you these assurances. WE WILt. NOI recognize or deal with General Teamsters Local 522, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America, unless and until that union has been certified as the exclusive representative of our employees in the appropriate unit by the National Labor Relations Board. WE WILL. NOT give any force or effect to the agreement made with Local Union 522, Interna- tional Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America. dated May 16, 1977, or to any amendment, supple- ment, or addition thereto, unless or until the la- bor organization has been certified by the Board as the exclusive bargaining representative in the appropriate bargaining unit: provided, however. that nothing herein shall require Respondent Employer to vary or abandon any terms or con- ditions of employment which have been estab- lished in the performance of the agreement or to prejudice the assertion by employees of any rights they may have acquired thereunder. WE WILi. NOT in any manner assist Local Union 522, International Brotherhood of Team- sters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America, to become the representative of our employees. WE VvIIL NOI in any like or related manner interfere with, restrain, or coerce our employees in the exercise of their rights guaranteed by Sec- tion 7 of the Act. AILAS LUMBFR COMPANY DECISION STATEMNrt O. [iHE CASt JOEL A HARMAIZ. Administrative Law Judge: This case was heard in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on January 3 and 4, 1978, upon a charged filed on June 10, 1977, and a com- plaint issued on August 25, 1977, alleging that Respondent Employer violated Section 8(a)(2) and (1) of the Act and that Respondent Local 522 violated Section 8(b)(1)(A) of the Act, by their entering into a collective-bargaining agreement in the face of a claim for recognition by the Charging Party Local 326. In their respective answers, Re- spondent Employer and Respondent Local 522 deny that any unfair labor practices were committed. After close of the hearing, briefs were filed on behalf of the General Counsel, the Respondent Employer, and the Respondent Union. Upon the entire record in this proceeding., including con- sideration of the posthearing briefs, and personal observa- tion of the witnesses and their demeanor, I hereby make the following: FINDINGS OF FA(I I. URISDICI ION Respondent Employer since April 15, 1977, has been en- gaged in the operation of a wholesale lumber business from its location in Camden, New Jersey. In the course of said operation Respondent Employer purchased goods valued in excess of $50,000 directly from suppliers located in States of the United States other than the State of New Jersey. The complaint alleges, the answers admit, and I find that Respondent Employer is, and has been at all times material herein, an employer engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. II THE LABOR ORGANIZATION INVOLVED The complaint alleges, all parties concede, and I find that the Charging Part), Local 326 and Respondent Local 522 are labor organizations within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. III THE ALLEGED UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES The instant controversy relates to competing claims for employee representation by sister locals of the Internation- al Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America. Thus, it appears that during the first month of Respondent Employer's operation as a wholesale lumber dealer in Camden, New Jersey, Local 326 and Respondent Union, Local 522, both Teamsters Union affiliates, obtained signed authorization cards from a majority of the employees involved. Thereafter, the Re- spondent Employer recognized Local 522 as exclusive rep- resentative, and executed an agreement to be bound to a subsisting contract between that Union and a multiem- ployer association, The Building Supply Dealers of New Jersey. The General Counsel challenges the lawfulness of Re- spondent Employer's action in recognizing Local 522 and executing said agreement as contravening established Board policy, which dictates, in the circumstances, a viola- tion of Section 8(a)(2) and (1) of the Act on the part of the former, and an unfair labor practice by Local 522 under Section 8(a)(l)(A) of the Act. In support, the General Counsel argues that, as a genuine question concerning rep- resentation had been raised by Local 326 before recogni- tion was conferred and a contract executed, said conduct constitutes unlawful assistance within the meaning of Mid- west Piping and Supply, Co., Inc., 63 NLRB 1060 (1945). In addition, the General Counsel, pursuant to an amendment 824 ATLAS LUMBER COMPANY to the complaint, also asserts that the alleged unfair labor practices are substantiated on the further ground that rec- ognition was conferred under conditions whereby L ocal 522 could not claim to hold majority support among em- ployees in the appropriate unit. See International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, A FL CIO [Bernhard-Altnlan Texas Corp.] v. N.L.R.B., 366 U.S. 731 (1961). In this latter respect, the General Counsel acknowledges that a majority of the unit employees executed designations on behalf of Local 522, but asserts that, as the employees requisite to the latter's majority had also validly designated Local 326. under the Board's "dual authorization" doctrine. the cards may not be deemed valid designations adequate to form a predicate for lawful recognition. See. e.g.. Crest Containers Corporation, 223 NLRB 739 (1976). By way of defense, Respondents argue that the above precedent is inapposite, urging that the challenged bargain- ing relationship was established only after unit employees repudiated their prior interest in representation by l.ocal 326. Alex Edelman, Zev Parness, et. ai., a Copartnership d/b/a Wavecrest Home for Adults, 217 NLRB 227 (1975). More specifically, the facts show that Respondent Em- ployer commenced operations at the facility in question on April 15, 1977.' By letter dated April 20, Local 522 notified Respondent Employer that it was in the process of organiz- ing the employees involved here. However, as shall be seen, no representative of Local 522 actually appeared in the Camden area for such purposes until May 13. In the mean- time an employee, or former employee, Miller Garrett of Atlas, contacted Local 326.2 Garrett, shortly thereafter. ac- cording to credible evidence, by May 4. obtained signed authorization cards from at least 7 of the 10-11 unit em- ployees.3 On that date, Local 326 forwarded a letter to the president of Atlas Lumber. Bernie Liedman. which stated as follows: Dear Sir: This is to advise you that a majority of your drivers and Yard employees have signed authorization cards indicating their desire to have this Local Union repre- sent them. We have been in contact with your employees and are now actively organizing them. We request your co- operation and ask that you abide by their wishes in accordance with the applicable law. Please consider this letter a request for recognition on their behalf in accordance with the applicable law. Very truly yours /'s/Frank Sheeran Frank Sheeran President t Unless otherwise indicated all dates herein refer to 1977. 2 The record is not entirely clear as to whether (iarreil hald severed his employment relationship prior to this contact. Credible evidence establishes that Loical 326 had beenl designated through signed authorization cards on or before Mav 3. 1977. bh emplosees Perry Leon Price, Bertram Furrowh. John Bernard. Harold 1: [)avis. James Rhodes. James J. Pough, and Joseph Pough. I he ailhdlt of the carde execui- led by Willard dated Mat 6. 1977. and Janmes McDonald, lda.tcd M;ais 5. 1977, is also supported hb credited testinin!s Atlas L umber admittedly received said letter on May 9, but made no effort to respond. Thereafter on May 13, James Rizzo, a business represen- tative of Local 522, made the very first appearance on be- half of that Union at the Employer's premises. He met with lIiedman requesting execution of a memorandum agree- ment whereby the Compan? would be bound to the unex- pired term of the multiemployer agreement referred to abhove. I.iedman declined, indicating that he would not do so without proof that Local 522 represented a majority of his employees. At this juncture, there apparently had been no communication between Local 522 and any of the Atlas employees. On May 16. Rizzo returned to Camden and successfully secured signed Local 522 authorization cards from 10 em- ployees, of whom. 9 had previously designated Local 326. That evening. Rizzo again met with l.iedman and, after a cross-check of the Local 522 cards against employee signa- tures on W-2 forms, I iedman signed the memorandum of agreement. After learning that Local 522 had obtained authorization cards from the employees. Local 326 filed a representation petition on Mav 23. 1977. This was followed by the unfair labor practice charge giving rise to this proceeding, which was filed on June 10. 1977. The facts present a close question under Board prece- dent designed to accommodate the often conflicting statu- tors policy of encouraging the stability of established bar- gaining relationships. on the one hand, while at the same time seeking to preserve employee choice, on the other. Through the Mlidwest Piping doctrine. real questions of rep- resentation as between competing labor organizations are the subject of unfair labor practice remedies which assure resolution of such claims through the Board's election pro- cedures, rather than through an employer's expression of preference. In short. under that doctrine, the employer is held to a duty of strict neutrality, and violates Section 8(a)l) and (2) of the Act by recognizing one of several competing unions. provided that the offended labor orga- nization held a genuine representation claim at the time recognition was conferred. In the instant case, at the time of its demand for recognition. Local 326 possessed authori- zation cards validly executed by 7 in a unit consisting of no more than II employees. The demand of May 4 by Local 326. coupled with its designation by a majority, despite designations secured subsequently from a majority by Lo- cal 522. under controlling precedent was sufficient to give rise to a claim for representation which, absent unusual circumstances. precluded the Employer from lawfully con- ferring recognition upon the latter. See, e.g., Epsilon Fishing Co.. Inc. d h a M: I Denise Marie, 198 NLRB 918. 919 (1972). enfd. 483 F.2d 952 (C.A. 9. 1973). Furthermore. the General Counsel's claim that Local 522 did not represent an uncoerced majority at the time recognition was conferred, is supported by the Board's general reluctance to count any card signed by an employ- ee who had also designated a rival. See, e.g., Crest Contain- ers Corporation, supra. Notwithstanding the foregoing. the defense raised by the Respondent Employer and Respondent Local 522 is a sub- stantial one under Board precedent. If. as they claim, the 825 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD employees designated Local 522 on a considered basis, with the intention of repudiating any prior interest in L.ocal 326, and said expression is substantiated by clear unmis- takable proof, then the Board's Midwest Piping doctrine, as well as its policy against recognition on the basis of dual authorization cards, must yield to the equally salutary poli- cy of enhancing the stability of bargaining relationships by nonintervention with the clearly manifested choice of em- ployees. Wavecrest Home for Adults, supra, was just such a case. There, the Board affirmed dismissal of a complaint con- taining allegations similar to those presented here, where, in finding that the employer lawfully conferred recognition upon one of two unions, the Administrative Law Judge acted upon evidence that the prime employee organizer who had originally solicited on behalf of the offended union reversed gears after that union had failed over a significant period of time to take steps to secure represen- tation for the employees, and contacted and obtained de- signations from a majority of his coworkers on behalf of the union ultimately recognized. Thus, the offended union in that case delayed more than a month before even mak- ing a request for recognition, and finally did so by telegram 5 days after the employer had verified the second union's majority status and had executed an agreement conferring recognition upon that union. In these circumstances, the Board was convinced that the employees had effectively repudiated the rival union, and accordingly declined to in- voke Board remedies to undermine the relationship emerg- ing from their clear choice. Credible evidence exists on this record to the effect that employees acted to designate Local 522 on May 16 because they had not heard from Local 326.4 On balance, however. this fact fails to bring the instant controversy with the am- bit of the Wavecrest case. For here, Local 326 had acted in due course to manifest to the Employer its representative interest and desire for recognition, but said request, though received, was ignored. And the timespan of 12 days be- tween the submission of Local 326's request for recognition and the date recognition was conferred on Local 522, hard- ly enhances any conclusion holding the employees to a binding choice. Furthermore, unlike Wavecrest, supra, the employees did not solicit Local 522, but signed up in the course of a single confrontation with representatives of that Union. Finally, though the Local 522 multiemployer contract to which Atlas became bound was in existence, the employees were induced to designate that Union with- out opportunity to examine its terms.5 There is every suggestion in this record that employees were dissatisfied with conditions of work, and as of May 16, were interested in some form of union representation 4See the testimony of employees Perr, Price and James Rhodes Note also the testimony of Local 326 president. Sheeran, as to reports he had received as to why employees signed cards on behalf of L ocal 522. The testimony as to what transpired on May 16 is to the effect that Rizzo, on behalf of Local 522. on meeting with the employees, simply dis- cussed the benefits he would seek to obtain for the employees. The record does not indicate to what extent benefits were defined It is difficult to imagine that this discussion was exhaustive, when considered in the light of Rizzo's testimony that it was not until June I Ihat he had occasion lo go to the premises of Atlas to explain to employees the terms of that contract which would bring about an improvement. It is my opinion that their decision to designate Local 522 was not made against a background reflecting that they held a sufficient command of the facts to repudiate knowingly their ex- pressed interest in Local 326. Accordingly, Respondents have failed to meet their bur- den of proof, the Wavecrest decision, supra, is distin- guished, and hence I find that Respondent Employer vio- lated Section 8(a)(2) and (1) of the Act by recognizing Local 522 in the face of a genuine claim for representation by Local 326, and at a time when Local 522 did not hold designations constituting valid evidence that it represented a majority of unit employees. I further find that Respon- dent Union violated Section 8(a)(1)(A) by accepting recog- nition and executing a collective-bargaining agreement un- der these conditions. CONCI.L SIONS 01 LAW 1. The Respondent Employer is an employer engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 2. The Respondent Local 522 and Local 326 are labor organizations within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. 3. By recognizing Local 522 as the exclusive bargaining representative of its employees in the appropriate unit, af- ter Local 326 presented a genuine claim for representation of those very employees, and at a time when Local 522 did not represent a majority of said employees, and by thereaf- ter executing and maintaining a collective-bargaining con- tract with Local 522, Respondent has and is engaging in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8(a)(2) and (I) of the Act. 4. By entering into and maintaining a collective-bar- gaining agreement at a time when Respondent Local 522 did not represent a majority of the employees in an appro- priate unit, and while a genuine claim of representation had been raised by Local 326, Respondent Local 522 vio- lated Section 8(b)(l)(A) of the Act. THE REMEDY In order to effectuate the policies of the Act, Respondent Employer will be ordered to cease recognizing or dealing with Respondent Local 522 as the bargaining representa- tive of its employees in the appropriate unit, and Respon- dent Local 522 will be ordered to cease from acting as the exclusive representative of such employees, unless and un- til certified by the Board as the exclusive representative of employees in the appropriate unit. Both Respondents will be ordered to cease and desist from giving any force or effect to the collective-bargaining agreement to which they became bound on May 16, 1977, or any extension, renewal, or modification thereof; provided, however, that nothing herein shall be construed as requiring variance in any wage, hour, seniority, or other term or condition of em- ployment which the Employer has established in the per- formance of this agreement, or to prejudice the assertion by employees of any rights they may have acquired there- under. 826 ATLAS L.UMBER COMPANY Upon the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, and upon the entire record, and pursuant to Section 10(c) of the Act. I hereby issue the following recom- mended: ORDER 6 A. The Respondent Employer, Atlas Lumber Company, Camden, New Jersey, its officers, agents. successors, and assigns, shall: 1. Cease and desist from: (a) Recognizing or dealing with Respondent local 522 as the bargaining representative of its employees in the ap- propriate unit unless and until Respondent Local 522 shall have been certified by the Board as the exclusive represen- tative of such employees. (b) Assisting Respondent-Local 522 in any other man- ner to become the collective-bargaining representative of its employees in the appropriate unit. (c) In any like or related manner interfering with, re- straining. or coercing its employees in the exercise of their rights guaranteed by Section 7 of the Act. 2. Take the following affirmative action which I find necessary to effectuate the policies of the Act: (a) Withdraw and withhold recognition of Respondent Local 522 as the bargaining representative of its employees in the aforesaid appropriate unit, and revoke its collective- bargaining agreement with said Utnion. (b) Post at its Camden, New Jersey. plant copies of the attached notice marked "Appendix A." Copies of said notice on forms provided by the Regional Director for Re- gion 4, shall, after being duly signed by a representative of Respondent Employer, be posted by Respondent Em- ployer immediately upon receipt thereof, and he main- tained by it for 60 consecutive days thereafter, in conspicu- ous places. including all places where notices to emploxees are customarily posted. Reasonable steps shall be taken bh Respondent Employer to insure that said notices are not altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. (c) Notify the Regional Director for Region 4. in writ- ing, within 10 days from the date of this Order, what steps Respondent Employer has taken to comply herewith. B. The Respondent Union, General Teamsters Local Union 522 International Brotherhood of Teamsters. Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America. Ja- maica, New York, its officers, agents. and representatives. shall: 1. Cease and desist from: (a) Acting as the exclusive bargaining representative of Respondent Employer's employees in the appropriate unit at Camden. New Jersey. for the purpose of collective bar- gaining, unless and until it shall have been certified by the Board as the exclusive representative of such employees. (b) Giving any force or effect to its collective-bargaining agreement with Respondent entered on Max 16. 1977. or to any amendment, supplement, or addition thereto. (c) In any like or related manner restraining or coercing employees in the exercise of their rights guaranteed by Sec- tion 7 of the Act. 2. Take the following affirmative action, which I find necessary to effectuate the policies of the Act: (a) Post at its business offices and meetings halls in the State of New Jersey. copies of the attached notice marked "Appendix B." s Copies of said notice, on forms provided by the Regional Director for Region 4, shall, after being duly signed by an appropriate representative, be posted by Respondent Union immediately upon receipt thereof. and be maintained by it for 60 consecutive days thereafter, in conspicuous places, including all places where notices to members are customarily posted. Reasonable steps shall be taken by Respondent l.ocal 522 to insure that said notices are not altered, defaced. or covered by any other material. (b) Notify the Regional Director, in writing, within 10 days from the date of this Order, what steps Respondent Union has taken to comply herewith. 'In tile c let nt , e. ieptlons are filed i prrded h ided Sec 102 46 if the RasIeC aid ReeUl.,l1n1i of the Narional i.Labor Relations Board. the findings. .nlC.ltillrSi rlrd recCnmended Order herein shall. as prtided in Seo 102 46 of the Ruile and Regularlm., he adopted lh the Board and hecirme I, , fridrel, i.,. and Order. and all ohjections thereto shall he dieeflmed .Ilici for .ll purposec In lic ,cnil that thi., ()irdcr , crlfoirced hb a judgment of the I nrted Statec ( ,urt 1 , [lie .. rdx In the notice reading "Po,rted h Order Of the Ntl,,ri.ll I lhr Rel.tiin, Board" shall read "Posted Pursuanl , to Judgment of the U nled States (Court if Appeals Fnfiorcing an Order of the `rrittwt[ I ahr R:irtri Bard" APPEND)IX B Notll I To MrMBERS P(osit ) so ORDI R ()1 1i1 NA io(),N S LABRR Ri I Ali (Ns BOARD An Agency of the United States Government After a hearing in which all parties were represented and afforded the opportunity to present exidence in support of their respective positions. it has been found that we have violated the National Labor Relations Act in certain re- spects and we have been ordered to post this notice and to carry out its terms. The National Labor Relations Act, givesyou, as employ- ees, certain rights including the right: To engage in self-organization To form. join. or help a union To bargain collectively through a representative of your own choosing To act together for collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection To refrain from any or all of these things. Accordingly, we give you these assurances. W'F \Aii i No act as the collective bargaining repre- sentative of the employees of Atlas Lumber Company. Camden. New Jersey, unless and until we have been 827 DEC(ISIONS OF NATIONAL ILABOR REI.AIOI()NS BOARI) certified by the Board as the authorized representative of such eniployees. Wi Wl ii NO1 give any force or effect to our collec- tive-bargaining agreement with Atlas Lumber Compa- ny, Camden, New Jersey, entered on May 16, 1977, or to any amendment, supplement. or addition thereto. WI will NOI in any like or related manner restrain or coerce employees in the exercise of the rights guar- anteed in Section 7 of the Act. LOXAI. UNION 522. INTiRNArlIONt BRO()ItRHOOD OF T1 1AMSI I RS ('IAlI I [ I RS WAR HOISt:N Ml N AND h1'] I P[ RS ()I A/\MiRIV A 828 Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation