Aspen Skiing Corp.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsJan 14, 1972194 N.L.R.B. 1016 (N.L.R.B. 1972) Copy Citation 1016 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Aspen Skiing Corporation and International Brother- hood of Teamsters , Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America , Local Union No. 961. Case 27-CA-3167 January 14, 1972 DECISION AND ORDER BY MEMBERS FANNING, JENKINS, AND KENNEDY On September 8, 1971, Trial Examiner James R. Hemingway issued the attached Decision in this proceeding. Thereafter, Respondent filed exceptions and a supporting brief, and the General Counsel filed cross-exceptions and a supporting brief. Respondent then filed a brief in answer to the General Counsel's cross-exceptions. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board has delegated its authority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the record and the Trial Examiner's Decision in light of the exceptions and briefs and has decided to affirm the Trial Examiner's rulings, findings, and conclusions and to adopt his recommended Order. ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board adopts as its Order the recommend- ed Order of the Trial Examiner and hereby orders that the Respondent, Aspen Skiing Corporation, Aspen, Colorado, its officers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall take the action set forth in the Trial Examiner's recommended Order. TRIAL EXAMINER'S DECISION STATEMENT OF THE CASE JAMES R. HEMINGwAY, Trial Examiner: This is a proceeding under Section 10(b) of the Act which was initiated by a charge filed on February 9, 1971, by International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America, Local Union No. 961, herein called the Union, against Aspen Skiing Corporation, herein called the Respondent. Upon this charge a complaint was issued on March 26, 1971, alleging violations of Section 8(a)(l), (3), and (5) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, 29 U.S.C. Sec. 151, et 1 Certain errors in the Transcript, detected by comparison with a tape recording of the proceedings, are corrected. In his brief, the General Counsel moved for a correction in the testimony of Howard Mayer, where the Transcript shows Mayer as naming Chuck Maddalone , whereas the General Counsel contends that Mayer named Chuck Hasslock. I have checked said tape made of the testimony at the hearing and find that the seq. The Respondent filed an answer on April 6, 1971, in which it denied the allegation of unfair labor practices in the complaint. Pursuant to notice, a hearing was conducted at Aspen, Colorado, between June 16 and 18, 1971. At the commencement of the hearing, the General Counsel moved to amend the complaint to add a number of allegations of alleged violation of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. The motion was granted. The Respondent denied the commission of these unfair labor practices. At the conclusion of the hearing, the parties requested time in which to file briefs, and time was granted and later extended. Within the extended time briefs were received from the General Counsel and from the Respondent, and these briefs have been considered.' From my observation of the witnesses, and upon the entire record, I make the following: FINDINGS OF FACT I. RESPONDENT'S BUSINESS The complaint alleges and the answer admits that Respondent is now and at all times material herein has been a corporation duly organized under, and existing by virtue of, the laws of the State of Colorado, maintaining its principal office and place of business at Aspen, Colorado, where the Respondent is engaged in the operation of skiing facilities. In the course and conduct of its business operations during the fiscal year preceding the issuance of the complaint, the Respondent had a gross income in excess of $5,000,000, and its purchases from directly out of the state amounted to more than $10,000.2 I find that the Respondent is engaged in commerce within the meaning of the Act and that it will effectuate the policies of the Act to assert jurisdiction. H. THE LABOR ORGANIZATION INVOLVED The Union is a labor organization , within the meaning of the Act, representing a unit composed of all Respondent's ski patrol employees and trail crew employees employed by the Respondent on Aspen Mountain3 ; excluding all office clerical employees, casual packers , ski instructors, lift operators, catskinners , ticket sales employees, mechanics, parking lot attendants, guards , and supervisors as defined in the Act. III. THE UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES A. Background 1. The Respondent's operations The Respondent is both an operating company and a General Counsel is correct. I therefore grant the General Counsel' s motion. 2 According to an exhibit in evidence , Respondent's gross operating income was $5,500,000. For a more complete recital of Respondent's business, see Aspen Skiing Corporation, 143 NLRB 707. 3 It also represents a unit on Snowmass Mountain , but that unit is not involved in the issues here presented. 194 NLRB No. 162 ASPEN SKIING CORP. holding company. As an operating company, it operates the ski facilities at Aspen Mountain4 near Aspen, Colorado. As a holding company, it controls corporations operating skiing facilities at Buttermilk and Snowmass Mountains near Aspen, and the Breckenridge Ski Corporation, 75 air miles east of Aspen. The several corporations are a single integrated enterprise. Among the numerous functions performed by the corporation is the preparation of the ski slopes after the snow starts in the fall. This includes the use of caterpillar-type snow packers (called snow cats), trail crews, and ski patrols. During the skiing season, the primary duty of the ski patrol is to look after the safety of skiers, to aid any injured skiers, to reduce avalanche or other hazards, to clear the mountains of skiers (called sweeping the mountain) at the end of the day, and on special occasions to assist in the maintenance of the trails. The trail crew's primary duty was the maintenance of slopes and the trails. This consisted of packing the snow with their skis, cutting down moguls (mounds made by swerving skiers), marking hazards, picking up rocks and litter, helping to reduce avalance hazards, helping to clear skiers off the mountain in the evenings, and, as needed, assisting the ski patrol. In July 1970, the Respondent purchased six new snow cats at a cost of $14,480 each for grooming and packing the snow on the slopes capable of being reached by them. The new snow cats were designed to take steeper slopes than were the machines that the Respondent had previously used5 and were capable of performing much faster than the old ones. When Vice President Thomas Richardson had watched a demonstration of this type of snow cat in February 1970, he commented to Mountain Manager Charles Maddalone that, with such machines, the Respon- dent could eliminate the trail crew. Maddalone said it would have to be proved to him. Richardson broached the same subject to Maddalone again in the fall, but Maddalone would not agree without seeing how the new snow cats would perform and what their maintenance costs would be. The trail crew was hired (by Trail Crew Leader Ken Lindsay) in November 1970, as usual, and preparation of the mountains for the skiers commenced in that month. The skiing season on Aspen Mountain opened about Thanks- giving Day. Both before and after the public began to use the mountain, the snow cats, the trail crew, and (principally before the season opened) the ski patrol all combined to pack the snow on the mountain. During the season, the Respondent also employed casual workers during the morning to help pack the snow when the trail crew needed extra help. These casual workers were called ticket packers because they were paid only by a ticket or free pass for skiing on the one day when they worked.6 Because they were untrained, the ticket packers were harder to manage than the trail' crew, and the trail crew leader did not 4 Also known as Ajax Mountain 5 The new ones could climb a 30-degree slope, whereas the old ones could climb only 18-24-degree slopes. 6 The price of a day's ticket in the 1970-71 season was $8.50, up 50 cents from the year before. 7 Ted Bachle, Thomas Canning, Gary Krubsack, George Milnor, Robert Sullivan, and Anthony Vagneur 1017 normally employ more than 15 ticket packers at a time. At the beginning of the season on Aspen Mountain, there were 22 ski patrolmen and 6 men on the trail crew,7 exclusive of their supervisor. 2. Union Representation claims On December 2, 1970, the director of region 19 of the AFL-CIO wrote to the Respondent claiming that a majority of Respondent's ski patrolmen and trail crew employees had designated it as a collective-bargaining agent and requested a meeting. At the same time, that union petitioned for an elections The Respondent replied by letter dated December 4, 1970, that it entertained a good-faith doubt that AFL-CIO represented an uncoerced majority of its employees. On December 17, 1970, the Union wrote to the Respondent, also claiming to represent the ski patrol and trail crew employees on Aspen, Snowmass, and Buttermilk Mountains, and it requested a contract negotiating meeting. On the same day, it filed a petition for an election. A representation hearing was held on the petition of Region 19 (for whom the Communication Workers had meanwhile been substituted) on December 18,' and the Union was an intervenor therein. On December 21, 1970, the Respondent sent a reply to the Union's letter of December 17 in language identical to that of its reply to the letter of Region 19 of the AFL-CIO. On December 28, 1970, an election agreement was signed and the Respon- dent and the two unions agreed to three separate elections, one on Aspen Mountain, one on Buttermilk Mountain, and one on Snowmass Mountain. The election was scheduled to be held about January 22, 1971,9 under the auspices of the Board. B. The Unfair Labor Practices 1. Interference, restraint, and coercion a. Antiunion disposition of Respondent On or about December 17 or 18, 1970,10 the Respondent reached a decision to terminate the entire trail crew. However, upon the advice of its labor relations consultant, Philip Richard Moore of the Mountain States Employers Council, it decided to defer the layoff until after the date of the election in order to avoid the appearance of an unfair labor practice. Respondent's president, D.A.R.C. Brown, testified that, during the past season (1970-71), the Respondent had needed additional patrolmen at Breckenridge "to help scout out Peak 9 area" and he informed those patrolmen that they could work only if they were willing to cross a picket line in the event of a strike and that, in the event of a 8 Later the petition was amended and the Communication Workers of America was substituted for Region 19. 9 At places in the record, the date is given as January 21. 10 The date is fixed on the basis of the testimony of Philip Richard Moore, a representative of the Mountain States Employers Council, that he was consulted by the Respondent about such a layoff just before the Board conducted a representation hearing in Aspen on December 18, 1970. 1018 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD strike at Aspen Mountain, he would expect to move them from Breckenridge to Aspen to work.1' The exact date of the hiring of the additional patrolmen at Breckenridge was not shown, but I conclude that it was after one or both of the labor organizations had claimed to represent the trail crew and ski patrol employees, since otherwise there would have been no reason to anticipate a strike. Brown testified that he did not discuss training those additional patrolmen with Vice President Richardson. Richardson testified that the Respondent was training ski patrolmen at Aspen Highlands as possible replacements for men at Aspen Mountain. Brown did not testify concerning this; so it is not clear whether Brown and Richardson were acting independently and without knowledge of each other's actions or whether the decision to hire and train ski patrolmen at Aspen Highlands was a joint decision. In early January 1971,12 the Respondent issued a "Memo to Ski Patrolmen and Trail Crew," instructing them how- to vote if they wished to remain nonunion, and answering purported "Questions Asked by Employees of Aspen Ski Corp. Regarding the Union," with information designed to discourage interest in a union, and explaining why the Respondent did not want a union. Among other questions asked therein is the following: "I have been told that if a union gets in here the Ski Corporation can't lay off any patrolmen. Is this true?" The answer reads: "Whether or not an employee is laid off depends upon the economic condition of the Company, and whether the Company is legitimately seeking to reduce costs. For that reason, even under union contracts, companies retain the right to lay off for a number of economic considerations, such as automation, motorization, lack of work, etc." Another question and answer dealt with replacement of employees in the event of a strike. This memorandum was prepared by the Respondent with the assistance of the Mountain States Employers Council. It is not contended that the distribu- tion of these memoranda to the unit employees on the three mountains near Aspen constituted an unfair labor practice, but the facts are related to show the Respondent's lack of neutrality and its laying of the groundwork for a termination of the trail crew. b. Antiunion statements Early in January, ski patrolman Stephen Stratford was riding the number 5 chairlift on Aspen Mountain with Mountain Manager Charles (Chuck) Maddalone. Maddal- one asked Stratford how he felt about the Union. Stratford answered that he thought a union was needed because there was a communication gap between labor and management. Maddalone said that if there had been any problems, the employees in the unit could have brought them to him. Stratford replied that they had tried that in the past and had never been successful. Maddalone told Stratford that they would not win anything by "doing this" and began to sing a song entitled "Born to Lose." Maddalone continued to sing the same song for several days thereafter until the time of 11 There is no indication that the same precaution was taken regarding Snowmass Mountain or Buttermilk Mountain. 12 Hereinafter all dates will be in 1971 unless the year is otherwise given. 13 Hicks Ponder Co, 174 NLRB No. 12 14 Findings as to Lindsay 's statements are based on the testimony of the election. I find that by Maddalone's questioning of Stratford about the Union, accompanied by a prediction that the Union could not win anything, meaning that the Respondent would not yield anything in bargaining with the Union, the Respondent interfered with, restrained, and coerced its employees in their exercise of the rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act. 13 Ski patrolman Patrick Fox testified without contradic- tion, and I find, that about a week prior to the election, Trail Crew Leader Ken Lindsay (stipulated to be a supervisor within the meaning of the Act), approached Fox in the ski repair shop and commented that he (Lindsay) was upset and furious because he had just gotten word from management that if his men voted "yes" in the election that they were all going to be laid off, and that this had really upset him because he thought that they were all going to vote "yes." Fox quoted Lindsay as saying that Maddalone had given him this information. Fox was in the collective- bargaining unit. I find that the information passed on by Lindsay would have a natural tendency to discourage union preference even by those not then marked for layoff. By Lindsay's statement, I find the Respondent interfered with, restrained, and coerced its employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act. About a week before the date of the election, Trail Crew Leader Lindsay led his crew down from the top of the mountain to a remote area and told them that he was taking them to this spot to talk to them because he had been instructed by Maddalone to talk with them only individual- ly, but he felt that they were good enough friends so that he could tell them all together. Lindsay then told them that if they went union they would be laid off. Lindsay said that they were crazy to vote for the Union, because they would lose their jobs, but he added that if he was in their position he would probably do the same thing.14 Upon receipt of this information, the employees present took an informal poll and decided that they would all vote for the Union. The fact that the coercive statement did not produce the desired result does not purge the statement of its illegality, for the statement would be remembered after the layoff and would have a continuing tendency to discourage employees in the exercise of their rights. Hence, I find that by Lindsay's statements, Respondent interfered with, re- strained, and coerced employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act. Trail crew member Anthony Vagneur testified without contradiction, and I find, that about a week before the election, he had a conversation with Mountain Manager Maddalone at the Sundeck Restaurant on the top of Aspen Mountain about lunch time, during which Maddalone had stated, "I hope you guys don't unionize because there will be some drastic changes. I am afraid the good guys will get hurt." I find this to be a threat of deleterious action. By such statement, I find, 'Respondent interfered with, restrained, and coerced its employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act. A few days thereafter, still before the election, Vagneur trail crew members. Lindsay was not called as a witness by either side. The Respondent indicated that it had attempted to get Lindsay as a witness and had not succeeded. When the Trial Examiner offered to issue a subpoena for Lindsay, the Respondent declined and explained that it believed that Lindsay would be a hostile witness. ASPEN SKIING CORP: 1019 and Maddalone • were riding in the chairlift together. Vagneur and Maddalone gave slightly different versions of a conversation which they had while they were riding on the chairlift. Vagneur testified that Maddalone had asked him what he thought about the Union, and Vagneur had avoided answering. Maddalone then said that he hoped they would not unionize because there would be some changes, and that if they unionized they would have to deal with Mr. Moore (Philip Richard Moore, who was on the staff of the Mountain States Employers Council), who, Maddalone said, would be a "tough son-of-a-bitch." Maddalone, who testified that he had known Vagneur and his family most of his life, gave the following account of this conversation: Well, it is a short lift. No. 6 is a short lift. It is about a four-minute ride. I jumped on it with Tony, we were riding up, and it seemed to me the cats that morning had groomed F.I.S. and Tony leaned over and said, "It looks like those cats are going to get our jobs" and I says, "It is very possible." And he asked me if I thought they were going to be laid off and I said, "Between the business, the way the business is situated and the cats, it is possibly a fact." Maddalone's description of his lengthy acquaintanceship with Vagneur suggests that a confidential relationship existed between them and that he was likely to speak openly to him. From my observation of the witnesses, I credit Vagneur's testimony. The Respondent argues that Maddal- one's conversation with Vagneur was casual and that it was mere speculation on Maddalone's part rather than a threat. However, his intimation of undesired changes if the employees unionized was more than speculation, especially since Maddalone had previously told Vagneur on the sundeck that there would be drastic changes if the employees unionized. Considering the two conversations together, I find that by Maddalone' s statements to Vagneur, the Respondent interfered with, restrained, and coerced its employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act. 2. Acts contended to constitute refusal to bargain and discrimination On January 22,15 an election was held on each of the three mountains near Aspen. The Union won on Aspen and Snowmass Mountains, but not at Buttermilk Mountain. The Union was certified by the Board on February 1. However, on January 25, before the Union had made any request for bargaining, Moore wrote Charles Hasslock, the Union's representative, the following letter: The Aspen Skiing Corporation is looking forward to commencing negotiations with your union as soon as possible since there are several pressing items to be discussed at our first meeting. In regard to Aspen Mountain, business is down approximately 14 percent this year. The corporation has also purchased two new wide-track snow cats which can effectively pack faster as well as packing steeper slopes than the old cats. In view of this, we are contemplating using the same practice that we do at Buttermilk, that is, packing by machine.16 Before we reach a decision on this matter we request an opportunity to discuss this with you as well as discussing the effects thereof. We expect to make our decision by February 8 and would welcome meeting with you at any time prior to that date. As a result of this letter and a reply from Hasslock dated January 28, a meeting was held at Aspen Institute in Aspen, Colorado, on February 5.17 Hasslock, accompanied by one ski patrolman, Howard Mayer, and by one trail crewman, George Milnor, represented the Union. The Respondent was represented by D.A.R.C. Brown, its president, Thomas Richardson, its vice president and general manager, and Jim Moran, a local attorney.18 Hasslock handed the Respondent's representatives a letter requesting certain information. Moran looked at it and told Brown that he should give the requested information. After agreeing that negotiations should cover both units represented by the Union, the Respondent raised the subject of elimination of the trail crew, advancing the reason that the new snow cats were able to do so much more than the old machines that they no longer needed a trail crew. Patrolman Mayer argued that the snow cats could not do everything that the trail crew had been doing, such as shoveling moguls (banks of snow built up by a change of course by skiers), grooming and packing the steeper grades which were too steep for the snow cats, assisting with avalanche control, and helping the ski patrol sweep the mountain at the end of the day. Mayer would have gone on at length, but Brown cut him off without discussing any of Mayer's arguments. Richardson said that it was a management decision and that management would make it. Moran, who had once been a ski patrolman himself, began to suggest the possibility of replacing injured ski patrolmen with members of the laid off trail crew, but Richardson interrupted and said that the Respondent was considering holding the number on the ski patrol to 16 (which is what it then was) and, if a senior patrolman returned after an injury, the returning patrolman would replace the patrolman having the least seniority. The effect of this would be a reduction of the original number of ski patrolmen from 22 to 16.19 Brown said that he would consult with his management about the trail crew and would reach a decision on February 8. The meeting ended with the setting of a date for another meeting. 15 The record sometimes uses the date of January 21 as the day of the election. Since there were elections on each of three mountains , they may have been held on different days. 16 Buttermilk is a mountain with gentle slopes used mostly by unskilled skiers, whereas Aspen Mountain has very steep slopes and is used predominantly by, expert skiers; so they are not equally as easy to maintain by snow cats. 17 According to Vice President Richardson, he met with Mountain Manager Maddalone, Bud Law, chief of patrol, and others on February 3 and asked each if they could get along without the packing (trail) crew. They answered that they could but that it would make their jobs more difficult 19 Moore's plane was unable to leave Denver because the Aspen airport was closed by weather conditions. 19 There was also a discussion of applying the same plan to Snowmass Mountain . The Respondent, in this connection , clauned that it was planning to "go public" and needed to make a good profit showing and so had to reduce expenses In a letter from Richardson to a Board Field Examiner dated February 26, Richardson gave the number of patrolmen on Aspen Mountain in February as 21, including supervisors (of which there were two). 1020 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD On Saturday, February 6, the ski patrol requested a meeting with management. The request was granted and the meeting was held at a warehouse at the bottom of the number 4 lift. It was attended by most of the ski patrol and trail crew members. Richardson and some of the lesser supervisors were there for the Respondent. Again there was talk about the need for the trail crew members. Mayer conceded that there were times when there were more than enough men and other times when there were too few. Richardson said that a ski season could not be based on the 9 or 10 days when more were needed. (The accuracy of Richardson's estimation of the number of days when trail crew members would be needed was not established. Judging by the number of casual workers employed by the Respondent in the 35 days following February 12, I find Richardson's estimate to be grossly inaccurate.) He said that, if they were shorthanded, they would have to run the men back up.20 The ski patrolmen and trail crew members argued that the snow cats could not do all that the trail crew could, but Richardson was not moved, and it was evident what would be decided by the Respondent. On Monday morning, February 8, if Brown's testimony be credited,21 Brown and Richardson met and "decided" that the trail crew should be laid off on February 12. Brown testified that he passed the word down the chain of command. Some time that morning, Moore telephoned Hasslock to inform him of the Respondent's decision to lay off the trail crew. At the hearing, the Respondent elicited testimony that the Union had not, at the meeting of February 5, claimed that the layoff was a violation of the Act. However, it is to be noticed that the Union filed its charge in this case on February 9. Its failure to raise the contention at the meeting I regard as of no significance. On February 8, before they had received official notice, some of the trail crew members learned of their impending layoff when they heard a radio program on which Richardson was being interviewed and on which he announced the termination of the trail crew as of February 12. Richardson, on this program, gave the reason for the layoff as technological-that the Respondent had now determined it could maintain the runs satisfactorily with machines. Although business in January was off around 14 percent from the year before, Richardson (unlike Moore in his letter to the Union) denied on the radio program that this was a reason for the layoffs.22 The trail crew was officially notified of the intended layoff about 11:30 a.m. on February 8 by Ken Lindsay, their supervisor. On or about February 11, Lindsay told George Milnor, a trail crew member, that it was too bad that the trail crew was going to be laid off (the next day) and that it probably 20 The meaning of this is not clear. It might have referred to running the ticket packers back up in the afternoon, whereas they had previously used them only for 3 hours in the morning. 21 Although Brown could have met with Richardson that morning, there is evidence that suggests that Brown might have been out of town that morning Brown testified that he met with Richardson at 7:30 a.m. on Monday and that they reached their decision at that time to lay off the trail crew. The record reveals that Brown was out of town on Saturday, February 6, and for that reason was unable to meet with the trail crew and ski patrol that morning The record also reveals that Richardson made the announcement of the layoff on a radio program on Monday instead of Brown because Brown had been called out of town. The record does not show how long Brown was reputedly away on Saturday and Monday, that would not have happened if they had not voted for the Union. The Respondent argued that Lindsay was a minor supervisor who was not involved in Respondent's manage- ment decisions. However, so far as his subordinates were concerned, Lindsay, who had authority to hire his crew, was part of management and could be supposed to speak for management.23 Lindsay's statement was one that would have a natural tendency to discourage employees' union sympathy or membership. Although Lindsay used the word "probably," I find that this was not a sufficient qualifica- tion to remove the coercive effect of the statement, particularly since he had warned the employees before the election that the probable consequence of their voting for the Union would be loss of their jobs. I find that, by Lindsay's statement to Milnor on February 11, the Respondent violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. Pursuant to its announced intent, the Respondent laid off the trail crew at the end of the day on Friday, February 12. When the other employees arrived for work the next morning, February 13, they discovered that the lifts were not operating. A cat skinner had discovered that a meterbox had been sabotaged. Later other damage was discovered. The Respondent called out a repair crew, and law enforcement representatives came to make an inspec- tion. Meanwhile, most of the employees stood around, uncertain as to what to do. The ski patrolmen stood around with the other employees until approximately 8:20 a.m., when Bud Law, leader of the ski patrol (a supervisor), after consulting with Richardson, told the ski patrolmen to take off until 11 a.m. since the lifts were not expected to be operating until then. None of the other employees were told to take off. The Respondent explained this by testimony that the ticket sellers continued to sell tickets, that the lift operators were used to inspect the wires, since the Respondent wished to make sure that the sabotage went no further than the meter boxes, and that the cat skinners operated their snow cats as personnel carriers. Ski patrolmen testified that they saw other employees standing around doing nothing until at least 8:30 a.m., when they ceased to watch. By 9:30 a.m., the number 4 lift was operating and was carrying the public. This was, however, a short lift, not going to the top of the mountain. Patrol duties at this spot were performed by supervisory personnel. By 10 a.m. all lifts were operating, according to Richardson, but then the lift operators made a safety check. At 10:30 a.m. Law told the patrolmen, who had spent their time over coffee at a restaurant at the bottom of number 4 lift, to go to work, and they did. When Mayer discovered on the succeeding payday that he had not been paid for the 2-1/2 hours between 8 and is, whether he was in and out of town twice or whether he was out of town on only one trip covering both days 22 Although attendance at Aspen Mountain was , in fact, down in January as compared to the two preceding years , it is also a fact that Aspen Mountain had less than the usual amount of snowfall in January. It did not become heavier until almost mid-February . Presumably, the light snowfall in January could have been a material factor in the lower revenue for that month on Aspen Mountain although economic conditions in the country generally could also have contributed to a smaller attendance. Attendance at Snowmass Mountain in 1970-71 ran ahead of the previous year until the week ending February 28 From that time on, attendance was poorer than the year before 23 See Webb Tractor & Equipment Company, 167 NLRB 383. ASPEN SKIING CORP. 1021 10:30 a.m. on February 13, he asked Law about it. Law told him that he would check the matter with Richardson. Law later told Mayer that Richardson had said for Mayer to see Hasslock, the Union's representative, to see if he could recover the 2-1/2 hours' pay for him. This is the first time the ski patrol had' not been paid for time during which the lifts were temporarily not operating. Previously, the men had been paid for time spent on location during temporary shutdowns. When the shutdown was expected to last the rest of the day, the men were sent home and then they were not paid, unless they had already been on duty for something over half a day. One day they had been sent home at 2:30 p.m., but they had been paid for the full day. Richardson consulted with Moore before withholding wages for the ski patrol, telling Moore that this was a case without precedent. On that basis, Moore, without consider- ing shutdowns because of wind or occasional mechanical failure, told Richardson he did not have to pay the patrolmen for time they did not work that day. On February 22, two ski patrolmen, Michael Schaller and Howard Mayer, who had just eaten their lunch were passing through the ski waxing room at the top of the mountain where two cat skinners (snow cat operators) were having their lunch.24 Schaller and Mayer got into a conversation with the cat skinners about the Union which lasted for about 15 minutes. Maddalone had been in the sleeping quarters over the waxing room, using a telephone. On his way down the stairs, he testified, he heard Schaller and Mayer talking and listened to them for awhile. Then he came down and spoke to Schaller and Mayer. Schaller testified that Maddalone "came storming down the stairs and said he was `sick and tired of this union talk and you fellows are trying to opinionate these fellows' " (referring to the cat skinners). Mayer gave a somewhat similar account. Maddalone testified that he had told Mayer that he "got tired of listening to his union malarkey on our time." The last three words of this quotation sounded as if they had been appended following coaching by counsel, but even if those words had been used, I would not find that Maddalone's statement constituted a violation of the Act in view of the length of time already wasted by the patrolmen and the fact that Maddalone's termination of the conversa- tion was based on the length of it, since he had not terminated it before. Although Maddalone expressed distaste for Mayer's and Schaller's attempt to "opimonate" the cat skinners, I find that, in view of the fact that Maddalone had already permitted the conversation to run on for 15 minutes, he was not actually prohibiting union talk, although I find that it demonstrated an antiumon attitude. Following the layoff of the trail crew, the Respondent used ticket packers to do some work that they had not been used for before, such as, among other things, shoveling moguls. Although the ticket packers had previously been used only for a few hours in the morning, following the layoff of the trail crew, they were used on at least one occasion in the afternoon as well. The number used varied 24 Maddalone testified that it was 2-30 p in , and that it was not lunch time. He conceded, however, that there was no fixed time for the patrolmen to eat 25 Brown did not explain what he meant by "going public" The from day to day, but they were used most of the week of February 15, the number ranging from 2 to 17. On March 7, there were 23 ticket packers. Patrick Fox, a ski patrolman, testified credibly that, after the layoff, there were changes made in clearing procedure, in maximum and minimum avalanche prevention, and in the amount of time the patrolmen had to spend on duties formerly performed by the trail crew. At times, he testified, there would be too few patrolmen at the top of the mountain to take care of more than a couple of injured skiers, although there was a chance that more accidents could occur within a short space of time. There was an average of three accidents a day on Aspen Mountain, so I infer that on some days there were less than three and on some days more than three accidents. On February 25, when he reached the top of the mountain where the assignments were given, Fox testified and I find, Tom Taylor, assistant patrolleader, told the patrol that management had passed down a new policy-that three patrolmen were going to have to pack all day. Previously, during the season, the patrolmen had not packed more than a few hours in the morning, usually before 10:30 a.m. when the accidents often commenced, although before the season opened they had packed all day. That morning (February 25), three of the patrolmen went out with Trail Crew Leader Lindsay and about 13 ticket packers. The three patrolmen continued packing until about 3:30 p.m., when they came in to clear the mountain. That day, three supervisors, including Maddalone among others, were assigned to the job of clearing the mountain, each taking a separate section. This was the first time in his 7 years there, Fox testified, that he had seen supervisors used for that job. C. Concluding Findings 1. Respondent's justification for the layoffs Although Richardson, in his radio interview on February 8, explained the layoffs solely on the grounds that the new snow cats were so efficient that the trail crew was no longer needed, the Respondent, at the hearing, brought in two other explanations or justifications, both based on econom- ic grounds. The first was that business was off about 14 percent in January, and that this required economizing. The second was raised by President Brown, who testified that the Respondent was going to go public, and that the board of directors had directed him to cut operating costs wherever possible in order to enhance the Respondent's financial picture.25 The instructions from the board of directors were , Brown testified, given in the summer of 1970. With regard to the justification based on the Respon- dent's reduced earnings in January, I regard that as mere makeweight, inasmuch as the Respondent had already decided, in December 1970, to lay off the trail crew and, but for the advice of its labor relations counsel that this would look like an unfair labor practice and that they should wait Respondent already had some 300 stockholders throughout the country. Perhaps these stockholders wished to sell out by making a public offering of their stock or perhaps there was authorized stock not yet issued 1022 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD until after the election, the Respondent would have laid the trail crew off in December 1970.26 At that time, the Respondent could not have been sure what business would be like in January since business largely depended on the amount of snowfall on the mountain. In a letter written by Respondent's labor relations counselor, Philip R. Moore, to a field examiner of the Board on February 12, he said: The reason the decision was not made to mechanical- ly pack the snow and lay off the packing [trail] crew until this time [February ] was that: 1. The Ski Corporation needed to determine for sure whether the mountain was going to run at a smaller number of skier days for a continued period of time. Such a decision could not be made on the basis of only one or two weeks' experience after Christmas. This contradicts Brown's testimony that only a month or so was needed to determine the capacity of the snow cats to do away with the need for a trail crew. With regard to the instructions of the board of directors in the summer of 1970 to economize because the Respondent was going public, I find it difficult to believe, after viewing all the evidence, that such economizing was a genuine influence in the decision to lay off the trail crew. Richardson estimated that the saving in wages of the trail crew effected by the layoff was $6,000. This is not an impressive saving in a corporation having gross earnings of $6,000,000 a year, and it appears pennywise when considered against the fact that, in the 1970-71 season, officers' salaries were increased to $112,256 from $45,280 for the 1969-70 season, as appears from the consolidated report of general and administrative expenses offered in evidence by the Respondent.27 That report also shows an increase of $4,000 in travel and entertainment expenses over those of the prior season, an expenditure not consistent with an economy drive. Likewise appearing to belie the claim to economizing is the fact that, despite poor earnings shown by Breckenridge, Brown undertook to hire additional patrolmen there to serve as possible replace- ments for strikers at Aspen, and Richardson was training more of them at Aspen Meadows for the same purpose. Although the Respondent showed reductions in expendi- tures in some aspects of its operations,28 the increases shown in other aspects of its operations detract from any appearance of an employer attempting to pull in his belt for economic reasons. Another indication that this so-called reason for the layoff of the trail crew is unconvincing is the fact that, although Brown was admonished in the summer of 1970 to effect savings, he permitted a full trail crew to be hired that fall and did not think of laying that crew off to economize until after the union petitions had been filed. It may also be pointed out that, in Moore's letter of January 25 to the Union, wherein he announced the Respondent's intent to do without the trail crew, he made no mention of 26 No mention was made of the possibility of a change of sentiment by the employees that might occur before the election, although the Respondent must have thought of this before it issued its question and answer pamphlet early in January. If the Respondent was moved by antiunion considerations, it could postpone its decision to terminate the trail crew, and be guided in its decision by how the election came out In, view of Lindsay's admonition to the trail crew, there is reason to believe that the Respondent was thinkmg along this line 27 This report covered the Respondent's expenses both as an operating and as a holding company the need to economize because the Respondent intended to go public, although he did list this in his letter of February 12 to the Board's field examiner . On all the evidence, I conclude that economizing was not the Respondent's true reason for deciding to lay off the trail crew. 2. Conclusions as to Respondent's motivation in making layoffs A factor that cannot be ignored in reaching a conclusion as to the Respondent's motivation in laying off the trail crew is the timing of the Respondent's decision to effect the layoff, and by this I mean the decision made in December 1970 and not the purported decision made in February 1971. The coincidence in time between the date of the hearing on the petition of one of two unions and the date of making the decision to effect a layoff is too marked to be disregarded.29 Contrary to Brown's testimony that the Respondent, in December 1970, had determined that it no longer needed the trail crew because the snow cats had proved themselves capable of taking care of the entire mountain, I find evidence that indicates that Respondent was not justified at that time in believing that the snow cats could eliminate the need for the trail crew.30 The snow cats were tested on steeper and steeper slopes far into January. At first they were not satisfactory on very steep slopes (over 30 degrees) because they could not ascend them and, if the slopes were approached from the rear so as to come down, instead of up, the steep side, the drag, which was pulled behind the snow cat to break up lumps left behind the snow cat and to smooth the snow, tended to swing down beside the snow cat instead of following behind it. Toward the end of the season, according to Richardson, a rigid bar was used to connect the drag to the snow cat, and this improved the operation. But this was long after the Respondent had decided to lay off the trail crew and, even at the date of the layoff, there were many areas that had been maintained by the trail crew that the snow cats could not reach. In belittling the need for the trail crew, Brown estimated that the snow cats could cover all but 10 or 15 percent of the mountain; but, when he was asked about specific heights and trails, he did not know whether or not the snow cats could reach them. I regard Brown's estimate as not of reliable accuracy. Brown also testified that expert skiers (most skiers on Aspen Mountain being expert skiers) like moguls, thus offering that as a reason for not removing them as a hazard. Yet ticket packers were used after February 12 to remove moguls. Whatever expert skiers liked, therefore, the Respondent evidently regarded moguls as a hazard that could contribute to an accident or it would not have had them removed. I can only conclude that the Respondent was not doing as careful a job of maintaining 28 Some of the saving could well have come about through nonrecurrent expenses 29 See McGraw-Edison Co v. N L R B, 419 F.2d 67 (C.A. 8). 30 At one point Brown testified that, until the Respondent tried out the snow cats for a month or so, it could not be sure that the snow cats could live up to the manufacturer's claims. The evidence indicates that at least 2 months, and perhaps a longer time, elapsed before the Respondent could be sure of the ultimate capabilities of the snow cats. Since the heavy snows came in late February and in March, the Respondent could have benefited by its experience at that time. ASPEN SKIING CORP. 1023 the trails after the February 12 layoff as it had done earlier with the trail crew. Richardson estimated that the snow cats could reach all but 15 percent of the mountain, slightly less liberal an estimate than Brown's. George Milnor, a trail crew employee until February 12, on the other hand, estimated that the snow cats could cover only about 60 percent of the trails and slopes on Aspen Mountain. Judging by the number of casual workers hired after the layoff of the trail crew,31 it appears that there was still a great need for manpower in addition to the machines. Another indication that the Respondent was influenced by the appearance of unions on the scene in deciding in December to lay off the trail crew is the fact that, although Richardson had spoken 'to Maddalone, before the season began, about the possibility of doing without the trail crew, Maddalone had resisted the idea, saying that it would have to be proved to him that the snow cats would eliminate the need for the trail crew. Following this, Richardson did nothing to change the usual practice of hiring a full trail crew that fall. It seems reasonable to believe that in November 1970 the Respondent had decided to try out the snow cats for at least a season before deciding whether or not to maintain the mountain with snow cats alone, for, when it hired the trail crew in that month, no intimation was given to the employees that the trail crew would not be employed, as it always had been in the past, for the full season. As previously pointed out, the Respondent timed its decision to lay off the trail crew to coincide with the representation case hearing. When it was advised to delay giving effect to its decision until after the election, the Respondent began to intimate to the employees that Respondent could justify a layoff. It started by giving intimation of this intent to its employees through its question and answer memorandum which it distributed to all employees in the units claimed to be represented by the Union. The rumors of possible layoff were thus com- menced and were added to by Maddalone's statements that there would be drastic changes if the employees voted for the Union and by Lindsay's warnings that the trail crew would be laid off if the Union won in the election. Although the Respondent wished to terminate and, but for the advice of its labor relations counselor, would have terminated the trail crew in December, there is no evidence that the trail crew was without work to perform in mid- December. Work was probably light during January because of lack of sufficient snowfall. But judging by the number of casual employees hired following the layoff of the trail crew and the need to press supervisors into duties that the trail crew would have performed, I conclude that by February 1971 the snow cats had not demonstrated the lack of need for the trail crew. 31 The General Counsel calculated that the Respondent used four times as many casual workers after the layoff as it had before. He reached this figure by comparing the number of tickets, 208, issued to ticket packers before the latter part of February (according to a letter written by Richardson to a field exannner of the Board on February 26) with the total number of tickets, 1068, issued to ticket packers during the entire season (according to an exhibit prepared by the Respondent). The Respondent did not claim that these figures were inaccurate I take them to be correct 32 N L R B v. Erie Resistor Corp., 373 U.S 221; N LR B v. Symons Mfg Co., 328 F 2d 835 (C.A. 8) As the Supreme Court said in N.LR B. v. Great Dane Trailers, Inc, 388 U.S. 26: Although the Respondent, in arguing that the trail crew was only laid off and not discharged, made a point of showing that the trail crew was allowed to keep their ski passes for the balance of the season, the evidence as to use of ticket packers in unusual numbers and the use of ski patrolmen and supervisors to do work that the trail crew might have done warrants the conclusion that the Respondent was avoiding, at all events, a recall of trail crew members even for a short period of time when they might have been needed. On all the evidence, I conclude that the layoff of the trail crew on February 12 was intended by the Respondent to be permanent. The Respondent, in its brief, cites cases where layoffs were found to be for economic reasons and thus not a violation of Section 8(a)(3) of the Act. The cases are not apposite here. Even if the Respondent had reason to believe that the snow cats could eliminate the need for the trail crew, that would have justified the layoff only if that were the sole motivating reason. If the Respondent also was, even in part, moved by a design to discourage union activity or preference, that illegal intent would render the layoff illegal.32 In this case, the sum of the evidence convinces me that the Respondent laid off the trail crew in midseason to weaken the Union and to discourage union membership in violation of Section 8(a)(1) and (3) of the Act. Whatever the Respondent might have decided to do about employing a trail crew in later seasons, absent a discri minatory intent, I find that, at the very least, the Respondent accelerated the termination of that crew by terminating it before the end of the season. 3., Conclusions as to refusal to bargain and withholding wages of ski patrolmen Since I have found that the Respondent was motivated by antiunion motives in laying off the trail crew, it follows that the Respondent had no genuine intent to bargain concerning that layoff but was merely going through the motions deemed by it to be required to avoid an appearance of unfair labor practices.33 I find 'that Respondent irrevocably decided in December 1970 to effect the layoff of the trail crew for illegal motives, and I conclude that it entered the bargaining meeting of February 5 with a closed mind on that subject and a fixed determination not to agree even to reasonable proposals, thereby violating Section 8(a)(5) and (1) of the Act 34 I further find that the withholding of wages from the ski patrolmen by the Respondent was based on a discriminato- ry motive. Perhaps the Respondent might have been excused for inferring, in view of the time coincidence, that a disgruntled member of the laid-off trail crew had sabotaged the meterbox or boxes on the night of February 12, but this . . even if the employer does come forward with counter explanations for his conduct in this situation , the Board may nevertheless draw an inference of improper motive from the conduct itself and exercise its duty to strike a balance between the asserted business justification and the invasion of employee rights in light of the Act and its policy. 33 N.L.R B. v Whittier Mills Co, 111 F.2d 474, 478 (C.A. 5), N LR B v Athens Manufacturing Company, 161 F.2d 8 (C.A. 5). 34 International Telephone & Telegraph Corp v. N.L R B, 382 F.2d 366 (C.A. 3), Flambeau Plastics Corp, 167 NLRB 735 1024 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD is no reason for assuming that the Union or even the ski patrolmen were parties to that unlawful act and for punishing them for the act of an unknown person; yet, this is apparently what the Respondent did assume, for, other than general union animus, I find no other plausible explanation for the Respondent's deviation from its prior practice of paying the patrolmen when they were unable to work for a few hours because the lifts were not operating. The Respondent claims that there was no precedent for this situation because it had never before sustained damage by sabotage and that therefore it was justified in withholding pay for time not worked. Although the Respondent had not been rendered inoperative by such intentionally inflicted damage before, I find no material distinction between idleness caused by that situation and the idleness caused by wind damage or mechanical failure.35 Since it was the Respondent's practice to pay in the latter situation, it should have followed the same practice in the case of sabotage. Richardson's reported answer to Mayer's com- plaint, that Mayer should go to his union representative, clearly indicates that Richardson was abandoning the past practice because he was unwarrantedly blaming the Union and the patrolmen for the illegal destruction of property or because of Respondent's general union animus, or both, thus discriminating in regard to their terms of employment and discouraging union membership in violation of Section 8(a)(3) and (1) of the Act. Upon the foregoing findings of fact and upon the entire record, I make the following: CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. The Respondent is engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 2. The Union is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. 3. As a result of a Board certification on February 1, 1971, the Union was, and now is, the exclusive representa- tive of all ski patrol employees and trail crew employees employed by Respondent on Aspen Mountain, Colorado, excluding all office clerical employees, casual packers, ski instructors, lift operators, cat skinners, ticket sales employ- ees, mechanics, parking lot attendants, guards, and supervisors as defined in the Act within the meaning of Section 9(a) and (b) of the Act. 4. By notifying employees that they would be laid off and that drastic changes would be made if they voted for the Union, the Respondent interfered with, restrained, and coerced employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act, in violation of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. 5. By discriminatorily laying off the trail crew on February 12, 1971, and thereafter failing to reinstate them, and by docking the wages of the ski patrolmen on February 35 The Respondent sought to differentiate on the ground that inoperability because of wind is of indeterminate duration Actually, the same doubt could exist in case of mechanical failures And it is evident that there was an element of doubt about the duration of the length of time it would take to repair the damage on February 13. By 9:30 a.m one lift was operating and the others were operable not long afterward. Had the ski patrolmen left the premises, they might not have been available until I l a.m., the original estimate of the time for commencement of operations 13, 1971, the Respondent discouraged union membership in violation of Section 8(a)(3) of the Act. 6. By entering into the collective-bargaining meeting on February 5, 1971, with a closed mind respecting the subject of laying off the trail crew, the Respondent engaged in a failure and refusal to bargain with the Union within the meaning of Section 8(a)(5) of the Act. 7. By the conduct set forth in paragraphs 5 and 6, above, the Respondent has interfered with, restrained, and coerced its employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act, in violation of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. 8. The aforesaid unfair labor practices are unfair labor practices affecting commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. THE REMEDY Having found that the Respondent has engaged in certain unfair labor practices, I shall recommend an order that it cease and desist therefrom and that it take certain affirmative action designed to effectuate the policies of the Act. Since I have found that the trail crew employees were discriminatorily terminated on February 12, 1971, I shall recommend that they be made whole by paying to them an amount of money equal to that which they would have earned as wages between February 12, 1971, the date of their unlawful termination, and the date of the close of the season on Aspen Mountain in April 1971. The manner in which the Respondent may, in the coming season or seasons, decide in a nondiscriminatory manner to pack snow and take care of other chores that, in the past, had been performed by the trail crew is not certain at this time. Should the Respondent decide in a nondiscriminatory manner to hire anyone for wages to do such work in the future, the members of last season's trail crew should, upon their application at the time for hiring such help, be given preference in hiring, and I shall so recommend. I shall also recommend that the Respondent pay to the ski patrolmen who reported for duty on February 13, 1971, the amount of wages withheld from them contrary to past practice. Upon the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, upon the entire record, and pursuant to Section 10(c) of the Act, I hereby issue the following recommended: ORDER 36 Respondent, Aspen Skiing Corporation, Aspen, Colora- do, its officers , agents, successors , and assigns, shall: 1. Cease and desist from: (a) Threatening employees that they will be laid off or will work under more arduous conditions unless they But they remained and were called to work before that time. In effect, they were on standby. 36 In the event no exceptions are filed as provided by Section 102.46 of the Rules and Regulations of the National Labor Relations Board, the findings, conclusions, and recommended Order herein shall, as provided in Section 102 48 of the Rules and Regulations , be adopted by the Board and become its findings , conclusions , and Order, and all objections thereto shall be deemed waived for all purposes. ASPEN SKIING CORP. forego their membership in a union or their desire for union membership; (b) Discriminating in regard to hire and terms of employment by withholding pay from unionrepresented employees contrary to past practices and under conditions where the same is not withheld from nonunion employees; (c) Laying off or terminating the employment of employees discriminatorily; (d) Failing or refusing to bargain collectively in good faith with the Union or with any other labor organization representing its employees; (e) In any other manner interfering with, restraining, or coercing its employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act. 2. Take the following affirmative action designed to effectuate the policies of the Act: (a) Make whole Ted Bachle, Thomas Canning, Gary Krubsack, George Milnor, Robert Sullivan, and Anthony Vagneur for any loss they may have suffered by reason of the discrimination against them as trail crew members as a result of their termination on February 12, 1971, by paying each of them an amount of money equal to that which he would have earned between February 12, 1971, and the date of the close of the season in April 1971, less his interim earnings, if any, during said period, said sum to be paid in accordance with the Board's usual formula37 and with interest at the rate of 6 percent per annum until paid.38 (b) Make whole members of the ski patrol for the amount withheld from their wages on February 13, 1971, for the period between the time when they reported for work at their regular starting time and the time they were put to work by the Respondent that morning with interest on said amount at the rate of 6 percent per annum until paid. (c) Upon request, bargain collectively with the Union regarding terms and conditions of employment of employ- ees, including trail crew employees who might be required during ski seasons hereafter. (d) Give preference to members of the 1970-71 trail crew who apply for jobs in the event that Respondent hereafter hires anyone for duties heretofore performed by trail crew members. (e) Preserve and, upon request, make available to the Board or its agents, for examination and copying, all payroll records, timecards, personnel records and reports, and all other records necessary to determine the amount of backpay due to laid off members of the trail crew of the 1970-71 season. (f) Post in conspicuous places at its buildings in Aspen, Colorado, where notices to employees may be seen, including places normally used for notices posted for employees, copies of the attached notice marked "Appendix A." 39 Copies of said notice, to be furnished by the Regional Director for Region 27, shall, after being duly signed by an authorized representative of the Respondent, be posted by it immediately upon receipt thereof and be maintained by it for 60 consecutive days thereafter. Reasonable steps shall be taken by Respondent to insure that such notices are not altered, defaced, or covered by any material. (g) Notify the Regional Director for Region 27, in writing, within 20 days from the date of receipt of this 1025 Decision, of what steps Respondent has taken to comply herewith .40 37 F W. Woolworth Company, 90 NLRB 289. 38 Isis Plumbing & Heating Co., 138 NLRB 716. 39 In the event that the Board's Order is enforced by a Judgment of the United States Court of Appeals, the words in the notice reading "POSTED BY ORDER OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD" shall be changed to read "POSTED PURSUANT TO A JUDGMENT OF THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS ENFORCING AN ORDER OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD." 40 In the event that this recommended Order is adopted by the Board after exceptions have been filed , this provision shall be modified to read: "Notify the Regional Director for Region 27, in writing, within 20 days from the date of this Order, of what steps the Respondent has taken to comply therewith." APPENDIX A NOTICE To EMPLOYEES POSTED BY ORDER OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD An Agency of the United States Government WE WILL NOT threaten employees that they will be laid off or that they will work under harder conditions unless they give up their membership in a union or give up their desire for union representation. WE WILL NOT discriminate in regard to hire, tenure, or terms of employment by: (a) Withholding pay from union represented employees contrary to past practices and under conditions where such pay is not withheld from nonunion employees; (b) Laying off or terminating the employment of employees discrimonatorily; (c) Failing or refusing to bargain in good faith with the International Brotherhood of Teasm- sters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America, Local Union No. 961, as representative of our ski patrolmen and trail crew employees, or with any other labor organization representing our employees. WE WILL NOT in any other manner interfere with, restrain, or coerce our employees in the exercise of the right to self-organization, to form, join, or assist labor organizations, to bargain collectively through represent- atives of their own choosing, and to engage in other concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection, or the right to refrain from any or all such activities except to the extent that such right may be affected by an agreement requiring membership in a labor organiza- tion as a condition of employment as authorized in Section 8(a)(3) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended. WE WILL pay Ted Bachle , Thomas Canning, Gary Krubsack, George Milnor, Robert Sullivan, and Anthony Vagneur each a sum of money equal to that which he would have earned between February 12, 1971, and the date of the close of the season in April 1971, with interest at the rate of 6 percent per annum, less his interim earnings during said backpay period. WE WILL pay to each member of the ski patrol who reported for work on February 13 the amount of wages 1026 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD withheld from him that day contrary to past practice, membership in a labor organization as a condition of with interest on said sum at the rate of 6 percent per annum until paid. WE WILL, upon request, bargain in good faith with the Union, including the subject of employment of a trail crew on Aspen Mountain and regarding the terms and conditions of such employment. WE WILL give preference to members of the 1970-71 trail crew who apply for jobs in the event that we hereafter hire anyone for duties heretofore performed by trail crew members. All our employees are free to become or remain members of International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America, Local Union No. 961, or of any other union, or to refrain from becoming or remaining members of such labor organization except to the extent that a collective-bargaining agreement made in accordance with Section 8(a)(3) of the Act requires employment. Dated By ASPEN SKIING CORPORATION (Employer) (Representative) (Title) This is ' an official notice and must not be defaced by anyone. This notice must remain posted for 60 consecutive days from the date of posting and must not be altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. Any questions concerning this notice or compliance with its provisions, may be directed to the Board's Office, 721 19th Street, Denver, Colorado 80202, Telephone 297-3551. Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation